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AVEBAOB DAILY CnODLATION far the MMth of Nevemhee, IMS TUB WBATHBB 6,193 Poreeoot of 0. & WeatM* Btanber of tho Audit Bvom of ClwlotloBg Partijr doody aai MAN<-HESTER _ A CITY OF VILLAGE CHAHM ooMor tod iM i BMdejr fair. VOL.LVIII^NO.60 (Uoaolflod AdoortlaMig oa Pago 10) (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE rHREE CENTS EDEN SAYS BRITAIN Pour Trainmen Hurt When Flier Piles Up SEQtS NO RESCUER 'SUEZ CANAL DEMAND MA] OF HER CHESTNUTS OF ITALY IS VOICED NO


Not Yield Up Democratic Florence, Ala., Dec. 10—(A P ) BY LEADING EDITOR —John Henry Wilson, Jr„ ad- vertising man and novelist, Ideals; Get Big OWition wasn’t the least bit surprised when he received a letter from U. S. REFUGEES Writingr Mystery Cites Fifnres Showiig Speaker WUltam.a Bankhead of a^---- At New York Appearance nearby Jaspar, >Qa., but— He couldn’t im a^e why the tion’s Traffic UroRffc salutaUon read ”My Dear Mr AT RULING ARE PresldenL" New York, Dec. 10.—(A P )—An- The speaker’s letter to Presi- Waterway Second OdjTf jlhony E^en. trim former foreign dent Roosevelt had been enclosed FREED AT LAST etary of Great' Britain, spoke by mistake. 'lut emphatically last night for the Great Britanq Chins Fcir preservation of the democracy which "we In England and you In Ameri- 32 Foreigners Trapped For Desires h French Tnni- ca chertah moat," ', and saw as the greateat threat to that democracy REVISE SCHEME Months In Chinese Resort sh Subside Sndden|ye "a new form of Idolatry, the wor- ship o f the etate." Despite the promiscuous tumhbling about of coaches, no one Eden's address to the national as- FOR MOBILIZING - . «. . „ .. . p Hike 13 Miles In Raging sociation of manufacturer- was a Rome, Dee. 10.— (A P ) - I k e w . 'ringing defense of democracy as "a pliuged into a nearby cotton gin. was completely wrecked, and one car (upper right) Storm To River Transport thorttotlve editor, VIrgInlo Ctaydn. university in which we learn from ENURE NATION voiced an ItaUan a— ,i||^ ^ one another. It can never be a bar- Mtaw In tha control o f tiM Soax racks where blind obedience is the “*tal today after dting flgurqa first essential." Shanghai, Dec. 10.— (A P ) — W ■Itowlng that Italian Uaffle through "It would Indeed be the greatest Army And Navy OHictals Evacuation of 33 foreigners, about irony In human history," he told the JUDGE REBUKES tha Near Baat artery waa — —# Now URGES BROADENING OLD oi^thlrd of whom were Americana, to that of Great Britain. 4,000 persons at the banquet and a from toe former mountain resort get * nation-wide radio audience, "If man- Say New Blueprints WiD Administration of tha Sum en- of Kullng waa completed today. Winte kind were to allow all progress to KEOGH FOR HI NT S? .“ H5 '""•M’ »>• eampoMd Despite a raging storm, toe party « » Prtvate group of capiean.^ be stifled by the setting up” of this Be ^|der Than Existinf AGE INSURANCE SYSTEM Jwt Iv repreeeataUvas o fa ll aa- "worship at tho state m which all of men, women and children de- Uons which make uee cf the canal men must bow down, and to which scended toe winding 13mlle path Helen Wins Moody AT DRUG HABIT Bte axtant a f their they must sacrlflee their freedom of Proposal For Control qarved out of a mountatoalde and traffic,”I" Ctayba declared. «g . boarded a Japanese army transport faith, of speech, o f worship.” Chief Recommendations Of Ban Francisco, Dec. 10.—(A P )— In moat other ——t ef aqpm Man Not Made For Htato BREECHES BUOY at Kulklong, Yangtse river port 185 Helen-WUls Moody, the tannia quaen, •ton ItaUnn ctalma ter carttSeuiim rrJIes below Hankow. They had ta writing A m yst^ novel and has "Man was not, in our view, made Washington, Dec. 10. — (A P ) _ Warns Kemp’s Coimsel Of 81m Social Security Advisory been Isolated to toelr refuge since a pubUabar for It alraady, even ba- for the state. The state was made The Army and Navy are revising subaklcd auddenly. for man,” be said. ’ Japan’s forces to central China cap- fore she has thought up a title. L T B x l 5°*>“ tae the enure Court Action On Questions RESCUES SEVEN tured Kluklang last July 36. The British statesman, who ra- nauon In the ^ejct war.” Conncil Indnde Payments Xfra. Moody dlscloaad tha tataat A smtf sroop ef abid*t* 84Sx1 algned his cabinet post In a differ- Officers of toe United States gun- activity to add to her list as lectur- mvehed agate oa^ tha D^loslng this today, Informed boat Monocacy reported toe suc- 5.25x1 ence at opinion with Prime Minister Implying Witness Is An cessful evacuation to too crutaet er, eketcher, and designer of aporta haaqr te Bomt but taat thalr em 5. 50x 1 Chamberlain over policies toward blueprints To Widows And Children. FROM TRAWLER clothes today. She expects to taka thualaam ter ths Augusta here. dictatorsblps, stressed that Great ■*™Pler than the exlMng 'sliaa they mcauateras • 6,00x deyied proposal for highly central- The transport was expected to her mystery tale to her publisher Ehrltatn and tba United States must Addict; Adjourns Session next month. Ueaguard. Slnltag*.‘-*•1- ”— riTiiiiM Sj 6,00x taed con ^ l of the naUmaf economy start for Shanghai as soon fib toe oceuTred te Naptas. stand firm together against tbs ens- I® time. The simplification, it Washington, Dec, 10—(A P )—The Crew Of Fisliii ig Yes* weather abates. €.25x mles of dsmoccacy and ”we art taj^taatsil, will be aimed parUy Social Security Advisory Council ' La Trifmita ^iM&DaA • O. SOx acutely consetous the need to de- U. S. Ganboato Ikroagh. at at ahortenlng the time it w oid d ^ Bridgeport, Dec. 10—(A P )—John With toe Kullng refugees evac- picturteg Pasqoata Paeit who 1 fend ourselves.” drafted today sweeping recom- to ftea Ortaca-fraai Freaah Ji7UK)x Keogh, counsel for O. Leroy Kemp mendations for broadening the gov- sel Saved By Coast Guard uated, toe work o f United States 7.50X A dramatic and spectacular race " The^re^t^^^an*^^^^ gunboaU to toat region of toe 2 WOMEN INJURED 1780 ristag.froaa Ids-grawa. Ilia i. against time and weat^ praofdad who. ta op trial on qonpplracy enuqent's old age Insurance aystem. Yangtae waa considered to ba vir- tte ow tha pottppg Mid. •«Ih6 < fTh6M Bdao’a arrival In Naw Toiii.>rk. Tba cbargM. smarted under a atam ra. While the council’s oSlctal report Whoi She Grounds h of Mothar (3ooatm.* 'Bbar Aequltanla.'wfitah Bdan and hta 5STS?1U;,.“t !S 5 & tually completad and tha Monocacy Lifatl bnM Bum the presiding jndga tiK w4U aoi fVfhr uatll ntms- was expectad alto to start toon for IN TRAIN CRASH tesantegltalj.----- party boardad a weak ago, waa de- tlXM next weak, Informed peraons layed by fog and atorms at aaa. A day as he mapped plana to present Foff And Rough Seas. Shanghai. ing himself as "an average - . Ky„ Dee. 10—(AP)—Tte sought to learn from the wltneae Meanwhile, the Jewish qNaauen ^ riddled body of Clils PntS! whether be used narcotics. 8. Move the date for beginning to charge of toe Orleans (toast serious to require hospital treat continued to hold a promtaaat niacn plylng it to the conditions of the Guard station, Identified toe rescued ment Rang( modem world. Pj5S*taggii eeal miner, was The defense lawyer tried to con- old age payments up from Jan. I, te Italian aeuvttlas to horns. tinue the dtacuaelon but Judge Me- 1843 to Jan. 1, 1840. ^ aa; William J. Bruce, captain; Tony Many other paaaengera ware Tba famous La Seals Opera Housna "Every poUUcal system, be It 4. Broaden B^rqueae, engineer; George H. VENIREMEN WILL democratic or autocratic, must con- Evoy twice announced "we’ll sus- . . thar act tir include treated for minor cute and brutaaa at XiUan took aU Jawtah sttbaeribern ttaually evolve, and In the last ra- pend here," adjourning court until immediately 3,600,000 seamen and Harris, Nils Anderson, William at the scene of tho accident near off lu list and refunded tbOIr axxMy. next Tuesday. workers In banks, charitable and Hayes. Paul Pltte. Jack King. Percy Holgate, 10 miles east of here. A number cf cultural a»«d aoet' \ smirce ths survival of democracy religious organtaatlons. must depend upon the which Qneatlon A Surpriae Loyde and Augustus Oady. Hayes REPORT TUESDAY The women were brought to _ groups also announcad tha > f a i t h It 5. Broaden the act later to In- and Pitts came ashore to toe trawl- inspires, and tba results which, deputy sherUf. taat July g. Sllberman bad testified for the Defiance hoapital by ambulanoa. A t- at Jawtah membera. through faith, It can achieve.” * state that he paid Kemp $37367 "In «ude, probably In 1841, an esU- er's dory. All came from Greater tendants said their condition waa mated 6,000.000 farm * and domestic Boston. not serious. ^ "Democracy must have the ™™*«*™pr^8LOWBD. ®*ah" aa hta ahare In the commla- worksrt. OBT8 SCANT M A J O B n strength dt the best tempered steel, slons on 37 Parkway land sales and Ashore In Fog Prediclmi Made It Win R. M. Shaw, who drove the am- Paris, Dec. 10—(A P )—FteoH s . r- *•» Doe, 18,—(AP)— 6. Provide that payments to mar- The Andover, a 83-foot single not rigid but supple," he added. "It ?»* Into the waa under cross-examination when ried men (over 65) be 810 more a bulance to the wreck reported eight Datadier carved out a saw bat must have tba strength o f the hlgb C« New Keogh's sudden question, "do you screw vessel built in 1980, Is owned of the train’s 10 ooaches were de- fragUa majority In tha Oumbar of eat form o f dlsctpUne—self disoi- HamgsMis nsonth than those to single men. by (teneral Seafoods CorporaUon Take Uolil Christnaa Te Depart- taka druga, Mr. Bllberman?” caught (Thus the top limit for married railed. Some o f tbeee, he aald, Deputiaa today. aii^ m pllne." —- .** AgitonBura today reported. the courtroom by surpriae. She plied up on the beach ohorUy plunged deep into mud at the base carry on his strike mms ms would be 885 a month and the before 3 a,m. to a dense fog. Eden’s remaifcs were repeatedly **"**0py employed In While Bllberman smiled at the of embankments. fight against Italy’s colonial stelil- Interrupted by applause aa be light- bottom $30. The Umlte for sinile Captain Bruce, who described Pick WaterimrT ' hiT- wve^ag trees tor the holiday suggestion and ataook hta head neg- men would be $75 and 810.) Engtaiee Bemain On Track ened hta defense of democracy with tove been employed on storm blmself aa *'an old Scotsman," aald atively Prosecutor L o ^ W. WUlta Tha tatter provlalbn waa decided The ambulance operator aald two Tha "atrong man” ef Fraaee, quips on the American revoluUon bebUHatlee work. It was i to a radiophone conversation with nevertheless, appeared to ba tha po- and English tradltUms.' shouted an objection and Judge Mc- upon. It waa understood, to reduce Waterbury, Dec. 10.—(A P ) — A engines which drew the limited re- Ajtont ttepse trees, nadamaget Evoy aaked atemly toe total amount which opention toe Assocleted Press toat "It look- Utlcal prisoner of hta own divld ^ "We in Britain know full well SsptomlMs ataraa have I ed pretty bad for a while." He said batch of 100 new veniremen w ill re- mained on the tracks. "What ta the purpose of that of the Insurance system will coet. port to the Superior court next "The steel cars eank almost five Radical-SodaUat party. that we are no paragons,” ha aald question, Mr. KeogtaT” toat wavea occasionally rolled laughingly.' *Tf we happen to for- beginning In 1840, and tfaua free Tuesday when state and defense feet In the mud and many paaeen- In a riotous ssaston at tha Chaa- 3id This ‘ "The purpose ta that at times ha some funds to help finance toe pro- high as hta pilot house before toe ber which tasted unttl 3:35 ajn., the get It a moment aomeona will bs veaael went ii^fround. altomeys resume, for the third gera wera helped out through win- appears to be vary, very slow in an' po^ ^ aids to wives, widows week, the teak of picking a jury dows," Shaw said. best Datadier could wring ftote the to remind ua of It We ac- about a arilSea I r and ■^^•ntrnss. and children. ledge of couraa that there are * • • ■wering.” ba replied. to hear the trial of U eut Oov Nearly all paaaengera were taken quarrellteg, ahoutteg deputies waa a WiS Need Other Funds. ay chequered pages In our long POUCBBIBN fWFBB BLOOD “84ay I aay to you that Is a very Frank Hayea and 31 others, charged to Deshlar, about 35 miles east of majority at 74 votaa out of ths ary. One o f 4he worst concema Informed persona said tola phase with conspiracy. chamber’s 61A WaAlagtaa. Dee. 18— (AF) — (Deal of toe expanded program, will raise herd, and there boarded another fu r dealings with you IM years Mara ttan ». aearu of cM tal poUee- Ua Itags rwo) MEMEL NAZIS CRY With the trial sterttog Its usual east-bound train, Shaw aald. Tba vote of confidence was 81S to to such an extent, however, three-day week-end recess today, 241. ago.” » afleted thalr bla^today to At Akron, Division Superintend- TBEA8DBT BALANCE toat toe government probably would only half ja Jury had been chosen wm Destined to Emergencies bereave a hrsthai aSleeTtalot by ent W. C. Baker said the cause of Hta new majority baaad on have to put in funds from other and It waa freely predicted it would In another vein, Etaen said •eetbar patralmaa. Patiulmaa the derailment had not been deter- conservative aupport, rangtoh all know we are destined, |p our land •ourcM unless the aoclal security IS HACK TO REICH' the way from hia own modarataly ^*!?i**^ MShnaa . 87, waa wounded poSttoS^’the Treasury Dec. S'. tax aystem was revlaed. and In our time and In our geoers' CTffleal^ taat night la a aselee which (OoaUaiMid on Page fwo.) tttanttened on Pnga Two.) oonservatlva party to the axtraaa ttoa. to Uve in a period of emer' Brecalpts. 813,44036635; expen- euggested solution, tbev taOowed aa attampt by Patrolauui 833,068,174.77; net bali^M , Id, waa that ths Increased coats right French Social Party—OoL gency of which none can aee the Walter D. Ward to hnK a dght la a TYanoota De L a Roeqiash gmm at end.” •998f®s 83360,443393.71. C u ^ m s receipts be divided equally among partici- Germaos In Uthoaiiia FiO for the month, $7,830308.80. pating employera and employee and ■eml-Faactata. "If tbroughout that teatlng tima," the government. Each worker now Solld^r Oppoaa Prswriar ha added, "howsoever long or abort covered la taxed one per cent of bis Area Witli Slogans, Uni- Suggest Placing Narcotic The Soctallate and OonutoMlete, It may be. we bold fast to our faith, salary and an squal sum ta paid by who formerly Joteeu with the cradle It la stone, and set steel to hta emnloyer. Radlcnl Socialtate to fo m ths pao- dtfend It we can iret hand on onr Exploding Star May Turn The Council membera were report- form On Eve Of Election. Addicts On State Rations ple’a front, voted acidly Mntost taheritanco of freedom. Intact to tae Datadier. generations that are to come.” ed to have decided against any re- Bden emphaataed that "a r-*—* vision of the tax ayatem at tola Mm« 77m premier aeemed to bo fiseed Night Into Day For Earth hacauae they believed changes could Memel, Lithuania, Dec. 10.__(A PI San Francteco. Dec. 10—(A P )—As. "Moet addlcU would rather go to With three pcasible roads—nil On Pngs nan) be worked out more Intelligently —Memel Germans, having •tartUng auggeatlon that narcotic f jail”, ba “ *'• "because-k—... they__”, know____ fraught with danger; 4ct«i|.3l>aratlone for two or to# I.lOO square mUea o f toelr seml- addicts )>e placed on rations, under toey cant ba cured. Spadn doea 1—He may oontteuo srith tho Washington. Dac. 10.—(A P ) — ’ It to also three years. autonomoue territory for toe first medical aupervtalon, and the State its best, but while narcotics can be present shaky majority. > probable that the crab Hospital at Spadra be scrapped as a 3—He may ask PrtaldMt Lahiim Someday, aatnooomara o f tho Gox^ nebula and ita central______atar are the The Idea of paying tor tha funerals with Naxi slogans and nnl- ^•uioved from the body they cannot useless expense te under conaldera- be removed from the coteA” and the Senate to diaaolva the Io A F £ T y S O N N L T aegta laatltuUon o f Washtagton aay, remmante of one of the giant cxplo- of workers In the low-ln-come group fo ^ , today ended toelr tenae cam- ■lona o f a super-nova which appear- was decided upon, it waa askt in paign for tomorrow's Diet elecUona Uon by (tellfomia’s Democratic Would Prevent Crime Chamber aitd go back to the pao- a atar fat tha milky way may ex- govemor-elact, (hilbert L. Olson. pla for new alccttanai added. No order to take toat financial burden with a warning that they would de- The enforcement chief aaaerted plods, throw off light equivalent to Mh« evidence of star eruptlona haa off famUlea Uttle abto to baar tt. mand fetum to Germany. A spokea- The unusual prcg>oaal came from his belief such a system as ba pro- 8—He may resign te the hona.nf that of 100 moona, and turn tha. ’‘*o**> found In the Earth’s salaxv The Council membera wera repre- maa for Nasi leader Ernst Neumann William O. Walker, enforcement posed would put a stop to crimes forming a new goveraoMiit MMd aarth’o night Into day tor weaka, w Indications an that they occur only aanted aa hoping their recommenda- aald toe demand would be raised “to chief of the State Narcotics Di- committed by addicts te order to on more aoUd ground. months. once in about 600 years. U i e ^ tions for "Uberaltalng” the Social a manner which cannot be overlook- vtaloo, who frankly atates hta belief obtain narcotics, and would isave all narcotic users are Incurable.

