The Nubian Messa;e

Serving State University’s Afrikan-American students since 1992 February 28 — March 18, 2002 Issue 19 Volume 9 In this Issue: Page 2: US. News Brief Ben Chavis Muhammad ‘disappointed’ Page 4: Names in the News Page 6: Sara Baartman with University administration Page 8: The Nubian Message Weekly Editorial with nine others Chavis Muhammad spoke on campus for the sec- for protests ond time this year, this time in an event sponsored against the segre- by the UAB Issues and Ideas Committee. He also gated school sys- spoke last October as the key speaker for the African tem in American Cultural Center's Heritage Day. Wilmington, NC. Chavis Muhammad took university administration After being to task for its reaction to issues of diversity in recent released from months, specifically a racial climate survey being Central Prison, promoted by senior psychology student Brandon C h a v i s Buskey and the African American Student Advisory Muhammad was Council's report card. not allowed to "I am disappointed with the first hand reaction of stay in North North Carolina State University's administration to Carolina. Prison brother Buskey's climate survey and the report card. officials immedi- I understand there are some who are against these ately flew him things. The first step to solving a problem is to admit out of the state it exists and this administration has chose to deny upon his release the problem," Chavis Muhammad said. because he says On the report card issue, Chavis criticized the the officials University for not doing more to identify the prob— Benjamin Chavis Muhammad viewed him as lem, leaving AASAC to develop a report card. Adedayo A. Banwo "dangerous," accord- "If it is true that over the last six years, black Editor ‘ing to Muhammad. enrollment has not increased, if it is true that over Chavis Muhammad eventually did return to North the last 6 years, the number of black graduates have During most of the 19705, Benjamin Chavis Carolina as he did Tuesday night and the same not increased then somebody needs to look at that Muhammad, former head of the NAACP and chief activist spirit that landed him in prison some 20 and it organizer of the Million Man and Family Marches, years ago was on full display before a sparse group lived, slept and prayed in the North Carolina's of students who came to hear him speak in Stewart Central Prison right down Western Boulevard. Theatre. Chavis Muh-ammad was arrested and jailed along See Chavis Muhammad on Page 3 -Marable's lecture focused on the The highlight of Dr. Marable's Marable ‘ historical disadvantages of African speech was his thoughts on repara- SABSW Kieks Americans, Affirmative Action and tions. He talked about the greatest the need for reparations. . challenge of reparations is to get Speaks Dr. Marable talked about the his— other black people to believe in it. Off Hygiene drive torical disadvantages of African He noted that African people have Americans focusing on labor and existed under a traumatic existence at Clark the criminal justice system. He since slavery. Reparations can Adedayo A. Banwo mentioned how many of America's begin in repairing the damage Dr. Editor institutions, including Chase Marable believes. He noted that the Manhattan and Yale University, money is not what black people An on-campus student organization, the were built from the profits of wanted, but the acknowledgement Student Association of Black Social Workers, slave labor. In regards to the that the openly par— wants you to know that hygiene is just as impor- labor force, Dr. Marable talked ticipated in the slave trade, and tant to underprivileged youth as proper clothing about how the blacks are often that it made the country what it is and nutrition. the first ones fired and the last today. He told the audience that he The SABSW is holding a hygiene drive for ones hired by citing the number was invited to the World Racism underprivileged children who live in Raleigh 7 of who lost Conference in Durban, South from now through March 9. Items that the group jobs in the downsizing: of Sears Africa to do diversity training for is asking for are toiletries, soap, tissue, lotion, and Coca-Cola. He gave the UN. "The Conference had noth- shampoo and any other related items that could numerous statistics on the high ing do with Israel," Marable said. be of use. prison rate for African The bigger issue was reparations. "We chose to do this drive because these things Americans. He concluded that Marable quoted National Security are so important to kids when they go to school at least 1.8 million black people Advisor Condoleezza Rice as say- to learn. If you go to school without the proper lost the right to vote for life. Dr. ing, "In order to get along, we must supplies, kids are mean, you cannot learn in that Marable called this a civil death forget." The comment received type of environment," said April Jackson, presi~ where the prisoners "continual- many sighs from the audience. Dr. dent of the SABSW. ly pay a penalty" for a crime Marable said the US. did not want There are three drop off locations for the drive. they committed in their youth. to go to the conference because LeCtu re They are: the Avent Perry 24 hr desk, the North Dr. Marable spent a large part of they knew that slavery was a crime Hall 24 hr desk and room 231 in the 1911 his speech taking about Affirmative against humanity. He then quoted a Building. Robert White Action. He told the audience that line from The Godfather, saying that "1 encourage students, faculty and staff to Staff Writer Affirmative action. was a bipartisan throughout American history in donate because if I were in the same situation as effort. He pointed out that many in regards to African Americans it has many of these children, I would be so apprecia- On Thursday, February 21, 2002 the Republican party have "histori- always been "business, never per- tive of their kindness and thoughtfulness," the African American Culture cal amnesia" regarding their role in sonal.” He ended his lecture by Jackson said. "I ask students if you were that age, Center brought Dr. Manning the creation of these programs. He talking about what the actor, Ossie put yourself in the shoes of many of these chil- Marable for the Dr. Lawrence Clark . also cited that Affirmative Action Davis called the "moral assign— dren," Jackson added. Lecture. Dr. Marable. is a Professor benefits white women more than it ment.” "Each generation has a The SABSW is composed of about 12 members, of History and Political Science at does minorities. "Paycheck moral assignment," Dr. Marable and their advisor is Cheryl Waits. The purpose of Columbia University. He is also the Equality" is what Dr. Marable said. "The moral assignment for SABSW, says Jackson, is to educate minorities Director of the Institute of African called Affirmative Action as he this generation should be the pur- interested in Social Work on the special needs American Studies Program and co- quoted the political scientist Ron suit of justice and freedom for black they will encounter in their field. founder of the Black Radical Walters. "I did not see a change in people throughout the world." Dr. "As social work students, we have extremely Congress. He has authored at least equity," said Dr. Marable. Dr. Marable ended to a standing ova- busy schedules and since the department is so 20 books including Let Nobody Tum Marable continued on how the tion. challenging ideologies of the two Us Around and How Capitalism See Drive Cont. on Page 7 Underdeveloped Black America. Dr. parties had negative impacts on See Marable Cont. on Page 7 black people. New group ’YBE’ added. U.S. News Brief Robert White There is another starts out organization