Agenda Item 13 Report PC50/18 Report to Planning Committee Date 12 July 2018 By Director of Planning Title of Report Quarterly Update on the Progress of Neighbourhood Planning Purpose of Report To update Members of the progress of Neighbourhood Development Plans across the South Downs National Park

Recommendation: The Committee is recommended to note the progress to date on the preparation of Neighbourhood Development Plans across the National Park.

1. Summary 1.1 Support for neighbourhood planning is a very important aspect of the South Downs National Park Authority’s role. Once Neighbourhood Development Plans (NDPs) have successfully passed a community Referendum, they become part of the development plan for the National Park, alongside joint core strategies, saved Local Plan policies, minerals and waste plans and the emerging South Downs Local Plan (SDLP). They are also subsequently ‘Made’ i.e. adopted by the National Park Authority (NPA). NDP’s reflect the vison and aims of the local community and will help to deliver the objectives and strategy of the emerging SDLP by making positive provision for development, in line with the Local Plan’s development strategy. They will also be used to determine planning applications within the parish. 1.2 These reports are produced quarterly for presentation at Planning Committee as many responses on NDPs are made by Officers under delegated powers. This update enables Members to be aware of the breadth of NDP’s across the National Park as well as the work officers are undertaking with respect to progressing these. The quarterly reports will also be used to inform the Authority Monitoring Report published at the end of the year. 1.3 Some of the main highlights this quarter are:  The NDP was supported at Referendum and will be now be ‘Made’ at this Planning Committee (see separate agenda Item).  The Submission version of the Lewes NDP is now out for Regulation 16 consultation between Monday 11 June to Monday 23 July 2018 (see separate Agenda Item for consideration of SDNPA response).  Findon Parish Council’s revised Pre-submission Neighbourhood Plan has been submitted for Regulation 14 consultation from 23rd June until 10th August. The NDP includes alternative housing sites to that of the SDLP to provide up to 31 new homes. The SDNPA’s response to this consultation will be presented to Planning Committee in August.  Parish Council intends to submit their Submission NDP shortly.  The Pre-submission Reg 14 consultation on the with NDP finished on 17th May. The Parish Council is in the process of assessing the responses.


1.4 A summary of the current status of NDPs across the National Park is provided in Table 1: Table 1: Status of NDPs as of June 2018 Stage Total NDPs SDNPA lead Made 26 13 Submission (Reg16) and Examination 4 2 Pre-submission (Reg 14) draft 9 (Findon revised) 6 Designated neighbourhood area 53 21

1.5 Reports relating to NDPs presented to Planning Committee in the last quarter are listed in the following section of this report. Key areas of work carried out under delegated powers by the Authority since 1 April 2018 are set out in Appendix 1 of this report. Details of all the made NDPs are also provided in the appendix. 2. Planning Committee 2.1 In the second quarter of 2018 the following reports have been considered by Planning Committee:  Stedham with Iping Neighbourhood Development Plan Pre submission consultation – 10 May 2018 Planning Committee  Making of the Bury NDP 12 April 2018  Making of Patching NDP 12 April 2018  Making of Plumpton NDP 12 April 2018  Making of Ditchling, Streat and Westmeston NDP 10 May 2018 3. Resource implications 3.1 The SDNPA receives funding from the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG) to support work on neighbourhood planning. For each NDP the SDNPA leads on, the Authority can claim £20k (previously £30K) to cover the cost of the examination and referendum. The cost of Neighbourhood Planning to the SDNPA (excluding staff costs) is normally covered by the grants received from MHCLG. This remains the case despite the reduction in grant from MHCLG. There are further emerging NDPs yet to be ‘Made’ in the National Park. With the exception of Lewes and Petworth, these are NDPs for villages where the cost of examination and referendum is unlikely to exceed the available grant. 4. Other Activity 4.1 Since April 2017, officers have been working with parishes and local planning authorities outside the National Park to share best practice. To date this has included the following work:  Local Green Space Report for Storrington NDP (Horsham)  Thruxton Local Green Space Report (Test Valley)  Rudgwick Neighbourhood Planning Support (Horsham)  Thruxton Pre-submission (Reg 14) draft plan, basic conditions report and assessment of consultation responses (Test Valley)  King’s Somborne Landscape Assessment to inform site selection (Test Valley)  Hook Pre-submission (Reg14) draft plan 5. Other Implications

Implication Yes/No Will further decisions be required by No another committee/full authority?


