Discusses the Landscape in the Artistic Landscape Design

Jifeng TAO Normal University

Abstract: In the field of artistic landscape design, the existence of landscape sculpture belongs to the position of inner soul. With the development of economic construction, the living and economic standards of the people have gradually risen. At the same time, people also pay more attention to the improvement of the quality of life, and have a higher pursuit for other areas of tourism, residential greening construction, public im- plementation of infrastructure and environmental construction. The widely used value standards in various fields require landscape art and landscape sculpture to have more intensive forms of expression. The following contents mainly analyze the current situa- tion of landscape sculpture in modern landscape design, and then put forward higher pursuit for future landscape sculpture.

Key words: Landscape Sculpture; art Design; Landscape Construction

andscape sculpture is the most important part of art design. Landscape sculp- L ture puts forward higher requirements for artistic value while improving eco- nomic living standards. With the development of the times, the landscape design of modern art forms should more fit in with the artistic atmosphere of landscape ar- chitecture and play a key role in the construction of modernization. With the con- tinuous development and the introduction of new culture, a new type of occupation has gradually emerged and developed. The occupation of landscape sculpture can be traced back to more than 100 years at the earliest. Not only at home, but also in the global field, it has a very high practical value. “Pyramid”, “ of Liberty”, “Eiffel Tower”, “Leshan Giant Buddha”, all famous landmark buildings can be- come the favorable basis and proof of landscape sculpture. Landscape sculpture is

About the author: Jifeng TAO, Male, The Han, nationality, Nanyang, Henan, 1977-02-25; Academy of Fine Arts; Lecturer, Master Degree, Sculpture Design & Arts education.


Creativity and Innovation Vol.3 No.1 2019 ubiquitous In the long river of history, In the continuous progress and development of society, the intrinsic value of landscape sculpture has been constantly developed and excavated. It has evolved into an irreplaceable artistic form nowadays.

1. Summary of Landscape Sculpture in Art Landscape Design

(1) Landscape design concept Landscape design is a creative way, which is based on the basic understanding of ecological nature and process landscape by artistic means. Nowadays, there are two forms of expression in the development of landscape design: one is the appli- cation value of modernization. The other is the art of development, which is com- patible with the basic principles of landscape design, modern aesthetics and eco- logical nature.

The elements in the surrounding environment are the reference materials for virtual creation in landscape design. It is a perfect and highly ornamental landscape design to integrate the reconstructed man-made gardens with the elements of envi- ronment, landscape and humanities in real life. The integrative landscape art is far greater than the sum effect of two independent individuals[1]. What it shows is the crystallization of the development and progress of modern art. It have been greatly improved in practical application performance and human comfort. With the accel- erated process of urbanization, modern landscape design is also developing. Its ap- plication covers all areas of life, such as: residential district planning and design, square pool and landmark architectural design, etc. (2) Concept of landscape sculpture design The most important part of art landscape design is landscape sculpture. Among the famous tourist attractions in and even in the world, most of the ornamental value is attributed to the application of landscape sculpture design. As the core theme of many landscape designs, landscape art has its own unique attrib- utes and values in various fields. Sculpture itself is a symbol design which com- bines the surrounding environment and adopts the characteristics of modern archi- tectural art. It has a very good embodiment in artistic expression and visual impact effect. Therefore, landscape sculpture is not only architectural design, but also can be expressed in the form of art. Its own unique characteristics enable landscape sculpture to integrate into modern construction faster and more harmoniously, and can also be a good symbol carrier and landmark building in a geographical region. From another point of view, Not only art design drives the development of land- scape sculpture, but also the existence of landscape sculpture gradually enriches the


Discusses the Landscape Sculpture in the Artistic Landscape Design inherent meaning of landscape art design. That is to say, the two are mutually bene- ficial and mutually reinforcing.

2. The Development of Landscape Sculpture The earliest landscape sculpture dates back to ancient times, when landscape sculpture was used in sacred sacrificial activities. Sculpture existed as a symbol and spirit of a tribe at the time when worship was held only on major festivals or on important occasions. In ancient society, landscape sculpture is a development pro- totype, which is only the means of architectural sculpture and has no specific con- notation. With the passage of time, new civilizations have gradually emerged. With the change of dynasties, the religious beliefs, imperial power and theocracy sys- tems with spiritual ideas and symbols emerged. Sculpture becomes a form of spir- itual carrier and becomes more concrete. Up to now, the inner meaning and spirit of sculpture is constantly enriched, gradually combined with modern spirit, and has evolved into today’s landscape sculpture.

