Quotes from SG:D Cloud Community

1. GIC is pleased to work with IMDA on strategies to support the adoption of Cloud Native Architecture in . Cloud native architecture is a core tenet of GIC’s cloud adoption journey. By leveraging the flexibility, availability and loose coupling principles of cloud native architecture, we are able to achieve high delivery speed and innovation for our business units to navigate the increasingly uncertain investing environment. Looking ahead, with the architecture loosely coupled through APIs, we can rapidly experiment using emerging capabilities such as machine learning, blockchain and deep learning.” – Ms Wu Choy Peng, Chief Technology Officer, GIC

2. "Services 4.0 will be the transformational and disruptive growth engine for businesses to compete at the global stage. Companies will need to rethink their business model by embracing platforms, data, and global networks. As a leading technology company, we are excited to chart the early advance technology deployments, and we are committed to build the capabilities to drive the innovation and the adoption of the Cloud Native Architecture. We are also collaborating closely with various Government agencies and partners across the ecosystem to develop talent that the industry will require to ride this transformation." – Mr Ravinder Singh, President, Electronics, ST

3. “As a leading cloud services provider, is pleased to support the IMDA’s Cloud Native Architecture initiative. We are leveraging the cloud native approach to accelerate our enterprise and networks digital transformation and we look forward to sharing our learnings with the SG Digital Cloud Community. To keep pace with the fast-expanding digital economy, we are ready to help the services sector in Singapore advance the adoption of cloud-centric methodologies, platforms and solutions.” – Mr Mark Chong, Group Chief Technology Officer, Singtel

4. “Increasingly, creators of software services and solutions will deliver to customers via the cloud, and end-users and user organisations will use cloud based systems to meet their evolving and ever changing needs for IT applications and infrastructure. This all means that Cloud Native Architecture becomes increasingly important, both as a business concept for how to move forward, and as a technical blueprint for the details of how to design and implement systems, and to do so at speed. For these reasons, Singapore Management University (SMU) is very enthusiastic about IMDA’s Cloud Native Architecture national initiative. It will help us as an organization to operate efficiently and with agility. It will also help us with our academic efforts across our degree based education programmes, our continuing education programmes, and our research that spans computing & information systems, management and social sciences.” – Professor Steven Miller, Vice Provost (Research), SMU

5. “As the national accountancy body, we are committed to preparing the accountancy profession for the future. Our programmes to encourage technology adoption by the profession thus far include tech conferences, workshops and talks as well as the Audit Singapore software for accounting firms. IMDA’s initiative is in line with our goal to encourage

the accountancy profession to adopt emerging technologies. It is vital for businesses to leverage Industry 4.0 solutions for value creation as well as cost and productivity gains. We are therefore delighted to be a pioneer member of the SG Digital Cloud Community, and support the development of the Cloud Native Ecosystem.” – Mr Lee Fook Chiew, Chief Executive Officer, Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants

6. “In an increasingly technology enabled world, the big shifts in the client, regulatory and capability ecosystems are creating interesting opportunities and challenges for businesses. Many businesses are orienting towards the Everything-as-a-service play. Singapore, through its Services 4.0 vision, has recognised the associated opportunities and risks. This move will help Singapore strengthen the ecosystem, accelerate the transformation of businesses & workforce and deliver the ambition towards becoming a leading services and digital economy.” – Mr Mohit Mehrotra, Strategy Consulting Co-Leader, Deloitte Asia Pacific

7. “The intense competition in cloud micro-services has led to affordable prices and excellent customer service; Janio has leveraged this to build our cloud native architecture so we can focus on bringing value to our customers rather than diverting resources on maintaining our technology. For example, when we had a surge in deliveries last month, we were able to increase our processing power in under 10 minutes, allowing us to focus on what we do well - deliveries.” – Mr Mohamed Afiq, Chief Technology Officer, Janio

