, I r• ) r ~ I, •1 I_ I P C , A 'I K 4 I, t•r •A ') :,, Dr. d th th rd T. Noonan, Dr. Andre Hellegers Pope, however, named only 24, synod will begin by discussing l'lelro Valdonl. a Roman sur• Cl hif d WASHINGTON- A poten­ • e open meeting on lhe l of lhe Gcorgelown Unll'erslty 10 It Is possible he will add 1n, the 1uldellnes for lhe rel'lslon .g c_on; Dr. Marlo Arduini. a ergy S . ts announce tially significant ro'adbluck day. Medical School, and British other before the synod \J'lffll. of canon law, then pus on 10 urinary. specialist; and Dr. was thrown In the p~th of h II C I I I I d Conservalh·e M. P.' Norman St. , seminaries the ucred lllurgy Marlo Fontana, the papal dot• the current drive for re­ T c sl o parl c panls nc u . John-Slevas who led lhe llaht The Popes choices Included doclrin•I problems and lull/ tor. b h Ch . Off I etl top names 'In lhclr fields. In lhe ll~use of Com mons eight cardinals ~{ , lbe Roman mixed marriages. • ' THE COMMUNIQUE •d· loxed abortion laws by an Among lhem were Supreme against lhe pending Brlllsh Curia, the ChurcH s cenlral ad, .. • statf ·. y t e ancery' ·• ce International, Interdiscipli­ Court Justices A!1e f'orlH and abortion liberalization. mlrilslnllve oltlces but also I Bishop Rubin expressed lhe The ~loly F• ther Is notice abl) • nary conference here on Poller Stewart. Sen. Mark Hat- broad selection o/ resldenll•l opinion that the synod will com, lmpro1td In re1ards 10 the ept• .The-Chancery Otllce Ibis week was appointed 1o ·s1. Lawrence abortion. field of Ore~on, Whitney Youn~. W H I L E THE conference bishops from all parts of the plele lls work wllhll'i a month- sode of t)'StOP)'leltls he ~uttered. announced the resignation of parish. Lawrencebura. Executive Dlreclor of the Na- reached no otliclal conclusions, world, lncludlna Jodla, Spain, Sfplember 29 10 Oclober 29- Doclors plan · conllnuing the . The conference. sponsorrd by tlonal Urban 1-ca•ue, Erwin N. tlrull. the U.S., Italy, SwitJer- allhough the Pono his prol'ld•d lherapeullc • tre•lmcnt under Falher Carl l\icbcnlbalcr 15 f' alher l\lchard L•ons was ~ reports on the prll'lle discus, r• ' a e I • t th •I • t c t I c ' the Harvard Divinity School and Griswold ol lhc Har\'lrd Law l~nd, Leb,11non and Bunlodl. for Its conllnuatlon beyond lhal w Y, res 11' n. ° Cf1!5 • 1·e pas or o mmacu ate oncep- nomed to SI. Mary's parish, the Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foun, School. and Proteslant lheolo, slons, IS well as give and take ' , dale II work requires II. A f\'enlual modltlcatlol\ 01 11 In a tlon parish in ~lillhousen. Fa, ·s orth Vernon, datlon, did not go on record 1!1ans R. Paul Ramsey and during lhc picnary session, In• The full list of the Pope• meellns wlll be htld In lhe surg1c1I sense wllh the aim of lhcr Rlebcnth•ler, who celc• against aborllon. Nor did It Jaroslav Pelikan. U.S. Ambas• dlc•led consensus on a number choices wa, made public at .• IJlOfflUII six days I week. wllh achieving the complclc and All appolnlmenls are elfectlve take any stand for or iealnst udor to lhe United Nallons of points. One waa that while presa conference hdd by 8lsho~· 1,~nday1 and holy days' orr. and deflnl,\lvt cure of lhe August pa- bratcd his SOlh Jubilee ol Ordl, Seplcr_nber 30, liberalized abortion laws. The ,\rlhur Goldberi: ~••·c the clos, nobody really knows 'the exact L1dlslau1 Rubin, ucretary sea• comllllulons of the synod wlll tlrnt. nation lhls past ~lay, has scrl'ed meeting, Seplember 6·8. ,.,.s Ing address. an elc,·ated but un• number of U.S. abortions and cral of the synod ,of bishops. also work In the afternoons. The communique would lnd l- the,Oecatur Coun1y parish since A .NATIVE .DF E1•ansi•llle, purely tor discussion and no · specific exhortation ai:alnst per• abortion dcalhs per year, the Bls)>op Rubin 11 the dele1ate of cate possibl y urinary tract or 192!:' lie is 77. Father Rlebenth•ler wu or• resolutions or other poilcy slate- sonal and soclelal ,·lolcnce. figures usually cited ·In debate Cardinal Sld•n Wynynskl 01 , In discussing press arrant~- proslale gland problems. llow- Named to succeed him wa, dalncd In 1917 lollowlng sl~dlu ments were adopted. • •re gross dlslortlons. For CJ: Wauaw for lhe p11loral care of (Contlnurd on page 7) Her. rema ined silent on an)' F" th J h , C i k . Prominent throughout the ample, It Is generally aild that • !urlhrr11 details. a er oscp " 1c r u en. •6 , at SI. Melnrad's Seminary. But despite this, ihc confer, procccdlni:s was Mrs. Eunice K. lh•re arc 10,000 abortion deaths N , D former dlrcclor of the Indiana Fari)' aulgnments"ftlcluded· 51 encc dramallzcd the fact lhal- Sh r Ivcr. s Is tcr oC l h e Iale P resl• each' year. : But llelleeers, n, . '. 'O t ' A MILAN, Hai)', newspaper, Unil'crsil>• Stu' dents' Catholic ~hry'• s, Ne)V Albany; and· SI.· contrar)' to the Impression dent Kennedy, wife of anll• porting • on 'tile .discussions re ame _announces Corriere della Sera: had re• Cenler In Bloominglon. , Paul)) Tell Cll)'. In he given by some pro,aborllon poverty head Sargent Shriver, among lhe medical m~n, noted • , • porled In ils morning cd11l' on ol SEVEN I t t c 1923 · d · - ··' Id I appo n men s O as, w•s nan1cd of St, 'lary'1 groups -scholars rcprescntlni:-"n _accull1'"-UCC..PCCS enLo that ,It Is known "for ·certain" $5€) •11 f d d Scplember 13 lhe possibility of sistant paslors were also an, • • many dl!fercnl disciplines and the Kenned)' Foundation. who thal in 1964 !here . were In • Z,-iil} ion Ufi rive j • lhe need for surgery. The re• nounced. parish, Diamond. and mission. Ideologies ,•Jew argumcnls for was generally regarded as lhc reality only 247 such dealhs and porl, denied laler, was 11111 con• f"11·c years lalcr he was •P· aborllon wilh skepllclsm on guiding spirit behind the froject. the 10111, Including those unre, firmed by lhe doclors' commu• Father George Collin. SS. ,oinlcd' paslor of lhc Millhousen moral, legal and other grounds. C h · ported, 1s·probably not over 500. .N0 TRE DAME, Ind. - The new resources for many areas nlque Peter and Paul Calhcdral. was 1parish. It showed, too, that opposition al O11 cs were well rcprc- Unlvenily of Noire Dame has of university attll'lly Including · assigned lo the llJ Students' to abortion Is not simply a scnled 11 both the closed • nd 'As for th• total number of announced • llve,ye•r $52 mil, science and engineering, busl• The nlghl before tl!e join! ex, Calhollc Center In Bloomington. Falhcr McCrluken Is a native th "Calhollc" Issue opfn sessions. Among o.se 1bertlon1 per YHr, It w11 lion lund,ralsln1 P{0&r•m de• ne11 admlnbtrallon, lheology, amlnation. the Pope reccll'Cd • • • ul Terre llaule. lie was or• · laking part In the closed du• pointed ovt that Htlmatu signed to expand craduale edu• urban sludlu, psychology, edu• Msgr. Agoslino Cauroll. secre• Father Donald ,Schnelder. SI. dalnM at s1. Melnrad's ln UM7 TheH leuon1 are , timely. cusslons were 1beologl1ns F•· ran1ln1 from 290,000 lo 1.2 cation and ruurch. The pro, rallonal lelevlslon Io re I g n lary or the Congrcg11lon for Ex- Joan of Arr parish, lndlonap• following seminary stud I e • Thr•• states-Colorado, Call, thcr Bernard J. F. Lonergan. mllllon er• 1lven, and nobody gram also alms to •llracl lop• sludy, sludent •id ' and library