Pesq. Vet. Bras. 41:e06817, 2021 DOI: 10.1590/1678-5150-PVB-6817 Original Article Livestock Diseases ISSN 0100-736X (Print) ISSN 1678-5150 (Online)

10.1590/1678-5150-PVB-6817 PVB-6817 LD Stomoxys calcitrans in a area Taciany F. Souza et al. Original Article Attractivity of spraying to stable flies, Livestock Diseases Attractivity of vinasse spraying to stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans in a sugarcane area1 Taciany F. Souza2, Paulo H.D. Cançado3* and Antonio Thadeu M. Barros3

ABSTRACT.- Souza T.F., Cançado P.H.D. & Barros A.T.M. 2021. Attractivity of vinasse spraying to stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans in a sugarcane area. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 41:e06817, 2021. Embrapa Gado de Corte, Avenida Radio Maia 830, Zona Rural, Campo Grande, MS 79106-550, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected] Stomoxys calcitrans) outbreaks have been associated with sugarcane mills in Brazil. This study aimed to evaluate the attractivity of vinasse, a liquid byproduct of ethanol Stable fly ( S. calcitrans 41 was monitored for 21 days in August-September 2014, at a in the municipality 06817 productionof Nova Alvorada applied do to Sul, postharvest state of Mato sugarcane Grosso fields,do Sul, to Brazil. adult Following mechanized. Stable fly abundanceharvesting 2021 of sugarcane and the consequent deposition of large amounts of plant residue (straw) in the

area was fertigated with vinasse immediately after the traps were placed. Insects caught field,in the the traps study were area collected (13.5ha) daily was at surrounded 7:00 a.m., 11:00by 22 a.m.sticky and cylinder 15:00 (“alsynite”)p.m. A total traps.of 83,593 The specimens of S. calcitrans S. calcitrans was caught in the were caught, of which 5,516 (6.6%) were attracted within the first five hours after vinasse application. The highest number of first week following vinasse application, with a peak on the 4th day (12,818 flies),S. calcitrans which, wasthus influencedquickly increasing by adverse their weather abundance conditions over the on days the followingprevious days.application. This study confirms that fertigation of sugarcane fields by spraying vinasse after the harvest attracts Stomoxys calcitrans, outbreak, vinasse, sugarcane mill.

INDEX TERMS: Stable fly, RESUMO.- [Atratividade da aspersão de vinhaça à mosca- moscas capturadas nas armadilhas foi realizada diariamente dos-estábulos, Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae), em às 7:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. e 15:00 p.m. Foram capturados 83.593 área canavieira.] Surtos da mosca-dos-estábulos (Stomoxys espécimes de S. calcitrans, sendo 5.516 (6,6%) atraídos nas calcitrans) têm sido associados a usinas sucroalcooleiras primeiras cinco horas após a aplicação da vinhaça. Maior no Brasil. Este estudo objetivou avaliar a atratividade da número de S. calcitrans foi capturado na primeira semana do aspersão de vinhaça, um subproduto líquido da produção estudo (53.937 moscas), com pico no 4º dia (12.818 moscas), de etanol aplicado após a colheita em áreas canavieiras, a adultos de S. calcitrans. A abundância desta mosca foi monitorada em uma usina de cana-de-açúcar por 21 dias, fertirrigaçãoinfluenciado depelas áreas condições canavieiras climáticas com aspersão adversas de ocorridas vinhaça após nos entre agosto e setembro de 2014, em Nova Alvorada do adias colheita anteriores. é atrativo O presente à S. calcitrans estudo ,confirma aumentando que orapidamente processo de Sul/MS. Após a colheita mecanizada da cana e consequente sua abundância nos dias subsequentes à aplicação. deposição de grande quantidade de palha no campo, a área de estudo (13,5ha) foi cercada com 22 armadilhas adesivas TERMOS DE INDEXAÇÃO: Mosca-dos-estábulos, Stomoxys calcitrans, cilíndricas (“alsynite”). Fertirrigação com vinhaça foi iniciada surto, vinhaça, usina, área canavieira. imediatamente após instalação das armadilhas. A coleta das

