A message from the head teacher.

Dear Parents, Carers, Staff and Governors,

It’s been an exciting and very busy term at Dorothy Stringer. The school celebrated excellent outcomes in the summer and we believe that our students can achieve even more this year! The students continue to work hard, contribute to the school and wider community and generally make us very proud. Year 11s have been working tirelessly preparing for their GCSE’s and have just finished sitting their mock examinations. Their focus in the classroom and dedication to their studies is commendable. They await their results in January with anticipation and then our aim is to support them through to those GCSE exams in May/June.

Year 10 have made a successful start to their GCSE subjects and are making strong progress. For Year 9, it’s been a term of reflection as they think about their future and academic achievements to inform their GCSE option choices. Year 8 continue to work hard and contribute to the life of the school both academically and through their involvement in extra-curricular activities. Having successfully made the transition from primary to secondary school, Year 7 are now well settled into school life and taking full advantage of all the opportunities on offer here.

The extra-curricular life of the school continues to flourish, with the Carol Service bringing the term to a very special end. Throughout this term students have been working on the school production which is in January as well as participating in sporting teams. The school teams have had another excellent run of wins – more on this later in the newsletter. We also have record numbers participating in the Duke of Edinburgh award and we look forward to celebrating their completion later in the year. The visit of our guests from Ghana was one of the highlights of the term. We were able to share best practice and I know our staff and students are looking forward to the reciprocal visit in February half-term.

I do hope that over the Christmas break students can rest and enjoy time together with friends and family and I wish you all a safe and relaxing break over the festive period and a happy and healthy 2020.

Matt Hillier

1w:1 t: 01273 852222 e: [email protected] This Terms News... DOROTHY STRINGER This is an interactive document, please use the contents below to go to a particular Enrichment Week Launch page of interest, or click on hyperlinks in the text to visit the web page. SOCIAL Enrichment Week Launch 3 ACCOUNTS Le Touquet Trip 3 Head Students 4 To keep up to date with current news Junior Leadership Team 4 please follow our social media accounts, School Production - The Wooden Frock 5 various departments run their own Duke of Edinburgh Award 6 Enrichment Week 2020 launched for key stage3 3 St Johns Oxford 6 accounts and celebrate good work, Year 7 Club Fair 7 events and success’. PE & Sports 8 This term we launched our Enrichment Week booklet with all students in Years 7-9 during assemblies. Dorothy Stringer Beach Clean 10 Girls Network Meeting 10 Enrichment Week takes place in the last full week of the academic year from Monday – Thursday and gives Music Students Visit Nursing Home 11 students in the lower school a chance to try out new activities or further develop skills they may already Carol Service 2020 11 @dorothystringerschool Author Visit: Frances Hardinge 12 have. It gives students a chance to learn outside the classroom and to try a range of activities they may not Drop Everything & Read! 12 have experienced before. We have over 40 activities to choose from this year, both in school and offsite, Poetry Live 13 Berlin Trip 13 ranging from outdoor activities to baking, to creative writing activities. We will be asking students to pick Business Club 14 @dorothystringerschool three activities as we cannot guarantee they will get their top choice. Food Bank Collections 14 Investors Challenge 15 Future First - Alumni 15 Further information will be sent out via the weekly newsletters and Form Tutors will also be going over General Knowledge Quiz 16 the process with students during form time - to view a copy of the Enrichment Week Booklet you can click Future DJ Workshop 16 on the following link : Get Career Confident 17 Local Senior Citizens 17 Ghanaian School Visitors 18 share your Veg City Challenge Event 19 Environmental Science 19 news Art Department Mock 20 Exams 20 We are always interested in hearing Katie Booth, Enrichment Week Co-ordinator Art Club 21 student’s achievements in and out of Graphic Design: Electric Square 21 school, and would love to celebrate SMTC Maths Challenge 22 Work Experience 2020 22 them in our termly news and on social Social Feed Highlights 23 accounts. Please share them with us Stringer Life - Autumn Term 24 by emailing communications@dorothy- Merry Christmas 25 Adverts & Sponsors 26 we would love Le Touquet Trip Upcoming Key Dates your feedback If you have any ideas or suggestions We are really looking forward to taking a group of 45, Year 8 to 11 students to Le Touquet in northern of the type of news you would France in the second week of January. This is an exciting new residential trip that we are running in the MFL 6 January 2020 Start of Spring Term like to hear about please email us department. 9 January 2020 Year 9 Options Process Begins [email protected] 23 January 2020 Year 9 Parents’ Evening This trip will offer our students a wealth of culture as well as helping to develop their language skills. We have a 27 January 2020 Inset Day - School Closed jam packed itinerary from 6.30am on the Monday morning until our return at 11pm on the Thursday evening. 29 January - 1 February 2020 School Play weekly news We will be visiting a chocolate factory, a bakery, an artisan workshop and a fishing museum, with tours 10 - 13 February 2020 DEAR Week updates provided in French. We will be doing a scavenger hunt, going bowling, go shopping as well as completing activities with students from our French link school. Our students have already been paired up with French 14 February 2020 Year 11 School Photos students and have been exchanging emails in preparation for meeting them on our arrival at the school. 27 February 2020 Year 11 Parents’ Evening Remember to keep an eye out for our weekly news update from the head 13 - 14 March 2020 Dance Show teacher in your email inbox, it can also This is a great way to experience French life and to learn French in a real life situation and we hope to be able 26 March 2020 Year 7 Parents’ Evening be viewed by logging onto the SLG, to offer a similar trip to Spain next year. 1 - 2 April 2020 Spring Concert under ‘newsletter’. 3 April 2020 End of Term/Non Uniform Day Mrs Revéreault , Heaf of MFL

