Outstanding Contributions as at 30 September 1981

Note by the Director-General

1. The Director-General herewith reports on the status of oustanding contributions as at 30 September 1981.

2. Outstanding contributions amounted to US$22,312 (SwF 47,524 at the accounting rate of SwF 2.13/US$1 effective as at 30 September 1981) in respect of assessments for the years 1969 to 1972, to SwF 3,352,171 for the years 1973 to 1980 and to SwF 6,586,526 in respect of current year's assessments. Thus a total of SwF 9,986,221 was due on 30 September 1981, compared with amounts of SwF 10,534,380 on 30 , SwF 8,808,686 on 30 and SwF 7,910,037 on 30 September 1978. Contributions due from contracting parties as at 30 September 1981 are shown in the attached table.

3. The amount of SwF 6,586,526 still due on 30 September 1981 in respect of 1981 contributions represented 16.30 per cent of the total assessment. The corresponding figures were SwF 6,583,449 (16.88 per cent) in 1980, SwF 5,576,987 (14.75 per cent) in 1979 and SwF 5,653,258 (14.96 per cent) in 1978.

4. The Director-General has taken every opportunity, either in writing or by personal contacts, to remind governments of the importance of prompt payment of their contributions and of total settlement of arrears.

5. The present situation with regard to governments whose contributions are two or more years in arrears is as follows:

Burundi : The latest payment, covering the balance of the contribution for 1976 and a part of the contribution for 1977, was received in April 1978. An acknowledgement of the formal letter of assessment of the 1980 contribution was received in . Since that date no correspondence has been received by the secretariat.

Central African'Republic: The latest payment, covering the balance of the contribution for 1973, the contribution for 1974 and part of the contribution for 1975, was received in May 1978. In September 1981, a cable inquiring into technical modalities of payment of contributions was received by the secretariat. Spec(81)41 Page 2

Chad: The latest payment, covering part of the contribution for 1969, was received in February 1978. Since that date no correspondence has been received by the secretariat although postal communications between Chad and Switzerland have now resumed.

Congo, People's Republic of the: During the period under review, three payments for a total of SwF 93,134 were received by the secretariat.

Dominican Republic: The latest payment covering the balance of the contribution for 1966, the contributions for 1967 to 1970 and part of the contribution for 1971 was received in . In the Government of the Dominican Republic sent a letter to the secretariat giving assurances that every effort possible would be made to reduce the arrears as soon as possible.

Gambia: The latest payment covering part of the contribution for 1977 was received in March 1977. No correspondence has been received by the secretariat since that date.

Ghana : The latest payment covering the balance of the contribution for 1977 and the contribution for 1978 was received in June 1978. An official of the GATT secretariat, on his mission to Ghana in 1980, took up this matter with the authorities but no correspondence has yet been received.

Guyana : The latest payment covering the balance of the contribution for 1977 and part of the 1978 contribution was received in .

Haiti: The Government of has undertaken to make regular payments until the entire balance of arrears of contributions has been liquidated. Since April 1978, 18 payments for a total amount of US$138,000 have been received by the secretariat.

Kampuchea, Democratic: The latest payment, covering part of the contribution for 1973, was received in January 1974. Postal communications between Kampuchea Democratic and Switzerland, suspended in 1974, have resumed recently but no indication as to payment of arrears has been given to the secretariat.

Mauritania : The latest payment, covering a part of the contribution for 1976, was received in October 1978. No correspondence has been received by the secretariat since that date.

Nicaragua: In the Government of Nicaragua proposed to settle its arrears of contributions, which will have accumulated by 31 December of the present year, by the payment of ten equal annual instalments commencing in 1982. The Council of GATT Representatives has agreed to this proposal on its meeting of 11 (C/M/148). Spec(81)41 Page 3

Peru: The latest payment covering the contributions for 1977 and 1978 was received in . Since that date no communication has been received from the Government of Peru.