SALT LAKE CITY— that is similar to YBE. The Society of African-American Corporate Adedayo A. Banwo, Editor Leaders, organized within the African American Sharonda Addison, Staff Writer College of Management is wins Gold designed "to provide students There are over 30 black student with strategies for professional Vonetta Flowers of the US. bobsled— organizations but none aimed and academic success through strictly at aspiring black entrepre- ding team was the first African networking opportunities with American to win a gold medal in the neu rs. This sparked the idea for African-American professionals, Young Black Entrepreneurs by Winter Olympics. Her and her team- organizations, faculty, and the mate Jill Bakken completed their track founders Troy Neal and Kevjorik business community." Jones. run in one minute and 37.76 seconds. The key difference between the Flowers called the victory "a dream YBE's purpose is to educate two groups, Neal says, is that black students on running a busi- come true." YBE is not associated with the Flowers, originally from ness, gaining entrepreneurial College of Management and one experience and becoming leaders Birmingham, Alabama, was once a of their goals is focused on coor— track runner. After several difficulties in the local community. dinating events. ”We chose the name Young in track, Flowers decidedto do bob- Flowers celebrates after winning the Gold "Our group is not trying to com- sledding. This is the first time in 46 years Chung Black Entrepreneurs because we pete with any other organization. want a name that stretches the that the US. has won a medal in bob- Our intent is to network with the sledding. Birmingham will present Flowers with a words young and innovative. We other business organizations as are not just about politics but Currently Flowers is an assistant track key to the city and hOld- a parade in her well as the other African- coach at UAB. On Wednesday, the city of honor. also about doing what needs to American organizations is order be done and 15 years from now to pull off successful events for we want to see the same young the public to gain something ATLANTA- one of the largest jury pools in Atlanta histo~ atmosphere and an even stronger from," Neal said. ry. This selection, which took more than 10 organization," said Neal. One the Neal also says the group will be Jury Chosen in organization’s short-term goals is open to anyone from any major Al-Amin trial to establish a strong board of and academic discipline, and all directors to carry out the busi- are encouraged to attend the ness side of things. . The jury members in the Al-Amin trial interest meeting. have been chosen. This jury consisting "We are looking for a group of ”This of organization is open to all nine African-Americans, two White women, people who understand when we majors and all students, not only say you need to do's and one Latino-American will decide the African-Americans, but there will fate of Al—Amin. Judge Stephanie Manis done. Not someone we have to be a focus on addressing the constantly check up on,"said found the jury somewhat racially "skewed " needs and wants of the Afican— because of the absence of white males from Kevjorik. American community first. We They also want to establish a the jury. encourage people of all majors to Prosecutors and the defense rejected the strong general body that will join, months, interviewed at least 1,500 people. that way we won't find our— white men they interviewed because reflect the presence of the organi- selves of their Al-Amin, formerly known as H. Rap limited in any way," Neal views on the Black Panther Party and the zation, and to achieve a non-prof- said. Brown is on trial for the murder of a Fulton it status. death penalty should Al-Amin be convicted County Sheriff’s deputy and the wounding If you are interested in being a not because of race. The jury selection was "We are looking for a general part of YBE ,there will be an of another deputy two years ago. body that will get involved in all interest meeting Thursday MISSISSIPPI- would full fill the requirements activities, who are dedicated, February 28 at 6 pm. in room 375 The settlement requires that $246 million interested in community service, of the African American Cultural be paid to Alcorn State University, Jackson open to new ideas, and want Center. YBE also has an event Judge approves State University, and Mississippi, Valley more than another organization scheduled the first weekend of Settlement for Alcorn, Jackson State University to strengthen academic on their resume," Kevjorik the Pan Afrikan programs. week. State Universities Seventy-fiVe million dollars will go to capital investments for the universi- ties. One hundred twenty-five million dol- Editorial, cont. from what others thinkmove us to the After 27 years of fighting a federal lawsuit, point of disturbance. lars will go to public and private endow- Page 8 As Minister the case is finally over. Jake Ayers, the Muhammed said, "We need more ments for the universities father of a black college student, filed a law- Though opponents of the settlement say will, more faith, and more resolve suit in 1975 against the state government anonymous letter sent to the that our efforts are not in vain." they will continue the fightin court, many Nubian this week, one student accusing the state of neglecting its three his- are happy with the settlement. Mississippi We should not waste our efforts torically black colleges. The order comes described her disgust for the trying to argue the validity of our Governor Ronnie Musgrove praised the arrogance of some African from US. District Judge Neal Bigger, Jr. decision. The settlement will be paid over a struggle. As Black people, if we after lawmakers in Mississippi say they American students on campus. live our lives in a manner that period of 17 years In another article by Decker distinguishes ourselves from the Ngongang, the issue of the treat— people around us, then our strug- spoke on the importance of ment of our women Black History Black History was raised. gle will not be in vain. We Month and black heritage. Events like These are both issues that Month at State the should should focus our efforts on each African-American Quiz Bowl and the be addressed, and may be even other, so that we can all move for- National African-American Read-In served more important than the opinions ward together. Instead of trying as ways to exhibit the talents of others that Bobby Guthrie III of this univer— have created so to influence those who insist on sity'3 young black leaders. And much commotion. just down being ignorant, if we focus on the road, the annual CIAA conference But how can these issues be This week marks the end of another suc- influencing each other then we cessful Black History Month here at NC. began at the Raleigh Entertainment and more important than racist senti- will plant the seeds today that Sports Arena. ments expressed by students State. Many events took place throughout on will make our struggle victorious Black History Month at State campus? If we are ever this Febuary in which many students had ended on to tomorrow. Feb. 28 with agbook talk by Anthony progress as a people, we cant let the opportunity to contribute to the cele- bration. Groom author of his new book, Bomingham. At the bookstore on Dunn Avenue, con- The overall idea of events like these is to certs and stepshows were performed by get students to realize that celebrating student organizations and sororities. At the black history, culture and heritage is a year— African-American Cultural Center, guest long practice that goes beyond a 28—day lecturers such as Dr. period. News “Celebrating Black History Month 2002”