lraordlnary Ecclcslastical At- oils. WIS named lo SS. l'etcr there fomla and North Carolina- S.J., of Regis College, Toronto. knows for sure what the truth flight lacuily to the unll'ersll)' del'elopmenl. f•lrs, to go over urgcnl Church and Paul Calhedral • 1 enact~d llberallHd abortion and F'alhcr Charles Curran of 11• 1,y endowln1 some 40 professor• · millers. F h S L lie served a mumber of U • stalulH 1h11 yHr. Efforts to the Catholic University of Amer• ships, and will pay the cost of New bulldlncs to be erccled at er 11enry 11e rpc 1· I. aw- slgnments as assistant p111or, ~ pau such laws have been lea. Bishop Wailer Curlis of This promplcd SI. John• stl'en major new bulldlncss. at Noire Dime Include lhree II• F kl' , , } rence parish, 1ndlanapolls, was lnclllding: SI. Calherlne's, Holy made In nearly 30 more. Bridgeport, Conn.. Episcopal Stc1•u lo remark that factual slory residence hills which will ran ID par1s 1 appointed lo SI. Joan of Arc- c rois, s1. l'•lrlck's and Holy Modcralor of the ' U.S. ca"thollc dala on the Incidence of. abor• Father Theodore M. llesbur1:h, accomodale I Iota I of t.500 un, parish, II~ will also teach at Name, all In llldlanapolls; SI. The caullonary nole sounded Conference's f' amlly Life Bu• tjon Is " nolhlng like lhorouah C.S.C.. 50, Notre Dime presl• deraradu•tes complex lo l b ,, t Chatard lllgh School. Mary's, Richmond ; •nd SI, Jo, at the llarvard,Kennedy Confer, I reau, Boston Collcae law dean (Conllnued on page 1l dent since 1e,2, said the pro- house a ne~ tnslllull!' tor Ad, repor S eques F'athcr Patrick Commons, seph's, Shelb>·•·llle. lie also w11 cnce could help lo slow II nol 1r1m h11 been named "Summa: l'•nced Religious Sludlcs, a Life lemporar)' assislanl at lloly assigned as chaplain 11 St. Ed, necessarily hall this movement, Noire Dame's Orutul Ch•I• Science ..Cenler Incorporating f'RAl'\KLIN, lhd.-SI. Hose of Cross, lndlanaiiolls. was named ward's llospll•I. New Albany, which one conferee described IS lenge." lie described the fund• 1he departmenls of biology and Lima parish htrc ~as reallied 10 St. Lawrence parish, Indian, and paslor of ·s1. Mary,of,the­ • "headloni:" rush to enact lib­ ralslna eflort-relyln1 enllrely mlcroblolocy and the Lobund S4.SOO from the sale of prop- apolis. . Rocks parish, •· ruklln County. eralized laws. Dutch send revised on 11111 and pledeu by alumni 1..aboralory · 1 Chemical Re• erty bcqucalhcd lo the parish Outing lhe three d1y1 It be, and friends-as "probably lhe search Bulidlne· and I new Col• by the lalc Miss Catherine Falher Hobert Mohrhaus. SI. came apparent that not enouah ereatell ever underl•ken by • Iese 0'r Enaln~erlne building ll1n1han. who died several Lawrence parish In Lawrence• Doctrine cou~ses ) Is known yet about tlic Incidence Catholic unlvenlly anywhere In provldlne qu•rten for lhe chem• ·yurs ago. . burg, was named to lloly Cross of abortion, Its causes and re• catechism to ·curia such • brief rrlod." . 1cal, •l~trlcal •nd metallurgical f'athcr James Byrne. admln• parlsh..,&ndlanapolls. are scheduled 1ult1, the alternatives, and other UTRECHT, The Nclherlands Lorent Jaeger ol Paderborn, The •ctlon also marked the en1ln~ln1 departmenls and lstralor. said the sum would be Father Bernard Koopmarf:'St. key points, for legislative re• - Rewrlllen- pusi'aes on con- German•; Cardinal Michele flnl major project undertaken the dep ..tment of en1lnecrln1t applied lo the parish's debt. Mary's parish In North Vernon, 1'n two locat'aons vision to proceed lnlelllgenlly. t d I t I I th D t h ' by the university since Ill ad• science. It alao became apparent that les e po n n e new u c Pellegrino of Turin, •Italy; Car- mlnl•tratlon pused to predom• h catechism, togelher with an tx• dlnal J O I e p h Lefebvre of ., ~~~~/:~~~ionc:: :'~~r:i°s:i~'. tensive explanation have bHn Bou·rges, France, and cardinal ln•ntly lay control last May. ~l~n°:;fi~d;.,~,nt ilohu~h1~:11~~; lo b ,cnt to, the Roman Curia, the Michael Browne, O.P., of the SPIAKING AT an ln1u1ural ,r .l / 11'!1! :1r~.'I I n to penon•l or soc 1• 1 f 0 • Church I central administrative Roman Curia. , r for two Confraternity of Chrl•• lem1. otllces, by Cardinal •Bernard ______dinner on the c•mpw allended I I -\Ian Doctrine courses slartlnc by the trusteea, senior l•cully, , I I this montlf. THI Ml ITING was held Allrlnk of Utrecht. The cat•• 0 members of the SUMMA na• I under presllalou1 auspices In I chlsm bore his Imprimatur. tlonal commlllee, ind 300 cam• I I 'I ·T he nort~slde clau, 1''111 be settlna of ultra,modem opu- It ls expected here that these palan luden from :Ill clllu, F•· , 1 I held al Chatard 1111h School lence. the · new W11hln1ton•Hil• correetlona will take, away all ther. Ht1bur1h dlsclOHd that ' 1 Crom 7 to 10 p.m. each Wednea- ton Hotel. The flrat two days objections a11lnst the new cale• $20.11 million In 11111 bu •I• ~ day for 10 weeka be1lnnln1 Sep, were devoted to private se11ion1 chlsm which were made recent, rHdy been committed. lie said !ember 27. A southalde clua lnvolvln1 about 7S partlclpanll, ly by theoioal1n1 of the Curia. it was probable Noire Dime will , " 1''111 meet 11 Our Lady of Grace ~ In the fields of medicine, law, ruch ill $52 million 101I lon1 Convent for JO wreks beclnnln& ------·:...:-.::-....;.. APPROVAL of the second • before the official five-year Thund•y, Sepl. 28. Both counes' edition ls ureently desired by pled1e period ends. are directed by ,the Catholic the pu~llshera of the En&lish, School Office with Sister Evelyn .Named to post French, German, Spanlah and The print uld the major HI• ' , Eckert, O.S.D., u coordinator. Jtallan editions. menta rot the planned prosr•m a.t St. Vincent's Include S20 million· for l•culty Prleat,lecturen will dlacuu Cardinal Allrlnk will now development; fU,925,000 •for doctrinal and scriptural aubJecta await the final decision of Vatl, ,raduate education; fl3,023,000 durlnc the lint half _JIL eacb INDIA°'APOIJ~later Car- can authorlllH before makln1 for aeneral university develop, weekly smlon. Tbos4i:-iflo do 1111 McD -tr, ~.C;' admlni•• the copyrlaht available to for• not plan to become lay catecb• trator of Bl Vincent• Hospital, elan publishers. ment; and J4,W,O!)O tor specl•J reAarcb prosrams. lats, but who wlah to attend only llu announced tbe.appolntmcnt this portion of the wttkl{ por• of llualell F. Roache u plannln& The new text, have been writ• • Dr. Oliver C, Carmichael, Jr, lion may do 10, accordln1 to and eonitruction coordinator for ten by the Dutch Hieber Cate­ chllrman of the board of tbe Al• Sisler Evelyn. the DIW Bl Vincent'• H111)ltal cbetlcal• IDIUtute at NIJmt,a aoclatee Investment Company 111 to be built In nortbwe•t Marlon and ill director, Fatber WIWam Boutb Bend, la th1 naJlonal The second half of the weeklJ County. BlHi, 8,J, H0N0HD - IN- Pint cllalrman of SUMMA. J, Peter 1wlona will be devoted to ape­ mttbocla for r;> Roache WIS formerly dlrectbr CARDINAL Alfrink In lune Cl1H •ruce ••r, ... If Mr. Grace, praldtnt of W. R. Oract clllc teacbln1 n­ of plant operatlona at St. lo- aareed In a penonal audience 11111 "'"• ....,. R1r, If It, ind Compan1, New York City, / ll1lon to the varloua aae pwpe Aph'a H111pltal, Fort Wa1ne. II• wltb Pope Paul vr \hat the new ltt1"i 111rlah, IMlenapella, la honorer, cbalrman. Botb - pn«bool throuah b 1111 al•o coordinated conatructlon edition would be r,w{ltt'° and 11111 I 1N6 trelk,eh If kl- men are mtmbtn of the board • . achooL 11111 Memorial Hlth lcheel, I for Wermulh. Ind~ • e 1enenl later a apeclal lnvt•U&ation of truatee•• Enrollment la open et tither contractor, on the Lincoln Na• committee of carcllnal• accepted h11 nclllflr ~ 1ppelntM ~ the U.I, N1wy .. the Preti• CARl\ltCkAIL 1114 Ult SUM• _ COD center. Arran11menta may Uoaa1 Llfe bulldln1 , ID Fort thla IUHtatlon. . MA 'pro,ram ...,_ 21 pro, be nude by ca111Q1 the lcbool Wa,ae and Our Sllllclay Vlallor _.