RESEARCH at Federal University 2017 Location. International Activities

• Ekaterinburg is situated in the central part of the Eurasian continent, on the geographical border between and • Ekaterinburg is one of the largest and most dynamic Russian cities • Every year, more than 300 conferences and congresses and more than 200 exhibition events are hosted by Ekaterinburg. Among them, the following are of the greatest importance:  The BRICS group (Brazil, , India, China, South ) and Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit, 2009  Russian-German summit attended by the heads of the two states, 2003 and 2010  INNOPROM, an international industrial and innovation fair (organized each year since 2010) History

The history of the Ural University started in 1920. Later, it was divided into several separate institutions including (USU) and Ural State Technical University (USTU-UPI)

In 2011, both institutions merged again, forming Ural Federal University (UrFU)

UrFU bears the name of the first who graduated from the University in 1955 URFU Institutes

• Institute of Physics and Technology • Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics • Institute of Chemical Engineering • Institute of Radio-electronics and Information Technologies • Institute of New Materials and Technologies (Metallurgy and Machine Building) • Ural Power Engineering Institute • Institute of Civil Engineering • Ural Institute of Humanities • Graduate School of Economics and Management • Institute of Public Administration and Entrepreneurship • Institute of Fundamental Education • Institute of Physical Education, Sport and Youth Policy • Institute of Open Educational Technologies Facts and Figures

• UrFU is recognized as one of Russia’s leading federal universities (among 10 Federal Universities) • 97-year history, more than 300,000 graduates • According to Scopus indicators, UrFU is among the world leaders in 52 research competencies, mainly in materials science, mathematics, physics and chemistry • About 2,600 faculty members • About 40,000 students in 13 UrFU Institutes, including 25,000 full- time students • More than 1,000 PhD students, about 100 of them international Federal Programs. Internationalization

• URFU takes part in two federal programs:  The 10-year program of development of Federal Universities (2010– 2019, 9 Federal Universities), €25m per year till 2014; 2015–2019 – without any financial support from the Federal Government  The Program on Competitiveness Enhancement of Russian Universities “5-100” (2013–2020, initially – 14 universities, since 2016 – 21 universities), €9-12m per year • Internationalization of education and research became the main goal of the Ural Federal University’s development for the next decade • Systematic efforts are undertaken in order to increase the scale of collaboration with international researchers and to recruit a considerable amount of international students to all degree programs of the University: Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD

UrFU holds the 7th place among Russian universities by the number of articles published in international scientific journals in the last 5 years QS World University Rankings

Weighted Weighted Domestic Change Scores by Scores by Indicators Comparison Position in indicator in indicator in 2016/2017 the World 2016 2017 Overall 17 / 13 + 110-160 20,8 25,3 Academic Reputation 11 / 8 +19 6,6 6,9 Employer Reputation 15 / 17 +146 1,0 1,7 Faculty-Student 18 / 16 +69 11,6 14,7 Citations per Facultу 10 / 16 -62 0,4 0,3 International Faculty 5 / 6 -21 0,7 0,7 International Students 19 / 16 +126 0,5 1,0 UrFU in QS World Rankings by Subject 2017 UrFU is ranked in 3 subjects and scored in 21 subjects in 2017 as compared to 1 ranked and 14 scored in 2016

Mathematics: 251-300 among 400 ranked Physics and Astronomy: 351-400 among 500 ranked Electrical Engineering: 351-400 among 400 ranked UrFU’s Priorities in QS World Rankings by Subject

№ Subject UrFU Priorities 1 Physics & Astronomy 1 2 Mathematics 1 3 Engineering - Electrical & Electronic 1 4 Chemistry 2 5 Computer Science 2 6 Economics & Econometrics 2 7 Engineering - Chemical 2 8 Engineering - Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing 2 9 History 2 10 Materials Science 2 11 Agriculture & Forestry 3 12 Art & Design 3 13 Biological Sciences 3 14 Business & Management Studies 3 15 Earth & Marine Sciences 3 16 Engineering - Mineral & Mining 3 17 Environmental Sciences 3 18 Hospitality & Leisure Management 3 19 Linguistics 3 20 Performing Arts 3 21 Pharmacy & Pharmacology 3 22 Philosophy 3 23 Social Policy & Administration 3 4 Priority Areas for Global Initiatives

