A BUSINESS EDUCATION. LINES DRAWN IN UNION. HflRITALJLJSSJON EST Practical Studies Now in the DESPERATE TRAMP'S flCI THREE IN THE FIGHT NOW 100MENCJI1SED THIEVES The Anti-Race-Track Crusaders HENRY CLARK GOT HIS WIFE Course at the Plainfield STABBED A WOMEN WHO REFUSED SOMERVILLE STREETS MUCH IN THROUGH AN ADVERTISEMENT. are Beginning to Stir CULPRITS CAUGHt AFTER SEVERAL High School. TO GIVE HIM MONEY. DEMAND BY TROLLEY CAPITALISTS. BLOCKS HAU BErN RUN. Themselves. girrtod Three Mouth* Ago and Mo The success of the new commercial The Outrage Committed on Mrs. A Somerset Traction Company, Composed Union county up to the present has Two Farmers Took la Bicycle Lamp bat Their Trial* Am Aired In Court— department at the PlainfiVld High Moeblni la New Market Jut at Doak of Local Capitalists, the latest Ap- ;ooldu't Live on SO CenU a Wee been unusually quiet on the subject Were Detected aold Bun to Earth by School is now assured. The introduc- Laet Night—Be made HIa Km plleanta—Cash Consideration Demanded. an Indignant Crortrd—Held for Trial. After three months of experience tion of that department was in a of the anti-gambling amendments. Scarcely a day has passed during With two syndicates of capitalists Pursued by fully a hundred angry Henry Clark's matrimonial dream has measure an experiment which was This has been largely due to the ab- the past month but what an outrage already striving to get the right of men on foot, a liorse, with buggy proven a decided failure. The alleged watched with considerable anxiety by sence of the great anti-race-track has been perpetrated in some part ol way through Somerville for a trolley crusader, Rev. Dr. Kempshall, from attached, dashed uj> Watchung avenue trouble was that Mrs. Clark could nor those in charge. The success of simi- Middlesex county by a tramp, and road, a third has now appeared upon the county, and also to the fact that last evening soon after ten o'clock, Bve on fifty cents a week. iMftl lar departments in other public edu- last night the quiet hamlet of New the scene to complicate the decision of Richard V. Lindabury, that other while between tho two men who •"TlJreelnonths ago Henry Clark was cational institutions seemed to warrant Market was the fated point of operation the Bridgewater Township Commit- champion of the cause, is likewise no occupied the seat was the cause of all •"bachelor. He saw his friends mar- the establishment of one here, but it of one of these worthless characters. tee. The new applicant is the Somer- longer a resident of Union. the trouble, a bicycle lantern. ried ogevery side and_his_ past sixty needed a practical trial to see whether Just about 6 o'clock a coal train set Traction Company, composed of yearThaTbeen fraught wittftroubloe. Plain field really wanted such a branch Tomorrow, however, the ball will be But to begin at tbe beginning. passed through the town on the Lehigh local capitalists. At the last meeting set ln motion by the reading of the Joseph Nelll, or East Second street, Be dreamed of a happy home and of learning. The High School has Valley Railroad, and a few minutes of the Committee they formally made Beat wife to keep it for him, and so he now been in seesion for two weeks and appeal of the State Citizens' League went down town with a party of friends, after a hard looking character, togged application for the right of way from the pupils of the various churches lastevenlng.and together they stopped •et forth to have the dream come true the large number of pupils in that de- out in rags and tags, with a scrubby through the town. Sot knowing any eligible women thai ment seems without doubt to prove its throughout the county. Most of the at Findlay's saloon] on East Second growth of beard on bis face, a husky They were represented by Alex. C. clergymen, it is understood, will street. Neill rode bis whael and left salted him, nor having the inclination usefulness. voice, and, in fact, ail the attributive Young, of Hoboken, who asked the or courage to pass through all the in- preach to their flocks on the necessity It in the vestibule. ; While Nei'l and The commercial department in- appearances of a typical tramp, came Committee to defer action on the or vigorous, energetic work if the his friends were in there, two strangers tricadM of a courtship, he inserted an cludes book-keeping, which was for- ambling towards the'little depot that other applications until that of the advertisement in the personal column constitutional amendment is to be entered. merly taught in the High School, serves the patrons of the railroad in company he represented could be carried. Neill thought thjelr actions were of a New York paper and waited. A stenography and typewriting. The that section. The fellow lurked about properly brought before them. reply came and a woman of thirty-five The ministers will call upon their suspicious and hei watched. They latter studies are new. Book-keeping the depot platform for sometime in a It was stated by Chairman Gullck eame to see him. The appearances congregations to see to it that the hung around the wheel for a few mo- was never particularly successful un- listless manner, casting furitlve that the Committee had decided to de- raited the aged suitor and they were vote of every one known to be opposed ments, and then one of them guarded der the old regime, but now that a glances aroundabout every few mand a cash consideration of $5,200, promptly married and went to live on to race tracks be cast on Sept. 28th. the door while, Neill claims, tbe other practical instructor, Mr. Sandford, is seconds as if fearful of the appearance to be paid to the collector before the Somerset street The Epworth League and Chiistian removed the lamp. in charge, the classes are progressing of an officer of the law. franchise became operative, and to Endeavor Societies will also taka a When Nelll saw tbe lamp disappear, Tne details of the matrimonial very satisfactorily. The accommoda- Not far from the depot and fronting bind the successful company to com hand in the fray, and are arranging he called to his friends and made a dream did not turn out as Clark bad tions of that department are stretched the railroad tracks sets a modest little mence work within 35 days, and have to hold a series of meetings through- break to the door. Those around him expected them to and there was to their utmost to accommodate the house, occupied by A. Moebius, the the road in operation within four out the county to arouse the moral and heard the words "bicjycle" and "thief," trouble between the couple. It con- pupils that .have taken up that course. village barber, and wife. It was half- months of the date of granting the religious element as it was stirred up and they forthwith started after. Tbe tinued until yesterday when Mrs. There are over forty in that one class past six o'clock and Mrs. Moebius was franchise. Both companies agreed to in 1893, when the race-track gamblers news spread like lightning and fifty dark made a complaint to the police at present. The commercial course busily engaged in preparing the eve the demand, and the Brunswick Com- and their supporters in tbe Legisla- men went dashing up the street. In that her husband would not support finds its most supporters from among ning meal for her husband when she pany agreed to macadamize the road ture met their first overthrow. the meantime the two strangers had the lower grades of the High School, her and City Judge DeMeza was called heard a vigorous knock at the back from Somerville to Bound Brook, 28 The t»fo organizations have also a jumped into a wagon and started as the other pupils have started in the in to hear the story. door. feet wide, providing it was allowed to plan undfer consideration which prom- down Second street at a breakneck other courses and are therefore less The trial was held this morning. As Mrs. Moebius opened the door a place its tracks in the middle of the ises to be more effectual in the forth- speed, running their horse. Neill nclined to give them up. In the Mr. and Mrs. Clark appeared and burly-looking man stepped forward roadway. After the applications of coming'struggle than all the meetings headed the pursuers, and passersby Fourth class, where the pupils have neither appeared in a good humor. and planted his form ln tne aperture. the Philadelphia and New York and that could be held. This is to make heard tbe yells anjd joined in the the right to choose their course, the She claimed that her husband would In the dim light that was fast fading the Brunswick Companies had been a house-to-house canvass after the chase. ' commercial course is very popular. only give her fifty cents a week on into darkness Mrs. Moebius discerned amended to comply with the new con- manner of practical politicians a "Stop, there. Stop, there," yelled which to run tbe household and care The Board of Education has pur- the features of a man whose very ditions, they passed their second read- couple of days before election and see the pursuers. It was thought that •« lor herself. He retorted that she re- chased four brand-new Remington sight brought terrorizing fears that ing, and further action was deferred to it that every supporter of tbe wheel had been stolen and every ceived $2 a week. The couple fought typewriters of the latest model, and on his purpose of calling was no good until Wednesday, September 22d, at 2 amendment Is supplied with a ballot wheelman was only! too glad of the numerous verbal battles before the them the pupils in that department one. The stranger did not stammer p. m. On election day also they are to have chance to run to earth one of the Judge oould silence them and then he will learn. They were secured through or hem in making his purpose evident, Hon. J. J. Bergen, Dr. Chichester tally sheets prepared with the Darned dreaded bicycle thieves. The pursued pronounced the husband guilty and F. W. Andress, of East Fifth street, but in a threatening tone of voice and John C. Shaw all spoke in the in- of all such voters on them and have and pursuers turned into Watehung held him under $100 bonds to pay her who is agent for Wyckoff, Seaman & made his demands. terests of the New York and Philadel- committees appointed from both so- avenue. : |4 a week. Benedict, makers of the Remington "Say, mum, I'd like to have some phia Company, setting forth its claims cieties to take charge of the work in The chase came to j an end very soon. machine. money from jou. I'm dead broke to the right of way. G. A. R. COMMANDER DEAD. each ward and township of bringing Patrolman Myers {was on duty in Mr. Sandford, the instructor in this and I know you kin help me," said Mr. Snaw in a brief address said voters to the polls. front of the Cycle Academy and heard Sarrtvea the War to Meet Death on department, is thoroughly up ln the the tramp. that the application of the New York The intention is not to confine the. the yells. He ran toward the railroad a Trailer Car. branches th«* he teaches and has also "I haven't got any money to spare and Ph'ladelphia Traction Company work of the Endeavorers and Leaguers bridge and met tbe t alloping horse in The following communication has the faculty of imparting his knowledge for you," said Mrs. Moebius in a was really the only one before the Com in this respect in Union county ftlone, the road. The dilver pulled tha been received from Assistant Adjutant to those he is teaching. He has made tremulous voioe. mittee. They had the number of con- but to carry |t on throughout the animal to one side but the officer General Frank O. Cole, of the Depart- a very favorable impression, so far, "Well. I can't help what you ain't sents necessary to obtain the fran State wherever a branch of thes k or- made another ju^np and finally ment of New , O. A. R., and will on the pupils, all of whom speak very got to spare. I wan't some money, cbise, while the New Brunswick Trac- ganizations exists. - grabbed the animal. explain itself: highly of blim. Another year will d'ye hear?" responded the stranger, tion Company had presented no con It is claimed that by this kind of Neill came up and explained the To the Department cf New Jersey. G. A. R.: probably see still further improve- and Mrs. Moebius noticed that he sents, and it was well known that they electioneering many persons opposed situation while the \ crowd gathered Comrades—It becomes my sad doty to ments in this line of work at the High moved his fingers as though be was could not obtain them. to race-tracks, but who, through around and glared otninously at the jotifj th« members of this Department of the School, now that the success of the ex- clasping something in their grasp. The Brunswick Company was repre apathy, indifference or neglect, might pair of captives. i tetfa of our beloved Commander, Emanuel periment is assured. Patrolman Mattox came up and hadi. He paid an official visit to Poet no. ln "I tell you, sir, I haven't got any sented by Lawyer Weigel, of New fail to vote, will be brought to the assisted in locking up the men, who - Imrk, last night, and while returning home Prlsa Winners at Catholic money for you,and I order you to leave Brunswick. ballot-box and thus help to gain a luthrown from a trolley car; in falling he Great crowds of people were in at- this property," replied Mrs. Moebius, The Somerset Traction Company sweeping victory for the cause. first handed back the lantern which •nek oil head, fracturing his skull, and died summing all her courage and putting agree, to construct as good a macadam lay between them. tatatly. tendance at the bazaar and peach fes- GEESE FOR PRIZES. tival in Lyceum Hall last evening 03 a bold front. roadway along its tracks as either of Tbe men gave their names as John Th* funeral services will be held on Mon- B. Peaney and Timothy Ingram, both *r.8ept.aoUi.at nao.n. .. from Hedolng under the management of the Cath-1 'You won't give me any money, the other companies. Local Wing lihota H.U a Fine Time at m Park avenue be- IE. ehorcfa. Jersey City. It U earnestly lie Club and the Ladies' Sewing So- eh? Well, then. I'll show you you'd