Filing # 123806427 E-Filed 03/25/2021 10:14:36 PM


LENA NIARIE LINDBERG, Pro Se (In Re United States of America) Appellant/Petitioner

v. Case No.: SC21-208

BRUCE LEE ASSAM, ET AL., Appellee/Respondent


1, The Appellant/Petitioner, LENA MARIE LINDBERG, move This 0 Honorable Court on.March 25, 2021 by filing this.MOTION FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE electronically using the Florida efiling Portal. In support of the argument earlier made by The Appellant/Petitioner, surrounding the u DISCOVERY of TRANSCRIPT FRAUD reported in February of 2021, for which ,The Appellee, BRUCE LEE ASSAM, and the connected parties Ms. Lindberg is suing for violations of Title 18 U.S.C. § 1962 ( C) using the Federal.Civil RICO Act of 1970 Statutes, in response to the damage which was done to The Appellant/Petitioner's Illinois owned clothing store

businesses by BRUCE LEE ASSAM and the related ORGANIZED

CRIMINAL GANG parties listed in the cases traveling together identified below, have been identified responsible for causing. The Appellant/Petitioner, Ms. Lindberg humbly requests at this time that this TRANSCRIPT EVIDENCE be viewed by the judges, as the matter relating to this EVIDENCE OF FRAUD weighs significantly on the matters, which connect equally to Ms. Lindberg's two criminal court case numbers

on PETITION(s) FOR WRIT OF ERROR CORAM NOBIS, which presently are relating equally to appellate case numbers; #SC21-208, #052020CF053542 #052020CF052515 (two Petitions for Writ of

Mandamus as #5D21-345, and #5D21-346 earlier identifying as #5D21- 192, and #5D21-261 requesting ALL WRITS PETITION, GRANTED to proceed informa pauperis) identifying the additional proof of what was

earlier reported to This Honorable Court, the ATTORNEY MISCONDUCT,

of which as well relates for connecting. to the recently filed COMPLAINTS mailed, which were filed with the courts and to the Judicial Qualifications Commission, copies were as well filed. as exhibits in the Supreme Court of

The State of Florida to case docket; #SC21-208. This Appendix filing proves as well, the connection of BOTH attorneys actions while working together as combined, for having manipulated the court process to have benefitted their client BRUCE LEE ASSAM, having hired attorneys (and Appellee's) EDWARD FITZGERALD as well as VINCENT CITRO to have committed PERJURY, FORGERY, and additional acts of WHITE COLLAR FRAUD during litigation, for which, both attorneys have been reported to law enforcement for having.earlier

VIOLATED individually, in respect to their own INJUNCTIONS (STALKING and RERPEAT VIOLENCE), however, due to their identified and earlier as well reported patterns of COLLUDING WITH LAW ENFORCEMENT (to the courts), paired with members of law enforcement being as well listed

Defendants/Appellees/Respondents in the FEDERAL CIVIL RICO LAWSUITS Ms. Lindberg has filed, appropriately (which involve crimes committed, as well as include case filings for defendant parties located in both states, ILLINOIS and FLOR.IDA) none of the appropriate arrests have been made at this time for the VIOLATIONS which were earlier brought to the court's attention in the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit Court In and For Brevard County, Florida, forwhich, it is within reasonable belief and beyond reasonable doubt, that this is due to the identified personal as well as business relationship ties BRUCE LEE ASSAM has admitted to having with Sheriff of Brevard County, Wayne Ivey. On March 23, 202% The Appellant/Petitiorier filed to her other case dockets, a MOTION FOR

ENFORCEMENT OF PROTECTION ORDER AGAINST VINCENT CITRO, which included the NOVEMBER 19, 2020 TRANSCRIPT in the respective filing of the motion's Appendix, this TRANSCRIPT identifies this connection BRUCE LEE ASSAM has with law enforcement, which as well accompanies what Ms. Lindberg refers to as a "mark up," of VINCENT ALBERT CITRO'S DEFAMATORY FILINGS, for which Ms. Lindberg did not know how else to make the necessary BOLD and OVERT STATEMENT pointing to the fact, that AS PATTERN, BOTH ATTORNEYS for Bruce Lee Assam, write in their motions to the court, NOT ONE WORD OF TRUTH, which is WHY Ms. Lindberg took the opportunity to CROSS OUT, circle, and underline, (which is pretty much obvious as being scribbles covering most of these pages for obvious reason), the portions of these filings which are so, entirely based on NONSENSE, that there is absolutely NO OTHER WAY, than as for re-filing these to show, and as for the purpose of creating the expression of set, specific VISUAL, for viewing by the judges to raise awareness, and for the appropriate perspective gained moving forward, in regard to addressing HOW aggressively the attorneys choose to proceed (while treating litigation as for their own personal amusement, rather than for respecting the time and value of the court's resources, as they continue to avoid topic to derall any and all actual progress from taking shape as they repeat to produce chaotic disruption I am in tum, required to correct for the benefit of bringing these cases to the just and proper successful close in the reasonable, near future, which preferably, as through obtaining helpful assistance from the courts, can cause to end, while seeking to disqualify the attorneys who have demonstrated making a mockery of the situation at hand, demanding Federal Criminal Investigation of what their acts of SABOTAGE have labeled as covering, extending beyond the crimes committed against myself and my business, respectfully, as it is within reasonable belief and beyond reasonable doubt, that the crimes committed against myself, are simply the tip of the iceberg, metaphorically speaking, I earlier have identified are "not my problem, or obligation to report, however..." I have as well told the parties involved to, "KEEP YOUR POLITICS OUT OF MY LAWSUITS," while acknowledging there are other crime investigations requiring outcome, most certainly, which do not at this current and present time, include to involve PRAGER, at least in respect the involvement of the. moving companies resulted in the theft of my business assets, as.isolated incident suggests, for which this is additionally WHY the FBI, DEA, CIA, DOJ, FDLE, etc., were signaled to tackle what a civilian is not personally equipped for investigation surrounding beyond what has personally served to destroy The Appellant/Petitioner's ILLINOIS businesses having been destroyed during these specific, "incomplete moves,", touching on including what were NINE storage addresses since identified for labeling to qualify, as realized, RACKETEERING). This is for, while identifying with additional support of the patterns of such proof, recognizing to point out, that the attorneys behaving in this way; i.e., filing wrong dates, wrong case numbers, using case law which DO NOT IN ANY WAY FIT THE SITUATION OR "ARGUMENT BEING MADE" AT ALL, as while they remain believing that because Ms. Lindberg is pro se, that she either isn't "paying attention," or points to how they too as well believe, Ms. Lindberg must be, "uneducated" simply because Ms. Lindberg is NOT A LAWYER, which is an unnecessary position for them to take anyway, as they should NOT qualify themselves as attorneys in this examples at all, but instead, DEFENDANTS, who just happen to hold title of owning a law degree, additionally, making them "more educated DEFENDATS," at best, while because of THIS FACT, which is obvious as based on the attorneys arguing to.reserve right to litigate against my argument to disqualify them in the process of them comrnitting Federal Crimes during as well as prior to litigation, is NOT because I am threatened arguing against their "impressive" or "compelling" arguments, or betteryet, their LACK OF, it is because they are making AD HOMINEM attacks character, ignoring any and all legitimate references being made to the actual case topics themselves, and this in turn is causing for myself to remain longer in the position of receiving additional THREATENING PHONE CALL AND EMAIL COMMUNICATION as result of their efforts to do nothing more than

