In this issue…

CONTENTS  A Labor of Love–Pg1  Message from Pres. Julie – Pg4  RC Dar es Salaam Milimani – Pg5  Rotary International- Pg6  Fenne – Pg8  Club Affairs – Pg9  Laughing Gas pg10  Rotary Norms – Pg 11  When & Where – Pg12

BUDDY GROUP- Rtn. Justine Kasozi Busulwa The Tear Gas; a labor of love! Rtn Florence Namagembe Rtn. Richard Keeya By Patricia Karugaba Kyazze Rtn Sandra Kebirungi Rtn Christina Sempebwa “So Pat, what role do you want to play in my year?” the question Rtn Patricia Karugaba Kyazze over the phone came from PE Julie (at the time).I did not interpret Rtn Flavia Nampala it as a question but rather a reminder of my obligation as a Rotarian of Rotary Club Kasangati? EDITORIAL TEAM  Patricia Karugaba Kyazze “” I stuttered fumbling for the right excuse to sit [email protected] back and do NOTHING the whole year.  Fred Kaka [email protected] “Will you do the Tear Gas?” she asked  FlaviaNampala [email protected] “Ok” I answered timidly afraid to say no because her voice carried authority.

THEME Without any further discussion she hang up. I had no idea that I  Rotary Fellowship had just signed up for one of the most taxing and demanding roles in the club. Because I had no idea what I gotten myself into,

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I left it until Monday morning to start working on the Tear Gas. It was something I thought I could do in just an hour while at work. Far from it!! By 2pm, I was back on the phone

“Julie Tear gas enemye” I said tearfully. I really was on the brink of tears. My hope was that she would say “ok don’t worry, let me do it for you” but in her typical no nonsense fashion she said,

“ok if you have failed, its too late now. We shall just have to do without a bulletin for the first fellowship” and she hang up.

I sat in the office toilet with my head in my hands and realized I was going to cry. How could I fail at my first Rotary assignment? I picked my lap top and drove home where I could work with better concentration and within an hour I had sent her the draft.

“This is wonderful, you’ve nailed it” You can only imagine the relief. Once again the tears welled up. This time it was relief.

It was official, my first Teargas was published and circulated. Some people go through a baptism of water other a baptism of fire. What I went through was a baptism of TEARS.

That marked the beginning of my commitment to the Tear Gas. I did not want to be the one who dropped the ball in Pres. Julie’s year. Inspired by PP Anne Nkutu of Naalya who was editor of the Wave and driven by the desire to meet President Julies expectations, I embarked on a journey of commitment that won us recognition as club and an award from the District Governor for Best Bulletin.

It has been a sweet labour of love. I have become somewhat anti-social because my Saturday nights and Sunday whole day is dedicated to working on the teargas. Sometimes I sleep as late as 3am on Saturday night. I don’t honor Sunday invitations and I don’t entertain visitors on Sunday. By 6pm Sunday evening, Pres Julie must have received the first draft for approval!!!

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Working on the Tear gas has disciplined me. I know that I must do it. There is no excuse. The Tear Gas must be out every Monday. It has taught me commitment to get the job done. It does not matter whether I am unwell or I get visitors or I have no electricity, the Tear Gas must be out every Monday. It has sharpened my creativity and forced me to read up and research so that I can write an article. It has forced me to visit other Rotary clubs for fellowship if only so that I can get something to write about.

But most of all The Tear Gas has educated me on ROTARY. Because I must write about Rotary events and issues, I have to read up, I have to research stories, find out what is happening in other countries, read 100page documents on sustainable development and somehow link it to Rotary. Research statistics on the impact of War on Women and link it to Rotary. It was been a wonderful opportunity not only to learn but to appreciate that Rotary is truly relevant in todays world.

As I prepare to hand over the baton to Rtn Flavia the incoming Editor of the Tear Gas, I thank her for standing in for me whenever I had to travel. She has stood in for me and ensured that the Tear Gas run every Monday without fail.

