Beihefte zur Mediaevistik: Band 28 2015

Andrea Grafetstätter / Sieglinde Hartmann / James Ogier (eds.), Islands 2015 · and Cities in Medieval Myth, Literature, and History. Papers Delivered at the International Medieval Congress, Univer-sity of Leeds, in 2005, 2006, and 2007 (2011) Internationale Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Mittelalterforschung

Olaf Wagener (Hrsg.), „vmbringt mit starcken turnen, murn“. Ortsbefesti- Band 28 gungen im Mittelalter (2010)

Hiram Kümper (Hrsg.), eLearning & Mediävistik. Mittelalter lehren und lernen im neumedialen Zeitalter (2011)

Olaf Wagener (Hrsg.), Symbole der Macht? Aspekte mittelalterlicher und frühneuzeitlicher Architektur (2012)

N. Peter Joosse, The Physician as a Rebellious Intellectual. The Book of the Two Pieces of Advice or Kitāb al-Naṣīḥatayn by cAbd al-Laṭīf ibn Yūsuf al-Baghdādī (1162–1231) (2013)

Meike Pfefferkorn, Zur Semantik von rike in der Sächsischen Weltchronik. Reden über Herrschaft in der frühen deutschen Chronistik - Transforma- tionen eines politischen Schlüsselwortes (2014)

Eva Spinazzè, La luce nell'architettura sacra: spazio e orientazione nelle chiese del X-XII secolo tra Romandie e Toscana. Including an English summary. Con una introduzione di Xavier Barral i Altet e di Manuela Incerti (2016)

Begründet von Peter Dinzelbacher Herausgegeben von Albrecht Classen LANG MEDIAEVISTIK

MEDI 28-2015 83024-160x230 Br-AM PLE.indd 1 11.04.16 KW 15 16:55 Beihefte zur Mediaevistik: Band 28 2015

Andrea Grafetstätter / Sieglinde Hartmann / James Ogier (eds.), Islands 2015 · and Cities in Medieval Myth, Literature, and History. Papers Delivered at the International Medieval Congress, Univer-sity of Leeds, in 2005, 2006, and 2007 (2011) Internationale Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Mittelalterforschung

Olaf Wagener (Hrsg.), „vmbringt mit starcken turnen, murn“. Ortsbefesti- Band 28 gungen im Mittelalter (2010)

Hiram Kümper (Hrsg.), eLearning & Mediävistik. Mittelalter lehren und lernen im neumedialen Zeitalter (2011)

Olaf Wagener (Hrsg.), Symbole der Macht? Aspekte mittelalterlicher und frühneuzeitlicher Architektur (2012)

N. Peter Joosse, The Physician as a Rebellious Intellectual. The Book of the Two Pieces of Advice or Kitāb al-Naṣīḥatayn by cAbd al-Laṭīf ibn Yūsuf al-Baghdādī (1162–1231) (2013)

Meike Pfefferkorn, Zur Semantik von rike in der Sächsischen Weltchronik. Reden über Herrschaft in der frühen deutschen Chronistik - Transforma- tionen eines politischen Schlüsselwortes (2014)

Eva Spinazzè, La luce nell'architettura sacra: spazio e orientazione nelle chiese del X-XII secolo tra Romandie e Toscana. Including an English summary. Con una introduzione di Xavier Barral i Altet e di Manuela Incerti (2016)

Begründet von Peter Dinzelbacher Herausgegeben von Albrecht Classen LANG MEDIAEVISTIK

MEDI 28-2015 83024-160x230 Br-AM PLE.indd 1 11.04.16 KW 15 16:55 Internationale Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Mittelalterforschung

Begründet von Peter Dinzelbacher Herausgegeben von Albrecht Classen

Band 28 · 2015 Hl. Leonhard, S. Maria della Carità, Venedig

Auch in Italien fand der heilige Leonhard von Limoges, Patron der Gefangenen und Viehpatron, seine Verehrer. Dieses mit 1377 da- tierte Hochrelief zu Seiten des Eingangs zur (heute profanierten) Kirche S. Maria della Carità am Canal Grande zeigt ihn mit einem byzantinischen Vortragekreuz und eisernen Fesseln als Attributen. Zu seinen Füßen knien zwei Angehörige einer Bruderschaft, „con- fraternita“, die sich als „penitenti“ mit ihren Geißeln abbilden ließen. Ihm gegenüber ist ein gleichzeitig entstandener und in die gleiche Umrahmung gestellter heiliger Christophoros angebracht. Über bei- den Heiligen thront die Jungfrau Maria. (Bild und Text: Peter Dinzelbacher)

ISSN 0934-7453 ISSN-Internet 2199-806X © Peter Lang GmbH Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Frankfurt am Main 2016 Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Peter Lang Edition ist ein Imprint der Peter Lang GmbH. Peter Lang – Frankfurt am Main · Bern · Bruxelles · New York · Oxford · Warszawa · Wien Das Werk einschließlich aller seiner Teile ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Verwertung außerhalb der engen Grenzen des Urheberrechtsgesetzes ist ohne Zustimmung des Verlages unzulässig und strafbar. Das gilt insbesondere für Vervielfältigungen, Übersetzungen, Mikroverfilmungen und die Einspeicherung und Verarbeitung in elektronischen Systemen. Mediaevistik 28 · 2015 1


Aufsätze Herausgegeben von Werner Heinz

Werner Heinz, Eine Festschrift für Albrecht Classen 11 Peter Meister, The Scholar as Poet 15 Andrew Breeze, The Name of King Arthur 23 Connie L. Scarborough, The Disabled and the Monstrous: Examples from Medieval Spain 37 Cristian Bratu, Prologues as Locus Auctoris in Historical Narratives: An Overview from Antiquity to the Middle Ages 47 Penny Simons, Geographies in Aimon de Varennes’ Florimont 67 Sibylle Jefferis, The Influence of the Trojan War Story on theNibelungenlied : Motifs, Characters, Situations 87 Peter Dinzelbacher, „strîtes êre“ – über die Verflechtung von Ehre, Schande, Scham und Aggressivität in der mittelalterlichen Mentalität 99 Christopher R. Clason, A “Courtly” Reading of Natural Metaphors: Animals and Performance in Gottfried’s Tristan 141 Alan V. Murray, Wernher der Gartenaere and the Arthurian Romance: The Intertextuality of Helmbrecht’s Cap 161 Karen Pratt, Adapting the Rose for New Manuscript Contexts: the Case of Poitiers, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS 215 175 William C. McDonald, Red Jews and the Antichrist as the Jewish Messiah: Michel Beheim’s Endicrist (c. 1455). With a Translation 195 Andrew Weeks, Deutsche Mystik und mystisches Deutschtum 217 Winfried Frey, Die versäumte Gelegenheit zur Toleranz gegenüber den Juden: Anselms von Canterbury Cur deus homo. Eine Skizze 233 Birgit Wiedl, ...und kam der jud vor mich ze offens gericht. Juden und (städtische) Gerichtsobrigkeiten im Spätmittelalter 243 Thomas Willard, Beya and Gabricus: Erotic Imagery in German Alchemy 269 Reinhold Münster, Die Pilger und die Fleischeslust. Zur Ideengeschichte von Erotik, Kunst und Religion 283 Werner Heinz, Heilige Längen: Zu den Maßen des Christus- und des Mariengrabes in Bebenhausen 297 2 Mediaevistik 28 · 2015

