Family and Civil Law Needs of Aboriginal People in New South Wales
The family and civil law needs of Aboriginal people in New South Wales FINAL REPORT Chirs Cunneen & Melanie Schwartz Law Faculty, University of NSW, 2008 Acknowledgements The following people coordinated the sixteen focus groups in eight focus sites, and provided invaluable assistance in ensuring high rates of attendance: Sandra Hooper, Sharon Dykes, Tanya Carney, Dawn Blanch, Bronwyn Penrith, Simone Jolley, Evelyn Robinson, Don Clark, Jenny Beale, Clive Suey, Brett French, Phyllis Cubby, Teddy Hart. Fiona Allison provided research and organisational assistance for the project. In particular Fiona was responsible for Chapter 8 of the report. Michael Salter assisted with data entry. Acronyms ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics ACSS Aboriginal Client Services Specialist (Courts) AJSDP Aboriginal Justice Service Delivery Plan (Legal Aid NSW) ALAP Aboriginal Legal Access Program (CCLCG) ALS Aboriginal Legal Services NSW/ACT ALST Aboriginal Legal services of Toronto ARIA Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia ATFRS Aboriginal Trust Funds Repayment Scheme ATSILS Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services AVL Audio Visual Link AVO Apprehended Violence Order CCLCG Combined Community Legal Centres Group (NSW) CDEP Community Development Employment Projects CLC Community Legal Centre CLE Community Legal Education CLO Community Liaison Officers (LAQ and NTLAC) CLSD Cooperative Legal Service Delivery DOCS Department of Community Services (NSW) DOH Department of Housing (New South Wales) FG Focus Group FVPLS [Indigenous] Family Violence
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