Percy Ohl'ii Farm. of whom live near THE POSTMASTERSHIP. Yailey Railroad •Wdthat as m*ny posts as possible will at- ciety of St. Mary's church. Last better," exclaimed the tramp in a About thirty prominent sportsmen yond the Lehigh t«dors»nd representatives. The G. A. B. Peaney owned the rig and night was the closing night of the menacing tone. ity Clerk MacMurray and J. and their friends eDJoyed yesterday crossing, Wl tssemble at Wood's Hall. 3ic Barrow He had hardly got the words out of works for his father, while Ingram •wet Jersey City, at l o'clock p. m. festival. Among the prizes were a Fred MacDonald The Most afternoon at Percy 0. Ohl's farm. The members of Winfleld Scott pair of gold link sleeve buttons, which his mouth when he made a lunge for- There was, with the other amuse- has a family and farms on his own ac- fwt.Ho.73rG. A. R., will take the were awarded to Mrs. George J. ward and Mrs. Moebius saw the flash Active Candidates. ments, a shooting match at live bird?, count. I uao a,m train Monday morning. of a blade in a big Jack knife. The Already the wires are beginning to two geese being the prizes. Charles Thi y admitted they were drunk and fuUj uniformed, Tobln; a Dresden clock, to Rev Father Murphy; a gold scarf pin, to fellow raised bis arm and brought It lighten through the preliminary ef- Smith carried off the honor of the day Peaney said be took; tbe lantern but down with force over the beast of forts of tbe candidates for the Plain- by killing seven straight. Chas. Lister did not mean to steal! it THE BOYS ORGANIZE. Mrs. J. H. Hill man ; a diamond ring, to Miss M. Murphy, of Summit, and Mrs. Moebius. The razor like blade field poetmasterehlp. Tbe term or with one miss got the other goose. They were fined $io by City Judge I- b "* *• ••» Fraction In Bow to a gold-headed cane, to David Kenney. cut through the dress of Mrs. Moebius, iffice or Postmaster Hetfield does not Quite a number of the contestants got DeMeza for reckless {driving and then but was prevented from entering the spire until the first of next June, but five. The birds were an extra strong held for the grand jury in $50 bail by a Mertlr.K Birthday Party. flesh by the point striking on a corset there are already several—nay, many and good lot, which, with the wind Justice Nash on the eharge of grand The members of the Boys' Club or Last night a birthday party was steel. —who are anxious to secure that poei blowing hard, made the marksman- larceny. They pleaded not guilty to Ranized into a club last evening, with given at the residence of Mr. Leahy Mrs, Moebius gave a piercing tion when the next Incumbent for that ship worthy of favorable comment. the latter charge. John Cline, president, Joseph Oal- ln honor of Miss Kitty Leahy, it scream and staggered backward. The fflce is appointed. Of course, he onith, vice-president, and Clarence being her nineteenth birthday. Games The refreshments and edibles were An Kxehange of Idea*. tramp quickly closed the knife blade will be a Republican who will get that WtMen. secretary. The president ap and dancing were the order of the very much enjoyed. The entertain- An Interesting meeting of the and with an oath ran hastily down the valuable plum. Hinted Wilbert Bentlif, Nelson Peter evening. Among those present were: ment was given under tbe auspices of Woman's Relief Corps was held last road. Miss Moebius then hastened There are already a dozen candi- •oaand/ohnHonan as a committee Miss-Minnie Welch. Minnie Callaban. Henry Hauratid. evening in their rooms on Front street, to the barber shop of her husband on dates in tbe field, but tbe two who «•Improvements, and Wm. Reynolds, Kitty Duffy, Annie Oleary. Kitty and Amusements of various kinds were when reports concerning the recent the other side of the pond and ave been most prominently named •j™ Sprague and B. Higgins as a Mary Leahy, Mr. and Mrs Oleary, continually in order. The perfor- Buffalo encampment: were given by hysterically told of the brutal attack p to the present day are City Clerk ooomittee on amusements After the Mr. and Mrs. James Strapp, Mr. and mance of Capt. T. Keller and bis Dutch the women and a number of Q. A. B. she had been subjected to. She was . T. MacMurray and J. Fred Mao- ronane business a general discussionMrs. Eugene O'Reilly, Mr. and Mrs soldier in the and manual of arms men who were present. Nearly every- so confused that she could scarcely Donald. The time for lively work has •oo« Place and many sugg.-etions were Leahy, Messrs. Vail, Reynolds, was particularly funny and heartily one had something to offer and the talk intelligible, and a minute after not come yet, but it is said that the 8"»n. The members were invited to Heidbury, Southard, Callahan, Duffy. applauded. exchange of thoughts and ideas proved her arrival at thef-barber shop she fell city clerk is securing names on a pe- «">mJt to the committee on improve- Miss Sarah Morrison. At midnight very entertaining. At the close re- into a swoon. There was only one or tition asking that he may be appointed Brown Lradi the Motormen. ment* suggestions for an emblem for all departed wishing the hostess many freshments, consisting or coffee, cake two in the shop at the time, and with to the position. His chances are said Motorman Wm. Brown Is now ««cJab. The club will hold its meet- happy returns of the day. slightly in tbe lead ln the voting con- and sandwiches were served by the »8» Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock. the attention that she demanded and to be good, and he is credited with women. i the faint description she had given of having some of the leading Republi- test at the Indian fair as the most »• Weaof this club is to get the co John Daly to Do Advance Work. popular motorman on the street rail- Says He Wu Held np. Jetton of the boys and to give them John Daly, who was Rich & the man and bis actions there was no cans ln the city at his back. Clarence Demareat, or Park ave- attempt made to follow the desperado. It seems almost certain that Mr. way. Motormen Welch and Martin •ome practice in conducting meetings. Mtu-der's manager last season with are close behind him. The contest for nue, claims to have been held up on the 'Kidnapped" company, has signed After several minutes it was found MacDonald is another sure candidate Park avenue, Thursday evening at 10 •jV«U~TWef |n B,,,D4 Brook. the ring for tbe most popular teacher contract with "At Plney Ridge" that Mm. Moebius did not revive and and will make a strong effort for tbe "•Wcycle thief has been continuing Is also very Interesting. Last evening o'clock, and robbed of 35 cents ln Dr. Witford was sent for. He treated place. company to do their advance work there was a good crowd present and change. He says that be was riding "• aepredations in Bound Brook. her, but it was 10 o'clock before she Another name, that of a prominent this season. Mr. Daly commences his the receipts were gratifying to those home and was passing between Wednesday, the Crescent bicycle be- fully regained her senses and then citizen of the Second ward who has uties in Brooklyn next Monday. The ln charge. Tbe fair will be oontlnued Holly's Corners and Avon Park when """glng to James Donnelly was stolen her nerves were almost shattered. played an important part in the recent sompany is booked in week and three this evening and Monday evening. On be noticed a rope stretched across the »»m in front of his home. The wheel She spent a very uncomfortable night, National election, is mentioned, but road. He Bays that he dismounted l1897 model No light stands ln the principal western Monday evening the contests will be - - 302.541, but this morning appeared to be all there Is no affirmation given to the nl8bed ln maroonM d ,nd southern cities. The many friends decided. ' and that two strange men sprang at f Mr. Daly will be pleased to learn right. tumor. him and emptied bis pockets of what £ d w1^Vwith Crescent single tube tires. of his rapid rise in the theatrical There is no clew to the identity of Flooded the Street. Organ Recital* to Be Ulren. change he had. The choir of the First Presbyterian JJted saddle and ramshorn handles world, this being bis second season on the man that committed the outrage. While Street Commissioner Cono- Fonnd tbe Chock He Lout. the road. ver's men were engaged yesterday church will begin work for the winter at the service tomorrow morning. In Al x. Kane, of Cottage place, lost a rolling Sycamore avenue, they acci- for $108.31 last evening while •*ay for Uituiatfpd Hieyclewheel. . A rutting Rector. Umllj Berriee. dentally struck one of tbe hydrants the evening, and continuing until case or John Porter against Rev. Appleton Grannie, of Caldwell, The- Congregational Sunday-school further notice, will be given an organ going down town from his home. He with the heavy roller, breaking tbe searched all along the way and went 1, in tort, was tried y.-ster- s expected to preach at Grace P. £. returns to tbe afternoon hour of meet- hydrant off at the main.causing a rush recital of fifteen or twenty minutes, beforc Justice Nash sburch tomorrow night. Those who ing tomorrow. Instead of the regular beginning at 7:30, proceeding the ser- home after a lantern when he found of water which flooded the street for the check In his own1 door yard where i-menjury. The suit was to have heard Mr. Grannie before, even exercises a programme has been ar- some time. Mr. Conoverimmediatily vice. Townsend Fellows will sing at ranged which can but prove interest- he had dropped it., He was a very lamages don- to a bicycle b- though they may not know or tbe telephoned to the water company, and tbe serviie tomorrow morning. ! to all, since Rev. E. Morris Fer- thankful man then. *»8ingto the plaintiff 8 daughter and large amount or work he has acoom-1 jng the damage was at once repaired. Burnett Property Sold. "•amount claimed was 812.50. The plished during bis short ministry, will :, of Trenton, a well-known Sun- The pal» of the real estate owned by Ret of BarneM stolen. lWy br«>ught in a verdict of $10. be Interested to hear and see him day school worker and a stirring Change of Meeting Place. The barn of Dafrid Randolph, of The meeting to consider the Bchool the late Henry Burnett, of Washing- again. speaker, is to make the address; and tonville, was held Thursday afternoon. Avon Park, was entered and robbed the popular bass singer, Charted S. suffrage and race-track amendments tier's is Leggetfs pharmacy?7 —Neuman Brothers, the Watchung The estate consists of a homestead of a set or harness and a fly on avenue grocers, will receive today 250 Lewis, is to sing, and the no less pop- to the State Constitution will be held Wednesday evening. As a party of Monday evening, Sept. 30th, at 8 and twenty-three acres of ground, and Clark8aytheir baskets ot the finest canning and ular Prof. Conde Is to play the violin. 1 gypsies spent tbe night ln that vicin- 120~^t v »>at store. o'clock, at the home of Henry B. was bought In by the widow for $1,200 " We8t Front street, is one of the table peaches ever shown in this city. The roll of the school, the home de- ity, it is supposed that they committed 8toan AD other tract of land, 40 acres, S^ d a large variety or This choice fruit must be disposed of partment, and the Cent-a-Day Club Wells, on Washington avenue. Instead the tbert. of at the Park Clubhouse as was an- b rought $ .65. The property averaged ^^'^^.^^only tonight, and prices will be lower than will be called, and all who are inter about $10 an acre. —Additional locals on third page. ever before. ested to attend will be welcome. nounced in but night's Press. PLAINFIELD DAILY PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1897

IMPROVEMENT^ BUSINESS. Han. Fear a Beaetloa, fc«t Daa'a Bevlew GRILLES KILLED W_k HOB. Doe* Hot Think ThU Probable. NEW TORK. Sept. 18.—R. G. Dun & FOB DOOBWATS A9D ABCBES, 15 STOCK 1SB TO OEDKB), The Crowd Made Mincemeat oJ Co.'s weekly review of trade says: AT THE FIRE-PLACE STORE President Diaz's Assailant. The end of the bituminous coal strike and the return of many thousand men CURTIS M. THORPE. 310-312 PARK AVE. to work at advanced wages adds to the purchasing power of the people, and the ©'NeilPs. HACKED TO DEATH WITH K5IVES. anthracite region affects not a fifth a» many workers. The starting of many TRY Arroyo, tlM Would Be Aua>«ln, Wa« la mines and works, the enormous exports • StrmJghtJmcket and Coald Oilier of wheat and corn, the favorable news J. F. MACDONALDS as to those crops and , the fall In AUTUMN DRESS GOODS. Wo RraUtann* to the MOB Who sterling exchange and the report show- Our BIG DRESS GOODS SECTION is one of the most inter- Him. Ing that gold imports began In August, FROM aoc /^*OFFEEi exceeding exports by S2.39O.587, while esting places a woman can visit these early September days. The CTTT OF MEXICO. Sept. 18.—A most merchandise exports exceeded imports she.ves and counters are heaped high with the best products of the TO 35c. per )b. ^^^ Our 15c. is sensational ending to the attempt on by S40.953.753, have all contributed to great manufacturers of Europe and America. New Colors, NewT to make friends.j and ._ the life of President Diaz occurred forward the improvement In business. Desipaa, New Weaves, preet > on at every turn. when Arnulfo Arroyo was lynched by a The replenishment of stocks cannot be Guaranteed to equal 50c 20c. in the grain has no bund of the common people determined half finished, though some who could see Fashion has stamped PLAIDS as one of the leading styles for ^. 60c. goods or money equal. •n revenge. no sign of Improvement a few weeks Autumn and Winter. We anticipated thif, and now have, we believe, It was an act unprecedented In thageo are now finding It so vast and rapid the largest and best collection of PLAID DRESS STUFFS in Newrefunded. j bl'tory of the country. A number ot that they fear reaction. But reasons men belonging to the common people for apprehension are not urgent. When YorL—over Three Hundred Styles to choose from. Send or call for samples—we arc pleased to give them. forced their way into the municipal the tide rises after four ye»rs of de- palace, ascended the stairway, over- pression, it does nut fall again after four A HINT AS TO PRICES: Telephone 49 B. 186 East Front Street. eame the guards and made their way to weeks. the office of the inspector general of po- Plaids - 39c. to 89c Bilk and Epingline Plaids, lice and killed Arroyo, whom they found The wheat market has declined over and Wool Plaids, 75c to 1.49 there. 