
secured a good foundation,- so it is day by having a short cxeroise in superior to all others in' uso, gives Naturalization TbeorJe* _ . , -also-impos8iblo_to draw out the facul­ reading. He called upon each in -tfaem-the opportunity to seleot proper Much alarm is manifested by our adopted ties of the mind without first "having ber-of-thc clais to read, and made it seed and properly clean it too. Many citizens at tho recent acts of the* English > No. 5 *- and German governments in arresting some secured** good physical development. a drill exercise. Ho thought "tide -farmer8-haYfl_a mistaken notion about iSATDEDAYr JAN; llrl868; of out adopted citisens who have returned this putting out seed, and think it is "a Wo don't think much of the 'doctrine flranch too much neglectod. The to their nativo country. Much Ignorance UNION I. O. O. F. of developing the mind at the ex­mooting then closed, until 0:30 p. m. grcat speculation; butsitoh is not the exists as to what protection fs promised to i -s pense of the body. There are other Met at tho appointed hour, and- al­ case. The only object in putting out our adopted citizen when he passes out ol Block,. -Block'. ;t) '.Shatfbona Lodge, No. 291, roods erery Tuei arguments to bo used in favor of em­ flax seed is to secure a clean and pure dar. mgbt, II. S. \yATTLu8ee. though not many present, on account our domain into that of a monarchist gov­ ployment. Man, from his curious of tho darkness of tho night and the crop of seed in the-fall. I say then, ernment. The English and Gorman gov-" EARLVILX.E, Ilrlri • Earl Encampment, No. 62, meets on Wednei- complex naturo, is either, as 'a rule, roughness of the roads, wo had a to all farmers, sectiro clean seed, and ornments still ndbcro to tbo old idea that a -<{• day evening after the fall moon, and two weeks sow no other at any pricb. Often subject cannot transfer his allegiance, that SJc'J;- • thereafter., II. S. WATTLU, Scribe. progressing morally and mentally, or pleasant and interesting season. The •W ATT I_a-DES ;S tho subject cannot extricate himself, that elso deteriorating; and it is also true timo was occupied by remarks from times seeds dctcrioY&t'o so much by DEALER IX ~———:.-•>" " " once a subject always a subject." that unless the mind hns "active and Jjthc following gentlemen : Mr. Day, sowing the scooudyear that I have been unable to pay, l>y fifty cents per Oar government takes a position exactly .^l^'t-C. B,> a; B. R. Tune Table regular employ rrjeiffiTAvill deteriorate. Prof. Hall, Prof. Freeman and Rev, Drugs, Medicines bushel, the markot price of prime opposite. We adopt cttizeni und* allow citi­ •^ri^^ffil^^P 1-JE.~. .'Bilij. ~ I>SMND. EAXL. Maninsx. Agoing every person knows from actu­ Mr. Morgan^of this place. zens to cxpalriato themselves, of course. P1NB TOILET SOAPS, FARCY TOOTH, HAIR AND NAU> AROSI1E8; mFraEBxi^''^®>o " Passenger,..v..18:48 pu 1-2:30 ru 12.16 PM al experience, that the happiest period seed. This is a fact that sorne of our 0:20 " Mr. Day talked principally to tho We can carry out and onforce onr theory AND FANCY ARTICLES, V • • ••- •;. •'. -.. * BlOi " farmers have been painfully ifevare of. j; --i.-jNiithtEiprMi. 2:50 A* 2:82 AM 2:17 AM of his or her lifu was passed while ho ... ,W»T Freight.. 