CONFUSE THE COURTS, INTENTIONALLY, hoping to provoke and wear down my patience.and resources, as they proceed to continue further causing to wrongfully DEFAME me, while making unsupported statements that are meant to highlight my shortcomings in the process of my admitting I am working VERY HARD to put forth my absolute best, which is NOT EASY, especially under the identified circumstances of my needing to avoid being prosecuted wrongfully, as I proceed to prosecute parties which shouldn't in theory need to be, though this is required and demands I educate myself in the process of being required to maintain what is considerably, a rapid pace, considering that I have.numerous case dockets to tend to as result of the UNFOUNDED, though very apparent counter- attacks both legally, as well as psychologically I am being forced to deal with, which considering how I DID NOT INITIATE LITIGATION FROM THE BEGINNING, my ability of acting to prevent further attacks does in fact demand the combined efforts of myself acting as both attorney, investigator, secretary, and accountant, as juggling all of these tasks for the purpose of arguing ONE case is time consuming and expensive.enough, now multiply this by what are twelve cases (presently), spread over FOUR different courts, the attorneys at this point, truly have no room to complain about what demands have been placed on them in the process of causing

WHAT THEY BROUGHT ON THEMSELVES BY ATTACKING ME WITH A FRIVOLOUS LAWSUIT THEY HAD NO REASON FOR FILINING AGAINST ME IN THE FIRST.PLACE BACK IN JUNE. What the attorney's acts of MISCONDUCT and heinous behavior do stand to IDENTIFY as combined, is that despite the attorney's presenting what "APPEARS," to make a "legally sound argument," THE CONTENT OF THESE FILINGS, which make no actual argument other than prove them

BOTH COMPLAINING ABOUT needing .to argue a case (as "qualified" as they "are") against a NON-LAWYER, while this is their "opportunity," to instead, argue their cases, which they don't, being as how they have instead (and since JUNE) opted to use this as a platform for harassing and criticizing Ms. Lindberg (a person with a DISABILITY, who as well cannot afford representation despite having tried to obtain a QUALIFIED, FEDERALLY badged RICO attorney who is willing to sue the police, which basically has proven to be an impossible feat, due to Ms. Liridberg's lack of financial ability to pay for attorney services as result of having been the VICTIM OF FRAUD AND RACKETEERING CRIMES AGAINST HER EARLIER OWNED BUSINESSES (IL), while this is as well DANGEROUS LITIGATION, which reasonably, few attorneys, if any, are willing to become involved in cases such as this, because of this fact, regardless of how much money they stand to collect, should they opt for agreeing to work on a contingency, most often the answer is still "no." The "popular," and more common response Ms. Lindberg has gotten during her search for representation is instead, that RICO specializing attorneys only defend, as typically it would be law enforcement who would prosecute the parties on behalf of the litigant filing the case through use of 18 U.S.C. § 1964, civil remedy, though in this particular case, law enforcernent has been no help, while in fact, are actually part of the problem, while this is additionallywhy Ms. Lindberg has come to recognize. over time, that RICO attorneys do not represent PLAINTIFFS either, as challenging "authority" (despite the evidence making this case very clear to understand, by anyone really), has in the past accompanied a certain amount of added scrutiny all on its own, though as of recently, a lot of reports proven for having made national headlines cause for us all to now shift our focus differently, as numerous police officers demonstrated an ABUSE OF AUTHORITY, identifying that my set of lawsuits in no way pioneer what has been already an ever growing, nationwide systemic problem which is much more mainstream upon viewing the statistics at hand on the topic. Trial is the more appropriate environment for listing what society has resulted to cause for ourselves to base our decisions on, as we change with our changing world. The attorneys for BRUCE LEE ASSAM have not only identified to the courts that while this.has been their combined, "strategy" moving forward, the reality is.that their responses lacking ALL SUBSTANCE, are in fact, to having NO CASE TO ARGUE, identifying their "non-answers," full of contradicting facts from one paragraph to the next, using select latinwords they as well believe Ms. Lindberg won't be able to "recognize," their usage of actually SERVES NO POINT at all, to what their non-argument narratives are trying to convey, as for appearing to be "reaching" significantly, while bringing their version of "reality" to the "forefront" anyway, because they are lawyers being paid to make absolute nonsense "sound good."

This is frustrating to combat, not only for a pro se but would upset anyone in normal conversation with these types of people, who (for a living, therefore making them "expert liars,") stand to collect financially, therefore being highly motivated to just state the opposite of what their opponent is making passionate as well as supported argument about, while my motivation is quite different, as I am seeking JUSTICE first, and "compensation," is to recover my losses, not turn a profit as they are (which is evil by definition). To reiterate, I was NOT THE ONE WHO INITIATED


VICTIM OF FRAUD, therefore my reasons for pressing on, such as I have been forthe last ten months, vary from the attorneys significantly. This argument in regard to needing to.defend my ability to continue as pro se to a certain degree, is futile, being these types of decisions rests on the court, and are not for the attorneys to continue trying to dictate anyway. The fact that they "successfully" caused for the trial court to illegally,. deprive me of my civil right to due process and access to a fair court process so far, is evidence of the PUBLIC CORRUPTION matters being forced under the microscope that much more, as for early into litigation I told them both, that their actions are not going unnoticed, which-only highlight howweak their "actual" arguments truly are. Successful people who prevail in any situation, do not spend their time criticizing others, as they spend their time and energy focusing instead on what is important, as one cannot "look forward," and "look backwards," at the same time.

