LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006

Supporting Europe’s neighbours in building capacity for environmental policy and action European Commission Environment Directorate-General

LIFE (“The Financial Instrument for the Environment”) is a programme launched by the European Commission and coordinated by the Environment Directorate-General (LIFE Unit - E.4).

The content of the publication “LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006: Supporting Europe’s neighbours in building capacity for environmental policy and action” does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the institutions of the .

Authors: Nora Schiessler, Jon Eldridge, Eva Röben. Editorial department: Eric Sarvan (Astrale GEIE-AEIDL). Managing editor: Philip Owen (European Commission, DG Environment, LIFE Unit). LIFE Focus series coordination: Simon Goss (DG Environ- ment, LIFE Communications Coordinator), Evelyne Jussiant (DG Environment, Communications Coordinator). Graphic design: Daniel Renders, Anita Cortés. Production: Christine Charlier. The following people also worked on this issue: Alban de Villepin, Yael Meroz, Michael Oliver, Katerina Raftopoulou, Egger Topper, Valts Vilnitis, Zeynep Yöntem. Acknowledgements: Thanks to all LIFE project beneficiaries who contributed comments, photos and other useful material for this report. Photos: Cover: LIFE97 TCY/TR/037, LIFE02 TCY/CRO/014, LIFE99 TCY/ROS/024, LIFE94 TCY/INT/988. Inside: From the respective LIFE projects unless otherwise specified - This issue of LIFE Focus is published in English with a print-run of 5,000 copies and is also available online. Attention version papier ajouter

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Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2007

ISBN 978-92-79-05694-9 ISSN 1725-5619

© European Communities, 2007 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

Printed in Belgium

Ecolabel Flower Printed on recycled paper that has been awarded the EU Ecolabel for graphic paper (http://ec.europa.eu/ecolabel/) LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 

Alban de Villepin Coordinator of LIFE-TCY

It is widely recognised that environmental problems must be tackled in co-ordinated and trans-national ways. Improving air quality and the cleanliness of rivers often involves cross-border co-operation. The prevention of climate change is another challenge to be met at an international level.

In the same way as it is in the common interest of both the European Union and its neighbours to promote prosperity, stability and security, it is also in their common interest to work jointly to foster environmental pro- tection. One important tool supporting European neighbours in their efforts to improve environmental quality and capacities for environmental management has been the LIFE-Third Countries programme (LIFE-TCY), one of the three components of LIFE, the European Union’s Financial Instrument for the Environment.

LIFE is at the forefront of the EU’s environmental policy. When the programme was launched in 1992, it also included financial support for environmental projects implemented outside the European Union. Including third countries has been an important sign of the EU’s willingness to tackle common wide-reaching envi- ronmental problems.

Since its launch, LIFE-TCY has co-financed numerous projects supporting the development of environmental policy and management capabilities in third countries. In this way, it has also become a thematic pioneer programme in the neighbourhood context. Different programmes directed at strengthening the relationship between the EU and its neighbours can profit from the rich pool of experiences assembled by LIFE-TCY.

Some of the many achievements of the programme are illustrated in this publication, which outlines 15 years of LIFE-TCY. The projects that have been selected for inclusion demonstrate the range and scope of activi- ties carried out over the years and the phases of the LIFE regulation, as well as the environmental benefits derived from LIFE-TCY assistance.

The brochure shows the positive role that LIFE-TCY has played in helping to solve environmental problems, build institutional and administrative capacities in the environmental sector and increase the environmental protection in the EU-bordering regions.

Alban de Villepin Coordinator of LIFE-TCY LIFE Unit Directorate-General for the Environment European Commission Foreword...... 1 Sustainable inland and marine Promoting EMAS principles...43 water management LIFE-TCY – Setting the scene...... 3 Improving wastewater LIFE-TCY management in Gaza ...... 31 Capacity building...... 44 LIFE-TCY’s contribution ...... 4 Preserving the environment Networks, administrative Actors and participants ...... 5 of the Ölüdeniz Lagoon ...... 32 structures and institutional TCY: From LIFE I to LIFE III ....8 strengthening Developing local institutional Building capacity to implement capacity in environmentally Regional agency for integrated environmental policy ...... 9 sensitive areas...... 33 waste management in Albania ...... 45 Contributing to national and Minimising the impact of international environmental economic activities ECATs promoting sustainable strategies...... 10 development...... 46 Introducing an experimental Link to other programmes ....16 system for setting effluent Environmental capacity limits in Russia...... 34 building in the ...... 47 Looking back – and forward ...17 Capacity building for cleaner Helping countries in the LIFE-TCY by country...... 18 production in Bosnia and accession process Herzegovina...... 35 Geographic scope...... 19 Implementation of nature Boosting Croatian CHP conservation legislation in Estonia...... 48 LIFE-TCY by theme...... 24 capacity ...... 36 Transposing the Seveso- Nature and biodiversity Tackling wastewater treatment Directive into Turkish law..... 49 protection in Tunisian tanneries ...... 37 Managing pig waste Conservation network Waste management in ...... 50 building in Cyprus...... 25 Treating infectious medical- Enhancing regional cooperation Restoring and managing waste in the Lebanon ...... 38 through international projects coastal areas in Malta...... 26 Waste management through Preparing for oil spills in Restoring wetlands and household recycling the Mediterranean ...... 51 endemic species in Israel .... 27 partnerships ...... 39 Conserving Mediterranean Sustainable land-use Improving waste manage- wetlands and their habitats...52 development and planning ment in St. Petersburg ...... 40 Capacity building to manage Fighting forest fires in the Environmental management the Sava river basin...... 53 Lebanon ...... 28 Training and information Improving air quality and centre for interregional reducing fuel consumption studies in Poland...... 41 Comprehensive list of LIFE- through traffic legislation ..... 29 Environmental audit and TCY projects...... 54 Sustainable urban planning pollution prevention of Available LIFE publications...... 61 in Cyprus ...... 30 the Syrian textile industry .... 42 LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 

LIFE-TCY – Setting the scene

The launch of the LIFE programme (the EU’s Financial Instrument of the Environment1) in 1992 provided the EU with an instrument for financing innovative environmental projects not only within the EU, but also in other neighbouring countries through the LIFE-Third Countries component of the programme.

Over the last 15 years, LIFE-Third Selection of projects was not based on Countries (LIFE-TCY) has provided an initial repartition of funds per coun- financial support for environmental try, but according to the merit of each actions in countries bordering the Bal- project. Any public institution, NGO or LIFE96 TCY/INT/08 tic Sea and the Mediterranean. As one private sector organisation could apply of the three components of LIFE, LIFE- for funding, provided that the projects to TCY has been an important tool for be financed were of Community inter- supporting neighbouring country ini- est, notably through their contribution tiatives to improve their environmental to implementing regional and interna- performance. In addition to Associa- tional guidelines and agreements, and tion Agreements concluded between made a significant contribution to the the EU and its neighbours, this pro- general programme objectives, namely gramme component has offered capacity-building measures and the funding to a total of 227 projects that development of environmental policy promoted sustainable development and action programmes. and supported the development of environmental management capabili- In addition, the Commission has ties of countries in the Mediterranean selected projects that have been in and the Baltic Sea Regions (other than line with EC environmental policy, cor- central and east European acceding responded to the priorities determined states and candidate countries). It has in the context of national environmen- also contributed to the strengthening tal action plans and programmes, of national environmental policies and promoted co-operation and sustain- to and increase in environmental pro- able development at all levels and pro- tection in the EU-bordering regions. vided solutions to major environmen- LIFE-TCY in action: Developing tal problems. Other factors taken into oil-spill response capacities in Cyprus, consideration have been the projects’ Egypt and Israel LIFE-TCY in action: Donating demonstration character, their poten- sheepdogs to reduce wolf-caused tial for being reproduced in other con- This publication aims to present the damage of livestock as a measure to improve wolf conservation in Croatia texts, their cost-effectiveness, socio- impressive sum of achievements and economic impacts and their possible work undertaken by LIFE-TCY bene- added value of establishing an interna- ficiaries since 1992. A brief history of tional partnership. LIFE-TCY, its contribution and partici- pants as well as its geographic scope Although there has been no standard are also included. A small selection duration, TCY projects usually range of the many TCY projects is featured from two to three years. In order to according to main environmental fields ensure sound project management and and capacity-building activities. A com- the most cost-effective use of the funds prehensive list of projects is presented available, the Commission has gener- on page 54. Information on all the closed ally favoured projects whose total costs and on-going projects can be found on have been above e 300,000 and under the LIFE website’s project database at: e 800,000. Of the eligible costs, LIFE- http://ec.europa.eu./life. TCY has co-financed up to 70%. The average size of the LIFE-TCY contribu- 1 Council Regulation (EEC) No 1973/92; Council Regulation (EC) No 1404/96; tion to projects under LIFE III has been Regulation (EC) No 1655/2000; Regulation e 360,000. (EC) No 1682/2004. LIFE02 TCY/CRO/014 LIFE-TCY’s contribution

Serious environmental problems rarely respect national boundaries, and much action must therefore be cross-border in approach. As a result, the European Union has increased its role in international action on environment and sustainable development. Its Environment Action Programmes (EAP), in particular, provide a framework for co-operation with potential acces- sion countries in central and Eastern Europe as well as with countries of the Mediterranean and Baltic Sea regions.

The inclusion of activities outside the work in a very flexible way with EU in LIFE has proved to be mutually partner countries to limit negative beneficial: neighbouring countries as environmental impacts. The shar-

LIFE00 TCY/INT/065 well as the EU have benefited from this ing of knowledge, technologies and strengthened co-operation. Such col- standards has also benefited the laboration has not only resulted in the EU and advanced the accession launch of new environmental initiatives process of its candidate countries. in areas such as solid waste manage- Capacity building has helped third ment, biodiversity, climate change countries to fulfil obligations to prevention and water resources, but international conventions, thereby has also strengthened environmental contributing to international efforts institutions in many countries. Often, on environmental protection and LIFE-TCY has not only supported the sustainable development. drafting of guidelines for new laws, Building bridges: LIFE-TCY, an EU tool but has also resulted in the introduc- By co-financing projects together for strengthening environmental institu- tion and enforcement of environmen- with project partners and other co- tions and sustainable development tal regulations. financiers, LIFE-TCY has achieved in neighbouring states (here, in the a maximum benefit from the avail- Lebanon) LIFE-TCY has benefited a wide range able budget. Working in co-opera- The EU has gained valuable experi- of applicants by: tion with local stakeholders to ence in tackling the same environ- • Strengthening environmental man- both encourage investment in the mental pressures countries across the agement capacities by insisting on environment and to share valuable Mediterranean and the Baltic Regions a strong ownership by local benefi- know-how has often resulted in face. These countries can benefit from ciaries; additional co-operation and knowl- EU experiences through replicating • Employing a ‘bottom-up approach’ edge sharing. best practices and avoiding the same that allowed beneficiaries to design errors. projects specifically to meet the Finally, the programme has allowed most important local environmen- the EU to invest cost-effectively in For the EU, LIFE-TCY has become tal needs, priorities and framework environmental protection measures a useful instrument for transferring conditions; in countries with poorer records on experience and addressing environ- • Promoting transfer of knowledge via environmental performance (where mental problems. In line with the 5th project partnerships between TCY a little can go a long way) as a com- and 6th EAP1, LIFE has contributed to beneficiaries, European or local plement to the more costly activities the implementation, development and consulting companies or universi- undertaken at higher development enhancement of Community environ- ties, international companies and EU levels within the EU. mental policy and legislation not only or local research institutions; and within the EU, but also in third coun- • Funding projects complementary 1 In 2002, the 6th EAP has been adopted tries. In addition, it supports objec- to other EU programmes such as as the EU’s policy programme for the environment for 2002 to 2012. 3 4 5 tives of direct initiatives for environ- TACIS , MEDA , PHARE or CARDS 2 http://ec.europa.eu/environment/enlarg/ mental co-operation such as Horizon that often considered bigger projects med/horizon_2020_en.htm 3 http://ec.europa.eu/comm/external_ 2020, a regional partnership to reduce than LIFE. relations/ceeca/tacis/ pollution in the Mediterranean Sea set 4 http://ec.europa.eu/comm/external_ up in 2005 and coordinated by the Successful TCY projects demon- relations/euromed/meda.htm 5 http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/ European Commission2. strate that the EU can effectively financial_assistance/index_de.htm Type of beneficiaries





LIFE-TCY projects contributing to the compliance with international environmental conventions


,)&%.ATURE ,)&%%NVIRONMENT ,)&%RIVERPROJECTS Cost distribution (LIFE I to LIFE III)       ,)&%)))





     4OTALAMMONIUMUG.L "/$MG/L                         4OTALAMMONIUMUG.L "/$MG/L                                        4OTALAMMONIUM "/$ "/$   LIFE-TCY projects contributing to project types                 4OTALAMMONIUM "/$ "/$ 





LIFE-TCY projects contributing to EU accession process by theme




Project distribution by region (including involvement in international projects)

14% 34%

27% 25%


LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p.  Number and evolution of country projects over time

Type of beneficiaries  Actors and participants  Centrally managed by the LIFE Unit in Brussels, the LIFE-TCY programme is actively supported by two     important actors in the beneficiary countries: the national focal points, which are generally the countries’     environmental authorities,)&%)))EXTENSION and help in the pre-selection of proposals and co-ordination of beneficiaries; and the EC Delegations,)&%))) and representations to the different countries. The Delegation staff help POURINTRO ,)&%)) follow LIFE projects in their country. Staff members know the national environmental context and often   ,)&%) have the opportunity to visit projects or events organised by the beneficiaries. They provide important knowledge about the local context to the administration in Brussels.      LIFE-TCY has been open to all ‘nat- Type of beneficiaries    .ATIONALAUTHORITY  Figure I: Type of beneficiaries  ural and legal persons’ as long as  ,OCALAUTHORITY   they originated from the eligible third    )NTERGOVERNMENTALBODY  countries (or had an international  .'/S  status in the case of governmental  2EGIONALAUTHORITY  or non-governmental,4 ,6 0, organisations),3,/ $ $: %% (+* 392 %4 '! !, - 2, "I( 4. ), -! #2/ #9 2/3 42 ).4 2ESEARCHINSTITUTION UNIVERSITIES TRAININGCENTRES   were technically competent to man-   0UBLICENTERPRISE age and carry out the proposed 3-%3MALLANDMEDIUMSIZEDENTERPRISE work, and were financially sound. 0ROFESSIONALORGANISATION Countries involved in international projects    /THERS  Over the years, a total of 165 differ- ent project beneficiaries (main con- .ATIONALAUTHORITY 0UBLICENTERPRISE tracting parties with the EC) – have  ,OCALAUTHORITY 3-%3MALLANDMEDIUMSIZED received Community support under )NTERGOVERNMENTALBODY ENTERPRISE the LIFE-TCY programme. The bene- .'/S 0ROFESSIONALORGANISATION /THERS ficiaries alone were legally responsi- 2EGIONALAUTHORITY  2ESEARCHINSTITUTION ble for their projects’ implementation UNIVERSITIES TRAININGCENTRES and the related financial manage- ment. They also had to assume a part  LIFE-TCY projects contributing to the compliance with of the project’s cost, too. However, of the project,international its dissemination, environmental and LIFE-TCY conventions beneficiaries have come they could decide to work closely the transfer of the developed tech- from a wide variety of sectors. ,4 ,6 "I( 0, $ %% - '! !, ), 42 #9 %4 $: 4. 2, with one or more partners.3,/ In which2/3 niques #2/and methods.(+* Beneficiaries-! 392 These include public bodies such as   #LIMATECHANGE5.&### case, they had to fix the modalities could also ask co-financiers to con- national, regional and local authori-  -EDITERRANEAN3EA"ARCELONA of their contribution though partner- tribute to the project with financial ties, as well as intergovernmental  "ALTIC3EA(ELSINKI ship agreements. The partners’ con- resources (other than Community bodies; enterprises,7ETLANDS2AMSAR such as public tribution aimed to enhance the inno- funding); and hire subcontractors to enterprises,/ILSPILLRESPONSE/02# SMEs (small and medium -IGRATORYSPECIES#-3 vative and demonstrativeLIFE-TCY character beneficiaries provide by type external and LIFE services. period sized enterprises), public-private and  "IODIVERSITY#"$  7ILDLIFEANDNATURALHABITATS "ERN#ONVENTION Figure II: LIFE-TCY beneficiaries by type and LIFE period ,)&%.ATURE ,)&%%NVIRONMENT ,)&%RIVERPROJECTS Cost distribution (LIFE I to LIFE III)  3-%3MALLANDMEDIUMSIZEDENTERPRISE        )NTERNATIONALENTERPRISE  ,)&%))) ,)&%)))  ,)&%)) /THERS   ,)&%)  ,)&%))  %5#ONTRIBUTION 2ESEARCHINSTITUTIONS UNIVERSITIES TRAININGCENTRES 




  Number of TCY projects funded per year       4OTALAMMONIUMUG.L  LIFE-TCY periods by themes "/$MG/L                         ,)&%)))    4OTALAMMONIUMUG.L "/$MG/L ,)&%))      LIFE III ,)&%) LIFE II  LIFE I                    












7ASTE&RAMEWORK$IRECTIVE (AZARDOUS7ASTE$IRECTIVE LIFE-TCY projects contributing to EU accession process by theme




Project distribution by region (including involvement in international projects)

14% 34%

27% 25%


Number and evolution of country projects over time

        ,)&%)))EXTENSION  ,)&%))) POURINTRO  ,)&%))  ,)&%)            ,4 ,6 0, 3,/ $ $: %% (+* 392 %4 '! !, - 2, "I( 4. ), -! #2/ #9 2/3 42 ).4

Countries involved in international projects


,4 ,6 "I( 0, $ %% - '! !, ), 42 #9 %4 $: 4. 2, 3,/ 2/3 #2/ (+* -! 392

LIFE-TCY beneficiaries by type and LIFE period










LIFE-TCY periods by themes

   ,)&%)))  ,)&%))


Capacity building activities





7ASTE&RAMEWORK$IRECTIVE (AZARDOUS7ASTE$IRECTIVE international enterprises; and other eligible countries, it is no surprise authorities who realised the most institutions such as NGOs, research that 65% of all projects have been projects in four TCY countries. This institutions, universities, training led by public authorities. is particularly true for LIFE II and centres, professional organisations LIFE III, where national authorities and park authorities. National authorities were gener- clearly took the lead (followed by ally the most active. In 14 of the 22 local authorities under LIFE II and However, since LIFE-TCY is prima- submitting countries, they were the by research institutions, universi- rily intended to support the efforts beneficiaries with the highest num- ties and training centres under LIFE of national administrations in the bers of projects, followed by local III). Under LIFE I, however, intergov- ernmental bodies realised seven projects more than national authori- ties, which were responsible for a II n n t t e e r r v v i i e e w w total of 12 projects. Jamale Tekly (Comptable, Ministère Jamale Tekly (accountant, Lebanese de l’Environnement du Liban), sur Ministry of Environment), discussing a It can be observed that the pro- l’effet d’un projet LIFE établissant un LIFE project that established a quality portion of international organisa- système de gestion de qualité management system tions as beneficiaries continuously Avant d’installer le programme, je pensais Before installing this programme, I decreased, whereas national and que je faisais mon travail à la perfection, thought I had done my work perfectly, local governments, which often et j’étais une des personnes qui avaient and I was one of the people who felt were their previous partners, took des réticences à l’ égard de ce projet, en some resistance towards this project, over the lead of their projects. The croyant que notre travail est vraiment believing that we had already perfor- nature of international beneficiar- bien fait, alors on n’a pas besoin d’avoir un med our job very well, and that we did nouveau régime de travail. Avec le temps, not need a new way to work. However, ies also changed: during the LIFE et surtout durant ces derniers jours, je in time, and certainly in these last few I and early LIFE II phase, these sens que c’est indispensable et que tous days, I feel that it (the quality mana- were often major intergovernmental les ministères au Liban doivent avoir ce gement) is indispensable, and that agencies such as the World Bank, système. Premièrement, parce qu’il réduit indeed all ministries in Lebanon should le temps que prend chaque tâche et have such a system. First of all, because UNDP, the REMPEC, Blue plan or chaque activité. Par exemple, une décision they reduce the time needed for each similar regional UN offices, whereas qui avant aurait pris une demi-heure ou task and each activity. For example, the international beneficiaries of une heure, prend maintenant, pour être previously, a decision could have taken the past few years have often been achevée, entre 5 et 10 minutes. Deuxième- half an hour or even an hour to make. environmental NGOs, also from ment, cela nous aide à avoir un système de Now we make decisions in 5 to 10 statistique. C’est-à-dire, à la fin de chaque minutes. Secondly, they enable us to TCY or Central and Eastern Euro- mois, et plus tard de chaque année, on have a statistical system. This means pean countries. peut avoir des statistiques complètes de that at the end of every month or year, ce qui a été achevé et savoir comment cela we can have complete statistics of Though the majority of benefici- s’est passé: savoir quel pourcentage du what has been achieved and how and travail était réussi en relation aux objectifs we can find out the percentage of work aries have only implemented one antérieurement définis. Troisièmement, that has been successful in comparison project, some have also had sev- chaque personne qui lit le manuel peut to formerly defined objectives. Finally, eral projects selected. Leading avoir une connaissance assez complète everyone who reads the manual can the field in this respect has been des activités concernant chaque division. obtain quite comprehensive knowled- the World Bank which has imple- Et quand une des personnes est absente, ge of the activities carried out in each c’est aussi facile pour une autre personne unit. So if someone is absent, this mented 10 projects, equalling 4.4% d’achever son travail. person can be replaced easily. of all projects. The Turkish Ministry of Environment and Forests car- ried out seven TCY projects as a Fevzi İşbilir (Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı, Fevzi İşbilir (deputy director-general of beneficiary and was a partner to Çevre Yönetimi Genel Müdürlüğü, environmental management, Turkish three others. The Lebanese Min- Müdür Yrd) Ministry of Environment and Forests) istry of Environment implemented five TCY projects and was a part- Size göre, LIFE üçüncü ülkeler programı, In your opinion, did the LIFE-TCY program- ner to five others. The Kaliningrad (Türkiye’nin AB’ye) uyum prosesine sağlıklı me provide a tangible contribution to Tur- bir katkıda bulunuyor mu? key’s EU accession process? Environmental Centre for Adminis- Fevzi İşbilir: Şüphesiz. Yani, LIFE ile Fevzi İşbilir: Undoubtedly. If the LIFE pro- tration and Technology (ECAT) and yürütülen projelerde amaca uygun jects are implemented according to their the Cypriot Ministry of Agriculture, davranıldığı takdirde, uyulacağına objectives, and I firmly believe they will Natural Resources and Environ- da inanıyorum, bizim Bakanlığımızın be, all projects I have been involved in, all yürüttüğü ve benim müdahil olduğum projects carried out by our ministry, will ment were each the beneficiary of projelerde bu amaca hizmet ediliyor. have an impact on this goal. six projects. LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 

In the context of visits to the benefi- ciary countries, the LIFE team asked II n n t t e e r r v v i i e e w w several employees, both technical Νίκος Γεωργιάδης (Κυπριακό Υπουργείο staff and decision-makers, of the Nicos Georgiades, former director of Γεωργίας, Φυσικών Πόρων και the environment service, (Cypriot Mi- three most important multiple ben- Περιβάλλοντος, πρώην Διευθυντής nistry of Agriculture, Natural Resour- eficiaries - the environmental admin- Υπηρεσίας Περιβάλλοντος) ces and Environment) istrations of Turkey, the Lebanon Ποια ήταν η συνεισφορά του προγράμματος How has the LIFE programme contributed and Cyprus - to provide comments LIFE στην Κυπριακή περιβαλλοντική πολιτική; to Cypriot environmental policy? on the contribution the LIFE pro- Νίκος Γεωργιάδης: Το LIFE (Τρίτες N. Georgiades: LIFE (Third Countries) was Χώρες) ήταν το μόνο χρηματοδοτικό gramme has made to environmental the only funding instrument available to εργαλείο στο οποίο η Κύπρος είχε Cyprus before its accession. Therefore, its policy-making and capacity building πρόσβαση προενταξιακά, γι’ αυτό και η contribution in raising the height of the in their countries. ουσιαστική του συμβολή στην ανύψωση του περιβαλλοντικού πυλώνα στο επίπεδο environmental pillar to the level of the eco- του οικονομικού και κοινωνικού είχε nomic and social ones, had an added value A key issue for the assessment of προστιθέμενη αξία δυσανάλογα ψηλή σε that was disproportionately high compa- the overall sustainability of the LIFE σχέση με το ύψος της βοήθειας που δόθηκε red to the level of assistance granted and και υπήρξε καταλυτική στο να ωθήσει την was a key catalyst in guiding environmen- programme is the long-term continu- περιβαλλοντική πολιτική να βγει οριστικά tal policy out of the twilight zone where it ation of the results of these projects. από τη ζώνη του λυκόφωτος στην οποία had been neglected for decades. Dr Aydın Yıldırım, also deputy gen- βρισκόταν για δεκαετίες. How do you assess the sustainability of Πως αξιολογείτε τη συνέχεια των eral director of the general directo- the results achieved through Cypriot LIFE αποτελεσμάτων των Κυπριακών έργων LIFE; projects? rate of environmental management in Νίκος Γεωργιάδης: Εκείνες οι κοινές N. Georgiades: The parameters common the Turkish Ministry of Environment παράμετροι όλων των προγραμμάτων που αποδείχτηκε να έχουν αειφορία, to all the projects that proved to be more and Forests, says that the replicat- δηλαδή μακροπρόθεσμη διάρκεια sustainable, in other words with long- ing effects of the projects were “like και σταθερότητα, είναι αυτές που term duration and stability, are those the waves produced when throw- αφορούν τους τομείς της εμπέδωσης της that concern the sectors of solidifying περιβαλλοντικής ευαισθητοποίησης και ing a stone into a lake”. He gives environmental awareness and readjus- της αναπροσαρμογής αντιλήψεων, της ting viewpoints; improving the capacity the example of the different Turkish βελτίωσης των δυνατοτήτων συμμετοχής της of civil society and other stakeholders waste projects, which incorporated κοινωνίας των πολιτών και άλλων εταίρων to participate in policy formulation and στις διαδικασίες διαμόρφωσης πολιτικής, the national waste policy and were the improvement of environmental και της ενδυνάμωσης της περιβαλλοντικής governance. the predecessors of larger infra- διακυβέρνησης. structure projects later implemented by the EU cohesion funds. Abdurrahman Uluirmak, head of the Turkish chemicals department and Alara Seventeen LIFE-TCY projects were Istemil, an expert at the Turkish foreign relations and EU department implemented in Cyprus, addressing Alban de Villepin (EC LIFE Unit): Do you think that one of the positive aspects of the horizontal themes such as EU envi- LIFE programme is that it is the beneficiary who prepares the proposal, and, as a result, ronmental policy approximation and projects correspond exactly to their needs? specific environmental subjects such Abdurrahman Uluirmak: As a central government, we have benefited from as special areas of conservation, the LIFE programme in preparing for accession. In our national programme, management and control of chemi- we have to harmonise our legislation with EU legislation. SEVESO is a type of accession project. Many of the outcomes of LIFE projects contribute to this cal substances, and the reduction of goal. vehicle emissions. Elena Stylianop- Alban de Villepin: This was your choice? oulou, the LIFE focal point in Cyprus, Abdurrahman Uluirmak: This is our choice. Of course, the business sector also based at the Environment Service of benefits from the LIFE programme for compliance with environmental legislation. For instance, in the SEVESO project we established an electronic notification sys- MANRE, says that LIFE-TCY was tem. It is already in use, but it will be used officially when our legislation comes into instrumental in raising environmen- force. We will benefit very much from this electronic notification. tal awareness among state authori- Alara Istemil: I want to make a comment on the submission of project proposals ties and the public through the pro- by other parties. The LIFE projects were not very well known in their early period. motion of recycling and the creation But last year, when LIFE came to its end, the programme received enormous attention. And I think it’s a pity the programme has closed just when the LIFE-TCY of bicycle lanes in cities. was becoming well known, well implemented and quite efficient. It became better every year. Projects in Cyprus also helped cre- Alban de Villepin: Do you think that the large TÜBITAK (Scientific and Technological ate infrastructure and the acquisition Research Council of Turkey) funding might, at least for research and development projects, provide an alternative after the closure of the LIFE programme? of expertise at the central and local Alara Istemil: It might, but there is still a need for the LIFE programme. For exam- administrative levels in prepara- ple, for the implementation of Natura 2000 projects the LIFE programme is a major tion of its accession to the EU. tool. So at this stage, we hope for LIFE +... Type of beneficiaries