^GSTWO MANCH£»TER EVEMNO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10,1988 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10,1988 ABOUm W N A NEW OADOn PAGE’ CHURCHES A match comompany has Intro- FiaUk Webster, Mrs. Oaatano REVISE SCHEME Weakly I Better Values At Your The Creacent Serenaders of which duced a new s^e Isafety match OBITUARY U.S. REFUGEES i Slmoncelll, and Mias Sarah Monag- HT. M A R T n OHCRCU Miss Gladys U Carlisle and H. Bu- that cornea in small paper pack- h ^ The hoateasea: Mra. Bruce Rev. damea Stuart NelU, Rector agsa, given with aalsa of olgar- Beal, Mra. Wilfred Kent, Mrs. Loula tene Freemaa of this town srs attaa, which revaraaa tha alda on Snith. and Mrs. Charles Rlvenburg. members, wUl play over radio station FOR MOBILIZING AT RULING ARE ' The Stn o f Covetousness Sunday, December lU h—Third! which imatchea are aeratohed. ■m m Our choir has been rshearsing for ^lanchestar Public Market WTIC tomorrow afternoon at 3:45 t- 'Sunday in Advent. Tha old packagaa bad tha part Mrs. I cals Chagaot a w e time a beautiful cantata which ______p. m. that the matches aiw aoratched they will present on Christmas Sun- 9:30 a. m.—Church school. Men's ENTIRE NATION Mra. Mary A. (Sheridan) Cbag- SOUTH DULTHODIST CHURCH THE SALVATION AEMY By WHJJAM B. OILROT. DJX Raiada. ba Bible Class. on under the cover, which often AOt, 43, wife of Louis Cbagnot, died FREED_AT LAST Eari E. Story, D. D„ BUalstor day night You wUl wish to hear It BY S im iD ARNE AdJutaat and BIre. Oeorge E. 10:^0 a. m.—Morning Prayer and Oar owBsra have again been want' resulted In other matebeo catch- so watch for a later announcement Editor Of ASvaaes TaoS; ^ ^ ^ I Shop With Confidence « b) la TalcottvUla last night shortly aft- Sermon. Sermon toplo: "Bible." ed to securely lock their parked ing Are. The now package car- er 6 o*alock. (O atrinned frasa fO gs Oss^) 10:45 a. m. Morning worahto sod aa to the exact time. The Story So Far: A witch, who Oqvatouaaaaa gaay ba tba — — w CENTS automobiles when they are left un- rtas tha inatruction to turn ovar The tenth Commandment la ly ^ naottvs at self aaaWng, 4:00 p. m.—Evening Prayer and •Jtpresaed tha opinion that tha new B m ia WiBhlagtoa. D. CL. the sermon with Dr. Story preaching. Saturday, open air nMetlag at la wmebody’s evil spirit has been Sermon. Sermon topic: “Art Thou." attended In parking placea Three the package for striking tpaca. to Hunaa province, rsaartad OM'”^ Subject: 'The Knowledge of the bothering Princess Huldia at San- against covetousness, and here, as when one wouM put tt upon >: ; ROASTING PORK, RIB CUT, EXTRA FANCY, 18e L R , ^ngreaa should give special atUn- daughtsr of ths Uto Mlohart and 7:80 p.m. Prophetic Studies in the EMANUEL LUTHERAN Iaae of JuaUos. 'nss la in m Monday, 6:90 p. m.—Junior obolr cars have been stolen this week, and By turning over the package tlo.-i to assuring raadlnaaa for war. Julia (Daly) Sharidan, aha moved launches rspuliM after a sharp an* Lord.” Universal Bible Sunday ob- ta’s Toyshop. The ermine have a in toe former leaaon, Its teaching is police are Investigating this new gagamant hall at 8 pjn., “Prophecies of the Esv. K. B. Erickson, Pastor plan to capture the witch. £I ^ s t ^ of the BMa wiM f STEWING OYSTERS. IN FRESH TODAY ... ,25c PT. rehearsal. a aafar way to atrlka the Rapresantatlve Stamas (D „ Ala.), with her parents rriisn a amaU servance. MuBlcal program by the Ufe of JeauB.” emphasised in a story taken from 7:30 p. m.—OIrls' Friendly society. wave of joy riding In other people's A t tha asms Urns, Japaaaae ia* ' choir. to Jaaus, aaktaf Him to hnsw matches la found, and la appro- mambar of tha Houaa Military to Beltoa making bar homa Sunday, 11:00 a.m. — HoUneaa Sunday School and Bible Classes toe New Testament and In a vary Tuesday, 7:00 p. m.—Boy Scouts. property. elatad by Uioaa who hava baan fantry south of Youohow rtUcked 9:80 a. m. Church school. CUaases CHAPTER SEC brothar dtrida tha tahasttaaos with ^ OYSTER CRACKERS...... Vt-LB. PKG. 7c; 2 FOR 13c Approprlatlona Committee, said to- town until about 35 years ago meeting, subject "The Word of the at 9:30 wise homily by St. Paul In hla let- 7:30 p. m.—Choir rehearsal. bumad tha old mathod. day that ha eonstBarad industrial tha tomUy caaM to Maachaatar to Chlnaaa poalUons along tha Plaklang for all ages. him. Wa do not Imow an tfea cir- Uving God,” Adjutant Anscomb^ Morning Worship at 10:45. Ser- The Trap. ter to Timothy. cumataacis or dotalta, but Josh 'Wednesday, 3:30 p. m.—Girls’ r. B. Wstklne of South Mata ------0> mobUlaaUon ada tha provtdlnB of livGe ohG w u W0II Rad favorably river without stleeeas. ' 4:30jx m. The Ourtatmaa Can- mon: "Prepare the Way." The Friendly oiuididates. street, la spsadlng hla 20th eon- tata, "The Adoration", by Nevln, speaker. When the arat long Snger of It would eeem obvious, in a avldsBtfy sanaad ths tact thst this ' MANY EXTRA SPECIALS AND EXTRA CLERKS! modam ordnance "our prlma need known to many la Msaokastsr. A ft- Belated Chinese reports told oc’~ Emanuel Choir will alng, moonlight reached through the Thursday, 6:30 p. ra.—Girl Scouts. secutlvs wlatsr at hla winter home, and graataat prohlam." er her msrrism to Louis Chagaot Ssroa Sghtlag sairUar In tha week la ' wiU be presented by a chorus choir 9:80 a.m.—Aunday SchooL elaaa primitive society where tha condi- msa waa potoonias hla awu V ta ^ Mra John Brasauakas, 53 North Instruction for all ages. The Beethoven Male Chorus will ^®y***°P windows that-night Hulda some fa te asaaa oC lajuattes or t e ^ NO WAITINO! DIAL 5137 FOR FREE DELIVERY. SaturdlUr, 10:00 A m.—Oonflrma- 2030 Tenth street North, S t Peters- atraat, Mias Edith Carllala, N Noi^ Ha aasartad thara waa a praAsing aha coatlBuad to make her homa in SOutk ihaasl provlnoe, where ths under tha direction of Ann Strick- tions affecting all were very much tlon Class for gltls. burg, FlorldA naad for additional mualtlcos planU ManohSatar unUI three years ago land with Anton Luko, vioUnlat and 2:00 p.m.—Hospital visitation. alng at our service Sunday evenlnr ^ allpped out- alike, that wherever a man sought soma oovstooa apMt. So-Ha- oihL man atraat, Claranoa LaO iu ^s, 15 town of Sunlnitaun, north of Unfen.9< at 7 o’clock. The Pastor wlU speiS ?‘**® 9«let>y that no one beard who mada aw a jodgs or a 11:00 A m.—Cenflrmation Class to tha southsaat. wart and O ^ t when she and her husband moved to was asld to havs changed handa-J Jerome Scheul, ceUlst, aa a—intiiiff 2:15 p.m.—Band on the march. ______spesk to grab more than hla fellows to get US m s s j o a g s o r a Mints Court, Thoodoro Marka 316 3:00 pjn.—Praise msetlng, mes- on the theme "The Bible”. her. There sat the whole ermine diridar ovar youT">oT" RIt waa la tMs for boyA ' Ths Polish Amariean club wtU ■ohool MrsoL bs aald, TaloottvUla. twice In a two*day battle. - i artlata. Thla program is sponsored unusual advantage or when ba be- Sunday, December 18th— 1:00 p. hold Its annual masting with slsotloa all but one of the major munitions by the Epwortb Leegue. sage by Rev. (Tharlea O. Johnson. We hope for a good attendance at family on the doorstep, all of them c M e eager of poaaeaalng what coonsetioB that He " pnriiculai^ j H s o h u ^ yastarday: MrA Survlvihg bar, la addltloa to her Aaother Japaneae Column, south with their paws to their mouths phasted the a la ______m.—Christmas Pageant. Carol Fes- of offtesrs and othar bualasss of tm- Plants In tha eouhtry ia In tha Nla- buebaad, la a aoa, Louis P. Chag- T:S0 p. m. Union serviee at the 6:00 p.m.—Y. P. Legion, diacua- both services. All are welcome. others could not have toe whole 1 of eovetouaaaaa naS tival Service for the Church School. portsnes. tomorrow at 18:15 noon. Martin Alvord and Infant son. 73 tlya amaU aaetlon northaart of PhU- of Unfan. was aald by tha Cblnasa^'' saying, "Sh-sh.” social structure would be very the fact that a tmm'm Ufa not; three steters, Mrs. Charles Pa- to have BUffared heavy >»5tMalt1«e in ' North Methodiat church with MUa alon subject "Jesus the Water of The Bvery-Member Canvass will The Young People's Fellowship .Stanisy Dsladua Is praaldsnt of ths Mathar atraat, Arthur BehoAtId, 13 adalphla sAd hanaa munitions output Angela Morgan, eminent poet Life,” Emily Hanna and Agnes be held Sunday afternoon. All, They beckoned to Hulda to fol- greaUy weakened. If we could see coaairt in the abuadanea at Bank atraet, Andraw Hoaly, Buek- quetts sad Mra. Matthew Moriarty. an ambush. * FOR YOUR PLEASURE TONIGHT — BY REQUEST will conduct a Canvass for pledges club. ba “partlaularly vulnanbla of Manobastor, aad Mrs. Thomas speaker. Leggett leaden. ^ u n g and old, please remember to low and then they crept quietly our complex society today with things that ha poaaassad. laad atraat 1& t l l A G o f WRT. Ha procoadad tbod to ten tte RABBIT A LA CEVETTE among tha young people In the Par- X«»Men: thtea brothsra, A cordial welcome to all to wor 7:00 p.m.—Open air service at the be at home to the committee, which to a big holly bush clear vision, wo woiUd understand ish, during the month of December A daughter, Loma Ana, waa bom E>aatk: Yastarday, MrA Ruth A vlgoraus flfht wOl ba mada in Mlwaal Sharidan of Maachaater, ship with Ul. Center, and march to the citadel, will call Sunday afternoon. All can- where they aat down In a circle that covetousness is jus- as deep atoiy at too atwceaaftil fenaar. S ' AIM Vx Broilera Ravioli on Novsmbar 33, to Mr. and Mrs. Cross, 43, of ths Greta Lodga Homa. m w CMigraaa. Btamaa said, for Barnard Shsridsa of Chelasa, Maas., 2 WOMEN INJURED Tho 7:30 p.m. — Salvation meeting, vaaaers------please be sure . to be ' on the snow. Hulda plied and deadly a sin today as It aver man who waa going to pun down Uoyd Wilson, Orsen street, Hart- Hlddla 'Tumplka East aaUbllabmant of a muatUons fac- Monday—2:30 p. m., PhlUlp Em church Sunday morning. springy pine branches and aat waa, and that It Is toe destroying hsraa and build grsatar aad Tenderloin Steak with Freeh Mushrooms and Paul Sharidv of Marldan. meesage by Adjutant Anaeombe. them. «d ^ ate eBjoyaMBt eat of IW B f H l- $207 RELIEF COST DROP ford. Mrs. WUaon waa tha former IMaoharged today: Mrs. Horaca tory and ebsmlcal warfars plaat In Ihe funaral wA ba held from the bury group. "Bible Treasures Rediscovered." The annual Christmaa party of forc6 bo&Mtb much of our ooctEl to- Pried Oyrters Steamed Clams MISS Dorothea Hynes, daughtsr of Fiald and Infant ton, 39 Bummtr tha southaastam aria, aa wall as IN TRAIN CRASH 6:30 p. m.. Chib Pack. "Now," said the blggist ermine. equalities and Injusltca. things that ha had bunt up' o¥rt homa of her brother, Mlehaal Sbert- This Sunday we will ohaerve the Brotherhood will be held Tuea- many yaara. Tha auqcesafu fhrtolr Clnms and Oysters On the Half Shell Jamsa P. Hynes of Eldildgs street atraat Mra Charloa PoatteoUl, 93 alrMwIy au- daa of 11 Division attost, Mdaday (OBottaraad fraaa Page Dna.) 6:30 p. m.. Girl Scouts. Universal Bible Sunday. The Band day evening at 8 o'clock. Members "Now what?" asked Hulda. C^ovetouaneas U a social aln, but Tliroift nCURED FOR NOVEMBER this towA Hoaoatoad otroot tborlaad for that aactloa. 7:45 p. m., Men's Friendship Club, ^ probably no b r t t ^ . RUPPERT AND HANLEY’S ON TAP momUg at 10 o'clock wltk a fuasral wUl'take charge of aU services on and friends are cordially welcome. ■ "m Mi*. Saving Guard meeUng at 7:30 p.m. °y p fy “ d Spanish etory teUera and ^row It over the chimney aUcka may create all manner of diatreaa traanirs ia banvaa, tbars _____ ich Tm i- the October toUl of 38,645. Novem- Mrs. Ruth Cotton crross, wife of land waa released a few houih 4:00 p. m.. Brownies. and social Injustice by hla covatoua- ber's expenditure amounted to 38.- Girl Scout leaders will hold a OF HER CHESTNUTS b^n started already by Mordlnatlon later. 7:00 p. m.. Boy Scouts. Senior Band practice at 7:80 p.m. tollowlng. Aprons tbe morning there ihe’ll be. tev# 1^ so«M aatjafiartloa b a 'S of Fedaral enforoemant aganiea^ Joseph Ooes of 141 Highland atraat, Wednesday, Y. P. Legion — n •no pot bolners will be on tale, and ■*** cornea around, caught In tho “ «••• he doe. U tba ate sooM roal *»— »P‘n« very tough weba. He'U lights up the web the witch will ■ad te- • Both month's totals for this fall extent of the challenge that con- telligence branohea. Batlmatea of the number 'of pea* >. Beethoven Male Chorus be along shortly.'' handkerchief, then big aa a aheet, were above last year November The Woman's AuxUiary of St. fronts ua, and to be conscious of our They are Ruth O. and EUsabeth C. sengera on the train varied from i ■ WlU apeak on: "A Large Life In 7:30 p.m. Holiness meeting at 7:30 I see It." Then ehe shouted, "Oh It la on tha Justice Department p.m. toen big aa ten sheets, and then moon, please go away. Wo are try- or the Sow sums, whsn only $7,902 was speiit. Mary'* churcJi has plaaasd a food own ohortcomlngA are both necea- Cross aad Robert H. Croee, aU of 100 t o 185. . Uttle Place." And sure enough over the anow nnally trig aa your backyard. It GIVEN ^ S C O U T S DTUACKFLAIOnir that tha duty of actually famttng Friday—2:80 pim.. W. H. M. 8. at ^esday. Chapel Choir, 6:15. ing to catch the witch that broke '1 4 • ing tg m g t Worth Up To $4.85 Each The plaesmsnt of many unsmpl^- sale to be held In Hale'l store on aary. But to be conacloua of ahort- thla town. Sba also laavaa bar Trainmen expressed beltaf tiio Thursday, G O ef aub, 7:80. came a big, gray spider winking waa thick and ane and it shim- ed on WPA proJsoU laUly baa aldsd December 31. Proceeds will be de- oominga la not to proclaim that we out suspects falU heaviest, sad pre- mother, Mrs. Robert C>>tton, four tender behind tha aeoond of two lo- ( tha church. Mrs, CUrl Nyman and MANCHESTER AND VERNON hla left eye wisely. He waa pleased up things In the Toyshop last lAe through sumably tha principal incraaaas will raday, Emanuel Cliolr, 7:30. mered In toe moonlight. Finally night." Esther PitkiR Ts Be SeeR IB WM Moead In reducing the town's dlrsct relief voted to church work. art falnt-heartad, still lesa to oug- slators and a brother Ih Iraisad. comottvu was deraUad, causing thA- Mrs. Lydia Gilmore, boateseea. Mem' ~ PARISH to help catch the witch because too aplder broke off toe thread Now you can get rid of thoM smooth, worn tires and gaot that wa ara decadant. Lat me ba sought for the O-Man of tha Funeral servleaa wUl taka place ears to leave tha rails. bers are reminded to bring gifts for Methodist Eplaeopnl witches were always brushing and drew a long breath. "Oh, that’s It, Is It?" said toe Court Of Honor Holds De- H igh School Pfaijr Or DocMte Britain, coats, but with pressnt cuU In WPA Federal Bureau of tovaaUgatloa. the missionary box. s. 8. XmM program. 10:00. moon, "Of courae." And he reached he 8uaa e»> get a good price tor them. Enjoy Safe Driving This personnel being made. It Is consider- Ik e Arst annual dinner dance of say this with all emphasis." Monday at 2 o'clock at tha Thomas Mrs. Shaughnaaay'a husband, a fa* Rev. WUUam T. Wallaoe, BUalator Mwn his cobweb when they Sew "Whee-ee." he said, 'Tve never ber 15. the poatofflee employees and their Speaking of "certain standards Under usual procadura, tha Army Q. Dougan Funeral Homa. Rev. tired raUroadar, aald: , Saturday—6:45 p. m., Choir re- by on their brooms. worked that hard." out his arms down tbe aky and M e e a p o Md Winter With . . . ed posalble that Maneheater too will hearsal. picked up a little gray cloud that cember S e s m At Soitb r capItaHeta get a cut, and this may throw more wives will be held this evening In In which we believe and which we u d Navy turned ovar to tha Justice James Stuart Naill, rector of st. "It waa tha worst wrack I ’ve aver Sunday at Vernon: Aeoond coNOBEOA'noNAL All Eight Legs, Hulda tied toe laat knot, pinned Eathor Pitkin, daughter of Ut. the Hotel Sheridan. There wiu be will not yield up," Eden aald: Department any avldanca of asplon- Mary’s Eplacopal church, of which seen. Thera waa lots of confuston. Notes 9:80 a. m.—Regular morning serv- ___ _ _ CHURCH he wrapped tightly about hU head. and Mrs. Winiam Pltkla at S4 PR- I o r al l an* expense on the town allotment. Hembera of the (tourch School "Good evening and good luck," toe magic needle In her dress and In a twinkling the aky was coal or the canal no speaikng program and the eve- aga their offlees uncover. Mrs. Cross waa n memher, win offl- Woman ware•• ^iawSMia-. aoreaming and___ pas* ice with the minister in charge. Ferris B. Reynolds, Ph. D., Minister he said as he came up. He bowed stKtched. "I never have either," she Methodist; The Awirds. Mn atrert plays the port of do* ning will he given over to enter- elhtc and burial WUl ba ia the Bast aenganwera* Jammed ' between "UiMi.7 who are to contribute money for the , Sunday at Manchester: black. Hulda and toe ermine kept teat or tbolr White Gift program are reminded to with all eight of his gray legs said. "But now how can we get listening for the witch. The aplder 1 MILLER IMPERIALS tainment. Forty-two reservations VENIREMEN W U L ~ cemetery. seats as thaI _Uighta_____ want out and the. 9:30 a. m.—Regular aeasion of the Morning worship at 10:45. Sermon “Good evenirfg,” said Hulda and ali tola web up over tbe chimney? The have been made for the Arst get- coaohaa rolled over. bring the aame thla Sunday. The u . wlnlster on the subject, "The moon la getting high." waa hiding on toe roof In a chim- ■ wt aanm Personal Notices White Gift service wUl be held on church school. tbe ermine family. ney crack. Suddenly there waa a A total of twanty-aaven merit a I-lat Allowanci together of the Civil Service work- "Man and women were in their ^ 10:45 a. m.—Special morning wor Hand of God In Human Ufe." Spe- In No TlnM at AO. oortthoatlqn ers group. JUDGE REBUKES lUfht clothaa.*' Sunday morning, December 18. cial music by the choir. "Let’s hurry," said the aplder. a crumpling sound right ^ g e s waw awarded at tho Daeam* nob Tlmlala 8iia Prica for Old Tl Net Coat REPORT TUESDAY >UNBRALS F i ^ w ercbiglt along the rail- ship service with sermon entitled: Prriude. Adagio. Relncke. "Witches always atari to tty when toe spider. on toe ToysKop roof. Hulda and ter o ^ o n of tbs Court of Honor of CARD OF THANKS T h e Ttmelese (toepel.” Special You help me carry It to toe Tov- 4-TBzlft Saeanaeea 110.85 62.20 8 8.65 The annual communication of (CanUaMd from Page One) Mrs. Thenana J. Hnddaak road right of Way to warm THE CEI4TER CHURCH Anthem’ How Beautiful Upon the the moon tope that tallest pine the ermine couid hear toe patter ot Manchester Council, Boy Scouts of ‘•'® music: ______I'll Just start spinning, and ahop. I'll crawl up the wall with the aplder'a feet. Then they heard sisxi? aaanaaena 12.35 2.50 9.86 (ONMll) Lcnnarrt wish to thank tholr Manchester Lodge. No. 78. A. F. A KEOGHFDRHINT Tbs funeral ef Mra. Thomas J. •hlvarlim pasaangem befora (Oongregatlonal) Mountains, Marker. one end. and you puah the rest up Amsriea, at toe South Metbodlat frl^nai and relatlvsa for the eiiprts* A. M. will be held at the Masonic take until Chriatmaa to get the re- wars taken to nearty towns. Rcw. Watson Woodruff. Prelude—“AUegro” ...... King a harsh, squeaky voice say, "Let church last night, and Ltfa Scout 5.25x18 ••aeaaaea 12.85 2.60 10.2.'» ■mna of klndneaa and aympathy In Haddock of 37 FairSeld atraat will mens.Postlude. Marche Pontlflcale ’ Lem- |P "tort 'f‘12* sewing.” to me.” That’s what they did. And Temple Tiieeday night at 7:30 maining six members. ha held thla afternoon at 2 o'clock Roy McKinley of Oarrett, tod.. Anthem—"Joy to the World" . me out of here. Help!" honow wew presented to Elmar at tbMr MH 5.50x17 ananaseen 13.95 2.80 their recent bereavement. In no time at all the spider had K. r. LRONARD. o'clock. Reports of various com- The new panel waa drawn yeatcr- at her heme, with Thomas 'Tuak was the conductor. Morning worship 10:50. S er ...... Brackett Mite Sunday Schedule He crouched down and, started It was the witch. She was wsden and John R. Mrnaak, both of mittees will be heard and bualnesa AT DRUG'HABIT Offertory—"Prayer” ...... HUler crawled back and forth tugging cau^t. The aplder had pulled up 4.00x16 aaeaeeeea 15.70 3.20 12.50 day after the original panel of 172 offlctatlng aad burial la tha Beat moo by the minister. Everyman’s class at 9 :15. j . , spinning a fine thread. Hulda took Troop 25, this award being given for (Oanttanad traaa Paga Ona.) hero and there until there was a all toe comers of hla web and toe 6.00x17 •aaeaaeee 16.15 3.25 12.90 transacted. Election of officers had been reduced to 36 during two 04ttiat4iye The music: Poetlude—"Poetlude" ...... Batiste BruM Morford, Persminel Manager It and threaded her needle, and floa. gray sheen of web hanging earning ten merit badges. for the coming year win follow. weeke of examination. The court Prelude, Proclamation 4:30 p. m.—Members of the Blp- of toe Veeder-Root. Inc., speak^ although she had never mi^e a witch was held fast In the trap. 6.25x16 aaaenaaee 17.55 3.55 14.00 oSenaiva and uacaiiad tor raaUulL" The baikrera wUl be WUUam Pat- ... .Dlggle over the chimney. The nwaenUUon was ms4 e b r excused 34 of ths original 171 be- taraoa, Marvin Briekaon, WUUam Manchester Anthem—Look on the wortb League are Invited to attend Church School at 9:80. spider web, the needle seemed to 6.50x16 aneeaeaee 19.35 3.90 15.4.