Through all of the defamatory communication stemming from the attorney's combined efforts, making me their target for what is constant psychological abuse, as they continue to deny my reality in respect to the crimes which were committed against me (personally), they are coming across as loud, boisterous, pompous and demonstrate a clear lack of understanding about the positions they have chosen to take (what was omitted from the TRANSCRIPT, proves to point this out, as soon to be filed "copy three," will show that EDWARD FITZGERALD acknowledges to Judge Turner, that Judge Turner did not have jurisdiction, yet went on to argue the case anyway, after having SAID THAT), as they are use dishonest practice, trickery, and deceit to distort the environment, what they in tum are doing as well, is prolonging the matters unnecessarily, and to keep the cases open. longer for their selfish, financial benefit, (this is because they have the luxury to charge additional billable hours in response to torturing a victim further, while personally, my agenda serves to argue these matters more effeciently, as I am "working as an attorney" for myself UNPAID and FULL TIME, which poses for adding additional cost out of pocket by me). I was forced to spend nearly $1,000.00 to obtain what was, the September11, 2020 FRAUDULENT TRANSCRIPT, that has only caused to harm litigation,. NOT BENEFIT the situation. Had it been apparent earlier into the proceedings, the fraud taking place, or had I known, that filing what PHIPPS sold me would prove FRAUDULENT after attaching COPY ONE to my appendix for filing on January 4, 2021, my three petitions for Writ of Certiorari and two Initial Briefs, I wouldn't have. It should NEVER have become my duty to check the validity of what the company sold me, which I purchase IN GOOD FAITH, though it is a very good thing I chose to investigate this personally, despite that. This caused for adding an added layer of toxicity to the already

SABOTAGED proceedings, I would have saved my money and filed

MOTION TO COMPEL DISCOVERY for EDWARD and VINCE to have personally footed the bill for that one, as I now have DAYS worth of work ahead of me, as I now must PERSONALLY type what the MISSING PARTS are, as now with the surrounding evidence, THIS CAN BE FILLED IN, APPROPRIATLY), while the attorneys, by requesting extensions of time for the purpose of manipulating proceedings in other courts they collectively did in conjunction with, while.acting in the process of

COMMITTING PERJURY and MANUFACTURING AND PLANTING FORGED DOCUMENTS INTO THE PROCEEDINGS as patterns detected already, have as well tried to "build" what is a FAKE case against Ms. Lindberg, as this is because Ms. Lindberg has CAUGHT the group of ORGANIZED CRIME SYNDICATE members belonging to and of which are WORKING for and collecting some form of/and varying degrees of either direct or indirect financial compensation/ arid/or similar benefit (through the preponderance of the evidence surrounding what stands to remain under investigation, fully and completely) for which, simply "maintaining one's position of employment," amidst the presence of WHITE COLLAR CRIMINAL FRAUD having been IDENTIFIED over the course of the earlier months during litigation (June 29, 2020 TRANSCRIPT evidence), while acting KNOWINGLY AND WILLINGLY, while proceeding forward by contributing towards the acts qualifying as punishable by prison sentence under the Federal RICO Act, relating. to having. involvement, large or small, to BRUCE LEE ASSAM S, legally defined, "ENTERPRISE," is wrong when viewed as isolated, as well as for how the acts prove to have combined, as they continue to remain harming and. harassing Ms Lindberg, presently arguing on (2) PETITION(s) FOR WRIT OF ERROR. CORAM NOBIS in response to having since JUNE, been OUT NUMBERED while fighting off the PUBLIC CORRUPTION niatters plaguing the environment which has been confirrned as having been SABOTAGED INTENTIONALLY by way of the Indian.Harbour Beach Police Department, Sheriffs of Brevard County, attorneys of the office of the Public Defender's office for Brevard County connecting to the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit Court, as well as has included to have involved the participation for producing an UNFAIR PROCESS benefitting to have blatantly and repeatedly favored UNJUSTLY, BRUCE

LEE ASSAM and the parties connected to BRUCE LEE ASSAM which were filed against, as their criminal cover up conspiracy acts were identified one by one since JULY 17, 2020 and as recently as February 24, 2021, for which, additional parties remain to await being issued COMPLAINT and

SUMMONS for JOINDER, appropriately as result of the numerous and nearly non-stop rate, Ms. Lindberg is being forced to report in real tirne, what are NEWLY DISCOVERED CRIMES, recognized in furtherance of the

OBSTRUCTION OFJUSTICE caused and created by the ABUSE OF


VICTIMAND WITNESS TO CRIMES COMMITTED BY THE POLICE, qualifying as having been both VIOLENT as well as WHITE COLLAR CRIMES targeted to have harmed Ms. Lindberg through the INTENTIONAL




(theft of approximately $2,000,000.00 of Ms. Lindberg's BUSINESS and personal assets through the use of selecting and hiring PRAGER MOVING COMPANY, Florida Moving Systems etc.). The Appellant/Petitioner, has obtained AUDIO for the September 11, 2020 procedings , which are the subject matter of these FRAUDULENT

TRANSCRIPTS, filed as COPY ONE and COPY TWO with the surrounding documents in support proving TIMELINE as well as PAYMENT RECEIVED for the copies obtained, which at this.time, STILL DO NOT EITHER

CONTAIN TRUE AND COMPLETE STATEMENT OF FACTS, placing Ms. Lindberg into the position presently, to presently be in the position of requiring to work additionally to provide This Honorable Court with what is soon to be filed (upon completion), COPY THREE, which is to include



COMMUNICATED DURING THE HEARING, CORRECTLY, ON SEPTEMBER 11, 2020, as there were NUMEROUS INTENTIONAL OMISSIONS DETECTED, Ms. Lindberg feels it is NECESSARY TO FILL IN THESE "holes," as this will as well.PROVE, WHY THE TRANSCRIPT WAS ALTERED, of which is OBVIOUS as for having happened to have