Martha Moffitt Peacock, Mirrors of Skill and Renown: Women and Self-Fashioning in Early-Modern Dutch Art 325 Berta Raposo, Der Gegensatz Nord/Süd als Seitenentwurf in der Mittelalterrezeption Friedrich de la Motte Fouqués 353 William McDonald, A Short Introduction to George F. Jones, Eine Kugel kam geflogen 361 George Fenwick Jones, Eine Kugel kam geflogen (A bullet came a-flying.) 363

Rezensionen Herausgegeben von Albrecht Classen

Gesamtes Mittelalter

Aborte im Mittelalter und der Frühen Neuzeit: Bauforschung, Archäologie, Kulturgeschichte, ed. Olaf Wagener (A. CLASSEN) 371 Emily Albu, The Medieval Peutinger Map: Imperial Roman Revival in a German Empire (A. CLASSEN) 372 La Fascination pour Alexandre le Grand dans les littératures européennes (Xe–XVIe siècle): Réinventions d’un mythe, ed. C. Gaullier-Bougassas (R. J. CORMIER) 374 Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger, Tim Neu, Christina Brauner (Hgg.), Alles nur symbo- lisch? Bilanz und Perspektiven der Erforschung symbolischer Kommunikation. Symbolische Kommunikation in der Vormoderne (R. LÜTZELSCHWAB) 376 The Arma Christi in Medieval and Early Modern Material Culture. With a Critical Edition of ‘O Vernicle’, ed. by Lisa H. Cooper and Andrea Denny-Brown (R. SCHMITZ-ESSER) 379 Barlaam und Josaphat: Neue Perspektiven auf ein europäisches Phänomen. Hg. von Constanza Cordoni und Matthias Meyer, unter Mitarbeit von Nina Hable (A. CLASSEN) 380 Georg Scheibelreiter, Wappen im Mittelalter (H. BERWINKEL) 382 Thomas Wozniak, Sebastian Müller, Andreas Meyer (Hg.), Königswege. Festschrift für Hans K. Schulze zum 80. Geburtstag und 50. Promotionsjubiläum (H. BERWINKEL) 384 A Catalogue of Western Book Illumination in the Fitzwilliam Museum and the Cambridge Colleges, Part IV: The British Isles. Volume I: Insular and Anglo-Saxon manuscripts, ed. N. Morgan and S. Panayotova, with the assistance of Rebecca Rushforth (S. BRUCE) 386 Mediaevistik 28 · 2015 3

Daniel O’Sullivan, ed., Chess in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age. A Fundamental Thought Paradigm of the Premodern World (S. LUCHITSKAYA) 387 Handbook of Medieval Culture: Fundamental Aspects and Conditions of the European Middle Ages. Ed. Albrecht Classen (W. C. JORDAN) 390 Paul M. Cobb, Der Kampf ums Paradies: Eine islamische Geschichte der Kreuzzüge (A. CLASSEN) 392 Alexander Demandt, Der Baum: Eine Kulturgeschichte (A. CLASSEN) 394 Marina Münkler, Antje Sablotny und Matthias Standke, Hgg., Freundschaftszeichen: Gesten, Gaben und Symbole von Freundschaft im Mittelalter (A. CLASSEN) 396 Kerstin Hundahl, Lars Kjær, and Niels Lund, eds. and Europe in the Middle Ages, c. 1000–1525: Essays in Honour of Professor Michael H. Gelting (L. TRACY) 399 Jan Keupp und Romedio Schmitz-Esser, Hrg., Neue alte Sachlichkeit: Studienbuch Materialität des Mittelalters (A. CLASSEN) 401 Gerhard Karpp, Mittelalterliche Bibelhandschriften am Niederrhein (C. GALLE) 402 Katalog der mittelalterlichen Helmstedter Handschriften der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, Teil 1: Cod. Guelf. 1 bis 276 Helmst (C. GALLE) 404 Katalog der mittelalterlichen Handschriften in Salzburg. Stiftsbibliothek Mattsee, Archiv der Erzdiözese Salzburg, Salzburger Landesarchiv, Archiv der Stadt Salzburg, Salzburg Museum. Katalogband. Unter Mitarbeit von Beatrix Koll und Susanne Lang bearbeitet von Nikolaus Czifra und Rüdiger Lorenz. Registerband. Bearbeitet von Nikolaus Czifra und Rüdiger Lorenz (J. JEEP) 405 Anne Kirkham and Cordelia Warr, ed., Wounds in the Middle Ages. The History of Medicine in Context (L. TRACY) 407 Christina Mochty-Weltin, Karin Kühtreiber, Thomas Kühtreiber und Alexandra Zehetmayer, Wehrbauten und Adelssitze Niederösterreichs, Bd. 3: Das Viertel unter dem Wienerwald (R. WAGENER) 409 Hiram Kümper, Materialwissenschaft Mediävistik: Eine Einführung in die Historischen Hilfswissenschaften (A. CLASSEN) 411 Erik Kwakkel, Manuscripts of the Latin Classics, 800–1200 (S. BRUCE) 412 Literatur- und Kulturtheorien in der Germanistischen Mediävistik: Ein Handbuch. Hrsg. von Christiane Ackermann und Michael Egerding (A. CLASSEN) 414 Mächtige Frauen? Königinnen und Fürstinnen im europäischen Mittelalter (11.–14. Jahrhundert). Hrsg. von Claudia Zey. Unter Mitarbeit von Sophie Caflisch und Philippe Goridis (A. CLASSEN) 416 4 Mediaevistik 28 · 2015

