
436 Great Problems in and Physics - Solved?

as language game 17, 103, 331 Index attack on 53 causa sui an oxymoron 217–220 A not 420 abduction 132–137, 145 paradoxes of xiii absorber theory of radiation 283 pseudo problems of 132 abstract entities Annas, Julia 64 and 103 a posteriori 29, 111–115, 150 information as 5–6, 57, 331–334 a priori in the mind 157, 304 as foundation 116 metaphysics and 17, 25 Bertrand Russell on 219 and 55 epistemology and 107–111 universals as 120 information philosophy and xiii, 331–334 acausality 71–77, 152, 172, 255 Kant and 111 action-at-a-distance 132–137, 233, 377 metaphysics and 18–19, 28 actualism 23, 28–30, 107–117 mind and 150 actual possible 25–27 Aquinas 131 adenosine triphosphate (ATP) 323–326 Arcesilaus 108 adequate Aristotle as result of averaging 7, 198, 308 determinism and 218, 223 as statistical 219 entelechy and 12 detailed balancing and 291 epistemology and 104 free and 68–69, 70–77, 163, 172, 247, 385 mind and 151–153, 156 mental causation and 187 on 19 mind and 157, 189–198 on chance and 67–70, 379 physical laws and 218 on essentialism 41–42 Aenesidemus 108 on metaphysics 35–39, 50 agent 63, 76–77, 172 on the good 80 Alexander, Samuel 298 on time 279 Allen, Woody 101 ontology and 55 Alston, William 114 on universals 119 alternative possibilities Armstrong, David 114 animals have 82 Arrow, Kenneth 92 as agenda in mind 221–222 arrow of time as metaphysical 27 cosmological arrow 277, 283 come to mind 187 decoherence and 251, 254–257 free will and 22, 70–77, 332–335, 392–393 growth of information 338, 343 Harry Frankfurt denied 113 historical arrow 281 in cosmic creation 412–415 irreversibility and 285 past as 405–407 radiation arrow 282 chance and 66, 157, 163 thermodynamic arrow 277 Aspect, Alain 238

Index R. E. Hobart and 220–221 Index Schrödinger’s cat and 274 association of ideas 167, 173, 398 the will evaluating 172 68, 99, 382, 384 on 385 ATP synthase 184–187, 321–329 amino acids 181 Augustine 185 analytic language philosophy autocatalytic 314–317 analytic-synthetic distinction 110, 122 axiom of measurement 190, 192, 201, 234, as ambiguous 20 252–255, 367–372 Index 437

Ayer, A. J. xi, 112–116 Boltzmann entropy B arrow of time and 277 cosmic creation and 413 Baade, Walter 414–417 flows of 354 Baars, Bernard 69, 70, 167, 403 measurement and 203, 209 Bacon, Francis 83–89, 131 recurrence and 294 Barthes, Roland 141 Shannon entropy and 350 Bauer, Edmond 212 Boltzmann, Ludwig 19 arrow of time and 277 behaviorism 141, 148 Boltzmann factor and 290, 346, 352, 361 being 19, 41, 50–52, 106 Boltzmann principle 290 Bell inequalities 237, 238 H-Theorem of 93, 285, 334–337 Bell, John Stewart Loschmidt reversibility and 260–267 decoherence and 253–256 on entropy increase 413–416 on entanglement 245–247 on of atoms 46, 52–53, 134, 362 on his inequalities 237 on gas laws 161, 345, 382 on measurement 213 Born, Max , 250–253, 365, 376, 383 on and beables 192 367–368 on the shifty split 211, 259 bottom-up 160, 180, 186, 297, 306 Belsham, William 222 Brahe, Tycho 131 Bergson, Henri 300 Brentano, Franz 144 Bertalanffy, Ludwig von 334–337 Brillouin, Leon 278, 334–337 beyond and language 153, 419–421 British empiricists 121, 180 binding problem 166, 168, 398 Broad, C.D. 299 biocommunications 41, 319–322, 419–421 Brownian motion 345 biological information processor 12–13, 141, Brown, Robert 134 148, 311–314, 320–323 Buckle, Henry Thomas 348, 382 biological machines 319–329 Burke, Michael 34 biosemiotics 20, 63, 419–421 birefringent crystal 207–212 C blackboard model 69, 167 Cajal, Santiago Ramón y 396 Black, Max 32 calculus of probabilities 345, 381 Bohm, David 213, 235, 237, 239, 253–256, Calvin, Melvin 313 266–267 Campbell, Donald 64, 177 Bohr atom 135, 364, 387 Campbell, Jeremy 319 Bohr, Niels Carnap, Rudolf 52–53, 112–116, 126, 144, 159 and Lord Rutherford 387 Carneades 108 denied light quanta 353 Cartesian theater 167 measurement problem and 212 carving nature at joints 44, 58, 126–129 on Copenhagen Interpretation 192, 201 Cassirer, Ernst 211, 223 on Correspondence Principle 193, 198 causal closure on decoherence 249–252, 258–261 bottom up 186, 297–298 on free choice of experimenter 246–247 eliminative and 172 on universals 123 mental causation and 187 quantum postulates of 269 of physical world xi Index and 203 and 148 von Neumann processes and 205 causality Bois-Reymond, Emil du 223 agent. See agent causality Boltzmann constant 334, 351 Aristotle on 106 438 Great Problems in Philosophy and Physics - Solved?