4 cents on account of crop reports which J. T VAIL, Real Estate and Insurance. The killing was a wild and savage promise larger prosperity, and corn and 50a to 1.49Zibeline Plaids 98c to 1.85 scene and was followed by.a wild and cotton are both a little lower for like Camel's Hair Thuds, 98c to 2.49 Silk and Wool Plaids, 1T7 NORTH AVENUE. noisy retreat. reasons, yet estimates of the highest Vicuna Plaids - 75c to 1.39 50c to 1.49 The assistant chief of police, who wasfinancial authorities regarding require- •leeping in an adjoining room, was ments from this country are not small- Scotch Plaids - - 60c to 1.15Velvour Plaids 75c to L19 er, but larger than before, while better All Wool Meltonette Plaids, Silk and Wool Armure Plaids, prospects In Argentina. Australia and 75o to L39 55c to 98c India hold out no promise of large Eu- The WATCHUNG DAIRY, ropean supplies, or of atfK. until winter Is about over Atlantic exports of wheat, flour Included, are more than Novelties in Plaid Back Golf Cloaking double last year's each ^eek. Corn de- No. 327 Watchung Avenue. clined over 1 cent, with growing belief that the yield will surpass estimates. AT EXGEPTIOHALLY MODERATE PRICES. Opened by Mr. B. Meyer, for the sale of STRRILIZEt) MTT,^ Cotton was depressed from "Vi to *H from the Riverside Stock Farm, at Finderne Orders left at the dairy cents, with favorable news of yield, al- All purchases (except Bicycles) delivered free to any point within 100 though the mills are now consuming miles of New York City. will be delivered daily free of charge. We also keep on hand « with great rapidity. supply of cream, eggs and butter from the above farm. An inspection Failures for the week have been 101 of oar dairy by the public and a trial order of our milk is respectfaDv In the United States against 317 last Sixth Avenue, 20th to 21st St., N. Ysolicited. . ,• year, and 40 in Canada against 12 last year. NATIONAL LEAGUE. HIRE'S SPECIALS 8eo*M of the BaMball Gam** 1 MID-SUMMER At Brooklyn- FOR THIS WEEK. Brooklyn 0 10 1 0 0 0 0 3—5 INTERIOR DECORATIONS Washington .. .10291 000 0—4 LUXURY! Brooklyn—Hits. 12: errors. 2 Wash- Enterprise Fruit and Wine ington—Hits, 12: errors. 4. 100 000 At Boston- Presses, Cedar Mill and Press, WAI I ' PRESIDENT DIAZ, Boston (130010C •—17 Peach Baskets, Mason and froro- We are awakened by the noise. He arose and New York 00000000 o— 0 ran to the balcony, filing his pistol aa a Boston—Hits. la. errors. 0 New York Lightning Rubbers, Tin ToLeggett'- s Witch Hazel pared to furnish estimates on all interior work at t signal for help. —Hits. 5: errors. » matoe Cann. Preserving able prices. At the same time he called to a po- At Baltimore— . Kettles, Dahlia Poles, Stove Fresco Painting. Lincrusta Waltcn. Graining. Mceman who was In sight to make an Baltimore 1 * 000004 ?—11 Soap. attempt to detain the lynchers. who Philadelphia .. 10000401 0-6 and Furnace Repairs. Orders Relief Work. Anaglypta. Burlaps, wern making their escape. Baltimore—Hits. IS: errors. 0 PhlU taken for Bulbs and Roots of The firing of pistols and the whist lea delphia—Hits. 11; errors. 3. 10 Cents a Cake, ef policemen brought other policemen, Second game— all kinds. who succeeded In capturing a score ot Philadelphia 0100100 0—2 person*. Baltimore 1 0000000—1 3 for 25 Cents. It was net long before the tnspectot Philadelphia—Hits. 7: errors. 2. Bal-WE GIVE EDWARD LOV1E general and Inspector Villavicencio ar- timore—Hits, 5: errors. 1. Game called rived on horseback. When the police on account of darkness. entered the room, they found the body At Cleveland-- TRADING STAMPS. •f Arroyo lying on the floor. Cleveland 24500011 *—14 211-215 North Ave. It was literally hacked with knife Cincinnati 30000000 0—3 •tabs. Cleveland—Hits. W; errors. J. Cincin- The J. P. Laire At his side were founi a door bar and nati—Hits. 10; errors. Z. Leggetfs Pharmacy, sereral knives and other steel Instru- At Plttsburg— ments. Pittsburg 20220000*— 6 Hardware Co. T.M O.A.BuildinR. TelephoneKo. 4. FALL STYLES Aa examination showed that the panes St. LoVls 00.0 020000— 2 IN «f a window were broken. The men PltU >urg—Hits. 9: errors. J St. Louis Telephone Call* I. Mlv who were capturett would not say any-—Hlt< 7; errors. 2. TOUR TO GETTYSBURG, Derbies, Alpines and Oents* Furnishings. thing. A group ot people was found oa Second game— OOTOBsm BTH. en* of the side streets. They were talk- Pittsburg 2 2 10 2 0 0 3 •—10 Three days Tour to Battlefield of Oettrs- thing Up-to-date feig and discussing the lynching. They St. Louis 100S00000— 4 BRANCH OFFICE OFburc will be made, starting October 6. A appeared to know all about the affair. Pittsburg—Hits. 11; errors. 3 St ebolca. short trip at eoonomloai rates. Send Vat when approached by reporters be- Louis- Hits. 10: errors. 4. (or circular to came suddenly noncommunlcatlve. fctaadlna; of the Claba. HONEYflAN'S PRIVATE TOURS, AT JAS. R. BLAIR'S, On sereral other streets reporters Won. Lost. P. C. Plainfie*d. •Mind persons who. seemed to know all Baltimore 85 14 .714 12S PARK AVENUE. about the killing. Boston M 3* .70f> When Arroyo was surprised by theNew York 77 41 .642 p. H. zinnER, PRICES REDUCED ON ALL saob, he was sitting In a chair In a prl- Cincinnati «7 SI .5SS Tate office. There, mixed with frag- Cleveland «1 59 .50s Practical Machinist aid PORCH PURNITURE Bents of window panes, was a long Brooklyn M M .459 SESKBAL M1CBIHK BEPAII1SS: BICTCLE8 fool of blood marking the spot where WR.ihingUn 15 C5 .45s AND Arroyo had been stabbed. Pittsburg 54 «7 .4*6 BEPAIBEB 15B- BFILT TO OBDEB. The body was removed to the Fourth Chicago 68 68 .43* lelephone No. 58. EXCHANGE ALLEY. ward police station. Philadelphia 62 70 .42S POWUSON •-H nr"S' «*o»-t. ;» in thp app^MHti- ili BOOTS <£ SHOES tlears, J5.CotJ5.70; winter straights, $4.M Ho. 148 last MB 81. AT j •5. HEALTH*^ to acknowledged by everyone to be Bole Acent for the 117 and 119 East Second | Stnet WHEAT-No. 2 red opened firmer on a great bleoinc and yet we oome F O!!R e E' S. stronger English rabies than expected. to Inqiure IDIO the mean; that ar>- C. M. ULRICM.I kit afterward e«K«J off on big spring taken to prewnre It. W« help to preaervA it by tel.in*- the best 110 West Front St Cash Prices. wneat receipts; May. 97@97%c • Sep- •elected Richmond \itnr s?mr«T, Sl.QOSei.Mto. More RYE—Steady: No. 2 western, 52*c. c. McCulloughV Medicinal value In a bottle of Hood's Rarsa- Edwin B. Maynard. j i I.. Buffalo. Meats, Poultry STEAM MILL. CORN—No. 2 opened up on better ca- parilla than In any other preparation. Heaters. More skl11" required, more care taken, more 31 Steiner place. North Piainfleld. »!«», but reacted with wheat; May. STEAM and TOn«orlalT«rlor. *<4 P*rkj W»ir.: September. 34 13-ltc. expense incurred in Its manufacture. and Provisions. ladles' saampooinc and It costs the proprietor and the drak-r B. H. McCulloush. Prop. OATS—No. 2 dull, but steady: track Oar trade to well placed, and our prices Sash, bllnils. d orx. mnuldinirs. wn»ll sawing, HOTWATKB cuttlosa ••ealaitr. »nite>. state. »'i.i&33c.; track, white More >><>( It ensts the consumer In*, aa be are reasonable. turnlno;. Ac. Estimates cheerfully furnished. western. 2«H«33o. (rets more dows for UIJ money. BAKTTABT PLCMBIHG PDRK-Easy; mess. tt.M£ 10.25; fam- More curative power Is secured by its neniPar TELEPHONE *1* A. J. C. Pope & Co., combination, proportion and process, FRED ENDRESS ny. nt«?n.5o. which make It pe.uliar to itsWf. 131-135 W. FRONT STREET. JOHN PAVLOVSKI, INSURANCE LARD—Firm: prime western steam. More people are employed aixl more sjwoe oc- Branch 803 Liberty St. 4 3 ly CESSPOOLS AND PRIVIES AGENTS. .9s nominal. cupied in its laboratory than any nil—r. \. H. ENANDER, More wonderful cures effeeted and more te»- Cleaned Good and Cheap. no East Front St., BCTTER— Firm: state dairy, 11@ turHf.iials reeeiv«*il tKui l»y ,in> o!h»*r. Sanitary ^c: state creamery. i36liVio. More «.il>< ainl more iiKiia-M- jea« hy jrar Trusses I DAY & NIGHT WORK 5AME PRICE. Plalnfleld, N. J. ar- r-|K)rte«. liv ilnigcistt. Oaa Fittinc, Steam and Hoi CHLKSE-Steady: large, white. 9%e • More lle ar tifcina lTix«r* SarsaiKitilM 152 Park Ave., Cor. Second St. fnian. white. »>*<•. tixlay than any other. ami more art- Water Heating;. EOOR—Firm: Ktate and Pennsylva- Uking today than ever before. Rupture ! nia, 15318c: western. 16>4c More •'•"•I KTII.L *.>i:S reasons might be HABST S. POTTER, Contractor for sewer connection*. K ven wuy you sliwuld take REVERE HOUSE STGAR-Raw strong: fair refining Dealer In T*c; centrifugal. 95 test. 3 1S-16<;J4C • Trusses! 21O PARK AVE. r»ARK AVENUE. \ fh^'N/U£t »pflnefflee Ht No. ra West fwnnd rtreet. cor- TTKPENTTNE-Firm at 30i4fi3n*;c ner Ontral avenue. Plaiufleld. for theOffice 20» North avenue. All orders will re- PLAINFIELD COUNCIL. IOLASSESF New Ortam* if treatment of rupture M years experience ceive prompt attention. Yard, at Mt. Pleas- Families accomodated forjthe and the mofrt modern applianceo warrant* ant. Lehlsh Valley Railroad. 10 30 lT ^>Wo. 7il, Royal Arcanum. Hood's witlxfaptory results No occasion to gn to and winter months at greatly New York fir what T"U can «tet bettor at The regular meetinss of this Council are reduced prices. ! home. Irreducible, dtfflciilt and complicated •eld on the second anvoti- case* solicited. The treatment of rupture, ngs o' each month In ExemptFlremen • ILUL Sarsaparilla whether mechanical or otherwise, most WM. DTTHICKSTUN. Coward Buildlns. Park arenne, at f p m The house oontalns all modern]Imp The One True Blood Purifier, f 1 per bottle properly belong* to a sureeon of lone M. L. Bullock. Begont. meets U«-hted by Gas and ideotrlolt* »" experience |n that particular line. No charge Real Estate and Inauranca, Frederick C. Pope. Secretary. arrangementB perfect. Cuteeneur 6-ll a. m, QEO. B. DE : i-« p. m. andereolnn* 1ft Bocthavanoa PI /AFIELD DAILY PRESS, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 18, 1897.

HERE IS no getting away EARLY INTELLIGENCE. —Marshal William Campbell, of the CHAINED IN THE HOLD YELLOW FEVER NEWS Tfrom the fact that Pure borough, two weeks ago set fifteen eggs under a hen, and yesterday he Italian Captain Claims One of His Dr. Wymari'B Instructions to Ma- White Lead (see list of brands had fifteen chickens, which are all Sailors Is Crazy. rine Hospital Surgeons. doing well. which are genuine) and Pure Lin- Boeklen's Aralttm alve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, THE MAS HIMSELF DENIES THIS. A BAD REPORT COMES FROM EDWARDS seed Oil make the best paint. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe^ Properly applied, it will notverSores, Tetter, Chapped Hands.Chil- fr»T" That Be V.». Sec I'pon by th The Dread Disease Seems to Be Stead IIy blaine, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, Skipper and His Crew For No Gaining Ground There, Despite All chip, chalk or scale off, but will and positively cures Piles, or no pay R«uon Whatever, Then Eflort*-f Paragraphs and Briefs required. It is 'guaranteed to give Brsleo and Hound. ajbont the Peat. outwear any of the mixtures perfect satisfaction or money refund- NEW TOP.K. Sept. 18.—When the WASHINGTON, Sept 18. — Surgeon ed. Price 25 cents per box. For sale Italian bark Sp<-na arrived here last Genera] Wytnan has issued to Marine It is a offered as substitutes. It is, there by L. W. Randolph. nt^ht. Captain Martlno Frazegu report- hospital officers the following Instruc- ed to the police that one of the members tions, defining their field of operations PARTICULAR MENTION. <'f his crew had liecome violently Insane in behalf off the government in aid of flistaken Idea fore, by far the most economical. 'luring the voyage and requested the state authorities in dealing with yellow By< in removal of the man to a hospital for of some people that a CDCC ** * KaUtoaftl Lead C<>.'* Pure White Lead 1IDI.II* CO.- Silas D. Yerkes, of East Sixth street, fever: J •hoe cannot bo both light In weight and 1*1% PC **•• "^ de*tfed **»*ie i» readily obtained Pampblct ginnf treatment. m I -W is slowly recovering from hla illness. "Surgeon JJIurray In charge of all mat- SZ^Vif can up-*-t thin Idea and sell you V* yaloabl* infurmatioo and card tiui^ittg wnipl*-* of t.4..r» irc-L ; Hoard Ing the bark at quarantine, In that will be comfortable and light for «l«o cards showing pic cure* tt twelve bt>u»c« at different UCM^D> paiiticti ia Frank Nelson and Joseph Anderson ters betnee^i Louisiana anil Alabama, • and ret lasting. We do not charge y*hous styles or combinations of shado forwarded upon Application to a little dark hole in the how of th» ves- intcndio( to paiot. have returned to Plainfleld, after sel Police CaptHln Srhultz saw what h» line south ol but not including Jackson it prices. and Vicksbuxg. Miss. NATIONAL LEAD CO., ATLANTIC BRANCH, spending tb« summer at Lakewood first thought to l.e a large dog chained NY. to the door. It »as groping about on all "Surgeon Sau telle at Atlanta, la FLYNN BROTHERS, 287 Fcarl Street, New York. fours, and a matted beard and long and charge of Georgia. Miss Katheryn Ball, of Myrtle ave- unkempt hair covered the face and "Surgeon Carter in charge of New 3I8 W. FRONT ST. nue^has returned to Wellesley Col head Captain Pchultz was Informed Orleans and [Louisiana. le#e to resume her studies for thelhat the cowering object In the hole "Past Assjstant Surgeon Glennan a* Schepflin Building. winter. was the crazy man. and as he descend- Mobile, In charge of Alabama, and pre- ed into the place there was a rattling of pared to establish a detention camp There In Nothing so UIKHI. 