The Grand Master’s Quarterly Newsletter A publication of the Masonic Awareness & Publicity Committee

The of New Hampshire, Free & Accepted Masons Summer 2012 ______From the Grand Master: Greetings Brethren,

As we start another Masonic year in New Hampshire, thank you for the privilege and

opportunity to continue to serve you as the th 113 Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire. I especially want to thank all rd the members present for the 223 Annual Communication for assisting me to get through our 26 page agenda before 2:30 p.m. Most impressive!

At the Grand Lodge annual session we presented three Jeremy Ladd Cross Medals and they went to Worshipful Joseph G. Bigwood, Worshipful Jack L. Caynon and Right

Worshipful David R. Spiller for the hard work

they have been doing for the Craft. Also, two Sullivan awards were given: one in bronze to Worshipful Paul C. Smith and one in silver to Right Worshipful George G. Heald, for their distinguished service to the Craft.

We also honored Right Worshipful Dwight Vincent Meader who for the past 40 years has

served Grand Lodge, 36 as Grand Chaplain, 2

as DDGL and 2 as DDGM by proclaiming him th Paul Michael Leary, re-installed as the 113 Grand Master an Honorary Past Grand Master. of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient & Honorable Fraternity of Free & Accepted Masons of the (continued on page 2) State of New Hampshire, on Saturday, May 19, 2012.

Table of Contents Grand Secretary Message (R) page 3 District Reports page 9-19 Lodge Requests to the Grand Master(R) page 3 8th District Awards Dinner page 20-22 Life Membership Committee page 4- 5 Photos page 23-27 Rainbow Girls Fundraiser page 6-7 N.E. Brotherhood Night page 28-29 DeMolay Report page 8 ~ News1 ~ from Evergreen Place page 30

Phoenix Lodge #105 page 31-32 Grand Masters Pin (R) page 37 Gr. Lodge Officers 2012-2013 page 33-34 Grand Masters Pin (Lodge) (R) page 38 Grand Masters Calendar page 35-36 (R) = Reprise from prior edition

(Grand Masters remarks – continued)

Lastly, we honored Most Worshipful John C. Marden by proclaiming him a Grand Secretary Emeritus for his 20 years in the Grand Secretary’s office, 19 as Grand Secretary and his last and transition year as Deputy Grand Secretary.

When you see any of the Brethren listed above please offer your heartfelt congratulations to them for the work they have done and continue to do for the Craft.

We are off to another busy year. Your District Officers have already begun their official visitations and inspections so that we don’t’ try to squeeze all our Masonic work into September and October but use the entire year.

Your Constitution Review Committee continues to work to get the document ready by Fall for a special meeting of Grand Lodge to review the document and make any necessary changes so that it can be voted on at the semi-annual Communication of Grand Lodge in November.

We are seeking feedback on the Master Ritual being used in your Lodge by the prompter (we hope) and should you find any errors please get them to the DDGL as soon as possible.

The Line Officers hope to have a draft Strategic Plan out later this fall by email to each Lodge for your input as we put the “future” section of the plan to paper.

So yes, Grand Lodge is a full-time job for all that want to participate. Are you an ACTIVE PARTICIPANT in the Future of OUR Grand Lodge – if interested, let your DDGM’s know? Thank you.

As a total aside, the other day when I got my copy of the “NH Bar News” and no I am not an attorney, in the President’s Perspective, Jennifer L. Parent wrote (and I will paraphrase for my use for Masonry): “First, we look to the future. While it is inherently difficult to predict what lies ahead, we must appreciate and understand change. We must envision where we see our “NH Masonic” World ten or twenty years from now so we are prepared. As John F. Kennedy once said “For time and the world do not stand still. Change is the law of life. And those who only look to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”

Brethren some powerful words for us to consider. We live in a world of constant change and must stay relevant to be viable and vibrant. We are rooted in the past by our rich heritage but must never lose sight that the Brethren who brought us Masonry were visionaries and men of action. If we cannot continue to be relevant in today’s world we will cease to exist over time and fade into history. I believe that is not the case in New Hampshire and do believe membership is up to the challenges the 21st century poses to us. Yes, it is not your father’s or grandfather’s Masonry, it is yours. The future of our Craft rests in all our hands. Let’s become active members on the march into the future.

Stay well and travel safe. Fraternally,

Paul, Grand Master


Greetings Brethren,

Contact with the Grand Lodge office is most efficient via email or telephone. No need to kill trees OR pay the US Postal Service – you can attach your letter (document or .pdf copy) to your message. If you send a document, there is no reason to send a hard copy, except by specific request.

PLEASE … if you have ANY questions, let us know.

Roberta: [email protected] Tom: [email protected] Phone: 603-554-1723 Address: PO Box 486, Milford NH 03055-0486

Fraternally, Tom

Attention all Lodge Secretaries and Masters

If you want to request any of the following:

- The Grand Masters Attendance at your Veterans Program or other Event - A Dispensation - Sullivan Awards

- Community Builders Award - Honorary Past Master

The correct procedure is to email first to the Grand Master, Paul Leary with a cc to the Secretary to GM, Chuck Connell and to Roberta Langis, in the Grand Lodge Office and they will pass the request to all the others as needs. This procedure will speed things up and allow for less confusion.

Thank you!

The Grand Master’s Quarterly Newsletter is a publication of the Masonic Awareness and Publicity Committee, a Special Committee of the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire. Members include: Paul Leary, Grand Master, Bruce Kominz, Chair, Bill Sawyer, Co-Chair, Robert Sutherland, Jr., P.T. Sullivan, Karl Olsen, Don Sullivan, Kenneth Weyler and Joan Smith.

Any errors or omissions are unintentional and we ask that you notify us of such. This newsletter may be printed or re-transmitted without permission. As we Freemasons might say, “there are no secrets contained within this publication”.... so please share it with others.

Please contact me, Bruce Kominz, Editor, with any questions, comments, new stories or photographs you may wish to submit: email: [email protected] Thank you!

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this Newsletter are those of the contributors only. 3


News from the Life Membership Committee by David Collins, Vice-Chair Life Membership Committee Junior Grand Deacon, [email protected]

For many of you reading this article the title alone begs the question: “Life Membership, We have that?”. Yes Brethren, since the mid 1990’s the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire has made the option of Life Membership available. So like the words “Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus”; we say “Yes Brethren you and your Lodge may be eligible for Life Membership”.

A little History. Back in the early 1990’s forward thinking Brethren of this jurisdiction got together and saw the need for Life Membership’s. As brothers retired to a fixed income where dues payment became a challenge there was no consistent approach, so one was devised. A Charitable Foundation was set up to handle the new Life Membership request, invest the money, and disperse the income from these monies annually. Many meetings were held and after much thought the process was devised. It was agreed that all Lodges should not automatically be accepted for this, but rather undergo a simple financial review. The Foundation was then established and things moved forward.