Matter of Faith: An Interdisciplinary Study of Relics and Relic Veneration in the Medieval Period, ed. by James Robinson and Lloyd de Beer with Anna Harnden (R. SCHMITZ-ESSER) 417 The Meanings of Nudity in Medieval Art, hrsg. von Sherry C. M. Lindquist (R. SCHMITZ-ESSER) 419 Medieval Clothing and Textiles, ed. Robert Netherton and Gale R. Owen-Crocker, with the assistance of Monica L. Wright (A. CLASSEN) 421 The Medieval Way of War: Studies in Medieval Military History in Honor of Bernard S. Bachrach, ed. by Gregory L. Halfond (W. SAYERS) 422 Rudolf Simek, Monster im Mittelalter: Die phantastische Welt der Wundervölker und Fabelwesen (A. CLASSEN) 423 Muslim and Christian Contact in the Middle Ages: A Reader, ed. Jarbel Rodriguez (A. CLASSEN) 428 Jean Passini, The Medieval Jewish Quarter of Toledo (R. CORMIER) 429 Georg Patt, Studien zu den Salzehnten im Mittelalter, 2 Bde. (H. KÜMPER) 430 Polemic: Language as Violence in Medieval and Early Modern Discourse. Eds. Almut Suerbaum, George Southcombe, and Benjamin Thompson (F. ALFIE) 431 Thomas Wozniak, Quedlinburg. Kleine Stadtgeschichte (D. NICHOLAS) 433 Suzanne Reynolds, A Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library at Holkham Hall. Volume I. Manuscripts from Italy to 1500. Part I. Shelfmarks 1–399 (R. LÜTZELSCHWAB) 434 Barbara H. Rosenwein, Generations of Feeling: A History of Emotions, 600–1700 (A. CLASSEN) 437 Michael Mitterauer, St. Jakob und der Sternenweg. Mittelalterliche Wurzeln einer großen Wallfahrt (C. GRAFINGER) 439 Robert Bartlett, Why Can the Dead Do Such Great Things? Saints and Worshippers from the Martyrs to the Reformation (S. BRUCE) 441 John Carey, Emma Nic Cárthaigh, and Caitríona Ó Dochartaigh, with a fore- word by Bernard McGinn, The End and Beyond: Medieval Irish Eschatology (E. GARDINER) 442 The Medieval Chronicle IX, ed. Erik Kooper and Sjoerd Levelt (A. CLASSEN) 445 Von achtzehn Wachteln und dem Finkenritter: Deutsche Unsinnsdichtung des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit. Mittelhochdeutsch / Frühneuhochdeutsch / Neuhochdeutsch. Hrsg., übersetzt und kommentiert von Horst Brunner (A. CLASSEN) 446 Vergessene Texte des Mittelalters, hrsg. von Nathanel Busch und Björn Reich (A. CLASSEN) 448 Mediaevistik 28 · 2015 5

Katie L. Walter, Ed., Reading Skin in Medieval Literature and Culture. The New Middle Ages (J. BARR) 451 Dorothea Weltecke, Ulrich Gotter und Ulrich Rüdiger (Hg.): Religiöse Vielfalt und der Umgang mit Minderheiten. Vergangene und gegenwärtige Erfahrungen (C. SCHOLL) 453 Wenzel, Medieval Artes Preaedicandi. A Synthesis of Scholastic Sermon Structure (C. GALLE) 455


Kristján Ahronson, Into the Ocean: Vikings, Irish, and Environmental Change in Iceland and the North (W. SAYERS) 457 Anthologia Latina. Eingeleitet, übersetzt und kommentiert von Wolfgang Fels (A. CLASSEN) 458 The Dating of “Beowulf”: A Reassessment, ed. Leonard Neidorf (A. BREEZE) 460 Luigi Andrea Berto, In Search of the First Venetians: Prosopography of Early Medieval Venice (A. THALLER) 461 Constance Brittain Bouchard, Rewriting Saints and Ancestors. Memory and Forgetting in France, 500–1200 (E. MEGIER) 463 Claire Breay and Bernard Meehan, The St. Cuthbert Gospel: Studies on the Insular Manuscript of the Gospel of John (S. BRUCE) 465 Peter Brown, The Ransom of the Soul: Afterlife and Wealth in Early Western Christianity (S. BRUCE) 467 Michael D. C. Drout, Tradition & Influence in Anglo-Saxon Literature: An Evolutionary, Cognitivist Approach (J. HILL) 468 Ego Trouble: Authors and their Identities in the Early Middle Ages, ed. Richard Corradini, Matthew Gillis, Rosamond McKitterick, and Irene van Renswoude (C. LANDON) 470 Janine Fries-Knoblach and Heiko Steuer, with John Hines (eds.), The Baiuvarii and Thuringi. An Ethnographic Perspective (M. PIERCE) 472 Clemens Gantner, Freunde Roms und Völker der Finsternis. Die päpstliche Konstruktion von Anderen im 8. und 9. Jahrhundert (C. GRAFINGER) 474 Tim Geelhaar, Christianitas: Eine Wortgeschichte von der Spätantike bis zum Mittelalter (E. MEGIER) 475 Die Gumbertusbibel: Goldene Bilderpracht der Romanik. Hrsg. von Anna Pawlik und Michele C. Ferrari (A. CLASSEN) 479 6 Mediaevistik 28 · 2015

Die Kaiserchronik: Eine Auswahl. Mittelhochdeutsch / Neuhochdeutsch. Übersetzt, kommentiert und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Mathias Herweg (A. CLASSEN) 480 Katalog der lateinischen Handschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München. Die Handschriften aus Regensburg. Band 4. Clm 14401–14540. Neu beschrieben von Friedrich Helmer und Julie Knödler unter Mitarbeit von Günter Glauche (J. JEEP) 481 Arnulf Krause, Lexikon der germanischen Mythologie und Heldensage (W SCHÄFKE) 483 Derek Krueger, Liturgical Subjects: Christian Ritual, Biblical Narrative, and the Formation of Self in Byzantium (V. MARINIS) 486 Natalie Maag, Alemannische Minuskel (744–846 n. Chr.) Frühe Schriftkultur im Bodenseeraum und Voralpenland (J. JEEP) 487 Richard Marsden, The Cambridge Reader (A. CLASSEN) 489 Valerie L. Garver and Owen M. Phelan, ed., Rome and Religion in the Medieval World: Studies in Honor of Thomas F.X. Noble (S. BRUCE) 490 Otfrid von Weißenburg, Evangelienbuch. Aus dem Althochdeutschen übertragen und mit einer Einführung, Anmerkungen und einer Auswahlbibliographie versehen von Heiko Hartmann (A. CLASSEN) 491 Michael Philip Penn, Envisioning Islam: Syriac Christians and the Early Muslim World. Divinations: Rereading Late Antique Religion (S. BOYD) 493 The Old English Martyrology: Edition, Translation and Commentary, ed. Christine Rauer (S. GODLOVE) 495 Markus Schiegg, Frühmittelalterliche Glossen. Ein Beitrag zur Funktionalität und Kontextualität mittelalterlicher Schriftlichkeit (J. JEEP) 497 Juan Signes Codoñer, The Emperor Theophilos and the East, 829–842 (W. TREADGOLD) 500 Victoria Zimmerl-Panagl, Lukas J. Dorfbauer and Clemens Weidmann, ed., Edition und Erforschung lateinischer patristischer Texte: 150 Jahre CSEL: Festschrift für Kurt Smolak zum 70 (S. BRUCE) 502 Anders Winroth, The Age of the Vikings (A. SAUCKEL) 503


