The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Intermittent Introduction (IF) is currently one of the world's most popular health and fitness trends. Everyone from celebrities, fitness experts, working professionals and retirees are using intermittent fasting to lose weight, improve their health and simplify their lifestyles. This new health and wellness trend has actually been around since humans first roamed the earth and suddenly it’s a new “secret” weapon for improved health and . Recent scientific studies confirm that in addition to being a healthy way to lose weight, intermittent fasting is very effective for improving a wide variety of health markers.

Over the vast course of human history, access to has oftentimes been limited based on geological location, weather and insect infestation which resulted in scarce means. These periods of food scarcity forced people to fast for short periods of time and our ancestors naturally adapted to these intermittent periods of food shortages. The human body in its infinite wisdom made good use of these times of food scarcity by cleansing and restoring our cells. Now that 24/7 access to an abundance of food is the norm, the practice of going without for short periods of time is basically nonexistent. This means our bodies are not given the opportunity to rest and recuperate as it had always been accustomed. This practice that was naturally part of our ancestors' everyday life is what we now refer to as “Intermittent Fasting.” Intermittent fasting might sound intimidating at first, but you will quickly become comfortable with it and your body will naturally adapt easily because it's rooted in our biology. Plus, this guide makes it much simpler to understand and of course you won't experience the stress of our ancestors being concerned about where our next will be found.

Wellness practitioners have been incorporating the healing properties of fasting into their practices since ancient times, as old as written history itself. Hippocrates, Socrates and Plato all recommended fasting for health recovery. Even though fasting has been around a long The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Intermittent Fasting

time, it is often misunderstood. In truth, our bodies are very well designed for fasting, but not for dieting. Our bodies are designed to fast periodically in order to rest, heal and burn stored .

One of the best things about intermittent fasting is that you can customize your plan to fit your lifestyle. You can choose how long your periods of fasting last and how long your periods of last. Depending on your lifestyle and schedule, you can create a plan of intermittent fasting that works well for you. And don't be intimidated by the term "fasting." Have you ever skipped breakfast and waited until lunch for you first meal of the day? Well, you've already fasted, probably many times over, right?

What Is Intermittent Fasting (IF)? Simply put, Intermittent fasting (IF) is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of eating and fasting. It doesn't exclude any of the that you normally enjoy, it simply restricts when you can eat them.

Rather than thinking of intermittent fasting as a "", think of it as a pattern of eating. This pattern of eating is much more attune with the way our ancient ancestors ate than what we are accustom to in our modern lifestyles. It wasn't until the past few decades that we had supermarkets and access to a wide variety of food 24/7.

Some may think of fasting in the strict technical sense, meaning abstaining from food and drinking only water over a designated period of time. However, over thousands of years, many liberties have been taken with the term, which most often means abstaining from some subset of food or drink over a specific period of time.

Fasting and Religion The King James Version of the Bible refers to "fasting" in numerous ways. In Luke 4.2, referring to Jesus, the writer says he "ate nothing during those days and at the end of them was hungry." One would assume Jesus did drink water during this time. Acts 9:9 says "For three days Paul was blind and did not eat or drink anything.” Clearly here, Paul didn't eat or drink. And Daniel 1:16 says, “so the guard took away their choice food and the wine they were to drink and gave them instead.” Here certain foods were limited, but not all food. In fact, based on this very Bible verse, today there is a very popular fast called “The Daniel Fast.” In the modern version of The Daniel Fast you will find that you can eat fruit, vegetables and grains and only abstain from animal products, sweeteners, leavened bread, refined products, fried foods, solid and beverages (other than water).

2 The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Intermittent Fasting

Fasting is not mentioned exclusively in Christian writings either. Days of fasting occur in almost every Abrahamic religion from Yom Kippur in Jewish tradition to the Islamic Ramadan. In the East, fasting is an important part of Hindu tradition with certain days set aside for fasting every week. In fact, every major religious observation mentions some kind of fast from Taoism to Mormonism; Sikhs and Buddhists and Eastern Orthodox. So, it follows that since fasting is such an integral part of every religion, there must be some basic human need for it.

Types of Intermittent Fasting There are two fundamental types of Intermittent Fasting - Time Restricted Eating and Periodic Fasting. Both methods allow the body to rest the digestive tract so it can perform the necessary restorative and repair work lacking in our fast-paced modern world. This is when the body burns fat most efficiently.

Time restricted eating simply decreases the window of time in which you eat each day. This allows the digestive tract longer periods of time to rest and recuperate before having to tackle the task of digestion again. It is generally accepted that time restricted eating can range between zero-twelve hours per day. One popular method of time restricted eating requires participants to eat only during an eight-hour window of time each day, leaving sixteen hours for the body to do its restorative work and fat burning. A more aggressive approach to this method is the 4/20 method, where you only eat during a period of four hours per day.