2 3 Head Students School Production NEWLY APPOINTED HEAD STUDENTS Drama Department

This term has been our 2019/20 Head Students first term. We would like to congratulate them on their appointments It’s GO GO GO in the Drama Department! and on their first duty of the year - speaking at Open Evening to our prospective This term the Drama Department and students have been students and parents. extremely busy auditioning and rehearsing for this year’s school production: If you are not familiar with our head students we would like to introduce them to you. ‘The Wooden Frock’ Head Girl: Clara, Head Boy: Malachy Deputies: Milo, Aofie, Tiger and Harry, A fairy-tale, but not as you know it. A happy royal kingdom thrown into turmoil and grief. A man and his pigeon. A Our head students regularly meet with Mr search for a wife. A quest for a dress. A journey over the Hillier to discuss student’s wishes and plans ocean. A love story? Maybe not… for the future of Dorothy Stringer School. Her name is Mary Woodenfrock and she does what she likes.

Date: Wednesday 29th January 2020 to Saturday 1st February 2020 Time: 7.30pm (Doors open at 7.10pm) Junior Leadership Team Tickets: £7 (Adults) £5 (Concessions) Tickets will be available from Drama Office at break and Congratulations to Clara, Ellie & Nancy and their Junior Leadership Teams for a very successful start to lunchtime from Monday 13th January 2020. the academic year. Look out on the website/SLG for details in the New Year! The teams have been busy raising money for our Ghanaian link school, the JLT have delivered assemblies to the whole school, talking about diversity and the new D-buck reward system. We celebrated Parliament Book early to avoid disappointment. Week, unfortunately a general election was called so Caroline Lucas had to postpone her visit to the school until later in the year. Ms Ettinger, Head of Drama

We are always grateful for any suggestions to reduce single use plastic in the school and hope you support this in using reusable containers in lunch boxes.

Miss Poole | JLT

Clara Ellie Nancy Key Stage 4 Co Chair Key Stage 4 Co Chair Key Stage 4 Co Chair 4 5 Duke of Edinburgh Year 7 Club Fair


Our current Year 10’s are now finishing off the last few bits of their sections ready for the March deadline. At the beginning of this academic year we saw 160 Year 10 students through their In September we ran an Extra Curricular Club Fair for our new Year 7 students Duke of Edinburgh training in rural Sussex, here they developed their skills in navigation and camp craft. These skills were then put to the test in their assessed expedition that took place in late November. Students had the chance to speak to Club Leaders and Prefects who have been involved in the clubs and ask any questions they may have. The event was a success and helped to give our We are proud to say that all students who attended their assessed expeditions passed, a huge Year 7 students everything they needed to sign up to the extra-curricular clubs that interested accomplishment considering the challenging cold weather. Although despite all the rain we them. had over October and November each weekend the students went out it was dry.

