32  2 31 HELLO THERE! ♪Tis the season to be jolly♪….Whether we can believe it, like it or not, the Christmas period is upon us and all the craziness that come with it…. For the church we first go through the season of Advent which is more reflective than celebratory. Christians are asked to go through a period of expectant waiting and preparation before the time of celebration as it serves a reminder, both of the original waiting that was done by the Hebrews for the birth of their Messiah, as well as the waiting of Christians now for the Second Coming of Christ - basically it is a season of looking forward and waiting for something greater. And I suppose that would be a good summary to describe the feelings of our children – looking forward to Christmas day and waiting for all the presents and goodies that it beholds! But what does Christmas mean to you? Is it going to be a frantic family time or a time of peace? For me it will be a Christmas when my eldest is now aware of what it is and all the fun it brings whilst my youngest will still be amazed at the lights, have no idea what is going on and will probably play with the cardboard box instead of the toy!!

But in reality Christmas does not always mean a time of joy and celebration. I am blessed and honoured to know clergy around the world and am only too aware of the very different challenges that this season brings them. I have a dear friend who is a Bishop in Pakistan and he has told me that he has had to have a discussion with the Head of the Taliban in his area to ask for his permission to carry out their Christmas Day procession. This man is known to have killed a number of the locals and yet my friend has gone to his house, unarmed, and requested something for his church that potentially could put his life in danger! Similarly there is religious fighting between Muslims and Christians in Nigeria and with that and the political corruption as well as poverty and desperate need they too will not be facing Christmas with smiles, joy, full fridges and plenty of presents. I pray every day for the Ministers and Christians abroad whose daily life is a struggle and where practicing their faith is a dangerous activity.

However you do not have to go abroad to find people in poverty, stricken with illness or being persecuted and abused – unfortunately all these can be found in our country and indeed in our neighbourhoods. Living in a developed and wealthy country does not automatically protect you from infection, difficulties or harm: and with that Christmas does not always bring joy, but instead further sadness, isolation or danger.

So for those of us who are, on reflection, happy, healthy and secure what should we concentrate on this Christmas? The Gospels invite us to make a difference in the world. How can this be done? We can make a difference with small things we do in the way we use our time; by the way we use of skills and of course, by the way we use our money. The Archdeacon of the , the Ven Peter Sutton, came to our churches to preach a few weeks ago and spoke about a hero of his - the late Anglican priest Chad Varah who founded the Samaritans. In 1935, as curate in Lincoln he had to bury, in un-consecrated ground, because that’s what the church did in those days, a 13 year old girl who starting her periods and having no idea what that meant, had committed suicide because she thought she had contracted some shameful disease. Standing over her grave Chad Varah said “Little Girl, I never knew you, but you have changed my life” and the Samaritans was born and since then has changed and saved the lives of many, many people. Archdeacon Peter challenged the congregations to think about what they were doing to serve the church and community and how they could make a difference. And in a slightly different way, I am challenging all you readers out there…………. 3 30 How can you make a difference in our villages? What can you give or how can you help or support our community? Could you do some volunteering, help a group in your area or just look in on some elderly neighbours? Reflecting on the difference Reverend Chad has made to our nation through the work of the Samaritans I wonder whether in 80 years’ time what we do now will be celebrated as we commend the work of the Samaritans – perhaps not on such a grand scale as that, but I hope and pray that the future residents of Gurnard and readers of this magazine look back and thank the previous generations, us, for what we did in our local community, how we generously gave our time, talents and resources to make a difference in our area – our homes, our churches and our communities.

So as you start your own Christmas preparations, add on your list one extra thing to do – to try and do something good for someone or something in our community. I pray this Yuletide is a good one for you: I hope the cards get sent on time, the turkey fits into the oven, the cat doesn’t attack the tree too many times etc etc…. In sum I hope it is whatever you wish for – be it a time for partying or a time of rest. And most importantly, just as a little baby did over 2000 years ago, I hope you make a lasting difference to something or someone this year. Wishing you all a peaceful and blessed Christmas! Rev’d Amanda Collinson


We welcome Luna Thomson, Oscar and Amelia Williams who have been baptised recently and we remember their parents, godparents families and friends.

For Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals please contact Rev’d Amanda Collinson 294913

Junior Church News Oh dear, what a mess with the dough ! But we soon had it cleared away and ate real pretzels to remind us of prayer – how ? Well pretzels were originally made to represent the folded arms of praying children by monks in Germany. Now lets sing “God's love is bigger than a burger'!

Junior church meets during the service (in school term time) at 0945 hrs. We use the fresh and inviting Garden room and the garden for our activities. Those activities include painting and crafts, drama and story telling, singing and music, games and experiments ! When there is not a session there is a new area of the church that has been made over for the youngsters with games and activities in a colourful environment.

