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Front the Boston Journal. PRINCESS ADELAID. bcn-Miilil-F.ddin, is addressed to the French The Earliest and Best Education. of “ lavish and ostentatious expenditure.— ra n d o m r e a d in g s. The London traveller, writing from London surgeon. Mny Cod favor him by his good* THE SURRENDER OF ABD-EL-KADER. “ W h at is wanting,” said Napoleon, one Day and night were alike consumed in tho «— .— Lively ami gossip, the 11th idt. on the subject of the lute demise ,,, , . , , inB89,0 *hp extent of his merits. • You have I iie capture ol this brave, but unlorlui.i.te | w j,|, ...... ,„Wiir,|s ,ny C(„tipnnj„ns day to Madame Cnmpnn, “ in order tiiat the toil. Even upon the Sabbath my spirit was Stored with the joys oi lin' muling world, of Princess Adclnid, sister to the King of And with n spice of mirth, too.'1 chieftain, w lm has been styled the Arabian who are wounded. May God accord you his youth of France nitty lie well educated?”— L - fiiy counting room. Had my wife been the French, (the announcement of which was Wallace, is one of the most important events, lavor and I'pcompenso you. He is powerful “ Good mothers,” was the reply. The aware of this, she would insisted upon rc- givon in our telegraphic dcspntch of news by in n political point cd’view, which has recent- 1 LETTER PROM HORNBY. the Aeadin—last wci'k,)snys. ly occurred. For a long series of t ears, this 1 " ”lst "'va,t"ig 'bo tiltimrtto orders of the peror wits most forcibly struck with tile nns- i trcnchment, but she nnd seen Iter fntlier thus The following is nn extract from one of ..The sudden death, on the 31st ult, of tho j with n ciimpnratlvoly E m ir n" d bis 8lli,c wcr. “ Here,” said lie, “ is a system of edu-' engrossed, thus care worn, and she regretted \ Minimi ueuiii, tin nn. .mm uh, in in’ iid-oic iimn, Willi a comparatively sinalh mini- , ..... j nun min huhr the lett(?rsr of Etbon bpikc to the boston prjnccss Adelaide, sister of Louis Phillippr,| |)Pr of faithful followers, hade defiance to the I '\Prc ass,k'n<, wouli’nt take nn furan answer, business o f life. And to whom inis God en­ ‘Nay, my friend; my lot is fixed. Be tho The dentil of Madame Adelaid is the most , titre, principally from recent French papers. Itis brother-in-law, who commanded at the made such a ruitljms the Governor had to buy trusted tlie commencement of this solemn toil for me, the leisure for my family. I can­ severe and poignant domestic bcreavment The protracted struggle which the Emir had massacre of Midi Braliim, where four hundred him off, by lettin him wear the shoes a day work? On whom doth it devolve to cull forth not risk the lot of my only pleasure for my which Louis Philippe lias ever experienced, carried on against tile united armies of Mo- French troops were put to death,.— the Kalifa or two nn his solemn promise that he wouldn’t tlie infant man? W here is the influence that family. I cannot risk the loss of my only either as a man or as a monarch. It is re­ ‘ rocco and France, had recently materially Kmldom-beii-Allal, brother of Sadi Embtirak; ask fur them again. But the knowin ones shall keep tin; young heart from fatal wan- plcnsuro, that of seeing smiling faces at my marked that though= . misfortune . . ... and sorrow . .1 ; weakened , , i Ins: power and , obliged ,,• , him, • to eon- ami tlie Aga of the regulars, Mnliniond Ben don’t blevc lie’ll stick to the promise at all, s|,a(jC(j ftie younger days of the King, though derings and errors? It is the mother to whom fireside.1 line his efforts to sudden attacks on the con­ cl-Koar. Ho is also accompanied Iw three of an though the shoes arc a r.iimi Jitxr s iz e s ' lie lost Itis fntlier by the excesses of civil com­ wo look lor the discharge of these momentous Tlie gentlemen parted leaving Alico over­ fines of Morocco, into which country lie nt his wives anil two sons, of whom the eldest, too wo for him , they think lie’ll “ bicttk motion in tlie dawn of early manhood—though offices. It she neglects to do it, there re­ whelmed by the discovery she had made. times spread great alarm. Tjie Emperor of Mahmoud Ben Abd-el-Kader, is mi interest­ tilings” afore he’ll give them up. An really I having served Itis country, lie wits forced to mains no substitute—none to whom we can Slow ly she retraced hcr footsteps, forgetful of Morocco nt length raised nn army of 88,000 ing child of eight vein's of ace. One of Itis don’t sec why he shouldn’ hold on now Tie’s become nn exile from it, and to earn his bread w ives is a beautiful French woman, named P .'" '" '0 CXU'‘C’ Puri,V «ntl foster its immortal hcr errand. She re-entered her dressing room men, which aided by tlie French army, took got into (hem, for though they arc not a very hv tho sweat of Itis brow mid the labor of Juliette, who earnestly entreated that she i 13 that ,1,uther tllat lIli,lks and gazed regretfully upon its luxurious ap­ tin: field against tin- chieftain. T he E m ir, pointments. They seemed to reproach her good fit for him, they’ll be a darned site xvus his head—tlioiiclt driven from one hciuis- might not be separated from tlie hero to whose lightly of her children? Let her know that on nothing daunted, by a stratagem, as hardy as with the hours taken from life's highest du­ for Governor Dana or Dunlap, or hall G|C - pbere to auotlinr, the sport of fortune mid the fortunes site bail united herself. her it now may lie depending, whether a son ingenious, on tlie night of December 11, sur­ ties nnd bartered fer their perishable splen­ others that's trying to get cm away victim of circumstances — though exiled a In personal appearance Abd-el-Kader is of is to pass through life ignorant of tlie world, prised the camp of the army of Morocco.— dor. him. second and a third time, ultimately incurring tlie middle height. Tlie expression of his of itis duties as a m an,a citizen, and u Christian, T he attack at fust appeared to he attendi-il She laid aside her purs# thankful that its As to tite war, we’ve have no certain ac-, the frowns and suspicions of Louis W ill— . , , , , , , . countenance is gentle, ami by no means of a or be so educated ns to be a blessing to his , ,,,, , . i • 1 , ...... w ith complete success, hut the. overw helming contents remained untouched; then eho counts latelv. 1 he last Argus we seed gin though doomed to see Ins eldest ofispring per-: , , . , , , . warlike character, liis complexion is not so country, an honor to his race, untl heir to a ... ., , __ _ . . . . , . , . . . numbers Willi which lie had to outeiid, at glorious immortality. looked long and steadily upon thc new posi­ an acco,mt how General 1 iller lit the lepro-. )sfi (,y the result ol an unhappy accident—it pure as that ot' tlie generality of Aral,s of dis­ at length obliged him to retire—when lie found tion in which she was so suddenly placed.— iisv, and arter a siiligilinticiotis battle, in w hich IJlny well be doubted whether any o f the tinction, lie is marked with small spots lie was hemmed in by tlie army of tlie enemy. Her heedless disregard of her lather w ho had uperds of (1000 of the nasty Mcxicum lepros- nearly always eventful and often harrowing | ( •which appear to have been caused by the FIRESIDE SKETCHES, oneentrated his forces at tin- indulged her every caprice seemed to her lit­ sics was killed, and onv one of his men was circtlmstimces of tlie King’s chcqured lifetif-' , , . , , small pox. In the middle of his forehead he , , . , ,, ...... , , . , . , , , , . . , mouth ol the Motiloute, between tlie left liuitli “ —------Relays of joy, tle least ban criminal. Her selfish life spoke hurt, he entered tlie Hurls m Alottic/.iinij , an ft’Ctctl hint so deeply as the loss ol ins sister, I ...... is slightly tatoeed. liis beard is very black To drag the sufferer thro’ the tedious length of tiiat river anti the sea. The river was so to her with a hundred voices, and there wus hung thirty-six Mexican generals afore lie cat, the Princess Adelaide, lie has lost a eoun- hut not very tinck. His costume is of a sim­ Of a short winter's day.” much swollen as to prevent his passing over, reproof in its tones, T he retrospect wits sal­ or even sot down to r e s t . « • 1 cil|.or upon whose judgment lie was afeustom- plicity tiiat is, perhaps, not entirely free from utary, though painful. From her very er­ Afore we got this news all Hornby went in cd to place a great tleal of reliance. She was affectation. He has tlie appearance of being 1 ALICE WESTON. tiio circle which surrounded him. L'ufavorn- rors sprang the knowdege of right, and tho for gineral Gushin, blit now we goes in quite . a woman of sound and firm judgment nnd about forty years of age. as stroii" for piller. I’ve talked tho matter of tlie calmest and most rellective courage.— i! kkhie bowt-tii, pii iuiteil a gi m ra 11Y hl. O. B LEEPER . true path once found, her loving spirit W ith regard to the final disposition of this, over w id. our leadin’ men, and we’ve cum to Site had travelled mud. and had been a wit- ! p>'S1‘Sp"’P!lt >'^1 tllp 21«, when tlie river be- It was ten o’clock, yet Alico Weston still, PrclnI,ted her onward, She was certain of renowned chief, it is more than intimated tiiat the conclusion to ask von, mister Hite, tosay, ; ness of tlie most wonderful vicissitudes. It is ' '‘ni' Bnoahl. , tlie baggage nnd laniili. s " "j I sat in ber little dressing room, her head rest- I hcr famil>'> and after surveying tastes, tho the French government will have no regard' - , to all t i i a t it may consarn, tiiat Hornby has ' said that in her younger ilnys she kept u jour- J 1 ai com pauii-1 tin. i ompauion.. ol Jit. to tin stipulations made at Ids surrender, al- , h'S 0,1 hcr llan.d> a!,lla“ ivory comb glittering j bnb,ts an‘ though tl'u-v were ratified hv a prince ot’ the a,nid her lo3seacd tr~ A *50 bill lay o J | tbo Pe“ ad E/ ‘c>tbp d™ b‘f of <>'<= -h o le , sho nailed her Hag to tlie mast ! Tiiat — let the mil, and was accustomed to work at some trade 1'-,nir> cominciiretl crossing. 1 Ito intention rest of creation do us they please — Hornby or handicraft, like iter brother, by which in of Abd-el-Kniler was to conduct itis com pan­ I,loo,', but will keep him a close prisoner i„ Ithu tablc’ - ‘“h which she intended to purchaso , ‘T 0!,t'd bcr desk and sketched thc outline of ions to the French side of the river, and then goes, in one great, in.lcrviderated, incomprc- case of necessity, site could obtain a living.— [■’r a n e e , nr him to a fortress on the iron- i a wi,lt<‘‘' bon“cr nnd Pclissc’ h had beun Biv- : , heasil'le, dimercratic. limq> — now and forev- Thus while Louis Philippe was as expert a to retire towards tlie South, witli sueli of liis tiers to>.dcrgo the melancholy futoqf Tons- enherthatlnorniuS b^ hcr ftther> and Bho,v Her , lather , ,left the same evening for rsew erinor, atiien.' Seder!—I'oCvIisr.n.'.G ieuvon matter ot toys anil baskets as any joiimeymiui I ,a n d e s -l-.'.u.u- to fellow. '1'he commence­ santi The'!