Research Guide to

Catholic Liturgy

John M. Kelly Library University of St. ’s College


MAGISTERIUM - RETROSPECTIVE Documents of the - Retrospective 1 Each of these works English translations of major documents - Current 1 on the liturgy, both theological and canonical. Most of the texts Encyclopedias 2 included were published by departments of the . The Dictionaries 2 editions of many of these documents can be found in the The Enchiridion documentorum instaurationis liturgicae (St. Michael’s - Texts 3 3rd Floor – BX 1970 .A57). - Secondary Works 4

Other Western Rites 4 The New Liturgy: A Documentation, 1903–1965. Edited by R. Eastern Rites Kevin Seasoltz. New York: Herder and Herder, 1966. - Texts 5 [St. Michael's 1st Floor Reference Area – BX 1970 .S37 1966] - Secondary Works 5

Bibliographies 6

Documents on the Liturgy, 1963–1979: Conciliar, Papal, and Finding Journal Articles 6 Curial Texts. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1982. [St. Michael's 1st Floor Reference Area – BX 1970 .A56 1982]

The Liturgy Documents: A Resource. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications. 2 volumes. Volume 1, 4th edition, 2004 (5th edition, 2012, on order); volume 2, 3rd edition, 1999. [St. Michael's 1st Floor Reference Area – BX 1970 .A26 L58]


Notitiae. 1965 – present. [St. Michael's 3rd Floor – BX 1970 .A1 N6; recent issues in 2nd Floor current journal display area]

The bi-monthly publication of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the . Includes official documents as well as important critical studies.

Origins. 1977 – present. [St. Michael's 3rd Floor – BX 801 .O75; recent issues in 2nd Floor current journal display area]

A weekly publication which includes English translations of important documents.

Thirty-five Years of the BCL Newsletter. Washington, DC: United States Conference of , 2004. [St. Michael's 1st Floor Reference Area – BX 1970 .C346 2004]

Documents from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Committee on the Liturgy.

Illustration in title box: Salvador Dali, The of the (1955), National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. MULTI-VOLUME ENCYCLOPEDIAS

New . 2nd edition. Washington, DC: Gale, 2003. 15 volumes + supplements. [Available online for UofT use:] [St. Michael’s 1st Floor Reference Area – BX 841 .N44 2003]

The major English-language encyclopedia on Catholic topics. There is an article entitled “Liturgy, Articles on” which provides an overview of the encyclopedia’s liturgical content and identifies several hundred entries on particular topics. Unfortunately many of the articles in the 2003/online edition are reprints from the 1967 edition without any updating.

The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton, 1907. 16 volumes + 3 supplements. [Available online:] [St. Michael's 1st Floor Reference Area – BX 841 .C25 1907]

For over fifty years this work was the chief source of information on the in English-speaking countries. Owing to its length (almost twice as many words as the New Catholic Encyclopedia) and its emphasis on historical articles, it is still useful for the history of the liturgy.

Dictionnaire d'archéologie chrétienne et de liturgie. Paris: Letouzey et Ané, 1907–1953. 15 volumes. [St. Michael's 1st Floor Reference Area – BR 95 .D5 1907]

The most complete and scholarly reference work on the ancient liturgies of the Church. Covers liturgical art, architecture, music, rites, and formulas.


These works provide brief definitions and descriptions of liturgical terms, including names of people, liturgical objects, actions, and rites:

Bradshaw, Paul. The New Westminster Dictionary of Liturgy and Worship. Louisville, KY: Westminister John Knox Press, 2002. [St. Michael's 1st Floor Reference Area – BV 173 .N495 2002]

Fink, Peter. The New Dictionary of Worship. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical, 1990. [St. Michael's 1st Floor Reference Area – BV 173 .N485 1990]

Lang, Jovian P. Dictionary of the Liturgy. New York: Catholic Book Publishing, 1989. [St. Michael's 1st Floor Reference Area – BV 173 .L26 1989]

Lercaro, Giacomo. A Small Liturgical Dictionary. London: Burns & Oates, 1959. [St. Michael's 1st Floor Reference Area – BV 173 .L413 1959]

Pfatteicher, P.H. A Dictionary of Liturgical Terms. Philadelphia: Press International, 1991. [Emmanuel Reference – BV 173 .P42 1991]

Smolarski, Dennis C. Liturgical Literacy: From to Worship. New York: Paulist, 1990. [St. Michael's 1st Floor Reference Area – BV 173 .S66 1990]


Missale Romanum. Editio typica tertia. : Typis polyglottis vaticanis, 2002. [St. Michael's 1st Floor Reference Area – BX 2015 .A2 2002]

The current authoritative Latin text of the as revised in 1970 by order of the and then most recently in 2002.

