10 THE VmtONT PHOENIX.' BRATTLBI30HO, tfHtXUlf, JULY 28"; 19lG. '

P6!UtflCAL AD'ViifcMSrff'tf. I POUTIOAL ADVBRTISINO. I rOLITIOAL ADVERTISING. I POMTIOAI ADVEfcTlSINtJ. POLITICAL ADVERTISING? - mil rriinTiiYiiin ii 0. H..Tll6fejtf Tductfos tfrioif BdilUfei'.

ai1 Record aii'd1 ifaWoWriVa ftV 6hl- -' ca'stf lrf 1012. Gov-Smi- F.dltor of Thp phootii'x! Ex - Why Does Re Election Sen. Carroll Senator1 Pago,- seeking th teethe el S.Page? from the state of to the senate,' s'ciiitlB to bo bod ing hia reasons for the Statement that Mont-pclic- r, in 18(lfl-(iS-7- At a meeting of the Greater Vermont association and a member of congress in 0. Should he have been ho should bo on his record RCP""' ,0 1,0 1,10 1.1- of tl,u oters of ... ' JV. - ....4.11. .!' Edward . l",rl,08 Wlincfl. in ttfnnsuinnion uno; "is, wurn im, ftcfd July lath, 1!)K, former Governor Curtis VeSit.' barred Ottt on account of the native son rule? tho vnri'ous committees on which lio hns Smith of St. Albans was a guest of honor and one of the prin- served wliilo tlierc. In ,ono of Ills let See the array of distinguished senators who have repre- ho stntes da followa: cipal speakers. ters' II'?!ttncss of Vngfleld, one of the ih&st sented Vermont in the past, all born outside the state: "Whenever the Republican party re iiihJiillrJttT bettermqfit. tnrns to power in the somite iny rank Among his varied activities, Gov. Smith is head of the Cen- N- - from such as he Stephen R. Bradley, Wnllingford, Conn.; Elijah Palno, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1 7! IZT1 " scrvieo is such Uint win select the cnnirninn tral Vermont railway system, which is one of the corporations rondorftl e the recent national sh.ii) of either the conliriitt'co on print conviction. , Salisbury, Conn.; , Corinth, N. II. f1ro "tivc life John' W. Tltcomu, whose lug", Indian nffni'rs, or agriculture and whose taxes were materially increased by the legislation of t!'K ma f,ir , (IroeiHWch, Alrtsa.;.... Horatio Seymour, Litchfield, Gonn. P,,liluZw, , '''' thR oiiRorvnt!on of Verm .nt llsh forostrv." ''fr'' " l0St Vor",0,lt ",t,lcr SamuOl Prdntiss, Stonlngton, Conn.; , Amehin, N. Y. Ho also refers his. is not Surprising, therefore, that he should feel some re- "ule t0 tho "ilative to. tho fnct thnt It Z'' S. 8. Plielps, Litchfield, Conn.; Win, Upham, Leicester, Mass. studding on tho conuiuttoo on nuvui in sentment toward the executive whose influence was jxitent pln(,n.rf,l11!),'nJ'0.isTm,!i',(,,1ohn W- - Eocil' whoso nffnirs Would. bo vOry good. Aimo .lrit hp qoul porsonnlly legislation on the statutes. ,i J "? "f ns nn nblc judge nn Upright Ad:nittjng that J placing such citizen nnd n true Vefnionter could ftrattleboro Deprecates select the chairmanship of these com- - hardly be disputed. Reformer Attack mittces if ho desires and that the Re-- ; After attacking the legislatures responsible for increasing Referring to Gov. Smith's attack The Brattleboro Reformer jmbllc.nii party will' como buk info' railway faxts, Gov. Smith made a direct Attack on Allen M. Would Have Barred tfistinguistied power next full, would' it riot ho Well Governors s said : lor senqtor iorc to, .state to his con- Fletcher, who was governor at the time the taxes of the Central stituency whv ho voted a'Cainsf th'O Vermont Railway company were increased by law. This rule, if applied during the lifetime Of Vermont as a state, , Ex-Qo- E. Hiriith opened his mouth an'd stuck his foot In it Jlollis rural credit bill, as long as ho wheli in addressing the Greater Vermont association he injected seems to hnvo in hip power, Under tho would have prevented the following men of distinguished attri- t.J ...... i t m' r ,. ai' . .. politics into his remarks. What he said, in the language of one uuoye suuru couumuun, wiu iiniifi iu concerning which hnvo some butes from becoming governors of b'o (maTo c.h'alrmnn.of thp committee oil "There is another subject I Vermont: of Belasco's characters, was "Irrelevant, immaterial and not nropo'rfion hesitation in speaking, solely for tho reason thnt my motive in agriculture A, very larO Thomas Ohittonden, germane to tho subject." his. cpnptitKcncy