Please call me if you need any more information: Terrie Burland tel 293940, mob 07745809965, or email [email protected] 4 CHURCH SERVICES AT ALL SAINTS’ 29 DECEMBER 1st 1st Sunday of Advent 8.00am Holy Communion 9.45am All Age Service – Christingle and Toy Service Isaiah 2:1-5 Romans 13:11-end Matthew 24:36-44

5th Thursday services 9.00am Morning Prayer 9.30am Holy Communion (said)

8th 2nd Sunday of Advent 9.45am Holy Communion Isaiah 11:1-10 Romans 15:4-13 Matthew 3:1-12

12th Thursday services 9.00am Morning Prayer 9.30am Holy Communion (said)

15th 3rd Sunday of Advent 9.45am Holy Communion Isaiah 35:1-10 James 5:7-10 Matthew 11:2-11

19th Thursday services 9.00am Morning Prayer 9.30am Holy Communion (said)

22nd 4th Sunday of Advent 9.45am Informal Communion with Nativity Isaiah 7:10-16 Romans 1:1-7 Matthew 1:18-end

26th There will be no Morning Prayer or Holy Communion

29th 1st Sunday of Christmas 9.45am Informal Holy Communion Isaiah 63:7-9 Hebrews 2:10-end Matthew 2:13-end

OUR CHRISTMAS SERVICES 8th 3.00pm Christingle service for baptism families 14th 10.00am Thanksgiving service for bereaved families 22nd 6.00pm Carol Service 24th 4.00pm Crib Service 11.00pm Midnight Mass 25th 9.45am Family Christmas Communion.

JANUARY 2014 2nd There will be no Morning Prayer or Holy Communion 5th Epiphany 8.00am Holy Communion 5 28 9.45am All Age worship 6.00pm Epiphany Carol Service Isaiah 60:1-6 Ephesians 3:1-12 Matthew 2:1-12

9th Thursday services 9.00am Morning Prayer 9.30am Holy Communion (said)

12th Baptism of Christ (1st Sunday of Epiphany) 9.45am Holy Communion Isaiah 42:1-9 Acts 10:34-43 Matthew 3:13-end

16th Thursday services 9.00am Morning Prayer 9.30am Holy Communion (said)

19th 2nd Sunday of Epiphany 9.45am Holy Communion Isaiah 49:1-7 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 John 1:29-42

23rd Thursday services 9.00am Morning Prayer 9.30am Holy Communion (said)

26th 3rd Sunday of Epiphany 9.45am Holy Communion Isaiah 9:1-4 1 Corinthians 1:10-18 Matthew 4:12-23

30th Thursday services 9.00am Morning Prayer 9.30am Holy Communion (said)

Thursday 19th December 2013 at 1830hrs, start from All Saints Church Gurnard – Carol Singing around the Village – wrap up warm with scarves, gloves, walking shoes and please bring a lantern/torch to light the way, Hopefully ending in the Portland Inn opposite the church. Plan of the route and stopping places will be in the church.

Thursday 23rd January 2014. After Holy Communion, 1015 – 1200hrs Coffee and Chat Morning in the Garden Room. Come along and bring a friend and relax.

Once upon a time we had a Village Diary in the Post Office, it worked very well, anyone organising events put the news in the diary Chris and Brian at the Newsagents are willing to start this diary up again. The calendar for the New Year 2014 will be put up on December 1st so organisers can add their forthcoming events as soon as possible to prevent several activities occurring on the same day. 6 METHODIST CHURCH, Birmingham Road, Cowes 27 SERVICES FOR DECEMBER 2013

Sunday 1st 10.30am Mr Den Brewin

Sunday 8th 10.30am Miss Shirley Whittingstall

Sunday 15th 10.30am Mr Alan Pullinger

Sunday 22nd 10.30am CAROL SERVICE Miss Margaret Potts

Tuesday 24th 4.00pm CHRISTINGLE SERVICE

Wednesday 25th 10.00am CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE Mr Den Brewin

Sunday 29th 10.30am HOLY COMMUNION Rev Marie Attwood T ea & Coffee is served after the services

The LADIES SISTERHOOD will meet at 2.30pm on Tuesday 3rdDecember only. All ladies very welcome to come along.

The FELLOWSHIP GROUP will meet on Monday 2nd December at 2.30pm at 82 Wyatts Lane, Northwood.

Please come and see the display of LIGHTED CHRISTMAS TREES by local organisations in the church from WEDS.4th until SAT.7th December from 11am until 4pm each day with a late night FRI.6th from 6.30 to 8pm.

The annual TOWN COUNCIL LIGHTS OF LOVE CAROL SERVICE will be held in the church on Friday 20th December at 6.30pm. Everyone welcome.