1;3S ru '12:50 ru patrons" of schools, and thought they outsido of our own domain by treaty ooly. ScHool Books BlankBooks & Statiotrety. ow'-- 12:30 rw 1 Many farmers are qiluagi&ai^ftospoet /'...•>• WlST. or she had active employment. We ought to take more interest in the Furtber our Cabinet Ministers-aTjAptber Ali0i th, ceIebrated p.p. AI|,B j tfOLO PESS. aodThe ^Sou'kafy^^^^ 11:28 AM 11:48 AM started out by swing that all mankind of seed market another year; That eMail;.,...Jl-.ioAM «:03rM C:20 ru schools) visit them oftencr and try to statesmen havo not been Informed in their] CUTLERY. TR VSSBS and SI/O ULDEK Bit AC AS, pare WINES and LIQUORS for • ^X^T^'i i 3:12 AM 1:27 AM should bo employed, and we leave offj is a matter rather early to determine opinion or claims when tho question of the medicinal parpo.w. Kernel.. ^{^"J^jJ,^""*. »/• VoM aod »/*,'- '^'fgjjg. r-ff~^lght Exprfii.-aso AM mako their children moro punctual 10:02" » 10:34 •' by saying that there .An' reasons un­ upon. I hardly think any of our grain power of our, government to protect its J and regular in their attcndoYice- at "J. E. GAILMOS, Ag'L Faints, Oils, Colors, White Leatl8A Tarnishes nnd Glass. ^ answerable to warrant tu-ii) coming to merchants would be willing to fix adopted citizen* has been mooted. school. The others dwelled princi­ 8pariog no pilot In keeping mj slock complete in all articles of joy line, and bnying~oaty the the ocnclusion that su<-)| is the dettgn Ono Secretary of State held that the genuine medloines, I invito all to call and examine for themselves. fZg" Pbrsiclsns Prescriptions -SALUTATORY. pally upoq school government, which rices on wheat or oata for next crop, of tho God of nature. V. T. adopted citizen returned to bis native coun­ earelally coaponoded >t all houra of day and night. 'It is with considerable trepidation was interesting and amusing. One ut flax seed market being more ro- E try at his own peril, that oar government H. P. WATTUES. ^haUye presentto the world, and par­ of the most interesting incidents re­ liabUmnd steady wo shall fix prices was not bound to protect bin against the FE0M SEEDING. lated was of Prof. Freeman's school. ticularly .to^LaSallo county and Earl- •at a fair figure for a' ' least one half known laws of another government wben VOSBURGH, • UXitniN(i|A])ec. SO, 1807 Last suramor,_when a circus was per­ I^^.yHle? this, the first number of the (t.v- crop, and pay market price for the he voluntarily placed himself within its PHYBICIAN A SURGEON, Earlville, III, Of­ R. F, SHAfj - |~i>.zRTTE."" Ono oC our contemporaries MR. EDITOK In accordance with' forming within a tfcw rods of the other half. Much depends upon the jurisdiction , that each government bad the fice, No. S Union Block. Particular attention -Jji paid to FtHale toal|>lalbtT. Dealer in_ fe^says "-we have no experience in the the request you sent by Prof. Hall, I school-house, only one of the pupils action of Congress on financial mat­ right to regulate its own affairs, in its own ^'pflntingUuBineas." True,—and this send you the following as a report of attended the circus, aYid that one only ters, about prices another harvest. I way, within its own domain, that persons HROWVP ; the proceedings ol a meeting held in voluntarily placing themselves within any oKtJW-Nii, i".