Push ahead now a few years into the early 2000’s. PMWGM Albert P. Burgess did many presentations at Lodges of Instructions around the State discussing this topic and how useful it could be. Some Lodges sought out acceptance and many Brethren were brought into the Foundation. But through no fault of anyone this did not continue to be pushed out to the Lodges. Though the investments have grown and more Brethren have joined the numbers could be better.

So Brethren that is why we bring this topic up. To get the word out about what we have to offer. The Life Membership Foundation is simply put, a way for Lodge’s who have the financial ability, to offer to their membership, the opportunity for a Brother to pay his Total Lifetime Dues in One Payment. Going forward, the Lodge receives an annual dividend off of the total dues money paid just like an annuity, and the Brother does not pay dues again. The difference from an annuity Brethren is that this annual dividend is intended to pay in perpetuity, long after the Brother has passed on.

You then ask, this makes sense, why aren’t all Lodges just automatically included? First, some Brethren cannot afford this lump sum payment. Next, many Lodges to not have the finances to handle paying the Grand Lodge Assessment PLUS suffering the Loss of Dues and continue to meet the financial obligations of the Lodge. For this reason each Lodge’s financial situation has to be reviewed.

Life Membership is not the model for every Lodge, but where those Lodges are eligible it is a great option to offer to a Brother. More especially when they are facing retirement and fixed income. Rather than suspend a member for Non-payment of Dues, they have a lump sum option available to them while they are able to pay. Want to know more? Contact one of the Life Membership committee members below for a presentation at your next Stated Meeting.


Names of Committee Members:

District #1-Rodney A. Robinson,603-436-3743 / [email protected]

District #2-Daniel R. Hotchkiss,603-529-5895 / [email protected]

District #3—John M. Bys, 603-352-0424/ [email protected]

District #4– David E. Goodwin, 603-224-0262 / [email protected]

District #5 - David S. Collins, 603-746-2229/ [email protected]

District #6- Ronald J. Brown, 603-332-2045 / [email protected]

District #7– John R. Bianchi, 603-744-3086 / [email protected]

District #8—Allen S. Wright, 603-455-7091 / [email protected]

NEXT TIME in the Grand Master’s Quarterly we will talk about Honorariums.


NH Rainbow Girls raise money at Carnival to benefit David’s House

Date 3-20-12 Joan Smith 603-888-0891 Contact Email: [email protected]

NH Rainbow Girls raised money and awareness this past weekend at their Captives Carnival Fundraiser and Awareness event for their state charity David’s House. Miss Service, Sara Matthew, from Campton, organized the fun event that had several willing ‘captives’ locked up for this great cause at the Penacook in Boscawen. Many families attended and enjoyed carnival type games, cotton candy, and lots of fun prizes, while captives were calling on friends and family to help bail them out of ‘jail’. Over $3,000 was raised so far from bail donations received. Captives at the event included many Masonic dignitaries: Mr. Paul M. Leary, Grand Master in NH, from Franklin; Mr. Stewart L. Aronson, Deputy Grand Master, from Exeter; Mrs. Nancy J.H. Jackson, Worthy Grand Matron in NH Eastern Star, from Goffstown; Mr. Richard D. Perry, Past Potentate, Bektash Shrine, from Derry; Mr. C. Wayne Libby Jr., Commander in Chief, NH Consistory, from Nashua; Mr. Mark C. Roth, Active Member for NH- Supreme Council , from Canterbury; Mr. Richard W. Elliot, Deputy for NH – Supreme Council Scottish Rite, from Hampton; Mr. John S. Geas, Most Illustrious Grand Master, Grand Council Cryptic Masons from Derry; Miss Kaytee A. Peek, Grand Worthy Advisor in NH Rainbow Girls, from Exeter, Mrs. Donna Becker, State Mother Advisor, from Candia; Mr. George Hubbard, State Dad Advisor, from Rochester; Mr. Jack Paul, State Dad Emeritus, from Holderness; and Mrs. Joan L. Smith, Supreme Deputy in NH Rainbow Girls, from Nashua. Mr. Dan Gauthier from the Board of Directors for David’s House was present to tell us about the wonderful way that David’s House, located in Lebanon NH, helps as a ‘home away from home’ for families that have children receiving treatment through Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth.


NH Rainbow Girls is a non-profit Youth Organization for Girls, open to all girls age 11-21. Girls learn important life skills encouraged by responsibility and leadership roles, pride and patriotism to our country, and service to our communities; the girls build self-esteem and character as they earn awards, and build friendships that can span a lifetime. For more information about NH Rainbow Girls contact Mrs. Joan Smith, at 603-888-0891.



DeMolay from: 'George Baldwin'

In my 13 months in office, DeMolay has been stabilized and the level of programming for our young men continues to grow and improve. Like most of the Fraternity, membership is a constant issue for DeMolay, but ours is also unique, in that the young men age out at 21 and in reality we lose their active participation when they graduate from high school. I feel that we are on the verge of significant growth and we are working on different approaches to attract young men to DeMolay.

The real stumbling block we face is simple and straight forward, yet it is the most difficult to overcome: Adult Leadership. Advisors are needed at all levels of the organization-Statewide, Chapter Level and Program or event specific.

A simple example will clearly demonstrate the need: New Hampshire DeMolay has the largest Chapter in New England-Keene Chapter;(its membership is larger than some jurisdictions) yet it operates with only three effective advisors, which leads to many difficulties and ultimately it short changes the young men and their ability to grow into productive members of society. We need YOU- and not for a full time commitment, but rather for what your cable-tow will allow. We will train you, and allow you to work with the young men where you are most comfortable. It can be only for one or two events a year or being part of a Chapter Advisory Council. I do know one thing for certain: that once you inter act with the young men of DeMolay, you will see the promise that they hold for society and for our beloved Craft, but that promise will be lost if we don’t provide them with the role models, the adult leaders to bring this promise into fruition.

I thank you for your continued support of the young men, your financial support of the program, and I look to the future to being able to call you by a title that will touch your heart and remind you of the promise of tomorrow: DAD

I am yours in DeMolay and , George L. Baldwin Executive Officer for DeMolay in New Hampshire



Out and about – happenings in the eight NH Masonic Districts reported by....

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District #1 Robert L. Sutherland Jr. DDGM,

Robert L. Sutherland Jr.

R W DDGM First Masonic District

280 Bayside Rd., Greenland, NH 03840-2162

First Masonic District Quarterly Report

Have I found out what my true duty is yet? The answer is, it is many things to many people, but first and foremost a DDGM it is being a mentor to the Brethren in his District, and with lots of hard work and help from the other Grand Lodge Officers and God you will make a fair job of it.