% Major John O. Mahoney was Ji^ge McEvoy told Kaogh, ampba- Then they all ran back and hid Monday: HoMa makes a dreea. Tloyle, aoslstant oommta- fore examlnatlone began, tha de- HaU, Robert McMuUen, John Parry Fields ...... Rogers the Christmaa Musical at the South Nursery at 10:45. sloner of Hartford CouneU. who oat ji7JK)xl6 ahesaaeea 21.00 4.20 16.H0 SPECIAL!! elected preeldent of the Holy Name fense used 44 of Its 178 pre-amptory you wlU Hymn-Anthem, This Is the Day kindly refrain from that kind of and Jamea Bums. Methodist church. The 6 o'clock de- 6 M*“ “ * *’*®P*®’* '*• X- society at on tha Board with Chairman Roy 7,50x15 •eeeeeeea 24.20 4.85 19.35 For Tht HolidhyR Only! Society of St. Bridget's church at challenges, the sUte, with an equal Date Book of Ligh t...... Spiess votional meeUng wUl be omitted. wMlhai the annual meeting of tha society conversation In thla ease. U not. the recolleotlona of Scantlc and Wind- Mercer, Alvah Rueaell, Hayden Gris- uumber, uaed 87 and 35 veniremen Mr*. Prank Nlchela Postlude, Alia Marcia 7:30 p. m.—Happy Hour service Tko Waok DR. ENGLISH PREACHES BorvlUe. dd.* A HandMmt Ottoman Free! held In the church baeement laat were excused by tha court for court wlU Uke acUon." In D ...... Hackett Monday at 7:00, Boy Scouts wold end Richard Smith. Ttoop 4’/ iTheee are first line tires and carry the famous Miller to hla questioning yesterday Tha funeral of Mra, Frank Nich- Toalgkt . with opening hymn aing, featuring A cornet solo will be renderte by mss MORGAN'S RECTTAL of the South church otagad an la* Lifetime Guarantee. night. Other otTIcers elected were cause, eeveral of them claiming to ols, who died Thursday night at tha Dec. 10.—Basaar at PulaaM hidl The Church School, 9:30. Miaa Angela Morgan, resident poet Tuesday at 7:00, Girl Scouts. And tTp Vice-president, Henry Valllant; sec- Keogh brought up Bllberman's ap- m Harley Reed of Buckingham, Olaa- vestltuw cswmony as a apselal fan* 831.SO have formed an opinion on ths case Mancheaur Mamorlai boapital wUl by 8L John’s Junior Sewing Circle. 11 Men's Class, 0:80. of the Ogonta School, Rydal, Pa. Friday at 6:30, Choir Rebearaal. AT WINDSORVILLE retary, Francis Limerick; treasur- In which the lieutenant governor pearance b o on the grand jury and Next Weak The CTP club, 6:00. President, tonbury. The public Is cordially in- . IS E A G E R IY A W A IT E D tuw of tha Court, which wm bold asked the Stamford man if. In hla ba held at the W. P. Quiaa funeral Mias Morgan’s special music wUl In- vited to attend. its next meeting on January 20 n Hfito V i . ALSO REMARKABLE SAVINGS ON GOODRICH, RE-UPHOIJ9TER8 er, Thomas Moriarty; chaplain. and the other defendants are ac- Deo. 11.—Recital by Angela Mor- Peggy Woodruff. Leader of De- clude: dan “J w ra a r Rev. Frederick Clark. cused nf conspiring to defrauJ this taatimony before that body, "you home, 225 Mala street, Monday vo tion Marjorie Falrweather. SWE1H8B OONOREOATIONAL Sunday morning at eleven o'clock « badges wsw swarded as morning at 3:80 toUowed by a fu- gan, poet, at North Methodist Prelude— "Finlandia” ...... Blbells CHURCH Sunday night at 7:30 will be held * GOODYEAR AND FIRE.STONE TIRES ALL THREE PIECES city of over |1 000.000. denied you ever dlvidMl any com- church. « Leader of topic, Florence Dowling. toe morning worship service will be Noted Poet To Be At North r o n ^ ; Arthur Lawrence, Troop 47 Yon get Just oae standard of Ane Btral mass at St. Bridgat'a church Anthem—"How Beautiful Upon the 8. E. Green, Minister toe eighth In toe popular series of ta^calSilSIS f.50x21 .. C. E. Houas A Son have a large At least one of ths 100 new ve- mlaatons with Kemp or hla com- Dee. 12.—Charity card party, St. The Week. held. The paator. Rev. Streeter will Methodiat Church Tomor- handicraft, fiwmanohlp ate oafatv $ 5.79 workmanship la all. window display of pictures of the niremen is certain to be excused paoy." at 9 o’clock, with burial la St. Bridget's hall. Sunday, 10:43—Junior Choir Re- Mountaina" ...... Galbraith present the first In .a series of three Elden Wilson, Troop 47, handicraft, KENMORE TIRES Yes. air," SUberman aald. Brldget’a cemetery. ^ Offertory, Duet—"The King of Love English morning worship, 10-30 I N*****-" Wind- row Evening At 7:30. .5.00x19 5.89 All-American football team that promptly. He Is Deputy SherUr Dec. 13.—Pythian Slaters enter* hearsal. Dr. Charles Johnson of MMchester church. The Reverend Ur. Chriatmaa aermons. This week's firemanahip sad . aafaty; Edward I . Terms BaaUy Arranged | Orantland Rice, noted sports writer, Daniel B. Connor of Proapect, one You denied it tmder oathT” talnmant at Odd Fatlowa hall. Monday, 6:30—Cub Pack. Mr. My Shepherd la” " . S b e U e y sermon la entitled "In the Days of Rlchydaon, Troop 47. flwmanahip; n fliornalil 1-YEAR .5..50X17 I No Down Payment Before 1939 | Mrs. Ruth Shedd Gwen will preach at this service. James F. EngUsh will be guest- Mlae Angela Morgan who will thUds, tha Uttla fVmieh ___ Id aoiraag^*' 0.82 baa salectsd for OolUtr's magaslns. of the attendants at the trial. continued. Dee. 14.—Bridge-tea at T. 3L CL' Lynn, Cub Master. Herod the King." Frank Mansfield, Troop 25, life aav* It hae been Connor's duty the past "Yes, sir." SUEZ CANAL DEMAND Monday, 8:00—Loyal Circle, the Mias Marlon Browning Sunday school, 12:00. preacher. give a poetry wcital Sunday evening ths fortheomthg Book ate Bi bo a o t t i o t h a GUARANTEE 0.00x10 8.57 A., auspices Memorial Hospital Supper ate Sale Ing, camping, poultry keeping, tana production of Sam Jaaaayhi tta in North ^ two weeks to escort the veniremen Had Agreed On Testtmony auxiliary. King’s Daughters. Mystery ladies Poetlude— "War March of the The Ladles Aid society of the at 7:30 at toe North Methodist mechM h^ pstoflndlng: John R. 0..50xl6 10.20 Parlor Furniture Co. Into the court room as they have Previously, under WlUa' ques- revealed. Please bring something Prleata"...... Mendelssohn mantle malodramn, *T]te I HOSPITAL NOTES OF ITALY IS YOlCED Deo. 16.—Sock and BuaWa play, form of a hymn sing. The bistorv Oc^ectlcut (jonfewnw of Con- WindeorvUle Metoodiet church aw Mroaeh, Troop 25, stamp oellsctlag Flamingo." Bsthar is waS ki raeCharliit Upholstering' summoned, one by one, for quea- tioning, SUberman aald he had *»u»- "The * Black Flamingo”, at Hub . for Christmas basket. Ooesnore Notes of toe hymns will be given ^ gwgatlonal and Christian Oiurches, making plana for the annual Christ' pstoflndlng, camping and athlatlca: Cor. Charter Oak and Main Sts. Uonlng and last spring, while the ad with Kamp liafore appearing bs* School haU. ' School gifL Monday, 10:30 p. m.—Meeting of In Manchoatar for her draaadttnl run Wan ac* Admlttsd yesterday; Mrs. Rose Tuesday, 7:00—Choir rehearsal. Tuesday evening choir rehearsal w.** **** 8“ P«rtntendent of toe maa supper, sale and entertainment Frank ZImmermam Troop 26, flw- ahiUty. She plajrsd tba '--Wiw mini grand jury whose eba^iea led to the tore the grand jury arid had told BY LEADING DITOR Nutmeg TraU Ministers and wives 7:45. 'I Missionary Society of Connecticut. to be held Thursday evening, Dec, manahip, stamp oniecUng and read- >l«rtmitBB Phone 6018 Bcccio, 46 Norman street, Mre. Wil- arrest of the defendants on trial him ha would report that ha raoalv- Tuesday 7:00—Girl Reserves. la the "Paint ate Powder" pro ' If F n n ta ra In the Social room. Miaa Morgan will evening prayer serv-1 Ur. English Is a native of East 18, In toe church veatry. The cbirist- ing; wrniam Mansfield, Troop 85. Manchester, Conn. liam J. McCaughey. 71 Eldridge bare was holding Its deliberations on ed aU the commissiona on tha daila Tuesday, 6:80—Group 6, Mrs. speak Informally to the group, and Utloa of "Tba P a t»." ate hod aop-l > N u M o l h i l . SUNDAY AND MONDAY , - Windsor and is well known In tost maa supper tola year will be roast swimming: Allen Krob. Titxm i r BOLAND OIL COMPANY street, William Lewie, Eaeex street. Waterbury municipal affalra Con- be brokered. (OsaMaaii trene Page Oae.) Alexander, leader. Special meet- a basket lunch wiU be enjoyed. 7:00 porting roles to "Ths Old L a ^ l ■h gnoauen nor guarded the etalrway leading to Kemp told hUn "that was aU ing. Pot Luck supper. Robbins ^ evening, Dec. 17th, the locaUty. Hie father for many yeara pork with all the flxin’a. Supper will swimming; Elmer Weden, Troop 25, Uiowa Her Ifedals" a te "V _ _ 309 CENTER STREET THE NEW p. m.—Meeting of the Finance com- Yoimg People a ^ le t y will bold waa paator of toe Eteat Windsor be aeryed at 6:00. For sale will be pathfinding; Ralph Stone, Troop 18, ■iaoat place the aectlon of the courthouse r« right," the wltnasi aald. of Tunisian eltlea to pfavent the room commltte, Mrs. Wm. Montle mittee. 8:00 p. m.—Monthly meet tte^Doy," Sock ate Buakto prodaar] one. J Range Oil Phone 6320 Fuel Oil served for the Investigating body. "Was It true you racalvad ths ea- dAmonatrators from fattlnf out of Mrs. Robert Martin, Mrs. Aaron Christmas CongwgaUonal eburto at Scantlc fancy work, candy, Christmaa deco- ^tofindlng and athleUca; Robert Spare Bouoa bande (took. Ing of the Church OouncU. party at the church at 8:00 o’clock, 'and Dr. Engllah haa fond boyhote rations. The entertainment will be Prstt, Troop IS. cooking; Carl Ackerman, aoa o f Mr. i The new panel eonUlned the Ur* commissions T” wiuia asked. Tuesday, 6:30 p. m.—Supper meet- ■ubaetlhera Tonight! Dine and Dance! The Oak Grill Swlngnteri! names of 12 women and there are "No, It waa not." to Alglera. Arab and French rtu- CIRCLE Wednesday, 2;S0 — Women's seasonal and in keeping with the Spaulding, Troop IS. handicraft Mra F. J. Aokermaa e f 88 Wa JiOir OMBay. ^ t # took up tha cry against the OuUd. Miss Marlon Washburn In ing of the Church School Board, fol- Oiristffias feeUviUes. James Griswold, Troop 18. path worth street, has tha per at Foart j six women among the 26 persona Just before asking the question 3 — H a PBATUBC8 — 3 lowed by buaineas meeting, and aoei' i EXCELLENT FOOD AT ALL TIMES left to be questioned from the ortg about narcoUoa that Incurred the Faaeiat campaign of T im l^ charge. Christmas party host- Sndlng. tba foppioh gaUant at Urn Fm S i I Inal panel. Only men have beei. esses: Mrs. Loula Marie, Miaa Emllv Wednesday, 2:00 p. m.—Ladles’ court during the period of MSrial m aa^ul- MINES LIQUORS AND BEER j i ^ e e ^ t h . Keogh apparently Aid (Chriatmaa party a>. the church. picked Its jurors thus far and aoma tried to draw from SUbarman testi- /NO nONAPPIP THE CHANT ITH Houae. Mra. OUn Grant Mrs. Syd- Miss Mary F. Hackett to W ed Aatototte. Carrs naturalnaasi of the women who have been pre- mony that he and hla attracUva. ney Wbeaten. Mrs. MuaetU King- Hoateasea: Mra. McRae, Mrs. Fred HARRY FLAYELL HEADS SHIPPING IS WARNED ate abUlty to h r ^ oat -hto wMun TENDER NATIVE TENDERLOIN STEAK eented aa veniremen have been A al- red-haired-baircr Rife,...... a dally apactator la Mf i i l T maa, Mrs. John Leavitt, Mrs. Ray Smith, Mrs. Keith Johnston. 7:80 p. nwrous Unas tosuras a good m tion for "Popa" »)—NrenNa BROILERS IVith Mushroom Sauce lenged with hardly any questioning. the courtroom, were Uviiiig apart. FINE Cumins, Mrs. Elmer Widen, Mrs. m.—Choir rebaaraal. Ensign H. S. Bottomley, Jr. ■ aaw h i t However, both prosecutor Hugh The defense attorney aakad if Sadrick Straugban. Next Sunday evening at the H ^ LOYAL ORANGE LODGE OF STORMY WEATHER The Btocfc Flamingo" win bar H6 Thursday, 2:80—Meeting of Chamber j t No Matter M’hal Y’our Favorite Is M’ e H a v e M. Alcorn and dafenae attorneys pro- Mra. SUberman was not coming to SIATI py Hour aervlee, there will be a p r ^ t o d for the ganerol pnhito They*re H ere!! tested they had been willing to ac- Bridgeport each day from "her iCNTFi heads of all departments of the re- Christmaa Ckndle-Ligbt aervlee. Friday avaning. Dacaatoar Is aff- Of him to cent Caledonian Maricet W artln ^ n . Dee. IS—(A P )—The 8:15 o’clock la tho high acbool.aa*i dag andhia We Cater To Banquets cept certatln of the woman amoog fatber’a and mother's homa la New SUNDAY AND MONDAY Elected Worshipful Master Of the veniremen When one a i ^ under York City*' but BUbermaa quickly Friday, 4:00—Rebenml of Paint ZION LUTHERAN weather Bureau warned ahlpplna dltorlum. .Z oolal aiQiii* 80 Oak Street and Powder club In the church nar- Local Organization; Other along tbs AUanUc Coast today tost w OAK GRILL Telephone 8894 examlnaUon, she had bean told made the correeUon, "Our home." High and Cooper Streets i .-tv "they don't want lady jurors" In tha However, he admitted he had bean loc. Bov. H. F. B. Stscbbols, Pastor Officers Are Chosen. toew would be stormy weather. Earthworms onoa hrefea opz-% iT Fraaea, caae. Friday, 6:80—Troop I, Girt The Bureau Issued toe fifllowlag church to Sault s ta Marie. f I be the po* 1000 Of The Finest staying In SUmford botala and that warning: >an hla buslaeaa waa la that dty. Scouts. Mlaa Emily Smith, cap- Third Sunday in Advent Sunday when they wew presented to aa! ra divld^ tain. School at 8:30 a.m. Service in Ger- Hafry'FlaveU, 197 Maple street, MIse Angela Morgaa Advisory 10:00 ajn. Warnlnga elder for distribution ato Green Mountain Friday, -6:30—Troop 7, Girl man at 9:30 a.m. Text of sermon -was elected Worshipful Master of change to nortoweet 10:00 ajn. flsherman oaeoetotec. a te dtoaanaloR the Cheai* TO HOLD REH EARm Scouts. Miaa Jessie Hewitt cap- 1. Kings 18. 21-S9. Washington. >joyal Orange Lodge, chuwb. may be counted upon to Sandy Hook. N. J., to Boston. M . t aroee over tha apportkiwmant. nftli' 15 ajn , the ALSO tain. Lutheran Hour at 1 p.m. over No. 117, at toe annual meeUng, held give a program of dramaUc power and smaU craft warnlnga indicated soma of toe members aiieiWin aad' g ftoin tha t ^Jtoturday, 9:30—Troop 25. Boy laat night. The other officers elected that wUI appeal to toe moat dla- south of Sandy Hook to Virginia building another church. ' " SUUon WTHT. • criminating audience. She has toe utlaa w aaa STAR TINO FOR DISTRICT MEEIING TNRimNQ U NM RIli ■oNitota. Mr. Irwin, Scoutmaster. The Ladles' Society has a Oulat- to serve with toe new master aw, capes. Dlaturbanca over southeast' Hit o r tha 0 ... Netoa. wrniam Turklngton. worshipful ability of making her own poetry em New York sUte will move mas party on Wednesday evening come alive and reads others’ poe- ^ P je x t Sunday evening the 18th, Dec. 14. deputy master; Frederick Cranston, iMrtoeaetward accompanied bv waa S U to TUuiJr C&aA04€ce MONDAY KniKhte Of Pythias To Meet Vm annual Chriatmaa pageant at recording secretary; Albert Weir, try aa only a poet esm, commenting stw i^ northwest winds. Christmas tha Natlvltv will be held In the financial seewUry; John Clmmbew, on It with raw Inalgbt She has Tonorrow Aftiniooa Ib TALCXyiTVlUJC CHRISTAVkS ■ baaad o n clmrch. Following the pageant treasuwr; Rev. James 8. Neill, enthwUed audiences hew and Orange Hall For Tho Par* wOl coma the "White Gift" serviee. CONOBBGATIOHAL CHUBCT abroad, churches and civic groups, aagtng aU Rev. Oeorge W. BtepBeaaeat Paator chaplain; Thomaa Conn, lay chap- DAHtYMEN PLAN STAND pooe. Each «te ia asked to bring a gift lain; Thomas Woods, director of and they have found her recltala a VESPERS modaiatolp wrapped la white for poor chlldm delight and an insptraUon. be eatrena Servicea of Dec. 11, toe Third cewmonlea; James McCollum, In- District I>wuty Griswold Cbap- of Atlanta. Oa. \ side tyler; Oeorge Weir, outside ty- The South Methodist chuwh will Against bang's disease Partp-Ori. Trees Sunday In Advent: omit Its evening service Sunday so WALL PAPERS peU at tha u igh ta of Pythlaa has ler; Henry Trotter, foreman of com- (•>; ___ 0 group of 10:45—Morning Worship. Bible that all who desire to do so may YOUVE EVER SEEN IN MANCHESTER! called a rehearul for 3 o’clock to- CHURCH o r THE NAZARENE. Sunday will be ohoerved. mittee on law; James Vennard, 2nd " Adoration'^ morrow in Orange hall, la prepara- Itov. R. O. lu ik, Paistor. committeeman; Da via Neville, 3rd hear Miss Morgan. Rev. William Hartford, Dec. 10.—(A P )—Con- CsBtaU By Gcorff* B. NstIr 12:00—Stmday SchooL T. Wallace will prealde' and toe necticut dairymen wew committed PERSONALLY SELECTED BY A T **GIVE-A WA Y** PRICES tion for the dtatrict meeting on De- 4:00—Junior C. E. Tbe topic: committeeman; Thomaa Smith, 4th choir of the North Methodiat church today to an "aggresaive” stand to cember IS at the same »«•«, wbea a Sunday: "Chriatmaa Everywbew"! The lead- committeeman; William Ritchie. 5tb with the class of rt>Pimdinatefy 35 NOW! "OIPHBB ______t:80 a. m.—Church Btble Seboed, a-ill render apeclal music. P*|*vent toe state fwm becoming a South Methodist B the poo- We Kicd room for our 1939 Wailpapcra. •YODELOf KID FBOM PINB er: Calvin Meyer. committeeman; Herbert Johnaoo. dumping ground” for cattle infect- . and this ia the way we’re going to from the lodges in thla town, This la "Bring Tour FaaUIy” Sun- 6:80—YJ»B.C.E. trustee for one year and Thomas Church ly against United Tree Experts Bwka it. Memorial, ThompsoavUle, Bart RIDQB" EPISODE N a A ed with Bang's disease which can ba *IDI TYLBBW LUCK" 7:80—Evening Service, with Conn, trustee for three years. transmitted, through milk, to hu- Hartford aad Damon at Roekvllla ***?0:45 a. m.—Morning Worship The offlcew were Installed by JOSEPH MINER E l i ^ > be fheed lantern slides about tba Bible. "Tbe mans as undulant fever. Soaday, Daeeabtr 11 win be initiated, at a cloasd mart- 52? ■t S * * paator. Subject, Old Book Finding New Friends” . Draper Benson, of Hartford. Wor- “The PrivUage of Prayer." dairymen, meeting hew .yee- 4:S0P.BL 10 R olls P a p e r • Tba Woman’s Mlteonary- Society shimrul District Master, and his staff terday. voted to seek legtalatlon Varnished Papers date of Saturday. January T, 6:80 p. m.—Young F i l e 's Hour. will bold tbelr December ni«aHwr District Officers. HEAD OF PIGEON a U B wtth the All Sizes 18 Y d s , B o r d e r has baea set tor the iastanattoa of T:8S p. m,—EvaigoHollu sonrlco from the forthcoming General As- AsoiaURff Artials: The gteosy kite tor Utehen next Tuesday at 8 p. m. Mr. F a y ^ oembly which would aat up a state Enough for a fair aiza the grand lodge offloaie at Oonaae- T(M>AY •edsMTOM by tbe paator. Subject, harm, who Is wpreeentlng Yankton ANTON LUKO, VisilR at Ubiim or bathroom, a Rolls Fa- ^ tlcut. The oaramoay wtn ba at tka "todeetaton." ST. JOHN’S CHURCH Other Officers Also Re-elected program for the eradication and con- room. Bsadle per, 10 Yards Bordsv. Baadl a Masmrtc Temple la this town, taaa- The Wortb CoUegs iB South Dakota during a trol of toe disease. A tentative aolve the stay in tbe East, win praaoat his Oolway Street At Last Night’s Meeting: blU drawn up calls for a Mannlal ai GEROBIE SCHAUL, 'calls > tha pee- mneh as tbaiDraad CbaaeaOor-elaet Wednesday at 7:80 p. m ,-^aat- Rev. Jewpb Zlcko, Pastor al a ^ U MalTla O. OOK of Donne street work, using motion picnirao. This Next R a ^ Disenssed. propriatlon e f 8800.000 for the WOlJL •• WALLPAPER FOR EVERY ROOM IN THE HOUSE lag of tba Women's rorelgB Mla- pari of the program will begin at i® alonary tectety and Prayer Servloe *1.50 tbwa o'clock; to It, all who aru In- —txrw mass, and requiem Joseph Miner waa elected presi- eombmed. aat Owing to the fact that there is a shortage of trees Bundles ol 10 and 12 _ terested, both men and woman, aw »aas for ths wlaUves of Mr. and dent of toe Manchester Itacing roils Paper and 18 and A V 10 R o lls P a p e r ^ MEMEL NAZIS CRY moot oordially Invited. The Kni . . . . . Mra. Sokolowski. Rehearsal of S t Pigeon Club at toe annual meeting wa wersTwy fortunate to be able to get this One isMrt! OOHOORDiA LUTHERAN. CeclUa choir. held itr Orange Hall last nlgbt. GaiStn ate Whiter Sta. win be: Mrs. Frederlett Tliorp. Mrs. we advise you to order your trees at woe! 20 yarda Bordtr. *49 20 Y d s. B o rd e r $ 1 .O ft B’DACKTOREKV James McNally, ate Mrs. (iaatano 10:30—High mass, Lutnla choir Other officers elected wew: Horace Enough for avaraga _ .. Enoo^ for good aiM ^ ^ BIxnoootUL practice. F. Fields. Jr., vice president; Peter WE DELIVER FREE! room. anaaie roOBU Randia »— Pagn (toa) People of tba pariah ara weleome 2:00 p.m.—Polish Union meeting J. VendrlUo, aecretary-twasurer; South M ethodist Church to toe parish hall. Ldwsrd Gleeeon, race oeewtary. " SoRday, Daceoibor 11. S:50 a. m.—Sunday School ate K tba parsonage Wednesday after- Naal election atogana are dtaplayfed noons from 8 to 5 o’clock. Tbe club will bold meetings toe ON T— 8AMM tapfW t tode^dteaee. A lf Langs, auiwrla- 7 p.m.—Friday, meeting at Junior 10:45 A. M ^W O U Sra* AND SERBiON. D omU HaWson Everett Bernard evetywhara. Naariy every ahm has H m mid-wssk devotlonsl ssnrloe Sewing circle at toe parsonage. second Wednesday of each month. Phoee 8221 I papeca are an ttad la kwa* a pictare at Naumann with a ea^' At the next meeting membew will *Tha Kaowladffa of Uia LsHT. Phone 7585 ready to taka away. U M a. m ^ B ngltth aarriea. hrtd Tbunday night at 7-M, I pjn.—Saturday, Drum and Uoa "we follow tksa." - •kdhig with our study la n ' MABY r. HACKETT Bagla oorpn rabaaTaaL notify toe secretary how many 4:30 P. M.—CHRISTMAS CANTATA— |h to paper the avataga Tbe litkuantons have maattUt to llmO a. aa. German oarvioa. fidOCALlQR* bands will be needed for toe year aa U yan plaa to paparto TH08. MeGILL, Jr. Ite Week. 7 pjB.—^Thto evening In Putoakl AdoraUaR** eouater tkia ceavalgB wttk Tbs ebolr wm havs thalr weakly .r. the Junior Sewing Orele wtU they must ba ordered early. wM pay y M to PAINTER Ara DECqRATDR Afpteay at 7:00 p. aa.. tba Inter- rrbMuaoi Friday at S:t t p. m. Hachatt Of; Jonaph'a Acadamy. Hartford, also Old bird raeoe ate-distaaoae will Antoa Lako, ViaUaiati Thtihi SchaRl 'cdM: ^M fsIrteeaBfile bold Its flirt Christmas Baaar. Strkklaad. Orffaiiat; aad------Tuesday at S.-OS m.. the Ortdan Rula Ctab wm bold a Tite girts hope tor tho support ate be set at tho next meeting. Jaa. 11 "iJBM---- “ PrtrauH* of tba church paopia to Orange HoU. Uw EfworUi ~ tte ______Oliaaon T. Orr ate tha VaodriUoa ifis* S .5 K ' Togethar with thsir will go to “ ‘ ‘ 7:J0P, ■fi ^ fiartra to FAC

