Secretary’s AGM report 2016 RFC

Committee Report (Secretary; Nick Langridge)

A wise person once told me that when you purchase a really old house you never actually own it, you are simply caring for it on behalf of the next owner. In addition; if you maintain the house it will not only care for you but you will undoubtedly hand it to the next owner in a better condition than it was in when you first arrived. That old house is our Club.

This premise relieves a certain stress because so many people “own” and support through voluntary work across different administrative and operational parts of our Club that we can be assured that through such care and consideration the Club remains healthy and vibrant, but conversely this “oldest club in ” confers tremendous responsibility on us all.

The season

Team reports can be found in the separately documented ‘2016 AGM Squad Report’.

Retention of the 14-20 age range is an RFU priority and Luke Green (RFU Community Rugby Coach) has worked tirelessly this season with our Colts management team (manager Leon Brown and head coach Ian Johnson), supporting our Club academy process and encouraging the breaking of boundaries across the U15 and U16 into the Colts. Quality coaching and retaining all but 4 of the 2014/15 U16 cohort provided the boost which propelled our Colts to be awarded the Leicestershire Merit league title this season. Joining these lads in September will be a further strong and numerous rising cohort which may require us to manage two Colts teams for the next two seasons. Ensuring regular playing time will be needed to encourage these players to remain and progress into our successful Mens sides (more of that later).

With support from a new coach Adam Lawrence our Ladies contingent grows exponentially. Unlike most other teams in their league they don’t borrow players (Ladies rules do allow) and always honour away games. Their play may be comparably sedate but they have tremendous team spirit and Wednesday training numbers regularly exceed those seen on Tuesday for the men. They play on Sundays (together with our twelve youth teams) should any of our regular Saturday supporters wish to cheer their club twice per weekend.

To encourage the growth of our newest youth area, for a second season our Chairman Jason Woodward has been championing girls’ satellite clubs in a number of local schools, unfortunately most sports faculties grow less supportive. Fortunately Girls membership continues to increase and with now regular fixtures and the dedication of their manager Debbie and husband coach Pete Bucknall they have become a permanent and equal part of our portfolio of teams. The Club is increasingly a showcase and clubs without a girls team (including Hinckley) have sent their U12s for training ahead of the lowering of the U13 age-range in

Page 1 of 6 2016/17 when we are hopeful they will join us as full playing members. Work will be undertaken during the summer to reinvigorate a small U18 squad which folded due to a coaching crisis. Congratulations to Pete for gaining his level 3 coaching award this season.

Youth team reports received show achievement across the board, more wins than losses and successful tours across the country. Recruitment remains strong with 67% growth in the U9s, well done manager Maddy Simons (also our minis coordinator) and head coach Dominic Lennon. Special thanks also go to Helen Scutt for guiding her cohort through six seasons of minis as she is stepping down this season. After five years of parents wondering how their children were achieving; with her ‘U10s Prima Cup expert’ hat on Helen introduced the idea of the U11s supporting the event so that parents could watch their children rather than toil in the kitchens. Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best, thank you Helen for your time as a manager and on committee.

Ok - and what of our Men!

Since the acceptance of open professionalism in the mid 1990s it has been difficult to keep track of national league structural changes in the mens game; league naming conventions, unless at the very top, bearing no obvious relation to a level of achievement. Our Men have won leagues both before (Leicestershire 1 in 88/89) and since (Midland East 2 in 1995/96 and Midlands 4 East South in 2001/02) but it is generally accepted that our Men maintained around a level 7 presence within leagues during this period.

More recently; in 2007 our Mens 1st XV opted to transfer over to (North) for one season, finishing second behind Syston but losing to Banbury in a home play-off. In returning to Midlands 2 East (South) promotion was narrowly missed again in 2012 away at but a permanent top half league presence has since been maintained, until now. On the 23rd April last, following a chase with our close rivals for second position behind , the lads stormed to a long overdue playoff victory against at home earning the honour to play at level 6 for the very first time in the Club’s history.

From I am sure the whole membership; the very best of luck in lads. Enormous thank must go to Steve Russell Senior Mens Manager and Head Coach Dave Johnson (who recently achieved his level 2 coaching qualification and I hear might well give level 3 a go).