So far, this has been a most rewarding term of office. So many great things have happened we started a new District Special Service Award. We started a District Attendance Award for best attendance at the annual Visitations during the year, and it was awarded to Gideon Lodge #84. We have completed all the Lodge Elections and Installations for the year of 2012 - this is where the real challenge is for a DDGM comes. As he has just worked for six months with one set of officers, he is now at the beginning of a new Masonic year, as well as now with two new District officers.

The good news is with all the work completed in the previous year, the Lodges are ready to be up and running for 2012. Many lodges have scheduled their Lodge Inspections, while others have scheduled or completed their audits. All are planning their Visitations for the fall, and with the degree work and audits out of the way it should be a great fall season.

It was a pleasure that two Lodges received the Grand Masters Award this year and that others came close. We have one Lodge that had an Officers meeting to plan what they will need to do in order to receive the Mark Twain Award; others are well on the way with their plans for the Grand Masters Award for 2012-13.

One of the other things that I am now responsible for is the William Pitt Tavern. We have 5 new helpers so far and hope to be open at least one Saturday per month and (we hope) two days a week instead of only one - we can always use your help. Please contact Roderick MacDonald at [email protected] if you wish to help.

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District #2 David Smith, DDGM, [email protected]

Second Masonic District News “Second to none”

To complete the list of Lodge Officers for 2012 that was in the last issue, Lafayette Bible Lodge #41 held their annual meeting and election of officers at the April Stated and Wor Al McNally and his line were elected for another term. Congratulations Al and all the officers and appointees of Lafayette Bible Lodge #41 in Goffstown.

Worshipful Brother Jack Caynon continues his recovery and is starting to make the rounds and get out among the Brethren. We were pleased to see him at the Grand Lodge Planning Session, the Grand Lodge annual Meeting and particularly pleased to see him receive the Jeremy Ladd Cross Medal at the Grand Master’s Banquet.

The results of the Grand Masters appointments for the District Officers are: RW Mike Salisbury has been appointed to RW Grand Lecturer. Wor Paul Donaldson of Benevolent Lodge has been appointed Right Worshipful District Deputy Grand Lecturer Worshipful Jack Caynon and Wor Malcolm Wooff have been reappointed District Education Officers I’ll be with you for another term as DDGM.

Ancient York Lodge had a Veteran’s Awards ceremony on April 15th; there were a number of awards to be given out. I was honored to be able to represent the Grand Master and present a 60 Year Certificate to Bro. Frank B. Lindh, Jr. It was also Bro Lindh’s 60th Masonic Birthday and he was accompanied by his son David. Bro. Lindh was the lead highway engineer for the State of NH for many years and was responsible for many highway and special projects for the State including, building the F.E. Everett Turnpike from Nashua to Concord, building I-93 from the MA border to VT, restoring several important landmarks and cemeteries and repairing and updating almost any road or bridge you have driven on in NH. It was amazing to sit at dinner with Bro Lindh and listen to his history.

Brother Lindh receives his 60 Year Certificate 10

In May Ancient York Lodge traveled to Wm Pitt Tavern for their Stated Communication.

Bethel-Souhegan Lodge is busy with degree work and raising new Master Masons. On April 14th the Annual Table Lodge was held and it was well attended. The main course was Smoked Roast Beef and it was fantastic. I also heard Bro Sennott cooks a remarkable meatloaf.

Benevolent Lodge #7 has, on the heels of a second award of the Twain Award, again received the Grand Master’s Award for a second year in a row. Wor Armstrong has been leading the hardworking Brothers in these efforts and Senior Warden Mike Sroka has done an excellent job of documenting the Brothers efforts for the award submissions. The Lodge hosted the Secretaries and Treasurers Training on May 22nd. Benevolent has also been busy sponsoring the Keyes Art Festival in Milford and also providing overnight security patrols of the art and kiosks. The Lodge continues to host a series of Charity breakfasts, raising funds to benefit a number of local charities. The Souhegan Valley DeMolay Chapter is also going strong under the care and guidance of the Lodge and will be having an Installation of Officers on June 10th at 3 PM.

Clinton Lodge #52 has been out in the community in addition to the Annual Pancake Breakfast. The Lodge also held it first public Dinner night fundraiser. It was an Italian Dinner complete with singing waiter. The Lodge is planning more with various menus and themes. The annual Table Lodge was held on May 5th and was nicely executed and well attended. The food was excellent.

Lafayette Bible #41 has started prep work on their dining hall renovations. The Lodge Museum of Masonic memorabilia and artifacts is looking very nice. The Lodge hosted a dinner for the public as part of festivities going on in Goffstown. At this years Veteran’s Award night, the Grand Master presented to Wor. David Walters the Major General John Sullivan Distinguished Service Medal in Bronze.

Pulpit Rock #103, through the organizing efforts of Bro. Mike Yannetti, on May 4th had a special presentation by bestselling author and Templar scholar, David S. Brody. This event was well attended and enjoyed by all. David Brody presented information on Templar exploration of the New World before 1492. Over the summer the Lodge will stay busy with its annual Cookout on June 23rd, fund raising at a NASCAR race at NHMS in Loudon, and the annual trip to Lincoln, NH. Stop in for Sunday breakfast every third Sunday of the month from 8-10 AM, families and public are welcome.

Rising Sun Lodge #39 is only a month from the visit to John Albro Lodge in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. This year the visit will include the weekend of the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo held in Halifax for the week. The Lodge participated in the Nashua Memorial Day parade in full regalia. Rising Sun’s Bikes for Books program has expanded to 3 schools and approximately 1800 students with 38 bikes and helmets to be awarded.


Bros from Rising Sun Lodge, Ancient York Lodge, Pilgrim Chapter OES and Nashua Assembly of Rainbow participated in the Memorial Day Parade.

Rockingham Lodge #76 supported the Local school’s program to prevent “Bullying” with a generous donation. The Lodge also supported the Shriner’s Clowns Motorcycle Poker Run as a way point and rest stop in the run. This summer the Lodge plans on a large renovation project at the Lodge. Stop in and bring your hammer.

St. Mark’s Lodge #44 hosted and participated in the Derry Unity Party for the Masonic family in Derry. JW Frank Garcia stepped up to the East to exemplify the EA degree and received very favorable comments from RW Salisbury, DDGL, on his performance of the work. A Temple work day was held to spruce up the Lodge.

Spicket Lodge #85 Ladies Night on two Tuesday evenings a month is still going strong. On March 27th Spicket hosted the Grand Master’s Town Hall Meeting which was well attended and provided a lot of information on Grand Lodge initiatives and the Annual Meeting. The Lodge continues to work a number of candidates. The Annual Mother’s Day breakfast was held Saturday May 12th and all Mom’s were guests of Club 85 and the Lodge.

Washington Lodge #61 held another Philosophy night on March 26th. The annual Bikes for Books program has kicked off and is in full swing. The Lodge is working a number of candidates.

