North Council


Planning Applications for consideration of Planning and Environment Committee

Committee Date : 27th October 1999

Ordrtance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with the permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved 2 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 27TH OCTOBER 1999

Page No. Application No. Applicant Development/Locus Recommendation

4 N/99/0 1073FUL Mr & Mrs J Provan Erection Of Farmworkers Dwelling - Upper Grant (P) Inchwood Farm (Site Adjacent To Farmhouse) by QueenLiburn G65 8.4L

8 N/99/01167/FUL Mr McIntyre Erection of Office Building Grant 5-7 Station Road G33 6HB

12 N/99/01173/OUT Mount Ellen Golf Club Erection of Nursing Home and Sheltered Grant Housing Complex and Relocation of Golf Clubhouse (Renewal of Existing Outline Planning Permission) Sites At Mount Ellen Golf Course, Johnston Road,

17 N/99/01175/FUL Mercury One 2 One Erection of an 18 Metre Antenna, Grant Microwave Dishes, Cabin, Compound and 2 Metres High Fence Site At Junction With Deerdykes Road/ South Deerdykes Court Westfield,

22 C/98/006 13FUL Freightliner Ltd Regrading of Land and Formation of Grant Car Parking Area, Freightliner Ltd., Gartsheme Road,

28 C/99/00507FUL Mrs M Stewart Erection of Two Holiday Chalets a: Grant (PI Mossywood Farm, Gain and Shankbum Road, , Airdrie

32 C/99/01007/FUL Scott Gillespie Proposed Part Change of Use of Grant Public House to Discotheque Including Extension to Rear - 7 Graham Street. Airdrie

36 C/99/01080iLBC Scott Gillespie Extension to Rear of Public House - Grant 7 Graham Street, Airdrie

39 C/99/01103/FUL Gilchrist & Lynn Ltd Erection of Eleven Dwelling Houses Grant and Twelve Flats, NorvueTerrace (off Henderson Street), Airdrie

43 C/99/01180/FUL Mr Vince Crolla Use of Public House as Grant Restaurantmakeaway and Frontage Alterations, 106 Road, Airdrie

46 C/99/01181/FUL Bank of Installation of ATM Machine & Refuse Shopfront Alterations, 48 Forrest Street, Airdrie

51 C/99/01183/FUL Samuel Harvie Use of Disused Byre as Refuse Dwellinghouse Including Frontage Alterations and Dormer Extensions, Meikle Drumgray Farm, , Airdrie 3 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 27TH OCTOBER 1999

Page No. Application No. Applicant Development/Locus Recommendation

56 S/99/00836/FUL Mr G McLaughlin Extension to Dwellinghouse - Grant 136 Coronation Road

60 S/99/00879/FUL J & A Developments Erection of 2 Storey Building Refuse Comprising Shop on Ground Floor with Two Flats Above 5/7 Shieldmuir Street,

65 S/99/00904/OUT Alexander Baxter Construction of Two 1.5 Storey Refuse (P) Dwellinghouses - Forrestburn Cottage Harthill

-70 S/99/00931/0UT Lothian Investments Residential Development (in Outline) Grant 417 High Street

-75 S/99/00933/0UT Lothian Investments Residential Development (in Outline) Refuse (P) Land West of 417 High Street Newarthill

83 S/99/01082/FUL I Lilly Alterations and First Floor Extension Grant Above Garage 31 Elmhurst,

88 S/99/01084/FUL R Thomson Rear and First Floor Extension Grant 38 Addie Street, Motherwell

93 S/99/01096/FUL R J Blyth Change of Use of Agricultural Land Refuse to Use as Car Boot Sale Land South West of Robert Miller Blacksmith, Overtown Road Waterloo, Wishaw

100 S/99/01101/FUL R Fullarton Erection of 11 Houses Grant Land at 100 Road , Wishaw

1 S/99/01102/FUL Motherwell F. C. Change of Use of Catering Unit to Grant Public Bar - David Cooper Stand Fir Park, Motherwell

111 S/99/01108/FUL A Bharwani Proposed Restaurant and Hot Food Grant Takeaway, Land West of Texaco Service Station, Road, Wishaw

117 S/99/0 1152/FuL D Rankin Change of Use of Garage to Picture Grant Framing Workshop 2 Hazelton, Motherwell

123 S/99/0 1263/FUL C Nelson Erection of Timber Garage and Shed Grant 99 Gala Crescent. Wishaw

(P) N/99/01073/FUL If approved, Section 75 Agreement to be concluded (P) C/99/00507/FUL If approved, Section 75 Agreement to be concluded (P) S/99/00904/OUT If approved, application to be referred to Scottish Ministers (P) S/99/00933/OUT If approved, application to be referred to Scottish Ministers


Application No: N/99/0 1073EUL

Date Registered: 1 lth August 1999


Agent: Avonside Timber Frame Ltd., , Cumbernauld



Ward No: 65 Grid Reference: 268 190 677255

File Reference: MD

Site History: CN/89/57: Erection of Dwelling - approved September 1989 CN/90/79: Relocation of approved Farmhouse - approved June 1990 93/107/PL: Erection of Dwelling (Outline) - withdrawn March 1994 94/25/PL: Erection of Farmworkers Dwelling (Outline) - approved October 1996 94/82/PL: Erection of Sluny Store - approved July 1994.

Development Plan: Local Plan 1983 - Kilsyth Hills Area of Regional Scenic Significance/Designated Countryside (5.18) Kilsyth Local Plan Finalised Draft 1996: Regional Scenic Area (NE1 1)

Contrary to Development Plan: No


Objection: No Objection: The Coal Authority, East of Scotland Water, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency Conditions: No Reply:


Neighbours: None Newspaper Advert: Not applicable

COMMENTS: The application is for a 4 bedroomed, single storey farmworkers dwelling at Upper Inchwood Farm, by Queenzieburn. The site is within the Regional Scenic Area as identified by the Kilsyth Local Plan 1983 and the Kilsyth Local Plan Finalised Draft 1996.

Outline Planning Permission (Ref. 94/025/PL) was granted in October 1996 for the farmworkers dwelling. The Department of Agriculture confirmed through the outline permission and the immediately preceding withdrawn application that agricultural activity at the farm warranted a hrther full-time worker. .,/ .,/ h' \\ 6

Although the proposed dwelling is not fully rural in character, its design has been greatly improved through pre application negotiations.

The detailed application complies with the terms of the outline permission. This includes matters such as an improvement to the private road at its junction with the A803 and the dwelling being located below the brow of a hill.

The Transportation Manager has objected to the application on the grounds that the access road is not adopted and already semes 3 dwellings and the farm, the access road is sub-standard being made up of loose material and being unlit with no pedestrian provision and that visibility from the access onto the A803 is extremely poor. The applicant has, however, complied with the specific requirements of the outline permission by proposing to widen and ‘ surface the first 5 metres of the access road. Where dwellings are required for agricultural purposes it is not considered appropriate to seek normal . roads requirements such as footpaths and lighting.

There are no objections from other consultees.

The applicant has agreed to a Legal Agreement under the terms of Section 75 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 such that the title deeds for the proposed dwelling restrict occupancy to cc .._.._...... a person solely or mainly employed or last employed locally in agriculture including any dependants of such person residing with himher or a widow or widower of such person.”

It is considered that the proposed dwelling acceptably complies with the terms of the outline planning permission. It is therefore recommended that planning permission be granted subject to the applicant entering into the above mentioned agricultural occupancy legal agreement. The decision notice should not be issued until the legal agreement is formally recorded.

RECOMMENDATION: Grant permission subject to the following conditions:-

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started not later than 27th October 200 I

- Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 in terms of full planning permissions covered by preceding outline planning permissions.

2. That the occupation of the dwellinghouse authorised by this permission shall be limited to a person employed full-time locally in agriculture, as defined in Section 277 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, or a dependant of such a person residing with hun/her or the widow or widower of such a person.

Reason: To ensure that the dwelling is occupied in accordance with its requirement for agricultural purposes.

3. That behre the development hereby permitted starts full details of existing and proposed levels, including cross sections as appropriate, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning AuthoKty, including any modifications as may be required.

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt. 7 4 That there shall be no exposed underbuilding on the proposed dwelling unless with the specific written approval of the Planning Authority,

Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the site and general area.

5. That before the development hereby permitted starts fidl details of all external materials to be used in construction, including walls, roofs, windows, doors, gutters, and downpipes shall be subinitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required.

Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the site and general area.

6. That before the development hereby permitted starts full details of the design and location of all fences and walls to be erected on the site shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required.

Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the site and general area.

7. That no work shall commence on the dwelling hereby permitted until the first 5 metre section of the access from the A803 has been widened to 5 metres and hard surfaced as shown on the approved plan.

Reason: In the interests of road safety

8. That a visibility splay of 4.5 metres x 120 metres, measured from the road channel, shall be provided on both sides of the vehicular access onto the A803 on land within the control of the applicant and before the dwelling hereby permitted is occupied, everything exceeding 1 metre iii height above the road channel level shall be removed from the sight line areas and thereafter nothing exceeding 1 metre in height above road channel level shall be planted, placed, erected, or allowed to grow, within these sight line areas.

Reason: In the interests of road safety.

9. That any alterations to statutory undertakers apparatus shall be carried out to the satisfaction and requirements of the respective statutory undertakers.

Reason, To protect statutory undertakers apparatus.

Note: Should the Council be minded to grant permission, the issuing of consent should await the . entering into and recording of an Agreement between the applicant and the Council under the terms of -: Section 75 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 within six months of the date of the Committee decision. The Agreement shall require that the title deeds of the proposed dwelling specify that occupation be limited to a person solely or mainly employed or last employed locally in agriculture, including any dependants of such person residing with himlher or a widow or widower of such person.

List of Background Papers: Application form and plans Kilsytli Local Plan 1983 Kilsyth Local Plan (Finaliscd Draft) I996 94/25/PL : Outlinc Planning Pcrniission for Famiworkcrs Dwclling approvcd in Octobcr I996 Consultation Lcttcrs froiii thc Coal Authority. East of Scotland Watcr and tlic Scottish Environmcntnl Protcction Agcncy

Any pcrson \vishing to inspcct thcsc docunicnts should contact Martin Dcnn 011 0 1236 6 16465. 8

Application No: N/99/0 1 167/FUL

Date Registered: 6th September 1999


Agent: None



Ward No: 70 Grid: 265853 668456 File Reference: MD Site History: TP/82/591: Use of Building as Workshop - Temporary Permission granted December 1982 TP/84/417: Continued Use of Building as Workshop - Temporary Permission granted August 1984 N/99/00825/FUL: Erection of Office Building - Refused August 1999.

Development Plan: Strathkelvin District Southern Area Local Plan 1983: E.PR06, Area Unaffected by Specific Proposals; E.PR07, Development Control in Residential Areas Northern Corridor Consultative Draft Local Plan 1998: SC1, Protect and Enhance Existing Local Shopping Areas

Contrary to Development Plan: No


Objection: No Objection: The Coal Authority, West of Scotland Water No Reply: Conditions:


- Neighbours: None Newspaper Advert: Not Applicable

COMMENT: The application is for an office unit at 5/7 Station Road, Stepps. The site has previously been used as a workshop, shop and more recently as a hairdressers.

In August 1999 planning permission was refused for a larger two-storey office building which took up the hll site with there being no off-street parking provision. Reasons for rehsal related to road safety due to lack of off-street parking, unacceptable intensification of vehicular use of a sub-standard private access and junction, poor design, overdevelopment and precedent.

The applicant has taken account of the points of refusal for his previous scheme . with the current proposal being a significant improvement. The design is low key but relatively pleasing. Two off-street parking spaces are provided which accords with the requirements of the Strathclyde Roads “Guidelines for Development Roads”. Only one office unit is proposed thus reducing the impact on Station Road and its junction. ! \

I I Produced by N 1 Planning and Development Departmenl Nwthem owlon PLANNING APPLICATION NO N/99/011671FUL Brcn Way ERECTION OFFICE BUILDING AT CUMBERNAULO OF G37 102 57STATION ROAD, STEPPS Telephone 01238 6164W Fax 012366164x) NS6s8 . . -__- - - 1:1250 Thls copy has mt-T~GiCedipeC~fica~I;fo;Plannlng and ~ul~dlngControl purpoGs GIY os LIwrKe LA W1L ._ - -___ - -NO - funher- .__- cop_es m_ay-bepe!a_d_e-- .. . .. i - .- __-- - 10

There continues to be concern by the Transportation Manager about further usage of Station Road which is private and sub-standard in size and fish and has a sub-standard junction with Drive. It is not, however, considered that these concerns should lead to a recommendation for refusal as the single office unit will not generate a significant amount of traffic and its use would be comparable with the existing and previous buildings on the site. This differs fiom the previous office proposal which was for two units with the floor space potential for additional units.

There are no other consultee objections.

No objections have been received from neighbours or other interested members of the public. This differs from the previous application for an office building which generated seven letters of objection.

There are no objections to the principle of office use and it is considered that the current proposal for a modest single unit building with two off-street parking spaces is acceptable. It is recommended that planning permission be granted.

RECOMMENDATION: Grant permission subject to the following conditions:-

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of thts permission.

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2. That the permission hereby granted is for the erection of an office unit as defined by Class 2 (Financial, Professional and Other Services) of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Scotland) Order 1997.

Reason: To define the permission and to ensure that the use is compatible with adjacent residential properties.

3. That the approved office unit shall not be subdivided unless with the written permission of the Planning Authority. - Reason: To ensure restricted vehicular use of a sub-standard access road and junction.

4. That before the development hereby permitted starts hll details of all external materials to be used in construction, including walls, roofs, windows, doors, gutters and downpipes, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required.

Reason: To ensure that the standard of finish is acceptable for this prominent location.

5. That before the development hereby permitted is brought into use two off-street car parking spaces shall be provided within the site, as described on the approved plans and shall, thereafter, be maintained as car parking spaces.

Reason: In the interests of road safety. 11

6. That before the development hereby permitted starts full details of necessary repairs to Station Road shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required.

Reason: To ensure that Station Road is repaired such that it can properly serve the proposed office unit.

7. That before the development hereby permitted is brought into use Station Road shall be repaired with necessary sections re-surfaced all to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure that Station Road is repaired such that it can properly serve the proposed office unit.

8. That any alterations to statutory undertaker's apparatus shall be carried out to the satisfaction and requirements of the respective statutory undertaker.

* Reason: To protect statutory undertaker's apparatus.

List of Background Papers:

Application Form and Plans Strathkelvin District'(Southern Areas) Local Plan 1983 Northern Corridor Consultative Draft Local Plan 1998 Consultation letters from &e Coal Authority and West of Scotland Water

Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Martin Dean on 01236 616459. 12 Application No: N/99/0 1 173/0uT

Date Registered: 2nd September 1999


Agent: Kelvin Design, 109 Etive Crescent, Cumbemauld



Ward No: 68 Grid Reference: 270520 668825

File Reference: MD w Site History: TPl901145: Erection of Nursing Home and Sheltered Housing Complex and Re- location of Golf Clubhouse (Outline) - Approved June 1993 TP/94/262: Erection of 40 Dwellings with Access Road (Outline) - Rehsed May 1997 (Housing on land to north of Nursing Home / Sheltered Housing site) N/96/130/PL: Erection of Nursing Home and Sheltered Housing Complex and Re-location of Golf Clubhouse (Renewal of Existing Outline Planning Permission) - Approved September 1996 N/98/01694/OUT: Residential Development (Outline) - approved by Council in April 1999 but called in by The Scottish Ministers for their determination . Public Inquiry to be held in January 2000. (Land to north of Nursing Home/Sheltered Housing site)

Development Plan: Strathkelvin Southern Areas Local Plan 1983 - Greenbelt (E.PR02), Tree Preservation Order (E.PR012) (part site) Northern Corridor Consultative Draft Local Plan 1998 - Housing Development Opportunity Site (HG 1/15)(part site), Greenbelt (ENV8-14 (part site), Tree Preservation Order (ENV6) (part site) Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995

-- Contrary to Development Plan: Yes


Objection: No Objection: Conditions: No Reply:


Neighbours: None Newspaper Advert: None

COMMENTS: The application is for a renewal of the previous Outline Planning Permission for a Nursing Home and Sheltered Housing Complex and the re-location of the Golf Clubhouse at Mount Ellen Golf Club, Johnston Road, Gartcosh. Produced by Planning and Development Depment 1 NoRhern Lhvision won Way CUMBERNAULD C87 1DZ ' PLANNING APPLICATION N/99/01173OUT A ' TeIephom,01228618400 ~ax01238618420 MOUNT ELLEN GOLF CLUB _. 1:10000 Th~scopy has been produced spe~R~~llyfcx Planning and Buldtrq CGird LinTKieS Only .OS __bcance-- LA 09041L NO funher copes ._may be made .- -- E- -- __ - -- 14

Planning Permission (TP/90/145) was on@y granted in June 1993 after being called in by Strathclyde Regional Council for its determination. This permission was subsequently renewed by North Lanarkshire Council in September 1996 (N/96/0 13 O/PL) .

It is a requirement of the specific outline permissions and of the relevant Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Acts that the details of a proposed development must be submitted to the Planning Authority within three years of the grant of the outline permission. The previous renewal of the outline permission required lapsed on 18 September 1999 as no details had been submitted. The current application is therefore to fbrther renew the outline permission for the Nursing Home/Sheltered HousingRe-located Golf Clubhouse.

It is proposed that a 60 bed nursing home incorporating the existing golf clubhouse and an adjacent 20-40 unit sheltered housing complex be formed off Johnston Road, Gartcosh. Access would be via a new section of road running into the site from a position west of the existing access point. A new goE clubhouse is proposed in the north-west section of the golf course with access. from Lochend Road, Mount Ellen.

It should be noted that the golf club has a current application for resider, development (outline) on a site to the north of the nursing home/sheltered housing site. The Council determined to approve the application in April 1999. The application has, however, been called in by The Scottish Ministers for their determination in order to assess the proposal against local and national greenbelt policies. A public local inquiry has been called on behalf of The Scottish Ministers for January 2000.

It is considered that no relevant new planning issues have arisen since the previous grants of outline permission by Strathclyde Regional Council and North Lanarkshire Council for the nursing home/sheltered housing compledre-located golf clubhouse which would warrant the Council now coming to a different decision. It is therefore recommended that a renewal of outline planning permission be granted.

