• By T. S. BLAKENEY, Assistant Librarian The following have been added to the Library: Publications of Clubs and Societies Alpine Sports Club, Auckland, N .Z. Alpinesport. Vol. xvi, No. 4· Pp. 12. 9~ X 7· Sept. 1949 , New York. The Atnerican Alpine Journal. Vol. vii, Nos. 2 and 3, Issues 22, 23. 9 X 6. Pp. 233-365 . . Illustrations. (Articles on Antarctica; N. Selkirks; Legends of Mt. Pilatus.) 1949 American Geographical Society of New York. Geographical Review. 10 X 6!. Vol. 39 1949 Appalachian Mountain Club, Boston, U.S.A. Appalachia. Vol. xxvii, No. 4· Pp. 401-544. 9 X 6. Dec. 1949 (Articles: Andorra; Psychology of : Lebanon.) Camping Club of Great Britain. Camping and Outdoor Life. Vol. 44. 1949-50 Canterbury Mountaineering and Camping Club. The Canterbury Mountaineer, 1948-49. Vol. 4, No. r8. 9! X 7!-· Pp. 246-354. Aug. 1949 Climbers' Club, London. Journal. Vol. ix, No. r (No. 74). Pp. 131. 8! X 5-l· (Articles: lVIts. of Sinai;· V. J. E. Ryan; Badile, N.-E. face.) . 1949 Colorado Mountain Club, Denver, U.S.A. Trail and Tin1berline. Nos. 369-72. 1949 Craven Pothole Club, Skipton. Journal. Vol. r, No. r. Pp. 48. 1949 Federacion de Ski y Andinismo de Chile, Santiago. Vol. v. Nos. 56-63. 10~ X 71· 1947-48 --. Nos, 64-6. 1949 Club Alpin Fran~ais. La Montagne, Nos. 345-46. ro! X 8. Illustra- tions. July-Dec. 1949 ~-. Section Lyonnaise. Revue Alpine, Nos. 361-62. rot X 7}. Illus- trations. (Articles: Ascent of Brussels Park, Canadian Rockies.) 1949 Geographical Association, Manchester. Geography. 9! x 6. Vol. xxxiv. Mar.-Dec. 1949 The Geographical Magazine. 91 X 71· Illustrations. Jan. 1950 Societe de Geographie de Paris. Acta Geographica. g! x 6. Jan.-Dec. 1949 Groupe de Haute Montagne, Paris. Alpinisme. rot x 8. Nos. 88-9. Illustrations. I 949 The Harvard Mo-untaineering Club, Cambridge, Mass, U.S.A. Harvard Mountaineering. No. g. Pp. 92. Illustrations. 9 X 6. June 1949 Istituto Geographico Militaire, Firenze. L'Universo. 9! x 6!. Maps, Illustrations. Anno. xxix, Nos. r-6. Jan.-Dec. 1949 Club Alpino Italiano, . Rivista Mensile. g! x 6-!. Illustrations . . Vol._lxviii, Nos. r-12. 1949 --. Sezioni Venete. Le Alpi Venete. 9! X 6!. 1949 Ladies' _Alpine Club. Journal. Pp. 39· 8} X st. Illustrations. (Articles: Natal; l{ilinlanjaro.) 1949 Oesterreichischen Alpenklub, Vienna. Oesterreichische Alpenzeitung. rot X 71· Illustrations, Nos. 1246-48. July-Dec. 1949 Oesterreichischen Alpenverein, Innsbruck. Berg und Heimat. 9! x 6!. Illustrations, Nos. r-12 1949 Royal Geographical Society, London. The Geographical Journal. g! x • 6. Illustrations maps. \Tol. cxiv, r-6. July-Dec. 1949 ALPINE CLUB LIBRARY 439

Ski Club of Great Britain, London. British Ski Year Book. Vol. xiii, No. 30. 8-i- X s ·~. Pp. xxxii, 400. Illustrations. 1949 --. Ski Notes and Que·ries. Vol. xii, Nos. 2 and 3· 8! X st. Illustra- tions. Pp. 38, 38 Oct. 1949-Jan. 1950 • Svenska Fjallklubben. Till Fjalls ; Arsbok, 1949. 9!- x 7t· Pp.. 96 . Illustrations. Dec. 1949 Svenska Turistforeningens, Stockholm. Tidnung, Nos. 5 and 6. Pp. 129-91. rr X 8. Illustrations: Oct.- Dec. 1949 Schweizer Alpenklub. Die Alpen. ro x 7· Vol. xxv., Nos. r- 12. 1949 Schweizerischen Stiftung fiir Alpine Forschungen. Berge der Welt. Karakorum und Tibesti. \ Tol. iv (i\.rticles : Obituary, E. L . Strutt ; Karakorums, 194 7: Tibesti, 1948 ; Amnyi Machin ; Cordillera. 1948.) 1949 Victorian 1 Ski Clubs, Federation of. Australia. Ski-Horizon. Vol. r, ~ No. 2. Oct. 1949 Yorkshire Ramblers' Club. Journal. Vol. vii, No. 25 . Pp. 193-282. Illustr ations. 9~- X 6. 1949 Zeitschrift fiir Bergsteiger und SchiHiufer, Munich. ro x 7. Illus- trations. June-Dec. 1949