Mrs DeBanks-Hirst & Ms Brice, Duke of Edinburgh Coordinators We hope the students have enjoyed their first term taking part in their extra-curricular clubs and have found it a great way of settling in and making new friends.

It’s not too late to join a club, if you would like to see the activities we have on offer please Visit our Extra-Curricular page on our website - Extra_Curricular_Main.aspx

Thank you to all the Prefects who ran the stalls, and to staff who continue to provide a range of extra-curricular clubs for our students.

St Johns Oxford


On Tuesday 3 September two current St Johns undergraduate students ran an Oxbridge Advice Session for a group of our Year 11 Students.

It was a brilliant opportunity for our Year 11 students who are considering Oxbridge at some stage in the future to talk to current students about studying and living as a student at Oxford.

Mrs Lloyd , Assistant Head

6 7 Newman, thank you to Miss Taylor for taking them All sports fixtures are published fortnightly on the through their paces. Parents’ SLG in the newsletter and results can be seen via Twitter by following @DStringerPE.

PE & Sports Dance Update

Students have been working hard to develop their pieces for this year’s Dorothy Stringer Dance Show. This is due to take place on Friday 13 March What a start to the year we have had in PE and work. and Saturday 14 March 2020 at the Dome and Sport. With a number of important changes taking promises to be another incredible evening. We will place to both curriculum PE and Extra-curricular Football continues to flourish with every girls’ football look forward to inviting back our previous Sport’s sport we are really happy with everything our team and every boys’ A-team left in the Sussex Captains and celebrating Miss Sampson’s 19th students have achieved in the first half term. FA County Cup at the Christmas break, here’s to Anniversary. hoping that this is still the case in May? Both the Curriculum PE U12 and U14 girls have already progressed into the The Netball squads at Dorothy Stringer have had a Half Term 1 PE Awards County Cup Quarter finals, both of these fixtures strong start to the season. The squads are large in We continue to adapt and change our curriculum scheduled for January. We also have five teams each year group and all squads have been training Well done to those who picked up the PE awards in to meet the needs of all our students. One change left in the ESFA National Cup. Recent fixtures in the hard. The team managers have been impressed the first Half-Term; that has seen great success at the start of 2019/20 National Cup have seen the U15 Boys and the U12 with the commitment and development shown has been the move to mixed gender classes. This Girls move into the next rounds. The U14 Boys had so far this season. They have played a number of Performance Awards has had a really positive impact on the levels of a hard fought test against Prospect School from & Hove League fixtures and tournaments challenge in lessons and has made our curriculum Reading with Stringer running out 3 – 2 Winners and this year we see the introduction of the Brighton Izzy – For continued performances an captaining equal to all. We are now looking towards a new overall, goals from Tom and Ezra plus a player & Hove Knock Out Cup competition. both the Year 9 netball A team and the U14 Girls scheme of work in KS3, focusing on a range of of the match performance from Fraser ensured Football Team practical, but also cognitive skills, that are vitally victory. The U12 Girls had a more emphatic win Dorothy Stringer Basketball teams have also had Fin – for being current top try score in the Year 10 important in life. Watch this space for 2020 when coming out 5-1 winners against Tanbridge House lots of success in the County Cup. The U15 Boys rugby team and for his work as a Sports Captain. the trials of this new curriculum intent will begin. School. Success, in part, came down to the sturdy team remain unbeaten and three other sides have The Year 11 Withdean project has started really defence anchored by Scarlett and 3 goals from qualified for the next rounds of the competition. Dance Award successfully and we are grateful of the support that winger Rosie. The final fours are due to be held in the New Year. Cassidy – For services to Dance and supporting parents/ carers and our sponsors Donatello have The Year 7 Boys Basketball team have had their first younger students. offered to ensure that the project can take place. game in the Junior NBA, where they were donated Students have had the opportunity to take part in a special San Antonio Spurs kits. They have won GCSE/ Sports Studies Award a range of activities that they cannot access on against Warden Park and lost narrowly to Holy Charlie – For the work he has been doing on revision the school site, including; studio cycling, climbing, Trinity. Brandon has led the team well on the court for his mocks and quality of answering questions in exercise to music classes, squash and many others. with highest points tally so far. class.

