Templeton trade nearly ready;

Smith's agent lowers demands : United Press International terviews with Sterling and newsmen present at the luncheon as well as Wbitey Herzog said the trade be- Sports in brief examination of an audio tape of the tween the St. Louis Cardinals and proceedings. involving short- nite answer by the weekend on At the luncheon, - Sterling was stops and Ozde whether he would be traded, or if ne- quoted as saying that he wanted his Smith is to completion. gotiations on the contract extension club to finish with the worst record Herzog, the Cardinals' would be resumed. . in the league this year so that the and general manager, said Smith's team could get the No. 1 draft choice agent, Ed Gottlieb, has lowered his Majcr League Baseball will con- next season. financial demands even though the duct its annual winter draft of free Sterling indicated he will make a two haven't talked in 10 days. agent amateur players Tuesday, strong effort to have the ruling over- "He's come down $340,000 al- with the 26 clubs hoping to find a turned. ready," Herzog said. "If he comes or a Dave Righetti from down another $200,000, he would be among a list of college dropouts, jun- FOR DEPAUL Ray Meyer, right in our area." ior college players or January high the toughest job sometimes is find- Gottlieb had been asking for a two-yea- r, school graduates. ing time to coach. $2 million contract for Smith Selections will be made by tele- From the time his "" but said he thought a deal could be phone conference call hookup from team made it to the NCAA final four worked out if the Cardinals offered the New York office of Commission- a few years ago, through the Mark Smith about $680,000, which is close er , beginning at 12:30 Aguirre era and his 600th college vic- to what Templeton made last year. pjn.EST. tory, Meyer has usually had a gaggle Herzog apparently is offering a 'The draft also will consist of a sec- of fans, camera crews, reporters and r, contract of a-yea- ondary phase base about $42500 in which players who hangers-o- n competing with the play- with incentives that could were previously drafted but not ers for his time and attention. bring that package up to about signed can be selected again. It's been no different this week as $500,000. The Blue Jays will get fourth-ranke- the he tried to prepare his d first selection in the regular phase of Blue Demons for Saturday's contest PHILLIES pres- the draft, with the Kansas City Roy- ' 68-ye- with Dayton the ar old ident Bill GOes said Friday he will -- als getting first choice in the second- coach's 1,000th game. officially notify that the ary phase. In both phases, the two "I suppose it's going to be a circus short- leagues club plans to trade the veteran alternate choices. again and L guess 111 be the ringmas- stop. ter," says Meyer." "It really doesn't Giles said he is letting Bowa's mean too much to me except that agent, Jack Sands, know that the I've had longevity and I've been Phillies wiU "pursue trade avenues" Donald T. Sterling, owner of the around a long time." for Bowa. He also admitted he was San Diego Clippers, was fined $10,-00- 0 trying to put together a deal with the by National Basketball Associa- THE UNIVERSITY OF Missouri for Ivan De-Jes- us. tion commissioner Larry O'Brien basketball team has received a ver- Friday for remarks made at a lunch- bal committment from guard Billy The Phillies have been exploring eon Thursday that were deemed Ronndtree of Wellsville-Middleto- n the possibility of trading Bowa, 36, "conduct prejudicial and detri- High School to attend school next two-ye- ar 6-foo- who is seeking a extension mental to the NBA." fall. Roundtree, t-l, is averag- to his current contract, which has O'Brien's actions against Sterling, ing 34.8 points per game this season one more year to , at a substan- who purchased the Clippers last for WeUsville. Roundtree is prohib- tial raise from bis present $250,000-a-ye- ar June, follows an investigation con- ited by NCAA rules from signing a -- salary. ducted by Jack Joyce, the NBA's Di-- national letter-of-intent- " to attend Giles had promised Bowa a defi- - rector of Security, which included in Missouri until April 8.