CIN: Computers, Informatics, & Vol. 28, No. 6, 345–352 & Copyright B 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins



Representing the This article describes a framework model within With a selected nursing classification system for the integration of nursing care processes into a clinical Nursing Terminologies information system. The ‘‘Electronic Nursing Pro- cess Data Model,’’ project was carried out from July in Electronic Medical 2004 to October 2006 in the Canton of Zurich in Switzerland. The Zurich Electronic Nursing Process Data Model integrates the nursing diagnosis, out- Record Systems comes, and intervention terminologies in a stan- dardized manner into the nursing care process A Swiss Approach within the electronic patient record. Findings of the pretest application in clinical nursing practices ALEXANDRA BERNHART-JUST, revealed that (1) functionalities are logically struc- tured, (2) it is difficult to overview many details of the Diplom-Pflegewirtin (FH) documentation, (3) a specific ‘‘to-do list’’ retrieved BRITTA LASSEN, CNS from the electronic system is needed, and (4) free- RENE´ SCHWENDIMANN, PhD text entries are important to add description of the patient’s situation.. Furthermore, a consistent as- sessment terminology needs to be linked to the nursing diagnosis, outcomes, and intervention ter- minologies and the descriptions of nursing care Worldwide, in healthcare systems, and particularly in hos- process within the Electronic Nursing Process Data pitals, information technologies enable their users to mon- Model. As the project team, we recommend to im- itor, control, and manage complex processes of patient plement the developed Electronic Nursing Process Data Model into professional software of clinical in- care. Over the last two decades, medical information 1–3 formation systems and gradually into clinical prac- systems have become ubiquitous. Now, as a logical tice. Therefore, an appropriate utilization strategy step in a process of continuous development, nurses with includes issues to improve nurses’ understanding advanced education in nursing informatics have begun of the nursing care process and critical-thinking to integrate the nursing care process, with its phases of skills: not even the most comprehensive software assessment, diagnosis, intervention, and evaluation of program can substitute for facilitation. outcomes, into electronic patient record systems.4–10 To document nursing care, several countries already use KEY WORDS 11,12 standardized terminologies. The development of such Clinical information system & terminologies, that is, of uniform classification of the com- Electronic nursing data model & ponents of nursing diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes, Electronic patient record & Nursing terminologies & NNN represents a key factor for the effective use of clinical in- formation systems that include electronic patient records.13 Standardized terminologies specify, define, and provide Author Affiliations: Center for and Development, Univer- access to relevant information sets, which represent the sity Hospital Zurich, (Mrs Bernhart-Just); Spital und Gesundheitszentrum state-of-the-art knowledge of nursing care.14 Their appli- Sanitas, Kilchberg (Ms Lassen); and Stadtspital Waid Zurich and Institute of Nursing Science, University of Basel, Basel (Dr cation in daily clinical practice is of particular signifi- Schwendimann), Switzerland. cance to communication between and within the various Diplom-Pflegewirtin (FH) is German equivalent of a master’s groups of involved healthcare professionals, beginning degree in nursing science from a university of applied science. with, but not limited to, nurses and physicians.15 Corresponding author: Alexandra Bernhart-Just, Diplom-Pflegewirtin (FH), Center for Nursing Research and Development, University Hospi- In 2004, the Nursing Service Commission of the tal Zurich, B SON 6, Ra¨mistrasse 100, CH-8091 Zurich, Switzerland Canton of Zurich, Switzerland’s Department of Health, ([email protected]). took preliminary steps toward integrating the nursing care DOI: 10.1097/NCN.0b013e3181f69bb3

CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing & November/December 2010 345

Copyright @ 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. process and the existing Nursing Performance Recording the ENPDM framework: the NANDA International system into its state hospitals’ evolving electronic patient (Philadelphia, PA); the nursing diagnoses of the records. To design a framework model, it launched the Center of Nursing Research and Development (CNRD) ‘‘Electronic Nursing Process Data Model’’ (ENPDM), (University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland); and the Uni- a project using selected nursing classification systems versity of Iowa’s Center for Nursing Classification and with the aim of integrating the nursing care process into Clinical Effectiveness (Iowa City, IA) NOC and NIC. the electronic patient records of a clinical information The basis for the development of the ENPDM was system. The purpose of this article was to describe a the Nurse Terminology Model, originally developed by framework model within a selected nursing classifica- Hughes and the North Wales Nursing Terminology tion system for the integration of nursing care processes Group,21–23 as well as experiences arising from the into a clinical information system. HANDS Project8 (Figure 1).

