Lee Eun-Sol / Editor-in-Chief / [email protected]

How was your 2018, last year? Was it a meaningful year for you? There must be some things of value that resulted from the things you have done. It doesn't matter at all whether you succeed or failed. It's only important how long you've been building your own way. Don’t be impatient with comparing yourself to others. You are just steadily taking one step closer to the hopeful future.

Two months have briefly passed since the year 2019 began and our new semester has started. March is the month of many beginnings. We hope everything you will do from now on will be successful. You don't have to be frustrated or disappointed on the process because you are doing well enough.

The Chosun World will follow your footsteps, delivering lots of useful information for your new school life. We cover various articles from each department and the motto is to become a reporter that develops with taking responsibility in each of our comments. Our newspaper is ready to answer you with the best-quality articles if you communicate with us. If you'd like to join us, please feel free to contact us.

I cheer you on your way to the next step. Let's remember that no matter what hard things may come, it will be just one step to your dream.

Lee Eun-Sol / Editor-in-Chief / [email protected]

Response to the Crisis of the Chosun University

Chosun University, which was classified as a “self-improvement college” after the Education Ministry’s assessment of its basic competence, is seeking to restructure its employees, including cutting salaries to escape the crisis of being a poor university.

As an example of that, Kang Dong-wan, the president of Chosun University who was dismissed in the process of internal conflicts over the results of the university evaluation, filed a complaint with the Education Ministry along with a legal suit.

According to the university on Wednesday, January 16, Kang applied to the Gwangju District Court to suspend the disposal of the position. He said, “It is a result of an illegal decision by the corporate sector to take the dismissal, and it should be stopped.” The university predicted that the court would conduct an interrogation on the 9th and end the questioning process and decide whether to quote it soon.

The board of directors of Chosun University dismissed Kang for three months on November 30 of last year, as giving a responsibility of being classified as a capacity-enhancing university in the evaluation of the basic competence of the education ministry. After the evaluation Kang expressed his intention to resign, but other members went on a strike. Therefore, he withdrew the resignation in the process, and said, “I will take strict measures in accordance with rules and principles,” as he was ready to take legal action.

According to the Ministry of Education and Chosun University on Tuesday, January 30, 12 out of 30 capacity-enhancing universities that are valued as insufficient schools will receive financial support after the “second round evaluation” of the first half of this year. Only three universities in Honam and Jeju provinces will be supported. The Education Ministry will submit mid and long term development plans and implementation plans for quota reduction recommendations from the universities by the end of March. The results are going to be announced in May after reviewing in April. In the case of our school, it has operated an innovation committee in three ways. Reorganization of the academic and administrative structure, strengthening financial part, and conversion of public and private universities to public schools are those. In particular, the government is pushing to cut the financial support. Of the 30 universities that strengthen their capacity, Chosun University is the first to push for restructuring by cutting wages. The university will also push for integration of departments and colleges in order to reduce the number of students assigned by the Education Ministry. Also, the university was reviewed under president Moon’s ‘public universities’ policy. Lee Eun-Sol / Editor-in-Chief / [email protected]

Unit of LINC+ Business Group and Association of Root Industry

Chosun University’s chairman office Kim Jae-hyung and LINC+ business group director Kim Chun- seong announced on January 23 that they signed a mutual agreement with the Root Industry Promotion Association. It was to strengthen the development of both departments. 10 officials were present on that day.

The agreement was signed with the aim to secure competitiveness of root industry companies and strengthening growth competitiveness through cooperation. It included enhancing the human resource capacity of the local root industry, establishing corporate support programs, and promoting exchanges.

The contents of the regional cooperation included various conditions of joining technology development and research efforts, and program participation. In addition, design advice, partnerships, utilizing the assets, and other mutual cooperation for development were suggested.

The business group is planning to establish a corporate cooperation center (ICC) at the Korea Root Industry Promotion Association, and promote support for companies related to the root industry. ICC will serve as a base for joint industrial and academic cooperation activities, including the establishment of networks by professors, students, businesses and communities.