DAY, of which as well proves, THE DENIAL OF DUE PROCESS TAKING

PLACE IN THE CIVIL COURT, identifying also, that OFFICER WILL NEWMAN and the FOUR OTHER ( total) WITNESSES SUBPOENAED BY MS. LINDBERG who FAILED TO APPEAR, are at this time, IN CONTEMPT OF COURT, deserving as well, to receive appropriate consequences for the decision of Judge Turner ruling on FINAL JUDGEMENT, void of having heard their statements for being taken into consideration, prematurely as well as in violation of the judicial policy as identified in the canons, while having been for the purpose of placing a "writ of possession," into the hands of BRUCE LEE ASSAM and .the police, who next COMMITTED BURGLARY AGAINST A VICTIM OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. (case #5D20-1958 Defendant/Appellee/Respondent/ attomey Vincent Citro earlier argued on behalf of BRUCE LEE ASSAM in the lower tribunal and appellate 5DCA case numbers, for Lena Marie Lindberg v. Bruce Lee Assam, as VINCENT CITRO used this foruni to FURTHER add to the acts of SEXUAL HARASSMENT, this is visible in the transcript evidence as well) which was earlier pending on appeal, posing what was a

CONFLICT of two.courts, CIVIL and FAMILY, as this was pointed out numerous times, it was by choice, IGNORED. Following the months after being threatened to have fled my home under the circumstances, the Domestic Violence case, receiving Decision, Per Curiam AFFIRMED on February 2, 2021, angered VINCENT CITRO,.spiking to create threatening. response from him and the others he was influencing to engage in additional forms of attack against me, as he proceeded next while causing to create the result of what were the ADDITIONAL ACTS OF PERJURY AND MISCONDUCT committed through acts involving his influence for colluding with the public defender's, proving as for following this, resulting as by placing Ms. Lindberg on the WRONGFUL receiving end of being labeled INAPPROPRIATLY for allegedly being in "contempt" of the criminal court, as was as well, the result of the police having made an ILLEGAL ARREST after having called and THREATENED MS. LINDBERG VIA TELEPHONE ON. NOVEMBER 25, 2020, following a judge ORDERED act of serving the parties of the case with pre-trial evidence DISCOVERY, taking place between the parties and involved attorneys and police, involved in the matters at the time, on what were (3) petition(s) for Writ of Certiorari, having been granted opportunity to proceed in this capacity per decision and ORDER by This Honorable Court (5DCA), since OCTOBER of 2020, and was for the sole purpose of combining what was a

FRIVOLOUS LAWSUIT filed against Ms. Lindberg, as an attempt to COLLECT AN ILLEGAL DEBT ( additional violation of 1962 (c), under the RICO Act, qualified, respectfully), with POLICE "MISCONDUCT" (though was intentionally malicious, as they were NOT acting in their "professional capacity," while committing the crimes, knowingly and willingly),.by way of involving Sheriffs (either fully informed, or "un-informed," the outcome remains.the-same, as resulted in procedural violations to the rules of conduct being IGNORED, while proceeding to take advantage of a pro se/ "easy target") to "serve,".the Writ.of Possession, THEY INSTEAD CHOSE

TO ACT INSTEAD (as captured on security camera footage submitted to the police who AIDED AND ASSISTED, making this criminal repoit, USELESS and angering of the perpetrators in the position to retaliate and abuse their authority maliciously as proof identifies), to have acted intentionally, by way of BREAKING AND ENTERING, while as well, FAILING ENTlRELY, (security cameras prove this) TO HAVE MADE ANY ATTEMPT, OF LEGALLY "SERVING" WHAT WAS THE ILLIGITIMATLY OBTAINED WRIT (as the result of the earlier DENIAL OF DUE PROCESS by way of the Civil Court, to benefit to favor Bruce Lee Assam, Edward Fitzgerald, and the police) IN THE FIRST PLACE, which ALL took place as for having happened as the result and response of BRUCE LEE ASSAM believing that because he is FRIENDS WITH LAW


VIOLENCE who was earlier REPORTING HIM FOR ACTS OF SEXUAL BATTERY and DEATH THREATS, to the police (they DENIED and covered up the EVIDENCE in existence for, while coming to the court and LYING UNDER OATH on August 17, 2020 and in their FALSIFIED POLICE REPORT written to place in VINCENT CITRO'S hands to intentionally

DEFAME Ms. Lindberg during the Domestic Violence proceedings, proof exists to identify that NONE of what Ms. Lindberg ACTUALLY TOLD POLICE is written in the report, while the report is also FULL OF UNTRUE AND INCOMPLETE STATEMENT OF FACTS favoring to protect Bruce Lee Assam), because he got "embarrassed," by the fact that.him and his attorneys were being IDENTIFIED as having done nothing but LIED INTENTIONALLY TO THE COURTS AS A PATTERN, BRUCE LEE ASSAM believed he could just pay them enough money to HIDE WHAT THE TRUTH IS, and in this process, I, The Appellant/Petitioner have SUFFERED. FOR MONTHS NEEDING TO STAND UP FOR MYSELF (and even AGAINST the ATTACKS being aimed at me by the public defenders who had ONE JOB, being that of DEFENDING ME, while INSTEAD, the

public defenders actually CAUSED THE TWO BENCH WARRANTS being placed on the case dockets on March 5, 2021, as result of having set TRAP to try to place inappropriate labels on a pro se litigant, trying to provoke and harass me for the purpose of working to intentionally damage my progress in the appellate courts, while denying the evidence of the appeals in existence and proceeding to lie directly to the courts to have produced this wrongful outcome), resulting additionally in The Appellant/Petitioner's family having been on the receiving end of THREATENING PHONE CALLS FROM THE.BAIL BONDSMAN who

confirmed this was the result of the INTENTIONAL COMMUNICATION



wanting to JAIL Ms. Lindberg AGAIN, as to prevent Ms. Lindberg from being able to communicate effectively with the courts to argue her own criminal appeals, which exist as.PROOF of the yet ANOTHER crime committed against Ms. Lindberg, rather than cases to argue as actual cases, as these TWO case numbers on appeal accompany PROOF and