Concordantia verbalia Missalis Romani: Partes Euchologicae. Edited by Thaddaus A. Schnitker and Wolfgang A. Slaby. Münster: Aschendorff, 1983. [St. Michael's 1st Floor Reference Area – BX 2015 .S36 1983]

A concordance to the Latin text of the 1975 edition of the Roman Missal (excluding the ) listing every use of every word. Useful for determining how a particular topic is treated in the liturgy.

Concordantia et Indices Missalis Romani. Edited by Manlio Sodi and Alessandro Toniolo. 2002. [Available online:]

A concordance to the Latin text of the 2002 edition of the Roman Missal.

Roman Missal. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2011. [St. Michael's 1st Floor Reference Area – BX 2015 .A4 2011]

The English translation of the Missale Romanum approved for use in Canada contains the prayers for : both the (the prayers used at all masses) and the Propers (the prayers which vary from day to day).

Lectionary. Sundays and Solemnities: [St. Michael's 1st Floor Reference – BX2003 .A4 C34 2009] Weekdays: [St. Michael's 1st Floor Reference – BX2003 .C377 1993] 2 volumes.

The Lectionary contains the scripture readings for Mass.

The Rites of the Catholic Church. New York: Pueblo, 1990–1991. 2 volumes. [St. Michael's 1st Floor Reference Area – BX 2035 .A4 1990]

The approved English translations for most of the Rituale Romanum and the Pontificale Romanum. Includes the texts for , , , marriage, , funerals, ordinations, and blessings.

The . New York: Catholic Book Publishing, 1975. 4 volumes. [St. Michael's 3rd Floor – BX 2000 .A74 1975]

The English translation of the Roman approved for use in Canada. Includes the prayers and scripture readings recited daily by priests, members of religious orders, and some .


Bugnini, Annibale. The Reform of the Liturgy, 1948–1975. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical, 1990. [St. Michael's 3rd Floor – BX 1970 .B8313 1990]

The standard history of the liturgical reform written by the Secretary of the Consilium and of the Congregation for Divine Worship, the Vatican offices responsible for the reform.

A Commentary on the of The Roman Missal. Edited by Edward Foley. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical, 2011. [St. Michael's 3rd Floor – BX 2015 .C58 2011]

A historical and theological commentary. Includes chapters on the current English translation.

Elliott, Peter J. Ceremonies of the Modern Roman Rite: The and the Liturgy of the Hours. San Francisco: Ignatius, 1995. [St. Michael's 3rd Floor – BX 1971 .E45 1995]

A respected guide to the rubrics of the reformed Roman Missal and Breviary.

Jungmann, Joseph A. The Mass of the Roman Rite: Its Origins and Development. New York: Benziger, 1951-1955. 2 volumes. [St. Michael's 3rd Floor – BQT 4154 .J8]

The standard history of and guide to the Roman Missal from its beginnings until the 1950’s.

Taft, Robert. The Liturgy of the Hours in East and West: The Origins of the Divine Office and Its Meaning for Today. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical, 1985. [St. Michael's 3rd Floor – BX 2000 .T34]

The standard history of and guide to the Roman Breviary.


Until the reform of the , there were dozens of different liturgical usages in the Western Church. About ten of these survived in a few religious orders and until the Second Vatican Council. Today, with the exception of the which is used throughout the Archdiocese of Milan, they are used in only a very few churches and chapels.

King, Archdale A. Liturgies of the Past. Milwaukee, WI: Bruce, 1959. [St. Michael's 3rd Floor – BQT 4135 .K5]

The rites of Aquileia, Benevento, and Nidaros, as well as the Celtic, Gallican, and English medieval rites.

King, Archdale A. Liturgies of the Primatial Sees. London: Longmans, Green, 1957. [St. Michael's 3rd Floor – BQT 4910 .K5]

The liturgical uses of the dioceses of Lyons, Braga, Milan, and Toledo.

King, Archdale A. Liturgies of the Religious Orders. London: Longmans, Green, 1955. [St. Michael's 3rd Floor – BQT 4700 .K5 R4]

The Carthusian, Cistercian, Premonstratensian, Carmelite, and Dominican forms of the Roman Rite. 4 EASTERN RITES – TEXTS

There are a number of liturgical rites used by different Eastern Catholics. These include the Armenian, Byzantine, Chaldaean, Coptic, Ethiopian, Maronite, Syrian, Syro-Malabar, and Syro-Malankara rites. Of these the largest is the Byzantine.

