U.S. Elections 2016 David Lublin American University President

Presidential Helicopter Oval Office President

Democrats Republicans

Hillary Donald Clinton Trump

Tim Mike Kaine Pence Third-Party Candidates

Green Party Libertarian Party Electoral College Votes by State Electoral Votes by State 2012 pollster.com fivethirtyeight.com fivethirtyeight.com Voting Behavior I

Partisanship Gender 100 60 90 50 80 70 40 60 50 30 40 20 30 20 10 10 0 0 Democrats Independents Republicans Men Women Clinton Trump Johnson Stein Clinton Trump Johnson Stein Voting Behavior II

Race and Ethnicity Age 100 60 90 50 80 70 40 60 50 30 40 20 30 20 10 10 N/A 0 0 Whites Blacks Latinos Asians < 40 40-64 65 + Clinton Trump Johnson Stein Clinton Trump Johnson Stein Voting Behavior III: Among Whites

Gender and Education Religion 70 80

60 70 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20

10 10

0 0 Men, No Degree Men, College Women, No Women, College Evangelical Protestants Non-Evangelical Catholics Grads Degree Grads Protestants Clinton Trump Johnson Stein Clinton Trump Johnson Stein Voting Behavior IV: Jews and Muslims











0 Jewish 2012 Florida Jewish 2016 Muslim 2012 Democrat Republican Libertarian Green Media Dominates Twitter Fights Back on Twitter Internet Memes Web Page: Promote Campaign Volunteers Web Page: Training Volunteers

Hillary Clinton’s website. Donald Trump is less focused on these activities. Web Page: Fundraising Mobile Phone App

Trump just unveiled his app hurriedly at the end of August. It is regarded of lower quality and much less used than Clinton’s. Parody: Songify the News

“Fight the tweets!” “I’m the greatest. I love Mexicans.” Comedy Shows: Saturday Night Live Comedy Shows Campaign Rallies Issues Immigration

Hillary Clinton: To Muslim Americans: What you’re hearing from Trump and other Republicans is absolutely, unequivocally wrong. It’s inconsistent with our values as a nation—a nation which you are helping to build. This is your country, too. I’m proud to be your fellow American. And many, many other Americans Khizr and Ghazala Khan at the feel the same way. Democratic National Convention National Security

Differences on Alliances

 Clinton favors NATO and traditional alliances.

Trump thinks NATO is  obsolete and allies are not paying their fair share. Donald Trump Fighting ISIS Politico:

Hillary Clinton

HillaryClinton.com NBC News: Economy and Trade Environment

Different views on Clean Power Plan and the Paris Climate Agreement.

 Opposes Favors 

West Virginia Coal Mine Supreme Court Congressional Elections

U.S. Capitol U.S. Senate Senate House

100 Senators. 435 Representatives.

Two Senators from Each State. Population Determines Number from Each State. Elected At-Large Statewide. Elected from Single-Member Districts. 6 Year Terms. 2 Year Terms. Staggered Elections, 1/3 Every Two Years. Complete House Faces Election at the Same Time.

The U.S. Senate Kansas Congressional Districts U.S. House of Representatives

2014 Election: 188 Democrats, 247 Republicans

House Minority Leader Speaker of the House Rep. Nancy Pelosi Rep. Paul Ryan California Democrat Wisconsin Republican Not All House Races Are Competitive

Rothenberg Cook & Gonzales Report Safe D 182 177

Likely D 2 6

Lean D 4 7

Toss-Up 21 18

Lean R 7 14

Likely R 6 13

Safe R 213 200

Democrats Need to Gain 30 Seats to Win Control of the House

United States Senate

2010: 54 Republicans 2010: 44 Democrats + 2 Independents

Senate Majority Leader Senate Minority Leader Republican Mitch McConnell Democrat Harry Reid Kentucky Nevada 34 Senate Races

Before the 2016 Election: 10 Democrats, 24 Republicans

Rothenberg Cook Report & Gonzales Safe D 9 8 Sen. Key Ayotte (R NH) Likely D 0 1 is in a toss-up race.

Lean D 2 2

Toss-Up 6 7

Lean R 1 2

Likely R 2 3

Safe R 14 11

Kamala Harris (D) is expected to win the California Senate race.

Diversity Politicians Come from a Variety of Backgrounds

Indian-American African-American South Carolina South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley Sen. Tim Scott

Native American Chinese-American Former Colorado Former Washington Sen. Ben Nighthorse Gov. Gary Locke Campbell

Hindu-American Muslim-American Maryland State Minnesota Rep. Del. Kumar Barve Keith Ellison Teşekkür ederim!