LIFE-TCY projects contributing to the compliance with international environmental conventions


,)&%.ATURE ,)&%%NVIRONMENT ,)&%RIVERPROJECTS Cost distribution (LIFE I to LIFE III)       ,)&%)))

TCY: From LIFE,)&%)) I to LIFE III %5#ONTRIBUTION 0HASE 4OTAL#OST ,)&%) Type of beneficiaries  Since 1992, LIFE-TCY has financed 227 projects, corresponding  to a total investment of more    € -ILLIONS than 120 million of which the EC contributed over 65%. There are!LLOCATEDBUDGET currently 80 ongoing projects (ABITATRESTORATIONANDMANAGEMENT 2IVERANDFLOODPLAINRESTORATION %NVIRONMENT in 16 countries. 3PECIES#ONSERVATIONANDMANAGEMENT 2IVER-ONITORING .ATURE     The first phase of LIFE (LIFE I) ran from 2IVERANDFLOODPLAINMANAGEMENT 2IVER"ASINMANAGEMENT 4HIRD#OUNTRIES   1992 to 1995. It coincided with the first Figure III:Number Number of TCYof LIFE-TCY projects projectsfunded per funded year per year

time that EU environmental policy was 

 given a firm Treaty basis in the Single  European Act, as well as with the Fifth     Environment Action Programme (5th  EAP), which was adopted in 1992. This  4OTALAMMONIUMUG.L "/$MG/L   programme was to set the pace of envi-   .ATIONALAUTHORITY   ronmental reform for the next decade,                 ,OCALAUTHORITY and LIFE was one of its essential tools.   )NTERGOVERNMENTALBODY Since 1992, 227 LIFE-TCY projects have received funding. Due to a delay in the launch 4OTALAMMONIUMUG.L "/$MG/L    .'/S of the call of proposals under the new LIFE III, a cumulative budget covered 2000 and  From its inception, LIFE envisaged 2001.   2EGIONALAUTHORITY Type of beneficiaries   actions outside Community territory (so-   2ESEARCHINSTITUTION UNIVERSITIES TRAININGCENTRES called ‘third country assistance’). Such promote sustainable development at cific objective of LIFE-TCY changed,     0UBLICENTERPRISE action came under LIFE I with an indica- international, national or regional level. now more strongly focussing on creat-   .ATIONALAUTHORITY   3-%3MALLANDMEDIUMSIZEDENTERPRISE   tive allocation of 5% of the programme Projects sought to provide solutions ing administrative,OCALAUTHORITY capacities and struc-     0ROFESSIONALORGANISATION budget. Fifty projects benefiting third to major environmental problems, tures in the)NTERGOVERNMENTALBODY environmental sector and                  /THERS countries were selected during LIFE I, increase cross-border co-operation, as developing.'/S and implementing environ-   2EGIONALAUTHORITY 4OTALAMMONIUM "/$ "/$ representing a total financial contribu- well as ensure feasibility with regard to mental policies and action programmes.  2ESEARCHINSTITUTION    tion of approximately € 19.4 million. technical proposals, managementLIFE-TCY projects and contributing In to addition, project typesUNIVER someSITIE EUS TRAININGCENTRES candidate coun- 0UBLICENTERPRISE   value for money. tries chose to use TCY as part of their              3-%3MALLANDMEDIUMSIZED Funding was made available for  accession ENTERPRISEpreparations.  4OTALAMMONIUM "/$ "/$ technical assistance actions in third Under LIFE II (1996-1999), the TCY 0ROFESSIONALORGANISATION countries, as well as, in exceptional strand maintained its allocation of 5% Technical /THERS assistance projects that circumstances, for actions concern- of the budget and funded 67 projects, support the afore mentioned specific ing regional or global environmental amounting to € 20.7 million. It spe- objectives were eligible for funding   problems provided for in international cificallyLIFE-TCY addressed projects actions contributing in Medi- tounder the complianceLIFE III. To facilitate with the imple- international environmental conventions agreements. Selection criteria included terranean and Baltic Sea countries. mentation of the programme accom-  the focus on promoting the establish- Its objective was to contribute to the panying measures were required to .UMBEROF,)&%PROJECTS     ment of the necessary administrative development of environment policy monitor and#LIMATECHANGE5.&### evaluate LIFE actions,   structures in the environmental field, and action programmes in the eligible as well as -EDITERRANEAN3EA"ARCELONA to support the exchange of   "ALTIC3EA(ELSINKI the transfer of appropriate environ- countries. The funding criteria stayed experience between projects and the .ATIONAL .ATIONAL !GENDA .ATIONAL!CTION7ETLANDS2AMSAR %5ACCESSION )NTERNATIONAL %NVIRONMENTAL "IODIVERSITY 0LANFOR CONVENTIONS ment-friendly technologies, and the the same. !CTION0LANS 3TRATEGYAND!CTION -EDITERRANEAN3EAgeneral dissemination/ILSPILLRESPONSE/02# of information on fostering of sustainable development. 0LANS thePROTECTION results -IGRATORYSPECIES#-3 obtained. Under LIFE III, 112  "IODIVERSITY#"$ Areas covered included also the pro- With LIFE III (running from 2000 to 2004,0OLICYTYPE projects were selected, receiving a total  7ILDLIFEANDNATURALHABITATS vision of the technical assistance and then extended until 2006), the spe- of approximately"ERN#ONVENTION € 40.3 million. necessary to establish environmental ,)&%.ATURE ,)&%%NVIRONMENT ,)&%RIVERPROJECTS policies and action programmes, and Figure IV: CostCost distribution distribution (LIFE (LIFE I to ILIFE to III)LIFE III) assistance to third countries faced with       ecological emergencies. ,)&%)))

Furthermore, these third country ,)&%)) %5#ONTRIBUTION

projects had to be of interest to the 0HASE 4OTAL#OST ,)&%) Community (notably through con-  tributing to the implementation of           -ILLIONS regional and international guidelines, !LLOCATEDBUDGET (ABITATRESTORATIONANDMANAGEMENT 2IVERANDFLOODPLAINRESTORATION %NVIRONMENT orientations and agreements), and LIFE has allocated approximately € 80.3 million to projects in third countries. 3PECIES#ONSERVATIONANDMANAGEMENT 2IVER-ONITORING .ATURE






Project distribution by region (including involvement in international projects)

14% 34%

27% 25%



Countries involved in international projects

      Project distribution by region  (including involvement in international projects)  14%  34%      27%  25% ,4 ,6 "I( 0, $ %% - '! !, ), 42 #9 %4 $: 4. 2, 3,/ 2/3 #2/ (+* -! 392 "ALTIC4#9 REGIONS%STONIA ,ATVIA ,ITHUANIA 0OLANDAND2USSIA .ORTHERN4#9-EDITERRANEANREGIONS !LBANIA "OSNIA (ERZEGOVINA #ROATIA LIFE-TCY#YPRUS -ALTAAND3LOVENIA beneficiaries by type and LIFE period 3OUTHERN4#9-EDITERRANEANREGIONS !LGERIA %GYPT -OROCCOAND4UNISIA %ASTERN4#9-EDITERRANEANREGIONS )SRAEL *ORDAN ,EBANON 3YRIA 4URKEY 4HE7EST"ANK'AZA  3-%3MALLANDMEDIUMSIZEDENTERPRISE 


 ,)&%)) /THERS   ,)&%)   2ESEARCHINSTITUTIONS UNIVERSITIES TRAININGCENTRES  Number and evolution of country projects over time  2EGIONALAUTHORITY 


  )NTERGOVERNMENTALBODY    ,)&%)))EXTENSION           ,)&%))) POURINTRO  ,)&%))  ,)&%)     LIFE-TCY periods by themes        ,)&%)))   ,)&%))

LIFE III  ,)&%) LIFE II  LIFE I  ,4 ,6 0, 3,/ $ $:  %% (+* 392 %4 '! !, - 2, "I( 4. ), -! #2/ #9 2/3 42 ).4   

Countries involved in international projects!IR .OISE 7ATER 7ASTE BODIES .ATURE ,ANDUSE  PLANNING #HEMICALS BIODIVERSITY



,4 ,6 "I( 0, $ %% - '! !, ), 42 #9 %4 $: 4. 2, 3,/ 2/3 #2/ (+* -! 392









LIFE-TCY periods by themes

   ,)&%)))  ,)&%))


Capacity building activities






Building capacity to implement environmental policy

Capacity building refers to the range of measures that can be taken to support and encourage individuals, organisations and society as a whole to manage their affairs successfully.

The establishment of capacities and of management tools such as EMAS Many LIFE-TCY projects combine administrative structures needed in or ISO certification, the related proce- capacity building with awareness rais- the environmental sector and in the dures and quality management sys- ing and information management. For development of environmental policy tems. Very different organisations from example, one of the ongoing projects and action programmes is specifically the public and the private sector bene- in Turkey has worked towards the defined as a central objective of LIFE fit from capacity building measures: In establishment of an electronic infor- III. LIFE-TCY is especially intended to Tunisia, two projects focussed on the mation system on EU and national support the efforts of national admi- strengthening of environmental per- environmental legislation and its nistrations in implementing, updating formance in industry; one through the requirements for small and medium and developing environmental poli- introduction of EMAS and ISO 14001 scale industry. However, to enable cies and action programmes in the to small and medium enterprises, and these industries to use the information eligible countries. the other one via preparation for the provided by the project, door-to-door establishment of a Tunisian ecolabel. awareness raising and intensive train- For this purpose, many projects have In Russia, the EMAS concept was ing measures were planned to precede focussed on technical assistance. adopted by a local government, the the introduction of the portal on envi- Through the establishment of new municipality of St. Petersburg, and ronmental legislation to the industrial- administrative bodies and structures or in the Lebanon, the Ministry of Envi- ists. The strong connection between through the reinforcement of existing ronment introduced a comprehen- environmental information manage- ones, they have helped to strengthen sive quality management system that ment, awareness and capacity build- co-operation, promoted the exchange allows it to apply for ISO certification ing can also be observed in two recent of experience and encouraged the as the first Lebanese ministry. projects on air quality management in transfer of expertise and knowledge. Istanbul and Kaliningrad. This was with a view to assisting the Capacity building is often closely linked project country or region to develop to the access and management of Examples for environmental aware- environmental legislation and prepare environmental information and to envi- ness building include an Algerian adequate environmental management ronmental awareness building, which project that also aimed to raise plans for sustainable development. form the basis upon which sustainable administrative capacity to support the capacity building must rely. country’s environment. Dissemination has played an impor- tant role in encouraging the transfer of best practices for capacity build-  LIFE00 TCY/TN/016  LIFE04 TCY/TR/000004  LIFE03 TCY/TN/000051  LIFE06 TCY/TR/000283 ing. Throughout its entire duration,  LIFE03 TCY/ROS/000068  LIFE06 TCY/ROS/000269 the LIFE-TCY programme has always  LIFE02 TCY/INT/034  LIFE00 TCY/DZ/015 aimed to ensure the sustainability of project results, for example, through Capacity and awareness building measures undertaken by LIFE-TCY training, job creation, new organisa- projects: tional structures, follow-up on policy l Awareness raising; action programmes implementation l Facilitation of the access, use and management of environmental information; and management plans. l Training; l Definition of planning processes including policies, strategies or action plans; Within a broad framework of capacity l Drawing up standards and regulations; building, most LIFE-TCY projects have l Development and adaptation of legislation; implemented a set of varying measures l Development of technical tools and guidelines, and the transfer of best practice; adapted to local or national needs. l Creation or reinforcement of environmental management structures; Many of the capacity building mea- l Creation or reinforcement of procedures for data collection and dissemination; and sures were built upon the introduction l Reinforcement of legislation. Type of beneficiaries





LIFE-TCY projects contributing to the compliance with international environmental conventions

  #LIMATECHANGE5.&###   Contributing to national-EDITERRANEAN3EA"ARCELONA and  "ALTIC3EA(ELSINKI 7ETLANDS2AMSAR international environmental/ILSPILLRESPONSE/02# strategies -IGRATORYSPECIES#-3  "IODIVERSITY#"$ In fulfilling the requirements of and criteria specific to LIFE-TCY, projects have successfully  7ILDLIFEANDNATURALHABITATS supported national and international environmental"ERN#ONVENTION strategies, boosted the implementation of international conventions on environment, and facilitated the EU accession process. ,)&%.ATURE ,)&%%NVIRONMENT ,)&%RIVERPROJECTS Cost distribution (LIFE I to LIFE III) Over the course of its 15-year his- national levels. The first UN confer-       tory, the,)&%))) LIFE-TCY programme has ence on the human environment in made an important contribution to Stockholm 1972 was a milestone in ,)&%)) %5#ONTRIBUTION

the formulation and implementation international environmental policy, LIFE99 TCY/BiH/035

of national0HASE and international envi- constituting the basis4OTAL#OST for both the ,)&%) ronmental policies. The foci of the creation of the UN Environment Pro-  LIFE-TCY projects dealing with envi-  gramme (UNEP) and the preparation   !LLOCATEDBUDGET -ILLIONS ronmental strategy preparation and of the UN conventions on migratory (ABITATRESTORATIONANDMANAGEMENT 2IVERANDFLOODPLAINRESTORATION %NVIRONMENT application are manifold – from the species (CMS-Bonn convention) 3PECIES#ONSERVATIONANDMANAGEMENT 2IVER-ONITORING .ATURE elaboration of National Environmen- and the trade in endangered spe- tal Action Plans (NEAP) at the very cies (CITES). Over the following 20 2IVERANDFLOODPLAINMANAGEMENT 2IVER"ASINMANAGEMENT 4HIRD#OUNTRIES Number of TCY projects funded per year beginning of the LIFE programme to years, the UN issued a great number the concrete implementation of the of major conventions on environ- NEAPs or of the EU environmental mental protection. For example, the Iris pseudacorus community at Bjeline, acquis in EU accession countries dur- United Nations Conference on Envi- Bosnia-Herzegovina  ing the late LIFE II and the whole LIFE ronment and Development (UNCED)  4OTALAMMONIUMUG.L "/$MG/L III phase. Additionally, a large number Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro 1992    of LIFE-TCY projects aim to ensure produced, along with Agenda 21, the and signatory to most UN environ-    compliance  with UN environmental   Rio Declaration  on Environment   and mental treaties and has participated    conventions. Development, the Statement of Forest actively4OTALAMMONIUMUG.L in setting their frameworks "/$MG/L  Principles, the United Nations Frame- for and promoted their integration.    International conventions on work Convention on Climate Change Additionally, the EU has issued sev-     the environment and the United Nations Convention on eral Europe-wide environmental   Biological Diversity. conventions, such as the Bern Con-       In the last three decades, environ- vention for the protection of wildlife     mental policy-making has developed As well as its individual member and natural habitats. With respect to     rapidly both at the national and inter- states, the EU itself became a party LIFE-TCY beneficiary countries, the               European Commission is a partner  4OTALAMMONIUM "/$ "/$ of many of the major regional envi-   Figure V: LIFE-TCYLIFE-TCY projects projects contributing contributing to project types to project types ronmental actors, such as the Medi-    terranean Environmental Technical              Assistance Programme (METAP), 4OTALAMMONIUM "/$ "/$  and the Mediterranean Action Plan or the Helsinki Commission. This close  co-operation is also reflected in the

  areas of intervention of the LIFE-TCY programme.    Some 26 LIFE-TCY projects were .UMBEROF,)&%PROJECTS    conceived explicitly with the aim

 .ATIONAL .ATIONAL !GENDA .ATIONAL!CTION %5ACCESSION )NTERNATIONAL %NVIRONMENTAL "IODIVERSITY 0LANFOR CONVENTIONS  The METAP programme was set up by !CTION0LANS 3TRATEGYAND!CTION -EDITERRANEAN3EA the World Bank and the European Invest- 0LANS PROTECTION ment Bank, the European Commission, 0OLICYTYPE UNDP and the governments of Finland and Switzerland. http://www.metap.org/

LIFE-TCY projects contributing to EU accession process by theme




Project distribution by region (including involvement in international projects)

14% 34%

27% 25%


Number and evolution of country projects over time

        ,)&%)))EXTENSION  ,)&%))) POURINTRO  ,)&%))  ,)&%)            ,4 ,6 0, 3,/ $ $: %% (+* 392 %4 '! !, - 2, "I( 4. ), -! #2/ #9 2/3 42 ).4

Countries involved in international projects


,4 ,6 "I( 0, $ %% - '! !, ), 42 #9 %4 $: 4. 2, 3,/ 2/3 #2/ (+* -! 392

LIFE-TCY beneficiaries by type and LIFE period










LIFE-TCY periods by themes

   ,)&%)))  ,)&%))


Capacity building activities










of contributing to the implementa- LIFE-TCY projects contributing to the compliance with tion of international conventions and Figure VI: LIFE-TCY projects contributing to the compliance international environmental conventions protocols. As can be seen from the with international environmental conventions distribution of subjects in Figure VI, the protection of habitats and wildlife    #LIMATECHANGE5.&###   (Ramsar, biodiversity, migratory spe- -EDITERRANEAN3EA"ARCELONA  "ALTIC3EA(ELSINKI cies and Bern conventions) and the 7ETLANDS2AMSAR protection of the marine environment /ILSPILLRESPONSE/02# (in the Mediterranean and Baltic Seas) -IGRATORYSPECIES#-3  "IODIVERSITY#"$ were the main priorities. Other priorities  7ILDLIFEANDNATURALHABITATS included the implementation of national "ERN#ONVENTION biodiversity strategies and action plans ,)&%.ATURE ,)&%%NVIRONMENT ,)&%RIVERPROJECTS (NBSAP), which are an outcome of the Cost distribution (LIFE I to LIFE III) Convention on Biodiversity. Meanwhile, The combination of environmental years, Israel, in particular, as well as       a range of projects have carried out protection,)&%))) and sustainable develop- Syria, Jordan, Tunisia and the Pal- activities defined in the national action ment, both of which are central to estinian territories (the West Bank) plans for the protection of the Medi- Agenda,)&%)) 21 and its local adaptations, have run several %5#ONTRIBUTIONLIFE-TCY projects terranean under the framework of the have0HASE been the systematic foci of the that focussed on the4OTAL#OST implementation ,)&%) Barcelona Convention. Mediterranean countries. In recent of local Agenda 21.            -ILLIONS !LLOCATEDBUDGET (ABITATRESTORATIONANDMANAGEMENT 2IVERANDFLOODPLAINRESTORATION %NVIRONMENT

Table I: LIFE-TCY projects related to UN and European Conventions 3PECIES#ONSERVATIONANDMANAGEMENT 2IVER-ONITORING .ATURE Sector Name and subject of the convention Website Related projects 2IVERANDFLOODPLAINMANAGEMENT 2IVER"ASINMANAGEMENT 4HIRD#OUNTRIES UN conventionsNumber of TCY projects funded per year

Atmosphere United Nations’ Framework Convention www.unfccc.int LIFE05 TCY/TR/000164 on Climate Change (UNFCCC) LIFE04 TCY/CRO/000029 Biodiversity and Convention on biodiversity (CBD) www.biodiv.org LIFE95 TCY/EE/0889 biosafety Bonn Convention on Migratory Species www.cms.int LIFE04 TCY/INT/000054 (CMS)  4OTALAMMONIUMUG.L "/$MG/L    Ramsar Convention on wetlands, 1634 www.ramsar.org LIFE93 TCY/INT/6027    wetland sites until now           LIFE94 TCY/INT/0988    LIFE94 TCY/SLO/0979   LIFE97 TCY/TR/015 4OTALAMMONIUMUG.L "/$MG/L  LIFE02 TCY/INT/069    LIFE03 TCY/AL/000004     LIFE03 TCY/INT/000031     Oceans, Sea and Barcelona convention for the protection www.unepmap.org LIFE92 TCY/INT/005     Water of the Mediterranean Sea against pollu- LIFE94 TCY/M/0983   tion       Barcelona convention for the Protection www.unepmap.org LIFE99 TCY/INT/017             of the Marine Environment and the Coas- LIFE00 TCY/INT/063   4OTALAMMONIUM "/$ "/$ tal Region of the Mediterranean    Helsinki Convention on the Protection LIFE-TCYwww.helcom.fi projects contributing to project typesLIFE93 TCY/INT/6027   and use of transboundary watercourses LIFE93 TCY/INT/6037              and international lakes  LIFE94 TCY/ROS/1640 LIFE96 TCY/ROS/056 4OTALAMMONIUM "/$ "/$  LIFE97 TCY/ROS/093 LIFE98 TCY/ROS/095  LIFE99 TCY/ROS/022

Convention on oil pollution preparedness, www.imo.org; LIFE02 TCY/TR/061 response and co-operation (OPRC) full text: www.ecolex.org LIFE96 TCY/INT/08  LIFE99 TCY/INT/017  LIFE94 TCY/ROS/1640 .UMBEROF,)&%PROJECTS   European conventions 

Biodiversity and Bern convention on the conservation of www.conventions.coe.int LIFE99 TCY/TR/065 biosafety European wildlife and natural habitats.ATIONAL .ATIONAL !GENDA .ATIONAL!CTION LIFE99%5ACCESSION TCY/TR/087)NTERNATIONAL %NVIRONMENTAL "IODIVERSITY 0LANFOR CONVENTIONS !CTION0LANS 3TRATEGYAND!CTION -EDITERRANEAN3EA 0LANS PROTECTION


LIFE-TCY projects contributing to EU accession process by theme




Project distribution by region (including involvement in international projects)

14% 34%

27% 25%


Number and evolution of country projects over time

        ,)&%)))EXTENSION  ,)&%))) POURINTRO  ,)&%))  ,)&%)            ,4 ,6 0, 3,/ $ $: %% (+* 392 %4 '! !, - 2, "I( 4. ), -! #2/ #9 2/3 42 ).4

Countries involved in international projects


,4 ,6 "I( 0, $ %% - '! !, ), 42 #9 %4 $: 4. 2, 3,/ 2/3 #2/ (+* -! 392

LIFE-TCY beneficiaries by type and LIFE period










LIFE-TCY periods by themes

   ,)&%)))  ,)&%))


Capacity building activities





7ASTE&RAMEWORK$IRECTIVE (AZARDOUS7ASTE$IRECTIVE Complying with the Convention on Climate Change has also been a major priority. Indeed, the EU acces- sion process was an additional incen- tive for the development of projects that supported carrying out the Con- vention’s requirements in Turkey and Croatia.

National environmental action plans and policies

In the late 1980s, the World Bank began to promote and finance the preparation of national environmental assessments and national environ- mental action plans, which were in LIFE03 TCY/INT/031 turn often a product of these assess- ments. While the UNCED summit Developing management plans for protection of valuable ecosystems – such as for and Agenda 21 strongly supported the Tunisian wetland, Sebkha el Kelbia the adoption of national strategies on the environment and sustain- The METAP programme supported the first LIFE-TCY project to elabo- able development in the 1990s, the the preparation of NEAPs in the Medi- rate the Gaza Coastal and Marine World Bank provided a general policy terranean area very actively. Environmental Action Plan, and of and procedure for their elaboration. a second project that strengthened Since then, most countries around the Malta, the Lebanon, Jordan, Algeria the implementation of the Palestin- world have started to develop national and the Palestinian Authority pre- ian environmental action programme. environmental action plans (NEAPs), pared their national environmental These projects achieved good, which were later completed by more strategy documents within the con- coherent outputs, and ensured the detailed strategic sector programmes. text of a LIFE-TCY project. In 2005, sustainable implementation of their the Palestinian Environmental Qual- environmental strategy, in spite of the ity Authority was the beneficiary of well-know difficult political circum-  WB Operational Directive 4.02 stances in the Palestinian territories of Gaza and the West Bank. Table II: NEAPs elaborated with the support of the LIFE-TCY programme In Malta, the country’s Ministry of Environment benefited from a LIFE Country LIFE project Beneficiary project that supported the prepara- International project LIFE93 TCY/INT/6054 METAP (in co-operation tion of an eco-audit and the subse- (The Lebanon) Preparation of the Lebanon with Lebanese Ministry of quent elaboration of a national envi- environmental strategy Environment) ronment and health action plan. In Malta LIFE93 TCY/M/6040 Maltese Ministry of Algeria, a LIFE-financed World Bank Eco-audit and preparation Environment of NEAP project assisted the national govern- ment in elaborating the NEAP, which International project LIFE94 TCY/INT/1692 World Bank (in co-opera- (Algeria) Preparation of Algerian tion with Algerian Ministry was then adopted and implemented NEAP of Environment and Land by the Ministry of Environment and Use) Land Use. In the Lebanon and Jor- International project LIFE95 TCY/INT/1211 METAP (in co-operation dan, METAP helped the two govern- (Jordan) Preparation of Jordanian with Jordanian Ministry of ments to elaborate national environ- NEAP Environment) mental action plans within LIFE-TCY The West Bank and LIFE99 TCY/GA/014 Gaza Palestinian Environmental projects. Table II gives an overview of Gaza coastal and marine EAP Quality Authority the NEAPs that have been elaborated The West Bank and LIFE02 TCY/GA/071 Palestinian Environmental with the support of LIFE. Gaza Palestinian environmental Quality Authority action plan  LIFE99 TCY/GA/014 Type of beneficiaries





LIFE-TCY projects contributing to the compliance with international environmental conventions


,)&%.ATURE ,)&%%NVIRONMENT ,)&%RIVERPROJECTS Cost distribution (LIFE I to LIFE III)       ,)&%)))





     4OTALAMMONIUMUG.L "/$MG/L                         4OTALAMMONIUMUG.L "/$MG/L  LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 13          partner of eight LIFE-TCY projects aim-       ing at the development of both tools    and capacities to carry out the activi-     

ties formulated in the Lebanese envi- LIFE02 TCY/TR/061              ronmental strategy. In other countries,   4OTALAMMONIUM "/$ "/$ LIFE projects dealt with very concrete   LIFE-TCY projectsNEAP contributing objectives to project or typessub-objectives,    such as a project in the Municipality              of Hebron (West Bank) from 2005 that 4OTALAMMONIUM "/$ "/$  recycles sludge from the marble indus- try, a Lebanese quarry rehabilitation  project from 2004, an Egyptian flash- LIFE03 TCY/INT/031 - Credit: C.S. Christodoulou LIFE03 TCY/INT/031 - Credit: flood management project from 2006   Crocus hartmannianus in Cyprus or a 2004 sustainable traffic manage- Preserving the marine environment in  ment project for the city of Tirana . In Turkey  Morocco, all projects since 2002 have .UMBEROF,)&%PROJECTS   The LIFE programme provided most been conceived in view of their NEAP the Mediterranean Action Programme.

of its assistance for the preparation objectives, and also take into consider- In Israel, one LIFE-TCY project con- of national environmental.ATIONAL strategies.ATIONAL ation!GENDA the objectives.ATIONAL!CTION formulated%5ACCESSION in other )NTERNATIONALtributed to the elaboration of the Israeli %NVIRONMENTAL "IODIVERSITY 0LANFOR CONVENTIONS during the LIFE I phase.!CTION0LANS Since then,3TRATEGYAND!CTION national sector-EDITERRANEAN3EA programmes. national action plan for the Mediterra- the national environmental authorities0LANS PROTECTION nean Sea, and two other projects car- of the TCY countries have focussed Complementary0OLICYTYPE to the NEAPs, all TCY ried out activities defined as priorities increasingly on the implementation of countries adopted other national strat- in this plan. the activities defined by the NEAPs. egies, which, however, differ strongly Nearly 50 LIFE-TCY projects have according to their environmental priori- Nine TCY countries prepared a been conceived, mostly by govern- ties. Several Mediterranean countries National Biodiversity Strategy and mental beneficiaries or local govern- perceived the protection of the Medi- Action Plan, in compliance with the ments, with the aim of tackling the terranean Sea as a major environmental Convention on Biodiversity, and the priority environmental issues laid out priority and prepared a national action six LIFE projects working on NBSAPs in the different NEAPs, and also to plan for its protection, such as fore- show a large thematic variety among establish the necessary capacities to seen in the Barcelona convention and the priorities in biodiversity protection. deal with environmental problems. A 1997 Tunisian project aims to limit  LIFE05 TCY/GA/000115 In the Lebanon, the country’s Ministry  LIFE04 TCY/RL/000040  LIFE06 TCY/ET/000232  LIFE97 TCY/TN/055 of EnvironmentLIFE-TCY was the beneficiary projects or contributing LIFE04 TCY/AL/000018 to EU accession process by theme Figure VII: LIFE-TCY projects contributing to EU accession process by theme




Project distribution by region (including involvement in international projects)

14% 34%

27% 25%


Number and evolution of country projects over time

        ,)&%)))EXTENSION  ,)&%))) POURINTRO  ,)&%))  ,)&%)            ,4 ,6 0, 3,/ $ $: %% (+* 392 %4 '! !, - 2, "I( 4. ), -! #2/ #9 2/3 42 ).4

Countries involved in international projects


,4 ,6 "I( 0, $ %% - '! !, ), 42 #9 %4 $: 4. 2, 3,/ 2/3 #2/ (+* -! 392

LIFE-TCY beneficiaries by type and LIFE period










LIFE-TCY periods by themes

   ,)&%)))  ,)&%))


Capacity building activities





7ASTE&RAMEWORK$IRECTIVE (AZARDOUS7ASTE$IRECTIVE genetic erosion by creating a national park on the La Galite Island and add- ing the islands of La Galite and Zem- bra to the list of specially protected LIFE97 TCY/INT/6041 areas of Mediterranean importance. A 2002 Croatian project tackles the country’s NBSAP priority of maintain- ing the Croatian wolf population.