Periodic fasting typically calls for the participant to choose a period of time (most commonly two days per week) and greatly reduce or completely forgo food consumption over that period of time. Common methods of periodic fasting are the 5/2 (where you eat normally for five days per week and greatly reduce your calories for two days per week) and Alternate Day Fasting or Every Other Day Fasting (where you eat normally every other day and greatly reduce your calories every other day). Probably the most common and most researched

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method of periodic fasting is when the participant lowers calories to approximately 25% of usual daily intake during a period of two days per week.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture daily calorie recommendations for men and women depending on a variety of variables such as size and activity level are:

• Men: 2000-3000 • Women: 1600-2400

Using this range of 1600-3000 calories per day, 25% would be between 400-750 calories per day.

Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss We've discussed some of the incredible health benefits of intermittent fasting and there are numerous health and fitness enthusiasts who use intermittent fasting to maintain and improve health with no expectation or need for weight loss. However, the overwhelming reason most people decide to incorporate a regimen of intermittent fasting is for weight loss. As a tool for losing weight and maintaining ideal weight, intermittent fasting is unmatched. Why is intermittent fasting so effective for losing weight? There are varying opinions but the most likely reason is that when you fast intermittently you actually consume less food/calories overall. I believe this is true because when you are using a time restricted method of intermittent fasting you just don't have enough time throughout the course of the day to consume the same amount of food. When using periodic fasting, you are creating a calorie deficit on your fasting days. So as long as you don't binge on your non-fasting days, you should lose weight. That said, there are other scientifically proven reasons why intermittent fasting is such an effective method of weight loss. In addition to lowering insulin levels and increasing growth hormone levels, intermittent fasting releases the fat burning hormone norepinephrine (noradrenaline).

Due to the effect intermittent fasting has on hormones, intermittent fasting can boost your metabolism. In fact, one study showed an increase of between 3.6% and 14%.

Resting energy expenditure in short-term is increased as a result of an increase in serum norepinephrine.

References Enhanced thermogenic response to epinephrine after 48-h starvation in humans.

4 The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Intermittent Fasting

In addition, some studies have confirmed that intermittent fasting has a higher compliance rate than daily (traditional diets). I believe this to be the case. Think about it for a minute. Which would you rather do: 1. Watch what you eat (not eat the foods that you really enjoy) and eat in limited amounts every single day of your life or 2. Limit the time you eat each day (time restricted eating) or carve out two days per week to consume less calories and eat sensibly the other five days (periodic fasting)?

FAQ's Why should I Fast? Simply put, fasting allows you to lose weight quickly in the healthiest way possible. It provides your digestive system time to rest, allowing your body to use energy for cleansing, rejuvenating and burning fat. You will likely experience an increase in energy, mental clarity, relaxation and joy…and you are sure to lose unwanted pounds. When is a good time to plan my Fast? You can fast anytime, even while maintaining your usual daily activities. It is a good idea to schedule your first fast when you’re not obligated to attend business or family functions based around . How often should I Fast? Frequency is totally determined by your schedule, lifestyle and personal preference. We recommend periodic fasting for two days per week until you reach your weight loss goal and then once or twice a week as needed to maintain your ideal weight. Concurrently, we recommend time restricted eating beginning with a twelve-hour eating window per day and decreasing to an eight-hour eating window over time as you become more accustomed to fasting. Make it a habit, your body will thank you for it. How many calories will I consume per day on my periodic fasting days? We recommend consuming approximately 25% of your normal daily calories during your periodic fasting days. This equates to 400-700 calories per day depending on the individual. Don't stress about the exact amount, as long as you are in the range you will have good success. Please keep in mind, all calories are not equal. from are not the same as calories from organic meats, fruits and vegetables. Think nutritional content, not calorie content. You will experience less when consuming whole foods high in value compared with junk foods deplete of . Is it safe for diabetics to fast? Fasting (especially time restricted eating) is generally accepted as safe for diabetics but with any medical condition, it is highly recommended to consult your physician before starting a diet or program. Greatly reducing calories can cause a deviation in insulin, so caution is warranted for diabetics. It would be wise to start slower; perhaps by just skipping a meal or two at first and work up to a full day and then possibly two days. Again, be sure to check with your physician because blood sugar must be monitored very closely, especially if you are on medication.