\^ may mako moro necessary that on consent of the teacher, showing have no doubt, however, but that the DRYGOOD^! UUB place, styled a "Teachers Asso­ what good government i an do. particular domain, did so at their own peril,! JJ,TT0RUBY - AT IijflL^fVj f^_thorough,cohstant and substantial sup- flax crop will, as usual, pay the farm­ ciation," conducted by Mr Day, our that our government will not ensure any Groceries and KovM6nC^iV~~ The proceedings"of the evening er as well, if not better, than any olh- ono again*! burning who voluntarily jumps Solicitor IO Cbsnccrj and Btnkruptor- rn'lllHy Xnluinl nilyinrintPtnll.nl [ f\-=nitt- into '.he fire. KARLVIU.E. LiHslleCo, /ii/.VO/.s gjfc£|jt'«fts WO represent, and for whose wel were very intercnting, and thn»i.t who #r prop raiseil and pray farmers do BOOTS & S:BX>ES,^;2 cd by Prof. Hall, of Karlville, mil Auulliei—held that if minora coming lo ' ^faWwe labor—without which no listened to the gentlemen who spoke, not think by this that I would advise tiiis country completed their eitizenxbip HTONK a woouuy vv'ARb, KU'riu.\B,-«tcV~'— Prof. Freeman, of Iceland WM. K. HAIGHTS I^£;&;newspaper enterprise can lire,-much scemeH to think themselves well all to put in (lax to the exclusion of here, and afterward returned lo their native, At iht PM OJIcr, The Institute met ill the old Hop- country, busmen* or pleasure, were claimed j EXCHANGE payi il for attending The entertain- ,, u , , BANK. ^"^'.-•losa prosper. The business men, and ilher itaplc erops, bj no means A fur military or other RIlurvice , said to be due t _ ... . . ,, „ MERIDEN, IXihr lilil OIIIIIIII, ,il P oVIm-l. n in , up the ., ' ,„ „, Dralls bought and sold, uepoilla received, and ^i.Xcitkens of Earlville have lonj: felt the WfiH el'-e-l by -'p;i"i th'it old and variety of i nips r< the most profitable their native country thpn our Kovcrnment, Uooev Loaned. Ooternmeot Hoods -7th of December The house una must protect lliem Otlierc, still, whose bought aod sold g^cc'oasit^.xjf.ji newspaper published f imiliar tin Old Hundred." and reliable""" V'i furnier—Hl«nuU._piiL : called to order by Mr. Day, who de­ ipidloiia arc wi cat weight, assert. Minard' "& OarpentBr's ~' it;tUls point, lbrthe adyocacv of local Ill>.\ V lihi Js, IT.T. in all one Wind of a crop. Flax being that our povcrntneol irt boum , ^ftV# }*r*\JtA /wysiA.', M any jmrtJLuraja 1 voted the firtit Imlt hour to tin* enb ^'*»»" »f»n i.-«t allrlmritoM proltL't 1U I • ejr^sJ^onU the dittusion "of TocaT The hoasu vv as hllc- J both I'ureilUW! more ra'ily Illirv'^Mtud than uu> other tlnplc'l t from the ject of spelling, in which he attempt­ ,A. CfTDE, B,We-proposo to devote ourself and afternoon A number of teach­ crop makes it tho most desirable. •late of thuir naliirall/ulion Of the sound J ed to show the importance of that n.-.ss of this lust position there is •oino'Tjnnm >A' CUTiTF MAT/'T'D : Jr"work; and hope ^o deserve, ers arrived Tin tirsl half hour was .Many, last year, cut it with a Header, nr LELANB, ILL. ^^v^ branch. He drilled the tca'hcrB for • loubt It u also some times easier tons i-DUUI allQ OIlvJIi MA ft riH, occupied by Mr Day in dulling the 1 l.tec'elre liberal support, by rarc- thereby HOV ing muoh lftbor; -vnd now, HLTI than to enforce n claim. It is also true Two doors south of I'ost olllco,' r a while on the sounds