determinism and 218 decoherence and 252–257 event. See event causality Einstein and 363 mind as causal force 21, 57, 155 entanglement and 233, 235, 237, 240 causa sui 69, 217, 218, 380, 386 irreversibility and 285 18–53, 110–114, 122–129, 190–195, many worlds split by 29 218, 231 measurement and 201 Chaisson, Eric 354 von Neumann process and 205 Chalmers, David 22, 162, 168 colocation 33–35 chance 379–393 communication 10, 19 as atheistic 68, 99 community of inquirers 405–407 as fifth cause 106, 129, 379 67, 76–77, 157, 218, 223 as greedy in Darwin 420 complementarity 123–129, 201 as ontological 196–199, 335, 354, 409 complex adaptive system 313 as real 5, 345 composition 39, 43 calculus of probabilities and 381 Compton, Arthur Holly 64–66 cosmic creation and 412 computational mind 148, 185, 311–314, C. S. Peirce and 420 395–398 De Moivre doctrine of 382 computer model 332–335 determinism and 217 Comte, August 52 Einstein’s discovery of 291, 354, 369, 376, 388 concept of mind 153 Epicurus on 379 conceptual analysis 20–53 free will and 64, 76–77, 392 connectionist 165, 171 God and 99 consciousness 165–169 metaphysics and 15 binding problem and 166 ontology and 57 emergence of 304 open future and 219 ERR and 395–398, 401–404 origin of life and 315, 322–325 hard problem of 3, 22, 153, 341 physicists on 261, 365 measurement and 212 Schrödinger’s cat and 272 mind and 147, 151 second law and 382 mind-body and 157 von Neumann process and 370 self and 171, 173 chaperone 305, 318–329 Theater of 69 character 70, 73, 157, 163, 172, 221, 401 conscious observer chemiosmosis 323, 328 biosemiotics and 420 Chisholm, Roderick 34, 40, 63, 114 dependence on 391 34, 67, 109–113, 380 measurement by 189, 207, 210–214, 257–258 Churchlands, Paul and Patricia 162 required 190, 198–199, 225 Cicero, Marcus Tullius 108 conservation laws 240–243 citric acid cycle 314, 329 constitution 43, 44 Clarke, Randolph 63 content-addressable memory 396 Clauser, John 238 contingency xiii, 23–25, 29, 49, 331–334 coarse-grained 347, 350, 352 continuity 7, 43, 46, 48, 58, 377 Index Index codon 318 or discreteness 58 Cogito 66, 109–113, 171 Conway, John 246–247 cognitive science 12, 147, 340 Copenhagen interpretation 189, 190, 192–195, coinciding objects 33–35 201, 241, 252–255, 377, 391 collapse of the 225–231 copy theory 120 actualizing a possibility 25, 190, 195–196 correspondence principle 193, 197, 203–206, cosmic creation and 412 267 Index 439 correspondence theory xiii, 6, 331–334 detailed balancing 290 cosmic creation process 409–417 determination 217 all information created by 10, 341 determinism 217–223 emergence and 297, 304 adequate. See adequate determinism free will and 332 chance and 379, 392 God and 98, 98–101 decoherence and 255 information structures and 191–192 determination and 220 measurement and 210–213 emergence of 186, 222, 297, 307, 342 mind and 149 free will and 66–69 mind-body and 155 history of 222 value and 86 illusion of 5 50 and 219 flatness problem 414 in physics 48–49 horizon problem 417 laws of motion and 190 missing mass 416 measuring apparatus and 189 creativity 11–13, 64, 71–77, 81–89, 133–137, one future of. See one possible future 157, 304 philosophers on 28, 110–114 Crick, Francis 162 return of 204, 365, 377 criterion Schrödinger’s cat and 269 for essence 32 statistical. See statistical determinism for identity 31 and 245 crystallization 413 time when no 308 cybernetics 334 Dewey, John 112 D DeWitt, Bryce 253 Diodorus Cronus 28, 107–111 Dalton, John 134 Dion and Theon 15, 34–36 Darwin, Charles 80–89 Dirac 3-polarizers 193, 238, 273, 275 Davidson, Donald 162, 177 Dirac, P.A.M. Davies, P. C. W. 245 projection postulate of 201, 214, 225, 234, 261 De Broglie, Louis 364, 377 and 250–253, 366–374 decoherence 249–267 superposition and 270 cosmic creation and 413 discovery 18, 21, 56, 98–101, 120–129 denies projection postulate 369 discreteness 58, 336. See also continuity measurement and 194, 202 dissipative systems 313, 409–412 what’s right with 261 DNA 80–89, 181–187, 194, 314–317 what’s wrong with 263 Donald, Merlin 127, 150 deduction 132 downward causation 160, 177, 187, 298, 303, de-liberation 71 305 Democritus 218, 347, 379 Dretske, Fred 114 De Moivre, Abraham 382 Driesch, Hans 300 Dennett, Daniel 28, 64–67, 162, 167, 403 dual-aspect 162 Derrida, Jacques 122, 140, 144 dualisms 155, 162, 172, 304 Descartes, René in metaphysics 49–50 and 51, 109 Duns Scotus, John 51–53 mind-body and 152, 156, 160

dynamic information model 6, 7, 48, 332–335 Index on Newton 237 reflex arc and 171 E substances and 177, 304 Eccles, John 157, 162 value as Ergo and 83–84 Eddington, Arthur Stanley 277, 285, 295, 337–340 440 Great Problems in Philosophy and Physics - Solved?