1 Received on February 26, 2021. INTRODUCTION Accepted for publication on April 8, 2021. Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae), are 2 Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (FMVZ), Universidade hematophagous pests of livestock, wildlife, and man (Bishopp Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Av. Senador Felinto Muller 2443, Stable flies, Campo Grande, MS 79070-900, Brazil. 1913). This species is one of the main ectoparasites affecting 3 Embrapa Gado de Corte, Av. Radio Maia 830, Zona Rural, Campo Grande, livestock in several regions of Brazil and around the world MS 79106-550, Brazil. *Corresponding author: [email protected] (Dominghetti et al. 2015, Cook 2020).

1 2 Taciany F. Souza et al.

cattle industry by affecting livestock productivity worldwide the extensive areas covered by this type of substrate and Stable fly infestations lead to high economic losses to the etits al.relationship 2013). The to capacity outbreaks for productionin livestock offarms stable adjacent flies over to mechanical transmission of pathogenic agents (Baldacchino sugarcane mills is evident (Koller et al. 2009, Barros et al. 2010, (Tayloret al. 2013). et al. According 2012). Moreover, to Grisi etstable al. (2014), flies are the responsible annual losses for Kassab et al. 2012). However, although baseline information on both the biology and the ecology of S. calcitrans under these 335 million. conditions is essential for developing strategies to control to cattle production in Brazil caused by this fly surpass US$ this pest, such information remains scarce. containing decomposing matter including residues from vegetableThe immature crop production stages of the (Cook stable et fly al. develop 1999), inagricultural substrates production such as pineapple (Solórzano et al. 2015) and locationsObservations where vinasse from iscattle being ranchers applied or and just field after technicians application. sugarcane (Bittencourt 2012, Cançado et al. 2013), and residues Thus,suggest the perceptible present study increases had the in objective stable fly of abundanceclarifying the in from cattle feed (Broce et al. 2005), particularly when mixed with animal waste. In Brazil, population outbreaks of stable response of stable flies to fertigation of harvested sugarcane fields with vinasse.MATERIALS AND METHODS fliesstraw have wet been with associated vinasse (Corrêa with organic et al. 2013). byproducts generated by -alcoholVinasse is the mills, liquid particularly residue remainingfilter cake and after sugarcane alcohol Study area. The experiment was conducted from August to distillation and is one of the main byproducts of ethanol production; about 10 to 11 liters of vinasse are produced sugar-alcohol mill (21°29’34.69” S and 54°16’59.66” W), located in per liter of alcohol (Silva et al. 2007). Formerly, vinasse was theSeptember municipality 2014, of on Nova a commercial Alvorada do sugarcane Sul/MS. field belonging to a routinely discharged into bodies of water and residue disposal The farm where the study was carried out had a total area of areas, but these management practices were banned in 1978 350ha and was subdivided into 16 areas for sugarcane cultivation due to environmental impacts. Such a prohibitions led to the (“plots”). The experiment was conducted in plot number seven practice of reusing vinasse for fertilization and irrigation of (19.5ha), and the study area measured 13.5ha. Areas around the study site were mostly sugarcane farms, cattle ranches, and dairies Due to environmental concerns, the traditional pre- (Fig.1-2), but there was also a eucalyptus and some sugarcaneharvesting burn-offfields in hasa process been gradually known asreplaced “fertigation”. by mechanized soybean and corn crops. harvesting since the late 1990’s, resulting in a large amount Vinasse management. The study area was fertigated in accordance with the mill’s vinasse application plan (VAP), with no changes alcohol and sugar production process has been a key factor due to the study. The fertigation process using vinasse, which was of sugarcane straw over field areas. This change in the conducted by spraying using a hydraulic cannon (Fig.3), took place in several locations in southeastern and mid-western Brazil in the study site four days after the sugarcane had been harvested. for(Dominghetti occurrence et of al. stable 2015). fly outbreaks over the past decade Vinasse application in the crop areas is routinely conducted in Application of vinasse over the straw accumulated on the a continuous manner (24h/day), depending on suitable weather ground, usually by spraying, provides suitable conditions for conditions (absence of rain). The fertigation process began the development of immature stages of S. calcitrans thus leading previous evening, at least 700 meters apart from the study area and separated by unharvested areas of sugar cane; it was interrupted to massive production of this fly in fertigated areas (Corrêa