In the Maghreb countries, the fight against desertification is a region- specific environmental problem, so that as well as defining desertification as a NEAP priority, these countries have also elaborated national action plans to combat desertification. This LIFE-TCY projects contribute to capacity building in environmental protection - such is reflected in the subjects of regional as a sludge disposal study project implemented in Egypt. Maghreb LIFE projects, such as a 2000 project supporting pilot systems negotiating accession13. The LIFE-Envi- of three special waste directives. As to monitor desertification in Tunisia ronment and LIFE-Nature programmes with Cyprus, Turkey also used LIFE and Morocco10 and a 2005 capac- were open to all EU candidates, pro- for the transposition of EC directives ity-building project at the Sahara vided they contributed to their financ- and for drawing up directive-specific and Sahel Observatory for a drought ing. However, candidate countries had implementation plans. early-warning system covering Tuni- the option of participating in the LIFE- sia, Morocco and Algeria11. Such co- TCY programme. In the end, Malta, Other projects focused on the imple- operation in LIFE-TCY projects shows Cyprus and Turkey and Croatia have mentation of the particular require- that the programme can even play a opted for remaining within the scope ments of EU directives and corre- role in overcoming regional political of LIFE-TCY. sponding national legislation. For differences. example, a recent project aimed to In some of these countries, a large ensure that the Turkish framework Facilitating the EU accession number of the LIFE-TCY supported law on hazardous waste complies process completion of their accession proc- with EU legislation16. During LIFE III, esses. During the LIFE I and LIFE II Croatia also used LIFE-TCY projects Among the countries eligible for phases, Cyprus, Malta and Estonia to prepare the ground for parts of their LIFE-TCY funding, six have ultimately benefited from support from LIFE for accession obligations. become members of the European the transposition of the EU environ- Union12, while two others are currently mental acquis, followed by Turkey and The contents and the degree of detail Croatia, which have since acquired of these LIFE-TCY projects have candidate status., changed considerably during the past  LIFE02 TCY/CRO/014 10 LIFE00 TCY/TN/018 15 years. During the LIFE I phase and 11 LIFE05 TCY/TN/000150 Within the LIFE-TCY programme, the at the beginning of LIFE II, projects 12 Cyprus, Malta, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia in 2004. first project used for accession prepa- generally aimed to familiarise authori- rations was a 1995 Estonian project14 ties with the EU environmental acquis, that built capacity for the implementa- and at creating capacities for policy Protection of the Estonian countryside – tion of the Convention on Biodiversity approximation. With the progress of one objective of LIFE-TCY and the transposition of the EU Direc- the countries’ candidature, but also tives 79/409/EEC15 and 92/43/EEC. with the evolution of the LIFE-TCY Cyprus used the LIFE-TCY instru- programme, projects developed a ment for a series of EU accession different approach and depth, aiming projects, the latest of which supported increasingly at the development of the transposition and implementation instruments for the transposition and implementation of the acquis.

13 Turkey and Croatia 14 LIFE95 TCY/EE/0889 15 79/409/EEC: Birds Directive, 92/43/

LIFE95 TCY/EE/0889 EEC: Habitats Directive 16 LIFE06 TCY/TR/000292 LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 15

The Turkish EU accession projects their obligations under the UN Conven- illustrate this development very well. tion on Climate Change. In those sectors where the Turkish transposition of the EU environmental One ambitious 2006 LIFE project18 acquis is already well advanced and LIFE02 TCY/CRO/014 clearly illustrates how LIFE initiatives where the country has considerable that facilitate EU accession can also capacities of its own, the projects contribute to the implementation of focus on very specific aspects, as EU environmental policies in neigh- for example the setting up of a col- bouring countries. This project aims lection system for Waste Electrical to ensure integrated management of and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in the Sava river basin in accordance Istanbul, or the elaboration of a direc- with the requirements of the Water tive-specific implementation plan or Framework Directive. The man- the development of a quite sophisti- agement plan covers both Bosnia- cated electronic notification system Herzegovina and Croatia. for industries falling under the scope of the Seveso Directive17. As well as the 18 LIFE projects explic- A wolf cub observed in Croatia itly aimed at the introduction and The LIFE-TCY instrument is also flex- transposition of the EU environmental ible enough to provide more general example, it has helped establish an acquis in candidate countries, many support in sectors where a country has information and training system on EU other LIFE projects show that coun- recently started upgrading its environ- environmental requirements for small- tries neighbouring the EU are also mental management capacities. For and medium-sized enterprises, and interested in implementing Union’s has supported a project managed by environmental standards. The EMAS the Regional Environmental Centre for projects in Russia and the Maghreb 17 Directive 96/82/EC on the control of major- accident hazards involving dange- Central and Eastern Europe that aids countries in particular are a good rous substances the Turkish authorities’ efforts to meet example of this.

Table III: Overview of the different LIFE-TCY accession18 LIFE06 projects TCY/INT/000246 Sector Name and subject of the convention Website Related projects Water protection Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC LIFE05 TCY/CRO/000108 LIFE06 TCY/INT/000246 Nitrate Directive 91/676/EEC LIFE03 TCY/CY/000021 LIFE00 TCY/M/036 Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC LIFE00 TCY/M/036 Nature protection Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC LIFE02 TCY/CRO/012 LIFE98 TCY/CY/172 LIFE95 TCY/EE/0889 Birds Directive 79/409/EEC LIFE95 TCY/EE/0889 Waste manage- Waste Framework Directive 75/442/EEC LIFE05 TCY/CRO/000114 ment LIFE03 TCY/CY/000018 LIFE03 TCY/CY/000021 Hazardous Waste Directive 91/689/EEC LIFE06 TCY/TR/000292 WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC LIFE03 TCY/CY/000018 LIFE06 TCY/TR/000282 ELV Directive 2000/53/EC LIFE03 TCY/CY/000018 LIFE04 TCY/TR/000004 Pollution EMAS Regulation 1836/93 LIFE99 TCY/CY/102 prevention and LIFE97 TCY/M/071 management IPPC Directive 96/61/EC LIFE98 TCY/CY/167 Seveso Directive 96/82/EC LIFE03 TCY/TR/000061 Climate change EC decisions on climate change 94/69/EC LIFE05 TCY/TR/000164 Link to other programmes

The LIFE programme works as a specific financial instrument and complements other Community instruments. In this way, LIFE-TCY contributes to a coherent European Union funding policy beyond EU borders.

LIFE acts alongside several different from the EU and accession coun- tangible results on environmental EU funding programmes that have tries were selected to implement protection, capacity building and been designed to support neighbour- projects, transferring their know- improvement of legislative, regula- ing countries and achieve common how to beneficiaries in the partner tory and institutional frameworks objectives. Although initiatives can countries. of the Partner countries. Actions sometimes overlap, every programme focussed on five priorities (Inte- has its own particular scope and tar- ISPA, managed by EC’s Directo- grated water/ waste/ coastal zone get. Co-ordination with larger aid pro- rate-General Regional Policy, was management, Hot Spots, Combat- grammes through close liaison with the Commission’s instrument for ing Desertification). The programme other departments of the European structural policies for pre-accession was financed by the Commission Commission and particularly the EU countries and provided assistance for through MEDA, the principal instru- Delegation in the target countries infrastructure projects in the area of ment of economic and financial co- helps to achieve greater coherence environment and . Although operation under the Euro-Mediter- and to avoid overlapping of funding. many large-scale construction projects ranean partnership. LIFE-TCY is a complementary funding were funded via ISPA, the programme tool that concentrates on the environ- also implemented projects on a simi- MEDA enabled the EU to provide ment and funds for example projects lar scale to LIFE projects. financial and technical assistance to that are generally smaller than those the countries in the southern Medi- considered under larger programmes The Programme of Community aid to terranean to help them to reform – EuropeAid programmes such as the countries of Central and Eastern their economic and social structures TACIS, or MEDA. While EuropeAid Europe (PHARE) was the main finan- and mitigate the social and environ- projects are determined through gov- cial instrument of the pre-accession mental consequences of economic ernmental negotiations, the LIFE pro- strategy for those Central and Eastern development. Activities financed gramme funding follows an independ- European countries that have applied included technical assistance, train- ent call for proposals. for membership of the European ing, institution-building, information, Union. The main priorities of PHARE seminars and studies. Eligible ben- The TACIS programme, launched by for the period 2000 to 2006 have been eficiaries are not only the Euro-Med- the European Commission in 1991, institutional and capacity-building and iterranean partners, but also local provided grant-financed techni- investment financing. Although the authorities, regional organisations, cal assistance to 12 countries of programme was originally reserved communities and NGOs. Eastern Europe and Central Asia (of for the countries of Central and East- which only Russia was also eligible ern Europe, it is set to be extended to Finally, the EU is implementing the under LIFE), and mainly aimed to the applicant countries of the western objectives of the European Neigh- strengthen the transition process Balkans. bourhood Programme (ENP), which in these countries. Its areas of co- covers Eastern European and Bal- operation included environmental While the international/regional kan countries neighbouring the EU, protection and the management of dimension is a bonus of the LIFE- Southern Mediterranean countries natural resources. Organisations TCY programme (which mainly and Armenia, Georgia and Azerbai- finances national projects), the 1997 jan. Set up in 2004, it is geographi-  Report from the Commission to the SMAP programme, the short- and cally broader than the LIFE-TCY pro- European Parliament and the Council medium-term priority Environmen- gramme. The ENP projects extend to - Mid-term review of Regulation (EC) No 1655/2000 LIFE /* COM/2003/0668 final. tal Action Programme, focused on all major sectors of co-operation and  http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid; Euro- regional projects proposed by sev- address the most pressing environ- peAid is the roof programme under which eral countries in the Mediterranean mental concerns. the regional programmes like TACIS, PHARE, ISPA or MEDA are operating. region. SMAP aimed to join policy-  TACIS focuses on projects of at least level activities with practical actions €2 million in Russia and Ukraine and  http://ec.europa.eu/world/enp/index_ €1 million in the other partner countries. on the ground, which would lead to en.htm LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 17

Looking back – and forward

A mid-term evaluation in 2003 of LIFE III concluded that LIFE-TCY had met its objectives.

“There is good evidence that LIFE- However, LIFE-TCY has not only been TCY has been well managed and an attractive and competitive funding these projects are contributing signifi- programme, but it has also achieved cantly to developing capacity in third its two main objectives: encouraging countries.“ according to the mid-term the development of environmental review of the LIFE programme. “LIFE policy and supporting management has filled an important niche in that it capabilities. Particular attention of has been able to respond relatively TCY projects has been devoted to quickly and flexibly to the environ- sustainability, in order to contribute LIFE99 TCY/ROS/024 mental need and priorities of third to establishing capacity and admin- countries”. istrative structures that will outlive the Small steps leaving big marks: LIFE projects themselves. This has in Russia and other third countries In 2007, after 15 years of implemen- been reflected in training, job crea- tation, a retrospective of the results tions, durability of new structures, and regional or international partners. achieved by TCY projects supports implementation of policies, manage- These partnerships have been ben- the review’s conclusion. LIFE-TCY ment plans, action programmes and eficial since third countries could rely represented an accessible funding other measures. on their partners’ knowledge and scheme which has received wide- experiences. The networks created spread interest. From 1992 to 2006, Furthermore, the programme has also offered a useful communication more than 1,250 project proposals addressed key environmental platform to address common envi- were submitted, of which just 18% issues in the target countries. The ronmental problems. In addition, were selected for funding due to the main sectors were waste and bio- results developed under LIFE have rigorous selection process. diversity. LIFE-TCY has contributed often been duplicated and followed to preparing and realising various by neighbouring countries. national and international environ-  Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council - mental strategies (such as National LIFE+, the new EU regulation for the Mid-term review of Regulation (EC) Environmental Action Plans and period 2007-2013, enters into force No 1655/2000 LIFE /* COM/2003/0668 final. Based on an independent evaluation international conventions like the in June 2007. Provided that supple- carried out by AEA Technology plc (AEAT) Ramsar Convention), contributed to mentary budget resources are made in 2003. the European Neighbourhood Pro- available, the new programme will be gramme and facilitated the Euro- open to members of the European pean accession process (for exam- Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) that ple, by supporting projects dealing have become members of the Euro- with the Water or the Waste Frame- pean Environment Agency. It will also work Directives or the Birds and the be open to candidate countries for Habitats Directives). accession to the European Union, as well as to the western Balkan coun- For beneficiaries, LIFE-TCY also tries included in the stabilisation and represented a learning process that association process. enabled the creation and imple- mentation of different environmen- Other funding possibilities will be tal policies not only with EU funding offered under the EU’s external but often in close cooperation with assistance instruments.

Over the last 15 years, LIFE-TCY has successfully driven capacity building for environmental policy and action  More information on European beyond the European Union - also in Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) on http:// the clinical waste sector in Lebanon. ec.europa.eu/world/enp/faq_en.htm LIFE05 TCY/RL/000138 LIFE-TCYby bycountry country

TCY region Number of LIFE-TCY projects* TCY Mediterranean region (sans tiret Albania 8 Estonia 3 Malta 8 Tunisia 10 sans ‘s’ partout) Algeria 3 Israel 11 Morocco 14 Turkey 26 Bosnia-Herzegovina 10 Jordan 5 Poland 1 The West Bank and Gaza 7 Croatia 15 Lebanon 8 Russia (Kaliningrad and St. Petersburg regions) 24 * Number of projects does not include Cyprus 17 Latvia 1 Slovenia 2 the 40 international projects involving Egypt 6 Lithuania 1 Syria 5 different countries or regions. Type of beneficiaries





LIFE-TCY projects contributing to the compliance with international environmental conventions


,)&%.ATURE ,)&%%NVIRONMENT ,)&%RIVERPROJECTS Cost distribution (LIFE I to LIFE III)       ,)&%)))





     4OTALAMMONIUMUG.L "/$MG/L                         4OTALAMMONIUMUG.L "/$MG/L                                        4OTALAMMONIUM "/$ "/$   LIFE-TCY projects contributing to project types                 4OTALAMMONIUM "/$ "/$ 





LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 19 LIFE-TCY projects contributing to EU accession process by theme Geographic scope %#DECISIONSONCLIMATECHANGE

LIFE-TCY projects are divided geographically between the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean. 3EVESO$IRECTIVE #APACITYBUILDING The particular needs of different regions and countries, as well as the enlargement of the 0OLICYAPPROXIMATION 7ATER&RAMEWORK$IRECTIVE European Union, have created a wide scope for projects. .ITRATE$IRECTIVE )00#$IRECTIVE The LIFE programme has been fund- LIFE-TCY projects contributing to the compliance with Who received funding$RINKING7ATER$IRECTIVE under LIFE-TCY? %-!32EGULATIONing projects to improve environmental international environmental conventions performance in third countries from • Albania • Jordan • Russia (Kaliningrad and the Mediterranean region or border- • Algeria • Latvia St. Petersburg regions) • Bosnia and Herzegovina • Lebanon • Slovenia    #LIMATECHANGE5.&### ing the Baltic Sea since 1992. During (ABITATS$IRECTIVE  %,6$IRECTIVE  • Croatia • Lithuania • Syria  -EDITERRANEAN3EA"ARCELONA its lifespan, LIFE-TCY funded projects • Cyprus • Malta • Tunisia  "ALTIC3EA(ELSINKI 7ETLANDS2AMSAR 7%%%$IRECTIVEsubmitted from 21 third countries (as • Egypt • Morocco • Turkey • Estonia "IRDS$IRECTIVE• Poland • West Bank and Gaza /ILSPILLRESPONSE/02# well as beneficiary of TCY projects -IGRATORYSPECIES#-3 • Israel aiming at setting-up of ECATs) as 7ASTE&RAMEWORK$IRECTIVEwell  "IODIVERSITY#"$ as(AZARDOUS7ASTE$IRECTIVE 40 international projects submit-  7ILDLIFEANDNATURALHABITATS "ERN#ONVENTION ted by international organisations and ment or LIFE-Nature, as was the case ing and diffusion of information, and involving different countries or regions with Estonia, Latvia and Slovenia from assisted in the creation of structures facing similar problems. 2000 on, while Cyprus and Malta, for dealing with asbestos pollution pre- example, opted to remain within the vention and control. Other projects With sixteen TCY-countries bordering scope of TCY until joining the EU. have included the rehabilitation and the Mediterranean, it is not surpris- development of ecosystems. ing that 86% of all LIFE-TCY projects An overview have been implemented in the Medi- Bosnia-Herzegovina - BiH terranean region. However, 41 projects Albania - AL 10 projects: After the war in Kos- were implemented in the five TCY 8 projects: LIFE-TCY contributed ovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina made good countries in the Baltic region. Four to the improvement of the manage- use of LIFE funding. Most projects of these went on to become Member ment and planning capacity of local focussed on integrating environ- States, leaving Russia as the only Bal- administrations in the fields of waste mental activities. Funding has been tic country still eligible for TCY funding. management as well as of sustainable used to promote cleaner production Several acceding countries chose to tourism development. It also imple- techniques, create economic incen- apply for funding under LIFE-Environ- mented conservation projects for tives for industrial development, wetland ecosystems and drew up a establish a waterworks association Figure VIII: LIFE-TCY project general plan for water resources. Pub- and develop an integrated and coher- Projectdistribution distribution by region by region lic awareness of environmental issues ent environmental protection policy. (including involvement in international projects) (including involvement in international projects) was raised, several pilot projects on 14% 34% waste recycling and separation were implemented, and a regional agency An Algerian library for kids, with books on waste management planning was on animals, plants and the environment established. Additionally, the Albanian 27% ECAT has been set up by a LIFE-TCY 25% project with a German beneficiary, the Ministry of Environment and Land- "ALTIC4#9 REGIONS%STONIA ,ATVIA TCY region ,ITHUANIA 0OLANDAND2USSIA scape Planning of Thüringen. TCY Mediterranean region .ORTHERN4#9-EDITERRANEANREGIONS (sans tiret Algeria - DZ sans ‘s’ partout) !LBANIA "OSNIA (ERZEGOVINA #ROATIA #YPRUS -ALTAAND3LOVENIA 3 projects: The programme sup- 3OUTHERN4#9-EDITERRANEANREGIONS ported the establishment of a centre !LGERIA %GYPT -OROCCOAND4UNISIA for environmental awareness, train- %ASTERN4#9-EDITERRANEANREGIONS )SRAEL *ORDAN ,EBANON 3YRIA 4URKEY 4HE7EST"ANK'AZA  The following numbers only refer to the projects submitted by the specific country or territory. LIFE03 TCY/INT/031

Number and evolution of country projects over time

        ,)&%)))EXTENSION  ,)&%))) POURINTRO  ,)&%))  ,)&%)            ,4 ,6 0, 3,/ $ $: %% (+* 392 %4 '! !, - 2, "I( 4. ), -! #2/ #9 2/3 42 ).4

Countries involved in international projects


,4 ,6 "I( 0, $ %% - '! !, ), 42 #9 %4 $: 4. 2, 3,/ 2/3 #2/ (+* -! 392

LIFE-TCY beneficiaries by type and LIFE period










LIFE-TCY periods by themes

   ,)&%)))  ,)&%))


Capacity building activities






LIFE-TCY by country LIFE97 TCY/INT/6041 LIFE00 TCY BiH 043

Demonstration activities for cleaner Giving advice to farmers about the safe use of sewage sludge in agriculture, Egypt production in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The programme helped local authori- ing sustainable waste and recycling Israel - IL ties to develop and implement envi- management systems as well as identi- 11 projects: The main emphasis ronmental action plans for wetlands fying sustainability indicators for spatial in Israel has been on environmen- and to strengthen the control on dif- urban development and planning pol- tal protection, such as of wetlands fuse source pollution. LIFE-TCY also icy. Other work has focussed on urban and coastal plains, groundwater provided a framework for local con- wastewater treatment and on environ- and endangered bird species. Most flict resolution processes and devel- mental noise policy. A national network projects have been implemented oped links between local, regional and of conservation zones has been created by regional or municipal authori- national environmental administra- and arrangements for monitoring and ties. Funding also supported the tions. Furthermore, it helped to create controlling chemical substances, indus- establishment of a centralised man- a secretariat aimed at representing trial pollution and emissions of volatile agement plan for the treatment of the country when dealing with inter- organic compounds have been devel- organic and local waste, the devel- national organisations under UNEP. oped. Environmental public awareness- opment of models for environmental raising was an important result of most education and increased co-opera- Croatia - CRO projects, and a number of projects were tion on wastewater treatment in rural 15 projects: In Croatia a large number linked to the country’s preparation for areas, along with public awareness of LIFE-projects were implemented by EU membership in 2004. activities. public authorities preparing EU mem- bership. Project themes included: col- Egypt - ET lection and recycling of polyethylene 6 projects: LIFE-TCY has assisted Reintroduction of formally disappeared terephthalate; international climate Egypt in promoting the environmen- animal species in Israel change commitments; the implemen- tally sound disposal of municipal solid tation of the National Waste Manage- waste, to reinforce the administrative ment Plan, and the National Emission structures dealing with solid waste Inventory System. Several nature pro- management, and to introduce clean tection projects received funding, the technologies in the tanning industry. establishment of a Croatian ecological Recent projects concerned capac- network, the conservation of wolves, ity building in the water supply and and the completion of the Corine land sanitation sector as well as with flood cover database. Support has also protection and management. been given to conservation activities in protected areas. Estonia - EE 3 projects: Activities in Estonia Cyprus - CY focussed on environmental training 17 projects: Cyprus has benefited from and audit schemes, and were imple- projects aimed at improving air quality, mented in view of the country’s acces- setting emission standards, implement- sion to the EU. LIFE97 TCY/IL/038 LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 21

Jordan - HKJ Latvia - LV 5 projects: Work in this country has 1 project: Funding in Latvia was included the creation of new structures aimed at the protection of rare and

for nature protection and sustainable endangered species of plants and LIFE99 TCY/M/095 development of natural heritage, the animals. implementation of a management system for hazardous materials, the Lithuania - LT development of methods supporting 1 project: In Lithuania, the pro- sustainable tourism, voluntary agree- gramme supported the implementa- ments, and economic instruments to tion of cleaner production projects in Aerial view of the Ghajn Tuffieha Bay, promote sustainable environmental the textile industry. Malta, showing the sandy beach, clay policy. slopes and boulder scree. Malta - MT The Lebanon - RL 8 projects: LIFE-TCY funding facili- framework for proper management 8 projects: In the Lebanon, LIFE-TCY tated the setting up of a soil infor- of natural and technological risks, has assisted administrative strength- mation system and a maritime envi- the creation of an important cen- ening at a national level, the training ronmental risk management system tral infrastructure for sorting waste of staff and main partners imple- and assisted in the drawing up of a and extracting recyclable materials, menting environmental requirements code for good agricultural practice and through supporting the draft- and, in particular, the implementation and an action plan for reduction of ing of legislation and the forma- of an environmental auditing system nitrates pollution. It also contributed tion of administrative structures for for industries. The establishment of to the creation of a pollution control implementation and enforcement of a Cleaner Production Centre which coordination unit within the Ministry adopted legislation. offers comprehensive services and of Environment, the introduction of an advice on cleaner production, the environmental management system, Poland - PL preparation of an action plan for eco-auditing and the establishment of 1 project: In Poland, LIFE assisted protected areas and the introduction a pilot air quality monitoring system. the creation of an international nature of a mechanism for reducing forest Other projects supported the coun- park in the Lower Oder valley. fires, along with quarry rehabilitation try’s preparation for EU membership. and the management of infectious Russia (Kaliningrad and medical waste have also been made Morocco - MA St. Petersburg regions) - ROS possible. 14 projects: Several of the projects 24 projects: LIFE-funding has sup- in Morocco concentrated on pro- ported the sustainable management moting sustainable environmental of groundwater sources on the Esto- Producing guidelines for a better management principles through nian-Russian border, the implementa- environment the introduction of environmental tion of an environmental action plan management and auditing systems for municipal solid waste management and awareness-raising for indus- in St. Petersburg and environmen- tries. Others assisted in developing tal tools in municipal enterprises of national guidelines for the decon- Kaliningrad. Other activities included

LIFE98 TCY/RL/136 tamination of liquids, implementing the development of a network of pro- training modules for management of tected areas in the Leningrad region industrial pollution, evaluating pollu- and an action programme on the con- tion risks and prevention, as well as servation of wild fauna and their habi- managing solid domestic waste and tats, as well as the implementation of

wastewater. A number of projects Clinical waste treatment pilot in worked on nature protection, such St. Petersburg, Russia as protecting biodiversity and water resources, and establishing a wet- lands co-ordination unit within the Ministry of Water and Forests. The programme also helped strengthen the environmental management role of national and local authorities through the establishment of a policy LIFE95 TCY/ROS/871 Type of beneficiaries





LIFE-TCY projects contributing to the compliance with international environmental conventions


,)&%.ATURE ,)&%%NVIRONMENT ,)&%RIVERPROJECTS Cost distribution (LIFE I to LIFE III)       ,)&%)))





     4OTALAMMONIUMUG.L "/$MG/L                         4OTALAMMONIUMUG.L "/$MG/L                                        4OTALAMMONIUM "/$ "/$   LIFE-TCY projects contributing to project types                 4OTALAMMONIUM "/$ "/$ 





LIFE-TCY projects contributing to EU accession process by theme




a system to deal with oil spills in the mental Centres for Administration Baltic Sea. The programme also sup- and Technology (ECATs) located in ported activities dealing with air pollu- Riga, St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad. tion caused by traffic and the integra- Twinning arrangements with the Ger- tion of geological information in city man cities of Bremen and Hamburg management. Assistance has been respectively have been the basis for given to improve the administrative ECAT Riga and ECAT St. Petersburg. capacity of local governmental bodies The ECAT Kaliningrad, which is cur- for dealing with environmental issues. rently one of the most active benefi- Further work has been carried out to ciaries of the LIFE-TCY programme, implement environmental economic has been established in cooperation LIFE94 TCY/SLO/979 tools and voluntary agreements com- with the city of Aalborg. patible with European practices, as Preserving karstic phenomena in well as to align regional environmen- Slovenia - SLO Slovenia: the intermittent Lake Cerknica appears and dries out every year tal practices in RussiaProject with European distribution 2 projects: by region In the early 1990s, Slov- ones and to meet the specific(including requireinvolvement- in internationalenia received projects) LIFE-funding for two

ments of EU legislation. projects.14% One aimed at the establish- general environmental directorates at 34% ment of the Notranjski Park and a the regional level, and in promoting In addition to these, three LIFE-TCY UNESCO reserve, the other at draft- sustainable local development plan- projects submitted by German and ing environmental regulation for solid ning. Specific sectors have included: Danish municipalities contributed to waste management. municipal waste management, medi- 27% the establishment of three Environ25%- cal waste, pollution prevention and Syria - SYR control for the textile industries, Assessing pollution of Syrian "ALTIC4#9 REGIONS%STONIA ,ATVIA 5 projects: In Syria, LIFE-TCY has marine oil pollution, integrated pollu- textile mills ,ITHUANIA 0OLANDAND2USSIA been involved in introducing envi- tion control and prevention, as well as .ORTHERN4#9-EDITERRANEANREGIONSronmental management systems for public awareness activities. !LBANIA "OSNIA (ERZEGOVINA #ROATIA #YPRUS -ALTAAND3LOVENIA businesses, capacity building within public administration bodies, creat- Tunisia - TN 3OUTHERN4#9-EDITERRANEANREGIONS !LGERIA %GYPT -OROCCOAND4UNISIA ing an environmental impact assess- 10 projects: The programme has %ASTERN4#9-EDITERRANEANREGIONSment unit at the national level and contributed to the establishment of )SRAEL *ORDAN ,EBANON 3YRIA 4URKEY 4HE7EST"ANK'AZA Turkey and Russia submitted and implemented the most TCY projects over the years, but the highest number of projects were international projects that were either

LIFE 96 TCY/SYR/037 submitted by an international organisation or implemented in several countries.