will host Heritage Lecture Series Get ready for the home of her ancestors. Each Here's something'to circle on New News'TV programs. On March 4, Charles program March at the AACC will begin at 7 pm. your calender. On April 25, the Wadelington of NC. Historic The AACC will be home to the AACC will be home to the program at State Sites will present the Life and N.C. Storytellers Conference on annual Ebony Awards. Bobby Guthrie III Times of Charlotte Hawkins March 16. This year's conference This event is a presentation of Bobby Guthrie III Staff Writer Staff Writer

"Focus: NC. State" is the uni- versity's new TV news progiam. It was launched in early Febua1y and can be seen on Time—Warner Cable Channel 18 in Raleigh. The program is a monthly show that was produced by the uni— ersity's Creative Services and News Services staff. Dr. Ed Funkhouser hosts the program and interviews the guests. Funkhouser is an associate dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. The‘AACC Staff during a recent staff meeting discuss upcoming events and lectures Topics on the show consist of events on campus and deep The African—American Cult- Brown. Dorothy S. Redford will honors Paul Lawrence Dunbar. awards .by the Society of looks at Various departments ural Center has events coming present information on the his— The event will close with a pub- African-American Culture to and schools here at State. The up in the new month in order to toric Somerset Plantation on lic storytelling session featuring honor student leadership, serv- first program dealt with a look at keep students involved. On March 25. The plantation was Grandaddy Junebug. ice and academic excellence. the biotechnology program at March 4,18 and 25, the AACC the university. There was also an interview with Gen. Hugh Shelton. Plus, American affairs Rupert Nacoste, who poetic justice," Chavis State's ROTC pro— Chavis Muhammad cont. Muhammad said. gram had a segment was not in attendance due to a scheduling Chavis on the from Page 1 Muhammad also spoke about his show. "Focus: NC State" conflict responded to Chavis Muh- recent work in the Hip-Hop airs at 6 community. pm. Tuesdays and Thursdays, ammad's comments. Recently, he has partnered with former and 3 pm. Sundays. should not be just black students," Chavis ”Climate issues at a university are criti- Def Jam Records owner Muhammad said. cal to understand and work on. But as in holding "Hip Hop Summits," the last of Yogi Buskey, who was in attendance, said he Berra said, ’Everything'takes longer which was held last month in Los The ’ labian Message appreciated Chavis Muhammad's support than it takes. There are any number of Angeles. Chavis Muhammad is also work- but said he couldn’t criticize University issues related to diversity that are being ing with Hip-Hop impresario Sean "P administration as a whole. Worked on at any one time. Criticism that Diddy” Combs in an initiative called 'P. "I can't condemn the entire administra— says we are moving too slowly is always Diddy reading gangs." These groups, ' tion but I will say that I am disappointed worth heeding,” Naeoste said. sponsored by BMG owned Bad Boy that this is something that we must fight Chavis Muhammad advocated many Records, will reward youngsters in the "P. for. If you say that you value diversity, issues for students to get involved in, Diddy gangs" who read the most books. then a racial climate survey is a logical among them the US. Senatorial bid of The groups will be started all across the step," Buskey said. ' Raleigh State representative Dan Blue. country. Chavis Muhammad also said Bad Vice Provost for Diversity and African "The fact that a black man even thinks Boy artists would begin to promote litera— about filling the seat of Jesse Helms is cy in their songs and lyrics.

Brigitte as? ether segregate emrse yea; cam mas. 4

; Sports & Entertainment “Ckflébrating Black E'Iistory Month 2002”.

The Steve Harvey have a certain amount of dignity. I am not going to degrade myself." Show calls it quits Harvey did previously have a sitcom ~Names in the News called Me and the Boys. The show Troy Neal a.k.a. T-Nyce aired on ABC briefly before being Carla llJilliams taken off the air by ABC execs. The This past Sunday was the last airing show had high ratings, ranking of The Steve Harvey Show on the WB. among the 25 most watched shows Chicago-born lyricist Common It has been the longest running show on television and portrayed a posi— and -based singer Erykah on the WB network. The WB has a tive African-American father raising Badu are reportedly engaged, high reputation for teenage drama his three children after the death of although there has been no date set. Badu recently played Common's love interest in the Video for the "The Light." Soon afterwards, rumors began to sur- face that the two were involved in a romantic relationship. Common's label, MCA, told that they could neither "confirm nor deny" the marriage.