Alvorada do Sul/MS, Brazil. Fig.1-2. Sugarcane experimental area and surroundings, highlighting the fertigated study area and distribution of stable fly traps, at Nova

Pesq. Vet. Bras. 41:e06817, 2021 Stomoxys calcitrans in a sugarcane area 3

Attractivity of vinasse spraying to stable flies, at the beginning of the following morning for trap installation, and the PROC FREQ analysis. All analyses were conducted using the SAS restarted at 10:00 a.m., immediately after traps were set. A second software (Statistical Analysis System 9.3/2011). vinasse application took place in the experimental area on the 11th day of the study. According to the vinasse fertigation report provided RESULTS AND DISCUSSION During the three weeks of the study, a total of 84,410 Stomoxys received vinasse applications during the study period: plots 1 and 2 calcitrans (4thby the and mill, 11th five plotsdays), near plot the 8 experimental(11th day) and area plots (100 3 to and 300m 15 away)(17th day). According to the VAP of the mill, approximately 200m³ ha-1 of weeks following were caught. vinasse This application. represents Continuous a mean of 4,020 trapping flies vinasse were applied to each plot during each fertigation episode. per(without day and daily 6,253 collections) flies/fertigated extended hectare until the in 29th the dayfirst caught three Traps and fly collection. Sticky cylinder traps (Broce 1988) were abundance were to occur all over the sugarcane area that areceives total of vinasse96,025 stablein a sugarcane flies (245,3 mill, flies/ha/day); thus over seven if a millionsimilar (40cmused in inthe height present x 22.3cm study to in assess diameter) stable covered fly abundance. with a transparent These traps consisted of a piece of corrugated translucid fiberglass roofing sheet thousand hectares of fertigated area. The high abundance of wood stakes with their bottom 60cm above the ground. stable flies would be expected to be caught monthly for every adhesiveA total plastic of 22 traps sleeve were (ISCA installed Tecnologia from Ltda.). 8:00 to Traps 10:00 were a. m. fixedaround to the experimental area (Fig.1-2). Traps were placed on average at this fly observed in the present study was compatible with 67m (39-112m) from each other; most (n=18) between 57 and 80m the findingsarea was of fertigated, Corrêa et 5,516al. (2013) individuals at another were sugarcane caught, thusmill. apart. Trap material was collected three times a day, at 7:00 a.m., demonstratingOver the first that five adult hours S. after calcitrans traps werewere installed quickly and highly attracted towards the vinasse. Such attractiveness has collection was carried out at 14:00 p.m. because of rain. Sticky been shown through in vitro sleeves11:00 a.m., with and insects 15:00 were p.m., sent except to laboratory on the first for day when a single Stomoxys calcitrans attributed to the presence of various volatile compounds, such as carboxylic acids, alcohols,and field phenols, studies and and aldehydes has been During the whole study period, weather parameters were recorded S. calcitrans was also dailyidentification in a meteorological (Zumpt 1973) station and located counting. at the mill’s headquarters, about 11km from the study area. (Serrapineapple et al. plants 2017). (Solórzano A rapid inflow 2014). of The study relied on local support and followed industry observed over the first hours after crushing the stems of management schedules, which precluded prior trapping and daily collections at the study site because the short interval between After the first insect collection from traps, adverse weather harvesting and vinasse application. Thus, operational and logistic conditionsand second for (1.5mm) fly activity days, occurred as well overas local the windsfirst three (13.2km days limitations did not allow to duplicate the methodology in a non- ofhour the-1 )study. and an Thus, abrupt rain fall was in recorded mean temperature, on the first dropping(8.2mm) fertigated area. The results of this study were evaluated in relation from 26°C on the second day to 14.1°C (minimum of 9.6°C) on the morning of the third day. out continuously in several sugarcane areas nearby the study site. Under such adverse conditions, a reduced activity and Suchto a concomitant long-term monitoring stable fly monitoring (2013-2015) (60 cylindricalprovided robust traps) datacarried on the morning of the third day of the study. A decrease in the as well as before and after fertigation with vinasse. captureabundance of stable of S. calcitransflies due tohas rain been and previously cold occurred reported until stable fly abundance in areas with and without vinasse application, Statistics. due to rain (Solórzano 2014) as well as to low temperatures specimens caught daily and the weather parameters of temperature The relationship between the number of stable fly (Semakula et al. 1989). Considering the high number of S. calcitrans (p≤0.01). The daytime activity of S. calcitrans was analyzed based and rainfall were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation coefficient would have been expected to occur over the following days after vinasse caught application over the if firstthe adversehours, higher weather capture conditions rates on the frequency of flies caught at different times of the day, through had not limited this. With the absence of rain and an increase in temperature over the third day, there was a notable increase in the number