nrO And doing 90 may bo misconstrued, but nt tho risk of the criticism the first governor, born In East Guilford, Conn. of farmers be political economy to tho Greater Vermont association is to be used as a politi- will be nffectcd by f ho successful work- - that I may passing from the realm of that Roswoll Farhllam, born in Iloston; Asahol Peck in Iloyalston, Mass. If . : . Of say belicVo our high offices in Ver- oii tueit. jioiusyiltlj jai crcqii Liltuiu. politics, I want to that I Samuel Plngroo, Salisbury, X. cal agency it will soon lose its usefulness, and it hns started on a ing rural mont shflulcl 1)6 kept fo'f Vermontors. This doctrine ought to be ll.; Levi K. Puller, Westmoreland, N. II. I hnve seen Senator Pace's stnto Vrban A. Woodbury, course which ought to make it the most potential force for up- i a principle of state policy at nil times and under all circum- Acworth, N. II, j Joslali Grout, Compton, P. Cj. incut in tli matter in which he sue- building- the stnto thnt has ever Oxisted. cossfnlly dodges the interrogation by stances. It matters not whether the position involved is tempo- , Hhutesbury, Mnss.: . E. Windsor. C.t Vermont should be gov-orno- d People also will revolt at tho idea of railroad Influence in a clever detour, calling tho attention rary, or whether it is for a term of years, Martin Ohlttenden, Salisbury, Conn.; , Primficld, Mass. by Vermonters and I mean true A'ermonters. Any departure public nll'airs. There was too much of sort of thing years of the interrogator to tho fact that the Poter T'. Washburn, Lynn, Mnss.; , Stafford, Conn. that rural, credit bonds of this banking from the strict enforcement of this principle ns a state ago, re- John G. McCullough, M. but fortunately there has been little apparent attempt in e in policy will in the end lead to a system of government of the Newark, Del.; Allen Fletchor, Indianapolis, Ind. scheme would bo the cent years by the railroads to uso their influence in public mat- state of A'orinofit. which is not rel- state by absentees that will bo humiliating and disastrous. , Hardwlck, Mass.; , Coventry, Conn. would Intro- ters. The peoplo of the state have shown a disposition to be evant to tho matter nit nil as to the Thcr6 Is not a state In tho Union that tolerato tho Isaac Tichohor, Newnrk, N. .1.; Isroal Smith, Sheffield, Conn. fair merits of tho bill itself. Ho also re- duction of outsiders to its high offices. , toward the railroads and t6 with them. Cum-ming- Xorwich, Conn.; Richard Skinner, Litchfield, Conn. fers to the speech of Senator s Another break like made will arouse an- "If it is right to permit a man who is a temporary resident Cornelius P. Van Ness, Kimlerhook, N. Y.; , Lancaster, Mass that which Smith of' Iowa, .in which ho refers to state to represent in one high olllco, why is it nnd of the the state Samuol C. tagonisms which will be hnrmful to the railroads. We are willing this particular feature of tho bill not n in Crafts, Woodstock, Conn.; William A. Palmor, Hebron, Conn speech Cu.nmings efptnlly right for such man to represent Vermont the to forget what Smith said, and we hope the newspapers and the iu which Senator other olllces .State in the legislature, in the , Hartford, C't.; Chas. Kilborn Williams, Cambridge, Mass falls on the old phrase of the Government, public generally will back hackneyed judiciary and in all public offices? If it is right in any of these and ninny others. take tho same attitude. that tho bill is "unconstitutional." is wrong in But for heaven's sake, Eddio, don't do again. We in nre not particularly in instances it is right in all of them. If it any of them it Vermont is wrong to congressmen, forested in Senator Cummiuga' idea it in every one of them. As tho list is legion. It includes such names as Nilcs, Lyon. Morris, Chamberlain, Olin, Elliot, Wltheroll, Shaw, Strong, tho of tho constitutional!