potatoes. The area of the township is 1,329 acres of Belton, Brumby, , Burton-on-Stather, land, 23 of water, 59 of tidal water and 13 of foreshore; East Butterwick, , Crosby, Crowle, ·rateable value (I917-rgr8), £3,171; population of .the , .- Frodingham, Gunness, West township in HJII, 043, and of the ecclesiastical parish Halton, . Luddington, & . (induding Keadby), 1,35,2. Meetings are held at the Council schools, ., and Police court, Scunthorpe, in alternate months, DERRYTHORPE is a hamlet three-quarters of a mile on the Tuesday following the last Friday of each 11outh. month, the former at 4·45 p.m. & the latter 6 p.m. , formerly part of· this parish, is now a Chairman, ,Tames Stephenson J.P. Lansdowne house, 11epara te parish. Althorpe KEADBY, a township in this parish, will be found Clerk, John Gibson, Hawthorne house, Cross st. Crowle under a separate heading. Pension Officers, Edward Latchford, Crowle & Thomas Post & M. 0. Office.----.James Longbottom, sub-post­ B. Caswell, 29 Clayfield road, Scunthorpe master. Letters through . Keadby is the nearest telegraph office Public Elementary ,S.ohool (mixed), built in 1876, for 240 Letter Box, Derrythorpe children-; Robert William Chapman, master ; Miss _ Sarah Smith, infants' mistress. The children from SCUNTHORPE SUB-COMMITTEE OF LINDSEY .Althorpe, Derrythorpe & Kead'by attend this school LOCAL PENSION COMMITTEE. Railway .Station, Herbert Arrand, station mas·ter The following parishes are included in the area of the Carriers, from Crowle, pass through to Amcotts, man_ Sub-district :-.Althorpe, Amcottil, Apple by, Ashby, tues. thurs. & fri. & take parcels for & Doncaster l'RIVATE nESIDENTS. I Brown Jn. Thos. & Robt. Hy. farmers Reading Room (William Johnson, Collinson Rev. Henry, East view Goodburn Henry Walmsley. farmer hon. sec) Ellison Allan M.A., B.D. (rect(lr), Hart Bros. & Co. Ltd. manure mfrs Robertson James Fenwick M.R.C.S. Rectory Holrnes -, tailor, Station road Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & Robertson Jas.Fenwick L.R.C. P.Lond Holm as Alfred, veterinary surgeon surgeon Stephenson James J.P. Lansdowne ho A~tlewell John Ridge!, boot maker, Shipley Belton, farmer, Derrythorpe Stephenson Reginald .las. Brasted ho Derrythorpe Snell Alfd. Compass htl. Derrythorpe Kirton Albert, bU'tcher (letters Stephensun Reginald J ames, farmer, _ COMMERCIAL. shoulP, be addressed Keadby) Brasted bouse Marked thus t farm 150 acres or over. Liversedge George R. Dolphin hotel Strntton Henry, market gardener Amery Jsph. Hy. overseer, Ivy Dene Longbattom Jas. & Son, shopkeepers, Stratton Mary (~rs.), grocer A.shby Robert, tailQr, Derrythorpe Post office Teanby Wm. wh~lwrght. & blcksmth .Batty ...In. Wm. farmer, Derrythorpe tMaw Reuben, farmer, De'rrythorpe Wharton Joseph, coal merchant lJooth John, shopkeeper (letters Phillipwn .Arth. farmer, Derrythorpe Workin~ ~!en's Club (Robert Old- -should be address~d Keadby) Poole George, insurance agent field, seq) A.LVINp-HAM is a parish and village, pleasantly of two bays, south aisle, with entrance and south-west sea.ted in the vale of the river Lnd, 4 miles north-ea~t tower, was thoroughly repaired i.n rB ..p and now serves from Louth station on the East branch a" a church for this and the :.:djoinin~ parish of North of the Great Northern railway and 6 south-west from Cockerington, this and the church of St. Adelwold both Saltfleet, in the Louth division of the county, parts of being in the Sflme churchyard. There is a Primitin Lindsey, Marsh division of Louth Eske hundred, Louth MPthodist chapel, built in r8-t.8; Lnited Methodist, petty sessional divi~inn, union and county court dis- built in r854• and a We5leyan chapel, built in 1~36. The trict, and in the rural deanery of East L011th Eske and Louth Navigation passes through the parish. Henry A. ;irchdea~:onry of Stow and . ThP Scrope esq. 'is lord of the manor, hut the hmd belm~g~ church of St.· Adelwold · is an ancient building of stone, to various proprietors. The wil is clayey and loamy; in the Norman style, consisting of chaqcel, nave, south and the subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat,

perch and an emb~ttled western tower, with four small barley,, oats and beans. The ~.rea is 1 1770 acres of land .pinnacles, containing- 3 bells~ there are IIO sittings. and 18 of water; rate~ble value, £2,015; population in The church is out of r~air and not used. The register 191 r.. 260 in the and 482 in the ecclesiastical dates from the yea~ 1590. The living is a vicarage, ' pari~h, which includes North Cockerington and part of consolidated with that of CockeTington St. Mary, or South Cockerington civil parishes. North Oocke"rington, ~oint net yearly value £250, and , including 138 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift Post Office.-Charles Dowse, sub-postmaster .. Letters of the Bishop of Lincoln, and held since 1914 by the throug-h Louth. Eastgate, Louth, 4 miles dist~Ilt, is Rev. Joseph Arthur Bunch, who rt!,Sides at North the nearest money order & Grimoldby the nearest Cockerington. A priory of Gilbertine nuns and canorls, telegraph office dedicated 'to the Virgin Nary and St. Adelwold, wa,; Wall Letter Box, Northend fo_unded. here in th.a reig-n of Henry _II. which, at ~he :The children of this place attend North Cockerington D1ssoluhon, was granted to Lord Chfton, there bemg school 1 at that time 27 canon!'-. and revenues valued at £r28: the still remaining chapPl, consisting of chancel, nave Carrier to Louth.-Charles Shaw, wed Foat William Henry tEnderby .Albert, farmer, TB.e Abbey Pridgeon Tom, cottage farmer COMMERCIAL. & tPoplar!l farms Shaw Chas. market gardnr.& carrier Marked thus t farm rso acres or over. Graves Frederick, cottage farmer tShucksmith Thomas & Sarah (~i:

'IY mas-a-Becket, erected in z853. at a cost of [x,3od, 1 James Welsh Thomas M.A. of Worcester College, Ox- a b• 1ding of stone, in the Early English style, con- 1 ford. The Wesleyan chap.el W88 bnilt in 187o, and a