2. Linking and compiling each phase of the nursing care WORK OF THE PROJECT GROUP process using the components of the nursing diag- noses (NANDA, CNRD), nursing outcomes (NOC), and The ENPDM project was carried out between July 2004 nursing interventions and activities (NIC) terminolo- and October 2006. The development leading to the gies24 as a data model and the integration of that ENPDM framework is described in detail elsewhere16 and model into an electronic application (Microsoft Access is therefore presented only in brief here. The project team, 2003; Microsoft, Redmond, WA). Now, the ENPDM was consisting of nursing scientists (n = 5), clinical nursing available as an electronic patient record with testable specialists (n = 7), and computer specialists (n = 2) from functionalities for application in clinical practice. 14 hospitals conducted the following working phases. 3. Step-by-step testing and revision of the ENPDM 1. Integrating the steps of the nursing care process17–19 data model, applying four fully programmed relevant into the clinical context and selecting the following NANDA nursing diagnoses: ‘‘self-care deficit: feeding, existing nursing classification systems20 to construct toileting, bathing/hygiene, dressing/grooming’’; ‘‘anxiety’’;

FIGURE 1. Framework of the ENPDM. Reproduced with permission of Blackwell Publishing.

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Copyright @ 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. ‘‘acute pain’’; and ‘‘impaired mobility’’25 along with its tronic patient record to follow the flow of defined phases associated nursing outcomes (NOC)26 and interventions of the nursing care process in a logical sequence20 (NIC).27 To integrate the data model into an electronic (Figure 2). application, it was configured as a relational database Based on the clinical information input, the electronic (MS Access 2003). Between October 2005 and May patient record software automatically suggests suitable con- 2006, a total of four test runs of the ENPDM took place cepts and terminology from its database, along with cor- in each of the 14 participating hospitals. This third step responding nursing care processes or actions, and guides included the following: (1) The project team reviewed the nurses through the necessary steps for clinical decision whether the data model corresponded with the internal making. Open text fields are available for additional en- structure of the patient records in the different clinical tries in every phase of the nursing care process. Such entries settings; and (2) using a catalog of evaluation criteria, are summarized in a background course report. staff nurses from the 14 hospitals checked the function- The labels of the NNN terminologies are placed ality of the data model in the daily nursing care process within the text in the form of structural headings. There- documentation with regard to a real patient situation. fore, the nurses can easily enter or search for comments 4. The project team revised and adopted the data model within the course report. Moreover, with a filter func- according to the nurses’ evaluation criteria–based tion, it is possible to extract information ranging from feedback and the team’s review leading to the final individual comments to all topics. The primary course ENPDM. report bidirectionally connects nursing diagnoses, nursing outcomes, and interventions (including their individual FINDINGS activities) and the relevant comment fields. This enables the nurses to have two points of access to read and write The Zurich ENPDM has now integrated the NNN ter- comments and entries in the electronic patient record. For minologies (NANDA, NOC, and NIC) into the elec- each sequence of nursing diagnosis, intervention, and

FIGURE 2. Process flows in the Zurich ENPDM.

