Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co., Ltd. 5-11-2 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8501, Japan

Published April 2020

As a member of MUFG, we will comply with the MUFG Principles of Ethics and Conduct. Intelligence. Insight. Expertise. Harnessing the power of knowledge, together. For a brighter, stronger tomorrow.


Humanism, Romanticism, Realism Looking to the future, we create value through pioneering intellectual work, exploring reality and ideals and putting our trust in people and society. As the think tank and consulting firm of the UFJ Financial Group (MUFG), Consulting Policy Research we offer research and advisory services on economic and social issues and government policy, Taking on the many management issues that Based on highly specialized studies and research, as well as various consulting services for private enterprises. companies encounter has made us a leading we help national and local governments to provider of consulting services. draft and implement policies. By combining our expertise in five core areas, we provide optimal solutions for our clients With almost 300 consultants, we handle around With around 200 policy researchers and analysts, and ongoing support for implementing these solutions. 2,000 projects every year for clients ranging we are responsible for around 700 projects from small businesses up to large corporations. every year. From this experience, we have the practical We also disseminate information and advocate and skills and professional know-how to provide promote policy recommendations to the public. support for effective and efficient project execution.

Key elds Key elds Consulting Management / business strategy (domestic and Environment, natural resources, and energy; Policy Research international), open innovation, organizational / healthcare and social welfare; the economy, personnel strategy, HR Technology, IT strategy, industry, and labor; urban policy and rural ESG strategy, marketing strategy, revitalization; economic development assistance business management, global operations support and international trade Mitsubishi UFJ Management Research and Consulting Management Information Services Our wide-ranging management information services, Information Services which include lectures, seminars, and online services, enable us to comprehensively support the business Economic Research growth of Japan-based client companies of MUFG .

Human Resources Development Through our human resources development services, including seminars, business courses, and distance education programs, we continue to support the growth Human Resources Deevelopment of numerous private enterprises in Japan.

Economic Research With expertise spanning a wide range of fields in economics and finance, our economists conduct and publish the results of elaborate multidimensional studies and analyses. Through these efforts, we provide valuable economic and financial information to our clients and the public. A member of Japan’s largest nancial group

Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting (MURC) Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG)

Outline Group Comprehensive Strength

Company Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co., Ltd. Strategic Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group alliance * Headquarters 5-11-2 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8501, Japan (MUFG) Established October 1985

Paid-in Capital 2.06 billion yen President Satoshi Murabayashi Mitsubishi UFJ Mitsubishi UFJ Mitsubishi UFJ Mitsubishi UFJ MUFG Bank Trust and Banking Securities Holdings NICOS Lease & Finance* Employees Approximately 950

Stockholders MUFG Bank, Ltd., Mitsubishi UFJ Capital Co., Ltd., The Mitsubishi UFJ Factors Ltd., and other institutions MUFG Americas Mitsubishi UFJ Mitsubishi UFJ Hitachi Capital Holdings Kokusai Asset Morgan Stanley ACOM Directory Tokyo (Headquarters), Nagoya, and Osaka Corporation* Corporation Management Securities Representative Office The Representative Office of Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co., Ltd. in Ho Chi Minh City

Subsidiary PT. MU Research and Consulting Indonesia

MU Research and Consulting (Thailand) Co., Ltd. First Sentier Morgan Stanley (Krungsri, KS) Investors MUFG Securities*

*Equity method affiliates

MUFG Investor Services Holdings Indonesia Organizational Chart Limited

Consulting Business Division

Global Network Policy Research & Consulting Division

General Board of Executive Membership Services & Human Resources Domestic Network: Overseas Network: Meeting Directors Committee Development Business Division of Shareholders Approx. 600 locations Approx. 2,10 0 locations

Social Impact Partnership Business Department in more than 50 countries Statutory Auditor Compliance Committee

Economic Research Division Risk Management Committee

Corporate Planning & Management Division