1 hains and piteous moans. A cold chisel near Mobile. TUTLERIES HOTEL I Last Sale of tie Season! There is nothing just as good as Dr. was required to cut the rivets which "Past Assistant Surgeon Geddings at King's New Discovery for Consump- held a five-eighth« Inch chain about the Jackson. Mips-. In charge of northern AND RESTAURANT. Plnal and deepert cut of all Men's. Youths' and Children's clothing. We charge a/ smaller sailor's arms and legs. Mississippi. I is establishing detention tion, Coughs and Colds, so demand it Q^jHUNQ—t»p«cla] attention to cyclists- wPercentagu r e of pront on our goodn than any other clothing house in the world. Our prices The sailor, when questioned by an In- camp near F3dwards. Miss. £.Sl \ *2j*®. tobeabso.ut«-ly the lowest on all grade* of clothing; large safes and email and do not permit the dealer to sell terpreter, said his name was Stefano "Past Assistant Surgeon Young at pronto Is the foundation principle of our house. 30 Men's all wool suits In broken sizea- for- 5. c. ROGERS, mer price, K-. $". *x and $•->. now t-wa. These suit* are made and trimmed a* good as any you some substitute. He will not SpagnaKi and that he is 29 years old Memphis, toi aid Mississippi river in- suits that other store* sell at .111:5,1 men's all wool brown plaids and over plaids, former claim there is anything better, but in and a resident of Alasia. Italy. He also spection and co-operate wtth local au- 141 EAST FRONT STREET^ prices 17. ** $9. and in. will close thin little lot out at *»;:» men's all wool blue serie suite, Hated that he shipped on the Spena 130 extra Sue Oniah all sizes worth tntotu. will close them out at $.->;«.! all wool clay dlagnol order to make more profit he may thoritles. suits, frocks or sacks, former price from to t<> lu. now at $.',: i.» pair all wool pants made up • lays ago On Aug. 5. the sailor Bald, "Each offlc ;r to wire dally. If possible, in good style worth la at ;sc:i»i pair or all wonjstripeil pants worth Hat ii.trn: am children's claim something else to be just as he waa set upon by Captain Frajsego the number of cases and deaths at knee pants allwool and double knees and double seats worth <•<« at JIC: over sou children's good. You want Dr. King's New Dis- and his men without any reason, terrt- Ru&hmore & Co.suit, s just received in sizes from 3t, K- 7.10 a suit an.l up: Men> Derby Hat*, the latest styles. points in disl rict." 900, TO™Il.TS.50 0 summer Undershirts and Drawers at 15cworth *ic. Theoe are only a few covery because you know it to be safe My beaten and then, bound In chains, The following telegraphic report from WATCHUNO AVENUS. Banpuns.ifyou will come at once anil get vur flrsl choiceCh . A TGranhd A Dl-pla y o8tof HigAh and reliable, and guaranteed to dowas thrust Inio the dark hole. Hla Atlanta wan received from Surgeoa OuB. PO'uBTHST. hands were fastened behind his back. Sawtelle. the official In charge of the ^te^^ good or money refunded. For Coughs He was given enough food to keep him Georgia dlstijict: Lomber yard and Planing Mill. Colds, Consumption and for all affec- alive. Spagnaio said that when he "Railroad officials here have agreed NEW YORK CLOTHING CO. tions of Throat, Chest and Lungs, boarded the vessel he weighed about 160 not to sell tjrkets to persons from In- pounds, bul the ill treatment and suffer- >ga and full assnrtn., nt of lumber In- there is nothing so good as is Dr. fected districts to points south of At- ing had reduced him to nearly 100 lanta. Medldal Inspection of all incom- King's New Discovery. Trial bottle pounds and turned his hair erray. The ing trains from the south has been in- free at L. W. Randolph's Drug Store. kwU l colic for several years. Chamberlain's signature* of the postmaster genoraJ son of a sporting writer for The Times- mm tm tke Bl««d !• IU Idanl Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and the approval of tha president, will Democrat, at 1558 Camp street, and • DS Para tfc« Iaerra^as; tit* »"p- man named Rubinstein, at Poydraa and Dealer in Fresh and Baited Meats. Chun* In ply orOinta sad CarlBg Dto- is the only oure relief. It acts like a have the effect of law. The president season. Orders called for and delivered raar—A JK*rveloaa Proccw. and the postmaster general are expected Rampart streets, brother of the Tourl Marble aid promptly. Cor. Grandview are and Somerset charm. One dose of It gives relief Infirmary patient. Business houses B.rs street. «uti Mfiiu<-a oxidised and is thus converted into avenues, Plainfleld. SARANAC LAKE. N T.. Sept 1« — UOENBED * form that ran betaken up hy the tissues. John Smith Rice, the wealthy Wall AUOTIONEER. If this nutriment wan not oxidized it would street broker who disappeared so mys- Qnlottir In Jaakson. PEARSON tiller through the kidney a* n-ally occurs in . Miss Carrie Potter, of Rabway, is teriously from his home in Pasaslo. N. IlLUMAn, the guest of her friend, Miss Cornelia JACKSON. iMIss.. Sept. 18.—Matters m QAYLE. Personal attention. liriL'ht's disease, ami no hene6t would be de- J . on May 3 last. Is at the Ampersand have assumed a quieter tone here, and Prompt Mrrlod, rived from it. Oxygen i* absolutely eaaential to Rockfellow, of Park avenue. hotal here with his wife and sister-in- the few people who are left in town arc Carpenters and Builder this process. Its existence in turn is de- law. Miss Go'hmann. and some friends. Talet>hoae»t> lUtf pendent upon the iron or Hemoglobin in the "My boy came home late from school In hopes that the fever will not reach blood without whirh anarmia would result, He is looking very well, much better them. A meeting of citizens was held ta» M. ami no benefit whatever would be derived one day with his hand badly lacerated than he did when In the Adirondack^ and arrangements were made for a spe- The Plainfield from the food. and bleeding, and suffering great last fall. Mr. nice absolutely refuses cial train of 1|2tcoaches to,be used In I'bynirians long ago recognized that to dis- pain," says Mr. E. J. Schall, with to say anything about his sudden disap- case of an emergency anil a signal NOTtUNO FINER MADE. rover a method of renewing this Haemoglobin pearance or his whereabouts during the agreed on to give an alarm. Bonl Borated Talcum, loe. Royal Corn Confectionery, would be to discover the true method of ear- Meyer Bros.' Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo. four months which his relatives and Oara.ucTBorslToothftnrder. Uw. 1II West Front street. in? disease. "I dressed the wound, and applied it lends spent In trying to discover him. Oandlos from 10. Is and 1" cents per Ib. up Little advance waa made until Dr. Camp- Fifteen Case* at Edward*. The Terr best joo.K Made dally on «fc« bell, an eminent English physician, learned Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely. All VICKSBl'Kfjl. Miss., Sept. IS.—Dr premises. Formerly known as the Sew lark thnt the component part* of the blood of the pain ceased, and in a remarkably short •(•organisation Mot fettled. Purnell reports to the state board ot and Philadelphia Confectionery Comp'r. I fir Kiill'x-k were identical with human blood and NEW YORK. Sept. 18.—It has been health IS new leases of fever. Including Houtrlit to extract from it the natural iron or time it healed without leaving a scar. declared on good authority that nego- ll«moi;lobin. For wounds, sprains, swellings and one convalescent, at Edwards. This If BOSHTOI & H1ISEN, .Surrttw crowned his efforts, and for the first tiations between the stockholders and the worst report yet. Four trained time man ha* it in his power to renew at will rheumatism I know of no medicine or bondholders nt the Hocking Coal and nurses have I'CTI sent to Edwards bf the vital element in his own blood. prescription equal to it. I consider it Iron company have made little or nospecial train j Painters and Paper Hangers, Dr. Campbell enclosed the fruit of his progress since last June and that a Uw the Talcum In the ahoe. for comfort. lalior in small, pointed globes of pure gels- a household necessity." The 25 andreorganization of the company is as far Perhapa IMed of Yellow Fever. Office and Shop Sycamore and Fourth Streets ine railed Capmloidn, with which the mwt SO cent sizes fcr sale by T. S. Arm- • ff as ever. No answer, it was declared, CINCINNATI. Sept. 18.—A Mayfield Interior decorating a specialty. Oar remarkable results have been obtained in strong, apothecary, corner Park and has yet been received by the bondhold- CKy.) special djispatch says: Lizzie Bo- 1 he hospitals of London and elsewhere in ers to the proposition made to the stock- TENEYCK & HARRIS, motto— first-class work. Estimate* cheerful- ruring all diseases of the blood; rheuma- North avenues, Plainfleld. wena. a white woman, died in the depot ly given. Orders promptly attended to. t U tf holders several months ago. here She wa^ taken from the train, Dealers in all the beet kinds of cleaned tism, paralysis, locomotor ataxui, nervous George Randolph, of Park avenue, ana well screened Lehigb Valley prostration and St. Vitus' dance. and her death Is said to be the result ol I>r. Campbell's Red lilood Forming Capsa- has secured a good position in New Stevedores on Strike. yellow fever. ! Advertised Letters. loiils are sold by all leading druggists at 50 York, where be will have charge of an PORTLAND. Me.. Sept. 18.—Sixty-five - j ?i>ntd JKT large box, six boxes for 92.50, or stevedores and longshoremen In the em- Plainfleld, N. J., Sept 13,'97. *-nt direct at the same price from the office of elevator in a large building. Aerated of jwonudlng His Wife. Allen James laaaea William The Papsuloid Company. Downing Building, ploy of the Maine Steamship company NEW YORK, Sept. 18— Augustuj Watchung ave.,near 2d st And-raoD William D Wo Fulton Street, New York City. Owing to over-crowding and badhave struck on account of a reduction Cook, an actor, lof 19 West One Hundred Ball Him Mar in wages from 30 to 25 cents an hour. and Second street. Is locked up on s Barry DPDDJS Mrs Frank E ventilation, the air of the schoolroom Kryan Lizzl* „ ire Mrs Edward Orders were received from New York to charge "t attempting to kill his wife, O.iikllDCha* feAnilken Mrs 1*11* —NEW YORK— is often close and impure, and teach- this effect, ano the cut went Into opera- his baoy and !hl« baby's nurse. Mrs. Iir.ko Mrs Sarah loody " W8 tion last night. Tnless they can get lintvun " ^^thmon J A ers and pupils frequently suffer from Cook has severe scalp wounds, the ALEX.LUSARDI. IMIliard " Seal Wm lung and throat troubles. To all such men the steamship companies will be nurse was only slightly hurt, while the Elwood Hl»« Lizzie RTM* Edward seriously Inconvenienced. baby, though b«-«meared with the Mood -11 West Front Street, Fvnoa Mm Sarah Htewart Mrs Mary E & Elizabeth Despatch we would say, try Chamberlain's and F razee Mr Bonj Hturtovant W 11 of the Injured women, escaped unhurt. Oileo Randolph Taylor M E Cough Remedy.; For coughs, colds, Elevator Carried Him to Death. He denied the charge completely. Mrs. (ianelson Mi~« Josle Thorn Ms A weak lungs and bronchial troubles no BOSTON. Sept. IS—A young man Cook is the rtaujshtfr of a wealthy lum- <> lif^r William TliamcH Y. R (ircuer Hfnrr Van Loin Ned STODDARD'S EXPRESS. other remedy can compare with it named Peter Cameron was killed on a ber merchant ;f local civil servlc« 111 Park Ave.. Manufacturer of the Celebrated cram has been received from United and North avenues, Plainfleld. states Consul Ledoux. at Three Btvers. boards Instead ij>f under the supervising Jue.. staing that the St. Maurice Lum- authority of thc( state civil service com- C. O. D. OlGAR, C. L. Case and family, of Central mission regarding appointments. The best Se rlgar In the State, and made on her company's large sawmill near there. f theWmliies from the ftnne( Havana. Clear Hoagland's Express. avenue, have returned fr<>m their •>wned by I'nited States citizens, has . L & J. M. SMALLEY, Havana olgars a fr>«cialty. A large assort- Furniture and Pianos removed. Freight summer outing. Irrn burned to the ground. American^ Wed In Kngland. ment of the choicest bramUtof domestic cigars. Baggage. Trunk* and general cartage. (Two Markets) It hvn the Croopjr Children. LONDON. S.-pt. 18.—The Times thl. 161 NORTH AVENUE. Seaview Va.—We have a splendid Forger WHlartl's Sentence. morning announces the marriage on <05 Park Ave. 94 Somerset St STIIFSECTAIiy. N. Y.. Sept. 18.- Thursday at M'ln. near Rye. Sussex, ol Tel.H7A. Tel. «B. Your Valuables. TELEPHOMB MO. let. i n tf sale on Chamberlain's Cough Rem- H.iir.. r B. Willard. the forger, and well St. Grlswnld Kjnox of New York to will be safe in edy, and our customers coming from itii " n as a h"t'-l swindler, was sen- IMith •Sfimervill^'. daughter of the la,t« far and near,speak of it in the highest t.-n <•• -1 to 14 months in Dannemora Rev. Some-vill.-i Hulison. D. D., bUhop Doane's Safe Deposit Vault 30,000 CIGARS terms. Many have said that their pr— n. He was • onvii-ted of grand lar- >f central Wnn$yivania. Jones & Co. of our own manufacture to select children would have died of croup if i.ny in the s<•• "n.l d^grt-e. Lock boxes from $3 50 to $10 a year. from. Why RO out of the city to I>ate For Ijlmtiey'N Reception. .EXCAVATORS purchase. Betail dealers will find Chambi-rlain'sCough Remedy had not The LiK-tirert Taae. LIMA. Peru. \jia Calv.-ston. Sept. ls\— and 8sink hs thoroughlan ta y cleaned. THE CRESCENT HOTEL.. ft to their advantage to examine been given—Kellam & Ourren. The CHICAGO. S.-pt. 11.—Yesterday's sf*- President Plerolk has lix"d Monday aft- fin " L" ! f»' condition, eornnr Somerset anil Chatham streets. stock and prices. 23 and 50 cents sizes for sale by T. S. 10ns of the Lu«"if«-rt rase were giv^n up cellars, etc, dtelnfeeted. All North PlalnflolJ. Kcirular and transient M. C. DOBBINS. •rnoon next for the official receptlun t« under experienced nusunr boarders. 306 Park Avenue. Armstrong, apothecary, corner Park ntirely to the hearing of technical evl- be tendered to :ion. Irving B. Dudley, i »•• RUOOURH SPEIOEI-. Proprietor 8l5tf Plainfleld. and North avenues, Plainfield. Jf-nce. he new United States minister to Peru. PLAINFIELD DAILY PRESS. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBE- 18.

THE DAILY PRESS. PARTICULAR MENTION. ITEMS BRIEF AND BRIGHT' A. 1- FORCE. PERSONAL GOSSIP OF INTEREST TO GATHERED ALL ABOUT THE TOWN . wept Sunday, rt»aop - CITY AND BOROUGH. BY ALERT PRESS REPORTERS. as usual leads; others set their watches by his MsHorth ftvenne. Telephone OtUa. Is Brtaf an Told the Daily Doing* ol News In Short Paragraphs Tnat are In- Two cents ft copy. Ten cents a week, $s Maay Raatdaata sad TMtom Who Go ud teresting to K pits, and the members of the churches the fall-board and we'll tell you ' returned from a vielt with out-of- all there is to know. By it we; Fair Tonlcbt and Sandnyi W«m« town friends. will be pleased to welcome them back. K+L.\J I p||lVa NISHINQ GOODS. —The Union County W. C. T. U. can say just what is the standing • At S o'clock the Thermometer *t TheophllUB Bond, of East Front of the factory, whether good, ', Fhmrnutey Res^atered "4 De- convention will be held In Kahway, This Store will be closed as soon as the] Stock on hand now k street, has returned f iom a business bad or middttng materials were " sold. This is a BON A FIDE SALE, and the PRICES will Jt~ - trip to Philadelphia September 2ith. The State convention used, what is iis musical worth • will be held In Trenton during Oc- FOR THr-MSELVES. L. H. DuBois and family, of Put- and what is its money value. A CHURCH PROBLEM. ober. nam avenue, have returned after The names t f the Pianos that ] Methodists are taking a good deal their summer outing. —Water was turned on yesterday we handle are well known all • HARRY M. JAQUETT, of Interest in the Methodist Laymen'B Harold Baiwtt, of Chicbester. Eng., for the first in the new extension of over America. Each individual'. 129 East Front Street. Convention, which will meet in In-is visiting his cousin,Mrs.Carl Kaerth, the water mains on West Front street, name has a sol!d reputation back ] dianapolis, the object of which la to of East Second street. he hydrants have also been located of it that puts beyond question • t convenient places beyond Clinton the musical excellence of the . agitate for an increase of lay repre- Franklin P. Noble, of East Fifth sentatives In the General Conference. .venue. instrument. If you buy a The Klondyke at Homi street, has gone to Mendham to spend CHICKERING, HARDMAN, • Dr. H. K. Carroll, of the Independent, Sunday with his parents. —It will pay anyone to buy their THE LINCOLN STEEL TOOL WORKS and who is active In church circles in ihoes of VanArsdale. He certainly GABLCR, VOSE, STERLING '. North Plalnfleld, where he lives, who Miss K. Bialow, of West Sixth las a complete Une of fall and winter or STANDARD, you will own THE FRANKLIN COMPANY. Is himself a Methodist, wiltes thus to street, leaves today for a short trip in shoes, in variety enough to please tbe a Piano the quality of which • THE STAR INCUBATOR CO. the New England States. ". is above criticism. a friend In Indiana: "I am particularly majority of people in the city of Plain- Factories are now bnlng built at glad to see that the laymen of Indiana Miss Margaret Veghte, of Bosclle. field, at prices to suit. have taken a firm stand, and I trust has been visiting at the home of C. D. —Rev. George C. Needbam will that the influence of what they say Dunlap, of East Fifth street. meet tbe Union Bible Claee at the will be great throughout the church. Miss Mabelle Phillips, of Madison M. C. A. Hall on Monday evening. I do not think that the ministers will " L-I-N-C-O-L-N " avenue, left yesterday to resume her The Toung People's Society of Christ »nd all will open with many American mechanics, on or before October l, 1397. We ban concede what Is asked of them until studies at Welleeley College. Ian Endeavor will meet m the small aprucatlonfl for 75 to KM) d* el Una houses. Here is a chance for BUILDERS, CONT&ACTOM and INVEST0B8. This property is only to be seen to satisfy the most skeptical ol Us fata* they are satisfied that the laymen not Everett J. Peck, of Myrtle avenue, hall the same evening. Jersey's Largest Dealer* Hewers, water, electric lights, telephone, ke. j only want it but are determined to leaves today for Bethlehem, where be —One advantage to be gained from have it. Up toth e last General Con-enters Lehlgh University this fall. 657-659 BROAD ST., ference I was perfectly Indifferent as the new sidewalk laid alongside of tbe New Jersey Mutual Realty u, to whether the laymen were repre- 0. S. Foote and family, of Putnam City Hotel on Park avenue is that In NEWARK. S. D. DRAKE, President and Manager. sented In the annual conference or avenue, have returned from Lake rainy weather water will not stand in not. But what I saw at Cleveland George, where they spent the sum- pools as heretofore. The Improve mer. ments about the hotel are rapidly convinced me that we want represen Hearing completion. THE BEST YET tatlon In the annual conferences a« Miss Elsie Suffren, of Ltndcn ave- ol all the Soda Wateate:r Combinations is well as in the General Conference; nue, has gone to Vassar College, after —If you want to know where topur - DR.DECKERS that laymen need to be trained in spending her summer vacation at chase the best kind of meats poultry ehurch statesmanship as much as home. and all other things that are tob e SHAKE NO MOREI ministers, and that they appear at a Mrs. Horsley Barker, of Grove found at a first-class meat market, 's f fuit Jc^s, decided disadvantage in the General street, returned yesterday from a visit look at VanSyckel's new advertise- tor. Park and North Avaa ITS. Conference because of their lack of ment In Tbe Dally Press. He tells of three days with friends on Staten 8 38 3m eod acquaintance with the ins and outs of Island. you that it costs no more tohav e good ' meat ' the church." Miss Edith Boone. of West Seventh street, has gone to Ithaca. N. Y., —The seventh annual reunion of CHILD5& STANLEY, PREPARED 1O DEI-END THEMSELVES- where she has enters Cornell Un- the Thirtieth Regiment of New Jer-1 sey Volunteers Association will be H/7/7 A number of Union county bicycle iversity. FLORISTS and DECORATORS riders, men of mature age and babiu, held at the rooms of the Grand Army Mr. and Mrs. Ox>rge Wharton Post, No 23, on Broad street, Trenton.; U2 NORTH AVENUE. PLAINFIELD. K. J. have applied to the authorities fur Edwards, of Franklin plaoe, are home Also Netherwood and Weatfleld. mmk Thursday, October 7th, at 10 a. m. Beense to carry revolvers, and in most after spending the summer at Cut flowers, plants aad floral desisn work SCHOOL SHOES I eases the licenses have been granted. Monhegan Island, Me. Several of tbe Grand Army men oftor receptions, weddings and runeraia. this city will attend. Flowers f rash daily. RIGHT PRICES I If road agents attempt to hold up these Hit. Edward Moeher, of Brooklyn, armed meu there will certainly be fornuxiy of this city, leaves today for PROPER STYLES •hooting, and very probably blood- LosAngeles, CaL, when she will shed. The number of attempts by spend several months for her health. AND SPLENDID SERVICE: fcurly negroes, vicious tramps and pro- fessional footpads to bold up and rob J. W. Gavett and family, of Third plaoe, who have been summering on MORRIS C.VANARSDAL bicycle riders, after dark, has become RoMlrim* »ro»crlT <••• \y a llnt-«!am quite too great to be overlooked. the mountains back of North Plain- nkfclcr, ••• that ndmtaaii fcls kiiUm. Moonlight rides have become more or field, have returned to their Plalnfleld WE GIVE TRADING STAMPS. leas dangerous, unless the bicycles go home. In such numbers as to practically as- Mr. and Mrs. M. Turton have taken sure safety. Within the past few weeks up their residence In Trenton for tbe We GIYI All Kinds of Premiums Y Come and Get a Card. a number of rides have been aban- convenience of their daughter, Miss SREGIAL^NOTIGg. doned, particularly by ladies, for very Ada Clark, while perauing her studies manufacture our own goods; we save the wnolesalA fear of being attacked by these vicious in the State Normal School. man's profit. We give that to you. load agents. It seems to be Impossible Ernest Pierson, who is staying at to Identify any of them and bring themthe home of John Leal, of Central Our Trousers at $1.45 we worth every cent ol $3.00 to Justice in the ordinary way, andavenue, while/attending school in this -:- Don't Fall to See Our Window Display. -:- and those at $3.45 cannot be equalled for the money therefore the privilege of carrying city, has gone to his home at Chester, arms for protection has been asked for N. J., to spend Saturday and Sunday. and granted. The serious wounding George E. Dunham and family, of Get Your Life Insurance Stamps of Us. SEBRINQ, Man'fg Clothier, of a few of the rascals who attack bi- East Second street, attended tbe party 202 West Front Street. cycle riders would do much toward in- given at South Plainfield, Thursday ducing them to quit the business. night, in celebration of the twenty- - ^v -^^ -^^ -^' H H ~^r • -^»r -^^ -^^ -^^ -^^"^^ ^—^^" ^»** —- ~^^r-^^ ^^rv~^^^«^ "^^T^^^ -^^ -™~ -^^ "^^ ^~" — — —Elizabeth Journal. first birthday of Mr. Dunham's nephew, Daniel Laing. WEIAKE a SPECIALTY of DRESSillERS'FURJI SHI MBS A GOOD WORD FOR. ROGER. "I See you're Back" Joseph A. Robinson, of East Fifth Roger ¥. Murray, of Plalnfleld, is street, and John G. MacLaughlin, ol Irish Rope Lining, 1 yard wide, black or gray, 15c yd from your vacation, you will want some shoes, school shoes probaWy. rapidly coming to the front in theSomerset street, have returned after a English Duck Lining 1 yard wide, white or black, 12c yd We have that "Steel Shod" kind that you had last season, Just M good race for the Assembly nomination. sojourn at Lake Hopatoong. They American Cotton Wire Cloth for stiffening - 10c yd as they always were. He is one of the active, brainy young drove back, visiting friends at Chester, for facing - 12c, 16c, 18c, 20c yd i Republicans of that city, and will, if N. J., on their way home. Linen Collar Canvas, white, black, tan - 19c yd aominated, make a winning fightan d Tbe marriage of Miss VanNest and Fine Crinoline, white, black, slate - - 5c, 10c yd prove a valuable representative.—Rah- William C. Smith, Jr., both of the A W/LLETT <& SO/V. way Advocate. borough, will take place at an early Paper , yard wide, all colors - - 7c yd NO. iO7 PARK AVENUE. I date at the home of the bride's parents. Genuine Hair Cloth, black or gray - • 25c yd •air-Bate Excursion to Niagara Falls ria The former is a daughter of Mr. andTaffetta Skirt Lining, yard wide - - 10c, 15c yd Lshlgh Valley Railroad. Mrs. Gilbert VanNest, and tbe latter Three days' carnival, September 23d, French Waist Lining lCc, 12c, 15c, 18c. 25c yd is a son of former Councilman an Double Faced Waist Lining - 13c, 15c, 18c, 25c yd 14th and 25th, on the occasion of theMrs. W. C. Smith. •penlng ceremonies of the Grand Double Skirt Belting, shaped ready for use - 10c yd Get fhepi pight Trunk Railway Company's new single- George Weeks Sand ford, who has Special lot Rustle Skirt Lining - - 7c yd arch steel bridge across the Niagara been engaged as Instructor in stenog- We have just one case of Ladies' Ribbed Pints and Blver. Tickets on sale for evening raphy in the educational department Patent Hump Hooks and Eyes, white or black 3c card trains September 22d, and for allof the Y. M. C. A., and will also have Best 100 yard Spool Silk, black and colors, - 7c spoo Vests to sell at 25c per garment. We always have one a* fcains, except "Black Diamond Ex charge of the commercial course in Pure Rubber Lined Dress Shield* - - 10c pair that price, but seldom so good a one. If interested cjall early. tress," September 2 d, and good tbe high school, comes highly lecom Dress Stays, Japanned or silvered - - 5c do ! to return until September 27th. In- mended by tbe aredemio department 200 yard Machine Cotton, white or black - 2c spool quire of Lehlgh Valley ticket agents of the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute *>r further particulars. and by the secretary of the educational Handsome n w patterns of Fall Flanneletts - l()c yd department of the Brooklyn Y. M. C. A Extra good quality of new Outing - - 7c yd —Additional locals on page 3. The best unlaundered Shirt in the State - 50c each Ox\] Basejnept. —Oreat bargains are VanArsdale'a State of Ohio. City of Toledo, t ffe and *3 shoes. Lucas County. \ M- Extra quality double width Table 48c to 65c yd Frank J. Cheney makes oath thai All Linen Dish Toweling 5c, 7c, 8c, 9c, 10c, 12c, 15c yd —The regular meeting of Q teen he is tbe senior partner of the firmo : FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY. Oty Lodge, I. O. O. F., will be held F. J. Cheney & Co. dolnj •o Monday evening. business In the City of Toledo, Count) Solid Oak Rockers, leather seat, $1.98. Okk frame I and State aforesaid, and that sai SOLE AGEITS FOR CEMTEMERI KID GLOYES. —Those who wish English Lutheran firm will pavth«> sum of ONE HUN Rockers upholstered with Velvour, Si.98. H%h bac«| service please call at Reform Hall, DBED DOLLARS for each and every We sell more Germantown and Saxony than al Dining Chairs, solid oak, box seat, $1.00 each. j comer Madison avenue and Second case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrhal Cure. the rest put together. Why ? Because we carry the largesi THESE PRICES ARE FOR ABOVE DAYS OlfrLY. street,tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. FRANK J. CHENEY. stock. Try our Muslin Underwear once. You will ne\( Sworn to before me and subscribed Mason's Fruit Jars, qts, 48c, pts. 4Fc. We aje in my presence, this 6th day of De buy any other. Our dollar Wrappers have no equal. Don'1 cember, A. D., 18*6 take our word for it.but ask some friend who has tried them largest department house this side of N. Y. J : : A.W.GLEA8ON, : Seal : Come in and Get Acquainted. CASTORIA :•!-. : Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In For Infant, aad Children. ternally and acts directly on the blo

3Pro«e«dinr> of the Board of ChMcn above cases was instituted either by 932 37, Wm. Hen<1ershot.$22.65 James Frrcholdera or Inlon County. Mr. Edwards, the president of tne So- Moore $48 D. W. Day & Son, $92 40, ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to *6C.4O, Noah Woodruff, $12.2">, Henry f [OFFICIAL.] Animals or some one of his omVeis. C. Dow, $37 85, Jas. G. Moore, $50, The Tables Turned. - Regular meeting of the Board of Therefore, I am clearly of the $209 80 P. Eustice, $3 50, A F. Huff- We have almost solved Chosen Freeholders of tbe County of opiDion that one half of tbe fines col man, $11. M V B. Clark. $5. J. M the servant girl problem. Union held on Thursday, Sept 2, lectetl in the above named cases should Leldly. $2013. BepJHmin Woodruff, Instead of the maid being be paid to the society claiming the $7 84, C A. Snvlh & Co., $3 78, A. W. 1897, at 2 ;30 p. m. Stiles, $73 07. $5, 15 50. mistress, we have made It AMOS H.VAN HORN Boll call showed all members pres Whether the above amounts claimed possible for the mistress LIMITED. ent except Freeholder King.—1 Freeholder Littell moved to ad- The " Portland Range " ricceds in Talac any of th« dozens of makea The minutes of the previous meet- signify the whole amount or only the journ, which was carried. herself to be mistress. that try to equal it. Ing, (reading of bills being omittedj one half,I am not able to say.as I have The Director declared the board ad- The tables are turned, were on motion approved as read. no means of positively ascertaining journed until Thursday, OcUtxr what amount was received by th7e. 1897. at 2:30 p m. and we have turned them. COMMUNICATIONS, PETITIONS, ETC, county. This, however, can easily be S. BURLING. RYNO, Clerk. We have accomplished City Cleik's Office, • ascertained. it to the mutual satisfaction A Big Deal! Elizabeth, N. J.,Aug. 28,ISflfr. Very respectfully submitted, PROPOSED COLONY OF WIDOWS. of everybody. The plan is The Honorable Board of Chosen Free W. R. Codington, County Att'y. 75 holders of Union county, N. J.: On motion of Freeholder Robison A Fmrm Otven to Each of T1i«tn Which so simple that the wonder Gentlemen: At a meeting of thereceived and placed on file. Mutt b« Cultivated Wllhont man. is nobody ever thought of it Bedroom Suits $14. City Council of the city of Elizabeth, before. held Wednesday evening, Aug. 25th, REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Mrs. llnttie X. Bemis of Arabia. 50 the following resolutions were adopt- Freeholder Swain reported progress Neb., ov. HH a large tract of land in Cheap but good launder- on matter relative to control of trolley north n e.Mern Nebraska, which she ing of general house linen Instead of $20. Besolved, That the clerk or this lines on county roads, and heretofore cays slie intends to give to twelve de- enables every housekeeper Council be instructed to communicate referred to him as a special committee MTvini; widows of Northwestern to have ti e washing done witn the Board of Chosen Freeholders on same. farmers. In return fhe will require leading mnrmfacttfer and invite said board to a conference SEW BUSINESS. out of the house. For tlicm to cultivate It without mule as- instance, ,had bi# quantity of lute with ibis Council concerning the ob- Freeholder Littell moved that a com sistance. She says that she will start structions to the clear and free flowo f mittee of three be appointed to confer them out with all the machinery they Counterpanes 10c each. style bedroom suits on va water in the Elizabeth river, and par- with tbe Elizabeth City Council on Table Cloth 5: • ticularly to the present system of bridge matters as requested. Free- II*HH1, a sulllciect number of cattle, hands, customer having aicbee at tbe various bridges. holder Roll moved to amend that the hor*e«, swine and i>oultry to serve as Sheets - 3c •• cancelled order. We lid Very respectfully youra, committee be increased to five, which a nesi.'us. and money to lust them un- Towel.Napkins lc •• for the lot and got them Jas. J. Manning, amendment was carried. The original til the tir>t harvest can l>e dispom-d of. What does our proposi- j City Clerk. motion as amended was then adopted She admits that the climate is dry. tion mean? It means no —paid less than mere it a- On motion of Freeholder Clark re- The director appointed as tbe paid t>ut sbo [iroposci! to Instruct her wards more washday odor about terials cost! To open Full j ceived and placed on Ule. committee Freeholders Littell, Bruck in the operation of the Campbell sys- From the village ot South Orange, as lacher, Robison, Tier and Farrell. tem of soil culture, by which method the house. It means satis- * season we'll put them (every one worth $20.1 >0' follows: The following resolutions were pre- i x|H'rlmcnts have proved that the fied servants, because a ordinarily) at $14.75. All one kind of pattern—finrfy August 23. 1697. sented, viz: maid will not be insolent if - At a meeting of the board of trus- By Freeholder Ehrlich: rainfall of the twetion Is sufH<-i<-ut to 0 built, good design, oak. This lot is hut part of tjhe tees of this tillage, held this day, the Resolved,That tbe special committee insure i>

KDUCATIOXAI.. Central R. B. of New Jersey. NEW GOLD "DIGGINGS LL QUIET AT HAZLETON. i.thncM.. •.* . oaCssl l EZfi« Eselssfvelyy . Ineriac i • •• HI r.oi.in will PrrnDl Any Dteordat THE INDIAN TROUBLE C1M«H»«« ••• Cesrfert. Miss Scribnerft Miss Green's at Tonlcbf* Meeting. HOW THEY WERE DISCOVERED- |a !Uw Tork, roet »T Liberty u4 f A71.KTON. pa.. Sept 18.—The strike WaltHwll KtrMta./ FORTUNES MADE WITH EASE. : . : iti.n may be summarized thus: British Soldiers at Oamp Anayat TABLE IN EFFECT SEPT. 8th. 1M7 SCHOOL FOR GIRLS • >i r ln.000 men are still out. with no Sustain a Loss .».•!•-:i »-.•]t prospect of settlement, spo- XB SEW TOMC. Primary. Intermediate and Acailemlc De- * III^^i Field T.I FonnJ Arc»r.tlnc to lartments. Pupils admitted t~ B«p«rt>-Labarf>n Raeelve Klftren Uol- r;'!i'- outbreaks of violence are occur- on certificate r'fiR near the outlying collieries, and the KINDEROARTtN laraaD:>y ITIlh Itomrd. and Work <;n»r- u HhilrattinR of troops is not only un- MA5Y WERE KJLLED AXD ffCl"XDED. Vik Pi AINP1ELD FRENCH •"""l On. Uandrad \Urjm. •^•-Wirr.lM. «01."862. 10OR. n 10.11 i«a. I88 8CRIB.VER 1 thoupht of. but the guard lines of sev- 1 eral of the camps are being constantly *?"4 j£ 1 *i $ 17. » 30. 6 41. 7 01. 8 13. 8 S3.10 x» ISS OBEEM. I Principals. Among the people who have recently Tb« Homonda Show That They Know p HELLWIG. ) ftn-ngihened. and the wisdom of brln£- Something A liont Warrarr and Olr» . returned from the new Clondyke gold Inn more cavalry is being discussed. It -ifiliofc »«o. olo. In oo a. m ; la oom.. 303 L-AQRANDE AVENUE. the Slkha and the Bul< a fwVsnd 1« Saturdays only) 1 10. l 30. a aO. mines are men who had been for more iva.i said that If the soldiers are kept !?1 •it 4 00. 4 3U. 5'«'• '5lr > except Saturdays) WILL REOPEN SEPTEMBER I6TH. tban ten years facing the dangers and here much longer the Sheridan troop Hard Content. •ffJJriiOOexeept Satunlays)6 Is, «sO. 700. Hiss Hellwia. who teaches the modern hardship of the frozen North In theof Tyrone, attached to the Second bri- languages In the wh.>ot. will Kive dally gade, will be ordered out. CAMP ANAYAT. via Panlknra. Sept. m Instruction in French. In the Kindergarten. hope of making % rich find, and signal- O.«3O.7«O. 7 301. , »oo. i6 18.—Severe fighting has tak-ti p!.i, .• h«- For particulars address the principals. 816 am ly failed. Now they come back with A captain o/ General Gobin's staff is tween the Seconfl brigade of (Jem i 1 Sir ...' Whitehall street at fortunes stored in their gripsacks and authority for the statement that an un- Blndon Blood's; division and :!- Mo- II Ma. a). (l!46 8atur- easy feeling prevails at headquarters In 2 stories of untold millions to be picked mundB The British loss w.is 1 .» i.lled iWnOOii') 1 »• ' *• 2S- 3 25. 3 58. 4 A 4 86. 6 J1 consequence of the little outbreaks of and wounded. SKr»«»DtHatun'aysl6•&. 655. 7 60. 826. • 10. The great question of life Is how to make NEW JERSEY up in the country of which so little is the past few days and the Indication ?• JTIID m-« 10 nlBht- Sundays-At 7 00. home neat and pretty Accomplish this by known. The new Eldorado lies Just The brigade h£.d moved out to .mack !Si:m 1100 m, 12 66. 2 30, 3 66. 6 26. 8 66. papering those dingy rooms with our wall UIIITAnV IPinrilVl »"«»"• 'ie new Eldorado lies Just they hold of the underlying disturbance. the Mornunds ini the valley north ••< the ..' ii> 10 night. papers. We have the largest and prettiest nUILl IAKY ALAUtMYn »crO8S the Alaskan boundary in British The brigade commander himself ad- HEWABK. stock in tbe city to select frrm camp, to punish them for tht- ::--.iult "territory, it is of recent discovery. mitted that the action of Ihe raiding Tuesday night opon the tmvf . r Gen- Formerly known as Dr. Johnson's Latin but already there are at least three women was giving him much perplex- eral Jeffreys at the foot nf Paw; ; ase. 8cho 1 1 ity. He does not care to use force The Bengal lancers found thn ,.|n-i: v In- Marsh, Ayers & Co., ° - thousand people on the ground, and against them and has instructed the A Military SCIKX)^ for the_ primary and, more are flocking in that direction. trenrhed on the hills about ejghi i. lies t scldlers. in case of necessity, to use only distant. PUTTEES. DECOBATIOFS. &C. •. J .__ . . __ The discovery of the Clondyke region the Hats of their sabers upon th« ami- presents a story that is uncommonly zons The story reached the general The Thlrty-flftlh Sikhs was ordered to or business. Will re-open make the attach. The regiment >vas 7 18. 7 36. 8 10. 10 OS. U 06 p. JOII ark avenue, corner Second street. Interesting. Around Forty-Mile Camp, that many men were In the attacking r 7 15. 9 05. 93». 10S6a. m.; 110. ESTlriATES FURNISHED. crowds disguised as women. A call for supported by four guns of a mnun'aln 836.7 30. 9 30.10 30 p. m. SEPTEMBER 21. 1897 on the Yukon, is a tribe of Indians, battery and six companies of Burl's The known as the Slickers, and with them troops came from Cranberry yesterday for Newark please change oars ami was the act of a scared night watch- Sikhs drove thei enemy Into the hills, A. D. WARDE, Ph. D., Is a man, who, years ago, was known but eventually f«ll back upon the Uuffs pfinrTTTLD AND SOXXBTIIXK. man, who mistook the soldiers for strik- is George Cormack, but who is now-rs. All the dynamite that can be found before superior numbers. j Ftainfleld 6 46. 710. g 18.9 54,11 Oo a.m Superintendent. The enemy then advanced against the el Saturdays only) 211. 132.3 36. 4 at called "Slick George." In Septembep r in Ihe region Is b«lng collected and ,i stored In Turnhach's powder house to left flank, drove; back the cavalry and tH.t0i.K3). 816.638. 71X 734. 8 1\. last, at the head of a party of Indians, surrounde.1 a company of Sikhs The • p m: 12 44 night. Sunday 515. «M, keep It from Ihe hands of the miners, g he left his hut near Forty-Mile Camp cavalry charged brilliantly and relieved : 1 os. s 39. a 35.8 30,10 it. n u p. m. THE PLAINFIELD ACADEMY and started In a southerly direction, and 100 men from the Ninth regiment L^Jomervaie ateoo 630. T. 7*0. 7 36 were sent over to guard th* house. The the Sikhs, and the guide* cominc up «L8M,tO19 48. ll 45. a. m: UK. 148. 2 06 saying that he intended to find a new watchman saw the lights and moving swept the tnemy back. The force halt- r aS!|Il*.6O8. 640. 8 07. 8 46. II 06 p. m 309 East Front St., ed for some t!trle, destroying the ene- I iw-W.t818.9 4t. 10 48 a. m; U06. 1 aft 6 If. gold field before his return. He came figures, lost his nerve and telephoned back two weeks later and startled the that an attack was threatened. my's towers, andl then retired. = tm!rk ••••48.1000 p.m. Will Reopen September 13th. A company of Sikhs on the hills to the 5 miners with the announcement that tunniLD Aim KAKTOII. For Proopectux address John DalzleL 117 Another territory ha» been turbulent. extreme right was hard pressed and at 6 46.8 M. • 64 a. m- 101. Plalnfleld Avenue, or Mr. F. ('. Grant. A. M, forty miles away there was gold to be A body of strikers at Lattimer. No. 2. jl p. m. Sunday at ( tf. iii< Grove Street. North Plalnfleld. x 11 tf wag running short of ammunition when jti« 36 p.m. found in plenty. The streams abound- quarreled among themselves, and blood- the general officer comma tiding moved Eastern at« os. 7 00. s 64. a. m; w ax shed threatened, when company E of Sunday at TU. 10 n a. m;4M ed with the yellow metal, and all that the guides forward to their relief, which was needed was for something to pick ih» Thirteenth regiment, which Is camp- was gallantly accomplished The guide* ed at Lattlmer, restored quiet. yfintmrt.n AXD LASX HOFATOOXO. it up. Many persons flocked to the carried the wounded Sikhs back and ex- La»T» Plalnfleld: l«,984a. m:l 11.6 03. t Deputy Coroner Bowman will begin Piano and Clavier \ place, and in time the word reached ecuted toe withdrawal In good order, a. •>••»<>•*».•« a.m. f inquest over the bodie* of th* dead though the enemy pressed them hard. INSTRUCTION. Forty-Mile Camp that untold riches wirnrABD ooyxxcnox*. miners next Tuesday afternoon Ovsr Darkness came on before the fore* i«a.B.—For Ptomington. Easton. Allen- MIS8ANNAO. MAR8H could be found along the bottom of UK) wltnenses will be examined. * * - ---!»-•-— Pottsrille. reached the camp, and the guides, with Down In a CoaOiine and MISS MINNIE B. MAB8H Bonanza Creek, and Its tributaries. Men weneral Oobin will not Interfere with Oeneral Jeffreys and his escort of Buffs. failed th e tonight's big mass meeting unless high- good qualities Madlftnn avenue, Sep- i^.