-- . the sequel to Gov. Smith's speech Vermont along lines ' "Tho practice can only be justified on the prlnciplo of a Rich, Jowott, at the Greater ty of this lull. We wish to Know why quid pro quo, and this menus nothing else soiling our birth- Langdon, Marsh, Noyos, Morrill, Richards, Meoch, Mallory, than Koyes, Whlto, Allen, meeting is the Carroft Senator Page .voted against it. right for a mess of pottago, larger or smaller. Such a practico can Homan Cahoon, James, Isaac Fletcher, John Smith, endorsement of Senator S. Page's can- Henry, Joyce, William W. I also note that on July 12th a let- bring no ultimate benefit to the State. It only stamps tho peoplo Grout. didacy for by the St. Albans Messenger, Gov. ter purporting to como from Senator of Vermont as easy and holds tho state up to ridicule and con- Page to his constituents in Vermont tempt. What expectation or hope will there be if such a practice Cbilamer Smith's newspaper. called their attention again to the fact is allowed to grow and incrense, for the ambition of the youth Attacks Great Memories From Down that he wns staying closo to his post of this stato? of duty in Washington. If I am in- Among the statues in the rotunda at Washington, adjudged Is This the Reason For Governor Smith's formed correctly, during tho week of "It would lie a short step from request to n demand, and Attack July 12th tho n'nvnl appropriation bill, from n demand for high office, to the suggestion followed by n worthy of honorable position alongside Ethan.Allen's, is that of In declaring his candidacy for the , carrying the most important changes demand, for tho reform of our institutions, nnd for the reor- Jacob Collamcr, one of Vermont's grand old men. He was bom in our navy wlich have been niado for ganization of our entire political system." Mr. Fletcher said : many years, was up for final discus- in East Guilford, Conn. sion." I find that S'enntor Page was not am influenced in reaching in Washington that week but was in This attack, made in the presence of nearly guests "I this decision by my belief 1,000 Gov. Smith's doctrine would have prevented his own that Biich decision wiU not meet tho approval of paid lobbyists, tho state of Vermont apparently not gathered the, at the Greater Vermont Meeting, was characterized by XVortliingfon big intorcsts, or such newspapers as may sustain thorn. These ele- for the purposo of assisting uncle, C. Smith, from holding public office in ments hnve Greater Vermont association to become the Rutland Herald as follows: persistently conducted n campaign of misrepresenta- Vermont. tion against the constructive legislation by tho n, success but for the purpose of main-- ; enacted General Assembly pf iDlU, and my administration as Governor, nnd for tabling a political lobby at the meet- To say that Vermont offices should be mserved for nntivo Bom in Barre, Mass., Worthington Smith represented St. ing of tho Orentor Vornunt association reasons which appeal to them, stand today energetically and Vermonters nlone would hnve prevented Horaco F. Graham from Albans in legislature in 1 Go for his own It is npparent the ltffiS, was county senator in 180 vociferously demanding tho of the junior sonator." that he did not consider that he was needed on tho naval committee at that time and if he was not needed on the naval committee at Washington during Why Do the Railroads Return of to United thnt week he never will bo and his ap- Desire the Senator Page the Stales Senate? peal to his constituency on tho basis of his committco appointments appar- ently is without an j vnlue. Senator Lodge of Massachusetts, who is also a candidate for was a member of tho naval committee WILL SENATOR PAGE ANSWER ? and wo find by tho press quotations that he considered it necessary to be FLETCfrER in Washington during tho considera- ALLEN M. SENATORIAL CLUB, NORTHFIELD, VERMONT tion of this bill. I do not find in any of tho press despatches concerning the consideration of this bill from its in- ception any mention of Senator Pago's THREE DROWN IN VERMONT. TOWNSHEND GETS INJUNCTION. COUPLE WENT TO FUTNEY. HO'OSIER POET IS DEAD. And they mnde her hair of gloomy AKLEY'S CAR RUNS INTO STORE. linnio or of Iiis work either for or Midnight anil her eves Of bloomy against tho bill. Naturally a man who Richard and Dwight Moody, Brothers, Court Moonshine nnd they brought her Sidcswipod Bushnoll's