To sum up the season; our Mens 1st XV have gained promotion to their highest level ever attained; the Colts are the best in Leicestershire; the U9s have raised numbers from 12 in April 2015 to 20 now; our teams of a fairer gender have similarly grown by over half again across the board; 8 of our teams have won either a league, cup, bowl, plate, vase or shield; 9 had representation at National (Amy Whittaker, deaf Ladies), Midlands, Leicestershire, , Rugby District and Tigers DDP (and Academy). The Club also retained RFU Accreditation in April and shared the Leicestershire Referees’ Whistlers trophy.

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If I was asked to pick “what success means” out of that lot, I would say that smiles on faces whenever the Club is open does it for me. But then I’m easily pleased.

The membership

Thanks to our vigilant team of membership secretary Colin Hudson and registration officer Deb Ketteringham, our records are “light years ahead of most other clubs” (words of a local RFU Regional Development Officer) ensuring we are compliant with age-grade and safeguarding regulations amongst others. Statistics show healthy and rising numbers; growth at U9, Ladies and Girls of 67%, 54% and 50% respectively; 53% of total 2016 membership play the game (47% are non-players). One quarter of players are Men (all that many other clubs have), two- thirds are youth (Colts, Minis, Junior and Girls) and one tenth Ladies.

A change this season within membership categories means that every youth player now has a parent or guardian as a voting Club member, supporting our family centred approach to the development and use of Club facilities. Being recognised also as a community club; drawing upon, retaining and promoting local talent through all teams and both genders encourages retention, depth and strength through the age ranges as recognised in the team numbers and those playing at representational level at all ages (see earlier reference and the annual Season Achievement list).

The need for quality and current knowledge continues to be recognised as we again increase the number of active qualified coaches across the club. We will commence the new season with three new level 1s (plus two more from October) and seven level 2s with two considering level 3 (adding to the two we already have; one home-grown and another joining us to support the higher expectations of the senior men). You will find who is who in the new fixture booklet issued mid-August. Thanks to Mike & Kate Brown our Coaching Officer and Administrator who have eased the promotion of these (and many other) courses over the past two seasons.

Fifteen people completed contextualised first aid training for a rugby club setting in December. Further training will be arranged during 2016/17 to ensure we have full qualified first aid across all teams. The Club has employed a qualified sports therapist from summer 2016 with a remit to recruit which will see us exceeding RFU first aid requirements. Details of a new Club concussion policy can be in the 2016/17 fixture / hand book.

Individual and team social events were held throughout the season. At January’s annual dinner Graham Roundtree spoke frankly about his mixed experience of the RWC and Mike White was (for once) totally speechless when he was deservedly awarded Clubman of the Year for his dedication to our youth teams. The Club volunteers evening was another great success; reinforcing team spirit and exchanging ideas. No other club holds such a social to recognise those that hold this club together. A revamped past-players day on the 30th April brought together 100+ old lads. Many hadn’t frequented the clubhouse for decades; we must make it an annual event. And daren’t we forget the Summer Ball in May arranged by Social Secretary

Page 3 of 6 Nichole Geraghty where we all quite rightly let our hair down. One year we will get every team represented there. I think Lutterworth knows how to party.

Given the above many of you may be surprised that I am often asked “what do I get?” for my subscription. You will find a new Members Benefits section in the 2016/17 handbook, which even surprised me when I wrote it all down.

The business

Just two years from project commencement, all senior and junior club teams next season will wear the same new modern playing shirt; the matching design, colours and crest becoming immediately increasingly and uniquely recognisable as Lutterworth RFC, supporting our dominant ‘One Team’ Club ethos. There remain a few minis teams to convert which will happen as old kit is retired.

Shirt sponsorship is vital to assist the above; other clubs’ youth members buy their shirts, whereas our playing shirts remain owned by the Club only swapping for new if damaged or outgrown. 40+ treasured old and new sponsors keep member subscriptions to a manageable level, allow us to invest in facilities and volunteers (covering training cost where knowledge is ploughed back into the club) and facilitate a no barrier policy to those in financial hardship that wish to partake in our treasured game. Mostly local businesses and individuals, a list of those current can be found in the fixture book and I would urge all to return the favour and support these businesses as occasion allows.

The RWC wasn’t the membership draw expected but the Ladies team did acquire a new sponsor at the LRU Festival of Rugby in August, providing both playing shirt and Club raffle sponsorship throughout the season. Some juggling has also been needed around the pitch as new boards have appeared. An inaugural Girls sponsor would be most welcome, please speak to our sponsorship secretary Pat Donovan if you have any leads.