^ »' former camp l«n- became separated from the column. Les«n- resumed ly colored speeches are made. The which passed them in the gloom. Oen- are easily determined from tbe poor. tember K.th. v i tf mediately packed up their belonging! prlnc-lpaJ speakers are to be P. J Ma- j Tbe solid chunks that are free from | and set out for the new fields. It was eral Jeffreys remained with the gun* PLAINFICLO SEMINARY irutre. vie* president of the American and took up a position In a village. slate is tbe coal that brings tbe big- a Hard and trying Journey, but that was fleet prices.Crumbling coal is tbe kind win re-open SEPTKIBKB I«, I»»;. »*byear. Federation of Labor, and O«orge Chane* The enemy had occupied a part of the Primary, Intermediate and Academic depart- nothing with the promise of millions <>r the I'rilled Labor league. As a pre- village and. the escort not being strong that makes the dust and it's the kind ments. Girl* prewired for college. Certill- Tj^'T^'Cwuke^harre: 70a get when you are not careful at the end of the route. cautionary measure, a guard of soldiers enough to expel them, had Inflicted con- . - e with buffet parlor cacarr to where you buy. We sell tbe honest, .tram, The following Is an extract from* a will be present. Organizer Fancy and siderable loss on the little party before T5"p. av. way for Easton. connecting at .». ABN'OLO. letter received by the steamer Excel- other leaders have asked that th* militia Major Wortledge. with- two companies, solid coal for the price you've paid for 8l«em be withdrawn, and General Oobln has Jsaeaon for ctatkw on D.L. k W. B B. tbe other sort, Princii*ls. sior, which arrived from Alaska, a each composed of Sikha and guides. • i 11 a. m.—Hfarh Bridge Branch for Fleminsr- • INS FAWCETTB *.1vtje Freehold. tr.sU, 10 S 11* 138 WEST FRONT ST. placer discovery made In the world, nlies. Further details on that point »S7a.m.: vere promised at a later date. He re-lives, we can only deplore a casualty "SgmS&tst.. PLAIrlFIELD. for though other diggings have been irarJed it as essential that some kind of which, though h will doubtless be 844. Mew Tork City. V. J. PIANO found quite as rich in spots, no such force acting under lawful authority be speedily avenged, casts a gloom upon extent of discovery has been known placed at St. Michaels to restrain the the happier Intelligence received from which prospected and worked so high lawless element. Secretary Alger late Fort Gullstan" | PLAINFIELD /HARHONY right through."—New York Tribune. vesterday afternoon gave the naceassry Lessons given either at pupils' or teacher's urders for the sending of troops. There Bmlldsr*' Convention Ends. residence. Lessons given In New vlll be only 25 infantrymen, and they Kaffir Mothan-In-Law. DETROIT. Sepjt. 18.-The National IGE and GOLD STORAGE CO, Tork on Wednesdays and Satur- will be sent from Fort D. A. Russell, Builders' association convention finish- days. F<>r particular* The son-in-law can speak to her on- wholesale and retail dealers in a tdress or call at vhere Captain Ray had made a selec- ed its business vjesterday. Milwaukee ly when they are 50 or 100 yards apart tion of hardy men to accompany him was choben for Ihe next convention, 7O5 Woodland Aye., at the top of his voice to make himself vhen he was about to go north before. which will be held the first Tuesday In Lake Hopatcong Ice. heard. If he meets her suddenly he Those men will be under the lead of February, 1899. Thomas R. Bentley of Plalnfleld, N. J. •-ieutenant Colonel Randall of theMilwaukee was elected president. Wil- Office, 153 North Avenue. must turn his head and If possible ':iKhth infantry, at Cheyenne. Wy., and cover his face. Unless he happens to liam H. Alslp of rihlcago first vice pres- TILEPHOXK 41. Miss Clara S. Hell wig, here will be a surgeon and three mem- ident, Stacey Rejeves of Philadelphia Oo-Principal o f have his shield with him, however, his ners of the army hospital corps, because second vice president. George Tapper of J.H.0LHA08EN. The Serrins of Prirate Families whole wardrobe may consist of a dis- "f the report of prevailing sicknass In • Specialty. • 4 Smo Chicago was re-el*cted treasurer for the Gen**! Superintendent. Plainfield French Kindergarten. pleased expression of countenance and Alaska. eleventh time and Secretary W. H. Say- H.P. BALDWIN. a loin-cloth. He will then turn his ward of Boston wias re-elected secreta- General Passenger Agent Professor of Languages, graduate of the Secretary Alger has managed to over- St. Peter and Paul College. Moscow. Rumla. back and get away as fast as possible. come the difficulty in the matter of ry. The following board of directors P A. DUNHAH. Recipient of the gold medal, the highest was named: C. K.\ Clark. Boston: C. A- honors awarded for Btudies by Her Majexty. The mother-in-law herself generally tmnsportation by means of telejrraphlc 'o* Park ave the Empress of Kusela. will resume her tarns her back and kneels under a bush •orrenpondence with President Weare of Rupp, Buffalo: Wi. M. Crilly, Chicago: ctty mac ud C. A. Cowan. Nev* York: Oeorge Wat- private lessons and clashes in French. or behind a rock, as if hiding from he Alaska Transportation and Trading mUGHYALLETRMLROlii. . aj German. Latin and English branches. ompany. That gentleman has Informed son. Philadelphia:; John Finn. Detroit: SEPTEMBER 1% 1897. him. Neither son-in-law nor mother- tie secretary that the company will William H. Klnoball. Lowell: John __ 1° effect June 13, 1897. Address IK East Fifth Street. 8 e 3mo eod in-law ever mentions the other's name. •tart another boat from Seattle for St Luther, Rochester: H. Wallschlaeger. I-BAYE SOUTH PLAINFIELD. YORK ( 1W Broad- )*Dwl*ht Method* The origin of this remarkable custom Michaels within the next seven days. Milwaukee. The i Building Inspectors" WBTWABD. L A. HUIIER'S is unknown. This boat will take up mainly food and association re-elecjted their former offi- LAW SCHOOL ( Tork City, mudenta may i loihing supplies, but the troops will be cers and decided to meet when the M p. m. Dally (Sundays 8 ol VARIETY MARKET. take D>7 8eko«l or E?*»!•« Kraool. LL. B. tn The theory that etiquette belongs on- taken also if the war department so de- Builders' association meets again. i Chunk. two years ;LL. M. in three years. Speoia ly to high society among civilized peo- Heats. Fruits. Vegetables. Poultry. Eggs, lectures In New Jersey practice. Send for express for Buffalo Ntaffra lectures In ple is generally held, but It la a mis- sires. and Principal intermediate etc. Goods delivered to any part of the city catalogue. GEORGE CHASE. Dean. Killed After a Drank. 7 303m-eoJ taken one. It is among barbarous GEORGE GOULD HOME. HARTFORD. Sept. 18—Matthew Ry- free of charge, tribes that it la carried to the highest '3J p.m . dally except an was stabbed arid killed by Jeremiah so Park Arenue. Telephone Call, S»—A CRANFORD SCHOOL perfection. The Kaffirs have a most He DitcDiiM the Angell Case and theMalone. The men had been on a grand » . m. I Local for Bound Financial Situation. A boarding and day school for young Intricate code, well Illustrated in the drunk. Malone Induced Ryan to go Into ladle* and children. Cranford. N. J. 8n ceremonies necessary in all dealings, NEW TORK. Sept. 18.—George Jay an alley and while there cut him In the William Hand & Son, begins September nd. ix»7. The health, (lould. the millionaire, who with his neck with a penknife. Ryan died in a except Sunday. "BLACK beauty, and convenience of location are ex- a man has with his mother-in-law in family and a personal retinue, arrived EXPRESS" for Rochester and ceptional. Diploma in Academic department. ft>w minutes. Malone wae arrested. He Certificate admitting to Female Colleges In Kaffir society. After a Kaffir marries (fre last night on the steamship St said he belonged in Bridgeport. College preparatory department. T.-rmR he Is never allowed to speak famil- I.ouis. from England, said there Is ab- Sunday, ez- reasonable. Send for circular. P. O. Box 171 7 si 2m s iarly to his wife's mother or look her •"•Hitely nothing in the rumors about Freight Train Cut Off Uli Head. Scranton. Pottsvllle. For Parties, etc. 618 Park avenue. •he selling of the Gould and Sage inter- in the face. When be wishes to speak PROVIDENCE, Sept. 18.—Joseph La- R. STRUTHER8. MISS C. D. ELLIOTT, to her he must get away fifty or a hun-• *ts in Manhattan Flevated stocks. He -m MJBufc ACCOUNTANT mont. 40 years of age. a mason, was •» p.m. daily S dred yards from her—so far that he •aid that the proposed suit against his struck and instantly killed by a freight or Easton' < 819 COLLEGE PLACE. : ither's estate l>y Mrs. Angell had be«?n is obliged to shout. train at the Rogfer Williams avenue Books opened and closed. Trial balances -.ART STUDIO:- •mplftely disposed of by the affidavit bridge last night »hlle walking on the and balance t-heets made Involved f th.> latter. He knew from the first. MM »««tibule ex- accountM settled. ArranKements made BABCOCK BUILDINO. 8lc;htle«« Woman Farmer. I track. The body Was terribly mangled, for periodical work. tmm ••!• said, that the whole matter was a FalK Chlca 0 and WILL REOPEN SEPTEMBER 2lst. There lives In Oak Hill. Tex., a blind the head being sevjered from the shoul- « - '.";iiul. When asked if he intended to ders. : tatlons CUsses in drawing, oil painting and China girl who has from a few acres of land, ;ir<'!=«-oute the parties Implicated In the decorating. -••nfplrary. Mr. Gould said that he Boys an. Armory. fL POWERS Booms 3lH-:ii9. 9 ir. o cultivated by herself, cleared about »200 «>»p m.8undair». I for L. 4 B. Junction DoaleHn Superior Quality Lehlgh and each season for several years by the\.ulr] let that rest with the public ALBANY, Sept. 118.—Lawyer John F\ Wyoming Coal. UNION TEACHERS' growing and sale of vegetables. She Montlgnanl of thii city bought In the York an 7:> ga ling the financial situation, Mr. Tenth battalion arifiory, which was sold T«?. :-«47.7 i. MIXED COAL. 14.75. A6ENCIES of AMERICA} began with no capital and an unfencedj said he Is greatly pleased with mill fi>r water rent Thursday, for *.1 60. Mr. ». 4 4V and, p.m. Sunday Yftr<1735 to 737 South Ave. Office 171 North R«T. L. I>. BASS, D. D. Hammer. piece of uncultivated land. There la outlook. He declared that there •• fine Montlgnanl now hdlds the federal build- n. 7io p. m hxpre*i-7 28. , Ave.. opposite B. R. Station. Pittsburgh Pa.: Toronto. Canada: Ne > Or- now a neat fence about her domain, a' -n material improvement tn the ii l»f»- ing in this city and the armory, both of «n_. »13.1 IT. 5 n. 7m and • 06 p. I Telephone 67 A. leaim. LjiTNew York. S. Y.: Washington. D. well and pump in the centre, and she 'R condition and said that In C.; Han Franrlxco. Oai,: Chicago. 111.: St. iniry which are new buildings. Louis. Ho. and Denver. Colorado. has. In addition to purchasing these,' I. iinil and "n the continent there Is ' and Intermediate stat- ' There are thousands of positions to be filled paid for a piano and hack to take her good i.Va of the Improvement m. 12 1:1. j 33, B 20. 7 10 p. ' vry Democrats Name Assemblyman. Arrival and Departure of Mails. within the next few months. 1 nd that the general impression Address all applicants to Union TEACHERS vegetables to the market, which la •:•• a 10 p. that the RIIUII times hasp come DELEVAN. N. ! Y., Sept. lg.—The NEW YOKE KAIL8. ANciKfl. Halteburs, Pa • m twenty miles from her home. Each' !•• l.« He !e-!j<-ve«! in this himself. Democrats of the iFirst assembly dis- ' Arrive—7:30. *:«o. li:j0 a. m. »30. 5. 6:30p.m. onlr * * p- m- «*«•»» Sunday evening during tbe dry season she wa-j trl't of Chautauijua have nominated ^^f Close—7:jo. »:*•». tn.. l::t0. BjOOand 7:30 p. m. Information congult. lcket SOMEBVILLEand EASTON. THB ters a certain number of plants until Erastus Chamherjaln of Ischua for Arrive—8:10 a, m..3 and 8:is p. m. she has gone over the entire piece,! Arlor Wlllard tlrrr. meml*r of assembly. Resolutions were Close—7:Jfl a.m.. 12:15 HIKI 4:30 p. m- NEW YORK. Sept. 1S.-E. S. WIMard. LBCB. PHILADELPHrA.-Direct. when she begins and goes over it again,' adopted Indorsing the Chicago plat- u erlntw Uent ;'.;•• KnpliKh actor, with ten members of 1i!' » ' Arrive—«:40.11:30a. m, 1'». and 2:30 p. m. in tbe same way. Insect life she de-j' form. V " """- Pa- Metropolitan Boarding Stables ..- <-i.any. arrived last night on the HA.S.H I.EE. ClnHe—7^.9:20a. m.. lltlSandB^lO p. m. f tects from her acute sense of hearing,' TKH1' P-*»"*ngf r Agent. Th'ouKh fast mail for West and South, close O. V. D. COBLE. Proprietor. . mship St. 1.1'Uls. He will open the A N#^ Alehmond County Coroner. 6:00 p. m. and grass and weeds are easily distin- i -n here with a play called "The ALBANY. Sept. : 18.—Governor Black AW SONXEMACHEa WABBENTTLLE No. 138 East Second street. guished from plants by the sensitive "i. siflan." Mr. Willard's leading lady A«s't Oonpral Piis.Henger Agt. Ajrive—U:* p_ has announced the] appointment of Dr 8outh Bethlehem. Ta. Livery, Bearding and Sale Stables. fingers of the blind gardener.—New MU« Maud H -Ifman of San Fran- W'ileim B. Wilkinson of New Brightor Office open from «:30 to 10:30 a.m. Horses boarded by the day. week, month or Tork Journal. i •• o Mi.«s Keith Wakeman of thea- « coroner for Richmond county, vice lfcUel Bt6!U n year. Reasonable prices. II IT ly ?..:iie ti'tv i.-, also in th«* fiimr-inv. Miarles W. Townsejnd, resigned. — -?: TXLEPHOSX NO *U T. PLAINFIELU DAILY P