Grocery While has served eight years in tho United Restrains Allison dishing from Turners Falls Youth Not of Marriage JTamos Whitcomb Riloy, Sang the Joys, to me States senate lias, perforce of circum- at West Berlin and Warden Hatch at Interfering with Town's Occupancy Ago Ho Applied at Brattlebo- - Sorrows, Fancies and Humors of the In the solemn night. Turning Around Axle Bont and stances, committco appointments. It is East Barnet. Whon a new thought, however, to tho writor of Schoolhouse. boro Town Clerk's Office. Middlo West. In some quarters the poem as ac- Other Damago Dono. Richard Moody, Hi, nt least, that these appointments were and Bwielit. his Mass., news in cepted as genuine; in others it was de- 11, sons Another chanter in the suit of the town Fuller the Adams, the A Cadillac touring car owned by given out on tho basis of the length of brother, of William Moody of James Whitcoifib Riley, known the nounced a con- of Townshend npiinst Allison Cashing Of Springfield Republican Monday ap as fraud. After the Harold Akley of Vernon, but driven service and not on tho nbility to serve nnrrc, were drowned in iJog river, world over ns "The Hooslor Poet," troversy had waged for months Riley : thnt town for the possession of n little peared tho lollowing item: by nnother young mnn, and containing, and I believe thnt Senator Pago will west Jieriin at Sundav afternoon. announced of in his home Indianapolis confessed. Tho boys wero bathing. Dwight, who school house wns written in county court "Tho marriage is died in besides the driver, two women and w hnve to show to his constituents that Monday when Miss Helen Uricus, daughter of Mr. Snturdny night, having enrlier in the In the 'curly '80s ho began writing hovel true he will could not swim, got beyond his depth, afternoon, Judge W. little girl, crashed against the side of this idea is before Rriggs of Clieshiro in Old Kl-H- nnd his brother, who wnsl a ood swim u . .Miles, presiding nt the ndjourned ses- and Mrs. Charles day suffered a yioleift shock of paraly- verse "Hoosier" dialoct for the J. K. Bushnell's grocery store on got any great support for this reason uur-tier- s mer, went to his rescue. Tho sion of the April term of tho Windham Ilarbor and Raymond Mntlnen or Indianapolis Journal. lie sent some of street Saturday night at IO.L'0 alnne. latter wns I'ut-no- sis. He sustained his first shock Jlily county eoiiit. Falls. They were married iu his poomsi to Honry Wndsworth Long-follo- Since he hns seen fit to great dragged down whilo trying to bring his emitted nn injunction order 10, 1010. o'clock. The occupants of the car lav cm application of Vt., June 17 nnd spent their hon- nud they received Ids praise. A stress on his am wondering1 brother ashore. Other bovs tried to the town. Riley, born of the we're badly shaken up and frightened record, I The injunction eymoon iu Springfield." James Whitcomb volume wns published rtnd "the Hoosier were we hnvo torgotton event which' help tllcm whilo they wero struggling restrains Mr. dishing snug joys, sorrows, but not seriously injured. The it the from interferinu witli A young man who gave his nnmc as Middle West, the poet" began to win a public. Ho was of took place at tho Hepublicun National in tno deep wntcr hy pusning out the town in the fnncies and humors of its folk, largely front axle tho car was bent, the planus, nut tncy lniied to grasp them occupancy or iim of the property whore Itnymond Mnthieu and address ns Tur- an excellent reader of his own dialect frame twisted, a mud guard was convention in Chicago in .Mine, of- in its own dialect. The world was so i:n. Tho parents arrived nt scene Ho Mr. dishing lias been sleoping' ners Falls, Mass., appeared at tho verses and for the following 15 years, broken damage n minor Some members of tho Vermont delegii' the and on by his the and other of foro the bodies were recovered at 0 which ho 1ms placed locks. fice of Town Clerk Hopkins July 13, touched inspiration and or Until 1808, he mnde tours of the nature wns dono. The tion worked with great vigor for the his homely symbols he car narrowly that night and removed to an under Mr. Cushion