Aelred de Rievaulx, Sermons. La Collection de Reading (C. GALLE) 507 , Der arme Heinrich. Mittelhochdeutsch/Neuhochdeutsch. Hrsg., übersetzt und kommentiert von Nathanael Busch und Jürgen Wolf (A. CLASSEN) 509 Mediaevistik 28 · 2015 7

Philippe Buc, Holy War, Martyrdom, and Terror: Christianity, Violence, and the West (E. KUEHN) 510 Lothar Voetz, Der Codex Manesse. Die berühmteste Liederhandschrift des Mittelalters (A. CLASSEN) 512 Helge Eilers, Studien zu Sprache und Stil in alt- und mittelhochdeutscher Literatur (M. PIERCE) 513 Heiko Hartmann, Einführung in das Werk Wolframs von Eschenbach (A. CLASSEN) 515 Joachim Heinzle, Traditionelles Erzählen. Beiträge zum Verständnis von Nibelungensage und (M. PIERCE) 516 Eduard Hlawitschka, Die Ahnen der hochmittelalterlichen deutschen Könige und Kaiser und ihrer Gemahlinnen (A. WOLF) 518 Mirabilia Urbis Romae: Die Wunderwerke der Stadt Rom. Einleitung, Übersetzung und Kommentar von Gerlinde Huber-Rebenich, Martin Wallraff, Katharina Heyden und Thomas Krönung (A. CLASSEN) 523 Jan-Dirk Müller, Das Nibelungenlied. 4. neu bearbeitete und erweiterte Aufl. (A. CLASSEN) 524 Rupert T. Pickens, Perceval and Gawain in Dark Mirrors: Reflection and Reflexivity in Chrétien de Troyes’s Conte del Graal (A. CLASSEN) 525 Christine Putzo, Konrad Fleck, ‘Flore und Blanscheflur’ (A. CLASSEN) 526 The Romance of Tristran by Beroul and Beroul II: A Diplomatic Edition and a Critical Edition by Barbara N. Sargent-Baur (A. CLASSEN) 529 Larissa Schuler-Lang, Wildes Erzählen – Erzählen vom Wilden: Parzival, Busant und D. (A. CLASSEN) 530 Solomon ibn Abirol (Avicebron), The Font of Life (Fons Vitae). Trans. from the Latin with an Introduction by John A. Laumakis (A. CLASSEN) 531 Die jüngere Translatio s. Dionysii Areopagitae, hg. von Veronika Lukas (R. LÜTZELSCHWAB) 532 Verena Türck, Beherrschter Raum und anerkannte Herrschaft (H. BERWINKEL) 535 John Tzetzes, Allegories of the Iliad. Translated by Adam J. Goldwyn and Dimitra Kokkini (R. CORMIER) 537 Bernardus Silvestris, Poetic Works, .ed. and trans. by Winthrop Wetherbee (R. CORMIER) 538 Chris Wickham, Sleepwalking into a New World: The Emergence of the Italian City Communes in the Twelfth Century (F. ALFIE) 540 Wigamur, ed. and trans. by Joseph M. Sullivan (A. CLASSEN) 542 8 Mediaevistik 28 · 2015

The Histories of a Medieval German City, Worms, c. 1000-c. 1300. Translation and Commentary. Trans. by David S. Bachrach (A. CLASSEN) 543 Roland Zingg, Die Briefsammlungen der Erzbischöfe von Canterbury, 1070–1170 (M. WITZLEB) 545 Christopher Tyerman, The Practices of Crusading. Image and Action from the Eleventh to the Sixteenth Centuries (S. LUCHITSKAYA) 547


Die Augsburger Cantiones-Sammlung. Hrsg., übersetzt und kommentiert von Michael Callsen (A. CLASSEN) 551 Steven Bednarski. A Poisoned Past: The Life and Times of Margarida de Portu, a Fourteenth-Century Accused Poisoner (W. PFEFFER) 551 John Page’s “The Siege of Rouen”, ed. Joanna Bellis (A. BREEZE) 554 Vasil Bivolarov, Inquisitoren-Handbücher (A. KOBAYASHI) 555 Undine Brückner, Dorothea von Hof: “Das buoch der götlichen liebe und summe der tugent” (A. CLASSEN) 559 The Book of Gladness / The Livre de Leesce, trans. annotated, and with an Introduction by Linda Burke (A. CLASSEN) 561 Gisela Drossbach und Gerhard Wolf (Hrsg.), Caritas im Schatten von Sankt Peter (P. DINZELBACHER) 561 Christine de Pizan, Le Livre des epistres du debat sus le Rommant de la Rose (A. CLASSEN) 562 The Complete Harley 2253 Manuscript. Vol. 2 and 3. Ed. and trans. by Susanna Fein with David Raybin and Jan Ziolkowski (A. CLASSEN) 564 Der Stricker, Daniel von dem Blühenden Tal. 3., überarbeitete Aufl. Hg. von Michael Resler (A. CLASSEN) 565 Death, Torture and the Broken Body in European Art, 1300–1650, ed. John R. Decker and Mitzi Kirkland-Ives (A. CLASSEN) 566 Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon: Das Mittelalter. Hrsg. von Wolfgang Achnitz (A. CLASSEN) 568 Clayton J. Drees, Bishop Richard Fox of Winchester (R. LÜTZELSCHWAB) 570 Nikolaus Andreas Egel, Die Welt im Übergang. Der diskursive, subjektive und skeptische Charakter der Mappamondo des Fra Mauro (R. SCHMITZ-ESSER) 572 Arnold Esch, Die Lebenswelt des europäischen Spätmittelalters: Kleine Schicksale selbst erzählt in Schreiben an den Papst (A. CLASSEN) 574 Mediaevistik 28 · 2015 9