EARLY INTELLIGENCE. SUNDAY SERVICES. nder this head are published by . -Yeas free of charge, when sup- Have your watches and Jewelry SP0RT5 plied fresh each week by authority. Copy GREAT BARGAINS. must bo In hand by ioa. m. Satunlay to in- repaired at Collier's He gives trading rare Insertion, and should be supplied Friday in BICYCLE and GOLF SUITS. We have 40 Suits that we will sell BELOW COST to •tamps. when possible.] ••• SIMM *"•* »• •• 8t. Joseph's (B. C.) Church—Rev.Wllllara. H c'oeo them out. ; Justioe Nash has issued summons gaa MtM «ri>4 •. m. Miller, pastor. Masses at H:soan». m. The evening ser OF THE STEEL STEEDS. vice has bi-eu discontinued until fall. the corner of Sycamore and Bockview Monroe Avenue M. E. Church. Rev. William Tha Popular Bnnlw Provides Incident* 0. O'DonneU. pastor—Services at 11 a. in All may not t>e able to go t>^ the gold fle'd* :B0EHM'S: avenues, across Sycramore avenue. and at 8 p.. m. Sunday-school at •' P of Alaska, but all may Invert In the Pla nll.l.l —Workmen started today to rebuild and Kxpreaclotu That an of •spec tn Epwortn Loajtue. 7:16 p. m. Morning Bulldint; and Loan AitBociution and be fcureo f M xnent When Wheeling l« the Kaga. subject. 'The lJaptixra of Fire." Short talk good result*. a bridge over the brook in front of the toiuDlors. theme. "Alcohol i" evening. "The No second mortgages. Crime of Indifference: The AnU-Cianibllng No vimUxlon fe*. Bron kside Betreat. It will bo a sub- Miss Daisy Elsberg, of Prospect Amendment." No wild-cat t*ec"rltles. stantial structure. place, has recovered her wheel which No higli-Halarled officers. Grace M. E. Church. Rev. Henry J. John- We do not promlw to mature the Btoek —Justice Mosher today issued a disappeared from the rear piazza of ston. pastor—Trenching cervices at lt>::»J a. m In " years (it can't be legally and honeHtly 7 cakes Borax Soap for 25c popular pricesof. . . 7 and T:4i p m. Sunday-school at '2:3) p. m done.) • - 10, and 25c Bumtuons in tbe case of Tier against her home several daysiago. Epworth I>>agueat T p m. Morning subject But stOi'k In our Association pays from 5 cakesBabbitt's or Ivory soap and Toiiet paper, roll. .. "The Power and Coming of Christ: evening. 9 to 1J per cent •••• 3c Gwyi »-tte, on contrrct. The trial will The bicycle thief is plying his trade "Soul Helling: The Constitutional Amend- All our money is invested on first tiond an 8c scrubbing brush for 25: A good broom for.. be h< Id next Friday. unmolested in this and neighboring ment." and murti(igr> on property In and about Plain- 1 ID pkge of best waihlng powder 5c Oil stove tea kettle. St. Stephen's Church. Rev. R. P. Simpson, neldand vicinity. • • • '. 9c towns. Owners of wheels will find it rector—Holy Communion. 7:30 a. m.: morn- All th» ofllcero are men well known in 14 qt granite cooking pot with cover 39c Tooth picks —Tbe quarterly conference at tbe ing prayer, litany and sermon. 11: Sunday. 3c advantageous to take a Uttie more and about Pluintteld and ran be relied on. Qua*er City bread pan 10c Sterling Silver polish, box Monroe Avenue M. E. church will be whouL »:*» a. m.; evening prayer and Her Our fln»t series has matured and ntock- t 4c care of their wheels, buy a lock and nion. 7:«. TroMey cars run past tht tollern promptly received their money. Fire proof clay cooking pots, lqt. . 10c Scouring soap held on Wednesday evening.. Pre- church every twelve minutes. Thesex-ona series will mature this Fall ••••r -. 4c siding Elder Smith will be present chain or else insure their machine. Park Avenue Baptist Church. Rev. J. W in a little over ten rears. 2qt..l5c Puty pomade, box . ifhardMon. pantor—Services at l'i::«i a. m The third, fourth and fifth scries are 5c —The total cost of expense for tbe Tbe entrance of Thomas A. Cuming and 7::«ip. m. Sunday-school at '.!::«' p. m.prosperous. 4qt..25c Glass handle lamp, complete....*I0c The iwxtor will i/ccupy the pulpit both morn- Our sixth serien will be opened In Sep- Japanese cup and saucer 7c Flour scoop and sifter combined" 7c opening of Watchung avenue in thelDto the bicycle trade is only another lng land evening. Morning theme. 'OnVn- tember Number'>f shares limited. case of a wheelman whose love for the Kive Not Defensive:" evening. "God Walking Call early and secure your ntock by sub splasher 10c Wool and turkey duster "lOc borough is $31,436.25, according to the Through the AUtieway of Nations." All sit scrlbtng for number of t-hares desired. figures of tbe commissioners as setsport has finally caused him to give tings free. Books open at following places: Offices handkerchiefs, while they Refrigerators and ice chesi atVprice ofW. R. Codingt/>n. Park Art*, and 'id.8t. last, box 5c Brooklyn blue and white forth in their last report up other lines of work and devote Reform Hall—4:18 meeting will be led byDally Presa nflVx: Ofllce ot 7Jefke A Lvintt flame himself to the cycle trade entirely. a good leadfrax usual. ra Park Ave.: Offleeof W A Voodnifl. Park Japanese bread baskets 9c reduced prices. —A series of special evangelistic All Souls' Church. Park avenue. (Unitarian.) Ave. and Front St A new line of jardlneres at the Full line of bird cages. meetings are to be held at the Monroe Peter Simms, the Plainfleld colored Rev. A. C. Nickeraon. nastor-Preaching I.. E. Birkalew. Pres : R»nry Uefke. service at 10:4* a. m. by the paxtor. Vlee-Pres.: B. F. Coriell, 8er.:W. RXodington. Aveuue M. E. church beginoiDg rider, won two firsts at the races at Subject. ' Existence and Ufe." Sunday- Treas.andHol'r: Jacob Y.-ehl. John Hioky W. •w-lioul at 12 m • thu fri-t sessiun nlmti vaca- A. Woodruff. Louis Kline. J. E. Kianueiy. E. October 1st They will continue the Somerset* County Fair Tuesday ioll. W. Tit«worth. J.P. Homan. C. H. Kmrs. Di- WE QIVE TRADING COUPONS. several weeks. Tbe pastor will be afternoon, instead of one first and one Christian Church. H. W. McKane. pastor • rectors. 8 5 eod tf The Lord's 8up|*r at |1:rk. will o<-cu( y the pulpit both morn- Church of the Holy Gross will reopen George Gould, the Park avenue ing and evening. *S LEANER OOAL B O E H Trinity Reformed Church—Bev. Cnrnellu* for the fall and winter after being dealer. Schenck. Ph. D, pastor. Service* wiii L. A. KHE.HUME. IO9, m and nJ WP5T FRONT ST. b> li.-l.linY. M.<. A. Hail. Divine worvhip closed during the summer months. AROUND THE BASES. and pre iching by the pantor at !<•:>' a. tu *° N. B. SAXTON An earnest invitation is extended to juuday-M-h . Subject ce,-rl«lJJ I « Interest in the League. Rev. W. C. the trouble with tbe West End Field •'behave As Citizen* Worthily." reference will all cut in the latest styles, and at prices to Buit the most economical bi rer. Iiov Club, the situation is very amusing l>e made to the p.opoxed amendments. Sun- Kindling Wood a Specialty. O'Dounell was in charge. iay-whonl rally service at J:4i p. m. ChrU- —Tbe Jaros hygienic underwear.ad after all. As was shown by his con-lan Endeavor service at ~:Jn p. in. duct en the field at tbe game on Grw« Church. Bev. E. M. Rodman, rector. (BENTS' vertixed in another column, is non- Rev K. Appleton. curate—Holy Co.nmunion FRANK DAY. Deportment we show ft handsome Use of neckwear. shUU. hat*, eto. CWQ shri kable, non-irritating, and tbeLabor Day morning, the West End at ":M a. ni.: Sunday-school at »:*> a. m.; Set one of our manager is liable to loose his temper. mornlnK prayer and sermon at iO:3t>: eve- 114 WEST SIXTH ST.. moet durable underwear for men, iing prayer and sermon at 7:u. I Near larfi Avenue > women and children. Unspun woolen He has done so in several instances in Ftr*t Presbyterian Church—Rev. Chas. E. Livery and boarding stacle In al * tmnelin HERCHANTS' EXCHANGE COUPON which be has written to Managei Herring, pastor. Service* at !<>::*> a m. anon fibre incorporated into the of :46 p. m. Morning subject. "Joyful In tice. Uor>^tt boarded by d... - oi books free. We give you the coupon*. a knitted cotton fabric form a material Mumford cf the Crescents. The Utter :'rayer:" evening. * ''onscieuce." nth Telonhono Nr>. m •-« East End A. M. E. Zioo Church. Filial..re which has long been recognized by tried to secure another game *•ith tbe ivenue. Rev. C Jtckson. i«stor.- Preaching the medical profession as unequalled West Ends with an impartial umpire at II a. m. and « p. m Sunday-^'hool at Werner's Clothing: House, but tbe West End manager would not i a. m. Evening subject. "Kuild Higher." for the protection of the body. It is First M. E. Church. Rev. Winfleld C hear of it. He declared that he wasSnodgr&ss. pantoi—I*rraching at 11 a. m 2O6 West Front Street. particularly beneficial in pulmonary and ":4S p. m. Sunday-school at 10 a. m. consumption, rheumatism, kidney satisfied with the result of the last Epworth League service at 7 p. m. TheSCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN. game and had no wish to continue ta**tor will occupy the pulpit l>oth morning diseases, catarrhal troubles, bowel ind evening. Morning subject. **S(>lrltual Established 1869. the fight He thinks that the charge Uaadmakintr: evening. The Problem of the trouMee, and should be worn by all L'oung Men." Io3 Park Avenue pern., as who indulge in athletic eports. made against his umpire, Mr. Tippett, $1,00. "School Shoes." $1.00. willHnake trouble as Mr. Tippett hasNEW JERSEY MILITARY ACADtMY. SS6SSS6S6S6 Exeonloaa to Nashville. southern blood and "will not stand The Tennessee Centennial has Th oruafh Study and I>liM-*pllot> to Prrpart- For BOYS and GIRLS, good wearing, right "up to-date" in style, and m any strain on his good name," which AN ARflY. have them in several different styles, so we can fityo u sure. We bare higher proved a great success. It continues is all very amusing. Mr. Tippett has the Pupila for College or Bmlam. prie«-d ones, too, just as cheap in proportion.. While you have been sway on until November 1st and the Norfolk Uncle Sam's army is not as big as it written to a Plainfleld friend that he is A. D. Warde. Ph.D., has just issued was in 1861-5. but hi* soldiers now asyour vacation the manufacturers nave been busy making up tha choicest, and Western Railway has arranged going to send a communication to tbe i neat little pampblet concisely and then, suffer from Kidney • Diseases best and cheapest lines of Fall and Winter shoes we have ever had. They some exceedingly pleasant excursions Press regarding the game. Its arrival nterestingly telling of the New Jer- contracted by exposure,bad water, etc. will be coming in now in a few days. ! to Nashville for the occasion. These will be watched with interest Mean- sey Military Academy, which is theA small army or old veterans have WE SELL GOOD TRUNKS CH&API excursions go all-rail via Washington been cured of Kidney and Bladder while it is really too bad that the two successor of Dr. Johnstone's Latin diseases. You too can be or HaReretown, return the same route, teams could not have met again. School. or direct via Gettysburg, returning di Such games are bound to help the The object of the school is to pre- DOANE & EDSALL. rect via Washington; ox steamers to National game and increase the inter- pare students for the college, the Norfolk, and thence via Petersburg, est in it among the people of this city. CURED government and scientific schools, I wi-*h to express my gmtitude for the good (and Richmond if desired), Boanoke, A deciding game would draw a large and for business. Tbe thorough dis results which Vr. Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain, re- crowd and would certainly be well 1111s have ofTeett-d In my case. I have suffered Tfadipg Stajnps. ipline necessary to secure this object rorn kidney dNeaee for the last eit?ht years turning all-rail to New York via theworth witnessing. Manager Mumford Every movement would cause such 'ntenso will be supplemented by such ele- -alti.'hat 1 would almost fall dowa. 1 w six or eight times a night The only shoe store in the city where you can get (trading The pain and weaknees of my back Interfered Washington or Hageretown (including here, however, and the blame lies enable the pupils to upp-ar «i'ii .>me with my work as |>«>rt*»r. 1 also suffered from stamps. Shoes polished free. Bootblack stand right in the Get>y«burg if desired.) The Norfolk with the manager of the West End rheumatism, m. stly In my ankles, I have or dignity in the home or social life. taken th» Hparairus Kidney Tills for the last store. j and tl estern Railway is the shortest Hub who would not accept tbe really Pupils may enter at any time, two months, with the result that my back is Htrong and the pain has disappeared I have and h\ all odds the most attractive srenerous offer made him. though it is desirable that all pupils iwn able to be out a I winter for the tlrst route to Nashville, the cleanest, the true In six years. Th** rheumatism has almost SHERWIN'S, 149 West Front St should enter the school during the li*up|ieared. I still have to get up once or most picturesque. For further particu- FOOTBALL. first week of the new school year. twine a night, but expert a complete cure by lars Address L. J.Ellis, Eastern Passen- continuing the tre .troent a little longer. The academy will receive pupils at fouiT truly. WM. WILHON. U4 Tanner avenue, F ger .Agent, 487 Broadway, N. Y There will be a meeting of the mem the age of eight, and those of more Harrisburg- Pa. 9 14 eod 3bers of the Plainfleld Athletic Associa advanced age, who may remain until PRODUCTS T°H E SEfl AM~««etes will be polled at the Mrs. George W. Nevius, of East Miss Belle MacMurray, of West- R. C. RAND'S, election on September 28th, when the Fifth street, entertained a few friends fleld, accompanied by Miss Galloway, 140 West Front street new amendments to the State Const! —The pulpit of the First Church of Christ will be supplied by Mr. Hellin- at tea last evening. of New York, are spending the day »tution come up to be voted upon by with Mrs. J. T. MacMurray, of East RESTAURANT the people. Home of the local politi ger, of New York city, tomorrow. Dexter O. Tiffany, of this city, who BAKERY4 ha8 been f uite iUfo r Front street. cians are of tB» swine opinion, but —Now is the time to get out your l sometime past, is AND then^wai be a determined < flbrtwinter cloaks and coats and take them J nmen better and he hopes to be out J. Parker Mason and family, of No. 132 Park Avenue among many of the latter to pet theto Hillier & Co., on North avenue, and ,8Oon- Stelle avenue, who have been enjoy, Fine Bread, Cake, Pastry and; ing the summer months at Bisby CATERER. local voter- out. bave them fixed for the cold weather, j Miss Oraoe Yerkes, of West Seventh TELEPHONE 121 R. Pies of all kinds. All orders It is not too early to think about these street, left this morning for Jenkin- Lodge, Oneida county, N. Y., have Miss Dav-nport, of Brooklyn, is n, returned home. promptly attended to. •*• guest at tb. home of Mr. and Mrs. F.things and if you attend to it now you town. Pa., where she will visit her f^AWSON <£ CO.,share of the public patronage M. Perry, of Wil'ow avenue. will avoid the rush. They will call for uncle. Mrs. William E. MacClymont and your goods or you can leave them at' Mrs. E. D. Webster, of Rorkview daughter, of Washington Park, have is respectfully s^lictecj- Misn Jh.rion P. Bowen, of WatI- any time between 7 o'clock in the Terrace, left yesterday for a two weeks returned home from their outing. ELECTRICIANS. cnun£»veniie. leaves on Monday f< r Electric Bells. Iiurclar Alarms. Electric morning and 7 o'clock in the evening visit to West Point, when' she will be Mrs. MacClymont left her father, Light Wiring. S. H. Northampton, when- bhe will enter Saturday nights the store is open later the guest of Captain and Mrs. J. L.who met with a serious accident a upon her studies at Smith College. in tbe evening. , Luak. short time ago, much improved. Bicycle Repairing. 222 East Front street. Plainfleld. N. J. 9 16m