PE Effort and Determination Joe – Outstanding concentration and effort in Mr Corrigan’s PE lessons. Well done Joe.

Extra-curricular PE and Sport In other events, our Swimmers narrowly missed out The extra-curricular programme at Dorothy Stringer on qualification for the national relays event, in the continues to thrive, the numbers participating end this came down to split seconds. Well done to continues to grow and with this we have had even Rugby teams have had a great start to the year the U16 Table tennis team who came 3rd overall Mr Corrigan, Head of PE & Sports more success in local and national competitions. with healthy numbers at training and a number of at the Brighton Area Table Tennis Competition. In So far this academic year we have entered good fixtures around the city. The U15 boys and girls Athletics, we had great success at the indoor sports competitions in Athletics, Football, Table Tennis, rugby have had the pick of the fixtures with the U15 hall athletics competition with the Year 8 boys Netball, Basketball, Swimming, Rugby and others. I boys facing an incredibly strong Seaford College coming 1st and Year 8 girls coming 2nd in the city. must take this opportunity to thank the dedicated side in the county cup and the girls continuing their Our Year 7s also came 2nd in their competition. PE department for all their commitment and hard development with fixtures against Patcham and 8 9 beach clean Music Students Visit Nursing Home

Dororthy Stringer Community Brave the Cold to Clean the Beach Our Music Department visited Caer Gwent Nursing Home in Worthing this half term to perform In response to feedback from our students who joined the Environmental Marches, to highlight the to residents. It was a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon, a lovely experience for all concerned. important issue of climate change we organised a second Beach Clean, this took place in September. Performances included a Year 7 singing his own Christmas song, Year 8 soloists and duets and Staff, students, family members and even dogs met just east of the on the beach and GCSE Music students performing some lovely song arrangements. Thank you to all the students all helped in collecting litter from the beach. This was yet another successful beach clean with over 80 for making it a memorable occasion for the residents and staff at the home and for representing people turning up. A big thank you to everyone who helped and supported. Dorothy Stringer in such a professional manner.


Carol Service 2019

It is that time of year again when the Stringer Music Department begin the festivities with our annual Carol Service. Students have been rehearsing and working very hard on a variety of Christmas Music. We have a 70 plus strong choir representing all year groups and a student lead Brass Group to accompany the carols. Girls’ Network Meeting It has always been a lovely way to end a busy term and this year will be no exception. Thank you to all staff and students involved who have worked so hard in making this another successful Stringer Music event.

Year 10 Girls are Matched with their Girls Network mentors

On the evening of 26 November 12 of our Year 10 students were matched with their Girls Network mentors. The Girls Network is an organisation that works with young women across the UK. They aim to inspire and empower girls by matching them with professional female mentors who support students to develop a range of skills that will facilitate academic and careers pathways. The evening was a great success. Our students are now looking forward to their first individual mentoring sessions. A big thank you the Sussex Learning Network and the National Collaborative Outreach Programme for funding this programme.

Mrs Lloyd, Assistant Head 10 11 Drop Everything & Read! Poetry Live

The whole school took part in DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) Eighty Year 11 students enjoyed the opportunity to gain a new perspective on some of the poems they have for a week during October. During the week the whole School been studying as part of their English Literature GCSE course by hearing them performed by the poets Community stops working and reads for twenty minutes. We know themselves. the vital role that regular reading plays in developing students’ vocabulary, strengthening their empathy skills, and improving hosted the ‘Poetry Live’ event where students heard the likes of Simon Armitage, Carol Ann their ability to concentrate – which is why we promote reading for Duffy and Daljit Nagra bring their words to life. A superb day, which will hopefully help students be even pleasure in form time, during DEAR week and in English lessons. more successful in their Literature exams next summer. It was great to see staff and students enjoying a wide-range of different texts and making good use of our fantastic school library, Ms Hand, English Teacher as well as helping themselves to the pre-loved books that you have kindly donated to us. We hope that your son/daughter made the most of the time and enjoyed the opportunity to get stuck into a good book.

