CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E911 the world community. But they have not done Constance A. Morella, John P. Murtha, Sue was a storyteller at the Brewster Ladies Li- so thus far. Wilkins Myrick, Jerrold Nadler, Anne M. brary and the Brewster Book Store. Our Subcommittee on the Middle East and Northup, Charlie Norwood, , C.L. Mrs. Reetz was a caseworker in the South Asia received testimony on May 9 about ‘‘Butch’’ Otter, Major R. Owens, Frank Hyannis office of U.S. Rep. , Pallone, Jr., Bill Pascrell, Jr., , and later , for nearly 10 years. the impact of ILSA. We believe, based on that , David D. Phelps, Joseph R. ‘‘Priscilla loved her work because she got testimony and on other information we have Pitts, Todd Russell Platts, Adam H. Putnam, so much satisfaction from helping people in received over the years, that ILSA has been Jim Ramstad, Dennis R. Rehberg, Thomas need,’’ Delahunt said. ‘‘From working with effective in slowing down investment in Iran. It M. Reynolds, Bob Riley, Lynn N. Rivers, Ciro the disabled to those in need of housing, she has helped to slow Iran’s development of the D. Rodriguez, , Mike Rog- moved mountains every day for countless means to threaten the and its ers, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Steven R. Roth- Cape Codders.’’ friends. Iran, however, has been taking actions man, Marge Roukema, Jim Ryun, Martin Mrs. Reetz was very interested in Chinese that threaten the United States. To prevent Olav Sabo, Max Sandlin, Jim Saxton, Joe and American history. She was at work on a Scarborough, Janice D. Schakowsky, Adam collection of poetry for children and a novel Iran from doing further harm, we are asking B. Schiff, Edward L. Schrock, Pete Sessions, at the time of her death. our colleagues in the Congress to renew ILSA. E. Clay, Shaw, Jr., John B. Shadegg, Brad She was an avid kayaker and loved Mr. Speaker, for the convenience of our col- Sherman, Ronnie Shows, Rob Simmons, Ike kayaking on the bays and creeks of the Cape. leagues, I am inserting into the RECORD a Skelton, Louise McIntosh Slaughter, Chris- She also hiked frequently with the Appa- copy of the bill and a list of its original cospon- topher H. Smith. lachian Mountain Club. sors. Hilda L. Solis, Mark E. Souder, Floyd She is survived by three sons, David Reetz Spence, Cliff Stearns, Bob Stump, Bart Stu- of Santa Cruz, Calif., Garin Reetz of Dallas, H.R. 1954 pak, John E. Sweeney, John S. Tanner, Ellen Texas, and Allan Reetz of Meriden, N.H.; a Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- O. Tauscher, W.J. (Bill) Tauzin, Lee Terry, daughter, Sarah Reetz of , N.Y.; resentatives of the United States of America in Mike Thompson, Karen L. Thurman, Patrick and seven grandchildren. Congress assembled, J. Tiberi, Tom Udall, Robert A. Underwood, A memorial service will be held at 5:15 p.m. SECTION 1. TITLE. Peter J. Visclosky, David Vitter, Zach Saturday at the Cape Cod Museum of Nat- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘ILSA Exten- Wamp, Anthony D. Weiner, Dave Weldon, ural History, Route 6A, Brewster. sion Act of 2001’’. Curt Weldon, Jerry Weller, Robert Wexler, Memorial donations may be made to the SEC. 2. EXTENSION OF IRAN AND LIBYA SANC- Roger F. Wicker, Lynn C. Woolsey, David Cape Cod Museum of Natural History, Route TIONS ACT OF 1996. Wu, Don Young. 6A, Brewster, MA 02631; or to Safe Harbor, c/o Community Action Committee of the Section 13(b) of the Iran and Libya Sanc- f tions Act of 1996 (50 U.S.C. 1701 note; Public Cape and Islands, P.O. Box 954, Hyannis, MA Law 104–172) is amended by striking ‘‘5 HONORING PRISCILLA DONER 02601. years’’ and inserting ‘‘10 years’’. REETZ OF BREWSTER, MASSA- f CHUSETTS ILSA CO-SPONSORS IN HONOR OF JOAN RIVERS ON Benjamin A. Gilman, Howard L. Berman, THE OCCASION OF HER BEING , , Deborah Pryce, HON. WILLIAM D. DELAHUNT NAMED A WOMAN OF THE YEAR Gary L. Ackerman, , Henry OF BY THE USO OF METROPOLITAN A. Waxman, Robert B. Aderholt, Robert E. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Andrews, , Brian Baird, Richard H. NEW YORK Baker, Tammy Baldwin, Charles Bass, Xa- Wednesday, May 23, 2001 vier Becerra, Ken Bentsen, Shelly Berkeley, Mr. DELAHUNT. Mr. Speaker, on Saturday, HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY Sherwood L. Boehlert, Judy Biggert, Michael OF NEW YORK Bilirakis, Rod R. Blagojevich, Roy Blunt, May 12, family and friends gathered at the Henry Bonilla, , Robert A. Borski, Museum of Natural History on Cape Cod to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Allen Boyd, Sherrod Brown, Ed Bryant, Dan celebrate the memory of our colleague, Pris- Wednesday, May 23, 2001 Burton, Steve Buyer, Sonny Callahan, Eric cilla Reetz. Cantor, , Brad Carson, Michael E. For 10 years in our Hyannis office—with Mrs. MALONEY of New York. Mr. Speaker, Capuano, Benjamin L. Cardin, , Representative Studds, then Representative I rise today to pay tribute to Ms. Joan Rivers, Gary A. Condit, Jerry F. Costello, Ander DELAHUNT, she worked each day to help peo- a distinguished resident of the 14th Congres- Crenshaw. ple in need across the cape and islands, with sional District which I represent and an inter- Joseph Crowley, Jim Davis, Jo Ann Davis, a heart of gold and joyousness to spare. Ac- nationally renowned entertainer, who will be Susan A. Davis, Tom Davis, Diana DeGette, honored by the USO of Metropolitan New York Peter Deutsch, Lincoln Diaz-Balart, John T. tress, entrepreneur, novelist, kayaker—Pris- Doolittle, Michael F. Doyle, Vernon Ehlers, cilla touched countless lives, including ours, tomorrow at its Women of the Year Luncheon. Eliot L. Engel, Anna G. Eshoo, Bob with irresistible zest. The USO is currently in its sixtieth year of Etheridge, Lane Evans, Mike Ferguson, Jeff We are deeply saddened by her death, and existence, dedicated to improving the morale Flake, Harold E. Ford, Jr., Vito Fossella, will miss her dearly. Our thoughts and prayers and welfare of our uniformed military per- , Rodney P. Frelinghuysen, are with her four children and seven grand- sonnel. For more than half a century, the USO Martin Frost, Greg Ganske, , children. has been providing a ‘‘touch of home’’ to our George W. Gekas, Wayne T. Gilchrest, Paul It is with respect and admiration for this re- men and women in uniform overseas. E. Gillmor, Charles A. Gonzales, Bart Gor- The USO Woman of the Year award has don, Porter J. Goss, Lindsey O. Graham, Kay markable friend and coworker that I commend Granger, Sam Graves, Felix J. Grucci, Jr., to you the obituary for Ms. Reetz that ap- been given to an impressive list of past hon- Luis V. Gutierrez, Alcee L. Hastings, Jane peared in the Cape Cod Times on Thursday, orees including such luminaries as Barbara Harman, Melissa A. Hart, Robin Hayes, J.D. May 10, 2001: Bush, Lady Bird Johnson, and Mamie Eisen- Hayworth, Van Hillery, Joseph M. Hoeffel. hower. One of the greatest entertainers of our PRISCILLA DONER REETZ, 72 Rush D. Holt, Michael M. Honda, Stephen time, and a highly successful author and busi- Horn, Steny H. Hoyer, Duncan Hunter, Asa CASEWORKER FOR REP. STUDDS, DELAHUNT; nesswoman, Ms. Rivers is a fitting choice for STORYTELLER; KAYAKER Hutchinson, Steve Israel, Darrel E. Issa, Sue this distinguished honor. W. Kelly, Patrick J. Kennedy, Peter T. King, BREWSTER.—Priscilla Doner Reetz, 72, a Joan Rivers is currently acclaimed for her Jack Kingston, Mark Steven Kirk, Joe resident of Brewster, died unexpectedly Mon- Knollenberg, James R. Langevin, Nick day in Brewster. witty and engaging commentary on E! Enter- Lampson, John B. Larson, Steven C. She was the wife of the late Donald Reetz tainment Television’s Fashion Reviews and LaTourette, James A. Leach, , for 25 years. E!’s live pre-shows for the . Sander M. Levin, John Lewis, William O. Li- Mrs. Reetz was born in Watertown, N.Y., Her signature question, ‘‘Can we talk?’’ has pinski, Frank A. LoBiondo, Nita M. Lowey, and received an associate’s degree from become so well known that the United States Carolyn McCarthy, Karen McCarthy, Jim Rochester Institute of Technology. She government agreed to register it as a federal McCrery, James P. McGovern, Scott raised her family in Rochester, N.Y., and in trademark. McInnis, Howard P. ‘‘Buck’’ McKeon, Mi- the Finger Lakes region. At age 49, she An accomplished comedienne, Ms. Rivers chael R. McNulty, Carolyn B. Maloney, Don- began a career as a commercial actress in ald A. Manzullo, Edward J. Markey, Frank the area. worked her way up through small clubs and Mascara, Robert T. Matsui, Gregory W. She moved to Brewster in 1982. She was the lounges, where she often relief on tips in lieu Meeks, Robert Menendez, John L. Mica, Jua- proprietor of a small antiques business, and of a salary, to the international celebrity she nita Millender-McDonald, Dan Miller, was a fixture behind the counter at the has reached today. In 1983, ‘‘The Tonight George Miller. Brewster General Store for many years. She Show’’ with broke tradition to E912 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 23, 2001 name Ms. Rivers its sole permanent guest NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND ACT OF IN HONOR OF CONGRESSMAN hostess. 