Senegal: The latest payment covering the balance of the contribution for 1977 and part of the contribution for 1978 was received in June 1979. The Government of Senegal indicated in that the necessary administrative steps were being taken to pay the amounts still due.

Sierra Leone: The latest payment, covering the contribution for 1974, was received in February 1975. An official of the GATT secretariat, on mission in Freetown in 1980, took up this matter with the authorities and was informed that action to liquidate arrears would be taken soon. However, no communication has been received to date.

Tanzania : The latest payment covering the balance of contribution for 1978 and part of the contribution for 1979 was received in . Since that date no communication has been received.

Uganda : The latest payment covering the contribution for 1976 and part of the contribution for 1977 was received in November 1977. Since that date no communication has been received.

Upper Volta: The latest payment covering-part of the contribution for 1978 was received in November 1978. Payment of the balance of the contribution for 1978 and of the contribution for 1979, which was announced in December 1979, has not been received to date. GENERAL AGREEMENT UN TARIFFS AND TRADE ACCORD GENEKAI. SUR LES TARIFS DOUANIERS ET LE COMMERCE


!J§ do 11 am/Do I \*ru_ des Swiss Irancs/Francs suisses Country/I'd y s Etats-Unis 1969/1972" 1973/1977 1U7B 1979 1980 1981 Total 1973/1981

Argent!na/Argentine 273 273 Bangladesh 48,480 48,480 Henin/Benin 43,494 48,480 91,974 Burundi 25,695 45,400 45,400 46,800 48,480 211,775 Central African Republic/Képublique central ricaiife 106,143 45,400 45,400 46,800 48,480 292,223 Chad/Tchad 1969/1972 15,815 167,900 45,400 45,400 46,800 48,480 353,980 Congo, People's Republic of the/ République populaire du Congo 35,424 45,400 45,400 46,800 48,480 221,504 Dominican Republ ic/République Dominicaine 1971/1972 6,497 167,900 45,400 45,400 46,800 48,480 353,980 Gjuihia/Ganiliie 21,473 45,400 45,400 46,800 48,480 207,553 (ihaua 45,400 46,800 48,480 140,680 Greece/Crècu 2,960 2,960 Guyaua/Guyane 20,362 45,400 46,800 48,480 161,042 Haiti/Haiti 42,311 45,400 46,800 48,480 182,991 /Italic 88,988 88,988 Ivory Coasl/Côle d'Ivoire 49,741 49,741 Kampuchea, Democratic/Kampuchea démocratique 1154,506 45,400 45,400 46,800 48,480 340,586 Kenya 48,480 48,480 Korea/Corée 308,066 308,066 Madagascar 10,119 48,480 58,599 Mauritauia/Mauritanie 67,919 45,400 45,400 46,800 48,480 253,999 Nicaragua 133,538 45,400 45,400 46,800 48,460 319,618 Niger 3,709 3,709 Nigeiia/Nigéria 334,464 334,464 Peru/Pcrou 75,600 70,200 76,760 222,560 I'olaiul/Pulogue 545,400 545,400 Romania/Roumanie 57,580 57,580 Senegal/Senegal 21,816 45,400 46,800 48,480 162,496 Sierra Leone 114,600 45,400 45,400 46,800 48,480 300,680 Spaiu/Espagne 593,880 593,880 Tanzauia/Tanzanie 7,639 46,600 48,480 102,919 Togo 18,653 48,480 67,133 Uganda/Ouganda 3,870 45,400 45,400 46,800 48,480 189,950 United States/Etats-Unis 3,074,545 3,074,545 Upper Volta/llaute-Volta . 21,609 45,400 46,800 48,480 162,289 Uruguay 48,480 48,480 Yugos I a'via/Yougos I avie 286,840 286,840 Zai ri;/Zaïre 48,280 48,280

Total 22,312 998,968 605,498 809,639 938,066 6,586,526 9,938,697

US$22,312 at SwF 2.13 to US$1.- equivalent to / 22.312 dollars EU à 2,13 FS par dollar EU, équivalant à 47.524 9,986,221