Ryu Ji-Jeong / Reporter / [email protected]

Your small decision can be a huge help to someone.

‘Endangered animal’, ‘Japanese Military Sexual Slavery (known as 'Comfort Women')’, ‘Elder who lives alone’, ‘Abused children’. What did you think after seeing these words? Many people sympathize with these problems and are well aware that these things should not happen. However, it is hard to find people who are actively working for them. Most people may not be able to afford it because they have a lot of work to do, they may feel lazy, they may not know how to help them, or they may have a mind that someone will do it for them someday. So, I’d like to let you know a simple way to help people in need. The way to do that is using a website where a certain amount of the product you buy is donated. There are several sites, but I have prepared three sites with different purposes of sponsorship. They are ‘Marymond’, ‘NEW:KIT’, and ‘Marco Roho’

1. Marymond www.marymond.kr Marymond was established to talk about dignity through designed products, contents, and communities under the goal of "shedding new lights to unique values of each persona". They set up the concept of 'companion’ (It is called ‘동반자' on the site) because they wanted to talk about the companion’s dignity by shedding new lights. There are two partners. One is Japanese Military Sexual Slavery (known as 'Comfort Women') and the other is ‘Abused children’. Marymond tells the story of companions by using ‘pattern’. They said that they came up with a pattern of ‘flowers’ from Comfort Women’s life, and a pattern of ‘tree’ to deliver our hearts to children suffering from abuse. In particular, they are focusing on making products that are applied to everyday life in order to re- examine the value of the companions in daily life. They donate more than 50% of their operating profits. The amount of accumulated contributions as of December 2017 is about $1.6 million (2.1 billion KRW). Their donations are used to support associated NGO, victims of wartime sexual violence, scholarships, and the welfare of their ‘companions’. The founders of Marymond are not just selling products, they are attending rallies that denounce Japan's legal compensation and official apology, managing expeditions that care for girls' statues, and visiting the forest made to honor the Comfort women for their companions.

2. Marcho Roho www.marcoroho.com Marcho Roho means challenging spirit, and this brand was founded to promote ethical consumption to us and presents happiness to elderly women. They are supporting the social participation of the elderly by educating them on culture and technology, and creating jobs. The goal of this site is to create a better society by making selective donations to vulnerable parts of society while giving jobs to grandmothers by purchasing products. Grandmothers make the things that we order. In this way, elderly people who works with Marco, can live better through social activities. As of 2017, the accumulated donation amount is about 40 million won, and the donations are used to support elderly people who live alone, disabled children, meals for children, support for African children, free range animals, and clothing.

3. NEW:KIT http://new-kit.com/ NEW:KIT, the design brand, wants to inform global and social issues through visual mediums of design. They are trying to set a number of goals, and the first is the RED LIST PROJECT for the endangered animals in Arctic and Antarctic. RED LIST means animals classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as endangered species. They say that while urban development and technological development have enriched human lives, many animals have lost their place of life due to the destruction of the ecosystem. That’s the reason why they have started to work. The details of the site's operating goals are to create familiar products that are used in everyday life to promote the reality of endangered animals. Their accumulated donation amounts to 54,839,730 won as of 2017, and they are donated to the World Wide Fund for Nature. In June 2015, the organization established an official partnership with WWF-Korea and decided to work together on more diverse issues through official channels, instead of simply donating them.

What all three sites have in common is to make, sell and donate a certain amount of money for the purpose of sponsorship. Of course, the best way is to engage in activities for them directly, or to periodically sponsor them through official institutions. But if you've been too busy to make a donation, or if you've wanted to make a donation, but haven't found a site that's contributing to the person you want, why not use these sites to make a donation? Your small decision can be a huge help to someone.

Park Gi-hyeon / Reporter / [email protected]

High-diving stadium is made in our school playground?

"The playground is under construction. What are they building?" I think the students who have been to the playground at least once had such a curiosity. The green playground is surrounded by fences! The students who liked soccer may be angry. Half the soccer field was turned into a construction site. So what are they building?