Sunday 5th 10.30am Mr Howard Burford

Sunday 12th 10.30am To be arranged

Sunday 19th 3.00pm COVENANT SERVICE United Service with Churches Together in Cowes Rev Phyl Fanning Sunday 26th 10.30am Mrs Marion Challoner

Tea and coffee is served after the services

The LADIES' SISTERHOOD and FELLOWSHIP GROUP will recommence in February 2014


26 FROM LOCAL COUNTY COUNCILLOR, PAUL FULLER 74, Wyatts Lane, Cowes PO31 8QA Tel:289595 (24 hrs)/ 07935 090 835 (mobile); Email: [email protected]; Blog: paulfullercc.blogspot.com; Twitter: @paulfullercc Surgeries: I am happy to meet residents at their convenience to discuss any issues. If I can’t assist I’ll try to find somebody who can. Alternatively I hold surgeries on the following occasions (no appointment is required): 4:30-5pm, Tuesday 3rd December, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes. 5:30-6pm, Tuesday 3rd December, Sports Bar, Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes. 6-6:30pm, Thursday 12th December, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard. 4:30-5pm, Tuesday 7th January 2014, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes. 5:30-6pm, Tuesday 7th January, Sports Bar, Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes. 3-3:30pm, Wednesday 15th January, Cowes Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes. 6-6:30pm, Thursday 31st January, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard

Planning Application: 99 dwellings between Place Road & Tuttons Hill, Gurnard. The deadline for comments for this proposal ended on 15th November. However, the Planning Department will continue to receive comments until such a time this application is determined. If you have yet to lodge your representation, please do this at the earliest opportunity, given the im- portance of this application! Since receiving this application, with Cllr. John Nicholson, I have carried out a letter drops to 150 households likely to be impacted from Place Road and Tuttons Hill and adjoining areas. Thank you to the 60 residents who attended the information evenings called at The Portland Inn and the IW Community Club- and my grateful thanks as always to Community Club and Sue from the Portland for accommodating us! It is gratefully appreciated! All updates on this application will be maintained on paulfullercc.blogspot.com.

Planning Application: 23-29 Cliff Road, Cowes. Revisions on this planning application have been made to lessen this proposals impact from Egypt Reach, Baring Road. Following this, I’m advised that Planning Officers are seeking to see this application is approved.

CS16 Footpath Update. I’ve received correspondence from Lynda and Michael Smith one of the chalet/ landowners adja- cent to footpath CS16 which both myself and Gurnard Parish Council following feedback agreed to recommend to Rights Of Way not to divert. Mr & Mrs Smith have been advised by the IW Council’s Coastal Protection Officer that coastal erosion on this section of cliff is predicted at a rate of 100-300mm per year. In response, signage warning people of cliff erosion will be erected, further to the explicit instructions received from the legal department of the landowners insurers.

Cowes Enterprise College. I continue to receive calls from residents concerning commuters and parental parking in Cross- field Avenue. Although, it continues to be a last resort to prohibit parking, a meeting is due to take place on site with the school and with Island Roads to explore options. In the meantime, I’m advised some extra parking has been made temporarily available on site. 8 . 25 Baring Road Traffic Order Following comments received from local residents and from Gurnard Primary School, proposals have been tabled to increase and tighten parking restrictions between junctions of Battery Road and Crossfield Avenue. In the coming weeks, I am looking forward to discussing these suggestions with resident’s and the school prior to any formal consultation commences.

Balancing the IW Council’s Budget. Concerns remain over the extent of savings being required to balance next year’s budget follow- ing indications over the level of support which Council’s receive from Government through the Local Services Support Grant. There has been dialogue with local Town/ Parish Councils about the potential of IW Council transferring certain non-statutory services to local councils.

Ferry Operators. At Full Council, it was resolved that meetings are called to open up dialogue between all three Island Ferry Operators and the IW Council’s relevant Scrutiny Committees. Cllr Geoff Lumley is due to Chair the first meeting with Ferry Users on 5th December, whilst I will be Chairing and feeding back information to the second meeting with operators in January. In the meantime, please let me know your views…

Giving Blood. Following representations received, I’m now able to confirm that Blood Donors will once again be able to donate at Cowes Yacht Haven. The next session at the Yacht Haven will take place on Tuesday 7th January 2014. For further information, please call 0300 123 23 23.

In the Last Month: I’m ever hopeful that before the end of November the Cowes Community Bus service will be diverted to pick up at the Aldi store in Three Gates Road. I attended a Planning Briefing to appraise Planning Committee Members of the implications of the Growth and Infrastructure Act 2013, which will impact upon new Planning Applications I’ve also dealt with Planning enquiries relating to proposals in Church Road, Rew Street, Solent View Road, responded to Wind Turbine Enquiries and with local residents attended a pre-application coffee morning at a property in Shore Road. I’ve attended three Governor Meetings and undertook a walk with the school principal to see lessons taking place at Cowes Enterprise College. I’m supporting a Park Road resident in getting a neighbours conifers trimmed! I’ve liaised with Island Roads in the hope of retrieving planings for unadopted roads. Pot Holes at the hammerhead of Debourne Close have been filled. I’m undertaking investigations concerning seeking alternatives to very Special Needs Placements off-Island and am requesting information regarding the Island’sChildrens Homes shortfall. I attended the Marine Management Organisation’s workshop and requested that Island seaside resorts such as Ryde, Sandown and Ventnor were acknowledged; I also raised concerns over the Shingles Bank potentially being earmarked for aggregate dredging sites. Gurnard’s Sea Wall adjacent to the Beach Huts was storm damaged. Quotes are being sought for repairs