Everyday Objects. Medieval and Early Modern Material Culture and its Meanings, hrsg. von Tara Hamling und Catherine Richardson (R. SCHMITZ-ESSER) 576 Claire Fanger, Rewriting Magic: An Exegesis of the Visionary Autobiography of a Fourteenth-Century French Monk (T. WILLARD) 577 Geoffrey Chaucer, Troilus and Criseyde in Modern Verse. Trans., with Notes, by Joseph Glaser (A. CLASSEN) 579 Ursula Gießmann, Der letzte Gegenpast: Felix V.: Studien zu Herrschaftspraxis und Legitimationsstrategien (1434–1451) (A. CLASSEN) 580 Bernd-Ulrich Hergemöller, Prager Köpfe von Karl IV (A. CLASSEN) 582 Die Inschriften des Landkreises Hildesheim, bearb. von Christine Wulf (R. SCHMITZ-ESSER) 583 Ulrike Jenni, Maria Theisen, Mitteleuropäische Schulen IV (ca. 1380–1400) (J. JEEP) 584 Douglas Kelly, Machaut and the Medieval Apprenticeship Tradition: Truth, Fiction and Poetic Craft (U. SMILANSKY) 587 Sari Kivistö, The Vices of Learning: Morality and Knowledge at Early Modern Universities (E. KUEHN) 590 Die Bibliothek Herzog Johann Albrechts I. von Mecklenburg (1525–1576), beschrieben von Nilüfer Krüger (H. KÜMPER) 591 Maximilians Ruhmeswerk: Künste und Wissenschaften im Umkreis Kaiser Maximilians I. Hrsg. von Jan-Dirk Müller und Hans-Joachim Ziegeler (A. CLASSEN) 592 A Middle English Medical Remedy Book Edited from Glasgow University Library MS Hunter 185, ed. Francisco Alonso Almeida (A. BREEZE) 594 „Mit schönen figuren“ Buchkunst im deutschen Südwesten. Eine Ausstellung der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg und der Württembergischen Landesbibliothek Stuttgart. Hg. von Maria Effinger und Kerstin Losert mit Beiträgen von Margit Krenn, Wolfgang Metzger und Karin Zimmermann (J. JEEP) 596 Nils Bock. Die Herolde im römisch-deutschen Reich (D. NICHOLAS) 598 Christina Normore, A Feast for the Eyes: Art, Performance & the Late Medieval Banquet (A. RUSSAKOFF) 600 Oton de Granson, Poems. Ed. and trans. by Peter Nicholson and Joan Grenier- Winther (A. CLASSEN) 602 Sophie Page, Magic in the Cloister: Pious Motives, Illicit Interests, and Occult Approaches to the Medieval Universe (S. BRUCE) 604 Passional. Buch I: Marienleben. Buch II: Apostellegenden. Hrsg. von Annegret Haase, Martin Schubert und Jürgen Wolf (A. CLASSEN) 605 10 Mediaevistik 28 · 2015

Paurnfeindts Fechtbuch aus dem Jahr 1516, hg. von Matthias Johannes Bauer (A. CLASSEN) 607 Pedro Martínez García, El cara a cara con el otro: la visión de lo ajeno a fines de la Edad Media y comienzos de la Edad Moderna a través del viaje (A. CLASSEN) 608 Perceforest. Sixième partie. Edition critique par Gilles Roussineau (A. CLASSEN) 610 Coriolano Cippico, The Deeds of Commander Pietro Mocenigo in Three Books. Introduction, translation and notes by Kiril Petkov (A. THALLER) 611 The Works of the “Gawain” Poet: “Pearl”, “Cleanness”, “Patience”, “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”, ed. Ad Putter and Myra Stokes (A. BREEZE) 613 Wolfgang Riehle, The Secret Within. Hermits, Recluses, and Spiritual Outsiders in Medieval England (J. LUDWIKOWSKA) 615 Rosengarten. Hrsg. von Elisabeth Lienert, Sonja Kerth und Svenja Nierentz. Teilband I: Einleitung, ‘Rosengarten ‘ A. Teilband II: ‘Rosengarten’ DP. Teilband III: ‘Rosengarten’ C, ‘Rosengarten’ F, ‘Niederdeutscher Rosengarten, Verzeichnisse (A. CLASSEN) 617 Alexander Markus Schilling, Mögliches, Unwahrscheinliches, Fabelhaftes: Die “Historia trium regum” des Johannes von Hildesheim und ihre orientalischen Quellen (D. RIEDEL) 618 Sebastian Brant, Indices zu Tugent Spyl und Narrenschiff. Hrsg. von Frédéric Hartweg und Wolfgang Putschke (A. CLASSEN) 620 Gabriele Signori, ed., Prekäre Ökonomien: Schulden in Spätmittelalter und Früher Neuzeit (H. KÜMPER) 621 Charlotte A. Stanford, Commemorating the Dead in Late Medieval Strasbourg: The Cathedral’s Book of Donors and Its Use (1320–1521) (A. CLASSEN) 624 Supplications from England and Wales in the Registers of the Apostolic Penitentiary 1410–1503, volume II: 1464–1492, vol. III: 1492–1503 ed. by P. D. Clark-P.N.R. Zutshi (C. GRAFINGER) 625 Volker Stamm, Grundbesitz in einer spätmittelalterlichen Marktgemeinde: Land und Leute in Gries bei Bozen Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte (A. RAFFEINER) 627 Horst Rupp, Hrsg., Der Waltensburger Meister in seiner Zeit (A. CLASSEN) 629 Rainer Welle, ... vnd mit der rechten faust ein mordstuck. Baumanns Fecht- und Ringkampfhandschrift. Edition und Kommentierung der anonymen Fecht- und Ringkampfhandschrift Cod. I.6.4o2 der UB Augsburg aus den Beständen der Öttingen-Wallersteinischen Bibliothek (A. CLASSEN) 631 William Langland, Piers Plowman: A Modern Verse Translation, trans. Peter Sutton (A. CLASSEN) 632 Der , hrsg. von Florian Kragl (A. CLASSEN) 634 10.3726/83024_87 Mediaevistik 28 · 2015 87