It is a high-diving stadium! It's because of the 18th World Swimming Championships this year! At the FINA Executive Committee meeting in Barcelona, Spain on July 19, 2013, the Commission selected the city of Gwang-ju, South Korea as the venue for the World Swimming Championships. Therefore, the 18th World Swimming Championships will be held in Gwang-ju, Korea from July 15, 2019 to August 10, 2019. The World Swimming Championships is famous for five of the world's best sports events along with the 1998 Summer Olympics, the 2018 Winter Olympics, the 2002 World Cup, and the 2011 Athletics Championships. With such an international swimming competition held in Gwang- ju, it will be an opportunity for people all over the world to promote peace and harmony through sports, contribute to the development and flow of international swimming sports, and promote Gwang-ju to the world. As it is an international swimming competition with more than 200 countries from all over the world, it is expected to boost the economy through tourism and shopping. Cho-sun University also expressed its willingness to participate in the hosting of the World Swimming Championships.

That's why our school's playground was chosen as the official stadium! Ah ha, so the playground was under construction? Shall we check out the official stadiums? It is said that there will be a diving competition with officials of the festival at the Nam-bu University's Municipal International Swimming Pool. In addition, there will be water polo matches at the Nam-bu university soccer field, artistic swimming competitions at the Yeom-ju Sports Complex, and high-diving matches at the Cho-sun University field! They say the places above are official stadiums. In particular, unlike other sports, the high-diving stadium was chosen as the most beautiful place in the host city. It means that our university has such beautiful scenery, right?

Of course, there are many positive things to be expected, but there are also concerns. What do the students of Cho-sun University think about the high-diving facilities being built in the playground? A reporter researched it using Facebook page!

I've heard more than 200 comments and Facebook messages. Many students were disappointed that there was no opinion survey of the students. There were also many students who didn't even know that high-diving facilities are being built in the playground. That's how much the university didn't disclose information to its students. Also, many of my classmates agreed that the college did not inform or come up with an alternative plan for providing places to students, such as the advantages of holding a swimming competition, the money for construction, the noise from construction work during the semester, and the other means of providing places for students who were not able to use one side of the playground. As a reporter, I also had a remarkably low access to information at Cho-sun University so that I had to listen to the information from a volunteer for the swimming competition or a sports instructor at the National Sports Center in Gwang-ju. Other problems include the fact that the grass was forced to turn over again due to the competition and the effect of the previous grass-building process was not effective, and an accident that was expected to be caused by a large number of outsiders entering. Above all, the noise problem before and after the event is becoming a concern for people. As the playground is close to the art college and the central library, it is feared that it will hinder students working at night and students studying in the library will be damaged.

There are many advantages such as the image-making of Cho-sun University and the future of its students, also the revival of its neighboring commercial districts, but with so many issues to worry about, I think the university will need to work hard for students and come up with countermeasures! Universities should consider the benefits of school as important, but shouldn't students' convenience and safety be more important than anything else? I'm rooting for better Cho-sun University! Thank you for reading!

< Culture > Kim Ha-Eun / Reporter / [email protected]

Travel to Gwangju, city of culture and history

It's March. Are you excited about being a college student? Students from other regions may be unfamiliar with Gwangju. Then, I recommend you to travel all over Gwangju and become familiar with the city. Gwangju is the symbol of 5.18 and the city of culture. Gwangju has a wide range of tourist attractions ranging from a market where people feel affection for each other, a historical site where Korean history is fully recorded, a photo spot with beautiful scenery, and finally an amusement park that is full of thrills and fun. I will introduce about interesting places in Gwangju now.

