Field Guide to Philippine Mangroves (3.43

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Field Guide to Philippine Mangroves (3.43 a b Mangrove species in this field guide are sorted by genera. Closeup photographs of distinctive features (leaves, flowers, fruits, bark, roots) are provided for visual comparison to facilitate identification of species. J. H. Primavera, Ph. D. Photos from: Primavera JH, Sadaba RS, Lebata MJHL, Altamirano JP. 2004. Handbook of Mangroves in the Philippines - Panay. SEAFDEC/AQD and UNESCO, unless specified otherwise. Copyright © 2009 JH Primavera and RDB Dianala 1 2 PREFACE Awareness of mangrove importance, particularly for Aquaculture Department, and published by the coastal protection, has grown among the general Zoological Society of London-Philippines. public over the past several years. In turn, this Seeing the vitality of this field guide, Philippine has led to numerous planting initiatives by various Tropical Forest Conservation Foundation, Inc. (PTFCF) groups. However, most of these programs did not partnered with ZSL-Philippines and Foundation for yield positive results mainly due to lack of science- Communication Initiatives (FOCI) in repackaging this guided protocols, particularly on what species to field guide for distribution to groups and individuals grow under certain conditions. keen on mangrove rehabilitation. Together with This field guide is an attempt towards broader the “Community-based Mangrove Rehabilitation awareness and appreciation of the common Training Manual” and posters, this hopes to increase mangroves found in the Philippines. It is based prospects of success for mangrove rehabilitation on the original material, “Field Guide to Philippine efforts, particularly in areas hit by Super Typhoon Mangroves,” developed with support from the Pew Yolanda, the most destructive typhoon ever recorded Fellows Program in Marine Conservation and SEAFDEC in modern history. 3 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Acanthus Acanthus Local names: lagiwliw, ragoyroy FAMILY ACANTHACEAE FAMILY Acanthus Acanthus Acanthus ebracteatus ilicifolius volubilis Acanthus 4 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Acrostichum FAMILY PTERIDACEAE FAMILY Tips of leaves blunt Tips of leaves elongated to pointed Acrostichum Acrostichum Acrostichum aureum speciosum Local name: palaypay Local name: palaypay 55 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Aegiceras FAMILY MYRSINACEAE FAMILY Aegiceras Aegiceras corniculatum Local names: saging-saging, tinduk-tindukan Fruits curved 6 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Aegiceras Aegiceras floridum Local names: saging-saging, tinduk-tindukan FAMILY MYRSINACEAE FAMILY Aegiceras Fruits straight 77 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Avicennia Avicennia alba Local names: bungalon, apiapi, miapi FAMILY AVICENNIACEAE FAMILY Avicennia 8 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Avicennia FAMILY AVICENNIACEAE FAMILY Avicennia Avicennia marina Local names: bungalon, apiapi, miapi 99 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Avicennia Avicennia officinalis Local names: bungalon, apiapi, miapi FAMILY AVICENNIACEAE FAMILY Avicennia 10 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Avicennia Hairy, brownish leaf FAMILY AVICENNIACEAE FAMILY undersurface, hairy fruit Avicennia Avicennia rumphiana Local names: bungalon, apiapi, miapi 1111 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Brownlowia FAMILY TILIACEAE FAMILY Brownlowia Brownlowia tersa Local name: maragomon 12 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Bruguiera FAMILY RHIZOPHORACEAE FAMILY Bruguiera Bruguiera cylindrica Local names: pototan, busain 1313 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Bruguiera FAMILY RHIZOPHORACEAE FAMILY Bruguiera Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Local names: pototan, busain 14 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Bruguiera FAMILY RHIZOPHORACEAE FAMILY Bruguiera Bruguiera parviflora Local name: langarai 1515 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Bruguiera FAMILY RHIZOPHORACEAE FAMILY Bruguiera Bruguiera sexangula Local name: pototan 16 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Camptostemon philippinensis FAMILY BOMBACACEAE FAMILY Camptostemon philippinensis Local name: gapas-gapas Camptostemon philippinensis 1717 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Ceriops Ceriops FAMILY RHIZOPHORACEAE FAMILY Ceriops decandra Local name: baras-baras 18 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Ceriops Ceriops FAMILY RHIZOPHORACEAE FAMILY Ceriops tagal Local names: tungog, tangal 1919 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Excoecaria agallocha Male flowers FAMILY EUPHORBIACEAE FAMILY Leaves with milky sap Female flowers Excoecaria agallocha Local names: lipata, buta-buta Excoecaria agallocha Fruits 20 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Heritiera littoralis FAMILY STERCULIACEAE FAMILY Leaves with light undersurface Heritiera littoralis Heritiera littoralis Local name: dungon Photo by: M. J. H. Lebata 2121 