Edwards, Jonathan 42 ERR and 404 Ego 171, 259–262 higher-level properties and 160 Ehrenfest Theorems 252 laws of motion and 190–193 Eigen, Manfred 313 major emergences 149–150 eigenstate 192, 205–208 mental causation and 177 einselection 252 mind from matter as 179–180 Einstein, Albert of determinism 186 atoms existence proven by 46, 52 origin of life as 311 blackbody radiation and 353, 376 thoughts as emerging 63 Bohr and 203 three kinds of 339 Bohr atom and 364 emotions 167 Born rule and 366 Brownian motion and 345 British 51, 180 critic of quantum theory, as 217 logical 112, 132 determinism return and 365 and 19 discoveries in quantum mechanics 235 endurance 60 entanglement and 233, 377 energy father of quantum theory, as 354 ATP carriers of 321–325 fluctuations and 93 Boltzmann factor and 352 ghost field 365, 377 communicates information 16, 343 God and dice and 261, 354, 369, 384 conserved 12, 16, 55, 155, 240 incoming spherical waves and 282 flows 354 induction failure and 134 free 313 light quantum hypothesis of 361–364, 377 levels in Bohr atom 269, 353, 364 local and 234 matter converted to 43 Maxwell-Boltzmann and 353 mental causation and 185 nonlocality and , 229 momentum and 388 nonseparability and 234, 377 quanta of 353, 361, 363 on faster than light 256 solar 358 ontological chance and 99, 196, 261, 412–415 entanglement 233–247 and 362 decoherence and 252, 264 Podolsky and Rosen and 235, 264 Einstein’s discovery of 377 quantum statistics and 377 instantaneous information and 231 Schrödinger’s cat and 269 Schrödinger’s cat and 269–270 transition probabilities and 377 entelechy 12, 45, 301, 303 visualization of reality and 192 entropy wave-particle duality and 363, 377 arrow of time and 277–283 Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen 204, 231, 233, 237, Boltzmann. See Boltzmann entropy 240 information and 334–337, 342 electrochemical gradient 326 irreversibility and 288 electron transfer chain 328 mind-body and 155 eliminative materialism 17, 23, 55, 148, negative. See negative entropy Index Index 159–163, 172 second law and 7–9, 345–359 embodiment 92–95, 155, 163, 178, 185, Shannon. See Shannon entropy 332–335 value and 81–89 emergence 297–309 Epicurus 64, 223, 379 biological machines as 184 epiphenomenal 148, 160, 162, 174, 298 determinism as 220, 222, 307–308 epistemology 103–117 dualisms and 162 history of 104 Index 441

internalist 109 external world metaphysics and 17, 106 alternative possibilities and 74 naturalized 115, 141 epistemology and 107, 116, 153 other minds and 174 metaphysics and 21 Schrödinger’s cat and 272 ontology and 56 equilibrium 409 self and 173 Ergo 83–89, 100, 171, 343 extrinsic information 30–35 Ergod 83–89, 100 F ergodic 84–89, 100, 311–314, 341, 411–414 ERR. See recorder and reproducer faster-than-light 61, 204–207, 230, 233, 234, error detection 421 235, 256 essentialism 16, 32, 42, 45–47, 331–334 218 79–89 Feigl, Herbert 159, 162, 186, 309 event causality 63 Feynman, Richard 226, 234, 270, 283, 345, 417 Everett III, Hugh 29, 42, 76, 225, 253–256, Fischer, John Martin 64 267, 369 Fisher, R.A. 142 Evil 91–95, 98 Fitch, F. B. 24 evolution flagellum 321–329 chance element in 315–318 flatness problem 414 emergent 303 flows ERR and 403 communicating information 145, 333 metaphysics and 22 matter and energy 9, 12, 311, 317 mind and 149 negative and positive entropy 313, 339, 354 story of 311–314 Foot, Phillipa 220 teleonomy in 41 form 5–8, 91, 119, 331–334 universe and 312 Fouillée, Alfred 384 excluded middle 106 Fox, George 328 79–89 Frankfurt cases 113 Exner, Franz 383 Frankfurt, Harry 113 experience recorder and reproducer 395–407 free choice of experimenter 195, 246, 250–253 binding problem and 398 free creation 71, 137 consciousness and 165, 401 of human mind xvii, 134 Donald Hebb and 6 Freedman, Stuart j. 238 epistemology and 116 freedom 67 free will and 63, 70 free energy 311–313, 354–357 ideas and 33 free will 63–77 material change and 358 alternative possibilities and 74 meaning and 139, 141, 144 behaviorists denied 148 meanings of words and 48 chance and 385, 392 mind and 151, 405 creativity and 77 mind-body and 163 determinism and 217–220 neural correlates and 187 emergence and 304 self and 171–173 information and 332, 342 speed and power of 399 temporal sequence in 71 two-stage model of 64

value and 82 Index what it’s like to be 405 Free Will Theorem 246–247 workings of 400 Frege, Gottlob 9–13, 33, 126, 140, 144, extensionalism 32, 141, 145 419–421 fundamental question 280, 409–412 442 Great Problems in Philosophy and Physics - Solved?

