
Load arms stepping back with the right foot into front X block high, aim with left hand, #2 front with right foot landing right foot forward right, punch left, step back with right foot, high block to low block with left arm Turn to the right and press block to the right in back stance Step toward right wall with left foot with a rising palm Punch with right hand, inward block with left hand Step back with right foot facing back wall into sudo block in back stance #1 front kick with the left leg landing left foot forward Horizontal spear thrust with left hand, horizontal spear thrust with the right hand #2 side kick with the left foot, landing facing front wall in sudo block Turn 180 into sudo block, turn again 180 to sudo Horse stance facing right wall, press block with right hand one, press block two, press block three 3/4 turn back facing back wall to a low block with right foot forward in front stance #2 side kick with right leg to a #3 stepping side kick landing right foot forward in front stance Double punch, shift to the right into back stance and press block to the right Step forward with right foot into front stance, inward hammer fist Aim with the left hand, reverse smash with the right in front stance Load hands on the side step forward into X stance and double punch low Step into front stance with left foot, rising palm strike with the right hand Punch with the left hand, inward hammer fist with the right hand Load hands on right hip, turn left back facing back wall Ridge hand with the right hand (throat grab) #2 side kick with right leg to #3 stepping side kick Land facing back facing front, load hands on hips in front stance Double punch low, load, inward hammer fist with right hand Step forward with right foot 3/4 facing left wall into horse stance Out block with left hand one, out block two, out block three Turn and twin low block toward back wall in back stance Turn 180 and twin low block toward front wall in back stance Spin with left foot around facing right wall into horse stance and double high out block Turn 180 with right foot facing left wall into horse stance and double high out block Step toward back wall with right foot into right foot front stance and hi block with right arm Punch with the left hand, turn backward facing front wall with left foot into left foot front stance and hi block with left arm and punch with right hand Back to ready position