The Security Agency Monthly Summary – May 2008

Monthly Summary – May 2008

Data of Fatalities in Terror Attacks

Statistical breakdown of fatalities due to Palestinian terror during the years 2000 – 2008

500 451 Total: 1152 fatalities 450 400 350 300 250 207 208 200 150 117 56 100 30 44 26 50 13 0 as of 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 01/01/08- 29/09/00 31/05/08

During the month of May 2008, 2 Israelis were killed as a result of high- trajectory weapons fired by Palestinians from the Gaza Strip into Israel:

May 9th – an Israeli civilian was killed by a mortar fired into Kfar Aza May 12th – an Israeli civilian (female) was killed as a result of rocket fired at the town of Yesha'

Since the beginning of 2008, 26 people have been killed as a result of Palestinian terror: 16 Israeli civilians, 9 members of security forces (8 soldiers and 1 member of the Border Police), and one foreign volunteer.

In comparison to the year 2007 – The number of fatalities in the first 5 months of 2008 are double those of the entire year (2007) (26 dead, in comparison with 13 in 2007 – an increase of 100%).

1 The Israel Security Agency Monthly Summary – May 2008

The following is a graph of the statistical breakdown of fatalities from the beginning of 2008 according to type, and the categories civilians/security forces:

Statistical breakdown of fatalities since January 2008, according to month and type

20 Total: 26 fatalities


4 10

2 5 8 6 1 2 2 0 1 January February March April May

Shooting Suicide attack Explosives Rocket/mortar Infiltration

Statistical breakdown of fatalities since January 2008, according to month and category (civilian/security forces)

20 Total: 26 fatalities


10 4

4 5 8

1 4 2 2 0 1 January February March April May

Civilians Security2 forces Foreign nationals The Israel Security Agency Monthly Summary – May 2008

Data regarding people wounded in terror attacks

During May, 59 people were wounded: 57 Israelis (50 civilians and 7 soldiers) and 2 foreign nationals:

50 civilians: 49 in rocket shooting attacks: 30 in Ashkelon, 13 in 4 separate attacks in , 6 in and 1 civilian in a mortar attack in Kfar Aza

7 soldiers: 4 in a mortar attack in Kfar Aza, Yiftah and Maghazi (Gaza Strip); 2 in a shooting attack in Absan (Gaza Strip) and at the Sufa Crossing, and 1 in an anti -tank missile attack at the Sufa Crossing.

2 foreign nationals wounded in a rocket attack in Amioz.

All the people wounded during this month were injured as a result of attacks originating in the Gaza Strip. 85 percent of the wounded (56 of 59) were wounded as a result of rocket/mortar fire.

The following is a graph of those killed and wounded in rocket/mortar attacks since the beginning of the conflict.

Statistical breakdown of dead and wounded due to high-trajectory weapon fire (rocket/mortar) during the period 2001 – 31 May 2008

Dead: 22 343 Wounded: 1010 258 163 99 68 25 44 1 10 8 6 2 2 3

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 01/01/08- 31/05/08

Dead Wounded

3 The Israel Security Agency Monthly Summary – May 2008

Since the beginning of 2008, 3 Israelis have been killed as a result of high- trajectory weapon fire (rockets/mortars) from the Gaza Strip, and 258 individuals have been injured.

During all the years of conflict (from 29 September 2000), 22 people have been killed due to missiles, and more than 1000 individuals have been wounded (1010, updated to May 31, 2008).

4 The Israel Security Agency Monthly Summary – May 2008

Statistical breakdown of attacks by month, according to type and location

During May, 359 attacks were carried out: 309 in the Gaza Strip and 50 in Judea and Samaria.

Attacks in the Gaza Strip during May 2008

Total number of attacks in May in the 145 Gaza Strip: 309 116


2 8 1

Rockets Mortars Shooting Explosive Anti-tank Booby- charge fire trapped


Attacks in Judea and Samaria during May 2008

Total number of

attacks in May in Judea and Samaria: 50

45 3 2

Shooting Explosive charges Molotov cocktails

5 The Israel Security Agency Monthly Summary – May 2008

Analysis of the characteristics of terror attacks in May 2008

86 percent of the attacks carried out in May (309 attacks) originated in the Gaza Strip; 14 percent in Judea and Samaria (50 attacks), that is, in total: 359 attacks.

The majority of the attacks in the Gaza Strip were high-trajectory weapon attacks: rockets and mortars (116 rocket attacks; 145 mortar attacks). In Judea and Samaria, the terror attacks were largely attacks of popular resistance such as the throwing of Molotov cocktails (45 attacks).

Types of attack, broken down by region: Shooting attacks: Gaza had 10 times the total of Judea and Samaria (37 versus 3).

Explosive charges: Equal numbers of attacks in Gaza and Judea/Samaria (2 attacks each).

Statistical breakdown of attacks of differing types, since the beginning of the current conflict

Suicide attacks between 2000 -2008

70 59 60

50 35 40 26 30 20 15 4 8 6 10 1 1 0 as of 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 01/01/08- 29/09/00 31/05/08 During May no suicide attacks were carried out (the attack on 22 May at the Crossing is defined as a booby-trapped car attack rather than a suicide attack).

6 The Israel Security Agency Monthly Summary – May 2008

Since the beginning of 2008 a single suicide attack was carried out (Dimona, 4 February), resulting in the killing of one woman.

