Beginners guide to Modelling

UK Models are the countries leading modelling support service. We have over 14 years of understanding of how the industry works so we are the first port of call for any new face looking for advice and support when wanting to make it as a .

We can also help you find out if modelling is something that you show potential in, the type of modelling you are suited to, help you to create and build an industry standard model portfolio and also provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about whether or not to take the model agency or freelance route.

Types of Modelling

When a lot of people think about modelling it normally brings up images of , Lily Cole, and strutting their stuff on week catwalks and featuring in high fashion designer brand advertisements in magazines. However the world of modelling is made up of a lot more opportunities, what you may not realise is there is so much more out there. You only need to look online, at brochures, catalogues, promotional material to see that models are used by all kinds of companies/brands/blogs/magazines etc to sell products, services or as visuals to go with their articles. Models can also be used for extra’s work, promotions and event work. So as well as the high end fashion agencies out there, there are also those that work with fashion, catalogue, commercial, teen, classic, child, fitness or plus sized models. UK Models can guide you through these categories and help you understand which, if any, are right for you.

Applying to Agencies

When applying to agencies it is important to know exactly who they are and how they operate. It is also important to establish if they really are an agency at all. Many companies can look like an agency but are in fact fall under a number of different services whether it be a model hosting site, a casting directory, a model support service like ourselves or just a photography studio that can create you a portfolio.

The two main types of company that will be able to find a model work or you can use to find work are a model agency or the freelance route via casting directories.

So what is the difference?

1. Model agencies: Model agencies work in the same way as a temp agency. Every agency will have a number of models on their books that they market and promote to companies and individuals that need professional experienced models for their latest campaign, advertisement or promotion.

An agency will work hard to build up their client base and the models on their books so they can match the client with the perfect model to meet their requirements. When an agency successfully matches a model with a client they will agree a fee for the models time and out of this fee the agency will take a percentage as their finders fee. In the industry this is called their commission.

The biggest names in the model agency world are amongst others Storm, Premier, Models 1, Select and Elite. These agencies are the famous household names due to their big name fashion and editorial models. However in the whole of the model agency industry they only make up a very small percentage of all the agencies in the world.

Therefore they are extremely hard to get into and their requirements for their models are very rigid. These agencies scout their models and once they are signed the agency will invest a lot of money into training, building up their experience as well as creating the model a bespoke portfolio that they will pay off over the modeling jobs that they complete in the future.

However you only need to look at magazines, catalogues, on the internet, billboards or any other type of promotion material to see that its is not only high end models that are making a career out of modeling. There is a huge call for models that do not fit into the high end model mould and there are hundreds of agencies in the country that work with these models to build their careers.

These agencies may have minimal hosting charges or joining fees for maintenance and marketing purposes as they don’t have the same budget as that of the high end global agencies. However models should expect to make this up over future work that the agency find them.

Please note that no agency will be able to guarantee a model work.

2. Casting Directories: Casting directories are websites that businesses, photographers and individuals can use to advertise castings and jobs direct to models.

Models can host their profile on these sites and then apply to any of the advertised castings with their professional modeling images or by directing the clients to their professional modeling websites.

Due to the internet and with it the introduction of casting directories there has been a major shift towards freelancing in the modeling industry. Using casting directories to find freelance work brings with it greater flexibility in what you apply to, the times that you work and it also means that models do not need have to pay a percentage of their fee to an agent. However models need to be very proactive when applying to castings and also be very self motivated. The number of casting directories are growing and the number of castings on them even more so. However you need to be aware of what you are signing up to and many ask for a very small monthly charge before you can see their online castings so it is best to get advice before handing over your credit card details.

Know who your applying to..

Due to the modeling world being under regulated it is often confusing knowing exactly where to start in terms of breaking in to the industry. Many people find that they look online and it is difficult to tell the difference between legitimate agencies, portfolio companies, casting directories and companies that are just after making some money out of your lack of knowledge in the industry.

This is why many models nowadays enter the world of modelling using a model support service like ours. UK Models can help take all the confusion out of knowing which agencies are going to work hard for you and those that are happy to take your money and not actually find you any work. They can also advise you on how to approach the agencies and once you start hearing back from them then advise you on your options. UK Models can also help you create and build an independent modeling portfolio which can be used to approach agencies and then by the agencies to promote you. With an independent portfolio you could also use them with more than one agency (if your contract allows) and to kick start your freelance modeling career.

So what happens now?

If you are still interested in wanting to pursue a career in the modelling industry, contact us immediately to avoid missing out!