As we arrive at the end of 2013 we spend a little time to remember what an excellent year this has been for Gurnard Bay WI. Sheila Baker our President has steered us through the meetings with lots of friendship and laughter. Our quiz evening was very enjoyable, the Beetle Drives, 2 this year (ladies only) are so noisy and such great fun. The Birthday Party at the Holmwood was a very grand occasion. The sun came out for the Summer Outing to Hinton Ampner near Winchester a coach full of ladies and gentlemen arrived home weary and very happy. Many members volunteered to ‘man’ the Tea and Cake tent at the May Day celebrations, the cakes sold out in minutes. A soft gentle exercise takes place in the Bowls events. The Whist Drives exercise the brain, they are now taking place once a month and are being well supported. Several times a year the Rambles keep the bones and muscles working well, while the Ambles find a fragile few of us in the nearest pub exercising the face and tongue muscles. We also had a beautiful Bluebell walk this year. Some of us have become ‘achy’ and tired and had to drop out of Country Dancing which has now gone into recess till next year. The Village Lunches are our icing on the cake. June Sly and the committee work very hard to produce the much waited for meal once or twice a year; all seats are taken at each event. Gurnard Bay has supported the A.C.W.W. (The Associated Country Women of the World) and the Air Ambulance. Kilos of food have been delivered to the Food Bank. We had a wonderful Cream Tea in August when Sue Swarby demonstrated her beautiful, mesmerising flower arranging techniques, I think for the first time ever there was absolute silence in a packed hall. We are looking forward to the next Study Day Brian Greening and Kevin Shaw will tell us all about the history of the Island. Our monthly meetings have been full of information and news with some ‘cracking’ speakers this year. We heard about the Music Hall…Wight Women at War..India..Life in Roman Britain and who could forget Mark Southwell RNLI who brought the beautiful DVD of the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh’s visit in July 2012. and Rosemary Joy’s restored films of the magnificent Big ‘J’ class yachts of the 1920’s and 30’s awesome! As we all go Phew what a year!!!.. we look forward to the serious stuff of the Annual General Meeting November 21st The sparkles food and fun at the December meeting on the 19th. Do come and join us you will never be lonely or bored just very welcome, we have 52 members this year you could make it 53 …and more.

We wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and a Healthy Prosperous 2014. Joan Hall

“THE WHISTLE BLOWER” The whistle goes again the mad mad frantic game is on again, my heart is thumping. At the end of the evening we have one winner, cheers all round. Ladies now relax and sit back in their chairs reminiscing on the trials and tribulations of the evening. The laughter is so contagious reverberating from table to table. The prize is awarded ladies leave the hall after the best 2hours of fun and stimulation I have seen for a long time. I was ex- hausted. It was my first initiation of this game I thought I hated from school days. Thank you so much to the Ladies of Gurnard Bay WI for an evening I will remember with joy. Oh the game….why Beetle of course. 10 23 Church benefits from Local Campaign All Saints Church were delighted to receive this month a cheque for £300 from our local Nisa store, Worsley Road Stores, as part of the Nisa ‘Making a Difference’ cam- paign. The church was nominated by Mrs Dow and her son Phillip, who own the store and the money given will be towards a small kitchenette at the back of church which will benefit not only church members but also all the other community groups that use our church. Rev Amanda Collinson, Priest in Charge of All Saints Church, wishes to thank Mrs Dow and Philip for their nomination and the Nisa company for their wonderful donation, especially as the store has been hit so dramatically with the opening of the new Aldi. This generous donation is very much appreciated: the company’s campaign to support local organisations has helped us to move the kitchenette idea from a plan to a reality. We hope and pray that we as a community can continue to support the store, our local shop, to keep this wonderful friendly and supportive team going during their difficult times. Thank you again.

Gurnard Village Cottage Garden Society In November we held our Annual General Meeting. The committee and officials remain the same as last year. This was followed by a surprise treat! Gentlemen of Gurnard you should have been there to see the performance by “Sheikh ya Bootie” A belly-dancing trio! After this we enjoyed our American Supper. Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances the annual Carrot Trophy Quiz has had to be postponed until our March meeting which will take place on WEDNESDAY 5th MARCH at 7 30 in the Village Hall. Please come along and support us, members and visitors always very welcome. PLEASE NOTE THERE WILL BE NO MEETINGS UNTIL WEDNESDAY 5th FEBRUARY 2014. This will be a talk on postcards by Terry Nigh. The competition will be a garden flower and your funniest postcard. We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and all good wishes for the New Year.

CHRISTMAS BOOK SALE W.I. HALL GURNARD Saturday 7th December 9.30 - 1.00 After the success of our previous ones we will be repeating our sale of secondhand quality books. This time as well as our usual stock we will bring some stock suitable for presents . We are both established local specialist book dealers. For more information contact John Lucas on 294312 or Mike Mackrill on 297827.