the membership all over the coun- development of municipal ctooked- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESriER, CONN. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1988 j0 «tirlrra t»r try. ness, he Is not la the least likely to PAGBinv] There were plenty o f members find the evidence in such s case as Overnight News AMERICAN LEGION All-American football; 10 Hit Pa- OSD GSC GSB GSL London 8:20 l Ewttbtg Brralb who were mllltantly anxious that this at all bewildering or beyond rade; 10:45 Thurman W. Arnold on p. m. "The Messiah": JZJ Tokyo the Manufacturers Association the capacity of his comprehension DAILY RADIO PROGRAM "Democracy In the Western World." 8:15 Concert; OLR4A Prague 10:30 raauaaco mt rum Of Connecticut WJZ-NBC—-7 Message of Israel; Central European Review. — > PIUNTINO OOMPAMT, IN a should continue Its unremitting war The carpenter's mind, too, is ANNOUNCES PARTY 8:30 drama. “The Dark Voice"; J I I BIMCII StrMt MaaokMitr, Conn. for the "unshackling” of industry trained along lines likely to be By ABIKHllAnElt FHBIW •ATUROAV, O lC IM S tS 10 (Central-Eastern Standard Time—P.M ) Barn Dance; 10 NBC Symphony, TaOMAB PBROUBON (Changmm to Umttngi Dum( toI MifiliMTh CorraeltoM Too Latm to tucorpormtmt Arthur Rodzlnski; 12 Dance Hour HOUJEWOLD C « 1JII by government and labor and for a brought Into use. In service on such OmmiaI MiMcar «> MJ and basic chain* or sroup* thereor unlaaa mael- Sunday brings: Universal Bible VBwaM 0«t«b*r I, lilt return to the system of "free en a Jury. He, too, has an acute com- New London—Dr. Henry W. Lnw------eaweaessaaMWhicliKto all a v a l^ l* ataUoBa *****" y New York. Dec. 10.—An added Sunday programs: WOR-MBS iTlS terpriae which has made Americ.a prehension of the jiw of cause and rence, Connecticut College govern- Gtm Debat or New Year’ s NBC-WtAF (RED) NBTWORK koln kfpy kvl ksfo kov Wm. ' ...... — PaMIsh*! Bvanr ■▼•bibb EiMpt karm khbo ksmb klro kgar program title f6r Sunday Is "De- p. m. Wm. Lyons Phelps. WABC- ment and history authority, told the s-ri... - —f***'ilM wnae wOo wjar CBS 2:45 Sec. of Commerce Roper, ■ mMapb BB« RelllajrB. BaUrcA at lb* great,” and so on; who wanted to effect. He knows a straight line wban Cant, Bast. mocracy Defined." on WJZ-NBC at DP M alO Sto* at MaiMh«(t*r, Cobb, aa when he sees It and how to test an CoUegd'a PM Beto chapter Et6 Dsiicc To Bo Hold h wtam wwj ebra *dal; MIdwaati 8:80 p. m. W EAF-NBC 3 Frank R. McNlnch. iammt Claaa Mali Mattar. reiterate the assaults on "regimen- r •toad who wow wdaf wlra katp; I'St" toarrymakara Orehaa. denoerndes needed "two-oided pre- JIJJ— J iJ “ Ta ra Annoanead (10 m.) Pan-American Congress— WABC- tation” and on organised labor angle. He has become a stickler Mauntalni koa kdjrl; Southi wmbf wab .fc? nntover toe questions ■OBaCRimON RATES PRrodaeear* to oppora Fnadsai. Pil- ••Of” !®!S“ E**4la Strinsa Cancart about democracy put by Alice Hoo- CBS 1:30 and WJZ-NBC 5:45. for .squareness and predalon and Tho State Armory. wa nnnounsao UU in.| Osa Taar to Mall ...... which the association had annually ing up nrmnmeata wan the Man; Im- J'SS” } ' 5S*”£!!«fl«a Paul at Organ p « , 16, of Winchester, N. H., WEAF-NBC—11:15 a. m. New Of Maaitli ap Malt ••••••••••••I -ll can detect crookedness and Jogs at poitoat atde^ he mid, compared to Jist! Dfoaapatora Orahaa, Singing Lady series; 12:30 p. m. 09|W a a a a a a s ss«a«*s • S •• • 9 made. But for the first time In tarehansaabhr on Vrihar'MD*or"BLUE fOuehrn A Orebaatra ^ o te to be a special studio guest. DaUaaraS <»a Taar ...... It.M tfie industrial field these die-hards a glance. His life is full of mental learalag thet "sharing is bmz« ra- natworka); Eaati wbra wool wfaa wlw '••J—4:30— Si l O—Rut n varnanC a r h a r t nA sang*'Sanga' The program la toe result of a let- Roundtable. Tariff War Between the _Jional than fighting, also more Dilworto-Corneil P o ^ Abaeriean JTfrk wckjr waal waan cbf oM wsal: JiJt- |:4a-lntarvltwa af Biiainaaa ter to NBC. States; 2:30 Olympics Preview; i m iB B R OP TBB ASSOCIATED found themselves outnumbered apd computations. S*"Fal: wcfl wtm) wiba wday ubx good righteous and more profitable all L«gtao will bold a well-planned New •ito— tiOO—Praaa.Radia Nawa Parlad DeflniUona are to come from Uncle Ezra; 7 Jack Benny; 8 Char- PRESS It Is conceivable that a jury ton* kalo kaoo wbow wood wabc wsbf Oranga—midwaat only Tha Xbaoalaiad Praaa la aaciualvalr outvoted In their own Iviuse. around.” v Yenris Cabaret party and Ball, at wjl kfrr kMm: Saulh&Uk wapo wur ThiiTMraali, Sparta- Raymond Moley of Columbia Unl- lie McCarthy: 10 Hetdt'a Brigadiers aauiiaaastItlaS loto toetha aaa ofoi rapobllcatlonrapuDn.:«.iwn There Is a ring of sincerity In the made up exclusively of farmers and Putnam—Because the store he w^ wla wjax wfla-Waun wlod wsoe • .*•.*'•••...•* Canaola—chain venlty. Dean Virginia GUdersleove WABC-CBS— 9:45 a. m. Fathei af Alla SS Mwa Slapatehaa ^ eradiiatf M _ ^11 a ^ ^S aaa la I IIs tha state armory « i a scale, and In wfbe wwne wete wav« whih kvoo wky J'tO— Nobia Orebaatra not too specific declaration of prin- caipenters might be a very good managed was eerlouely damaged In *“■*• Ml*™ toko krsv S 'J t !'!2~S?^,.T.®*“ ‘ *to u t“ Taday" of B a r ^ d college, poet padraic John F. O'Hara from Lima address- •a sat atharwiaaVSnVlWI^V VlVSIltruaradllad In••• Ihiaaaaaw keeping, with other Legion social J'4}” Sj45~Nlgbtlma an tha Trail ing communion breakfasts of No- • b S alaa tha la«al nawa pnb- Jury indeed, hard to fool. SepUmber by floods and will not be rolum, toe Rev. Jerome Harris, ciples finally adopted. It brings events held by toe unit in recent •me; Mauntalni krir kshl kur kob •:Sn2 JS fcT *'* toturday Swing Club tre Dame Alumni; 3 p. m. N. Y. Dwigl 8S5 haraln. reopened, Mayor Harry C. Kelly, a w- wr■f*W" wwna a nCamady a ma s y Ruth Bryan Owen Rhode and All risbta at rapablleallona mt • conviction that American industry Democrat, tendered his resignation years. Nothing haa been left undone kwg kmj kern kzu kmed I •"• fi"** Morgan others. Philharmonic; 6 Bette Davis In Con- This apaalal diapalebaa haraln am alao ra< has at last come to a reallxatlon of to the Common Council. The mayor, to provide the best In entertainment Cant. Baat. J *0— Ouji Oulssaa—to a rad Nagle theater; 7 People's Plat- tursd aaraaS.______EFFECT OF JITTERS form “ Chain Stores": 8 New Series, Marv Its citizen responsibility and of the who aald hla company had trans- and music, and refreshments to en- ••••“ . OiJO—Ta Ba Annaunaad—trabo; Intension of tha network to In- Pall aarrlea ellant at N. B. A. Sara- ferred him to Bridgeport, was elect- sMe celebraton to hava a grand izizz irqin(rpto int toa camput Campua ••‘urday taranada—chain clude its first Latln-American out- This Is New York; 9 Sunday Eve- Mother Knows sriflat fact that no economic system can The campaign o f bogy tsrror by { Ito_Mlt Parada-« to eat laa IBS. ed to his non-pald poet last De- time on toe final hours o f the old let la announced by NBC. The ning Hour. Thai when she was a young- would year. 5 Tanor Sola* *""aunead (IB re.) tioo, Hamhar AmarleaB Nawapapar Pah- function successfully and perma- which the Chamberlain group won cember end had a year more to M tS * "/ ".* • ‘ •top Ceilaatera 1V. OO— Da n c i n g (t hra.) station is toe 2S,000-watt CMQ of WJZ-NBC—1 Great play "Life Is ster she took Father John’s llshara AaaoclallaB. nently that does not recognize the the acquiescence o f the Britlah pop- serve. Council President William Chef Osano haa been secured to ‘ ram Swlnsaloey NBC-WJg (BLUE) NBTWORK Havana, Cuba, together with Its a Dream’’ : 2 Magic Key; 5 Opera at Bet serve toe refreshments and that la S.SS~ •;5»^altanmayae Klndarg'r'lo short wave COCQ. Connection to Medicine for colds— so now she "OH iilace In the Munich surrender has J. McCoy, e RepubUcan,* will auc 5 • : » —Jraaa.nadia Nawa Pariad Baati w ji wbs-wbm wbal Auditions; 6 New Friends of Music PaSllabara Rapraaanuilaaa; Tha obligations of humanity. In itself a guarantee that this side wham kdb wtya wjtn wayr wmal will toe stations Is by short wave. CFQ thoug JbUbB Matbalaa Spaelal Asaner—Naw ceed him. e .S Z Announaad (U m.i Concert: 7:30 Seth Parker; 9 Holly- gives it to her little girl to in- It Is our firm belief that the ac- left the nation In an extraordinary of toe affair will be eatlafaotory to S'to” J;4S—RallQlon from tha Nawa waby wabr cfcf whk wmlf wa;^wai^ wean____ haa been taking one or two pro- Tark. Chleasa. Oairoti and Boaion. Storrs — An automobile accident wico wlau: MIdwaati wanr wla fcwk koll wood Playhouse; 10:30 Ckieerlo. crea.se resistance to colds, and UfUnj everyone. Turkey or chicken salad Varlaty thaw grams a week o n 'a tryout basis tion of the National Association of state of Jitters, Judging from an delayed the orchestra ongaged for L m Z I "alllwl’a, Knaambla * 15? "'.??• *‘•9. w®wo kma wetn wall Monday expectations: OB toi MEMBER ADOtT BDREAD OP will be served. Music for dancing S i t * VHr’Z*'* ‘■tvaa af Oraat Man wfdf_;r wibm wjim:wjimi wBuimSeutbi wrwwrtd wmpa for some time. to develop more vigorous was « Manufacturers did more. In the Associated Press Item from Lon. the Connecticut S U U C o lle t an- WEAF-NBO-l:16 p. m. Let's CntCOUATIOIfS. will be supplied by Chet MerrUl'e health. doubt: formal acceptance of certain hith- don. nual footbaU hop unUI n p.m. And 7i30— Uo kvod kute; P a ^ e i kgo kfad ktma Talk It Over; 2:45 Hymns of All Tha Marais Prinllns Oompanf Ine^ Arlotocrata, a weU known radio • :0^ kex kss kaca kJr * On the Saturday night list: for two hours formally attired stu- y (lurches; 6 Science In the News. Its successful use by millions her hi saaaaiia no Bnanclal raaponalbllllp erto Ignored economic and sociologi- It apfiears that all theater man- band, which includes several talent^ NOTCi Saa WkAF.NBC for optional W EAF-NBC—7 Red Foley time; WABC-CBS—3 Music Hour; 4:15 Jsd tar typosraphleal arrora apnaarlng In dents danced to the music o f a piano •iSO—10:30—Dane* ’ Mualo 'Y3’H '‘ hra;) lilt of aUUoaa -vuowiu during the past 84 years is a cal facts which Is made In Its set agers In the great metropolis have vocaUsts In its ranks. CanL Baat. 8 Tommy Riggs, Betty Lou; 8:30 Patterns In Swing: 5 Let's Pretend. Od. WI hSrartlaaBMnla la Iha tianehaalar and a Addle. College autborlUea al- The Le^on New Year’s party wiS, CB8-WABC NETWORK Pennsylvanians; 9 Vox Pop; 9:30 most convincing proof of value. ■aaalas BarBlS. of resolutions, for the return of set- agreed that hereafter stage mur- *5'""«y ’* orebaatra WJZ-NBC3— 12:30 Farm and Home go to lowed the festivltlea to run two be conducted on Cabaret style HaU of Fun. Hour; 2 Adventures in Reading; 3 It must be good. od at ders shall be conducted quietly, hours overtime until 8 a.m. ••*” woko wcao waal J:22r f'SSrS"a orebaatra tled conditions In this country than special boxes for large or i_ war wkbw—"r wkre.*•.»« wjr wdreware wean wjaawi J ?*_Aanaunead (IB m.) WABC-CBS—7:30 Joe E. Brown: Rochester Civic Orchestra. late— I ware Mbl w j » wgar: MIdwaati wbb_rbbm l.'SZ » ^•ftor A Orebaatra flATURDAT, DBCKMBER 10 has been done by the New Deal or without the norma] explosive noise Cheshire— WUUam J. Nolan, 48. parUea arranged around toe arm ?.P0- 3:30—To Be Announced'<30, m.> 8:80 Prof. Quiz; 0 Christy Walsh Some Monday short waves: GSO bod tc wfbm kmbo kmox wl le kfab .krnt 2: any other thing, movement or pro- of a gun shot. Back stage In each asotstant deputy superintendent at floor. Several of the boxes eo^ ar- Fto whp whae wore efrb with Rl^rdo asleep the Cheshire reformatory, was in- ranged are large enough for five or ckM wlbx w ^ a wees wkbn whio wsbl a'-oSZ a 'S z f Is*’ Mattoea by Radio posal In the last nine years. theater appears the following no- wbrk wnbx Wide wmbf be slti EDEN’S SPEECH jured fatally when hurled from a six couple and smaller boxee may be a-SSZ Ootoon'a Orebaatra Nito'eala And more than all other Influ- tice: "The nerves of an enormous truck he was driving as it collided, had for aa few as two couple. OJklB — wzat wtfa wqam wdod kira S. ' i t J:;®—Jtowai Spanlah Ravu* Or. R would ba, no doubt, a rather aw wlao wwl wtoe kiid ktrh ktsa J;}?~ J:J0—^aaa.Radlo Nawa Rariad The ences to remove the possibility of number of people, especially worn in front of the reformatory, with a Unnsual Decorations Waco konw wbt wdaa whig wdb) wwva doubtf MQpsortoTesacBcraUon to say that Harry N. Roth, general chSlrman well wmbr ktol w<»>a wdne wnox kwkh •:oftZ • 'S * " A Orebaatra a third term for Franklin D. Roose- en, have been reduced to a super car driven by State PoUcaman War- wmmm wjno weba wpar wraas weoc so late ren French who suffered minor In- of toe Legion Ball announced today 3 .3 ^ 7i30—Unela Jim’a Quaatiene- CEptaln Anthony Eden, on the Ornt velt. sensitive condition by the constant wrva walm arrdw wapl wdbo T. rn^*4 j ®' *** S'eardo-w "I n juries. that toe decorations fo r toe BaU will ••.'P.WBeT — wmbd arlan wlbw'krh a orebaatra comm: day o f Us first visit to the United reminder of air raids and a loud re- Hartford—Motioa pictures were be the best seen here since the iTilej’ wnSi* a onZ MIerophona Play •Td Statas, captured tha country with Shrtner'e Ball two years ago. Spe- woo whib Kflo k(Sob woea wmfg • .aoZmlSSzSi'? P*"®7 ®" ‘ to Radio port la now a physical strain which taken of the last msetlng of retir- ia.S2rJ?.»ZH*® •ktopbony (lU hra.) not hei cial lighting effects will be provided M0UNT.^k7or krrm kig koh ksl kgro Ms spssch St tha oonventkm of the NEW KIND OF PRESSURE causes both pain and actual III- ing Governor Ooas with his cabinet kriin *•—Newai Oae. Creak, Organ Judy and every detail for toe comfort and 10:45—11:40—Dane* Muala (II 4 hra.) Ifatloaal Manufacturers Aaaocia- and an extemporaneoua speech by ths nu] I f the Hollywood moving picture nesa.” eottvenlenee of Legton New Taar’a Uea last niybt. but It Is no exag- the governor was recorded on a told. "• ttiagnstas have anything to do with Well, maybe we will get to be sound track, all to be preserved for guests will ba taken care of by toe CBraUon that he did more than any afraid the "spontaneous” demand of a Just as Jumpy as that in this coun- posterity In the oUte Ubrary. efficient committee in charge. As- sisting Chairman Roto are W. Henry •T an Other EngUshmaa- could have dona Hartford — The commlselon ar- group of celebrated movie stars try some day; but when we do we Weir, Edward Quish, David Thomas WDRC' Judy, to MStora Oreat Britain—not the ranging OonnecUcut'a exhibit at the WTIC be!" that the United States government shall probably bs sufficiently fed and (Clifford Dolsen. 228 Hartford, Conn. I8SO pn sM t BrltMh government but the World’a Fair In New York announc- Ample parking facilities are avail- Travelan BmodeastlBg Service, end all "economic relations" with up with thoughts of wholesale mur- Eastern Standard Tbna. BMtiah Bstlae—to the place of ed the engagement. In a ouperviaory able for over 300 can adjacent tpy. er than water, and about hands shows a drum major on parade with be done Is likely to be associated In 7:00—Variety Program with Red can be promoted successfully In New York, Dec, 10.—We saw a the circus coming to town. signs with as much industry and en- To Redoco Nimibor Of will be on duty during the ball to 7:00—Saturday Night Swing aub Foley, Kentucky born singer first t: aeroaa the aea, and to seek to bind the public mind with Germany. thusiasm as the army and navy serve toe guests. 7:80—Joe E. Brown, GUl-Demling, She to connection with another purpose, half dozen shows open and clone Both of Lx-lgh's electric displays The matter of closed sessions pre- 7:30—Let's Go To Work ■B hrokan ties with honeyed words within a fortnight. Quick arlthme- are nightly traffic stoppers. One plane dutgnera. But when the talk A large number o f celebrators H a r^ Soonlric’s orchestra. I had alwaya w a n ^ inaUnt hot water —for dishan and laundry and olds oi and while one purpose may be g»>od viously has not >een of particular 8:00—Jol 8:00—Tommy Riggs, Betty Lou then we were mistaken. One o f the they cost more than mlUlon, one hundred thousand pedes- centered around mass production of Wor kor s On Pr oj oc t e . from nearby tovriui (4 expected to robnny presents— Russ Mor- Toms morning shave. But it took a noar-eatastoopho to mo “Jsc the other purpose may ba bad. half million dollara. Importance. Almost every Impor- fighting planes, the factories wanted snap up sections at toe ball, espe- gan's orchestra. Larry cninton's Orchestra safe OI BMSt telUng poInU in his speech trians have been estimated to pause tant nation In the world has had un- raaliaa ^ t instant hot water is mora than a eonvanianoa — aoma- The purpose In this rase la abso- It s ^ e old story. Roll the dice, and follow the antics of the mazda to be sure they would ot be In- cially toe larger boxies and Chair- 8:SiD— P r o fe s s o r Quiz 8:30— Fred Waring and his Penn- timaa it a a naesaaity. fori to was Ms convincing declaraUon of turn tn6 roulett# wh^e] or produce official representatives nosing duced to make huge expansions and Orders received* In Manchester man Roto advises those planning to ,/j8 :0O—CbrUty Walsh—AU-American sylvanians Ho 1 lutely political—employing the characters every night. To the around. The general sessions and the purpose o f the British people a show—the risks are the same. twenty-eight year old sign build then be faced with competition from brought the sad news to SO men attend to make their reservations as FootbaU Team 9:00— Vox Pop That avanlng Tom insistod era Install an Automatio OA8 Watar Haatar ly. 'T ' word "political" In Its broader even the committee sessions have early aa possible with any member 0:80—Concert HaU of toe A ir to stand by the guns of their de- The other night we saw the pre er. these Ingenious displays are a flock of federal airplane mills. employed by W PA that their aerv- 9:80—Studio Program no matter how much it cost. Imagine our surpziso whon wo laartiad I'm no sense, which has nothing whatever mlere of a musical called "Great yielding a fortune. been open to them, as well as to the What they remembered was that Ices ended with toe working hours of toe committee. 10:00— H it Parade od. Y< ■weracy without uttering loud 9:35—“Hall of Fun" Lady ". It was produced by Dwight public. (That, of course, has not ap- two years ago a Senate committee yesterday. * For complete details concerning 10:45—Orgafl Silhouettes — Vincent that it eroul^ t coot ua a penny to hero on# instaUod for a 60 dan "I’m to do with the politics of parties. 10::0—NBC Symphony Orchastra, cries for help. Nothing he could Deere WIman, scion of the mighty Give Away plied to strictly off-the-record get- headed by Senator Nye of North Da- The 80 men affected by the order the ball consult the Leglqn’s adver- Sargent /raa tnaJf What a diffaronea it has mada — ths eonvanianoa of alsraya Ung. I Arturo ToscanlnL director possibly have said would have done And, granting that according to Deere Plow Company fortunes. There is some signiflennee. It togethers of diplomats with special koU (who Is a pacifist Spain), con- have o^y recently been certified tisement In today's Herald. 11:00—Ease Reporter — News, having planty of hot wator whanevar era want it — without waiting — 1— 1 w axes to grind. | ' Weather 11:30— News and Weather Mm and Britain so much good with Ibelr lights the movie people may It was big and pretentious. Our seems to us. In the fact ‘.hat the next ducted an Investigation Into possibll and added to the rolls here, al- juat by turning the fauoatl I don’t know how are aver managod arithout it. Dwlgb< be animated by a decent motive In confidential and reliable sources tell meeting of the American Society of This year the policy of closing im- tty of government manufacture of though their work has not been 11:05—Glenn Miller’s orchestra 11:46—Ink Spots And thing -- our naw Automatio GAS Water Haatar ontitlaa us to “I ki the American people as his forth- UB It coat 1200,000! Jne-flfth of HypnotlsU Is being held In a mid- portant meetings to all but Ameri- all munitions and planes. The com- 11:80—Charles Baum's oriUiestra. 12:00—Jan Savitt’a Orchfairs raaaaaw rlM fl raraAra ^l*t**l. __ I_ a . . ____awa , ww • . . thus attempting to sway the course confined to Manchester. They • “ J*’ •PPUfi* not only to our Wator Haator bu ^ "Joe right assertion that •‘we are not a million and maybe a little over town night club and that the lead- can rcpuffllca is to be followed. mlttee brought In non-military en- were among those who went to POUCE COURT ^8:00—Kay Kyser's orchestra. AAl. polo tl 12:30 a. m.—Paul Pendarvis' or- othar OAS applianoa aa wall. So wo enjoy a aaving on a// tha OA8 wo usto seeking to lure others to pull mir of government and America's for- But the critics shelled It the next ing paper to be read by one named There la no official resolution on the gineers who testified that with an work on a statewide clearance proj- 12:30— Les Brown's Orchestra she so: morning ■ with aU they had. It chestra. eign relations, surely there are few All Hen AU la called "Hypnotizing subject, but Informed sources here expenditure of $40,0(K),000 to $46.- ect. None of the men had been em- Charged with drunken driving 1:00—SUent have d cbestnuU out of the fire." doesn't have the ghost of a chance •he Public." say It will be that way. who will contend that the experi- 000,000 the government could bull'd ployed more than nine daya. here on November 18, when a car "Yov ®den’s speech has gone a tremen- on Broadway. The two hundred So far as keeping the proceedings Its own factories to manufacture he was driving was in a collision st ences of the Hollywoo<, crow'd are thousand went "pff’' with the fall The men were not dlsmiaaed be- Toroorfow’s Profram Ton3orrow*a Program lapifiiil TMb Pmt Lm r CmI "Uke 1 dous way toward re-estahllahing of the meetings secret. It probably munitions and airplanes, as well as cause of any complaint. Tho names Bunco's Corner, Karl K. Lockwood, a. m. AJ4. grew 1 such as to fit them for national of that final curtain. Only took won't be much of a succesa. It Is a to become independent of private the normal relations between the three hours to lose, at that. of those who were to be dropped 43, o f 1 Birch road. West -Hartford, 9:00—Sunday Song Service 8:45—News and Weather Of Automatic GAS Wator Hooting poor diplomat who can't find a leak shipyards for battleship building— was fined $100 and ooats on toe American and British peoples— leadership—which Is what they Then there's the case of "The Health and Diet were drawn from a list of t h ^ — Wings Over Jordan 9:00—Turn Back The C?lock Ai MsMtehaastts Insttlitte ei Taehaoloqyr tarii ware asds oa Sh: among rcpresentatlvea of 21 Ameri- at least in peacetime. illiisTsnl lypst ei aultnnslio aad J seem to be trying to assume. Fabulous Invalid ". One hundred who recenUy want to work. The In- count when he went to trial In 10:00—Church of the A ir 9:15— Tom Terrisa iralsz\ hoelsn Is fiad ’Tha which the machinations of the can republics, especially since some Town Court last night before and twenty-five thousand dollars forMtlon that they were not to go 10:30— Aubads F or Strings 0:3(^—Melody Momenta lOOBl) handful pro-Pasclst Cllvedon set Of course the movie magnates are a bit coollah toward the U. 8. at Oovernment Haa One Plant back to woric again on Monday waa Judge Harold W. Ghrrlty. Through 11:00—The---- . wwwr 802d Young * VUMg C Folks UiH Pro- Woltl worth of show. It was hailed aa Advice tiroes. 10:00— Radio Pulpit and the Chamberlain government will be prompt snd emphatic In Neither the army nor the navy at- not given to the men when they his attorney, WUUam J. Shea, gram with “ Daddy" Couch m AU NEW-ENTRUrDIFFEREim hock! GREAT by some crltlca. But the By UK FKANH McUOT tached a dime's worth of weight to 10:30—Music and American Youth had done so much to destroy. their denial that they have set thU public was apathetic. Not a dime completed their work yesterday, Lockwood pleaded not guilty, but 12:0C noon—Aloha Land -8 THE Sim m SB CAR o f the hair. Shy A t Yardsticks the senatorial findings but the plane evidence and testimony introduced 18:15 p. m.—Golden Melodies 11:00—Studio Program Speaking aa an "averBce English- n.ovement on foot—will declare of the original Investment was re- as the information was not received' yeBT. . . bringing you new SACRO-ILLAC TROI’BLER manufacturers wanted assurance. In Manchester In time. at toe court session led to toe gutt- 12;30—Last Minute News Flashe 11:05—n to and Hla Swingtet he «a that It Is something that sprung covered when this one went the The U. 8. government has "yard- Just In case. They remembered aL 11:30— "Music fo r Men” luxury, new pcrforri^ce and ■ METHOD A $4.28 man” Eden carried such conviction way of the flopa. sticks" for determining the cost of Cleariag Highways ty finding. Weather r ready the government has one air- 11:45—Madrigal Singers o f oool courage and dauntless res- spontaneously from the lively emo- But this Is a hard-boiled bualneaa. Troubles with the sacro-illac joint producing power and building bat- The men have been clearing up A Jail term of $0i daya waa Im- 18:45—Harmony Boys tfreat list of amazing new fea- METHOD B seem to be on the Increase, but I be- plane plant of Its own. It manu- posed in toe ease the spaces be- through a period vei> similar to toe The defective brakes case of with Lew Lehr. 4:80—‘*nia Shadow*’ swee It to he trusted'with. up around the phraae, "Cafe fk>cle- ments. closed are men who have long been any means excepting tlu Nowm tween the vertebrae and allows the menopause In women. Could you tell Tony Perrone, 45, of 58 j8:00—The SUver Theater. woul ty." We wish we were not. for the IdenUfled with both the Democrat- ;80—The Laugh Liner. 5:00— Undo Ezra's Sunday A fter- you? Congress should not be, the execu- Sometimes a severe wrenching or heat to penetrate to better advan me If tola Is true? I f ao, at what street, Hartford, held late yi e\ noon in Roeedale ber elections and the very (Ictlnlte nrgtiment neither Interests nor con- tage. ic and RepubUcan partleo. t OO— P eople’s Platform HERrS WHAT YOU’U DISCOVER IN DE SOTO ^5, ened tive ileparfment of the government cerns us. twisting movement sustained dur- age does It begin?” day by Policeman Harold Hi 5:S^"SpelUag Bee"—Paul Wing falling away from the New C>e;(| ing a fall or during an attempt tb AU Over The Btoto m . .BO—Passing Parade • Naw ftraaaritoo Styllag— more room for pas- warn should not !>e. subjected to any It seems that the disputants are In taking the hot Sito bath, mt Answer: Many phyaletaa believe The number dropped In Manches- waa last night ordered < Sprillng Master • Naw Fafi-Vlew WtofiaMaM-bigber. w id «r!C on - there and then demonstrated. Is the lift a heavy object, will cause a that men undergo a change some- StO^Tbe Mercury Theater sangers! W ide-Range Safety H eadli^ts ect been the (lap|)er man-about-town. Lucius least 9 Inches of hot water ahould ter la in proportion to that in to Monday night. 8rtX)—Chthollc Hour ■tont-Speed Electric Windshield Wipers SORM adoption by the National -\ssocm- such pulling and hauling as obvi- slight slipping of one of the sacro- what comparable to the change seen George Johnson of 27 Bigelow 8:00—Ford Sunday Evening Hour flush in fenders...safer night driving! Beebe, and the redoubtable Maury be allowed to run Into the ordinary other places throughout the state. 8:30—News and Weather almost two-thirds of windshield area! have ously is planned m this »'onnei*lion lllac joints. The patient experienc- In women during the meopause or street last night reported the third 10:00—Robert Benchley tloB of Manufacturers on Thursday Paul who. under the trade name of bath tub and the patient then sits In Meriden there has been 250 10;8O-THeadUnes and Bylines 8:45— Flufferettea • NswMrssmlasfi Uggaga Laeliar—no old-fash- a week You'i ing this usually describes It by say- "change of life.” However. I have theft o f autunwMle coupe' to po- of a new poUcy of practical co- No petitions to government with ChoUy Knickerbocker. UTites col- In this warm water. Only the feet names strieken from the rolls, all 7:00—Jack Benny and Mary Liv- • FIra 8pes8a Fanrarfi—with Perfected Auto- he'd ing his "back comes out." If there Is known o f many mean who did not cur here within three days. Aocord- Ji ’92—Weather—Sports—News ioned bustle projecte In rear. Yet there are 33 20 mlUlon slgn.atures should he umns of society chit-chat. and hips ahould be Irameraed. Fresh being notified two days ago, and ingstone with Phil Harris' Or- ^ucOverdrive..optional ateitra CMt. New you can buy this naw Whitahsod — Ineorperating operation with government and for- a real displacement, severe pain is experience this period and who re- ing to Johnson, bis riu waa token 11115—Red Norvo's orchestra cubic feet o f usable space! promoted h.v any one group ani- Now Cholly argues that he Invent, hot water should be allowed to run yesterday Aasodatad Preaa'reporU chestra perforiuance, greater economy! waa mal abandonment of Its hliheiio ed the phrase, "Cafe Society.” But pixHiiiced, not only by the Joint in- tained full physical and mental vig- from a parking place on Elm street ” ~[0—Paul Pendarvis* orchestra all tho most modern improremonts ter oonstonL In occasionally In order to keep the announced that 87 had been drop- JJ'OO—Henry King’s orchestra • New NsB8))^Wft—easier shifting, easier han- unde mated by whatever speela' Inillgna- a shi»rt while back, Beebe was paid jury but also by the Injury to the or well Into toe aevenUes. As a gen- near the Cheney mllla. Two other Wagon with Orchestra •conomicol hot water. Tho haavily insulated hoik consistent policy of opposition lo bath as hot aa may be borne on the ped from the rolls in the Danbury Jz:so a. m.—Gene Krupa’s orchestra dling! No “wobble.stick” in floor. Plenty of • Sa.Hereeeewer, SeHr-Eceaeiay Eaglae—New, befoi flon or desire of Its own. And if by a dim cornpany for use of that surrounding soft tlssuea skin. eral rule, If this chsnge does occur and Bethel area. stolen ca n have bean recovered, 8:00—Don Arnsebe, Edgar Bergan diamond-smooth Superfinishing of parts... •r kaapo ths water hot. sores Tho eompUtaly just every kind of governmental con- phrase as the title of a picture and and Charlie McCarthy * room for thraa in front now! trol. such things begin to appear It Is Once this pain Is produced It will in men, It is marked by a gradual State Admlnlatrator BulUvan one having been taken from Locust longer life, greater economy! automatic Whitahoad requires no attontlen. It—" went to Holl>-wood to appear In When a paUent baa a history ot street, and toe other from Church I - only to be expected that govern- b* aggravated by certain move- loos of sexual capacity, and takes was In Washington yastorday to 8*o*Ty-Go-Round • Nwnfia ForoMis—Airplane-type Shock Ab- R Is not to be imagined that all ments. such as those of getting out repeated sacro-Ulac trouble. I find It place much Uter than in women. street. *•5®— American Album of pa. • Newgafety«ignal SpaedoaMter—New Non, a good plan to check the length ot check on reports that furthar cuts sotbaia. Rubber Float Body Mountings cllm- ment will protect Itself against When we heard about It, we of bepted by run wholly to carpenters and farm- body's side. For all we know or STIU PRICED JUST ABOVE THE LOWEST tion, which makes it easier for fur- In toe shoe may bring permanent re- Answer: A good permanent should Washington. Hs is reporisd In to- _ Esdny U :8 0 -R a y Klnnay'a (JrStotra^ ers. That may not be so bad. care, ChoUy and Lucius had slmul- 5-8.- *■ T She ( tbs association through majority taneoua flashes of brilliance and ther trouble to develop. lief by preventing the Joint 'from not Injure toe hair or the color. day's press dispatches aa having . “ » a U «ym Wiu be open for W ^ B u d Flaharis O r S S t ^ Some folks may dispute that the slipping out again. handball and boxiag. Then It will be followed as faith* creat^ "Cafe Society" in the aame The discovery of bow to correct been assured there would bs none HqmlUty Is to make a right ostl- fanner baa a better balanced mind Those who are interested to sacro- BEE YOUR MASTER PLUMBER OR iB>osk e were the firet to use Osteopaths who originated the roy wrist some Uum ago and now it Um'm plunga poriod win wouldn’ ■Bt r epreaenUUve o f the private the words. We couldn't say for my arUcle on SACRO-ILIAC IN- pslna when I use I t Went to 4 d eo acter more sturdily honest; but at manlpulaUve treatment which le fre- - from 7 to 8 o^clock. , Ttowa o f an members—was adhsred sure. Anyway, an academician wa quenUy aucceaaful in returning the JURIES ot value. You may obtam tor and he aald aU I could do was know aaya ha first saw "Cafa Socie- I T ? * following taam$ will usa ths your I all events all the experiences of hla dleplaced parte to normal. your copy o f this by writing to me Upe it up. This helps but Is there ty” mentioned In newsprint as far ' gym for haahatban; Deaths Last Night Jack « life tend to make him something of When there haa been a hiatory ot in care of this newspaper. Please en- anything slae I could do?" avish s While the program as presested back as le iL close a large, self-addreaaad, stamp- WATKINS BROTHERS I 8 to 8—Waot Sides. Maneliester Division a logician. He understanda rsusr a audden and eavare pain in the low- Answer: It Is hard to suggast a Marvel ^ U i s rsaoluUons committee of the Msanwhlla, the boys art all In ed envelope. and effect He knows that if you a lather and making aly attacks er back following a fall or wrench. treatment without seeing the wrist- • 8 to 4—Center BlUiarda. Stockholm— Janne NUaoon. 88 ^ Hartford Gan €•. Judy . MiBSBiBsdoti was adopted without s upon each other la their rasptoUva It la advlMbte to aacure an adjuat- Somatimes after aa injury the wrist J 8 t o 7 — P . A . A . C Bwa ^ AMenae mlniaterTmra an reofiy f ■OF you m*y reap and that tha QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS rjneral ervice Alaakan gold proopactor. DE SOTO DEALER S Ha a M oppoaltluo. It is known that colu m n But-we a n aarvlag notice meat as soon aa possible, before tha (Pabi Prom Liver?) remains weakened and support by crop you get win ba o f tha natun musclaa become very aore. bandaging or taping u ntrrasinr Speetol Ndttee FOR A GREAT CAR^ FINE SERVICE AND A SQUARE DEAL entftei toported to tbs sssodaUoo that la or out of a court, wa caa*t QuMtidii: Myles H. Wrltos: ”1 ®U»beth d the assd. Ha uadaratoads the •• •“Uuwltjr OB thslr prior A fter the treatment It. may ba a In aoms caaea t U ils a h o ir ttito a t 5*«f®U. 58. wifo of Cttr WUfradwiurad . Tra I JtnBOOBS have a severe pain In tha bach Just :P**’*®® for womra Oreitfs^n^ffmn^ tha O r w sC istttac littla wsadi If wa had t B M ^ gooA plan to bara tha trsatbig doo- can badoas. , irishlng to boarl la baing formad at ot XBtol hsiow tha tight hlada. JL K. ANUkRSON.' D W ^ fril MlarieM to Labrador. MSOfOi > P L Y M O U T H D K A U n s ws wouldn't go brag- tera Ug hcosra patehss ^ , ^ ' ' ’•■t Side Racraation Buildtng. B L -P ro f. J, w . Oarw ISe'eSStl***-**^ ^^ttto»KhBra»wjmwMsy { AU persona intereatod are uzgedto Itt IfAST OE lflK H C T gto to touch w ith *— - ^ o f tha Untoirrity ot kOBSIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHEStER, CONN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10,198S