Sibylle Jefferis

The Influence of the Trojan War Story on the Nibelungenlied: Motifs, Characters, Situations

Abstract: Herbort von Fritzlar’s Liet von Troye was composed shortly after 1190, commissioned by Landgrave Hermann von Thüringen (1190 – 1217). It is presumed that this new German Trojan War story, based on the French Roman de Troie by Benoît de Sainte-Maure, was supposed to add the events preceding Heinrich von Veldeke’s Eneit. Veldeke was mentioned by Herbort. Since the Liet von Troye was the first German rendition of the Trojan Wars (although Konrad von Würzburg’s Trojanerkrieg became more famous in 1287), I believe that it could well have influenced the Ni- belungenlied of 1200/1205. It seems to me that the idea for the final version of the Nibelungenlied by the anonymous Austrian poet, based on old Germanic sources, could have been to write an epic that was native to Germany, but which would have the epic dimensions and the model of the classic Trojan War story, the Iliad. There are no epics other than the Nibelungenlied and the Iliad which end in destruction like this. In the Iliad, the Greeks destroy Troy; in the Nibelungenlied, the Burgundians destroy ’s fortress. In both epics, hardly anybody of the royal dynasties and their friends stays alive, excepting Eneas in the Iliad and in the Nibelungenlied. Although the two epics are not identical in their plots, enough similarities could be enumerated to show an influence of the Trojan Wars on the Nibelungenlied. Having worked with the epic of the Trojan War (by Konrad von Würzburg) in comparison to Wittenwiler’s grotesque short novel Der Ring (Jefferis 1994/1995), I noticed that the Trojan War story seems to have quite a lot of similarities with the Nibelungenlied as well; this is as far as motifs, characters, situations and even the structure are concerned (Jefferis 2006). Although few scholars have made any comparisons between the Trojan War and the Nibelungenlied, the parallels are so striking that a reexamination seems in order. Since both epics are so voluminous and detailed, having so many characters and episodes involved in the course of their narratives it will have to suffice to show just a few outstanding examples of similarities that come to mind. Besides Latin Trojan War stories of the 12th century, the poet of the Nibelungenlied could draw on the two German courtly epics of Herbort’s Lied von Troja and on Heinrich von Veldeke’s Eneit for information and source material. Both epics were written for Landgrave Hermann von Thüringen, in Veldeke’s case at least the third part of the work. He finished the Eneit between 1183 and 1190. His source was the French Roman d’Énéas of 1160 and Virgil’s Aeneid itself. Although this Roman story deals foremost with the life of Eneas after he fled from Troy, it also gives the account of the destruction of Troy, the Trojan War, in retrospect. It has been mentioned by scholars that the dialogue between Lavinia and her 88 Mediaevistik 28 · 2015 mother concerning love and marriage had an influence on theNibelungenlied for the con- versation about minne that took place between Kriemhild and her mother, Ute. Veldeke’s style and language influenced theNibelungenlied poet just as much as the other great poets of the Staufer period. It is believed that Herbort’s Lied von Troja was commissioned by Hermann von Thürin- gen around 1190 as well in order to describe the events that occurred in Troy before Eneas fled the destroyed city. Herbort’s work was a translation and shortened reworking of the French courtly epic of the Roman de Troie by Benoît de Sainte-Maure of 1175–1180, which was a big success in France. It was translated into Latin by Guido de Columnis in 1287 and studied in schools all over Europe, especially in Germany, where it was translated again into German in many versions (Brunner). Even before the Nibelungenlied, the Trojan War story was taught in school as an exem- plum, mostly for its unchristian behavior and disaster. Virgil’s Aeneid was well known as school literature, too. From the love story between Eneas and Lavinia in Veldeke’s Eneit the Nibelungen poet might have developed the story of love and courtship between Sieg- fried and Kriemhild. It has been pointed out by Elisabeth Lienert (2015, 47) that the notion of “a narrative in a narrative” could have stemmed from Virgil’s Aeneid, where Eneas tells about the fall of Troy and all his previous life, which then had repercussions in the Nibelungenlied, where tells the Burgundian kings all about Siegfried before Siegfried’s arrival at Worms. But I think that the poet may have used the account from Veldeke’s Eneit (vv. 910–1212) directly, where after their banquet Eneas tells Dido all about the fall of Troy. Moreover, vv. 6244–6256 mention that Eneas is invited by King Euander to tell him about the fall of Troy. And even the relationship between Eneas and Dido, which did not work out so well, could have influenced the story of Siegfried and Brünhild to some extent, even if in this case there was an earlier Germanic source available. Not only did the Eneas story make the transition from the Greek to the Roman world, it was also much more positive and successful in its outcome with Eneas founding Rome and eventually becoming king. Whole dynasties, all through the Middle Ages, claimed to have descended from Eneas and other survivors of the Trojan Wars. According to the epic version Xanten was named after the River Xantos in Troy, and the Nibelungen poet made that town Siegfried’s home and the capital of his realm. In fact, the Franks claimed that their founder Franco came from Xanten and was a descendant of Troy, as mentioned by Theodore Anderson (164). The Kaiserchronik and other chronicles had been clear about that all along. – The French town of Troyes is also reminiscent of antique Troy. In 451 At- tila and his were defeated by the Romans nearby on the Catalaunian Plains (Châlons- sur-Marne) never to return; as if to say that their battle was just as important to them as the Trojan War. It has been noted, for instance by Bert Nagel, that besides showing Roman life very successfully, Veldeke’s Eneit manages to transpose it into the courtly life and customs of medieval Germany. It earned a lot of acclaim, and fourteen manuscripts of Veldeke’s epic Mediaevistik 28 · 2015 89 are still extant, as opposed to only three manuscripts of Herbort’s Lied von Troja, which is inferior as far as its poetic construction is concerned. But since the nobility took those epics and histories as examples and models, there came a time when someone like the Nibelungen poet wanted to recreate the past Germanic world instead, to preserve these old accounts, and used them as a model, including, in part, the Trojan War. And as if to say that the Germanic wars, like those between the Huns and the Bur- gundians, were also tragic, bad and negative, the poet introduces a better leader, Dietrich von Bern, who is ultimately more successful, succeeded by Theoderich, who is, like the legendary Eneas before him, a great Roman king. I believe that the Nibelungen poet quite purposefully constructed his epic accordingly to show the same situation as in the Trojan War story, which was considered as history. The new main characters in the Nibelungenlied, Dietrich von Bern and Rüdiger, together with their entourage, were taken from the Dietrich epics, of which no manuscripts from that time have survived. They had no business being part of the Nibelungen saga, but the poet made a conscious effort to include them. I believe he did so because he modeled them on Eneas and Antenor, the two heroes of the Trojan War story, who are similarly ambiguous in their allegiance, being on the side of Kings Priamus and Etzel, but at times not fighting at all and even betraying their sides. These characters were well liked and even exemplified, as one can see from Virgil’s Aeneid. I find it most likely that theNibelungen poet had access to the court of Hermann von Thüringen, like all the other famous poets of the time, and that he obtained one of the copies of Veldeke’s Eneit. He might also have attended poets’ readings, as was the custom. And while the Lied von Troja was written and read to the interested guests at court, the Nibelun- gen poet might have learned about it, too. It was Herbort, who used the more humorous, ironic, and coarse style (Lengenfelder) that also appears in the Nibelungenlied, besides the courtly style. It has been said, by Andersson for instance, that Etzel was transformed into a more sym- pathetic character, because that is how he appears in the Dietrich epics. But another reason could have been that the poet wanted to flatter Hermann von Thüringen, who was support- ive of, and even related to, the Hungarian king; so the Hungarians’ past history could be portrayed more favorably. And another reason for bringing Dietrich von Bern into the story was to show him as a successful leader in the Germanic world, incorporating Italy into the realm, a circumstance that became important to the Staufers at the time of their reign, be- fore and after 1200, when the Nibelungenlied was composed. The poet might or might not have lived in Passau, but he could still have participated in all the activities, exchanges and visits with all the other German poets of the time, when they went to all the different courts and met and got to know each other’s works. It has been suggested that the poet made a two-part story out of the Nibelungen material that consistsed of two different strands from the very first, the Brünhild-Siegfried saga and the fall of the Burgundians. The first part ended in Siegfried’s death but the poet successful- ly connected the first part to the second in the motif of Kriemhild’s revenge and her joining Etzel as his second wife. In the “Heldenlieder” (heroic songs) there was no connection, and 90 Mediaevistik 28 · 2015