- re,I,-Il governm ent lias Anuounc- 'vutl!d l>uv»noticed tho roluctaneo with which j ’ ork> t0 be absent several weeks. Alice long- government lias anuounc PiLLEtti! An we, Hornby,, pledge ourselves | of Nuremberg or Amsterdam, his sister was ment of tlie passage of tlie river was tlie sig­ it was granted, but that she was absord- j ed t0 rev,:ul t0 him her decision, to ask his ed to Abd-el-Ilde»‘uhig any stylo of dress. Thc long- of tlie errand-boy. Tlie seamstress could not Tlie picture of the child rescued by one of - forces of tho Emperor of AJorocco had been house — quite as soon as governor Dima gets er she dwelt upon thu subject the nioro per- be so easily dispensed with. .Xfter much de- tlie noble dogs attached to tin: monastery lias repulsed witli great loss ; tlie Em ir liad gnin- an uneasy and warlike nation, and tlie war in into tlie Sinuit. It's an old sayin’—“ As goes plexed she became. liberation, however Alice, Margaret and Kato bccu niultipled in engravings till, with tlie ac-' ,-d tiie French territory in safety, and was not Africa lias always been considered as a means Hornby so goes tlie Caounty of Oxford. As ‘All! well,’ said she to herself, ‘it is of little resolved to take charge of their own rooms, Companying uiiecdutc, it lias passed into one ' pursued by tlie Moroeeian ol employing, at a distance from France, the goes tiiat Caounty so goes tho State. As use to sit here. 1 must be guided by niv com­ together xvith the parlors. Alice nnd M arga­ of the household possessions of the youthful H(,re ponion uf lh[) fu„owers ()f th(J most, restless spirits o f tlie nation, us well us goes tlie-Star in the East so goes all other plexion. I til ink 1 will get a white one, with ret also assumed a large part of the sowing, mind. It is with a regret, therefore, that we Einir quitted an(, hc> hinise|f with a to keep it, operation a great military srliool. States as chose to follow her example.1 So a very rich white feather, ami the smallest of nnd thus enabled the chamber-maid to supply know w.ll lie si,are,1 by thousands o f our rea- eh(m}n bnn(Ji pi.0Cl,Ct,ed t() lb(; southwnn, bl Witli tin; suspension of hostilities, these per­ you’ll see mister Hite, tin: general chance is delicate llovvers for the inside, such as 1 saw tho deficiencies in both departments . Effie, iters, that we record the fact of the violation | on,L,r t() g(l| t|)(J Uesert ,(ut lbu Frul^ sonages are lei; at liberty to plot and scheme good, and if yon want to b e on tlie popular; ! at I Iaticne’s.’ a child of eight years, who during the various • ■ oi tlie celebrated Hospital of Mount St. Ber- ; to their hearts’ content, and tlie consequences side, jiuc in n o w — liyst tho ..tinner o f the General Eamorieiere, being informed of this So saying she finished dressing, glanced discussions had been half envying her sisters, iiard by authority of the Council of the Hel­ upon the government will not he unlikely to Hero o f Chcrrybitskin, and let’s go it with a movement, sent a portion of ids army to take contemptuously at her lust year’s bonnet ns received n small hand-brush and duster. vetic Confederation. For the lust 350 vears be injurious. In this respect tlie surrender of looseness for piller nnd pillage. I know you possession of the dclilo through which alone Abd-i 1-Kuiler may prove a soun-e of sl,c put it on, thrust the bill into her purse Each one also yielded some favorite wish. are raythcr committed in favor of Ginera| : monastery lias existed among the Alpine lie could jiass the mountains, and gain tlie Alice had planned a series of assemblies.— rassment to tlie government, and we doubt not and took tiie way to tlie principal shops. She Cusldu, hut’s no use lie can’t cum in - he ■ s,,1,t,“les " f thc Vala‘”1> " llero tbe lloroio Desert. Witli this force tlie little party under Margaret had hoped for it brilliant party on will be so regarded liv Louis himself. was still bulluneing tlie merits of silks and has’,, t done enuff for I,is country vet. I le ' brctl,rc" “* ^-Bernard have dispensed corn- Abd-fl-Kader came in contact, blit victory satlin, pink mid white, when she was stopped her next birth-night, Kate liitd desired a must kill some of then are darned leprosvs a,ld Hospitality to l.enighted travellers of was hopeless, and w itli overw helming num­ R0M ANTIC STORY. by a crowd of people who were prevented superb volumo of engravings which she had fust, ami he’s so precious afecred they’ll kill! 1,11 eruc'18 a,“‘ ,lat’0,,s> '’*’p'I s a v i n g lives bers, botli in his front und in ids reur, lie at A seaman belonging to die north of Scotland from crossing the street by tw o entangled cur- seen in a bookstore, und the smaller ono bad him it’ll he a long time nt'ore lie tries it. ’Ylty ''""Ugii the aid ot their sagaeigus dogs, anil! |engt[j determined to abandon the useless con- eleven or twelve years ago sailed from Liver­ carriages. Her father was standing near, but dreamed of expensive toys. wliat has lie done since lie went to .Mexiko, I 11 Hpg a life et piivalion, sell denial and j tesI| IU1(| Bllrrcnder itimself to tlie French pool in a Uritisli vessel, wliicli lie left in the lie did not observe her for lie wns engaged in And yet that busy fortnight, which tho ha? Fell into a ditch an broke Ids leg, praps '' siniplieity. \ \ lien Napoleon, in tlie commander. Accordingly lie sent two of liis VV est Indies, and entered on hoard a foreign coin ersiitiun with his next door neighbor, Mr. world deemed full of humiliation and regret you’ll say. Wal, sposin lie did, 1 replies, f1usl‘ of bis victories and the heyday of Ids most faithful followers to Gen. Lamarieiere, ship. Thereafter he was entirely lost sight of, Burton, to the Westons, was in truth the hapicst peri­ didn’t piller dig it fust? So one orfsetts -Vouiig ambition traversed tho Alps, he disre- offering to surrender himself on tlie sole con­ and though vague rumors rcuchcd ids friends, ‘Allow me,’jtaiil the latter gentleman, ‘as an od of their lives. They were occupied, but the totlier,and more too, and leaves Ciishin j tjntdcd tlie laws ot government so tarns toex- dition that lie should he sent to St Jean i l - nothing satisfactory could be ascertained con­ old friend to enquire tlie cause of jour anx­ not burdened. An earlier broakfast hour, reg­ notldu’ to put again tho killin’ and bangin’ ItP1,d lavo1' and to this interesting Acre or Alexandria. This tlie General read­ cerning liis fate. All doubts, however, have ious mid liarrassed look. AVe were boys to- ularity and efficiency brought each duty in its folks.’ brotherhood. And not only did ho spare ily promised by word of mouth, and subse­ now lieeu dissipated by the unexpected up-1 gether on the banks of thc Merrimack, yet appropriate place, and tho leisure thus secur­ Tliei-e’:i a Rcwtner aiiout town, tiiat Gen­ their hospitable retreat, magnanimously show­ quently ratified Ids promise in writing ; nor pearmiee of tlie loiiglost one, i s I'uoi'aiA m a -! "bde 1 leiuuin comparitively young, your ed was far more acceptable than tiiat which eral Scott pisoned Wutli an Taler, an tiiat in ed liis approbation of tlie objects o f tlie insti­ can can he be accused of granting too liivora- ! sum a, and )iis long absence is sufftcienllv ace- , ‘"'cs grow dim, your hair wliitons,, and ou being constantly possessed wits rtever prized. consequence mister l’olk lias suspended Santa tution by increasing its endow menus and be­ lile terms to tlie Em ir, fur tlie condition in , ouutcd for in tlie following story, wliii li comes ' .V“ur hruw are wrinkles made by tlie unrest of They were acquiring u feeling of independ­ Inner an re-culled him to \\ asliington, an stowing liberal gratuities. in which tha latter wus placed, was not so . to us in an autlientieiiti d shape: — When he ■ perpetual struggles.’ ence and power by tin: u e of their faeuulties. sent Calub on another mission to Chilly.— But to the lasting disgrace of Protestant desperate tiiat he might not have taken to Gl.v ppcared lie had entered dm American brig ; ‘Ay, my good friend, but my family is large Thoy were learning tiio rare beauties of dto Futlier bletves its true, an says lie’s seen Switzerland, on ilio !ld ot' December last, the flight, though the chances of ultimate escape i Endeavor, wliicli wus dismasted in tlie Gull ' 1U“1 u1"’ expellees great, h or tne who inherit domestic relations, the wonderful i xci-Jli-nco ’twould come for a long time, owin’ to tlie Liindsgemoinde of tlie Valais deprived tlie were but small. of Mexico liy one of tlie liurriemies so coiii- | nothing, toil is ordained.' of which they had comparatively ovetlooked. action of tlie Mexican Kongrcss on tlie Wil- ' i'i‘»wstery of its ecclosiastica1 patronage and in die afternoon of the gjil, Abd-el-Kader - moil in those seas, und the vessel soon after My income is scarcely the h^lf of yours, Tin y grew thoughtful of little kindnesses, and nun Proviso ' btfiicted upon its inmates a fine of XjttbO. On was received at Sidi-Brtiliiin, by‘Co'oiiel de ! filling witli water, tho crew were loft cutirely yet my hours u f leisure are double those you while performing tiio services before kit to p. 5.—Remember wlmt I’ve said about pil- , tlle l^ tb o f tlie same month ofl.ccrs were sent Moiituubiin, who was shortly after joined by | w ithout provisions of any sort. For forty allow yourself. 1 have somewhat to spare a servant, tho sweet affections which before ler-W atch the perlitkul hevins and see if I ,0 Uie monastery, unii. r wliose st, the General Lmuericiero. 1 lie place w here ' day s they flouted uhoul supporting life and ap- too, if your capital’-a n d he hesitated least bad been checked ly a defective education aint wri'dit *' | dl)0,s ,llld atvong boxes broken open with crow- lic surrendered himself was once tiie scene of [ peiisiug tho demands of appetite by die liorri- he might give oll'cuco. sprung up nnd filled their hearts xvith perpet­ i bars, filrty Yaudois .-oilders were niiarlcred in his most successful attack on the French army, i lile expedient ol’ cutting up and eiiling die >1 understand you,’ replied Mr. Weston, ual joy. Making Caudles. ih - building, and sentinels witli loaded mus­ At length Mr. A* eston returned. Thc chil­ M any of our fanners who study economy Abd-el-Kniler w as iiiimcdintclj conducted to 1 bodies of their dead eompmiions, till, in tlie 'the offer that you wish to make is very gen­ kets were stationed at tlie windows lor tlie dren surrounded him with their accustomed in their domestic ati'airs, find il far more econo-, die Duke D ’Auimile, who ratified tlie terms ease of Ids companions, exuusted nature gate erous, but such aid 1 do nut need. Step hith­ purpose of liri'iiig al any one who should en­ glee.ttut they were less boisterous than usual mii'al llo make their own caudles tiiuu to bnv | given liy tlie General iii liis despatch to tlie way, and out of a crow ol' twenty lie alone er,’ and lie pointed to thc arched entrtuii'e of deavor to escape w ith tin- consecrated vessels iu their w elcome. T he tea tub|o did not prix- .lieiii. Sueli persons will find tiiat by making French Government earnestly reeommeiiding survived. He was taken oil’thu wreck in tlie church behind,’ wkero we shall not bo er with uuv oilier of ihc valuables of ilie Ju- vent its accustomed array ot' tempting viands, tlie wicks ulioiit half the ordinary size, mid tlie King to sanction them. The Duke d’- state of insensibility and carried iisliorc by a ; overheard. sduitioii. In a dignified protest the Prior and when it xvas over, George, instead of dipping them in spirits of turpentine, mid Auiiiale mmoimeed to tlie ex-Em ir dint he was poor Indian lislicrmim, ill whose cabin lie Thus far Alico had listened with breathless ringing for n servant, placed an i nsv chair ut ff-v'ng'thmn eunfftdl'v'hH’orL the fire 'or in “tiie i !"“l tl‘irlU.“1‘ "1','lks *’f ll,R to end,ark die day after, with all id, family, lived three muiitlis, slow ly regaining strength, eagei ui-ss. Site m ust hear ull. H er luther the fire and brought his father’s dressing- sm, shine before moulding, they wjll las. I 'T ’‘^ '.st 'dus ttnyust and dlega seizure ) ful. He s.ilmdtted to this decision, nut • bi ids recovery , he joined u party of soven might refuse her the communication he was i i i i i i ‘it- 'I of 1 * an USLlUl establishment IS 111 110111 W wholly 1U) 11 \ 111.‘ devoted \ i >t 1 • i to to lth< III' ii -. 11.., i,» .,.»...»|, i ■ i •inti I Jill li 111'Kt j‘fl con if t i*f>tii i it gown mid slippers. Margaret too, asked leave longer, tyul allonlu much clearer und brilliant . . , ,,,ou J|*> ,U1U niunnrsua some u pug» British sailors, also shipwrecked on tlie eoast nl|i>ut to make. She thought siie hud a right I “objects of beiiilieeui'i'.i'oiislmitly...... protected...... mid nance. It wus the last drop in tho cup ofbit- to knoxv w liy il xvus tiiat ho xvas thus gruxv- to read the evening papers, pleading the fa­ light than those made in the urdinury way . — resolving to truvi-l to tlie nearest seaport (in supported liv lieneliieior.