Just weeks after Brandy announced her marriage to songwriter/ producer Robert Smith, the 23—year-old R&B singer has announced that she is pregnant. "We're so happy and excited," Brandy told "I've always Steve Harvey, Cedric the Entertainer and wanted children and I look forward to being a mom. the rest of the gang call it quits

shows such as 7th Heaven and his wife. But due to higher powers Dawson ’5 Creek. The Steve Harvey the show was taken off the air, as was Brandy Show has been on the air since Harvey's running mate D.L. August 25, 1996. It appeared on the Hughley's show. ABC cancelled that very first day the WB network aired. show despite it being the number Basketball The show was star Michael Jordan and his seen as a light comedy one rated show on ABC. Harvey wife Juanita not really touching too have decided not to end much on supports shows such as The their marriage. deep issues but showing You might recall that African- Hughleys, The Bernie Mac Show, and Mrs. Juanita vo9avuor American adults Jordan filed a multi-mil- in positions of My Wife and Kids with Damon lion dollar influence within the community. divorce suit against Mike Wayans. Even though Harvey is - earlier this year, citing the Harvey is quoted as saying usual "The working within television, movies, “irreconcilable differences.” show was funny...I am proud of it. Reports and radio he still calls stand-up the following the announcement But we didn't break any new ground. define centerpiece of his career. Harvey those "differences" Michael Jackson We didn't make any statements." as MJ's extracurric- started out as the first host of BET's ular activities with other Harvey played a music teacher women. Comic View and has appeared on Apparently, Mike somehow con- named Steve Hightower. The other Russell Simmons Def Comedy Jam. three main vinced Juanita to give big poppa one characters were also As for his Steve Harvey's plans more chance. African—Americans playing the roles now, he is currently the host of a of a teacher, assistant and principal. morning radio show in Harvey was ready to end the show on "The Beat" 100.3 FM. Harvey says _ last season but was persuaded to do that radio is helping him do a lot 13 more episodes (one more season). more things within the community. The Steve Harvey show has helped He has what are called the "Hoodie Steve become better known and also Awards" for outstanding'service in Other Names in the News: better able to promote his other proj— one's neighborhood. Harvey is good ects such as the ”Kangs,” aka. The role model for young African— Former NBA star Jayson Williams surrendered to the Original Kings ofComedy. Harvey still Americans, especially males, to look police on February 25, 2002 in connection with the death wanted mOre from his show, "I don't up to and possibly aspire to be like. of a limo driver at his home earlier this month. Williams believe in laughing at the expense of was charged with recklessness in the shooting death of black people." Harvey also said, "1 Costas Christoffi, the 55-year-old driver found shot to death at Williams' estate on Valentine’s Day. Celebrity couples have always had a hard time keeping Olympic History future, I would have to agree with the press away on their wedding day, but R&B singers that 65 percent. Just a few days ago, Kenny Lattimore and Chante Moore managed to do just Carla Williams bobsled pusher and brakewoman that. The pair secretly jumped the broom on New Year's Vonetta Flowers received the first- Day during a private ceremony at the Grand Lido San A few days ago, aWeb poll was post— ever gold medal victory by'a black Souci Resort Hotel in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. The couple ed, asking would African Americans person in the Winter Olympics. It vacationed in Jamaica following Lattimore's Dec. 28 and ever dominate in the Winter comes as a surprise to many, howev— 29 concerts with the legendary Isley Brothers at New York Olympics. Nearly 65 percent of the er blacks have participated in this City's Beacon Theatre. participants believed that blacks sport for over a decade. The first would one day dominate in winter black Olympic bobsledder was for sports. If the display I witnessed last week was any indication of the See Olympic on page 5 5

Sports & Entertainment “Celebrating Black l-"Iistory Mnnth 2002"

"The Rosa Parks falls in love and after finding Olympics cont. out a little bit of information, Story"- Movie Review about her, sends her flowers from page 4 every day. The two eventually Keymia Sharpe become married and are happy Semer sprinter Willie Gault, in the until Rosa begins to become Calgary Games of 1988. Prior to the On December more active in Civil Rights Calgary games, the United States as 5, 1955, a issues. It seems to him that she well as Great Britain began to recruit woman by the has become too involved for African Americans and people of name of Rosa her own good and the more Caribbean heritage to participate on Parks sat down dangerous it seems, the less their winter teams. I'm pretty sure we on a bus in supportive he becomes of her. all remember the Walt Disney movie, Montgomery, In 1942, a rainy Saturday C001 Rannings. This movie was loosely Alabama. She evening, Rosa refuses to give based on the emergence of the Jamaican refused to give up her seat in the white section bobsled team in 1988. The "Cool up her seat to a of the bus. She is eventually Runners," facing national humiliation Rosa Parks white man and forced to get off of the bus and finished with one Of the fastest starting was arrested.» has to walk home, in the rain. times recorded in the event. Within a This arrest After meeting back up with her few years, the United States, Britain, Angela Basset and Peter sparked the modern Civil Rights cousin, she becomes the secretary for France, and Canada had well-stocked Movement. Her life has never been the NAACP and takes on the task as James as Rosa and Raymond their teams with black sprinters. By the the center of a movie or a book, but Adult Advisor for the Youth Council. Nagano games in 1998, black bobsled— we finally get to take a look into the But one day we What’s Love Got to Do With It, which ders were a common sight at the Winter will never forget is won her a life of Rosa Parks through this movie. December 5, 1955. Golden Globe and an Games. The presence of African Once again, Parks NAACP The Rosa Parks Story (which aired on refuses to move from Image Award. She's also Americans in the 2002 Salt Lake City her seat, but this played CBS on Sunday, Feb. 24 at 9 pm. time, she is arrested. The Black com— exceptional women in Games was perhaps the most memo- , and The ET / PT) is an insightful biography of munity is outraged and the Iacksons: An rable than all of the others. An African NAACP American Dream. both the shy, quiet woman and the organizes a meeting to boycott When asked her American woman won the first gold the overall View of the movie Bassett strong activist. Montgomery bus system. This is the stat- medal and an African American male ed, "I think [the movie] stays pretty The movie begins in ‘Rosa center of the story and the focus of won the first silver medal and both in McCauley's early years as she is off to Park's life. close to the story. If anyone was a very Black History Month. I don't think it reasonable, reserved school while being watched by her The overall movie was one and calm indi- could get too much better than that. It of the vidual it was Mrs. Parks." mother (played by Cicley Tyson). best made-for—TV movies ever. It Rosa Parks may take a while for blacks or any is a person full Time quickly goes by, to 1931, as we wasn't overly dramatic, and it of compassion, gentle— minority to fully dominate in the stuck to ness, and possesses are introduced to an older Rosa the actual portrayal of Mrs. Rosa a quiet, yet strong Winter Olympics. Minorities populate spirit. The story (Played by Angela Bassett). She meets Parks. Furthermore, a better actress fit her well and it is less than one percent of the population wonderful that Mrs. Parks her husband, Raymond Parks (Peter Could not have been selected to play had the where winter games are practiced. Francis James), in a barbershop while .111? 10%gzggposa Parks. Angela} P3§Seti chance to be honored before she However, it is very clear that we are - - - , 5,,. , . ,.,.,5.«, trying'to aV01d the rain. He instantly a so p173“ Ed the famous/Tina Turnier'in , p. assed unlike so many others. present and succeeding. "To win a gold medal for your country is awesome," .K"~:=$.ms:431:” ,_ stated Flowers. " I hope it encourages O African Americans to give winter sports '50 a try." I hope so too. Vqui/am. gift-32563h One Man's Trash... is Another Man's Treasure