22 11 Gurnard Film Society USEFUL NAMES & TELEPHONE NUMBERS, Trading Places PLEASE KEEP LAST MONTHS, LIST BACK IN NEXT MAGAZINE Friday 6th December 7.00 for 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall Come early to enjoy a glass of mulled wine and a mince pie before or CHURCH ANNIVERSARY after our Christmas Special comedy film wherein a snobbish investor and a wily street con artist find their positions reversed as part of a bet by two cal- This year sees the 150th anniversary of the building and opening of the lous millionaires. Directed by John Landis, it stars Eddie Murphy, Dan Ayk- original All Saints church in Gurnard; it was the first religious royd, Ralph Bellamy and Jamie Lee Curtis. (1983)|The classification is 15 establishment in the village and was followed by the Methodist Chapel in and it lasts for 112 minutes. 1869. The church was situated about halfway down Church Road on the right, on a plot now occupied by a modern bungalow. It was conceived with the intention of being both a chapel Argo and a school. It was built at the instigation of the Rev. Edgar Silver, the Vicar of Holy Trinity Friday 3rd January in Cowes, and Gurnard remained as part of that parish until 1922. The foundation stone was laid on September 10th, 1862 by Miss Ward of “Westhill”, a daughter of the Ward family of 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall Northwood House, who owned most of the land to the south and west of the village. The Argo is a 2012 historical drama thriller film directed by Ben Affleck, in Hampshire Advertiser described the occasion in some detail and went on to say that which Central Intelligence Agency operative Tony Mendez leads the rescue of six We rejoice to see that so great an interest has been excited in this effort to provide for the spiritual wants of our outlying popula- U.S. diplomats from Tehran, Iran, during the 1979 Iran hostage crisis. The story tion, and we hope that the example will be followed in many of was also told in the 1981 television movie Escape from Iran: The Canadian Caper. our scattered island parishes. Argo is a multi-award winning film which achieved widespread critical and com- . So many people attended the service that the doors were taken off so that those standing mercial success. It has also been criticized for minimizing the role of the Canadian, outside could participate. The Offertory collection raised £17 13s 8¾d (£17.69) and the service was followed by tea for between 130 and 140 people in a barn lent for the occasion British and New Zealand embassies. Come along, be absorbed and decide for your- by Mr Ratsey. self. The church was designed by Mr Richard J. Jones, an architect from Ryde, and cost about Admission £5. You are welcome to bring your own refreshments and cushions £360 in total, including the site and the fittings, which was paid for by public subscription. Gurnard Village Hall, 50 Worsley Road, Gurnard. Donations included £50 from the Misses Ward and, presumably not to be outdone, another [email protected] or tel. 240615 £50 from no less a personage than Queen Victoria. The building was constructed of red brick See also www.events.onthewight.com and facebook with a pitched roof of red and black tiles, a bold ridge crest and could seat 130 people. There was a wooden belfry at the east end, with a “lofty shingle spire”, the bell being donated by Messrs. Atkey. The porch and sacristy were on the north side of the building. Inside the church the red brick was lightened by bands of white brick, with an illuminated text along the east wall and a large cross behind the altar. Owing to the lack of space, the lectern and the priest’s desk were placed within the altar rails. The font was made by Mr Ellery of Ryde and stood in the centre of the nave at the west end.

The building continued in use as a school after the new church was built in its present location in 1892/3 and was not replaced as an educational establishment until 1906,.The building was then used as a parish hall until its demolition in 1977. However, its memory lingers on in the names of Church Road and Lower Church Road.The opposite corner, now occupied by “Buckler’s View”, was the site of the Gurnard Hotel, the first pub in the village and this pre-dated the first church by some years. Priorities? No comment! Sheila Caws from information collected by Charles Taylor 12 21

The Solent Singers entertained at the Methodist Church, Cowes on 1st November. Despite the wind and rain there was a very good and appreciative audience. The choir sang a selection of songs, traditional and modern, and there were items by Trio (who recently celebrated their first anniversary) piano solos form Cherry Ann Grant and readings by Carolyn and Marion. The proceeds of the raffle and the retiring collection went to Front Line. It was a most enjoyable evening, and a very special one for Marion, who has now ‘handed over the baton’ to Suzanne.

THE SOLENT SINGERS present AN EVENING OF CHRISTMAS MUSIC with refreshments GURNARD VILLAGE HALL on FRIDAY - 13th DECEMBER at 7.30pm There will be a retiring collection in aid of he Isle of Wight Group of the Wessex Cancer Trust

C.A.M.E.O. This group meets every month on the second Thursday from 2-4p.m in the Village Hall it is open to anyone for £1.00 and a small prize for the raffle (under £3.00). There are occasional speakers on subjects of interest to the group, there are opportunities to play scrabble and cards, or to chat. A chance to air views and ask for advice and support from each other or a professional. A film may be shown, occasional outings/special meals, there is always tea/coffee (sometimes sherry) and cake.