of the \arious XI^RXaXTXXaKaZX. ILL. Our friends will find us at tbe old stsad,"n!tb™a " 1 and laborious attention to the tank class upon the subject of spelling. Mr Kditor, as tho season approafln'i that as a nation, we are in a better position | large assortment of - letters, and tho characters employed in mf the pnsnas vo loflnence of a great; Please examine my work and prices. "ore' us. Prof Hall followed with the sub­ for seeding I will, from time to time, January 1, l-'-s During which tinio Prof. Hall arrived, nan.in than when Mr Kverett propounded' From-thc farmers of La^allc, I.ee. ject of Arithmetic, dwelling particu­ wrilo you some articles on the manner hia theory anil soon after Prof.*Freeman. Held Ai mntlors now stand the question of pro­ niisjuuoraT. : larly upon the contracting in the dif­ of putting in this crop, and also make SAMUEL WILKY, ind DcKalb counties we hope to rc- an intermission for a few moments, tection to adopted citizens seems to be about lY&'eruI support, and in turn ferent rules. It was siirpriiong tosre other sugcestions that will be profita­ as follows Physician and Surgeon. BOOTS and SHOES?* after which Prof. Hall took tip the 1st .Salurahzed rilizons who return 10 propose Jo devote a goodly portion of how fast he could reckon iiuml" rs by ble to fanners. C. S. MI-SHON. _ Office, south-east corner of Union Block — Of itjlaftad q unlit/ tb*t will pleaio custom*^'; " Huhjecl of Arithmetic. He proposed ibeir nalivo country aro amenable to tbe Reaidtnce, nr«t door north ol the Presbyterian Jiouirj 1, 18r»S. . ?\ > -wV -Qflf. HpacsLto their interests, with es- tho use of contracting. Above all he; laws of that country for arts done while Church IhaLcntietsm be allowed, and .all bo Earlville, Jan 1, l-«7 p?:VF?. •', .— —t .-.-T- :l«-«ired tho ten< hers to maki the KAMI VIM K, Dee. nth, 1«07. there, but not for nrts or words dune or said &L?%r ..-Dccial-care to procure for their |)eru- as willing to be criticiit-d as to crili studv^oT Arithmetic as practical as h«rt-, c.iii.cqucntly the arrest ol Warner for i>'.'.5k^.jfel.articles from tire pens of our own ciS' others, which plan he said he had EDITUU QAZETTK.—Your prospoo- words soi'l in New ^ otk is contrary to our z&T i -si. L. A. ('HOOKER, pos/ible. Hp related a number of tus for the forthcoming * ?}S.J law. -T - agriculturalists. | purauo'l in Ins school, and thought it l —;-„! J , *2d; N»'.iMiy?(l • nzerts who r«turn to 1 ±TTORITEYVAT-LAW, :.. - .-To-aH-our-subscribcra "o v"""'"*4ap-piugttiit c«ere»»t* Tlliew class, acac­- > . .v . -rSf avl^ntfrprlsirrMr their iisii'L roiintry ut engage In any re- p-TOfr- V"""" "P t n ! If t»fl n ff>w mo r \ Washington , '•y--' , faitbfuriafror lor tTi7> interesu of mir | { * hehon or 'otV •'her at I against tbe laws of] Corner of Meio cepted Uio pro'ponitiou, and there w%re lmpe il will HM- OCtd. Thuiu uughtS tu r • [.^ ownjscction, a careful collection of the menlsir the subjn t of '.rannuar, That (ft* ' miPi't imm -i*rrde tho pcuslttos i ItFyimT.f TLT SOTS. sharp cri'icidim made, which were be tutere.st en ugh in this community news o'f/theday, a congressional sum- and related a few i:>ecdot< - illiutra- of those 'iw», it arrettr.i wiihin iho boumls - —— both nmiiMiii; and intti citing. He tn support mi ••nforj.riso of thaidhd^ -^5=—-_rmary, a-good selection 61 im»uellan}, ling the iieceHsity ol having a prasti-j ° ad-'t'tr^uj'Bbo h»vo • declared llieir in- BKJ^WN.it Ml N\SO.