8. "SPH is excited to collaborate with IMDA to study the co-development of solutions based on Cloud Native Architecture, leveraging on each other’s technology engineering capabilities. The aim is to enable an ecosystem of partners around such Cloud Native Architecture and the associated micro-services, while supporting SPH’s business objective of better responding to consumers’ rapidly evolving expectations for news content." – Mr Glen Gary Francis, Chief Technology Officer, SPH

9. “We are very delighted to become a pioneer of SG Digital Cloud Community and support this very important Info-communications Media Development Authority initiative in Singapore. It is paramount for us at Axir Pte. Ltd to continue create new value by innovating and building solutions with emerging technologies like Blockchain, and greater opportunity to access new customer segments and markets in the Telecom industry. AXIR Pte. Ltd. is a Singapore based company with a vision to enable connectivity of the future by addressing market demands and leveraging the latest in technology. We are building a secure, robust, and scalable cross-carrier platform using the blockchain technology, where Communications service providers can connect with a very easy and cost-effective way. AXIR Group has strong roots in the Telecom Industry with a 14-year history of providing services to some of the largest global players.” – Mr Rony Issa, Chief Executive Officer, Axir Group

10. “This initiative from IMDA will speed up digital transformation for our entire nation! 7-Network fully supports it. We have released a codeless development Tool, JET WORKFLOW 2.0, which empowers users to create web and mobile app and would shorten software development life cycle, saving time and money!” – Mr Jin Chong, Director, 7-Network

11. “The emergence of Cloud native architecture has enabled an enormous array of new services that consumers have been enjoying in their in everyday lives. For SmartCursor and companies like ourselves, cloud native architecture has literally enabled us to bring our vision to market. A cloud native architecture allows for an agile and efficient development environment, giving developers the ability to collaborate and iterate at levels unattainable in a traditional centralized structure. In short, the cloud native architecture has enabled SmartCursor to provide a relevant solution to the market that would have been too complex and expensive for our customers to have developed by themselves.” – Mr Patrick Wong, Chief Executive Officer, Precursor

12. “Cloud architecture is simply essential for strategic future planning, it is in fact already an integral part of the global business landscape today. For a firm like Tessaract.io which is built on cloud native architecture, we are finding ourselves part of a revolution in the delivery of exceptional value to our clients and their businesses. Cloud architecture reduces our development cycles significantly and provides the digital infrastructure to scale our company. Those investing the time to truly understand its intricacies and potential will, like us, quickly discover that it is the keystone in the development of competitive advantage on the global stage.” – Ms Cherilyn Tan, Chief Executive Officer, Tessaract.io

13. “We built Osome because we wanted to give our customers time, and we felt that technology was a great way to achieve that. Once the routine is automated, you are free to analyze, create, and make a difference, which is why we all start businesses in the first place.” – Mr Victor Lysenk, Chief Executive Officer, Osome

14. “Organisations are continuing to increase their investment and evolve their cloud environments to leverage the technology and drive their business forward. We believe this initiative to create an ecosystem and bring this technology, knowledge and experience to the broader market will have significant impact. As a global software consultancy helping prominent businesses solve problems through cutting-edge technology, ThoughtWorks is vested and committed to the development of a robust cloud ecosystem in Singapore, and we’re proud to be part of IMDA’s SG Digital Cloud Community to drive the future of cloud here.” – Ms Jessie Xia, Managing Director, ThoughtWorks Southeast Asia

15. “This is an exciting time for enterprises in Singapore as we take a bigger step forward in digital transformation through the adoption of a Cloud Native Architecture. In today’s cloud- native era, enterprises can no longer depend on legacy systems if they wish to become agile, scale up or remain secure. With Pivotal’s proven agile methodologies and Cloud Native technologies, we look forward to helping enterprises innovate through software, stay competitive in our digital economy and unlock the full potential of their digital transformation vision.” – Mr Lionel Lim, Vice President and Managing Director, Asia Pacific and Japan at Pivotal Software