In view of the two previous outline planning pennissions for the development, it is not considered necessary to notify The Scottish Ministers under the terms of the Town and Country Planning (Notification of Applications) (Scotland) Direr 1997. - RECOMMENDATION: Grant subject to the following conditions:-

1. In the case of any reserved matter application for approval must be made before:- (i) the expiration of 3 years from the date of the grant of outline permission; or (ii) the expiration of 6 months from the date on which an earlier application for such approval was rehsed; or (iii) the expiration of 6 months from the date on which an appeal against such rehsal was dismissed whichever is the latest ; provided that only one such application may be made in the case after the expiration of the three year period mentioned in sub-paragraph (i) above.

Reason: To comply with the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2. That the development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than whichever is the later of the following dates:- (i) the expiration of 5 years from the date of the grant of outline permission; or (ii) the expiration of 2 years from the final approval of the reserved matters, or in the case of approval on different dates, the final approval of the last such matters to be approved. 15 i Reason: To comply with the Tow and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. ji".

3. The proposed Nursing Home and Sheltered Housing Development shall be located within the area as shown in Drawing SK141091A and shall extend to no more than 4 acres.

Reason: In the interests of amenity.

'4. All building work shall be carried out a minimum of 38 metres from the gas pipeline.

Reason: In the interest of public safety.

5. The applicant is required to sumit to North Lanarkshire Council:- (a) Detailed plans to a scale of not less than MOO showing contours, the position and width of roads, provision for car parking, the siting of buildings, existing and proposed accesses, new walls and fences, proposed landscape treatment including existing trees to be maintained and planting to be carried out. (b) Detailed plans, sections and elevations of buildings to be erected on the site and, in particular, the proposed method of dramage, and colour and type of materials to be used externally on walls and roof. (c) A comprehensive appraisal plan of all the land to be developed to a scale of not less than U2500 showing the contours of the site, any existing trees, shrubs, and hedgerows, layout of the roads, existing sewers, gas and water mains, electricity and GPO cables, existing public rights of way, and the siting of buildings, and accompanied by a descriptive written statement.

Reason: To comply with the Tonm and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

6. The proposed sheltered housing development shall comprise a maximum of 22 units, be of single storey design, and physically adjoin the Nursing Home.

Reason: In the interest of amenity and to ensure the institutional use of the site.

7. The existing clubhouse shall form an integral part of the Nursing Home.

Reason: To ensure the institutional use of the site.

8. The Nursing Home shall comprise a maximum of 60 bedrooms.

Reason: To ensure the institutional use of the site.

9. The nursing home and sheltered housing shall be designed and operated as a single management unit. Any variation from this institutional use will require prior written approval from the Director of Planning & Environment, North Lanarkshire Council. -.

. Reason: To ensure the institutional use of the site.

10. The details €0 be submitted under Condition 5 shall include access and parking arrangements to meet the standards set out in the Guidelines for Development Roads by Strathclyde Regional Council.

Reason: In the interests of public safety and to provide the proper access arrangements.

11. Prior to work starting on site detailed proposals shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority showing the following drainage details:- (i) Drainage of foul and surface water sewerage to the satisfaction of the Area Sewerage Engineer, West of Scotland Water, (ii) A system of land dramage for the development sites, including the means of disposal or discharge of land dramage.

Reason: In the interests of amenity and to prevent pollution of local watercourses. 16

12. That prior to work starting on the site a detailed site investigation study shall be submitted to the Council.

Reason: To ensure the site is suitable for development in terms of sub-surface strata.

13. All telephone connections shall be underground.

Reason: In the interests of amenity.

14. That no trees and hedgerows on, or overhanging, the site shall be felled or lopped without the written permission of the Council as Planning Authority, that two copies of a plan shall be submitted to the said Authority showing the existing trees and hedgerows on the site, those to be retained and any proposed replanting, and that no work shall be commenced until the written permission of the Planning Authority has been granted for these proposals.

Reason: In the interests of amenity.

15. No work can commence on site until the access arrangements have been approved by North Lanarkshire Council as Roads Authority.

Reason: To provide the proper access arrangements.

List of Background Papers: Application Letter and Plans Previous outline approvals for the Nursing Home and Sheltered Housing, Refs. TP/90/145 AND N/96/130/PL Strathkelvin Southern Areas Local Plan 1983 Northern Comdor Consultative Draft Local Plan 1998

- Any person wishing to mpect these documents should contact Martin Dean on 0 1236 6 16465. 17

Application No: N/99/0 1175/FUL

Date Registered: 7th September 1999


Agent: APT, Unit 64, Sir James Clark Building, Abbeymill Business Park, Paisley, PA1 1TJ



Ward No: 67 Grid: 272355672397 File Reference: JR Site History: None

Development Plan: Zoned IB 1,2 - 4 in the Cumbernauld Local Plan (Adopted) 1993

Contrary to Development Plan: No


Objection: No Objection: Health and Safety Executive, West of Scotland Water, Radio Communications Agency No Reply: Conditions: East of Scotland Water


I Neighbours: No Response Newspaper Advert: Not Required

s COMMENTS: This application has been submitted for the erection of 18 m high antenna and associated works at a site on the junction of South Deerdykes CourtRleerdykes Road, West field, Cumbernauld.

My detailed observations on this proposal and on concerns raised by Cllr. W. Hogg are contained in the accompanying report. I would deem that this proposal is acceptable and recommend that planning permission be granted.

RECOMMENDATION:/ i - .. .. __ .. - -..-...... - . . . . . __ - . ._ . . . _...._ . ’ . . I Producad by ’ Punning and Development Depanmenl NI99101175lFUL Mercury One 2 One &ANARKSHIRE Erection of 18 rn Antenna etc -. COUNCIL R-hem ha- s-w nu- r.” South Deerdykeg Court, Cum_bernauld hw,a* P”*-o( oma h0 ua CUndr -mm d hrurW. 1 Telsphone o‘*35 3616400 A 616420 ‘ mis copy has Deen pmducad speafically for Planning and Building Control purposes Only 012% 1:2500 IJN- r-on *hrrp..GD-.ooRnO*1 fumr copies may bs made I 0s IJcome LA W’L - __ ___ . NO. -~ - - -=E’ E!* ”“a*P”_?!‘*. - 19


RECOMMENDATION: Grant permission subject to the following condition

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of the permission

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country (Planning) Scotland Act 1997.

2. That prior to the development hereby permitted being started, full details of all existing landscape to be removed and details of the protection methods for the remaining landscaping shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interests of the visual amenity of the Westfield Industrial Area.

3. That the methods of landscape protection agreed under Condition 2 above shall be installed prior to construction work being started, and maintained on site for the entire construction period.

Reason: In the interests of the visual amenity of the Westfield Industrial Area.

4. That prior to the development hereby being started, a scheme of landscaping, including boundary treatment(s) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority and it shall include:-

(a) details of any earth moulding, grass seeding and turfing (b) a scheme of tree and shrub planting, incorporating details of the number variety and size of trees and shrubs to be planted.

Reason: In the interests of the visual amenity of the Westfield Industrial Area.

5. That within three months of the completion of the development hereby permitted, all seeding, turfing earth moulding and boundary treatments approved under the terms of Condition 4 above shall be completed and any trees, shrubs or grass areas which die, are removed, damaged or become diseased - within eighteen months of the completion of the development, shall be replaced within the next planting season with others of a similar size and species.

s Reason: In the interests of the visual amenity of the Westfield Industrial Area.

List of Background Papers:

Application Forms and Plans Curnbernauld Local Plan Correspondence from APT dated 8 October 1999 Consultation response from the Health and Safety Executive dated 5th October 1999 Consultation response from Radio Communications Agency dated 22 September,1999 Consultation response from West of Scotland Water dated 22 September 1999 Consultation response from East of Scotland Water dated 20 September 1999

Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Jim Ravey on 01236-616479 20



1.1 This application has been submitted by APT, on behalf of Mercury One 2 One, for the erection of a 18 metre high telecommunications mast which will be “topped” with three 1.8 m high cross polar antennae and two 300 mm microwave dishes. The development will also incorporate a 3 m high equipment cabin and a 2 m high chainlink fence. The application site is located at the junction of Deerdykes Road, the major distributor serving this area of the Westfield Industrial Estate, and Deerdykes Court, a local access spur. The Westfield Industrial Estate lies on the western boundary of Cumbernauld and has excellent access to the A80. The estate.provides a wide range of . speculatively built industrial units, serviced industrial land, manufacturing plant and warehouse distribution.

1.2 The site is currently zoned

“IB 1, 2-4 :- Existing IndustrialEiusiness areas to be retained”

in the Cumbemauld Local Plan (Adopted) 1993. The proposed development does not conflict with the policies contained within said Plan.


2.1 Neighbour notification has generated no adverse responses.

2.2 Councillor W. Hogg telephoned my Department requesting the following be considered:-

a) The proximity of another telecommunications pole some 220 m to the north east would offer an opportunity to this company to share the pole in place.

b) Due to the proximity of the existing pole, the location of this telecommunications antenna could create “hot spots” which would affect the operations of the adjacent ‘Air Products manufacturing process.


3.1 The proposed location within an industrial estate can be viewed as being the most appropriate location for this type of development. The range and style of architecture of the adjacent factory units and manufacturing plant can accommodate the siting of a telecommunications mast and associated plant as not to be detrimental to the visual amenity of the area.

3.2 In order to address the points raised by Councillor Hogg I can advise the Committee that I have contacted the applicants and the adjacent telecommunications operator who has installed the existing antenna. I also contacted the Health and Safety Executive with a specific query regarding the potential of two antenna to create “hot spots” and the possible implications on the adjacent Air Products manufacturing facility.

3.31 21

3.3 The agent for the applicant has advised me that it is standard practice for Mercury One 2 One to investigate the possibility of mast sharing with adjacent suitable antenna'. In this instance the existing adjacent mast would be required to be raised to 20 m to accommodate the plant required by Mercury. However the coverage provided by the shared mast would be inadequate and would more than likely involve the siting of a further antenna.

3.4 The Health and Safety Executive have replied that there are no reasons on major hazard grounds for advising against the granting of planning permission in this case.

3.5 There is currently a perception amongst sections of the public that there are certain health issues associated with proposals for telecommunication masts, antennae's and their associated Electro Magnetic Fields (E.M.F. 's). Strictly speaking, health considerations in cases such as this are a matter outwith the scope of planning control and should be dealt with by the Health and Safety Executive.

3.6 The National Radiological Protection Board (N.R.P.B.) is the Government's Statutory advisor on radiological protection matters. It sets out guidance limiting exposure to E.M.F.'s and current advice from Central Government is that so long as the guidelines are adhered to, there is no proven risk to health from such developments.

3.7 Given that the proposal is not considered to be detrimental to the amenity of the area, and that there has been no objections submitted, it is recommend that planning permission be granted. 22


Agent T Lawrie and Partners, 7th Floor, Clydeway Skypark, 8 Elliot Place, Glasgow.


Ward No. 33 Grid Reference 272335 665475

File Reference C/’PL/173 10/2005/2/000/CM/SOH

Site History Cl97105 14/OUT Extension to Freightliner Terminal -Refused 24 November 1998 95007 Formation of New Vehicular Access -Granted 26 May 1995 93 101 Extension to Freightliner Terminal -Refused 1993 91016 Erection of3 Lighting Columns -Granted 19 March 1991 M81462 Infilling of Land -Refuse 01 February 1985

Development Plan Under the terms of the Adopted Monklands District Local Plan 1991 the application site is located within an area covered by the following policy:-

ECON 2 Existing General Industrial Area

Contrary to No Development Plan


Objection No Objection West of Scotland Water, Transco (BG plc), Scottish Power, The Coal Authority, British Telecom, SEPA (West). Conditions No Reply


Newspaper Not Required Advertisement

COMMENTS Planning permission is being sought for the regrading of land and formation of a car park within part of Freightliners Terminal at Gartsherrie Road, Coatbridge. The site area extends to some 0.25 ha. and consists of a raised grassed embankment located to the rear of Gartsherrie Primary School. The excavated material would be removed to a licensed tip and the regraded area would be used to form a car parking area. This would be surfaced with ‘tarmac’ and provided with a drainage facility. The regrading works would also include the provision of a raised grassed bund to the rear of the car park. This would provide a barrier between the car parking area and the dwellinghouses located in Colt Avenue which are located some 70 metres to the west of the site. The applicant has confirmed that the car parking area would be used over a 24 hour period by Freightliner staff and it is anticipated that the maximum number of 60 to 80 vehicles would use the area at any one time. The parking area would not be used by heavy goods vehicles

R98006 13.DOC i I 24

A letter of objection was received from a resident in Colt Avenue who considered the proposal would have a detrimental impact on the residential amenity of the area by increasing noise levels, causing overshadowing, lead to drainage and infrastructure problems, increase traffic and impair the health and safety of children attending the local school. The objector also considered the proposal to be detrimental to the natural environment. Following consideration of these objections as detailed in the following report I have concluded that they can not be sustained and as such there would be no detrimental impact on residential amenity.

The application site lies within an area identified as an existing general industrial area and as such the proposal would accord with the terms of policy ECON 2 of the local plan. The terms of the objection have not been sustained and I consider the proposal could be implemented in a satisfactory manner without significant impact on the amenity of the surrounding area. It is therefore recommended that planning permission be granted subject to conditions.


Grant, subject to the following conditions.

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission

Reason: To accord with the provisions ofthe Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2. That the parking area hereby approved shall be used solely as a staff andor visitor car park. For the avoidance of doubt the area shall not be used as a Heavy Goods Vehicle or HGV Trailer parking area.

Reason: To protect the amenity of the outlying residential area.

3. That in accordance with condition 2 above, 'car parking only' signs shall be erected at the entrances to the parking area as indicated in red on the plans hereby approved.

Reason: To ensure the parking area is only used by cars in the interests of amenity.

4. That before the car parking area hereby approved is brought into use the parking area shall be properly drained and surfaced in an impervious material and shall be clearly marked out and signposted, and shall, thereafter, be maintained as a car parking area.

Reason: In the interests of traffic safety and ensure the provision of an adequate parking layout.

5. That within 6 months of the completion of the regrading works the embankment and bund shaded green on the plans hereby approved shall be grass seeded or turfed to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority; any area of grass that dies off or is removed or damaged within two years of the completion of the development, shall be replaced within the following year.

Reason: In the interests of amenity.

6. That before the development hereby permitted starts, details of a maintenance scheme for the grassed embankment and bund indicated in green on the approved plan shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required.

Reason: In the interests of amenity and to ensure the area is properly maintained.

R98006 13.DOC 25

List of Background Papers

- Application Forms and Amended Plans - Adopted Monklands District Local Plan 1991 - Consultation Response from : West of Scotland Water, Transco (BG plc), Scottish Power, The Coal Authority, Environmental Control Manager, British Telecorn - Letter of Objection from L. and M. McCafferty, 20 Colt Avenue, Coatbridge received 10 August 1999.

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Coatbridge 812376 and ask for Mr Marshall.

R98006 13.DOC 26




1.1 Planning consent is being sought for the regrading of land and formation of a car park at the Freightliner Terminal, Gartsherrie Road, Coatbridge. The extraction site extends to some 0.25 ha. forming a raised grassed embankment with naturally generated trees, shrubs and bush of varying species and is located to the south west corner of the Freightliner Depot. The site is bounded to the south by Gartsherrie Primary School and Gartsherrie SocialiBowling Club, to the west by residential properties located in Colt Avenue and to the north by the adjoining Container Base Depot. Approximately 14,500 cubic metres of materials would be removed from the site to a licensed tip. The excavated area would be surfaced with hardcore/tarmac’ and used as a staff car park. It is also proposed to form a bund along the western boundary of the site to provide a visual and acoustic baffle between the site and the adjacent houses.


2.1 The applicant’s original proposal was to have used the extraction material to infill an area of ground to the north of the Freightliner Terminal for the purposes of extending the depot area. However this proposal was considered unacceptable and members shall recall their decision to refuse planning consent for this. (Refer to C/97/00514/OUT as noted above). As this decision effectively nullified the extraction and infill proposal, the applicant subsequently amended the application to include the provision of a HGV trailer park at the site with extracted material removed to a licensed tip. During the course of my consideration of this amendment the applicant advised a further change of intention and requested that a staff car park proposal should be considered. It is this latest revision that is the subject of this report. It should be noted that as I was advised of each revision the prescribed re-notification procedure was carried out.


3.1 There were no adverse comments received fiom any of the above noted external consultees. In particular neither my Transportation Manager or Environmental Control Manager had any objection to the proposal.

3.2 Whilst the previous proposals for the infill and HGV Trailer park raised a significant level of representations from surrounding neighbours, the current car park proposal raised one representation. A letter of objection was received from a resident in Colt Avenue who considered the proposal would have a detrimental impact on the residential amenity of the area by increasing noise levels, causing overshadowing, lead to drainage and infrastructure problems, increase traffic and impair the health and safety of children attending the local school. The objector also considered the proposal to be detrimental to the natural environment.


4.1 In response to these concerns it should be noted that there were no adverse comments received from any of the external consultees. The Environmental Control Manager was satisfied by the type and level of use and raised no environmental concerns. West of Scotland Water confirmed the existing drainage system would not be materially affected by the proposal. The final car park levels would be lower that the adjacent school grounds and the high bund to be provided to the rear of the site would offer a satisfactory visual and acoustic barrier between the proposed car park and the residential area. These houses are located some 70 metres away and I fail to see how the proposal would cause an overshadowing problem to the objectors property. As the car park would be used by existing Freightliner staff there would be no increase in traffic movements and the risk to the safety of school children would not be increased as a result of the proposal. All vehicles would use the existing access which is located some 200 metres to the east of the school. There is no direct link or access between the school grounds and the site and this separation would be enhanced by the regrading works as the car

R9800613.DOC 27

park would be situated at a lower level. The existing embankment consists of an area of rough grass land with naturally generated trees, shrubs and bush of varying species however the loss of part of this area is not considered to be significant or detrimental to the local environment. Having considered the terms of the objection I would conclude that there would be no significant impact on residential amenity.

4.2 The application site lies within an area identified as an existing general industrial area and as such the proposal would accord with the terms of policy ECON 2 of the local plan. The terms of the objection have not been sustained and I consider the proposal could be implemented in a satisfactory manner without significant impact on the amenity of the surrounding area.

