SEPA Graesser House, Fodderty Way, Business Park, Dingwall, Ross-Shire, IV15 9XB

28 October 2015


CAR/L/1004031 - Bight of Foraness Marine Cage Fish Farm - CAR consultation

Water Environment ( Controlled Activities)() Regulations 2005

Thank you for your email of 27th October consulting us on the above proposal.

The proposal is close to Yell Sound Coast Special Area of Conservation ( SAC) designated for its harbour seals and otters. In our view, it is unlikely that the aspects of this proposal covered by CAR will have a significant effect on any qualifying interests either directly or indirectly. An appropriate assessment is therefore not required.

This proposal is within an area that is currently being considered by Scottish Ministers as a marine SPA. In our view, it is unlikely that the aspects of this proposal covered by CAR will have a significant effect on any qualifying interests either directly or indirectly.

Historic visual surveys suggest that horse mussel beds have been present at this location, however any within the footprint of the existing farm are likely to have been lost as a result of operation. No information on the overlap between existing and proposed footprints has been provided but the new development is likely to impact on previously un-impacted ground and so could have an impact on any horse mussel beds present. In our view it is unlikely that any impacts will raise issues of national interest and so SEPA should consider this within the context of their own policies.

Yours sincerely

Operations Officer Scottish Natural Heritage Northern Isles and North Lerwick Shetland Tel: 01595 693345

Scottish Natural Heritage. Ground Floor, Stewart Building, Alexandra Wharf, Lerwick, ZE1 0LL Tel 01595 693345 Fax 01595 692565 north@snh.