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District #3 Earl W. Cole, Jr., District Deputy Grand Master 3rd Masonic District, [email protected]

Howdy and welcome to the 3rd Masonic District, located along the western border of New Hampshire. During this quarter, Jerusalem Lodge #104 has been very busy with new candidates. Rt. Wor. Jack Bys, Wor. Master, cannot believe how lucky this lodge is this year. By the end of the year, they will have raised at least 10 new Master Masons. Plans are underway for their annual picnic on Saturday, July 28th. Members of their lodge took the initiative and formed a group of Masons to March in the Keene Memorial day parade. Plans are underway, for the District to hold the annual Feast of St. John at the Cathedral of the Pines. This will be a District event with Lodges throughout the State invited to participate.

Brother James Lenane Wishing Well Dedication

On May10, 2012, approximately 20 Masons from Altemont Lodge #26 in Peterborough and Charity Lodge #18 attended a dedication of a Wishing Well for Brother James Lenane. Br. Lenane was a very active member of the community to strive to help those in need.

Also in attendance were members of the Lions Club and other organizations, who after the event remarked to Wor. Br. John Kaufhold, Master of Altemont Lodge, how impressed they were with the large turnout by the Masons.


Hundreds turn out to honor Brother Jesse Scott

Newport Town Manager, Paul Brown announced that April 22, 2012 had been declared Jesse W. Scott Day.

Beneath the flags of nation, state and division, a procession of speakers from state Sen. Bob Odell to the president of the 10th Mountain Division Assn’s New England Chapter expressed their gratitude for Br. Scott’s lifetime of giving back. Some thanked him for this service to the nation in Europe during World War II, others for this dedication to the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, and other for his sheer presence in the community. More than a dozen Masons from Cheshire-Mt. Vernon Lodge were on hand for this great occasion. “We walk in the footsteps of giants,” said Wor. Master Br. Mike Shklar. “And Jesse and his comrades from the 10th Mountain Division are those giants.”

Brother Jesse Stone just last year received his 60 year pin and Centenarian Award from the Most Worshipful Grand Master Brother Paul Leary last year. He will be celebrating his 105th birthday this year.

At St Paul’s Lodge #30, the Junior Warden, Wor, Br. Nick Martel raised his youngest son to the sublime degree of Master Mason. The Master of Charity Lodge #18, has organized many new programs as he continues to strengthen the lodge. Unfortunately, they still must sell their lovely lodge building. At the annual Communication of Grand Lodge, Hiram Lodge #9 received the Grand Master’s Award, and Cheshire-Mt. Vernon Lodge received honorable mention. Altemont Lodge #26 received the Uncle Award from DeMolay. Congratulations to all the members of those Lodges.

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District #4 Roger A. Becker, Past District Deputy Grand Master, [email protected]

May the Fourth be with You!!

There are just about two days remaining in my term as the District Deputy Grand Master of the Fourth Masonic District. As usual when something is coming to an end there are both bitter and sweet memories. I must honestly say though that the memories of my times as a Grand Lodge officer are mostly sweet. The bitter are mostly when at busy times we run out of steam. I do however look forward to a more casual period in my life as I approach my seventy fifth birthday next month.

R.W. Brother John Woolf will be taking over the reigns as the new DDGM for the Fourth District. He will be assisted by Worshipful Brothers David Hardy and Paul Gross as the District Deputy Grand Lecturer and District Education Officer respectively. John is a very well read Mason and is enthusiastic in his support of Masonry and the District. I hope that all of you will support the District Officers in the future as you have in the past. The Annual Communication of Grand Lodge and the resulting Installation of Grand Lodge Officers has now taken place. I thought it would be more interesting and more relevant to have the incoming DDGM perhaps have a part in this newsletter to let him address the future. So my final article for the Grand Master’s Newsletter will be a collaborative effort.

In closing I want to wish John the very best and will offer whatever help or assistance he may require whenever he needs it. To the Lodges, I thank each and every one of you for the support extended to me over the past two years and before. Good luck to all for a very bright and prosperous future.

Roger A. Becker Past District Deputy Grand Master District #4

Message from R.W. John P. Woolf, District Deputy Grand Master, [email protected]

As I sit down to write this, I’m thinking; in two days I will be installed as your District Deputy Grand Master and where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday I was handed the “box of books” from my predecessor R.W. Brother Parent. I must to say it as been an honor and a privilege to serve as your DDGL this past year, and I look forward to the upcoming year representing the 4th district as your District Deputy Grand Master. As I finish my duties as DDGL I think back to all the lodgers in our district. And how each lodge has its own distinct personality, but we all have one thing in common. We are Masons! And when we work together we can accomplish anything we set our minds to. With that in mind, we; the 4th district will be moving forward with the Grand Masters vision statement. Getting back to our roots, participation and attendance at special and important functions. I will address each lodge in the district in the coming months on ways we can accomplish this. I want to thank all of you for your support in the past two years while serving as DEO and DDGL, and I look forward to, and encourage your continued support. It’s important we remember our rich Masonic history, and equally important, if not more so, to look to the future. With your help we will be successful. Check out the district calendar for Visitation dates and any other important Masonic dates at . I hope to see all of you throughout the year, and if there his anything I can assist you or your lodge with please doesn’t hesitate to ask. My e-mail is [email protected] or phone number 496-9269


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Darrell A. Louis DDGM, 5th Masonic District

Item of Interest from the Fifth Masonic District

Greetings from the 5th district! It is again a pleasure to serve as District Deputy Grand Master under the term of the M.W.G.M. Paul M. Leary for 2012-13! Our district continues to be very active with degree work which in my mind we can never have enough! We had a great year with some great events.

In March, we had our annual district table lodge attended by approximately 20 brethren. All those that attended had a great time and enjoyed the company of brethren throughout the district.

In April, we had our annual John Baker night in Lancaster which saw the biggest gathering of Masons in the 5th for the year. As is our custom at John Baker night, a Masonic Competition was held where each lodge spoke on a topic of their choice. This annual event has now had every lodge participate in the district annually since 1978.

As the district looks forward to the coming year, I am excited to see even more degree work on the horizon than what we had at this same time last year along with a number of events and programs sponsored by the district lodges. A complete list of events and meetings can be found at our district website; If you have something that you would like to add to it, please feel free to send us an email directly. I can be reached at [email protected]

Take care and have a great summer!

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6th District Report Ralph Currier, D.D.G.M.,

All the Lodges in the 6th district are looking forward to a busy summer. Many of the activities within the community are underway or getting ready.

Humane lodge #21 is working with a non-profit group which is titled "End 96 hours of Hunger". They provide backpacks filled with food for the children to use over the week-end when they are not in school. There is sufficient food to last the child from Friday noon lunch until Monday morning breakfast. This organization is becoming more popular as the need is realized.

Carroll Lodge #57 spends a lot of time participating in Freedom's Old Home Week festivities by having a Masonic float in their parade. During the week they hold an Ice Cream social and a Masonic breakfast.