R9800613.DOC 28



Ward No. 45 Grid Reference 275 125 670730

File Reference C/PL/ 168551200012/000/CM/ES

Site History 8335 1 Alterations and Extension to Dwellinghouse. Granted 4 November 1983 82356 Erection of Dwellinghouse Refused 26 November 1982 80275 Winter Storage of Caravan Refused 13 June 1980 79450 Temporary Storage of Caravans Refused 28 November 1979

Development Plan Under the terms of the Adopted Monklands District Local Plan 1991 the application site is located within an area covered by the following policies:-

TO 8 Develop Tourist Accommodation GB 1 Restrict Development in the Green Belt CU 113 Gas Pipeline Safety Zone LI 111 High Quality Landscape

Contrary to Development Plan Yes


Objection No Objection NLC Director of Finance, The Coal Authority, Conditions No Reply gL Clyde Valley Tourist Board, SEPA (West), NLC Tourism Officer


Neighbours No Response

Newspaper Advertisement No Response

COMMENTS Planning permission is being sought for the erection of two holiday chalets at Mossywood Farm, Gain and Shankburn Road, Riggend, Airdrie. The chalets would be located on a north facing woodland embankment situated to the east of the farm steading. The design reflects that of a single storey timber log cabin, each measuring 7.8 m x 6.3 m providing 1 double and 1 twin bedroom with a loungekitchen area and w.c./shower room. Each chalet would have a front porch. Vehicular access would be provided from the existing private farm track to a parking area for 6 no. vehicles. A new septic tank would be provided. No existing trees would need to be removed to accommodate the development however some ground engineering works would be required to prove suitable hillside construction platforms. In support of the proposal the applicant has submitted a business plan and has agreed to enter into a Section 75 Agreement to limit the use and occupation of the chalets as a tourist facility. This would also involve the

R9900507. DOC Produced by I I Depament of Planning and Environment 1 APPLICATION No: 99/00507/FUL. I @ NORTH I Central Division LANARKSHIRE Muniupal Buildings I ERECTION OF TWO HOLIDAY CHALETS ffildonan Sweet AT MOSSYWOOD FARM, -_-COUNCIL COATBRIDGE I MLS 3LN IA Rcpmdwd horn VI0 hOnlnv Surrey rnawnp Wh I GAIN & SHANKBURN ROAD, RIGGEND, I AIRDRIE. 1: 5000 y~~;y;;l zc;;$nm;;$; MaiW Telephone01226 812222 Fax 01236431068 , u~MY~~D.~I.W.~UCID~ I~I~YI~..crow cwlighi I I This copy has been produced specifically for Planning and Building Control purposes Only ' ms ieaa 10 P~YWID~O~SWI pr0~~.drnps my OS Licence U 09041 L I NO further copes may be made I 30

developer becoming a member of the Clyde Valley Tourist Board (to allow periodic inspection) the appointment of a manager, all guests charged by invoice and ensure the intoduction of an ancillary cleaning/maintenance facility that would be the responsibility of the management. The developer anticipates the chalets would be occupied between the months of March and September.

Whilst the proposal is considered to be contrary to the terms of the green belt policy it does accord with the local plans’ tourism Policy TO 8. This policy sets out to encourage an increase in the provision of overnight tourism accommodation. A departure from the strict terms of the green belt policy may only be acceptable provided it can be justified. In consideration of the supporting information provided by the applicant I am satisfied that sufficient safeguards can be put in place to ensure the chalets are only used for tourist related purposes. The Director of Finance has advised that the hire of the chalet would provide a viable income and as such would enable the farm an element of diversification. The applicant has agreed to enter into a Section 75 Agreement and this would provide the Council with an adequate control over the level of use and occupation of the chalets. As such it is my view that on balance the proposal is acceptable in policy terms as it would represent an acceptable departure from the green belt policy.

Turning to the detailed design of the layout it is noted that the chalets would be situated on a wooded embankment which consists of many broadleaf species. The layout plan indicates that the proposal would not require the removal of any trees and as such the chalets would remain screened from most of the surrounding countyside. The design and positioning of the chalets are such that they would have little visual impact on the surrounding landscape. To assist in the preservation and enhancement of this woodland the applicant has agreed to seek assistance from the Central Scotland Countryside Trust in setting up a Woodlands Management Scheme for the area.

In view of the foregoing considerations I consider the application could be implemented in a satisfactory manner provided safeguards can be introduced to limit the use of the chalets to a tourist use. The scale, design and positioning of the chalets is considered to be acceptable and as such it is recommended that planning permission be granted subject to conditions and the satisfactory conclusion of a Section 75 Agreement.


Grant, subject to the following conditions.

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission.

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2. The chalets hereby approved shall be used for holiday/tourist purposes only and shall not be occupied at any time as the sole or main place of residence of any occupant to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to retain effective control, in order to control the fbture use of the premises.

R9900507. DOC 31

3. Each chalet hereby approved shall not be let for a period of two weeks during the month of February in any calendar year, or an alternative period to be agreed in writing with the Planning Authority.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to retain effective control, in order to control the future use of the premises.

4. That the proposed vehicular access shall meet the existing farm track at an angle of 90" and shall be a mimimum width of 4.5m. Each parking space shall measure 5.0m x 2.5m and incorporate a 6.0m wide turning isle.

Reason: To ensure the provision of satisfactory vehicular access and parking facilities.

5. That the roofs of the chalets hereby approved shall be clad with natural slate or slate coloured roofmg tiles, and a sample of which shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority.

Reason: To safeguard the amenity of the surrounding area and to be in keeping with the Scottish architectural vernacular.

6. That the premises shall be used for seasonal tourist accommodation and for no other purposes (including any other purpose in Classes 7,s and 9 of the Schedule to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes)(Scotland)Order 1997.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to retain effective control, in order to control the future use of the premises.

7. That before the development hereby permitted starts, a woodland management and maintenance scheme, covering the area hatched greenon the approved plans, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required, and it shall include:-

(a) proposals for the continuing care, maintenance and protection of the trees, shrubs and hedges, including details of the timing and phasing of all such works; (b) details of the location, number, variety and size of trees and shrubs to be planted, and the phasing of such works.

Reason: To safeguard the woodland and in the interests of enhancing the landscape of the surrounding area.

List of Background Papers

- Application Forms, Amended Plans and Supporting Business Plan - Letter from Applicant dated 2 1 September 1999 - Adopted Monklands District Local Plan 199 1 - Consultation response from NLC Director of Finance received 27 July 1999 - Consulation response from The Coal Authority received 22 July 1999

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Coatbridge 812376 and ask for Colin Marshal1

R9900507.DOC 32

Application No. C/99/01007/FUL Date registered 16 August 1999 APPLICANT SCOTT GILLESPIE, c/o 7 GRAHAM STREET, AIRDRIE

Agent Gareth Hutchison Architect, 22 Easter Belmont Road, EH12 6EX


Ward No. 43 Grid Reference 276210 665450

File Reference C/PL/l8950/0007/0/000/CM/KH

Site History C/98/01212/FUL Change of Use of Class 1 Shop (Ground and First Floor) to Public HouselRestaurant including External Alterations, Granted 3 November 1998. C/98/00489/FuL Change of Use of Hairdressers to Childrens Nursery, Granted 15 June 1998 C/91/067 Change of Use of Bank to Public House, Discotheque and Shop, Granted 26 April 1991.

Development Plan Under the terms of the Adopted Monklands District Local Plan 1991 the application site is located within an area covered by the following policies:-

COM3 Maintain Retail Core Area COMll Social Entertainment and Commercial ‘Bad Neighbour’ Uses Em1513 Airdrie Conservation Area ENV16 Conservation Area Improvement ENV17 Protect Listed Buildings

Contrary to No Development Plan


Objection No Objection Historic Scotland Conditions No Reply

REPRESENTATIONS Neighbours No Response

Newspaper No Response Advertisement

COMMENTS Planning permission is being sought for a change of use of the first floor of the public house to a discotheque and the erection of a single storey extension to the rear of this Listed Building (refer to associated application for Listed Building Consent - C/99/01080/LBC). The first floor of the public house is currently in use as an ancillary restaurant. The extension would comprise a flat roofed toilet block with adjoining conservatory which would be situated in a secluded rear garden area.

R990 1007.DOC Car Park

Car Park

.- .- -i 1 Warehouse i 1 1 Produced by ..APPLICATION - - No: 99/01007/FUL N @) NORTH j Department of Planning and Environment PART CHANGE OF USE OF PUBLIC HOUSE LANARKSHIRE Central Division TO DISCOTHEQUE, INCLUDING EXTENSION 19 COUNCIL 1 Municipal Buildings I -- 1 Y:,..."." =,.-* 1 I TO.- REAR I nl*,""ll"e---- -..0-m -.-,0,dn.nu SW." rnlPPnp nn I A prmDyO"0l , 7 ' 4.4 n74 meCI.,^-U nmr. w0, Coml~ller 01 ID, MalnlS ML5 3LN I AT GRAHAM STREET, AIRDRIE. I.IUI I :ran goprmm Telephone 01236 812222 Fa 01236 431068 I E;v;.;m; I;pmdust." Imlrmm. cm- soW"9ol 1 OS bcence LA 09041L 1 This copy has been produced specifically for Plannlng and Build~ngControl purposes only I .nd rn," lead 10 prnYCYlmn 0, CWll pro0tanDI I further copies may made I No be 34

The change of use proposal generally conforms to the terms of Policy Coml 1 as this allows ‘bad neighbour’ type developments to be located within retail core areas provided they are located within the upper floors of such premises.

The proposed extension would provide additional toilet facilities within a flat roofed block and an adjoining white coloured UPVC framed conservatory would be used as a games room, all as ancillary to the public house use. The flat roofed extension would be finished in a dry dash render.

Historic Scotland advised that as the building is listed category C(S) they had no formal locus in this case but suggested the materials to be used are appropriate in the context of the building.

The design of the extension is non traditional in form and can best be described as functional. Despite the indifferent design, the scope of the proposal is redeemed or compensated by the fact that it would be almost entirely hidden from public areas behind a high sandstone wall. In addition the rear of the listed building has been subject to some unsympathetic extensions in the past and the choice of materials may in this instance be considered adequate. This would also accord with the advice from Historic Scotland.

In view of the above considerations I would conclude that the proposal is acceptable and recommend planning permission be granted subject to conditions.


Grant, subject to the following conditions.

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2. That the facing materials to be used for the external walls of the extension shall match in colour and texture that of the existing adjoining building.

Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and to preserve the character of the Listed Building.

3. That the part change of use hereby approved shall be restricted to the first floor of the public house as indicated on approved drawing number 991 1-SK-08.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to retain effective control, in order to safeguard the amenity of the surrounding area.

List of Background Papers

- Application Forms and Plans - Adopted Monklands District Local Plan 1991 - Consultation Response from Environmental Services dated - Consultation Response from Historic Scotland received 27 August 1999

R9901007.DOC 35

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Coatbridge 812376 and ask for Colin Marshall.

R9901007.DOC 36

Application No. C/99/01080/LBC Date registered 16 August 1999 APPLICANT SCOTT GILLESPIE, c/o 7 GRAHAM STREET, AIRDRIE

Agent Gareth Hutchison Architect, 22 Easter Belmont Road, Edinburgh EH12 6EX


Ward No. 43 Grid Reference 276210 665450

File Reference C/PL/18950/0007/0/00O/CM/KH

Site History C/98/01212/FUL Change of Use of Class 1 Shop (Ground and First Floor) to Public HouseRestaurant including External Alterations, Granted 3 November 1998. C/98/00489/FUL Change of Use of Hairdressers to Childrens Nursery, Granted 15 June 1998 C/91/067 Change of Use of Bank to Public House, Discotheque and Shop, Granted 26 April 1991.

Development Plan Under the terms of the Adopted Monklands District Local Plan 1991 the application site is located within an area covered by the following policies:-

COM3 Maintain Retail Core Area COMl1 Social Entertainment and Commercial ‘Bad Neighbour’ Uses ENVl5/3 Airdrie Conservation Area ENV16 Conservation Area Improvement ENVl7 Protect Listed Buildings

Contrary to No Development Plan


Objection The Scottish Civic Trust No Objection Historic Scotland, The Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland (AHSS) Conditions No Reply

REPRESENTATIONS Neighbours No Response

Newspaper No Response Advertisement

COMMENTS Listed Building Consent is being sought for the erection of a single storey extension to the rear of this grade C(S) Listed Building. The proposed extension would provide additional toilet facilities within a flat roofed block and an adjoining white coloured uPVC framed conservatory would be used as a games room, all as ancillary to the public house use. The flat roofed extension would be finished in a dry dash render.

R990108O.DOC -.___, _-- 38

Historic Scotland advised that as the building is listed category C(S) they had no formal locus in this case but suggested the materials to be used are appropriate in the context of the building. The Scottish Civic Trust advised they had been unable to visit the site and had based their observations on the submitted plans. The Trust had no objection to the form of the extension but considered that the use of UPVC is unacceptable in relation to a listed building. They have suggested that the use of a timber frame would be more appropriate.

Whilst I accept the provision of a timber framed conservatory would be preferable, on site circumstances suggest that pursuit of this would be difficult to justify. The design of the extension is non traditional in form and can best be described as functional. Despite the indifferent design, the scope of the proposal is redeemed or compensated by the fact that it would be almost entirely hidden from public areas behind a high sandstone wall. In addition the rear of the listed building has been subject to some unsympathetic extensions in the past and the choice of materials may in this instance be considered adequate. This would accord with the advice from Historic Scotland.

In view of the above considerations I would conclude that the proposal is acceptable and recommend planning permission be granted subject to conditions.


Grant, subject to the following conditions.

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997

2. That the external walls of the extension shall match in colour and texture that of the existing adjoining building.

Reason: In the interests of amenity of the building and the Conservation Area.

List of Background Papers

- Application Forms and Plans - Adopted Monklands District Local Plan 1991 - Consultation Response from The Scottish Civic Trust received 28 September 1999 - Consultation Response from Historic Scotland received 27 August 1999 - Concultation Response from The Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland received 20 September 1999

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Coatbridge 812376 and ask for Colin Mashall.

R9901080.DOC 39



Ward No. 43 Grid Reference 276650665750

File Reference

Site History 951492 Erection of Residential Development (In Outline) Granted 1 December 1995 851080 Change of Use from Vacant Ground to Industrial Use (In Outline) Granted 1 May 1985

Development Plan Under the terms of the Adopted Monklands District Local Plan 1991 the application site is located within an area covered by the following policy:-

ECON 2 Existing General Industrial Area

Contrary to Yes Development Plan


Objection No Objection Scottish Power, B.T., Transco, Conditions No Reply West of Scotland Water, The Coal Authority,

REPRESENTATIONS Neighbours No Response

Newspaper No Response Advertisement

COMMENTS Planning permission is being sought for the redevelopment of this vacant industrial site for housing purposes. This was formerly occupied by a Employment Benefits Office which was demolished some time ago. The housing mix would incorporate both main stream and special needs units. On studying the site in detail it is clear that it is relatively self contained and does not form part of the industrial activity relative to the adjacent Flowerhill Industrial Estate. Taking this, together with the establishment of the relatively new housing development immediately to the west, (St. Andrews Gardens) it is considered that there has been a shift in character of this site away from industrial. Indeed current on site circumstances may suggest that the re-introduction of a general industrial use could be deemed inappropriate on amenity grounds. In addition the site does not form an important element of the Council’s strategic industrial land supply. Therefore in these circumstances the principle of developing this site for housing purposes would be acceptable from a planning policy viewpoint. This would accord with the decision taken by the former Planning Authority as noted above.

R9901103.DOC 1 40 ! / /' I

/,' ~ al Park ,/ 41

The proposal would involve the erection of 11 dwellinghouses and 12 flats on a 0.42 ha. site. The proposed house types comprise a mix of 3 storey flats, two storey terraced units and single storey cottages with wheelchair access provision. The units would have double pitched tiled roofs and external walls would be finished in a mix of facing brick and render. Vehicular access would be taken from Henderson Street. The layout indicates the houses would be positioned on either side of a centrally positioned road to form a cul-de-sac. The roads would be constructed to adoptable standards. Each house would have a small front and rear garden area and an off-street parking space. The rear garden areas do not meet current open space standards but I am prepared to accept this given the special needs provision. In support of this compromise the developer has agreed to the removal of permitted development rights, this to ensure that any future house extensions (which may further reduce rear garden areas) could not proceed without planning permission. No adverse comments were received from consultees or neighbours and it is my view that the proposal could be implemented in a successful manner with no adverse impact on the amenity of the site itself or on the surrounding area.

On the basis of the foregoing it is considered that the proposal is acceptable and it is recommended that planning permission be granted subject to conditions.


Grant, subject to the following conditions

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2. That, notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992, no development shall take place within the curtilage of the application site, other than that expressly authorised by this permission.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to retain effective control, in order to ensure the site is not overdeveloped.

3. That before the development hereby permitted starts, full details of the facing materials to be used on all external walls and roofs shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects.

4. That before the development hereby permitted starts, full details of the design and location of all fences and walls to be erected on the site shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects.

R9901103.DOC 42

5. That before the development hereby permitted starts, a scheme of landscaping, including boundary treatment, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required, and it shall include:-

(a) details of any earth moulding and hard landscaping, grass seeding and turfmg;

(b) a scheme of tree and shrub planting, incorporating details of the location, number, variety and size of trees and shrubs to be planted;

(c) an indication of all existing trees and hedgerows, plus details of those to be retained, and measures for their protection in the course of development

(d) details of the phasing of these works.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects.

6. That before the development starts, a landscape management and maintenance scheme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects.

7 That within one year of the occupation of the last two dwellinghouses within the development hereby permitted, all planting, seeding, turfmg and earth moulding included in the scheme of landscaping and planting, approved under the terms of condition 4 above, shall be completed; and any trees, shrubs, or areas of grass which die, are removed, damaged, or become diseased within two years of the completion of the development, shall be replaced within the following year with others of a similar size and species.

Reason: To safeguard the residential amenity of the area.

8. That no dwellinghouse hereby permitted shall be occupied until the road and footpath adjacent to it has been constructed to basecourse standard and the road and footpath shall be maintained thereafter to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority during the construction phase.

Reason: To ensure continuity in the development of the Estate.

9. That before the dwellinghouses are occupied all driveways shall be paved, provided with a drainage facility and accessed via a dropped kerb, all to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.

Reason: To prevent deleterious material being camed on to the public road and in the interests of pedestrian and traffic safety.

List of Background Papers

- Application Forms and Amended Plans - Adopted Monklands District Local Plan 199 1 - Consultation response from Scottish Power, B.T., Transco.