of abundance was observed on the fourth day (n=14,597). of stable flies caught on traps (n=11,756). A subsequent peak relatively high until the 7th day, dropping after that (Fig.4). Although fly numbers decline after peak, the catches remained persisted for 6 to 7 days after cutting and grinding pineapple Similarly,plants during attraction harvesting of stable (Solórzano flies to2014). pineapple residues In addition to improving weather, the higher numbers of

fliesvinasse) caught fermentation on traps on in the the third study and area, fourth releasing days attractivemay have beenvolatiles, influenced and by the by applicationthe process of of vinasse substrate on the (straw 4th day with in

neighboringet al. (2013), areas high CO(plots2 production 1 and 2), occursthus increasing during the the initial flow hydraulic cannon. processof flies nearby of straw the and experimental vinasse fermentation, area. According with higherto Oliveira CO2 Fig.3. Vinasse spraying (fertigation) of a sugarcane field using a

Pesq. Vet. Bras. 41:e06817, 2021 4 Taciany F. Souza et al.

traps and predominant wind intensity or direction, regarding the marked reduction in captures observed from the 6th day the locations of the livestock farms near the experimental onwardsemission (Fig.4)over the may first be sixrelated days to following lower release fertigation. of attractant Thus, area. The mean wind velocity, 9-12.3km h-1, was lower than volatiles, due to the continuation of the fermentation process. the limit of 16.7km h-1 observed by Broce et al. (1991) for In the week prior this study, mean catches from 32 traps capturing S. calcitrans in similar traps. distributed in non-fertigated sugarcane areas was 403.5 the following weeks. Such catches conducted in vinasse-free Greater attractiveness of stable flies towards the experimental stable flies/trap, declining to 397.9 and 164.7 flies/trap in areatwo weeks, occurred catches over gradually the first decreasedweek after and vinasse were application,respectively when17,935 58,014 (21.3%) (68.7%) and 8,461 flies (10.0%) were caught. individuals. Over theThe following decrease weeksareas were after much vinasse lower application than fly numbers in the present concomitantly study. caught was probably the result of changes in the composition of in theIn thefirst long-term (2,637.0 flies/trap)monitoring and conducted second the(815.2 yearly flies/trap) average the substrate and the release rate of the volatiles from aging substrate (straw-vinasse) fermentation. in areas before fertigation during monitoring (Table 1) was An important consequence of vinasse application is an alwaysnumber below of stable that flies recorded caught in in the both two vinasse-free weeks after areas vinasse and increase in substrate moisture which would accelerate the fermentation process and hence the production of volatiles. during monitoring were consistently higher (2.7x in 2013, When vinasse is incorporated into the soil, the organic 2.6xapplication in 2014, in and the 2.5x present in 2015) study. in Meanfertigated stable areas fly catchesthan in matter is rapidly colonized by microbial decomposers (Silva et al. 2007) and the substrate degradation under intense microbial activity boosts the emission of gases such as CO in fertigated areas was about twice as high as in areas with 2 non-fertigated areas, and the highest number of stable flies and ammonia, which attract and stimulate oviposition of S. abundance after