Number and evolution of country projects over time Figure IX: Number and evolution of country projects over time         ,)&%)))EXTENSION  ,)&%))) POURINTRO  ,)&%))  ,)&%)            ,4 ,6 0, 3,/ $ $: %% (+* 392 %4 '! !, - 2, "I( 4. ), -! #2/ #9 2/3 42 ).4

Countries involved in international projects


,4 ,6 "I( 0, $ %% - '! !, ), 42 #9 %4 $: 4. 2, 3,/ 2/3 #2/ (+* -! 392

LIFE-TCY beneficiaries by type and LIFE period










LIFE-TCY periods by themes

   ,)&%)))  ,)&%))


Capacity building activities










LIFE-TCY projects contributing to the compliance with international environmental conventions


,)&%.ATURE ,)&%%NVIRONMENT ,)&%RIVERPROJECTS Cost distribution (LIFE I to LIFE III)       ,)&%)))





     4OTALAMMONIUMUG.L "/$MG/L                         4OTALAMMONIUMUG.L "/$MG/L                                        4OTALAMMONIUM "/$ "/$   LIFE-TCY projects contributing to project types                 4OTALAMMONIUM "/$ "/$ 





LIFE-TCY projects contributing to EU accession process by theme




Project distribution by region (including involvement in international projects)

14% 34%

27% 25%


Number and evolution of country projects over time

        ,)&%)))EXTENSION  ,)&%))) POURINTRO  ,)&%))  ,)&%)            LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 p. 23 ,4 ,6 0, 3,/ $ $: %% (+* 392 %4 '! !, - 2, "I( 4. ), I -! #2/ #9 2/3 42 ).4

a system for environmental manage- ment and monitoring, the introduc- FigureCountries X: Countries involved involved in international in international projects projects

tion of eco-labelling provisions in the  textile, tourism and agricultural sec-   tors as well as pilot technologies for  wastewater treatment in the tanning  sector and water quality monitoring.   A national strategy and an action plan  for environmental education have been  drawn up as well. In addition, pilot   desertification monitoring systems  have been established in Tunisia and  neighbouring Morocco, a decision aid   system for natural resources and envi- ,4 $ - !, ), #9 2, 3,/ ,6 2/3 "I( 0, %% '! (+* 42 %4 -! $: 392 4. ronmental management was created, #2/ and measures to preserve the eco- systems of three Tunisian archipela- of a sustainable network of relevant tional Organisations) financed under gos have been undertaken. LIFE-TCY organisations for the effective man- LIFE-TCY, 22 have been imple- has also supported the development agementLIFE-TCY and beneficiaries protection of lakesby type in and mentedLIFE period in a single country. Several of five local Agenda 21 action plans in Turkey. Other projects targeted the were realised in two to six countries local communities and the creation at introduction of environmentally and facing similar environmental chal- the national level of a steering com- economically sound mechanisms lenges, or in a specific geographical mittee including representatives from for dealing with agricultural residues region. Particularly in the Mediterra-

13 ministries, in charge of coordinat- as well as climate change, and the nean, international projects involved 3-%3MALLANDMEDIUMSIZEDENTERPRISE  ing local initiatives. establishment and implementation of many countries: 14 participated in a )NTERNATIONALENTERPRISE  ,)&%))) an action plan for strengthening solid project dealing with eco-efficiency  ,)&%)) /THERS  Turkey - TA waste management. Several projects within companies, 13 in a project ,)&%)  2ESEARCHINSTITUTIONS UNIVERSITIES TRAININGCENTRES  26 projects: Most of the recent involved the implementation of the aimed at improving the environment  2EGIONALAUTHORITY  projects in Turkey have been linked requirements of specific EU Direc - in coastal cities and ten countries  0UBLIC PRIVATEENTERPRISE  to the country’s preparation for EU tives into national legislation. Work were involved in a project on port  .'/S  membership. Themes include the was also undertaken to develop and  state control capabilities.   establishment of an environmental launch local.ATIONALAUTHORITY awareness campaigns, 

  legislation information system for and to establish,OCALAUTHORITY special environmen- In total, 21 countries have been

  SMEs, the development and imple- tal education)NTERGOVERNMENTALBODY programmes. A recent involved in international projects. mentation of a monitoring system project aims to preserve thermal water The Lebanon (12), Tunisia (12), Jor-         for the preservation of the marine resources, with a view to encouraging dan (11), Syria (10) and Morocco (10) environment, and the establishment therapeutic tourism. participated most.

Collection of wastewater samples in The West Bank and Gaza - GA Projects themes included: sustain-

the Beit-Lahia area in the northern 7 projects: The programme has LIFE-TCYable periods bymanagement themes of bird hunting, Gaza Strip assisted in the capacity building of capacity building of environment the Environmental Quality Authority, ministries in applying environmental allowing for better implementation of economic tools and voluntary agree-  ,)&%))) the Palestinian Environmental Action ments, strengthening of capacities of  ,)&%)) Programme. The establishment of a businesses, development and imple- LIFE III ,)&%) LIFE II  LIFE I centre for rural environmental protec- mentation of tools for the control and tion, the development of a rural envi- management of land degradation, ronmental action plan and the prepa- implementation of policies for wet- ration of a coastal and marine action lands’ management, and accidental

plan have also been made possible by marine pollution response!IR systems. .OISE 7ATER 7ASTE BODIES .ATURE ,ANDUSE PLANNING

LIFE-TCY funding. A recent project focusses#HEMICALS on devel- BIODIVERSITY 5RBANISSUES

!DMINISTRATIVE oping strategies for sustainable tour-


40 projects: Of the 40 international%NVIRONMENTALASSESSMENT biodiversity of the Sava river basin projects (often submitted by Interna- floodplains. LIFE99 TCY/GA/141

Capacity building activities










LIFE-TCY projects contributing to the compliance with international environmental conventions


,)&%.ATURE ,)&%%NVIRONMENT ,)&%RIVERPROJECTS Cost distribution (LIFE I to LIFE III)       ,)&%)))





     4OTALAMMONIUMUG.L "/$MG/L                         4OTALAMMONIUMUG.L "/$MG/L                                        4OTALAMMONIUM "/$ "/$   LIFE-TCY projects contributing to project types                 4OTALAMMONIUM "/$ "/$ 





LIFE-TCY projects contributing to EU accession process by theme




Project distribution by region (including involvement in international projects)

14% 34%

27% 25%


Number and evolution of country projects over time

        ,)&%)))EXTENSION  ,)&%))) POURINTRO  ,)&%))  ,)&%)            ,4 ,6 0, 3,/ $ $: %% (+* 392 %4 '! !, - 2, "I( 4. ), -! #2/ #9 2/3 42 ).4

Countries involved in international projects


,4 ,6 "I( 0, $ %% - '! !, ), 42 #9 %4 $: 4. 2, 3,/ 2/3 #2/ (+* -! 392

LIFE-TCY beneficiaries by type and LIFE period





 .ATIONALAUTHORITY  LIFE-TCY projects have focussed on a wide range of subjects and   ,OCALAUTHORITY  have often addressed key environmental issues in line with EU policy )NTERGOVERNMENTALBODY  by theme  while also tackling specific problems of high priority or urgency in the         respective beneficiary countries.

From 1992 to 2006, neither the thematic priorities set by LIFE-TCY projects nor the areas of implementation Figure XI: LIFE-TCYLIFE-TCY periods periods by themes by theme changed considerably. The most important sectors  dealt with were waste management and the protection  of nature and biodiversity, with 36 projects each (16%  ,)&%))) of all LIFE-TCY projects), followed by water (13%). 33  ,)&%))

LIFE III projects (14%) supported the establishment of adminis- ,)&%) LIFE II  LIFE I trative bodies for environmental management. Especially  during LIFE I and LIFE II, the setting up of Environmental  Centres for Administration and Technology (ECATs) in dif-  ferent Central and Eastern Europe countries, the creation 


of other types of environmental centres , networks or 7ASTE BODIES .ATURE ,ANDUSE PLANNING


The proportion of projects tackling industrial pollution %NVIRONMENTALASSESSMENT prevention, air quality and the management of the urban environment increased during LIFE II and especially LIFE Nature projects also addressed a wide variety of issues, becom- III. The growing awareness of the need to meet the chal- ing more complex with the advance of environmental policies lenges of climate change also became visible under LIFE and capabilities in the benefiting countries. Many nature and III, which for the first time funded TCY projects dealing biodiversity oriented TCY projects aim to protect specific areas with climate change and energy issues. such as wetlands4. Forest protection, marine biodiversity and Capacitythe protection ofbuilding threatened species are other prominentactivities sub- The focus of solid waste management projects varied jects of LIFE-TCY projects on nature conservation. throughout the different LIFE phases, as well as from

country to country. During LIFE I, projects concentrated The sustainability of conservation %CO AUDITinitiatives funded by projects     %STABLISHENVIRONMENTALBODIES mainly on strengthening solid waste management admin- was a major objective. For example, in Croatia, the Lonjsko 3UPPORTTONETWORKING istrations and the implementation or improvement of Polje Nature Park was involved in 3UPPORTTO)3/ACCREDITATIONthree subsequent LIFE proj- %#DECISIONSONCLIMATECHANGE 3UPPORTTO%-!3ACCREDITATION technical disposal solutions. Following the general trend ects5, each one building on the results)NSTITUTIONALSTRENGTHENING of the previous ones. %NVIRONMENTALLAWAPPLICATION 3EVESO$IRECTIVE #APACITYBUILDING to prevention-oriented integrated waste management,  3UPPORTTO%5ACCESSION   0OLICYAPPROXIMATION 7ATER&RAMEWORK$IRECTIVE many of the newer waste projects aim at waste minimi-   !WARENESSRAISING 1 For example: LIFE00 TCY/RL/020 3UPPORTTOINFORMATIONMANAGEMENT .ITRATE$IRECTIVE sation and recycling. Likewise, while waste projects in 3UPPORTTOECO LABELACCREDITATION 2 For example: LIFE97 TCY/INT/051 )00#$IRECTIVE the first years of the LIFE programme often tackled the 3 For example: LIFE93 TCY/INT/6053 4 For examples: LIFE99 TCY/BiH/035, LIFE04 TCY/AL//000004, $RINKING7ATER$IRECTIVE management of mixed household waste, newer projects LIFE03 TCY/INT/000031, LIFE02 TCY/INT/069 %-!32EGULATION generally focus on specific waste streams and appropri- 5 LIFE00 TCY/CRO/076, LIFE05 TCY/CRO/000111 and LIFE06 ate specialised treatment. TCY/INT/246 (ABITATS$IRECTIVE %,6$IRECTIVE 



Nature and biodiversity protection Conservation network building in Cyprus

As part of an initiative to combat the pressures on habitats from tourism and increased agricultural land-use in Cyprus, one LIFE project gathered important information for the creation of a network of conversation areas in the country within the framework of Natura 2000.

Cyprus is known for its considerable diversity of species and habitats and for the presence of endemic, rare and endangered fauna and flora. However, it has suffered from environmental degradation, particularly due to the development of tourism and encroach- ments on land for agricultural uses. As a result, the need to step up environ- mental protection measures has been made a national priority.

The project, which was coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Natu- ral Resources & Environment, helped identify those habitats and endan- gered species in Cyprus listed in the annexes of the Birds and Habitats C.S. Christodoulou Credit: Directives, and also made recom- The north coast of the Akamas Peninsula, one of the SACs approved by the Cypriot mendations for further inclusions. authorities A list of 38 Special Areas of Conser- vation (SACs) for inclusion in the Nat- form the basis of a national archive of implementation of the Natura 2000 net- ura 2000 network was drawn up, and ecological data in Cyprus. In addition, work. Finally, a book with an in-depth digital maps for each of these sites the database can be used by various presentation of the project’s results was was produced. The Cypriot authori- ministries for the improvement of phys- distributed to a targeted audience. ties approved the list of SACs. This ical planning and environmental impact represented the first step towards assessment. the implementation of Natura 2000 Project Number: in Cyprus. These sites immediately Project results were disseminated LIFE98 TCY/CY/172 benefited from a reduction in harm- through three information seminars. Title: Special areas of conservation ful activities and more sustainable The beneficiary also organised informa- (Directive 92/43/EEC) in Cyprus development. tion meetings with Cypriot NGOs. Two Beneficiary: Ministry of Agriculture, articles on the project were published Natural Resources & Environment National biodiversity database in the bi-monthly journal of the Greek (MANRE) Centre of Biotopes-Wetlands and the Total Budget: e 318,000 Another key aspect of the project Habitats Directive was presented in LIFE Contribution: e 159,000 was the creation of a database, BIO- two well-known weekly Cypriot tel- CYPRUS, which contains additional evision programmes on rural life. Two Period: 01-Apr-1999 to 30-Sep-2002 tables and templates necessary for pamphlets and a poster were distrib- recording data on flora and fauna spe- uted (3,000 copies). The pamphlets Beneficiary’s website: http://www. cyprus.gov.cy/moa/Agriculture.nsf/ cific to Cyprus. BIOCYPRUS is useful presented the objectives and results index_en/index_en?OpenDocument for the monitoring of the SACs and for of the project, explained the purpose Contact: Nicos S. Georgiades the subsequent drawing up of man- of the Habitats Directive and answered agement plans. The database will also common questions concerning the Email: [email protected]

LIFE-TCY by theme

Nature and biodiversity protection Restoring and managing coastal areas in Malta

The coast of Malta is one of the country’s most valuable resources, but development of the less-than-200km-long coastline has inflicted a heavy price on natural habitats. A LIFE-TCY project implemented integrated coastal zone management plans at two protected coastal sites on the island.

groups of tourists. Finally, the project results were shared at conferences, seminars and on the Gaia Foundation’s website.

Indigenous tree and shrub nursery

One of the lasting achievements of the project, however, has been the LIFE-TCY needed: to survey the unspoilt Rdum Majjiesa area and to fight erosion of establishment of Malta’s first indig- the blue clay slopes enous tree and shrub nursery. At the close of the project, the nursery The sites of the project, Ghajn Tuff- Restricting access and raising aware- contained 10,000 saplings and 1,500 ieha (on the main island of Malta) and ness were the two means chosen to seedlings. The project has also con- Ramla Bay (on the island of Gozo), combat some of the negative effects of tributed to the rehabilitation of the two are both important tourist areas. They tourism on the coastal environment. The project sites by planting large num- also included agricultural land, and project made sure that sensitive areas bers of indigenous species and also both farmers and tourists worked were protected from illegal structures, by ensuring that they are maintained closely with the project’s site manag- unofficial footpaths and unrestricted through watering and fire protection ers, the Euro-Mediterranean Centre access. Bollards and fencing were also activities. Additionally, an “adopt-a- on Insular Coastal Dynamics and the installed, and the footpath systems sur- tree” campaign was implemented to Gaia Foundation, on initiatives for rounding the beaches were modified help support the afforestation activi- the rehabilitation of biodiversity and and enforced through regular warden ties. The nursery promises to be a protection of the sites’ features of patrols and even, where necessary, by resource that will enhance conserva- ecological and scientific importance security or police officers. tion efforts in Malta in the future. (including the control of erosion of the blue clay slopes). A beach-cleaning and separated waste management system was implemented Project Number: The project carried out its wide- at both sites. Agreements between LIFE99 TCY/M/095 reaching activities through a partici- the project management, the Malta Title: Integrated management of patory approach. Local farmers were Tourism Authority, and the Ministry of specially protected coastal areas in encouraged to adopt environmentally Resources will ensure the continuation Malta friendly farming techniques and were of these activities at the Ghajn Tuffieha Beneficiary: Euro-Mediterranean consulted on the implementation of site, which is intended to serve as a Centre on Insular Coastal Dynamics an organic farming project. The pilot pilot project for the extension of the (ICOD) project achieved a production suf- approach to other Maltese beaches. Total Budget: e 379,000 ficient to establish an organic food LIFE Contribution: e 189,000 club, which had attracted 40 members The public was informed of the rea- Period: by the end of the project. This aspect sons behind these measures by the 01-Feb-2000 to 30-Apr-2003 of the project also helped protect the erection of information boards which Website: www.projectgaia.org region’s local aquifers by promoting explained the importance of maintain- Michelle Cassar the use of organic fertilisers and pest ing the island’s biodiversity. The project Contact: control agents. also carried out guided tours for visiting Email: [email protected] LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 27

Nature and biodiversity protection Restoring wetlands and endemic species in Israel

Draining the Hula Lake in Israel has severely affected the region’s ecosystems and the water quality from Lake Kinneret, the country’s largest single source of drinking water which is linked with the Hula Valley by the Jordan River. A LIFE project to restore wetland habitats in the area has led to the successful reintroduction of several animal and plant species.

The Hula Lake was drained in the 1950s habitat restoration included the crea- as a public health measure to contain tion of artificial islands and exposed malaria. The lake has since been re- soil surfaces for common tern (Sterna flooded, providing an opportunity hirundo) nesting. The project also col- to restore some of the wetlands and laborated with local farmers to protect reintroduce endemic plant and animal several bird species, including the col- species. These included Persian fallow lared pratincole, cranes and pelicans, deer (Dama dama Mesopotamia), white offering a unique tourist attraction in tailed eagles (Haliaeetus albicilia), eight the area during migration periods. Characteristic endemic plants and indigenous plant species; and a herd For example, finding alternatives to animal species were reintroduced by of locally adapted cattle (Baladi). mechanical weed control has resulted the LIFE project. in a friendlier environment for the col- The project, which was carried out by lared pratincole (Glareola pratincola). A small breeding herd of Persian deer MIGAL - Galilee Technology Centre, was established, and the Baladi cattle an applied research centre, studied Managing reintroduced species were surviving without additional feed. the capacity of half-dried areas and Finally as part of the project, 12 pairs of the effect of grazing on the vegetation To record and assess the impact of the white-tailed eagles were released, and in moist habitats. It also conducted a re-flooding and subsequent manage- at least one is nesting in the area. grazing trial with donkeys. The results ment of bird populations, the project indicated that even heavy continuous carried out a number of monitoring The LIFE project created a rich habitat grazing leads to an open, vigorous activities, including an analysis of the for birds, important from the viewpoint pasture. These findings formed the habitats, the number of specimens, of both nature conservation and eco- basis for the introduction of grazing nesting data and response to man- tourism. Furthermore, the initiative animals, including the Baladi cattle, a agement practices. The project also demonstrated the possibility of mini- locally adapted species that is able to produced a yearly updated vegetation mising conflicts between agriculture graze on poor pasture. map of the newly flooded Lake Aga- and nature protection. mon, located in the southern part of the In two lakeside areas, trees were Hula Valley. These monitoring activities planted to provide shade and shelter have proven invaluable in allowing the Project Number: for animals and birds. Other types of project to carry out preventative meas- LIFE97 TCY/IL/038 ures and effective pest control. Title: Restoration and conservation Birds are happy guests at the in the re-flooded Hula wetland re-flooded Hula lake Monitoring activities also showed habitat in northern Israel that the reintroduced species popula- Beneficiary: Migal, Galilee tions are stable and that bird numbers Technological Centre had already increased before the end Total Budget: e 394,000 of the LIFE project. For example, 50 LIFE Contribution: e 197,000 breeding pairs of collared pratincole Period: were observed at the project site and 01-Nov-1997 to 31-Jan-2001 successful nesting began around the Website: http://www.migal-life.co.il lake. The common tern was using Contact: Mario Gutman the artificial islands for winter resting (although not yet for nesting). Email: [email protected]

LIFE-TCY by theme

Sustainable land-use development and planning Fighting forest fires in the Lebanon

Forest fires in the Lebanon can have a devastating impact on the environment, destroying hundreds of hectares of forests, shrubs, and grasslands. Combating fires is a priority issue for the Lebanese government, and a LIFE-TCY project aided the establishment of operational structures for fighting and preventing fires.

Though the Lebanese civil defence on forest fire issues, based on a and army lead forest fire fighting participatory approach. efforts, their interventions often occur relatively late, after fires Successful structures have spread. Difficulties are fur- ther aggravated by the weak and The following actions were under- ad hoc fashion of local participa- taken and results achieved: tion in forest fire fighting. In 1993, • Facilitation of conservation ac- after severe forest fires on Mount tions such as restoration and Lebanon, the project beneficiary, prevention of forest fires by local the Association for Forest Devel- groups, including local committee opment and Conservation (AFDC), members, concerned stakehold- was founded to address these ers and the Al-Shouf Cedar So- issues. AFDC has acquired expe- ciety; rience in fire fighting and control • Restoration of 13 hectares of through a voluntary system created degraded areas in the project in several areas of the Lebanon. It sites; has been implementing capacity • Elaboration of forest-restoration building and awareness-raising and fire-prevention action plans activities on forest conservation for project sites; and development targeted at local • Creation of a national database communities. for forest fires, and forest fire risk maps of the Lebanon and The project aimed to build on these the project sites; initiatives by establishing a work- • Implementation of awareness In 2002, volunteers of LIFE-TCY ing mechanism to detect, prevent campaigns and publishing of project beneficiary AFDC participated and fight forest fires through res- project outputs at local and na- in fighting several forest fires. toration, capacity building, public tional levels; awareness and information cam- • Development of co-operation paigns in five areas of Mount Leba- procedures with relevant public Project Number: non and South Lebanon (Ramlieh, entities such as the Lebanese LIFE00 TCY/RL/022 Kornayel, Ras El Matn, Dmit and civil defence and army, the Leba- Title: Towards a sustainable Mtein located in Mount Lebanon). nese Red Cross and forest guard mechanism for forest fire fighting centres. The Ministry of Interior in Lebanon These areas have valuable mixed supported the initiative to launch Beneficiary: Association for Forest forests that are highly vulnerable and implement a national media Development and Conservation to fires. The project aimed to dem- campaign against forest fires. Total Budget: e 469,000 onstrate appropriate techniques LIFE Contribution: e 319,000 to fight forest fires, and means to The project succeeded in establish- implement restoration operations ing an operational structure enabling Period: 15-May-2002 to 14-May-2005 and draw up emergency action local communities to avoid and fight plans for local communities to com- forest fires. This represents a sus- Website: www.afdc.org.lb bat fires. The underlying goal of the tainable investment in the preserva- Contact: Mounir Bu Ghanem project was to build stakeholder tion and development of remaining Email: [email protected] and national participant capacities forests in the Lebanon. LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 29

Sustainable land-use development and planning Improving air quality and reducing fuel consumption through traffic legislation

A LIFE-TCY project provided a needed boost to the long-term goals of reducing the environ- mental effects of road transport in Cyprus. The project developed a series of traffic-emission reduction measures that will bring legislation and environmental infrastructure in Cyprus in line with EU standards.

While most EU Member States emissions per annum. have made significant progress in 2. A newly established tax system reducing the adverse environmental for Cypriot vehicles has acceler- effects of road transport by devel- ated the renewal of vehicles and oping environmental planning and reduced the number of high fuel relevant administrative structures consumption cars. These reforms and policies, in 2002 the situation in constitute a major project suc- Cyprus called for urgent intervention. cess since such large structural The country had no emission stan- changes are usually very difficult to dards and no periodic inspection of achieve. They are also estimated K. Raftopoulou Credit: vehicles’ emissions. It clearly needed to save at least 17,000 tonnes of Inspection of imported second-hand to adapt its national legislation prior CO, 7,500 tonnes of hydrocarbons cars in Cyprus to EU membership in 2004, and to and 1,300 tonnes of NO emissions improve its administrative capacity to per annum. The LIFE project was highly inno- meet EU standards. 3. Through the introduction of several vative at a national level and very laws on catalytic converters, the successful. Most of its results, in A LIFE-TCY project, led by the project aimed to bring the national particular the legislation and policies Cyprus Ministry of Communications legislation in line with a number developed in line with EU standards, and Works, aimed to bring about a of EC directives. The project also are long-term measures. The realisa- reduction in vehicle-related air pol- recommended exporting catalytic tion of the potential benefits and their lution and fuel consumption through converters for recycling. sustainability is safeguarded by the the establishment of a legislative 4. The proposals of the beneficiary administrative instruments and struc- framework in accordance with EU for the renewal of the bus fleet and tures that have been put in place. practices and relevant administrative more bus lanes were also agreed Such structures also ensure efficient instruments and structures. on by the competent authorities. implementation of legislation and Although these have not yet been enable progress to be monitored. Methodology and results implemented, the beneficiary is optimistic that funding for the re- 1. In order to harmonise Cypriot leg- quired major investments will be Project Number: islation with several EC directives, approved and that Cyprus will have LIFE00 TCY/CY/051 the project team drew up a range an efficient bus service within the Title: Legislation and policy options of new laws covering emission next five years. for air quality in Cyprus standards for newly registered 5. The relevant authorities approved Beneficiary: Ministry of Communi- vehicles, the periodic inspection several reforms proposed in view cations and Works, Cyprus of in-use vehicles and fuel quality of the administrative structure con- Total Budget: e 514,000 specifications. Such legislation will cerning road traffic emissions in LIFE Contribution: e 358,000 have a positive impact on reducing Cyprus. The creation of a separate Period: road traffic emissions. For exam- unit within the Ministry of Commu- 01-Feb-2002 to 31-Jul-2004 ple, measures of road worthiness nications and Works constitutes a Beneficiary’s website: http://www. are estimated to save up to 2,000 significant institutional strength- mcw.gov.cy/mcw/rtd/rtd.nsf/ tonnes of carbon oxide (CO), 650 ening that is expected to lead to Contact: Yiannis Nicolaides tonnes of hydrocarbons and 170 more efficient management of road tonnes of nitrogen oxide (NO) traffic emissions. Email: [email protected]

LIFE-TCY by theme

Sustainable land-use development and planning Sustainable urban planning in Cyprus

A LIFE-TCY project, URBANGUARD, aimed to facilitate the incorporation of urban sustainability indicators into the spatial planning decision-making process in Cyprus. This would greatly facilitate the current planning system, where until the project started no integrated analysis tool had been available to deliver early warnings and help assess the impacts of development on the urban environment.