1. Yangdong Market The first is Gwangju’s Yangdong Market. The markets are a place with a lot of things to see. Among them, the Yangdong market is special. Yangdong Market, located on the western side of Cheonbyeon- ro, has been a market that has shared the joys and sorrows of modern and contemporary Korea since its origins in the 1910s. During the May 18 pro-democracy movement, Yang Dong and Dae-in markets were places where citizens of Gwangju became one. They fought for democratization in the Yangdong market. In this sense, Yangdong Market is not just a market but a place with historical meaning. Even now, it has the warm feelings of merchants and has many things to see and eat. Yangdong Market has one of the most famous stores called ‘노무현국밥집’ that real name is ‘하나분식’. Why don't you visit there and have a delicious lunch?

2. Natural Lake Park (호수생태원) Do you like taking pictures? Or maybe you feel comfortable when you go to a natural place? Such a place is 'Natural Lake Park'. Located in Chunghyo Sam-gil, Buk-gu, the park is a great place to take a popular picture called 인생샷 meaning the best picture among young people these days. It is about 30 minutes away from downtown Gwangju, so someone can easily visit the site by bus. It is a quiet and cool park where you can see beautiful flowers, animals, and plants in March. If you are curious about this park, search your Instagram for "광주호수생태원" right now. You can see some great pictures. And the main character of the pictures could be you!!

3. The Family Amusement Park Don't you want to go back to your childhood sometimes? Then, visit Gwangju Family Land right now. Located in Uchiro, Buk-gu, Gwangju Family Land is the largest amusement park in Honam with 30 state-of-the-art amusement facilities, four-season sledding, ice rink, and swimming pool. From the merry-go-round to the blue-ryong train, various rides wait for you. Visit the amusement park now that you have grown up with childhood memories. You will be as happy and excited as you were then. Although Gwangju is still unfamiliar to you, visit several places and know the pleasures of this city. Then you will enjoy Gwangju in spite of yourself while you see various aspects of this city.

Shin Cho-Rong / Reporter / [email protected]

The Beautiful of South Korea: Jeju Island

According to the Jeju Tourism Association, more than 14 million tourists, including Koreans and foreigners, visited Jeju Island last year. Let's take a closer look at a place that has been popular in Korea for a long time.

UNESCO designated Jeju Island as Biosphere Reserve in 2002, registered it as World Natural Heritage in 2007, and certified it as Global Geopark in 2010. In addition, it was selected as one of the New Seven Wonders of Nature through a global poll. In other words, the beauty and mystery of Jeju Island have been internationally recognized.

Geographical Features Jeju Island is located in the southwestern of the Korean and is the only Special Self- Governing Province in Korea. It is composed of the main island and its surrounding which include 8 inhabited islands and 71 uninhabited islands. The area of this island is about 1,848㎢, three times larger than Seoul and it is the largest island in Korea.

Jeju Island was formed from volcanic activity from about 1.8 million years ago to about 1,000 years ago and volcanic activity created about 360 parasitic cones and about 160 lava caves throughout the island. Overall, this island is in the form of shield volcano by the highly fluid lava which travels far and results in the steady accumulation of broad sheets of lava. In the center of the island is Mt. Halla, the highest mountain in South Korea.

Tourist Attractions Seongsan Ilchulbong: This is a tuff cone formed by hydrovolcanic explosion that took place in shallow about 5,000 years ago. It is located at the eastern end of the main island and has been recognized as a major tourist attraction of Jeju. In the early days of formation, it was separated from the land, but now it is connected to land as sediments eroded by the waves were pushed into the and piled up. It used to be called Seongsan because it resembles a huge castle, but now it is called Seongsan Ilchulbong as the meaning that it is a good place to watch beautiful sunrise was added. Many people still visit it to see the sunrise on New Year's Day and it takes 20 to 30 minutes from the entrance to the summit.

Jeongbang : This is a waterfall developed at the foot of Mt. Halla and is the only coastal waterfall in the East that falls directly into the ocean. Along with Cheonjiyeon Falls and Cheonjeyeon Falls, it is known as the representative waterfall of Jeju Island and is 23 meters tall, 8 meters wide, and 5 meters deep. When you go to this place, you can hear the magnificent waterfall sounds and catch sight of seven colors of rainbows made when the sunlight is reflected in the pouring stream. Moreover, you can see vertical rock walls with well-developed columnar joint on either side of the waterfall.