bought the farm, of (not. JUne 17), accompanied by n young realism of thrtt country, nppearing injmblic with great mihsed tho large sllriiv windows nnd nomination of Mr. Hughes at thnt tiino which wns one tiintj devoting their taking room in Mortlifield. The burial tho little plot of land on which the woman, lie applied to Miss Oolilio of the fev, success both alone nnd in association sideswipod the building, doing some in order to avoid a split in tno itcpui) lives to poetry, gained n took place in Watcrburv. school house stands was once n pint, sev- Johnson, nssistant town clerk, for a fortune. with the humorist, Bill Nye, who was minor damage, lienu party. We had succeeded in con courso mak Mr. Riley wns pcclilnrly sensitive ns o. Tho boys had been working during eral years ago. It wns provided iu Jnnrringe license. In the of his intimate friend. The driver of tho car driven up vincing Mr. Roosevelt thnt this was the in- had ..V i xt ' summer Herlin A deed the plot ing out the application lie gave ins ago to tho advance of ago nnd ovudod ..!... ueii.-iiuiui-.11 !.. the for farmers. that should bo used or Publication of books of poems yenr Elliot street nnd at tho corner of wise iimvu li uio told him she as to drito his but primary could bo brother, Robert, is a privato in Com school house purposes. Mr. dishing con- ns 10. Miss Johnson that quiries the of birth, nfter year brought Riley n fortune nud Church street swung around to n bv direct law seated. availa- Tho test came on tho of the ,pnny F with tho Vermont regiment at sidered thnt nfter tho town had fnilcd to could not issuo him n license without tho most neciirnto information wide recognition of his literary genius townrd Mnin street. The car iiclonntcs. Tho Hoosovclt i'nss, xcxasi use the building for school purposes for tho consent of his parents or guardian ble indicntes thnt ho was bom in 1841. not only, in the genre shot forward as tho driver apparently California Ho and form. Many delegates had a strength of COT nec- two or three years it reverted to the fnrm, as ho was under age. suggested "Should you nsk his ago," one of of his poems are of imaginative fantasy shifted genrs wliilo turning around and essary for choice, 512. my memory Warden Hatch, IS, son of Win. Hatch so ho took possession. Tho town officials that Rho could "fix it up" tor mm, ills friends said, "lie would answer or gently philosophic. went up on to the sidewalk and ran If tho nflico. serves mo tho Vormont dolegn. of St. Jnhnsbury, was drowned nt Kast argue that they hnvo kept insurance on bdt whon sho declined ho loft 'This side of forty,' nnd leavo yoti to In J 002 ho degree of into the building. rlcht Agent I). S.: received the tion caucused and agreed that if there Harnet Sunday, while canoeing. Ho the building and maintained it ns a school Ho inquired of Ticket guess which side." of Ynle at station for tho master arts from university and was n break in tho bnllotlng they worked for Fred Ijindsex', and with building even though it wns not occupied Carey tho railroa.l Tho poet wns the scfn of Redbon A. iu lOOt tho University of Pennsylvania should eight votes for tho son, was for that purpose each yenr. next 'town in Vermont where there Riley, a and political speaker ff cast their iiindwy's (luv, tryinc to Mr. Carey sold conferred Upon him the degree of let- THREE YEARS FOR BURGLARY. the California delbeatlon shrtot ih rapids above Roy's mill, Fmlier iu the term, when tho suit wns Was a town clerk and Greenfield, Ind. The boy could not be him two tickets for I'ntnoy. ters. Indiana university conferred the nnd tho matter was left with the chair when their ennoo overturned". Llndsey first biought, Attorney A. V. Schwcnk brought to the dull routine of school honorary degree of LL. D. on him in limn fwlin was Senator Pncro) to iif reached shore sifelv but Hatch went )vns given time to file nn answer to the days, but ho wns wiso in tho loro of 1007. Arthur White of West Dummerston hi judgment, Tho Vermont adoption down and it is thought ho was carried complaint of the town. This has, not been streams nnd fields. His mother, who wns In July, 