The lack of systematic monitoring The specific objectives of the LIFE tools, the inadequacy of available project were to: data and the application of empirical • Define urban spatial development practices for the evaluation of spatial policies and goals; trends has resulted in planning proc- • Coordinate the various competent esses that are not based on trans- government departments to pro- parent criteria, and are therefore vul- mote a mutually agreed integrated nerable to pressures from individuals indicator scheme; and local authorities that often result • Select appropriate urban sustain- in intense and unsustainable devel- ability indicators applicable in Cyp- Credit: K. Raftopoulou Credit: opment. This situation has led to the riot cities; aggravation of a range of environ- • Establish monitoring and reporting Town planner, Skevi Makariti, and project mental problems in urban and per- tools and capabilities for sustain- manager, Phaedon Enotiades, on a tour iurban areas, including urban sprawl, ability indicators; of , for which the set of urban indicators compiled was piloted increased traffic, and air, water and • Carry out a pilot study to implement noise pollution. Therefore, a new the indicators in selected areas; and approach to monitoring development • Disseminate project results. systems-based tool (GIS), which was plans through an appropriate plan- developed by URBANGUARD. The ning analysis tool was essential. This Urban sustainability indicators project also offered training assist- was to be based on the principles of ance for the new tool. sustainability and recognised by all URBANGUARD established some 100 spatial development stakeholders. indicators across ten broad thematic The results of the project were widely categories. These address issues typi- disseminated and were presented cal of Cyprus and other Mediterranean at a conference in December 2006 Project Number: areas, such as tourism development in . The conference also dis- LIFE03 TCY/CY/000019 and heritage preservation, but also cussed the value of the concept of Title: Capacity building for enabling spatial development issues common sustainability for spatial planning in the incorporation of urban sustain- to small and medium-sized towns in Cyprus, the use of indicators to moni- ability parameters in Spatial Urban other parts of Europe. Specific indica- tor sustainability, adapting sustain- development and planning policy tors include the proportion of seafront ability indicators to the planning sys- and practices through the use of designated as a tourist zone, percent- tem in Cyprus, the functionality of the indicators in Cyprus age of listed buildings restored, per- URBANGUARD system, and the use Beneficiary: Department of Town ceived adequacy of cultural infrastruc- of GIS within the project. Planning and Housing (Cyprus Ministry of the Interior) ture, number of protected landscapes and intrusion of development into The sustainability of the project will Total Budget: e 425,000 (expected) good agricultural land. depend on several factors, such as LIFE Contribution: the utility of the tool developed or the e 293,000 (expected) These urban sustainability indicators guidance and training provided on the

Period: for use by experts and authorities tool’s use. The Department of Town 01-Feb-2004 to 31-Jan-2007 when preparing and reviewing devel- Planning and Housing intends to use Website: http://www.moi.gov.cy/ opment plans were piloted in Stro- the planning tool in the monitoring and urbanguard volos, a municipality of the greater future reviews of development plans, Contact: Phaedon Enotiades Nicosia urban area. They were incor- as provided for by the Cyprus Town Email: [email protected] porated into a geographic information and Country Planning Law. LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 31

Sustainable inland and marine water management Improving wastewater management in Gaza

To combat ineffective management of wastewater in Gaza, a LIFE-TCY project helped establish urgently needed guidelines and proposals on effluent and reuse standards for the region.

Inadequate management of water Germany, conducted an evaluation of 2. Technical issues and case studies, resources has meant freshwater is the status of wastewater and effluent covering wastewater quality, waste- scarce in Gaza. Up to 40% of sup- for reuse as a first step towards pro- water treatment technologies, po- plied water is lost and only around ducing guidelines on treated water tential applications of treated water 60% of the population has access to reuse. Over a six-month period, the and public awareness measures. It the sewer system. Effective manage- beneficiary – the Islamic University of also contains a number of country ment of wastewater, however, would Gaza (IUG) – carried out field meas- studies, from Germany, Tunisia, Is- lead to a reduction of the wastewater urements and sample collections of rael and Jordan. that is discharged untreated into the water quantity and quality. The study sea and would allow wastewater to resulted in the report, “Comprehen- The Palestinian Environmental Qual- be reused for irrigation or the replen- sive monitoring program: wastewater ity Authority (PEQA) took into consid- ishing of groundwater. quality in six locations in Gaza Strip” eration many of the project’s findings. (October 2001). The policy guidelines are available on In this context, the LIFE-TCY project CD, along with a video of the project’s intended to formulate guidelines for Other aims of the project included the final workshop and two presentations the management and use of treated identification and planning of inte- on the project’s results, for example wastewater as an additional water grated solutions on water resource in June 2001 at the MedAqua INCO- source in the Gaza Strip. Its main management, and the establishment MED conference in Amman. objectives were to: of institutional structures for future • Assess the quality and quantity of operational management. To meet LIFE project staff collect water samples current wastewater treatment and these objectives, two training ses- disposal in the Gaza Strip; sions were organised. The first was • Based on this study, draw up guide- on sampling and analyses for waste- lines for wastewater management in water engineers. The second work- the region; and shop (held in Morocco) trained ten • Build the capacity of local techni- Palestinian wastewater engineers, cians in the field of wastewater moni- agricultural engineers and environ- toring and analysis. mentalists on wastewater standards and technology. The project, implemented by a group of Project Number: experts from Palestine, Morocco and Policy guidelines LIFE99 TCY/GA/141 Title: Policy Guidelines for Waste- In Gaza, some existing treatment These initiatives formed the basis water Management in the Gaza Strip facilities (based on an aeration system) for the key output of the project: the Beneficiary: The Islamic University tend to be overloaded “Policy Guidelines for Sustainable of Gaza Wastewater Management in the Gaza Total Budget: e 452,700 (expected) Strip” (June 2002) . This document is LIFE Contribution: divided into two sections: e 317,000 (expected) 1. Legal and institutional issues, includ- Period: ing the draft Palestinian standards for 01-Apr-2000 to 30-Jun-2002 treated wastewater and the require- Beneficiary’s website: ments for a water management plan. http://www.iugaza.edu/eng Contact: Samir Afifi  http://www.adelphi-research.de/projekt- Email: [email protected] berichte/Guidelines_Palestine.pdf

LIFE-TCY by theme

Sustainable inland and marine water management Preserving the marine environment of the Ölüdeniz Lagoon

A LIFE-TCY project aimed to protect the Ölüdeniz Lagoon in Turkey and its surroundings with the help of environmental-awareness measures.

The Ölüdeniz Lagoon, located in In addition to these activities, TÜDAV south-western Turkey, is a very popu- co-operated on a local scale with the lar tourist area in the Mediterranean Muğla Province Governorate for the Sea. Several endemic species live in preparation of a tender for the opera- the area, and the coastline consists tion of the Ölüdeniz Beach, setting for of beautiful sandy beaches, bays, the first time quantitative and qualita- islands, islets and other fragile eco- tive standards for tourism activities systems. This natural habitat is also at the Ölüdeniz lagoon. TÜDAV also important for the survival of several prepared local emergency response sea birds and loggerhead turtles. plans for oil spill accidents. Although However, the lagoon ecosystem is an oil pollution incident has yet to threatened by uncontrolled wastewa- threaten the Ölüdeniz lagoon, such ter and solid waste disposal, oil spills an event is likely in the Mediterranean and heavy tourism pressure. Sea due to the high volumes of sea transport. The LIFE project LAGOON aimed to combat these threats via monitoring LAGOON’s output and control of the lagoon water qual- ity, awareness-raising activities and An underwater photo campaign Although the reception of the project by the preparation of long-term protec- revealed the beauty of the rich under- local stakeholders was less promising water life of the Ölüdeniz Lagoon. tion plans and strategies. than expected, the project’s outputs were highly appreciated by regional and At the start of the project, the Ölüdeniz number of boat operators, uncon- national authorities. The Province Gov- Lagoon was on the verge of being dis- trolled construction of beach facilities, ernorate of Muğla endorsed the TÜDAV covered by major tourism operators. litter on the beaches and the discharge Foundation’s approach to limit tourism Tourism growth represents a growing of wastewater from tourist resorts has activities in the most sensitive lagoon threat to the aquatic life of the Ölüdeniz all had an impact on the lagoon. area and restrict construction (benches, Lagoon and its bay. An increasing commercial buildings and mobile com- During the project’s implementation, merce) on the lagoon’s beaches. The the Turkish Marine Research Foun- Turkish Ministry of Environment and Project Number: dation (TÜDAV) established a water Forest, which is preparing emergency LIFE02 TCY/TR/061 quality laboratory and a project office action plans for Turkish coastal areas, Title: Preserving the Marine Environ- for the organisation of public-aware- incorporated some of the main ideas ment of the Ölüdeniz Lagoon ness events in the Ölüdeniz village. developed by the LAGOON project Beneficiary: TÜDAV – Türkiye Deniz Awareness raising focused on hotel into its policies (changes to the law Araştırmaları Vakfı owners, fishermen and tourist boat and related regulations on emergency Total Budget: e 336,000 (expected) operators as well as local pupils, stu- response and protection of coasts). dents and national/regional authori- LIFE Contribution: e 225,000 (expected) ties. The drawing up and distribution TÜDAV transferred its permanent office of a biodiversity map of the lagoon, at the Ölüdeniz village to the local NGO Period: beach cleaning and underwater photo Hisarönü, and is currently applying the 01-Jan-2003 to 31-Dec-2004 campaigns drew the attention of the experiences and lessons learnt during Website: www.tudav.org/oludeniz local population to the rich underwa- the LAGOON project to the creation of an Contact: Prof. Dr. Bayram Öztürk ter life of the lagoon and the pollution underwater protection area at the Gok- Email: [email protected] threatening this aquatic environment. ceada Island in the North Aegean Sea. LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 33

Sustainable inland and marine water management Developing local institutional capacity in environmentally sensitive areas

The EU supports several interrelated projects to redevelop the organisation of environmental protection in Bosnia-Herzegovina. One particular LIFE project, which focused on the Bardača wetland, strengthened the local capacity for environmental planning and project management.

The Bardača wetland is one of the most The LICENCE project achieved good foreseen in the initial project proposal. important ecosystems in the Republic results. It strengthened the capacities After the project ended, this plan was Srpska, as it is a stopover for migratory of local authorities and communities in officially adopted by the local govern- birds. Although it is under considerable environmental planning and project man- ment and its implementation started in development pressure and the effects agement. The project’s success in devel- 2006. The advisory board will ensure of human activities may soon become oping the human resources for existing the continuation of the activities and irreversible, the wetland area can still be and future institutional structures was sustainability of the projects’ results preserved and the sustainable develop- remarkable since it usually takes a lot of beyond the end of LIFE funding. ment of its surrounding areas ensured. time for current staff, in particular engi- neers, to learn how to manage issues of Finally, public awareness was raised Responding to the need for immedi- conservation and environment. through workshops, dissemination ate action, the LIFE project LICENSE activities, presentations at school, TV aimed to (1) assist local communities The project led to the formulation of programmes, an up-to-date website, in developing the institutional potential a methodology to develop local envi- the publication of a monograph “Life to deal with environmental protec- ronmental action plans (LEAP), which in Wetland” and the production of a tion at the local level; (2) facilitate the was approved by the BiH Environ- 30-minute film. The film and the “Life in process of environmental protection mental Steering Committee as offi- Wetland” publication have won interna- by providing the operational structure cial guidelines to be applied across tional prizes, and have been instrumen- and guidelines, as well as training local the country. Local level professionals tal in attracting attention and additional authorities and enterprises to co-oper- received training on how to use this funding for follow-up activities related ate and resolve conflicts; and (3) help in methodology and the instruments for to the wetland. the protection of an important wetland1 environmental planning, including a and demonstrate how the environmen- conflict resolution tool. In March 2007, the conservation efforts tal sector can be organised at a local were widely recognised when the level in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH)2. A local stakeholders’ committee was Bardača wetland was included in the established in Srbac, with an advisory Ramsar list of wetlands of international Vegetation map displaying data board in charge of co-ordinating local significance. collected on the Bardača wetland’s level co-operation on environmental flora and fauna issues. The committee collected data of the region’s wetland flora and fauna Project Number: and applied the methodology and tools LIFE00 TCY/BIH/041 to draft the LEAP for Bardača. Impor- Title: LICENSE: Local Institutional tant elements aim at regulating and Capacity Development in Environ- maintaining the water systems, and mental Sensitive Areas at repopulating indigenous habitats. Beneficiary: Institute for Urbanism In addition, the project drew up a local of the Republic Srpska spatial development plan that was not Total Budget: e 507,000 LIFE Contribution: e 337,000 1 Also: Common implementation strategy for the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/ Period: EC). Horizontal Guidance on the Role of 01-Jan-2002 to 31-Dec-2004 Wetlands in the Water Framework Directive. Website: www.life-license.rs.sr 2 Complementary to this project, LIFE00 TCY/BiH/041 aimed to establish environ- Contact: Dalibor Bjelica mental planning and pollution prevention capacity in the Republic Srpska. Email: [email protected]

LIFE-TCY by theme

Minimising the impact of economic activities Introducing an experimental system for setting effluent limits in Russia

By introducing best available techniques (BAT) and harmonising Russian and European Union environmental legislation, this LIFE project made a notable contribution to protecting the Baltic basin’s environment.

Pollution is a major problem in the Improved environmental Baltic Sea, where the protection of performance the marine environment is important for all coastal states. Industry is con- The project developed applications sidered one of the main polluters, for permits, including monitoring pro- but although a number of norms and grammes, norms of discharges and standards exist, they are not sys- emissions, and schedules for adopting tematically applied by the different BAT. The environmental and sanitary regions and relevant industries. The authorities delivered environmental Chief project manager Leonid Korovin presents a project participation certi- 1999 Russian LIFE-TCY project set permits on discharges, emissions, and ficate to Dmitry Antonovsky, ecologist out to rectify this by bringing Russian waste disposal on the basis of tech- of the St. Petersburg cardboard and legislation in line with international nological norms and BAT, first to the printing plant and regional conventions. wastewater treatment plant in the city of Pushkin and the cardboard and print- Another major result of the project was The existing Russian legislation is ing plant, and, later, to the fish process- in the field of environmental law. The based on the concept of maximum ing factory and the leather factory. introduction of the concepts of tech- allowable concentrations (MAC). nological norms and BAT in the 2002 This legislation comes into conflict The enhanced monitoring and evalua- Russian federal law on Environment with the recommendations concern- tion resulted in several improvements Protection was an impressive contri- ing pollution from the Convention on in the pilot companies’ environmen- bution of the project, demonstrating the Protection of the Marine Envi- tal performance. The fish processing the power of LIFE projects to achieve ronment of the Baltic Sea Area (also plant, for example, halved its wastewa- sustainable results that can be trans- know as the Helsinki Convention ter output by laying a system of pipes ferred well beyond the project’s origi- – HELCOM) and the EU directive on allowing the re-use of wastewater. In nal scope and geographical area. integrated pollution prevention and the cardboard and printing plant, water control (IPPC), both of which are consumption dropped by as much as based on BAT. The harmonisation 80% because of improved systems Project Number: of Russian and EU countries’ envi- and processes, while wastewater dis- LIFE99 TCY/ROS/022 ronmental legislation was therefore charges are around one third of what Title: Systems for establishing desirable. they were previously. The wastewater effluent limits based on best avail- treatment plant launched a programme able technology in accordance with Since there was no legal basis for for nutrient recovery from wastewater, Helcom recommendations as a basis the technological standardisation mainly intended to reduce maximum for improved environmental conditions of production processes, the LIFE total nitrogen concentration from the Beneficiary: Scientific Ecology project included experimental action initial 14 mg/l to 13 mg/l in 2004 and Research Centre, Russian Academy in four pilot companies that repre- 10 mg/l in 2006. The tanning company of Sciences sented major activities in the region: decreased the annual volume of waste, Total Budget: e 200,000 the wastewater treatment plant of the expressed in tonnes of raw material, LIFE Contribution: e 141,000 3 city of Pushkin, a fish processing plant from 42.5 to 33.8 m , and also devel- Period: (ROK-1), a tanning company (KHOZA) oped plans for building a modern water 01-Jan-2000 to 30-Jun-2002 and the St. Petersburg cardboard and treatment plant. Upon completion of Website: http://life99.spb.ru printing plant (KPK). the project, two of the pilot companies Contact: Michael V. Begak received operating authorisation in Email: [email protected] accordance with BAT criteria.  http://www.helcom.fi LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 35

Minimising the impact of economic activities Capacity building for cleaner production in Bosnia and Herzegovina

A LIFE-TCY project assisted the introduction of the concept of cleaner production in Bosnia and Herzegovina, contributing to the improvement of the country’s environmental performance.

Cleaner production (CP) techniques and the role of government in industrial can reduce pollution loads signifi- environmental management. The sec- cantly at little cost and are central to ond combined theoretical training on achieving environmentally sustainable methodologies for introducing CP in and economically successful business industrial processes with demonstra- practices. The EU integrated pollution tion projects. More than 50 individuals prevention and control (IPPC) directive were trained using a mix of lectures and of 1996 requires operators of indus- experience exchange between partici- trial installations in the EU to use best pating enterprises. available techniques (BAT) and best environmental practices (BEP). Nine demonstration projects have been implemented in industrial com- Against this background, this LIFE- panies, showing the direct positive TCY project sought to improve the environmental impacts of CP prac- quality of the environment and to cre- tices. According to the beneficiary, Demonstration activities in the soft drink ate economic incentives for industrial water savings – and therefore the industry showed positive impacts of development in Bosnia-Herzegovina reduction in the amount of wastewater cleaner production techniques (BiH), while at the same time raising discharged by the companies – var- the level of competitiveness of the ied from 24% to 81%, and averaged Building on the experiences of the country’s industries. 60%. Total annual energy saving was LIFE project, a subsequent project 144,372 kW, while waste was reduced focussed on strengthening capacity In order to raise awareness and dis- by 1098.8 tonnes/year. Production for the implementation of environmen- seminate information on CP among key costs were reduced by an equivalent tal management systems. In turn, this stakeholders and industries, numerous of e505,746 / year. Most of the CP project is currently being followed up project presentations were carried out, measures implemented had payback by a 2005 LIFE-TCY project aimed at 27 companies were visited and provided periods of less than 12 months. introducing integrated pollution pre- with information material, and meetings vention and control in BiH. with targeting ministries, experts and Long-term success universities were organised. Twelve  LIFE05 TCY BiH/000102 representatives from government and The project achieved notably posi- industry participated in a study tour of tive results and the chance of their the Regional Activity Centre for Cleaner long-term continuation is also good. Project Number: Production (RAC/CP) in Barcelona. The beneficiary reports that thanks, in LIFE00 TCY/BIH/043 The beneficiary also contributed to the part, to the results of the LIFE project, Title: Capacity Building on Cleaner preparation of a strategic action pro- the government has selected pollution Production in Bosnia and Herzegovina gramme for the reduction of land-based prevention and CP as one of the pri- Beneficiary: Centre for Environ- sources of pollution under the Mediter- ority activities detailed in its national mentally Sustainable Development ranean Action Plan. environmental policy document. Total Budget: e 537,000 LIFE Contribution: e 372,000 The project built the capacity of profes- The economic benefits achieved are Period: 01-Feb-2002 to 01-Jan-2005 sionals from government, chambers of a key driver for industries to partici- Website: http://www.coor.ba commerce, consultancies, industry and pate in CP initiatives. Furthermore, by universities on CP through two different implementing the CP concept, com- Contact: Tarik Kupusovic / Sanda Midžić Kurtagić / Irem Silajdžić series of trainings. The first successfully panies are better prepared for intro- trained more than 70 participants on CP ducing ISO standards. Email: [email protected]

LIFE-TCY by theme

Minimising the impact of economic activities Boosting Croatian CHP capacity

To ensure more efficient use of fossil fuels and to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, the EU is encouraging greater use of combined heat and power (CHP). A LIFE-TCY project was set up to increase the use of CHP in Croatia.

At the start of the LIFECROCHP The project objectives were to: project, Croatia neither had approved • Identify and gather the necessary national strategies on energy and data on advanced management environment nor a government systems; agency working on rational energy • Define measures for improving use and climate change. Such strat- the energy efficiency of the CHP egies and agencies, however, are system; essential for closer co-operation • Evaluate environmental and social between Croatia and the EU, and are impacts of policies; necessary to introduce legislation in • Undertake a sustainability assess- line with European environmental ment; policy. Croatia has signed and rati- • Define a framework for the na- fied the UN Framework Convention tional CHP strategy; Establishing guidelines for the CHP on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as an • Establish generalised guidelines sector ensure continued capacity building Annex I country and has pledged, in for the CHP sector; the Annex of the Kyoto Protocol, to • Increase the capacity of Croatian By developing guidelines for the CHP reduce its greenhouse gas emissions institutions; and sector and organising workshops by 5%. This obliges Croatia to draw • Disseminate the project results for Croatian institutions, the project up a climate protection strategy, among the public and key stakehold- ensured continued capacity building. including a cogeneration strategy. ers, both national and regional. Based on project activities, the Min- istry of Economy, Labour and Entre- The objective of the project was to Results preneurship has introduced an action drive forward sustainable develop- plan for the promotion and develop- ment in Croatia in line with EU pri- The project was successful in achiev- ment of the cogeneration tariff sys- orities and UNFCCC objectives. The ing these objectives. Measures were tem. Results were disseminated project aimed to equip local commu- drawn up for improving efficiency through presentations and contact nities with the necessary capacity for for the CHP systems and a study with government officials, plant man- implementing European guidelines. of emissions optimisation of a CHP agers and branch experts. The project also aimed to strengthen plant was carried out. This study co-operation and knowledge-sharing helped define pollution indicators and among EU countries and Croatia in evaluate future strategies and meas- Project Number: order to provide technical assistance ures needed for improving the energy LIFE00 TCY/CRO/084 to promote sustainable development efficiency of the CHP system. Title: Sustainable development of strategies. Croatian capacity in CHP (combined The beneficiary, the Centre for Technol- heat and power) sector ogy Transfer (CTT), also studied social Beneficiary: Centre for Technology aspects of the heating and power gen- Transfer, CTT eration system and developed indica- Total Budget: e 482,000 tors for analysing its sustainability. LIFE Contribution: e 337,000 CTT also selected different scenarios Period: for the CHP system in Zagreb. 01-Jan-2002 to 30-Jun-2004 Website: http://powerlab.fsb.hr/ lifecrochp/pages/home.php A study on emissions optimisation of a Contact: Zeljko Bogdan CHP plant helped improve its energy efficiency Email: [email protected] LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 37

Minimising the impact of economic activities Tackling wastewater treatment in Tunisian tanneries

The main objective of the ‘Eaucuir’ LIFE-TCY project is to promote and improve the use of wastewater treatment technologies in the tannery industry in Tunisia.

The leather sector is one of the most The ongoing LIFE-project foresees important economic sectors in Tuni- the following activities: sia. Export to the EU has increased 1. The creation of an environmental ten-fold since 1997. However, the laboratory to: industrial processes involved in lea- • Analyse the most significant pa- ther production have a very nega- rameters in the sector of waste- tive impact on the environment due water treatment; to the high quantities of water and • Respond to the needs of the tan- chemicals used, and wastewater neries with regard to wastewater treatment technologies are rarely analysis and tests; and applied in Tunisian tanneries. In • Create a pool of local techni- order to comply with environmental cians trained in specific tannery- legislation and to improve the com- related wastewater problems. Training on wastewater analysis takes petitiveness of the leather sector, 2. A comparative study of the current place in the CNCC environmental the development and introduction wastewater treatment situation in laboratory with new LIFE equipment of wastewater treatment systems Tunisia to gain detailed knowledge are necessary. of the water problems in the tan- Mid-term evaluation and outlook nery sector and to verify the par- To improve its wastewater treatment ticular situation of each participat- A project visit by the LIFE program- capacity, the Centre National du Cuir ing enterprise in comparison with me’s external monitoring team car- et de la Chaussure (CNCC) applied the sector’s average. Participation ried out in June 2006 showed that for LIFE-TCY funding. Together with was open to all tanning enterpris- the technical aspects of the project its experienced European project es, and the study was based on had been realised without major pro- partner INESCOP (a Spanish ser- a questionnaire and the analysis blems. The dynamic project team and vice organisation for footwear and of wastewater samples taken over the first results it has achieved (for related industries), CNCC aimed to five consecutive days from ten se- example, the well-equipped labora- foster wastewater treatment in Tuni- lected companies. tories and working wastewater treat- sian tanneries. 3. The setting up of two mobile pi- ment prototypes) are convincing. lot prototypes (physic-chemic / biologic) for wastewater treat- Environmental benefits expected Project Number: ment and the respective training include the creation of infrastructures LIFE04 TCY/TN/000063 of technicians. that will contribute to promoting the Title: Demonstration of wastewater 4. The demonstration of prototypes in development of the wastewater treat- treatment in Tunisian tanneries selected tanneries in 2007. Clean- ment in Tunisian tanneries, the demons- Beneficiary: Centre National du ing capacities will be tested and tration and dissemination of the use of Cuir et de la Chaussure studied over a four-month period. technologies to analyse and treat was- Total Budget: e 787,000 (expected) The results will be presented in a tewaters, and strengthened national LIFE Contribution: e 537,000 final report and in a video. capacity to fight pollution produced by (expected) 5. The distribution of results through the tanneries. The project also aims to Period: 01-Jan-2005 to 31-Dec-2007 publications, presentations and improve the image of the tanneries and Beneficiary’s website: workshops. Several info-days, a to help meet the environmental require- www.cnccleather.nat.tn book, a video, two articles on the ments for leather exports to Europe. It project’s results and a comparative is expected that the project outcomes Contact: Mohamed Ben Abdallah study are planned for the coming will even be transferable to other indus- Email: [email protected] months. trial sectors in the country.

LIFE-TCY by theme

Waste management Treating infectious medical-waste in the Lebanon

Arcenciel, a social- and environment-focussed NGO that developed out of a self-support initiative for handicapped people, aims to support the healthcare sector in the Lebanon to achieve the environmentally sound treatment and disposal of infectious medical waste.

ing the principal institutions concerned, transporting untreated infectious waste to facilitate the introduction of proposals by treating them in situ was introduced for laws and regulations, as well as the for the first time to the country. harmonisation and enforcement of pro- cedures on a national level. The members of the project’s steering committee intend to create a permanent The first activities of the project (public body, the National Medwaste Commit- dissemination and training in hospitals) tee, which will remain operational after showed that the levels of awareness the end of the project. However, sev- are low and that much work will have eral of the committee’s tasks, (such as to be done, including at the higher lev- researching existing national and inter- els of the healthcare’s administration. national legislation in order to propose Treating medical waste in situ – thanks Despite these problems, the beneficiary new legislation) will be difficult to realise, to the LIFE mobile sterilisation plant was able to carry out 37 training ses- given the different priorities of public and sions in four months, attracting 746 par- private hospitals. Uncontrolled incineration of hospital ticipants. A press conference was also waste and insufficient national policies held during this time, and a video on A further difficulty is the lack of an effi- for dealing with dangerous and infec- medical waste and the LIFE project was cient enforcement system. The project tious medical refuse have had a consid- produced. A planned poster campaign therefore plans to examine if ‘softer’ erable negative impact on health and had to be postponed due to the Israeli measures, such as accreditation and the environment in the Lebanon. Dealing occupation. labelling schemes, might be more effi- with medical waste is therefore a high cient than legal enforcement. priority for both the Lebanese Ministry of A larger, mobile plant Environment and the Ministry of Health. So far, the results achieved by the project In the first few months of the project, the are promising and it is hoped that it will An ongoing LIFE-TCY project aims beneficiary realised that the demand for continue to contribute significantly to to develop an integrated approach to medwaste treatment was greater than improving the management of infectious dealing with medical refuse in order had been expected and LIFE permission medical waste in the Lebanon. to support authorities in developing a was granted for a larger, mobile steri- comprehensive national strategy for the lisation plant with a capacity of 2,000 collection and treatment of hazardous kg/day – twice what initially expected. Project Number: medical waste from hospitals. To this Waste collection and treatment now LIFE05 TCY/RL/000138 effect, Arcenciel, the project beneficiary, also follows a well-established routine. Title: Infectious Medical Waste has initiated the treatment of hospital management national network in waste in the South Mont Liban region, According to Arcenciel, several hospitals Lebanon started training hospital personnel and asked on their own initiative to have their Beneficiary: Arcenciel launched an awareness-raising cam- medical waste collected and treated by Total Budget: e 774,000 (expected) paign on hospital waste. the project. The LIFE project forms part LIFE Contribution: e 450,000 of a national medical waste network that (expected) The expected results of this initiative already covers 60% of the country, and Period: include the training of 1,500 people and the beneficiary is confident of achiev- 01-Feb-2006 to 01-Feb-2009 the collection of 900 to 1,000 kg of medi- ing complete coverage. With the LIFE Contact: Mlle Hyam Fakhoury cal waste daily. The project also plans to project, the concept of mobile treatment create a steering committee, represent- units that reduce the health hazards of Email: [email protected] LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 39

Waste management Waste management through household recycling partnerships

A recycling scheme in the form of a public-private partnership, supported by a successful aware- ness-raising campaign, demonstrated the potential of integrated waste management in Cyprus.

