
Vietnam Digitizing VOV’s Audio Archive



DURATION 6 years | 2003 – 2008

PARTNER Radio of Vietnam (VOV)

In 2003, DW-AKADEMIE began advising the Vietnamese state broadcaster, the Voice FuNDING of Vietnam (VOV), on how to digitize its audio archives. Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

Some 30,000 hours of analog audio tape of decay and badly in need of restoration were stored in the archives of the broadcaster and proper storage. Over a six-year period, Voice of Vietnam (VoV) – including unique DW-AKADEMIE’s specialists introduced was completed in mid-2008, but the process recordings of Ho Chi Minh, performances their Vietnamese colleagues to technolo- of digitizing the tapes is expected to take by the VoV orchestra and in-house radio gies which are now standard in Europe. To- until 2015. Nearly all the recordings have drama productions. Because of their age and gether, they planned and created a digital been saved – preserving some of Vietnam’s the tropical climate, they were on the verge archive in Hanoi. The consulting project priceless cultural heritage. VIETNAM DIGITIZING VOV’S AUDIO ARCHIVES


Award » Long-term projects on-location with our partner organizations open up new opportunities that go well beyond those Heidrun Speckmann was responsible for planning and carrying out the digitization offered by short-term courses. They al- project. The engineer was honored for her years of work in Vietnam with the ‘Radio low joint development of strategies for Broadcasting Award’, presented by Vu Van Hien, Director General of Radio The Voice processes of change, joint planning and of Vietnam. implementation of concepts, adaptation Heidrun Speckmann’s work focuses on the areas of mo- of working methods and the long-term dern radio technology, studio technology, measurement assembling of teams for the respective technology, electronics, network technology, digital ar- tasks ahead. It is decisive that specialists chiving and new media. She develops technical strategies, exchange views and expertise throughout identifies technological opportunities, helps design rea- the process, and that standards are de- listic plans, and recognize and solve potential problems veloped for the solutions to be univers- during their implementation. ally applicable. « Heidrun Speckmann, Project Manager

CONTACT Dr. Helmut Osang, Division Manager | [email protected]


DW-AKADEMIE is Deutsche Welle’s in- from foreign broadcasters in developing and facilities for its projects in Germany, which ternational center for media development, transition nations, where almost all of its include media training for non-media pro- media consulting and journalism training. short and long-term projects are conducted. fessionals, apprenticeships for young German Experienced coaches provide advanced train- In addition, DW-AKADEMIE’s centers in and international journalists, and a Master’s ing to managers, journalists and technicians Bonn and Berlin feature state-of-the-art Program in International Media Studies.

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