Fraternity and Sorority Social Event Planning Checklist Off-Campus Social Event with Alcohol Third Party Location or Approved Property

In to plan and host a social event, complete the following tasks:

BEFORE DATE SPECIFIED FOR FALL and SPRING SEMESTER: Did you submit your completed event dates for all semester events? - Maximum of 10 Social Events with Alcohol per semester - Homecoming & Family Weekend requires Third Party Security - All Formals and end of the year Party requires Third-party Security - Formals should be planned on a 30-day planning timeline. Social Event Tracking & Schedule Matrix | F&M FS Life Health & Safety Philosophy ​ ​ Types of FS Social Events | F&M FS Third Party Services | BYOB & Third Party Events ​ ​ ​ ​ FS Event Guest List Policy/Procedure | Social Event Monitor Agreement ​ ​ Definition of a Fraternity & Sorority Event | F&M 1787 Social Event Space ​ ​ OFF-CAMPUS OR ―UNOFFICIAL‖ CHAPTER EVENTS

10 Days before the event: Did you submit your completed event registration form at least 10 days to the event? Did you check-in with your Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life advisor 10 days prior to your event? __ Party theme with details, if applicable _____ Third Party Vendors should not advertise the Fraternity or Sorority event at their venue - _____ What food does the vendor provide? Will the chapter provide food? What drinks be provided? Water? All events are BEER & WINE only _____ Certificate of Insurance for the event? Timeline per inter/nationals is: ______Completed the Social Event Registration Form by 5 pm at least 10 days prior to an event Social Event Registration Form | FS EVENT REGISTRATION | ALCOHOL ​ ​

7 days before the event: Did you review the FIPG “Third Party Vendor Checklist” with your vendor at least 7 days before the event? Did the vendor sign the Third Party Vendor Agreement? ​ ​ Did you submit the checklist to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life? Did you submit all necessary documentation pertaining to the “Third Party Vendor Checklist” to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life? This includes the contract, certificate of insurance, and liquor license. ____ Who is working the event (Event Monitors) and what shifts will they be working? (TIPS Certified) F&M TIPS Training & Certified List ​ Names must be submitted before an event is confirmed - _____ Certificate of insurance for sponsoring organization(s) _____ Inter/National requirements are met to have event approved _____ Met with a Manager or Vendor event host to review chapter protocol and event set up - ____ Utilized Third Party Vendor Checklist to establish an agreement. ____ Will the third party vendor have drink specials for the event? (Beer, Wine, Cider only)

3-5 days before the event: Did you check-in with your Social Event/Risk Management Advisor to get an event review and confirmation on record with OFSL (4 Day prior to an event and/or Wednesday by 5 pm)? Did your Risk Management Officer review the requirements and expectations set out in the social policy, as well as any (inter)national expectations and policies at your latest chapter meeting? Did all event-monitors complete party-monitor training and sign the party-monitor policy in the at least 3 days prior to the day of the social event? _____ Risk Manager met with OFSL at least 5 days prior to the event to communicate details and received finalize event confirmations and approvals _____ Inter/National requirements are met to have event approved FS Risk and Standards Policies _____ Set update and time to pick up materials for the event including but not limited to wristbands, etc. # of wristbands needed ______Met with Third Party services to discuss event detail. If no, when is meeting? The event will not be approved until third-party services has been confirmed.

2 days before the event: Did you check-in with your Social Event/Risk Management Advisor 2 days prior to the day of the event? Did you call to confirm your reservations with the third-party vendor and bus company? _____ What does the event setup look like? _____ DJ, tables, chairs, water ______How are members trained/prepared to work the event? Do they know how to work with Third Party Services? _____ What food will be provided by the chapter and what other drinks will be provided? Water? _____ Event Attendance? Guest list started? Do your members, guests, and event team understand guest policy and procedures? FS Event Guest List Policy/Procedure ​ _____What stations will your event team be working? Crowd control, lines, bathrooms, exits, counters, serving station, floaters, the common area of the house? _____ Knowledgeable about the Policies & Procedures? Policies & Procedures _____ Where is the Service Distribution Center? Where will the alcohol be located? Who is working on that? How are you keeping it cold? Are they TIPS Certified & 21 years Old? _____ Have they notified neighbors in writing at least 48 hours in advance? Encourage Face to Face interaction? Provide contact information of the person responsible for the event?

Day of event: Did you provide The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life with a list of all individuals attending the event (Guest List) 1 hour prior to event start time on the day of the social event?