- ot' all nations, by teruess 1 ing old before liis time. Siie folloxved tlie tigue of the traveler, hut secretly designing to A small portion of beesw ax, ntelti-d xvith the T exas) of wliicli they knexx . — Ou tlicir rout, most of tlie Swiss cantons, by ancient mid T l i e Emir and liis suite arrived ut (Jraii on niuke il a practice if she should find it agreea­ tallow lia s a tendaiicy to prevent their “run­ however, tin y were attacked and captured by gentlemen and stood very near them unob­ modern princes, win, have all contributed to ble, As the evening adx uuced, instead of the ning,” nil.I renders tlicm much more lasting. — tin- Tlst. uilil some hours after, lie xvas oui- a party ol’ Indians, In xvhoiii they xn-re slrip- served. maintain tliegeueral hospitality of this house usual delicacies, Alice quietly* placed a bask­ Germantown Telegraph. liarki -I lor i'oidoii, in France. Previous to ed and coinbi-Rud lo undergo incredible prix a-j • Phe deulli o f my wife,' said Mr. Weston, —which Napoleon itimself respected.” leaving (Iran lie sent liis hmioiis black horse nuns. Liuler this treatment four of their ’has imparted a degree of sacredness to the et of choice fruit on the table, and having par­ Du. AVilsuxi,, in liis travels through tiie A l die Iasi accounts, die fiunoiis moiiustcrv as a present to the Duke d ’Aumalc, in token her sank iu less Bum eight mouths; and after, object of which we have been speaking that taken uf it with tho rest she returned to her needle. All was simple and unostentatious, lands of the Bible, is| rsi year,\ ear, discovered on the tlie id'St. Bcruerd was deserted. Tlie monks of submission to tiie French nation. witnessing the death In torture of txvoiuure, has made me shrink from conversing upon route froiii tin- Red S,-a [O Mount Sinai the | with their noble dogs, liuil ilissuppeurcd All Abd-el-Kader, during Ins last battles, | lbis iuibs uluul a lapse years , > it; but your kindness lo mo mine Inis gix- but Mr. Weston, though surprised, asked do juestious. immense mountains alluded to by th e author was ilessoliitu in that region of perpetual lived si i end slight wounds iu diff'eroyt I mcan, to escape, and lias again appeared in ! a clab“ UPU» >■')' 1 mar­ of tin- Book of Job as tiie s o m c e o f die gold j snow. Slflime upon die authors of da' out- plitces, anil sonic of liis followers hud been tins country . This same mao xxas formerly u i a'd as >-ou k,,ow‘ ,bu dtt“«hU!r. " eulth-'; ( Tho next morning Alice dispersed the gay imd silver ol the early ages. 1'r.mi huge rage! All < liiisleiidoin should deiioutiee it. wounded more seriously. Tim surgeon of mm., a frail and beautiful girl,"surrounded ! alld Jow n by her father, gave prisoner fora considerable time iinioug tlie- senilis in the sides of tie-mountains w as tie-o r e T ruly there is a fatmtieism of Radicalism as tlie st.■ .IIIH'I' on w liicli tiie Arali.s were eonxev- by every luxury that money could procure. 1 him a full aceouut of her uiTungemeuts and cuuuibuls of New Zealand, ami also canto d u g out, ami all the i-viili-nci-s of lies mode of wa-jl as o f religiutl, and wa. know nut wliicli xvas m prosperous business. A few years of their cause. When she had finished she lool,- ed to France, gave all necessary attention to i lltruugh many hardships and adventures m the . mining present tlieiiisil. i s totJie eye. iiow is tho moro likely to precipitate men into erime. bis wounds, which was acknowledged by tin- ; ecouoiuy would have made me rich; but 1 od up tor approval, but h e cutlld oidy articu- Peruxiau war vf lndi.peuflenec— [Seotsiuan,| grooves or I'haimi Is wi re cut from such , Pi rhups tlie l'amiticisin of religion tlie Em ir in u letter of which tho following is a xvas unwilling to propose u different stylo of late, ‘God bless you, my daughter,* and kisa- I'UiV heights l<» lbu htuu of the inouinnin due* more pardonable, as it ucts iVom u false huliou , truiukuoii : I fx-wn .1 ui 1 » 1 1 • < . livmg from that to which she had been uceus- iug her brow, stepped hastily into tho sfteM- , 1 . f 1 vC^lluzuCj tho rhila .ulplna Astronomer,...... •• ------M nrru t . Immense must have been tiie ot honoring God, while radicalism looks mily i “ Praises to the single and only God. ays March will be Colder than any month of te i n e o . 1i »lruggled s i r u g g i c u with x n i u every u . u i j power, bout j 'l be Ural - - - - i------peroon ho n^w as 1 every energy to the task of supply ing the moans' and in tbe plenitude of bis joy aud graiitu e, i.i; i.i n.oi? to it, •»•-•-:i self,. — Transcript Thia writinj on thc pan of Abd cl-Kadcr- ' the vest. ftcblfl i ■ i ■.< net , evil g rre ts to LIME ROCK GAZETTE. For the Lime Rock Gazette. H on ib le Death. LATER FROJMEUROPE. I which some of tin: Italian States nro still BACKBITING AND SLANDERS. Hr. Isaac ITamiieilin, a worthy man anil; The young man paused a moment in tm- (subjected The measures which the Gov* The steamer Sarah Sands, arrived nt New THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1R48. karrassinent, then shook the hand of his I«niment9 of the Pspn! States and of Sar-1 Slander is petty murder; and that man *dd citizen of this county, entne to his death, ) ork on the 10th inst., from Liverpool, bring­ fitieod, muttered some incoherentcooyrst- dints iiave already pronmloatud are oftm- w ho wantonly assails the good name of j a few days sifter, in n most shocking manner, ing seven days later intelligence from England ulations, and turning into the opposite manse extent mid iinporltm o. The Hoax NOVEL READING. his neighbor, lacks only the opportunity, with Hue day last week, l)f. I Iiunherliii, with two and the continent. street walked hastily away at a rapid pace, has called into existence a municipal cor- I t may lie supposed from our caption that this disposition,to spil his hearts warm blood, other gentlemen, left Satartia for a hear hunt, The Cotton market was fluctuating, llrend- He was altogether without excuse for his ' poration and it national council, both of wo are aliout to utter n severe phillippic j Hotv revolting is it that n living man, soon to and proceeded to Lake George, w here it forms stnffs were quiet and heavy. abrupt demeanor. He was strongly nt-j which arc evidently destined to become against the reading of works of fiction, die and to stand before God's judgment seat a junction witli Sunflower River. A short The money market was improving, and no fached to Alice Weston, hut with much representative bodies; whilst a more ro. We are going to do no sueli n tiling. If the ’ should, with mock solemnity, whisper in time after they landed from their boat, the more important failures had occurred. judgment and good sense lie hud refrained : cent ordinance has reconstructed the ndJ question was whether the trash of such | another’s enr tales concerning a third person dogs entered the cane and immediately struck The Bullion in the hank of England was lrom expressing his affection becaase he ministrntive departments of the State, writers ns Ingraham, Ilarv Hazel, and a host , which he knows or has reason to suspect to a trait, and Dr. If. followed them but a short rapidly increasing. believed she did not possess the sterling ’ thrown open the ministerial offices to lay- merit which be demanded in a wile. The men and swept away all the antique and . ot ,er ..nltl es* ( r™crs is worthy nt pensil be false. Wretched mortal! If Snton’s iin- distance, when heenme up with them and a The Hibernia arrived Jan. Kith. communications of Mr. Weston at once (effete mechanism of the Court of Rome. | " ’e would uiihesitatiugly utter one neg- J age is specially to he found on the Eftftli |'"erv large bear in the thick enne Lord John Bussell has announced in a lot- removed lus doubts ami Ivlt hitu nt liberty Pii s IX. lias done. Ihis because ho feared at, ve. where should we find it hut in such a mu Dr. II. fired at him, the ball entering his (ter to Mr. Cndtvnllndcr, that lie will not or to obeythe dictates of bis heart. I Ic chid neither the people, nor the enemies o f the But we think, with all due deference, that The rattle-snake w here as trusty a bosom head at the upper part of the nose, w ithout cannot reduce the duty mi tea at tlm present ed the lingering moments, and as soon as people, (mt he. lias at the same time repir those who utter themselves with sueli severity friend as lie! I le dares not put his hand in­ doing miieli injury, other than to infuriate time. the hour permitted he called on Alice.— dialed nil sympathy with the revolutionary against all novel reading do not well consid­ to his neighbors pocket, because the bolts him, and lie turned ami made nt Dr. H. The The Glasgow Mail of the Iflth tilt. says the. The subject of theirconversstion must have I part'.’, who have affected fur the first time er what important uses the novel may suiiservi and liAtis and chains of a raison would doctor emleavoreil to get out of the animal's new steamer America, (designed for the Cun- been of absorbing interest, lex Mr. Wos- o f to bless the name a ...... ;; und in ro- No „nc ,vhn ,alks of education snvs audit reward liis presumption, bathe secretly sets way, hut the cane being very thick, he could aril line) having received her engines, lel't’.Nn- ton, who had returned lor a paper lie had ligious matters lie has assumed language ngainst the fine arts as assisting the develop­ in motion a report which like the rolling hall run hut slowly, and he hail proceeded hut a pier’s wharf the day previous, and the N'iaga- dropped in the morning, stood before them as high anil exclusive as was ever em­ ment and culture of pure taste, anil elevated before they noticed his enterance. Both ployed by a Romish churcliinnn. of snow, small in its progress, increases, un- sliort distance (w hen the hear overtook him, , ra immediately took her place. started anil blushed, ami Edgar in manly In reality, the danger of a popular out- moral sentiment. Yet what are the models till it is sufficient to overwhelm the guiltless seized him by the thigh, and jerked him to N ine Admirals on the active list in the Brit­ but very earnest lungnage begged llto break is far greater in thoso States in !*’* lllG Painter, or the Sculptor hut the real- sufferer upon w lion) it is directed. Innocencr the ground, anil cnmpletly stripped Dr. ll.’s ish Navy, had died w ithin three weeks. hand of Alice which no concessions have been made to (*zcd fiction of the artists brain. Is there ought is no protection. Virtue is tin safeguard. leg of flesh and muscles. By this time the Itir.i.ANt).