-,.henw .,_,4. A.t.r•er at Huntlnston. The committee of cardinala vertltr ltelilettllll etar et Ice­ Jteta wblcll be i... "a. blue- Office, ~ . Two CCD _ that DO'lf will aludy the new cine, ho la the llllr Net,. 1ilrtnt for a 119iY1nltJ srowill1 counea atrvillc the dty'1 eut A native of Detroit, Roache tdlUon conalall of Carcllnal lo­ M"'"' Ill the honer .,.,,. 11111 In ,reatneu." 111 add!Uon to and w~t aectlona will atart af. la , sraduate of ID4lana Unlvv- upb Frln11 of Colop, ;Ger• la curnntl• atetlenN wllll the DIW bulldinp and tndowtd ter Cbrlatmu, Sliter Evelyn told 111,. I ~ man,, Ill pmld911t; Cariiltial U.I. N1wy In W1thlnttell, D,C. chain, the pro,ram will devtlop The Crlterloo. / ,...- . . ,, ... ,I ••. . PAOI TWO THlt CRITERION, SEPTIMBIR 15, 1967 I be niore than I child rdutallon . ~ · \ ... 11ir • --. PARENTS TO TEACH ..: prosram at Columbia. ' "It 11 an uperlmenl. N'othln1 1 tlae 11 practkal 111h11 point• he ··Closing monastery . Ne.w pa~ish in-f tia_tes horr1,e dei:larNI.' . Howtrd nebtt ' I • . I, ... ( . "''''"' . Fleber-·& Reilly . relig.ion in_slruct~~on ·plan ln1uranc• Agtncy, Inc, ·raises interesting questiOns ' •w ... •·(ef!Jt•ftl P1of1u lt11•I lmkt" COLUMBIA, Md.-School chil, BOf'ausc 1hc parl1h· has• no or what the instruction la all 207 N.' Dalawart • U.-Ull drcn of Columbia In Howtrd permanent operalini: faclllli~ about." County wlll receh·c religious ycl, lhc rlasses wlll be rondurlcd "THIS KIND of lhlng Is 1oin1 1 lly JAIME FONSECA ,\II ucepl Falher Lc mrrcler Father Ltmtrcltr wu a't branded as a " rebel" by ,omr inslrucllon this year under a oul M ncccs1\ >' In homes. to draw the parents lnlo the hnt• received lhe dlspensallon. ,,the tlmt In Rome, under 1n ~lcxlcan papers, he addtd: .., plan u new as lhc community THE PROGRAM, Fllher Cook parish In an active way," said · The rlo1lng of lhc Ucncd1· ern arl. they • resente'd the method or Wm. Weber_&..Sons Exclusive Beauly Shop Servin& Crestwood•Rcald!nts IN A SESSION on lhe "Slgnlll· lhal lhcy-had- discoverci17 hcy Visual Arll hod lhclr way. lhcrc a o·mbol of lhc glor)' ol Go!!, o MEXICAN C1lhollcrc1cllon "l'llrvtuora of Fine Mtal•" ---would bt few If anr nrw rhurch­ monumcnl of fallh. ll Is rsscn• cancc- of Symbols" lwo qucs­ Joined lhe Religious Ille because llally lhr. countenance. lhc vlsl• llons were raised. " Whal role to lhr monks' move Is ml~ed, of hidden fears of sex and rc­ lletch Grth Indiana 8800 MADISON AVENUE cs o~ synagogue, bulll In lhc Bishop Sergio Mendez Arceo 1 ncxl d~cadc. blc exprculon of a commµniti· do symbols play In man's rcli• ! ponslbllltlCJ In lhe world, and ST M1tl glous Ille?" " What arc 1ym, of Cucrnnaca, now In Rome nol because of I true ,•ocatlon Breaded Fish Portions For Write or Phone IU.e440 Frff I r1chur1 lh-lng lhc Gospel." Fish Frlea Running lhroughoul lhc mccl• bollc correlations to contempo- lryln~ lo clarif)' the Issues In• 10 lhc ncllgiou, life. Inga of 1hr week-long congress Father Captlladu tlrtutd rary rca11ty?" , • · vol\'cd. said In I r,utoril letter here was the common concern Iha! "lht Church 11 not only F11her John M. Culkin, S.J ., at lhe lime of Father Lemer­ ,thal lhe 1tructurc1 of most reli­ conctlvtd 11 !ht placa of d lrcclor, dcparlmenl or com, cler's decision: ,,. gious lnslllullon1-II nol lhc In• llturglcal worahlp but II tht munlcallon. Fordham Unlvcr­ "For many years, the moD slllullons lhcmsch·cs - arc ctnltr of all !ht u1utl tcllvl, slly, In dlscuu lng symbols and ulcry ,hu been I radl•nt ctn• anachronlsllc. IIH of the Chri11l1n commu• ,•b ual a r ls expressed lhc tcr or ChrUtlan life. It h11.,,1t• tempted lo renew Bcnedlcllne Repruen11ti\'t1 from 30 coun­ nlly: in1trucllon, mtttlng1, lhoughl lhal srhools and church• tries and most of the world's work ... hence the 11otlon of cs mut l mo,·c away Crom their nionasticlam. 111 celebration of major religions attended lhe !ht hou11 of lht Church," p rcoccupalion wilh prlnl media the lilurgy forcshadowtd the re­ -Fllll Clearaflce Sale! forms we now enjoy. Moreover, congrcu. World renowned art• ~lulllplc use of buildings was and lnlo a ghualion where they help lhe rhild lo experience. lhe monks hne offered the isls. archllecls. wrhen. lhcolo, 1uggcslcd by olher5 lncludlni: analyze and creole In I urlcly Church an, example of_poverty, glans. clly planners and educ•• rcprc, cnlolives frnm llolland peacemaking, labor, charity, In tors were among lhcm. ond Israel as · well as Norlh of media, especially rlcclronlc media. a word, !heir love and the Ju. The mood or lha co1U1rcu America who Ra,·c lntc rnalional minou·s quaIlly of their art." seemed lo he: hold c\'crylhln11: lc~timony t~al lhis is a high!)' "Lit1r1cy," ht 11ld, "w11 The monaslcry wu the first lei's , top building and slarl lca~lblc plah in loda>•'s mobile lht aklll nttdtd for llltrtlurt and only conlcmplatlve aroup thinking: lcl'1 Cl gurc out Ji1sl cullurc. _ but 'mtdlacy• 11 !ht aklll nead, for men In Mexico. whal we mean by such 1crms a Olhrrs strcs\Cd lhc need for ed for Iha. all-mtdla tnvlren, 'fht national Catholic weekly, ''.fhurch," " neighborhood.'' and " pracllcal ccumcnlcity" at lhc mtnt. The 1klll1 nttdad to un, Union, hu wrltlen: for that matter, " man." ' grass rools lc,•el-.sc,·cral fahhs dtrtland, analy11 or apprt• "Lemercler hu the right to Dclegalcs cxprtucd lhc need using lhc i Dmc bmldlng. elate lht offering, of ltlt• 11k for dlspenullon, althdugh for I better undcrslandlnll of ~lany were troubled by the vision, radio and the films art his timing might be open to de• lhc nalurc of the rc,·olulions problems raised by tnstitulions quite dlfftrtnt from thoat bate. Our readers can agree ,or aoclrly Is pauinll through, be- In gcncral-lhclr impcrsonallti·, nttdtd lo l11rn to read and disagree wllh the mqn11llc1l fore creeling more churches. their tendency toward rlgldlly,. understand. expcrimt\nt In p1ycho1n1ly1is at More lha'n one seminar ~roup their resistance lo change. And Emmaus, but no one can tell qucslioned whether an archilccl )'Cl , most agreed, lnsliluliol)J "The clcclronlc media• feed whclhcr 11 will work or fall. II morally bound lo reject any were ~cccu ary. lhc senses and lhe • OIJIOtions The whole luue dou not 'mean commlulon to build a new ARiin and a11aln the need for •t hllc the tradlllonal media that Lemercltr and his monks ollcn lca\'C them ~larvcd," Fa• have broken away from the church from I congrcgallon education at all lc,·cls wos ex­ which does nol ulldrrstand lhc 1ircsscd. The dclcgalcs agreed lhcr Culkin declared. "We mu•~ Church .••• nature of the times. 