_____ Event Team is composed of no fewer than 3 active members to include at least 1 exec board member and 1 active member over 21 and should not consist of any new members, _____ Size of Risk Team is sufficient for estimated guests (e.g. 1 ET member per 25 guests) _____ Conduct any training necessary for Event team to ensure they are prepared to manage the event. _____ How does the Event Team intervene in the event of guests that are overly intoxicated? Unidentified? Fighting? _____ Risk Manager picked up materials for the event including but not limited to wristbands, etc. ____ Collect punch cards as guests exit the event. Third Party Vendor (e.g. Semi Formal, - - Theme party) Submit to OFSL if requested.

Follow up - After Event: _____ Guest list issues are clarified with OFSL NLT (No later than) the following business day by 5 pm of actual attendees including (time in, and timeout) _____ Submitted a check, contract, or any paperwork to OFSL Coordinator for payment of security services & invoice. Check to see all outstanding contract obligations are completed such as payments with OFSL and Third Party Services. _____ Returned materials from the event including unused wristbands to the OFSL coordinator. _____ Followed up with OFSL after the event to communicate any instances that may have occurred _____ Any unused alcohol is collected the following day; not taken home that night


It is the chapter’s responsibility to know, practice and upholds this document in its entirety. In addition, it is expected that the event planner, risk management officer, and chapter president will hold chapter members and guests who attend the event accountable for their decisions and actions.

INTRODUCTION The fraternities and sororities of Franklin & Marshall College are aware of the increasing need for self-regulation and risk management within the chapters and the community. This document is in response to fraternity and sorority leaders and college officials across the nation demanding guidance and guidelines to ensure the safety of members and visitors of chapters. All fraternities and sororities are to be in compliance with their (inter)national policies for planning social events.

EMERGENCY INFORMATION The following list is the proper protocol when dealing with an emergency situation: 1. Call 911 2. Call F&M Public Safety 3. Call your OFSL advisor 4. Call your chapter advisor

DEFINITIONS Types of Fraternity & Sorority Social Events

Social Event: a general term that includes mixers, formals, list events and date parties; all must ​ be registered with the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life in accordance with the social policy Mixer: a social gathering between one (or more) sorority/fraternity chapter(s) and/or student ​ organization(s). Formal/Date Party: a social event held by one chapter in which each member may invite one ​ guest per member. Social Event: a social event in which invitations are given to friends of the sponsoring chapter. ​ The chapter compiles a list of invited guests, and those invited are directly accountable to their member. Event Monitor: A member of the sponsoring chapter(s) who is 100% alcohol free during the ​ social event and hours leading up to the social event who helps organize the logistics of the social event: loading and unloading of buses, monitoring chapter members and guests at third party venue, arranging rides for those who need to leave the venue. The number of party monitors will be determined by the number of attendees on the guest list and at the discretion of The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life Staff.

SOCIAL EVENT REQUIREMENTS A. Chapter(s) proposing to hold social events must be in good academic, social, and disciplinary standing as determined by the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life and the Dean of the College. B. Chapter(s) proposing to hold social events must be in good standings with their (inter)national organization. C. Chapter maybe put in a “Social Event Hold” status pending any pending investigation or incident. C. All social event dates must be provided to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life by 5 pm on The DATE SPECIFIED FOR FALL AND SPRING SEMESTER. D. All social events must be registered in the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life 10 days prior to the event, with Event monitors identified at least 4 days prior to the event. E. The vendor contract, certificate of insurance, and the liquor license will be reviewed by Franklin & Marshall College staff to determine compliance with the described checklist. F. Chapters will follow the Fraternity Insurance Purchasing Group (FIPG) Risk Management Policy and their (inter)National organization’s risk management guidelines.

SCHEDULING A. Chapters may plan a maximum of 10 social events throughout the course of one semester. If no other restrictions or conditions exist. B. Each semester, one of the 10 social events must have third-party security. It is recommended all events staff third-party security. C. No more than one (1) social with alcohol event may be planned for any given day. D. Only 2 social events with alcohol may occur on any given weekend. E. No events may occur on Sundays, during finals week or reading days, during recruitment periods, during orientation, or during vacations, as defined by the F&M OFSL and F&M Calendars. F. All Third Party Services & locations must be vetted and confirmed by Franklin & Marshall College.