— In this country, the government Mr. Weston granted bis request, protn-llhe people, and no ameliorations proclaim exceptionable in the picture of beauty that The injured person unconscious of the dogs again seized the bear and got him oil'. jagents were actively engaged in disarming the led by the Government. Most of all istliis ising botvever that situ should remain in the artist spreads before the sight? And after gathering shade w liicb threatens to bedim the Dr. II. then began to rise, hut could not. peasantry. A large lioilv of police, whose his house until the arrangements she had Hanger felt in Naples. W e are not aware till what is this but a fiction; No such origi- brightness of his heart's best jew ell, needs a being so badly torn, lie then gat out his movements are kept secret, generally meet at so wisely made should be perfected, and that tiny detailed or authentic account has mil ever existed as the Painter spreads upon friend w ith lightsome spirits, hut ah ! the tt ont- hunting knife; the hear left the dogs anil nt- a given place at midnight, spread themselves tho family have become accustomed to the yet been published of the real stale of af­ liis canvass. The only original is the purified ed friendly pressure replies not to his hearty tnode. of life slio had introduced. fairs in that kingdom lor the last few taeked l,r. 11, the second limo, anil tore him o' er a given district, and nt early morn coin- Mr. Weston grew young again when months, and there is the utmost difficulty and lofty conception of his own mind, lie grasp. No words arc needed to tell him there very much. This time Dr. II. succeeded in tiionee the search for fire-arms in the huts and exempted from excessive cute Ilia fam­ in forming a correct opinion as to the endeavors through the eye to speak to the ! is something wrong— the spirit nreds nnt nu- cutting lin e or two gashes in the throat of the dwellings in the district. ily were deprived of no comfort. Ilia ta­ events which have occurred. The King iriitul. Now what docs the novelist do? I dibit; word.!, she lias a k. m e ss of npprchen- hear hat not deep enough to do him any ma- 1,1 *llc south and west great distress eontin- ble was abundantly but not lavishly served. has repeatedly wavered in his resolution Ido not mean the sickly, sentimental talc-ruoug. sinus which is not always dependent on sound tcrial injury. The dogs again diverted the 110,1 prevnil, and eases of death from star- His children were neat in attire, courte­ and Ilia course of policy, but tor tho most: er, who tells only u lnvc-sivk story. I mean phrases; a silent language is Imre. Distress, attention ot' the hear from his victim, and lie , vntion continue to lie reported. T ipperary is ous and unpretending in manner, industri­ pwrt lira im pulses ol te ar and cruelty have I the man of genius — him w ho has looktld anxiety conic upon him; lait his endeavors to left Dr. II. ami engaged w.'ih the dogs; hut. particularly mentioned as being in a very dis­ ous, loving and happy. Do confessed prevailed over every other resolution, and 1 deep into the recess of his ow n consciousness | discover wherein he has ofl'ctnlcd, are only so in a few- moments, the hear came at him the tressed state, with fervent gratitude the mercies of his it is not improbable that we shall learn, j — and has traced all the more delicate opera- many convincing proofs of his guilt. Aid is l'litNCE.—A paragraph expressing appro­ lot, ami only regretted the want of Irank at no distant dav, tiiat lie has quarrelled 1 third time, when Dr. II. made a stroke nt tress which had for so long a time render- ; irreconcilably with his people. 1 ndillbr-■ t'olls ot lllt,:llc,'t 1,11,1 sentiment w ho has it true? one of his acquaintances inquires olj him, hut the hears ized tin' knife bv the blade, bation of the Papal reform, has been added, in cd panco a stranger to his bosom jfnt as lilt; world limy he Io the fate of observed carefully the phases of society another who is equally a stranger to the truth wrenched it from Dr. 11, and threw it sotno the I'rencll Chamber ot Peers, to the answer .'such a personago us the King of Naples, around him,and who with refined taste and del- of the report. “They say so,” is the reply ; distance from him, and seized Dr. H.'s arm to tlie speerli from the crown. Il is said that I there is the greatest reason to apprehend icate sensibilities sets himself down to sketch i 1,1,11 tllu'i ’h1'11' belief in its t erity is unit nail x and mashed it into jelly. l!y this time the M. Gtiizott very reluctantly consented to ibis . ,that a violent shock in that or any other a hero, or heroin who shall embody the mind’s strengthened, and they sepernte to scatter with ei ies of Dr. Hatnborlin bronhgt one of his moveiiietit. Tur. following article, which wo copy part of Italy will be felt throughout the eye all the noble liniatncnt’s of character that ,K"' Z1-’nl tll,; seeds o f defamation. companions to his rescue, and he, seeing the Tlie Paris papers of Jan. 20, mention the from tliu London I fines, will enable the I country, and that the moderate patty will Pnor slandered victim; Goo nr.i.r h im !— reception, by tlie King, on Monday night, of reader more dearly to understand theifind it’s prospects blasted by the violence tho Painter or the Sculptor attempts to slind- awful situation of his friend, tired and struck ■ Ruined, not by himself, blasted by a foreign the grand deputation of the Peers, who pre­ true character of events which occur from |of both extremes. Upon some such event otvlortll in tlioir mod cis of beauty. the hear in the nock, whieli caused the beast w ind, degraded by his own vices; his name sented to his Majesty the address of that time to time in tho different States of It­ tho cabinet of Vienna confidently reckons! If it lie profitable to study these prodtie- to leiivii his victim and take to flight: lint an- aly, mid their bearing on the general con­ and, in spite of all the embarrassments ; lions of the latter artists — why may not the east out as n i l , undeservedly; is lie not to lie I other of tlie company coining up. in an nppo- Clinmlicr, in answer to the speech from tlm dition o f affairs ill that country. T he of such mt enterprise, in the present state ! creation nf the novelist's fancy placo before the pitied; Gan tho slanderer find a balm ol i sito direction, encountered the hear and slim throne. His Majesty replied in a clear, firm disturbed statu of Naples and Sicily, the of her finances, Austria will evidently lie j mind fictions from the contemplation of whieli healing virtue sutlicient to cure and mend the I him. voire, anil looked in good health. progress, of liberal views in the Sardinian prepared in tiio spring to exert, il neces- ' instruction and profit may lie drawn? You ' heart lie lias rent and wounded. I hat heart j Dr. Ibiniberliii had his wounds tied up, The National says that the Gnvrnnient in­ States, and even in the Ponlificial govern- sarv to her interests, that vast ly superior | may say the pictures nro overdrawn — that bound up by the Good Physician, shall litid I mid w as then carried to the boat, to lie rnn- tended to reiiiove Alal-el-Knder to Yilledieu, tnent, and some ot the Duchies, will) the' military power, which is her only real we never see their realization in life; very peace and rest in a land w litre no slanderer ■ veyed iiiniicilinlely to Satartia, lait lie expres- near ( liateanrouv. A chateaux belonging to jealousies ol these reform:? on tho part oi I protection against tiio peoplo of Italy.— ; can approach to demo it. M. Masson laid been engaged for that. purposo Austria, place this country in such a con-. ,\t tiio same lime, It must lio remarked! good. T he same is true uf the artists produc­ I seil his uuwillingiiess to return without bav­ tions. ity not include them in your con­ Can lie bn a child of (foil who delights in ; ing his formidable antagonist with him. His and w as being repaired for tlie reception o f tin; dilion of uncertainty, that every political that in a proclamation called foitli by the ( Emir. inovemenls in each of these States is j late disturbances at Milan, tho Archduke demnation? But after all may it not lie a whispering about the faults of his brother? — ■ desire was gratified anil he and tho hear Were SriiN.—Gen. EspartcroT'oti his arrival nt watched at this moment with curiosity and j Rainer,t the Yiceroy of Lombardy, seems qtieston whether more profit cglinot he de- 1 is1 tiio sanctimonious backbiter t’.t eouipauy taken to Satartia, w hom eminent medical aid ' Madrid, laid il long interview witli tlie ()iieen. more or less of anxiety.—[Bost. Adv. to imply a confident hope of some eon- rived from the contemplation of what irir.n for saints and angels i:i Heaven? Could he ! was brought to his assistance, hut lie died on prosecute Ids employ meat there,how lung he- i the l'ourili day after, sull'ering du- iiig the time ; ll fi’’1' Majesty s reception o f the The state of popular fermentation and cessions uf a different character. might be, than what lie really is — under the 'X-miiustrr was not merely kind Inn affection- excitement which lias now prevailed for Thr policy of France in Italy is slill ex­ most favornhlc circuinstunces? It is well for lore I Icavcti would lie filled it!) wrangling? most e.xei'utinliiig pain. Tlie hour was very bite. The London Times has acciuinls from several months with more or less intensity tremely obscure, for tiio papers purport­ tlie mind to have a high standard of excellence Would any ib'a'.c i he h'f;; : nut tic propo-1 large, though poor, weighing 31U pounds with ing to lie dr.-patches to tlin Italian Court ' Madrid to the Igtli of January, at w hich time throughout Italy, lias naturally driven the — and all will agree that a higher standard gator equally guilty witli the origin: si in -! his entrails cut. which M. Guizot lias thought fit to lay 1 I'.spartero was sull'ering from ail attach of in- people to strange and indirect modes of may he raised from our conceptions of vliat derr it is said that he does k . iw it expressing those feelings and opinions before tho Chambers are mere wordy cir­ ■ fiiicnz.i. culars of no diplomatic significance what­ could he, than of what really exists. And wherein the nece ■■ :;y for cl TDr.l’t of John ? . V /hitaoy of New Orleans which tho governments of many parts of i.ano.— \ Sword ot' honor, and a ever, referring to no specific transactions dubious assertion? Docs i.c i-h L rgrado a A letter from New Orleans to a merelumt ' ,rrnnt „f fr.i|)(, the Peninsula were prepared to express. There is another view. The novlistwhose had been voted and emulating from a very ordinary pen. fellow worm? Yf' to pu brother • io tu; Even in Lombardy, this species of cov­ ! works, as works, are wortli reading, generally citv, dated on tlie SOtli nit gives tlie fol­ ;hv till- Swiss Diet to Gen. Diifoar, lor his con­ ert warfare has within the last few days 'Neither the Italian nor tiio Freacii people [ lias already his sh Ilf sins, i lowing luelancliolly intidligcticc;— instructs while he amuses. Sir Waller Scott duct in the recent campaign against tlie Sond- linen carried on in a maimer which lias ! wili lm so deceived; our respected con-1 . , Why crush him w itli a burden not i.fis own?! temporary, tlm Journal dcs Debats, has | S'™ ux better ideas of the Scottish d„.arac- I deej ly regret io inform you nf the death ol 1 erhtnul. But suppose tlm charg'.i mainly trut I J. P. \ \ litocy, Esq. lie expired two hours led, unhappily, to more serious disturban­ ter and tlm manners and customs of his coun­ ces and loss of life. In the last weeks of been publicly burnt by a mob in tlie authorized the slanderer to sit in judgement i since of scarlet I'm or. alter a sickness id’ on­ Tlie Swiss D iet, in its meeting o f the 1-lth streets of Florence; not so much, we be trymen, than all tho Jlistrograpliers of Srot- ly •is hours. Dur community lias December nn anouynious notice had been on iiis fellows? has lie not private sins whirl) I w itli a of January last, perseveres in its resolution great loss, for no man was more justly extensively circulated amongst all classes licve, for what lie has said, hut rather us Hand that ever existed. The Waverly novels it not to notice tin* protest ot tlie Pope, charges lie w ould shrink from lay 'u.g hare to the pub­ teemed and highly respected than John the organ of a Government which does may safely lio said aro tho best history of tlie Papal Nuncio with having kindled tiio of sneietv in Milan, recommending to the . lic e re ; Let if m look within his heart 1ms lie W hitney. peoplo a total abslinanco from tobacco, n,,t sa.' ",l;lt 11 and 0,10 Scotland ever written. YYhero do we get icivil war liy his intrigues with the Soiirnler- snuff, and tlm lottery, as tlm most effecting ' “""S ,io°3 ,"‘r' 1 ho 'rc'?ch Cabi- not a dark Catalogue, hid den ixm.i.n, butj Mr. \\ liitncy lias been well known as out such graphic, descriptions of the yeal condi­ ; bund, anil flings back upon the Court of 1!.. no tlie finances of tlie Austrian Government, |nrl, ll!s olllcliJiLv expit ssed its resolution of deep enough dye to cover witli sham. .