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Coatbridge 812376 and ask for Colin Marshall.

R9901103.DOC 43

Application No. C199/0 1 180IFUL Date registered 10th September 1999 APPLICANT MR VINCE CROLLA, DA VINCI'S HOTEL, HAWKBRAE, LIVINGSTONE, EH54 6TW


Ward No. 48 Grid Reference 277146664564

File Reference CIPL10805010 106/01000lDWBISOH

Site History The site has a varied history including consents for: Use of Licensed Restaurant as Public House including external alterations to building, Granted 10 November 1994, Planning Consent P9443 1; Extension and alterations to Restaurant, Granted 14 April 1988, Planning Consent P88087; Change of Use fiom Car Showroom to Restaurant Granted 16 January 1986, Planning Consent 85397

Development Plan The site is zoned for ECON8 General Urban & ECON 13 Improve Industrial Sites in the Monklands District Local Plan 199 1.

Contrary to No Development Plan


Objection No Objection Conditions No Reply

REPRESENTATIONS Neighbours No Response

Newspaper No Response Advertisement

COMMENTS This application relates to the change of use of a vacant Public House to RestauranVTake Away and internal alterations and the erection of a 20sq.m. extension at 106 Carlisle Road, Aidrie. The site is zoned for ECON8 General Urban & ECON 13 Improve Industrial Sites in the Monklands District Local Plan 1991. Following neighbour notification and advertisement in the Local Press no objections were received. The Roads Manager has indicated no objection subject to conditions on parking layout and visibility and the Environmental Control Manager has no objections. The proposed development will bring this currently vacant unit back into use and does not raise any issues in terms of the local plan or other material considerations. I therfore recommend that it be accepted subject to the attached conditions.

R9901180.DOC _.

\ ! I , 2 Garage !

-- -Produced by Depanrnenl of Planning and Environmenl APPLICATION No. 99/01 18O/FUL. I.***, - NORTH Central Dtvlsion LANARKSHIRE Municipal Eulldings USE OF PUBLIC HOUSE AS @ Kildonan Slreet RESTAURANTnAKE AWAY €4 FRONTAGE COUNCIL COATBRIDGE ML5 3W ALTERATIONS AT 106/108 CARLISLE ROAD, RID,OLXT.G 1mm m. OlEe4"C. svrn m.*pnp rnh A me pmi~on01 me Collcoimr OI ner MaltSW D TelepnoneOl236 812222 iax 01236 WO68 AIRDRIE. 1: 1250 ~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~s~~c'~,.*"sDDr,,liM This copy has been produced specifically for Planning and Building Control purposes only 101 m,* ,em10 DlDKUllD" 01 6nl PIDs*eomgD OS Licence LA 09041L NO funher copies may be p- -- - 45


Grant, subject to the following conditions.

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission.

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2. That before the development hereby permitted is brought into use, all the parking and manoeuvring areas shown on the approved plans, shall be levelled, properly drained, surfaced in a material which the Planning Authority has approved in writing before the start of surfacing work and clearly marked out, and shall, thereafter, be maintained as parking and manoeuvring areas.

Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate parking facilities within the site.

List of Background Papers

- Application Forms and Plans received 6 September 1999 and amended plans received 15 October 1999 - Adopted Monklands District Local Plan 199 1

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Coatbridge 812372 and ask for Mr Baxter. 46


Agent George Sharkey & Sons, Newhailes Industrial Estate, Musselburgh, EH2 1 6SY


Ward No. 44 Grid Reference 277707 665527

File Reference C/PL/I 6500/0048/0/000iRT/SOH

Site History Two planning applications have been approved 95032 and 97367 for extensions to the shop premises.

Development Plan Under the terms of the Adopted Monklands District Local Plan 199 1 the application site is located within an area covered by the following policy:

HG9 Housing Policy for Existing Residential Areas.

Contrary to Development Plan No


Objection No Objection Conditions No Reply


Newspaper Not Required Advertisement


This application seeks planning permission for the installation of an automatic teller machine to a shopfront at 48 Forrest Street, Airdrie. The proposal is considered unacceptable as an ATM machine at this location will exacerbate an existing parking problem. It is therefore recommended that the application be refused. Details of my observations, especially in relation to the representation received are included in the accompanying report.

R9901181 .DOC



Refuse for the following reason:

1. In the interest of traffic safety as the installation of a ATM Machine would encourage additional parking on the A89 Forrest Street which in turn would interfere with sightlines and traffic turning movements at the junction of Castle Road and Forrest Street, Airdrie.

List of Background Papers

- Application form and accompanying drawings. - The Adopted Monkands District Local Plan 199 1. - Letter of objection from Mrs W Taggart, La Mirage, 1A Castle Road, Airdrie.

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Coatbridge 812373 and ask for Rosaleen Toal.

R9901181.DOC 49




1.1 The application relates to the installation of an ATM Machne and Shopfront Alterations at 48 Forrest Street, Airdrie.

1.2 The application site lies on the south side of Forrest Street, Airdne on the east side of the junction of Forrest Street and Castle Street and consists of a well established general store. Existing residential properties are located to the south and east of the site.

1.3 As advised the proposal is for the installation of a standard ATM Machine to the shopfront. The ATM machne would be installed to the Forrest Street frontage whch would be re-instated around the inset in materials to match the existing

1.4 There are no parkmg restrictions at this location allowing cars to park freely at the shopfront.


2.1 None


3.1 One letter of objection was received by Mrs W Taggart, La Mnage, 1A Castle Road, Airdrie.

3.2 The main grounds of objection contained in ths letter are:

(1) the proposal would cause an increase in the disturbance and associated noise from cars using the shop premises;

(ii) the parking in Forrest Street is a great hazard to traffic and pedestrians using ths part of a busy road. Particularly the traffic entering onto the A89 from Castle Road as the parked cars impedes the eastward looking site at this jdction; and

(iii) this location has already seen 3 major accidents due to parked cars in the area.


4.1 The application site is located within an area identified in the Adopted Monklands District Local Plan 199 1 as HG9-Housing Policy for existing Residential Areas. In principle, the proposal is an acceptable alrcration to a shopfront in terms of the policy, however, in this case there are specific matenal considerations which affect this assessement.

4.2 In my opinion the installation of an ATM Machne would encourage additional cars to park on the busy A89 Forrest Street in front of this shop left by people using the ATM Machine for a short time. As the nearest ATM Machme to this one would be Airdrie Town Centre I would expect it to be well used. Thus the parking of cars along this shopfront would increase. This parking and associated manoeuring would affect the visibility splay of traffic entering Forrest Street from Castle Road and obstruct traffic movement from Forrest Street into Castle Road. This in my opinion would increase the possibility of an accident occuring in this area.

4.3 As such the installation of an ATM Machine at tius location will only exacerbate existing parking at this location. Accordingly the installation of an ATM Machine at this point would not be acceptable for traffic safety reasons.

R990 118 1.DOC 50


In view of the foregoing I would recommend that planning permission be refused.

R9901181.DOC 51

Application No. C19910 1183/FUL Date registered 9th September 1999 APPLICANT SAMUEL HARVIE, 47 BALLOCHNEY ROAD, PLAINS, AIRDRIE ML6 7ND


Ward No. 45 Grid Reference 278033 669593

File Reference CPLI1923012005/2/000/DWB/SOH

Site History Planning Consent 951388 for Conversion of Farm Outbuildings to Single Dwellinghouse including formation of 4 no. Dormer Extensions granted 5 September 1995.

Development Plan The site is zoned CATl in the Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995 and GB2 Restrict Development in Countryside Around Towns in the Monklands District Local Plan 1991.

Contrary to Yes Development Plan


Objection No Objection Conditions The Coal Authority, West of Scotland Water, SEPA No Reply

REPRESENTATIONS Neighbours No Response

Newspaper No Response Advertisement

COMMENTS This application relates to the use of disused Byre as dwellinghouse including frontage alterations and dormer extensions at Meikle Drumgray Farm, Greengairs. The site is zoned CAT 1 in the Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995 and GB2 Restrict Development in Countryside Around Towns in the Monklands District Local Plan 199 1. There were no objections following neighbour notification and advertisement in the Local Press. In light of the Local Plan Policy GB2 and the absence of a reasoned justification for the location of a dwellinghouse at this location I recommend that the proposal be rejected.


Recommendation: Refuse for the Following Reasons:-

1. That the proposed development is contrary to Policy CATl in the Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995 and Policy GB2 Restrict Development in Countryside Around Towns of the Monklands District Local Plan 1999 in that the applicant has failed to demonstrate either the economic benefit of the proposal or a specific locational requirement for the proposed dwellinghouse.

R9901183.DOC Meikle Drumgray Farm

_- ,

\ \ \

.~io~u.~~~ -- -- '-APPLICATION No: 99/01 1831FUL. Department of Planning and Environrnenl Central Division USE____ OF DISUSED~ ~ BYRE AS DWELLING Municipal Buildings HOUSE, INCLUDING FRONTAGE Kildonan Slreel COATBRIDGE ALTERATIONS & DORMER EXTENSIONS ML5 3LN AT MEIKLE DRUMGRAY FARM, GREENGAIRS, ii Telephane 01236 812222 Fax. 01236 431068 --AIRDRIE, ML6 7lY. ---__ - - .. . 1: 1250 This copy has been produced specifically for Planning and Building Control purposes Only OS Licence LA 09041L No further copies may be made ...... - -. -. __. .. . - . -- --... 53

2 That the proposed development is contrary to HG 10 Residential Developments Outwith Residential Areas of the Monklands District Local Plan 1999 in that the building is contrary to Policy GB2 and is unsatisfactory in terms of the Design Guidance New Houses in the Countryside in that the building to be converted does not merit preservation.

List of Background Papers

- Application Forms and Plans received 4 August 1999 - Adopted Monklands District Local Plan 1991 - Consultation reponse from The Coal Authority dated 19 September 1999 - Consultation reponse from West of Scotland Water dated 20 September 1999 - Consultation reponse from SEPA dated 24 September 1999

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Coatbridge 812372 and ask for Mr Baxter.

R9901183.DOC 54




1.1 This application relates to the use of disused Byre as dwellinghouse including frontage alterations and dormer extensions at Melkle Drumgray Farm, Greengairs.

1.2 The application site is one of the buildings which form the Melkle Drumgray Farm steading complex. There are two existing dwellinghouses one of which is a previous conversion of outbuildings attached to the original farmhouse.

1.3 The disused byre is constructed from single leaf brick with steel roof construction covered by corrugated sheeting.


2.1 The site is zoned CAT1 in the Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995 and GB2 Restrict Development in Countryside Around Towns in the Monklands District Local Plan 1991.

2.2 The application should be considered under the terms of CATlA of the Structure Plan which states that: Proposals for isolated development within the Countryside Around Towns shall require to be justified against the following criteria, a) economic benefit, b) specific locational need, c) infrastructure implications. and d) environmental impact “and benefits”. and Policy GB2 of the Local Plan which has similar requirements.


3.1 The Coal Authority were consulted and indicated that the had no objections however the site is within the zone of influence of underground workings and appropriate technical advice should be sought.

3.2 The West of Scotland Water Authority have no objections so long as a Septic Tank is provided with the consent of the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency and within 3Ometres of hardstanding.

3.3 SEPA were consulted and indicated that further information was required on how the applicant proposes to dispose of foul drainage. This would be investigated further should the application be approved.

3.4 The Transportation Manager has indicated that as the site already has two dwellings this proposal would take the number of dwellings above the recommended maximum which can be served by a private access. A public road to Department Standards should be provided and connected to the existing Drumgray Road. The Transportation Manager consideres it is unlrkely that appropriate sightlines, drainage, lighting and pedestrian llnks could be achieved becasue of the cost of such works and as such recomends that the application be refused.

3.5 There were no objections following neighbour notification and advertisement in the Local Press.


4.1 In terms of Policy CAT 1A of the Strathclyde Structure Plan and GB2 of the Monklands District Local Plan it is considered that the applicant has failed to justify the change of use of this property to a residential unit located within the Countryside.

R9901183.DOC 55

4.2 Prior to submission of the application the applicant discussed on site the details, including the justification, which would be required in this instance. However no justification for the proposed development has been supplied.

4.3 The Council supports rural Housing within existing rural settlements under the terms of Policy HG5 Promotion of Rural Housing Opportunities. There are however current sites available within the nearby village of and Greengairs for residential development and inparticular for a single unit and therefore there is no specific locational requirement in this instance.

4.4 In terms of Policy HGlO of the local plan the Council considers favourably the conversion of buildings to housing so long as they are not contrary to the greenbelt policy and are satisfactory in terms of design guidance. In this instance although the design of the proposed dwellinghouse is generally acceptable the building which is to be converted does not merit preservation and is therefore contrary to Policy HG 10.

4.5 The application plans supplied show that the completed building would be 18.7111 wide by 8.5m deep. This is larger than the dimensions shown on the Ordnance Survey Plan. This combined by the current condition of the existing byre leads me to believe that the existing building would be replaced by a completely new structure.


5.1 In conclusion I consider that the quality of the existing building has little merit for converson and since there is no reasoned justification in terms of Policy CAT1 in the Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995 and Policy GB2 Restrict Development in Countryside Around Towns of the Monklands District Local Plan 1999 the proposed development should be refused.

R9901183.DOC 56

Application No. S/99/00836/FUL Date registered 24th June 1999 APPLICANT MR G. McLAUGHLIN, 136 CORONATION ROAD, NEW STEVENSTON Agent Mr John McDonald, 97 Alder Road, Abronhill, Cumbernauld G67 3AE DEVELOPMENT EXTENSION TO DWELLINGHOUSE LOCATION 136 CORONATION ROAD, NEW STEVENSTON

Ward No. 5 Grid Reference 275708 659805

File Reference S/PL/B/5/32( 167)/GL/JM

Site History Planning permission granted in 1994 for the erection of 36 Dwellinghouses

Development Plan Residential in the Finalised Draft Southern Area Local Plan

Contrary to Development Plan No


Objection No Objection Conditions No Reply


Neighbours Letter of objection from Notified Neighbour Newspaper Advertisement Not Required

COMMENTS This proposal is for a single storey side extension to a dwellinghouse at 136 Coronation Road, New Stevenston. The design and location of the extension are acceptable and there would be no adverse effects on the character of the area. One neighbour has objected in relation to the status of the site as private ground but, as the objection relates to a legal dispute, this is not strictly a planning consideration. It is my recommendation that permission be granted.


Grant, subject to the following conditions:-

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission ___----- __--- 1; ;y __--- I :: ____----___--- __--__-- \I <--- 1. , .* ; ,I'1 ____---- It I I ,

I Slag Heap PLANNING APPLICATION NO: S/99/00836/FUL PrOduced by LANARKSHIRE Depmnte1 flaonng and Envir~menl soumm hrlvon EXTENSION TO DWELLINGHOUSE AT COUNCIL MOTHERWELL303 &.noon sueet 136 CORONATION ROAD, - R~GU~tmm m --nu svvn mawqmfi MLl IRS NEW STEVENSTON A mpnn-n~lmsuuary omQ fro*nCwdmlbrolhwMa~W* wmm Tdmene 01690 307164 Fu 01698 302101 1,1250 VIYYDD~W ~PGU~LID~mlmols Cmm onWl OS Ltcense LA 09041L LOCATION OF OBJECTOR mm nu" u.d 10 WKuUDn DI5111 PlOsr4.T 58

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2. That the facing materials to be used for the external walls and roof shall match in colour and texture those of the existing adjoining building.

Reason: To ensure that the extension matches the external appearance of the existing building and thereby maintains the visual quality of the area.

List of Background Papers

Application Form and Plans registered on 24/6/99 Letter from Agent dated 20/8/99 Finalised Draft Southern Area Local Plan Letter of objection from HK Paul & CO on behalf of Mr Dawson of 134 Coronation Road, New Stevenston

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Motherwell 3021 04 and ask for Mr Laing. 59




1.1 The application site is the side garden of an end terraced property at 136 Coronation Road, New Stevenston, which is part of one of the courtyard style developinents constructed on Coronation Road in the mid- 1990s.

1.2 To the north and west of the site are dwellinghouses, to the east the courtyard car parking for the property and to the south Coronation Road. The proposal comprises the erection of a single storey diningroom/sitting room extension in the side garden of the property, between the existing two storey house and the road. The extension would be finished using the same materials as the existing house.


2. I The neighbouring proprietor at 134 Coronation Road has objected to the proposal, on the grounds that the area which comprises the side garden of the applicant’s site is, according to his title, common ground and the applicant cannot, therefore, build on it.

2.2 The applicant has submitted a copy of his title, which indicates that he is the sole owner of the application site, and it would appear that there has been an error in compiling the titles, or that a change has been made to the applicant’s title, but that his neighbour had not been informed. The area in question has, in fact, comprised part of the applicant’s gardens for some three years, without any complaints to my Department, or legal challenge, to the best of my knowledge.


3.1 Although the applicant would appear to own all of the site there is a conflict between the two titles, this, however, is not a material consideration, as the applicant maintains he has control over the site and, on evidence displayed to me, his title post-dates that of the objector. The conflicting titles may have to be resolved between the applicant, objector and Miller Homes, the previous owners of the property, but this is essentially a legal issue.

3.2 The area in question has, as has been previously stated, been part of the applicant’s garden for some 3 years and the proposed extension is acceptable in its location and design. As such, it is my recommendation that planning permission be granted for this proposal, subject to appropriate conditions. 60


Ward No. 6 Grid Reference 277570 655594

File Reference S/PL/B/ 1 1/ 1 6( 147)/GMcWAB

Site History Commercial properties at 1-13 Shieldmuir Street demolished during late 1980’s

Development Plan Housing Association Development Opportunity, Southern Area Local Plan (Finalised Draft)

Contrary to Development Plan No


Objection No Objection West of Scotland Water Authority, The Coal Authority, Scottish Power, British Gas (Transco), British Telecom Conditions No Reply


Neighbours No Response Newspaper Advertisement Not Required

COMMENTS This application seeks planning permissic for the erection of two storey building at 5/7 Shieldmuir Street, Glasgow. The building would comprise a shop at ground floor and two flats above. After consultation no objections were received and no objections were received from the adjoining neighbours. For the reasons contained in my accompanying report however it is recommended that planning permission is refused.

