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POPE PIUS MAKES NEW APPEAL for WORLD PACIFICATIQN W N p s v> r POPE PIUS MAKES NEW APPEAL FOR WORLD PACIFICATIQN Pray for the Success o f the Catholic Press w n eEPEiB ijlfiCE TO BE M I PROBLiS BE MM M Y 22 ch uy « ------------------ mi isiE M I m ---------------------------------- j Edifice Built lluder Direction of F a t b Letter idles a Pndomid l i q r ^ Bertram of Pueblo Upon Europe St. Catherine’s church at BeulaL is of the new church to hold services Practically AH the National and International News Articles Appearing in This Paper, as not to mention the social disturban-' practically, completed and arrai^ge- In a letter to Cardinal Gasparri, dui-ing the period when tourists are Papal secretary of state. Pope Pius CCS, which might mean the final ruin ments have been made to dedicate in Beulah. Well as Many Features Frequently Printed, Are Compiled from the N. C. W . C. News Service. urges that an effort be made to have of all Europe and a 'esentment the structure on Sunday morntng, The new church is located on top July 22. representatives of various nations which would remain as a continual of « hill surrounded by a ten-acre $2.00 Yr. on RenowaU work sincerely to bring about the menace to fresh and ruinous confla­ Bishop Tihen will celebrate s;rv- plot of grass and a few trees. En­ VOL. XVIII. NO. 47. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, JULY, 12, 1923. $2.50 Yr. on New Sub>. pacification of Europe. His Holiness grations.” ices dedicating the church and also trance to the church grounds is ac­ recalls recommendations made by the Concerning the metho< s adopted celebrate the first Mass to be held in cessible by driving from Beulah pro­ Vatican at the time of the Genoa by creditor nations to insu -e the pay­ the new church at 10.30 o’clock on per directly east. conference, .and points out that var­ ment of debt due to theni the Pope July 22. The new church is constructed of ious controversies, which then dis­ continues: The church was erected under di- white and dark brick, the white pre­ turbed the peace of the world, are “ It is just that the credi ors should rection of Father A. M. BerLrarr of dominating in the upper portions of still far from settlement, and that, have guarantees, proportiohate to the St. Francis’ church, Pueblo, and he the church while the dark rises to in fact, the condition of Europe is importance of their claims, insuring will conduct future services at Beu­ about five feet from the ground. the latter’s recovery, on v'hich their lah. i growing worse. Dark brick are used in trimming the During the preliminaries to new vital interests depend; bu we leave Heretofore, Mass has been cjele- structure. diplomatic conversations, the letter them to consider whether is neces- brated at Beulah in a house used for The public is invited to attend the states, the Pope, as the common sary to maintain, to that end, terri- church purposes. It is the ende4vor dedication at 10 a.m., on July 22. Father of Christendom, repeats his torial occupations impos ng grave The tenth biennial convention of was voted that he be given $5,000, to lunve plans for same for the next disinterested, impartial and benevo­ sacjrfices on occupied cou itries, and the Catholic Daughters of America and the delegates were urged to help convention. lent advice that the' problems be whether it would not be bel ter to sub­ along the good wdrk by getting The .following officers were elect­ examined in a spirit of charity and stitute, even progressive ly, other vas held in Kan.sas City on Tues­ samples of the beautiful Porto Rican ed: Miss Mary Duffy, New Jersey, justice. guarantees not less effici. Clous and First Lourdes Cujfe of Year is day, Wednesday and Thursday of embroidery and selling as mdeh as' 'supreme regent; Miss Frances Maher, As to the attitude, which should certainly less painful.” last week. Bishop Lillis officiated they could in the various courts Pennsylvania, vice supreme regent; govern the relations between the vic­ The adoption of his suggestions, it the Pontifical High Mass which through the country and thus help- Miss Katherine Rossny, New York, tors and the vanquished in the World the Pope says, would re suit more marked the opening of the conven- the people of Porto Rico to take care secretary; Mrs. Elizabeth Ahearn, war, the letter reads: surely in the pacification of Europe. Officially Noted; That of Nun uon on Tuesday morning and wel- of themselves. Five thousand dol­ Connecticut, treasurer; Miss Mary E. “ If, in the intention to repair the He closes by inviting all Christians mmed the delegates to Kansas City. lars was also given to the Church Ex­ Smith, Washington, D. C., advocate; very , serious damage inflicted, the to pray that an amicable settlement The Bishop asked Divine guidance for tension society of Chicago to start a directors: Mrs. Larkin, New York; debtor displays a real good will to of the present difficulties may be at­ he delegates in their deliberations. Mrs. Green, Maryland; Mrs. Meagher, each an equitable and definite agree­ tained. The Lourdes Medical Bureau jhas pool. Three physicians, w ho. came burse to help in the building of The Bishop also addressed the con- schools throughout the country.