Beaches: In Jeju, where all sides are sea, there are many beautiful . For example, Hamdeok , Hyeopjae Beach, Samyang Black Beach, and Woljeongri Beach are famous. Jeju beaches are good places to visit not only in summer but also in other seasons and you can feel the unique beauty of each beach.

I have only introduced a small part of Jeju Island's tourist attractions. Keep in mind that there are many other things for you to experience and enjoy, including special and delicious food. If you really want to take a rest or enjoy natural beauty in Korea, I really recommend you to visit Jeju Island and make a good memory.

Yang Si Eun / Reporter / [email protected]

Have you ever traveled overseas? (The reasons for the increase in overseas trips in Korea)

In Korea, there are lots of people around us who are planning to go traveling using their vacation and holiday, to nearby Japan or far away Europe. According to the Korea Tourism Organization, with the number of Koreans who go overseas every year reaching a new record after 2010, a growing number of Koreans are traveling abroad. What are the reasons that the overseas travel market has expanded in Korea?

First, the broadcasting of TV programs related travel such as 뭉쳐야뜬다, 짠내투어, 배틀트 립, 꽃보다 series When we turn on TV, many channels are broadcasting TV programs related travel these days. Actually, it was revealed that the travel destination which was telecasted on the popular TV programs is controlling the customers’ choices. From this point of view, it is clear that the TV programs which were broadcasted have become a big catalyst which makes people want to take a trip somewhere. Second, under the influence of low-cost airlines, people can take a trip overseas at a low cost As many Koreans said “I would take a trip to southeast Asia rather than Jeju island.”, it is obvious that the cost of a trip abroad has been lower than in the past in Korea. The crucial factor of lowering costs is due to the public interest in low-cost airlines which lowers an airline’s budget. For example, in Korea, if people can use the promotion of the low-cost airlines, it is very cheap to buy an airline ticket for about 100,000 won (including all taxes) for a round trip to Osaka or Fukuoka, Japan. Like this, when Koreans use promotions offered by the low-cost airlines very well, they can travel with a low budget abroad while not having a big burden, and this has led to an increase of overseas travelers.

Last, the trend, such as YOLO (욜로), Small but Sure Happiness (소확행) and Work and Life Balance (워라벨), has raised interests for the trip ‘YOLO (욜로), Small but Sure Happiness (소확행) and Work and Life Balance (워라벨)’, It’s no exaggeration to say that those three phrases have become the most talked about issues in modern society over the past year or two. It means that as people do their best at work, the life which regards ‘rest’ as the most important part in their life is very highlighted. With this change of awareness, many people have started to enjoy their hobbies and taking a trip makes up the highest percentage among them. It seems that the popularity of overseas travel continues because of the crucial reason that travel lets people get ‘rest’ and travel can give a good chance to enhance the satisfaction of the life and the quality of the life.

It was said that the popular overseas travel theme changes every year. One travel agency said that a new type of travel that emphasizes one’s satisfaction, value and individuality is going to be very popular in 2019. Why don’t you present yourself the individual and worthwhile trip to give you a rest and recharging chance in this modern society of overheated competitions?

Jung Seungeun / Reporter / [email protected]

Korean friends across the Earth, Ethiopia (Subtitle : 'Establish order in chaos', Kagnew military unit)