I also thank the regular contributors starting with Honorary member E. F. Sempebwa for his weekly tongue in cheek humor for the “Have You heard” column. My biggest fans; IPP Flo, PP Peter, PP Francis and Rtn Stuart for contributing articles. My gratitude goes to all the readers in and outside club who gave me feedback. In particular I thank Rtn Peace Godfrey Taremwa who I have never met but who gave me critical feedback that changed the content of the Tear Gas. The compliments and words of encouragement from readers was the fuel that kept me going. I thank Pres. Julie for supervising me. We have worked well as a team.

To the rest of the club, I ask that you make life easy for Rtn Flavia by offering to help with content. I know with everyone behind her, RC Kasangati can be assured of the Bulletin award yet again.

I am happy to have been able to use my talent and my time to Be A Gift To The World. Now let is embark on Serving Humanity in 2016-17

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Message From The President

As the Rotary Year draws to a close, I feel very grateful for very fond memories and the many things I have learned and people I have met along the way.

The month of June is a time to reflect on the Rotary year that has passed, and to look forward to the one that is soon beginning. Saturday June 11, 2016 was yet a special day for Rotary Club of Kasangati with a new Executive and President.

As we continue in the same spirit this time around all Rotary Clubs worldwide have their "Changeover" in the month of June. This is a time of excitement but also of reflection, review, planning and organization. The theme for the Rotary year 2016-2017 is "Rotary Serving Humanity".

I will be sharing a state of the club report on Monday June 27, 2016. This is also the date for the club official hand over from outgoing leaders to the incoming leaders. Let us make sure that we all attend this last fellowship in the RY 2015- 2016.

On another note our 2015-2016 Presidential Citations is here! We got the "GOLD" Award! Congratulations to TEAM Kasangati for a job well done!

As a club we look forward to great happiness in the Rotary Year 2016-2017 where we shall experience yet service to humanity.

Have a lovely week.

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yet another new club is born; welcome Rotary Club of Dar es salaam - milimani

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John F. Germ is board chair and chief executive officer of Campbell and Associates Inc., consulting engineers. He joined the firm as an engineer in 1965 after four years in the U.S. Air Force. He serves on the boards of several organizations, including the board and executive committee of the Public Education Foundation, Orange Grove Center Inc., and as board chair of Blood Assurance Inc. He also is founder and treasurer of the Chattanooga State Technical Community College Foundation and president of the Tennessee Jaycee Foundation.

He was Tennessee Young Man of the Year in 1970; Engineer of the Year, 1986; Volunteer Fundraiser of the Year, 1992; and Tennessee Community Organizations Volunteer of the Year, 2009. He is a recipient of the Boy Scouts Silver Beaver Award and the Arthritis Foundation Circle of Hope Award. In 2013, the White House recognized him as a Champion of Change.

Germ joined Rotary in 1976 and has served Rotary as vice president, director, Foundation trustee and vice chair, aide to the Foundation trustee chair, chair of Rotary’s US$200 Million Challenge, RI Board Executive Committee member, RI president’s aide, Council on Legislation representative and chair, membership zone coordinator, chair of numerous committees, area coordinator, RI training leader, and district governor.

Germ has received RI’s Service Above Self Award and The Rotary Foundation’s Citation for Meritorious Service and Distinguished Service Award. He and his wife, Judy, are Benefactors and members of the Arch Klumph Society of The Rotary Foundation. They have four children and six grandchildren.

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By Patricia Karugaba Kyazze

Fene also known as Jack fruit is a firm favorite of many people. Even the most distinguished will willingly get their fingers into a stocky mess just so they can indulge in the seductive sweetness of this fruit.

Fene is reputed to have great health benefits. It lowers blood pressure, protects against cancer, controls asthma, boosts energy, prevents anemia and aids in digestions. It is yet another miracle fruit,

In Fene is eaten ripe. The riper the fruit , the sweeter the taste. Ripeness is judged by the aroma emanating from the fruit. That sweet pungent aroma signifies it is ripe for harvest and a firm slap on the fruit confirms it.

In other cultures Fene is eaten before it is ripe. At this point it is not too sweet or sappy. It makes very nice savory vegetarian dishes and is a good replacement for meat especially for pork lovers.

I am not a Fene fan. I can’t stand the sweetness, the stickiness and that overpowering aroma but I do not want to miss out on the health benefits.