The Club only employs where business necessity, constitution and amateur status permit. The whole management, administration and team structure of the club rely fully on a volunteer workforce. New volunteers appear each year as a new U6/U7 cohort adjoins itself whilst Club management try desperately to retain the experienced team management whose cohort has just dropped off the junior listings. People do and must be allowed to move on, with the mark of a healthy club being able to populate all vital roles. Please do volunteer if able as sharing the workload makes for a happier and easier life for all.

40-club; So many individuals have offered to support meals and buffet sponsorship that our 40 Club secretary Pete Kiddie was pushed to organise three pre-match meals, with a waiting list to sponsor the buffets on other Saturday match days. Thanks are due also to Dave Lenton (plus variously co-opted others) who cleans the changing rooms ahead of each match weekend.

Page 4 of 6 Online shop; Business continues to grow, having recently passed 400 orders in the three years of business, Q4 2015 being the highest turnover period thus far. It covers its costs providing quality kit from Club stock or via a local firm. Thanks to Sally Critchlow, significant additional business has been generated on Sundays through the youth second hand stall (she is looking for a replacement to manage the 2017/18 season).

Safeguarding; the club was required to cite at youth level on two occasions during the season. Thankfully rare and an action not taken lightly but violence on or off the field has no place in rugby. It can discourage for life the best of players, the police can be called and if considered a criminal act the Crown Prosecution Service will act. Members have my promise that I will always provide every support if inappropriate action is missed by match officials. We are collectively responsible for the health and safety of all at all times and in particular the safeguarding of youth (under 18 years of age) and vulnerable adults will remain a club primacy. I have been called upon this season to consider a number of safeguarding concerns (all confidential) but predominantly misunderstandings between adults so thankfully not in my view directly impacting our youth. I must though again stress that RFU regulation 21 ‘safeguarding’ will be (and has been this season) applied by the RFU if deemed necessary.

Drainage; once channels had stopped settling, secondary pitch drainage (primary was inserted a few years ago) has made the no3 pitch arguably the best of the three, and with the levelling and new primary drainage on the no1 pitch our grounds have never felt better underfoot. Completion of the drainage works this summer on the no1 pitch will make us the envy of every visiting team. £20k (plus £50k from Sports England) well spent.

A deal though our bar supplier means we can now offer Sky tv throughout the season and quick thinking by our treasurer Tony Taylor provided full BT tv at no additional cost to existing contract. No excuse now to sneak home early to watch Tigers! Wiring alteration allows us to host channels from different suppliers across our various screens, ask the bar staff if there’s something particular you’d like to watch.

Pictures have returned to the clubhouse walls thanks to Colin Hudson whilst Tony and I took a trip to Pontardawe to present a memorial of last season’s tour in memory of the 1914 game. The next stage is the reframing of representational shirts and ties.

The kitchen retained a level 5 hygiene certificate, we have a new oven and we are hopeful a new rolling sponsorship deal will allow us to progressively upgrade facilities with ideas regarding a more efficient extractor a priority.

Floodlighting has been extended at both ends of the no3 pitch to facilitate ever expanding training room requirements. The new lights are LED based which we will monitor with a view to changing out the existing halogens.

A critical review of grounds and buildings will be undertaken by the Officers during 2016/17 to determine priorities for future-proofing member facilities. Land and building expansion must

Page 5 of 6 be a consideration whereas new technologies will be also implemented if cost effective and suitable funding is identified. Work that myself and Tony undertook last season regarding energy usage and a chance meeting with Jaguar Landrover’s UK Operational Caron Strategy Manager has also encouraged us to renew efforts. Please do speak directly to me if you have any ideas.

In 5 or6 years (to be determined) our Club will be 150 years young. So many ideas and so much to do, but I’d hope you will agree a grand milestone to aim for. Time will pass fast and if you’d like to help in whatever scope please make yourself known to Jason Woodward.

Whether a team, player, volunteer or supporter; what better way for a club to succeed than by first recruiting, then retaining by providing development opportunity and finally maintaining appropriate facilities to enable knowledge and experience to be reinvested. I hope you see a wholesome chunk of everything in this 2015/16 report.

Chairman: “We have had an excellent season with the clubhouse and grounds never looking better. Sponsorship has mitigated a challenging year financially and allowed us to extend post- match meals consistently across all senior and Colts home teams and introduce Sky tv within season. Everybody is working very hard pulling in the same direction with highlights being the increasing membership across teams and promotion of our Mens 1st XV. The 40 club also remains core to our club support, organising away trips, buffets and meals.” Jason Woodward.

Nick Langridge Hon Secretary Lutterworth RFC July 2016

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