11lat lhe lall)' and the clergy close the gap. Tradlllonal or• musl be adcqualcly cducotcd In ganlzatlons for leaching the "lvtn If they fall, hlatery ANOTHIR STRONG Iheme the basic prcccplS of their reli• youhjr,' such as the school and 11111 ua that humenklnd, and runnin11. through lhe congress ,:Ion and ils relation lo whal Is tho church. have to p111 the for that matter the c;hurch, was the Idea that wonhip and happening In the world loday. test 'of relevance. It Is not would have never pr01re11td cclrbratlon can lake place In Throughout the concept of the enough to be older and bluer." but' for the mtn that were 11ruclurcs other tlian a building Church as 1 " ministry" lo the Olhcr speakers at lhe con• wllll111 to risk failure." act aside tor rcllaloua purposrs. people ol all ages, classes and grcu Included: Abbe Francois Senat, a no I he r Influential Early In the wrrk. rather Jean conditions or men wu atrcucd Houlart, general secretary, In• Catholic m1111lne, while crlU• Caprliadu. O.P., rdltor, L'Arl abu,•c lhal of the Church 11 " ln­ lcrnatlonal t' edcratlon of tnatl• clzln1 what It calls "exceulve Siert, Paris, speaking on "The slilulion.'' lutes for Social and Soclolo1lc1I publicity and food for 1c1nd1l," •· rcnch Churrh and Urbanlu• ll wu also emph11l1~d thal nellglous ncscarch, Louuln; conctdcs that "the Lemercler Reg. Price Sale Price tlon.'' 1111rd that • reaction lhe lnterdlaciplinary approach Father Thoman F. 'lfilthewa, affair mlaht be proof and 1l1n 1uln1l lhe p•cscnlallon of lhe Is crucial for any kind or church S.J ., arl historian: Dom Fred­ of tile m11urlty and slren1th of churrh 11 " lhr house of God" plannln1t, neighborhood plan• eric Dcbuyat, O.S.ll.. edllor, the Church In Mexico," and sees has " brouahl lo llghl the primi­ nlng or cily .planning. T~c Arl D'Egllse, Uruges, Belgium; In . the move "one•of lhe many Jol,n Deere "1101iL "890 ~650 tive doctrine, rontormlng more archllcct musl be exposed to and Daniel Callahan, executive Inevitable 'adjustment, that rot, ~ lo the aosptl mribae, of the lhe lhcoloalan, the theologian to editor of Commonweal. low 1reat Church event• 11 the ,,w/38" Rotary 8 H.P. V1)lc1n council Is." CINCOI offlclab, who keep a wukly ratlna or publlc opinion I 1 trend, on Church matters, aald Jol1n Deere '""1~~,, ., '996 758 w/46" Rotary 10 H.P. CLERGY NECROLOGY . '720 t . John·. Deere. ' "18". "AU tMII 1111 btlri,d fa w/34" Rotary 6 H.P. Jl"CI, alld tM tM1110tY of lllfffl 1111,, D11 alld OIi." . ', ,-Sir, ,zllv, J4 s.,temloer 1', 1ffl- Rev. I, lchl•IIII. O,P.M, '- Full I Year. New Trador Warranty· Terms ·, ...... c-.,17,1H7- , ...., Carl llhm Up To 36 Month, ...... , 11, ,.,. _ In, C. Cuchl1rlftl, O,P.M. c-, • ...... , 1t, 11N- HERB.ERi A~ DIUM· .....Allllet...,.,,,._ M•rtln Mart,, 0,1,1, Bani and ffA'n D ti I ClfPICIU 11,._ ...... _. 'ef tlil Deaaf 111'1 If 1...... - • llalllll lttw, ,...,ii Vllllnler, 0.1.1, ...... , ...... ,,...... 11u ...... ,., ...... ,n1tct ..,...... ,.,,m- . John Deere , • ..., ,. X...... i.r af .. D ti I ...... ,. ....,_ ... ,,..., DetlaW L lch•Wlln. •rtcter If C.ltil- ..,._..., II, fflf- CO., INC • 1, °"""" .. tlil lllllhn•r••· A11lli1111aa, .,. ,,,._ ltft)I Mn...... o.,,e, If Celulll- , ...... u o-­ Ftnancing =.rz-, M1M "'"9f• 1 ...... el....,.. ..., 1t1te wlca ...... , Mn. .• , ... KehN, If ..,.....,11,1tl6- 650 VIRGINIA AVE. INDPLS. 634-2825 ..... ~I _. Mlaa Mar,._ D11N. If IMl~,ellt, aurre- tllNdlr, A i'lther ,,_.. Meltrler • ...... W.flf ~-atlt, ...... ,,wlJINenctNMfllllheMstfew ...... n.,•- ' 1\ ..!l-.lt ~ ~ .. D ti I, . ' . ' ...... ,.~ec-, ,, n J l· ' , . )

\'NEGRO wiTB WBITk SKIN' Pope eends ch~ ·- -~· I ' I , for Alaska relief ' .ANCHORAGE, .A1ub--l'ope '~ . I J~es Gfopp~: Paul vt ha aut a a.ooo dlect Father Ille people of AIIIU fa. eto • . > flood Nllel Arehbllbop Sotipll T. R:,an al Allchorap bu ao­ DOU.Dced. The' Pope alao aent a wlN to . civilrights-le~d~r -, Atthblshop Ryan utendlnf 1111 , ll)'lllpathlea lo all who wtN af. Franlc A. Aukoftr 11 a cluil .Alter his ordlnallon, fected by the Ooodl (Auf. 1'· ly l'ltANK A. AUKOl'lll r,tller lD). c.,,,ltl,t, lK7 right, rtporttr for tile MU- Groppl 1en•ed II an uslatanl u,auktt Journal. Ht wa, In In white parlahu. About four . MILWAUKEE, Wisc. - Stirna u,llh Father Gropp! In years 110,, he was a11l1ned to "He has given the Pope re• IQ/IS and ha, covered hil ac- St. Boniface for work with th• spect In our black ghettos rivfu ,lnct. In IP68-1987 Au- people wllh whom he alllce h11 lor the first time In hl5-. koftr ,rudled dull righr, and become completely ldenlllltd. tory 11 ~ dull llbtrtlt1 at Notth11>t1ttrn He wuted no time In bfcom• • · Unluer,ltu under a Ford Foun- Ing Involved In the civil rl1hll The speaker wu Neero come- datlon grant. Mo11 of tht iJI• movement. Durlns summer va, dlan and civil rlchts activist formation about Father Grop- callona he drove to Mlulnlppl Dick Gre1ory, and he wu talk- pl', background ha, ntvtr ap- with young Milwaukee Neeroea Ins about a-white Catholic priest ptartd In anu publlcallon. to participate In ,·otcr reilstr•• In Milwaukee, Father Jamy I d I d h I II I h Edward Groppl. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIUINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII t on r ves an ot er C V r I II projects. Ho also ·lnteerated When Gre1or1.m1de tbe stale• 1pon11 from tho city'• No• restaurants wjth Ne1roe1 Ill ment lut week, thd crowd ol grou-ond many whltu, too, southern 1tates. more Ulan 1,000 penon1 at • , rally In SI. Boniface Catholic As many 11 1,300 persons But few people In Mll•aukee church erupted In a deafening have participated In recent open even knew he existed. Fatller 1 ::;, ![ th~~1"!e::te~~!~~~ng. ~:~•~:~thm~~~~~tl. •i;oun:::t h~~ ~!~fi~I at~~~tl~~• u~1\ir~l~~~~ !~ Such Is the typical black re• been coming In from group, all 1965, when he and three other tlo to thl hi I h Milwaukee p r I e I t • went to •c n s w le pr est w O over · the countr-y, F • I her Selma, Alabama , to participate In recent weeks has 1haktn Mil• Groppl hlm1cll has walked more In the historic voting rlahls pro­ llllltllttlltlttNIUIIUlltlltlffllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUllllfllllR than 100 miles In leading the lest organized there by tho Rev, • dally marches around Mltwau- M ti L h Kin J ' ldllerlal, Pago 4 kco and Into some of Its 4ub- • ar n ut ! r 1• r. 1111n1n1mn11n111111u1mmu111u1111111nm1111n1111n urbs. AFTER HIS return from Ala• wauke.e and · rrcelved national Father Gropp! (It rhymes with bama, Father Groppl plunged attention In his drive for I city puppy) Is a man who Is totally Into cMI rlahta In Milwaukee, open houslne ordlnance with the Immersed In the cause of the lie Joined a local organization Milwaukee i·oulh 'council of the ghetto Negro. The pastor ol the which was PrQ.tcstlng do facto National Auoclatlon lor the church he serves, Father Eu- segregation In lho public schools llltlll'INO HSSION-l'ather J1m11 Oroppl 11 ahtwn a*• brleflnt ..._,. loadort ancl dernen1~alen prior le anothor march Advancement ol Colored People. gene F. Dlcldorn, has described :r!.c';:l~m:~.s clcctctl second to point up tho nud hr_ fair hou1lng logl1l1tlon In tho tlty .of Mllwauk11. _(Photo by John-Ah11iau11r, Mllwauk11 Journal) ' Father Groppl, 36, Is the youth 1h{ .yo~rg i;:;lc!! 15 1 "Negro h After the Wauwatosa Incl• Startlni; In