RECOMMENDATION Refuse, on the following grounds:-

1. The proposal would result in a piecemeal form of development which would preclude the comprehensive redevelopment of this frontage site for residential purposes. DepYtmcntPrOMICed by of Plnnmg and Emironmen1 Pia nn ing Application N0. S/99/008 79/F U L LANARKSHIRE 301Souolm Brndm Dwiuon Sheet Erection of 2 Storey Building Comprising MOTHERWELL MLl IRS Reprodud from the Ordnrnol Smey mlppiq Wh Shop on Ground Floor with 2 Fiats Above. hSulbI*ypmwm Ornu of VI.Q CramConmlbr mpyrxlnl ol mr Malestfs Telaphms 01891 302100 FY 01698 302101 A 1:1250 5 - 7 Shieldmuir Street, Wishaw. UraUwmrllM r.produdm vlmnpas Clown soW"ghl os LIcmse v\ 0WlL am may kM 10 PmYSUlbn orcllil p-din- 62

2. The layout of the proposed development and the under provision of off-street parking would be likely to result in the parking of vehicles on Shieldmuir Street causing an obstruction to the free flow of traffic and creating a danger to road users.

List of Background Papers

Application form and accompanying plans registered 2/7/99 Southern Area Local Plan (Finalised Draft) Letter dated 13/7/99 from British Gas (Transco) Letter dated 16/7/99 from West of Scotland Water Authority Letter dated 18/7/99 from The Coal Authority Letter dated 27/7/99 from Scottish Power Letter dated 6/8/99 from British Telecom

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Motherwell 302 139 and ask for Gwen McKillop. 63




1.1 The application site is located at the midpoint of a former row of commercial properties at 5/7 Shieldmuir Street. Originally the frontage at 1-13 Shieldmuir Street was occupied by five shops, a public house and a dwelling. These properties however were demolished by the former Motherwell District Council during the late 1980’s due to their poor condition.

1.2 At this time the former District Council actively sought to acquire this site along with the adjoining premises with the aim to redevelop the site as a whole for residential use. The former District Council however was unable to acquire this site and others due to a number of title restrictions.

1.3 Although the former District Council was unable to acquire all the interests in the cleared site, the Council is still progressing this matter and a Compulsory Purchase Order is being considered.

I .4 The application site is now largely overgrown and is backed by a band of trees to the south and west. To the 110rth and east the site is bounded by English Street and Shieldmuir Street, respectively.


2.1 The applicant seeks planning permission to erect a two storey building adjacent to Shieldmuir Street. The building would have a shop at ground level and two flats above. Vehicular access to the proposal would be to the rear, off English Street and four off-street parking spaces and a bin store \\ould be provided within this rear court.

2.2 The maisonette flats would have two bedrooms. Velux windows would be used to light and vent the upper floor. Access to the flats would be from the rear of the proposed development.


3.1 After corisult3tion no objections were received.


4.1 The implementation of this proposal would result in a piecemeal form of development. The application site is located at the midpoint of the frontage of this cleared site and would prejudice the comprehensive redevelopment of the whole site. It is currently considered that the most appropriate use for this area would be some form of residential development.

4.2 The proposed development would be detrimental to road safety. The building would be located adjacent to a busy ‘A’ Class Road. Vehicular access is to the rear of the building off English Street and is indirect. It is therefore considered that this layout would lead to on-street parking by customers. 64

4.3 The rear parking court is obscured from the road and I am concerned that occupiers of the flats would be encouraged to park on Shieldmuir Street.

4.4 The required parking for a proposal of this nature is six. The proposed scheme only has provision for four spaces and due to the limited size of the site it is unlikely that these additional spaces could be accommodated.

4.5 During consideration of this proposal discussions were held with the applicant’s agent regarding the scheme’s difficulties in terms of road safety and the future development of the remaining ground with a view to achieving a more acceptable proposal. The applicant however chose to progress the scheme unaltered.


5.1 The proposed development would preclude the comprehensive redevelopment of the cleared site. It would result in a piecemeal form of development and would be detrimental to road safety. It is therefore recommended that planning permission is refused. 65


Ward No. 20 Grid Reference 287761665335

File Reference S/PL/B/17/84( 14)/SP/JM

Site History P/50/162 Bungalow Granted on Appeal 3/2/5 1 28 1/78 Extension Granted 14/7/78 32/83 Erection of boarding kennels Granted 4/5/83 196/87 Extension to dwellinghouse Granted 8/6/87 306/91 Extension to dwellinghouse Granted 15/8/9 1

Development Plan Northern And Southern Areas Part Development Plan 1965 Agricultural Land Southern Area Local Plan Finalised Draft 1998 Countryside Around Towns Contrary to Development Plan Yes


Objection No Objection SEPA; The Coal Authority Conditions No Reply


Neighbours No Response Newspaper Advertisement No Response

COMMENTS The applicant is seeking outline planning permission for the construction of two 1L/Z storey dwellings on land to the north east of the existing dwelling known as Forrestbum Cottage. The proposal is contrary to the terms of the relevant local plan policies covering the location and, therefore, it is recommended that planning permission be refused. (Note that the local member, Councillor Cefferty has indicated that he supports this application.)



1. The proposal is contrary to the terms of the agricultural zoning of the land in the Adopted Northern and Southern Areas Part Development Plan and policy ENV8 of the Southern Area Local Plan Finalised Draft both of which presume against new residential development in rural areas with no justification in terms of agriculture, forestry, outdoor leisure and recreation or other appropriate rural uses.

2. The proposed development, if approved, would create a precedent for other similar proposals both in the immediate area and within North Lanarkshire generally, the cumulative effect of which would be to the detriment and character of the rural area.


If granted, hsapplication will require to be referred to the Scottish Ministers in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Notification of Applications) (Scotland) Direction 1997.

List of Background Papers

Application form and plans dated 29 June 1999 Letter from applicant dated 23 July 1999 Letter from Thomas Crawford dated 10 August 1999 Letter from applicant dated 30 August 1999 Letter from SEPA dated 24 August 1999 Letter from The Coal Authority dated 27 August 1999 Memo from Transportation Team Manager dated 2 1 September 1999

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Motherwell 302098 and ask for Shirley Penman. 68

APPLICATION No. S/99/00904/0UT



1.1 The application site extends to 0.21 hectares (0.52 acres) and is located to the north east of the existing dwelling known as Forrestburn Cottage, Harthill.

1.2 The applicant’s outline proposal is for two 1‘/z storey detached dwellings on part of the land attached to his existing house at Forrestburn. Access to the proposed residential plots would be from the existing access to Forrestburn Cottage, on Blairmuckhole and Forrestdyke Road, along a new section of road to be constructed adjacent to the plots.


2.1 The site lies within the area zoned for agriculture in the adopted Northern and Southern Areas Part Development Plan 1965.

2.2 The site also forms part of the ‘Countryside Around Towns’ identified in the Southern Area Local Plan Finalised Draft 1998.

2.3 The proposal is contrary to the development plan covering the area.


3.1 The proposal was advertised under the Development Contrary to Development Plans (Scotland) Direction 1996. As the neighbouring landowners were unknown to the applicant, the proposal was also advertised under the terms of Article 12(5)(c) of the Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (Scotland) Order 1992. No letters of representation or objection have been received as a result of these processes.

3.2 The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has no objection to the proposal subject to the drainage arrangements meeting their requirements.

3.3 The Coal Authority has no objections to the proposal, but advises that the site may have been affected by previous mine workings.


4.1 The land use zoning in the Northern and Southern Areas Part Development Plan 1965 and policy ENV8 in the Southern Area Local Plan Finalised Draft 1998 preclude development other than that directly associated with and required for agriculture, forestry, outdoor leisure and recreation or other appropriate rural uses. Although not yet adopted, this plan represents the Council’s current view on development in the Southern Area and is, therefore, a material consideration.

4.2 While the applicant acknowledges that his proposal does not conform with the current policies covering the area, he has submitted a statement in support of his proposals. The applicant justifies his proposal on purely personal circumstances. 69

4.3 It is not appropriate to relate the full details of the applicant’s personal circumstances in this report, other than to state that he, his wife and three children are currently living at Forrestbum Cottage with his father-in-law and his three foster children. The father-in-law wishes his two daughters (ie. the applicant’s wife and another, who has one child) to live beside him at Forrestbum, which would benefit all parties in the short and long term due to his ill-health. It should be noted that Forrestbum Cottage has been within the ownership of the father-in-law’s family since 1918.

4.4 The local member, Councillor Cefferty, has advised me by telephone that he sympathises with the applicant and his father-in-law, and indicated that he would be likely to try and have the application continued by the Committee for a site visit and special hearing.

4.5 In terms of character and amenity it could be argued that two additional houses may not cause significant harm. However, if an undesirable precedent is set as a result, it is likely to have a significant impact on the character of the rural area and within North Lanarkshire generally. The cumulative effect of such developments would be to the detriment of the rural area.

4.6 In light of the policies which prevail, it is not considered that the applicant has put forward a significantly strong case to justify a departure from the current development plan. It is recommended, therefore, that planning permission be refused.

4.7 Finally it should be noted that if the Council decide to grant consent, the application will require to be referred to the Scottish Ministers in accordance with the “Development Contrary to Development Plans” procedure. The Scottish Ministers have the right to call in the application for determination. 70


Ward No. 19 Grid Reference 279062 66024 1

File Reference S/PL/B/5/90/CLWJM

Site History Planning permission granted for residential development in outline in 1990 (Consent now lapsed)

Development Plan Northern Area Local Plan - Mixed Uses Southern Area Local Plan - (Finalised Draft) - Housing Contrary to Development Plan No


Objection No Objection SEPA, West of Scotland Water Conditions The Coal Authority No Reply


Neighbours One letter of representation from adjoining proprietor Newspaper Advertisement Not Required

COMMENTS This is an outline application for housing on the site of a haulage depot. Such a development would afford the opportunity for the significant improvement to the appearance of this site which is located on a prominant location on the edge of Newarthill. The proposal is also in accordance with the adopted and finalised draft local plans for the area.

It should also be noted that the applicant has applied for housing on an adjoining site (app. ref. no. S/99/00933/OUT) and a report on that proposal can be found elsewhere within this agenda. In that instance, different circumstances have lead me to recommend that permission be refused.

One letter of representation has been received from the proprietor of the house immediately to the south-west of the site. In that letter, the neighbour states that he does not object to the principle of the development, but he asks that careful consideration be given to the PLANNING APPLICATION NO: S/99/00931/OUT PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT (OUTLINE) 417 HIGH STREET. NEWARTHILL Telephone 01698 302100 F= 01698 302101 A 0 LElTERS OF REPRESENTATION 1:2500 os L1cme La 090dlL 72

treatment of the common boundary, the retention of trees and hedging around the edge of the site, and he asks if adequate capacity is available in the public sewer (part of which crosses the application site). The first two matters can be dealt with by condition, and West of Scotland Water have confirmed that the proposed development can be adequately served by existing sewers.

I recommend that planning permission be granted subject to conditions.


Grant, subject to the following conditions:-

1. That before development starts, a further planning application shall be submitted to the Planning Authority in respect of the following reserved matters:- (a) the siting, design and external appearance of all buildings and other structures; (b) the means of access to the site; (c) the layout of the site, including all roads, footways, and parking areas; (d) the provision of play areas; (e) the provision of public open space; (f) the details of, and timetable for, the hard and soft landscaping of the site; (g) details for management and maintenance of the areas identified in (d),(e) and (0 above; (11) the design and location of all boundary walls and fences; (i) the phasing of the development;

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.

2. That the development hereby permitted shall be started, either within five years of the date of this permission, or within two years of the date on which the last of the reserved matters are approved, whichever is the later.

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

3. That within three years of the date of this permission, an application for approval of the reserved matters, specified in condition 1 above, shall be made to the Planning Authority.

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

4. That notwithstanding the provisions of the Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations 1990, and before the development starts, a certificate from a recognised firm of chartered engineers, duly signed by a Charter Engineer Geologist of Geotechnical Adviser Status 73

(ICE, SISG 1993) shall be submitted to the Planning Authority confirming the mineral stability of the site. This certificate be based on a professionally supervised and regulated rotary drilling programme.

Reason: To ensure the mineral stability of the proposed housing site in the interests of prospective residents.

5. That before development hereby permitted starts, a report describing the soil and ground conditions prevailing over the application site (including details of the nature, concentration and distribution of any contaminants), shall be submitted to the Planning Authority and the works required in order to remove or render harmless these contaminants, having regard to the proposed use of the site, shall be agreed in writing with the Planning Authority, and development shall not be commenced until it is certified by a professionally qualified source that all necessary works have been completed.

Reason: To ensure the proper containment or removal of contaminants, in the interests of the health and safety of future residents.

6. That notwithstanding the generality of condition (1) above, the road layout and means of access to the site shall comply with the following requirements:

(a) access to site to be via 10.5 metres radius kerbs leading to a 5.5 metres wide road.

(b) access to be located no closer than 100.00 metres from Cullion Way.

(c) visibility splays on to High Street to be 4.5 metres x 120 metres.

(d) existing footway on High Street to be reconstructed to 2.0 metres in width.

(e) no direct frontage access from individual house plots shall be taken onto High Street.

(f) internal road network should be designed to comply with 'Guidelines for Development Roads 1996' incorporating North Lanarkshire Council guidance on traffic calming.

Reason: In the interests of road safety.

7. That notwithstanding the generality of condition (1) above, all plot sizes and public open space (including any necessary play areas) shall accord with the North Lanarkshire Council policy document "Developer's Guide to Open Space".

Reason: To ensure proper levels of open space in the interests of the amenity of the area.

8. That notwithstanding the generality of condition ( 1) above, the proposed development shall allow for the retention and enhancement of all hedging and trees around the edge of the site, and in particular, no trees within the application site shall be lopped, topped or felled and no shrubs or hedges, shall be removed from the application site, without the approval in writing of the Planning Authority. 74

Reason: To ensure the retention of all trees and shrubs in the interests of the visual amenity and character of the site and the wider area.

9. That notwithstanding the generality of condition (1) above, the demolition of the existing brick building within the site shall allow for the retention (or replacement) of part of the soutli-west wall to act as a boundary wall between the application site and no 417A High Street.

Reason: To protect the privacy and amenity of residents of 4 17A High Street.

List of Background Papers

Planning application S/99/0093 1/OUT and accompanying plans Letter from The Coal Authority dated 29/7/99 Letter from ‘SEPA’ dated 28/7/99 Letter of representation from J.R. Aughey, 417A High Street, Newarthill dated 19/7/99

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Motherwell 302 102 and ask for Mr Kellock. 7s


Ward No. 19 Grid Reference 278977 660250

File Reference S/PL/B/5/90/CLWJM

Site History No significant history

Development Plan Northern Area Local Plan - Greenbelt Southern Area Local Plan (Finalised Draft) Greenbelt

Contrary to Development Plan Yes


Objection No Objection SEPA, West of Scotland Water Conditions The Coal Authority No Reply


Neighbours Two letters of objection and one letter of representation Newspaper Advertisement No Response

COMMENTS This is an outline application for housing on a 0.8 hectare site on the northern edge of Newarthill. The site comprises rough grazing and is zoned as Greenbelt in the adopted and draft local plans. The applicant has also applied for permission for housing on the adjoining haulage depot site (app. no. S/99/0093 ]/OUT) and this application is also under consideration at this committee. In that instance, different circumstances from those on this site have lead me to recommend approval.

This application is contrary to the terms of the Development Plan, and the applicant has given insufficient reason why this should be overturned. It is recommended, therefore, that planning permission be refused. If the Committee rejects this recommendation, the applicatioii will require to be referred to the Scottish Ministers under the relevant Notification Direction.



Refuse, on the following grounds:-

1. That the proposal is contrary to the policies of the Adopted Northern Area Local Plan and the Finalised Draft of the Southern Area Local Plan in which the land is zoned for Green Belt.

2. That the proposal is contrary to the Strathclyde Structure Plan Policy STRAT 1 which concentrates on the reuse of infill brownfield sites within the conurbation in preference to further development of peripheral greenfield sites.

3. That tlie proposal is contrary to Strathclyde Structure Plan Policy RES 1 which sets the overall context for private housing development and stresses a preference for such development on "brownfield" infill or redevelopment sites within urban areas rather than "greenfield" sites.

, 4. That the proposal is contrary to the Strathclyde Structure Plan Policy RES 1A which sets tlie criteria for the justification of greenfield release for residential development.

5. That the proposal is contrary to the Strathclyde Structure Plan Policy GB 1 which seeks to limit the spread of built up areas and the encroachment of developinent into the countryside.

6. That the proposal cannot be justified against the criteria in the Strathclyde Structure Plan policy GB 1A which permit exceptions to the general presumption against development in the Green Belt.

7. That the proposal would set an undesirable precedent in the Green Belt and would weaken the Council's attempts to direct new housing development to vacant and redevelopment sites within existing urban areas.

8. That the proposal is contrary to SDD Circular 24/1985, as it represents an intrusion into the Green Belt.


If granted, this application will require to be referred to the Scottish Ministers for Scotland in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Notification of Applications) (Scotland) Direction 1997.

List of Background Papers

Planning Applications S/99/00933/OUT, S/99/0093 1/OUT and accompanying plans Letter from the Coal Authority dated 29/7/99 Letter from 'SEPA' dated 28/7/99 78

Letter of representation from J. R. Aughey, 4 17A High Street, Newarthill dated 19/7/99 Letters of objection from Mr & Mrs Mackie, 4 Cullion Way, Newarthill dated 2 1/7/99 and 12/8/99 Letter of objection from Rt. Hon Dr. John Reid 2 Cullion Way, Newarthill dated 9/8/99 Letter from applicant dated 7/10/99

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Motherwell 302 102 and ask for Mr Kellock. 79




1.1 The application site is located at the northern edge of Newarthill and comprises an area of rough grazing extending to 0.8 hectare. To the west is a further area of rough grazing which slopes down towards the Legbrannock Bum some 150 metres away. To the south are the newly completed houses at Beechwood Grove, to the east are the modern houses at Cullion Way, whilst to the north-east is the transport depot which forms the application site referred to in the planning application for housing (S/99/0093 l/OUT) which is also contained within this agenda.

1.2 This an outline application for residential development. Access would be taken via the road which would run through the proposed residential development on the adjoining land and thereafter on to High Street. There is no proposed vehicular or pedestrian access on to Cullion Way.


2.1 The site is covered by policies El, E2 and E3 of the adopted Motherwell District Northern Area Local Plan, 1986. Policy El defines the area as Green Belt. Only development which is clearly required in connection with agriculture, forestry, outdoor sports and open space uses is permitted.