Implication Yes/No Does the proposal raise any No Resource implications? Has due regard has been taken of the Due regard has been taken of the South Downs National South Downs National Park Park Authority’s equality duty as contained within the Authority’s equality duty as Equalities Act 2010. The qualifying body with contained within the Equality Act responsibility for preparing the neighbourhood plan must 2010? prepare a Consultation Statement demonstrating how they have consulted the local community and statutory consultees. The examiner who assesses the plan will consider whether the Consultation Statement meets regulatory requirements. Are there any Human Rights None implications arising from the proposal? Are there any Crime & Disorder None implications arising from the proposal? Are there any Health & Safety None implications arising from the proposal? Are there any Sustainability The qualifying body with responsibility for preparing the implications based on the 5 principles neighbourhood plan must demonstrate how its plan will set out in the SDNPA Sustainability contribute to the achievement of sustainable Strategy? development. This is set out in the Basic Conditions Statement. The examiner who assessed the plan considered that it met the requirements. Please note that the sustainability objectives used by qualifying bodies may not be the same as used by the SDNPA, but they will follow similar themes.

6. Risks Associated with the Proposed Decision 6.1 No decision proposed so no risks identified. TIM SLANEY Director of Planning South Downs National Park Authority Contact Officer: Chris Paterson (Communities Lead) / Alma Howell (Neighbourhood and Policy Planning Officer)/ Louise Diez (Planning Policy Officer – Temp Mat Cover) Tel: 01730 819285 email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Appendix 1. Neighbourhood Development Plan Update SDNPA Consultees Legal Services; Chief Finance Officer; Monitoring Officer External Consultees None Background Documents All plans referred to and the responses made by the SDNPA are available on planning/neighbourhood-development-plans/

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Neighbourhood Development Plan Update

SDNPA Led Update Housing Numbers Compared Links to relevant NDP’s with Existing LP and documents Emerging SDLP (where applicable) Bury Plan made at 12 April Planning Committee. NDP: 6 Bury Made Version of Emerging SDLP: 6 NDP 1999 Local Plan: 0 Ditchling, Plan made at 10 May Planning Committee. NDP: 19 Ditchling Made Version Westmeston and Emerging SDLP: 15 of NDP Streat Lewes District Joint Core Strategy: 15 Findon The Findon NDP was Made on 8 December 2016. Their amended plan which NDP: 33-38 Findon Pre- Submission includes housing allocations has been submitted for Regulation 14 consultation Emerging SDLP: 30 NDP Plan from 23rd June until 10th August. Arun District Local Plan 0 Fittleworth Fittleworth Parish Council submitted their pre-submission NDP for NDP: 18 Fittleworth pre- consultation between 15th January and 26th February. We anticipate the Emerging SDLP: 6 submission NDP submission of Fittleworth NDP in September 2018. Chichester 1999 Local Plan: 0 Lewes The Submission version out for consultation from 11 June to 23 July 2018. NDP: 220 + 10% Lewes Submission SDNPA’s response is a separate item at this Planning Committee. Emerging SDLP: 875 Version NDP Lewes JCS: minimum 220 through NDP Patching Plan Made at 12 April Planning Committee. NDP: 0 Patching Made Version of Emerging SDLP: 0 NDP Chichester 1999 Local Plan: 0 Petworth Referendum 7 June 2018. The Making of the Plan is a separate agenda item at NDP: 163 Petworth Referendum this Planning Committee. Emerging SDLP: 150 Version NDP Chichester 1999 Local Plan: 0

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Plumpton Plan Made at 12 April Planning Committee. NDP: 68 Plumpton Made Version Emerging SDLP: 0 NDP Lewes District Council: 50 Stedham with Pre-submission consultation was held between 5 April to 17 May 2018. The NDP: 20 Stedham with Iping Pre- Iping Parish Council is now considering responses. Emerging SDLP: 18 Sub Version NDP Local Plan: 0