Statistical breakdown of attacks with explosive charges since the beginning of the current conflict

800 705 636 700 551 600 441 500 400 222 264 300 175 200 94 100 45 0 as of 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 01/01/08- 29/09/00 31/05/08

During May, 4 such attacks were carried out (2 in Gaza, 2 in Judea/Samaria) Since the beginning of 2008, 45 explosives charges were activated against Israeli targets. During this period, 4 soldiers were killed by such attacks (March).

Statistical breakdown of shooting attacks, since the beginning of the current conflict

3270 3500 3000 2166 2500 2000 1668 1500 996 1140 705 626 1000 563 500 241 0 since 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 01/01/08- 29/09/00 31/05/08 During May, 40 shooting attacks were carried out. 92.5% of the attacks in this range were carried out in the Gaza Strip (37 attacks) and 7.5% in Judea/Samaria (3 attacks).

7 The Israel Security Agency Monthly Summary – May 2008

Since the beginning of 2008, 241 shooting attacks have been carried out. This month, no fatalities have occurred as a result of this type of attack. This contrasts to April: 6 Israeli fatalities (4 soldiers in Kisufim crossing and Bureij and 2 civilians in Nitzanei Oz/ Samaria).

Since the beginning of 2008, 16 people have been killed in attacks of this type: 5 members of the security forces, 10 civilians (8 in the attack on the religious seminary Merkaz Ha-Rav in Jerusalem in March and 2 in Nitzanei Oz) and one foreign volunteer (January).

Statistical breakdown of rocket attacks**, since the beginning of the current conflict

1400 1244

1200 935 1000 801 800 600 400 276 286 123 200 0 0 17 0 as of 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 01/01/08- 29/09/00 31/05/08

**Clarification: Rocket or mortar attacks are considered a single attack, regardless of whether a single mortar or rocket was fired during the attack, or whether numerous mortars or rockets were fired. (For example, a barrage in which 7 rockets are fired is considered as 7 launchings, but 1 terror attack)

High-trajectory weapon fire, including rockets and mortars, is the most common type of terror attack in the Gaza Strip. During May, 116 attacks of this type were carried out. One Israeli civilian (female) was killed, in the town of Yesha'.

8 The Israel Security Agency Monthly Summary – May 2008

Since the beginning of 2008, 801 rocket attacks have been carried out, which are 86% of all attacks of this type during 2007. During this period, 2 Israelis were killed as a result of such attacks, including one civilian in Yesha' and 1 civilian at the Sapir College (February).

Statistical breakdown of mortar fire** since the beginning of the current conflict

882 900 800 663 700 574 568 600 510 514 455 500 400 300 200 100 0 28 0 as of 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 01/01/08- 29/09/00 31/05/08

**Clarification: Rocket or mortar attacks are considered a single attack, regardless of whether a single mortar or rocket was fired during the attack, or whether numerous mortars or rockets were fired. (For example, a barrage in which 7 rockets are fired is considered as 7 launchings, but 1 terror attack)

During May, 145 mortar attacks were carried out. 1 Israeli civilian was killed due to mortar fire towards Kfar Aza. Since the beginning of 2008, 568 mortar attacks have been carried out; totaling 86% of the total attacks of this type carried out in all of 2007.

9 The Israel Security Agency Monthly Summary – May 2008

Statistical breakdown of anti-tank fire, since the beginning of the current conflict

424 450 400 350 300

250 221 200 143 150 103 74 100 59 37 50 0 2 0 since 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 01/01/08- 29/09/00 31/05/08

During May, 8 anti-tank shooting attacks were carried out in the Gaza Strip. Since the beginning of 2008, 37 anti-tank shooting attacks have been carried out; which is 63% of the total attacks of this type carried out in all of 2007.

10 The Israel Security Agency Monthly Summary – May 2008

Rocket fire – Data on number of launchings

The massive increase in the use of rocket shooting from the Gaza Strip is especially obvious when the number of launchings is examined (Reminder: an attack which is defined as a single rocket attack can include multiple launchings of individual rockets).

Statistical breakdown of rocket launchings September 2007 – May 2008

339 350 329 297 304 300 250 200 196 189 147 150 108 120 89 96 87 100 80 54 62 45 54 50 0 January February March April May June July August September October November December January February March April May 2007 2008

During May, 189 rockets were launched towards Israel, and a similar number was launched in the previous month (April, 196 launchings). Since the beginning of 2008, there has been an increase in the number of launchings from the Gaza Strip, compared with the final third of 2007. In the first three months of 2008, an average of 300 rockets were launched each month, compared with a monthly average of 100 in the final quarter of 2007.

In the comparison of the quarters there is a 270% increase in the number of launchings (an average of 313 in the first quarter of 2008, compared with an average of 115 in the last quarter of 2007). In May, launchings decreased slightly (189 in contrast to 196 in April). Together with this, the launching average in April-May (close to 200 per month) is still high in comparison with late 2007.

11 The Israel Security Agency Monthly Summary – May 2008

Number of rocket launchings from the Gaza Strip between 2005-2008

1716 1800 1600 1271 1325 1400 1200 1000 800 401 600 400 200 0 2005 2006 2007 01/01/08-31/05/08

In comparison to earlier years the number of launchings in the first 5 months of 2008 is 4% higher than all the rockets I launched in2007.