A number of factors make manag- then widely publicised. Municipalities ing household waste a significant organised the collection of the waste problem in Cyprus: the many small and its subsequent delivery to firms communities with low-density settle- that were members of the Cyprus ment patterns cause diseconomies Recycling Association. of scale; the absence, until recently, of legislation and fiscal incentives With the co-operation of the project to recycle; the lack of know-how on partners, 400m3 of waste was col- the part of municipal, regional and lected and delivered to recycling com- national authorities; and generally low panies, thereby saving a large part environmental awareness. As a result, from being disposed in landfills. After Integrated waste management was recycling activities in Cyprus are only the end of the LIFE funding, two of the successfully demonstrated partially developed, with the few com- participating municipalities expanded panies working in the field focussing the scheme by buying additional dis- work. The data and experience gen- largely on industrial waste. posal bins and continuing the sepa- erated by the project was used to

rate collection of waste. plan implementation of a e 3.5 mil- Managed by the Ministry of Agriculture, lion national strategic programme on Natural Resources and Environment Education and awareness- recycling. (MANRE), the project aimed to dem- raising onstrate the necessity of and potential Nevertheless, although the project for recycling by cultivating awareness, More important, however, were the successfully demonstrated the poten- calculating costs and benefits, and effects of the project’s activities on tial of integrated waste management establishing a pilot recycling network awareness-raising and education. in Cyprus, much work is still needed as a public-private partnership. A wide range of communication activi- to establish the infrastructure, sup- ties attracted a high level of participa- port national legislation and general The pilot scheme was implemented tion among school children and par- awareness in order to achieve major over eight months in four munici- ents. A comprehensive educational progress in the field of recycling. palities, focusing on the collection pack was developed in co-operation of paper, glass, aluminium and plas- with the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute, tic for recycling. Collection points and the training material was distributed Project Number: were set up at ten sites – most of to schools throughout the country. LIFE99 TCY/CY/041 which were close to schools – and Title: Household recycling partnership The beneficiary also presented the Beneficiary: Ministry of Agriculture, project at national fairs. For example, Natural Resources and Environment, waste separation was demonstrated Republic of Cyprus by the project at the Cyprus Interna- Total Budget: e 526,000 tional Fair in 2000 and 2001, attracting LIFE Contribution: e 261,000 around 120,000 visitors. These efforts led to the selection of recycling as the Period: 01-Jan-2000 to 31-Dec-2001 fair’s ‘Innovation of the year’ in 2001, Beneficiary’s website: http://www. with special attention placed on the cyprus.gov.cy/moa/Agriculture.nsf/ index_en/index_en?OpenDocument project’s stand. Contact: Costas Papastavrosć The initiative also had an impact on Email: cpapastavros@environment. national policy and legislative frame- moa.gov.cy

LIFE-TCY by theme

Waste management Improving waste management in St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is one of the heaviest polluters on the Baltic Sea coast. A LIFE project put into place policies and practices for reducing the amount of contaminated solid waste the city produces.

endorsement before being passed on lets, posters, banners and booklets, to the city authorities. The city subse- the publication of the project results quently approved a list of measures for and the creation of a website – was the period 2005 to 2014. central to the success of the demon- stration project. In addition, presenta- As a second step, the project imple- tions and training sessions carried out mented a demonstration initiative to over the course of the project have led test some of the action plan’s conclu- to greater public awareness, which is sions, including a trial run of a policy expected to increase the sustainability to separately collect waste ‘at source’. of the project results. Initiating separate waste collection in This part of the pilot entailed the devel- St. Petersburg in 2005-2006 opment of prototypes, the purchase of The pilot project was a catalyst for the equipment and the production of com- development of a network of separate According to the Helsinki Commission, munication material to stimulate public municipal waste collection points in St. Petersburg is responsible for 20% participation in waste separation. St. Petersburg. The enduring success of the pollution in the Baltic Sea. One of the project is demonstrated by the of the main sources of this pollution is The project resulted in a 30% reduction authorities’ inclusion of most measures municipal solid waste (MSW) contami- in mixed waste collected at the new in the city’s long-term planning. nated with heavy metals and soluble collection points, allowing transporta- hazardous substances. St. Petersburg tion volumes to be halved. The collec- produces approximately five million tion of bulky waste into special con- cubic metres of MSW per year. tainers was also successful, reducing illegal dumping and incineration in the Part of the problem the LIFE-TCY project area. Recyclable waste consti- project initially addressed was the tuted 20% of the total amount of waste city’s absence of selective waste col- collected, of which 70% could then be lection and appropriate policies for reused, for example, as compost. waste minimisation, reuse and recy- Project Number: LIFE02 TCY/ROS/039 cling. Therefore, a central objective On the basis of these results and fol- was to draw up and implement an lowing the environmental action plan, Title: Development of the Environ- environmental action plan for munici- the city authorities decided to install mental Action Plan for Municipal Solid Waste Management in pal solid waste management. further separate waste collection facili- St. Petersburg ties in the city. More than 4,000 con- Beneficiary: Committee for Nature tainers were purchased in 2006 and Environmental action plan Use, Environmental Protection and plans exist to double this number by Ecological Safety St. Petersburg The first step was to make an assess- 2009; and 2,000 new sites for sepa- Total Budget: e 634,000 (expected) ment of the amount and composition rate waste collection (supported by six LIFE Contribution: e 379,000 of MSW in St. Petersburg. This data sorting and reloading stations, and by (expected) formed the basis for developing an two new landfills) were planned. Finally, Period: MSW management system, including private operators established some 20 01-Feb-2002 to 30-Jun-2006 modern technologies for waste treat- separate stations for the collection of Website: http://www.gov.spb.ru/gov/ ment, the recycling of secondary mate- recyclable waste in 2006. admin/otrasl/ecology/news/lifegar rials and environmentally safe disposal. Contact: D. Golubev The resulting environmental action plan A public awareness-raising campaign was then presented to the public for – consisting of the distribution of leaf- Email: [email protected] LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 41

Environmental management Training and information centre for interregional studies in Poland

With the help of a LIFE-TCY project, a centre for training, information and education has been created in Gdansk to improve environmental management.

Following the political changes in Poland at the end of the 1980s, the Polish government introduced new laws to improve water management, and local actors were encouraged to play a greater role in water manage- ment decision-making. As part of this initiative, a permanent process of information exchange between stakeholders was established.

The need existed for a training and information centre to build capacity in the various aspects of water resource Since 1995, water management training has taken place at the GWF – including management. Consequently, the technical field demonstration Gdansk Water Foundation (GWF) was established in May 1995 with the help control. It includes a demonstration The ‘technical platform’ has been of LIFE-TCY and in partnership with section, the ‘technical platform’, expanded through the establishment the International Water Office, France, equipped with a technical-scale of a laboratory that examines the and the Freshwater Centre, Denmark. wastewater treatment plant. Publi- physicochemical properties of water cations were prepared, information and sewage, and provides analytical The creation of the GWF responded material developed and regular con- services. Since 2002, the GWF has run to the need for assistance in the tacts with other similar institutions the Centre for Ecological Information implementation of new environmen- around Europe have been set up. and Education, which provides eco- tal legislation in the Polish water man- logical education by training school agement sector. From its inception, it Life after LIFE teachers, as well as representatives played an important role as an inter- of government and non-governmen- regional (Baltic) co-operation centre, Following completion of the project, tal organisations. establishing links with other relevant GWF has continued its activities, institutions in Europe. It developed thereby demonstrating the founda- training curricula and provided train- tion’s sustainability. An original aim Project Number: ing to numerous participants directly of the LIFE project was to enhance LIFE93 TCY/INT/6035 involved in water management. In the expertise of representatives Title: Creation of a training and infor- addition, GWF informed decision- of administration involved in the mation centre and interregional studies makers about the likely consequences water sector. The centre has since in Poland of policies, advised polluters on ways expanded its remit to new areas and Beneficiary: International Office for to control and minimise the negative to a wider audience. Today, GWF Water environmental impacts of their activi- educational undertakings and publi- Total Budget: e 1.519,000 ties, and showed local communities cations also deal with subjects such LIFE Contribution: e 266,000 the role they could play in sustainable as sewage or solid waste manage- Period: 31-Dec-1993 to 30-Jun-1996 water management. ment, and legislative and economic Website: issues involving environmental pro- http://www.gfw.pl/about.html GWF has also served as an informa- tection, taking into account cur- Joël Mancelć tion platform on new technologies rent environmental challenges and Contact: and available strategies for pollution changes in regulations. Email: [email protected]

LIFE-TCY by theme

Environmental management Environmental audit and pollution prevention of the Syrian textile industry

The first detailed large-scale environmental audit of the Syrian textile industry aimed to help control polluting industrial activities and promote cleaner production technologies.

The Syrian Ministry of State for Envi- water resources. Textile mills use a ronmental Affairs (MSEA) has identi- wide variety of chemicals and dyes fied pollution prevention and con- to transform fibres (mainly cotton and trol of waste discharges from major wool) into fabrics. The LIFE project industries as one of its environmental established that mills processing priorities. Previously, monitoring data mainly cotton fibres use approximately on pollution loads and their environ- 65-81m3 of water per tonne of finished mental impact was lacking for most product, whereas for wool, 150-189m3 industrial sectors, including the highly of water are used. Accordingly, waste- waterintensive production of textiles, water generation for cotton is 41-73m3 LIFE-TCY project team visits a textile one of Syria’s major industries. In the per tonne of finished product, and for mill (Rawaa Al Saadi, Mohamed Kayyal, Marwan Saba, Tawfik Mourad, Bashar mid 1990s, a LIFE-TCY project car- wool about 140m3. Al-Masri) ried out the first detailed large-scale environmental audit of this industry. The audits also included an assess- A survey of available literature on ment of conformity with the require- support and (b) acknowledgement by industrial processes in the textile sec- ments of the EU’s Eco-Management the mills’ senior management of the tor was carried out, followed by an and Audit-Scheme (EMAS). Ten tech- importance and benefits of environ- overview of the Syrian textile industry’s nical reports documented findings, mental auditing, as better environmen- environmental performance. Textile the results of chemical analysis and tal performance can give companies a mills were screened and selected for the audits’ conclusions. On this basis, competitive edge. detailed environmental auditing. seminars to discuss recommendations for remedies were carried out at each The technical, institutional, regulatory The audits finally covered a sample of of the ten mills. and socio-cultural measures recom- ten textile mills and assessed the pollu- mended in the auditors’ reports fulfilled tion produced by these mills, focussing Pollution prevention and control pro- the primary objective of the study, which on wastewater discharge on receiving grammes were developed, tailored to was to provide proposals for pollution each individually audited firm, includ- prevention and control in order to assist ing prevention and treatment methods the Syrian textile industry to comply that will ultimately help control pollut- with local and international standards Project Number: LIFE96 TCY/SYR/37 ing industrial activities and promote by gradually improving its environmen- cleaner production technologies. tal performance. It is worth noting that Title: Environmental audit and pol- lution prevention and control of the Information and data from the audits the stakeholders expressed their posi- Syrian textile industry were compiled in a final report which tive support for the implementation of a Beneficiary: Syrian environmental was presented during a seminar to the number of these practical measures. technologies (Envirotech – Middle stakeholders, including among others, East) the MSEA, the minster of industry, and In addition to these concrete results, Total Budget: e 247,000 the head of the General Organisation detailed data from the environmental for the Textile Industry. audits were provided in the form of a LIFE Contribution: e 246,000 database to the MSEA for integration Period: into the national environmental informa- 22-Feb-1997 to 30-Apr-1998 Successful introduction of environmental management tion system. Furthermore, the results of Beneficiary’s website: http://www. the study were to be used by the MSEA envirotech-int.com Two factors were given special atten- staff to develop guidelines for pollution Contact: Dima Khartabil tion and proved to be critical for the prevention and control programmes for Email: [email protected] project’s success: (a) government the entire textile industry. LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 43

Environmental management Promoting EMAS principles

Several LIFE-TCY projects successfully promoted the principles of the EC’s Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) in potential new Member States and other neighbouring countries.

EMAS has been conceived for any pri- ping them to comply with European vate or public organisation wishing to environmental rules as provided for in identify, assess, manage and improve its the EMAS Regulation. Finally, a far- environmental performance. Based on a reaching campaign to disseminate voluntary commitment, EMAS’ purpose the project’s results was launched. is to introduce a credible method for managing environmental issues. The Lebanese LIFE project SPASI aimed to assist the MoE in reinforcing A number of LIFE-TCY projects the system of permits, monitoring and aimed to disseminate EMAS princi- evaluation in the industrial sector. To ples. These included: guarantee the viability of these reforms, • A 1999 project that introduced and two strategies were formulated that applied EMAS to Cyprus, contribut- focused on existing industrial plants ing to the country’s preparation for through a compliance action plan, EU accession; and on future establishments through • A 1999 project that assisted the new ministerial decisions. The project Lebanese Ministry of Environment published 13 national standards for (MoE) in reinforcing the system of environmental quality and a national permits, monitoring and evaluation manual for environmental auditing LIFE03 TCY/ROS/ 000068 in the industrial sector; and containing tables of the major pollutants Some units of Kaliningrad’s large • A 2003 Russian project aimed at of industrial sectors and the limit values water and heating supply companies building environmental capacity in allowed for existing and future installa- participated at the MEEMAS project municipal enterprises through EMAS tions. On this basis, the project orga- implementation. nised a highly diversified awareness- lopment of environmental action pro- raising campaign, which underlined the grammes with regard to EMAS. The With the help of LIFE-TCY, the Cypriot need to produce two other evaluation project also aimed to increase environ- authorities made EMAS a driving manuals for hotels and hospitals. The mental awareness through local autho- force behind the improvement of the project also made it possible to devise rity initiatives in public enterprises. To environmental performances of com- a national model for eco-management, this end, strategic partnerships among panies and a lever for increasing their leading, for example, to an agreement municipal enterprises and a helpdesk competitiveness as the country pre- between the MoE and the Association for the local public sector/local com- pared to join the EU. The project hel- of Lebanese Industrialists in February munity have been created. In October ped to speed up the harmonisation of 2002 on joint action to increase indus- 2006, a pre-audit carried out on EMAS legislation and to set up the institu- trial competitiveness and the quality of standard compliance gave a good eva- tional mechanisms needed to apply export articles. luation of the work done by the muni- EMAS. It further devised a national cipal enterprises. After a final audit action plan targeted at co-ordinating The Russian MEEMAS project aimed conducted by the external verification EMAS introduction and implementa- to address Kaliningrad’s low envi- company EUROCERT, EMAS and ISO tion. At the end of the project, four ronmental performance by introdu- 14001 certifications were successfully pilot companies had an eco-mana- cing EMAS in some units of its large obtained by two municipal enterprises, gement system and a documented water and heating supply companies. Kaliningradteploset and Vodocanal EMAS procedure. In particular, the The project’s objectives included – the first companies in Russia to be project supported Cypriot industries strengthening local authority capacity certified under the EMAS regulation. in meeting the requirements for best and providing guidance for the deve- available techniques (BAT), thus hel- For more project information,  LIFE98 TCY/RL/102 please see project list at page 54.  LIFE99 TCY/CY/102  LIFE03 TCY/ROS/000068 Type of beneficiaries





LIFE-TCY projects contributing to the compliance with international environmental conventions


,)&%.ATURE ,)&%%NVIRONMENT ,)&%RIVERPROJECTS Cost distribution (LIFE I to LIFE III)       ,)&%)))





     4OTALAMMONIUMUG.L "/$MG/L                         4OTALAMMONIUMUG.L "/$MG/L                                        4OTALAMMONIUM "/$ "/$   LIFE-TCY projects contributing to project types                 4OTALAMMONIUM "/$ "/$ 





LIFE-TCY projects contributing to EU accession process by theme




Project distribution by region (including involvement in international projects)

14% 34%

27% 25%


Number and evolution of country projects over time

        ,)&%)))EXTENSION  ,)&%))) POURINTRO  ,)&%))  ,)&%)            ,4 ,6 0, 3,/ $ $: %% (+* 392 %4 '! !, - 2, "I( 4. ), -! #2/ #9 2/3 42 ).4

Countries involved in international projects


,4 ,6 "I( 0, $ %% - '! !, ), 42 #9 %4 $: 4. 2, 3,/ 2/3 #2/ (+* -! 392

LIFE-TCY beneficiaries by type and LIFE period










LIFE-TCY periods by themes

   ,)&%)))  ,)&%))

LIFE III ,)&%) LIFE II  LIFE I     !IR .OISE 7ATER 7ASTE LIFE-TCY Capacity buildingBODIES .ATURE ,ANDUSE PLANNING #HEMICALS BIODIVERSITY 5RBANISSUES !DMINISTRATIVE Capacity building is a constant feature of the LIFE-TCY programme. Indeed, capacity buil Capacity buildingPOLLUTIONPREVENTION )NDUSTRYPRODUCTION %NVIRONMENTALLEGISLATION #LIMATECHANGEENERGY for more than a third of LIFE-TCY projects, it is the principal%NVIRONMENTALAWARENESS objective. %NVIRONMENTALASSESSMENT Generally, these projects do not focus on specific environmental issues but aim at enabling government, private sector and not-for-profit institutions to develop the knowledge and resources required to implement environ- mental policies and comply with environmental requirements.

In many of the capacity building projects, the organisationCapacity tar- building activities geted for institutional strengthening is the beneficiary or one of Figure XII: Capacity building activities the project partners. Often, this is a country’s ministry of the

environment itself. Another important group of projects is that %CO AUDIT     %STABLISHENVIRONMENTALBODIES   aiming at the transfer of knowledge to a wide range of target 3UPPORTTONETWORKING 3UPPORTTO)3/ACCREDITATION %#DECISIONSONCLIMATECHANGE groups - often small or medium sized enterprises (SMEs) or 3UPPORTTO%-!3ACCREDITATION small municipalities. These projects are often carried out by a )NSTITUTIONALSTRENGTHENING %NVIRONMENTALLAWAPPLICATION 3EVESO$IRECTIVE #APACITYBUILDING ministry of the environment or an umbrella organisation.  3UPPORTTO%5ACCESSION   7ATER&RAMEWORK$IRECTIVE   !WARENESSRAISING 0OLICYAPPROXIMATION 3UPPORTTOINFORMATIONMANAGEMENT .ITRATE$IRECTIVE 3UPPORTTOECO LABELACCREDITATION More than a quarter of the projects aiming explicitly at capa- )00#$IRECTIVE city building comprise the establishment of environmental $RINKING7ATER$IRECTIVE structures, and most of these, such as the ECATs or the envi- %-!32EGULATION ronmental units set up within a ministry or national agency, nisations may also be beneficiaries of or partners in LIFE continue to function to this day. It can be seen as a sign of projects, and the programme also supports partnerships (ABITATS$IRECTIVE sustainability that many of the beneficiaries of capacity buil- with third organisations from the same or other TCY coun- %,6$IRECTIVE  ding projects continue activities after the end of LIFE funding, tries. In Turkey and Croatia, for example, many cases towards further achievements such as the accreditation of a exist in which national consultants or universities provide 7%%%$IRECTIVE "IRDS$IRECTIVE laboratory1 or certification according to ISO 9001 or 140012. knowledge to ministries or municipalities in the context of the LIFE programme6. Another example is the case of an Israeli 7ASTE&RAMEWORK$IRECTIVE In most capacity building projects, the transfer of knowledge wastewater project that relied on the technical capacity of a (AZARDOUS7ASTE$IRECTIVE and experience by organisations and individuals from the Turkish partner, the Technical University of Istanbul7. EU to counterparts in beneficiary countries is an important aspect. For example, the National Technical University of LIFE-TCY capacity building projects include initiatives in the Athens (NTUA) has been a partner to many Cypriot projects3, fields of networks, administrative structures and institutional the internationally renowned German Geoforschungszentrum strengthening; helping countries in their EU accession proc- Potsdam (GFZ - National Research Centre for Geosciences) ess; and enhancing regional co-operation through international was involved in a geo-environmental information manage- projects. ment project in Morocco4, and a Spanish organisation sup- porting the leather industry (INESCOP) is currently providing 1 For example: LIFE00 TCY/TR/010 technical assistance to improve the environmental perfor- 2 For example: LIFE02 TCY/INT/034 or LIFE00 TCY/TN/016 mance of Tunisian and Egyptian leather manufacturers5. 3 LIFE03 TCY/CY/000018 4 LIFE03 TCY/MA/000050 5 LIFE04 TCY/TN/000063 and LIFE04 TCY/ET/000045 It may be seen as an indicator of the flexibility of the LIFE 6 Like the Turkish environmental consultancy Ekodenge, partner to programme that this technical assistance is not limited three capacity building projects, LIFE98 TCY/TR/016, LIFE03 TCY/ TR/000064 and LIFE04 TCY/TR/000004. to beneficiaries in EU partner states. International orga- 7 LIFE03 TCY/IL/000035 LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 45

Networks, administrative structures and institutional strengthening Regional agency for integrated waste management in Albania

This LIFE project was the first project to focus on capacity building in the waste management sector in Albania. One of its achievements was the establishment of a regional agency on waste manage- ment planning.

The generation of large quantities of the waste sector on a range of waste urban waste has led to several serious issues, the project has also strengthe- environmental problems in Albania. ned local planning and management Low environmental awareness of the capacities for waste management. problem by institutions and public alike, as well as the difficulty of applying Regional waste management national legislation at the local level plan due to weak institutional capacity were identified by the National Environment Although not initially foreseen by the Action Plan (NEAP) as the underlying funding proposal, the project deve- causes for these problems. loped a regional plan for integrated

waste management, which repre- Training of future staff assigned to the Based on this analysis, the 2003 LIFE- sented an entirely new concept for new IWM agency included a practical TCY project aimed to: Albania. Listing urban waste produc- stage that took place in Italy • Improve the waste management and tion in the region, forming the basis planning capacity of local adminis- for a waste monitoring system and One particular strength of the pro- trations; presenting a method for decision- ject is the high degree of sense of • Increase public awareness of envi- making on the location of waste ownership by the regional administra- ronmental issues; and treatment plants, the well-crafted tion over the process and its results. It • Attract more external financial sup- plan is considered of regional (Bal- clearly contributed to building up local port for the establishment of waste kan) interest. capacities, implementing the Alba- treatment plants. nian decentralisation policies (each The objective of attracting more regional administration is responsible A specific project objective was to set external financial support for invest- for its own waste management) and up a regional agency on waste mana- ment in the waste sector was not fully introducing and developing EU envi- gement planning. achieved during the project period, ronmental policy concerning waste but the regional waste management management in Albania. The project Managed by the Regional Adminis- plan prepared is expected to help has a high demonstration value and tration of Vlora, a dedicated project attract external funding and several can be replicated relatively easily in team composed of Albanian and Ita- contacts with potential donors and other regions. lian experts achieved all the project’s investors have been established. objectives. The main result was the A number of demonstration projects establishment of a regional agency for on recycling and waste separation Project Number: LIFE03 TCY/AL/000002 integrated waste management (IWM), techniques were realised in various which functioned throughout the pro- coastal towns and along beaches. Title: Regional agency for an integrated waste management ject and was officially approved by the Finally, the project raised public regional government in January 2006. awareness on waste issues at the Beneficiary: Region of Vlore Within the agency, a consultancy ser- local level through educational acti- Total Budget: e 434,000 (expected) vice in the field of waste management vities at schools, TV broadcasts and LIFE Contribution: e 270,000 has been set up to support new busi- a public campaign on waste separa- (expected) ness ideas for recycling activities. tion. An attractive website in Alba- Period: 01-Jan-2004 to 31-Dec-2005 nian, English and Italian contributes Contact: Vladimir Haxhi By training technicians, tourist ope- to the dissemination of the project’s Email: [email protected] rators and other regional actors in results.

Capacity building

Networks, administrative structures and institutional strengthening ECATs promoting sustainable development

In the early 1990s, Environmental Centres for Administration and Technology (ECATs) were set up as a new style of technical assistance and exchange that could supplement and promote existing international environmental co-operation.

The first centres were established in ities of the city and region agreed to 1993 in Riga and St. Petersburg as joint a partnership with their twin cities of co-operative projects with LIFE-TCY’s Aalborg (Denmark) and Bremerhaven support. The success of the experi- (Germany). Since its establishment, ence led to two TCY projects in 1995 ECAT-Kaliningrad has developed more to establish centres in Kaliningrad and than 28 projects. It was followed up Tirana. These ECATs, along with the in December 2001 by the creation of

LIFE94 TCY/ROS/0577 others that were set up, had to survive the municipal institution ECAT-Kalin- independently after the start-up period ingrad, which aims to implement the ECAT-Kaliningrad stand at the Euro- of typically three to four years, and most city’s common environmental policy in Environment Aalborg, September 1998 centres achieved a form of autonomy the sphere of environmental protection after LIFE funding had ended. and nature management. Currently, its The common feature of all ECATs staff consists of 18 people. was a staff comprised of an equal ECAT-Riga was the result of the joint number of Western and Eastern efforts of the Senate for Environmental ECAT-Tirana came into being when European experts working in a team. Protection of the city of Bremen (Ger- the Albanian Environmental Agency ECATs focussed on the development many) and the Ministry of Environmen- became the partner of the German of human resources, the direct trans- tal Protection and Regional Develop- State of Thuringen, the Centre for fer of environmental know-how and ment of Latvia. Officially closed in June International Migration and the City the promotion of administrative and 1996, the project was succeeded by Administration of Terni (Italy). In 1997 technological methods for protect- the Latvian Environmental Consulting it was registered as an independent ing the environment. Additional tasks and Monitoring Centre (ECMC), which non-profit organisation. Since August included policy advice, clearing-house in 2000 became part of the Latvian 2003, the centre has served as an functions and the definition, prepara- Environmental Geological and Mete- advisory and consultative body for tion and implementation of projects. orological Agency. the Albanian Ministry of the Environ- The individual centres adjusted ment, mostly through the implemen- their specific activities according to The setting up of ECAT-St. Petersburg tation of projects. For example, ECAT respective local needs and environ- became possible through the co-opera- has acted as the beneficiary in seven mental priorities. tion of the Senate for Environmental LIFE-TCY projects and a partner in Protection of the city of Hamburg (Ger- five. (A recent example is an ongoing The ECATs have proved to be cost- many) and the Department for Environ- project aimed to raise awareness of effective and efficient tools for sup- mental Protection of the Mayoralty of traffic-related pollution issues and to porting sustainable development at St. Petersburg. In 1995, the ECAT itself stop air pollution becoming a serious a local level. Their conceptual design implemented a LIFE project developing threat to human health in Tirana). In enabled them to achieve strong and implementing a clinical waste man- Albania, no other agency can cur- co-operational links with cities and agement plan in St Petersburg. rently play a similar role or mobilise administrations from the EU, and similar expertise. have allowed for an efficient transfer ECAT-Kaliningrad became opera- of know-how. They largely contrib- tional when the environmental author-  For example: LIFE06 TCY/ROS/000269 uted to the improvement of the com-  LIFE94 TCY/D/0981. www.ecat-tirana.org.  LIFE04 TCY/AL/000018 mon environment by identifying and 1 LIFE92 TCY/D/018  http://www.vidm.gov.lv/eng/par_ implementing projects with a particu- ministriju/padotas_institucijas/?info=3 lar emphasis on awareness raising  LIFE92 TCY/D/022 For more project information, and public participation.  LIFE95 TCY/ROS/0871 please see project list at page 54.  LIFE94 TCY/ROS/0577 LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 47

Networks, administrative structures and institutional strengthening Environmental capacity building in the Lebanon

For several years LIFE-TCY projects have been helping to raise environmental awareness in the Lebanon, encouraging better environmental policies and building up the country’s capacity to tackle ecological problems.