We look forward to our next DEAR week which takes place from 10th – 14th February; just in time for Valentine’s Day! Berlin Trip Ms Morden, School Librarian

Author Visit: Frances Hardinge

Frances Hardinge, Costa Award winning Young Adult Author of The Lie Tree, A Skinful of Shadows and Cuckoo Song came along to school to talk about her new story Deeplight.

“For centuries the gods of the Undersea ruled the islands of the Myriad through awe and terror: they were very real, and very dangerous. Sacrifices were hurled into the waters to appease them, and every boat was painted with pleading eyes to entreat their mercy. They were served, feared and adored. Then, thirty years ago, the gods rose up in madness and tore each other apart. Now, none remain. The islands have recovered and the people have patched their battered ships and moved on.” On one of these islands live Hark and his best friend Jelt. To them, the gods are nothing but a collection of valuable scraps to be scavenged from the ocean and sold. But now something is pulsing beneath the waves, calling to someone brave enough to retrieve it.”

Frances spent time with the students discussing her writing and where her inspiration comes from.

‘Thank you very much for coming, I really enjoyed listening to you, As part of History GCSE, students are studying Germany from 1918-45 so this was a brilliant opportunity to you are a natural, lovely and expand their knowledge and understanding of Germany’s history and also experience the city in the present warm writer author’ - Student day. The students visited the Reichstag, the Brandenburg Gate and Sachsenhausen Concentration camp. This was alongside visits to several museums that reflected life during the Cold War and living under Nazi rule. As the ‘I read Deeplight and it was amazing. students walked around the city they could see the impact that all these events have had, even now. Everyone I love your style of writing. Thank you thoroughly enjoyed the experience and it was a highly educational trip. Our thanks go to the staff who made for coming to Stringer.’ - Student the trip so successful.

Ms Morden, Librarian The History Department 12 13 Business Club Investors Challenge

This month our Year 10 and Year 11 GCSE Business students have been competing in the Student Investor Challenge. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ONGOING SUPPORT WITH BUSINESS CLUB • Fun in Action for Children • Crohns and Colitis UK This is a nationwide competition organised by the London Institute of Banking and Finance with Yet again, the Business Club are very proud to have made • Puffin nursery • Whoopsadaisy over 6,200 schools and colleges taking part. Students have two virtual portfolios of £100,000. donations to several charities this half term. Their aim is to apply their business knowledge and invest wisely, so as to maximise the value of Below are the donations we have made: • Tree of Hope • Rise • Forward Facing • Starr Trust their portfolios. • £300 to continue working with our international link school • Amaze • Ghana school in Ghana • Rainbow Trust • Immunise dogs Congratulations go to three teams in particular. From Year 10, The Pink Unicorns and The Big • £500 to a local vet to immunise homeless peoples’ dogs Last year, we were utterly excited to be invited to Brussels. Buck Brothers who have made a fantastic start on their investment journeys regularly being • £1001 to a local charity, Starr Trust. Here we met with numerous international schools to discuss placed in the top 200 schools and colleges. From Year 11, YTME Trading with a ranking of 68 in our pre-loved uniform shop and provide support on how the nationwide league table – the highest ranking ever for one of our school teams. The money has been raised with the fantastic support of our great they could implement this sustainable project too. school community in many of our different business ventures To top this of, we were thrilled to hear three of our Business last academic year; personalised gifts at Christmas, Valentines Club members had won ’s “Youth in Action” award. We wish all our teams continued success as they endeavour to qualify for the semi finals in and Easter, our Pre-loved uniform sales, as well as selling Spooky February 2020. A top 500 ranking at the end of January will secure a place. Apples at Halloween and delicious Ice-cream during summer We thank you all for your ongoing support. term Sports Day! Mrs Mockeridge, IT & Buisness Department If you would like to attend Business Club it takes place in D10 Over the years, Business Club have raised a total over £10,000! on Tuesday lunchtimes. Below are some of the other fantastic charities we have donated to: Mrs Smedley | Business Club

