Episode 14 Teacher Resource 29th May 2018 Royal Flying Doctors

Students will investigate the history 1. Before you watch the BTN story, predict what you think it’s about. of the Royal Flying Doctor Service in 2. Who does the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) help? Australia. 3. What year did the RFDS start?

4. Before the RFDS began how did people in remote areas reach a doctor? 5. Who started the RFDS?

6. What technology was invented to help people contact the doctor? HASS – Years 5 & 6 7. Complete this sentence. The first Flying Doctor took flight in a Develop appropriate questions to ______plane. guide an inquiry about people, events, developments, places, 8. On average the RFDS helps someone every… systems and challenges a. 2 minutes b. 20 minutes Sequence information about people’s lives, events, c. 2 hours developments and phenomena 9. On what Australian banknote does the founder of the RFDS feature? using a variety of methods including 10. What did this video make you wonder? Discuss as a class. timelines

HASS / History – Year 6 The contribution of individuals and groups to the development of Australian society since Federation

Before watching the BTN Royal Flying Doctors HASS – Year 7 Construct significant questions and story, ask students what they already know about it. propositions to guide investigations Use a mind map to record students’ responses. about people, events, developments, places, systems and challenges • What is the Royal Flying Doctor Service? • Who do you think uses the Royal Flying Doctor Service? • Why do you think the service is important to Australians?

After watching the BTN Royal Flying Doctors story, hold a class discussion, recording any questions that were raised in the discussion. What are the gaps in their knowledge? Discussion starters:

• Think of an interesting fact you learnt from this story. • What did this video make you wonder? • What information was surprising? • Think of one question you have about the Royal Flying Doctors story. How will you find an answer to your question?

©ABC 2018

Timeline – Royal Flying Doctor Service Research the history of the Royal Flying Doctor Service in Australia. Download this template and use your research to help match the dates to key events.

Students will then respond to one or more of the following questions: • Find three interesting facts about each significant event. • How did people in remote areas reach a doctor before the Royal Flying Doctors Service? • How has Reverend John Flynn made an impact on people’s lives? • Which dates on the timeline do you think are especially significant? Why? • How have aviation, medical and communications technology changed for the RFDS over the years? • How does the RFDS support the School of the Air?

Answers to timeline • 1917 – The story of Stockman Jimmy Darcy leads to Reverend John Flynn establishing, what is known today as, the RFDS. • 1927 – The pedal wireless was invented by in , the pedal powered radio allowed people in the to contact the RFDS. • 1928 – The first Flying Doctor took flight in a plane. • 1951 – The ‘where does it hurt chart’ is developed by Sister Lucy Garlick. • 1954 – The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh visit the RFDS Broken Hill Base. • 1994 - The design for Australia’s $20 banknote features the face of the Reverend John Flynn.

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Notable Australians After watching the BTN story, show your students the Australian $20 banknote (the side featuring Reverend John Flynn). Use the following questions to guide your class discussion as you explore the note in detail: • Who do you see? • What else do you see? What do you think each of the elements represent? (See diagram for descriptions) • Why do you think Reverend John Flynn was chosen to be featured on one of Australia’s banknotes? Source: RFDS History

Reverend John Flynn – Create a biography Before students begin to construct their biographies, hold a class discussion to find out what they already know about biographical writing. Discuss what type of information is included in a biography and what they tell us about a person. The Civics and Citizenship website has some examples of biographies for students to look at.

Using the Biography Organiser template students will find and record information about Reverend John Flynn.

Some possible areas of research include: • Where was Reverend John Flynn from? Locate using Google Maps. • When was he born? Describe his family life growing up. • What are some of Reverend John Flynn’s achievements? • What was his most important contribution to Australian society? • What were some of the challenges he faced? • How has Reverend John Flynn made an impact on people’s lives? • What do you admire about Reverend John Flynn?

Further investigation • Imagine you could sit down and talk to Reverend John Flynn. What questions would you ask about his life and achievements?

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Visual literacy

The Flying Doctor (1941) Watch this black-and-white clip which shows the operation of the Royal Flying Doctor Service by re-creating a real-life emergency in which a stockman’s life is saved. What did you learn watching this clip? What was surprising? Source: Australian Screen

Live Flight Map View the live flight map. Count the planes to find out how many Royal Flying Doctor Service planes are attending patients right now. Source: Royal Flying Doctor Service

Explore the inside of a RFDS plane Explore the inside of a Royal Flying Doctor Service plane and hear Sarah’s story, from the perspective of Sarah, her dad, doctor, nurse, pilot and her mum. Find Menindee using Google Maps. Where is the closest city? How many kilometres is it from the nearest city? Source: Royal Flying Doctor Service

Royal Flying Doctor Service - History https://www.flyingdoctor.org.au/about-the-rfds/history/

Royal Flying Doctor Service - Flying Doctor Timeline https://www.flyingdoctor.org.au/timeline-90-years-service/

Royal Flying Doctor Service – Fun Games http://flyingdoctor4education.org.au/kids-club/fun-games

Reserve Bank Australia – Reverend John Flynn https://www.banknotes.rba.gov.au/australias-banknotes/people-on-the-banknotes/reverend-john-flynn/

©ABC 2018