2.2 Policy E2 recognises that the site lies within the urban fringe which is subject to pressure for development while policy E3 encourages private landowners to improve derelict and under used areas within the Green Belt through woodland planting and management schemes.

2.3 The site is covered by policy ‘ENV6’ of the Finalised Draft Southern Area Local Plan, 1998. In this, the Council states its aim to safeguard the character and function of the Greenbelt within which there is a presumption against the development or change of use other than that directly associated with and required for agriculture, forestry, outdoor leisure and recreation or other appropriate rural uses.

2.4 The proposal must also be viewed against the Regional Development Strategy. The Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995, was approved, with modifications, by the Secretary of State in October 1997. The approved Structure Plan reinforces the key policies contained in earlier Strathclyde Structure Plans, but now recognises the need to take account of principles of sustainable development as an integral part of the Regional Development Strategy.

2.5 The proposal requires to be assessed against the Structure Plan policies STRAT 1, RES 1, RES ]A, GBl and GBlA.

2.6 The emphasis of Policy STRAT 1 is to improve the economic, social and environmental well being of the region through a sustained effort to treat derelict and degraded land and by identifying vacant land which should be brought into beneficial use. The Structure Plan’s development strategy therefore concentrates on the re-use of infill brownfield sites within the conurbation in preference to further development of peripheral greenfield sites. 80

2.7 The Structure Plan is committed to ensuring that provision is made for an adequate supply of land for private housing. Policy RES 1 sets the overall context for residential development and states a preference for such development on “brownfield” infill or redevelopment sites within urban areas rather than “greenfield” sites.

2.8 Policy RES 1A outlines the criteria against which proposals require to be justified if the greenfield supply of housing is to be increased. The criteria are as follows:-

a) clear evidence of a shortfall in effective housing land supply in the relevant housing market area. b) the evidence of need for social or rented housing established in the relevant local authority’s approved housing plan. c) accessibility to the public transport network and town centres. d) infrastructure iinplications and e) impact on environmental quality and policy for the GreenBelt, greeiiing the conurbation or the countryside around towns.

2.9 The Structure Plan also seeks to maintain Green Belts around cities and towns as a key objective for protecting the environment, limiting urban sprawl and providing recreational opportunities. Policy GB1 aims to limit the spread of built up areas and the encroachment of development into the countryside Policy GBlA requires any exceptions to the general presumption against development in the GreenBelt to be justified against the following criteria:-

a) economic benefit b) specific locational need c) infrastructure implications and d) environmental impact.

2.10 Finally, at a national level, SDD Circular 24/1985 (Development in the Countryside and GreenBelts) states that “there should be a general presumption against any intrusion into designated Green Belts; in particular, approval should not be given, except in very special circumstances, for the construction of new buildings..”.


3.1 West of Scotland Water and SEPA have no objections to the proposals.

3.2 The Coal Authority has advised of the presence of shallow workings beneath the site.


4.1 A total of four letters of representation have been received from adjoining proprietors.

4.2 The owner of 41 7A High Street does not object in principle to the proposal, but has asked that trees adjoining his rear boundary are retained.

4.3 The owner of 2 Cullion Way has objected to the proposal on the basis that it is contrary to the terms of the adopted local plan which zones the site as GreenBelt.

4.4 The owners of 4 Cullion Way have submitted 2 letters of objection, and the main points can be summarised as follows: 81

Can the drainage system cope with additional houses?

The site is within the GreenBelt and is not zoned for housing.

- The outlook from the objector’s house would be impaired.

Any pedestrian or vehicular access to the site via Cullion Way would bring a loss of amenity and would detract froin highway safety.


5.1 As noted above, the applicant has also submitted a planning applicatioii for housing at the adjoining haulage depot site. That site is zoned as a ‘mixed use’ area in the adopted local plan and for housing in the draft local plan, and this has allowed me to recommend approval for that application.

5.2 In 1992, a planning application was submitted for housing extending to 2.5 hectares for the area to the east of the adjoining haulage depot. This application was refused permission for several reasons, but particularly because it was contrary to the terms of the local plan. An appeal was never submitted in respect of that refusal.

5.3 In the last 18 months, this current application site has been the subject of discussions by two different parties with a view to constructing houses. In each instance, I have advised the parties involved that such a propsoal would be unlikely to receive my support.


6.1 The residential development proposed on this 0.8 ha site within the Green Belt at Newarthill is contrary to the policies in the Local and Structure Plans which cover the area and the current National Planning Guidelines.

6.2 The general emphasis of these policies is the presumption against new development unless it is required in relation to agriculture, forestry, tourism, outdoor recreation and landscape improvement. The mainstream private housing proposed in this application cannot be justified against these criteria.

6.3 The policies also presume against the spread of the built up areas, encroachment on the countryside and the importance of maintaining wildlife habitats. Should this proposal be granted it would set an undesirable precedent resulting in the loss of Green Belt land and the coalescence of the existing settlements of Newarthill and .

6.4 Departures from the development plan can only be justified if there is a strong case in favour of the development which is compatible with the criteria contained in the development plan.

6.5 The applicants have submitted a supporting statement in which they claim that “the site is inore like a brownfield development area as the land offers no support for use as pasture or agricultural use”. Also, they claim that the view from the mixed leisure development at Legbrannock will be enhanced should this development proceed. 82

6.6 However, the site does not conform to the structure plan definition of a Brownfield site as suggested by the applicants. The Strathclyde Structure Plan (page 350) defines such sites as follows:-

“Brown field sites comprise redevelopment and infill sites. Redevelopment site: Land which has been, or is expected to be, cleared for development. Infill site: Vacant or derelict land not in active or beneficial use”.

6.7 Therefore describing the site as ‘Bownfield’ is not appropriate as it has not been previously developed, it is zoned as Green Belt and is not classified as a development site within the local plan.

6.8 I would dispute the assertion of the applicant that the site is unsightly and if developed would enhance the visual amenity of the area. At close inspection, the site is strewn with some rubble (possibly remnants of builders material from adjoining developments) but the vegetation cover of rough grass gives the site a green cover which is not unattractive. The site is not clearly visible from adjoining public areas and long range views (eg from the ‘Legbrannock’ development to the west) do not, in my opinion, detract in any way from the visual amenity of the wider area.

6.9 It must be emphasised that the ‘Green Belt’ designation exists for many reasons other than to protect ‘attractive’ sites on the edges of settlements. If approved, the proposal would weaken the Council’s attempts to direct new housing development to vacant and redevelopment sites within existing urban areas. In any case, there is potential for the visual amenity of the site to be enhanced, without the need for housing, for example through a woodland planting and management scheme, which would accord with the aims of policy E3 of the adopted local plan.

6.10 In response to other points raised by objectors, West of Scotland Water have confirmed that the site could be adequately served by existing sewers. Also, given that any proposed houses would be a minimum of 30.0 metres from objectors’ properties, I do not accept that the development would affect their outlook unduly.

6.1 1 In concluding, the proposal is contrary to the Green Belt and Housing Policies contained in the development plans which cover the site. In addition there is sufficient housing land to meet the estimated demand over the plan period and, therefore, no justification for additional greenfield release for residential development. The proposal represents a significant departure from current planning policies and will set an undesirable precedent for the further release of land in this Green Belt area for housing as indicated in the applicant’s own letter of support. Therefore, it is recommend that planning permission be refused.

6.12 Finally, it should be noted that, should the Council agree to grant consent, the application will require to be referred to the Scottish Ministers in accordance with the “Development Contrary to Development Plans” procedure. The Scottish Ministers have the right to call in the application for their determination. 83


Ward No. 11 Grid Reference 274850 655950

File Reference S/PL/B/2/1 /C( 156)/MH/AB

Site History

Development Plan Established Housing Area on the Southern Area Local Plan (Finalised Draft)

Contrary to Development Plan No


Objection No Objection Conditions No Reply


Neighbours One letter of objection Newspaper Advertisement Not Required

COMMENTS This application seeks planning consent for a first floor extension to be constructed above the integral garage of the dwellinghouse at 3 1 Elmliurst, Motherwell. One letter of objection has been received froin an adjoining neighbour, however, I consider the proposed extension to be acceptable in terms of design and impact on the surrounding area and recommend that the proposed extension be granted.

RECOMMENDATION Grant, subject to the following conditions:-

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. Planning Application No. S199/01082/FUL Prhedby LANARKSHIRE Dapsrtmentof Planning and Enarmnmnl Alterations and First Floor Extension above Garage swmm hutson 303 &andon Sweet to Existing Dwellinghouse MOTHERWELL MLI 1RS 31 Elmhurst, Motherwell RipfDd~edImm mC Ommn~funey mlppinp wnh A U!. satmnyompmwn01 6*ocrmnsoaripm conmmr M hr M.~SNS Telephone 01885 302100 FU OIBSS 3021012 1:1250 Vnupnmacd.n6 MyhuI npmuudbn10 pmuultbn lumps Or51111 -din-Cmm cewgnl os ucanca LAOWlL * Location of Objector 85

2. That the facing materials to be used for the external walls and roof shall match in colour and texture those of the existing adjoining building.

Reason: To ensure that the extension matches the external appearance of the existing dwelling and thereby maintains the visual quality of the area.

List of Background Papers

Planning application and accompanying plans dated 16/8/99 Letter dated 23/8/99 from The Kerr Practice on behalf of Mr & Mrs W Alexander North Lanarkshire Southern Area Local Plan (Finalised Draft)

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Motherwell 3021 28 and ask for Mary Hogg. 86




1.1 This application relates to a proposed extension to a dwellinghouse at 3 I Elmhurst, Motherwel I.

1.2 The dwellinghouse is located within the Beechwood Housing Estate off Airbles Road in Motherwell. Elmhurst has a mixture of detached, semi-detached and terraced properties. The layout of the street is such that the front building line of the dwellinghouses have no set pattern resulting in the dwellings being stepped back or forward from the road and each other.

1.3 The dwellinghouse subject to this planning application is a semi-detached two-storey property with integral garage. The intention is to extend upwards from the integral garage to create an additional upper floor bedroom and ensuite toilet.

1.4 The extension is to be set back from the front of the dwellinghouse in line with the existing upper floor bedrooms. In addition, the roof height of the proposed extension is to be lower than the existing roof height to create a stepped effect lessening the impact of the extension on adjacent dwellinghouses.


2.1 One letter of objection has been received from a firm of architects acting on behalf of the objector who lives adjacent to the property at 29 Elmhurst, Motherwell.

2.2 The objections raised concern about the loss of natural light to a ground floor lounge and upper floor bedroom. In addition, it is claimed that the outlook from both of these rooms would be adversely affected if the development should go ahead, resulting in a precedent being set for development to be undertaken beyond the front building line of the objectors dwellinghouse.


3.1 The concerns over loss of natural light to the ground floor lounge and upper floor bedroom have been considered and in the case of the ground floor lounge at present gets very little natural light because of a mature hedge located on the boundary between both properties and belonging to the objector. The upper floor bedroom may have some reduction in day light however the loss would be such that in planning terms it would not be sufficient to justify the refusal of the application.

3.2 In relation to loss of outlook from the lounge and bedroom windows, the outlook from the lounge is restricted by the existing hedge. The outlook from the bedroom window would not be adversely affected.

3.3 Finally, with regard to a precedent being set for development to be undertaken beyond the front building line of the objectors dwellinghouse, the existing building line is not to be altered as the applicants proposal is to build upwards and not outwards from the dwellinghouse. 87

3.4 For these reasons, I consider the proposal to be acceptable in terms of design and impact. I therefore recommend planning consent be granted with conditions. 88


Ward No. 2 Grid Reference 275608-657500

File Reference S/PL/B/13/1( 156)/MH/AB

Site History Planning consent for a kitchen extension granted 3/9/75 (planning application 4226) Planning consent for extension to dwelling granted 27/10/78 (planning application 3 84/78) Planning consent for extension to dwelling granted 26/4/84 (planning application 128/84)

Development Plan Established Housing Area on Southern Area Local Plan (Finalised Draft)

Contrary to Development Plan No


Objection No Objection Conditions No Reply


Neighbours One letter of objection Newspaper Advertisement Not Required

COMMENTS This application relates to a proposed extension and alteration to a dwellinghouse at 38 Addie Street, Motherwell. The proposal consists of a front and rear dormer extension in the roofspace of the dwelling. The rear dormer leads to a balcony area formed upon the existing flat roofed ground floor kitchen. In addition, the existing ground floor kitchen is to be extended to square off the property enabling a balcony to be constructed upon the flat roof of the kitchen.

One letter of objection has been received from an adjoining neighbour however, I find the proposal to be acceptable in terms of design and Planning Application No. S/99/01084/FUL Rodvead by LANARKSHIRE D~PMIWMof mmmg-a Ennronnwnt Rear and First Floor Alterations and Extension Incorporating somm oivtva 303 wanam seeat Balcony to Existing Dwellinghouse MOTHERWELL MLI 1RS 38 Addie Street, Motherwell ~eprod~dnom me ordomu suwv MPPW *nn A mppnndonofm cmmikrefher~am~s Telephone 01695 3021W Fn 01698 3021012 1 1250 sbirncw ornu m cram wrbm umulhlilud tePmdUSlbn mfrinws Cmwn cowdght os LIsaIXe LA 09cdlL * Location of Objector ."d m.y I.,d ,e pmwcYliDn or Skll p-edlnp. 90

impact on the surrounding area and recommend that planning consent be granted.

RECOMMENDATION Grant, subject to the following conditions:-

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission

Reason: To accord with the provisions of tlie Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2. That the facing materials to be used for the external walls and roof shall match in colour and texture those of the existing adjoining building.

Reason: To ensure tlie extension matches the external appearance of the existing dwelling and thereby maintains the visual quality of the area.

3. That the side and roof of the dormer hereby permitted shall be finished in materials to match the existing roof.

Reason: To ensure the extension matches the external appearance of the existing dwelling and thereby maintains the visual quality of tlie area.

List of Background Papers

Planning application and accompanying plans dated 16/8/99 Amended plans Letter dated 374’99 from Watters, Steven & Co. on behalf of Mr Campbell Northern Area Southern Area Local Plan (Finalised Draft)

Any person \\ ishin; to inspect tlie above background papers should telephone Motherwell 3021 28 and ask for Mar! Hogg. 91




1.1 This application relates to a proposed extension and alterations to a dwellinghouse at 38 Addie Street, Motherwell.

1.2 The dwelling lies within a predominantly residential area of Motherwell close to the town centre.

1.3 The property is an end terrace one and half storey dwelling in a terrace of four. Three of the dwellings have front dormer extensions, including the applicant’s property. In addition, both end terraced properties have been extended to the rear. In the case of the applicants property this forms a flat-roofed single storey kitchen extension. Access to the rear garden ground of the mid terraced dwellings is via common ground to the side and rear of the end terraced dwellings.

1.4 The proposal consists of an extension to an existing dormer to create an additional bedroom to the front of the property and a rear dormer extension to create a bedroom to the rear. In addition, the existing ground floor kitchen is to be extended to square-off the property enabling the balcony feature to be constructed upon the flat roof of the kitchen.


2.1 One letter of objection has been received from a firm of solicitors acting on behalf of the adjoining neighbour.

2.2 The primary concern is that the development if granted would prevent access or at least cause significant restriction to access the rear of the objectors property. In addition, the plans submitted with the application are inaccurate and omit a previous rear kitchen extension. Finally the development is not in keeping with the general character of the surrounding area and would be detrimental to the visual amenity of the area.


3.1 Regarding the proposed development restricting or preventing access to the objectors property, I have checked the proposal and can verify that the existing gate between the two properties allowing access to the rear of the objectors property will not be affected. Furthermore an existing garage is to be demolished to allow for the small extension to the kitchen and allow unrestricted access to the rear and side of the property.

3.2 With regard to the plans being inaccurate and not detailing previous extensions to the dwelling, I have carried out a detailed site inspection and can confirm that the plans are accurate and include all extensions to the property. 93


Ward No. 15 Grid Reference 281291654064

File Reference SIPLIB1215 9lAMlAB

Site History

Development Plan Southern Area Local Plan Finalised Draft - Greenbelt

Contrary to Development Plan Yes


Objection No Objection Conditions Strathclyde Police No Reply Department of Agriculture


Neighbours 70 objections. Petition in support with 119 si,unatures Newspaper Advertisement

COMMENTS This application is for the change of use of land from agricultural to use as a car boot sale. The applicant has indicated that the proposed use would be held on Sundays only, from April to September. There have been a large number of objections to the proposal but also a petition in favour of the development. As this is a non justified commercial development in the Green Belt on the edge of Waterloo I hereby recommend that this application be refused.

RECOMMENDATION Refuse, on the following grounds:-

1. The proposed development is contrary to Policy ENV6 of the Southern Area Local Plan Finalised Draft in that it is development which is not directly associated with or required for agriculture or other appropriate rural uses. 92

3.3 Finally, the concerns regarding the development not being in keeping with the general character of the area, I have carefully considered this concern however, Addie Street consists of a mixture of residential properties some of which have been altered or extended in some way. I therefore consider the proposal to be appropriate for this location and can be constructed without, in my view any serious impact on the adjoining neighbours or surrounding area.

3.4 For these reasons I recommend that the proposed development be granted subject to conditions.


2. The proposed development is contrary to Policy RTL4 of the Southern Area Local Plan Finalised Draft in that it could have an adverse impact on the character and amenity of adjoining properties and the surrounding environment.