G H Gabor, Dennis 142 Hadamard, Jacques 64 galaxies, stars, and planets Haldane, J.B.S. 313 cosmic creation and 11, 410–413 Hameroff, Stuart 162 downward causation and 180 Hamilton, Sir William 223 emergence of 304 69 entropy and 341, 356 hard problem. See consciousness measurement and 203 Hartman, Hyman 328 mind and 153 heat death 337–340, 355 open universe and 8 Hebb, Donald 6, 165, 397, 406–407 origins of 311–314, 316 Heidegger, Martin 21, 64, 122 self-organization of 150 Heil, John 177 Gatlin, Lila 314 Heisenberg, Werner Geiger counter 202, 271 on classical world 198 genetic code 328 on free choice 162, 212 geophysics 312 on observables 135 Georgescu-Roegen, Nicolas 89 on the cut (Schnitt) 193, 210, 249–252 Gettier, Edmund 113–114 on visualization 192 Gettier problems 113 uncertainty principle of 202, 205, 307, 390 ghost in the machine 147, 157, 171, 304, 340 Helmholtz, Hermann 337–340 Gibbs, J. Willard 279, 287 hidden variables 198, 204–207, 217, 237, 238, Gifford Lectures 300 369 Gisin, Nicolas 239, 245 history 9 Global Workspace Theory 69, 167, 403 Holt, Richard 238 God 97–101 Homer 101 Aristotle’s 50–53 horizon problem 417 causa sui and 386 Horne, Michael 238 chance and 68, 382 H-Theorem 93, 285–291, 287, 334–337, 351, determinism and 218 383 Ergod and 99 Hubble, Edwin 277, 414–417 existence of 98 human ignorance xvii, 99, 379, 381, 382 foreknowledge of 336 Hume, David Kant and 147 on bundle theory of self 173–174 occasionalists and 162 on causality 219 omniscience of 99 on chance and necessity 386 theodicy and 98 on induction 131 value and 79 on metaphysics 110 God does not play dice 261, 354, 369, 376, 390 on naturalism and determinism 21, 84 Goldman, Alvin 114 on “ought” from “is” 79 Good 79, 91–95, 97, 150 on primary and secondary experience 121 Google xviii, 396–399 on religion 108 Index Index Gottfried, Kurt 250–253 on uniformity of nature 136 Great Year 293 Husserl, Edmund 32, 144 Grice, H. P. 141 hydrophobic 326 Growing Argument 15 hydrophylic 326 Guth, Alan 416 hypothetico-deductive method 133 Index 443

I von Neumann Process 1 and 370 indistinguishable 236, 240, 266–267, 270 icon 145 induction 110–117, 131–137 16–19, 49–50, 92, 155, 331–334 information 331–343 identity age 149 Aristotle on 106–107 consciousness 165, 402 criterion for 31 generation 191, 313–316 relative 30 immortality and 101 self- 30 in biology 317–326, 419–421 transworld 24 intrinsic and extrinsic 30 illusion negative entropy and 334, 342 determinism as 5, 345 not a conserved quantity 155, 191 free will as 77 objective value as 84 metaphysics as 51 ontology and 55 mind as 158, 298 origins of 311 out of order 306, 340 on noumena and phenomena 147 processing xi, 82 immaterial science 340 abstract entities as 57 theory 340 arrangement as 16 information interpretation of quantum concepts, thoughts as 86, 172 mechanics 189–199, 234, 254–257 Ego or self as 171 information philosophy God as 97 defined 3–4 human spirit as 52 three worlds of 9–13 hypothesis as 133 information structures information as xiii, 3, 117, 306 arrangements of matter 155 mind as 63, 141, 147, 150, 155 as objective value 85–89, 92 Plato’s forms as 91 biological machines as 319 probability and possibilities as 366 brain as 141, 185 soul and spirit as 377 chaperones as 326 immortality 52–53, 86–89, 97–101, 147 creation of 13, 94, 354–356, 411–414 indeterminacy dynamic models of 7, 48, 331–338 causa sui and 69 elementary particles as 356 Heisenberg principle and 201, 265, 286, 307 emergence of 11, 198, 297, 302 ontological chance and 390 ERR and 151, 166, 400 indeterminism 219–220 experiments and 133, 370 alternative possibilities and 74–75 fundamental question and 280, 409 as averaged over 198 galaxies, stars, planets as 8, 46, 150, 153 as “true” 67, 380, 392 good as embodied in 92 Dennett rejects 66 guides to action 404 Descartes on 147 in measurements 192–193 determinism and 217 knowledge in mind as 21, 117, 158, 174, 185 Einstein and 377, 387, 391 life as 150 free will and 75–76, 247 material objects as 120 in biology 321

negative entropy as 191–192 Index open futures and 412 origins of 311–316 quantum mechanics and 189 recorded experiences as 166 self and 171 value to preserve 83 some physicists deny 377 instinct 82, 169, 299, 403 unhelpful in mind 160 444 Great Problems in Philosophy and Physics - Solved?