June, the youth view Is that Negroes ha,·c more lie olflclals and "a lol ol priests councll'• adviser. lie Is an ru• w 111 w 10 1 n, ,t Nc~g1~11c~ i'ldr~sn_·wo,crklcdwal~c•mwllhn dents, Father Groppl organized council picketed the homc1 ol of a right to be .,·lolcnt than any and , ministers who walk the s1 st1nLJ11Stor at St. Boniface, Father Groppl was born on 0 1 a separate group within the ~lllwaukcc aldermen to protest other group of people In history. streets and don't do a damn once a German parilh but no,v MIiwaukee's south side No,·em• slnRlng 11 rallies. marcht d with i:ou1h council-an elite corps of !heir 1·01cs agalqst the proposed The youth council dllfcrs from thing about the black man being a minion church In lhe heart of her 10, 1930, lhe son ol an lmml• thcm on picket lines and dis- Jl(egro youths 18 to 25 i·cars old ordln•n~es. nut II was not until the anti-while, black nationalist treated second rate." MIiwaukee's rundown near grant llallan grocer anti brother played uncannv control over the who call thcmulvcs the youth 1hr youth council marched to orAanlzatlons now po p u I a r The priest Is a soft spoken north side, where most ol the of four boys and three girls. young slum thlltlren. council commandos. lhe cll)"'s predominantly Catho- among some Negroes. Although young mari In prh·a1c convcrsa- clty'a 90,000 r,;egro.c~ live. As a boy, he and his friend~ Once. during a noisy nlRhl of Th<•lr main Job Is to function li e. l'olish-American south side they espouse black power. their !Ion. nut at a ch-II rights rally, Now you c,n rtplKI old, drafty, hard GltEGOllY'S statement about iometlmc, called each other plckctlnn at the school board as security guards during dcm- thal rather Groppl and his view ls that blackness and he shouts _ usually his voice to cltan, pn,l)ltm wlndowt at a UV• Father Groppl Is only one of "dago" anti "wop." But young president's home. pollco warncil onJtrallons .- lo protect the youngsters wound up In the na- whiteness Is a matter ol attitude cracks when he does_ In anger in1s of up to 40% over wood 1tpl1ct• miny Judgments ol him In this Jim Groppl could nc,·cr use Father Groppl that the you nn- young youth , council members, tional headlines again. rather lhan skin color. As a o,•cr what he secs as the op­ mtnl Installations. Nupilml rtpllct• mldwutern city on the shores such language, Including words SlcrA-thcrc were more lhan IOO so me ol whom arc of pre-school They were Jeered and attackod result, thcy welcome whites Into prcsslon of his people_ lie Ire- ment windows art sturdy, salt, usy o f LaKe )llchlgan. like "nigger" and "polack.'' In of them-would have to quiet age. Dul Father Groppl also by whites. Police had to use lllelr_organizatio n. qucntly usc1 the word ' 1wc" to Install, usy to operata, attractlvt The priest also has been hl1 father's presence. Ills fa- down or be arrcSlcd. secs lht commandos II a way 1car gas to break up the white FOil THE MOST •par l, the when speaking about Negroes. i_nd ttonornlcat. • P'atenl• Pendlnl called a "white nlggcr"-usu- thcr. he sai•s, was extremely The priest was olfercd a pl dc1·cloplng confidence, sell• moh1. Then the mayor lu ucd a youth council Is nonviolent. But No t many ol the youth council ally with some obscenity at• scnsllh•c about such name call• microphone attached to a loud• respect anti leadcnhlp among proclamation bannln~ night It Is a technique, rather than a members or the commandos arc All these plas '"1tur11 aim tached-a saint, troublemaker Ing, because he had known what speaker on a squad car. lie the Neg ro youths, some ol whom ma rches and demonstrations, philosophy.• Father Groppl him• Catholics, but Father Groppl 1 more benefits for you ••• and I dis turber ol the peace. It wu like to be an Jtallan In look It and said, "This Is Fa- ha1·c police records. but lhc youth council violated self bcll~vcs· In non,•lolcncc, bu, says they talk about religion The mayor ol Milwaukee, Henry ,\mcrlcan society then. ·lhcr Groppl." Falhcr Groppl's ability to the _proclnmatlon, s~ylng that It says If the time ever comes to quite a lot. Youth council mem- • Wt1thtrT11,h~t~------Maler, peaka ol him In th~ "I-think he brought this scnsl, There wu dead silence In work with lh~7nolt allcnat d lnlrin~cd on their-rights ol free be violent, ~the commandos-will hers and commandos often arc 1 nd • No Cut-outs, No Caps sime- brulh--..:lili II. Rap tlvlty to the rest of us," he said. seconds. where shortly before O youths ol ~lllwaukcc's stums '1a •perch a assembly. rather be there in. the front line." in · attendance at the priest's Brown, the .ant(-whlte head ol BUT IT WAS not ,until young person had to shout to be heard the major dllrercnce between ~~':J;~gl tl~s arrc~tcd twice for The .youth council's approach dally Mass. • Eco'!O"'lcal the Student Nonylolcnt Co-ordl· James Groppl was studyi ng lor -two le.ct away. him and other civil rl;hls lead• 1 mare cs. also Is basically moralistic and THE FACT THAT "there arc ·• usyToClnn nallng Committee. the priesthood at St. Francis · en In lhe city. Ile has cstab- Alter police stopped one of the Christian. due In no small part not many Catholics among his • Marine-type Vinyl Cl11l111 th nut to those whoJQvc him and seminary In llllwaukcc that he A tuchtr who wltnouod • Ushctl r rci•tlom Houses- rented ma rches. they !ired tear gu to the presence ol Father you ngsters docs not bothe r Fa• • Greater Rl1ldlt-, and Stransth those who hate '!llm, Father started becoming lnvoh·cd with lncldant romarkod that ht ,lum houses-In MIiwaukee's into the St. Donllacc school yard Groppl. ther Groppl. "Catholics arc 7lroppl Is the si·mbol ol ,cMI the problems ol Negroes. In his .wllh•d ho could havo th•t kind inner core In ordcf to be closer wh en some ol thc demonstrator• But the priest believes that Christiani." he said. "They be• • Elsy Installation from Inside rlahts In Milwaukee. spare time, he worked· with of control ~" whtto. chlldron to young people In dilapidated tosssed bottles and rocks al the time has come to sto11 llevc In brotherhood, Justice anti • full-trntl Spiin1~oadtd Suh d' priests In a small mission In hi, clau'"m. Negro neighborhoods. them. St. Donlfacc has become prcachln~ what ho calls " pie In cq_uatlty. That's what they (the • Plumb line Stral1ht1111s J.ssurtd Say, Sy ney Flnlei•, • •f"- church tn the center ol ~tltwau- The or•anlutlon with which Tl . d h "'I lhc center of civil rights actl,•1· the sky" to hlack people who youth council members) all be• s!onat dlrector·lor the NAACI': kcc's slums ~ 1c pr1 cs 1 11H wI I some u tics In Milwaukee d 111 rlnlshts Avallabla "Father Groppl Is a tremendous · Falhcr Groppl was \York Ing his commando, in one of the , · arc opprcssc · llc,·e In." athtr-t11ht and lkalt-Trrt .. • person who has complete and The church has Joni: since 1ponsored a school boycott. hut freedom Houses until the ram- Since then, rather Groppl anti "The Lord ain't. gonna help Father Groppl has the sta- lotal support from the Negro been torn down. but his work the auxiliary bishop ol the Mil• shackle house was condemned the youth council have organized you and he ain't gonna help mina anti single mlndcdn o community. This Is rarc-e1·cn there lclt Father Groppl with waukce nrchdlocesc ordered