MANCHESl ER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10,198i sni SERIAL STORY PAO«8Sm i''|i Weir, Dave Thomas, Ed QulMi. book would be kept open until De- eotrmiaHr, ims Cliff Dolsen. Mmbar 88 for members. After that Circle Sunday and Monday Lb VERS A WEIGH MIA •mvict. INC STRETCH date It will be thrown open to mem- msteers taken by R - 'TENSHUN - OfiTj^and fuaste. It is reaUy going GEWNID MnEORS DDE ondervatary BY BETTY WALLACHi AnerlooB Lsgtoa AnxllUury to bs a party thto year with many aroufid t t T S t e a t The regular meeting of the Unit new noveltlee Introduced for the FOR THREE EVENINGS orMt, aad taka due year f- ^ h ^ Monday evening, December first time In Manchester. mont hs f o r aaeh ' CAST o r CaARACTEBS I walked this afternoon. Mayb- BUDDIES 9th. Due to the bad weather not It to tha general opinion of tbe appear t6 he • wy , r JCDT A L O O T T—4idmlnU’t the doctor will let me go home to many members wsre pressnt but club members tbat the entertain- WillAppwr Fairly Ltm In SaMgktor,. Sba faced a choice be- morrow." they ptsnned to hold our Christinas ment committee really made up for -t-’W ’" Smm two navy aultora. "Silly!’’ She smiled at him. 'l : party on December 19th. The Past the annual banquet show last Nani- DWIGHT CAMF^BLX — amU- you threaten to leave the hospital Andorson-Shea Post. V. F. W. every member’s ^ Id e n ts , headed by Mrs. Grace Wednesday svenlng. They put on a b«r Vlfilbla Bafora Midnight ..Js.'jgffijaaig family at tbe Pitkin, will take charge. Each tloaa Beotenaat. Be faced a choice before the doctor says you’re Twelve fine acts were featured Christmas party. real show, a monologus artist, a botwoeB hia wife and duly. strong enough, you know what I'll member is requested to brln* a three round boxing bout and a com- New York. Dee. lO.-^(AT) —The at "Lodlee’ Night" at the Home The coming iactivities at the small gUL dACH H A M X Y — dflBf tailor, do? I ’ll make the chaplain come Home within the next month: edy bout that really “wowed” the g e ^ l d meteors are due to show metaoA^dtltnda ahevaaarOifit^:; ■a fhoed a teet «t a p a ^ t love. right up here and marry us here: last Friday night. Clam chowder The Chrletmae sale of faney ar- members. Dave McCollum put on a In thA WAAtATD iky iturlnA tki Ihrse mllas and it th cah ' British War Vets as guests, Uelea aad foodstuff was hold nurs- mar ve l HASTINGS — navy And then you’ll have to do what was served after the program and Tuesday, Dec. 20. •PfighettI dinner afterwards that begiimtaf Sun&y nlghL dulMathaerWL wifa. She faced the teat of betay a I#ay!" fit Wfitklns Brothers stors. TTie was a dandy. Theae meteors afa naawd fw the His eyes lighted, hts big armi dancing rounded out the evening. Public dance and turkeys given sale was very successful. One of the ----- . feed eaUer. away, Friday night. Dec. 23. night Bingo party consteltotlon Gemini, la the pert CHAPTER XXX reached for her. "Judy!’’ After The program was as follows; of Mrs. will be held as usual. The commlt- of the sky from w hl^ they annear a while be said, "That's not a bad Kiddles Christmas party, Friday, Mildred Clarke conductod the food Jody waa trembling as ahe allp- Skaters waits toe dance. Olive Dec. 16. “ • P>*nfi to have turkeys to come. In the tost two years, Idea, Mias Alcott. IVot a bad Idea May Fau; tap dance, Marion Soil* ; vmtv vari*** ^ •ale and a good sum waa turned into MOra Cbrtotinaa and those who at- ^ t c h m have reported coimUnx NOW IN STOeXi pwl behind the wheel of her car. at all. I may hold you to that." the treasury from this group, Tears stung bar eyas. Marvel and lane: tap dance, Muriel Munwl; ! S a ^ u ^ a y ^ llh t ^ ^ c Sl ^ r t t « d get the real thing. Turkeys in **•••• mfiteMo And he waa klsaing her again, un- fmnge and Jokes, William Sweet; MoselJ'^coU.ifung 5Jfes. ciulstuiu; Party fine and not toss than 18 pounrtaflMuth. Me, teat year. ::ssr tap dance. Bob Hall; song and . Don’t forget that the next day JS**^^*^*^ A new platform for This would make right all the tor- ly and the room was spinning JOB dance, <3onnle Kehler; ^ hfld Monday, December 19th at the oroheatra waa Installed thto week ^Unlike meat meteor “showan'’ tured little conSlcte between them Riiu oHwm iwe... irl. 7 . -8'—Spanish • aiLcrafter methe ;\ewNew Year’slear fl party is Sun- around her. PRINTING *i.nS State Armory. AH Md aU to in reaUUnesa now for a K "**?.i* fip p w In the largest num- Wnxiiht ben RaUnia aM Matvei would soften, she'd not be so "1 love you. Judy," he said d«w J^ HowJ h ‘‘ ll >»y- So get bu^ winter program. bers bafors mldni^t. Thitr eoa- WraagMlrM W ariTaOOrhir. selfleh and demanding. The baby huaklly,_ For Every SELECT APPROVED Ths garments early. ^LEASED CLIENTS are created for William Sweet; tOe dance. Rose mOthere. wUl Members who like to play setback stelto^n l^slrly tow Irt tha w would absorb her time and emo- "I Imre you, too. Oh, darling. Purpose NU-HOME CO. URGES BKS-EL- htadly notify either of the foUOwing. •rn sky. Tbeir color to very wklto, you and we Mary Quish; skip rope tap dance,' e v e n t s snterteln- JAMES KILPATRiCE tioc. and whan Dwight was away I love you so much!" Joe Howard; roller skates tap i the number of children thfit ara to ment-syery Monday. The atteadanoo teelr paths short. They often 18 Charier Oall ttrted at sea, her life would not be empty. When the nurse peered In. a guarantee per- attend, it win be greatly aonrecl- BUILDING STOCKS fect fit. dance Muriel Muncel. rVnderton-Shea AuxUla.>>’ Is growtng each week snd there are leave illuminated traito. EMephoxeiShaplW.R *X>h, Fm glad for them!’’ Judy moment Ister, she said grumpily, William H. COLE MOTORS AIM V. F. W. Kennedy, *^Mrs. ten tables for msmbera Unusual photographs at Ona sf thought, “Glad I” Like a thick fog "Hmmm! If you don’t marry her ROOF REPAIRS NOW Thousanda Mias Strickland and Mrs. Curtain Marjorie Bradley. Mra Helen Orlf- Schieldffe Depend On accompanied at the piano. i The next regular meeting of the p>e outeen to getUng a coat of u s u s f'fiL t^ fiW fin UB- ttftlng to let sunshine drench down now. Lieutenant Hanley, it Just PJ^L I ^ w MoOoUum expects that uaim, feature— of^ ‘Titans VOof teewasw a^ Deep, w Wf whichW ill opens tomorrow at tee OB the dampened land, happiness won’t be respectable!" Homes are not the result of hasty — — — . ^ SPENCER The program was arranged by Anderaon-Bbea Auxiliary will be ^ r c W ^ " *• now C l i ^ tboater with teo terUling feature 1.S5 S p r u c e Oomplste saUsfactlon Is the ulU- GARMENTS held in the V F. W. poet rooms t t i f i ^ ba done before the ROMIt, FAl|^. "The Mein Event” with was warming through her. All the (THE END) decisions. On the contrary, they fol-1 Th* ‘ YP* quality of the roof-.^ The Nu-Homa Improvement Corn- Frank Valluzzl, chairman of the en- 1- meeting will bf held fourth of July or before he takes hto Street mate goai for which the Cole Motors, Home Hoore: Manchester Green, Dec. 13th at 8 doubts and fears she harbored In low long and serious thought and ' niaterlal used on any structure, pany suggests that you have your 8-9 tertainment committee through ®“ “ December annuel vaeatlOn. The painting la her heart so long w«.e gone. pnn.irt.r«fin„ proporUon, roof repaired or replaced. If neces- Inc., strive to attain In their busi- Peggy Donavan of Glastonbury, o’clock. Offlcere are reminded that u n ^ expert supervision and ought Tel. .1690 nslderatlon for the owners know - determine the quality and worthl- sary, before It begins to leak and Evenings 1 to 9 we will take in two new members. to tend in tboir reports. Jack, who had waited and trust- ness of selling and servicing Ponttec ■ Vising Faith Sptllane’s pupils. VVU- chtetor Chapter meets at ths Army preatlge to the field of ■elentlfle re- they are Intended to last a llfe-tlme. I of the entire building. Not thus av61d yourself additional In- Refreshments will be served after when tee and Navy aub. There Is Impor- ed, was In the hospital. She roust MAKING GAS FOR automobiles and this is the p6Ucy MISS ANNIE SWIFT / 11am Sweet, an overseas World War The Officers of the unit are In master painter” geU through. search. ' go to him. Right now! She glanc- sheltering the members cf the family ' tne roof Just oa noUceable convenience. This local company ^^Wteran, has sang over radio sta- tbe meeting. tant buatosaa to come up and we which has been the foundaUon of Registered Spencer Coreetiere When Dr. WUliam Beebe, noted | ed at her wrist watch. It was very circle, a haven of rest and quiet no jPQktis WTIC and WDRC, Hartford. - The next meeting Of the Hartford want a large attendance. explorer of undercea life, recently . h.v,. „ „„ .M .u„t n.:S fff'Lr.*'’'.".“ 'pS",.' comes this capacity for only a'year and & a their business over a period of RaMnow Bldg. TeL District County (Council will be held Spanish War Vatsrans Amdllair. A totter oarqe to frdm Joe C!ush- late—nearly eleven o'clock. But she matter what else goes on in the out- WB2 of Springfield. Joe How- meeung held at descended half a mile beneath the had to see him. Even If be were CONN. TAKES BIG most Of the wear, the strain and—• the“ •* half but every person connected twelve years of serving local people. a^u'* ex-navy prizefighter, skips In Hartford, Sunday Dec. 18th as SSiiw iT”' “““I. I man of Stonington. He hean’t de- side world. stress of elements and time. A c m ^ Wednesday evening ocean’a aurface to hto apectoUy con- asleep. But be wouldn't be. He'd with the work undertaken baa been AU who have bad business desil tojpa while tap dancing.. the guesU of the St. Caldwell Call v ^ a r e toying to reach our quote cided yet whether to stay with hit struct^ bathysphere, fiT T iS u - Protect Into a home go the frulu of toll * ‘*te Dept PTMldent Mrs. Mary It must withstand tbe burning trained in this field and baa many ihga with Oole Motors, Ine., located eld chapter or line up with tee new be sitting up, reading one of the and labor. Sometimes sacrifices roust The program from beginning to Robinson Auxiliary. The ladies will membere Matetou and her staff from Wiiii. listed In hto studies by several mam-, rays of tbe summer sun, the beat years of valuable experience at hia at 91 Onter etreet. in thla city, fire chapter to New London. books she bad brought bim. AMOUNT OF FUEL G. E. W ILLIS be made to attain and retain it. end was the bast wo havro had thla meet In the hsll over the fire house. mantle were present snd gave a pert of tee fair sex, of almost equal of torrential stcrms and hall, and disposal. Tbe management asserts know that this firm U of the utmost Florence and Alice have aesem- Anyone oaring It might not be a bad Idea lOr tee fame aa aclentlste. ^ Tbe nurse in the hoepital was Everyone longs and dreams of hav- the we'ight of snow and lee. It must season. Chairman Valluzzl certain- vtn interosUnq talk on new •»- gaiig to stop off and see Louto doubtful. “We don't allow visitors I that there is a large crew of men Integrity and their sucCess'ln-the bled their committee together and <*•**<> tor plosM a member of the ing a home to which he may turn endure against rot from constant ly is doing a fine Job. galla and f ^ r work. Wo are Palmer In Newingtop ‘hoaptUi on so Iste.” I & SO N , IN C. working for him at aU times so that automotive Industry Can be attribut- plana are now made for the Oirlat- S it? *" BrwJle^ and p l u i ^ fi Chrletmae party w expedition headed by Dr. Baabe and Young and proudly call his own and when tee way to tee sUte dampness and it must have the vour work can be undertaken with ed to Insistence on fair business The house committee held a long mas party. By the Ume the mem- she will see that some one eaUs. meeting to Otto Barton, to toternatlonaUy roust see him! I'm sure If • Statistics Show 132,400 3 ^**^!St^tee New ttritato. this dream la finally realized, k>u strength and durability to defy the out delay. methods at aU times. Because of meeting last Sunday morning to bera read thia article, I expect you known as an lohthyologtot or export Commander Slosnc is about—" | m,ay be sure that It U the result of grip of strong winds. meeting ^ adjourned to tho dining Ed F ^ e r ’a wife to now home “I’d have to telephons him. be', If the Infant blim rd of the past thla high atandard of oCnduotlng make plans for the holidays and all will have received your cards British War Veterans on undersea life, dsapite her yoGth. many tedious hours of planning and i Under the roof, the remainder of alterations on the Home. The fol- ^ ooctol commlttoe from tee hoopIUl. Ed haa had not here.” Tons And 15 Million Gal- M ASO N S' two weeks has weakened your roof buaineaa, they are recognised as one LGCAL and l 6NG DISTANCE giving you some idea of what will « rerilfir monthly meeting of Mtoa Holltoter speetoltoea in^the many months of saving the house dependsepi for safety and now is the time to have It either re- lowing actlvIUes for the holidays the Mons-Ypres Poet wUl be held In J *!* ® " Graw- plenty of tough luck lately, but ^mnaratlve anatomy of fiahea. Bhe Judy waited impatiently whits of the most outstanding automobUe TRUCKING ^ e place. So please remember **®!1 ■’*.^i“*** BthoUne Lewis f«*•. low-acienuat. the classified and de- Judy. “Only, I’m so sure be won't that the roof Is the best that can Company at 8869 or call at their his keen knowledge assures you of PERREtT A GLENNEY the holder to the dance. There also Mribed various new forma of life be!” well known concerr. has had tne Inc. Christmas party will take place. Plana are almost completed for with ted candles sad Ohrlstmae Under Cever Staff be had. local address of 103 Spruce street. the utmost In fine quaUty transpor- will be twenty-five or thirty tur- The V. F. W. 6iub, Post and Auxil- brought up from tee deptha of the opportunity to serve local residents tation. He welcomes an opportunity Periett Place - Night Phone 8818 our big annual Kiddles Chrlstmss iHbis Cloth, plates, cups aid candies one of my contemporary column- Production of manufactured gas keys given away during the dance. iary are sponsoring this party. We party which will be held In -nnker Ued to a napkin with a ch.*oolate North Atlantic, off Bermuda. This thing that had happened to for many years and It la merely at- to demonstrate the new 1039 Pon- lats mentioned a new voterana’ ciib Another member of the fair sex to meet Connecticut’s varied re- tributing credit where It Is due to A New Year’s party with pll the expect Santa will be at tbe V. F. W. Hall next Saturday evening. The Santa aaus h^stde them which was tost week. You have to be able to her was so miraculous, she could ing for God, the right way of living tiac to you and feels surs that you dedicated to aolvlng the mystertoc quirements, exclusive of the gas say that they have expanded to the trimmings, hats, horns, etc., has al- post rooms some time during the Mmmlttee In charge Is working hard a siirp’ ise to us all A rising -ot# face tee facto U you want te Join, not believe that Jack, who loved T . P. H ollordfi and who Is bewildered when his will be amased with the improve- Of the deep to Joceljm Craito, attSSf bar, bad not felt it, too. And when manufactured In the coke ovens of high position they hola today by so been planned. There will be evening with a gift for every boy to inake this the best party yet. Re- of U.anks was glvMi to tee commit- to which ease you will probably en- STRANGE DRAMA wife ccnfecses not only that ahe mente that one year of research and girl, (12 years old or under) tee O tr slstsic are cSrtelnly all live and vivacious, who holds ton aba stood in tha door of his room the Connecticut Coke Company FUNER.AL HO.ME honestly deserving the merit that WINTERIZE YOUR .dancing from 8 o’clock untU 3 In freshments will be served all attend- loy meeting tee Big Dipper, i f this rank u a setontlst and lohthyologtot doesn’t love him but that she Is wiii- could effect. the morning. A first class orchestra whose mother or father gives their •wen workers. looks like a break your atar reporter aad aaw tha pool at light from the which amounts to more than half has been accorded them. Aa anotbar branch of hU automo- ing and Santa Claus will be piesent and who also aldsd Dr. Baebe and of that used In the state, necessi- •Really located—convenient and Ing to bestow her doubtful charma PONTIAC AT OUR will provide music for dancing. names to Floreooe PelorsOn or We are very aorry Indeed to hear expects to make a scoop. It msv lamp on tbe bedside stand, her heart- If }Tou have been saving to build on any man who comes along. bile business, this dealer also main- reoeiv^ a ulrs bloodhounds. ^ Otto Barton to teelr search for new oaened to give a shout of gladness. tates the burning of approximately away from the busy thorough- OF VAUDEVILLE SPECIAL PRICES Saturday night, Dec. 31, Is the Maude Leggett not later than Doc. g ift Members of tbs Tost are aWut our K e t Frectdeat Julia and complete facte on the almost 132,400 tons o f solid fuel and sb^mt fare. Distinctive Service—.Mod- a home, build one that will prove ' Doesn’t Find Splritnal Figure tains a complete automobUe repair date. 13. L’Heureux’s accident. faUlng and ur friend Bee-el almost talked Ho was up! worthy of the sacrifices you have service and engagea mechanics who to get In touch with tbe committee unknown world bensath the «ea 1S,300,200 gallons of oil In the em l-'aellltles. aancy doesn't find thia eplrltual Pontiac 6 ..32.!»5 On Dec. 2?th ‘the Auxiliary will breaking her ankle and we 2| wish me out Of catching a troltoy car tee "Jack!’’ She ran to him, and her made. Regardless of the expert figure that he Is looking for. But, can repair any make or model of Some of the lateratlons on the to give the namee and ages of the ether night. Here’s one veteran Both these young women appear course of a year's time. Pontiac 8 ..83.20 Home that will be started very have a Christmas *upper, to be KiddiCA expected. Tbe pArty^ wUJ her a speedy recovery and hope the In Titans of tee Deep”, s feature ■ Upa bruahod hia Thera was mois- These figures are baaed upon the workmanship In a home, It will not although he doesn’t recognise It, car, satlafactorUy. Bring aU your who can’t run down trolley ears ture on her cheek. He felt it, and A.MBULANCE SERVICE Filled With Mystical And soon are. to change the present served at seven o’clock. Bach stert at 6:80 p. m. and all members Aiemben wUl tend hir CArdt length film taken of the varloua un- annual statistics of the American stand the ravages of time and the that spiritual goodness of the automobUe questiona to tham, for This special Inolndes eemplete l ^ y will be asked a small sura to her oy phone and visit her at bar without a horse these days. That’s said wonderingly, "Judy, what's human raca comes out of him. He stairway to the cellar. A cement Of the post are requested to be on tee trouble with us ex-cavalrymen. ^rwater expeditions snd which was Gas Association, compiled from re- DAY AND NIGHT elements If It Is constructed of In- 'When In Doubt, See Cole Motors." car lubrication—change of eiaaa- stair^ray will be put under tbe help pay for the meal. After sup- home as the hours wUl bs long and to tee msktog. happened? What brought. you ports received from Connecticut ferior maUrials. Therefore, make tends the wife who doesn't love him oaae oU—change of tmaamlaaioa ^ d to give the ladles s helping loneeomo. ^ Itont forget to plan on the YD here?" Metaphysical Meanings, stairs of the hsll. This will make per we will have roU call, and ea& Ouba annual banquet It is leaa public utilities, and. since the above 175 Center St. Phone ;<()60 certain that the materials used in on her way with a blessing rather nad rear ead gear oU. member will be asked to renew Ws M glad to bsar Past Presl- Circle theater tomorrow, shows ths "Oh, darling, darling. I'm so amounts of fuels provide leas than than condemning her. The illusionist, the cellar more suitable for pool, Don’t forget Tueaday. Dec. 20th I than two montea away now. building your home are of the beat etc. And by moving the cellar stairs their obUgaUon, after which games dsnt Mary Johnson to on tee gain romarkaUs bathysphsro, developed h^py. I'm aUve! Alive, for the half the gas produced In the state, Yet About Ordinary Folks the midget and others on the vaude- Yea Sir, that la tbe night we are and hope tee sisters will esH and ______SEE-BEE. by Otto Barton, by means of w h ^ first time In months Ob, Jack!” quality—purchase them from G. E. wee win be able to make the bar singing and dancing will be enjoyed. 1 they give an Indication of the ex- WUlls A Son who has a large stock ville bill do what they can to solve JOHNSONS STOCK C O LE M O T O RS Invited to visit the V. F. W. Home see her. Sbe took his hand. She sat on the tensive amount of fuel required In their own personal problems and in over twice as large by continuing Santa will make a visit also. Each at the Green. I hear Bee-el and ths of everything for the builder and •l-M Ceeter SL TeL646F member U aeked to bring a ten C. B. 8 3.0M feet- ton Umes firester than olda of the bed. He smiled at her. furnishing all of the gas nervlce. doing that thty halp to solve the It around the comer into the large gang u e planning a big time, so will test posslbla with ortUnary divlnx contractor. They also deal In tuel New York. Dec. 10—(A P )—A room. Plane to refill and straighten Mnt useful gift to put uMer the ‘TITANS OF THE DEEP” “Jack, tell roe. did you aver tael The aasoclatlon'a atatlatlca reveal problems of others. « DUPONT PAINTS you please plan to be present. Come T. D. V. A. squlpmenL ' sofa and aura, all tbe time—did you that ths solid fuels employed In the oils and electric furnace man equip- strange play It is that Philip Barry Ae In hia “Hotel Universe,” so m out the driveway to the Home was *'^®' A* this Is the first Umt we ment. have had roll call and renewal of prepared for fun. Don’t forget the Tomorrow, Sunday, Dee. U. we --Thfi companion feature to ’*nte faal that it was all over7“ production of gas In Connecticut has written In "Here Come the “Here Come the downs” Barry also talked over and wUl be in tha meeting Wednesday evening. AT THE CIRCLE SUNDAY Mato Event’’ with Robert Paige Ha looked at her and said grave- last year. ouUlde those used at the They are located at 2 Main street What Does YOUR Homo works soon. We had thto Job done our obligation, let’s see If we can’t meet at the Army and Navy CSub JacquHne WeHs. ^ ' CTowns," a drama that Is filled with preaches the theory that all of us in It Is a conceded fact that paint- Jeema. to go to New Britain for tho state ly, 'Tve bean worrleu, Judy. But coke ovens In New Haven, were and pride themselves on the fact this human race are dependent up- NEED? — — ------once but the storm with the hurri- percent, Dec. COAL - COKE mystical and metaphysical mean- 27th. The ladles on the oommittM meeting. We want to have the I'm not now. Something's happen- subdivided as follows In tons of 2,000 that their large stock of supplies on one another no matter what as- ing and waU papering not only In cane waabed the fill out There Brittsb War Veterans’ Aoxllt8|y. Having wen prominence to busi- Termites, more or less common, I pounds: anthracite coal, 3,900; bi- RANGE AND FUEL OILJ? enables them to fill orders of any ings, and yet It la a story of or- A were many little changes decided would like to ka^w how many to state meeting hers In tee spring, so nesa and numerous branches of tee ed. You’re different’’ seu we have Individually In educa- crease tbe beauty of a home, but Ist’e have a good regi^ntetion. srs found In svsry ona of ths 481 "I’m alive, I tell you! Oh. dar- tuminous coal, 63,400; coke pur- size Immediately. You may telephone dln.ary vaudeville people, their trou- tion. wealth or power NEW on that will benefit tha Home and make p li^ for at the supper, eo various profaaslons. noUbly law and states of the Union except Nortel chased. 36.400; coke made In plant Prompt Deliveries also add much to ths value of tbe members. Next Wednesday, 14, Man- medicine, women are now gaining ling. I didn’t want you to know, but your order to 5125. blee, romancea and problems. But, what holds this unrealistic Dakota. 14.200; and coke breeze, 11,500 At All rimes Through them Barry attempts to property for rental smd salea pur- HEATING While attending to some official Outzmer, on or before Saturday night I —1 was unsure And I—I did see Anthracite coal Is employed In play In a cup la Eddie Dowllng’a Dwight.’’ clarify the spiritual dilemmas that poses. It Is therefore expedient to PLANT business on Center street last Wed- n. . President Mrs. Kane and Vise the gas making prcKieas entirely as MANCHESTER performance as Clancy. He has the make certain that your home Is In “I know that." he said quietly. a fuel to feed the boilers, while the Intelligent mortals encounter much Irish humor that never makes hia neaday night, yours truly happened 'V'* President Mrs. MeCtonkey/with the ’’Jack!’’ Suddenly ahe felt the LC.MMER & FUEL CO. along the llnea that „c employed In the best of condition at all Umas. A PLUMBING - TINMING AND to look up the street as a trolley ^ almost drawing help of the committee, have t»^n i generator fuel from which the g.is AITKINS STARTED character too eerie and he has the bright and Cheerful home makes for pain that he must have known, and Is actually made Includes both bi- Telephone 5115 his Theater Guild production of ilncerlty to make you believe that HEATING CONTBAOTOBS car was coming from tbe Center ^ membera can’t ^*ry busy this week seleotlng gifu ahe said, "Oh. my dear, I wouldn't "Hotel Universe" about eight years a bright and cheerful famUy and Its Get Onr Estimate. bound west for Hartford. Running a t t ^ tee next meeting to pay oUier neceasiUea to raake*tha with an tuminous coal and colce, sonio com- he la really In search of some aort members do not hesitate to bring have done It If 1 had realized. " panies making use of both. Bitumi- ago. of faith or religion, which la what abreast the trolley on the left hRnd teelr duea, call Anna and she wlH b« porty complete. ~Even RaaU“ wUl "You ha^ to get over It," he said. nous coal Is also used as a boiler PLUMBING IN ’68 In that drama he pictured a group friends borne for a social evening. side, in the middle of the ^st- glad to call for teem. | wive a nice new suit on that night all these unimportant but aerlous If your home and Its Interior are JOHNSON A LITTLE We “ Like being stage struck. You out- fuel, as Is a substantial part of the of Introspective Americans visiting little vaudevlUe people are looking too Ceater St. TeL 8816 bound tracks, was Ses-be waving ^ to report Ruth ^* ***fi*‘- A good number of chH- grew It. I was willing to wait" 15 309,200 gallons of oil consumed a friend on the shores of the Medi- for. • In need of painting and decoration, his arms frantically at the motor- Frazler to back home agmn. Mary •‘fi'^* llfitfid teelr names down The oil likewise enters the gas- Precerled by the splendid record terranean. They become depressed we auggeat that you employ tbe man. I do not know how long, or Is on teo sick list. We hope I®®. •*>‘*»’t»l"nient, which will Some of the other performers are services of a raliabls contractor and She put her check against bit. msklng process elsewhere, being of service achieved by his grand or fantastic aa they brood about the not too good, but A. H. Van Buren how far See-be had run in thla she will soon be up end around i f ^ *■ "Rfidlo Broad- I.E.S.LAMP “That's all you've been doing, end- vaporlred and Its gas being blended fnthci. who Bt.-irtod In this business problems of their personal lives, that, above all else, you uas only manner, but he did nm two hun agaln. | coating Station.” Ll and Hortense Alden are excellent lessly, waiting . . . waiting . . I with Uiat of the solid fuels to give In 1868, Thomas P. Aitkin has much problems which are mostly mental. and especially so Is Jerry Austin aa the highest grade products. John- dred yards after I noticed him. Bud A warning to ths older folks to | [the final product a higher heating to offer to local people In the wav son Brothers Paint Store at 699 denly he put on a spurt and shot In WalUng for me to get ray sense JOB They are Intellectual, educated peo- tha.midget. The latter played for American Legten I «fiHfid Duigereoa eyeatrafai may reauK back!" Her fingers touched his capacity when It Is burned In kitchen AND COM.MERCIAL of plumbing and heating service. ple who. when they find themselves Main street has been operated for front of the slow lumbering trolley, ! ranges, automatic water heaters, years the part of Mutt In “ Mutt and too^naM” 7> bowling score la promtae, there w n ^ K * ? " “rmw" hair. PRINTING Hie renowned ancestor la known to confronted with the ,.,ore elemental Jeff" |howa. Eve March, who wraa fifteen years and ths msnagsmsnt which came to a quick stop. Then from perBUtting ehUdren to reed 'f t "But tbe waiting’s over new, and house heating furnaces have Installed the first steam heat- problems of life, decide that their Is awake to the demands at his See-be stepped Into the troUey and After fio don’t forget tee bfSah u f ^ The type of gas most generally ing ayatem In Manchester and hia A4alyn Doyle In the movlaa, la In- ti^r * debacle in »ow^ of those good old Irish teaxa he said. "Isn’t It? ” Prompt and Etllclent Printing culture will not help them escape. triguing and pretty os the comely clientele from an ^establishment of was whizzed off to Hartford (to see or study by poor Hght. And for "Yea. made at the public utllltv plants Is of All Kinds grandson Is well on the road to suc- this kind. Everjtthlng needed for U Year Car “ Wlater-iaod**r Santa Claus?) team came The committee would gr—tiy ap- Tonight Marvel came known as carburetted hlu’s or water Plot Is Personal History lass who rules the speakeasy fan- childreB and growRupa aUki. cor- back. And I—I knew all the time cess In this same business here for In hts newly arrived "Here Come painting and decorating can be ob- Now la tbs ttme to chsage the oU ^*' 0'h P**®*fitfi fiowe of'the inimKirs 5 gas. The apparatus for making It he has served local people for many fare and Is especially vivacious in hi transmission, rear ead and One of the young ladles with me Wethersfield No. 1 team which to at [•>* Rost aad AuxlHary up « ths A CLVB FOR that Dwight waa hurt and lonely the Clowns" Barry considers the the humorous scensa tained at this store and Included In said. "What’i that guy trying to ■lOin THE 1119 rect Ught, ample Ir amount aad consists of three cylindrical vessels, COMMUNITY PRESS years In this capacity and has al- eraakcaae. ^ top of tee league. Guess the ^** fi* 8 p. m. to give a halplng and that he still loved her. But knoavn as the generator, the carbu- A. B. Holmes ,|. \\ Bar* similar problems of people who are their stock la merchandise from na- do?" "Oh, he la one of those over- team needs a little competition to P**"**- I didn't want to believe it." Then ready achieved a reputation for tionally known paint-and waU pa- Wa sell Preatoaa aad Soper Pyro EVERY PURPOSE! propariy distributed, is an essen- retter and the superheater. In the 251 No. Main St. Trl. .5727 quality eervlce. not so intellectual. His setting is for yoor radiator, seas veterans %ho wras so used to re^y eak of them agam. When we • ♦ • A beautiful carpet la set on th» •harea. us out You know you are only *®‘* * ffixt fio get for a tong time t o i t ^ ^ onto and other needs! Come in and join today! •M them. we’U pretend that noth- What flavor ? ground. Tou may nacesna a msmbar by aubacrtbtng for one or mom y®" P*«y- The thathSto"off Oopay fSMMxaSTnS •bf—” her voice broke. That fitreet lights ara up la town aad as jraars afUr." j 3 ^ « I KEMP'S, INC- >UnCe when m frlccid told And as you walk on It. you make shares — simply call at oar offles, sign a signature card and wouldn’t be easy. You couldn't Blm be wae going into the Ice not a sound. your first payment. ABK FOR A FOLDER ABOUT THE CHRISTMAS dismiss the past just by m«up IT BAS BUT THREE OBJECTS Let her get acquainted with Ux mentod on. Ths aama concern wUl ful friendship. Oopev*^win BENSON FURNITURE R RADIO ereszD btuloeess i/PA IN T IN C aficorate ths Armory for our ^ cording to M u l d S T ^ hto o !S ' your mind to forget, Poasibly • • • A a ^ e y stretch out thsir branches 1. To provide a almpla way for peopi*. young and old. to aava gang and there to a chance yoi CLUB SLOGAN CONTEST Jack would never forget the an ^ SLTPLIES tSey look so aad. money aaally. may amik home with one of thi w come out aad sea what they. ^ ban. Tom p la e S t o n S POTTERTON'8 gulsh she had caused him. Life begins at 80. to on aa inside Job. Ttoketeiw m •*«> Vitt reSE^. Bvary Xmas aub Member la Eligible To Enter! And —Heber J, Grant, president the til We carry a complete line But way down deep they are very 8. To aoabto theae aavtaga to aam a proflUbla iaeoma aad still good prtzaa. Marvel would never forget. And of glad. bs ssfs. ^ comnuttee aad ara ^*Tfiae for a read oM tlma mlMtxal WAT8IDS FURNITURE Jwty . , , No, Judy would Mornyns, observing his 82nd' FUR N A CE We are aorry to hear that Com- never birthday In Salt Lake Otv, Utah. Paints • Wallpaper To give their leavee out as a gift E To aid Ita msrwbsrs to bacome ownsra of thsir homss on sa rada Neal Cheney's daughter to being dtotributed as fast as poaslble. I S^bw ara under coosidaratlea bv tha rMOy fo m t althar. • • • I Advice on Inside aad out- For all children who for them have ssny monthly repaymsnt basis, practically tlks rant Etoswhare in today’s paper you srUl I Kfitsrtalnmeat Commlttea It win Ba~ aaid I pretty alck. We hope she recovers MONTGOMERY W A R D R O a taadttly, “That’s part X think Ifl fo down to T«xd« I side repalrtag gtadly giveo wished. Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned JOINT ACCOUNTS soon. NeaL ' Laoralna." fi^eto about this sffalr aad further ndd « bom. The auxiltory to having a (autot- ^ old time mambere win be rn isiil f e . ’, . T W y I bavs." Many a tizzvs wa have scan. naas tna and party for tha rtwt,ri- fi^’^ rt^ 'to n ts aad arttclea win ap- Into aervtoa It ought to be Z $ Ws nave aaoer dadarad isaa than 4 par cant dlvidacd and tn ■how of tha yafir. SAVINGS BANK They clusc Johnson Leaves of colors, rod, yellow ■n't 5.00 I w ’ chlldran with a Uttto aid from p w ^ m tlma to ttma between now At Im TS green. ' Mk yoa to oonpara this retnni with rataraa paid by e t b a i^ w post Comrades enter youz fiPd New Taara It to up to an the «U And UtUa tshBR T. P. AITK IN CO. masabera to taUi thto aintr on aad ^ Itoh over tha deeorattMaf ^oint Cpmpcini II drans namea as soon aa r»«—p>if The AAanchester ElsciHc ■St L m A s s ^ tio n *lve tt tha pcbBcity , 0 0 ? ^ /AANCHESTER J k Orioles Show No Interest IRUMOR HUTCHINSON MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10,1988 In Local Football Series I SET FOR PIRATES