1911, tho poet to SoHtcncod Broko Into' Mrs. c.;v (lw1 nn nvnrV COMFOltT TO CO. presented Minnie ..Aitr. in over the dam. filed yet. Attorney V. K. Hniber nppenrs BAD'S SENT I. Klizaboth Marino before her marriago, tho city of Iiidiannpnlls property valued The of convention He was a sophomore nt tho Vail for tho town. Bdttcrloy's Homo. ballot. records that was a writer of verse and Riley in Inter' rit $75,000 for a Site for a public li- sliow from the very start of tho voting agricultural school at Lyndon Center. County court ndjourned 11 o'clock' nt life attributed some of his impractica- brary and school administration build- Arthur White, 11, son of Thomas nn (lie seiiflriP tff tho California" dele Resides his father ho leaves a brdthor 'luesduy n 3oldtors' Aid Society Ships 80 to Ertglo without having appointed bility to her, ing. White of West Diimmerstoii, broko into gates that there were 'break but Sen and sister. commissioner to hear Wntornmn-Mnr- - the Pass Others Will Go to Men Still Instead of preparing for the practice Mr. Rilev never married, but he was tho home of Mrs. in ator Pago saw. fit, and nut ior uio tiu suit. Judge .Miles left that morning Minnie Uetterloy Camp. of law, ns his father wished, tho son a lover of children, frhoso spirit he fli-- . West DuniincrRtou Sunday of W-- 11. "Warner of Vcrgcunes, tor iioyaiton, Having mnde nrinngcmcilts at State during the i. turned itinernnt sigm pnlilter. For ten so the Vermont oicgn-tim- TRUCK' CRUSHED BY TRAIN. vined intimately, and ot rnntlly lite. absence of the owner. Monday morning wns for casting to later make the appointment. The Soldiers' Aid society boxed yeiirs he roved tliroiigh Ohio villley, vntn fiu lin hn'il on every ballot in up the Many of the last years of his life he Judge F. F. Rarber of tho municipal sent to tho Kxpress com- on had the lie six itndtwo. Mr. War- nnd American painting signs fences. lie spent quietly nt his home iu n secluded court sentenced the boy to threu years convention Boy of 14 Fatally Injured Ohautlour olllco afternoon 80 nnd clever- his everlasting credit objected in pany's yesterday trick of tho brush and pencil section of Indianapolis. in the reform school nt Vcrgcnnes fund ner to No Contest Over tho Will of Mrs. Hot-- . comfort bags soldiers of Com- vir- Uio vote from VormOnt on tins SOriOus Condition. for the ly drew sketches illustrating tho he wns taken there by Sheriff C. 13. and pany 'h olllco nfternoon K(i ballot was (ifo dud' three, the Iloo'so. ty areen. Monday tues of 'merchandise. 'He'was uaturrilly Mltiili that afternoon. Mi), with- - Fred hiishford, chauffeur for an Essex tho end of tho weok "tho soeitjty will nud shone ns fiddler in the $70,000 riant at Swatttoh. volt vote rising' as n total to will MrH. (.rnini wna musical a Tho boy lived in the Dctterley 'home Junction laundry, sustnined a biokeu leg rhi nf Ilottv hnvo sent slmilnr bng to tho members villages nt which his party stopped ttt in thrco votes or soium uuiCKit admitted o probate in tho probatp At nn ndjourned vlllago meeting in from tho tiino he was nino years old tion'and'Wftking tho eompromiso candi and shoulders Wednesday, nnd William of the company now t tho stnto camp night. He played for dances and ttt. flwnnton was voted to ilovelop until a few months ngo. Ho had been Siegrist, M, who wns ri'ding With court hero Saturday without contest, ground it tho .1.... i.na.lMn nt. that tiino. him, near Fort Ftlmn Allen. concerts In country hotels. He wrote Higlignto power to the oxtont of n living there rt part of the timo since. wns fafnlly injured when n westbound leaving inn enure osinio to ner son, uoi, These nre very desirable I n!n.!'1Uto s'uro that tho above articles, rhymes, which sometimes found tneir unit, which will cost ap- He gained entrnneo to tho house by local from Kssex to Winooski, Kdwnrd II. R, Green, nnd daughter, Mrs, just things statement is correct, as J nine e carciui train rnn containing the needed by wny into cmultry newspapers. proximately $55,000. This means thnt n smashing a wiliflow that opened on Over the auto delivery truck near the mili- Matthew Astor Witks. Col. Green's