the Later the you th council cstab: dally rallies and marches, with me.'' he tells. his followers, " un- the true believer. Ile ' says he for a Negro-In these dai·s." the realization of what It was priest to slop participating in It. lishcd two more f" r ecd O m growing support from Jl(cgrocs less we get out and help our• will not stop until Injustice to like ro be black and poor In • Father Groppl obeyed. nut Houses. One wu burned down and "'hllc sympallilzcrs. One ol selves. Negroes Is wiped out. Whllt Finley may hava bun white world. • · ' Inter hc· was arrested In another August 29 as the young protest• the demonstrations-a sit-In at "Juu, Chrlit wu a civil An editorial writer for one ol 1v1nlatln1 umtwhat, thtrt civil rlghls demonstration for crs returned lrom an open hoia: lhc mayor's olllcc-got out oJ: rlghh workor. Tho aroatut MIiwaukee's dally newspapers la no question but that tho "I uw tho aoclal iuflorlng blocking the entrance to the site Ing march ro Milwaukee's soutfi hand. Some ol the dcmonstra• civil rl•hti worker, groo)or commented alter a meeting with Kool Vent currtn I 0-~" htu 1lng cam · and 01tr1cl1ffl," he 11ld. " I or a sc hoo I be I n g construclc d ·in side. wher.t_ lhey were twlrc at- tors- ~ot a11 oI lh cm were you th than anyone• horo. No on, hor• Father GroppI : palgn by ' Father Groppl and 1ullor1d with them thon ..nd a NcRrO neighborhood. The tacked by rioting gangs of white co~nc1I members- tore up the hu ,vor bton nallod to • " lle's one of the few consls- Sales & Service 1 t lhu•c•dyout1nh ucnopurn•••lodt hn~~d P;:: have novtr • •pptd iullor• dcmonstralors·protcstctl that the touGhl, office. · crou." tent Christians I've C\'Cr seen. 3447 Shelby 714-4451 d 1 Ing." 1chool "'oultl become seere• The police said the Freedom Father Groppl said he did not All of the rest ol us stop short _;_____ ;______;______gated. llouse !Ire was starred by a lire appro,·c of the nnda.llsm, but Father Groppl sai•s the somewhere, but he follows right Indianapolis • · • l d F'athcr Groppl has operated ,bomb thrown from I pau lng would not apologize for Ir. Ills Pharisees of today arc lhc pub- on through." ate counter to the wishes ol some of car, but Father Groppl anti the: -- , eatl Catlon• S his superiors In 1he Milwaukee youth council blame the police B ifi 1h lfiiiii Yi 1 . s • ~r::~~~~s:, d~~~cr:rdhcar~ ~~:~~ lo~~~~~~ :ll';;~1·s com- DD lr·- EN~ Sales & Service 784 • 4458 n 1ster bishop William E. Cousins has mandos take their Jobs serious- ~ , , •. . laI t mostly remained allent about ly. Early this iuntmcr, the d ALUM' INUM ASSOCIA.' TES ' Olftr 9ood lor [lllttl IIClm fior ~ta l th0 prlcSI, ollhough he has de- priest and sc\'erat ol thf.com• (lo- Dlilanct [all [olltcll.• ~ fended participation by priests GIi · · -----1• · • VATICAN CITY - eeatl,(lca, during her lllctlme. her rcputa• and nuns In cl\'11 rlshts demon- mantlos helped cool I situation J_. Call Ta_!lay tlon ceremonies for llaHari tlon aft~r her death spread stratlons and once described that threatened 40 turn Into a "l"I 1 ) F wldcf)• on reports ol la1·ors. re• Father Groppi man wbo race riot '1ter cangs of white · r I 15 1 Benedictine Sister ~.a, a ortu• celved through prayers to her. had "a lot of guts." .. • and Negro youths seemed read)" ALUMINUM / nata VIII, who llvccl,more than The Church's ln,•estlgation ol to attack each other.• 00 70 years In the nme convent her reputation for aanctlti· was Aller, lhe school dcmonstra, At lcist two commandos 6 FOR s,1.. and.died ,in 1922, wlll bf held In In 1934. In )!)-ti examination ol tlons subsided, Father Groppl guard Father Groppl during ·sTORM St. Peters Bulllca October 8. her writings anti an Inquiry as Ralhercd his teen-agers and e>•cry civil rlghll dcmonstra• Pope Paul VI selected the to her virtues was undertaken. youngsters anti helped them !Ion. All ol them say they would WINDOWS dale In connection with the sec: Two miracles attributed 10 her form Ifie Milwaukee NA"CI' die for the priest. ond se.ulon of the world con- Intercession were verlllcd. youth council. The Ntgroes Father Groppl ca~s the com- WITH s--llEENS 1re11 of Benedictine abbots, A committee Is being formed chose him as their adviser. mandos a "dlsclpll ed army.", '61' which wltl conclude, the llrst· by Bishop Giuseppe Maraflnl of_ IN THEIR first major cam• They, In turn, e)1• him their week In October. Vcroll-Froslnonc to continue t~e palgn last summer, Father absolute loyalty. Father Grop- SISTllt Fortunata 11 known proccu of Sister Fortunata • Groppl and the youlh council pl Is their friend, trusted con• In tile throu1h the canonization., member, rcccll·cd national at· fidant and' bus driver. lie usu• devotion promoted by Benedlc· "THE MIRACLES attributed to t~ntlon when they picketed the ually drives the SI. Donlface Mill SELF· Une ,nun, and monks. SHe died suburb•n Wauwatosa home of a school bus to carry youth coun­ WINDOWS· lNODllfD November 20, 1922, at the aae Slaler r:ral wt~ th; lnSlam MIiwaukee county Judge to pro- ell members to the sites of some FINISH ' of IS cure O ar a u sa omasc test his membership In the of thei r dcmonatratlons. BUY NOW FINISH FINISH STORING · • of tubercular meningitis al Car- Eagles club which restricts Its II Is the commandos who She spent 71 years In the nello, Italy, In 1930 and the In• membership' to Caucasians make the decisions on stratcgr Benedictine convent ol Santa 1t1nt cure of Palma Staccloll ol • ·, and tactics for the' youth coun• h nd. 1h th BE· READY FIN6fR­ • Marla de Franconia at Vcroll, the ume disease at Ponte Fel- . °I' al cr Groppl k iou ell. Most of the time there Is th f1 Italy, her native town. •Obscure clno, Italy, In 1937. The mcdl- council argued •Jt ,1 wads agreement, but the prlut has 6 sggoo s144 oo s1 ~o cal commlnlon ol the Congre- morally wrong for ,,scs an ,omctlmcs been overruled by gallon ol RIies ruled that the public olflclals, who ervcd the them FOR ANY TIP I'•r I •• er e I.Y cures could not be accouhtctl total community, to _belong to •, COLUMBUS, Ohio - A non• for by normal natural proccssct an all-wlfltc club. Thia 1ummtr tho tactic hu IIHD OF 00 5 0 0 profit or11nlutlon· charter hu In 1964 Pope Paul ordered th Their plcketlng•ol the Judge's bton to marc_h and plcktt for OPERA­ been awarded by Ohio Sttretary publication ol the decree '11es • home brought out angry crowds an optn housing ordinance. 1o ·.. s1 eo 225° '325° of Slate Ted Brown to Inner City Ing to the herol~nature~of Sis• of whites, who pelted the young Tho Mllwaukto common coun• Catholic Parlshea, Inc., to pro- ter Marla'• vlrtu . /. Negroes with eg;s and rocka. ell hu rolocltd open housing WEATHER ,',// pric11 lnc/11d• Meos11rln9 and lnslollln9 vlde housln1 for low and mod• During her Ille n the convent Wisconsin Gov. Warren P. four tlmu. Each time tho Up to 100 Unlt.d Incites on Norma/ /ndo//ofion . 1ION erala Income 1roup1 and for Slater )larl• devoted herself tu Knowles mobilized tlil'natlonal only volt In favor of them wu families displaced by urban re• needle work, 1plnnln11 and weav• guard to protect the print and by tho clty'a only Nigro oldar• newal. In&, hla ,·ounasteu. man, Mrs. Val R. Phllllp1.

SEE lNE" ''68'i"SEPT.14-t5-16• • I , . M'IIND DIDIE WINIS ·YOU ' 3419 Madison ·Ave. -··-...