1. Information Technologies and Human Being in the Information Society Ekaterinburg 2. Power Engineering, Resource Saving, and Environmental Management 3. Flexible Technologies and New Materials 4. Living Systems and Health

The integration between Ural Federal University and the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Science is a driver for development of scientific projects Publications in Scopus by Subject Area International Collaboration in Research

• Partner Universities with whom it is possible to have close scientific contacts at the level of structural divisions and professors are of the most interest to us. We strongly believe that collaboration in research is the best ground for development of joint educational programs and for recruiting international students to Master’s and PhD programs • We are promoting this type of collaboration for all networks we are active in:  The ASRTU Universities Network  The Shanghai Cooperation Organization University  The BRICS Universities League and others UrFU Laboratories Headed by the Leading International Researchers

Professor Jean Jouzel , Nobel prize co- Professor Manuel Bazquez Villalabeitia, Institute winner, of Material Studies of the Spanish National Research Council, Spain Climate and Environmental Physics Laboratory Laboratory of Magnetic Sensors

Professor Marie-Pierre.Rey, Sorbonne, France Professor Gunnar Thorvaldsen, University of Laboratory for Studying Primary Sources Tromsø, Norway in History Norwegian Historical Population Register Project

Professor A. Kholkin, University of Aveiro, Portugal NANOFER – Laboratory of Nano-sized Professor Sergey Shabala, University of Tasmania, ferroelectric materials Australia MIFE-laboratory for Membrane Transport and Stress Biology Studies Professor Lars Hultman, Linköping University, , CEO of The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Professor Alexander Kinev, CEO of the Research independent research corporation Creative Laboratory of Non-conventional Low-size Scientist Inc. (USA) Materials Laboratory of Molecular mechanisms and Morphogenesis Ecology Professor Bernard Raveau, University of Caen, Caen, France Professor Martin Van Gelderen, University of Göttingen University, Göttingen, Germany Laboratory “Chemical Design of Advanced Multifunctional Oxide Laboratory “Comparative Research of Tolerance Materials” and Recognition” Top-10 Countries UrFU Researchers Collaborate with (number of publications in WoS and SCOPUS, 2012–2016)


Germany Germany USA USA Spain Spain France France China China Austria Ukraine Austria Ukraine Japan Japan India United Kingdom

0 200 400 0 200 400

Sources: SCOPUS - Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V.; Web of Science - Copyright©2016 THOMSON REUTERS Top-15 Countries UrFU Researchers Collaborate with (number of publications in SCOPUS, 2016) Association of Sino-Russian Technical Universities

Russia The purpose of ASRTU is to promote Sino-Russian talents’ communication and scientific cooperation


Practice-oriented collaboration between 50 Universities – members of ASRTU Examples of International Collaboration in Humanities

• In 2014–2016, the International Center of Russian History signed agreements on cooperation and student exchange with leading European universities: Paris -1 (Pantheon-Sorbonne, France), Lorand Eotvos University (Budapest, Hungary), Roma Tre University (Italy), Gratz University (Austria) • Since 2015, Ural Federal University and Lorand Eotvos University (Budapest, Hungary) have been implementing a joint Master’s programs “Russian History” and “European Historical and Cultural Studies” with courses taught in English • A system of joint seminars and conferences has been introduced: - “Russian Elites and European Innovations” (Paris -1 (Pantheon-Sorbonne), École normale supérieure de Lyon (ENS Lyon), University of Strasbourg); - On the history of Russian industrial city “Krasnyi Gorod” (Paris-1 (Pantheon-Sorbonne)) - “Confessional Identity in the Eastern and Western Europe” ((Paris - 4 (Sorbonne), Roma Tre University). • International Center of Russian History submitted applications for several contests together with partner universities BRICS Center for Materials Science and Nanotechnology