Nowadays landscape sculpture is used in modern gardens and architectural design. Almost every area of the city is designed with the shadow of landscape sculpture. On the basis of combining the relevant environmental characteristics to transform reasonably, it highlights the cultural theme of the times[2]. Landscape manifestations are varied, such as and Stone Rust Caves, which are properly transformed by means of natural environment factors, combined with the culture and art at that time, so as to build things with cultural connotations and humanistic feelings. To some extent, landscape sculpture is the product of the times, the architectural symbol or symbol of the city and the country. Today’s landscape sculpture is not only a simple object, it has been given different meaning and spirit in different environments.

3. Landscape Sculpture in Artistic Landscape Design

(1) Integration with local culture and environment Landscape sculpture itself exists in the form of static art. In the construction process of sculpture itself, material selection and texture affect the vitality of the sculpture after completion. The landscape sculpture which only shows humanistic and environmental characteristics and has the soul of life can be called art. In the process of design, environmental factors should be considered first to ensure the construction of sculpture. The function of environment has two sides; on the one


Creativity and Innovation Vol.3 No.1 2019 hand, landscape sculpture should be integrated and transformed in space and cul- ture[3]. On the other hand, we should also refer to the influence of external envi- ronment on the shape and material of landscape sculpture. Choose a suitable space environment to ensure that sculpture can well express its artistic and cultural sig- nificance under the influence of the environment. Under the premise, preserve the material condition of landscape sculpture itself, and avoid the abnormal feeling of the whole sculpture, which is caused by the addition of other materials, resulting in damage to the overall structure of the whole landscape. (2) Inheritance of landscape sculpture In Chinese classical art, creation is the theme of people’s ideological land- scape art. Influenced by the traditional Confucian thought of “advocating nature”. In the classical landscape, the aim is to develop people and nature in harmony[4]. The mainstream for the outlook on life and values is the combination of the mean- ing and connotation of things. For Chinese classical landscape art, landscape sculpture is a form of artistic expression that connects man with nature. It has great ornamental and cultural val- ue. It can interpret the multiple meanings of life perfectly. In the process of viewing landscape sculpture from the perspective of modern development, landscape design needs designers and viewers to complete together. Modern landscape is the art of adding and enriching on the basis of Chinese classical landscape focusing on form and intentional spatial expression. In the process of adding, it constantly enriches its visual effect and spatial ideology. With the connotation of cultural inheritance and development, we can create unique landscape . The core ideas of Chinese tradition have something in common. It integrates various cultural conno- tations, expresses them in landscape sculpture with a distinct feature, and inherits them from generation to generation in the constant changes of the sun and the moon. (3) Creative thinking of landscape sculpture The essence of landscape sculpture is not simply imitation and reproduction. In order to satisfy the present forms of landscape sculpture and become the carrier of culture, at the beginning of landscape sculpture design, designers are required to create and modify the art of the original landscape environment to a certain extent in line with the principles of reference.

The application of creative thinking mode can be said to be a way of express- ing the theme and form with a spirit or theme, which gives unique creation and life vitality on the landscape sculpture. First of all, in order to make the whole sculpture


Discusses the Landscape Sculpture in the Artistic Landscape Design unique, we can start from the senses of the first perspective. Visual effect is the first impression of people on objects. Catching people’s eyeballs at the first time can give people a kind of bright visual feeling[5]. Therefore, at the beginning of design- ing sculpture, designers should consider the relationship between each element and creation.

4. Conclusion Contemporary landscape sculpture bears more unique works of vitality, and at the same time, it is more integrated with the surrounding space environment. The sense of cultural belonging of landscape sculpture in art landscape design is con- stantly improving, and its internal meaning is constantly enriching and developing. It is believed that more new elements and contents will be added to the develop- ment of landscape sculpture in the future to create a more comfortable and orna- mental environ ment for people.

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