The coffee consumtion of students and workers, namely Korea's coffee consumtion is conspicuously enhancing day by day. If you walk along the street, you can see a lot of franchise cafes. Do you see the 'EDIYA COFFEE' among the various cafes? 'EDIYA' is the name of a tribe in Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee, and also the only emperor of the continent. The country of Ethiopia has a strong influence in coffee, which is named after the brand name of the franchise cafe. Do you know the fact that the coffee country, Ethiopia, held out a helping hand to the Republic of Korea when the war burst forth 68 years ago. “My dear warriors, you are to protect your freedom and protect the great principles of UN peace. He left his country Ethiopia on the road half a revolution around the world.” - Congratulations to the Emperor on sending Ethiopian troops to Selassie 25, June, 1950, North Korea's invasion from North Korea to start the Korean War broke out. So, the Ethiopia government expressed the opinion that Ethiopia will join the Korean War as part of the U.N. Forces to the Brithish Ambassador at Ethiopia in August. And made Kagnew, which is a name of meaning 'Establish order in chaos', 'a strong unit', started training at a suburb of Addis Ababa, the capital. On the 6th of May, 1951, they finally arrived in Korea. They deployed a reconnoitering skirmish and concentrated a search operation in the ridge after the Battle of the Ridge of Yanggu, Gangwon Province. After this, they left Korea shortly and returned on December 24. At that time, they saw the snow for the first time and suffered from the biting cold. “We had to fight a battle with not only the enemy but also nature.”, a member of the unit Kagnew said. These words are enough to tell the story of the time. Kagnew unit fought 253 times and won all combats during the Korean war. Even after the conclusion of the ceasefire agreement, the Kangnu Unit was part of the 7th Division of the U.S. Army, protecting the Republic of Korea. With the honor of the victory and the sadness of the victims, the fifth squadron of Kang New returned to Korea in March 1956.

Do you know that there is a Korean village named after Korea in Ethiopia, a far away country halfway around the world? 'The Korean village' is where The Korean War veterans returned home and ended up living in the town. In addition there is a town to honor the Korean War and memorial space. The Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs in 2006 in Addis Ababa, set the Korean War Monument for 200 million won. In addition, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do, veterans rallied together as a show of support to build the memorial center for those who fought in Addis Ababa. The stories mentioned above are not popular. I know it because I went to Ethiopia directly. So, I hope that my writing will help many Chosun university students learn about this story. From now on, when Koreans look at Ethiopia, it is not a coffee country far away, but a friend's country that came from the other side of the world to help when we were having difficulty. Ethiopia's coffee, of course, must be a national pride and a major export destination, but the fact that they provided the only ground troops from Africa during the Korean War is also very meaningful to us. Don't forget to thank them.

Choi Do-Hee / Reporter / [email protected]

What does happen in Japan? (Is Japan influenza terrible thing?)

There are many articles about Japanese influenza infection these days. Watching them, we can think that Japan is dangerous and how symptoms from the infection are serious. However, they are just making fear not concrete fact. I want to talk about specific situations and precautions about the influenza. First, let's talk about existing provocative journals. There was the news that a woman in their 30s ran to subway train at the platform of the subway station in Dhakameguro in late 22. Once more, there was the news that a 7 years old child woke up and shouted, running around the home but he didn't remember it because of the influenza. Many people in Korea became fearful because of such news. They introduced the influenza as zombie influenza exaggerating minor's abnormal behavior always happens and the relationship between medicine and the behavior is not clear yet. Moreover, WHO predicted this influenza. At the moment, there are lots of flues from H3N2 following H1N1 virus in Korea and Japan. Park Oak, infectious disease management officer of Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, explained that we are keeping an eye on the situation of the influenza but 5~10% of the population is infected so it can be hard to see that the influenza explosively spread in Japan now. She also said that the number of the patients put a definite point in last month but is decreasing now. Although an epidemic of influenza is passing in Korea, people like infants who didn't take vaccinations, and are 6~12 months old, and people older than 65 years old have got to get an injection. If you didn't have an injection, it would be good to get the injection. It is important that you wash your hands thoroughly and cough hiding mouth and nose in your sleeves. Taking a mask is recommended in Japan. There are patients infected by the disease in excess of 2.1 million and the death toll is 10. Japan influenza is not that terrible of a disease because the population of Japan is above one hundred million. According to Japan, Japan influenza is breaking out in the whole area of Japan. Especially there are lots of patients comparing the populations following Aichi, Saitama, Shizuoka, Ibaraki and Fukuoka. Aichi, Saitama, Shizuoka and Ibaraki is the central area not far from Tokyo and Fukuoka is nearby Korea. There are relatively few patients in Aomori, Akita, Shimane and so on. The number of the patients is more than normal but it doesn't mean that we should panic. We don't have to be afraid of Japan influenza so much. We can overcome that disease by following the rule of the prevention. Nowadays, there are so many articles and we read it without thinking. This influenza journal is also included in the category, so we have to read critically. When I got the news about this the first time, I was really worried about my trip to Japan and planned to stay Korea because there are only scary articles about the influenza. At this time, we should read the article and judge the fact so we don't believe the article blindly.

