I 8860 ~m~'sCONTEMPORARY ARCHIVES October 4--11, 1 A. . - In ting of the Pakistani ah invested with Title of F~UCitizeep for I .le - rrerm!?r .?? .l".w* I with the birth of a nation, as we hope to share the prosiiril Pakistan. .-,-,-tion by Government of and I +.thiawar %a&. - Ambassadors exchanged by Pakistan in'the Constitution, &d respected in the day-to-day work and 'ZT.Sd;' the Governmfnt. There wlll be no want of trust and co-opt iFhn entt~lmtan nf a Pnnditl~nnt Ass~rnhlvfnv Palridan on OW side. U 'Ly .,- ." --.-"-".-.,.." .-.,.,--.^r-J ------"--. I was.. -- anxced.~--, ,, - - from New Delhi on Julv 26. ~riorto the I

tranaf~8Ewwer.------c...-,.in a statement~ from the office of the Goveor- I ~"~!m~L.em*!!~?e~!!!8:' ltttnn?aa?I"i' General. It was provided -that the Pakistani Constituent Assembly should consist of 69 members as follows : 41 from I E& B6naal (29 Moslems and 12 General), 17 from West I the only soiution to the constitutional problem, he said : "I Punjab (l~~oslems,3 Hindus, 2 Sikhs), 4 from Sind (3Moslems, 1 Pvnm-no~ General). 3 from the New. Frontipv.."..,A A -",-.,- ,-.--.,-.,---.,(Mnslnm-b I &c%ptedl it!? the duty-. Of,ev?ry - -.&rn- - -.th; . -. Svlhet district of Assam (Moslems). and 1 fro4 1 lu!lO?al!y.kab!de byit Baluchistsn (~oslem),the members dolorn~in5'the . . .. Ftontier .. I Province, and Baluchistsn being tllose elemea to lna1ltn two communities. But the question is-whether it waa pl Constituent Assembly befcIre partition. or practicable to do otherwise. A division had to take pb. Uong the Moslem members for West Punjab were Mr. M. A. both sides, in Hindustan and Pakistan, there may be sect11 Jinnah (Governor-General of Pakistan), Sir Firoz Khan Noon, people who do not agree with it, who do not Hke it, but in mp I n- woiilr nmnr Uvat Ohmantap fi =an, Sardar Rab ment there was no other solution. I think when history r -- - its verdict it will be proved by facts that it was the only 8c ~hhtarand the Begum Sha-rh Nawaz..-. while. -. those -from .- East Bema1- .-._ innlnderis-* ---Mr. Liaauat Ali Khan (Prime Minister of Pakistan). Mr. I rawards (Pre&er of Bengal before partition), Mr. ~mlul-~~~I would never have worked, and in my judgment mould have & Nazimuddin (both ex-Premiers of Beneal). Me. to terrific disaster." .iLC1 and Khwda Sir - -- . M. A. Ispahani, and Prof. Husain ~ureshi.The General members wmWnd "-" Renvnl---- inolnded Mr --R --R Rnv fnrmnrlv Pnnmaqq------lanrler I ...in the.-- BengP L-lative Assembly, and Mr. Jogendra Nath Mandal, ne3s between Prote~tanband CathoUcs, who to-day wori I harmony 8s equal citizens of their country, he coneluded : " - na-.i..YUUU -.Aonrl ..or 7nnmh-rur-L.rr- nf... the Scheduled Castes, who for many years had co-operated with t-_;he Moslem Lemie,-. -in ~r0Vincid,.. .-..-.nolitjcs~., I one of you, no m&t,terto what community yon belong, no I The Sikh members of the Punjab Legislative Assembly. meeting on July 17 at Lahore, decided that the 2 Sikh representatives should not take their seats in the Paktstani A8sembly in view of the massacre ot Sikhs and Hindus in the Mnlta~ . --.. R--=alnfnai--..lrry.-... -..,...> am--. .-in March last. I funda~enhlprinciple that we are all equal citizens of the- The Constituent Assembly of Pakistan met for the first time on Aug. 10 in Karachi, in the Council Chamber of the ------, ------' Sind ~egislgtiveAssembly, Mr. Jogendm Nath Mandill bein@; individual, but in the political sense as citizens of the d unanimously elected temporary chairman. A Peshawar announcement of Aug. 22 stated tha &. Mandal, in hi6 inta;guraJ speech, expressed the conviction Governor of the N.W. Frontier Province (Sir George that Pakistan would be one of the most poweriul, resourceful, ham) had. conseauent on the Province's decision to and magnificent States in the world," and paid tribute to Mr. Jinnah, " the meat architect and creator of Pakistan and one of the greatest 1 m&-G-the world to-day." Declaring that it was incumbent on all I ~~~-",yY-u~~-9'.~_t'~-ln",'L-f.11cA~,".~~c1'~-- minorities to co-operate in Constitution-making and to play their fill art a8 citizens, Mr. Mandal said : " The minority communities &-pkkistan may be assured-aa they have been assured in the past I , Khwaja Sir Nazimuddin was elected by the Moslem League leadership and partioularly by SIr. Jinnah- the Moslem League in that Province on Aug. 5, . that they will not only be treated justly and W~Y,but generouly I Suhrawardv. the former Premier of Bensal. was elect& 1 too. . . . he people of Pakistan, of all communities, should trust each other. Distmt, enmity, hatred md jealousy should be replacod by Wenahip and mutual co-operation. . . . Our endeavour should be to frame one of the best Constitutions that any State has produced."

