13.7.2001EN Official Journal of the European Communities C 198/3

Publication of an application for registration pursuant to Article 6(2) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2081/92 on the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin

(2001/C 198/03) This publication confers the right to object to the application pursuant to Article 7 of the abovementioned Regulation. Any objection to this application must be submitted via the competent authority in the Member State concerned within a time limit of six months from the date of this publication. The arguments for publication are set out below, in particular under 4.6, and are considered to justify the application within the meaning of Regulation (EEC) No 2081/92.



PDO ( ) PGI (x)

National application No: 74

1. Responsible department in the Member State

Name: Subdirección General de Denominaciones de Calidad y Relaciones Interprofesionales y Contractuales — Dirección General de Alimentación — Subsecretaría de Agricultura — Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación

Address: Paseo Infanta Isabel, 1, E-28071 Madrid

Tel. (34) 913 47 53 94

Fax (34) 913 47 54 10.

2. Applicant group

2.1. Name:

(a) Xavier PiØ Dols as an individual producer;

(b) Jordi Blanch Guash as an individual producer;

(c) Carles Banus Villarroya as an individual producer;

(d) Amadeu Mas Coll for and on behalf of the Cooperativa Agrícola de ;

(e) Francesc Xavier Amill Rocamora for and on behalf of the Cooperativa.

2.2. Address:

(a) Sant Isidre, 9, Vilavella, ;

(b) Del Clos, 3, Altafulla, TarragonŁs;

(c) Santa Marina, 10, Alcover, Alt Camp;

(d) Sindicat, 2, Cambrils, Baix Camp;

(e) Pl. del Carmen, 8, , Alt Camp. C 198/4EN Official Journal of the European Communities 13.7.2001

2.3. Composition: producer/processor (x) other ( ).

3. Type of product: Class 1.6. Fruit, vegetables and cereals.

4. Specification

(Summary of requirements under Article 4(2)):

4.1. Name: Calçot de Valls.

4.2. Description: Calçot are shoots from fully developed white onions replanted in the ground. The products protected by the Calçot de Valls protected geographical indication are shoots from bulbs of the variety Blanca Gran Tardía de Lleida of the species Allium cepa L.

4.3. Geographical area: Land in the municipalities of the Catalan districts of Baix PenedŁs, el TarragonŁs, el Baix Camp and l’Alt Camp that the regulatory body considers is suitable for the production of calçot in accordance with the criteria set out in the quality manual.

4.4. Proof of origin: The following provide proof that the product originates in the area:

1. Calçot are produced on holdings within the production area entered in the relevant register, are of the authorised variety and are checked by the certification body.

2. The growing methods used on the registered holdings are authorised by the regulatory body.

3. Calçot are handled and stored on premises entered in the relevant register and are checked by the certification body.

4. Calçot undergo the physical and organoleptic tests necessary to guarantee their quality.

5. Only calçot passing all the checks carried out throughout the production process may be packed and marketed with the numbered label guaranteeing their origin.

4.5. Method of production: work on the authorised variety of calçot is carried out almost throughout the year and is as follows: preparation of the seedbeds (October to December), sowing (October and November), checking and maintenance of the nursery (November to February), preparation and fertilisation of the land in which the young onions are to be planted (January and February), transplanting the young onions (January to March), treatment with herbicides (February and March), plant-health treatments (March to July), harvesting and drying of the onions (July and August), planting of the calçot (August and September), calzar (special field work) (October to December) and staggered harvesting of the calçot (November to April). The calçot, which cannot be washed, and which have a white tail of 15 to 25 cm and an average diameter at 5 cm from the root of between 1,7 and 2,5 cm, are tied with a blue ribbon bearing the relevant label in bunches of 25 or 50. These production methods, together with the water, soil and climate, give the calçot distinctive organoleptic characteristics.

Usually calçot are grilled over hot coals and eaten with a special sauce known as salvitxada, after removing the outer layers. 13.7.2001EN Official Journal of the European Communities C 198/5

4.6. Link

History: Calçot were discovered by accident at the end of the last century by Xat de Benaiges from Valls. By the beginning of the 20th century, calçot was already a regular feast-day dish for many families in Valls. In 1896, the first fiesta del calçot de Valls (calçot de Valls festival) was held, which has come down to us today with renewed strength and vigour thanks to the promotion of calçot through conferences, the written media, etc. Calçot are usually eaten in January, February and March, roasted over a wood fire and accompanied by the special salvitxada sauce.

Natural environment: Agricultural land in the production area generally lies over calcareous bedrock. Since the calçot is an irrigated crop, it is often grown on deeper, alluvial soils, rich in organic materials. The area has a Mediterranean maritime climate, with mild temperatures and is free of frost for more than nine months of the year, thus permitting the production of calçot.

4.7. Inspection body

Name: Calitax

Address: Tuset, 10, E-08006

Tel. (34) 932 17 27 03

Fax (34) 932 18 51 95.

The inspection body complies with standard EN 45011.

4.8. Labelling: The labels will be authorised by the regulatory body. The labels and secondary labels must bear in a prominent manner the words ‘Calçot de Valls’. The labels will be numbered and will be issued by the regulatory body.

4.9. National requirements

— Law No 25/1970 of 2 December 1970,

— Order of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of 25 January 1994 specifying the correlation between Spanish legislation and Regulation (EEC) No 2081/92 with regard to designations,

— Decree No 835/1972 of 23 March 1972 approving Law No 25/1970,

— Royal Decree No 1643/99 of 22 October 1999 laying down the procedure for processing applications for registration in the Community register of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications.

EC No: G/ES/00171/2000.11.28.

Date of receipt of the full application: 28 November 2000.