. EVIDENCE in copious amounts in support of the argument made by Ms. Lindberg, which is that 1) there would not have been any charges filed for "resisting arrest with violence," had the Sheriffs not ASSAULTED a victim of Domestic Violence living as diagnosed with C-PTSD (in the presence of

her REGISTERED SERVICE DOCiS AT THE TIME who were additionally ABUSED and harmed), while 2) in order to legally arrest a person in the first place, YOU MUST FIRST HAVE A REASON AND COMMUNICATE

TO THAT PERSON WHAT THAT REASON IS Which next follows with reasonable attention being placed on different aspects of the argument, which point next, to question, WHY, there were TWO BENCH WARRANTS placed on the docket from March 5, 2021, (as there shouldn't even exist any crirninal case dockets to begin with) as the TWO dockets ALSO READ, "HEARING CANCELLED," while there shouldn't have been ANY hearing requiring "cancelling," in the first place, though it lists as such, anyway, while adding additionally, that this (two cases combined for one, "hearing") was not only a hearing set by the public defenders in violation of Fla. R. Crim. P number 3.010 addressing matters of jurisdiction and SCOPE, as it relates for pertaining the information relevant to the concept in itself, identifying contempt and indirect contempt being IMPOSSIBLE to "result," while the cases are acting in ANY APPELLATE CAPACITY, proving why, would there were next as well, TWO BENCH WARRANTS on the dockets, for ONE "missed" set by and through malicious intentional means of causing to have been set as well, in violation of the Fla. R. Crim. P, "hearing," as these cases were also, "combined," (for argument's sake, acknowledging-this is an argument contradicting earlier defined jurisdiction of SCOPE) which,

HYPOTHETICALLY speaking, should have only produced ONE "bench warrant," (HYPOTHETICALLY, as the VALID RESPONSE for consideration is that NO BENCH WARRANTS should have resulted, as itwas as well an ILLIGITIATE ARREST made in the first place, warranting Ms. Lindberg to be in the.proper position of pressing criminal charges on the parties who ASSAULTED and INJURED her and her service dogs, in reality) NOT

TWO,.FOLLOWING THIS "THEORY" OF PROCEDURAL POSTURE, or better yet, lack of, in this specific example and set of circumstances, as this was an additional ACT OF THE OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, which has been identified as ONGOING earlier reported by Ms. Lindberg to the courts, while it is as well , additionally frightening, to have been later made aware as for being informed to understand by way of the "proof," of thlis act of harassment against a crime victim, was sent, VIA EMAIL SENT FROM RAYMOND.HORNSTEIN'S CELL PHONE (identifying his.enjoyment and amusement surrounding having earlier layered to complicate the matter, additionally for Ms. Lindberg by both threatening as well as insulting Ms. Lindberg in the process of her telling RAYMOND HORNSTEIN he was NOT PERMITTED TO.FURTHER CONTACT HER based on his earlier, unnecessary, intrusive actions and behavior which was as well reported to law enforcement of another jurisdiction upon initial offense committed) following an as well, illegally set hearing placed on the Judge's schedule calendar anyway, which no one cared to CANCEL, DESPITE MY NUMEROUS OBJECTIONS and NOTICES FILED, REPEATEDLY, while identifying WHY these set "hearings," (in reality, TRAPS to re-jail a victim

.EXPOSING PUBLIC CORRUPTION the police KNOW IS EASY FOR ME TO.PROVE was happening over the course of MONTHS, for which they were NOT SUBTLE about committing these crimes either, proving this is the direct response of them being now NERVOUS about how these cases have escalated to prove their guilt and fault IN SPADES, even "up against," a non-attorney, as evidence of the response from the appellate courts is beginning to reveal, respectfully). None of the cases filed back in the moths.of JUNE through August in the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit Court in and for BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA, were handled PROPERLY, unfortunately, nór should they at ANY POINT, have been further placed into the hands of the public defender's office, as doing this forced additional biased influence of opinions and opportunity for sabotage, as my case filed against COLLEEN ADKINS DEGRAFF now proves. Public "defender," COLLEEN ADKINS DEGRAFF, made what was a BOLD CHOICE, as the emails as well prove, to have chosen SIDES in what was from the very beginning a clear and obvious CONFLICT OF INTEREST, she tried to DENY MY EVIDENCE IN

EXISTENCE FOR, resulting in ALL OF MY CASE DOCKETS having been REDACTED, while on "herwatch," COVERING UP what were ALL ofthe TRANSCRIPT EVIDENCE.of the earlier proceedings which are extremely

INCRIMINATING OF THE POLICE as well as the judges who intentionally



HOW THERE "SHOULD HAVE BEEN AN ARREST," while the January 10, 2020 DEATH THREATS played in the court on August 31, 2020 as AUDIO are as well visible in the TRANSCRIPTS that were REDACTED which I filed to my own "criminal case dockets," yet CONVENIENTLY, THE ONLY TRANSCRIPTwhich was UNTOUCHED BY THE PARTIES RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REDACTIONS (preponderance of the evidence points to VINCENT CITRO and EDWARD FITZGERALD who had NO BUSINESS involving themselves in the criminal court, resulting as well in the December 12, 2020 VIOATION of the STALKING INJUNCTION and additional reported.act of PERJURY committed by VINCENT CITRO, he AGAIN has evaded consequence for, which I have argued REPEATEDLY, how this act is DESERVING OF AN ARREST BEING MADE as this is




in furtherance of matters relating to larger, POLITICAL CORRUPTION, involving the preponderance of the evidence in support of this ILLEGAL

ARREST having been made against me on December 11, 2020 accompanying as well, the attached theory, of it being within reasonable belief and beyond reasonable doubt, .that the courts, as well as the police, bond agency, and involved parties found colluding with law enforcement (who in this particular situation qualify for being labeled appropriately as

"RICO CRIMINALS,") stand to PROFIT OFF OF THIS ARREST, as the BOND CONTRACT existing in the first place, was BECAUSE of an ILLEGAL ARREST MADE, and has resulted in the FORFEITURE of money paid for The Appellant/Petitioner's release from whatwas WRONGFUL IMPRISONMENT maliciously and intentionally imposed on an INNOCENT PERSON, The Appellant/Petitioner can and is as well in the process of

proving NOT ONLY MENS REA being behind the ACTUS REUS, but meeting to satisfy ALL of the necessary and essential elements for proving CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY cases, being acts of MALICE, OPPRESSION, and FRAUD, while RICO cases then as well require the burden of proof demonstrating .this happening as a PATTERN of RACKETEER NG (violations of section 1962 ( c) ) but ALL that is required of Ms. Lindberg to prove in this RARE CIRCUMSTANCE, (deserving of being GRANTED the Writ of Error Coram Nobis, as well as to claim appropriate restitution for the legal, TREBEL DAMAGES, which RICO cases qualify VICTIMS to claim as result of harm caused to one's BUSINESS, which evidence also proves