Years of civil conflict and government ance in Environmental Tasks, devel- sive services and advice on cleaner pro- instability have produced serious envi- oped the Lebanese Environment and duction, the Lebanon Cleaner Produc- ronmental damage in the Lebanon. To Development Observatory (LEDO). The tion Centre (LCPC). achieve environmental improvement, observatory has improved understand- substantial changes in the implementa- ing of environmental development and The project laid the foundations of the tion of basic governmental policies were the economic cost of environmental LCPC to achieve four main results: necessary. Many of the Lebanese LIFE- degradation. It also provided the nec- 1. Establish an operational team to pro- TCY projects therefore strengthen the essary data for analysis and decision- mote cleaner production; Ministry of the Environment (MoE) that making on environmental projects and 2. Increase awareness of cleaner produc- was established in 1994. The ministry strengthened the MoE’s capacity for tion; works with other agencies to co-ordinate co-ordinating activities and introducing 3. Conduct several in-plant demonstra- and implement environmental measures. coherent environmental policies. tions on the applicability of the cleaner It is a small ministry, with fewer than 50 production approach; and employees, but over the years, and also Through LEDO, the project has been 4. Train a group of national experts in with the support of the LIFE-TCY pro- able to help the MoE to identify areas the developiment and application of gramme, it has acquired the structures, where more research is needed and to cleaner production in industry. the management capabilities and the develop several environment-develop- specific knowledge necessary to fulfil ment indicators for monitoring environ- LEDO and LCPC can be seen as aspects its remit. It may be perceived as the final mental issues. It also set up an informa- of a broad initiative to bolster the infra- outcome of 13 years of fruitful support tion system for managing environmental structure of the country. Parallel to these, by subsequent LIFE projects that the data and created a monitoring network another TCY project3 helped to develop MoE in the Lebanon has now developed made up of organisations engaged in a permanent Environmental Awareness an internal quality management system gathering environmental information of Unit at the MoE, aiming to increase co- and is ready to be certified according to all kinds in the Lebanon. operation with NGOs. One of the key the ISO 9001 standard1. aspects of the project was the updat- Another successful LIFE-TCY project in ing of the list of NGOs which has been One particular LIFE-TCY project, Tech- the Lebanon2 focussed on establishing published on the MoE website. It also nical Assistance to Reinforce Govern- an institution that will offer comprehen- provided a fact sheet on the fields of expertise of the NGOs; a training course

Project number LIFE-TCY projects contributing to institutional for 24 NGOs covering project planning, strengthening and capacity building for MoE in the Lebanon management and fund raising; the pub- LIFE93 TCY/INT/6054 METAP preparation of environmental strategy lication of a guidance manual for NGOs LIFE95 TCY/INT/1207 METAP capacity building for line ministries (Lebanon) on the requirements and procedures for LIFE98 TCY/RL/102 Strengthening the permitting and auditing system for industries establishing and running NGOs, and LIFE98 TCY/RL/136 Lebanese environment and development observatory guidelines for administrative and financial management. LIFE00 TCY/INT/021 Strategic environmental assessment and land use planning in Lebanon

LIFE00 TCY/INT/065 An enhancement of the permanent environmental awareness unit 1 An achievement to which the project at the MoE in the Lebanon LIFE02 TCY/INT/034 contributed. LIFE00 TCY/RL/020 Establishment of the Lebanon cleaner production centre 2 LIFE00 TCY/RL/020 3 LIFE00 TCY/INT/065 LIFE02 TCY/INT/034 Technical assistance to reinforce governance in environmental tasks LIFE02 TCY/RL/032 Strengthening the environmental legislation development and application system in Lebanon For more project information, LIFE03 TCY/RL/000044 Stable institutional structure for protected areas management please see project list at page 54.

Capacity building

Helping countries in the accession process Implementation of nature conservation legislation in Estonia

As the first LIFE-TCY project focussed on helping a country to prepare its accession process, one Estonian project contributed to the implementation of legislation on biodiversity conservation and environmental auditing in the country.

into account the respective EU direc- The implementation of environmental tives as well as other relevant interna- auditing at a higher scale aimed to tional legal instruments. contribute to the sustainable man- agement of environmental resources, Activities included four training control environmental pollution and courses for nature conservation offi- damage, reduce risks in industrial cials and experts (that attracted on production, change production pat- average around 50 participants) and terns to lessen their environmen- presentations on implementing legis- tal impact and meet environmental lation that formed part of eight study requirements. visits by Estonian environmental officials to EU Member States. Pilot According to the Estonian Ministry management plans were developed of Environment’s report “Estonian for two very different protected areas National Biodiversity Strategy and (the Oisu Landscape Reserve and the Action Plan”, this LIFE project was an Conserving Estonia’s flora and fauna Alam-Pedja Nature Reserve), and a important step towards safeguarding system to develop these management national biological resources and was plans for protected areas in Estonia one of the most valuable initiatives for Improving biodiversity conservation was also initiated. Finally, core struc- training officials and specialists – an and environmental auditing were tures were developed for a specific essential aspect of biological diversity necessary for Estonia to comply with nature conservation GIS (geographi- protection. its accession obligations and for the cal information system) to be used by implementation of Estonia’s Act on managers of protected areas. Sustainable Development. These ini- tiatives would also enable it to meet Implementing environmental the requirements of the Convention auditing  http://www.envir.ee/orb.aw/class=file/ action=preview/id=1995/Estonian+ on Biological Diversity and relevant National+Biodiversity+Strategy+and+ EU legislation. The second sub-project focussed on Action+Plan.pdf introducing internationally recognised The project, which began in 1995, environmental auditing procedures to Project Number: was divided into two sub-projects that officials and potential auditing clients. LIFE95 TCY/EE/0889 were implemented simultaneously. The first groups of 35 auditors in Title: Implementation of the conven- The Biological Diversity and Habitats Estonia received training before being tion on biological diversity and the sub-project aimed to familiarise Esto- certified capable of conducting audits act on sustainable development in nian officials and those in neighbour- and running environmental auditing Estonia ing countries with the contents of the training in the country. The Estonian Beneficiary: Ministry of the EU Habitats and Birds conservation Environmental Auditors Chamber was Environment Republic of Estonia Directives, the principles of the Natura also established, taking responsibil- Total Budget: e 345,000 2000 network and their implementa- ity for the procedure of auditor cer- LIFE Contribution: e 340,000 tion requirements. Project activities tification in Estonia. A compilation of Period: were based on the Estonian Act of auditing guidelines for audit clients 01-Jan-1996 to 31-Aug-1998 Sustainable Development (Febru- was produced and training audits Contact: Jaak Tambets ary 1995) and the Act on Protected were carried out in co-operation with Email: [email protected] Nature Objects (June 1994), taking foreign experts at 36 enterprises. LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 49

Helping countries in the accession process Transposing the Seveso-Directive into Turkish law

This Turkish LIFE-TCY project aimed to complete the transposition of the Seveso-Directive into Turkish legislation, thereby improving control over major accident hazards.

In 2002, a MEDA report entitled “Envi- E-government prototype ronmental Legislation for Turkey” identi- fied a substantial difference between EC To prepare the ground for the regu- and Turkish legislation on the preven- lation’s introduction, a Directive Spe- tion of major accident hazards involv- cific Implementation Plan (DSIP) was ing dangerous substances covered in issued, taking into consideration the the EU by the Seveso II Directive. The main requirements of the Seveso- Turkish state plan neither covered all Directive. The project also developed the requirements of the Seveso-Direc- prototype e-government software tive, nor was it legally binding. As a that informs industries and the public result, it was recommended that Turkey about developments, enables online draw up new regulation that meets all registration and notification of enter- Presenting the e-government prototype the Seveso requirements. The drafting prises, and manages submitted data. – a tool that will help implement the of such a regulation was the aim of this This information system is an inno- Turkish Seveso regulation 2003 LIFE-TCY project implemented vative tool that facilitated industry’s by the Turkish Ministry of Environment contribution to the regulation’s imple- ronmental acquis. The final detailed and Forests. mentation, as well as its control and studies regarding the communiqués enforcement by the ministry. were nearing completion in early 2007. To transpose the Seveso-Directive To ensure the sustainability of the into Turkish law, the project prepared The project also focused on institu- project, the Ministry of Environment a regulation on the control of major tional capacity building in Turkey. In the and Forests employed five new staff industrial accidents hazards, which five major cities where most industrial members to support the relevant included a significant number of ele- accidents occur in Turkey, industries department. It is envisaged that short ments from other regulations. Guide- were given training on the directive and and long-term measures to minimise lines that clarify all the legal details for the use of the e-government portal. major accidents hazards will produce a the implementation of this new regu- positive effect on decreasing pollution lation were established in the form of While the outcomes of the DSIP formed levels and increasing public safety. four main communiqués. the basis for environmental strategy, the e-government prototype was a suitable tool for implementing the Turk-  The Euro - Mediterranean Partnership. Project Number: http://ec.europa.eu/comm/external_ ish Seveso regulation. At the end of the LIFE03 TCY/TR/000064 relations/euromed/meda.htm project, larger enterprises were obliged  Council Directive 96/82/EC, Directive on Title: Approximation of Seveso-II to prepare a safety report containing the control of major industrial accidents Directive in Turkey involving dangerous substances at least the information in Annex II of Beneficiary: Republic of Turkey, Seveso-Directive. The enterprises also Ministry of Environment and Forests needed to prepare internal emergency Total Budget: e 410,000 (expected) action plans and provide the respon- LIFE Contribution: e 276,000 sible authority with the information (expected) required for the preparation of external Period: emergency action plans. 02-Jan-2004 to 01-Jan-2006

The Turkish regulation is expected to Website: http://seveso.cevreorman.gov.tr enter into force in 2007. It represents an important step forward towards Contact: Musa Demirbaș the implementation of the EU envi- Email: [email protected]

Capacity building

Helping countries in the accession process Managing pig waste in Cyprus

The lack of pig waste management plans has posed a serious pollution problem in Cyprus, but a LIFE-TCY project aimed to meet this need and bring this issue in line with EU directives.

Pig waste is a source of serious annoy- Responding to suggestions by the ance and environmental pollution in competent Ministry of Agriculture, Cyprus. Areas with high concentra- Natural Resources and Environment tions of pig farms suffer from odour (MANRE), the project recommended

problems, deterioration of the quality best available techniques (BAT). K. Raftopoulou Credit: of surface and ground water and soil, These practices take into account and restrictions on the use of land. the following factors: the size of the pig farm, land cover by the unit A LIFE-TCY project was implemented (especially regarding smaller scale to tackle the lack of proper handling pig farms, which may not have suf- of pig waste and, in particular, the dis- ficient space for evaporation facili- posal of wastewater. Its main objec- ties), the pig farm’s location (e.g. its tives were to: proximity to inhabited areas), and the • Promote instruments and tools for possible collaboration of several pig environmental protection and pollu- farms. Taking local environmental tion prevention due to pig farm waste and social conditions into considera- Apparatus of the two pilot BATs that in Cyprus; tion, an optimal solution was sought were tested • Promote sustainability of pig farming for each of the three main problems in the national policy of Cyprus; concerning pig waste: nitrogen con- representing the two areas with the • Identify pig farm waste management tent, odour and salinity. greatest number of pig farms. techniques suitable under local con- ditions; and Much work, however, remains to be Such co-operation, along with similar • Disseminate information and done to encourage pig farmers to initiatives to develop appropriate envi- train competent authorities in the adopt new techniques. Furthermore, ronmental policy and action plans in sustainable management of pig policy at the national level must take accordance with EU practice, helped farming wastes, in compliance with into account the general financial pave the way to Cyprus’s accession EU directives. weakness of the pig farmers, who to the EU. have been hit by a tripling in the price Through collaboration with Greek and of animal fodder and a decrease in Danish experts, the project was suc- pork meat prices following the coun- Project Number: cessful in meeting these objectives. try’s accession to the EU. LIFE03 TCY/CY/000021 Title: Guidelines to the Cyprus LIFE-TCY PIGWASTEMAN A final conference in 2006 publicis- Competent Authorities for Policy project team ing the results of the project included Formulation for Sustainable Manage- high-quality presentations by the ment of pig-farming wastes in beneficiary, partners and MANRE. A Compliance with EU Practice workshop for competent authorities Beneficiary: Agricultural Research and one for farmers were also held Institute at the end of 2006. Although attend- Total Budget: e 563,000 (expected) ance at the workshops was low, the LIFE Contribution: e 377,000 most important stakeholders were (expected) represented: MANRE, the municipal- Period: ity of Aradippou (one of the two areas 01-Jan-2004 to 31-Dec-2006 with the highest concentration of pig Website: www.ari.gov.cy farms), the provincial administration of Contact: Ioannis Papadopoulos Nicosia (responsible for the Kato Moni- Email: [email protected]

Credit: P. Nicolaides / R. Xanthou P. Credit: Orounta area), as well as pig farmers LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 51

Enhancing regional cooperation through international projects Preparing for oil spills in the Mediterranean

Two LIFE-TCY projects have introduced measures for tackling oil spills in the Mediterranean. The benefits of these initiatives were demonstrated a couple of years ago when two oil tankers collided off the coast of Egypt.

Officials initially feared that wind would pollution. The national plan, which drive the oil slick towards Port Said was supported by three area contin- at the entrance to the Suez Canal. gency plans and two contingency However, at the request of the Egyp- plans for the main Syrian oil termi- tian authorities, REMPEC immediately nals, included a risk assessment, transmitted a report of the incident to an identification of required equip- the authorities in Israel and Cyprus. ment, allocation of responsibilities in the case of an oil pollution inci- Developing expertise in the dent, and sensitivity maps covering Mediterranean region the whole Syrian coastline. Another result of the project was the drafting Through REMPEC, the International of a proposal for the establishment Maritime Organisation (IMO) has been of a national oil pollution response developing expertise in the Medi- centre. terranean region with the help of the contingency plan project and other Five training courses were organised

LIFE96 TCY/INT/08 LIFE-TCY projects. One successful for all the officials in the Syrian autho- Clean-up operation training project concerned the development rities that would be called into action of a national system for preparedness in the event of an oil pollution inci- and response to accidental marine dent. The project also organised an The environmental impact of the resul- pollution in the Syrian Arab Republic, exercise involving a simulated spill, ting spillage of over 1,000 tonnes of an oil producing and exporting country the deployment of response equip- crude oil was considerably reduced that is situated on the eastern shore of ment and an off-shore clean-up ope- thanks to the LIFE-TCY project “Deve- the Mediterranean. ration (SYREX 2003), and finalised a lopment of oil spill response capa- proposal for a training programme bilities of Cyprus, Egypt and Israel” Several oil refineries, heavy industries that identifies the remaining training realised by the Malta-based Regional and power plants using heavy fuel needs of the Syrian authorities. Marine Pollution Emergency Response oil are also located along the 180km

Centre (REMPEC). The centre, which, shore. In addition, the Syrian coast is Preparations on board for deployment with the help of LIFE funding, had sup- near major tanker routes starting in the of response equipment ported the three countries involved in Gulf of Iskenderun in Turkey. Syrian implementing the developed contin- territorial waters and the Syrian coast- gency plan for the south-eastern Medi- line are therefore exposed to a serious terranean, was able to respond swiftly risk of oil pollution, both from maritime

to the accident on 4 February 2005, traffic-related sources and from land- LIFE96 TCY/INT/08 involving the Marshall Islands-regis- based facilities. tered GenMar Kestrel and the Singa- pore-flagged Trijata. The LIFE-TCY project helped draw up a national contingency plan, including a fund to provide oil pol-  LIFE96 TCY/INT/08 lution equipment, and foreseeing compensation claims in the case of For more project information, please see project list at page 54.  LIFE99 TCY/INT/017

Capacity building

Enhancing regional cooperation through international projects Conserving Mediterranean wetlands and their habitats

Once a rich source of biodiversity, wetlands in the Mediterranean basin have suffered a great deal of damage over the course of the last century. Regional co-operation can contribute to reversing the process of degradation. A long-term initiative, MedWet, implemented a LIFE-TCY project to establish a regional programme for the sustainable use of wetland.

In 1994, the EC supported initiative along the western Paleartic flyway MedWet implemented a LIFE-TCY (Europe, Middle East, and Africa). project to establish a regional pro- gramme for the sustainable use of The management of bird hunting in the wetlands . The proposed project aimed Mediterranean third countries, how- to test and apply the tools for conser- ever, is a more complex issue, char- vation and the responsible use of the acterised by poor legal regulation in Mediterranean that were developed by some countries and the need for more a previous MedWet wetlands project in effective law enforcement, combined five non-EU countries (Albania, Alge- with a lack of resources and capacity ria, Croatia, Morocco and Tunisia). among governmental and non-gov- LIFE94 TCY/INT/0988 National reports for each of the states ernmental organisations, poor aware- Agricultural reclamation in the Neretva were drafted to establish the basis for ness of the impact of hunting, and the Delta, Croatia an integrated implementation of these lack of regional agreement on action tools and methods. Awareness of to better protect migratory birds. ent stakeholders, and is working on the issues surrounding wetlands was strengthening compliance with inter- raised among decision-makers and Addressing some of these issues, the national agreements and the phasing the results of the national reports were LIFE-TCY project focusses on Tunisia, out of lead shot as well as producing a shared with stakeholders at seminars. which has around 12,000 registered regional action plan and disseminating Undertaking capacity-building ini- hunters, and the Lebanon, which had project results. tiatives in the five countries, the LIFE around 14,000 in the last registration project was an important step towards in 1994. In both countries, government The Spanish Society of Ornithology, a encouraging policies and practices capacity to effectively enforce hunting partner of BirdLife international, also that safeguard biodiversity. Moreover, legislation and design and implement implemented a LIFE-TCY project to the project strengthened much-needed sustainable hunting models is insuffi- set up a centre in Morocco for wetland co-operation within the wetland con- cient. However, the project also has a conservation in close co-operation with servation network. strong regional component and works the government departments of water with six other countries in the region and forests. The project also reinforced Wetlands habitats (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, the the management and co-ordination of West Bank and Gaza and Syria) to the Moroccan forestry administration, The Mediterranean wetlands have also develop a more coordinated approach fostering the sustainable use of natural been targeted by initiatives that focus to the management of hunting. resources in wetlands and promoting on the species that they accommo- the participation of local populations. date. BirdLife International, a global The project aims to review informa- Other initiatives included the encour- partnership of conservation organisa- tion on the hunting of migratory birds, agement of eco-tourism, the promo- tions, initiated a LIFE-TCY project in to produce regional guidelines for the tion of environmental education and 2004 to improve the conservation sta- sustainable hunting of migratory birds the raising of public-awareness. tus of migratory birds in key countries and a code of best practice for hunters, to promote sustainable hunting behav-  LIFE02 TCY/INT/069 iour, to improve public awareness, to  LIFE94 TCY/INT/0988 develop improvements for enforcing  LIFE04 TCY/INT/000054: http://www.bir- For more project information, dlife.org/action/change/sustainable_hun- hunting legislation, to resolve conflicts ting/index.html and build partnerships between differ- please see project list at page 54. LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 53

Enhancing regional cooperation through international projects Capacity building to manage the Sava river basin

Several LIFE-TCY projects have helped improve infrastructure in Croatia for the management of river basins. Projects have implemented management plans for the Posavina part of the Sava river basin, and protected the unique landscape and biodiversity of other regions along the river.

The middle stretch of the Sava flows Expertise at the park was also boosted through Lonjsko Polje Nature Park through seminars and study tours on (Posavina), which covers 506km2 of ecology, communication, interpreta- floodplain. A public service was set tion (guiding) and monitoring, which up in 1998 to protect the site’s seven resulted in the publication of a hand- LIFE00 TCY/CRO/076 habitats and 89 species in accord- book for rangers and interpreters. ance with the Habitat Directive. While Although improving wider participa- the World Conservation Union (IUCN) tion in these initiatives was difficult, the has showcased the site as a best project was successful in establishing, practice of conservation planning in for the first time in a Croatian protected rural areas, the management capaci- area, a stakeholder committee and gen- ties of the park were not sufficient erating co-operation among a range of to meet its goals. Capacity building, actors including the public institutions Conservation of biodiversity and the uni- training and the wider participation of Croatian Waters and Croatian Forests, que landscape along the Sava River was the aim of several LIFE-TCY projects stakeholders were needed to further nature conservation and environmen- implement international and national tal protection inspectors, the police, policies in the nature park. building services, livestock breeders logical network of core areas, buffer and regional politicians. zones and corridors; Boosted capacity • Identify floodplain areas capable of In order to raise awareness among the storing floodwater; Consequently, a LIFE-TCY project public, the project produced a video, • Build capacities for implementing was launched in 2000 by the Lonjsko an interactive CD-ROM and several the Birds and Habitats Directives; Polje nature park public service to bilingual bulletins, and also received • Introduce land-use practices that develop and improve its Ramsar favourable media coverage. In 2006, support the protection of landscape ‘Wise-Use’ approach by building its the beneficiary began a follow-up LIFE and biodiversity; own management capacity and rais- project to build on its results and to fur- • Support the development of rural ing the awareness of other stake- ther the development of an integrated tourism; and holders. During the project period, management approach for the Central • Raise awareness of the need to pro- the Lonjsko Polje Nature Park’s per- Sava basin. Expected results of the tect and manage the unique land- manent staff increased from six to second project include a management scape and biodiversity along the Sava nine, and the institutional capacity of programme for Central Posavina. through cross-border co-operation. the park was strengthened through training and the upgrading of equip- In addition, the IUCN itself initiated a ment. The project also established LIFE-TCY project on the Sava river. This a basic network of visitor and infor- project, implemented in both Croatia mation centres throughout the park, and Bosnia-Herzegovina, seeks to: and delivered many lectures aimed • Identify, protect and manage flood- at local schools, students, farmers plains of importance for the landscape and experts. The number of park visi- and biodiversity by implementing the tors increased significantly during the Birds and Habitats Directives; LIFE00 TCY/CRO/076 project’s lifetime. • Design a coherent cross-border eco-

For more project information,  LIFE05 TCY/CRO/000111 please see project list at page 54.  LIFE00 TCY/CRO/076  LIFE06 TCY/INT/000246 Comprehensive list of LIFE-TCY projects

The table below presents all LIFE-TCY projects funded since 1992. For further information on individual projects, visit the online LIFE database at: http://ec.europa.eu/life.

Project Number Title

Albania* LIFE06 TCY/AL/000202 Capacity building for sustainable tourism development LIFE04 TCY/AL/000018 Sustainable Traffic Development in Tirana LIFE03 TCY/AL/000002 Regional Agency for an integrated waste management LIFE03 TCY/AL/000004 Capacity Building on conservation of Albanian wetland ecosystems (ALWET) LIFE00 TCY/AL/090 Sustainable Traffic Development in Tirana, Albania LIFE98 TCY/AL/154 Development of healthcare waste management plan for Tirana, Albania LIFE96 TCY/AL/02 Organisation of the urban waste management in 6 main Albanian municipalities: a model applicable to towns of other developing countries LIFE95 TCY/AL/0927 General Plan of hydrical sources and water restoration of the territory of the Republic of Albania (**Project selected but not implemented**) Algeria* LIFE03 TCY/DZ/000007 Mise en place d’une structure consultative et opérationnelle pour la définition des standards et des protocoles de sécurité et d’hygiène pour la prise en charge de la problématique amiante en Algérie et des risques génères LIFE00 TCY/DZ/015 Creation of a centre for information, awareness, training and dissemination of an environmental culture and policy LIFE99 TCY/DZ/136 Réhabilitation, valorisation, dévelopment of Zemmouri ecosystem, including the coastal zone Bosnia and Herzegovina LIFE05 TCY/BIH/000102 Capacity Building in Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control in Bosnia and Herzegovina LIFE02 TCY/BIH/006 Establishment and Institutional Strengthening of Bosnia and Herzegovina Water Works Association (BHWWA)

LIFE02 TCY/BIH/009 Setting up and Operational Unit under the Environmental Steering Committee

LIFE00 TCY/BIH/041 LICENSE: Local Institutional Capacity Development in Environmental Sensitive Areas LIFE00 TCY/BIH/042 INFRA RED: INstitutional FRAmework for Regional Environmental Development LIFE00 TCY/BIH/043 Capacity Building on Cleaner Production in Bosnia and Herzegovina LIFE00 TCY/BIH/044 Strengthening of Diffuse Source Pollution Control in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina LIFE99 TCY/BIH/035 Development of a new management policy for the Hutovo Blato wetlands, Bosnia-Herzegovina LIFE98 TCY/BIH/052 Institutional strengthening of MAP Office for Bosnia and Herzegovina LIFE98 TCY/BIH/165 Sustainable rehabilitation of urban environmental systems Croatia

LIFE05 TCY/CRO/000105 Development of the Croatian soil monitoring programme with a pilot project LIFE05 TCY/CRO/000108 Strengthening of public-private partnership in order to improve wastewater management in Croatia LIFE05 TCY/CRO/000111 Central Posavina - Wading toward Integrated Basin Management LIFE05 TCY/CRO/000114 Development of sustainable construction and demolition waste management system for Croatia LIFE04 TCY/CRO/000028 Guidelines Development for starting implementation of Waste Management Plan in the Republic of Croatia LIFE04 TCY/CRO/000029 Capacity building for Implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol in the Republic of Croatia LIFE04 TCY/CRO/000030 Establishing institutional capacities for protection of river Mura landscape LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 55

Project Number Title

LIFE03 TCY/CRO/000014 New pet collecting and recycling scheme in Croatia LIFE02 TCY/CRO/012 Building-up the national ecological network as a part of the Pan-European Ecological network & the Natura 2000 network LIFE02 TCY/CRO/014 Conservation and management of Wolves in Croatia LIFE02 TCY/CRO/015 CORINE Land Cover Database for Croatia LIFE00 TCY/CRO/076 Towards wise use in Lonjsko Polje Nature Park, Croatia LIFE00 TCY/CRO/084 Sustainable development of Croatian capacity in CHP (combined heat and power) sector LIFE00 TCY/CRO/086 Reconstruction of national emission inventory system and enforcement of its implementation LIFE95 TCY/CRO/0973 Establishment of the Long-Term Environmental Policy Plan and Priority Actions (**Project selected but not implemented**) Cyprus LIFE03 TCY/CY/000018 Development of best management systems for high priority waste streams in Cyprus LIFE03 TCY/CY/000019 Capacity building for enabling the incorporation of urban sustainability parameters in Spatial Urban development and planning policy and practices through the use of indicators in Cyprus LIFE03 TCY/CY/000021 Guidelines to the Cyprus Competent Authorities for Policy Formulation for Sustainable Management of pig-farming wastes in Compliance with EU Practice LIFE02 TCY/CY/018 Preparation of the Cyprus competent Authorities for the design and Implementation of a noise policy in Cyprus LIFE02 TCY/CY/019 Development and Implementation of an Integrated System for the Control and Monitoring of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants in Cyprus LIFE00 TCY/CY/051 Legislation and policy options for reduction of traffic emission in Cyprus LIFE99 TCY/CY/041 Household Recycling Partnership LIFE99 TCY/CY/102 Introduction and pilot application of Emas in Cyprus (European Council Regulation 1836/93) LIFE99 TCY/CY/111 The River Valleys Project, Cyprus LIFE98 TCY/CY/167 Integrated control of industrial pollution and chemical substances in Cyprus LIFE98 TCY/CY/172 Special areas of conservation (Directive 92/43/EEC) in Cyprus LIFE97 TCY/CY/077 Cycle networks in Cyprus towns LIFE96 TCY/CY/47 Medact, the Aphrodite project LIFE95 TCY/CY/0868 Development of an Integrated Monitoring and Early Warning System to sustain the Quality and Multi- functionality of Surface Water LIFE94 TCY/CY/0970 Project: Green Awareness (An action programme to sensitise Cypriots to conservation and environ- mental protection) LIFE94 TCY/CY/0977 Mining waste management on Cyprus: Assessment, strategy development and implementation