>t ^It Illinois, Mrs. J. P. Kelly, State of ment by invoking an impartial judg­ The letter has made a profound ■ ^ the hospital to give the nun a registered the first officially recjog- 0 Washington; Mrs. Mollett, California, ments on the limits of his solvency, impression upon the nations of Eu­ thorough examination, recognized the ention on Thursday and congratu- v/as also voted to send a sunt<bf nized cute for the year 1923, l}hat ated the ladies on their work and money to the Holy Father, A ei and Miss Yeager, Texas. and to undertake to supply to the rope. In France, there has been cure. Sister Scholastique no longer . udges every facility for cgreful and lively criticism of the suggestions of of Sister Scholastique, prioress j of has any rigidity in the spinal column. vished them Godspeed in their ef­ amount to be determined by the di­ Colorado was represented by Mrs. forts for a larger membership. Let- rectors. M. J. O’Fallon, who was appointed exact scrutiny, then justice and so­ His Holiness, particularly of those the Servants of the Poor, at Angers. Sfie can move freely and without .ers were read from Archbishop Cur- Whenever possible, the formation territorial deputy, as there is no cial charity, as well as the creditor’s concerning territorial occupation as Sister Scholastique arrived J me pain. / . ey of Baltimore, Archbishop Hanna of junior courts was advised, and state court here at present. If the own interests, seem to require that a guarantee for the payment of 12, and had been in a plaster cist, The three practitioners and the affiliation with the girl scout move­ ladies who are thinking of forming more should not be asked of the debts. Senator Jonnart, tie French fastened to a stretcher for six physician of the medical bureau have if Sah Francisco, Bishop Keane of Sacramento, conveying best wishes ment was recommended, under the courts throughout the state will do debtor than he can give without ex­ ambassador to the Vatica 1, had an months. She had suffered from concluded unanimously: (1) That ind heartily endorsing the national -.upervision of Miss Alice Conway, 30 immediately, Colorado will have hausting his resources and produc­ hour’s conference with he Pope, Potts disease and could not even eat the disease undoubtedly existed; (2) who is the Catholic consultant for trouble in getting a state court tive power, to his own irreparable after the letter had been made pub­ without assistance. That the cure is absolute; (3) That rdcr of Catholic women and wishing •10 vhe girl scout movement. ■ind consequently will have a state detri'ment and that of his creditors, lic. On June 13, at the pool, she :’elt its instantaneous character does not hem God’s choicest graces and bless- ngs. Th6 fourth degree Knights of The courts through the country regent and a delegate as representa­ an improvement, and was completely permit it tq be attributed to normal were advised to join the National tive at the next convention. cured on June 15 after leaving the evolution arid natural causes. Columbus of San Antonio', Texas, ent a telegram inviting the Daugh- Council of Catholic Women. It was Bishop J. Henry Tihen has heartily ars to hold their next convention also thought a wise action for the endorsed the order in Denver, which ' - i n that city. courts to have their own club is further honored by having the Novena to St. Anne to be Condne Rev. Father Judge of Porto Rico houses. It was the sense of the con­ Papal blessing on St. Rita’s court. nade an appeal on behalf of his peo- vention that the C. D. of A. do some There are, at present, some six hun­ Parental R ib ts hvolved in Bill )le, told of conditions existing there national work along educational dred ladies in Denver who belong to ind of the proselyting going on. It lines and the directors were, advised .he Catholic Daughters. at Sbrine in Arvada, July IS ; » i ' Argued Before House of Lords ^ A npvbna to St. Anne will be held tained io f countless' clients, she has oeginhin'g Wednesday of next wee*k, enshrined herself in the piearts of July 18, and continuing until Thurs­ the Catholic people .ever [since the A matter of the highest religibus have become divorced.
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