WAS THE TOPIC being argued in the courts, BEFORE the ILLEGAL

ARREST was made, Ms. Lindberg can also. prove, that DETECTIVE ADAMS calling Ms. Lindberg (transcript PENDING future filing, preparation in progress, currently) on NOVEMBER 25, 2020 was riot only an inappropriate act THREATENING Ms. Lindberg, which conversation taking place additionally identifying that said, "probable cause," was not only being CLEARLY FORCED as well as TWISTED TO SUIT ADAMS' SPEFIC

AGENDA FOR PLACING SAID, PHONE CALL IN THE FIRST PLACE, but it very clearly states in the Fla. R. Crim. P as well, that "evidence," obtained

ILLEGALLY is NOT ADMISSABLE (in this example, quotes being applied to the words, appropriately, are to further drive the point being made that SAID, "PRETENSE" AS WELL AS ILLIGITIMATE, AS FOR AS WELL AS

LACKING LEGAL EVIDENTIARY SUPPORT OF SAID, "OUTCOME," having been "LEGITIMIZED," based on the underlying PRESUMPTION OF GOVERNMENT "CORRECTNESS" being the apparent IRONY at hand, while a pro se litigant is simultaneously navigating what are "unchartered territories for a non-lawyer, IN GENERAL," make this a situation one which,

RES IPSA LOQUITER, respectfully, SPEAKS FOR ITSELF.) Copious amounts of evidence in existence, earlier filed as well as being still presently filed (as is a lengthy process which respectfully, is NEVER COMPLETE as most of the crimes are INCHOAT CRIMES, and are topics for further investigation until MOTION FOR ENFORCEMENT serves to provide EQUITABLE RELIEF to The Petitioner who MOTIONED FOR STOPPING ENTERPRISE and is presently working on drafting what, especially for a pro se litigant, is a very time consuming procedurally specific FIRST DRAFT of what the Federal Civil RICO prosecutor's manual and Department of Justice Sentencing Commission guidelines portray as calling for Ms. Lindberg to quantify as well as qualify EACH RICO

Defendant's criminal acts committed, to accompany using a numbering system used.for configuring the appropriate sentences as to what extent each party either was an accomplice, accessory, perpetrator and to what degree the crimes are considered deserving of years in jail, written and filed as a PROPOSED INDICTMENT, accornpanying the RICO MEMORANDUM documentation, which the attorneys have also complained that Ms. Lindberg has yet to attach actual CASE. LAW, precedent to her arguments thus far, though for the sake of satisfying this aspect of meeting to satisfy.the equivalent responsibilities placed on the attorneys, I as well intend to properly.cite, the case resulting in placing on the map for its historic importance, (and as well connects equally to the recent and modern day Jeffrey Epstein case example, spoken to police about on June 1, 2020, SEE AUDIO/VIDEO) as well as argue in an attempt to PETITION FOR, AS IN THE PROCESS, TO



NECESSARY ABOLOSHMENT OF "QUALIFIED IMMUNITY," LAWS allowing the police to REPEAT TO ABUSE THEIR AUTHORITY while acting under this VEli OF DECEPTION they place themselves under, believing this makes it "legally acceptable," to IGNORE ALLSENSE OF FOLLOWING THE LAW, THEMSELVES, while this argument is additional for running parallel to my set of RICO. cases, rather than actually "intersecting," this matter being brought forward in its own respect and capacity is useful to comment on in retrospect to the matters surrounding, despite "qualified immunity," falling under a "separate. matter," the concept additionally factoring in as for mentioning how these issues too relate, to the argument surrounding the recent criminal liability of parties earlier not listed as defendants, laws relating to how criminal liability is now identified under the DOCTRINE OF RESPONDEAT SUPERIOR proves valuable source direction to lay argument for as well, for under these unique circumstances, (Chief of Police Dave Butler having been earlier listed as one of the SIX members of the police department being SUED UNDER FEDERAL CIVIL RICO, he could have prevented the further attacks against me, yet he chose to allow the officers working underneath his chain of command to instead, work against me proving Chief Butler's own legally defined acts qualifying as DESTRUCTION OF EVIDENCE, PERJURY, etc.) I believe that driving this point simultaneously in reality, improves my argument, for it is within reasonable belief and beyond reasonable doubt to connect while I as well cornfortably state, that it is in my strong opinion, that it is BECAUSE these "qualified immunity," laws exist as being stated for being problematic, in any case and as simply, IN GENERAL, while additionally being PAIREDwith the police in this particular circumstance, denying mý personal ( or any non-lawyer or even experienced lawyer's) ability, to organize to successfully execute effectively what respectfully does very much qualify as being considered, COMPLEX LITlGATION, unrepresented, while even if I did obtain representation, figuratively speaking, EDWARD FITZGERALD and VINCENT CITRO'S DUAL INFLUENCE is in fact, the EVIDENCE that "two heads" are NOT "better," as it was due to their sloppiness and overlapping of incomprehensible statements of what is clearly being proven now for what was earlier utter NONSENSE spoken by two "professionals," believing their law degrees gave them the ability to LIE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE

either as result of being FULLY INFORMED BY BRUCE LEE ASSAM to do so, or proceeding anyway while absolutely LACKING ANY AND ALL INFORMATION NECESSARY to combat what their OPPONENT, or in this example, ORGANIZED individual in the position of not needing to prove

crimes having happened at all, but simply the CONSPIRACY TO COMMITT said crimes, my having FULL CONTROL over my own cases

and filings has placed me at a CLEAR ADVANTAGE, for it is.highly unlikely, that any attorney "assisting" me with my cases would share even a small percentage of the passion which arguing this type of case DEMANDS, in addition to my having dedicated my FULL and UNDIVIDED ATTENTION TOWARDS litigating on behalf of myself as challenging as it has been, NO ONE is influencing rny statements as they are being made by myself, as ONE SOURCE, which CONSISTENCY has been and visibly still remains proving ongoing theme to which all of my filings reveal, what has been a matter both easy for me to articulate as the crimes being communicated to the courts are being done as by the person they happened to and against, personally, removing any "opportunity" (as the attorneys manipulating the proceedings view this as) for "error," based on what typically is the scenario of a VICTIM (in a circumstance OTHER than of which a pro se is SUlNG THE POLICE, as they TYPICALLY are not the guilty RICO crime committing parties being referenced though this time, they ARE), being RELIANT on not only the devotion of an attorney's time which is necessary to understand the intricate workings behind MENS REA in general, but to qualify the connected parties, as my having LIVED WITH BRUCE LEE ASSAM over the last two years, such as I have, allowed my having access as well as knowledge of personal information of the