2001 RALPH REGULA A prolific writer, John Rivers has authored nine books, and for three years wrote a thrice- SPEECH OF HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH weekly syndicated column for the ‘‘Chicago HON. TOM UDALL OF Tribune.’’ Joan Rivers’ volumes have been in- OF NEW MEXICO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES variably successful; her first book alone sold IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, May 23, 2001 over four million copies. Ms. Rivers’ 1986 Tuesday, May 22, 2001 autobiography reached number four on the Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ‘‘New York Times’’ bestseller list in only two The House in Committee of the Whole honor my distinguished colleague in the Ohio weeks. The sequel, Still Talking, published in House on the State of the Union had under Congressional Delegation, Congressman consideration the bill (H.R. 1) to close the 1991, was a Book-of-the-Month selection. RALPH REGULA for dedicating more than 45 Mindful of her incredible success, Joan Riv- achievement gap with accountability, flexi- bility, and choice, so that no child is left be- years in public service. ers has been a role model in her charitable hind: Congressman REGULA started his distin- deeds. Ms. Rivers played the voice of the guished public career early in life as an Ohio Mr. UDALL of New Mexico. Mr. Chairman, Honest Boy’s Mother for an audio version of State Representative in 1964 and then State Dr. James E. Shanley, President, American In- The Emperor’s New Clothes benefiting the Senator. He moved on to serve as a member dian Higher Education Consortium, urges us Starbright Foundation. In 1982, Ms. Rivers of the United States House of Representative to support an amendment to the Elementary was the first celebrity to call attention to the where he now serves as the Subcommittee and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). impending AIDS crisis when she hosted and Chairman of the House Appropriations Com- headlined the first AIDS benefit. Along with AMERICAN INDIAN mittee. HIGHER EDUCATION CONSORTIUM, many other contributions, Ms. Rivers has also Alexandria, VA, May 16, 2001. Before entering public life, Rep. REGULA participated in the ‘‘Comic Relief’’ fund-raiser Hon. JOHN A. BOEHNER, served as a school teacher and principal with to end homelessness. Chairman, Education and the Workforce Com- Stark County schools and later served on the I am delighted that the USO has chosen to mittee, House of Representatives, Wash- Ohio Board of Education. Rep. REGULA recog- honor Joan Rivers. I ask my fellow members ington, DC. nizes the value of a good education and con- of Congress to do likewise by joining me in Hon. GEORGE MILLER, tinues to support education on the federal tribute to this truly outstanding woman. Ranking Member, Education and the Workforce level as the chairman of the Appropriations f Committee, House of Representatives, Wash- Subcommittee for the Departments of Labor, ington, DC. Health and Human Services and Education. HONORING CAPTAIN KENT DEAR CHAIRMAN BOEHNER AND RANKING He has received many honors for his work in ROMINGER MEMBER MILLER: On behalf of the 32 Tribal education such as the Stark State College of Colleges and Universities, I am writing to re- quest your support for an amendment that is Technology Founder Award and is a trustee at HON. SCOTT McINNIS being proposed in the Senate to the Elemen- Mount Union College. He has recently been OF COLORADO tary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), inducted into the Ohio Federation of Inde- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES S. 1. The amendment addresses a serious pendent Colleges Hall of Excellence. Wednesday, May 23, 2001 matter involving two tribally-controlled Rep. REGULA has also been dedicated to postsecondary vocational institutions, advocating on behalf of the elderly as Co- Mr. McINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to United Tribes Technical College (UTTC) and Chair of the Older Americans Caucus. In 1994 take this opportunity to congratulate Del Crownpoint Institute of Technology (CIT). he was recognized by the Administration on It is our understanding that the House of Norte’s Kent V. Rominger