Food Bank Collections Future First

This year instead of giving Back in November Blu in 9LML suggested that this Calling all Stringer Alumni... Secret Santa presents to Christmas the form would do a one another 10MKG Form collection of food items that could then Your experiences since leaving could help to motivate and inspire our Captains Joseph and be donated to a local food bank. This current students to feel more confident in making decisions about their Solomon decided to ask idea came following one of her English lessons where students were made future. We’d love you to join our alumni network and stay connected with everyone to bring in an item aware of less fortunate people living in the school. to give to the Bevendean our community. Food Banks. The students decided on You can choose how and when you help – perhaps you could act as a career and education role model, Bevendean Food bank as Meadow in provide work experience, become a mentor in person or online or help with donations or fundraising! This is a wonderful idea, the Form said that they were low on well done to the whole of 10 stock, It doesn’t matter when you left us, whether you’re in further education or employment, whether you still live nearby or have moved further away, there are still ways you can help and we would love to stay in touch. MKG! The Food Bank were delighted with the donations, Well done 9LML! Ms Mockeridge, Form Tutor In order to sign up, just follow this link and fill in the online form – it will only Ms Lamal, Form Tutor take a couple of minutes - 14 15 General Knowledge Quiz Get Career Confident

We are really pleased to announce that Get Career Confident, a new, free careers guidance programme for schools is running here at Dorothy Stringer.

At the beginning of this term we held the school’s annual General Knowledge Quiz. Students and staff turn up In school we'll be sharing information and videos providing helpful advice about college, and attempt to answer general knowledge questions and identify famous faces. apprenticeships and university, different career paths and going behind the scenes with local employers to look at what their jobs involve. Outside of school, Get Career Confident has a Prizes are awarded for the top scores in each year group so younger students are not disadvantaged. Facebook page for parents (@Get-Career-Confident) and Instagram (@getcconfident) for students where we share lots of hints, tips, reminders The highest scoring students are then invited to enter into the ‘Mastermind’ quiz to face it off head-to-head and videos explaining key decisions. You can also including questions on their ‘Specialist Subject’. sign up for our regular email update and visit thier website Following almost a hundred students and staff taking part in this year’s annual school general knowledge quiz the following four students scored the most points from a maximum of 30 points. They have been invited to Year 10 will all have the opportunity to be seen by take part in the annual Dorothy Stringer Mastermind competition to be held on 14 February 2020. the careers adviser or careers confident team from January 2020 onwards. Thank you and well done to all everyone who took part in the quiz. Mrs Chadwick | Head of PSHE The top scoring students who will be involved in Mastermind 2020 are as follows with their scores;

• Moses 11SVZ 26 Points • Amelie 9LMB 23 points • Isla 8GRV 22 Points • Misha 9CTL 21 Points Local Senior Citizens Mr Watson | Assistant Head Christmas Meal

An Evening for Local Senior citizens that are cared for by the Hallifax Caring Company, FUTURE DJ WORKSHOP owned by Ex Stringer Student Johanne Stanley. On Friday 13 December we held an evening that included the choir singing carols, a Christmas Dinner and gifts for our guests and their carers. Stringer students waited on the tables, Paula Leovold our Chef cooked a wonderful Christmas dinner, the Music department’s choir provided carols for the evening and the PE ‘We Are Future DJ’s’ came in to school to give our Year 9 Music students a workshop demonstration department set up the evening, decorating, putting up the tree and laying tables as well as transporting our elderly guests to and from the event. This year the Music Department are offering students DJ lessons. Future DJ’s, a local company came into school to give a workshop demonstration to show students what they will learn in these lessons. We run the event to celebrate Christmas with elderly members of our community and their carers, who do such a great job. Thank you to everyone for your hard work and support in helping put this evening together, The lessons are initially open to all our Year 9 Music students. The workshop was brilliant and had a great especially our sponsors who have donated food for a second year running; Brakes of Brighton, Kent Frozen reception from the students involved, we look foward to seeing the students new skills! Foods and Premier Fruits of Brighton. It really was a wonderful festive time. Mrs Flint, Head of Music Mr Brown, PE Department & Event Organiser