Who among us is enough to try this recipe. Try it out and invite me for lunch to taste it on behalf of the club


1. First, prepare the jackfruit removing the seeds and cut the “miwula” into small pieces. Heat some oil over medium-high heat in a sauce pan. Add the jackfruit and season with pepper, salt, curry powder and thyme. Cook about 10-15 minutes until they are browned. Remove from the pan and set aside.

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2. Add the onion, garlic, celery, carrots, and peppers to the pan. Allow them to cook about 10 minutes, or until they start to soften. Stir in the diced tomatoes, Worcestershire sauce or soy sauce and water. Let cook for about 4 minutes until the sauce begins to bubble. 3. Return the jackfruit to the pan and stir to coat them in the sauce. Bring the sauce to a boil. Cover the pan and simmer on low heat about 20 minutes until the jackfruit are tender and have taken on the flavors of the sauce. 4. Season with salt and pepper, to taste. Bring it to a simmer, about 10 minutes or until all the vegetables are tender and the jackfruit is heated through. Stir in some previously boiled green peas and carrots for color

You can serve with Rice, Posho or Matooke

Bon Appetite

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. BUDDY GROUP IN JUNE Birthdays nd CHARGE 2 June – Rtn Peter Kajubi (PHF)

Rtn. Justine Kasozi th 6 June – Pres.Julie Kamuzze Busulwa Musoke (PHF) Rtn Florence Namagembe Rtn. Richard Keeya 9th June – Rtn Florence Magembe Rtn Sandra Kebirungi th Rtn Christina Sempebwa 16 June – PE Sophie Bamworeyaki (PHF) Rtn Patricia Karugaba Kyazze Rtn Flavia Nampala

SAVE THE DATE: Dear Rotarians, The Youth Director invites you to join Rotaractors for a club retreat on 2nd July 2016 8:30am- 12:30am. Fee is only 10,000. Paymenst to be made toRtn Matia Please endevor to attend so we can work with and suport our clubs for 2016-17

CLUB DIARY PROGRAMME FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 2016 Date Task/Activity 20-June-16 Guest Speaker PDG Steven Mwanje 27-June-16 Handover Fellowship 29-June-16 Coffee in honor of the last board meeting

Tonight’s Fellowship: Guest Speaker; PDG STEVEN MWANJE Topic – LEADING VOLUNTEERS

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Laughing Gas in the Tear Gas

Isabirye a farmer from Iganga accompanies his wife to maternity. After the baby pops out and he sees the umbilical cord he shouts out in Lusoga "Omwana bamuzaire ne charger,aidakuba makanika wa e simu"....

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For Friendship And Fellowship, We thank thee Oh Lord May we be ever mindful of the needs of others

THE FOUR WAY TEST Of the things we think, say or do;



The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worth enterprise and in particular to encourage and foster:-

The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service

High Ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of worthiness of all useful occupations and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to service society.

The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business and community life

The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

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Are you planning to visit a rotary club this week? Start with these new clubs

Club Sponsor Meeting Mukono West Mukono Monday 7pm Colline Hotel Kisugu-Kampala Kampala North Tuesday 7pm Shanghai Rest. Kigumba Masindi TBD 5.30pm Max Hotel Kawempe Friday 7pm Tick Hotel Makindye West Makindye Thursday 7pm Makindye Country club

Bweyogere Central Friday 7pm Jokas Hotel Namboole Njoroge Kampala East Wednesday 7pm Hotel Daniel Mengo Friday 6pm Dr.Mutesasira's Place Kisaasi Ntinda Tuesday 7pm Sweetland Gardens Lugazi Mukono Tuesday 7pm Liz Motel Acacia - Kampala Kampala Sunrise Tuesday 6.30pm Saffron Hotel Kampala Morningtides Muyenga Wednesday 7am City Royal Hotel

Buloba Kampala Central 7pm Forest Park Kitante Kampala 6pm Golf Course Hotel Apac Lira Thursday 6:00pm Kampala Metropolitan Kampala Ssese Friday 7:00pm Mackinnon Suites Bugala Kampala Ssese Tuesday 6:00pm Pearl Gardens Hotel Kampala Lugogo Kampala North Saturday 3:00pm Shell Club Mbale Corporate Mbale Thursday 5:00pm Mbale Resort Kisoro Kabale Friday 6pm Mubano Hotel Himo-Kilimanjaro Moshi Tuesday 5:30pm African Flowers UDSM-Mlimaji Mikocheni Dar Friday 4pm UDSM Dar es Salaam-Industrial Dar Bahari TBD 7:00am TBD Area