Andrew "2—3" Seed.

What do you do with a person you give a multi—million dollar contract to that isn't satisfied? You trade them, which is exactly what happened to a number of big name players in the NBA last week. Critics will argue for hours on end about who got the better deal and so forth, but these are the facts. The two major deals that got everyone's attention were the Chicago to Indiana and Dallas to Denver deals. It is well known that Nick Van Exel has wanted out of Denver for months now. So much so that he was even willing to forgo the last two years of a contract that would pay him $ 26.5 mil- lion! Plain and simple, he was just tired of losing. He finally got what he wanted and was traded from Denver to the West-leading Dallas Mavericks. Even though his playing time will be slightly less, he has a chance at a championship. Players often say, as they get older it isn't about the money, and they just want to win. Let’s hope this was the case in his predicament because $26 million is a lot of money. Two years ago Indiana was in the NBA finals and Jalen Rose was hailed as the golden child. But now he's playing for the Chicago Bulls. Internal

httpwwwwmsn“mwmhtm! See NBA on Page 7 _ Culture & Arts “Celebrating Black History Month 2002” ery activist, demanded the British Hottentot Venus attorney general to cease the humil- New Books in the iation of Baartman. Wedderburn's Returns to South Africa efforts were fruitless due to the fact African American that Baartman indeed had a con- Cultural Center Library -Keon Pettiway tract with Dunfop. Baartman was transported to Paris After nearly 200 years parted from four years later and exposed in South Africa, Sara B a a r t m a n, Aaron Henry: The Fire Ever Burning peep show under the rule of a Author: Aaron Henry historically known as Hottentot French animal trainer. After the Venus, returns to her true resting Hottentot Venus became overrated, Bombingham the French animal trainer aban- Author: Glenn Askew doned Baartman and she was forced into prostitution. Baartman Carry Me Home: Birmingham; Alabama died at the age of 25 due to alcohol Author: Diane McWhorter and possibly sexually transmitted diseases. How To Make Black America Better Napoleon Bonaparte's Surgeon TaVIs Smiley General, Georges Cuvier, created a Art from the John Biggers Art Author: plaster cast Baartman's anatomy, Gallery in the African American Culture Center Church FOIK preserved her genitals in formalde- Author: Michele Bowen hyde, and gave her remains to the the MusEe de I'Homme (Museum of Church Folk Mankind). Baartman's remains Author: Michele Bowen were hidden from the public eye n. ' and was kept concealed. q Few peo- AFRICAN PROVERBS — ple have had the privilege to view \ Baartman's remains since their There ,l removal in 1976. are 40 kinds of lunacy, butonly one kind-of common sense. A place. The South African govern- Zola Maseko, co- ~African producer and director, "The Life and Proverb |k ment persistently demanded the .‘v Times of Sara Baartman,” viewed 1i French government to return He who does not know one thing knows another. Hottentot Venus to South Africa Baartman's remains after they were .‘ cast -Kenyan Proverb after unsuccessful negotiations with aside in museum storage. the French government. In 1994, Nelson Mandela, presi- dent of South Africa, consulted with Sara Baartman, originally from _ Landmarks in Black History — Eastern Cape in South Africa, was a Francois Mitterand, the President of member of South Africa's first abo- France, and posed the issue to ‘v-xfifl..-a.‘ Mitterand. The French failed to 1870 Congress passes the Fifteenth Amendment to the US. Constitution, guarantee- riginal people, the Khoisan. ing the freedpeople the right to vote. Baartman was a slave in the respond, and Khoisan groups per- Western Cape capital of Cape sistently campaigned for the return of the remains of Sara Baartman. 1880 Angelina Weld GrimkE is born in Town, where British Marine Boston, MA. She will become a poet and Sergeant William Dunlop persuaded In 2000, Minister of Foreign Affairs Alfred N20 and Minister of Arts and playwright whose drama Rachel will be one of the first plays by an African American her to move to England in pursuit of to be staged. fortune. Culture Ben Ngubane regenerated Dunlop deceived Baartman, and the request from the South African government for the return of 1923 Dexter Gordon is born in Los Angeles. He will become a major jazz tenor saxo- showcased her unusual physical phonist. characteristics (according to Baartman. The French Senate European standard). Baartman finally voted return the remains of Baartman to South Africa. . 1942 Charlayne Hunter—Gault is born in Due West, SC. She will become the first possessed large buttocks and large African American woman admitted to genitalia, Baartman never had a proper bur- the University of Georgia and the creator of which caused excitement The New YorkTimes Harlem bureau. and wonder among Europeans. ial, and her remains were kept in Dunlop noted jars and displayed at the museum. Baartman as the 1964 Anna Julia Cooper "Hottentot Venus'l when The Khoisan nation plans to bury dies in Washington, DC. Holder of a Ph.D. from the she parad- Sorbonne, she was the ed naked in front of numerous Baartman's remains in the Cape principal of Washington's famed M Street High School. London residents. Robert Gardens, near the symbolic land- mark of her trials: the Cape Town 1965 Malcolm X is buried is Ferncliff Cemetery, Hartsdale, NY. Wedderburn, a Jamaican anti-slav- harbor. 1988 Debi Thomas becomes the first African American to win an Olympic medal in the Winter Games as she takes the bronze in figure skating.