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Kandelia candel Photo by: Kandelia candel W. G. Licuanan Found only in Baler and Casiguran Bay, Aurora Photo by: W. G. Licuanan FAMILY RHIZOPHORACEAE FAMILY Kandelia candel Photo by: N. Duke 22 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Lumnitzera Lumnitzera littorea Local names: tabao, culasi FAMILY COMBRETACEAE FAMILY Lumnitzera 2323 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Lumnitzera FAMILY COMBRETACEAE FAMILY Lumnitzera Lumnitzera racemosa Local names: tabao, culasi 24 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Nypa fruticans Nypa fruticans Local names: nipa, sasa FAMILY ARECACEAE FAMILY Nypa fruticans 2525 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Osbornia octodonta FAMILY MYRTACEAE FAMILY Osbornia octodonta Local names: tawalis, bunot-bunot Osbornia octodonta 26 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Pemphis acidula FAMILY LYTHRACEAE FAMILY Pemphis acidula Pemphis acidula Pemphis Local name: bantigi 2727 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Rhizophora FAMILY RHIZOPHORACEAE FAMILY Rhizophora Rhizophora apiculata Local name: bakhaw lalaki 28 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Rhizophora FAMILY RHIZOPHORACEAE FAMILY Rhizophora Rhizophora mucronata Local name: bakhaw babae 2929 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Rhizophora FAMILY RHIZOPHORACEAE FAMILY Rhizophora Rhizophora stylosa Local name: bakhaw bato 30 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea FAMILY RUBIACEAE FAMILY Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea Local name: nilad Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea 3131 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Sonneratia FAMILY SONNERATIACEAE FAMILY Sonneratia Sonneratia alba Local name: pagatpat 32 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Sonneratia FAMILY SONNERATIACEAE FAMILY Sonneratia Sonneratia caseolaris Local name: pedada 3333 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Sonneratia FAMILY SONNERATIACEAE FAMILY Sonneratia Sonneratia ovata Local name: pedada 34 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Xylocarpus FAMILY MELIACEAE FAMILY Xylocarpus Xylocarpus granatum Local name: tabigi 3535 FIELD GUIDE TO PHILIPPINE MANGROVES / Xylocarpus FAMILY MELIACEAE FAMILY Xylocarpus Xylocarpus moluccensis Local name: piag-ao 36 PTFCF’s FOREST AND COMMUNITY REHABILITATION PROGRAM On November 8, 2013, Super Typhoon Yolanda (International name: Haiyan) hit the Philippines. It was the strongest and most destructive typhoon the country has experienced in recent history. It destroyed infrastructure, human habitations and livelihoods. To date, government authorities continue to validate the total death toll. Super Typhoon Yolanda also left various ecosystems, such as mangrove and beach forests damaged. In response to calls for support towards ecosystems rehabilitation, the Philippine Tropical Forest Conservation Foundation, Inc. (PTFCF) implemented its Forest and Community Rehabilitation Program. This program aspires to support efforts in the Yolanda-affected provinces of Capiz, Iloilo, Leyte, Eastern Samar and Northern Palawan by providing grants and technical assistance to people’s organizations (POs) and non-government organizations (NGOs) for ecosystems assessment, capacity building, actual forest protection and rehabilitation activities, and advocacy campaigns, among others. It was observed from assessments and field visits after Yolanda that many organizations are taking part in mangrove rehabilitation. The unfortunate truth however, is that some of these projects were against the natural growth and survival of mangroves. This prompted the PTFCF to partner with Zoological Society of London (ZSL)-Philippines and Foundation for Communication Initiatives, Inc. (FOCI) to implement a strategic communications project that aspires to disseminate the right information to the right people through proper knowledge management. Part of the project is this updated and enhanced Field Guide to Philippine Mangroves by J.H. Primavera, PhD. This field guide is based on the original material, “Field Guide to Philippine Mangroves,” developed with support from the Pew Fellows Program in Marine Conservation and SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, and published by the Zoological Society of London. This field guide, together with Community-based Mangrove Rehabilitation Training Manual and posters will be distributed in Capiz, Iloilo, Eastern Samar, Northern Palawan, and other Yolanda-affected areas. 37 The Philippine Tropical Forest Conservation Foundation, Inc. (PTFCF) THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON was established under two bilateral agreements between the governments of the United States of America and the Republic of the The Zoological Society of London (ZSL), a charity founded in 1826, Philippines under the U.S. Tropical Forest Conservation Act (TFCA). is a world-renowned centre of excellence for conservation science PTFCF works towards biologically diverse Philippine forests that and applied
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