Unity lodge #62 was present at the annual Pride Day festivities in the town of Wakefield with an informational booth for Masonry and the Shrine. The Lodge also has an annual function at the local grammar school (Paul School) where one of the members holds a fingerprinting session for all the kindergarten children. (He's also a member of the local police department).

Ossipee Valley Lodge #74 are very active in the Ossipee Old Home Week festivities. They have donated $100.00 to the fishing derby and $1000.00 to the fireworks committee. On July 4th they hold a Strawberry Shortcake festival at Constitution Park in Ossipee. They also hold an annual Beanhole supper in August.

Winnipesaukee Lodge #75 holds benefit dinners occasionally for needy families. Also, they make several donations to the food pantries in Alton and New Durham, and the caregivers in Wolfeboro. This Lodge also holds a Sunday morning breakfast every 3rd Sunday each month which helps their treasury and community awareness.

Mt. Washington Lodge #87 has held a total of 13 charity breakfasts this past year and as a result have raised a total of $11,014.50 for the community. They also award a total of 5 scholarships of $500.00 each. This award is given after the documented successful completion of the first year of college.

Hope all have a successful summer.

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District 7 News - George Clay, P.D.D.G.M., [email protected]

Congratulations to Franklin Lodge #6 in Lebanon on receiving the Grand Master’s Award at the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge on May 19. The Brethren of Franklin Lodge are to be commended for their accomplishments above and beyond any expectations of any Lodge!

All Lodges in the 7th Masonic District should be proud of the exemplary work they have performed and should be proud of their accomplishments as well!

In May, Social-Summit Lodge #50 in Canaan put on another extremely successful dinner and auction, with many residents of the community participating.

Other Lodges in District 7 are preparing for major events throughout the spring and summer.

Kearsarge Lodge #81 in Andover is honoring its Special Ladies on a luncheon cruise on the MV Mt. Washington on Lake Winnipesaukee on June 31.

It is encouraging that all the Lodges in the 7th District are continuing to receive petitions for membership and are conducting Degrees. Of special note, the Master Mason Degree is to be performed on June 7, at Meridian Lodge in Franklin, NH, by The Widows Sons Masonic motorcycle organization.


District 7 - Scott Borthwick, DDGM District 7


First I would like to thank the MWGM Paul M. Leary for appointing me to serve the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire and District 7 as your new DDGM. Secondly I would like to thank my predecessor RW George W. Clay. RW Clay has left huge shoes to fill and I hope to live up to the standard he created.

District 7 has many events coming up this month such as Kearsarge Lodge # 81 will be doing a Fellow Craft Degree on June 7th and a Special Ladies and Veterans program on the MV Mt. Washington on Lake Winnipesaukee on June 30th. King Solomon's Lodge # 14 will be putting on a Ladies of the Table Lodge on June 16th. Social Summit Lodge # 50 is having a fund raising breakfast on June 13th to coincide with the Motorcycle Week Hillclimb, which has moved to Canaan. On June 7th at Meridian Lodge the Widows Sons Masonic Motorcycle group will be performing a special Master Masons Degree. Not to mention other events upcoming in the District as some Lodges prepare to go into summer darkness. Again congratulations to Franklin Lodge # 6 on receiving the Grand Master's Award on May 19th.

I am looking forward to a great year in District 7. working with DDGL RW Wayne S. Curtiss and DEO W Gary R. Wall. District 7 is known for great degrees and Masonic events I know that tradition will continue.

Finally I know I speak for all the Brothers in the District in offering our condolences to RW Brother Curtiss on the passing of his Father RW Herwood (Zeke) Curtiss PDDGM District 7.

Fraternally, Scott Borthwick, DDGM District 7

* * * * * * * * * *

District 8 News Al Flateau, D.D.G.M. [email protected]

Apparently, the New Hampshire Department of Transportation has been able to cross a tulip and a Road Construction Ahead. Expect Delays@ sign because both seem to spring up at the same time each year. Yet despite the resulting traffic jams in this so-called rural area of the country, the Lodges of the 8th District continue to migrate from Lodge to Lodge supporting each other’s fund- raisers, helping with degree work, and attempting to secure bragging rights to the coveted Traveling Gavel.

Between yard sales, flea markets, and breakfasts, the boys and ladies of the 8th are doing their best to mitigate the rising costs of operating their Lodges. Consequently, these activities are also bringing the general public through our doors and Aeducating@ John and Jane Public about our great Fraternity. On the other hand, I’m convinced that the Brethren of Moosehillock #63, Olive Branch- Mount Prospect #16, and Doric-Center #20 are in cahoots with local tailors, trying to expand our waistlines with their public breakfasts on the 1st Sunday, 2nd Saturday, and 4th Saturday, respectively.


If you’re in the area, you really should stop in for some tasty victuals. The Lodges would appreciate the support, and I promise you won’t go away hungry!

Speaking of expanding, the 8th District is again officially composed of eight as Phoenix Lodge #105 was approved by a unanimous vote of the Grand Lodge at the Annual Communication in May. We all look forward with peculiar satisfaction and delight to the surefire contributions Phoenix Lodge will make in the District and to the Craft as a whole. Welcome aboard, Brethren!

Finally, a challenge to the 8 tribes of the 8th District… Summer in these parts brings with it thousands of pilgrims to our neighborhoods, beaches, campgrounds, stores, and places of worship. We really do live where others come to play. Let’s play with them while we continue to support each other’s endeavors. Bring a friend to one of our other Lodge’s public breakfasts. Invite a Brother to the neighborhood barbeque. Wear your proudly throughout the community. And above all, HAVE FUN!!!

* * * * * * * * * *



More than 40 Masons and their wives and friends gathered at Doric-Centre Lodge on Saturday, March 10 to recognize achievements from the 2011 Visitation Season as well as “kick-off” the 2012 year. A sumptuous corned beef & cabbage dinner was prepared by Br. Ken Allen, chef and Secretary of Doric Centre Lodge, assisted by many from his Lodge. Headed up by M.C. Br. Bruce Kominz (D.E.O>), President of the 8th District Masters and Wardens Association, with R.W Al Flateau, District Deputy Grand Master and R.W. Craig M. Shippee, District Deputy Grand Lecturer assisting, awards for “perfect attendance” at all Visitations were given to: Arthur Sanborn (Doric Centre #20), Bruce McLaughlin (Doric-Centre #20), Robert Woodworth (Red Mtn. #68), Chris LaCourse (Mt. Prospect#69- now OBMP #16), Charles Estano (Chocorua #83) and Al Flateau (Chocorua #83). The Traveling Trophy, awarded on a point system to the Lodge with highest overall attendance at Visitations, for the third year in a row went to Doric-Centre Lodge #20, Worshipful Master Woodbury Fogg accepting for his Lodge.