Jack Dwyar, coach of tha north^ven though Morlartyn crushed the M. H. S. PUSHED HARD BUT WHIPS EAST HARTFOPn and Orioles, raraaled today that Crioles under a 51-7 score after losing the opener by a 7-6 margin. Say Pittsburgh Has Bought and ailead Congregational church- times "Fruits o f Lsibbr", ‘Itesping only four membara of hla football es, and Mrs. fSdward A. Smith, the Crops", or Just "Working In the “ It Isn't the sire of the score that STAFFORD Hebron. oquad appeared for the apeciol counts," said the north end mentor. Coast Hurling Ace; Mon- Fields". But no matter what title meeting that waa called Thursday Morlarty Brothers, with a power- This year instead o f having the he tacks on to It, we know the'ser- ROCKVILLE SKATING RINK night to decide whether or not the packed eleven coached by Ludwig SPRINGS meeting entirely an evening affair, mon backwards and frontwards. annual town title series with Uon- Hansen, enjoyed a fine season this treal Signs Grimes. JOHN C. NBTTO Mr. and Mra. Cragln have changed The Parson could do well If he arty Brothers should be resumed to- year and were extremely anxious the ofder somewhat by having it would just climb the fence Into a Trade Blasts Windsor High By 42-33 473. S U ffo rd morrow in order to settle the qiies- to meet the Orioles again In order begin at 4:Sp. It includes a buffet new field of sermons for once. He BEING PUT IN CONDITION Gains 46, To 32 Victory has plowed and harrered and plant- tion of the championship for 1938. to get the opportunity to bring the New Orleana, Dec. 10.— (A P ) — lunch, and the members stay for an Mr. and Mra. Theodore Placek of evening aeasion. Plans are made for ed and reaped and gleaned among “ Under the circumstances,'' said title to the south end. where it week at the Hotel Taft In Nes Dwyer, “ there's nothing I can do hasn't been for the past three years, The baseball moguls, finished with Weatford avenue will observe their program of ihe union for tha com- the sermons he wrrote up ten years Haven. about i t If my players aren't in four counting this year. It looks. their bartering at the annual minor wg^alx montha, beginning the new ago ao much that most of the Being Repaired; WiO Be Water Carnival Features 25th wedding anniversary with a ground Is wore out. Meeting In January. BYCHOLSKI SCORES 20 SOUTH WINDSOR DRUBS As Cole Sparks Scoring terested in showing up for practice however, M If _^1 attempts to play | league meeting, headed northward party, tonight at the C.S.P.8. hall tn Everybody Is getting around to The annual mAeUng of the Tol I can't drag them out to play. Mori- the deciding game will be iin.succe.s.a (otio.V for another Mssion Tueaday South Willlngton. They were mar The Women's Bridge club held lU land County Democratic Asaocta. artys may claim the title If they ful at this late date. There's still making up extra beds for frienda Ready For Winter Spor^ Pair O f Aquatic Marvels , at the major league convention In ried Ih New York City, December Thursday afternoon and retatlves- who will be coming on tlon will be held at the Town Hal wish.“ the possibility, of cour.se, that the ' 'Sevr York. at the home of Mrs. Charles a Sel- in RockvUle on Monday evening POINTS AS MECHANICS 10, 1913, and have been residents of Dwyer wouldn't agree that the Orioles may decide to show up to- lers. Four tables were In plsy. Miss here to vlalt for the 'holltbya. BLOOMFIELD BY 44-21 In Furious Cage Tussle I Local fans speculated over a re- Stafford Springs since 1921. Mr Other City News. January 9th. A t that time th« morrow at Mt Nebo but don't count Cepheus Spokeahave la expecting n ie "Human Cork,” 331-pound 7;weighted chair and hurled Into the south enders would capture the port that before the traders dls- Placek la employed aa mall carrier "•Hess Li. Pendleton wron highest annual election of officera s ill bi aeries if a third game waa played. on It hla brother, Lohengren Spokeahave held. giant world champion awlmmer and water head fimt, attempting to es- I per.sed here, the Pittsburgh Pirates at the Stafford Springs poat office. honors. Mrs. Charles P. Miner sec- from Oswego, to" be a visitor, and Damages Done By Hnrricane EARN SECOND VICTORY cape and bring the chair up In hla I had piircha.sed for $.50,000 Fred He Joined the postal service In New ond. Refreshments of pineapple finished cleaning up his comedian, and Cfiayton "Streamlined Coach Hogh Greer’s Cagers teeth In fifteen aeconda, and the Gavello, Brown And Hilin- I Hutchinson, sensational pitcher of York In 1919 and two years later w *^'^5****® " ’**’• served. hen coops thla week when disaster Maniac” Mains, fameus comedy BOX SCORE at any other sport he.«tdes haseball Mrs. Edmund H. Horton will enter- "Streamlined Maniac" Mains In his the .Seattle Pacific Coast League later was transferred here. The struck at hla preparations which he stroke and the "tops" in comedy for the Green. CoarheiJ by Johnny' Uln the club next Thursday after- Rockville, Dec. 10.— (Special)— comedy skids, slides, flips, flops and Earn Third Straight Tri- team. "■ couple have two sons. Frank I'lacck, had hoped would Interest hla broth- Harks First Tune Locals diving, wiU arrive at the East Side ski Also Tally Heayily; «•) GREEN PLAYS HOST Hedlund who also plays with the student at Columbia university and noon. ^ *r. The following Indlgnancy was NORTH BOX SCORE turns In com ^y diving. Kellam and p. B. r. William K Benswanger, presldcnf- The employees of the Public Works Rec, Tueaday afternoon Juat In time T. baseball squad the team has wnn Theodore Placek a member of the wroU up about this disaster, which Mains present over a half of hun- 3 Cole, r f ...... 6 treasurer of the Plrafe.s, declined T of Mra. Department have completed the pre- for their fimt performance in the 1-4 11 three and lost one thus far In the ground at Floyd Bennett airport. T. D. Martin, was one of the 150 la called "Human Varmints", and COVENTRY Manchester Trade (43) dred stunts never before seen here. mnph; Mnzyki, Berger, Losers Provide Stillest 0 HUlnakl, rf . 3 ' either to deny or affirm the rumor liminary arrangements for the mu- I Have Won On Rivids* swimming pool at 4:15 and wiU re- 0- 1 6 TO BRISTOL QUINT •season. Walter F.ird Pete Staiim, New York City. Mr. Placek la a singers with 'Tow n and Gown," Is honest sentiment. B F Tlielr program preaenta an educa- 3 Gavello, If . 4 3-4 11 I before he left by plane. nicipal skating rink on East street, 2 Bycholski, rf .. .9 peat the ahow at 8:00 p.m. Without lifting a hand, Manchea- Big Jim Antonio, Jim .Murray, fled member of the board of director of an oratorical society of Eastern “Into the middle o f last night Richard Storrs who has been on i 2-6 tional aide also and much mystery 1 Davis, If . . . 0-0 2 "I^ t me ptif It this way." he said. repairing the damage which wras I Grzyb, rf, c ... .0 The carnival the greatest effort Peterson And Tracy Pace “*8b moved Into first place In the Opposition So Far; U O O Relmer, Doc WtIe^■ .'-her Moor- the Workers Co operative Union of ^nnectlcut. They are presenting s When fog cut off the pale moonlight. 20-day leave, returned Tuesday U Home Floor; Hilinsld Also 0-0 will remain aa to how they really 2 Brown, c . . . 1- 1 7 "I won't say we won't buy him. It Some low-down sneaks from rob- done by the hurricane. 4 Boyko. If, Ig .. .0 ever attempUd to bring a big Ume CCIL s id in g s last night as the house and the fiery Ti .'Ty Viol make i ,..,n he ar lan.f m,—» „ ; " Stafford Springs. t^rl^mas oratoiia. It wrss given at report for duty on the U. S. (3oncon: 2-6 do some o f the seemingly Impossi- 3 Wilson, e .. 1-8 1 bers' dens The rink haa been enlarged, the 4 Parclak, If, Ig , .0 1-1 troupe of performera here for a result of two games played In the O Locals Face Shamrocks At The Stafford members o f the me H ^ 'Ie y Armory, Connecticut which is at the Brooklyn Ns'vy YArd ble stunts. Scoring Attack. Fans See ThriDer» Sec- 2 Squatrito, rg 0-0 4 State College, laat Sunday evening Run off with 50 of my hens. surface has been leveled with sand . High Scorer; Seconds 0 Dallocchlo, If . .0 0-0 water carnival and there wlU be circuit---- Bristol exploded Mlddle- toll has been added to the roster amt Sabra Tnimbtill chapter. Daughters and the sides have been banked ao Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. i"Vintfi Newspaper notices mceived from 2 Murdock, rg . 0-1 0 •ael Joe McCarthy, manager of the and was repeated at Norwich I f ever I should chanct to ketch 3 Wiemblcki, c .. .1 0-0 nothing but the latest developments t o r o s hopes of cage supremacy WOT will see action in thL' gaTTw tomor- of the American Revolution will at- that water wiu not run off. I f time celebrated their 15th wedding s/h/" other clUes and the lettem from 1 Murphy, ig , 0-1 2 East Side Rec Tomorrow; row. .New York Yankees, asked If his tend a meeting, Wednesday, Decem- Thursday evening. A hold of such a crooking wretch versary Thursday. Mr. and lose Prelim, 29-11. 3 Hlllnski, rg. If .6 1-1 In swimming, fancy diving comedy pools all over the country aay that with a lopsided 41 to 26 victory on onds Win In Prefiminary. pric He'll feel the force of what he's permiu the aand wlU be given Coach Hugh Greer'a Ellsworth the loser’s home court, while West 0 Murray, Ig .. 0-1 2 Id team was dickering for Hutchinson, ber 14 at the home of Mrs. Emily B. Miss Marjorie Thompson, who Vinton left early In the moi 1 Griffen, Ig . . . . .1 2-3 diving, comedy strokes, novelty thla la a swell team that presents — For a lone time the Green back- commented; done coating of road tar. High hoopsters, gunning for honora Hartford nipped Meriden in a slz- MO ads. -Swindells In Rockville. The state o f- haa been critically m and under enjoy the day and upon n 0 Sebula, Ig, rg . 0 0-3 water tricka and games, new swim- a clean program that will appeal to 17 Preliminary At 2:15. j ers have been toying with other "Pittsburgh beat iia to him." From the hot end o f my shotgun. lA st year this rink proved most In Class C-D baakethall, turned In xllng tut, 29-27. 30 6-18 46 ficers will be-uthe guest speakers. treatment at the Windham Com- aucceasful when It waa tried out for home at IQ p. m. they were Kjr the fimt time since basketball ming strokes and "water booting.'' young and old and It is expected Manchester High ran up Its high- j sports and the p«'sslhiUfy of a foot- Two former hig league stars got munity Memorial hospital, Wllll- For Patience will put up with much by a host of relatives and frirads at ^1 18 “Oorkey" In his seven glass Juggle their third straight triumph last East Hartford (83) to The annual Christmas party of the first time. As the water freezes, reintlons were resumed between the 17 8-18 43 that large crowds of men, women est score o f the season last night P. I ball team for 19.T«i In addition to Jobs as minor league managers. mantle. Is reported aa considerably Of torment, monkeyshlnes. and their home. The table was beautl- which Is InternaUonally famous and B. F. T. • C< Strazza Unit, American Legion such; each night the workers acrape off two schools some nine yearn ago, Windsor High (88) and children will eee the exhibi- night with a smashing 44 to 21 vic- Otto Winters, held to a lone bas- 4 Gorman, rf . . . . 1 D Manchester Green's baakethall j the baseball and basketball sports Burleigh Grimes. Brooklyn's skip- Improved and it Is expected that fuUy arranged with yellow and pink hla "Leap for Life," tied to a but that achievement was tha pro- ... 8 3-5 13 auxiliary will be held Ttiesday night But that’s beside the point of when the Ice and spray It ao that there Manchester Trade defeated Windsor B tions here. tory over Bloomfield High. The yet ket when Bristol bdwed to Manches- a Wakefield, If . . . Al team writl meet the Bristol Sham- ' seems likely The club's qiiaiters on per last year, signed a two-year con- she will be able to leave the hospi- aa the the color scheme. A Iarg« 2 I. Koslorek, rf duct o f dire necessity as a dogged ... 1 0-0 3 WIU December t3 at 7:30 In the L«gion' A man decides to steal a hen. Is a new skating surface for the High on the latter’s home court last ter here laat week. Ullied seven 0 B. McKenna, If . rocka at the East Side Recreation East Middle Turnpike have been re- tract with Montreal, and Hazen tal soon. She will spend some time bcuquet pf yeljow and pink rosei 0 Mackey, rt .... eran Greermen, moat of whom have ... 0 0-0 0 6{i rooms of the Warren Memorial hall. Let one Just pass my watering next day. night by the decisive score of 43 to Umea against Middletown and Ad- and rangy Eaat Hartford quintet 2 Uka. c ...... dMy Canter tomorrow afternoon at 3 fitted and the membership roster In- (KIkil Cuyler, got a one-year con- Guests will be present from Monaon, here with her mother, Mra. Alice were used for the centerpiece. A de* 3 Donahue, If ... been playing since the aport began ams and Santorao also helped the ... 0 1-4 1 trough— The buUding which waa erected 33 as husky Johnny Bycholski gave fought Its heart out before suc- 1 Senicope, c-If .. o’clock. The Bristol team la recog- creased steadily for the past four tract with Chattanooga. In the Rockville and Somers. There will be Thompson, and her brother-in-law licloua luncheon sras served. Th* 0 Miakavith, If ., at the South Windaor school three Bell City cause considerably. . . . Nel- ... 3 1-3 8 Aay years. He’ll come to with hla pants blowed last year waa blown down during a dazzling Individual exhibition of cumbing by a 46 to S3 score in iU 1 Melody, c-rf . . . . niaed as one of the real good semi- Southern Association. various forms of entertainment, re- and sister, Mr. and Mra. Charles p. off! the hurricane and this has now been couple was presented sith severs: 3 Zamenski, c .. ream ago, were In complete com son, giant center of West Hartford, . a . 0 0-1 0 toal p l«e s of crystal ware. Mias Anns scoring to rack up nine baskets mand of the proceedings all the bandbox gymnasium, every nook 2 Kearns, r g ...... 1 4-4 • •d. I pro outfits In this aection and the Threw West SIders What Frankie FVlach, former St. freshments will be aerved. The a f- Miner, recuperating, before going I am dlsconaolated bad replaced. Superintendent of Pub- from the floor and two free tries for 2 Sllllman, rg ... to ibe Hall triumph as local boop toaaera are taking on good fair will be attended by members of Miner making the preeenUUon. Th« 1 Dawes, rg . . . . Giants and Packers May way. Rozelle's basket In the tost minute and corner of which was cramme7 roater but there they are neverthe- New Orleans club In the Southern with her half-sister. Mrs. Helen The funeral of Francis Smith of honored euatom for Manchester to 0 Oitter, Ig .... Seers By r erlsds Th Stafford Springs Girl Scout troop had left home for the day. In gaining an skrly lead and mclng lowir^ toague standing Is now as fol- portano# except to run Manches- Wally Sonatroem, former Wealeyan less. All three are confirmed west Association, saying he had several Hills White, for several months, Nye street was held on Friday cop honora when the rivals meet Manchester ....il u u for I committee at a meeting this week WAPPING Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schell and of 60,000 to a decisive margin. Bloomfield ter’s wlnnlfiff streak to three of a and Bristol high school star and aide followers and according to re- Others to consider, haa returned to New Haven. Mrs. morning at St. Bqs^rd'a Catholic here aiid for Windsor to reverse the IS 10 13-33 33 W. B. Hartford ... 3 • g a^t the home of Mrs. Benjamin B, MRS. W. W. GRAfTt church. Rev. Frederick Olscbef- daughter Onalee, of Woodmonf rattled deapemtely but trailed by L. Pet. straight a n d le enhance its reputa- mon ganamUy rated as one of the best ports have entered Into the Green Memphis another Southern Asso- White's daughter. Mrs, Arthur M. procedure on its floor but tradition Score at half, 33-11 Manchester. Msnehester . 1 0 1.000 Score at halftlms, 33-17, TYntirkts ' Th Cooley on East Main street. Other Keefe of Gilead, la staying with her 8809, Manchestar akic, aaslatant pastor of the church vlalted their mother Mrs. Annit Referee, Eddy. 21-9 mt hmlftlme mnd couldn't c Iom tltball league today or tomorrow . . . aa soon aa Gavello, M, fo u l...... B 4 win o'clock sharp. Joey Kaymond, 136. Tampa. Fla.. Mrs. Edward A. Smith, and a claaa- children have moved recently to Wednesday waa held this afternoon also on Wednesday to attend the 0 ValenU, r f ...... Bloomfield (31) players aren't midgeta by any means slvenras that resulted In tenacious 'mate, Robert Montgomery, were services Thursday morning at the opportuniUes time after time to It la the seaaon'a real “Bugar” old fox a a rk Griffith and Horace Cole, M, short s id e ...... 7 4 oanr ( 10): Carl aivcrs, 137‘ j, Jack.son-' HEBRON Manchester. at the Tolland Federated church. play hla defensive game. T. PandaJc 2 Skinner, If .. . Btoneharo have a chance to get their F. Pta but they almost seemed so by com- ball hawking and almost led to ahv- Gorman, EH, tong pop.. . . 7 villc. Fla., outpointed Hub Smith, here for the week-end. They attend chapel at Evergreen ceroeUry. 0 Voat. 1/ ...... bowl game, with the playem of the Aldrich, rg . ^ slcal violence. Referee Phil Caa 6 Church services wUI be held aa Rev. 'Valentine S. Alison, pastor of also played a good dafenalve game heads together once mo,e . . . , if 1 1 parison with Eaat Hartford's lanky McKenna, EH, short side.. 7 8 Philadelphia — Bobby .Masters, 131, .Montreal. ilO ); aarence King, The Yale Scientific school. the church officiated. Burial waa Funeral service for the late Daniel 1 Kudrowakl, c . . . . contending tsama splitting 60 per Beator, rg .. 0 Cperformera ' man of New Haven bad bis bands FOR EVERY MEMBER Rie TrI-CJountv usual Sunday morning at the Com- but waa banished on fouls. the Pirates beat the Yanks to Fred- Miller, Ig . .. Cole, M. long a e t ...... 9 8 146. Philadelphia, outpointed Lew 132, West Pain) Beach, defeated Al t nion ^rlstm aa concert ha.s been in the East cemetery, Tolland. C. Long wiU be held from Qulah’s 0 ForUn. rg ...... cent o f the gats receipts and the 0 full an evening but turned in a fine Massey, 137, Philadelphia, ( 10) iftunity church and Sunday school Undertaking Parlor Monday, Dec. Koslorek, high man for Windsor, die Hutchinson, the coast hurler, Thubbard, Ig Cole, M, side toss...... 11 8 OF THE FAMILY .Manrigiiez. 132, Sioux City, la., (6 ) changed f^ m Christmas night to P f-C h rilwnias Service. 1 Reed, r g ...... reapecUve ownem also doing very they’re putting up a wad big enough 1 lob of officiating, keeping the furl Btitl at 9:30 a.m. and the morning wor- 12 at 2 p. m.. Rev. Leon Austin of- garnered four twin-pointem and 8 well for themselves, thank you Messenger, c Referee PhU Caanian of New Ha- SECO.VD QUARTER the week before, Dec. 18. It will be There will be a pre-Christmas out of 13 foul Shota, the result of 0 Lukas, I g ...... to cover the national debt . . . the 3 5 ous action In hand all the way. Mingi ship at 10:45. The pastor. Rev. ficiating. Burial will be In the Cen- Each member of the winning side Greene, c ... ven inaugurated a new wrinkle laat Senicope, EH, side flip, ...11 10 Man held at the Columbia Con^reg^ service at the Rockville Methodist close guarding, for a toUl o f 16 0 Johnson, I g ...... Yanks were hot (with cash) for the 0 0 l^iat Hartford tallied In the first GRANDPA’S Douglas V. Maclean will take as his ter cemetery. will realize something like $600 to Larensen, rf 0 night but It’s In the rule book. by Murray. M, long set ...... 13 10 Daat tlonnl church. Singers come from church on Sunday morning. (Arist- points. His teammates, Zamenski, 0 Fords, Ig ...... youngster . . . you can win your-, „ 2 half minute oa Gorman took the tap Card theme: "The Revelations of God In The CToventry Fragment society help him through the winter, while Humphrey, rf 1 mutual agreement of tSs coaches, HUlnakl, M, abort side ....1 6 10 maa hymns will be sung and the Donahue and Dexter were standouts •eff a piece o f change betUng Davey Malln If ...... 1 and sank a long side shot but "Red” la I ‘ he union, com- the Bible." will meet Wednesday, Dec. 14, at 2 the losing gladiators will pocket 3 (jaaman had the privilege of calling Gorman, EH, short side ...18 12 CORNERS pastor. Rev. J. Arthur Edwards will for the opposlog team. - 4 8-6 11 O Brlen didn't hxve the mo«t «ffec* Piren If ...... 11 Gavello raced In to even the count Kearns, EH, short toss. ...16 Lest mm ,^ c' ‘^"''•'nbla. Marlbor- There were 29 young mothers, p. m., for a business meeting at tha about $400 apiece . This In addition 0 a two-minute rest period half wav 14 Anne KIPHY J. SHAFTS deliver a Pre-Chriatmaa sermon Team Play Is Good Score at half, 10-4 Windaor Ref- record xmonf the Texas KrtkoV, If*...... 0 a moment later and then put Man Wilson, M. foul ...... 16 ? " '" “Chester and who attended the Mother’s Club (Thurch CJommunlty House. The to the fairly fat aalaries they have 0 0 through the second and fourth pC' 14 Psrs This N e w E n g la n d M a d e Fu el Can Any Good Thing Come Out The Schoberitea showed up very eree, Eddy. Christian pitchers . . . It la Ward ri(^. providing neither team had cheater ahead with a foul conver- Kearns, EH, foul 18 ® more reg- 13 On the Line meeting on Thursday evening at Ladles will serve a New England received in the paat several months 16 ular rehoar.cnl at the Hebron Con- of Bethlehem.’’ The vested choir well in team play and every man on Score By Perioda Wilkinson, the fullback, who tossed called a time out In those first four sion. It waa nip and tuck thC Kearns, EH, foul .... 11 .18 16 Auio the home of Mra. William Slraler It win render special music. boiled dinner to membem of the C Scramble For Senta Just one pass all season and com- ...... 6 9 21 real of the quarter with Gorman Auto is so g o o d . . . w e g iv e y o u o grcgntt.nal church at 3 p. m.. Sun- being their annual Chriatmaa Party. iff. P. A. In the evening. the squad worked together as s Windsor High 2nd .6 4 10 9— 39 Score at halftime. Ellsworth'21 imnutes.. , . Gasman called a halt for Hlllnski, M, follow u p ,. .18 16 Well now, the weather here at the Young People’s Servlee. The scramble for seats has been pleted It for a 1.000 mark and McKenna leading the McGrath Senicope, EH, foul . . . . Auto In '»‘m?ers are asked They had a Christmas tree, and ex- unit. Ray Griffen, playing as a reg- Manchester 2nd ...3 3 6 3 n that purpose in the second quarter .18 17 Auto Comers after being out of hand for The Young People's meeting at so enthusiastic that even the federal Davey wound up with something but Eaat Hartford called Its own men's onslaught and Cole and Ga- Hlllnski, M, under hoop .30 17 churrh ''® Columbia changed gifts, after which games ular for the fimt Ume thla year, ac- over 000 ... “ vello featuring for Manche.ster. Me Auto the past two weeks ts pretty well the EHIlngton (Congregational church quitted himself like a veteran. Cap- agents are trying to find out what time In the fourth. Davis, M, su ck er...... 32 17 Auto h evening of the con- were played and refreshments were will be held in the social rooms Kenna sent Bast Hartford Into an cert. bringing their supperi- In the happened to all the seaU between They’re tossing in a free ducat to ‘T H IR D Q U A R T E R Auto under control again, and clearer aerved. Mrs. Marjory Flies and xlth James Eastwood aa the lead- tain Herman Wlerzbickl was In ev- 8-7 had but that was the last time Gsrs shape of box lunches, and have one ery play. Andy Sebuls and Henry STABBING WOUND MAY the lO-yard Unas. "Hm Mara, owner the Tropical park races for anyone Wakefield. BR, long tide. .22 19 days U here. And along with the Mra. Dorothy Webber assisted Mra. er. The meeting will atari at WILLINGTON of the Giants, la trying hard to ex^ buying a seat to the Tenneaaec- Any hopes that ManchasUr that Manchaoter trailed aa two swift Moto fina rchcar.sal before the concert Grzyb also came through when sub- High s (XJIL grid champions may Gavello, M, short side...... 24 19 Wsm prettier aklea come a new arrival Simler aa hostesses. seven o'clock and the subject will MISS JENNIE H. CHURCH plain to their satisfaction. Oklahoma Orange Bowl get-to- release schedul e tcsBca by Oile sent the Red n)id MONEY-BACK The concerts are looked forward atllutes were needed. Gavello, M, abort tosa...... 36 19 B ob Into towrn early yesterday when Mrs. The Child Welfare meeting and be "Facing Difficulties Hopefully.” END BOXER’S CAREER gether . . . and you can round up rara had of playing in Florida on White to the front by 11-8 at the to fnim year to year and have at- Neither team withdrew the en- Exactly 10 yearn ago, when pro Brown, M. side f l i p ...... 28 19 Bush Bedalta Bailey had a son bom. The conference was held yesterday af- Crystal Lake. fssslonal football was very young, Cnristmaa Day have been daohed by whistle. Houi tructeugh going-over on their last So 19-7, but won Its other ten games Squatrito, M, under b o ^ .,4 1 38 Dsn( Ilngton, teacher of the seventh and 1(M at half time'; It warn the flimt I ^hethmr PVw, If he recovered, would when you snuff your cigamtts and I 3« » t was ths turnout for reserves to step up the proceedings Gorman, EH. f o u l...... 41 hert .Steven.4. of the Jones street now over by the Tweaknose Dip, and (Ecclea) Scanlon, wife of Francis vlAt hers. The Packers, on that oc- . . . It haa not been defeated by a 30 M ubI ■Accordions some boys have got a few muskrats eighth gradea at North Coventry, rmroe for the locale mnd It wme m ^ *ble to box m^mln He bmd glass snakes that w wrigg ig g le with toaketball at the East Side and with s nice display o f ball Senicope, EH. long stda...41 Wan 'ertnn. was admitted. J. Scanlon who died on Thursday casion, gained pmcUcaUy all the Pennsylvania team since 1934 . , handling they duplicated the feat 38 I'iano -\ccordions over beyond the Sowsnort Swamp Robert J. Smith SiAaker For will direct the program to be given tame affair involving a total o f only b««n scheduled to meet Mello Bet- queer Ughts . . . Jack's having Rec that Wilfred Clarke had enough Cole, M, under h o o p ...... 43 S3 The Hehron Horizon club met following a three year lllneaa, will by the children at the Christmas ground, but the Giants scored the more fun out of It than a hot-foot of the regulars by making eleven Viojin.s bogs, ^ m e few other valuable fur January Event; Acthities be held on Monday morning at 8:30 nlna fouls for the whole affray. I Una next month for New York s u u Miami and Miami Edison High Gavello, M. foul...... 44 S3 Bonii Friday evening at the Congrega- tree, Dec. 32 In the (Jommimlty I touchdowns. Tomorrow the Pack- points. Gavello, M, racing In ...... 46 Bull .Mandolins bearers have been seen near here, o'clock at the Burke funeral home Kotcha and L. Koslorek scored 17 reimgnlUon aa light heavyweight - . . (and *>e’.th.Ali-Am .rtca«^ Mhools will play a special gams on S3 tional rhapel. It was “guest night" and may be caught If the trappers Of Group Discussed. House. Mm. Winch drives dally polnU between them for Windaor em win have Don Hutson, the beat pert at that sport) . . . '*»s than thirteen teams, which has The atarta came back after Inter- Ucn< and at 9 o'clock at S t Bernard’s from hei home to schodl. champion. December 19 to decide which shall Drum Outfits and a pleasant social program was can muster up as much senae as the wbUe Kudrowiki, Trade center, was Tv.11*. ..I* . __ ... I receiver in the league, back In ------made It nsesasary to ersato two mission and the third period saw carried out. church. Burial will be in S t Ber- The total amount secured for the IMllra s ^ a woman they booked their line-up appear tn the Christmas Day tussle Gavello and Brown carry the local Blip Ukuleles wild animals, who usually outamart best for the locals ■ms corner goes for the rtiort- toaguss. The Thursday circuit got shot, Murphy found the range with Nearly four tables of plavers Plant for the annual birthday nard's cemetery. ^ Red Oosa In town was $80.). Mm. ^ 3*. • Negro maid, a week m . , . these rivsls played s 6-6 tls for scoring burden as Manchester Htip Banjo Ukuleles a lot of bright people. ago the Giants looked ender and picks ths Green Bays G>to week with eirtit beauty from midfloor and Brown 8aU( from Hebron and Gilead attended party to be held by the ladles of the : The funeral home will be open RusseU Bugbee solicited at ^ Uicm ahs had atabb^ Fox in | Uke the city championship three weeks turned on full steam and blasted Now Christmas la coming on, one of the hottest elevens in over the GUnU in the National pro to«ms in action and ths Friday Imd rammed another home from **»e Help Trumpets ^ e Milltarj' whist given under O. aftei three o’clock this afternoon Willlngton and Misses Ch self-defense early yasterday in a history as they squelched the Wash- league championship tomorrow . . . . ■torting next week with five ago and both had previously been away with a sensational fury that Aptr and many of our folks la going in to Woman’s AuxUlaiy of 8L Mary’s for the convenience of friends. iU p E TOLES WINS defeated . . , side and again Manchester waa weU Sa.xophoncs E. S. auaplcea at Colchester Wed- town to get preaenta, or lust to look Service and Ann Norwood, i Seventh avenue hotel. 8bs was held ington Redskins, 36 to 0, for the simply because we think them “Just I entered. swiftly ran Its margin up to 30-19. 8Uui church ware dlacusaed laat night at Elect Officers. Willlngton. '/ on a charge of felonious assaulL in tront by 89-38. East Hartford 8!tui Trombones nesday evening. None of thq local around. Mom. of tha v^men hare eastern division title. There Is slight ‘ toiy to hot as L ^ Ptoysd at 5:45 and East Hartford seemed to be tirin* Kmp a meeting of the group held in the The Ellington town Democratic At a diatriet meeting o f Boy__ , Hotel officials broke down the continued to wage a gallant hettlv Ularin'els players won prizes, but Mrs. Ida have been fussing for weeks oh sra- flOUT FROM BARIUND chsnoe of such a one-sided result thoM JlnU have batn the paat three 17s. ® each Friday niaht and Joe Itoauskey's running achieve- froni the terrific strain of staying Live Heck, teacher of the Jones street pariah house. It was announc^ committee haa named John 'B. Scouts In Stafford Springs, Monday door after they beard the woman's with the Clarkemen but Just when but the Clarktmen's closing drlra Flutes brolderies, needlework and such for tomorrow, as Grsen Bay Is a well- weeka* . . Seaford (Del.) Hieh schedule foUowa* ments dame In for a lot o f lauda- as too much and Manebsster aasfty Dofi school, captured a mystery prize. sending away aa presents, but la that the party haa beenjilanned for Girarinl aa chairman for the com- night. Dr. Horace B. Sloat of South screams. Hospital phystcians said •t seemed that a complete rout wra« Live Friday. January 13, and Robert J. Willlngton, and R. M. Norwood and knit, powerful team that never gets bwto of a lad Ugged Baskette — Boond, tory comment the other night when maintained Its margin to the md. Fifes aiUhle to The weekly choir rehearsal of some cases you got to ^ v e more ing year. Other oncers are vice New York, Dec. 10,—(API—Thsv that ths boxer, stabbed below the who plays boaketbaU there .... 1®— In Oie offing the McOrathmen got Poul ^rvicc n *' Smith o f this town haa been engaged Charles Wochomurka of Willlngton shoved around much. the New York AthleUc Oub csle- Manchester’s passing. ahoothM War Harmonicas the Congregational church here solid things than needlework, espe- chairman. Mrs. Frank Dowd; aecro- were M jln g today-- Roaeoe Toles heart, was weak from to u o f blood. want to know how come Joe Louis ^’toe Jra. va OomeU. their second wind and came back '^ihy> B c c » u » e K o p P « * a » t i vhed aa speaker. tary. Paul Stockser; treasurer, John Hall were among those named mem- Beth Orest Elevens bnted its 70th anniversary q , . its and follow-up on the offensira was Chromatic Harmonicas nd wiW ill was held Thursday evening. Music cially In caaea like handkerchiefs, ^ dusky DetrolUr. had finished Fox won his match for ths title, adds■ that poundage------7 ‘ well. Wild CaU vs. MeUors. the oldest sponsor of sports In the Into the ball game with a rousing Artl( which la too often made to look on, A t last evening's meeting about 25 Jackson. bem at large. Mr. Wochomurka The Giants’ grsatest offenstvs rush. " consistently good against a aosM ^’ iolin Bows Korr«f* T was rehearsed for Sunday and for members were present, and follow- gave a report of Troop 47 of Willing- sinnlsh Oimnar Barlund's proa- which ths sU U atlilsUe commission ths waddy boUl chef at West High Matters—Bra. United SUtes and M causksy has Boat oisiomer “ '^"‘ '‘ " " ' tLVl'oV.OO.OOO other but not to blow on. Most people Special Meetlag. thrsat la Mg IM DanowakI, former- Dec. 38— defense and tha local stahvaits eon- Bull* Chrlstma;:. ing a devotional service led by the lon. pects in the American heavyweight Dsaen,Baden, Ind.,ino., artsrafter finishing(taishini a tough Stage dostog Drive. Violin Cases ,ucceeainyouf home » leans toward practical gifts Ilka There will be a special meeting Lewis to vacate, j ly of Fordham, wlio In the past five bssa one Of Its foremost psrform- ■Untly harried East Hartford and DIan tj-e belie»e, »» Jimmy Rogers of New I.ondon la rector, the Rev. James 8. NeUl, the Mm. Henry LaBonte of South Wll- Preeerve by a 10-round decision last through a victory over A l Gainer I oeaanna ka. e n m .t.t.* . . assignment feeding ths champ, re- Hlgb Hatters vs. Meteors. s n In recant y s s n . . . The score stood 83-33 as the riv- Orchestra Bell* tn^Uod Um.U money can horse blankets, new axes, heavy of Division No. 1, A. O. H., o f this night—but Toiea' own rating over A l Gainer seasons h o eompletsd 355 out of als entered the final qua-iir but kept everlastingly after ths boS. Else spending some time with hla sister, business o f the session waa consid- city on Sunday morning* at ten Ungton was chairman of the dinner Nov. 29. jwrta he’s satisfied with nothing leas Wild Cats vs. Cometa. Mervln "Ike” 0>le took scoring boa- Fuel Slide Whistles Mra. Fred Breh;int. mittens, saucepans, s good elder Jug, wasn't helped much. 813 passes thrown Green Bay than one pis (complete) for deoeert Bast Side Jra.—Bye. Fast Hartford's stellar Johrq ' Gor- Oar<] thM TO"'" K,lief with » money-back or the like, ^ e s e are things you ered. Officers’ reports were sub- o’clock In the K. o f C. hall. Pres- committee Wednesday when Tolland owns in Cecil labsll, out o f Purdue drs from the floor and Ga'raUo, Drum Pads vfe back our belief ^ou St. Peter's Episcopal Junior vest- mitted and accepted, after which —any kind but lemon crsam’ll do__ Dec. SO— man cut that lead In half in the Boui buy got to have In order to get by, or to cott block. The annual election of Orange entertained Taat O n tral p ie g ^ Calif.-D ick Ritchie. Brown and HUlnakl also oharsd Mac! ed choir held Its weekly rehearsal Mrs. Jamea Harrison spoke on the Pomona Grange all day. and goes for pork chops and eggs vs. East Side Jr*. San Diego, stopped Tommy first few minutes and Eaat Hart- Bugle.s guitantce lor eveT ,t,ere other enjoy life aa the case may be dopM officera will take place at this time. ford’o hopes roes high. Then (3oIe heavily In the point-getting while Mua! at the home of the rector. Rev. H. "United Thank Offering". Mrs. The committee In charge o f the About 30 membem of the Ladles’ for b m ^ a o t ' ths PltU bm rt Hli^h Hxtters vi. Cometa. Oerbett, 182, Omaha. ( 7 ). Squatrito, Murphy and MnnaF Offtc •levv.s H arps purchase. Kopper* ,o a H *c 4 Woa»< out. Curioa and gadgets is all S m o J f^ S T ^ * “ 1’ I H lnile'Sf ^ Bay is can- Meteorf— Bye. swished the net with a long side R. Keen. Friday evening. Charlotte Gdtberg explained the meeting Includea Raymond Mul' Aid society gathered at the Hill the fight laat night only to find It ]>ro grid pirates, wbo ased ton- played fine baU.' I f East Hart- 8poe Ocarinas right for Christmas, but why should more. ( 6). 1 by numy hardest run- Jab. i— Waa rmportrnt stoat UH.rOX*. Sarah Lenefsky, of the Hebron “Church Periodical Club” , and she rony, Michael J. O'Oonnell and Ed- ^ u ^ Wednesday. Mrs. WUliam » * s too amsU a calibre. Although Sigbt players Uks they assd gats ford's abUity had matched its spM t Green primary room, haa been a man fill up hla parlor mantsl with waa followed by Mra. Robert Mc- receipts, never had a chance in that ICeteon vs. Comets. Was Pilch Pipes things like that, when perhaps hia ward Honan. Dayia made delicloua clam chowder w o bleeding from the the outcome may hara hsen difiton- -Metronomes - QUICKfll awarded first place In a drawing Kay. who talked on "White Envel- Baakethall Soadav. which was with crackem and in the fimt round, he never Naiiprial league draft . . . Ktraute if*?** Hatters vs. East Side Jrs. ent but class told ths story tost poor horse la shivering with the cold opes" for mlaaiona. of they'd Wild Cata^Bye. contestTit the school. The prize of- out In the bamT Everybody with The Rockville P. ™ a 7 c basket- biscuits. The deaMrt was spice «l»wn and succeeded deals they'd made "way back. night Gorman, R. McKenna and Boot I>eaders’ Batons The explanations o f the three Columbia Sid L i Bear fered was for the greatest improve- half a eye can reason It out that it ball team of thlst city srill meet the layer caka. coconut cake. JeUy tarts m Ondlng back an ooeaatonai shot Laekman and Drake's I PA's Face Loop Leaders Senicope featured for the loser s Music Stands ment In drawing In the group from working committees o f the auxiliary sad coSee. A missionary mesting to the midaectlen which showed Local Volley Ball Array Pug Mandera, the Buca’ first . " i High Hattem v». WIM Cats OOAI would be far btUr Chriatmaa a i ^ t TerryvUIe boys and girls teams la roiiowM. AteA WIm PiaHMs Meu Piano Lamps 5 to 10 years old. Honorable men- were followed by remarks of the a game in the Polish State League portlcularij rugged second choices, wem claimed by the Meteors vs. East Bids Jm. to get the horse blanket rector, who summed up the various A s East Hartford Is ho hmgsr a tion waa given to Betty Horton and on Sunday afternoon. 'Dm gamea Supper was ssrved by rum .ir Beam and Brooklyn . . . Comets—Bye. Megaphones Curlew Shaggs haa got a crow acUviUes o f the organlzaUon and On Thompsonvllle Court member o f the CCIU the gnsM hod Charles Gone!. down to hia placs that abowa signs s ill atari promptly at three o’clock Order o f Ba;%)ni Star TOea weighed 198 3-4. three- Seeks Honors A t Bristol A long cheer for ex-Olympic Seeoad Roond. Apai Music Cases outlined its purpoeea for the benefit Jan. 3 0 - no bearing on the Isiigus The prize will be a year's acbol- of being tame. 'Dm crow by some and Interesting contaata are WeiUMdsy night. It was vlaiUng fo m h s of a pound leaa than Bar- ^tounp Georgia Coleman aaw a gal Bual Instruction Books of several new members who were AuikL And being a CJaas B oppeaeat, 1 Uooi arship in a drawing claas for pri- unaccounUble incidence, got into pected. night. with what it takas . . . paralalvaed a East Side Jm. ra. Comets. The Polish-Americana will travelTboth Chester geU no Sheet Music present. games, the fimt 28-20 at erwm for the B«bo mary children at the Avery Memo- the bam. where it waa ca^urstL **■* ’" * 1^ » t tbs Monarty B r o ^ voasy hnlUmatchss and 31 gmnes during the year ago, she'a back In wction ti as Wild Cato ra. Meteors!^ to ThompeonviUe tomorrow after- tory hut received a lot o f 8unu With the closing o f the business Ea^erilla schoolbouae, Mra Henry Mjn. nrSTIlf ------o#»n— n ■ I. ___•7_ ' ^ High H atton— Bys. ThompsonvlUe and SO to 23 on the oppbr s rial. Hartford, offered by Mr. and Curlew brought the bird into bis msetlng, a social hour eras enjoyed, A a Important maetlng o f James taam, at present Usd with Soosr- ■Ttotnooa and tvaning. ^ m m ln g and diving Inotnictor at noon and stack up against their Rec floor to the second clash. tlon In staying nabaaton la K Mrs. Charles C. Sellers. Mr. and lABoots and M ra Einma CiM dau ths Skyline A t h ls t l^ u b hem . . . Jan. 27— Give Musical Gifts kitchen, fad him, and sinoa then ths and taa waa served, hostesses bsing W. MUns Camp, No. 14, 'Uialted vUle, M ao., for tbs lisilii slil|i o f tbs Morlartys have a ssooned array The league leaders Mae-up con- boy eompstltioa with "" Phone Mra. Sellers will furnish transpor- crow has Just hung around and Spanish W ar Vatsnns will be held o f South WUlington won priaea ‘D m ■praWng of that pro gams, tomor- va Ustsers. keenest rivals, tha 8L Adslberfe to Apai Mrs. Jsmss 8. NeUl and Mrs. Roy [: WRESTLING New England Tjsagus, wta attsn^t o f vetsrana ready for action, the sists of Legensa and Miller for- log np aa the n«xt Basil E nterprise 1450 tation to the clu A They take their grown fa t He seems to be a wise Matson. on Tuesday availing. Decambsr ISto ^^^was sandwlchsa csks sad playoff WUd Cata vs. Comets. a State Polish L«sgus encounter at SDver City next This Christmas! to tighten its bold on first placs squad Including Frank Mordavsky, wards; Jadus, cantor: Kavaya, and Fars ar year Local Dealer young son, Horace, to the classes bird and has evidently reasonsd It at tbs Q. A. R. halL Commander By ASSOClAnO PRESS Ray Flaherty, the Redskins’ coach Ea*t Side'Jra.—Bys. the latter's gym. In the nrsUmtoarp, How In ^ Good Win League bowling honora this sftarnoon In n touma- Georgs Olbbona. Pate Womar, Feb. 3— Fokryto, guards, with Gumminiak. Saturdays whenever possible. Ex- all out Why fiy around half John J. Qmnora baa Invited sD PhilaM pbla—Nsnjo Singh, 3ig. haa miaasd sines the sysUm was The ThompsonvlUe quintet pro- Ur seeoaas dispossd of Lou atarved when you can get all you T**«*»V night W m in ^ Bristol BoyF Club, Frank MlUsr, Ray Holland, Pome Androloshe, Novak to reserve. Coach pense connected with the course In INCREASE DIVIDENDS Spanish War Veterans In tbs coim- India, threw Pete Peterson, Schubert. Joe organised back la '33 . . . the first vided the PollatoAmsrks with the ford to a iltsh hang COKB art ts slight, outside of transporta- want by using some diplomacy? 8o ty. whether they are membem or 1? ? ? i* i!“ * * S*«nea Lucier'a Msr- Columbus, O , 4:00. **^hwFtor wen lU first two three years, he was with ths OlanU High Hatton va OonMts. Johnny Falkraki expects to have hla •abi hardest opposlUoff the locaU m ceiv I and the crow has took up ctvUlzatioa WUlington waa defeat- *1** ^ S f » t t and CUrehes Meteors—Bys. team at full strongth for thla gams. Baal tion. Hartford. Dec. 10.— (A P )— Dirae- not, to attend the meeting. New BrunawhflL N . J.—otno S**®**^ against Paertuckat and . . . l a *88 he pUotsd Boston sad *d lost year and at present the stood out for tba victors. seriously, and la making good at tom o f ths Astna U fa and ” J>y Delmaa Radio, 2 to L Worcestor with anse and.Jtoa “ a * attoaqrt la being made Feb. 10— Including A l ObuchowaU who the Hebron members of the Trl-Coua- Named Dtreetee. Vagonnq, 31ik St. Paul, Dfinn,, de- to obtain two mid-west stam to add he was boas of that Saints are .leading the league, with DubttI fo r the companies Increased tbs qnartsrty Fr^ J^ *• »«JMlng a wood- hoiM e f galirittg a clenn- sw esp to tyugh-battls wrseking crew . . , M eteon v a OomsU. locals have sorely missed In their KEM P'S Call for KOPPERS SERVICE ty Christian Union who attendad Arthur E. Hayward wbo has been more strength to the team. vlctoriea over the New Britain Holy Friday afternoon and sveaing aa TOoKwrow bera tn church U » Itsv. dividauda oa tbs U fa eompsny stock conaacted with tha MatropoUtaa grtfi *or tha roar eiwmt at Maple Jtonewwati tadsnr. High Hatton va East Side Jn. two previous games. The loea] eono balJera were a tCooii.) High baa accepted crass, Tciryvllls S t Caslmlra and exawiUv mssHng o f tba imtofi at D on 38 to SO osnte • abars. *nM U fk Tnsurence Campatiy for 33 Buff^ N. .Mprinrtgs wffl pisar tS lr a bid to toogls with an aUiitar Wild ^ The elssh is expsetod to prove one was tokaa at • oMstlag Frl- ,_^^'bam sad. viatton at TolMad Tr-BdOon ** tha New BngUnd dr- Ftb. IT— MsrldsB St Staas, aO top notch yvojx. bM baaa elected a dtreetoi m Nortt Ji N, “ y ^ to lbey outfit la JackaonyUie jm. oC Um most axetttog of the Of “ - ai^ an MB Saneen. a t 3:30 nsb tu tu n ^ m u osts. qelntautotoajttato L « l ^ Um Uaim to an puts ef Mekr ttm- M . M d East BJglit and W sK HMl8Jfiig9«niade