Books and Articles Adams, Frank Dawson. Sir Charles Lyell ; his place in Geological Science. (Reprint from 'Science,' Sept ember I, 1933.) Pp. 6. rot X 7f· 1933 Agostini, Alberto M. de. Ande Patagonich e. Viaggi di Esplorazione alla Cordigliera Patagonica Australe. Pp. 381. Illustrated. rof; X St. Societa Cartografia Giovanni de Agostini, Milano. 1949 Allani, Pierre. Alpinisrne et ~ompetition. Pp. 158. 71- X 5~- . Illus- trat ed. (Preface by H. de Segogne.) B. Arthaud. 1949 Clark, Ronald. The Early Alpine Guides. (Introduction by Lord Schuster.) Pp. 208. Illustrations, maps. 8! X 5-l· rss. Phoenix House, London. r 949 Eason, T. W. and Hamilton, R. A Portrait of Michael R oberts. Pp. xii, 72 . 8! X s -~- . Portraits. College of S. Mark and S. J ohn, King's Road, Chelsea, S.W. ro. 4s. 4d . 1949 Engel, Claire Eliane . A History of lVIountaineering in the . Pp. 2.96.

Illustrat ed. 9} X 6. Geo. Allen & Unwin, London. 2rs. ·1950 • Firsoff, V. A. The Cairngorn1s on Foot and Ski. Pp. 279. 8! X st. Illustrat ed; end map. 15s. Robert Hale, Ltd., London. 1949 Garwood·, E. J. }Ianging V alleys in the Alps and Himalayas. Pp. r 4. Illustrations and map. 8! x si. (Reprint from 'Quarterly Journal Geological Society,' Vol. lviii, 1902.) 1902 --. Notes on a Map of 'The Glaciers of l(angchenjunga.' Pp. r r. Illus­ trations and n1ap. 9! X 6!. Reprint from 'The Geographical J ournal,' J uly 1902. 1902 ---. Features of Alpine Scenery due to Glacial Protection. Pp. 30. Illustrations and diagran1s. R eprint from 'The Geographical J ournal, ' Sep- tember r gto. r gro Jacques, A . Ski de Descente (Technique Fran<;iase) . 7! x 6. Pp. 238. Illustrations. B. Arthaud. Grenoble. I 9SO Lyell, Sir Charles, Bt. Life, Letters and J ournals, z vols.· Pp. xi, 475 ; ix, 489. 9 X s -~- . Portraits. J ohn Murray. r 88r Schatz, J. J. Die W under der Alpen. r If x r o!. Pp. 6, 91. Illustrations. F. Bruckmann Verlag, Munich. 1949 Seligman, G. Research on Glacier F lovv . (Reprint fron1 'Glaciers and Climate,' 1949·) Pp. I·I. 9! X 7. 1949 Smythe, F. S. Mountains in Colour. rrt X St. Pp. ISS· 57 colour illustrations. Max Parrish & Co. , London. 2 ss. I 949 Stoppani, Antonio. Il Bel Paese (4th Edition) . 8~ X Sf· Pp. xv, 64S· Illustrations and diagrams. Milan. r883 ALPINE CLUB LIBRARY

Tilman, H. W. Two lVIountains and a River. Pp. xii, 233 . 8! X 5t· Illustrations and maps. Cambridge University Press. 2 I s. 1949 Whymper, Edward. Travels amongst the Great Andes. (Edited \vith Introduction by F . S. Smythe). Pp. 272. 7-§- X 5· J ohn Lehmann, London. (The Chiltern Library.) 8s. 6d. 1949

Novels Gos, Charles. Song on the High Hills. Translation from the French by Malcolm Barnes. Pp. 22 4. 8 X 5!· George Alien & Un,l\rin, Ltd. London. 9s. 6d. 1949 Merrick, Hugh. The Breaking Strain. Pp. 312. 7! X 5· Const able & • • Co. Ltd., London. ros. 1950 Guide Books . Harding, P. R. J. and Moulam, A. J. J. A Guide to Black R ocks and Cratcliffe Tor. (Climbers' Club Guides.) Pp. x, 27. 8 X 5!· 1949 Leclerc, Jeanne et Bernard. Guide de Tarentaise et Maurienne. 2 vols. Pp. 432, 300. 6i X 4l· (Club Alpin Francaise, Section Lyonnaise) . Audin. 1949 Wilson, J. D. B. and others. The Southern Highlands (including Appendix on Rock Climbs in Arrochar.) S.M.C. Guide. Pp. xi, 204. Illustrations and end maps. 15s. S.M.C. Edinburgh. 1949