Liturgies Eastern and Western. Edited by F.E. Brightman. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1896. [St. Michael's 3rd Floor – BV 186 .L58]

English translations of the Armenian, Byzantine, Chaldaean, Coptic, Ethiopian, and Syrian anaphoras.

Byzantine Daily Worship. Allendale, NJ: Press, 1969. [St. Michael's 3rd Floor – BX 4711.65 .C37 1969]

An English translation of the Byzantine liturgy as used by Melkite Catholics.

The of : A New Translation by Members of the of Hellenic College/Holy Ghost Greek Orthodox School of . Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 1985. [St. Michael's 3rd Floor – BX 375 .E75 A45 1985]

The Greek text, a transliteration of the Greek text, and an English translation. Approved for use in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America.


Day, Peter D. The Liturgical Dictionary of Eastern . Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1993. [St. Michael's 1st Floor Reference Area – BX 106.2 .D38 1993]

Definitions for hundreds of liturgical terms including people, objects, prayers, and places.

King, Archdale A. The Rites of Eastern . Rome: Catholic Book Agency, 1948. 2 volumes. [St. Michael's 3rd Floor – BX 4710 .K5 1947 v. 2]

An introduction to each of the eastern rites, with frequent quotations from the liturgical texts.

Kucharek, Casimir. The Byzantine-Slav Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom: Its Origin and Evolution. Allendale, NJ: Alleluia Press, 1971. [St. Michael's 3rd Floor – BX 4711.663 .K83 1971]

The standard history and guide to the Byzantine liturgy as used by Ukrainian and Ruthenian Catholics; this work is the Byzantine equivalent of Jungmann's The Mass of the Roman Rite.

Liesel, Nikolaus. The Eucharistic Liturgies of the Eastern Churches. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1963. [St. Michael's 3rd Floor – BX 4710.63 .L513 1963]

A step-by-step guide to the eucharistic liturgy as celebrated in each of the Eastern rites, with black and white illustrations displaying almost every aspect of the celebration of the Divine Liturgy.


Sacramenta: Bibliographia Internationalis. Edited by Maksimilijan Zitnik. Rome: Pontificia università gregoriana, 1992-2002. 7 volumes. [St. Michael's 1st Floor Reference Area – BV 800 .Z58 1992]

A comprehensive list of over 75,000 works on the liturgy and the sacraments written between 1900 and 1999. Includes works written in all major Western European languages.

Critical Bibliography of Liturgical Literature. By Thomas A. Vismans and Lucas Brinkhoff. Nijmegen: V.S.K.B., 1961. [St. Michael's 1st Floor Reference Area – BX 1970 .V5713 1961]

A list of some 300 Catholic liturgical works each with a critical annotation.

A Bibliography of . By Bard Thompson. Philadelphia: Scarecrow, 1989. [St. Michael’s 1st Floor Reference Area – BV 176 .B5 1989]

A list of books and journal articles on all aspects of . No annotations.


Catholic Periodical and Literature Index (CPLI). [Available online (1981 – present) for UofT use:] [Print version (1930 – 1980): St. Michael's 1st Floor Reference Area – AI 3 .C3]

Over 200,000 bibliographic citations to Catholic books, book reviews, and journal articles from more than 160 Catholic magazines. Includes both scholarly and popular material. Use the print version to find articles published before 1981.

ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials. [Available online (1949 – present) for UofT use]

Over one million bibliographic citations to journal articles, essays in books, and book reviews in the field of religion. Covers all aspects of the major world religions, but excludes most Catholic journals (which are indexed in the Catholic Periodical and Literature Index).

It is possible to search the ATLA Religion Database and the Catholic Periodical and Literature Index at the same time: when you are using one or the other index, click on the blue “Choose Databases” tab at the top of the webpage, place checkmarks against both indexes, and then click on the “Continue” tab. Both the ATLA Religion Database and the Catholic Periodical and Literature Index include links to many full-text electronic journal articles.

Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses: Elenchus Bibliographicus. 1924 – present. [St. Michael's 3rd Floor – BR 1 .A1 E55]

The major European index to books and journal articles about includes a section entitled “Theologia sacramentorum et liturgia” (Theology of the Sacraments and the Liturgy). The Elenchus Bibliographicus is not available in the online version of the journal.

This research guide is maintained by Noel S. McFerran ([email protected]). It was last updated July 2012. The latest version is available online: