
Waxflower is Australia’s major native flower crop and also it’s largest export flower crop Exciting developments in with key overseas markets in Japan, the United States, the Netherlands, Canada and South- waxflower breeding and marketing East Asia.

p until the late 1990s Aus- Garden and Parks Authority, based we hope will produce a stable of tralia dominated southern at Kings Park in Western Australia new varieties and at the same time hemisphere waxflower pro- (B.G.P.A) . develop technology which will be Uduction in the June to December made available to breeders across supply window. However, in recent Somatic fusion the Australian wildflower industry years there has been increased wax- Alison Saunders, senior research and may be applicable to other flower production from countries manager, Wildflower and Native commercial wildflower crops.” such as Peru and South Africa. Program, R.I.R.D.C said Digby Growns, senior breeder These countries are typically pro- development of new and exciting at the B.G.P.A said the somatic ducing older varieties of waxflower wildflower varieties is essential for fusion techniques being developed with lower costs of production. Australia to maintain it’s com- in this project will allow cross- petitive edge in the global flower ing of closely related genera such Waxflower research industry. as Chamelaucium, project “This innovative project featuring and . Digby Growns For Australia to maintain and grow the technique of somatic fusion explained, ”Verticordia and Dar- market share it needs to remain at within the Chamelaucium alliance winia are typically not commercial the forefront of Waxflower breeding will be led by Digby Growns at cut flower genera but they possess and new variety development. King’s Park who will develop new some exciting attributes which we With this market driven objec- technologies to fast track produc- want to try and introduce into the tive in mind the Rural Industries tion of new varieties that may have Chamelaucium genus.” Research and Development never been thought possible before”, He continued, “Some of these de- Corporation (R.I.R.D.C.) is pleased said Saunders. sirable attributes include red flow- to announce an exciting new Saunders added, ”R.I.R.D.C wel- ers, coloured bracts and extended waxflower research project partner- comes WAFEX’s generous financial flowering periods”, he said by Ron van der Ploeg ing with WAFEX and the Botanic contribution to this project which

8 | September 2011 Exciting developments in waxflower breeding and marketing W.A.A.A. announces

Innovator marketing agreement Craig Musson ,WAFEX managing The Western Australian Agricul- Craig Musson, WAFEX managing director said WAFEX is thrilled to tural Authority advertised for a director said WAFEX looked invest in the somatic fusion project Request for Proposal (R.F.P) with forward to speeding up quick com- with R.I.R.D.C and King’s Park. regards to the commercial deve- mercial release of these exciting “The Australian waxflower industry lopment of waxflower cut flower new varieties to Western Austra- was built on being the innovator of varieties from their breeding lian flower growers.“The white new varieties such as ‘Purple Pride’, program. On June 15 2011 it was Pearlflower varieties WX 74 and ‘CWA’ and ‘Snowflake’ in the announced that WAFEX was the WX 87 have been selected for their 1980s, the Megapetalum hybrids successful applicant and WAFEX mid to late flowering season which in the 1990s and Pearlflower My will be the exclusive licensee for will extend White Pearl waxflower Sweet Sixteen and Dancing Queen the production and marketing of supply beyond the current last varieties around 2000”, said Mus- the initial three varieties designa- variety, ‘Ivory Pearl’ “, said Mus- son. ted for release: WX 56, WX 74 and son. Musson continued, ”WX 56 is Musson added,” Sadly in recent WX 87. an exciting two toned pink variety years there has been very little in As yet none of these three new with an attractive green centre and the way of new releases coinciding varieties have been named, all of in recent years there has been a with a drop in export sales of this these varieties have provisional noticeable shortage of export qua- crucial Australian export flower protection under the Plant Bree- lity Pink waxflower varieties. The crop. This investment offers the der’s Rights Act 1994. two toned colour attributes of WX hope of developing completely new The initial release will be 56 also allow for a longer harvest varieties to once again position restricted to Western Australian and marketing window.” Australia as the leader in Waxflower flower growers exclusively and All three varieties released by breeding and innovation.” ||| WAFEX will coordinate the sup- W.A.A.A have been extensively ply of propagation material and tested for production, stem length plants as well being the exclusive and vase life. For further informa- marketing agent for these varieties tion contact Craig Musson ,WAFEX for distribution on both export and Ph 08 9250 2431 or email craig@ domestic cut flower markets.