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Are you on Holiday or defending your Rotary In The Metropolis… classification out of town? Fellowship Mondays Venue Time with one of our upcountry clubs Kampala North -Nommo Gallery 6:00pm Kampala South - Hotel Africana 6:00pm Mondays Kasangati - Kasangati Resort 7:00pm Mengo - Pope Paul Social Club 1:00pm Mityana - New Highway Hotel 6:00pm Kampala Munyonyo - Green Valley Hotel 7:00pm Kampala Naguru- KatiKati 7:00pm Tuesdays Ibanda - M&B Executive Hall 6:30pm Tuesdays -Kabira Country Club 7:00pm Iganga - Mwana Highland Hotel 6:00pm Bweyogerere - Hotel Mamerito 6:30pm Kasese - Margherita Hotel 6:30pm Kampala-Impala - Kati Kati 1:00pm Kyotera - Colombo Hotel 7:00pm Kampala Nsambya - Mukwaya Hospital-Nsambya 7:00pm Masindi - Masindi Hotel 6:00pm Kololo - Hotel Africana 6:00pm Mbale - Mt. Elgon Hotel 5:30pm - Grace’s Restaurant 7:00pm Mbarara - West Pelican Hotel 5:30pm Makindye - Shanghai Restaurant 6:00pm Mubende – Nakayima Hotel 6:00pm - Araba Hotel 7:00pm Wobulenzi - Networth Hotel 5:30pm Rubaga - Pope Paul Social Club 1:00pm Sunrise Club - Shanghai Restaurant 7:00am Wandegeya – Kolping Hotel 6pm Wednesday Arua Heritage - Inn Hotel 6:00pm Wednesday Bushenyi - Bushenyi Guest House 6:00pm - Windsor Lake Victoria 7:00pm Jinja - Crested Crane Hotel 6:00pm - Dreams Guest House 7:00pm Kabale - White House Inn 5:00pm Kampala Central - Hotel Africana 6:00pm Kampala West - Shanghai Restaurant 1:00pm Kabarole - Toro Golf club 5:30pm Kampala Naalya - Ndere Centre 7:00pm Lugazi - Scouts Office Club 6:00pm Kiwatule - Kabira Country Club 7:00pm Masaka- Masaka Sports Club 6:00pm Kyambogo - Sports View Hotel 6:00pm Mubende - The Club 6:00pm Muyenga - International Hotel 6:30pm Tororo - Crystal Hotel 7:00pm Port Bell - Silver Springs Hotel 7:00pm Nansana - Ivory Hotel 7:00pm Thursday Thursday Gulu - Acholi Inn 5:30pm Bugolobi - City Royal Hotel 7:00pm Hoima Kitara – Hoima Resort Hotel 6:00pm Gaba - Green Valley Hotel 7:00pm Kalisizo - Tropical Gardens 6:00pm Kampala - Grand Imperial Hotel 12:45pm Kayunga - Katikoomu Soc. Cen. 6:00pm Kampala - Day Break Grand Imperial Hotel 7:00am Lira - Margarita Hotel 5:30pm Kampala East - Hotel Africana 7:00pm Mbarara Rotary - Peace Chn.Cen 5:30pm Kampala Ssese -Nommo Gallery 6:00pm Rukungiri - Rukungiri Inn 6:00pm Kampala City – Makerere -Kolping Hotel 6:00pm Source of the Nile - Crested Crane Hotel 6:00pm - ABBA Hotel 7:00pm Fridays Seeta - Ridah Hotel 7:00pm Nateete Kampala - Ivy’s Hotel Wakaliga 7:00pm Rwampara – Rwekishokye country club Fridays Kampala Kibuli - Hotel Africana 6:00pm Kampala Muyenga - Breeze Hotel Int. Muyenga 6.30 p.m Ntinda - NOB View Hotel 7:00pm Rose Gardens 7:00pm

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