- .-- . ------anstituent Assembly (combinkg Governor-Generalship) on Aug. 11, ana on nug. 1z tne Assemmy adopted a motion conferring on him the title of Quaid-i-Azm ("great leader ") and providing that, as from the transfer nf nower on Aue. 15. he should be designated in all olficial

.-. - - - , - - - - .a Khan, who moved the motion, compared the designahon I Qu&d-i-Am conferred on Mr. Jinn an w'tn""' 'na' ' Or" --" Aw'urE" "" "- ... . . "<< - I in the S.W. of the ~athiawarpeninsula, iL is about 4,oaa.G given to the late Mustafa Kemal of 'lUrKey ana or -- wneralls- aimn---- " Biven to Marshal Stalin. I The hnstituent Assembly, on Aug. 12, also unanimously on the Arabian Sea; it contains enches ot the territodbf' approved the new Pakistani national fla@; (see 8737 C), whose Kathiawar Stat~*.g., Gondal, Jetpur, and Porbauder:! '$ dignity members of all communities pledged themselves to the population is ~reponderantlyHindu, the Nawab f8 4 M uDhold. and adopted a resolution by Mr. I fGr the.appointment of a committee, consisting of the Quaid-i- ~s~~u~~~&zi---- -w----F--, ", A- and 16 members, to advise the Assembly on fuodamental I and other Inthiawar Stata which have mded t. tt12

a Illcsawpc AX~XU YVAU I~-v~~~~~~~~-~y..VI -., -.--.,I---.l- .,- -- power (see 8771 A), Mr. Jinnah being formally sworn in as Governor-General of Pakistan on Aug. 15. , --- *. Liaquat Ali Khan, speaking in the assembly on Bug. 11 after a.Jinnah had been elected as its President, declared that it. was " an unparalleled event in the history of the world that without :di&hed, without going through a bloody revolution, a State which Is the fUth largest in the world should come into being." Mr. K. S. Roy, congratulating Mr. Jinnah on behalf of the Congress party, gave an assurance that the Quaid-i-Amwould obtain the fdloat co-operation from the minorities in making Pakistan "a ------emm~lar democratic-- - State with no difference between citizen and irrespective nf mstn. creeA or communitv." Continnin~. I that all the Knthiawar States with the Mr. Roa @ad "