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Copyright @ 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. outcome, the respective definition is accessible in the elec- dicators to be assessed on a Likert scale. Furthermore, a tronic patient record. time is specified by which the debit value (the desired In the following sections, the resulting ENPDM is result state) should be reached. From the assessment to described using the six phases of the nursing care pro- the end of treatment, each recorded value will serve as a cess, including an explanation of the interfaces between reference for further measurement regarding the results the NNN terminologies. of nursing interventions. The documentation of the nursing outcomes with the Initial Patient Assessment and NOC terminology was the step that required the most significant shift in the nurses’ way of thinking. Few of Its Documentation the nurses were familiar with the vocabulary of the nurs- ing outcome language (NOC). Since no systematic, standardized assessment strategy compatible with NNN terminologies and the Zurich ENPDM is available, requirements can be outlined as Documentation of Planned follows. Information at different levels are needed to illus- Care Interventions trate the assessment phase within the electronic patient record. At the primary level, taxonomy of clinical care With reference to documented nursing outcomes, in- types and processes must serve for the initial patient assess- tervention options are suggested by the system. Once ment. This will then facilitate the start of the nursing care one is selected, individually defined nursing activities are process, based on the domains and categories of the com- assigned. Additionally, the software uses selected means 28 mon NNN Taxonomy of Nursing Practice. Subsequently, to suggest the level of competence necessary to carry out questions to categorize the health status of the patient a nursing activity. The individual nursing activities are will assist nurses in developing a focused assessment, converted into a work schedule in which all nursing in- which will lead to a well-informed nursing diagnosis. terventions, whether diagnosis related or diagnosis inde- The focusing assessment dialogs contain questions, pendent, are represented. So that the nurse can take into instruments, or scales specifically to assess the health account resources and preferences of a patient during in- problems and nursing care needs of the patient. With its terventions, they are explicitly stated on this schedule. signs-symptoms-etiologies structure, the recorded as- For timing and carrying out the nursing interventions sessment data can be assigned to appropriate items such for a patient, nurses have to choose a date and time. To as those used to formulate nursing diagnoses. The nurses facilitate this step, they stated that they would like to then have to validate their diagnosis clinically with the have a calendar in the electronic nursing intervention patient or his/her proxy and prioritize according to the area. Moreover, they would like to receive a printable 29 clinical situation. to-do list of all suggested NIC interventions and NIC activities, including dates and times. Establishing and Documenting the Nursing Diagnosis The Documentation of Executed Nursing Interventions When confirming the nursing diagnosis suggested by the system, the assessment data are assimilated and added to Planned and executed nursing interventions are docu- the nursing diagnosis, after which the relevant terminol- mented in the system in a manner visually different ogy is automatically integrated into the corresponding from those that have been planned but have not yet data fields. been executed. The nurses who tested the ENPDM were able to col- lect all the required patient-related data to document the nursing diagnoses. Because some nursing diagnoses The Evaluation of Nursing Outcomes could apply to relatives of the patients, that is, could be 25 Evaluation is an integral component of every phase of subject to a ‘‘knowledge deficit,’’ some of the nurses 30 asked for a box in the ENPDM to name the bearer of the nursing process. The individual outcome indica- the nursing diagnosis. tors (actual value) are given using a Likert scale and compared with the debit values of the outcome in- dicators (NOC). The measurements are represented The Observation of Desired Care Results graphically, including their indicator values at the be- ginning, current, and debit value including the time, Based on the nursing diagnosis, the system lists as- date, and signature of the nurse in charge. The evalu- sociated outcomes (NOC) as well as a set of result in- ation of the individual phases of the nursing process