List of Background Papers

Application form registered 1 0/8/99 and plans Letter and plans detailing proposal received 14/9/99 and plans Southern Area Local Plan Finalised Draft Zoned Green Belt Overtown and Waterloo Community Council A Stratten Williams, 95A Overtown Road, Waterloo Councillor Pentland Letter dated 9th September 999 from N Scott, 57 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 9th September 999 from E Gray, 55 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 9th September 999 from T Gray, 55 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 9th September 999 from I Airdrie, 5 1 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 9th September 999 from G Airdrie, 5 1 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 9th September 999 from A Whiteford, 49 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from J Nicholson, 47 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from D Nicholson, 47 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from J Nelson, 45 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from L Nelson, 45 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from S White, 41 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from R White, 41 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from A Forrest, 2 1 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from S Forrest, 21 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from W Rutherford, 19 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from R Forrest, 11 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from S Forrest, 1 1 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from B Dougal, 54 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from R Miller, 48 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 froin M Lednor, 46 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from T Ferrier, 44 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from A Ferrier, 44 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from M Grieve, 40 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from P Grieve, 40 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from E McGuire, 38 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from J McGuire, 38 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from A Ralston, 32 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from J Ralston, 32 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from G Hatton, 30 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from I Hatton, 30 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from A McKechnie, 24 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from N McKechnie, 24 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from A Grant, 22 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from L Grant, 22 Bartonhall Road 96

Letter dated 19th September 1999 from M Chalmers, 16 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from M Bowden, 14 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from A Bowden, 14 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from A Elliott, 6 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from L McFarlane, 53 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 999 from the Occupier 18 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 999 from the Occupier 50 Bartonhall Road Letter dated 19th September 999 from E Long, 1 Wellington Place Letter dated 19th September 999 from H Kennedy, 2 Wellington Place Letter dated 9th September 999 from A McAdam, 2 Wellington Place Letter dated 9th September 999 from D McAdam, 2 Wellington Place Letter dated 9th September 999 from C McAdam, 2 Wellington Place Letter dated 9th September 999 from J Baxter, 3 Wellington Place Letter dated 9th September 999 from M Baxter, 3 Wellington Place Letter dated 9th September 999 from M Thomson, 5 Wellington Place Letter dated 19th September 1999 from T Attwood, 6 Welling& Place Letter dated 19th September 1999 from A Crockett, 8 Wellington Place Letter dated 19th September 1999 from P Russell, 9 Wellington Place Letter dated 19th September 1999 from G McPhail, 7 Wellington Place Letter dated 19th September 999 from D Boyd, 173A Wisliaw Road Letter dated 19th September 999 from C McCann, 171A Wishaw Road Letter dated 19th September 999 from E Goldie, 169 Wishaw Road Letter dated 19th September 999 from S Nicholson, 13 1 Wishaw Road Letter dated 19th September 999 from J Cam, 106 Overtown Road Letter dated 19th September 999 from S Carr, 106 Overtown Road Letter dated 19th September 999 from W Campbell, 103A Overtown Road Letter dated 19th September 999 from S Lever, 103A Overtown Road Letter dated 19th September 999 from J Carnochan, 98 Overtown Road Letter dated 19th September 999 from T Carnochan, 98 Overtown Road Letter dated 19th September 999 from J Sanders, 96 Overtown Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from D McCloy, 92 Overtown Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from G McCloy, 92 Overtown Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from B McCloy, 92 Overtown Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from M Lamberton, 88 Overtown Road Letter dated 19th September 1999 from D Dodds, 86 Overtown Road Petition in support received on 30th September with 119 signatories

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Motherwell 302093 and ask for Alistair Maclean. 97




1.1 The application is for a change of use of land froin agricultural use to car boot sale. The applicant has stated that the site would be used on Sundays and Bank Holidays froin April to September between the hours of 8.30 am and 5 pm.

1.2 The site extends to some 12,700 square metres and proposes an area of some 3,700 square metres as sale area which could accommodate approximately 100 cars. This would allow an area for parking of some 9,000 sq. m. enough for approximately 250 vehicles. Further land, beyond the site in the ownership of the applicant could be made available for overspill parking should the need arise.

1.3 Portable toilet facilities would be provided on site, these being removed at the end of each sale. Litter will be removed froin site at the end of each day and food will be supplied by a licensed van.

1.4 Access to the site would be via an existing gate, approximately 6 metres wide adjacent to the playing field.


2.1 The site lies in Overtown Road, Waterloo which is the A71 Kilmarnock to Edinburgh Road. The site is on the south east side of the road about 300 metres from Waterloo Cross and has a frontage of 1 10 metres. The applicant proposes to take access to the A7 1 at the southern edge of the site while at the northern edge of the site the 30 mph/restriction signs are located.

2.2 To the south of the application site is a playing field while to the north is the premises of R Miller, Blacksmith. On the opposite side of the road is an area which the Council is committed to develop as part of the Greenhead Moss Nature Park.

2.3 Whilst there does not appear to have been any applications for this particular site, the A7 1 between Waterloo and Newmains has a history of uses which are considered inappropriate in Green Belt terms.

2.4 The development by R Miller, Blacksmith was permitted by the Council some years ago subject to an agreement that an adjacent derelict area be landscaped with forestry planting. Also that derelict buildings were cleared or renovated and as such the site is no longer an eyesore.

2.5 Other uses which are incongruous within the Green Belt are Metal Extractions and a scrapyard but the previous use of Greenhead Moss as a domestic tip has now ceased and an application for a similar type of use at Royal George Washery was refused by the Council in recent years. Therefore gradually the A7 1 in this area is regaining its rural appearance. 98


3.1 Strathclyde Police raised concerns about a possible build up of traffic waiting to enter the site obstructing traffic on Waterloo Road. They also raised concern about possible on-street parking.


4.1 A total of 70 objections were received. Overtown and Waterloo Community Council objected in writing and a verbal objection was received from Councillor Pentland. With the exception of one individual objector, the majority of objections were submitted on a ‘pro forma’ letter. The objectors were all located within 500 metres of the site in Bartonhall Place (41 objectors), Wellington Place (12), Overtown Road (13) and Wishaw Road (4). Some doubt as to the specific number of objectors does exist however as at least one named respondent confirmed that he was unaware that his name had been used to supplement the list of objectors.

4.2 The ‘pro forma’ objection letters wished the application refused as the land is agricultural; the route is heavily trafficked and the A7 1 has to be crossed by young and old to reach the only shop in the village. The individual objector added concerns about excessive speeding on the road, the potential for irresponsible parking, litter and that the site would not seem a good advert for the proposals on Greenhead Moss.

4.3 A petition was received in favour of the development with 1 19 signatures, 70 of whom reside in Waterloo, these living in Burnhall Street (9), Burnhall Place (25), Wishaw Road (34) and Overtown Road (2).

4.4 Those in favour of the car boot sale stated four reasons:

no vehicles will be parked on the main road

0 toilets will be provided opening one day a week from April to September all litter will be removed at the end of each sale.


5.1 The site is zoned on the Southern Area Local Plan Finalised Draft as Green Belt. The Policy which deals with the Green Belt (ENV6) states that “... there will be a presumption against development or change of use other than that directly associated with and required for agriculture, forestry, outdoor leisure and recreation or other appropriate rural uses”. It should be noted that the sites on either side of the application site (recreation ground and Miller) and the area across the road are all within the Green Belt. The application is contrary to the Green Belt Policy and to Retail and Commerce Policies within the Local Plan.

5.2 The road adjacent to the site is straight but at the northern edge is the 30 mph speed limit sign approaching from the Newmains direction. This is about 100 metres from the present, and proposed, entrance to the site.

5.3 The applicant has indicated that he can provide adequate parking within the site and could provide requisite sight lines and access arrangements. The applicant’s proposals seem competent. 99

5.4 The objectors points are generally valid. The site is in agricultural use, the road is a major distributor for Lanarkshire and the proposal may seem contrary to the proposals for Greenhead Moss. The other points with regard to excessive speeding, irresponsible parking and litter could not be legitimately dealt with by planning conditions, or be reasons for refusal.

5.5 The petition in favour merely supports what the applicant has said he will provide in terms of the proposal.


6.1 This application is for cominercial development in the Green Belt, albeit 011 a limited basis (one day per week, April to September only). The development could be viewed as similar to an open-air market which Wishaw already supports on a one day a week basis.

6.2 Over recent years the Council has succeeded in improving the environment of this area and further proposes large scale development of a Nature Park at Greenhead Moss. Out of character developments have been turned down. This proposal would not be in keeping with the policy of improving this part of the Green Belt area.

6.3 I consider the proposed use is inappropriate in a green belt location on the edge of a settlement and therefore I recommend the application be refused. 100


Ward No. 16 Grid Reference 282825 656333

File Reference

Site History Planning consent granted in 1969 for extension to garage premises for use as a cash and carry warehouse (ref. no. Pl691844) Planning consent granted in 1970 for extension to cash and carry warehouse (ref. no. P/7011000) L Planning consent granted in 197 1 for extension to warehouse premises (ref. no. Pl711837) Planning coiisent granted in 1972 for extension to cash and carry warehouse (ref. no. P/71/1300) Planning consent granted in 1974 for alterations to premises (ref. no. P/ML/74/1OB) Planning consent granted in 1978 for change of use to car parking (ref. no. 429177) Planning consent granted in 1981 for extensions to cash and carry warehouse (ref. no. 80181)

Development Plan Established Industrial and Business Areas on NLC Southern Area Local Plan - Finalised Draft

Contrary to Development Plan Yes


Objection No Objection West of Scotland Water Conditions The Coal Authority No Reply


Neighbours One letter of objection Newspaper Advertisement Not Required

COMMENTS The applicant seeks planning consent for the construction of 1 1 dwellinghouses and associated roadworks at 100 Bonkle Road, W ishaw. The site, as can be seen from the past site history, has until recently been Planning Application No. S/99/01101/FUL Erection of 11 Dwellinghouses 100 Bonkle Road, Newrnains,Wishaw + Location of Obiector 102

used as a cash and carry warehouse. Part of the building has also been utilised for commercial purposes, under the same use class as the cash and carry warehouse. The building and adjacent land are now both in a poor condition. One letter of objection was received from a notified neighbour, albeit that it was not a complaint about the proposal as such, more to do with the adjacent lane that links Bonkle Road to Braedale Crescent. Details of the objections and my observations and comments may be found in the accompanying report. Notwithstanding the objector’s concerns, I hereby recommend that planning consent is granted.

RECOMMENDATION Grant, subject to the following conditions:-

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2. That before the development hereby permitted starts, full details of the design and location of all fences and walls to be erected on the site shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.

3. That before any of the dwellinghouses hereby permitted, situated on a site upon which a fence or wall is to be erected, are occupied, the fence, or wall, as approved under the terms of condition 2 above, shall be erected.

Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate boundary fencing.

4. That before the development hereby permitted starts, full details of the facing materials to be used 011 all external walls and roofs shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning .4uthority, including any modifications as may be required.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.

5. That before the development hereby permitted starts, a scheme of landscaping, for the area hatched GREEN on the approved plans, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required, and it shall include details of any earth moulding and hard landscaping, grass seeding and turfing.

Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate landscaping in communal areas. 103

6. That within one year of the occupation of the last 5 dwellinghouses within the development hereby permitted, all planting, seeding, turfing and earth inouldiiig included in the scheme of landscaping and planting, approved under the terms of condition 5 above, shall be completed; and any trees, shrubs, or areas of grass which die, are removed, damaged, or become diseased within two years of the completion of the development, shall be replaced within the following year with others of a similar size and species.

Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate landscaping in communal areas.

7. That any integral garage shall not be altered for use as a habitable room without the prior written consent of the Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate parking facilities within the site.

8. That no dwellinghouse shall be occupied until the access road and footways leading thereto from the existing public road have been constructed to base course level.

Reason: To ensure satisfactory vehicular and pedestrian access facilities to the dwellings.

9. That within 6 months of the date of completion of the final dwellinghouse hereby permitted, the access road and footpaths leading thereto, from the existing public road, shall be constructed to wearing course level.

Reason: To ensure satisfactory vehicular and pedestrian access facilities to the dwellings.

10. That a visibility splay of 4.5 metres by 90 metres, measured from the road channel, shall be provided on both sides of the vehicular access and before any of the dwellinghouses hereby permitted are occupied, everything exceeding 1.05 metres in height above the road channel level shall be removed from the sight line areas and, thereafter, nothing exceeding 1.05 metres in height above road channel level shall be planted, placed, erected, or allowed to grow, within these sight line areas.

Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate sight lines on exiting the site.

11. That before the development hereby permitted starts, a report shall be submitted to the Planning Authority regarding the stability of the site for the development proposed and this report shall be based on a professionally supervised and regulated boring programme.

Reason: To ensure the mineral stability of the area. 104

12. That before development hereby permitted starts, a report describing the soil and ground conditions prevailing over the application site (including details of the nature, concentration and distribution of any contaminants), shall be submitted to the Planning Authority and the works required in order to remove or render harmless these contaminants, having regard to the proposed use of the site, shall be agreed in writing with the Planning Authority, and development shall not be commenced until these works have been completed.

Reason: To ensure the site is free of contamination.

List of Background Papers

Application forms and plans dated 16/8/99 NLC Southern Area Local Plan - Finalised Draft Letter dated 7/9/99 from The Coal Authority Letter dated 6/9/99 from West of Scotland Water Letter dated 23/8/99 from Christine McKenzie and Paul Craigen, 10 Bonkle Gardens, Newmains

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Motherwell 302 142 and ask for Mr Lennon. 105

APPLICATION NO. S/99/0 1 1 0 1/FUL



1.1 The applicant seeks planning consent for the construction of 11 dwellinghouses at the former Booker Cash and Carry site, 100 Bonkle Road, Newmains.

1.2 This proposal involves the demolition of the existing dilapidated warehouse, formation of a new access to the site at it’s western boundary, with all dwellings being accessed via this new adoptable road. No dwellings are to have direct frontage access onto Bonkle Road.

1.3 The site is allocated for established industrial and business purposes in the Local Plan, however, the surrounding area is predominately residential, and I therefore consider a residential useto be appropriate. Other benefits would include the removal of an unsightly building and provision of a proper access with appropriate visibility splays.


2.1 The Coal Authority indicated that the site is within the zone of influence from shallow coal workings and that a mine entry is located within 20 metres of the site. West of Scotland Water Authority had no objection to the proposal.


3.1 One letter of objection was received from a notified neighbour. They are concerned about the existing lane that bounds their property and the problems currently encountered due to anti social behaviour in it’s general vicinity. They are also concerned about overgrown weeds and rubbish at the lane and the question of responsibility for it’s maintenance.


4.1 The lane in question is outwith the applicant’s ownership and does not form any part of the current proposals, there is therefore nothing that the applicant can do to solve any problems associated with the lane. The Council have, in the past, recognised this lane’s existence and has in fact allowed various garages to be built which are accessed via the lane. The issue of the lane should not be considered when determining the current proposals.


5.1 It is generally accepted that the site’s viability is not a viable proposition for commerciaVindustria1 use, according to the fact that it has lain virtually unused for a number of years and has in fact been up for sale during this time. The removal of the dilapidated former cash and carry warehouse and it’s replacement with dwellinghouses would appear to be the best possible solution for the long term future of the site. In this specific case, despite constraints, caused by the irregular shape of the site, the applicant has designed a scheme sympathetic to the area and I therefore recommend that planning consent is granted subject to conditions. 106


Ward No. 12 Grid Reference 275896 655973

File Reference SlPL/Bl 12/20/JL/AB

Site History Consent granted in December 1993 for the erection of north stand (ref. 443193 Consent granted in March 1998 for the erection of shop and ticket sales office (ref. S/98/001 I6/FUL) Consent granted in October 1998 for change of use from shop premises to office accoinmodation (ref. S/9810 1249lAMD)

Development Plan Established leisure facilities on NLC Southern Area Local Plan - Finalised Draft

Contrary to Development Plan No


Objection No Objection Conditions No Reply


Neighbours Two letters of objection, one of which contained a typed list of 15 names who were opposed to the proposal Newspaper Advertisement No Response

COMMENTS Motherwell Football Club seek planning consent for a change of use of an existing catering unit which is situated under the north stand (David Cooper Stand) to a public bar at Fir Park, Motherwell. It is proposed to form a public bar on the existing ground floor area and to construct a mezzanine floor to create an upper floor area under the north stand, therefore no external building works, with the exception of fascia alterations, are to take place. Two letters of objection were received, one froin tlie local Primary School and one letter containing 12 typescript names. Their concerns and my observations may be found in tlie accompanying report. Notwithstanding the concerns raised by the objectors, 1 hereby recommend that planning consent is granted. 1wowetopr ~ Primary School

No. 5/99/01 Ratueadby Planning Application IOUFUL LANARKSHIRE DepyMenI of Planning Md Envirannwnl Change of Use of Catering Unit to Public Bar souman hvwm 303 Brm-on *eel Fir Park, Motherwell MOTHERWELL ML11RS ~~proddimm me ordiall~svvy rnapew wnh me prmwon of m comolmr of mr M.lntfs A SbIbMy Om-. 0 Dam WWlDM Telephone 01698 3021W Fa. 01698 302101 Location of Objectors 1:1250 umumwed npmdwbn infr%4s Cmw WwdgN .nd may m.4 io ~~OYML)~or CM vddnpr os ucanse LA OW1L Location of Petitioners 108

RECOMMENDATION Grant, subject to the following conditions:-

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2. That the facing materials to be used for the external walls shall match in colour and texture those of the existing building.

Reason: To ensure that the facing material match existing north stand.

3. That notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (Scotland) Regulations 1984, no fascia signs, adverts or projecting signs shall be erected on the premises, without the prior written approval of the Planning Authority.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to retain effective control, in order to afford the Council the opportunity to gauge any future signage.

List of Background Papers

Application form and plans dated 8/9/99 NLC Southern Area Local Plan Finalised Draft Letter dated 3 1/8/99 with typed petition list containing 12 names, first name being Mr W K Smith, 28 Firpark Street, Motherwell Memo dated 3/9/99 from Director of Education, Provisions Section, Kildonan Street, Coatbridge

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Motherwell 3021 42 and ask for Mr Lennon. 109




1.1 Motherwell Football Club seek planning consent for the change of use of an existing catering unit to public bar at Fir Park, Motherwell. The catering unit is situated on the ground floor within the North Stand, known as the David Cooper Stand. It is the applicant’s intention to form a public bar on the ground floor and construct a mezzanine floor to form an upper level to the bar.

1.2 The applicant has intimated by letter that Motherwell Football Club, as well as being the owners of the property, intend to run the public bar. It will be run as a normal public bar, with the exception that on match days, the bar will be heavily stewarded and only members will be allowed in at certain times. There will also be no direct link from the bar into the ground. There is however, for emergency purposes, an emergency exit situated at the rear of the bar, this door is operated by a push-bar and is alarmed, therefore every customer has to enter and leave the bar by the front access.

1.3 The capacity of the bar will be dictated by Building Control and Licensing restrictions


2.1 Two letters of objection were received, one from the Local Primary School and one letter from a notified neighbour which enclosed a further 11 objectors typed names and addresses. Their objections and my comments thereon may be summarised as follows:-

0 Insufficient off-street parking facilities at present, current application will exacerbate the problem.

Comment: there would appear to be no scope for additional parking provision, however, it is considered that the proposal will not have a major impact on what is accepted at times to be a problematic parking area. It should however be noted that in general in the evenings there is not a parking problem in this area.