What's On Your Mind?

Racial discrimination has proven to be a leading cause of misconception among various groups. Racial discrimination is commonly prevalent in the workplace, social groups, etc. College students fall victim to racial discrimination from faculty, staff, and other students; Do you believe that racial discrimination toward African American students strongly exists at North Carolina State University?

'I think we would all like to think everything is okay and that racism no longer exists. Recent events and comments shows that there is still animosity and prejudice, but it is not as bold." Keith Cray

"Racial discrimination exists towards African Americans, but it well hidden. Historically, institutionalized racism is _ more visible, but the effects are felt every day. An example of this [racism] is when you're in class listening to j ', your professor lecture and he refuses to answer your questions, or let you respond due to the fact that the ‘ response refutes everything mentioned in the lecture." ~Birnettiah Killens “Celebrating Black History Month 2002” Point of View cont. from page 8 oped during the Civil Rights Movement and is used by business- To Whom It May even though being the very ask questions, he and other first group discriminated students said I had no basis es to increase diversity. Concern... Even with Affirmative Action, the playing field is still very upon by English settlers, was for my argument. At one not as severe as the African point the professor refused to much in favor of White males. Minorities and women are still in Najja Baptist lower paying jobs and are still confronted with active discrimina- destruction. At this time, the answer my question stating; tion in most areas. Even in this situation, class that included approxi— "The class had already previ- a female of the lighter I am writing to majority would more than likely be hired for the job over some- address the mately eight African ously discussed that issue one like myself. With or without Affirmative severity of problems that have Americans and 70 Caucasian when you walked out of class Action, America been will still be the same, to put it bluntly, a white man's world. recurring throughout the students went into an uproar last week." (I walked out of Minorities would probably still be on the bottom of the totem duration of a Law and Justice and said I was wrong. I class when the students and pole as far as things such as employment and college admissions course I am taking. Within the ignored these comments and professor treated me rudely are concerned. So, since the American promise is that by law each last two weeks I have experi— continued to elaborate my while I voiced my opinions by of us should have an equal opportunity to achieve success in life, enced so much hostility that it points on this issue because I trying to keep me from speak— has really been how about allowing us minorities the same opportunities as disrupting to was having a one—on—one con- ing.) We ended class early as everyone else? my life. Generally, my versation. Behind me and to the professor handed out our Political Science class'es are my right sat a disrespectful papers. As I waited after class based on debate, theory, and Heartfelt, cont. from Page 8 Caucasian female student to speak to the professor exploration of ideas and ide- who screamed l was wrong. I about this matter, there were a ologies, and we have persuad- then turn around to face and lot of students talking about all black males and for that I am sorry. However, judging from ed each other in these areas. speak to her. She continued to the same issues that I had dis— the emails I have received from other women, the actions of "a Even though it is the intent of be very vocal and abrasive in cussed with the African select few" black males that harassed my. little sister and harass this course to explore these her tone and actions. With her _ American student before women throughout this campus go a long way to stereotype us areas professionally, there is loud tone and the loudness of class. I stayed after class and as well. We are few on this campus, in the classrooms and in the an absence of a very impor- the class I had to project my spoke to other African yard; our actions should be to lift up not break down. In my arti- tant element: Respect. The voice in order to be heard by American students about cle I meant to lift up but subsequently tore down those brothers absence of respect in the con- her and the other students. these issues until the profes— who have utmost respect for women and themselves, my apolo- text of understanding other My personal one-on-one dis- sor was able to speak, but due gies. I Will continue to hold each of my brothers to the same stan- people's ideas and ideologies cussion. had turned into an to the fact I had another class I dards at Which I hold myself. _ has really affected my focus informal claSs forum. immediately following this I thank Harold, Robert, Curtis and the other brothers and and perspective of this politi— She continued stating that I class, I went back to my room Greek organizations that came and spoke to me to voice their cal science class. On February was wrong and when I to review my work for my concerns about my article. Without them, I wouldn't have 19, 2002, these elements came addressed my opinion that English class. Then as I known better. I will keep writing and I hope you keep reading. I to a point of outrage and dis— this whole country was built walked out of the door, my hope my literary gaffe doesn't turn you off to reading my work. grace beyond measure. on lies and based on professor said, "~Najja...good My words were ill—timed and not well thought out. In one of my This dilemma was manifest- p hypocrisy she became infuri- questions." He didn't say any- articles, I