intention 141, 333–336, 404–407 K interactionism 156, 162, 163 Kane, Robert 63–66, 68, 76–77 interactor 48–49, 317 Kant, Immanuel internalism 109–113, 114 on a priori reason 52 interpretant 144, 145 on deterministic social laws 382 interpretations on Hume skepticism 110–111 Copenhagen. See Copenhagen interpretation on noumena and phenomena 91, 121, 152 of signs. See biosemiotics on scandal in philosophy 116 other, of quantum mechanics 198 Kelvin, Lord 223, 334–337 statistical. See statistical interpretation Kepler, Johannes 131 intersubjective agreement 48, 111–117, 175 Kim, Jaegwon 15–53, 160, 162, 178, 186 intrinsic information 30–35, 49 kleos 101 introspection 106–107, 110, 148, 151, 404. See knowledge 5, 103–117, 119, 139, 331–334 also reflection Koch, Christof 162 invention 15, 18, 21, 56, 120–129 Kochen, Simon 246–247 ion pump 183, 306, 321–324 Kosslyn, Stephen 64 iron-sulfur 328 Kripke, Saul 24–27, 32, 34, 77, 145 irreversibility 285–291 Küppers, Bernd-Olaf 319 arrow of time and 277 cosmic creation and 413 L decoherence and 252–255, 257–260 Landau, Lev 204, 213, 250–253 in measurements 208 language Loschmidt objection to 351 ambiguity-free 4, 48, 137, 139 quantum mechanics and 189 as game 17, 103, 331–334 von Neumann Process and 371 biosemiotics and 317–320 isomorphism philosophy. See analytic language philosophy as experimental evidence 133 Laplace, Pierre Simon, Marquis de 335–338, as metaphysical facts 21 381 correspondence theory and 117 Laplace’s demon 28, 335–338, 342 epistemology and 103 large quantum numbers 203, 265–267 in concepts 33 law of large numbers 193, 198 knowledge as 5, 17, 153, 174, 331–334 laws of nature 21, 68, 186, 197, 220, 299, 343, representation as 56 383 J Layzer, David 64, 210, 280, 337–340, 356 learning 404 Jakobson, Roman 143, 421 Lehrer, Keith 63 James, William Leibniz, Gottfried 4, 18–53, 48, 48–51, on alternative possibilities 385 110–114, 139 on antipathy to chance 261, 274 Leśniewski, Stanislaw 39 on compatibilism 218 Leucippus 218, 347, 379 on dilemma of determinism 223 Lewes, George Henry 298 on loosemess in joints 180 Index Index Lewis, C.I. 114, 144 on neutral 161 Lewis, David 23, 25, 29, 42–44, 46, 47, 60, 76 on stream of consciousness 167, 399 libertarian 67, 76–77, 157, 171, 222–223 on two-stage model of free will 64 life on unconsciousness 405 emergence of 150 Joos, Erich 251–254, 260–267 information in 12 Jordan, Pascual 192, 250–253 love and death and 327 origin of 311–329 Index 445 light quantum hypothesis 269, 353, 361–367 problem of 4, 139 linguistic analysis. See analytic language reference and 126 philosophy sense and 9, 33, 126 linguistic turn 136 measurement Lloyd Morgan, C. 298 apparatus 189, 202, 249 Locke, John 51–53, 121 axiom of. See axiom of measurement logical empiricism 132 collapse and 215, 225 logical 132 conscious observer and 211, 214 logical puzzles 17–21, 37, 103, 331–334 in decoherence 251 London, Fritz 212 in Dirac 3 polarizers 375 Long, Anthony 64 in entanglement 234 loopholes 239, 246–247 in quantum physics 3 Lorenz, Konrad 111, 150 irreversible 208, 288 Loschmidt, Josef 260–267, 285, 293, 350, 383 observation and 214 Loschmidt paradox 263–267, 287, 293 problem of 201–215 Lowe, E. Jonathan 22, 34, 63, 64 von Neumnn Processes and 205 LUCA (last universal common ancestor) 322 measurement apparatus 189, 202–205, Lucretius 64–65, 379 207–210, 249–252 M measurement problem 201–215, 251–264, 275 Mele, Alfred 64, 177 Mach, Ernst 52–53, 133, 161 mental causation 177–187 MacKay, Donald 142 adequately determined 186 MacLeish, Archibald 99 as downward causation 158, 160, 298 macroscopic superpositions 251 emergence of 179 man not a machine 152, 395 ion pumps and 183 many worlds 49, 204, 225, 253–256 Kim on 179 Marcus, Ruth Barcan 24, 47 molecular machines and 187 Margenau, Henry 64 problem of 152 master argument 28 mental event 177, 186 material 11–13, 19–20, 151, 179–180 mental state 405–407 materialism mereological essentialism 40 eliminative. See eliminative materialism mereological 40, 47 idealism and 49, 92, 155, 331 mereological universalism 39, 47–50 in metaphysics 15–18 messages 141, 144, 311–314, 314–317, Maxwell-Boltzmann 348, 352, 388 317–320, 333 Maxwell, James Clerk 134, 278, 345, 361 messenger RNA 318 Maxwell’s Demon 184 Messiah, Albert 250–253 Mayr, Ernst 41 metabolic cycle 314, 328 McCall, Storrs 64 metaphysicians 21 meaning 139–145 metaphysicist 21, 22 as use 20, 140, 145, 318, 333 metaphysics 15–53 epistemology and 115 actualism and 28 ERR and 395 Aristotle’s 35, 106, 120 in biosemiotics 419–421 coinciding objects and 33 information and 333

composition and 39 Index intension and extension as 125 cosmic creation and 411 of meaning 139–140 epistemology and 17, 106 of messages 311, 317 essentialism in 45 of words 332 history of 49–52 446 Great Problems in Philosophy and Physics - Solved?