for his induction into Aging as the first recipient of the Older Ameri- the Colorado Aviation Hall of Fame at the Air Representative’s ESEA reauthorization bill has already been reported from your com- cans Month Congressional Award for his work Force Academy in Colorado Springs. The 44- mittee, and consequently a similar amend- such as extending flu shot coverage under year-old Colorado native is one of those lucky ment may not be offered. Therefore, we ask Medicare and authoring legislation to provide few that has had the privilege of traveling into that consideration be given to rectifying this coverage for preventative services to the el- the final frontier. I would like to thank him for serious issue either through an amendment derly. all that he has done for the space program on the House Floor or during any Conference Rep. REGULA has been a friend and a col- and to congratulate him on his introduction session that occurs with the Senate on the league for many years. I have tremendous re- into the Hall of Fame. ESEA reauthorization bill. CIT and UTTC were founded to provide spect for him as a legislator. It gives me great Captain Rominger has served in the U.S. much needed vocational education opportu- pleasure to publicly recognize the achieve- Navy since receiving his commission through nities to the American Indian students in ments of Rep. REGULA. the Aviation Reserve Officer Candidate Pro- their respective tribal communities. Because f gram in 1979. His Naval service included as- these two institutions are not eligible to re- signments with the Fighter Squadron Two ceive funding under the Tribally Controlled CELEBRATING THE 75TH ANNIVER- aboard the USS Ranger and the USS Kitty College or University Assistance Act and are SARY OF CHARLES H. MILBY Hawk and Fighter Squadron Two Hundred vocational in nature, Section 117 of the Carl HIGH SCHOOL Eleven aboard the USS Nimitz. Kent is now a Perkins Act was created in 1990, to offer them a source of core operational support NASA and Shuttle Commander. He and is key to their existence. HON. GENE GREEN is the first to have commanded two shuttle The proposed Senate amendment (num- OF TEXAS dockings with the International Space Station bered 426) reaffirms the original intent of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Alpha. He holds the record for the most section 117, to provide institutional support orbits and the most time in space. for these two tribally controlled vocation in- Wednesday, May 23, 2001 Kent has traveled into space five times and stitutions. While increased funding for In- Mr. GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise has logged over 1,500 hours in space. He has dian vocational education programs is great- today to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of piloted the STS–73 in 1995, the STS–80 in ly needed, section 117 is not the appropriate Milby High School. This is a school in East vehicle to address this funding disparity. 1996 and the STS–85 in 1997 and has served AIHEC directly advocated for the creation End Houston named after Charles H. Milby as crew commander twice, on the STS–96 in of section 117 and herein state our intent to who was an important advocate for the cre- 1999 and STS–100 this year. His last mission, do everything possible to continue to protect ation of the Houston Ship Channel. the STS–100 on the Endeavour its original purpose. Charles H. Milby was born in Indianola, was on April 19. The mission involved install- Thank you for your attention and consid- Texas on August 29, 1852, the seventh and ing the Space Stations robotic arm. eration of this serious issue. We look forward youngest child of William P. and Mary Y. to working with you on this and other issues Mr. Speaker, Captain Kent Rominger is an that impact our tribal colleges. Milby. Charles’ father was a member of the American Hero. Many kids grow up dreaming Texas Congress from 1842 to 1844. Through- DR. JAMES E. SHANLEY, that they will one day be an astronaut, Kent is President, AIHEC out his life, Charles H. Milby was always con- living that dream. I would like Congress to join Board of Directors cerned about improving the economy and wel- me in congratulating Kent on his achieve- and Fort Peck Com- fare of his community. He served as a mem- ments and wish him good luck on future mis- munity College, Pop- ber of the original committee that presented sions to space. lar, MT. the U.S. Federal Government with the idea of