PRIMARY OFFENDER, (unfortunately), which translates to my MARRIAGE ENGAGEMENT somewhat qualifying, "hypothetically" for argument's sake, being "example," in this depiction of what the different perception on perspectives require for clarification, having been to a certain extent, the EQUlVALENT (had I any earlier awareness of who Bruce Lee Assam actually was, as he so obviously lied to me as a lifestyle pattern, leading me to believe he was someone entirely different that he actually was, guiding me to move forward under the provided false pretenses he portrayed, intentionally).ofwhat would have otherwise taken anyone else, respectfully, YEARS to understand, if at all, by the appropriate Federal Investigative Agencies (should -they have even had reason to investigate Bruce Assam on their own, which may have taken years to uncover on it's own), as it realistically does as well take something obscure and/or specific, to cause this type of investigation to commence as is presently underway (such as these crimes being extremely PERSONAL to me, therefore naturally forcing this level of connectedness to the matter, which I have, which is necessary for remaining focused for clearing of all of the surrounding "clutter," while targeting the root source of the larger problem first, which is financial greed, or, politics). As for these cases having impacted .my life and business personally, this has resulted to have caused to have properly "EQUIPPED" me, in the ways necessary for any RICO prosecutor, PERSON, attorney, non-attorney, judge, law enforcement officer, secretary, clerk, accountant, mailman, etc., to argue this type of criminal conspiracy set of lawsuits, which are also, Federal Civil RICO, to be close enough to the matter as for being able to direct proper focus on what is real and solid fact, as opposed. to what is and has been the intentional MANUFACTURED COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE. EFFORTS IDENTIFIED through this process, uniquely. The. requirement of being guided internally through what has been a series of events intertwining constantly, has motivated me to understand what requires the emphasis placed on specific topics, and what simply, DOES NOT, as it is not "practical," to remain arguing about what took place in JUNE, while ignoring what took place in MARCH, unless the argument is to frame in a way which proves for pointing out these acts have been committed illegally, as well as reveal PATTERNS. Such example is considered, "choosing your battles," as "time is of the essence," relatively speaking in its specific capacity.

For the purpose of pointing out what are the OBVIOUS, VISIBLE DIFFERENCES identified in the transcripts, the two copies are being filed as combined for the purpose of viewing page 1 (copy ONE) with page 1 (copy TWO), page 2 (copy ONE), with page 2 (copy TWO), etc. TWO TRANSCRIPTS were provided by PHIPPS COURT

REPORTING COMPANY to The Appellant/Petitioner, LENA MARIE

LINDBERG. The first copy, requested on November 17, 2020 was emailed, as well as NOT SIGNED by Ms. LORI FRANCIS. A paper copy was "not available for purchase," by the company (see emails), nor was Ms. Lindberg able to purchase the AUDIO from the company, upon original request for this back in November, which differs from Ms. Lindberg having been offered to purchase AUDIO for hearings relating to other court dates in the past (June 29, 2020 was purchased). The parties responsible for having contributed to what is considered TAMPERING WITH EVIDENCE, which was ALTERED,

MANUFACTURED, AND PLANTED into the courts during pending FEDERAL CIVIL RICO proceedings, and during an open Federal Criminal Investigation, qualifies under Title 18 U.S.C §§ 1961-1968 as punishable by a sentence in prison, as this was as well an act in furtherance of the crimes being investigated qualifying as repeat PATTERNS OF RACKETEERING

and the COLLECTION OF AN ILLEGAL DEBT under 18 U.S.C § 1962 ( c). . Ms. Lindberg has involved the FBI for further investigation on the matter, for the purpose of identifying how many parties contributed towards committing the additional FRAUD realized towards the end of JANUARY, which emails at this time (Appendix) include payment receipt and proof of a shipping label for COPY TWO sent to Ms. Lindberg after communicating with one of the owners of PHIPPS COURT REPORTING COMPANY, Mr. Richard Applebaum, placing COPY TWO in Ms. Lindberg's hands on FEBRUARY 5, 2021.

At this time, TRUE and ACCURATE COPY of the hearing taking place on SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 in Melbourne, Florida at 9:00am before

The Honorable Judge Gieorge Turner REMAINS TO BE CORRECTED, as these copies, ONE,.and TWO, being filed again is for the purpose of COMPARRISON ONLY.

AUDIO has been recently obtained, which Ms. Lindberg is now acting upon having what TRUE and ACCURATE COPY THREE serves to identify, what were the INTENTIONAL OMMISSIONS purposely left out of the transcript to benefit, Bruce Lee Assam and his attorney, Edward Melvin Fitzgerald, who Ms. Lindberg brought to the court's attention prior to as well as during the hearing were guilty at the time, which PROOF WAS FILED to the case dockets in both the CIVIL and FAMILY LAW courts, as well as brought to.court..on the day of the hearing and placed into EVIDENCE, AGAIN identifying that BRUCE LEE ASSAM and EDWARD MELVIN

FITZGERALD'S filed lawsuit on June 10, 2020 not only FAILED TO

IDENTIFY or demonstrate ANY LEGAL CAUSE FOR ACTION, contained

the ILLEGAL USE OF A NOTARY STAMP, which as well was proven as being a FRAUDULENTLY filed.Iawsuit, for the purpose of Bruce Lee

Assam making the ADDITIONAL and CRIMINAL attempt for using FRIVOLOUS LITIGATION for (inchoat crime) the COLLECTION OF AN