called for critical consciousness, and in a couple strokes ed through a Caucasian ated and Went out on a tan- thing about the injustice that of the keyboard I violated it. I hope you understand the true female who used very explicit gent. She said she was "Irish had just occurred in class. meaning I wanted to convey and forgive the recklessness with and extremely derogatory lan- American and she had noth- I am uncomfortable which it was written. in the guage and behavior, which ing to do With slavery." She environment that has formed should not be tolerated. The continued to say that her in my Law and Justice class. I Marable, Cont. from Page 1 behavior of my fellow class- ancestors were a part of slav— think that these issues of mate was a violation of my ery and not herself. She fur- racism and many others can The Dr. Lawrence Clark Lecture is an annual intellectual forum natural born rights. This mat- ther stated that I was not a no longer go ignored on this named after the longtime N.C. State Africana Studies and Math ter started that morning at slave or in slavery, so I should campus, especially in a class professor. The lecture is designed to represent the ideals and 9:40 am. as I entered the not be worried about it. I that deals with Law and values for which he stands. Dr. Margaret Burroughs, Haki classroom. There were a few then elaborated on the point Justice. This is a learning Madhubuti and Dr. Ivan Van Sertima are among past Clark lee- students within the class that there is no chance for environment that I expect to turers. reviewing our readings for African Americans in this be challenging and to chal- our class discussion. When I country and that this lenge new ideas and ideolo- Drive, Cont. from Page 1 sat down, an African American society is corrupt. gies freely and fairly. If a man American female asked me Before I could finish my state- is to be judged by others small, a group like SABSW is ideal in order to provide a'rplatform about my position on the ment she said, "Well why because of his personal views for black Social Work students to develop community service pro- issue of Lincoln's view on don't you just go back to about his own heritage then grams that meet the needs of our community," said SABSW mem- slavery. Our discussion began Africa." he may as well be judged by ber Natalya Rice. prior to the professor entering In all my years of attending the color of his skin. It has Currently, the group is planning a drive to collect used prom the classroom. As we debated NC State University, I have occurred to me that racism dresses and suits to donate to high school students who may not in a very formal and dignified never been so humiliated and exists because of ignorance, be able to afford expensive dresses or suits for their senior proms. manner, we progressed our outraged by such evil and white privilege and power, Jackson says if they drive is successful over the next week, the conversation to the issue of racist comments. In response and the fear of being chal- group may extend it on a limited basis after Spring Break. the struggles of the Native to her I Said, "No, I will not," lenged. People are afraid of Americans and Africans (via as I slammed my hand on my what they don‘t know and the Middle Passage). By this book and turned to the pro- new ideas, "The world is NBA cont. from page 5 time, the other students had fessor. At this time the profes— round but we still live in the entered the classroom but the sor looked at me and said "We square." It is sickening to me bickering between Rose and legendary player Isaiah Thomas led professor had not arrived. The will have discussions in this to think that those who are to the trade. Since December Rose's playing time has decreased as African American female stu— class, but they will be civi— not African Americans expect well. as becoming the second and third option on the team. Team dent argued that the Trail of lized debates," as if to say I African Americans with an president Donnie Walsh stated that Rose was not on the trading Tears of the Native Americans was the one who was acting opposing View to keep their block. But he was sent with'Travis Best, Norm Richardson, and was equivalent to the Slave uncivilized. views private and not expose money to Chicago for Ron Artest, Ron Mercer, Kevin Ollie, and Trade that brought captured After this happened, the them publicly. Their view is Brad Miller. The Bulls got a proven scorer and leader for a very Africans to America. The class was filled with a lot of that African Americans young team. The Pacers got some much-needed muscle in the African American female and tension but we continued as if should be seen and not heard. frontcourt. I eventually decided to agree nothing happened. Whenever racism or slavery is The Mavs got a much—needed scoring punch in their push for a to disagree. Throughout the duration of mentioned publicly, playoff run, and the lowly Bulls have won three straight. But only By this time, the professor the class I tried to ask ques- Caucasians expect African time will tell who got the better of the trades. had arrived but had not for- tions and make statements Americans not to respond to mally started the class. He but both the professor and the these issues. I hope that the stood in front of the class students thrust my questions present problems in my Law observing and listening to the and comments aside with and justice class can be solved African American female stu- Nick Van Exel Juan Howard neglect and ignorance that l in the interest of all of the dent and I debate at a reason- have never seen or heard of in class members. RaefLaFrentz Dondell Harvey able tone. I Tariq Abdul Wahad argued that the my entire life. Even though Tim Hardaway Native American struggle, Avery Johnson lst Round Pick the professor called on me to