PAGE BLEviBN Plumb Disgusted 1 vJPl i Va sio PAttro OP By MARTIN TO THtM (sQonP.V COUUO VMHW THt ONCVttMfc \<5, TWt VOLHB ? TW ty wkM 1 look up at the stars In the flm u sa st 11 caanot help thinking how sauU, «\-OCVf OPT how Inslgnlfleant, how ntlaerably low 1 sm. gONfr VOOWRt Three atrong silent men recenUv HU .HOMiy LOST AND FOUND 1 HELP WANTED— MACHINERY AND LEGAL NO'l’ICES appreaebed a aoda founUIn; Mrs. Dubb—And la that the only i CAMT ON T w i PEACl, ON AK IMCi’T HAD FEMALE TOOLS •»*r'««-Wh.t’. your., time that thought occurs to you. 5.A«,Tv\ t e o o O VQV5X WHITK SHEPHERD d ^ COUPLE DRIVING to Florldn de- District of Coventry sa Court of BARBARA STEINER Mr. DubbT ^ ‘ — nil I ------WOTS! to. K i a m oc H! with bn»wn eara. Licanaa No. glre 2 pgaaengera to ahare expenaea. WANTED—YOUNG GIRL for gen- LARGE, ASSORTED stock of re- Probate. Dec. 9th, 1919. List of the CoTitvihutoTs nuik ahaka. Leaving about Jan. 6tb. Telephone Kstate of Daniel C. Lone lata of 4StM. rranWln Walla, TalcotlvUIe. eral houaework and care of Infant built tractors, new Case tractors. Coventry In eald District, deceased. Sod* Jerker—And yours, CTar- Mechahlo—Anything the matter Talepbone 46S6. 6348, between S and 7. 28 Gerard atreet. Tal. 6313. Implements. Dublin Tractor Co., Upon the application of Armando STARS AT MINSTREL «1C6? with the car? ' Providence Rd., WIilimantle. Peace praying that-an inatrument In For Xmas Street Lighting C I^D ce—An Ice eream soda. M o to rla W W e ll. there'a only ona I lO ST— GILLDBRSLEBVB LaUn WELL KNOWN MADAM WllUama, writing purporting tp be the lait will 80(to Jerker—And how about and teetament of aald Daniel C. Long part of It that doean’t make m aunar book and LaUn oompoai- American palmlatry reader. Houra SITUATIONS WANTED— you. Charlie? noise, and that's the horn. from B a. m. to 10 p. m. Sundaya all drceaied may ba proved, approved, tloo book. S t J ^ p h ’a CoUcfa. Re MALE 39 WANTED—TO BUY 58 allowed and admitted to probata, aa A complete list of the dontrlbu-ACourant, WUliam a Hdyfc J Charlie—Make mine plain milk, day. 532 Ann atreet, Hartford, >*>« I sa as-a-as______...... A. ward. Call 79Si. per application on Ilia mora fu lly sp - rmy Dancer Hit At tors to the Christmas lighting dis- P>***a—I’m driving. READ r r OR NOT— Conn. CARPENTER, FIRST claaa wlahea CASH FOR COLONIAL and Horse- peara; It la HostetUer, Hotel Sheridan, Otorlea work. 65c per hour. Write P. o. hair furniture. Write H. W. Haxen, OKDKKUD:—That aald application play on Main street, under the 8, House, Helen's Beauty Shop, Dr. There are only 44 states In the W U X THE PERSON aeen Ukln* he heard and datermlned at the Pro- E, C. Higgins, Holden-Nelson Co., THE ORDINARY MAN CANT United States. Kentucl^, Msaaa- amall black and white dog, from Box 283 Mancheater. 12 Burnside Ave., E. Hartford. Rambow Girls’ Show; auspices of the Chamber of Com- AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 bale Office In Coventry In aald Dis- merce, was announced today. Rain Inc., C. E. House A Son, Johnson COMPREHEND HOW A MAN chusetta, Pennsvlvanin and Vlr- ( Woodbrldge atreet. Nov. iWtb, trict, on the 17th day of December, Paint Co., J. L. Jenney, Kemp’s, Inc., glnla are Oommonwealtha. kindly return to 12 Centerfleld St 1938 NASH SIX aedan; 1936 Ply- A. D., 1998 at 9 o'clo ck In tha a fte r- has hampered the erectlcn of equip- 2 2 * 9 . * * M « * '^ ^ ANNOUNCES DOGS— BIRDS— PETS— 41 ROOMS WITHOUT noon, and that notice be given of the Others Who Took Part. ment but it is planned to turn the G. E. Keith Furniture Co., Dr. R. R. 2 ® IS BROKE MANAGES TO ToonervHle Folkii______^ u m . T.-U.aeau, mouth coach; 1938 N'tah Lafayette. BOARD 59 pendency of aald application, and of lights on officially tonight. Keeney, P, Karambeles—Tea Room. ride aro und town in a IF YOUR KNEES KNOCK TO- By Fontaine Fox 10 other cars. Meaaler Naah, 10 CANARIES FOR XMAS. Your the time and place of hearing there- A. A. Knofla, Kane’s Shoe Sto.e, CTAWFEUR-DRtVEN SIXTEEN OBTHER, KNEEL ON THEM. on. by puhllahlng the lame once In The contributors are: Henderaon Road. Tel. 7258. choice of white, yellow, buff, van- FOR RENT—ONE FURNISHED Barbara Steiner, diminutive danc- I^vejoy ^ d y Co.. G. C. Lessner. CYLNDER AUTOMOBILE. life R .R. B rakeman^ D^ailer gated and green. Young birds in aome newspaper having a circulation Arthur Drug Oo„ C. H. Anderson. pr. Lundberg, McLellan’s, Thomas room, also small store. Apply Sel- In eald DIatrIct. and by poatlng a copy ing pupil of Mrs, Roldo Martin, re- The Great AUantlc A Pacific Tea Manchester 1934 PLYMOUTH aedan $195; 1934 full song. E. Scott, 194 Center St. (hereof on the public aign poat In the McAn Shoe Co., Manchester Plumb- r. T. Plymouth coach $175; 1934 Ford wltx Block, Apt. 1. ceived a big hand for her acrobatic Co., Atlantic Refining Co., F. T. The cUy was very cold. The Town of Coventry In aald DIatrlet. dances Ust night at the annual ing A Supply Co.. A. Merrifteld. OUR BOARDING HOUSE 1-4 11 Evenins: Herald coach $165. No down payment 20 CA.NARIES $1.00 UP. Select ona for EUOKNE W. LATIMER Bllsh Co., Benson Furniture A Radio Manchester Trust Co., Dr. Moriarty wtwhrine doctor was covering the 0-1 S montha to pay. Cole' Motora, 6463. a ChHstmas gift. Cages and acces- Judga minstrel and dance of Manchester Co., Dr. Howard Boyd, Raymond R. if® !..? ! ancient and battered ST O RIES BOARDERS WANTED 59 A H-19-]«-98. Magnell Drug Co., MUikowski The w with a rug, when an errand boy 3-4 11 CLASSIFIED Open eVenInga. sories. Next door to Larranee's Assembly, Order of Rainbow, at the Bowers, C. S. Barlow, Werbner's Florist, Marlow’s, Montgomerv 0-0 2 ROOM AND BOARD In homelike Hollister street school, and respond- Brownbilt Shoe Store, The Beauty mocklng- here ccmbs a * T H IM K P A W f IP M E ADVERTISEMENTS Barber Shop. 17 Pitkin street. Tele- Ward A Co.. Fred Murphy.l?ortoT[ ly:. It s no use, mister. I've seen IN ST A M PS 1-1 7 phone 7625. surroundings. Mrs. H. E. Cude. 141 ed with an additional number which Nook, Dr. J. F. Barry, F. E. Bfay, Shoe Store. Dr. Oliver, WllUam Os- customer with , t h o s e M U T T S IM H E R B 1-3 GARAGES—SERVICE- Pitkin street. Tel. 4430. delighted tha audience. Another Bldwell's Candy A Soda Shop; 1 COBtit alx avarag* worili to a llna wald. Frank Oakes, Dr. Parkar threb mutts T H ' M A D A M W ILL RU KJ 0-0 4 Initlala numbara and abbravlattona STORAGE 10 CANARIES FOR SALE—Guaran- HARRY THOMPSON Black A White Cleaners and Dyers, Park Hill Flower Shop, R. s. PottonJ I- 0-1 0 aaeb count aa a arord and compound teed singers. Norman Jones. 31 Dr. D. M. Qtidwell, Center Lunch, ton, PenUand The Florist, PerfossT SHOULD NOT ONLY DO OKI A LE A S H ruPP: y o u T IL L \ O U R A K K LE9 0-1 2 worda aa two worda Minimum coat la GARAGES FOR RENT—72 Parker Eldridge street. APARTMENTS, FLATS, Anne Campbell Beauty Shop, Cor- Finance Co., PrudenUal Insu B H IH E U P V O U R S M O U e f prica o f thraa llnaa. atreet, 131 Park atreet. rear 29 ner Soda Shop, Carroll's Cut Rate DRAT r r / O-I 2 Lina rataa par day for tranalant TENEMENTS 63 Co. of America, Pagan! A Go OOa IVAROBKi ada North Fairfield atreet. Rent rea- TO QUIT T ’ POST Store, Mary Carney Shop, aifford's Popular Food Market, Peter’O ^ W H AT r O LL V M a ctla o Marrk IT, laiT aonable. Inquire Morlart> Brothera. LIVE STOCK- FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM apart- Men’s and Boy's Shop. Capitol Bar- colate Shoppe, The PrlncesARea- hing that makes the hlgh- B A D A B A W D o i v E ^ IP 'rO U 'LL R A V M E 6-lS 48 t^ab Charga ber Shop, Davis Home Bakery, Dla. OVeRTOOM ment, Midlands. Call 4131 or tourant, Manchester Public M^ket. way»E<|angeroue<1 is traffic. Holi- "rM BM T H ' twax Pivt Bug MS vbu ) a ConaaoBtlva Oaya ..I 1 etai t ota VEHICLES 42 mond’s Shoe Stores, Dewey Rlcb- I Oonaaeutlva Daya # cta| U ota 8833. Podrove’s, Quinn’s Pharmacy, Rubl- days and Sundaya therefore *i* M E T o F. T. BUSINESS SERVICES mM Co., Henry Dick, Endlcott- f•a^ciajiy dangerous. n will be O P P IO A I- P U T T H ' W A SP OKi M B 1-5 12 1 D a y ...... I II ctaj 11 eta FOR SALE—GRAIN fed plgg, Director Of Physical Educa- noWi. Inc.. Rug A Gift Shop, RUey L C O U EE K t T T o All ordara for Irragular Inaarttona OFFERED 13 weight about 250 lbs. The Gllnack FOR RENT—5 ROOMS, bath, ga- Johnson Shoes, Everybody’s Market. ^evrolet Co.. Robert J. Smith. Inc., well to keep this In mind when w b l c o m e / P O P T H R E E VEU M RE 0-0 2 will bo ehargad at tha ona tima rata. rage. 501 Hartford Road. Inquire Pr. W. J. Field, Forest Package making plana for the coming hoU pizorro's City Awaits A C C E P T T H IS 0-0 Bpaclal rataa for long tarm avary Farm, So. Main street. Tel. 6121. Shoe Repairing, Silk City A .< 3 0,TLL T E L L HIM 0 FOR COMMERCIAL and houaehold 150 Prospect street, Rockville. Be- Store. Dr. J. W. Parr, Forest T ^ - OPPlCE^--v, 1-4 1 day advartlaing givan upon rtqueat. tion To Resign; Has Been Diner, W. J. Shea, The Savingis Pon-Americon Conference that vdu'vb Ada ordarad bafora tha third or flfth refrigerator service. Call 4978. tween 6 and 7 p. m. em. Dr. A. E. Friend, Dr. A A f f(S A D , LA D S.^ 1-2 5 Bank of Manchester, Dr. Savage day w ill be eharged only for tha ae- Wayne W. Phllllpa, 53 Walker St. ELECTRICAL Frelheit, Dr. M. C. Fanchcr,' Silbros, State Theater, Triplex Jerry—Dora is the dumbest girt JJ'OUR hundred years ago fn r - W H A T C A M Tt C) h o m e t d l o o k 0-1 0 toal number of tln tlmta the ad appear- 5 ROOMS DUPLEX style. 3 Wal- Here Three Months. Fradin s. First NaUonal Stores, Inc. Stores, Inc., Thrifty Oeaners Md I ve ever seen. leu adventurer Franciteo W- a f t e r V D u r ibLK 4-4 S ad. charging at the rate earned but APPLIANCES— RADIO 49 Glenney’s, W. T. Grant Co., Dr. W. Perry—Why? zarro trailed down across the I D O T O R ID no allowance or refunda can be made nut street, near Cheney mills, very Dyers. Textile Store, U. S. Oeaners H E R D / 0-2 8 on ala time ada atopped after the MOVING— TRUCKING RADIO BARGAINS—S«verx] reasonable. Inquire premises, Tailor E. Green, A. J. George, M. C. Gluni- and Dyers, Watkins Bros., Lnc., Jerry—She wanted to know how magnificent Andes and beian to m v s e l p o p t h i s pero. Green A Gold Pastry Shop. dfth day. STORAGE • 20 posaened table and conauie models Shop. Harry W. Thompson, director of WUroee Dress Chop, Weldon Drug IhMy quarters In a baseball game. learch for a caplui site for his OBNOXIOUS 8-19 82 No "till forblda"! ditplay llnea not Harold W. Garrity, Goodyear Ser- Perry—That's nothing; my girl newly conquered empire. The aolA —Phileo, Zenetb and Admiral, $9.95 health and physical education at the S i" Weldon Beauty Salon, M. AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS when you FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM flat, vice, J. w. Hale Corp., Hartford Wlor, F. W. Woolworth Co. wanted to know If a football coach Incas, whom he had subdued, had title t Tha Herald will not be reeponalble to $59.95. Brunner'a. Phone 5191. haa wheels. 1 18—48 for more than one Incorrect Ineertlon want the best in Local and Long Open until 9 p. m. with garage, on North Main street, Y.M.C..A. for the past three months, built their civilization around the 1 8 —8 8 of any adeertlaement ordered for Distance Moving. Dally Express steam heat furnished. All improve- has resigned his position here. It Inland city. Cuzco, but Pizarro ore tbaa one lima Hartford, Manchester, Kockvuie ments. Inquire North End Pack- was announced today by Mias used for club purposes instead of a SOME DRIVERS THINK THEY wanted a site mors commerdsUy Martftm Tha Inadeenent omiaalon of Incor- new building. ARE BEING FAIR WHEN THEY n. Ttma, rect publication of adeartlelng will be Phone 6260 68 Hollister street. FUEL AND FEED 49-A age store. Telephone 6910. Marion E. Tinker, general aecretary. advantageous. roetl8ed only by eancollatlon of the A special meeting of the Board of Two oUier selling licenses are to MANCHESTER BUSINESS A GALLON OF ALCOHOL On Jan. 18, 1535. an exploring eharga made for the aerelce rendered. FOR SALE —SEASONED bard FOR RENT—5 ROOM FLAT, first Directors of the Y will be held next M considered for removal from AND SPLIT IT 50-60 WITH THE Mrty sent out by the Intr^ild All advartlaementa moat conform wood, cut any length $4.50 1-2 floor, all modem Improvements, toelr present addresses, one for the radiator. la atyle. copy and typography with REPAIRING 23 Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock to SHOWING AN INCREASE Pizarro found that sit*, on ^ tognrUtlone enforced by tha pnbitah- cord load. Call 8893. Leonard L. steam heat, garage. Inquire 627 act upon 5Ir. Thompson's resigna- oaati. P “ ked change from banks of the Rlmac river in the 8 8-34- are and they reaerva the right to ROOFING AND Siding our speclxl- Olgllo. Center street, upstairs. tion. 844V4 Main street to 713 to 717 Fruit Salesman—But how do you shadow of the towering Andes, G) 8 T—20 edit, rerlee or reject any copy con- ty. Workmanahip guerxnteed. Time It Is understood that Mr. Thomp- Main street, and the other, a First piffy truant from the correepopd* ^ t a tew miles from ths placid o aldered ebjectlonabla Freight Records Indicate Trade *<*00!? I ^ payments arranged. Painting and ONE HALF CORD four foot sea- FOR RENT—105 SPRUCE atreet, son's realgmatlon was actuated by a NaUonal store permit, to be shifUd Paeiflc. imnvidlsteiy Pizarro use, eight CLOSINQ HOURS—Clatalfled ada carpentry. A. A. Dion, Inc. 81 Wells auned wood, sawed stove lengtn second floor, 6 room flat, with en- from 183 North Main to 169 North Is 15 Per Cent Over The gutter Salesman— send them an to be pobllahed name day mutt be re- desire to return to college for post- Street. empty envelope. founded the city known today as ceived by 11 o'clock noon; Saturdeye street. Phone 4860. $500 delivered. L. T. Wood HM ... of the girls groups In "Small Fry" ZONING BOARD OP APPEALS the PERgUME — ______By tVIIHima 11 22 HeatinR— Plum bln g— Roofing ... 17 you need for the home. A complete HOUSES FOR SALE 72 and "Old MacDonald Had a Farm," the earth s collision with a comet 1^ In wjuunimyconformity withwun theuie require- IbOAY. BUT THE 11 Insursnce ...... 18 the BOOK- AWRlGHT , WE'LL O F ftR 23 4321 Bedroom, Living Room and Kitchen. two comic songs calling for a lot of 1832; they sold their belongings an(> ments of the zoning regulaUons. the SNOW « EO BAD 13 Millinery —Dressmaking ...... a. 18 FOR SALE—FIVE ROOM single ENDS AND The time 23 Even amall incidentals such aa gathered in churches. Zoning Board of A ppels of the ouK ik u c k * cant ® Vl06SlM6f 6 0 HIM T H ' M O N E Y WITH* Moving—Trucking—Storags . ... 30 house, all modern improvements, by-play, brought down the house. HE GOES “TO HOCK ‘THAT t Public Paatenger Service ...... t-O-A NORTH lamps, rugs, smoking stands, etc., Town of Manchester will hold a etCM l* SENT as usso/ eCLOVE EE6 0UltBtCAT PM61DEUT OUT INTEREST S O HE‘LL Painting—Papering ...... lot 50x140 In ZephryhlDs the Pure Home made candy was sold by C : WE CAN take n 13 25 21 are Included. We know that once you Rainbow girls wearing jaunty caps. public hearing on Thursday, De- IP JUNE WAY. — ' that MOT TEM PSO- ];^oCK HIS B ik e an* 5 T uff ts 27 Professional Servtcss ...... ss Water City, on main road to Tam- ^ Q Shopping Doys MAN — ME. OVER AKT NOT GIVE iT Repairing ...... 31 5432 see this furniture you will be thor- 8nd after the minstrel there was cember .15, 1938, at eight o’clock PtCK W EIL TAKE TO US 'STEAD OP GOLOlB ts 28 Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleanln'g : 4 pa, Florida. Low price for cash, in- Harry W. Thompson P. M., in the Municipal Building on ®^CK. TILL HE PAYS 15 oughly convinced that It Is an un- general dancing until midnight to A m Till Christm os stkebt, OP M E M * / 28 Toilet Goods and Service .... usual value. quire 447 Main street, Manchester. the following applications; I^RBSIDN' a US o w ^ her loans IH TEREST ..t 7 28 Wanted—Business Service ,, also Hebron Academy in be- music by Art McKay's orchestra. IF THIS F ails tm a WE LL SE.ND "COURTESY AUTO ' FCR SALE—SIX ROOM single, ccr- Application of Forrest Buckland TOO. 61 I 9 28 EdacatloDal A M BULA N CE fore going to college. He has had for permission to remodel residence R uined man*. Courses and Classes .... 27 FOR YOU. NO OBLIGATION ner lot, low price, small deposit, SPOONS O F p * - * 18 29 wide experience In baseball, foot- at 113 Park Street Into a two-fam- 1 29 Private Instructions .... U (DOUGAN) Any morning, afternoon or evening monthly payments. Act quick. See ball, basketball and hockey coach- .yrtHSKV J J Dancing ...... that you wish to come to our store LIQUOR PERMIT CHANiS Uy house. m 1 80 Musical—Dramatic ...... William Kanehl, telephone 7773. ing. Although here for only a few .««p q « q ' t l! If, I 1 we'll send a "Courtesy Auto" for AppUcarlon of the Great Atlantic WU4T ahead, 82 Wanted—Instruct:ore .,. so 5630 months, hla work at the Y has been and Pacific Tea Company for per- HOWEVER, r 3 82 riaaarlal you, no matter where you live, to highly praised by Its membra. ASKED APPEALS BOARD mission to move Ita liquor business Llt» THE PORT- 4 ' 32 Bonds—Stocks—Mortgages ,, 11 (HOLLOR.W) bring you to the store and take you SUBURBAN FOR SALE 75 Mr. 'Thompson's resignation la ef- er"Qt 1-.^ « 32 Business Opportunttlss . . ... 31 back home again. This Is a free from 844 1-2 Main street to 717-728 RK«6 Of la Money to Loan ...... SPECIAL—5 ACRES more or less, fective as of January 1. Main Street '<0 service, so don't hesitate to use It BritiBh-American Qub, Two WJAROA.OVER- Belp aad tttaatlaaa 3060 nice location. In Bolton. Nice ahade Application of Marctu S. Mori- HOWM* WtTM Help Wanted—Femsis ...... ts whenever you desire. trees, $700 cash. If you have $700 Storn' Seek Address Re- arty and the First NaUonal Storea, ith 4 Help Wanted—Male ...... S (QUlSH) A-L-B-E-R-T-8 see me. If not don't take my time. Inc., for permission to move Its liq- POLITICAL iriitniH^iihTf SaUsi. en Wanted ...... K-a Main Store—Waterbury moral In Petitions. PRlfSOUEM. Help Wanted—Male or Female.. S7 Owner needs money. Jone's Furni- uor business from 183 N orth ------am All Stores Open Wed. S$it. Eves. PUBUC RECORDS A W tCMeATH THE CWU KIAUS, Agents Warned ...... S7*A 4340 ture Store. 33 Oak streeL At Its monthly meeting scheduled Street to 169 North Main S t ' Situations Wa r n e d — F e m a l e i s Quitclaim K M uvM nr ROY ' A caowD HA6 •ATMeeei^. EWEHIM" Situations Wanted—M ale...... is JONES' SPECIAL for Chrtatmax— for next Thursday night, the Zoning Application of Britlsh-Ai • CAMKT 7WB ckaeeb MtAEOUE HAS CAUGHT A ' THE TVBANT/OPCM Employment Agencies ...... 4j H OSPIT AL New electric boxes, 30 percent oft According to a quitclaim deed on Board of Appeals will consider an coucr RuuNOk.. Club, Inc., for permission u, _ M 1-lve •Inch—Pete—Pealtry— Tehtcleo llat^ Several Items 30 percent oft WANTED—REAL file at the office of the Towm Clerk, applicaUon filed by the BritUh- Its club and club liquor license from ON roar! TWgMTV-yOOT SHARK. D ogs— Birds—Pets ...... list; New mattresses list $34.50, ESTATE 77 C. E. Wilson and company, incor- American club for a transfer of lo- T OOKINO BACK TO CHUST- M9 Main Street to corner of Maple Live Stock—Vehicle...... porated, has convtytd to George 8. caUon of iU club liquor license from “ BIAS U TEAKS A O O - aad Spruce Streeta Poultry and Supplies ...... 5131 sell for $fs. New well known make WE HAVE BUYERS for atngle Wanted— Pets— Poultry—Stock of combination ranges, Uat $239. Wilson, land located on Lake atreet. premises now occupied at 989 Main A new st9Dng man, Chiang Kid- Application of Mrs. John R. homes and tenement houaes In Forecloeore atreet to a propoa^ new site on ehek. wax rising in China. . . . Lowe for permiaelon to operate a eowiw* nrw For 8al^—MIeeellaaeeaa Sell for $140. Note; We have large Manchester. Wc are ready to de- property formerly part of the Den- kennel and nursery at 141 East Articles For Sale ...... connections for new electric appli- According to papers of foreclcs- Supreme Court authorized doc- 6T0MACH! Boata and Accesaorlet ...... 1 scribe your house to them, with ure recorded by tha Town Clerk, the nis Dunn estate at Maple and tors to prescribe “ not more than Middle Turnpike. t a eoB* Building Materials ...... W ATER DEPT. ances, furniture, stoves and fur- rd Md your name and address, and they Savings Bank of Mancheater has Spruce streets. The club will move three tablespoonsful of whisky AppUcaUon of Bernice M. Bam- Diamonds—Watchea—Jewelry naces. Note; second hand plpeleaa may deal directly with you, without to new quarters If favorable action a^d^.” . . . It was a merry forth to remodel a two-family house m baS. EUetrleal Appliances—Radio ., furnace, 22 Inch, acU cheap; also 2 taken over property formerly in the Iff IHUI- Fas! and Peed' ---- 47.A 3077 <^ents, without commissions. No names of Julius MlnU et ala, lo- can be secured for removal of the Christmas for Albert B. Fall located at 88 Hudson Street into a Garden—Farm— Dairy Prodneta tires and tubes, slightly us^. Cost exclusive sales contracts. Write to- license operation, point. It la ex- tevallo, r-0 (.\fter5P..M .) cated on Norman street. Three and Edward L. Doheny, Just three-family bouse. Hobsehold Goods ...... t\ $42. SeU for $15. New Cadillac day for full Information without plained that some time ago the club acquitted of conspiracy to de- AU persons interested in these harad Machinery and Tools ..... o3 chains, size 18-700, sell cheap. parceU ot land are affected by the purchased land from the Dunn es- wUla Masleal Instrumsnts ...... :t obligation. Gillette's Property Ad- foreclosure, which became abtolute to u d the government . . . appllcaUons may appear at this Office and Store Eootpment 7868 Come In and talk It over at Jones vertising Service, HasardvIUe, tate, and had planned to erect an bearing. tlniTaff 14 with the recent expiration of the $8,000 club house there. Now a Radio fans could tell that tune Hart- Specials at the S tores...... i€ Furniture Store, 33 Oak street. Conn. redemption time UmlL was “Silent ‘Right"; a new cir- RAYMOND W. GOSLEBl . Waaring Apparel—Fura .. S7 dwelling may be remodeled to be .Wanted—'To Boy ...... U M A N C HESTER cuit eliminated the radio bowL Chairman. 'dSS!oimt* Rotet»—neaerfa y B—tnaiaau - ia and Booms Without Board ...... W ATER C O . MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE vxextcsweCweLXiu .u .K * aT,orP. Boarders Wanted ...... The Pursuit By THOMPSON AND COLL Comniry Board— Beeorts __ T H E C O M E B A C K E F F O RT •yRwMxiAMG Bouia—Beataaraau ...... 5974 ALLEY OOP WaaUd—Rooms—Board . .. ICII tM s o a s y , MB. VIPBBO, •nuuuM e^ COMB.NOW..yOU CAfc/T MvBAvuecHes Beal Batata P«v Beat BUT 1 CMorr *M jc w rm aOMCOME, PIJBa SB hop IM. MISS MOBCTH- OKAY- YOU WIN.' POUOW TM«T Himself, in Person I-AM... KiP M E / CVS W0CKS> h e l p l e s s l y MW MAAAB m ^ idtaffi. Apartmenta. Plata. Tensmenu .. ^OU MOW-rM IM AM ,PE8HAPS», LJKE NOTHiMd) BETTEB. OLD BBOWM CM2. JUST By IT AIKTT GONNA TAKP Buslnaa Xiocations for Rsnt ••• IM PLSMTyOP taAMG* A S TH E to t ^ BOOEg,' * WOOLO By HAMUN ^AM/FOL H u a o v THAM tMOe*S WITH AHEAP - WE’LL DISCUSS ^ LO N G T F i n D House* For Rent ...... G AS C O . STEQ, PtCnjaES,VMJOW- C A A P E M TS e s 10U CM THIS CASE. 1 f2^^ayl»<^T^K IS WHERE V* ' , •aborbaa For Bent ...... C A S S LO W LY “fqoa THEOCCS r- ' - - F W O O EE MtBOOEET/ ) ^ot*S/r!S!ki. Sommtr Homes For Rent ••••«• A THEOBV, YOU LATSU/j *— ' (spLEMPlpf) |THAr BIG LOUT HOLES UR E O S E S IMTO SOMKTHSUE WBWHiNg ^^FRiEND OF 1 EH? HM—.* NOW HOW AM Lit- r B U O P y J W H A T O .Wanted to Bent ...... 5075 TH E HBAA/y around pouNGsr ' OOFORYUH? Beal Betate Fee Sale TBAPPC — m m I g o n n a orr A LOOK Apaftmeat Baildlng for Sals ••• •• f t r a i l l e a d s , h e AT HIM? Bnainaoe Property Cor Sale •••«• 7« M UST B E A Farms aad Land Cor Sale •••••• T1 Hoaaes Cor Sato ...... 7S ELECTRIC C O . H IG H LA N D BRf LoCa Cor Salo •«•••••••••••••••• U Beaort Froparto Cor Sato U Ssbvrbaa Cor Sate Tft 5181 Beal Batata Cor BsaSaass •«••• 1 fl % iasat Ba Eyaning H arold