Alison Saunders, senior research man- ager, Wildflower and Native Plants Program.

Digby Growns, senior plant breeder at the B.G.P.A..

September 2011 | 9 NOW



Australia’s leading flower exporter

WAFEX is Australia’s first choice company for quality fresh & dried flowers. With a dedicated supplier base of over 200 flower growers, WAFEX supplies export markets in over 16 countries and growing.

Melbourne T: 61 3 9312 2121 F: 61 3 9312 0765 E: [email protected] Perth T: 61 8 9250 2431 F: 61 8 9250 2592 E: [email protected] Australia

Established in 1991, WAFEX is Australia’s leading exporter WAFEX going strong and importer of fresh and dried flowers and this ith offices and packing year celebrates 20 facilities in Perth and years of supplying Melbourne, WAFEX is the global flower staffedW by a dedicated team of over trade with quality 50 flower trade professionals and Australian grown has developed a supplier base of over flowers. 200 flower growers across both east and west coasts of Australia. The WAFEX success story has been predominantly built on the back of a product range featuring Australian native flower and foliage genera such as Chamelaucium,, Banksia, Anigozanthus, Ceratop- Helix Australia is positioned to become etalum and Boronia. the world’s leading marketer of new and In addition, WAFEX has always improved hybrid Waxflower varieties. been a strong supplier of a range of South African origin genera such as Protea, Leucadendron, Leucosper- Musson said, “We now provide presence across local and export mum and Serruria. our dried flower clients with a very markets, WAFEX is now active at a WAFEX’s key fresh flower export mar- customised product mix. This growing level having acquired two kets include The Netherlands, Japan, includes hot and cold dyed flowers, flower farms in the past three years. USA, Canada, Switzerland, Taiwan, preserved and bleached flowers, One farm is located near Perth and Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia small consumer pack sizes, bar features plantings across Waxflower, coding and mixed boxes across its Banksia, Protea and Scholtzia Dried flowers core dried crops including Banksia, plantings. The second farm located In addition to its strong fresh flower Stirlingia and Ixodia.” at Longford 3 hours south east of trade, WAFEX also has positioned Melbourne includes Banksia, Ser- itself as Australia’s leading exporter Domestic market ruria, Waxflower, Leucospermum, of dried flowers. The Australian domestic market Leucadendron, Erica, Boronia and Craig Musson, WAFEX managing plays a very important role in Flannel Flower crops. director outlined how WAFEX has WAFEX’s overall business strategy. ”Our move into cut flower produc- developed high value global dried With a population of around 23 tion was based on securing our flower markets through a range of million people and an estimated supply base for the next 10 years”, strategic value-add processes at its cut flower farm gate value of said Parsons. by Adrian Parsons Perth packing and processing facility. AUD $500million, the Australian domestic cut flower market is very Helix Australia well developed with central markets In 2008 Craig Musson and Adrian in most capital cities and a thriving Parsons established a new company wholesale distribution system. called Helix Australia. Helix Aus- WAFEX Eastern State’s director tralia is positioned to become the Adrian Parsons said supply to local world’s leading marketer of new and flower market enables WAFEX to improved hybrid Waxflower varie- trade 12 months of the year whereas ties. Helix Australia offers a range exports tends to be concentrated in of new and improved Waxflower a just a 6-8 month window. varieties for application across both Parsons explained, ”Our supply to cut flower and nursery/landscape the local market is both a mix of industries. our core native flower export crops Now led by a senior management in addition to a range of imported team comprising Daniel Stean, flower crops.” Paul Wilson and Tony Southall, WAFEX is building for the future Craig Musson, WAFEX WAFEX Eastern State’s director Active at a growing level across is trading, growing and in- managing director. Adrian Parsons In addition to its strong trading novative breeding enterprises. |||

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