Kriemhild even had a different name in one of them, namely , as if they were actu- ally thinking of two different women or sisters of the Burgundian kings. It is believed that the poet developed the first part in more detail, including Siegfried’s youth and his wooing of Kriemhild, on the model of Arthurian romances. But I believe that – besides Veldeke’s Eneit as an inspiration and influence – he also modeled the structure on the Trojan War sto- ry, in which two tribes or nations, two dynasties, fight against each other, namely the Greeks against the Trojans, just as the Burgundians against the Huns. Arthurian romance does not have all that fighting and destruction between two sides, with scarcely a victor and just a few survivors. Arthurian knights devote their lives to education and enjoy a happy ending. Keeping in mind that there are the two belligerent sides created in the Nibelungenlied, as history had them, if one just wanted to focus on these two tribes or nations, then one might say that Kriemhild was modeled, to some extent, on the role of Helena in the Trojan War story. Unlike in the Atla-quiða and Atla-mál, where everything happens relatively near-by (and in the Atla-mál, travel is exclusively done on land), one can see that the Nibelungen poet constructed the journey on the Danube on purpose, going all the way from Worms to Vienna and Hungary. In history, the Huns came to the Rhineland, and defeated the Burgun- dians in 436. According to the Thidrekssaga, the fighting occurred in Soest. But theNibe - lungen poet envisioned the Huns back in Hungary, and on the accounts of the Trojan War apparently modeled a long tedious journey on water. Besides the waterways, the two stories display similarities in the hazards, forebodings and forewarnings. The ending is predicted by the water gods and by the mermaids and by the priests and prophets, and likewise by the chaplain. And storms come up and fighting occurs on the way. They encounter enemies and friends on the way. On both sides and in both stories, there are councils held, arguing for or against the journey and the fighting. In both epics, the young and courageous are opposed to the old and wise, but the more daring win out. Besides the two opposing nations and the distance of water between them and besides the complete destruction at the end, the burning of Troy and the burning of the Etzelburg with practically only Eneas and Dietrich von Bern surviving, there are a lot of similarities between the characters (of whom there are more in the Trojan War story) and between the motifs. These similarities are partial and sporadic at times, even pertain to different people sometimes and are no direct parallels. On the whole, I think, there are some comparable characteristics of Odysseus and Hagen, Achilles and Siegfried, Agamemnon and and Helena and Kriemhild, respectively; Ute, however, would seem more like Hecuba be- cause both of them have dreams and explain their dreams. So, sometimes there are compa- rable motifs, but they pertain to other characters than expected. It can be quite confusing but I still think that the Nibelungen poet was influenced by the Trojan War story. Hagen resembles Odysseus in that he is the chief defender and fighter with weapons and with advice to the royal brothers. He also has something to do with the treasure. In the Nibelungenlied, Hagen steals the treasure from Kriemhild, and in a way subsequently from the Huns, to hide it in the without letting anybody know where. Odysseus steals the Palladium, the God’s temple treasure, without giving it back to the Trojans. Hagen is the one who persuades Siegfried to fight against the Saxons and Danes to help out King Mediaevistik 28 · 2015 91