Hume on 110 Wittgenstein’s xiii identity and 30 modern 128 immaterial information and 3, 331 molecular disorder 285, 287 mind and 147, 151, 153, 156, 307 monadology 162 modal logic is not 47 Monod, Jacques 41 naming and 24 Moore, G. E. xi nature of reality and 15 72–77, 75–77 ontology and 56 morphology 318, 419–421 panicky 53, 63 motion we call heat 355 possibilities in 5, 19 motive power 326 possible worlds and 22 mysteries puzzles in 37 of entanglement 233, 266 self and 171, 175 of nonlocality 241 Stoics and 35–37 of quantum mechanics 157, 204, 226, 234 temporal parts in 42 N universals and 119 microscopic reversibility 263 Nagel, Thomas 142 Miller, Stanley 313 naturalism 19, 52–53 Mill, John Stuart 84–89, 140, 298 117, 141 mind 147–153 natural kinds 32, 45–49, 58 as immaterial 147, 148, 155 necessity. See also possibilities causal closure of 152 Aristotle and 107 computational 148, 185, 311, 395 chance and 19, 379 ERR and 163 contingency and 24 identical to brain 158–163 determinism and 223 information evolved to 149 Hume on 219 mind-body and 155–163 in natural world none 18, 49 model of 63, 150–151, 166, 175, 395 Leucippus on 218 not a computer 395 metaphysical 47 of conscious observer 206–209 modal logic and 47 other minds and 173 necessitism and 25 over matter 172 of identity 5, 24, 49 philosophy of 149, 152, 161, 177, 405 of naming 24, 145 scandal in psychology 147 parts as 45 mind-body problem 91, 155–163, 186 true in all possible worlds 49 mind-brain identity 158, 162, 163 and xiii, 331 Minsky, Marvin 167 negative entropy mirror neurons 406, 419–421 as objective good 92 missing mass 416 as providence 86 mitochondria 184–187 as Shannon entropy 335 Mnesarchus 35, 38 as value 8, 89 modal logic 47–53 biosemiotics and 419 Index Index models. See two-stage model; mind, model of communications and 143 as knowledge representation 48 cosmic creation and 409–414 as visualizations 4 decoherence and 258–261 biological machine 320–329 dissipative processes and 313–316 connectionist 152 emergence of 338 dynamical 6 Ergod and 100 of information structures 331 flows of 94, 143, 339, 355–359 Index 447

in economics 89 omniscience 97 information as 8, 191 one possible future 5, 23, 28, 67, 217, 219, 361, Layzer on 280 386 life feeds on 183, 303, 334 ontological chance 196, 345, 412–415 measurement and 215 ontology 17–23, 50, 55–61, 119, 150 moral code and 84 open future 67, 217, 361, 380 negentropy or 278 Operin, A.I. 313 order out of order 306 order quantum physics and 361 out of chaos 11, 61, 302, 313–316, 339–342 neural correlates 158, 165, 187 out of order 183, 303, 306, 339–342 neurons origin of information 311–329 ion pumps in 183, 325 origin of life 311–329 mirror 406, 419 other minds 173–175 wired together 165, 406 otherwise 23, 67 neuroscience 147, 177 ought from is 79 neutral monism 161 outside space and time Newell, Allan 69, 167, 403 as solution to nonlocality 246 Newton, Isaac 84, 131, 278 determinism restored 217 Nietzsche, Friedrich 21, 293 ideal world as 9 noise 157, 258, 332–335, 392 information not 16 119 Kant’s noumena as 152 non-contradiction 106 Plato’s forms as 91 non-existent objects 58 truth as 19, 49 nonlocality P as mystery 241 decoherence and 252 pain 174 Einstein’s discovery of 233–236, 363, 376 panicky metaphysics 53, 63 in entanglement 265–266 panpsychism 149, 161, 162 in quantum world 198 paradoxes 331 of entangled particles 233 parallel universes 198, 234 of single particle 229 Parmenides 19, 50–53 outside space and time 246 part 44 non-reductive physicalism 163, 185 path 206 nonseparability 377 path information Einstein’s discovery of 235–237, 377 collisions erase 258, 262–263 in entanglement 234, 241 determinism conserves 288 normal distribution 382 irreversibility and 287–290 nothingness 412 unobservable 135, 206 noumenal 21, 91–95, 121–129, 147 Pauli exclusion principle 270 nucleotide 318–321 peculiar qualifications 30, 36 Peirce, Charles Sanders 10, 132, 384, 405–407, O 419–421, 420–421 objective value 89 Penrose, Roger 64, 162, 244, 282 135 perdurance 60 Occam’s Razor 43 Perrin, Jean 134 Index Occam, William of 131 persistence condition 35, 42, 60 O’Connor, Timothy 63 phase space 346–351, 383 Ogden, C.K. 140 phenomena 21, 91–95, 121–129, 147 omnipotence 97–99 Philo of Larissa, 108 448 Great Problems in Philosophy and Physics - Solved?