— i of the firm o f S. &. .1. P. W hitney, one of tin tion of the poor in England, as from some of tlie charge of sacrilege. which derive, ns is well known, a VC|.y ,to mml troops on some point ol the Rain1 Perhaps lie Ins never felt till.-, lie has never; largest eotnmissiiin Imuses in New-Orleans, ! Dickon’s works. Anil then if you go into Italy. Rome cnntitiues in a state of pop­ large revenue from those monopolies. coast, il an Austrian army crosses the l’o. felt the plague of his ow n heart. May God , and since us tho head of (lie firm of .1. P .W hit­ politics — tho recent works of the younger ular fermention, occasioned by the distrust felt The scheme uppears Io have been univer­(,r It is prohahle tiiat this intimation would enligiitcu l.i - "yes. It may lie tiiat his uii'ences ,ney &. Co., a firm w hieli has hail extensive D’lsracli — such as Conigsby and Sybil, ac- ^ot the itillueneenf the retrogade party in tho sally adopted. I’addv fresh from tho e.x-‘be 1,elca "Pon if tHu ‘'"mrgency should i are tenfold greater titan those of tlie victim business connections witli a large portion of (Occur; but wo have yet to learn what tualy given as truthful and interesting descrip­ i councils of tlie Yaticmi. Imitations of Father Mnthow...... | whom he holds up to the scorn of the world, tile shipping interest of tlie Eastern States.— Bostonians excited by a patriotic hatred of|P°1ril 1*"’SG *' renclraronps voiiid bu destin- tions of the condition of tlie English politics, ' .After examining tlie secret recesses of his own , As u business unit), no one ever commanded 1 I lie Constituxiojffii'l sax's tiiat tiie Pope xvns British tea chests, w ere not more resoluK 1 ed to perform, and we suspect they would as one can find in any dry dissertation upon ! beginning to repent not Inning recalled tliu Hot lm hailed as deliverers lrom the leal . heart then let him read tlie w ords of out Sa- better the respect . ml confidence of all who in total nbstiiiunce than these Milanese tho subject. Some o f tiio best writers of the Jesuits truni Switzerland in time to prevent iof nil Austrian army, but rather as an ud- I viour. (JiJitl&tli,—vii. “ He that is without: "ere connected witii him, mid his family and sm okers. last half century have spread tlioir produc­ the explosion o f civil xvar,mill tiiat lie w as Hdition to tlie foreign oppressors o f tlie sin among you, let him first cast a stone.” ) 1 ’ domestic tics were such us endeared him to un F rom the 1st o f Ja n u a ry not a whiff or |j tions beforo the public, in the form o f tlie Nov- | (country. Under Ilieso circumstances the prav the Lord to deliver me from tlie tooth of extensive circle. \\ e are informed tlie mer- ,disposed to treat wiili tin- new government. pinch, was , allowed , to taint the atmosphere , , 'I, Carnival begins, and that which is a time el. Shall we neglect then altogether? Why! ! the Backhiler mid the fang of the EluiaJerer. ' ’'limits of New-Orleans held his qualities in j It was reported in Paris tiiat tlie Austrian or choke the respiratory organs with H,e | (>f ,hlln excjlellicnt and li- Because they deal in fiction? W ell, let us : such respect tiiat ns a complimentary tribute 'e'overnnii'nt bad applied to tlie I’upe lor per- merchandise of tho imperial tobacconist ; i nsQ I|n|y ,5n(Js |he |c I11(itale(| bv see. You do not object to some of tlm fig- i to his many virtues, they secured a life insur- ■'fi'®'1011 10 niarcli ;!(l,(il)0 troops through tlie and a people who nro behind none ot their1 • ' ■ > ■ . • T H E CAX. thoughts and passions more serious than ; urea of speach — the allegory for example:— ( nni'o upon him to the extent of .g.It),litid. I Roman States to Naples, mid had been I'elus- neighbors in the use of tlm weed suddenly tlie success ot a ballot or the intrigues of j Will you condemn tho Novel, because it is a Take an acorn at this time of the year, tic sacrificed to patriotism what they refused i Now-Orlenns papers of the .list failed to ''' a mask. We most earnestly hope tiiat lengthy allegory? You condemn all ficticious j n string round it in such a way tiiat, when to cleanliness anil good taste. From that '.reach us yesterday. Iti tin; list of dentils will E big of Naples had ordered the libera- tliis excitement will not overleap its banks 1 suspended, tiio blunt end ol' the acorn, where ., instant the fate of the,nn In„(| Eur()|)0 wi], „ot ho ,,n clt|lcd works—you say. Then of course you in­ found tha name of a child of .Mr. Whitney, ‘ "“n "f tlm persons charged witli the recent the cup was, is upwards. Haug it tlm.' pre-; ktngdotn seemed Io hang on the propor- (0 u.i(ncss in O1H. [|ln(3 |an,enta. clude Pilgrim’s Progress— and 1 cannot sec by tin- same eruel dis by w liich lie dii'd. riots at tiiat place. lion of those who smoked to those who bie spectac|e „f Iti||iiin pUppe,.8bow how you oxcept the parables of our Sa\ iour. pared in tlie inside of a liotLle, or hyacinth glass T w o of liis eliildi'i.'ii reside in this vicinity, for Tiie National conlains (lie following: did not. The populace, deprived of tlie containing a little w ater, taking "are that tin: ' ot' freedom,followed liv a revel of anarchy, Aro they no, ficticious? 'Phis is going to '• , I, purposes of Iducalion. The tragical death „f ft'oui Italy, uimminccs that a sunguinary mild influcnco of tiio narcotic, naturally lucalion. and terminated by the strong iinnd of Aus­ far. liis brother, Mr. Samuel Wliitm y, and the :t<,l,'!’lon ‘“'d taken placo at I’uvia, between sought for some other species of excite­ trian power. To conclude, the proper ground to take, we ; — wrap the I ottlc all over in flannel, so as to wil’e of the latter liv drowning, n little loss 1,10 studf'ntH 1111,1 ‘be Austrians, A number ment, and therefore fell to hunting down i keep it dark and warm, and put it in a warm opine, is to he very careful aliout the m a ilt r. Ilian two years ago, while nlteuipting to cross 1,1 lll l'KO|is were wounded anil an Austrian those who had refused to take the national place. In three or four weeks the acorn w ill pledge. On tlie other blind, tliu Austrian THE PACIFIC. and tho manner of our n ailing. It is thus billed. Subsequent to that all'air, the celebra­ have swollen, its coat will have burst, and a ( Penobscot hay, is without doubt remembered party and tlie Im perial forces, who litid Is one of tin; great points of interest and w,,rsR than tl,ro'vn a" ''-v to read sueli stud'a/, ted University was provisional y closed ami 1 little white point will make its appearance at i by many of our readers.—[Boston Courier. smoked before from habit, forthwith smok­ speculation at this lime. Russian Ameri­ are referred font tiie beginning of this urticle. most of tlie students bail left the town. ed the more from loyalty and duty. A It is a very bail habit of mind to bn .satisfied w ith 'tiie end nppn.'ile tiie water, 'ibis point is ca, tin; Sandwich Islands and —tlie A Mexican Blanket. It was said that a still more vigeroiiH de- detnehment nf smoking (irenadiers ninreh- ! tiie mot ; tho acorn is now changing it- nature latter,however, still exhibiting a remark­ no kind of reading except that w hich excites Tlie Washington eorrespondout of the Bus- inonstrntratuin w ould shortly be made. Tho ed tlie streets witii lighted cigars ; tin; nr-'able aversion to intercourse witli foreign ' and becoming an oak : still, linwever, it must tlie imagination. W e should lie sure we have i ton Post thus enlightens the public in relation >oll,,g men belonging' to tho Lombardo-) cue- tillery charged tlieir pipes ; General Ney-1 nations—present new fields for American something wortli reading, and tiiat wo should i lie stationed in tlie dark, kept clear of the wa­ ! to the appearance, iiiaiiuliii'iure, arid utility of l'an Noble Guard, instituted in 1838 at tliu porg braved the arbitrary popular decree commerce. Russia lias maintained her read it ns it deserves. If our object is nrriusc- ter, and so il must e .uiooe until tiio young by ti well directed lire lrom a huge M et-'right Io the country north 54 d. JO in., lias ; ibis miportant article of apparel, in lands which 1,11 "nation ol the Emperor at Milan, had all ment merely— even this end is gained, better■ I rout is at least half an in il 1 itig. Then the : sehiium ; and every man who was IminiD uiaib; settlements, and chartered Futcand once were under Mexican rule. tendered their resignation. by a careful than a careless perusal. vrater may be iillnweil t i rise higher; lait it is! actually not smoking, including the l’od-(Trading Companies. These companies “The weather is getting cold, and peoplo Other letters from Militiu of Jan. 11th, men­ only v, lien from tlie neck of the root a little ! csta of Milan himselt, ran a risk oi im-jhave taken the Indian tribes under their who go out of doors wrap themselves up in tions that six or seven persons had been kill­ point heeins to turn upwarps tiiat it i-. sale to' mediate innrceration. The Cicsars oi Ijurisdietion, and levied tribute on them in CORRECTJON. the warmest appliances they call litid. Sena­ ed in tiie collision at Pavia, and upward of allow (lie water to touch It. At tiia.t time tile Romo required tiio curly Christians to the slmpn of skins. 'Elio furs are sliip- W e notice in tile Belfast Journal of tlie 11th tor I Iniiston w cars a Mexicimblttliket. It w ill 80 woiuiilcd. bitrn incense nt the idols of a heathen ped to , Kamscliatka, Silieria and acorn lias ceased to be an acorn, and lias real­ inst., a positive itiiuouncemciit of the return to be understood that this is something quite dif- R ussia. It is stated that the astronom ers Oiynipns; the Cicsnr of A'iennn may test R ussia in E u ro p e \\ nnt tlie Hudson , . , , ly becoiiie a young oak ; for the little point | his home mid friends, of our townHiii.'iii, ( '—' fei'ont from a iieii blanket. !'be Mexican of Piilkovn have ascertained the i lintnnce of the.loyalty or tho patriotism or Ins Italian Buy ( ot.ipany lias done lor Great Britain, directing itself upwards, is the beginning of E. CaocKr.TT —(whose mysterious disappear­ bluiiket is an article of exclusive Mexican l'l'ri1 ratclito ol the planet I mints.. subjects by requiring them to light a pipe tiie Russian Company iias, to some ex­ that trunk which a century Inter may form the [ ance was noticed in the Gazette of .'id inst.) manufacture. It is a fine, closely woven w ool' A i.s i r i i . ( onsiderabb* agitation nnd dis- or to inhale rappee. tent effected lor its own Government.— timber of frigate.;ate. soon ns thistins young steinstem I| J , , , — in which the writer undertakes to be ven . i a - I .. fabric, made by hand in even part of Mexico. !’ 1"”‘11111 111111 been created liv the vast niilitnrv It soon became manifest in Milan that Tin; settlement of the northwestern boun­ begins to she ot, the oak will require a doso ol , . . . t • • i...... tho populace were resolved Io niforce dary of tiio United Slates has also given facetious, telling a story of w liich we have tri­ , i l r it has none of the fuzzy appearance of com- ptepniations winch were being made liv the light, a little every day; 4ual it also yearns lor , . 11 ...... ,,,, this sacrifice of this favorite lialiit, liy vi­ security to tin: Amvricau settlers in tlie ed very hard to see the appropriateness.