THE CYBER CAFÉ Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays 2-4 in Village Hall open to anyone who would like a chance to talk with others about computer problems or to learn new skills, bring your own lap-top /Ipad /tablet/Kindle/smart-phone or use ours! £1.00 for all this and tea/coffee/ cake! We also need I.T competent folks who have a bit of time to spare to come along and be volunteer-mentors

Intermediate French Conversation/Grammar Class Tuesdays 1.30.p.m. - 2.30 p.m. £5.00 per session held at Cowes Community Centre Beckford Road Tel Sandra 752979

GURNARD PRIMARY SCHOOL : Fantastic Rafle Games Stalls Tombolas “CHRISTMAS FAIR” Meet Father Christmas in the Grotto FRIDAY DECEMBER 6th Mince Pie Bake-off 4pm to 6pm Hot Food and Refreshments 20 13

GURNARD VILLAGE HALL (charity number XT 6178) ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH, GURNARD Why not come and join us for a The Village Hall at 50 Worsley Road is fully accessible for those with Coffee and Chat disabilities including some parking outside the hall. The hall is equipped in the Garden Room at Church with furniture and crockery for groups up to 100 with a small well equipped kitchen for on Thursday, January 23rd at 10.15am food service and an enclosed garden. It has an overhead projector, and a large pull-down screen, P.A. system, and blue-ray player, for power-point presentations, home (and bring a friend?)? videos etc. The hall may be rented at £10 per hour, to see full T&C's go to gvhall.org.uk To book the hall call Liz Downer on 01983 295550 to report faults/damage or to donate time/money goods for sale on donations table telephone Carolyn Sibley 01983297154 or email [email protected]

MONDAY 1.30 – 3.30 p.m Art Group 5.30 - 6.30 Adult Tae Kwando Martial Arts 7.00 – 9.00 p.m Art Group TUESDAY 10.AM. – 12 noon Spinney Quilters 7.30 – 9.00 p.m International Dance (2nd and 4th ) 1.45 - 3.45 Age Concern Social Group WEDNESDAY 10-12 noon Art Group (1st And 3rd ) 2 - 4 p.m Cyber Cafe !1st ) 7.30 – 9.30 p.m. Gurnard Cottage Garden Society 3rd Wednesday Gurnard Bay W.I 6.30 – 9.30 p.m. THURSDAY 9.30 – 11.a.m Yoga 12 - 1.30 Keep Active 2ND Thursday C.A.M.E.O. 2 – 4 p.m. 4.30 - 5.30 Juniors Tae Kwando Martial Arts Gurnard Parish Council 2nd and last Thursday 6.15 - 10p.m FRIDAY First Friday in each month Gurnard Film Society 7.30 9.30 - 11.30 Parents and Toddlers 2-4P.M. Ladies Choir Solent Singers 14 19 GURNARD PARISH COUNCIL GURNARD SAILING CLUB PARISH COUNCIL VACANCY Our end of season prize-giving will be held on Sunday 8 December The Parish Council continues with the process of co-opting someone to fill the immediately after the last race of the season – probably around 1300 – last seat which was not filled during the elections in May this year! followed by the traditional “winter warmer”. All members are most welcome The qualifications for a local Councillor are: to attend. 18 years of age or over British subject or Commonwealth citizen, or citizen of the Irish Republic or a subject of a The social scene keeps going over the winter months. In October, we held a very successful member state of the European Community “Rocktober” supper which saw the club host a number of well-known rock stars including John Local elector of the Parish of Gurnard or during the 12 month period prior to nomination has: Lennon, Cyndi Lauper, Adam Ant, Freddie Mercury, a very unconvincing Tina Turner and no Occupied land or premises as owner or tenant in the Parish or less than three Elvis look-a-likes! Resided in the Parish or within 3 miles (4.8Km) thereof or Had his/her principal or only place of work in that area. The younger generation are staging a “dark & stormy” cocktail party on At the time of writing (14th November) no applications have been received. If no Saturday 30th November -which sold out a few weeks ago -and there are a applications are received by the extended deadline of Tuesday 5th November, the deadline series of quiz nights planned throughout the winter. will be further extended to Tuesday 3rd December. There are many people in the Village who love Gurnard - if you are one of them and are interested in your Village and would like to We will begin sailing again in early March." make a difference by being considered for co-option on to the Parish Council, please write to the Parish Clerk (or e-mail) with details of why you want to come on, and what you could bring to the Council: Mr Rusty Adams, Clerk to Gurnard Parish Council 63, Wellington Road, RYDE PO33 3QJ [email protected] Scout Report At half-term the Scouts, Cubs and Beavers enjoyed an action-packed weekend at PGL GURNARD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION – VACANCY Wootton, taking part in many of the activities that were available. The Group has now The Gurnard Community Association is a charity set up by the Parish Council about 3 years attended PGL a number of times over the last ten years and always come back buzzing. ago, specifically to fundraise for project work where a funding source may not be available to Thank you to all sections for the very smart turnout at the Remembrance Service and the Parish Council, but where it is available to charities. This only meets once a year, until it all who had duties to do on the day. takes on a project when the frequency will increase slightly. Using many bags of cement ,and working between the Due to us losing a member from the association in May there is at least one vacancy, but 2 showers, the concrete base for the canoe and kayak store has could easily be accommodated. now been completed. Thank you to the builder for his hard If you have any interest in helping out in what is NOT a burdensome role, please do make work. contact with Rusty Adams on 567522 or [email protected] to find out more. Many Peter Harris Group Scout Leader 1st Gurnard tel. 825959 thanks – Please help us with this.