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Copyright @ 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. allows the formulation of a summarized judgment, ac- Based on their experiences regarding the tests, the cording to which the strategy and effectiveness of care nurses judged the data fields and processes of the ENPDM planning can be evaluated and adapted. The nurses men- to be well structured and logical with the nursing pro- tioned that time intervals must be defined for the re- cess. The linkages between the nursing diagnoses, nurs- assessment of the NOC indicators. They also asked for ing outcomes, and nursing interventions appeared to be an automatic electronic request to evaluate the achieved helpful and time-saving for the nurses. nursing outcomes. Additionally, the nurses identified several strengths The components of the Zurich ENPDM are summa- of the ENPDM: compared with paper-based documen- rized in Figure 3. tation, the fixed concepts of the NNN classifications could increase the expressiveness of the nursing process Interfaces documentation; the common use of standardized con- cepts promotes a common language in clinical nursing The use of the ENPDM allows sharing of required data and in nursing records; and electronic documentation with the Swiss (CH-NMDS). will reduce the paperwork and lead to the end of ‘‘tir- However, in this context, the Swiss Nursing Minimum ing’’ consideration of free-text formulations. Data project aims at the mapping of the reference clas- The nurses also expressed a critical attitude regarding sifications of nursing phenomena and nursing inter- certain points, for example, the high level of detail in ventions with the NNN terminologies used here.31 The the documentation. They believed this would give them interfaces to the CH-NMDS have the option addition- too much to read, while raising the risk of a confusing ally to generate cost carrier invoice data based on the illustration of the electronic on documented nursing interventions. the display. The numerous conceptual choices could

FIGURE 3. The Zurich ENPDM.

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Copyright @ 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. make the documentation process complex in everyday actual interdisciplinary assessment, could be facilitated practice and would seem strange for nurses not familiar electronically. For the purpose of improved interdisciplin- with the concepts of the NNN classification and concept ary cooperation, additional questions arise about access terminology. The nurses realized that they have to adjust codes on electronic nursing records or the connection themselves from free-text documentation to the pre- between the nursing diagnosis and the medical Interna- defined concepts of the NNN classifications. They also tional Classification of Diseases diagnoses or diagnosis- emphasized the possibility to add free-text information related groups. Adding nursing diagnoses to medical where necessary to solidify the NNN classification con- diagnostic data is important: Diagnosis-related groups cepts. Finally, they considered a well-designed training and nursing diagnoses were significantly associated with course to be necessary for the users because most nurses hospital outcome variables.37,38 would have insufficient knowledge regarding the NNN What the nurses in our test reported missing the most classifications and their underlying concepts. was the opportunity to generate a working list or a to-do The following section discusses conclusively relevant list, specifying all the NIC interventions and NIC activities aspects of the testing phase of the ENPDM. they should carry out, from the electronic system.

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Inclusion of Software Vendors

32 With projects such as the one described here, thoughts According to Johnson et al, standardized technical lan- should be given to the option of including specialists guage and database development are prerequisites for and developers of software programs regarding the con- the development of health services by nurses. The Zurich ceptual, nursing-specific preliminary work of designing ENPDM may satisfy this prerequisite because it inte- grates the NNN terminologies in a systematic and stan- electronic nursing process documentations. An early co- operation with software vendors in such developmental dardized manner into the nursing care process within the processes can ensure that the provider of such programs electronic patient record. In addition to this result of test- consider and incorporate not only the demands of ing the ENPDM, we acknowledged important require- nursing managers and nurses working in clinics, but ments related to designing an electronic nursing record, also the requirements from the perspective of nursing the implementation of the NNN terminologies in an elec- science and research. In addition, automation of the tronic nursing record, and nursing education. nursing process should go along with and be integrated in the automation of activities of all other professions in Designing an Electronic Nursing Record healthcare (medicine, physiotherapy, etc) and comple- ment them.39 Based on NNN Terminologies When this project was started, all involved hospitals were working together with different software producers. An electronic patient record should be constructed logi- Because of this fact, a cooperation with software pro- cally and have a working interface that not only sup- viders was not up for discussion. The project team ports clinical decision making but also offers intuitive 33–36 wanted to deal with this task without being influenced use by nurses in their everyday practice. The func- tionalities of ENPDM with its nursing record appeared or affected by technical possibilities and limitations. In addition, the team wished to avoid favoring one soft- logically structured, as was confirmed by the nurses. ware provider over others, and the project team became Although the computer-based ENPDM piloted the too large. nurses systematically through all phases of the nursing process, the amount of collected data mushroomed, leading to dense and complex documentation.6 This raised objections from the nurses about the transparency Requirements for the Implementation of and clarity of the interface’s nursing documentation. the NNN Classifications in an Electronic With so many details crowding the display, it was diffi- Nursing Record cult for nurses to develop and maintain an overview of the nursing process documentation. This requires coop- The test of the ENPDM showed us that further develop- eration between system designers and implementers to ment is necessary of the documentation of the assessment find solutions suitable for clinical practice and also vi- phase within the electronic patient record. Despite that sually attractive and supportive in daily use.3 the assessment component is only outlined here, it is cru- In addition, the interfaces themselves should be con- cial to nursing diagnosis and all subsequent steps within sidered, for example, how interdisciplinary aspects such the nursing care process.17–19 Therefore, it is urgently nec- as those of medical and nursing assessments, or even an essary to develop assessment strategies and instruments