\ occupied the most of his lime on the Wo need a publie channel through -lelillonw/' hot have not " taken out full pa--l lleslen in "clS Also*t5rim"pTOve the quality, vnl- eal know ledge ol this brain h—after best way of teaching ni.h"lar-< to whi< h we adjourned for dimur. which to ('omirtunieate our thou^its •TT^-nnd sizo of tho GAZBTTB when our write and road numbers, which he il­ return to their nativo country Martin DEY GOODS, GROCERIES, Tim meeting rvnss< inbii d ut 1:30 soci.illy,morally and politically. Ccgint Ko.tza wJio was seized by the Austrian ^i7-lwt~6f subscribers, and advertisers lustrated upon the board, and by Cr*niii(! the i la»«. The Professor ham was in Turkish territory. If K'.M/.i they held bnt a short s« *ium ers, so far as my influence goes. GROCERI TRADE: grants.- - bad been on Austrian territory, the Comnio-' - handled the subject as though he un­ C. S. sWUNSOX iJ'To tho editors of LaSallu anil^oihcr Prof Hall took up soim lime in ex­ Very truly your-, Er T)ON* Loan. for their kindness and entertainment Trockfry, Ulajs, Stone, Woodrn and Wl'llow 1_ ^tlnrxraftr~~'\Vc hope in time to mako time we reassembled There was a 1I-'M A coiiiiiullee of five (thrcoila- of I'fus'iai Austria or I-.n^lnnd. Ni-nhy and took his departure di(-s and t«-o •renllf men) was nt fico will our iroveriitrrent prol»C,t ono who lias * ^H'XSOX & JACOTiS" H7^ClM»it»-breods-ol-KLOUR-alwers-on-hsndWare. - periohal-acquaiutuncs uf many of our a good attendance in the afternoon renonnrpil his o-lopted citizenHbip Gun-' ' J*r>>f Frc mun "poki .1 short time appoint4xl to ehrivaas tho town anJso- •brethren of ,tho qiull. of those whik>secmt d to b- I intireMud boldi is ii"l an American citizen—because c, s. a-t-Nso.v. bXKJ JACOBS on the siib|. ct ..<" (tei.graphy anr^atk heit subscriptions • uliL-r in mouejj[ or ho has lieid oftiee under Victor Bmnnuel, v-fv W o-spOalfcth-us- briefly ol':aur jicw in the cause. TAXNEHS and CCRRIER8. NEW STORK NEW=G00DS4= in book- In one wtcji from the tjme sinre " ib-clnnng hts iiitentiona ' hero. ' ^enterprise, preferring that it should r.-il a unmix r of ijueslions, which jth- Naturalized •-ilirena who return to Pay Cash for Hides; a6d-s$*Te-s on his new Ltath'r A '", .sswnwfinal'j-/'i 1 t socialion. ?l 15 in nsli and at loai* $175 w»rlh —for a lemporurv residence cannot be held ! Wait, EARLVILLE, ILL. •-^W'1-y-i-uspttci.fitUyx by the government of their nativo country i r\n>] //air. method of sj.e-mu?, which he » trjn»^ - 0n l)lotioiKOrotl.. of ihemember-. n of ho»kj* Juul beau_ iiiJcclejL. -Che 1 r C. B. SIGKOR. "a for military act nee 'frny-preir difrfcuiry " to have adopted throughout the coUrr^,^ (jt lhauks wa^ ^xWlodto Profs. money was immediatelyexpendc™ ' , n?rof. Freeman, oftekml, who occi-J flavor —The Upiveraalists of this town ^^SJthoJinind's.oyo. The world .r. 5. KlJ»NKV. Optic; Mayno Reitl, onl gtheLjrell pieTTNBomc time on tho subject of have .organized thurasulve* Into •BTSQ. BREAD. PIES AHD Ml AND RUBBERS^, i fnll^f evidence to prove, and com- known and distinguished autho*£3> ciety, and~hHViT scttlo& Hsv, W. S. | Ever brought to^Esrlrllle. comprising the_Lstest Grarotnar. Its object