GURNARD REGATTA 2013/2014 The Steering Group met on Wednesday 13/11/13, to review this year’s event which took place on Saturday 10th August and to see what lessons there were to learn – there is a photo gallery of the event on our website now, under “events – Regatta 2013”. Consideration was also given COPY DATES FOR 2014 to a 2014 repeat event, and it was agreed that this would take place, seeing how many people January 15th really enjoyed themselves – the date will be Saturday 12th July, from about 12.30pm to 4pm – February 12th please put this date on your 2014 calendars. If you want to be involved in joining the Steering March 19th Group (it will only meet about 4 times before the event in the evening) to help decide on what April 16th activities to include, please contact Rusty on 567522 a.s.a.p. – the 1st meeting will be 19th May 14th March at 7pm June 18th August 20th .MORE PICNIC TABLES FOR THE VILLAGE GREEN September 17th As mentioned last month the 2 concrete bases for the new tables have now been laid, but there October 15th has been a delay with the table manufacture. HMP Albany is manufacturing these for us, and November19th it seems there have been some problems accessing the materials. I am hopeful that it won’t be that long till we can collect them and have them installed. 18 15 FUTURE PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS The full Parish Council meets next at 7pm on Thursday 12th December, and again on NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Thursday 9th January 2014. There may also be committee meetings during both months - At the time of writing the Steering Group was due to meet again on 21/11/13, but residents are welcome to attend all meetings, which are usually held at Gurnard Village at the last meeting on 24/10/13 there was some vented frustration at the Place Hall in Worsley Road. Check the Parish notice board and/or the Parish Council’s website Road planning application being submitted. Of course this is only an application, for meeting confirmation and the agendas. To remind you again the address is and it has yet to be considered but without doubt the issue for the developer is www.gurnardpc.co.uk. going to be to justify the “housing need” which thanks to you all Gurnard has done, but there is Energy Consumption Quiz Answers: 900W 4W 160W 2500 3W 400W 45W no such survey report for Cowes and Northwood yet, and nor is there any valid IW Council needs assessment for the Medina Valley yet either! (Steering Group letter of objection is on the THE PARISH COUNCIL WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO WISH ALL Neighbourhood Plan website) RESIDENTS A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS, AND IT HOPES 2014 WILL BRING MANY The Steering Group has completed analyzing the Real Time Planning events in September and BLESSINGS TO THE GURNARD VILLAGE COMMUNITY. work is currently underway to agree and build upon the framework around which we shall populate the final Neighbourhood Plan document. It is hoped that on 21/11/13 there will be a draft document from each of the 4 focus groups [(1) “Buildings & Development”, (2) “Environment”, (3) “Regeneration, Economy & Tourism” and (4) “Social Wellbeing & Com- munity”] which, amongst other things, will summarise the work undertaken so far and also clearly state the aims & objectives for inclusion in the plan document. When this is finalized it will be much clearer what information is still needed, and the process of slotting the various reports & policies etc (which still have to be written) into it will be much easier. Further success has been made in liaising with local landowners and developers and some meetings have taken place already with more meetings in the pipeline – this is part of the Neighbourhood Plan consultation process the team is required to undertake, and perhaps is the area that continues to be one of the most challenging. Work also continues on firming up on green area designations around the Parish, and the Environment Focus Group has this remit, and the Steering Group planned to meet with the IW Council’s Planning Policy Team on 26/11/13 to gain a better un- derstanding of just how influential the recently completed and adopted housing needs survey report is in the determination of future planning applications. The planning consultant was scheduled to come to the 21/11/13 Steering Group meeting to clarify what she’ll be doing and also to identify what information we still need to gather. The Community and Social Wellbe- ing Focus Group would still benefit from one or two additional members to complete its work – this is looking at what aspirations residents may have for facilities in the Village, which could include sport, leisure & recreation and anything else leading to Village infrastructure improve- ments for local people please contact Rusty on 567522 for more details on this. Don’t forget you can see all the reports as they are uploaded to the Parish Council’s website. (www.gurnardpc.co.uk – look under “Projects” for Neighbourhood Plan – scroll down to the bottom of the page) You can also join us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/GurnardNeighbourhoodPlan or twitter @GurnardPlan (follow it on www.twitter.com/GurnardPlan) Finally, as always, many thanks to those of you have been so supportive of this venture – your support and proactive response to the various initiatives along the way are fundamental to the success of the project, together with providing continued motivation for our hard-working Steering Group.