LIFE92 TCY/CY/004 Laona project - a scheme to promote sustainable development among rural communities bordering the proposed Akamas National Park, Cyprus Estonia*

LIFE95 TCY/EE/0884 Baltic Municipal Environmental Audit LIFE95 TCY/EE/0889 Implementation of the convention on biological diversity and the Act on sustainable development in Estonia LIFE92 TCY/EE/020 Training of Estonian officials in environmental matters Egypt* LIFE06 TCY/ET/000226 Italian-Egyptian Capacity Building in the Integrated Water Supply and Sanitation LIFE06 TCY/ET/000232 Flash Floods in Egypt: protection and management LIFE04 TCY/ET/000043 Integrated Solid Waste Management for Al Fayoum and Etsa LIFE04 TCY/ET/000045 Demonstration of clean technologies in tanning processes Project Number Title

LIFE99 TCY/ET/072 Integrated industrial solid waste management in Egypt LIFE98 TCY/ET/152 Action plan for the site location and the development of design, operation and environmental impact assessment methods of solid waste sanitary landfills in Egypt governorates

Germany LIFE94 TCY/D/0981 Environmental Centre for Administration and Technology (ECAT) - TIRANA LIFE92 TCY/D/018 Environmental Centre for Administration and Technology (ECAT) in Riga LIFE92 TCY/D/022 Environmental Centre for Administration and Technology (ECAT) in St. Petersburg

Israel LIFE06 TCY/IL/000240 Protecting trans-boundary groundwater sources from pollution: research, training and guidelines for Israeli and Palestinian municipalities LIFE05 TCY/IL/000130 The Sources of the Jordan River, Humans and Nature LIFE05 TCY/IL/000131 Capacity Building for Creating Sustainable Communities in Israel according to Local Agenda 21 principles LIFE04 TCY/IL/000027 Southern Arava Sustainable Waste Management Plan LIFE03 TCY/IL/000035 Sakhnin Centre as a Model for Environment Education and International Cooperation on Advanced Wastewater Treatment (A-WWT) in Rural Areas LIFE99 TCY/IL/009 Conservation of Endangered Birds of Prey in Israel LIFE97 TCY/IL/038 Restoration and conservation in the re-flooded Hula wetland habitat in northern Israel

LIFE97 TCY/IL/044 Restoration of the rivers in Israel’s coastal plain LIFE97 TCY/IL/047 The Galicomp project: centralised treatment of organic waste LIFE97 TCY/IL/048 Municipal solid waste management: a demonstration project LIFE95 TCY/IL/0969 Development of multi-scheme urban refuse treatment methodology Jordan* LIFE05 TCY/HKJ/000132 Development of methods and tools for the establishment of good environmental performance in the tourist accommodation sector in Jordan - Implementation of pilot studies LIFE04 TCY/HKJ/000058 Integration of economic instruments and voluntary agreements in the environmental policies of Jordan and Syria LIFE02 TCY/HKJ/026 Hazardous Material in Jordan, Environmental and Legislative Dimensions LIFE00 TCY/HKJ/049 Creation of the Natural Touristical Park of Jerash Province, Jordan LIFE98 TCY/HKJ/110 Environmental law enforcement in Jordan

Latvia LIFE94 TCY/LV/0579 Rare and endangered species of plants and animals (Red Data Book of Latvia) Lebanon* LIFE05 TCY/RL/000138 Infectious Medical Waste management national network in Lebanon LIFE04 TCY/RL/000040 Alleviating Barriers to Quarries Rehabilitation in Lebanon LIFE03 TCY/RL/000044 Stable institutional structure for protected areas management LIFE02 TCY/RL/032 Strengthening the Environmental Legislation Development and Application System in Lebanon LIFE00 TCY/RL/020 Establishment of the Lebanon cleaner production centre LIFE00 TCY/RL/022 Towards a sustainable mechanism for forest fire fighting in Lebanon LIFE98 TCY/RL/102 Strengthening the permitting and auditing system for industries LIFE98 TCY/RL/136 Lebanese environment and development observatory (LEDO) Lithuania LIFE95 TCY/LT/0875 Implementation of Cleaner Production (CP) Projects in Lithuanian Textile Industry LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 57

Project Number Title

Malta LIFE03 TCY/MT/000047 Setting up the first coastal nature reserve in Malta LIFE00 TCY/M/036 MALSIS, a soil information system for the Maltese Islands LIFE99 TCY/M/034 Pilot air quality monitoring project for Malta LIFE99 TCY/M/095 Integrated management of specially protected coastal areas in Malta LIFE97 TCY/M/071 Introduction in Malta of systems compatible with EEC Regulation 1836/93 LIFE96 TCY/M/06 Evaluation of pollution risk and prevention measures in Malta LIFE94 TCY/M/0983 Maritime environmental risk management system (Malta) LIFE93 TCY/M/6040 Financial support to the Government of Malta for an Eco-Audit and preparation of an environmental action plan Morocco* LIFE06 TCY/MA/000254 Management and Valorisation of Solid Domestic Waste for the Small Urban Communities inn Morocco LIFE06 TCY/MA/000256 Wastewater treatment and reuse for irrigation: demonstration, management and administrative capacity building for sustainable water use and environmental protection LIFE05 TCY/MA/000141 Design and Application of an Innovative Composting Unit for the Effective Treatment of Sludge and other Biodegradable Organic Waste in Morocco LIFE04 TCY/MA/000065 Development of a pilot model of eco-efficient industrial estate adopted to the Morocco situation through the establishment of an internal expert team for the technical assistance to companies in introducing waste water treatment and reuse

LIFE04 TCY/MA/000070 Marrakech Environmental Management Audit Scheme LIFE03 TCY/MA/000050 Système de gestion d’information scientifique dans la région de Sahel-Doukkala, Maroc LIFE02 TCY/MA/029 Protection of biodiversity and water resources in the Moulouya River Basin (MRB) LIFE99 TCY/MA/084 Creation of an environmental Centre for the towns of Meknes and Fes LIFE99 TCY/MA/091 Establishment of an experimental centre for domestic waste sorting in Rabat LIFE98 TCY/MA/088 Environment: assistance in management of risk LIFE97 TCY/MA/035 Environment: Legal and institutional technical assistance project LIFE96 TCY/MA/24 Evaluation of pollution risks and prevention measures in Chefchaoun and Tetouan (Morocco) LIFE94 TCY/MA/0955 Training in the management of pollution from hydrocarbons and similar pollutants LIFE93 TCY/MA/6061 National guidelines for dicontamination of liquids Poland* LIFE93 TCY/PL/6026 Lower Oder Valley Nature Park Russia (Kaliningrad and St. Petersburg regions) LIFE06 TCY/ROS/000267 Integrating Geological Information inn City Management to Prevent Environmental Risks LIFE06 TCY/ROS/000269 Kaliningrad Air Pollution induced by traffic: modelling system design, installation and validation LIFE05 TCY/ROS/000143 Promotion of Integrated environmental and safety management practices for industry in Kaliningrad LIFE04 TCY/ROS/000049 Narva Groundwater Management Plan LIFE04 TCY/ROS/000050 Bringing Regional Protected Areas of the Leningrad region (Russian Federation) into European Context LIFE04 TCY/ROS/000051 Information and Communication Technologies to Strengthen Sustainable City Management LIFE03 TCY/ROS/000068 Building environmental capacity in municipal enterprises through EMAS implementation (MEEMAS) LIFE02 TCY/ROS/039 Development of the Environmental Action Plan for Municipal Solid Waste Management in St. Petersburg LIFE00 TCY/ROS/066 Capacity building of Kaliningrad City Hall in the environmental performance LIFE00 TCY/ROS/071 Development and Strengthening of the Regional Co-ordination Council’s activity of the Implementation of Helcom decision in the Russian Baltic Sea Region LIFE99 TCY/ROS/018 Comprehensive Action Programme Elaboration for the Conservation of Biodiversity: CAPE Biodiversity Project Number Title

LIFE99 TCY/ROS/022 Systems for establishing effluent limits based on best available technology in accordance with Helcom recommendations as a basis for improved environmental conditions LIFE99 TCY/ROS/024 LenFauna, for the conservation of wild fauna and natural habitats in the Leningrad Region LIFE99 TCY/ROS/047 Strengthening of Eco-Auditing Structure in Saint Petersburg LIFE98 TCY/ROS/029 S.O.S. Forests: Survey and Observation System for Forests LIFE98 TCY/ROS/095 Prevention of Baltic Sea pollution by dumps leachate in St Petersburg (Russia) LIFE97 TCY/ROS/032 Life forecast (FORests’ ECological ASsessment Tool) LIFE97 TCY/ROS/054 Sustainable traffic development in Kaliningrad City, Russia LIFE97 TCY/ROS/093 Coastal conservation and local agenda 21, a pilot project for Russia LIFE96 TCY/ROS/07 Ecotourism and nature protection in the Kaliningrad Region LIFE96 TCY/ROS/56 Reducing Baltic Sea heavy metal pollution in Saint Petersburg LIFE95 TCY/ROS/0871 Development of a clinical waste management plan and first implementation including setting up of a pilot treatment facility in St Petersburg LIFE94 TCY/ROS/0577 Environmental Centre for Administration and Technology (ECAT) in Kaliningrad LIFE94 TCY/ROS/1640 Preventing accidental oil spills and development of oil pollution abatement services in St Petersburg Slovenia LIFE94 TCY/SLO/0979 Establishment of Notranjski Park and Unesco Mab Reserve Notranjski Kras LIFE93 TCY/SLO/6046 Financial support to the Republic of Slovenia for technical assistance in drafting environmental regula- tion for solid waste management Syria* LIFE06 TCY/SYR/000271 Building Sustainable Municipal Waste Management in Syria LIFE04 TCY/SYR/000023 Promotion of concerted sustainable local development planning in Syria LIFE00 TCY/SYR/072 Environmental management systems in the Syrian enterprises LIFE97 TCY/SYR/006 Integrated medical waste management plan in Syria LIFE96 TCY/SYR/37 Environmental audit and pollution prevention and control of the Syrian textile industry Tunisia LIFE06 TCY/TN/000275 Network for water quality monitoring LIFE05 TCY/TN/000150 Capacity building for an early assessment system of drought in three countries of the south shore of the Mediterranean sea: Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia LIFE04 TCY/TN/000063 Demonstration of wastewater treatment in Tunisian tanneries LIFE03 TCY/TN/000051 Instauration d’un ecolabel tunisien LIFE02 TCY/TN/043 Institutional support to the Tunisian Ministry of Environment and land use in the field of environmental education LIFE00 TCY/TN/016 ISO EMA SME 2000: Pilot programme to implement EMAS and ISO 14001 in a group of Tunisian SMEs LIFE00 TCY/TN/018 Implementation of pilot systems to monitor the desertification in two countries of the southern coast of the Mediterranean : Tunisia and Morocco LIFE98 TCY/TN/127 An Agenda 21 for the basin slope of north-west Tunisia LIFE97 TCY/TN/055 Conservation and rehabilitation of fragile insular ecosystems LIFE95 TCY/TN/0928 Technical assistance project for setting-up a Decision Aid System for natural resources and environ- mental management in Tunisia (SAIDE projet) Turkey LIFE06 TCY/TR/000282 Sustainable Management of Istanbul Local E-waste LIFE06 TCY/TR/000283 Development of a GIS based decision support system for urban air quality management in the city of Istanbul LIFE06 TCY/TR/000284 Preservation of Thermal Water Resources and Sustainable Exploitation for Therapeutic Tourism LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 59

Project Number Title

LIFE06 TCY/TR/000292 Improvement of Industrial Hazardous Waste Management in Turkey LIFE05 TCY/TR/000164 Promoting Climate Change Policies in Turkey LIFE04 TCY/TR/000004 Establishment of an Information System for Turkish SMEs on EU Environmental Approximation

LIFE04 TCY/TR/000012 Supporting Education for Sustainable Development in Turkey - Turkish Green Pack LIFE03 TCY/TR/000061 Exploitation of Agricultural Residues in Turkey LIFE03 TCY/TR/000064 Approximation of Seveso-II Directive in Turkey LIFE02 TCY/TR/061 Preserving the Marine Environment of Oludeniz Lagoon LIFE00 TCY/TR/009 Odorous emissions and immissions management policy in Turkey LIFE00 TCY/TR/010 Strengthening environmental control in Turkey, reinforcing the National Reference Laboratory of Gölbasi LIFE00 TCY/TR/011 Capacity building for solid waste management in Turkey LIFE00 TCY/TR/054 Integrated Healthcare Waste Management in Istanbul LIFE99 TCY/TR/065 Ecosystem Conservation and Management for Threatened Plant Species LIFE99 TCY/TR/086 Establishing a sustainable network for Lake Management in Turkey LIFE99 TCY/TR/087 Cukurova Delta biosphere reserve: determination of biological diversity and initiation of a programme for sustainable development LIFE98 TCY/TR/011 Risk assessment of the ports of Mersin and Iskenderun, Turkey and associated capacity building for state of readiness and for response to marine pollution LIFE98 TCY/TR/013 Support for the environmental management of organised industrial zones in Turkey LIFE98 TCY/TR/016 Bodrum solid waste management project LIFE97 TCY/TR/015 Ecological risk analysis and management planning for Lake Manyas (Lake Bird) LIFE97 TCY/TR/016 Implementation of EMAS (Eco Management and Audit Scheme) in Turkey LIFE97 TCY/TR/037 Demirtas waste dump gas recovery project LIFE96 TCY/TR/21 Coastal Management and tourism in Turkey LIFE96 TCY/TR/38 Rehabilitation of open dump sites: towards sustainable land use LIFE95 TCY/TR/1166 Turkish Environment and Development Observatory - Preparatory Phase West Bank and Gaza LIFE05 TCY/GA/000115 Environmental action for the sustainability of natural resources through recycling of water and sludge from marble production LIFE05 TCY/GA/000121 Environmental Sustainability for a Better Life: An integrated approach for localizing Agenda 21 in the Bethlehem District LIFE02 TCY/GA/071 Strengthening of the Palestinian Environmental Action Programme (SPEAP) LIFE00 TCY/GA/089 Palestinian Integrated Rural Environmental Protection LIFE99 TCY/GA/014 Gaza Coastal and Marine Environmental Action Plan LIFE99 TCY/GA/141 Policy Guidelines for Wastewater Management in the Gaza Strip LIFE96 TCY/GA/59 Inventory of the soil resources of West Bank and Gaza Strip, Palestine

International LIFE06 TCY/INT/000246 Protection of Biodiversity of the Sava River Basin Floodplains (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia) LIFE06 TCY/INT/000250 Development of Strategies for Sustainable Tourism Investments in the Mediterranean Nations (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia) LIFE04 TCY/INT/000054 Building Capacity for Sustainable Hunting of Migratory Birds in Mediterranean Third Countries (Leba- non, Tunisia) LIFE03 TCY/INT/000031 Protection et Développement Durable des Zones Humides en Afrique du Nord (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia) LIFE02 TCY/INT/069 Wetlands Moroccan Centre LIFE02 TCY/INT/034 Technical Assistance to Reinforce Governance in Environmental Tasks (Lebanon) Project Number Title

LIFE00 TCY/INT/021 Strategic environmental assessment and land use planning in Lebanon (Lebanon) LIFE00 TCY/INT/063 DELTA Phase III: Environmental upgrading of enterprises in Maghreb and Mashrek countries (Algeria, The West Bank and Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey)

LIFE00 TCY/INT/065 An Enhancement of the Permanent Environmental Awareness Unit at the Ministry of Environment in the Lebanon (Lebanon) LIFE00 TCY/INT/069 Improving Coastal Land Degradation Monitoring in Lebanon and Syria (Lebanon, Syria) LIFE99 TCY/INT/017 Development of the national system for preparedness and response to accidental marine pollution in Syrian Arab Republic (Syria)

LIFE99 TCY/INT/019 Med-Delta 2000: Eco-efficiency within companies (Algeria, The West Bank and Gaza, Jordan, Morocco, Lebanon, Syria)

LIFE97 TCY/INT/051 Envimed II Medcities (Cyprus, Israel, Lebanon) LIFE96 TCY/INT/08 Development of oil spill response capabilities of Cyprus, Egypt and Israel (Cyprus, Egypt, Israel) LIFE96 TCY/INT/14 Indicators for sustainable development in the Mediterranean region (Albania, Croatia, Cyprus, Algeria, Egypt, The West Bank and Gaza, Jordan, Israel, Malta, Morocco, Lebanon, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey) LIFE96 TCY/INT/20 Integrated pollution control in Aleppo, training and consultancy package (Syria) LIFE95 TCY/INT/0848 Development of port state control capability in Southern/Eastern Mediterranean countries (Cyprus, Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Malta, Morocco, Lebanon, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey) LIFE95 TCY/INT/1204 METAP Protection of Coastal Lagoons and Wetlands in the Hammamet Gulf (Tunisia) LIFE95 TCY/INT/1207 METAP Capacity Building for Line Ministries (Lebanon) LIFE95 TCY/INT/1211 METAP National Environmental Action Plan (Jordan) LIFE94 TCY/INT/0962 ENVIMED (Medcities I) (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Malta, Morocco, Lebanon, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey) LIFE94 TCY/INT/0988 MEDWET: Conservation and wise use of wetlands in the Mediterranean Basin (Albania, Croatia, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia) LIFE94 TCY/INT/1692 NEAP/Environmental Policy Support (Algeria) LIFE94 TCY/INT/1694 Cost-Benefit Analysis of Environmental Action (Tunisia) LIFE94 TCY/INT/1695 Strengthening of Environmental Management Unit in Ismailia (Egypt) LIFE94 TCY/INT/1696 EIA Unit (Phase II) (Morocco) LIFE94 TCY/INT/1698 Establishment of Regional Environmental Management Units (Syria) LIFE93 TCY/INT/6027 Development of management plans for coastal lagoons and wetlands in the Baltic Sea region (Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Lebanon, Russia) LIFE93 TCY/INT/6035 Creation of a training and information centre and interregional studies in Poland LIFE93 TCY/INT/6037 Guidelines for the control of the pollution load to the Baltic Sea (Estonia) LIFE93 TCY/INT/6041 METAP Cairo sludge disposal study (Egypt) LIFE93 TCY/INT/6052 METAP Integrated coastal zone management (Albania) LIFE93 TCY/INT/6053 METAP Environmental impact assessment unit (Algeria) LIFE93 TCY/INT/6054 METAP Preparation of environmental strategy (Lebanon) LIFE93 TCY/INT/6062 METAP Creation of an environmental impact assessment unit (Syria) LIFE92 TCY/INT/005 Mediterranean environment observation function (Cyprus, Egypt, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey) LIFE92 TCY/INT/007 Sub-regional system for combating major marine pollution accidents affecting, or likely to affect, the territorial sea, coasts and related interests of Cyprus, Egypt and Israel (Cyprus, Egypt, Israel) LIFE92 TCY/INT/008 Development environment systemic and prospective approach for the Syrian coastal regions (Syria) LIFE92 TCY/INT/016 METAP Albania (Water supply and sewerage management), Turkey (Istanbul environment project) (Patara cultural heritage), Tunisia, Algeria (Meps) (Albania, Algeria, Tunisia, Turkey)

* Please see also the international project section for other projects solely implemented in this country. LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 I p. 61

Available LIFE publications

LIFE-Focus brochures Other publications

A number of LIFE publications are LIFE-Nature: communicating with Best LIFE-Environment Projects 2005- available on the LIFE website: stakeholders and the general public 2006 (2006, 40 pp.-ISBN 92-79-02123- - Best practice examples for Natura 0) http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/ LIFE and Europe’s rivers – Protecting 2000 (2004 - 72 pp. – ISBN 92-894-7898- infoproducts/bestlifeenv/bestenv_0506_lr.pdf and improving our water resources 5 – ISSN 1725-5619) http://ec.europa. (2007 – 52pp. ISBN 978-92-79-05543-0 eu/environment/life/infoproducts/natu- Best LIFE-Environment Projects 2004- - ISSN 1725-5619) recommunicating_lowres_en.pdf 2005 (2005, 44 pp. – ISBN 92-79-00889-7) http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/ http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/ infoproducts/rivers/rivers_lr.pdf A cleaner, greener Europe - LIFE and infoproducts/bestlifeenv/bestenv.pdf the European Union waste policy LIFE and Energy – Innovative solutions (2004 - 28 pp. – ISBN 92-894-6018-0 LIFE-Environment 1992 – 2004 “Dem- for sustainable and efficient energy in – ISSN 1725-5619) http://ec.europa. onstrating excellence in environmen- Europe (2007 – 64pp. ISBN 978 92-79- eu/environment/life/infoproducts/life- tal innovation” (2005, 124 pp. – ISBN 04969-9 - ISSN 1725-5619) waste_en.pdf 92-894-7699-3 – ISSN 1725-5619) http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/ http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/ infoproducts/energy/energy_lr.pdf Alien species and nature conserva- infoproducts/bilanlife/lifeenv1992_ tion in the EU - The role of the LIFE 2004_en.pdf LIFE and the marine environment programme (2004 - 56 pp. – ISBN 92- (2006 – 54pp. ISBN 92-79-03447-2- ISSN 894-6022-9 – ISSN 1725-5619) LIFE-Environment in Action. 56 new suc- 1725-5619) http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/ cess stories for Europe’s environment http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/ infoproducts/alienspecies_en.pdf (2001 -131 pp. – ISBN 92-894-0272-5) infoproducts/marine/marine_lr.pdf http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/ Industrial pollution, European solu- infoproducts/successstories2001_en.pdf LIFE and European forests (2006 - 68pp. tions: clean technologies - LIFE and ISBN 92-79-02255-5 - ISSN 1725-5619) the Directive on integrated pollution LIFE-Environment Projects 2006 compi- http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/ prevention and control (IPPC Direc- lation (2006, 56 pp.-ISBN 92-79-02786-7) infoproducts/forests/forest_lr.pdf tive) (2003 - 32 pp. – ISBN 92-894- http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/ 6020-2 – ISSN 1725-5619) infoproducts/lifeenvcompilation_06.pdf LIFE in the City – Innovative solutions http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/ for Europe’s urban environment (2006, infoproducts/cleantechnologies_en.pdf LIFE-Nature Projects 2006 compilation 64pp. - ISBN 92-79-02254-7 – ISSN (2006, 67 pp. – ISBN 92-79-02788-3) 1725-5619) LIFE and agri-environment support- http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/ http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/ ing Natura 2000 - Experience from the infoproducts/lifenatcompilation_06.pdf infoproducts/urban/urban_lr.pdf LIFE programme (2003 - 72 pp. – ISBN 92-894-6023-7 – ISSN N° 1725-5619) LIFE-Third Countries Projects 2006 Integrated management of Natura 2000 http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/ compilation (2006, 20 pp. – ISBN sites (2005 - 48 pp. – ISBN 92-79-00388- infoproducts/agrienvironmentreport_ 92-79-02787-5) http://ec.europa.eu/ 7) http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/ en.pdf environment/life/infoproducts/lifetcy infoproducts/managingnatura_highres.pdf compilation_06.pdf LIFE for Natura 2000 - 10 years imple- LIFE, Natura 2000 and the military menting the regulation (2003 - 108 pp. LIFE-Environment Projects 2005 compi- (2005 - 86 pp. – ISBN 92-894-9213-9 – ISBN 92-894-4337-5) lation (2005, 97 pp.-ISBN 92-79-00104-3) – ISSN 1725-5619) http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/ http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/ http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/ infoproducts/lifepournatura2000_en.pdf infoproducts/lifeenvcompilation_05_ infoproducts/lifeandmilitary_en.pdf lowres.pdf A sustainable approach for the envi- LIFE for birds - 25 years of the Birds ronment - LIFE and the Community LIFE-Third Countries Projects 2005 Directive: the contribution of LIFE- Eco-Management and Audit Scheme compilation (2005, 19 pp. – ISBN Nature projects (2004 - 48 pp. – ISBN (EMAS) (2003 - 32 pp. – ISBN 92-894- 92-79-00103-5) http://ec.europa.eu/ 92-894-7452-1 – ISSN 1725-5619) 0543-0) environment/life/infoproducts/lifetcy- http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/ http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/ compilation_05_lowres.pdf infoproducts/lifeforbirds_en.pdf infoproducts/emas_en.pdf

The air we breathe - LIFE and the Euro- Water, an essential resource - LIFE A number of printed copies of pean Union clean air policy (2004 - 32 pp. and the new European water policy certain LIFE publications are – ISBN 92-894-7899-3 – ISSN 1725-5619) (2002 - 28 pp. – ISBN 92-894-0538-4) available and can be ordered free- http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/ http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/ of-charge at: http://ec.europa.eu/ infoproducts/focusair/lifeair_hr_en.pdf infoproducts/water_en.pdf environment/env-informa/ Name LIFE (“L’Instrument Financier pour l’Environnement” / The financial instrument for the environment)

Type of intervention co-financing of actions in favour of the environment in the twenty-seven Member States of the European Union, in the candidate countries who are associated to LIFE and in certain third countries bordering the Mediterranean and the Baltic Sea.

LIFE is made up of three thematic components: “LIFE-Nature”, “LIFE-Environment” and “LIFE-Third Countries”. Objectives > with a view to sustainable development in the European Union, contribute to the drawing up, implementation and updating of Community policy and legislation in the area of the environment; > explore new solutions to environmental problems on a Community scale.

Beneficiaries any natural or legal person, provided that the projects financed meet the following general criteria: > they are of Community interest and make a significant contribution to the general objectives; > they are carried out by technically and financially sound participants; > they are feasible in terms of technical proposals, timetable, budget and value for money. KH-78-07-042-EN-C Types of project > Eligible for LIFE-Environment are innovative pilot and demonstration projects which bring environment-related and sustainable development considerations together in land management, which promote sustainable water and waste management or which minimise the environmental impact of economic activities, products and services. LIFE-Environment also finances preparatory projects aiming at the development or updating of Community environmental actions, instruments, legislation or policies. > Eligible for LIFE-Nature are nature conservation projects which contribute to maintaining or restoring natural habitats and/or populations of species in a favourable state of conservation within the meaning of the “Birds” (79/409/EEC) and “Habitats” (92/43/EEC) Community Directives and which contribute to the establishment of the European network of protected areas – NATURA 2000. LIFE-Nature also finances “co-op” projects aiming to develop the exchange of experiences between projects. > Eligible for LIFE-Third countries are projects which contribute to the establishment of capacities and administrative structures needed in the environmental sector and in the development of environmental policy and action programmes in some countries bordering the Mediterranean and the Baltic Sea.

Implementation Every year, the Commission publishes a call for proposals of projects to be co-financed.The Commission evaluates these proposals and selects those that will be co-financed. It closely monitors these projects and supports the dissemination of their results.

Period covered (LIFE III) 2000-2006.

Funds from the Community approximately EUR 638 million for 2000-2004 and EUR 317 million for 2005-2006. Contact European Commission D6 Environment E4 (LIFE Unit) B-1049 Brussels Internet: http://ec.europa.eu/life

LIFE Focus / LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006: Supporting Europe’s neighbours in building capacity for environmental policy and action

Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities

2007 - 64p - 21 x 29.7 cm ISBN 978-92-79-05694-9 ISSN 1725-5619

ISSN 1725-5619