ILLEGAL DEBT, in the form of WHITE COLLAR FRAUD, which simultaneously being heard in the FAMILY LAW court (Domestic Violence Injunction court), Mr. Assam was being held accountable for acts of VIOLENCE corresponding with the subject matter of the act of MALICIOUS PROSECUTION (case Assam v. Lindberg #052020CAO30642), which was identified as being filed as CRIMINAL COVER UP CONSPIRACY, in an attempt to avoid paying Ms. Lindberg, the replacement value for, as well as retuming the remaining business asset and personal property Mr. Assam

STOLE from Ms. Lindberg after hiring PRAGER, .Illinois based moving company back in JULY 2018, which on NOVEMBER 19, 2020, Mr. Assam called to APOLOGIZE to Ms. Lindberg, ADMITTING he used litigation and paid TWO different attorneys (not belonging to the same firm) to have

. HARASSED A VICTIM OF RACKETEERING CRIMES, which were committed as the PRIMARY OFFENSE, then accompanied to have been paired with, on JANUARY 10, 2020, DEATH THREATS, which were paired at the time as well as solicited again on MAY 24, 2020 and MAY 26,.2020, (visible in the emails, Appendix) Mr. Assam attempting to offer to BRIBE Ms. Lindberg, $35,000.00 to be paid in increments of $10,000.00 monthly,

Ms. Lindberg REFUSED, guiding Ms. Lindberg to request help from the Indian Harbour Beach Police Department.on MAY 25, 2020 via email to the Chief of Police, David Butler, then while remaining in communication with this department as well as OTHER LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES, Ms. Lindberg next began appearing in person at the Indian Harbour Beach Police Department fór the purpose of initiating investigations on MAY 26, JUNE 1, JUNE 2, JUNE 4,.JULY 22, OCTOBER 9, OCTOBER 10, OCTOBER 11, OCTOBER 14, 2020 etc. (see emails identifying the TIMELINE, of the events). CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

I certify that a copy hereof has been furnished to the Clerk of the Supreme Court of Florida at [email protected], and at FSC flcourts.orq, Appellee, Bruce Lee Assam, at [email protected], as well as sent by certified mail delivery

to 200 S Orange Ave. Suite 2600 Orlando, FL 32802, Appellee, Eric

Thompson at [email protected], as well as sent via certified mail to P.O. Box 2928 Orlando, FL 32802, Appellee, Vincent.Citro at [email protected], as well as sent by certified mail delivery to

17 E Pine St. Orlando, FL 32802, Appellee, Attorney Edward Fitzgerald at [email protected], as well as sent by certified mail

delivery to 200 S Orange Ave. Suite 2600 Orlando, FL 32802, Appellee, Officer Tucker Moderson at [email protected], , as well as sent via certified mail to P.O. Box 2928 C>rlando, FL 32802, Appellee, Officer Christopher Shaw at [email protected], as well as sent via certified mail to P.O. Box 2928 Orlando, FL 32802, Appellee, Jinelle Gilette at [email protected], as well as sent by certified mail delivery to 200 S Orange Ave. Suite 2600 Orlando, FL 32802, Appellee, Detective George Penley at [email protected], , as well as sent via certified mail to P.O. Box 2928 Orlando, FL 32802, Appellee, Jeannie Hoffhine at [email protected], , as well as sent via certified mail to P.O. Box 2928 Orlando, FL 32802, Appellee, David Butler at [email protected], , as well as sent via certified mail to P40. Box 2928 Orlando,.FL 32802, State of Florida, at the Office of the Attorney General, [email protected], State of Florida at [email protected] , [email protected] State of Florida at stac(â)sa18, by email delivery as well as sent by certified mail delivery to the Office of the Attorney General, at 444 Seabreeze E Ivd. 5th Floor, Daytona Beach, Florida, 32118, to the Public Defender of Brevard County via email service at [email protected], and via certified mail to The Public Defender of Brevard County at 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Building E, 2nd flOOr, Viera, FL 32940, to the Judicial Assistant of The Honorable Judge Samual Bookhardt via eservice at [email protected], [email protected], as well as sent by certified mail delivery to Clerk of The Court Brevard County Circuit Criminal Division 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Viera, FL 32940, Judicial Assistant for The Honorable Judge Turner at [email protected], and [email protected] as well as sent by certified mail delivery to Clerk of The Court Brevard County Circuit Civil Division 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Viera, FL 32940, Judicial Assistant for The Honorable Christina Serrano at [email protected], as well as sent by certified mail delivery to Clerk of The Court Brevard County Circuit Injunctions Division 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Viera, FL 32940, Judicial Assistant for The Honorable Judge Dave Silverman [email protected], as well as sent by certified mail delivery to Clerk of The Court Brevard County Circuit Injunctions Division 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Viera, FL 32940, Judicial Assistant for The Honorable Judge Michelle Naberhaus at [email protected], as well as sent by certified mail delivery to Clerk of The Court Brevard County Circuit Civil Division 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Viera, FL 32940, Judicial Assistant for The Honorable.Judge Dave Dugan at [email protected], as well as sent by certified mail delivery to.Clerk of The Court Brevard County Circuit Civil Division 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Viera, FL 32940, and to The Clerk of Court for Brevard County Fifth District Court of Appeals, [email protected] by e-mail delivery, aswell as sent by certified mail delivery to The Clerk of The Court For Brevard County Fifth

District Court of Appeals 400 South St. 2nd floor Titusville, FL 32780, is being emailed to [email protected], being Ms. Cassandra Snapp, at [email protected], on behalf of the Appellee Vincent Albert Citro,.is being sent to Ms. Tonya Berger on behalf of Appellee Edward.Melvin Fitzgerald, being emailed to address [email protected], is being emailed to Ms. Colleen Adkins DeGraff, at email address [email protected], future defendant pending issuance of summons presently, and copy of this filed document is being The Honorable Judge Samual Bookhardt located at The Moore Justice Center 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Viera, FL

32940 on March 25, 2021.

Le a Marie Lindberg, Pro e P.O. Box 372598 Satellite Beach, FL 32937 929-286-2229 [email protected] Certificate of Compliance

I Certify that the size of this MOTION is of 8,071 word count, and style of type used in this Brief is Ariel, 14 point font and complies with the font requirements of Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9 045 (e).

Lena arie indb rg, r P. . B x 3725 Satellite Bea , FL 32937 929-286-2229 [email protected]