— • I... i i. ; J ..... i 1111111 " ’ool blankets. Its dimensions arc about e l|iniont. I lie enoi moiis sum ol I .atill,- more food, so that its root, which is in reality olent and illegal means. A jio, onsued, Oregon country. Cnpt. C. has not returned, neither lia s lie one yard by three. Perhaps rather Inrger fim'ins had alrundy been expi tided in tho its mouth, must be ullowi d to touch the w titer j large bodies of soldiers were called out The Sandwich Islands, whose conimcr- been seen or heard from, nod our citizens are than tiiis. It is made of every variety of pat- |lllri'llase nl cavalry horses, and though it is no! ascertained tiiat they cial reiations me extending so rapidly, and to drink it. Tli ■ pet having been brought1 very far from being MEanv on the subject, we tern, with rich borders and a centre piecelikc ' Yl.f.VIAN; yuentnntr, tired on t l i e people, a very considartihle ( produce sugar, saik, cotton and rice, while to this its first stall' of existence, must lie put 1 can assure the Journal. number of persons were itnliuppily killed IIbeir intuiufacliires are yet in rather a in tlie window. At first it will be a stout | a shawl, lu the middle is a sin just I jaI1. 1, have been received at Now Drleans via enough to admit a man’s head, Du hor-eliack. ij.iVU„H. and wounded by tlieir side arms. It is|r ude state. Tiio government lias always W o find also in tiio Eastern Argus of the (, whiiirji, and covered with liny scales;! it is always worn with the bead throiivl) this i much to he feared tiiat tlie irritation cuus- reserved the most friendly relations with 15th, a similar statement, which from its style, then tie.) scales wdl i xpand •' little, and the mil The Indian di-mi bailees, still continue, mid ed by this riot will not easily he allayed, j the authorities of these Islands, which will aperture. The iw i.ilh covi rs the breast anil we infer was Doajiowr.o from the Journal.— will become greener. Next will appear some j the <'.ingress uf Yucatan have voted lip un for the sparks have fallen on tlje most i redound in lime to tho national weal back biiilicicutly, while tlie oxtremitivy of the Wo would advise the Argus to make a tight liltlo leave.-,; hair will begin to grow, veins| extr. . appropriation to sustain the w ar against comhustubie materials, und ever" inci-1 Tlo ir position in relation to the fisheries blanket fill over tlie legs. It is renily u verj-■ use of its eyes, for, in a matter ot this kin J, will, tiie old scale • wdl fill of, and by tho Indians. The town nl lchmiil was taken dent of this kind strengthen lb*' oisposi- »trd international intercourse, is already tho feelings of a whole community may bo convenient and cuniforinhlr article of wearing tion of the Austrian Cabinet to stril a I important, while if tliu anticipations of slow degrees tlie |cav< i w ill arrange lliem- possession of by the Indians on tlie g Ith of very easily aggrieved. apparel, and will, iniiloubtedly, ultiniatt ly lie- ’ decisive blow for the maintenance of itsimanv are realized, Gulin will ho tliu eni- selv, upon the in, i unfolding from the Dec., after having been evGCiiatcd by Don ciiino fashionable at tlie north. T he 1 t* Italiun supramacy. Iporium of Europe, (lie United Stales end; t:.c thus out of a little M igutl Iloilo, who, at the. iiead of liis troops, . mlt qua elegant, being beautifully I t cannot lie. concealed liv tb 'ramie r ■,b” ' h“1( ol i astean Asia, in tiie Paciiit: jEZ*" JlxtSK Co.MXeN -•.I...,! ZuVOCXTE ;::tl staren : . sviirted three hundred families totvin d Pi to. .1 ; c.dor.-. tom-times fi lends of tho progress ,.nd Irceilmn i i.u. T iiat i nr com m erce witii tlm i’a- Jouiixxi. or KtifCXTt" " Is :‘.e : .!• e; a , ■:• r more, i ( oi due tli December Scnor Ro- do cfl'ecti d i.u liuiiilri'd dollars. Italy, that tlie degree of i xciti inmit wiiieh r! • nnd tlie Indies, is destined to be ;u be publlsiicd I'y ,,l. i s. : ad i .' : . - a jtu.c t.ui tt 'di Bolin at Pern, al'tcr otcrconi- now prevnils tinoiighout timl eountr',' pre­ Mi r t'uiii that of any oilier nation, l orn le enty-fitc ■ . i',',; :'i.. diliietiLie.-. T lie s e t . ages badetceu- sents formidable dilficulties evi n t laese will. think, in readily conceded In Esq. Secretary of Lie I! .it < f Edc.. .: a, . t. e\ s i.• Hut !itcraliy u.a . d in- '..i . i t' N .' slam, appr.da iisit o observer of tlio progress cl1 b T u c B e : Governments wtio are most dispo. ed p, the Editorial -t oi ; il atl.udt from the ) uciitiill forces. (if ! lllll I't 1 i’iiyl !; 'iduii’s t gentb who was wnlkiug languidly! aacies tuaac I at v .b i-.i : , a. :. T hey arc ..II ;rui 'u- luiui u, dci ot'. d foilovr- tl.i ii J i tiio sole chtllice o f m i i:.g the iiMiti ;h :i q drills ut n party. d in reply to many urgent o f the eountr is ( w: it u icds duck’s b. charuct e 'oh cv me to niaunge my own bust- snlicitatiuiis to I ::• I.c of iiitox icatiug la vt r- the seed now so rccen' • v: b- i ■: Gooo Passage.— [The ship Devonshire, .•fid add- u i. t “ replit I tiie provident ages, they invar ■ly is-qiuiiil, in tlieir own into harvest, to live in iaitb': ! elh h; ■' I 'hall nit dance my ringlets built at Bath. Me., and hailing fn.tu Ncw- I ! i::gu igc,—“ tYi Irmk no '.vine, wo nor our -.“■"'I lie Cotton , till ing' < u h v i c; to those princes w no ieiV' >G .: t la.' i u :. . r ,i m arried man. ” \ ork, united here yesterday, a valuable freight, lrom i.iti rpool, ttliich port she b it on I sous, ton ter; - i response highly crttl.tal b Augusta, h te s. d opvu &i.»* upon lio- tlie m l ( w elfare o f Italy is tiie •Jq t of Bn it • u.-o not my love; hut I was not „.l ...... • ' iy them .'barged ell h ti.ds T:b uf and even to und ;re ' About ut:v , who ; out partner w as ” tho ‘.Uh of January.—[Bort. Courier arrr .j.'ie.'ii'.n. l mi.iUii a TELEGRAPHIC HEWS OP THE WEEK. Prospect of a Battle. GAZETTE MARINE LIST. Busiinss Jindiirv. I'onliiiiicd. P R . <-. MWIV STEA.'BUOAT NOTICEt , The Richmond Republican lias rcceitcd n OI.l.tNF.n I'Rott TIIK PAPERS. AS returned. Daring his absence he Ir. I letter from a friend nt Utieioivistfl, which is Port of East Thomaston. MF.KVON STEVENS, If vis,led Medical Schools. Ill) pi W in tr i- A r r n n p e ns c u t , i confirmatory of the statement that n lnrgnj ■ 'itt < nt Law, lals, Infirmaries, Clinique-, Arc., in Ihe cities of THE new and ’•pler'lirl N eav York, I'lmrsdny, Feb. 10, ? Post Offi * / zg, Market Square. Albany and New York. where he has hud exten­ 2 o’clock, I’. M. A i Mexican force is collecting in the northern S a ile d . Steamer T. I' S E C O E , 12th, Schr. IvaohoC------Boston. sive opportunities of studying disease in its vari­ C.ipt.T. B. SANFORD, will Tim overland express has arrived from New , Provinces Mexico. The hater says tie,,- J A 't F .MOSMAN, ous forms, and of availing Inn self i f all the Delaware. Holbrook, N. Y* General lies, 1 ils seiveil at nil Hoars, run between Frankfort and oral Biistnnienteis at tin' head of (1000 troops; i l,co, Jatnoson. do; modern improvements in die Profession. Having Portland nsfol'.ows: —Leave Frankfoit lor Port- Orleans, with papers to the 20tli nit. through i‘mil's Wharf. concluded his studies and observation • at New there am 1500 nt Suit Luis: 3000 nt Purnngo, land every Monday rind Thursday at 0 .clock, Avhich avc are placeil in possession of highly A r r iv e d . VV. A. I t It XSVYDR'I'II. A ork, Dr. L’s intention was to visit Philadelphia. A. M . arrive nt Thomaston 11 o'clock. A M, and . , r ■». under I ’rren; nml that tin* State of Zwcetncns 1 Ith, Schr. Alary Langdon. Ames. Saco. Ian a wise and inscrutable Providence ordered Portland o I’. AI. Rf.tvrsixo, will leave Portland important news lrntn Mexico. Foreign and I1 on ■ i Pry Goods and Groceries, otherwise, and lie was prostrated on .a lied ol'sick­ The steamship Edith, from Vera Ceuz, had ,,nS rn,SC<1 21 "°0’ ,,r 2 ’’0()0 Alary Snow, Colburn, Vinal Haven 1 ■ I ••Tl'.l: maink ST. every Tuesd ay nnd Friday nt li o'clock, A. Ai , with Granite. ! ------. . . ------ness. Delias now recovered bis hei'hh, and will, and arrive nf Thomaston at 1 I’. M., touching at arrived at Now Orleans, bringing advices to j Sl1”"1 A"na hud sailed from Acapulco, and Boston.—Ar 12tlt seh. Statesman, Young, j E Z I '.h l l I. P E R R Y . the information he has gamed during Ins absence r,l| die landings on the river, and arriving at , it was thontdit he hail hidden farewell to Mexi- Thomaston. I English and West India Goods. Cora and I’lour, together with the experience and siiccc-s he lias i Frankfort m, t, o'clock-. P AI the 20tll tdt. had in his Profession during lie H -’ Iciic Humors of peace and an attempted insur- but ’'H'' ln",k'1 "» S,,n Blns’ Mnlanzas- Sid. Seh Ruth Thomas, Ainsbury, SOUTH MAIM . , ’IINP.Il H.EASANT ST. FAKE. J ’rotn Tbomnaton to Portland, $2,(10 , Thomaston, he can confidently oiler his prof" " ■' Camden, 50 try to retrieve his fortunes io nothern Mexico, tor Cardenas 2*th to load tor Boston i sionnl services to Ihe public, veetion in the city of Mexico, Avon: circulating Galveston — Ar. 20th, sell John, — nit. VV. CONSTANTINE, " " Be,Iasi, 1,00 I snposiiig our army very weak. Tlioin- i Thomaston, I’eh. 14, 184b. 4 ow at A'era Cruz. a st on. Surgeon Dentist, “ 11 Bucksport, 1,50 Office, corner id Maine and Centre Sis «• •' Frankfort, 1,50 7 hese pear New York Ar 9th seh Thomas Ilix, Hall, rumors aro lonndeii upon the Fishing Vessels for Sain Tlioinnsinn. IXolirr. For lighjl freight nr passage, npp'v to fnet that the Mexican Commissioners bail sub-! AYe insert the following for the benefit of Ai St Croix, no dale, (by an arrival at AA'il- J . V : .l l lIR A A , J J P 'B . HARPING ik. LI pWlG. woul I inform JOSEPH FAltWELL, Agent. milted a plan or treaty of peace, embracing our friends engaged in the fishing business:— T'P1’11!"'.1'''■ * ') llcnj. Lichfield, Bray, fm Aitorney and ( uiisclor nt, their friends anil the public that thev liav, Thomaiion, Dec. ], 1817. nl5 N York disg. tlflice, nc r I I liinehall's Store the office formerly occupied bv Joseph 1 ir- the propositions ofibred by Mr. Trist at Tnc- In New Redford—Selir. Eveline, in llmr- well, Esi|., over the store of Messrs Cole and IX o liC C . Spoken- .line 28, oil' Torlugas. schr Lightfoot, l.DVVELI, * l’ITTS uliayn. ougli repair, well found in sails and rigging, nf mill I'intii Tliomastoa, In days lor Now Or­ Lovejoy; (entrance between said store and the , , . . Domestic nnd AV I (!.. Is, Flour and Corn, and t.'iunnietcinl House,) where on ir tic other as,II JOJO TV 'E ,s hereby given that the subscriber* Mr. Frist’s powers having been revoked, lie 72 tons; selir Clarion, 75 tons, well found in leans. Boston—Ar 13th brig Osceola, of Searsport, Dealers in I orc C ;rl of Roivell’s Wharf. be in attendance, from inornuig until Id o'clock d . \ luuve been appointed by the lion. Naihan I forwarded the Mexican propositions Io AA ash- sails and rigging, Ini Ipswich—SchrIpswich—Selir Pliantl’lia Park, Trinidad, hili ult via Newport and Holme': lithe evening, unless awav upon pioie-sional •■roten. Judge ,i f Probate lor the Comity of Lilt t off to Susan Hammond, ingtnn, for tho consideration of tlm President 02 Ions do. In (iloueesii-p—Schrs Iowa, ;r, Hole. (■ DID t FILM VII. business. Patients and invalids may call and 11 Commit!’ Pump and P>! i. Turning done to Order, hiepend upon being treated or consult 'd in the Vi ide. 'oi Jolia Haiinnoiiil. late of Thomaston, nml Senate. tons, seven and a hull’vi-ars old; Alarv Seoleh- north jiaisi; uio’t honest and unproved manner Dr. I.u I f ’ "'a i d. - I,c i d in nil of the real estate of Col. Withers nml his detachment had nrriv- horn, 85 ions; Pan,gnu. 8 1 Ions; 'Froubadoiir.'l EAST I IID.VIAS’I ON wig's Advertisement. [Feb. I t. Cw 4 'which said llainnfend died seized : nnd said com­ M ! V ltD lN C . mute.; will ntiend to that trust at the dwelling- oil safely at the Roni del Monte. , till tons— all well found in sails and r i g g i n g . Dealer hi 1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. I I Domesiie Dry final's, FREEDOM. hoiiso of said Su m Hammond, on Monday, the Col. AA'ynkoop mid his ilvtacbinent pnrsueii Hyannis Heli little Rock. 70 tons, do do. T ru - maim: st. 7tl, ikiy of February next, A. D. 1818, at ten o 'N consideration of sei'enty-five dollars paid the guerrilla hand, under Padre Jarauto, for ro—Sehrs Arrow, 78 tons 7 years old; Hangs DIIS eh" '; A. M.; nnd liiis public notice is given to H A ieui.N G a i . r m v i G . II. I.. .1 VCIiSON. , . , bv • illy minor , son , Brnjawis . F , H.'.