philosophy prediction 404 of information 420 Presocratics 104 of language 3, 420 Price, Huw 246 of mind 177 Prigogine, Ilya 313 photons principle of sufficient reason 110 as fundamental particles 10, 410 principle of superposition as light quanta 361 as standard quantum physics 190, 367–372 Einstein’s discovery of 361 collapse and 225, 231 in cosmic background 309 decoherence and 252–255 in EPR tests 238 entanglement and 234–235 measurement of 207 in Dirac 3 polarizers 371–375 photosynthesis and 326 measurement and 201, 208 solar 94, 312, 317 Schrödinger’s cat and 270 waves large numbers of 264 probabilities physicalism 15, 156, 297 calculus of 345, 381 picture of reality 48, 145, 331–334 for each possibility 196 Pittendrigh, Colin 41 near certainty 68 Place, U.T. 159 Planck constant 142, 193, 202–205, 288, 307, as immaterial 366 347 Born rule 366, 389 Planck, Max 235, 269, 274, 294, 346–353, 361, collapses 225 387 entanglement and 240 Plato 19, 80–89, 91, 104–109, 119, 151 evolving deterministically 255, 371 Platonic ideas 5, 16, 119, 156 for two particles 266 Plutarch 36 in decoherence 254 Podolsky, Boris 235 interference with itself , 272, 229–230 Poincaré, Henri 64, 294, 351, 386 in two-slit experiment 229 pointer states 258–261, 262–267 measurement and 201 Popper, Karl 9–13, 112–116, 126, 137, 157, wave function as 29 162 problems positivism 52–53 measurement. See measurement problem possibilism 25, 49 metaphysical. See metaphysics possibilities. See alternative possibilities mind-body. See mind-body problem actualization of 189, 195 of evil. See evil existence of 5, 412 of free will. See free will free will and 71–77 of induction. See induction function 190, 196 of knowledge. See epistemology in horse race 229 of meaning. See meaning in mental causation 185 processes, von Neumann in metaphysics 15, 19, 22 process 1 205, 208, 214, 265–267, 285, 370 metaphysical 19–20 process 2 206, 265–267 possible worlds and 22, 49 process 3 207 Index Index not basis for 47 projection postulate 367–371. See universe expansion and 16 also collapse of the wave function wave function as 265 actualization of possibilities 195–196 possible worlds 18, 47, 49, 53, 76, 112–117 as standard quantum physics 190, 197, 231 post-modern 128, 141 decoherence and 202, 251–254, 261–262 pragmatics 318, 419–421 entanglement and 234 pre-determinism 67, 186, 217, 223, 241, 307 in measurement 201, 214 Index 449 proper part 41–43, 44 R propositions 103, 136 radiation distribution law 352–353 Protagoras 95 Ramsey, Frank 114 Providence 21, 81–89, 99 67, 189, 217, 304, 325–328. See pseudo-isotropy 291 also chance; indeterminism pseudo-problems 132 reader-response theory 144 psychology receiver 144, 332–335 behaviorism in 141 recurrence information in 3 entropy and 351 metaphysics and 51 extreme improbability of 295 reduction of epistemology to 115 problem of 293–295 scandal in 147 Zermelo and 351 two-stage model in 64 red blood cells 183, 305 without a psyche 147 redistribution 85 psychology without a psyche 147, 160 reductionism psycho-physical parallelism 162, 163, 249–252 bottom-up 161 purpose. See also teleonomy causal closure and 160 in artifacts 41, 44 emergence vs 297 in biology 181, 301–304, 311, 318, 409 mental causation and 177 in the universe 12, 20, 117, 150, 315 of biology to molecules 180, 319 Putnam, Hilary 244 of life to machines 147 Pyhrro of Ellis 108 of mind to brain 158 Q to physics and chemistry 117 quantum cooperative phenomena 311–314 reduction of the wave packet 195, 205, 225, quantum jumps 241, 242, 252–259, 269 254–257 quantum mechanics 361–377 reflection 151, 404.See also introspection basics of 366 reflex arc 171 determinism and 217 reflexology 171 Dirac’s 3 polarizers in 371 Reid, Thomas 63, 223 Einstein’s discoveries in 376–377 relative identity 30–33, 58 entanglement and 233 Renouvier, Charles 384 foundations of 251 representation 332–335 God and 99 dynamical model as 6 information interpretation of 189–199 Frege on 33, 144 irreversibility in 285 information as 47–53 measurement problem in 201 in mind 120, 153 other interpretations 198 isomorphism as 56 quantum of action 347 possible world as 77 quantum-to-classical transition 190–193, reproductive success 315 251–254, 263–267, 291, 307 responsibility quantum world 198 free will and 73, 332–335 quasi-molecule 286 information creation and 343 Quételet, Adolph 348, 382 moral 72, 222 Quine, Willard Van Orman 24–53, 60, self and 172 Index 112–116, 126, 141, 144 ultimate 76 ribosome 181–187, 305, 318, 321–324, 328 Richards, I.A. 140 Rietdijk, C.W. 244 RNA 181–187, 314–317, 328 450 Great Problems in Philosophy and Physics - Solved?