Cha Ho-Young / Reporter / [email protected]

Trade war between U.S. and China

One of the biggest global issues is the trade war between U.S. and China and whether it ends in 2019. As the two countries will meet to discuss this issue in February or March, most countries want a positive result. From the perspective of South Korea, which exports a huge amount to both American and Chinese goods, the trade war must end to alleviate the downturn trend in the Korean economy. What is the trade war and what caused it? Let’s talk about it.

In July 6th, 2018, The United States announced the new policy of imposing tariffs up to 25% on 3.4 billion dollars of imports from China. In retaliation, China imposed the same amount of tariffs to agricultural products, cars and marine products from America. In August 23th, both countries imposed 1.6 billion dollars of tariff and in September 24th, the additional amount will be imposed on both parties.

As Trump emphasizes his own country’s benefit in every field saying ‘America First’, there are several reasons of this war. The United States has been suffering from a trade deficit recently. Also, there is a doubt that their market manipulation in worldwide finance has been affecting the global economy. Furthermore, China is thought to extort technology of other foreign companies whose factories are in China. China plans to be ‘the strongest country’ based on the policy ‘made in china 2025’. Introduced in 2015, the strategic plan of China to increase their power in the high-tech industry like biomedicine, IT, robot and so forth, by 2025. In the global economic field, China’s GDP reached 60% of America. President Trump would not sit by and just watch the challenge of China so this trade war is eventually the fight between the two biggest countries; the one who wants to keep the hegemony and the other who craves it.

The impact of this war on South Korea is not ignorable because the United States and China are the first and second exporting countries of Korea. South Korea exports usually intermediate goods to China and China eventually finishes those manufactured goods. However, if both China and America, which have been trading tremendous amount of goods, see a decrease in trade, the production of Korea is diminished. Not only Korea but the whole trade market gets a similar influence. Since the structure of Korea’s economy is based on the trade, the overall status gets worse

Strengthening tariffs, a type of protectionism, was one of the reasons for The Great Depression in 1929. The governments of China and America should know this history so they will end this war one day. South Korea must prepare for the end of this war or plan the economic strategy for the continuous condition.

Jeong Young Hun Department of English Education : freshmen Recently, there have been many incidents related to incorrect display of anger in our society, and it was great to learn a variety of good ways to relieve stress in a healthy manner. In the next issue, I would like to learn about the changing Korean Peninsula and the world’s view towards it. Specifically, I wonder what people from the U.S. think about inter-Korean cooperation, such as connecting railways and roads.

Seo Bo Kyung Department of Spanish : sophomore Even though I go to school with foreign students, I have had few opportunities to get to know them, but I learned a lot from this article. The contents of this issue were very beneficial. In the next issue, I hope you to cover interviews with foreign students at school with more themes.

Jeong Tae Hee Department of Chinese Culture : junior The section that introduces the self-interior is a thing I'm interested in these days and it has caught my attention. It was good to have various articles about relieving stress and I want to introduce an article about facilities near the school to foreign friends. In the next issue, I would like to know the idioms that foreigners use in their daily lives.

Yang Nan Hwa Department of Chinese Culture : junior It was good to see the overall flow of the inter-Korean summit and know the meaning of the terms that were not usually encountered. I think this issue has shown me a cultural life that I can enjoy, so I will participate in them with my foreign friends. In the next issue, I would like you to introduce a variety of illustration essays.

3월호 퍼즐