Jalen Rose 7 Ron Artest Travis Best Ron Mercer Norm Richardson Brad Miller 1st Round Pick Kevin Ollie 8


“(:T‘eiebrating Black I“! istory Mani!) 2002”

A heartfelt retraction O'Connor uses it to speak of things he A Growing encounter that left him unable to claims to fully understand. He in his focus in his learning environment. Racial Climate Decker Ngongang writing states so much more than the As a result, it is the understanding statistics he quotes. He says some- The Nubian Message of The Nubian Message that there thing about the African American Weekly Editorial are meetings and possibly even sit- Sometimes, anger can cause many community, that something I don't ins in the making. Once again, emotions, some of level head, and believe he understands. In a way my these efforts are very commendable, article was no better than his, making "Never let anything or anyone but is this energy misdirected? some as irrational as the things that stand in your way. The worst thing make you angry. Today I write to apol- generalizations with far reaching It is very important that non- implications. is to live your Whole life and not African Americans understand the ogize for my own irrational reaction to realize your God given destiny." an irrational action. I have been writ— I wanted my article to provide a issues that occur in our society that heightened sense of awareness on Minister Benjamin Chavis Muhammed create an unbalanced playing field ing for the Technician for about a year Tuesday night at Talley Student Center and a half and have written. on count— campus with regards to the way we for minorities in our country. less subjects. Last week I wrote about treat the women around us. I spoke to the sexual harassment of my sister, black males as a black male but in ”I wanted my article to provide a heightened sense of awareness on and my feelings on that. The focus writing the article I left too much room campus with regards to the way we treat the women around us.” was on black males and their partici- to generalize that the issue is central to pation in this, though the issue black males. I felt violated by my own stretches across all racial lines. I have people when my sister came to visit ”The absence of respect in the context of understanding other people's been speaking with many of my and I unjustly transferred that anger ideas and ideologies has really affected my focus and perspective of this friends and agree when they state the towards my pen. political science class.” irresponsibility of the words I used. I won't let go of the issue, however. I I made generalizations that weren't - continue to walk on this campus and However, everyone is entitled to witness blatant sexual harassment on It appears that there is a growing their opinion and there are some meant to generalize, but were under— climate of racial hostility surfacing stood to represent the entire African the part of all racial groups. I touched opinions that no amount of educa— on my specific experience because it is on N.C. State’s campus. Whether tion will ever change. Minister American male community. I have this is true for a few isolated inci- spoken to friends such as Harold what brought the issue home for me. I Benjamin Chavis Muhammed said take back the poor literary tactics I dents or for the entire campus, it is in his speech Tuesday, "Many of us Pettigrew as well as other males on evident that there is an emerging this campus that have verbalized that used, but I won’t take back the critique go to sleep amidst the storm of life." of the male chauvinist-dominated mood of discomfort amongst many We should not waste our efforts try- this isn't the norm I portrayed it to be. African Americans. As a result, I was mistaken and can only voice my environment in which we go to school. ing to awaken these people if they There needs to be an effort not to only there are a good number of stu— do not want to be awakened. There apologies that my words weren't dents who are actively attempting meant to harm, only a rash reaction recognize the problems but to do is a revolution taking place in the something about them. I am working to increase the awareness of the African American community and taken without deep thought. African American struggle. This In light of the things that have taken with the Office for Equal Opportunity simply because there are people to do just that. In'addition, my recent disposition is readily detected in who do not know What15 happen- place at the Technician, my article was many of the Opinions columns even more poorly timed. I don't take involvement with AMANDLA has ing or will not acknowledge whatIS given me a renewed sense of acting on printed this week. Although these happening does not make what will back the emotions behind what I said, efforts are very commendable, are but I take back the irresponsible man- that which I critique. happen less true. My actions in writing my Technician we as African Americans focusing The change in the conditions of iAA. ner in which I voiced them. As we our energy in the wrong direction? have seen in the African American article went a long way to stereotype African American people must start The uproar stemming from the within ourselves. What others community, the pen is a mighty notorious article recently printed by weapon. My colleague Darren See Heartfelt on Page 7 think should not concern us as The Technician is not the only bout much as what we think of our— that students have participated in selves. In the recently. Najja Baptist, in his article ' A woman's point of View attention was when you stated that "If this week, describes a classroom See Editorial on Page 2 [employers] want to hire minorities Keymia Sharpe that are not as qualified as whites who Speak! around people with similar interests, are applying, that is their right.” With but how can you broaden your an adequate amount of research, you awareness like that? I make it a The recent articles published in the Marsheda Barnette Techieian by writer Darren O'COnner may discover that Affirmative ACtion point to have friends who come from was made to benefit White females different places and have different seemed to cause quite a stir on campus, Yet again, I will stress first, and then minority women and the fact that backgrounds and family structures. especially among the African- there is a very small percentage men. In addition, Affirmative Action of Through my friends, I have learned American community. Although my African Americans was not meant to be based on quotas on this campus. so many things about our culture; fellow staff writer T] Eatmon did an When I first arrived on campus dur- excellent job in counterpointing this nor give preference to people who how we are all so alike, but yet so aren't qualified for a position over ing orientation, I was appalled at the different. I used to always have a article, I feel there were a few things sea of those who are. If that was the case, a white faces and us looking like smile on my face and would greet, missing. We all saw an African— lost chocolate chips in the batter. So, company could easily be sued for dis- not only most of the Black students I American male's point of view on this since the ratio is so blatantly askew, topic, but I would like to share views crimination. saw, but students of every other race Also catching my attention was the why in the world do some of us act as well. For the most part, I got the from a female perspective. T] wrote so stuck up toward our own statement, "What about the argument people? same response: that ugly, "Do you about how he felt and I wouldn't try to I know that everywhere that Affirmative Action is owed to you go, know me?" look. I was raised oppose his views on how African- there are cliques to be blacks? The institution of slavery exist- and entourages. friendly and warm, even to those American males aretreated as far as But seriously, just because someone ed in America for over 200 years. Yes, who didn't like me. However, being Affirmative Action is concerned. How isn't the same type of person you there has been discrimination against are, here at NC. State, trying to commu— could I write about something I have doesn't mean you have to hate. no clue about? I am a Black woman, blacks and. other minorities since the nicate and unite with my people has abolition of slavery. The point is that I understand that even though made me sour. which brings me to my first point. most of us are of the same ethnic ori- slavery was abolished.” The It is hard to swallow the fact that Mr. O'Conner, how can you write gin, we come from many different Emancipation Proclamation was only with us being the age that about something that you have no idea backgrounds. Some we are, we developed to save the Union. If it of us came from still stray away from people who about? How many times have you NYC; some of us have lived in North could have been saved any other way, look different than us. I thought that been in a setting where you were the Carolina all of our lives. Some I'm sure slavery would have existed of us ended in middle school. If this only one of your race and overlooked have money; some of us don't. longer than it did. Furthermore slav- It is offends you, I am talking to you, and because of it? You may have experi- also understandable if you just ery has little to do with Affirmative got I promise not to single you out any enced your own version of discrimina— finished with that PY208 exam and tion from time to time, but nowhere Action. As stated before, it was devel- further. So, do us all a favor, instead you are just zoned out -- I, too, do of you walking around like near the level of the African—American this sometimes. the See Point of View on Page 7 However, are these world owes you something, race. One comment that caught my acceptable put a \ ; reasons for us to be inhos— smile on your face. pitable? It is cool if you want to hang You never know who might be looking.