LITTERING & LITTER PICK EVENTS The last litter pick event took place on Saturday 26th October, and 5 people joined Councillor Mrs McKean on what was not a very pleasant day – Gurnard beach, the Village Green and Worsley Road were covered, and many thanks to all those who helped out. The next event will take place on Saturday 22nd March 2014, so please put this date in your diaries if you’d like to help out – more details later on

. 16 17 PLEASE do continue to consider if you’d be prepared to have your name added running of the service – this money helps the local forum cover some associated to our list – it would be great to have a bank of people who we know would like costs such as driver travelling, medicals, licensing etc and also helps to fund the to be of help in principle! Please let Rusty Adams know (567522) if you’d like Saturday service. The local forum hasn’t met for a few weeks now, but we have your name adding to the list. received two more volunteer driver applications, which are currently being The Parish Council has just invested in a 2nd litter bin in the seating area by the processed. Work is underway to change the route so that the bus will include the

Watersedge Restaurant, which was installed on 12th November, in an attempt to Aldi store. cope with what was, in 2013, a huge litter disposal capacity demand for this area. PLEASE NOTE: DRIVERS ARE STILL NEEDED ON A CONTINUING BASIS FROM COWES, NORTHWOOD & GURNARD, so if anyone wants to put their name forward as a REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY volunteer driver to be added to the waiting list, please call Rusty on 567522. WITHOUT The Parish Council’s Chairman Councillor Sean Harrison joined IW Councillor Fuller in DRIVERS, OUR BUS SCHEME WILL STOP! There are currently still not enough drivers laying wreathes at the All Saints Church Service on Remembrance on Sunday 10th Novem- to cover the Island’s 6 community bus schemes. ber at 3pm, which was placed alongside wreathes from the IW Council and Gurnard Scouts & Guides. OPEN SPACES PROJECT The new site plan is still on our website - go to www.gurnardpc.co.uk – click on “projects” and GREEN SLOT then “school open spaces”. With energy prices having just been “hiked” so much, being “in tune” with our energy/ Following the news that the IW Council has agreed to give Gurnard Parish Council preferred electricity use is perhaps more important than ever! status for the transfer, representatives from the Parish Council met with the IW Council in A little quiz, courtesy of a contact at Super Homes, follows – a bit of fun too: Have a look at November to talk about the detail of this transfer. These were only preliminary discussions, and the graphic below, and see if you can work out which energy consumption circle each of the the IW Council has gone away with some pointers and queries for consideration – it is expected following appliances fits in to: that there will be a 2nd meeting soon. The Community Projects Committee was due to meet Microwave again on 28th November, when it would be informed about the working party work achieved Nintendo DS during the summer on some of the detailed plans for alterations to the site – all of which still PC with monitor have to be approved by the Parish Council of course. The planning application process remains Kettle on hold for the moment, pending the outcome of some enquiries the IW Council is making with iPod the Dept for Education. Large old plasma TV Laptop GURNARD HEIGHTS FOOTPATH Answers are at the end of the Parish Council’s entry This is the footpath which runs behind the Gurnard Heights houses from the top of Gurnard An interesting way a super home in the north of has adopted to save water is Heights down to just above the Woodvale Hotel. Some of you, especially Gurnard Heights’ having a wash hand basin mounted over the toilet cistern – odd you may think and I’m sure residents, will be aware of the Parish Council’s efforts to achieve adoption by the IW Council flushing would be a “frothy affair”, but it saves lots apparently! of the footpath, which is often overgrown. It failed in this attempt, but the footpath has just been the subject of a dedication order and agreement, which means it is now a formal footpath and SAFER NEIGHBOURHOOD OFFICER AND ENVIRONMENT & NEIGHBOUR- has been designated footpath CS 5A. The IW Council will still not agree to maintain the HOODS OFFICER (ENO) footpath but now that it is a formal footpath hopefully, when finances improve, the IW Council We have continued to be in touch with PCSO Lisa Paul and the ENO Neil Perry, but due to may have a change of heart. internal changes PCSO Derek Howard is taking over the Gurnard patch, but we haven’t met him yet. For the November meeting PCSO Derek Howard sent a report which, in the past 30 ISLAND ROADS PFI WORKS IN GURNARD days, included two crimes involving damage to 11 beach huts and a burglary from Tuttons Looking on the Island Roads website for works in 2013/2014 there are carriageway works listed Hill. There has also been a cold calling zone infringement issue in Tilbury Road, and trading for Church Road and footway works scheduled for Tilbury Road (which have already been standards booklets have been delivered since. Following the training of 10 speed watch started if not finished yet). The website doesn’t give times for this, but Island Roads states 3 volunteers, CRB checks are currently being processed. The advice with Christmas ap- weeks’ notice will be given on local notices for the works. proaching is to be mindful of home security at all times. Don’t make it easy for the “opportunist” – keep doors locked even when you’re at home. Don’t leave the car unlocked GRASS CUTTING and certainly not with valuables visible inside. If you go out make sure all windows are Most of the verge and open spaces in the Village are maintained by IW Council or Island closed, sheds and side gates locked too Roads, but the Parish Council continues to maintain a section of one side of Gurnard Heights. The contract for this work has just been awarded to the same contractor who has been maintain- COMMUNITY TRANSPORT SCHEME ing it for the past 2 years, namely Steve Dines. The No 32 service continues to operate, and thanks go to the regulars who donate to the