) •• J ,I I I ~ -' I • 1 PAOI POUR . THI CRITiRION, SEPTIMIIR IS,. lt'1

111111111111mm11m1111111111111u11111Un1111a1n11nN1ar nllely conmvaUve ouUook. The Twin Circle with edl- Bealdet Fathil~-I.yona and Editor Frank' Morrlt·,, W I h d .. , ...,0, mmen•· e ~ome a oar torlal offices In New York and Denver,•wlll be11n pub- who has resianed from the newly p~o1ru1lv1 Denver ...... _, a · _ licatlon In early November. 11• arrival 11 eagerly Register the paper will carry the views or auch colum• .,., The Criterion Is accustomed to being bluntly In• awaited by some 100,000, according to Father Daniel ' 1·1 B kl GI M I (M Clarence · TIM -,lftltfta tX,ftllN 1ft thtat ,t,llltrlal rthlfflftl ' " formed by many readers that Its editorial vl~wwlnts Lyon1, who Is leaving Our Sunday Visitor to. serve as nlsts as WI lam uc ey, na an on rs. ...,,....,, t Calhallr vlt-,.lnl-MI MCtaurlly THI are not shared by them. Catholic opinion coveh a broad columnist and member of the editorial board. · Manion), Jim Bishop and Phyllis Schlafly, the first lady, Cathtllc vltwptlftl. They trt tflerh el tht tdltera rell~lous~oclal and tolltlcal spectrum. This la a We frc ucntly have dl1&aree~ ·with Fal11er Lyons of arch-conaervallam. . le ""' pulillc eplftltft wlthlft the Church aftd wlthlft ~i~r~~irif!~s a~i~id i~cf}lgo~t~~\:~ nearly 50 mllllon rigid. of late !or ~Is hawkish sentimeQIJ about Vietnam · and The National Catholic Reporter was formed to or• the Nttltft, · his charges that urban riots are directly associated llculate liberal view, within and outside the Church. We therefore welcome to the fraternity or the Cotho- with Communism. Many Cilhollcs, however, are •In run Next November the other end of the spectrum will have Easy ·does it lie press a new national weekly that will have a dell• sympathy with the Jesuit prle1t. , a nation-wide go at It. • The squeaky threats of Father Gommer A. DcPauw • JOHN

• YOUR WORLD AND .MINE Sees ~ynod ~anging ,. Father Gropp! evidently hos learned by exampic from such men as Mohandas Gandhi t~at the only way to make non-violent protest work Is to be a persistent pest. This strategy- also Is In emulation of Christ and beyond its .agenda some of the greatest saints. Oh sure, Father Gropp! Is being called Irresponsible and reckless. So was Christ by the .~atabllshmentarlans of His lime on earth. So have other~ who have dared attempt to fight Injustice to Ila knees without resort to the sword. Father Gropp! Is doing his part to ·try to- spare the nation from future hot summers, not pnly by tackling Milwaukee's stolid and stupid bigotry head-on, but by showing disenchanted-Negroes that'at least a few white~ have staying power and are not fair-weather friends who retreat. backstage when the rotten eggs and tomn• toes start flying. . · ,

/'! '\

a, MIOa o•OHI HIOO!NI , · I discovered u I might have expected, that· th• ttolt are nothing to Joke about. But that doesn't mean almost any living American to resolve labor-manage- . • · •• American prea~auumlng that the papers I read over that they represent a form of economic "warfare" ment disputes and to bring about· a greater measure, of · I spent a good deal of Ume lounging arounkd bduat11n5 the week-end are representative of the press as a whole which should be outlawed by the government. industrial peace In the United States. Thi• being the airport terminals over the Labor l>ay wee -en -an I , h d s t b II le ed to very ·carefully when what a glorious end-of-the-Summer week-end It was; at -Is beginning to have serious doubts about collect ve On the contrary as Theodore· Kheel-on of the na- case, e eserve o e s n . · least In the Middle West and up and down the Eastern bargaining as a fair and reliable means of handling lion's leading experts and most successful practitioners he says that "there ls no workable nllernntlve lo collec- Seaboard. As usual, I had stuffed my brief case with labor-management relations In the United States. in the field of labor-management- pointedly observed live bargalnl.~g and, therefore, the p_rospect of a strike current books and a sampling .of current T b t f th d me In a letter lo the Times published on Labor Day the or a lockout. erlodical lllerature - Just In case I ran ° e sure, no one O e papers 1 snmp 1e en , prospect of a strike or lockout Is Indispensable to c~llec- r.nto any long delays. 8ut airports, alas, out for compulsory arbitration, but. almost all or them live bargaining nnct -co11e·ct1vc bargaining Is "the best •• are too crowded these days and much loo said, In one way or another, that the c11rrent labor- process any so~lety has ever developed for voluntarily Mr. Kheel's point, in my judgment, Is very well noisy and distracting lo enable the aver• management crisis In thc automobile industry poses a settling the relations or workers and their employers." taken. Surely It would be a serious mistake to outlaw age weak-willed traveler to concentrate serious threat to the Institution of collective bargaining. Ir.deed, Mr. Kheel continued, the prospect or a cessation the right to strike or, In a moment or panic, to restrict \ for _any length of time on serious reading. Even the sophisticated Times has taken to characteriz• or work "Is the most ef!ecllve strike deterrent ever its exercise unduly. What we 11el!d to do, as Kheel sug­ . Ing major strikes as a kind of "warfare," which, If d , d h ,1 k IOO'A f th ti " gests, is to make collectlve bargaining, with the prospect . To while away the hours, then, I took allowed by·the· government 10 go on much longer, will ev1se even thoug II doesn wor • o e me. or a strike or a lockout, work even better. the easy way out and spent my lime sam- do Irreparable harm to the economy. 1 It was hardly necessary for Mr. Kheel to add, in piing the Labor Day editions of a dozen or • the course IJ£ his letter lo the Times, that he; Too, would The Amerlc~n Foundation c:in Automation and Em• · so metropolitan newspapers, incl\Jding the · like 10 reduce the Incidence of major strikes and th'at·•ployment, or which_ Mr. Kheel 1s president? Is planning lndl~penaable New York Times, which, along with the Is the current labor-manageme~t situation really aa he spends a good portion of his time trying to prevent to establish an Institute or Collective Bargaming £or this --:-WalESlfeeC Journal, hasbecome, a national paper an~ bad as all that? I think not:--• strak_es, or course, are them That's putting 1t·very mildly. _ _ . very purpose. The malling address .or the Fou,:idallon, Is now available early In the morning In almost every generally a wasteful way of doing business, and major : for those who may wish to keep abreast or Its fmdlngs, major city In the United States, strlltea of the kind that we are now witnessing In De- The fact Is that Mr. Kheel has done as much as is 280 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y., 8IIIIIIIIIOOIUIIIIIIIIIIIOIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlRIIDfflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll • WHAT OF THE DAY () t> I ,\ I()\ S .- Saturday Ma$S privilege BURLINGTON, Vt.-ln a letlcr lo paslors, Bishop llobcrl F . Joyce of Burlington announced th•t the diocese had received Is· wOfk a .pleasure? permission lo fulfil! the Sunday Ma!s obligallon on Saturday. Father Groppl The purpose of hi• march Priest's burden This per.mils,, "where necessary or ve ry useful," the salls• By REV, JOHN DORAN acl1·anrc or aHerwards that mochlncs, who use Jhcm 1ru1t• would have been untouched and fylng or Sunday or holy day Mass obllgallons at aflernoon or what we reall)' wan1 to do. or inR that those who made them To the Editor: undamaged ••. he would have To the Editor: evening Masses the previous day. There Is an lntcrcsllng psy• did, had some rrnl ospcct or did lhelr work well. In fact, the th 1 d th chologlcal law aboul labor or Rood in It. Our wills arc mnde more mechanically dependent I just read your editorial In respected e aw an anyone Yes, Pe'1t Clark0 , crc Is a The bishop asked paslors to explain the permission care• work lhal It cannot be enjoyed Jo s rt•k and apprccialc Rood, we hccomc. the more we do de, the current Issue of The Crlte't, who argued against him. would Santa Claus, but he Isn't your fully . to parishioners so Jhal the significance or Sunday Is nol unless It Is well done. · anti they will not rest content in pend upon the good work of Ion dtfendlnc the action of Fa• have been the onlv ones vlolal• parish priest. Thal priest who obscured. The purpose or Jhe concession, he said, Is " to en , Sounds strange, doesn't It? anything cbc. · others, the careful, perfected th 1 er Groppl. believe you as Intl the law. But he Ignored the drags In "long-faced • nd sol• able Chrlsllans • of todny to "celebrate more easily the day of Ycl I think the l;w stales a II we npply this knowledge or works ot others. II h 15 lenoredwell theFal lawer andGroppj, Its proper have I aw, so J f eeI th• I those w h o re• cmntcr•lo,"•lhc -cdltor,you pul IsIJ Inhuman your let• u • . f\.,, c n csurrcct Io n o r t h e Lor d . " t rue human rcacllon which we h ow our w Ill s apprcc Int c •· on Iy II we fall to teach ourselves