ho spoko of as FLAX SEED Fruf ts And Confectionery, -Stjlei sqd-Yarlsilss^=^- - anllrSas^lbjB. _Tho citirens of this YillfiiF$Y0 Ralph a* their pastor, and will hold Of all kinds. Osjiag all onr goodt dlre'cUrira tbe Monnfae. ahpwp themselves, ready and acil regular service- on- «aeh luaoooding _^idenoe reoorded, ''that iajlho moat of turerrwe-can-and wili-glva 1 ' nearly equal to those to bo derivod —p^Sftfcbath—lmrastfli-p tit HoMnSonS, J. HAAS. r'tasoa-vico is -the Jruiir-of-iTiloriesa.. It to start your paper, and are asking to provide themselves an from tho study of Arithmetic; in fact, KFllall, at UieTiotirs ofTT a. IN. and TOTT Jfarmtns thatr Defy-Competltlon 1- v^is acceded on all hands, too, that for contributioas to its pages, allow ren with good reading, and w« 111 ' p. ra. ' |^ho-thougbt it shouldL receive *a jaucltl Odr baslneriwlll be ooadnettd oa falrprInel—=""- |~;}dletiess-and-vico goJianfl TifBxSd^ -TOO a few words to the farmers—who, lhat in Ihcir cajo thex.hRvo iv W. H. LCKINS & Co., piss, and ~W* bops to merit a fair share of- attention as Arithmetic, and its neg- will not bo dlsappointetl. IV- pttronsge. . . i our.O£Jntan.Jt;raake»_pp difference no doubt, will "be subscribers in large] Keep for sal* — ha scen^or hoard every day. poicd to rcorganl T»l«ss» rsmerober, If "i3~n»"freiiMs <<> ihou goodt'. j .vJylielher..or ..Bftt_.wo >. aru blcssedraa-f numbers to von paper. As the season Vourarsspsotfullj-, '•--i '- Hia remarks were practical and "right] eletta UoaiU ul'Uiii eat, Do J, l,;*ffd ao Kloar, No 1 COAL, HUE AND SALT- ^ome woulOcrm it, -with a goodly U approaontng rapidly wiien ail ine Cora, ' . .wHrrsptj SCiS^iM to the point" All" seemed to bo fa­ 1 —-X?j-M^fflGGiyS^ ^uTirTnSl^is^world's goods, our duty farmers will be secaring seed for the with the State law for tho csta Osfs, ^o Tobaeeo.Br lb l.oo And vorably impressed with tho impor­ DsrJsv,. . I )oai SOlCaoasd Kralta, .8.'. B, 8. IlIOQIKS, 4g't.--^ -• - . coming spring, it becomes a matter ment of libraries. Tho rcorgtlta- Ear Corn, 7.'.lbs. .80'While fish, . .lo tance-of the study, and its "practical tion will probably take plaoe Coal, Kswansf, ft.ooi.... CodFlsb , .15 j-tho s'anie.--We avor thot it is ab- of importance to them to know where 8am Per bbl., •.00 Tubs ... ..l.«(91.S0 utility," wbioh latter term MrrilalH rcim—birhad—and-4etf+808. At that-time the spciet Linv*;" " S.601 Holla . . .30C, .95 Alto STORE GRAIN, AT VBRT I,OW RATES. igfiluteljrnecessary for the drawing goo Qvmeatj n SJ»|Ui ",5g_ji.| een,cd to undoubtedly vote to raise the g^Su^^afietatiefl^or, in othor wordsJi talco exceptions to, and a mo say that this selecting seed* is al Hogs, live, .6.00(5* «•'' sscos. ITs fay \Xr ttyktit Met/or ail Hnircf ffrarmrj sliort discussion arose orrtliat' point, most a vital matter to ail" iUnuurs, AS I curtificateg of membership, *• dfl!Ud.«,J0« 01, ^i£short,;for IJLQ.Jmppjnessicf n?onkind Uslalbft, I .'.H.C .BOCamphor , ' J.85 waa- correct.. __' aiighatne. . .Inert JrO'Kp'mBalu - .ao 3™Fi8"rJcecssary fprthem to bo employ- nojnattor what the .cost may bo. Do Before this shall appear lodlgo, pr os. .So DENNIS0N.