-sii.i.. , 1. creditors ami nil persons interested, in pursuance a eonsidi'riihle distance. .(it! tons, sails new last September, well found, fti rier : o r ( ole At Lovejoy's. Alain Street ' \\ liulesale and IDa id t! mt and Shoe Manufactory heieby relinquish to him Ihe teinainder’,, los ,ai- ,, „ril, ...... |H , ,hu „ uf sai<1 yiitin ii'inh,ill's Wharf. imriti. and 1.shall Clnim none ol Ins earning nor Judge fm ti e above piirpose. Col. AY. ovoetook the rear of the hand mid Centreville—Schr. A'erinont 05 tons, well ntranee. hetweeu said store and Coni, lloii'.'c. ' purpose. pay debts of his contracting after this date JOSEPH FARWELL oapmri.'il liitleniet, one of the Padre's aids, f,mud in sails mid rigging. A ariiumth Port — KEITH A PAItTIIIirtiE. M ount K Till 111,0, DAVID HASKELL. ELKAN Alt SPEAK. J r together with Ci’iieral Arista, on the 1st nil. Selir. I Ineluiuoiii, I and i.i half years old, ti l Hi’ii’”', .slop mid Sign Pmnlers, and Glaziers, Mm. hunt Tailor. I Witness: Tim’s Stearns. REUBEN stlEltEK. Smith Maine SI., ep)insile Hr. Merrill's. .Ye. 2 Ifn «f,inie Hark street. J Thomaston Feb 10th, 1818. *3w I ‘ n nt: a;nt r.f the sturin. the above mect- Generals A nloneia and Arista wover,‘lensed tons, a good vessel, : adjourned to Fell. 21 a*, the -am.' hour nnd oil parole. | For further inl’ornintiou ei.i)iiire at the ! IS It A A- I’OAAI.EI? MISS ( ’.R PA T IIH 'K . OniHT W a n i i v j J . j’lne-. Per Order. JOS. FARWELL. (ieni'r.'ds ' ;'i rrcjon n ;.l ?.i io”'i w ith a guard, (iazette nliii'o, F.dgnrtun, M as’. ] Ma a,line,urers of and Dealers ill Cigars, I Milliner. Dealer i and .Millinery Gitw’i-, J tfftiffei PIECES Mahogany, from 8 to 3 inches Thomaston. Feb.. 7th IS 13. 2 2w Peri l 's Building. Smith .Maine Si. A". I'l'orZ' strut. were eanturi'd at Antnsui'a liv the Mexieau ... . . •Jx S F dillieiTiil b'ligllis, marked "W . Fly. I;. ... . , , ,, '. ATittlt'ior’s Airiine.n. AA e learn trim, the Tlioinaslon." shipped in N Y.. now on bieud Soli. iQimfcr'H 5° ut'Giojitipy lialxaiu. auxiliary lor,:o under Col. Lhiminguez. EDAVI.N S. IIO V E Y . MISSES A ’ It. HASKELL, Piiughkecpsio (N. A .) .lournid, that on lues- Alilliiiri i■ '' ‘ss Makers, Bride, Pressy, lying at White's Wharf, E. Timin' TLTAST quantities of this artielo is now being (ieiiernl Cadwiilladei' had let! the city for Counselor ami Attorney at lain, aston. T sold throughout the New England Slates, day the 18th instant, a I'olored man liv the eensRi; or mainr axu oak sts. A'n. ■ a tel: street. Pohiea. ] lis troops were ill line spirits mid Information may be had bv calling on Saivver for the very good reason, that in a very abort time : inline of .loliu A ates, refilling in tho w estern <11 A it LI HOLMES, A: Colson. ANDKEW I’KKSSY. it cures the most stubborn reaehnil l.ernia without interruption. A. T. SH E R M A N . E .’fhoniaston, Feb. 111. n 1 . part of the town of Pleasant Valiev, and his Ale •li ut, COUGHS AND COT.DS. Major Tallial’erro had arrived in the Capi­ Jlnlmrs' !'• f.i Pock street. j w ife, took their ebild nineteen nionlhs old, ■1 is pleasant to the taste, ami soothing, and heal- tol from Heal del Monte, in eliarge of one A numerous friends nna that the child bail the rickets. Drv and \Y, I. Go and nil persons indebted to said eslate are called lias been quite indisposed. WILLI IM II. WING. ’ rv. Flour and Ccnu | v V customers, that be has removed into Dealer in Flottr, Meal. Groceries mid Provisions, nillCK ST< MAINE ST. ! Cii.vh Holmes’ beautiful ami comtnotleous Brick T he AA’orhl, pul,I islied nt Giindiiliixnfn, says T uiN Storm in F riiiii ir v . — T he NORTH .MAINE ST. | | MARGARET HARK1NGTON. ______El o g on the 2«1 iloor, n here lie would solicit from in its niimlier of l7lh .laiilian . that news hud Norfolk Gerald states that a thunderstorm SA VV Y 1.1. ( DI,SON. CEO. V, . RtHUNSON, Manufacturers of 1 ' 'i i ' and Cabinet Wares,. : Island* fbl* a gvneroua public a continuance of theirpatron- reaeliod Ma/.ailan of 5011 California rnugers oeeurred in that city on ITiihiy night, ol'lnst Alereliaul Tailor, SOI I'll > AIM. ST. 1HE Subscribers oiler lor sale a number of' He takes tliis occnsion to return to the public having attacked the 'iiiierienn posts of Eapauc I week. At half past 8 o’elnck a siuall black ' .XOIITII MAINE STREET. C. A- A • vo w . Istauds situated at the outran ol Pen,,II-, his grateful acknowledgements for their generous and San .lose; and that they had ih'l'euted them cloud rose mid slowly spread over llm north- : W. O. PULLER, Dealers in Corn. Flour. • : Store’ and Cord.ige scot Bay. about S miles from Owls Head, (being patmnnge m times past ami promises his iitmottutm nod burnt both plain's oil the 2d nil. ern heavens, front Avhich proceeded the e|u- Dealer in Domesm Dry Goods and Groceries, CORNER Of MAIN \ Nil CENTRE STS. , the same advertised by Abel Wh Patten, who has exertions in the prosecution of his business, about tint same claim to t?em as he has give general satisfaction for the future, T hree vessel.- were ,1" patched JOl'TII MAINE ST. iirnntsof.-ui'h a storm a- i< usual on a suniiiier’s N. A. * S. 1 RE III* E E , knowledgee of their location.) on which ate Imus- • Tlioinaslon. Nov. 2 1617. 41 from ,'il’iz.ilkiu to render all possible assistance afternoon, that eonliuui I till ueur uiidnight. II. T. SLOCOMK, Fitrniture Ware Kuum mild's mid Glaziers, es, bams, wells, fish-houses, wharves and o th e r'------to the Americans. The Edith brought forty T he dashes o f lightning were remiirkiihlv viv- Dealer io Medicines. Chemicals, and Perfumery. CENTu« convenience for prosecuting the fisheries. The rfi’lfcC .5 IB Hit Centre Maine st. buildiugs are all in good order. The whole will pi'd; and discharged soldiers, and a nuoihesot j j(|, accompanied hv heai y peals of rolling i _ A L B E R T Si A U . 51. 1>. j sold at a bargain. 'jWn't’TII ERS. if you waut'm preventative for I r a . crying Children, by all; means buv one of bodies o f . li'. Loihrop if* Co li C. BROCKMAN. attracted to the conductor < f tin* I’. S. ship' — J . I’ . A 1 K . Thomaston, Feb. 4th ISIS. 3w. ' York mid Philadelphia, as condm iv,; to health, by Von it, Sunday, ? Dealer in Stoves. Kt re i’i ind liolhi’v \Ynrc.j imparling that cxereise s« much needed, while it Ponsvlvnnin, out passed down to the water RISK A. L IN D SE Y . ; nrvi r fails of plcu-ing. AVAL 11. BARNARD, i ’eh. IS, S c ’clock, ') Milliner, dealer in Bennets ami Millinery Goods Centre b Auction. witbuiU doim; air damage. ("numbers. Centre Maine, head ot Sea St. i Sole Agent lor Wuldubbroitgh. Jan. 1. MS. Congres did not sit yesterday. E A R L E A . < ) F i j T r , rRTIIE Fnb'cnli'T, desirous of rlnsin up hi.ij __ M exico. Hater dates f'-om Havana st,:te ' W eather in N 'mimont. — A letter' A I.* ' X \ N D HH RO W E, Merchant bailors, | _Bl Business will sell bis entire slock of Goods) HEVrAIr NOTICE. Boarding House, Maine, near k- of Ssa street. at I’nbli’* Auction, eouuneocingou Saturday, Feb. • that ail arrival there from Y era Cruz brings in-i from lligligate, v t., of is: mst., stutes that ' ____ M I2tb tit It o'clock, A 5i. Tbc slock consists ol nF.NTIti: MAINE. C0KNKR SEA STKEKT. T T 1E. j DP. C O N S T A N T IN E , telligenre ti;:t a ion |uritv of thr M’Xicims svor. Cdhere is no appearance oi i ' • in the lake op-- VVM. Il Dry Goods. Groceries. Crockery and Hardware, I favorable t» peace. ; posite Burlington, and a steamer crosses each* O. II PKRB.V i Attorney nml < ,'l”i- at Law, Boots sV Slices, ike., ike., ike. 8 sir s(i o ,tn ft c n t i k t . | Office, over J. II . !a to id's Store. j Terms made known at tbc sub’. V ecktan. Later news from Yucatan give1 morning to Fort Kent, reluming in th«» after-| Healer in Ready Made Clothing, Groceries, &c. w ICED respectfully give notice to his friends C ENIKE MAINE STltEl.T. JOHN V.'IHTE in Thomaston and vicinity, t!iat he has ru intelligence that the Indian distniTuuiees run- i unon. \ esterd.iv I saw three or tour vessels ' E. .V K. T11DM ASTD 1 *’• I K A NG!-:. C O . J-.'.rkin Snow, Auctioneer- I ; moved his oil’. ”, and may now he found on the tinue. ! under sail at the same tilin', a very unusual I. K. KIMBALL. Office. Lime Koel» 1! Building, E. Thomaston, Feb. 9, 1818 I corner ol Main und MmiiuJ'.-t St., opposite the P iincst!'.- and \V I. Goods, Ihutrs and Medicine? * sight i t this ‘senso” . T he if” ii ,l»e h. ‘ NORTH .Gi.e ol'C. '..enow, (here he senders fiis pro- fo ie r'-:v i.r. T he Rr-.isii r.ia’d st ' fessional services to the public, lie will warrant C. il. ( V ’BL , Granite Quarries fur Sale. Dei*, arrived at I Favana, boarded January -22,- narrower parts ot' the lake i.- very unsafe. rl’he ’ to nil who may bo pleased to patronise him, that 'mail carrier between Alburgh und Swanton j < V M U ’OMUER. Carriage IiIak«T ami 1 -i.•• i »pokes for’ sale.; Nil L subscriber NINE Islands lor aale, j nil Dcntal C. i. rati e. s shall be done in a work- ship Ceyimi. from Lubec for New Orleans, j in Book?. -Medicines, and Fancy Goods, i Agency, .Y«. 1 >• 1 reel. siiumcd at the mouth nt Georges River,! manlike manner, equal to any in the Slate, ot New j h’n’ls broke through the ice, and wasdrowned,, .Y). 3, Jsiiib' Pock street., with water tip to beams in Judd. 1 known as Peabody’s Island, contaiiiin . i acres, England. All udvice given gra'isandcheerfully. witti his horse, in crossing lust w eek.” T he (h-y Ion sprung aleak January UB, and liore ; L. T. MORGAN, At* t i T I'8 L I II . 1 I . M - ( I , ■ 1 I* isaat Island, <•>, A\ cetera, o., and others ot - * OK.Dm If . . Krcjoikeeps a Avariety ai cay oiof Tooth i oom jjruvncBrushes Custom Boot Maker,—all work Warranted, West India Goods n n d ...... ■ ..torn and. Flour,} smaller size,-seven ol them* coalaming noon , BI„l Tooth Powder t constantly on hand for sale. up for Bermuda, got a pilototi board ami got to I A “ Ft,hating” I’oi’i i . . 'n o s. About 5110 -NORTH 1. j (iranite Quarries, handsomelv laid in sheets.— , north i.nd. ------Said Islands have good harbor’s, hold wmer, and ‘ homasma, ?day 1 2 th ._____ n ib. leeward, but could not keep the ship tree. She ! •mini bouts arc moored lor the u inter in the SAMI'EL I’ll.I.S|{1 It V. S. N. H A T C H . ■ ure|well situated for whiif. . was ubnndoued oil tin* gtith, and thecrew laud- Atlantic Dock Basin; many ol'tlieni are oecu- Flour, West India Goods, and family Groceries, N. 11. All persons arc herebv cautioned against! — OIBlItllNSBOnCPfi AolSCs*, Retailer of Domestic Goods and Family G roccries, CENTRE MAINE ST. cd at Gecrgi's, [ licl'ui'c i-.',Mirt(*(l ab'ilidoni’d nil' pied by families living on bottl'd during the NORTH KXD. taking any property tyhatever from said islands, FHNHE undersigned, having been appointed by without the consent ol the suhseriber. [ .J¥. tin’ Hon. Nath’1 Groton. Judge of l’rohale Bermuda, j winter, und thus make a great addition to (la: COLE Jr LOVEJOY, JO S E I’ll I . YLLI'IN, A BEL W. PATTEN. ■ for the Comity of Lineohi, Commissoners to rc- I’E.icr. 1 '..s:or. llis reported at A\ a>li-i increasing population of tin t region. It is to j Dealers in Lehigh and Red Ash Coal, Thomaston, Feb. 1. 1818 2-*3w. , ceive and examiue the claims of creditors to tho Blacksmith and Edgt 'fool Maniil'actitrer, Une dour north Commercial line se. ingtnn, that a h tier reeievcl trnm Mr. M 'in- aeeuiuinndat" the spiritual wnuts ol'tlie dtvi KIM IIAl.I.h WIIARr. tosh, the British Consul in MoxieMovico, states that ers in those parts, that the old ferry hoot ( dive i JO H N M li lt It IL L , M. 1).. UiNKolutioii of Copartnership. MERRICK MOSSMAN, ( A. MA COM B E It, j Physician and Surgeon, the .Mexican authorities a» ere favoring peace Branch has boon put into rei|tisitiuii as an Epis- e opar,nership heretofore existing tuiiler |aic of Thomaston, nt said Coinin', whose Estate ui'tioneer. Room to Bet lor Auction purposes.) Sill Til MAINE sT. J t the linn ol Lu iiARii AEim is A Lewis l.luu.ii. is represented as insolvent; herein* give notieo negotiations. copnl church. [Brooklyn Adv. Opposite Satri/tr tp Colsmi's. ------— . ------is Dm (lay dissolved bv mutual consent. 