16. “The demand for seamless experiences, mobile functionality, unobstructed customization from consumers and enterprises requests lightweight, agile and secure solutions. The Cloud Native Architecture and Micro-Services are the foundation for such an ecosystem to deliver digital services anywhere, anytime, on-demand.” – Professor Wolfgang Mueller-Wittig, Executive Director, Fraunhofer Singapore

17. "TAIGER is privileged to be a pioneer member of the SG Digital Cloud Community, and to be able to contribute to this initiative in our position as a leading artificial intelligence firm. In TAIGER, our software delivery teams are small and cross-functional. This work structure helps to keep teams agile, improve collaboration, and speed decision-making to cater to changing customer needs. Cloud Native Architecture allows us to adopt technologies and processes even quicker, to achieve higher efficiency with faster results for customers, resulting in higher customer satisfaction. As a member of the SG Digital Cloud Community, we look forward to fostering and supporting fellow members in the Cloud Native Ecosystem to create a mutually beneficial community." – Dr Sinuhe Arroyo, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, TAIGER

18. “As the Services 4.0 evolves, Companies have no choice but to embark on cloud native solutions to create differentiation in the market they operate. Embarking on Micro services, Cloud services, Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), DevOps and Containers enables the delivery of products/ services agile, secured and with enhanced quality.” – Mr Bijjala Radhakrishna, Chief Executive Officer, Total eBiz Solutions

19. “Staying at the forefront of innovation is key for Singapore to maintain its position as the Asia Pacific economic and technology hub. Supernet and our parent company MNF Group are excited to proud to support Singapore’s Technology Roadmap which is so congruent with our own vision of ‘enabling customers to innovate and communicate’.” – Mr Benjamin TP Tan, Managing Director, Supernet

20. “ICM ecosystem players can create new value by innovating and building solutions with emerging technologies, thus opening greater opportunity to access new customer segments and markets. Huawei is delighted to contribute to Singapore’s Services 4.0.” – Mr Lei Hui, Chief Executive Officer, Huawei International

21. “AIDA fully endorses the Cloud Native Community effort. The multi-cloud approach provides scale without lock-in, components enable innovators to freely exercise their vision and loose coupling via APIs permits rapid deployments. This will be a key enabler to widespread adoption of AI technologies and applications in the ecosystem.” – Dr Tan Geok Leng, Chief Executive Officer, AIDA

22. “Cloud is the new era IT power-house for generating multiple types of specialised services faster and better for co-creation of smarter & superior solutions/system. Hence, we see Cloud Native Architecture to effectively disrupt the ICM industry but resulting in access to more customers; speedier time to market; and greater productivity. This new initiative will drive the industry to achieve more with what we already have. SGTech champions the adoption of Cloud Native Architecture by Singapore companies.” – Mr Lim Soon Tein, Chairman, Cloud & Data Chapter, SGTech

23. “NavInfo is a -based technology company leading the way to becoming the “digital brain of intelligent driving” with core businesses in digital map, high accuracy positioning and automotive-grade semiconductors for navigation, LBS, ADAS and autonomous driving.” – Mr Wu Hao, Chief Executive Officer, NavInfo

24. "Singapore as a nation is technologically and digitally advanced and Singaporeans are some of the most digitally savvy citizens around. They also have much higher expectations of how organizations, including governments, connect, engage and communicate with them. We are very proud to be a foundational contributor of the SG Digital Cloud Community, and playing our part in citizen engagement services in Singapore." – Mr Abraham Thomas, Managing Director, IBM Singapore

25. "Flexible, scalable and adaptable infrastructure and services are important building blocks for transformation. To drive this change, we need to ensure people are equipped with the right tools and skills. We welcome IMDA’s initiatives towards building Services 4.0, and we look forward to developing Singapore’s digital economy and creating invisible and seamless services for customers." – Mr Paul Cobban, Chief Data and Transformation Officer, DBS Bank