Rosen, Nathan 235 self 171–175 Russell, Bertrand xi, 53, 112–116, 140, 144, self-contemplation 316 162, 219, 386 self-determination 172 Russell’s Residue xiv self-identity 30–35 Rutherford, Lord Ernest 261–267, 369, 387 self-organization 304 Ryle, Gilbert 153 self-replication 304, 315–318 S semantics 27, 77, 318, 419–421 semiosis 317, 419–421 Santa Claus 97 sender 144, 332–335 Sartre, Jean-Paul 123, 196 sense. See meaning Saussure, Ferdinand de 140, 420–421 reference and 126, 140, 144 scandal teleonomic 44 in philosophy 63, 65, 116 Sextus Empiricus 108 in psychology 147 Shannon, Claude 141, 197, 280, 317–320, Scarani, Valerio 245 334–337, 350, 412 Schlick, Moritz 52–53, 112–116 Shannon entropy 143, 203, 209, 350, 421 Scholastics 131 shifty split 211–214, 259 Schopenhauer, Arthur 122 Shimony, Abner 162, 238 Schrödinger equation Simon, Herbert 69, 167, 403 decoherence and 251, 255, 263 Simonton, Dean Keith 64 determinism and 7, 259–263 simulations 332 evolving deterministically 197 Skeptics 34, 41, 58, 104, 108–112 in metaphysics 29 Skinner, B. F. 148 interference and 365 Smart, J.J.C. 159, 186 measurement and 201–207, 210 smartphone 7, 83–89, 97, 332–335 reversibility and 285, 288–289, 367 Smith, Adam 84 standard quantum physics 190–193 social contract 87–89 visualization of 242 105 Schrödinger, Erwin software in the hardware decoherence and 250, 253 free will and 63 no particles or quantum jumps 253 ideas as 18 on determinism 217, 383–384 information as 61 on entanglement 233–235, 241 mind as 57, 155, 165, 185 on entropy and information 334 multiply realizable 307 on indeterminism 377 Solvay conference 203, 229, 235 on order out of order 127, 183, 303, 305 soul physical laws are statistical 383 Aristotle on 152 Schrödinger’s cat 269–275 as immaterial 15 visualization and 192, 241 Descartes and 156 wave equation of 364–365 information and 52, 149, 306, 340, 343 What Is Life? 303 non-physical 178 Schrödinger’s cat 191, 202, 204, 251–254, psychologists deny 147 Index Index 256–259, 269–275 self or ego as 171–172 Scientific American 281 space and time 16 scientific method 137 outside of. See outside space and time Searle, John 64 special frame 242–245 second law of thermodynamics. special theory of relativity 28, 134, 235, 277, See thermodynamics, second law of 362 Sedley, David 64 Sperry, Roger 177 Index 451 spirit 171, 306, 340, 343, 365, 377 T spooky action at a distance 229, 237, 256–259 tautology 112 standard argument against free will 65, 75–77 Tegmark, Max 251, 252–255 Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy xviii teleology 300 Stapp, Henry 162 teleonomy statistical determinism. See adequate as purpose in artifacts 46 determinism; quantum-to-classical as purpose in biology 12, 304 transistion as purpose in metaphysics 41 close to certainty 218 emergence of 303 decoherence and 254–257 epistemology and 117 emergence of 307 in biocommunications 410–413 for large objects 68, 288 in metaphysics 44 laws of nature and 7 teleology and 20 mind and 189 telos 41, 44, 46, 409–412 quantum theory and 364 temporal parts 42–45, 60 statistical interpretation temporal sequence 71–77 Born rule 366, 389 tetrads 129 Einstein’s original idea 368 Theater of Consciousness 69, 70, 167, 403 statistics 377 theodicy. See evil Statue and the Clay 15, 34 theology Stern-Gerlach 214, 250–253 good and 80 stimulated emission 388 ideas about 97 Stoics 34–38, 41, 109–113 in metaphysics 50 Strawson, Galen 75–77, 162 theory 376, 377 Strawson, P.F. 53, 63 thermodynamic equilibrium 262, 280 Suarez, Antoine 245 thermodynamics subjectivity 151 arrow of time and 277 substance good and evil and 93 Descartes’ immaterial 147, 177, 304 information and 143 dual aspect 162 mind-body and 155 in Aristotle’s metaphysics 35 value and 81 in chemistry 299 thermodynamics, second law of in mind-body problem 155, 307 chance in 382–384 in vitalism 300 cosmic creation and 413 Stoics on 59 entropy and 7, 345–359 Sum of human knowledge 83, 85–89, 104, 150, equilibrium and 280 171, 401 Ergod and 100–101 Sun 91, 94, 132, 197, 317–320 information creation and 191–194, 338 superdeterminism 245 irreversibility and 285 supernatural 21, 147 Maxwell’s Demon and 184 superposition. See principle of superposition thermonuclear reactions 312 supervenience 160, 185, 300 thermostat 402 swerve 379 Thomson, William 223 syntax 318, 419–421 Tibbles, the Cat 34–37

synthetic a priori 111, 122–129 Index time. See arrow of time Szilard, Leo 334 working backwards in 327–329 top-down 180, 298 tradition 128 transcription 317 452 Great Problems in Philosophy and Physics - Solved?

transfer RNA 318 wave function. See collapse of the wave translation 317 function transworld identity 26, 27 Schrödinger’s equation for 377 triads 128, 126–129 visualization of 189, 225–229 truth 18–53, 79–89, 103, 111–117, 147 wave-particle 377 two-particle state 233, 236, 240–243, 245, wave-particle duality 123, 194–197, 269 266–267, 269 way of talking 38 two-slit experiment 99, 196, 225–226, Weaver, Warren 334–337 227–229 Weinberg, Steven 416 two-stage model 63–77, 171, 172, 220, 385, Weizsäcker, Carl von 211 392 what it’s like to be 404–407 two-step creation process 258–261 Wheeler, John 251–254, 252–255, 283 U Whitehead, Alfred North 42, 162 whole 44 ultimate responsibility 76 Wiener, Norbert 83–89, 99, 334 uncertainty 157 Wiggins, David 22, 24, 34 uncertainty principle 201, 279, 390, 412–415 Wigner, Eugene 212, 258–261 undetermined liberty 74–77, 171 Wikipedia 101, 290 Unger, Peter 40 Williamson, Timothy 47 uniformity of nature 132, 136 Wilson cloud chamber 202, 258–261 universals 119–129, 155 Wittgenstein, Ludwig universe on logical empiricism 112 Einstein on 376 on 53 heat death of 337, 355 on material implication 144 universe of discourse 22 on meaning as use 20, 140, 318–321 Urey, Harold 313 on models of reality xiii, 320–323 use, meaning as 20–53, 140, 145, 318–321 on science as true propositions 48 V Popper on 137 Woese, Carl 322, 328 value 79–89 words and objects, connections in ERR 6, 331 Ergo as 171 worlds information as basis for 3, 332, 341 biological 12 van Inwagen, Peter 40, 46 ideal 13 verification 145 many. See many worlds Vienna Circle 53, 112, 115, 158, 309 material 11 visualization 4, 49, 189, 192, 241, 366 Popper’s three worlds 126 vitalism 300 possible. See possible worlds von Neumann, John quantum. See quantum world Bell shifty split and 258–261 decoherence and 249–252 Y irreversibility and 285 Yockey, H. 319 measurement problem and 202 Index Index on entropy and information 334–337 Z projection postulate and 201 Zarathustra 100 processes of. See processes, von Neumann Zeh, H.D. 202, 251–263 W Zermelo, Ernst 287, 293, 351 Zermelo paradox 287, 293 Wächtershäuser. Günter 328 Zufall 261–267, 369, 389 Watson, John B. 148 Zurek, Wojciech 202, 251–255