1 he j dint six months from this date have heen allowed THOMAS & COBB, ini iiucss ol Ihe lirm will be settled by It Martin. (|,e creditors to bring in mid prove their clniins ; i Yi'.ssei, m N nov.N at sea. Captain Mer-i D EN N IS & It A It II E'l *1 . Dealers in W. I Goods, Slnp Chandcl try. .kc R. (JAR l l \ . Ilhii ,)lnl Wl. s|,ai| mmHg ,0 that service at the of- I'ishing- 'rill, o f brig Cylielr, vvhicli arrived al Portland Dealers in Shawls. Dress Goods, and Carpetings, j Snrth Maine st. I.. Ob'IE R CKNTRi; .MAINE ST. j .______) fire of Lowed, EnrAvell .k Lowell, in said Thorn* Companies are now rapidly forming in this Friday, from Mnlanzas, reports that on the 8 t George Jan, 31 1313 2il i aston. on I'rtdiiy, lSili of February, on Monday LOWELL, FAITH ELL A: LOWELL, j the 3d of Apiil, and on Saturday the Silt of July town for the purpose of piireliasitig fishing 7ih of Fehmry, Ion. B9, he fell in with shnnlier ' H AKKEN IIOBINSON, Attorneys ami (‘ounselors nt L iw, in West India Goods and Groceries, Millers anil Looking (!I asses- I next, fioin 9 o'clock in the forenoon, to 5 in tho vessels, and we expect to Be able to nnnoimee , .Insrphi'iie, I lolntes, of and for Boston, from Ojfiee, 4 Lime Pock street. afternoon of each of those days. Maim., corner of Halt st...... — ' ...... - OR sale, Whole(•sale mid Relail nt YViurixo'x the olilainiug of several in a week er two.— \nx ('ayes ludeii with eolfee, anti ill a sinking JEREMIAH Till.MAN, I- M ACO.MBI’ in Thomas,on, R is Duelha die I "t andConlc’ imnery. Li’.'’mse,l to sell L.quors, Jlt’iiiciuc o f AiiJsirc. ingof water, l usilin-r of leaves, nnd frequently a (UK , too, nt AA hull q u ail H.tiun- may Id.I. . , centiie ai.aine st. 11(10 f AND SHOE Mmimicturcrs are hereby m i l r. “ A M E R IC A N Ol L” which is oh- heating mn> • in the Ears eorrespmuling to tha nlizted. T in same mn .imt of mnriev llmt 'IH llu 1....kP',rt ’■‘•uncr, i n ------I.I?i R •< ' laloriiied, . iliat it -I...... diets Bool; Store.1 .I. u lined from a well in Keniaeky, is used with pul.-e ; a!', of which are indications of approaching •omnlished in the following mniuier: A twine ll. H. A G. W. 4'DCII R AN, | East Thomaston, thev eau fuel a fair assortuient! nsioni iliing success, in the treatiiient of lnilumn- nfness; und luubt generally accompany thats would send one good ship to sen, would pur­ •iiess, Trank, and Valise .Manufacturers, tory R licumalism, Barns, Sprains, Plilhis*,', and diseas' aa us first sent iieross the chasm nttuelii'd to a I of TOOLS, and other aria h s used in their line. chase nml equip a dozen o. more ot’ lir.-l-class CENTRE MAINE ST. | Any article wanted, and r.ot a hand, eat, he pro- cun; o r Corns. persons buying to sell ngnin, cm ho supplied kilo. 'I'liis done, the process id’(IrttAA'ing over M Ai ?DM HER, side agent for Thomaston, can on tai orable ieuiis. C. A. MAldMER, Jisherior ii, und employ lour limes as many N. V. I'A R U E l.L . i cured at short noti‘.‘ an t ’ at at lowest Boston eords of increa.-cd size and strength, avus an I prices. lice. 15. supply you ai his Hook Store, East Thouuistoii, I sole Agetil fur Thomaston, men. Cura, Flour, and Provision Dealer, nml at his Depot, West Thouinston. I May 23, I8tll. nVJly. easy and simple task. Sorlli Maine st. YVe are happy to h arn that a company has F r i a t i i 'c * i\. C d ii u p s , Eet the afflicted call, for relief is su I ------i i me uoti,,______.... ° been formed, ami tho money raised, in W est ’Flic I.oAvcll Courier states that it has ren- H S M HITING. F all descriptions, saadr nml qualities. The IHousewil’B!! I isliurv, lor the piirehnse ol a fishing vessel. F()n ,,, |„'|ieve that there is no present inlcn- Shawls. Dress Goods. I.oiiking-glasses .k Fenlhers above articles will ! - 1 at reduced prices. «?OIIlllli»si<>uei’!t’ N otice, iTheneal one I mean) .Ye. 3 llnlntet' Mock, Lime Rock st. O Sueeess to our V. cst ’I'ishiirv friends, say wc, J Call and examine. lrl|'I!i E iniilei signed, having been apponusd by is ihe tune io clean your WINDOWS; tinn to redtien tho Avagos of the operative,, in •11, B ,W I.I'TIIIKIP, .k Co. nnd io all nhniil to ougiige in nn •'dbiT for the (.'KO. n . I’l I.I.SI5I BY. w ihe...... lion. Natli'l.... Groton, Judge ...... te of Probate I n IN! (the l-'ii/has gewe.) but heliae you do so, be the factories in that city. | Fluur Store, Domestic Goods and Groceries, lor the County of Lincoln, Commissioners In re-' sure and call at M u euuihei’s who lor 12 1-2 cts. well Being of our town and of our Island. — W iiialct* hit's FuiiM* ! Stephen Brimdage, a shueinultcr, fainted ' North Maine st. mave mid examine tlm claims of creditors uf the ) will sell you an mlulu that will eeriailily save j LHjRRV 1di- iisi received his estate uf three qaaitcrs of the limo amt hard labor that you Ed "juTuAvn Gu'.etle. supply uf Oven oats, > ud;s, ,kc and fell (lowii in Broad Ktreot, .Newark, and IIIR A 5I G. IIK IIR Y . JAMES L. IIILT, would lime to Isstow upon them. Wholesale and Reiuil Lumber Dealer, IK I I f*, 't a a i. (at. i .r.'ic., r. nr mini,. Our broke his neck. Il IS also grsal f»r cleansing Silver. Steel oral KIMIIAI.I.'S AVIIAEF. late of Thoinastou, lit sai l Cornuy, deceased, firast, nsi'/liBors , I'lli • .B''irii'd elirouiel ■ die I'oIIoav- Cor roN.— Flic New York Drv Goods Ke­ 'fl'hi ltd-Is Rim! I's'snau'CM. ' whose est.'vte i-, represented as iiisolveiit • hereby Reaiemekr, MAOMRR is tha Agent for E. J. HARRINGTON, I give liotic ?, that six months from tins dale hare mg insl.aneo id r an aolo presence of mind porter says : “ With regard to cotton goods, ■ Y sienim-r T. !•'. a ., have itc’J Trench Tlioinaslon Also please hear in mind that Ma- j Dealer in Bais, i ip>. Furs, mid Untbiellas, ! been allmred the eredilors to tilin g in mid prove ruMiii'it hrs ihui superior S t'A l‘ 1 ! which all who mud Til’rr.T-i.r.NOTH (.“ ’"ipe the genei'til impression i . they liavo fallen to 'I'll I RETS, from •«' -s i £!.t)U. Supt*r dc | their elm n s ; mid dial we shall alien I to Hint ser- Cnilrr Maine st. 8B I. a & 1 Lyoucs’s. all •• ' sm l I h jiittision, on Saturday, l'Jlh ui F e b r u a r y . ______a fcAvday s ago, by the ri niarkuhle (piieknuas Dec. 27tb. B \\ I -»'l HKOl’. Co. arriAid at New '.ink on' Books. .Slaliuiii'rv, Paper Hangings arid Music, | and on Monday, hull of March, mi I on .Saturday. .Kiitice, and presence ofiuiud of. uolher. They aai-ic 1 Inn's 1 iv mid was received with military hon-j A’a. s. J.inn: Rock street. i 1st. day uf July next, fio in o 'c lo c k A. 51., tu 5 <’:ni‘ ’H 'itiiitt's ! each about ten Aim's old. mid AAere bkntuig £til $ P. 51. (i f each of said days. n ’t H I' STBSCniBERS will turn their particultv M G & O S ANDREWS. X FI ECUS lid C! ags, nf the i'0'W I ID ISAM I SC. LOWELL. I r, ; J attention to the logrtlit"', iihoA e nod iii'iir the \ugllstii Dam. Dry and Wesi India Goods. Iron lad Cordage, I ,ots n r D oi toiis. sMcxaitder's Messenger I xL »} i'sl pallei ns no si qaaliiy. just' ELKAXAH SPEAK. J ., j Bumm rs. j CDJlMlStHDN nml BROKERAGE 'Fhu ice extends !o ai iihin a short di-lanee ot' A’n. Ill l.ime Roel: street. IIA PR ETV I The Illusion Ian. 25ili 16 H , gw says that there are twelve lumdred medical) received by DI 1 ’msiiic-s, mid from their long ami well known the brink of the dam. At here the quickness of I «.stabli;>hincnt mid location, being immediately an students nt the live' seliouks ufmedieinc in the I SAMI ['I, T i ll RETS. SAMAK ITAN BALM. tin; Avaler preAa ii'a it front freeziii;'. <>«.(• of Beef, Pork, oi l Gcueiul Provision Market, A.C. ft' wharf, hop* Io rveeivu a liberal portion of eity, ( Philadelphia.) A >. 9, Riiue Rock si. t x / k I’Jll.S M "" l'”l\. Ill I,bis. do P.’"Jl'. Hl 1 pr // | Ill’ll evideui'’• of tbc b ‘iielii'» derived ! *••,* eonsignc’t io them; especially Lime, Hay, W. ’’, India Goul?, Provisions, Boots mnl Shoes, - A . hum the U-YJ uf thsi in valuable .Medicine. ! i‘i . s u n , Fotatoxs. .ke. in. in a tnoiuent ho aa amid B tve gone ov r tin; oii'.o oar thanks fur late Boston papers. I- SOUTH MAINE ST. t f e n t r B o sto n , N o v . 1, 1^47. ; ’ 'A e iei'W ' ’ nil cl the lurge Houses m tin* lam. The other bo/ (Sprjuger,; wa., near, £tooL city ,'ov rupeetahililj or eharaeter. "lion. J. W. Bradhur., and linn. I'.! IlHfGilAiK A D E N N IS. ,\ W. TAYLOR S Voyage around tor: World .M ‘Fsrs. Ohs', Broadens A: Co.. Boston . ami perceiving the accident, iltsuul'y ji eked •Crentlemcu —Please send me pr Express ti do-* H ASK IN I.1BBEY. (.'lark will pluaso acocpl oor ih i"k' fir their | Boo'., rail "jiioes. West India Goods and Groceries, ; t . « —or the U S Squadron; mx hundred Richmond. Ya., April 23d.ibl7. his Avooleu tippet or comforter l.o n his uavii liianv f rvors ciiucsK’rr ’s uuii.iuko, south Maine kt. !P’tt'Ds, Hiiii about 2d Gi vinvint; > nb . i.piion tn ?ie of th? •Samaritan film .” h> uiiues me I fnjly established in our mughlorhooJ and 1 donut iteek, ulld tos a d ot,” ( i d of it I” t ' d i n g j vice AU orJ.Gis io be. addl' »' d. to F. HARRINGTON, T. A* GE A ’lL'H.L, Cnn;d n, po.>» , J bfsitute tojuiythtt t »«* sal? of it has be»?n far IIIKKA Iff MAfO.MBIdl1. hoy, avIio s e iz 'd it, ei'd wa tho ' dratMieii' Pump ik PIock 51;, (I a..a in C tis, Mast hoop, Jan. 17 i.' ^leat’ i- than any i w medicine 1 e\. at: uupted h l A jRR I.A G E S . lliimlo.pil,cs, dec., .Yu. 6 Sea st. U* iutrodlic •. Ot j b ujetits I can speak hum n - in a second j u o r e the hoy in tic a. i' r would i .l/u -siiiii r is re niiprertlrti .faeill. ) ' '. by Ret M Di 51r. D. S. j hi <»f Iodine . do. I io lua! experience; ' > last winter 1 was •oody af­ h iac been Boyoinl the I. ii'.dh nftli I 'p p 't,: ml :• s 'il'i’t, I!. D O D G E , dii I.min I. Euum'elluAi S 5 LlIJvpo-iSul|)iiuK ■1,1 ' ol Soda; Iodine ; ».>uu flicted with tin I’tutb.hitis,’ when the go»wl fid'. st. Valvuliur'S l>a>. w.'.n rapid iiiit".i-i motion, soon Iuiac gone Pc ;Zo to 51.s. Ehi.i J. K .Maker. ibilver; Alunaieof Ainnn'ni.t, etc., i. i sale a invention it i . prepared me i L^tle which .V, rhi opposite ( '■■.'/ nn erieil House completely cured me and from the beneiits GI D ID , God ol Love, being well plci* over tlm dam, win tlmre vA oukl b.'iA'c. B e e n SLOHOMB’S. Af. G I myself have pvi/amally received, I d el "rahlied1 a ' I with MaciiuiFerS oduits to ady^uee my o i e.hancu for e rm bv R ladl ii b, 3 b . 1 caie’' last seuaon, luvo r» -appointed hint Agent \ D 11 uh. II. Kl tlHALio that she has been prevailed upontogive i to ihe A’.ur.-’.m. Kn - >li, ant iudia Goods, Induui Pill* / world. Notwithstanding she has done it without fur the coming i intv”rsary\ f^th purifying Re* I ’ 11 anil cleanshm i’j» Thix is t »i n f o r m u»v .idhervuts, at Mi Tb.* Ho. tju Mauutaeturing Company ut^1' AJdrkct Square. any \»|sh b» profit by it. in a pecuniary point of ’ sysjiuu at1’ now the m "t popular medicine view. I hvjio und trust &Uo will reap a rich reward c o y e r r,1 .s lb? >in:, F. i n Thmnastou. th<-v can W altham r- luee.I lb wages o f their pit ee STY UK A HLOOO, in New Ihi.'b'iid’ On J housumi fur her goodness towards suli’ertug humanity* iiud a 8pl» n Ini is'iunn* n’- «M" Y iT u n es, amun^ • . id’» on ih • I;thi mis at least ,Mi,. Bn oura*.'int:. A*’.. A«’ , \ c . . red je t ion next mouth in Hit* pay vf the utiv *■.*1'. 'e. £ I . p. T bottle ”ix bottles for ^3. b of I iun | third timve than Wugti'.’s hnliau N egetable 1’iJt.,. P o rv t1' b\ M., Jl A VDLN, Quinsv) , and by I! AGOM KBIT having-Keepted the above Quite a nuinjr r of the o'irl.j have qrd. j ( f’d .r uf the late Gov. i . n j i t . a S(» \ , Jhi- e 23c ,»”t box. ilealers geiw.1 rally. appointment, invites Ladies nnl Gentlemen to Dealers iu Znqli&h und West ludiu Goeds anti gone tu the.r homes For.suleat C. A .Micoaiurn’s. F •. S ‘ alk by C A Maconiter,*Eau Thomas ! call end b-ex at Gnpi fs ( i nsiijuinent, ev