CVBN “A REAL TREAT ALWAYS” ^ RATE P-UBLIC SETBACK RADIO SERVICE Mnebwiter AMembly, Ordar ot i A Night At the ABEL'S FOR MEN ll«tnbear, will hold tta refuUr meet- Goanuteed Electrical and On All Makes of S^ts taf at tha Maaonlc Temple, Mon- MASONIC TEMPLE HOTEL SHERIDAN Mechanical Auto Itepairina d ^ evenlaf at 7:30. REAR M PEK STREET EVERT SATCRDAT NIOHT FRANCIS BARLOW DINE AND DANCE Rubber Is * Ertiaa! Rnfriahiiiiielsr >‘1 FetaMIshed IM l 59J Main St. TeL 5404 H m SffaBChMter GMrl Seoiit Ooun-1 ell will bdd its regular meeting on Every Thurs. and Saturday Night

TuMday. December 13 at the. Y. M. C A. The meeting will open j Tony O’Bright and Hin promptly at 3 o'clock. Hotel Sheridan Orchestra Going Up! FOOD AND DRINKS No Oarer Chargat This week's winner* in Boland I Oil company's weekly awards of SO IN A CLASS BY THE.MSELVES! No Minimum Charge! BENDIX D IN E A N D D A N CE gallons of gasoline are as follows; A f t e r D ece m ber 15 We M ust C. Wogman. 03 Charter Oak street. The Boeoeasor to tbs Waahlag Bl^hliie Eysry Saturday N ight 3S gallons: V. Kelly, 03 Wells street, 'niurtdoy, 10 gallons, and Andy Winzler, 361 Incre ase O ur Prices WASHES — RINSES at Cottage street. 10 gallons. DAMP-DRIES Marianne Saplensa of 3 Rogers I AUTOMATICALLY .P A S T E 'S RESTAURANT Plaos has bad verses accepted for Range and Fuel Oil la East Oeator Btieet Odd Felirwe BaildiBg publication In an anthology aC| 24 HOUR SERVICE Now Bervlag jtOe — and Special Dtainers, 65e. reraa soon to be published. BUT NOW! d***"* D*vlell and Spaghetti Telephone 3873 KEMP’S, Inc. Orcbeatra Every Tbnrsday and Saturday Night TM Mala Street SUGHT AUTO ACCIDENT TEXACO CRYSTALITE RANGE OIL 6.00x16 Recaps with WINES-UqUORS AND BEERS

ATTRACTS LARGE CROWD! MORIARTY BROS. perfect casing - - - - V ^ ^ e Q Q )__ 30L315 Center St, Cor. Broad St Local Man’s Car Backs Into One Driven By Hartford 6.25x16 Recaps with Woman— Little Damage. perfect casing - - - - Automobiles driven by William Osu'sld of Spruce street and Miss Catherine Fazloli of 37 Grand Whist - Setback - Bridge street, Hartford, figured in an acci- At 6.50x16 Recaps with dent on Main street In front o f the Johnson building at 8:53 this morn- perfect casing - - - - ing. Mr. Oswald was backing out

Into M^n street from the curbing. St. Bridget's Charity Mias Fasloli was driving north. After December 15 New Prices Will Be Establiahed There was nobody Injured, but the Francisco. Price Schedules car driven by the Hartford woman Card Party Will Be Announced Later. had a blown tire and a bent fender. Both parties refused to accept the ST. BRIDGETS HALL blame for the aeddenu They were Joined by others in passing upon MONDAY EVENING DECEMBER 12

who was responsible, which resulted in a crowd gathsrlng.

AiaAe Yo u r Pl a ns N ow T o G ree t T h e N ew Y e a r A t CAMPBELL'S


BINGO Comer Main Street and Middle Turnpike, Manchester FUEL OILS

34-HOUR SERVICE Out of Gas Flat Tire Batttery Trouble ORANGE HALL New Year's Eve Party and Dance PHONE 6.320 DIAL 4129


BOLAND STA TE ARM ORY Playing Starts At 8:30 Sharp.

OIL CO. Admission 25c.

ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD-iT PAYS Boxes If You Wish D ancin g 9 P. M . to 3 A . M .

Boxes accommodating five

or six couples will be arranged

around the sides of the Ar- PYTHIAN SISTER Caterin g B y O rsan o mory floor. These may be

Entertainment, engaged at $5.00 per box.

Dance Make up a party.now and be

ODD FELLOWS HALL assured of a perfect evening. Per C o u p le

TUESDAY, DEC. 13, 8 P. M. For Reservations: Tickets Avaibble From the Folldwing Committee: JAKE AND CARL, WTIC Phone 5841 or 5337 Harry Roth, Chairman; Henry Weir, David Thomas, AND LOCAL TALENT Clifford Dolscn and Edward Quish.

age Adm. Chlldrca under 14, 35c.

Cash Door Prise.

\ -V - y ^ - ifii 1 f|fti

Agent For



sPEcmi OKE by a CHBN


$12-75 STARTIN G M O N D A Y

J L d u d PER TO.S TO The luxurious fabrics so much In FOR A LIMITED TIMEI

CASH vogue this season are represented Delivered. brilliantly in Cheney Silks. They FULL LENGTH

will make up into gifts of positive

glamour. Rich velvets in colors LT.Wood Co. 51 BImc U St Tel. 4496 that are real Christmas gems— F U R C O A T S ^ lingerie silks in pure dj-e colors.




3-4 Lenprth Fur Coat $2.50

Called For

For C o o d - W n i T o w ard A \ e n l and


Boloet his itecktte with oxtrwna cam.

You ara aura to ploaao him with Chonoy

Cravata. Thay ara known far and wlda

for their luxury ot material, exclualva- low -pricf^ hooa o f pattonia and perfection o f taUor*

ing. Thia year mora than aver Cheney

160th Annlveraaiy cravaU are the Idoal

gift foe mon who approclate good thtnga. l«*'



Coatiwoter. Cor. Center and Trotter Sti.

Telepliaae 8876 ^

C h e n e y H a l l S a l e s r o o m



Opaa 9 A. M. to • P. M. Saturdays 9 A . M. to • P. M. PROMPT PICK-UP