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Other Housing Numbers Compared Links to relevant documents Authority-Led with Existing LP and (where applicable) NDPs Update Emerging SDLP Out for Consultation between 27 April and 08 June NDP: 23 Boxgrove Submission NDP 2018. SDNPA comments sent June 2018. Emerging SDLP: 0 SDNPA comments Chichester Local Plan 2014: 25 Bramshott & Bramshott & Liphook NDP group is awaiting NDP: tbc Designated Neighbourhood Area Liphook information from East Hampshire District Council on Emerging SDLP: 0 their new housing figure before progressing their East Hampshire JCS: 175 neighbourhood plan. Rowlands Rowlands Castle NDP is awaiting information from NDP: tbc Designated Neighbourhood Area Castle East Hampshire District Council on their new Emerging SDLP: 0 housing figure before progressing their East Hampshire JCS: 150 neighbourhood plan. Sompting The Sompting NDP is currently at Examination. Adur NDP: 480 Sompting Submission NDP and Worthing Councils have appointed Mr John (West Sompting outside the park) SDNPA’s Response to Submission Consultation Slater as the independent Examiner of the Sompting Emerging SDLP: 0 NDP. The SDNPA’s response to the Submission Adur Local Plan: 480 consultation did raise any significant issues. (West Sompting outside the park) Storrington, The Storrington, Sullington and Washington NDP is NDP: 194 Storrington Sullington & Washington Submission Sullington and currently at Examination. Horsham District Council Emerging SDLP: 0 Version NDP Washington has appointed Mr John Slater as the independent Horsham Local Plan: 1500 SDNPA’s Response to Submission Consultation Examiner of the Storrington, Sullington and to be met across the district Washington NDP. The SDNPA’s response to the Submission consultation raising concerns regarding the Ravenscroft Allotments Site will be considered by the Examiner.

Upper Beeding Upper Beeding Parish Council are running their Pre- NDP: 109 submission consultation between 25 June and 12th Emerging SDLP: N/A August 2018. One site (Valerie Manor) a care home, lies within the National Park boundary and is

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proposed for allocation for extended Care Home Horsham Local Plan: 1500 Facilities. to be met across the district Made Neighbourhood Development Plans

Made Plans Date Made by SDNPA Date of SDNPA Area Designation Referendum Turnout Cost * Albourne 13 October 2016 13 September 2012 43.4% N/A Aldingbourne 8 December 2016 7 November 2013 24% N/A Amberley 15 June 2017 5 March 2015 57.7% £12,125 Angmering 14 March 2015 14 March 2013 31.3% N/A Arundel (being revised) 12 June 2014 14 March 2013 26.6% N/A Bury 12 April 2018 12 December 2015 38% £9571.501 Clapham 12 May 2016 13 November 2014 52.7% £3,664.98 Ditchling, Westmeston and Streat 10 May 2018 13 June 2013 and extension 16 January 34.0% £6789.501 2014 East Meon 14 December 2017 14 August 2014 37% £13,868.15 14 April 2016 13 September 2012 18.2% £33,703.94 Ferring 12 March 2015 14 March 2013 45.2% N/A Findon (now being revised 2018) 8 December 2016 12 October 2012 25.5% £35,518.40 Hamsey 14 July 2016 13 September 2012 28.0% N/A Hurstpierpoint & Sayers Common 14 March 2015 13 September 2012 42.0% N/A 12 June 2014 13 September 2012 44.0% N/A Lavant 10 August 2017 18 March 2013 24% £15,9261 Liss 14 December 2017 14 August 2017 30% £26,069.84 9 June 2016 13 June 2013 33.8% £1,986.50

1 Excluding referendum costs which the SDNPA has yet to invoiced for. *refer to item 3.1 for detail of funding from the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG) to support work on neighbourhood planning.

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Made Plans Date Made by SDNPA Date of SDNPA Area Designation Referendum Turnout Cost * Patching 12 April 2016 14 March2013 21% £7368.90 Petworth This committee 16 Jan 2014 36.32 £23443.261 Petersfield 21 January 2016 13 September 2012 26.0% £45,209.01 Plumpton 12 April 2018 28 April 2014 47.0% N/A Ringmer 21 January 2016 13 September 2012 42.0% N/A Walberton 9 March 2017 14 March 2013 48% N/A 9 June 2016 13 September 2012 36.6% N/A Woodmancote 15 June 2017 17 February 2014 46% N/A

Neighbourhood Development Plans not currently being progressed: Sheet, Singleton

Plans where there is nothing to report in the period 1st April to 30th June 2018:

SDNPA-Led Other Authority-Led Hassocks (on Hold), Henfield, Lynchmere, Newhaven, Peacehaven & Telscombe, Plaistow and Ifold, Pulborough, & Rake, Rottingdean, Steyning, Westbourne, West Chiltington,