Most Worshipful Paul M. Leary, Grand Master, awarded the Major General John Sullivan Award (silver) to Wor. Br. Frank Viana, P.M. & long time Secretary of Doric-Centre Lodge #20.

We invite to join us for our Annual Awards Banquet and Social event, as well as the many other activities occurring in the Eighth Masonic District. The Eighth District also sponsors a Traveling Gavel, had crafted by R.W. Br. Craig Shippee, which travels about the District when a Lodge has five or more Members visiting the “holding” Lodge (tiled). (photos below by Kominz & Shippee)


Bruce Kominz, President 8th Dist. Masters & Wardens Assoc. email: [email protected]

Ken Allen – chef at 3-10-12 Banquet


Presentation of 8th District Travel Trophy – Perpetual Placque (l to r): R.W. Al Flateau, D.D.G.M., Wor. Woodbury P. Fogg, W.M. Doric-Centre Lodge #20, W. Bruce Kominz, D.E.O.


Wor. Br. Frank Viana was awarded the Major General John Sullivan (silver) by M.W. Br. Paul M. Leary, Grand Master, on 3-10-12.

Kitchen crew for 3-10-12 Eighth District Banquet – thank you!

******************************** 22


Milford – Benevolent Lodge #7 - 2012 Twain Award Winners – on Memorial Day

Rainbow Girls perform opening ceremony at 5-19-12 Grand Lodge Annual Meeting 23

Most Worshipful Grand Master Paul M. Leary, 113th Grand Master of New Hampshire


Lodge Worshipful Masters recipients of the 2011-2012 Grand Masters Award (with Grand Master)

Outgoing Grand Lodge Officers receive thanks from Grand Master Paul M. Leary


Installation Ceremony of Grand Lodge Officers, Grand Lodge of New Hampshire

Brother Dwight V. Meader (center) being made an Honorary Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of N.H.


Most Worshipful Grand Master Paul M. Leary (left) takes his oath of Office from Most Worshipful Past Grand Master John C. Marden (right) at the May 19, 2012 Grand Lodge Installation.


New England Brotherhood Night 2012 by R.W. Rick Kelley, Grand Historian ;

The week of March eighteenth through the twenty fourth, 2012, saw record breaking warm temperatures and the earliest ice out on Lake Winnipesaukee in history. Buds were already appearing on trees and the tulips were sprouting up through the ground. Maple sugaring season was quickly coming to an end with such balmy temperatures. Thus, the backdrop was set for the thirty first annual New England Brotherhood Night on March twenty fourth, 2012. A gathering of Masons from throughout New England coming together in fellowship and sharing in the warm camaraderie of our illustrious fraternity.

According to the “Historical Highlights of Freemasonry in New Hampshire”, the first Brotherhood Night was held on March twenty ninth, 1982, hosted by the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire, Carroll Fogg, Grand Master. Each year a different New England State hosts the annual Brotherhood Night, while the previous host provides an oral presentation to the assembly. These oral presentations include a myriad of topics woven around our Masonic history and experiences.

The night began with a social hour from three to four P. M. Cheese, crackers and beverages were served to the Brethren as Masons from all over New England socialized and solidified their Masonic bonds. Promptly at four o’clock, an opening welcome was given by the current Grand Master of the State of New Hampshire, and host, Paul M. Leary. Following the opening remarks, David Spiller, the Grand Lecturer of the State of New Hampshire gave the invocation. The Brethren were then seated and a hearty meal was served.

Guy Martineau, Junior Warden from Rising Sun Lodge in Nashua was our head chef. Prepared for the assemblage was a prime rib dinner, complete with a salad, mashed potatoes and green beans served in a delectable sauce with peach cobbler for desert. Our gracious servers were members of New Hampshire Demolay and Rainbow.

Following our bountiful dinner, Grand Master Leary introduced Richard Stewart, Grand Master of the State of Massachusetts. Grand Master Stewart began with an opening welcome and remarks to the Brethren. He then introduced John Solomonides who was to present the oral presentation to our Masonic gathering. Brother Solomonides shared with us a very personal and touching story of his father and his military history. He emphasized the camaraderie, friendship, loyalty and brotherly love which exist in the military as well as in our Masonic Brotherhood. He illustrated the correlation between the members of the two organizations and how they each are examples of the moral character we should all endeavor to pursue. Continuing on, he introduced other military friends that he knew in his life who also performed the kinds of actions and deeds that we should all use as a model for our own lives. At the conclusion of Brother Solomonides presentation, the Brethren rose to their feet in ovation and applauded in appreciation of the sharing of his memories and experiences.

Photographs were then taken of the highest ranking members of each state’s Grand Lodge Officers.

At the conclusion of the night, a tour of the New Hampshire Grand Lodge building was conducted, culminating with a visual and musical presentation in the Lodge Room. As the lights lowered, and the music introduced the night, the twinkling of stars appeared as dusk turned to darkness. The Lodge Room became as the night sky while the symphony filled the air in anticipation of the breaking dawn.


Finally, from the East, a glimmer of light in what was to become the dawn of a new day. It was a splendid conclusion to the 2012 New England Brotherhood Night.

N.E. Brotherhood Night: (left to right) Douglas Connell - Grand Master Elect from R. I., Roger Crouse - Dep. Grand Master from Vermont, Paul Leary G. M. of NH, Richard Stewart - Grand Master of Mass., Simon LaPlace - Grand Senior Warden of Conn., Richard Rhoda - Grand Senior Warden of Maine. (Kominz photo)



News from Evergreen Place

By: Stew Aronson, President & CEO

Everyone here at Evergreen Place has been working diligently to move forward with our goal of making our home the best Assisted Living facility in the state. Changes continue to take place as we make progress. Thanks to the attention of one of the members of our Board of Trustees, Larry D. Gullett, a new convection oven is in place, replacing the one that was working intermittently. Thanks to Larry and his crew for their help. Another Board member, Woody Fogg, Chair of the Facilities Sub-Committee, has also been spending long hours working out plans to help us with many of our facility challenges. Plans are in the making for a major project involving the expansion of our dining area, which is growing more “intimate” all the time. Additionally, Woody has put a plan in place to do a full window replacement to assist in a far more efficient building for our residents.

Our own inside maintenance staff has been working very hard with all the daily calls to duty, as well as the facelift in process on our first two floors. They’re doing a fantastic job and you only need to take a look to see it for yourself.

We received great news here last week. One of the state requirements for the renewal of our license is an annual survey done by State inspectors into the operation, care and administration of the business. This is a grueling survey, and one that is performed unannounced. Well, last week the State surveyor arrived, and we are proud to say that Evergreen Place received a survey with “No Deficiencies”! Quite an accomplishment as we continue to grow the business and have more to be inspected!! Congratulations to our fantastic staff, and especially to our Administrator – Sandy Davidson, our Director of Nursing – Jo McGovern, and our Food Services Director – Lanni Barbuzzi.