All social events at a third-party venue. A. A third party vendor will be chosen by the host chapter(s), in conjunction with the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, taking into account the number of agreed-upon guests. B. Venues must be within the 40-minute driving distance from Franklin & Marshall College. C. Vendors must cease serving alcohol 25 minutes before the buses scheduled departing time. D. No open bar of any kind is permitted. E. The vendor must clearly state in the contract if the social event is “18 to party and 21 to drink” or specifically a 21 and older social event. F. The venue or the hosting chapter(s) must provide snack food for those in attendance. This must be explicitly stated in the contract. G. The contract with the said vendor must include the provisions listed in the Third Party ​ Agreement and the FIPG checklist. ​ H. The contract, certificate of insurance, and liquor license will be reviewed by the chapter advisory team and The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life Staff to determine compliance with the described checklist. I. Licensed bartenders must be staffed by the third party vendor to serve throughout the duration of the social event. J. Only beer, wine, ciders and champagne, and non-alcoholic drinks are present. Shots, mixed-drinks, or any common container (i.e. Kegs, jungle juice, etc.) are not permitted.

ATTENDANCE A. The number of guests in attendance will be determined on a case by case basis by The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life Staff. Conditions for consideration will include, but will not be limited to: a. Current chapter(s) standing as determined by the Office of The Dean of the College, specifically the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life Staff and the Interfraternity and Panhellenic Council Standards. b. The number of chapters working in conjunction to plan and execute the said event. c. Past precedent set by the chapter(s) in the planning and execution of prior, similar events. d. A realistic character of an event as proposed by host chapter(s). B. The maximum number of guests will be 300 people in attendance or established at the discretion of the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life Staff. Capacity will be considered or limited based on Fire Code or facility restrictions. C. The host chapter(s) shall certify that it has compiled a list of guests and provide the names of the guest and the chapter member the guest is acquainted with to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life no later than one (1) hour prior to the event start time on the day of the event. FS Event Guest List Policy/Procedure

TRANSPORTATION A. The chapter(s) responsible for the event will provide third-party transportation to and from the event. B. The chapter(s) will further ensure that there is a seat available for each person in attendance on the transportation vehicle. C. All buses will pick up and drop off in the F&M Williams Lot or on College Ave in front of Steinman College Center. Any other locations must be approved by OFSL. D. Event monitors will be stationed at each bus to verify guest list and identification. A schedule and staffing must be indicated on Event Registration form under the Transportation section. E. Event monitors present at bus pickup have the right and responsibility to refuse entrance to any guest: a. Appearing visibly under the influence of alcohol. b. Falsely representing his or her identity for the purpose of gaining entrance to the event.

RISK MANAGEMENT A. In accordance with inter/national fraternal risk management policies, the host chapter(s) must maintain a list of all persons in attendance. The host chapter(s) shall certify that it has compiled a list and provide the number of guests on such list to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life no later than one (1) hour prior to the start time on the day of the event. B. In addition to their submitted guest list, the host chapter(s) will submit an agreement (provided by the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life) to be signed by each event monitor. The number of party monitors will be determined on a case by case basis and shall consist of no less than 10% of total guests in attendance. Conditions for consideration will include, but will not be limited to: a. The number of chapters working in conjunction to plan and execute the event. b. The previously agreed-upon number of expected guests in attendance. c. The size and set-up of the third party vendor. d. The number of buses secured for transportation to and from the event. C. The responsibility of Event monitors will include, but will not be limited to: a. Verification of the guest list prior to transportation of guests to the event location. b. General maintenance of a respectable and responsible social environment. c. Responsible communication with vendor management and third-party staff throughout the duration of the event. d. General assistance should any unforeseeable circumstance present itself. e. Should a student attending the event be deemed unfit to remain at the event (as determined by either the vendor, third-party security or event monitor), the event monitor will arrange for a third party ride back to campus. The student removed from the event will be personally responsible for financing the ride; however, the party monitors will have sufficient funds to advance the cost of the transportation. D. All party monitors must review the required training materials and sign the party monitor agreement at least 2 days prior to a social event. E. Failure to comply with the rules and regulations of this social policy and your (inter)national organization’s risk management policy will result in disciplinary action, including the loss of privilege to hold such events.

GUEST LIST EVENT REQUIREMENTS The above information regarding requirements for all events, scheduling, contract, transportation, risk management, and attendance pertains to Fraternity List Events, with the addition of the following: A. All attendance at the event will be determined by invitation only. B. Guests will secure a position on the list by receiving an invitation from a chapter representative. C. Members from the sponsoring chapter will be responsible and held accountable for their guests in attendance at the last event. D. Guests may receive, upon the discretion of the host fraternity, a token of their placement upon the list (i.e. bracelet, pin, invitation, etc.). E. The host chapter may not sell tickets on campus, solicit door-to-door, post flyers in residence halls, or use similar tactics in the promotion of their event.