16 17 Veg City Challenge Event Ghanaian Visitors This term two of our Year 10 GCSE Food Technology students had the opportunity to go to the Community Kitchen and judge the Brighton and Hove Food Partnership’s Veg City Challenge. Spike and Millie (our Year 10 students) made up the panel alongside Michael Bremner, Head During the first half of the autumn term, we had the privilege of welcoming four colleagues and eight Chef at 64 Degrees and Murmur, Nicole Pisani, ex Head Chef at Nopi, London and leading students from Akwamuman Senior High School, Ghana. This is the school we have had a link with for the national hospitality and catering expert, Julie Barker. last two years and which we visit when we go to Ghana. Veg City Challenge is a competition that sees chefs from across the city create an innovative All 12 guests were kindly hosted by Stringer families and staff and enjoyed a full cultural immersion; we veg-packed on-the-go recipe. The winning recipe will then be trialled in secondary schools, would like to take this opportunity to thank our hosts for their generosity. including Dorothy Stringer to encourage teens to eat more veg. At the welcome ceremony on the first day, our guests were keen to share their dance routines with some of Follow the link below to read more about the Veg City Challenge and read the press release our overwhelmed Year 10 students, who joined in! from the day. We tried to give our guests as much of a varied educational visit as possible. On their first full day (Saturday) we took them to the Amateur Entomologist Society Fayre. On the Sunday to a church service, followed by a car boot sale. They also enjoyed trips to London and to Brighton’s main tourist landmarks. They also met relatives and friends after their day sightseeing in the capital. Whilst at school, they took part in an eco meeting and a student voice meeting where we shared views on our respective practices. Akwamuman colleagues and students attended lessons and had a chance to collaboratively plan a lesson together with our staff, in their specialist subject; their respective lessons were then delivered on the Friday to our students, in Drama and in English. Our guests also gave an assembly to our Year 10 students and spent a day in Balfour Primary school, sharing with the school community some aspects of the Ghanaian culture.

Overall it was felt the event had been a highly busy and memorable week, which delighted all who took part in the experience!

Ms Lamal & Dr Danahar , Ghana Committee

Environmental Science

This term our Year 7 Environmental Science Classes have been busy planting trees in their lessons with Mr Sandercock and Dr Danahar.

They have been planting new Hazel trees and Oak trees, below are photos from one of their lessons planting the trees in our woodland area.

Above is a picture from the tree planting ceremony we held which seals our friendship with our Ghanaian students and colleagues 18 19 Art Department Mock Art Club Exams Year 7, 8 and 9 students have had fun making ‘head sculptures’ out of recycled materials this term in Art Club. Art club meets every Wednesday in room A3.

As we go to press Year 11 have just finished their mock examinations. This year we not only After the Christmas break Art Club will be working on ideas for the Children’s parade, which will be on Saturday 2 May 2020. We are all very excited this year as the theme is ‘The environment’. have the specialisms of Fine Art and Photography but also Textiles and Graphics. Ms Fahy, Head of Art It is a privilege to watch students complete a final outcome after several months of preparation. They produce the most stunning work which you will be able to view at Stringer Open house on Saturday 16 May 2020.

Ms Fahy, Head of Art

Graphic Design: Electric Square

In October, Studio Director Jason Green and Bafta award winning Lead Artist Dan Purcell from ‘Electric Square’ came to the Art department to give a talk to our Year 10 GCSE Graphics and Photography students.

‘Electric Square’ is a Brighton based game design company who are building links with the community and inspiring students to consider careers in gaming design. This was a brilliant opportunity for our GCSE Students.