And the great news continues. New Hampshire ARCH (Association of Residential Care Homes), the largest Association in the state, held its annual meeting and out very own Claribel Aloyo was chosen the 2012 LNA of the Year!!!!!!! Working with Claribel every day is a pleasure. If one were to design a job description and wish list of an LNA to care for their parent or loved one, There is no doubt that Claribel would be the answer to that wish. We’re all extremely proud of her and for her. Another evidence of the incredible quality of care here at Evergreen Place.

Of course, our wish list continues. We still need a lot of help to realize our goals. Certainly financial resources are high on the list. We also have a pretty substantial list of goods and services that can be donated or can become charitable projects for a Lodge or District. Just get in touch with us for a complete list. As always, we need you – your attention, your help and your presence. Please consider coming to volunteer, or just for a visit to our residents. Sometimes to sit & chat with someone new can make the world of difference. Remember, Evergreen Place still is our Masonic Home. Yes, we have a new name, and operating model, but it’s still us, and still the only Charity that belongs to the Masons of New Hampshire. Please take part.


Phoenix Lodge #105 consecrated, dedicated and constituted – June 8,2012 by R.W. Rick Kelley, Grand Historian ;

Today was a glorious day in the history of New Hampshire Masonry. On this day a new Lodge was consecrated, dedicated and constituted in the State of New Hampshire. Known as Phoenix Lodge No. 105, it will be located in the Eighth Masonic District in Tilton, New Hampshire and meet at the current Doric Centre Lodge on West Main Street. Not since May 15, 1971 when Pulpit Rock Lodge was chartered has there been a new Lodge in the State. The name was chosen to reflect the symbolism of the Phoenix bird that rose from the ashes to again thrive.

The night began with the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Paul. M. Leary and the Grand Lodge Officers consecrating Phoenix Lodge. It was quite an impressive and symbolic ceremony. The Grand Master and Grand Lodge Officers performed flawlessly. Most members present had never seen this ceremony performed and were attentive to every word spoken. The symbolism of the ceremony was magnificent.

Following the consecration, the Officers of Phoenix Lodge were installed by the Grand Master. The following are the first Officers of Phoenix Lodge No. 105:

Worshipful Master Paul C. Smith Senior Warden Robert S. Bean III Junior warden Francis P. Kenney II Treasurer R. Bradley Alderfer Secretary Dennis A. Sheridan Chaplain Christopher J. Busby Senior Deacon Malcolm A. Wooff Junior Deacon Richard W. Lowrance Marshal Michael F. Yannetti Senior Steward Anthony F. Zanichkowsky Junior Steward Donald T. Sullivan Director of Music Scott M. Ayen Education Officer Jack L. Cayon Tyler Robert D. Steel

In total there are twenty one charter members of the Lodge.

Subsequent to the installation, Worshipful Master Paul C. Smith gave his opening remarks. He thanked all who were involved in assisting in bringing this new Lodge to Fruition. It took two years of hard work and perseverance to arrive at this point and make this possible. He then read the first petition for membership in Phoenix Lodge. The Lodge then voted to host the Masonic Restoration Foundation Symposium in 2013.

The guest speaker for the evening was noted Masonic Author Worshipful Brother Andrew Hammer, Past Master of Alexandria Washington Lodge No. 22 of Virginia. Brother Hammer spoke of Masonry in transition, and the inquisitiveness of people, and how they are looking to us to convey our Masonic Light to fill that curiosity.

During the interlude and prior to the closing remarks, the lights in the Lodge Room dimmed as the concerto began to play. The Lodge Room became as black as the darkest night. The starry deck came to life with the 31 twinkling stars of the night sky. As the symphony reached a crescendo, a ray of light ushering in the new day shone from the East. And as the new day arose from the ashes of the night, so arose Phoenix Lodge No. 105 on this day, June 8, 2012.

Closing remarks were then made by Worshipful Smith and Grand Master Leary. The Lodge was then closed and refreshments served.

Richard Kelley Grand Historian

(photo by Kominz)


Meet your 2012-2013 Grand Lodge Officers:

ELECTED OFFICERS TO BE INSTALLED FOR 2012 Paul M. Leary...... MWGrand Master Stewart L. Aronson ...... RWDeputy Grand Master John F. Gordon...... RWSenior Grand Warden John E. Lobdell ...... RWJunior Grand Warden Daniel R. Hotchkiss ...... RWGrand Treasurer R. Bradley Alderfer ...... RWDeputy Grand Treasurer Thomas S. Lowe ...... RWGrand Secretary

APPOINTED OFFICERS TO BE INSTALLED FOR 2012 Rev. Dwight V. Meader ...... RWGrand Chaplain Max L. Jenness...... RWGrand Chaplain Brian J. Smith...... RWGrand Chaplain Robert C. Lethbridge ...... RWGrand Chaplain Charles R. Pierce ...... RWGrand Chaplain Thomas A. Welman ...... RWGrand Chaplain Michael T. Salisbury ...... RW Grand Lecturer Allen A. Wright ...... RWDeputy Grand Lecturer Arthur A. Dunham, Jr...... RWGrand Historian Karl R. Olson ...... RWGrand Historian Richard R. Kelley...... RWGrand Historian Richard A. Smith ...... WDeputy Grand Secretary Charles E. Connell ...... WSecretary to the Grand Master Kenneth A. Clay, Jr...... WSenior Grand Deacon David S. Collins ...... WJunior Grand Deacon Jerome T. Becker ...... WGrand Marshal Bruce D. McLaughlin ...... WGrand Steward Joseph G. Bigwood ...... WGrand Steward Paul C. Smith ...... WGrand Steward Daniel S. Hamilton...... WGrand Steward Woodbury P. Fogg ...... WGrand Sword Bearer Richard G. Tuck ...... WGrand Pursuivant Lloyd S. Doughty, II ...... WGrand Pursuivant Raymond S. Burton ...... WGrand Organist Robert H. Cook ...... WGrand Organist Robert D. Coppo ...... WGrand Organist Lawrence W. Leonard ...... WGrand Organist Ronald R. Parsons ...... WGrand Organist Theodore H. Smith, Jr...... WGrand Tyler Donald A. Crete ...... WDeputy Grand Tyler



District No. 1 Robert L. Sutherland, Jr. 2 David W. Smith 3 Earl W. Cole, Jr. 4 John P. Woolf 5 Darrell A. Louis 6 Ralph R. Currier, Jr. 7 Scott R. Borthwick 8 Alfred J. Flateau


District No. 1 Richard F. Cole, Jr. 2 Paul R. Donaldson 3 Alfred R. Chesley 4 David A. Hardy 5 Ronald N. Crane 6 Brian F. Godfrey 7 Wayne S. Curtiss 8 Craig M. Shippee


District No. 1 Roderick M. MacDonald 2 Jack L. Caynon, Jr. 2 Malcolm A. Wooff 3 Peter M. Keating 4 Paul S. Gross 5 David A. Rich 6 C. Leonard Peterson 7 Gary R. Wall 8 Bruce H. Kominz



Grand Masters Calendar of Upcoming NH Events (Subject to change) - - - - 2012 - - - - Check your calendar and please plan ahead!

