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BOARD OF EDITORS FOR LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY TOM D. DILLEHAY, Department of Anthropology, Lafferty Hall, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40504 ROBERT D. DRENNAN, Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh, 311 FQ, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 JOYCE MARCUS, Museum of Anthropology, , University Museums Building, 1109 Geddes Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 PATRICIA McANANY, Department of Archaeology, Boston University, 675 Commonwealth Avenue. Boston. MA 02215 MARIO SANOJA, Academia Nacional de Historia. Universidad Central de Venezuela, Apartado 47372, Caracas 1041-A, Venezuela IRMHILD WUST, Universidade Federal de Goias, Av. T15/C-263 Ed. Teodoro. Apto. 602, Nova Suiea. 74280- 260 Goiania-GO, Brazil

EDITORIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY PIERRE BECQUELIN (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Musee de l'Homme, Paris. France) ELIZABETH BRUMFIEL (Department of Anthropology and Sociology, , Albion. Michigan) ANGEL GARCIA COOK (Subdireccion de Estudios Arqueologicos. Instituto National de Antropologi'a e Historia, Mexico, D.F.) CRISTOBAL GNECCO (Departamento de Antropologi'a. Universidad de Cauca, Popayan, Colombia) JUAN PEDRO LAPORTE (Universidad de San Carlos, Guatemala, C.A.) DIANA LOPEZ (San Juan, Puerto Rico) JORGE G. MARCOS (Departamento de Geologia, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain) RAMIRO MATOS MENDIETA (National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution. Research Branch, Bronx, New York) BEN A. NELSON (Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University, Tempe) GUSTAVO G. POLITIS (Division Arqueologfa, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. La Plata, Argentina) K. ANNE PYBURN (Department of Anthropology, Indiana University, Bloomington) JEFFREY QUILTER (Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, D.C.) FERNANDO ROBLES CASTELLANOS (Centro Regional de Yucatan, Instituto Nacional de Antropologi'a c Historia, Merida, Mexico) NELLY ROBLES GARCIA (Centro Regional de Oaxaca, Instituto Nacional de Antropologi'a e Historia, Oaxaca, Mexico) ANNA C. ROOSEVELT (Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago) JEREMY A. SABLOFF (University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia) SILVIA SALGADO GONZALEZ (Latin American Campus, University of Mobile, San Marcos, Nicaragua) KATHARINA J. SCHREIBER (Department of Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara) ERIKA WAGNER (Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cienti'ficas, Caracas, Venezuela)

Latin American Antiquity (ISSN 1045-6635) is published quarterly in March. June, Septemher, and December by the Society lor American Archaeology, 900 Second Street, N.E., Suite 12, Washington, DC 20002-3557. The journal is one ot two offered as a benefit of individual membership. Subscription rates are SI 1 5.00 for institutions residing in Australia, Bahrain. Bermuda, Canada, Cyprus. Hong Kong, Israel. Japan. Korea. Kuwait. Libya. New Caledonia. New Zealand, Qatar. Saudi Arabia, Sultanate of Oman. Singapore, Taiwan. Thailand. United States, or western Europe: $50.00 for members in these couniries who already receive the society's other journal as a membership benefit; and $28.00 for members and institutions in Lalin America or any other counlry nol listed above. To subscribe, change an address, or order back issues, please write to the Society for American Archaeology al the above address. Prepayment is required, payable in U.S. funds. Latin American Antiquity is not available for exchange. Claims for nonreceipt and for damaged copies must be made within 90 days (U.S.) or 180 days (non-U.S.) of the publication dale for free replacement. Non-U.S. deliveries cannol be guaranteed; non-U.S. members and subscribers may purchase replacement copies at a 20'/r discount. Ijitin American Antiquity is type­ set by Maben Publications. Kensington, Maryland, and printed by Allen Press, Lawrence. Kansas.

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3 The Ring Villages of Central Brazil: A Challenge for Amazonian Archaeology Irmhild Wiist and Cristiana Barreto

25 New Approaches to Ceramic Use and Discard: Cooking Pottery from the Peruvian Andes in Ethnoarchaeological Perspective John A. Hildebrand and Melissa B. Hagstrum

REPORTS 47 New Evidence on Jaguar Paw, a Ruler from Calakmul Ramon Carrasco Vargas, Sylviane Boucher, Paula Alvarez Gonzalez, Vera Tiesler Bios, Valeria Garcia Vierna, Renata Garcia Moreno, and Javier Vazquez Negrete

59 Modified Human Skulls from the Urban Sector of the Pyramids of Moche, Northern Peru John W. Verano, Santiago Uceda, Claude Chapdelaine, Ricardo Tello, Maria Isabel Paredes, andVictor Pimentel

71 Determining the Function of One of the New World's Earliest Pottery Assemblages: The Case of San Jacinto, Colombia Jo Ann F. Pratt

COMMENTS 86 Styles and State Formations Gordon R. Willey

REVIEWS 9V Ancient West Mexico: Art and Archaeology of the Unknown Past, edited by Richard Townsend Helen Perlstein Pollard

92 Daily Life of the Aztecs: People of the Sun and Earth, by David Carrasco with Scott Sessions Thomas H. Charlton

93 Pottery Ethnoarchaeology in the Central Maya Highlands, by Michael Deal Dean A. Arnold

Latin American Antiquity is indexed or abstracted in the Hispanic American Periodicals Index and Academic Abstracts. Copyright © 1999 by the Society for American Archaeology. All rights reserved. ISSN 1045-6635

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96 Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic, by Mark S. Aldenderfer Bruce Winterhalder

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