5 The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Intermittent Fasting

Can I use intermittent fasting when I am on a low carbohydrate diet? Yes, intermittent fasting is more of an eating pattern than a diet. Intermittent fasting can be incorporated with most any dietary modality. Will I lose muscle when fasting? Loss of muscle is one of the concerns people have when considering intermittent fasting. If you were to fast for a long duration (a week or two) muscle loss would certainly be a concern. However, as short term as prescribed by the majority of intermittent fasting regimens, there is no evidence that indicates a concern for muscle loss. This study finds less lean muscle mass loss with intermittent fasting vs daily calorie restriction (traditional dieting). ( If I feel hungry, can I eat food during my Fast? Your brain is used to you eating all the time, so it is natural for you to feel hungry. But when you think about it, you might find that feeling of hunger is more a “phantom” of memory than actual hunger. We eat to be social and we eat when we’re bored, but for the most part true “hunger” comes about only in extreme circumstances. If you become hungry in between servings, drink a glass of water or have some green tea to help suppress your appetite. Should I drink water during my Fast? YES! Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Drinking water can serve as a natural appetite-suppressant by providing a filling sensation in the stomach. Additionally, during a fast your body will be unloading a variety of toxins into your bloodstream and colon. It is very important to help the body flush the toxins by drinking plenty of water. Can I drink coffee while on my Fast? If you usually consume caffeine, make sure to drink a cup or two of coffee or green tea to avoid a possible headache from caffeine withdrawal. However, avoid adding cream, sugar or artificial sweeteners to lessen your caloric intake. If cream is a necessity, use almond or coconut creamer rather than dairy as dairy is more difficult to digest and also takes longer to digest. Can I drink wine, beer, or any type of alcohol on my Fast? While alcohol consumption is not encouraged on fasting days (because the body will use the alcohol for energy rather than burning stored fat), most people experience positive results even while drinking an alcoholic beverage or glass of wine on their fasting days. Can I exercise on a Fast? You may want to take it easy on your first fast but all types of exercise routines are encouraged. There is a common misconception that eating is necessary to supply “energy” to the working body which is just not true. The liver supplies energy via gluconeogenesis. During longer fasting periods, the muscles are also able to use fatty acids directly for energy. As your adrenaline levels will be higher, intermittent fasting is an ideal time to exercise. Pay attention to what your body is telling you and adjust your exercise accordingly while you are fasting.

6 The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Intermittent Fasting

Will I experience any side effects on my Fast? During a period of fasting the body is burning stored fat, as well as cleaning out all the accumulated toxins that have built up over time—all the while rebuilding cells with new material. Fasting will cause your body to dump toxins so you may notice some detoxification symptoms such as headaches, fatigue or rash depending on your current level of toxicity. Be sure to drink plenty of water to help flush toxins from your system. What should I eat when I finish a Fast? Most people find they do not have much of an appetite coming off their fasts. Consuming small simple meals consisting of easily digestible foods such as smoothies, fruits and vegetables the first day after your fast is highly recommended.

Fasting Tips • Do not forget to drink water. We recommend 1/2 ounce of water for every pound of body weight on regular non-fasting days and one ounce of water for every pound of body weight on fasting days. Water provides a sense of fullness and helps flush toxins from your system. Sip throughout the entire day. • Stay busy. Believe it or not, scheduling your fasting days when your schedule is busy is a good strategy. Fasting is more mental than physical so keeping your mind occupied and keeping your attention away from the thought of food is very helpful. • Don't watch TV as you will see all sorts of commercials with delicious looking foods like pizza and hamburgers. And definitely don't watch the cooking channel. • Drink black coffee or green tea. If you normally drink coffee or any caffeinated products, it is highly recommended to have some black coffee or green tea on your fasting days. This will help prevent caffeine withdrawal headaches and will serve as a mild appetite suppressant; • When you feel hunger, slowly drink a hot cup of coffee, green tea or have a tall glass of water. Hunger doesn't last, it passes fairly quickly. Once you’ve finished your water, coffee or tea your hunger will most likely have passed. • Stick with it. There's an adjustment period with anything and fasting is no different. It will take some time to become accustom to fasting. Even if it's very difficult for you at first, it will get much easier with every passing day. Just hang in there, you will find fasting to be easy in no time. • Eat healthfully on your non-fasting days. Do not use non-fasting days as an excuse to eat whatever you want. Choose your foods wisely. Choose whole nutritious foods and stay away from heavily process foods such as cookies, candy, fried foods and junk food in general.

A few parting thoughts Hopefully this has provided you with a good understanding of the mechanics of intermittent fasting and encourages you to incorporate a plan of intermittent fasting into your lifestyle. It will take some will power to get started but it will soon come very naturally to you and the benefits you are sure to experience are well worth the effort.

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Intermittent fasting is a great tool in your health and wellness toolbox but to achieve optimal health you will need to follow a well-balanced plan. Sleep is very import so be sure to get at least eight hours per night. Be sure to take time each day to relax and reduce stress in your life as best as possible. And of course, exercise is very important. The body is designed to move every day, so be sure to create movement even if it's simply running in place. taking the stairs or going for a relaxing walk with your best friend. Be sure to constantly experiment with new and recipes of healthy foods that you haven't tried before. Lastly, don't eat during your set time of fasting and eat healthy, enjoyable foods during your time of eating and be sure to take the time to enjoy every bite.