• As one of the forms of cluster collaboration, on October 27-28, 2015, at the Meeting of the BRICS Ministers of science, technology and innovations in Moscow, Ural Federal University suggested establishing the Network BRICS Center for Materials Science and Nanotechnology, which would also include the centers for collective use of modern scientific and technological equipment • The Center was included in the BRICS Work Plan for 2015-2018 • On October 7-8, 2016, in Jaipur (India), the BRICS Ministers of science, technology and innovations decided to hold a constituent meeting of five universities active in the area of materials science and nanotechnologies (one of each country, selected by the ministries of the countries) at Ural Federal University, for the purpose discussion and adoption of necessary documents of the Center. The meeting is planned to be held in October, 2017 in Ekaterinburg

10/28/2015: SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION WORK PLAN 2015-2018: ‘’Cooperation on Material science including Nanotechnology (India and Russia as coordinating countries)’’ International Events in Ural Federal University

The university has become a reputable platform for international events

On June 22-25, 2014, UrFU hosted the 38th ACM ICPC World Programing Championship

In 2014, the Championship was attended by 122 participating teams from 41 countries (1,000 people including visitors and participants) • visas for everybody, • transportation with 39 vehicles • accommodation in 7 hotels • 250 volunteers with fluent English ACM ICPC, USA, 2017

UrFU team was the bronze prize-winner of the 41st ACM International Collegiate Programming Championship (Rapid City, the USA), which took place on May 20-25, 2017.

More than 46,000 students from 2,948 universities of 103 countries participated in the Championship. Only 133 best teams received the right to take part in the finals.

Place Name Country Solved 1 St. Petersburg ITMO University Russia 10 2 University of Warsaw Poland 10 3 Seoul Yftional University Korea 10 4 St. Petersburg State University Russia 10 5 Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology Russia 10 6 China 9 7 Peking University China 9 8 Fudan University China 8 9 KAIST Korea 8 10 Ural Federal University Russia 8 11 KTH – Royal Institute of Technology Sweden 8 12 University of Tokyo Japan 8 Implementation of the Information Analytical System “PURE”

For the first time in Russia, the research portal “PURE” was brought into operation IAS Pure is a source of verified data on UrFU’s research activity Structure of data submitted: • Information on urgent organizational structure • Information on employees • Information on publications in Scopus, Web of Science since 2012 • Information on Doctoral and Master theses • Information on UrFU’s research activities • Information on UrFU’s Centers of Competences • Information on UrFU’s PhD councils’ activities • Information on applications for competitions and grants submitted by UrFU scientists • Information on publications in media To be added in 2017: • Scientific monographs • Information on research projects / financing of research projects • Information on scientific awards / prizes In June, 2017, the IAS PURE portal was viewed by 7.9 thousand visitors (monthly growth by 30%) UrFU’s Doctoral programs in English

In 2015, UrFU started PhD programs in English UrFU’s Doctoral programs (in English or Russian): Engineering: Chemical Engineering, Physics and Chemical Technologies, Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technologies and CAD systems, Electrical Energy and Thermal Power Energy, Machine-Building Technology, Welding Technologies, Lifting Appliances and Robots, Material Technology, Materials Science Natural Sciences: Physics and Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Ecology Mathematics and Computer Science: Mathematics and Mechanics, Computer and Information Sciences, Computer Science and Engineering Humanities: Russian Literature, History of Arts and Culture, Theory of Language, Media Studies In 2016, 40 international PhD students entered our university In 2017, about 50 foreigners will become new PhD students of UrFU. The total number of international PhD students will reach 120 The geography of international PhD students at UrFU includes 15 countries: China, Vietnam, Iran, Palestine, Pakistan, Thailand, Egypt, Ghana, Syria, Rwanda, Uganda, Armenia, , , Tajikistan UrFU’s Doctoral Programs

We offer:

• 3-4 year Doctoral Programs • Accommodation in a dormitory • Possibility to be employed as a researcher in scientific advisor’s group • Free courses • Possibility to defend the candidate’s thesis* or receive the UrFU PhD

*first doctoral degree in Russia (Kandidat Nauk)

More than 40 English-speaking PhD students are studying at UrFU UrFU, Ekaterinburg

For more information, please contact: Department of International Vice- for Research Research Projects Vladimir Kruzhaev Victoria Polyakova Tel. +7 (343) 375-48-90 Tel. +7 (343) 389-95-40 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]