& OREIS m .. .1M{ .00 Ho dwelled some time on the best I.lccorlca, lb- ,7s 1 not think a littId~aTrror-four-6«od -wHL] there .wilLliave been "a scfioo! Irr-401,. .ftoti.ao Morphine, pr dr. 1.25 Bare on band As yet we have .said nothing as to way of teaching Grammati_He said make no difference in your crop, for tion in this vi)l^lhT-p76^i»^f4^i{»^^ Oalnlna pr »v- AS. —I would-annnnncs t6.tbe."pe9ple.of"Eirl:"tHaI T'r~" Opium, pres. it should bo taught at all timcB, and 1 l JifillUto^and hold forth l^hVgn^n.'.^f •hat kini| of employment wc would you will sadly deceive yourselves ifl which will be used for the lijeflt ofFliDMls- r BOafcJSfl), Cottoe Halts, lb, .33]:Ha l Soda, pr lb., 5 ndi _Whence speak of cra- be put in practice. One toacber you do, for as it is tin inevitable law of this society. }. . Woolsn Tara, ^0(^1.30 Seltratue, WOOLEN GOODS LlDseytr.'. .. Mm .30 flaaowiai. tivery^.aTtdiSale^Stable plflymcnt^jvo moan -that _tho word thought wo should commence teach naturo that liko beg-ets like, so will Every Week additions oro p4o to And hare, on baud a large stock of;. ..,:!.-'-... llalmorals... .L60(>J3.O0 Kalls.pr lb Delalnt«,.McrJjir>cs, Prints, ^sfiflJFbe^iaken^in—its-general -sense, ing it_as soou as a pupil commences you find your crops io the fall. This its list of members and sincs]b£jQe> Emprvis Cloth -90 Fiat Wire, . FiiuPorm, OarrUxgaandjtj&niii~ •" ~ 8bawls,..n.I.»J(J3O'.O0 - [tOJfead. His remarks had a good jm* RttSSii Pip*, )b Sbiatiacsnd Denhne/ Je"jnlr^cuitoBers,^!^33ffof:iIiaVlCrr onld not "restrict lis tho. great BrSsfflflTBS^yZwc shall, as CUM of tho undertaking;, is djopgor Ao. " HORSES, Double Wagons- and CerrlajjeTTfor^-— pression on all. — oaotiatif. _ ijticithor jto mwital^or to - physical om -{-heretofore, for many years, put out questionable, tho friendsoftl ploty Bagir.browi, .IBffl T« HtornrOliri-B^tt sale, and cao pij.the-blgbestprfeea for No. i ; . " Wbtu, Am Ai 8ta~W*rt, Imp'd esdtB TrorsesTrA-Trtrn-drrt r*^', ^•" — |&x^^ployine1itV_ 5ZitlLiCsr?ot to tbaJ_wo all then tollowe'd with a lew tltresecd to farmer8; it being one-of | oro nnrnerous. -Coffat.~~~s_.S2M .«S| Hone Cootfurt * 1 - are of opinion that both- mental arid; ^ejnwksas to tho best way of teach tho iftost dilBoult flceds to clean and Thfljfficorsof tho-MiocilorEl^^^i'^'^M^^^ itStu LAMP5rUNTBRNSr n •OURS, ^QNEWOKBisar: _phy*io^^^^"8 **?l'yg9. together, ing-Arithmetio, wfaioh bo modo both keep^pore, is ono-of.tho,principle rea­ especially gratified to°tbof influsn ^ KAILS, and otbsr-HARpWiTiE; Also 5" S^Jrt88:000—atVe'ngthens and "assista tho praolical and interesting, IIo would sons why our Messrs. K. W. Blatch tial citizens who first conjbutodio TQBAOCQ,-~ -Froper-oaraiKiir'^aTrhaken-'fB. atlsadiae- - —r^^thcr—r; -mako his lessons as-practical as possi­ lord & Co., put out seed. Thoy hav UberaUy-lbiatojinpiion drjtimfrj -iiir.i.Ty i.#. w.«,..!., -^'-^^AaJtis.irnpossible to^construct a, ble, and-at the same time- soo-that ing the facilities for selecting sped everoamrihe»Wsfa-of.lbiwhMlof y«M«stOaiu;A^,.^;.»ije»jj jfhieb «oa b« bongbt SvntonMvii cais oj need.: r- • * "their Cv^uimM w«« •orrvck ' '" if—houao in sal^J_orlj^pjr»» con Ih'at no.otfiera jaralL_tho. North-west jn^oriUnaintolleotaol Tejin.'^rht JrflB^^lllll'-t&ft VEXT_OHEAP FOR CASH! .._J^t|)ay closed tho exercises of the r ItiV^ stracTit"-atrjBll,- withont-firBt having hare, and having; a patent cloiner, —EatlvJlla.jA8tJ.J809. 7 "7~^?=^ l-^M«rid«»rjaBarrJstrl»«S^' •3=