0 Fir Park Street is becoming increasingly busy due to use by M.F.C. players/officials and parents of school children of the local nearby Primary School.

Comment: it is accepted that traffic movements have increased in this area both as a result of national trends and as Motherwell Football Club try to widen their coininercial base. It is not considered that the opening of a public bar would conflict with traffic movements to and from the nearby school. 110

0 Noise and disturbance will increase.

Comment: there is a very active Social Club within 70 metres of the proposed public bar that is opened normal licensing hours. It is not anticipated that the proposed public bar will drastically alter the current situation in the area to a degree that would warrant a refusal.

Is the bar open before, during and after games on match days? If so, it will increase traffic in this already busy area.

Comment: on match days the bar will be heavily stewarded and only members will be allowed into the ground. With regard to traffic flow and parking problems, there is a heavy police presence on match days at present that stewards the traffic, the additional use at the stadium should not significantly exacerbate the problem 011 match days.


3.1 Tliis part of the David Cooper stand is at present largely redundant, even 011 Match Days. It will form a relatively sinall element of the Club’s activities and as such I ain of the opinion that the proposed change of use will not adversely impact on the local area to any significant degree. The lack of significant parking on the site will only create a problem if the Function Suite within the Stand is also being used and even then I feel that adequate on street parking does exist in the immediate vicinity. On Match Days I do not envisage this proposal creating additional parking problems over and above those that currently exist in the area. Therefore 011 balance I would recommend this proposal for approval as forming an acceptable use within a leisure/commercial complex. I11

Application No. 99910 1 1OUFUL Date registered 16 August 1999 APPLICANT MR A BHARWANI Agent Waring & Netts Partnership, Studio 4, The Tollgate, 19 Marina Crescent. Glasgow, G5 1 9HD DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED RESTAURANT AND HOT FOOD TAKEAWAY LOCATION LAND WEST OF TEXACO SERVICE STATION, GLASGOW ROAD, WISHAW

Ward No. 6 Grid Reference 278445 655254

File Reference SIPLIB111/3/JL/AB

Site History Planning consent granted (outline) in March 1995 for Food Retail Unit and Fast Food Outlet on land which included the application site (ref. no. 338/94 Outline)

Development Plan Private Housing Development Opportunities on NLC Southern Area Local Plan Finalised Draft

Contrary to Development Plan Yes


0bj ection No Objection Transco, Scottish Power Conditions The Coal Authority No Reply


Neighbours No Response Newspaper Advertisement No Response

COMMENTS The applicant seeks planning consent for the constructioii of a restaurant and hot food takeaway at the junction of Glasgow Road/Bridge Street, Wishaw. The restaurant is some 355 m2 and is accessed off Bridge Street, approximately 70 metres from Glasgow Road. My comments and observations on the proposal are contained in the accompanying report.

RECOMMENDATION Grant, subject to the following conditions:-

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission King George's Field

Rodwed by ~ap~mntof ~ivlnmo and Environment Planning Application No. S/99/01108/FUL scumcm 0,vlvon 303 Branden Street Proposed Restaurant and Hot Food Takeaway MOTHERWELL MLI IRS Land West of Texaco Service Station A Telephone 01696 302100 FU 01698 302101 Glasgow Road, Wishaw. 1 :1250 113

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2. That before the development hereby permitted starts, full details of the design and location of all fences and walls to be erected on the site shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.

3. That before the development hereby permitted is brought into use, all the fences, or walls, as approved under the terms of conditioii 2 above, shall be erected.

Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate boundary treatment.

4. That before the development hereby permitted starts, full details of the facing materials to be used on all external walls and roofs shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.

5. That before the development hereby permitted starts, a scheme of landscaping, including boundary treatment, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Plaiining Authority, including any modifications as may be required, and it shall include:-

(a) details of any earth moulding and hard landscaping, grass seeding and turfing; (b) a scheme of tree and shrub planting, incorporating details of the location, number, variety and size of trees and shrubs to be planted; (c) details of the phasing of these works.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.

6. That within one year of the restaurant hereby permitted being brought into use, all planting, seeding, turfing and earth moulding included in the scheme of landscaping and planting, approved under the terms of condition 5 above, shall be completed and any trees, shrubs, or areas of grass which die, are removed, damaged, or become diseased, within two years of the completion of the development, shall be replaced within the following year with others of a similar size and species.

Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate landscaping arrangements.

7. That before the developmelit hereby permitted is brought into use, all the parking and manoeuvring areas shown on the approved plans, shall be levelled, properly drained, surfaced in a material which the Planning Authority has approved in writing before the 114

start of surfacing work and clearly marked out, and shall, thereafter, be maintained as parking and manoeuvring areas.

Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate parking facilities within the site.

8. That a visibility splay of 2.5 metres by 60 metres, measured from the road channel, shall be provided on both sides of the vehicular access along Bridge Street and 9 metres by 120 metres where Bridge Street meets Glasgow Road and before the development hereby permitted is brought into use, everything exceeding 1.05 metres in height above the road channel level shall be removed from the sight line areas and, thereafter, nothing exceeding 1.05 metres in height above road channel level shall be planted, placed, erected, or allowed to grow, within these sight line areas.

Reason: To ensure the provision of satisfactory visibility splays.

9. That before the development hereby permitted is brought into use, the connection to Bridge Street shall be via a 8.5 metre wide dropped kerb footway crossing arrangement leading to a 6 metre road to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure satisfactory vehicular and pedestrian access facilities to the site.

10. That before the development hereby permitted is brought into use, the existing substandard radius at the east corner of Bridge Street should be improved from 2 metres to 10.5 metres to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.

Reason: To improve the existing substandard Glasgow Road/Bridge Street junction.

11 That before tlie development hereby permitted starts, a report shall be submitted to the Planning Authority regarding the stability of the site for the development proposed and this report shall be based on a professionally supervised and regulated boring programme.

Reason: To ensure the mineral stability of the area.

12. That before development hereby permitted starts, a report describing the soil and ground condit ions prevailing over the application site (including details of the nature, concentration and distribution of any contaminants), shall be submitted to tlie Planning Authorit! and the works required in order to remove or render harmless these contaminants. having regard to the proposed use of the site, shall be agreed in writing with the Planning Authority, and development shall not be commenced until these works have been completed.

Reason: To ensure the site is free of contamination. 115

List of Background Papers

Application form and plans dated 16/8/99 Letter and amended plans dated 611 0199 & 1 1/10/99 Letter dated 2/9/99 from The Coal Authority Letter dated 8/9/99 from Transco Letter dated 28/9/99 from Scottish Power

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Motherwell 302 142 and ask for Mr Lennon. 116




1.1 The applicant seeks planning consent for the construction of a restaurant and hot food takeaway at land to the west of the Texaco filling station, Glasgow Road, Wishaw.

1.2 The land in question is a vacant privately owned site, although the Council landscaped part of it a number of years ago.

1.3 The building measures some 355 square metres and will be situated approximately 5 metres from the southern boundary of the site. It will be of single storey design and the retail area measures some 230 m2, which equates to approximately 65% of the total floor area, the remainder is made up of manufacturing/production area (2 1 Yo) and office/ancillary area (14%). The site will be accessed via a dropped kerb footway crossing which will be situated approximately 70 metres away from Glasgow Road on Bridge Street.

1.4 The site is bounded by vacant ground to the north, flatted dwellings to the west, a Texaco filling station and an Aldi supermarket to the east. Playing fields and the new Wishaw General hospital lie to the south and south west, across Glasgow Road.


2.1 The Coal Authority indicated that there is a mine entry within 20 metres of the site that requires investigation. Neither Transco nor Scottish Power had objections to the proposal.


3.1 It is accepted that the site can readily accommodate development of this nature. Whilst the site is allocated for a possible residential development, I consider the proposal to be an acceptable one given the mixed land uses in the area and the sites main road frontage. The use, by virtue of the previous outline consent, has been established as a possible fast food outlet. The local road network will benefit from the development due to the improvement’s at Glasgow Road/Bridge Street junction, where the existing substandard radius kerbline will be increased to a more suitable standard. This improvement, together with the re use of a vacant, brownfield site, will benefit the Wishaw area and help re-vitalise the area in general. 117


Ward No. 11 Grid Reference 274672656052

File Reference S/PL/BI211 ICIMHIAB

Site History Planning consent for erection of garage at 2 Hazelton, Motherwell granted 5/4/95

Development Plan Established Housing Area on the Southern Area Local Plan (Finalised Draft)

Contrary to Development Plan Yes


Objection No Objection Conditions No Reply


Neighbours Two letters of objection Newspaper Advertisement No Response

COMMENTS This application relates to the change of use of a garage to Picture Framing Workshop at 2 Hazelton, Motherwell. Two letters of objection have been received from residents of adjacent properties. In considering this proposal I am of the opinion that the impact of such a small scale business on the surrounding residential area is such that it would have little or no adverse effect on the amenity of the area. I therefore recommend planning consent be granted.

RECOMMENDATION Grant, subject to the following conditions:-

1. That the permission hereby granted is for a temporary period only and shall expire on 2 1 st October 200 1.


Reason: To enable the Authority to retain effective control over the development hereby approved and protect local residents from over intensification of the business on site.

2. That the permission hereby granted shall enure solely for the benefit of Mr Derek Rankin.

Reason: To enable the authority to retain effective control over the development hereby approved.

3. That the premises shall be used as a picture framing workshop and for no other purposes (including any other purpose in Class 4 of the Schedule to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Scotland) Order 1997.

Reason: To enable the authority to retain effective control over the development hereby approved and protect local residents from any adverse changes in use.

4. That notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (Scotland) Regulations 1984, no fascia signs, adverts or projecting signs shall be erected on the premises.

Reason: To enable the authority to retain effective control over the development hereby approved and maintain the visual quality of the area.

List of Background Papers

Letter from Mr Derek Rankin dated 14/7/99 Planning application and accompanying plans dated 30/8/99 Letter from Mr Donald Watson dated 1/9/99 Letter from Mr J M Purdon dated 5/9/99 Southern Area Local Plan (Finalised Draft)

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Motherwell 302 128 and ask for Mary Hogg. 120




1.1 This application concerns a proposed change of use of a residential garage to a picture framing workshop in the rear garden area of 2 Hazelton, Motherwell.

1.2 The property lies within the Beechwood Estate, an established housing area off Airbles Road and close to the town’s cemetery.

1.3 The site is bounded to the west by the adjoining terraced property and to the east by the rear garden areas of two detached houses which front onto Chestnut Grove. To the north of the site is an area of maintained grassland which slopes upwards away from this northern boundary. To the south beyond the road at Hazelton are 2 two storey semi-detached dwellings.

1.4 The property is an end terraced two storey property with the garage being sited in the rear garden area.

1.5 The applicant seeks retrospective planning consent for the picture framing workshop. The business has been operating from the garage since the 17th May 1999 with advice and funding from Motherwell Business Advice Centre and the Lanarkshire Development Agency.

1.6 The nature of the business is such that the applicant operates a ‘Fetch and Frame’ service where the objects to be framed are collected and then returned.

1.7 The materials required for the business are collected by the applicant from trade suppliers in Glasgow. If this is not possible the materials are delivered to the workshop by a small delivery van similar in size to a catalogue delivery van.

1.8 All equipment used in the picture framing business are hand or foot operated and do not generate enough noise to class them as a nuisance. In addition, no power tools are used in any of the work carried out in the workshop.


2.1 The garage to 1% hich this planning application relates was the subject of a retrospective planning application in January 1995, following a telephone complaint and letter of complaint, from an adjoining resident regarding the unauthorised erection of a garage at 2 Hazelton, Mother\sfelI.

2.2 These concerns \vere taken into account when considering the application. However, it was considered that the garage was acceptable in terms of design, construction and location and that the use of the garage for surplus household storage and not for the parking of a car was an appropriate use within a residential area.

2.3 Planning consent was granted for the erection of the garage at 2 Hazelton, Motherwell on the 5th April 1995, reference no. 33/95. 121


3.1 Two letters of objection have been received from neighbouring residents objecting to the picture framing workshop on the following grounds:

- the garage has never been used for the purpose for which it was intended;

- the use is inappropriate given the residential nature of the area;

- the use has resulted in the increase of traffic to and from the property and has had an adverse effect on pedestrian and traffic safety;

- the noise, health and safety implications in general of operating such a business from a garage in close proximity to adjacent residential properties, and

- the garage has an adverse impact on the visual amenity of the area.


4.1 With regard to the use of the garage I can confirm that the garage is not readily accessed by vehicles because of its location within the rear garden area of the dwelling. However, in the previous planning application, reference no. 33/95 granted 5th April 1995, the applicant stated that the garage would be used for surplus household storage and not for the garaging of a car.

4.2 Regarding the concerns over the residential location of the picture framing workshop, 1 agree that normally this type of use would be unacceptable in a residential area and would be contrary to Council policy. However, given that it is a new small scale business and as yet not established, I am of the opinion that the effect on the surrounding residential area would be minimal. In addition, if granted, the imposition of a temporary planning consent for a period of 2 years would allow the Council to retain effective control over the development. It should be noted that the applicant has intimated that he would seek alternative premises outwith the residential area if the business is successful.

4.3 I note the concerns over increased traffic generation and the implications on pedestrian and road safety however, the ‘fetch and frame’ type nature of the business and the infrequency of materials being delivered to the workshop indicate that the picture framing workshop would not adversely effect pedestrian or traffic safety.

4.4 In addition, the concerns of noise and general health and safety implications to the surrounding residential properties have been taken into consideration. The noise generated from the workshop is minimal and could not constitute a nuisance to the surrounding residential properties. As for health and safety implications, the garage location is such that it does not constitute a hazard to public safety.

4.5 Finally, the garage is a well maintained stained timber structure with a pitched roof and while being larger than the standard wooden out building or garage does not, in my opinion, detract from the visual amenity of the area to any significant degree. 122

4.6 In conclusion, I consider the change of use of the garage to a picture framing workshop is of a scale to be appropriate in a residential area and visually acceptable. I therefore recommend planning consent be granted with conditions. 123


Ward No. 7 Grid Reference 279402 656072

File Reference S/PL/B/10/1( 154)/GMcWAB

Site History No recent site history

Development PIan Established Housing Area, Southern Area Local Plan (Finalised Draft)

Contrary to Development Plan No


Objection No Objection NLC Wishaw Area Housing Office Conditions No Reply


Neighbours Two letters of objection Newspaper Advertisement Not Required

COMMENTS This application seeks retrospective planning permission for the erection of a garden shed and permission for the erection of a garage at 99 Gala Crescent, Wishaw. After consultation no objections were received. Two letters of representation have been received from adjoining neighbours in relation to this application and are detailed in my accompanying report. For the reasons contained in my report it is recommended that planning permission is granted.

RECOMMENDATION Grant, subject to the following conditions:-

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. Temple Gill

m n

Planning Application No. S/99/01263/FUL Erection of Timber Garage and Garden Shed 99 Gala Crescent, Wishaw A Tclephmc 016963021W FPII. 01696 M2101 1:1250 Location of Objectors os usme LAOSM1L * 125

2. That the use of the garage hereby permitted shall be restricted to private use incidental to the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse on the site and no commercial activity shall be carried out, in, or from, the garage.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to retain effective control, in order to safeguard the residential amenity of the area.

List of Background Papers

Application form and accompanying plans registered 2 1/9/99 Southern Area Local Plan (Finalised Draft) Fax dated 13/10/99 from NLC Wishaw Area Housing Office Letter dated 6/9/99 from Mr R Anderson, 19 North Dryburgh Road, Wishaw Letter dated 29/9/99 from Mr A Rooney, 97 Gala Crescent, Wishaw

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Motherwell 302 139 and ask for Gwen McKillop. 126




1.1 The application site is located to the rear of 99 Gala Crescent, Wishaw. It is bounded by woodland to the north and by residential properties, south, east and west.

1.2 Vehicular access to the site is off North Dryburgh Road. The applicant and the occupier of no. 19 North Dryburgh Road share this vehicular access and both have existing garages to the rear of their property.

1.3 The applicant is seeking retrospective permission for the erection of a 3.1 m x 2.4 in garden shed and permission to replace her existing timber garage. The proposed garage would be 6.8 m x 4.0 m and would be erected immediately adjacent to the garden shed. The 9.2 inetre long structure would be constructed in timber and would be painted blue to match the garden shed.


2.1 After consultation NLC Wishaw Area Housing Office had no objection to the proposal.


3.1 Two letters of representation have been received from adjoining neighbours in relation to this application and are based on the following grounds:

a) The proposal would obscure the view from no. 97 Gala Crescent. b) The garden shed is an eyesore. The blue colour is not in keeping with the neighbourhood. c) The applicant does not own a car and does not need a garage. d) The proposal would be excessively large.


4.1 The applicant’s plot is virtually triangular in shape. It is extremely narrow at the front and broadens considerably to the rear. Vehicular access from Gala Crescent would not be possible and space is limited to the side of this end terraced property.

4.2 The applicant proposes to erect the structure adjacent to the southern boundary of her rear garden, 10 metres from the dividing boundary between no’s 97 and 99 Gala Crescent and in line with the rear building line of this row of terraced properties. The proposed developineiit would therefore be at an acute angle to 97 Gala Crescent. Notwithstanding the location of the proposal however a loss of view is not a planning consideration.

4.3 This application seeks retrospective planning permission for the erection of a blue timber garden shed and it is the applicant’s wish to erect a similar structure to use as a garage. Whilst the colour of the proposal is different to others within the locality it is not considered to be detrimental to the visual amenity of the adjoining residential area. Furthermore no objections were received from NLC Wishaw Area Housing Office as landlord’s of the property. 127

4.4 The manner in which the garage is used is the choice of the applicant and so long as the structure is not used for non-domestic purposes the objector’s concern is not a planning consideration. It is recommended however that if planning permission is granted it is subject to a condition ensuring that the proposal is for domestic use only.

4.5 The total floor area of the garage and garden shed would be approximately 35 m2 and the highest part of the structure would be 3.6 metres approximately. The applicant has an end terraced property and a large rear garden, approximately 200 m2. The proposed development would utilise less than a fifth of this area and is lower than 4 metres in height. It is therefore considered that the proposal would be acceptable both in terms of design and impact upon neighbouring properties.

4.6 It is therefore recommended that planning permission is granted for this proposal, subject to appropriate conditions.