fertigation and subsequent decline in the calcitrans (Jeanbourquin 2006). The CO is an olfactive stimuli for hematophagous insects, followingno vinasse weeks application where (Tableobserved 1). inThe the increasing experimental stable area fly 2 which move towards its source, as observed for S. calcitrans (Guerenstein & Hildebrand 2008). Considering that mechanized sugarcane harvesting followed by application of vinasse andThe during analysis the on long-term the relationship monitoring, between confirming weather factors previous and (200m3 ha-1) triples the emission of CO theanecdotal number reports of individuals of cattle caught ranchers in the and traps field varied workers according as well. to 2 areas (Oliveira et al. 2013), the fertigation of the experimental the parameter addressed. During the study period, temperature area with a similar volume of vinasse mayin have sugarcane contributed field S. calcitrans to that site. 0.56; p<0.01). Although the correlation with rainfall was not was negatively correlated with the number of flies caught (r=- towardsaccording increasing to the time the of inflow collection of (Fig.5), which ultimately The frequency of stable flies on traps varied markedly aftersignificant, rainfall probably greater thandue to 8 mmthe low was number recorded of (Fig.4).rain episodes, a conditions over the catching intervals. Thus, the higher frequency lowerWind frequency may also of flies affect caught the on behavior traps was offound S. calcitrans on the day, reflected the fly activity under the predominant weather week can be explained by the lower temperatures during the (Gersabeck & Merritt 1985). The dispersion of volatile ofearly flies hours in the of collections the morning at 15:00 (below p.m. 13°C) (11:00-15:00) as well as in the firstlate compoundsconsidering (originatingthat they carried from the attractive process stimuliof applying to the vinasse flies afternoon. Similarly, Gersabeck & Merritt (1983) found higher and consequent fermentation) by winds, in association with conditions. Over the following warmer weeks (maximum stable fly activity after 11:00, which reflected local temperature seekingthe high sitesstable to fly lay capacity eggs in theof dispersion experimental (Eddy area. et al.However, 1962), day and collections tended to vary less dramatically, although resulted in rapid convergence of flies from adjacent areas, temperatures above 30°C), stable flies were active most of the no relationship was observed between frequency of flies in alwaysin a single influenced day was by 1,022temperature individuals. changes. Besides changes in The greatest number of stable flies caught per trap sticky trap tends to decrease with the progressive reduction reflectanceof the adhesive (Agee surface & Patterson due to accumulation1983), the efficiency of debris of andthe

Table 1. Yearly abundance of stable flies on traps placed in areas with and without vinasse spraying in post-harvested sugarcane fields in Nova Alvorada do Sul/MS, Brazil

Year Vinasse application Number of traps Average Maximum Weekly stable fly catch 2013 No 33 54.8 387.8 Yes 28 146.0 692.8 2014 No 32 49.2 403.8 Yes 29 126.1 877.2 Fig.4. Daily catches of Stomoxys calcitrans in a sugarcane fertigated area and local weather records in August/September 2014, at 2015 No 33 40.9 157.6 Nova Alvorada do Sul/MS, Brazil. Yes 28 101.4 351.9

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Pesq. Vet. Bras. 41:e06817, 2021