Ms Shevlin, Art Department

20 21 Social Feed Highlights SMTC Maths Challenge #followoursocials

Tisya, Jonathan, Liam and Madeleine participated in the Senior Team Maths Challenge earlier this month at Lancing College.

The students worked hard answering some challenging questions in a variety of rounds. The competition was open to Year 11 to Year 13 students, with the majority of students attending being at Sixth Form. Our Year 11 team achieved well, beating a couple of other sixth form teams.

We are also delighted by our recent results from the recent Senior Maths Challenge. This is a competition taken by the best A level exam students across the county, but was taken by our Year 11 Advanced Maths students on the 7 November. Fourteen students gained a certificate which puts them in the top 60% of participants.

Milo and Tisya both achieved a Gold certificate and have been entered for the Senior Kangaroo follow on round. This puts them in the top 10% of Year 11 to Year 13 students entered for the competition nationally.

Mr Field, Maths Department

2020 Maths Challenge Dates for your Diary Intermediate Maths 6 February 2020 Years 9 - 11 Challenge Intermediate Maths 19 March 2020 Years 9 - 11 Challenge Follow on round Junior Maths Challenge 30 April 2020 Years 7 & 8

Junior Maths Challenge 9 June 2020 Years 7 & 8 Follow on round

Work Experience 2020

Can you help with a Work Experience placement?

In the week commencing Monday 13 July 2020, our Year 10 students will take part in Work Experience. This introduction to work gives them an excellent opportunity to gain valuable insight into a real life working environment, to develop employable skills, and to help in planning their future career path and decisions.

If you are an employer who may be willing to offer a placement to one of our students, or would like to know more, please contact the Work Experience Team by e-mail: [email protected] or by telephone on 01273 852213.

Mrs Eke, Work Experince Coordinator

23 Stringer Life - Autumn Term

24 25 STRINGER FUNDRAISING VACANCY THANKYOU TO BIG YELLOW FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT We are now looking to recruit a Fundraising Administrator to help develop fundraising We would like to say a big thank you to opportunities for Dorothy Stringer School. Big Yellow Self Storage who have again This is an exciting new role supporting the donated this year to make it possible Business Manager in identifying and developing for every student in Year 7 to visit our relationships with grant-making organisations who may support key projects run by the outdoor centre in Dolawen. school. This means over 300 students can take This is a post which might suit a parent or carer part in various activities from mountain interested in a part time role, term-time only, and biking and canoeing, to abseiling and who wants to help us achieve our goals. dry slope skiing, as well as being given the opportunity to socialise with their Thanks to Ash Gilbert, parent and Director of classmates outside of the school grounds. pebblebeach for his unwavering support of the school and his advice and guidance moving Next term will see the start of our Year 7 forward: Dolawen trips. We can’t wait to hear all See the vacancies section of our website about them and hope the students have for more information: https://public.dorothy- an amazing time! .The closing date is Friday 10 January 2020.

Matt Hillier

THANK YOU TO DONATELLO’S Are you a local business willing to RESTURATUNT FOR THEIR ONGOING support a local event? We are looking for SUPPORT AND SPONSERSHIP TO THE PE sponsors for Let’s Dance 2020. DEPARTMENT! Let’s Dance is the most prestigious and celebrated schools dance event in the whole of the UK and the We would like to thank Donatello for their city of Brighton and Hove celebrates this wonderful continued support of the PE and Sport achievement with us over a four night spectacular department. taking place at the Brighton Dome Concert Hall in March 2020. Their support means that we are able to offer our students more and ensures With over 2500 young people taking to the stage that PE and Sport at Stringer continues to from 80 schools, groups and clubs from across thrive. the city ‘LET’S DANCE’ is an event of which we should all feel proud, as we bask in the energy and Donatello would like to share their new vibrancy of the cities youngsters and young adults. Christmas menu with the Dorothy Stringer This year we are looking for sponsors to help us Community. continue to run this very special event. For further information please contact Katie Booth (Lets Dance Co-ordinator) on either KLB@dorothy- content/uploads/2019/09/Xmas_ or 01273 852233 Menu_2019.pdf Miss Booth | Let’s Dance Coordinator