You can find the Grand Masters Calendar at:

The below listings are those for the Grand Master’s “in state – NH” activities only, and are intended as a “useful quick reference tool” only…. For a complete listing, please use the link above to the full calendar.


Fri Jun 8, 2012, Phoenix UD Installation/Consecration, Manchester

Sat Jun 9 2pm – 5pm, Saint James Lodge #102 - Veterans' Event, 77 Tide Mill Road, Hampton, NH 03842

Sun Jun 10 2pm – 5pm, Winnepesaukee Lodge Veterans ' Event, Alton, NH

Mon Jun 11, 6:30pm – 9:30pm, Doric-Centre Lodge, Dinner 6:30; Lodge Opens 7:30, 410 W. Main Street, Tilton, NH

Sat Jun 16, 2012, 8th District Table Lodge – CANCELLED

Sat Jun 23, 2012, Mt. Washington Lodge #87 - Veterans' Event

Sun Jun 24 8am – 12pm, GL St. Johns Sunday, Form @ 8:30; March to Church, 9:00 Service, St, Johns Lodge #1, Portsmouth, NH

Sun Jun 24 10:30am – 12pm, St. Johns' Sunday, Under the direction of Altemont Lodge and assisted by the DDGM of the Third District, Cathedral in the Pines, Rindge, NH

Tue Jun 26 7pm – 9:30pm, Mark Master Mason Degree, This degree is for Ken Clay, Jr. SGD, Manchester 1505 Elm St

Wed Jun 27 5:30pm – 10:30pm,Line Officers Meeting, TBD

Thurs Jun 28 5:30pm – 10:30pm, Strategic Planning Meeting, Manchester

Sat Jun 30 10am – 3pm, Kearsarge Lodge #81 -Veterans & Special Ladies Event More Info to follow. Times tentative, Andover, NH

Sat Jun 30 3pm – 6pm, NH College SRICF, Manchester

Sat Jul 7, 2012, Moosehillock Lodge #63 - Veterans' Event, Info to follow, South Main Street, Warren, NH

Mon July 9, 6:30pm – 9:30pm, Doric-Centre Lodge, Dinner 6:30; Lodge Opens 7:30, 410 W. Main Street, Tilton, NH 35

Mon Jul 9 7pm – 10pm, DDGM Meeting, Tilton

Sat Jul 21 2pm – 5pm, SVMA Veterans' Program, Joint Program with Olive Branch Mount Prospect Lodge #16, Red Mountain Lodge #68, and Chocorua Lodge #83, Light refreshments to follow, 1 NH Rte 3, Holderness, NH

Sun Jul 22, 2012, Doric-Centre Lodge #20 - SLs & PMs Picnic

Sat Jul 28, 2012, Cheshire Mount Vernon Lodge #23, Details to follow w/ Request for Dispensation, 36 School Street, Cornish, NH 03746

Fri Aug 3 – Sat Aug 4, 2012, Shrine Banquet and Parade

Fri Aug 10, 2012, Phoenix #105 Stated Communications

Mon Aug 13, 6:30pm – 9:30pm, Doric-Centre Lodge, Dinner 6:30; Lodge Opens 7:30, 410 W. Main Street, Tilton, NH

Tue Aug 14, 2012, Grafton Kane Lodge #46 - Centenarian Award

Fri Aug 17 6:30pm – 9:30pm, 1st District LOI, 6:30 pm Dinner, 7:30 pm Lodge

Sat Aug 18 8:30am – 12pm, 3rd District LOI, Hiram Lodge #9, 8:30 am Breakfast, 9:30 am Lodge, 52 Claremont Street, NH 03743

Wed Aug 22 – Sat Aug 25, 2012, Grand Chapter OES


The Grand Lodge Pin 2011-2013 By our Grand Master, Paul Leary

I have been asked several times what my Grand Lodge Pin is about and the reason for using the tall ship. I grew up in Newport, RI surrounded by boats and ships for much of my life. I have had several opportunities to see many tall ships up close and personal, especially during the celebration in 1976 and I’ve been hooked on them ever since.

I used the tall ship as my fun emblem when I was Worthy Grand Patron for NH Eastern Star in 1997-98 and our home is now full of many wonderful pictures and models of several tall ships, all gifts from my sisters and brothers. As I started to think about my upcoming years as Grand Master and that my thematic approach was “a return to the basics and our roots” the tall ship seemed to naturally fit into the equation. Masonry came over from England on the tall ships under full sail with the brothers who would lay the cornerstone for our country and it was a reminder to me that we do not need to change Masonry but rather the way we do our Masonry in order to stay relevant for the future. While we do not want to lose our new Brother Masons we also must maintain a balance to ensure that we provide for our older members as well.

On the main sail is the Square and Compasses with the letter G and are designed as saws and hammers just as the pin for MWPGM Wendell Lear Woodward used who appointed me to the Line when he was Grand Master. On the next sail is the Shamrock for my Irish heritage on both sides of my family (Leary and Malley). For many years I have worn a shamrock pin on my tuxedo that was given to me by very special friends, Wor. Doug and Jean Wright, who have since passed away. On the next sail is the Forget-Me-Not flower that was first introduced to me by Wor. Loren “Park” Noland and a talk he gave about the significance of the flower in Europe during World War II. I have also worn this pin on my tux for many years as a remembrance of those brothers from that dark period of world history.

The rest of the items on the pin are my initials, the reference to the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire and the years that I hope to serve as Grand Master if it be the will of the Brethren.


The Grand Masters “Lodge” Pin by Woodbury Fogg, W.M. Doric-Centre #20, Gr. Sword Bearer

The “in service to NH and the Nation” refers to Paul’s service at the local, state and national levels. He served as Northfield, NH Chief of Police for years, leaving that position to be responsible for communications for fire fighting and emergency response for the NH Dept. of Resources and Economic Development. Even though he is now officially retired from that position, he continues to perform the duties and continues to serve at the national level on a number of professional committees concerning emergency communications. He has been national Chair of one of these and is still heavily relied upon for his vision, persistence and professional knowledge.

The Maltese Cross of the fire service, law enforcement shield and communications tower represent his service to all three of these professions. The OES star represents his service as Worthy Grand Patron and the Square and Compasses represents his long service to Freemasonry, from Master and Secretary of his Lodge through District and Grand Lodge offices to his term as Most Worshipful Grand Master of NH.

The pin was designed by the brethren of Doric-Centre Lodge and Chris Fogg and paid for by the brethren of that Lodge and other Lodges within the Eighth Masonic District