Drama What Is ? A drama is a story enacted onstage for a live . Elements of Drama

Script: The text of a , with dialogue and directions for Acts: The major units of in a drama. Similar concept to chapters in a . Scenes: Acts are broken down into smaller parts called Scenes

Dialogue: conversations of characters onstage Monologue: long speech given by one to others

Soliloquy: speech by a character alone onstage to himself or herself or to the audience Like the of a story, the plot of a play involves characters who face a problem or . point of highest tension; action determines how the conflict will be resolved Complications tension builds

Resolution conflict is resolved; characters and conflict play ends are introduced Dramatic Structure

Conflict is a struggle or clash between opposing characters or forces. A conflict may develop . . .

 between characters who want different things or the same thing (Man vs. Man)

 between a character and his or her circumstances (Man vs. Nature or Society)

 within a character who is torn by competing desires (Man vs. Man) A tragedy is a play that ends unhappily. • Most classic deal with serious, universal themes such as

right and wrong justice and injustice life and death A comedy is a play that ends happily. The plot usually centers on a romantic conflict.

boy meets girl boy loses girl boy wins girl of a Play When you read a play, remember that it is meant to be performed for an audience.

Stage Directions describes and characters’ actions and manner. **Usually in brackets and written in italics.

[Wyona is sitting on the couch. She sees Paul and jumps to her feet.] Wyona. [Angrily.] What do you want? Performance of a Play . artists/elements include

. Cast—The list of people and their roles involved in a drama

. crew—group of people who puts together the set or scenery on stage

. Props—small movable items that actors use to make their actions look realistic