men nwny from who hnve to rit' tho' time of tho actual transac home act Ho free and easy new pdwer house will ,be erected nt tho thh roof of n shed, cutting one hand data tary post. The diiver (lid not hear tho of New York stated that he the part of seamstresses in times led this cheerful, tion. - of in tho '70 's, then ho took foot of tho rapids wlioro tho fall is badly on tho glnss. It did not prevent T'mrn is runninc for ro whistle of the locomotive. Roth of tho action by the stnto of New necessity. They are made of khaki nud life late a..nr York to collect, if possible, nn inherit' ns a reporter on a newspaper vpry much greater thou at tho present him from practicing marksmanship on his record tho Progressives patients were tnken to tho Fanny Allen each contnins black nd whlto linen is diiin. a election hospital. rinco tax on tho estate, although Mrs, darning In Anderson, Ind. Iu 1877, for the pur- plant, whiclr locnted near tho with shot gun nud n rifle, both the iu tho-- state of Vermont nnd tho men thrend, black and ton cotton, This Btop Green claimed n legnl residonco here, two pose, ns ho said, of proving that ho has bocmno necessary owing property of 'the hired mnn. He nsed up who consider thomsolvcs progressive sizes of black and whlto buttons, to fo? a box suf-fivie- write poetry of. vnluo, ho perpe- tho constantly increasing doninnd nearly of cartridges for tho rifle. liopnbllenns might do well to take two sizes of snfoty pins, darning nee- could Pago's Kveiy crook hntes to bo disturbed in his trated the l'oo hoax which for yenrs was electricity for both lighting nnd motor time to exnrnmo Senator dles, button needles, scissors, thimble purposes, Thq business. Thp annual field day of tho Now and a adhesive plaster, n literary sensation. Ho wrote n poem blasting for the new Ttord cnreiniiy iui' package of penstock begin nt once nnd is Tho young condor does not iiy until its "personal support. Against stupidity the very gods fight F.uglttnd Ayrshire club was held recent- Kneh bag is rolled up and tied with iu tho stylo of Kdgnr Alien l'oo, to will it tfMr ly in homo O. M. expocted tho npw plant will be in, opera- first year. Yours very tnily, uuvictOrloua, Behillor. Urandon nt tho of tape, making a convenient and nttrnc-tiv- o which he gnvo tho characteristic tltlo THOMPSON. Wiusl'ow, "who is secretary nnd treasur- nnd it wns offered to tion by next Mny. This work Will cost Gen. W. A. "Hardy Oklahoma CUAIlIiES il. Somo men nro just living they pnekage. of "Ueoiiniile," of City, onnvhnt er of the Nntlonril Ayrshire Hreeders' as a hitherto unpublished arotind $15)000, so thnt tho totnl cost of Okla., has been a Masbit 'for 70 years. did forty years ngo,- which tho public nnd nlmnst association. Hreeders from sovernl Of l'oo. One development for 8 want oil's now hydro- ,Tho forgotten. product of the genius of The nlliel 'Mirb "n liftlfe m , majority of workors iu coppor everybody hns As tho sys- electric plant will bo nrduiid slow realizing states wero 'entered by Mr. rind Mrit an addition to Hertlllion the stnni'ns wns: $70,000. they, mines uru said to be immune from ty Tho modern liig gun is mndo with a (Winslow nnd rirojrniii tem of identification an 'Omnlin den- that ns.well as the kaiser, had a ,i ... tho included the stake iu tho Mexican game. pilOUI.' cpro of stool around which is wouyd presentation ol interesting papers. A tist has perfected a t" register the "Leoiianie nngela.nnmod.hcr, ilroken plate glass is now snlvaged by Mtoel wire. In tho biggest guns in use Vermont Ayrshire club was formed ridges of upper guin(, which, ho says And they took hv light A. J. 'Gauthier of Barre, for careless The planet Venus is so shrouded the plate-glas- s insurance companies, The now thero nro butweeu 140 and 170 with ,Mr. Winslow as president nnd never chnnge and are different iu every Of the laughing stars and framed her and negligent driving', lias had his au- with dense clouds that astronomers glasi i cut into smaller sizes and resold. miles of this wire. Clydo'N. Smith secretary. individual. Iu a smile of white. tomobile license suspended. are unable to study its surface.