Gunther and his nation. Odysseus, as a parallel, goes to Achilles to make him return to the fight against the Trojans. Previously, Achilles has helped Agamemnon in some battles and brought a woman home for himself whom he has to give up to King Agamemnon later on. This is somewhat remi- niscent of Siegfried fighting against the Danes and Saxons for King Gunther and bringing Brünhild home, just to give her up to Gunther. Achilles rebels against Agamemnon at times as Siegfried does against Gunther when he wants to fight him and take his kingdom. Both Achilles and Siegfried are kings in their own countries, but they are subordinate vis-à-vis Agamemnon and Gunther, respectively. Both are eventually murdered, and both of them have a vulnerable spot, Achilles on his heel and Siegfried on his back. Achilles and Siegfried are both great fighters and lovers, and both of them are descend- ent from gods. They are demi-gods. Achilles’ mother is Thetis, a goddess of the ocean, and his father Peleus is a heroic fighter. Siegfried’s father is a fighter, at least originally, and his grandfather is a . Both have a famous sword to fight with, Balmung in Sieg- fried’s case, and Achilles has some famous armor made by Hephaistos with the help of his goddess-mother. The Mime, who makes the sword and armor for Siegfried, is also a kind of god or mythological figure. Another mythological occurrence is that Siegfried can understand birds while Achilles understands horses. Weapons seem to play a great role in both stories. Paris, who murders Achilles gets Achilles’ weapons, and later Ajax, who murders Paris, keeps them until he is murdered himself. There are not that many characters in the Nibelungenlied, but Hagen gets weapons back from Rüdiger and Siegfried, just to lose them in death as well. Eneas is a demi-god because Aphrodite is his mother, and because of her he is always protected and is chosen to be a leader in Italy, as is Dietrich von Bern later on. Helena is a demi-goddess because her father is Zeus. In her case a resemblance with Brünhild can be claimed whose father is Wotan. Both are practically conquered and abducted. Having been queens in their own right before, they give in to their fate and become queens in a foreign country. In the Trojan War story, Helena is courted by and married to Paris, and therefore Siegfried shows traits of character that can be traced not only to Achilles but also to Paris. There is an enmity between Helena and Cassandra, and in a certain way, a similar enmity can be seen between Brünhild and Kriemhild. While Cassandra mourns first for her dead fiancé and later for her brother, Hector, Kriemhild mourns for Siegfried. All in all, one can see traces of the characters of Helena, Cassandra and Andromache in Kriemhild because she has the beauty and love of Helena, the hate and clairvoyance of Cassandra, and the family life and the dreams about the doom of her family and city like Andromache. As far as more common motifs are concerned, Bert Nagel noted that in the Nibelun- genlied the heroes, women and men, seem to weep and mourn a lot, openly and publicly, as in the Trojan War story. One of the “leitmotifs” in both epics is the repeated mention of doom and the fall of heroes and cities which first appear in dreams. Kriemhild has the dream of Siegfried’s death, interpreted by her mother, Ute, and a short time later, Gotlinde’s daughter dreams of the death of Giselher, her fiancé. Hecuba dreams of the death of Paris, Andromache of the death of Hector. And, of course, Cassandra and the priests foretell the 92 Mediaevistik 28 · 2015 fall of Troy. They also predict the doom of the Greeks. And the river and ocean gods in both stories foretell doom to the Greeks and the Burgundians as well. Another comparison that has been noted is the fact that the Huns are overpowering the Burgundians at first just as the Trojans do the Greeks, and then it shifts to the Greeks winning over the Trojans just as the Burgundians do over the Huns and their allies. Troy and Etzelburg are destroyed at the end. If it is true that Brünhild, Siegfried, and Hagen were inspired by Helena, Achilles, and Odysseus, then one could think that the nordic heroic songs in the Edda might originally have been influenced by Homer’s Trojan War story. But that is just my impression. Such a connection might go back to the Vikings’ seafaring days in the 8th and 9th centuries or so. Their heroes, Siegfried, Hagen, and Brünhild, were even portrayed on church portals in and as far away as Spain. The Nibelungen poet carefully used those inherited songs, occasionally leaving things out that seemed too fabulous and mythological in order to make the epic more medieval and courtly. And he used the Trojan War story himself as a source, in the form of Veldeke’s Eneit, Herbort’s Lied von Troja, and possibly Latin and French versions in addition, sources that were read in school and circulated at court. While the poet combines the heroic songs of Siegfried and Brünhild with the fall of the Burgundians and the Dietrich epics, he keeps the Dietrich epic greatly intact while mod- eling it on the Trojan War story as much as possible. Therefore, not every character and every situation have their correspondences because the heroic songs and historic chronicles were to a great extent preserved as well as the quotations in direct speech. As in saints’ leg- ends, these elements remained unchanged and were passed on in various versions through- out the centuries as a tradition of ancient truths. So the poet does not make changes easily, except for new additions and concepts derived from more modern literature and the new style, ethics, and morals of his times, as well as Christianity. New material appears mostly where the poet strives to model his work on the Trojan War story, for instance in the quest of Etzel to woo Kriemhild similar to that of Paris, and in the great weddings described in both stories. Or in the portrayal of Hagen to make him more similar to Odysseus, taking up negotiations with the other side and trying to be peaceful and fair where possible, while protecting his own king and, nevertheless, bringing about the downfall of the other side. But most of the content of the ancient heroic songs remains unchanged. I believe that wherever there are resemblances of the Nibelungenlied and the Trojan War story, they were then used as a source and model by the poet. It is simply a matter of exactly documenting all those instances, on which, I think, I have made a start. For additional parallels between characters of the Trojan war epic and the Nibelungen- lied, one could name Diomedes, the friend and partner of Odysseus, who might correspond to Volker. Odysseus and Diomedes are the ones who always negotiate with with the so- called Trojan traitors, Antenor and Eneas. It is possible to compare Antenor to Rüdiger. Like Antenor and Eneas, Rüdiger and Dietrich von Bern refuse to fight for their side in order to keep the peace and save lives. And in return, Odysseus and Diomedes, or rather Hagen and Volker, mean to spare them, too. Mediaevistik 28 · 2015 93

In the Trojan War, there is the giving of gifts and bribes and promises on both sides, the same as in the Nibelungenlied. At one point in the negotiations, Eneas is supposed to obtain half of the treasure of Troy if defeated, and half of the kingdom to boot. But, of course, this never happens because Eneas goes away, Antenor is banished, and the Trojan treasure goes to the Greeks, in addition to the Palladium. In the Nibelungenlied, Rüdiger is offered half of Etzel’s kingdom in return for staying on his side, but he is killed, and Siegfried’s and Kriemhild’s treasure, which belongs to the Huns in a way, stays – because of Hagen – on the Burgundian side, but unclaimed and unknown. However, Dietrich von Bern becomes king of the Huns at some point in the future according to the Thidrekssaga – just like Eneas, who leads the rest of tribe of the Trojans as a king. Achilles is not married to Helena – his wife is Deidamia (Plutarch tells a story that took place ahead of the Trojan War). So their minne and wedding correspond to Siegfried’s and Kriemhild’s. When Helena sends a plea to the Greeks to spare her life and those of the Trojans, that would correspond to Kriemhild pleading for help and protection from the Burgundians, with the help of Rüdiger and his role in mediating the peace. As a last observation, let me say that a recognition of a Nibelungen poet, who composed this epic from many literary sources and with great skill, seems to me in order, considering the culture and critical mass of talents, poets, and patrons of the arts in existence during the time of the Staufers around 1200. Note: An earlier version of this paper was delivered twice before at the following conferences: 1. Twentieth International Conference on Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Vil- lanova University, Villanova, PA, 15–17 September 1995. 2. 31st International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalama- zoo, MI, May 8–12, 1996. (In the session: „German-French Literary Relations: Medieval Based on French Sources.“)

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