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Copyright @ 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. to examine and integrate them, in conjunction with nurs- ceptual understanding of the nursing care process, it is of ing diagnosis, into the electronic patient record. paramount importance to further promote critical-thinking With reference to the numerous choices of concepts skills and their translation into clinical practices. The re- that nurses could choose from the NNN terminologies, arrangement of the previous hard copy–based patient re- the test made it clear that the NNN terminologies must cords into a standardized electronic patient record will be filtered according to clinically relevant links and spe- remain a great challenge for many nurses for some cialist aspects such as use for specific patient groups or time.47,48 The nurses have to fully understand the con- specialty clinics such as maternity or care of older peo- cepts of the NNN terminologies7 and how they use them. ple. Otherwise, the NNN terminologies will not be fea- Moreover, to grant sustainability, the project’s managers sible for the nurses in their clinical settings.10 Another must support and facilitate the nursing staff to ensure challenge for nursing scientists and researchers is to adoption of the new system into their daily practice. build up the links between NANDA, NOC, and NIC on For a meaningful use of standardized nursing termi- an evidence-based level. This is also important for the nology, particularly the development and effective use integration of assessment instruments and the overall of electronic nursing process documentation, nurses lexicon of the standardized nursing terminologies.9,40–42 will obviously continue to play a key role.49 To face this In our tests, the nurses stated that, in some cases, the challenging issue, though, more nurses must achieve NNN concepts were not sufficiently concrete to describe profound competencies in the field of nursing infor- the patient situation appropriately. In the ENPDM, free- matics. Nursing informatics is very important for the text entries are available through every phase of the nurs- nursing profession: it combines information, nursing, ing care process, and nurses judge these opportunities as and computer science to communicate and manage in- important. To allow inclusion of all relevant details, free- formation and data to support decision making for text entries are considered necessary.43,44 healthcare providers and nurses alike.50 Accordingly, Because a detailed documentation will generate con- nursing educators and health institutions (hospitals, com- siderable data, it should be discussed with nursing prac- munity nursing homes, etc) have the responsibility to titioners, managers, and scientists, and so on, for which provide education at professional levels including BSN purpose which and how much nursing data will be nec- and MSN on this subject and include it in their curricula essary in the future. A challenge will be not only to col- and practice.1,49,51,52 For Switzerland, this is especially lect and store data but also to automatically analyze the important since no specific undergraduate or graduate data and extract meaningful information from it for nursing informatics education programs currently exist. different groups of interests.45 Considering the increasing use of information technolo- After testing the ENPDM, we recommended that the gies in the development of composite knowledge, hos- Nursing Service Commission of the Canton of Zurich im- pitals will soon demand correspondingly extensive and plement the developed Electronic Nursing Process Data user-tailored computer knowledge within the field of pro- Model into professional software of clinical information fessional nursing practice. With this report, based on the systems and gradually into clinical practice. Therefore, an nursing care process in Switzerland, the project team appropriate utilization strategy includes issues to improve hopes to stimulate professional discourse regarding elec- nurses’ understanding of the nursing care process and tronic patient records. critical-thinking skills because not even the most compre- hensive software program can substitute for facilitation. REFERENCES

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