belled, a1aln1t the march were ha 1· c cxpcrl• the good. we can sec why we and our children Jhaf only work place1 u a meansth of settlement.st u much within their rlehts lo ~~sp~sc,:dhrtlosl k"c'aesp hluhmc a,nt.ockHlen·g• ~lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.11111111111111111111111111111111~11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 cnccd In our cannot find any happiness or well done will hfing pleasure, ( ) You ,taleI e bant •&•In Ignore the law u he wu. I do u • • own ll1·lng and pleasure In poor I)• done work. we nrc defraudl~g ourselves and Pe ace f u demonS ratlons Is not condonl their actions, but If filled 365 days out of the year can explain In We sec, indeed we cannot help our children of one of the great s 01 "clearly un~o.nStitutdlonal I." Thal there ii to be no.retard for the ln lead one and not for• hall 'our philosophy, bul scr. I hat the work we hn1·e pleasures of Ille. We may, In 1 0 B • h l • your opinion an 11 t not a law, that dlsre1tard should be adrednozbcun, ,orrchvucnnd:c.i~~zen chll• lS o~· su~,po rts p an Firsl, consld- been doi ng Is not good. thal ii this mechanical Ille we now proven /acl,d since has not equally applied. er our own ex, tails by quite a bll of the r eal lend. be defrauding our brolhers been ltJtt In court. Thus, your Father Groppl'1 cause may be As the mother of a large Cam• . . pcricnccs. lnlcgrlty whlrh It ought lo ha\'c, of Ilic llsclf. first premise Is based on an as, Just. I'm sure he Is sincere. But Uy who tries at Christmas time fi Cn . h . l Ha\'c we ever thal II Is deformed by our lazl• ;:======; ,umpllon, no\• tact. how can someone now Instill re• lo Clll ,cqullably the giant slock• or lCa~o SC 00 S been happy wllh ncss. aborled hy°our Impatience. (2) Have you seen the photo• spect In our children when Ines someone so gener ously . a sloppy, half. We say within ourselves. and A S K R E N eraphs ot what happened lo the someone In a poslllon of respect knitted for my brood, J have . done, pnrllally we rannol help saying within MONUMENT CO INC )layor'1 office yest~rday by l~e so flagrantly violates the law? Just a small Idea or how dilfl• . complCJcd Joh? Have we found oursCll"cs. " This work of mine · • • "puceful" marchers? Pleaae Are we then lo do II Marlin LU· cult II must be to please a much CHICAGO - Auxlllnry Bishop program to achlc\'C racial b•I• any pleasure In loafing on ,Cle wns not good .• I can Jake no Merkera - Monument, Justify this to me. lher King has sugge,ted-"obe)' lar1ter more cdmplex brood (a WIiiiam E. ~lc~la~ol Chicago ancc. . Joh. chcatinR our employer or pleasure In It." 11"" 19n (3) The ban was established only7 hose laws with which you.~ family wllh much more sophls• and &upcrlnlendcn\ of the elly's • Bulldin;t of cdueallonnl our familr. deg roding our own • • 4707· 1! ;-W.ah. St, FL 7-7'2' lo prevent Milwaukee from turn• agree?" That, J submit, Is the llcatcd tastes), 81 our priests Cath~llc schools, has announced complexes ~long .Jhc wat,crfroril Integrity? Oh, there might be We arc mol'lns: an our soclcl)' Ing Into a Detroit. 7he' ban wu road lo anarchy. And ~our f h•I· must try lo do. approl'al of a pion calling for at l.nkc ~l1chlgan- on pier, or the pleasure ol Jhinklng we have Into an nge In· which Jhcre will temporary. Couldn I Father low-lhoughl•out editorial Is pav• lmmcdlale eflorls lo mesh pro- in s pecial pnrks-.and on lhc pul somcthlng ,ovcr on somconl', hr less anil less ph)'slcnl work. Groppl have displayed belier Ing part or the way. Perhaps the long; larcd • 01• grams o( the area's . Catholic 0111r r rim of the city, Jo enroll Thot is Jruc. bul 1hcrc hos been This Is true, but It docs not sense and conducted his march• . emnlty Is not to be attributed schools with the acllvlllcs of the up to 20,000 students each. all n, plcosurc In Jhc half-done chongc the low or' pleasure In es tc11ally a few days later after- Robert C. Vereen so much to the apathy or dis• Chicago public s chool system. of whom , would be bused Jo work. work coming only from work • the ban was ended? Indianapolis approval .~f the ~_rlcsts In r e•· In commcnJing on the plan 1chool. Now let's lry to find oul wh)' well done. In ,rac1. our lncrcas- th gard lo changes'. but thto 10c propo1crt by public school su- • An immedlnte rcdlstrlbu, pleasure or hopp·~ ss In work lngly lcch~lc•~. _soclel,Y make,~ attempt of a loving la cr pcrinlcndCnt James F. Red• 1lon procrnm for Jcachcrs to the pcrlcc11on work " •II done keep a straight face when he moncl, lhc blshoti said: " ~l y re• upgrndci'hr • the Chicngo whirh wnuld insl~t on rnrlnl b•I• Supply and medicine, even II you go hungry Instead! ("Suiter Jhc llltlc children to tioord of education, calls for: nncr even II school room! hn1·c !ll,,,~.O."'-..J - ... Only once In all our 18 countries have I come unto nrn"-the llltlc chll• • E slobllshmenl ol racial to hr. kepi e mply and ll'hlch Gcthse1nnni Abbey heard a native Sister In an orphanage complalr1J dren lo,·c our pastor and he re• q4olas in many schools and would Ah•c J raining In spcclnl -l»tbbing Evenings you see the Sisters hand-washing turns that love). . Immediate lnllla1loi-..oVa busln~ subjects abo1•c normol school " " l d lr11:,,1n,1p~:, ·, diapers by the hundreds because there a,e no JnlNIIIJtU Our pastor is not a~ sheep. i tandards to nltract while stu- -., rCDOV8 C 100-$10.50 washing machines, You see them making coats Wouldn't a big black sheep with S • , d I . dcnls. . and dt"\ses out of rags, "walking" the babies a lloman collar look silly drh•• em1nnr1nnS C U) • Te aching tcoms. cnptnlncd, TllAPPIST. K)'. - The com- Al~=_.-:_M_:1"91 HAPPINESS who are sick, puttl~g soles on worn-out shoes, Ing a school bus? And what .. . hy hlRhly 1111nllflcd maslcr plrJcl)' renovated Gethscmanl a,,~.s-..111,r IS correcting school-papers for tomorrow's class. would happen II lhey turned a ordinations to lcachcrs for schools In the inner Ahhc)' chucch..Q/ Our J.ady of ...... GIVING •. . When food Is scarce the Sisters eat last. Do flock ol sheep loose on a colt • city. Gclhu•monl has been fo rmally ••1' •rintlna <.aipanp · A you wonder the orphans love them! •.. Hap• • (l'I t ll JI o Pen e d hcrr . Arcb!1lshop UIJ L - If, ' ..,_ , ..,,, \l CHILD plly, you loo can have an orphan's love, simply course. eau n un sucL ,c " k • Id' BISHOP McManus, lolloll'lng Thomas J . McDonougfi, of A by 'adopting' a boy or alrl by mall. We'll send Archdiocese)? . WOr Ill WOr his praise of the llcdmond plan. l.ouls,·lllc. presided at 1hc allar CHANCE you the child's name and photoaraph, you may J do not know what norrns arc , Admllled that some or the !loud, ronNrcrntlon. and wns principal Now 3 Location• write to him (or her) whenever you wish, •OJ.I set down In " Lally In the Mod,. SANTANDER. Spain ,- Siu• est opposition to lhc plnn has roncclchronJ of the Mass rollow, To You "the Sisters will keep you Informed es often 'al Serve ern World,1' but the norm I dents at lhc seminary here hal'I' come from Calhollc parents Ing the ceremony. SPIIDWAY-CLIUMINT AIIA they can about his proaress. All your chlid needs wish to follow as. a lay person Is been ldcntltlcd as the group of whose children altcml Catholic FORD DEALERS •11 fHHI 1Ht1 - for food, clothing, 1choolln11, and medical an honest respect for onother seminarians who arc postponin~ schools. " I admit the lacl. he The rcno1·ntcd church was de• SOUINIIDl- lll

------PAGI SIX ...-_ --~-.---..-.. -. -- ...-... -_ -_-_------:,.,.....,.-._.,. -....-_ -_ ..:._ -_------:--..:,______CY O football Scecina Bana tO give Butler hall-time show -· I The Cru11den )l1rchln1 Band and .J):lt performed to the 11111, of Sctclna lltmorlal - ·H11tr of "Dini Dons the Wicked Witch School,. under the dlrecUon of II Dead." Aller a medley of league action Richard Cashman, will prtsent other tunes the Crusader• will the half-time show at the Butler• conclude their proaram with University-Northern llllnol1 Uni- "God Dien America" drama• venlty football aame Saturday tired by the presentation and afternoon, Sept. ·1e, at Duller ,arrylna of a larae opened Stadium. American naa. opeps Sunday The 96-member band wu In• After the Dulle~-Northem vltt!d to . er(qrm by Mr. Michael llllnol1 same, the marchers will Leckrone,11 '.'llutler's Marching repul their performance al the Cmiel CYO i oolbnll gets limlerway Sunday, Sept. 17, Band Director, after he had Sceclna-Arllnaton football 11me with defcndlnff lcngue chnmpions St. l\lonlca's opening seen them perlorm at the lndl• Saturday evenlna, Sept. 18, at ngnlnsl St. Cntherine's at 3: 15 p.m. on the Msgr. aaa State Fair Band Day con- the CYO 'Field. Downey-CYO Ficht. Both teams nre In Di\·lsion Ill. test. It 11 traditional that Duller In Dl\'lslon I. league runner-up St. Andrew's will Invite one hlah school band a sqimrc orr ngalnst SI. Lawrence al 3 p.rn.on the St. year to perform al one of their Andrew's field: SI. .Jonn or Arc and St. l\lichncl's will home 11me1. meet nt I : 15 p.m. on CYO Field Ko. 2. • Sceclna '1 band, winner ol two Christ the King nnd St. Mark's, both Division II flr1t place awards In a band hopefuls, arc scheduled at 3:45 p.m. on CYO Field No. 2. contest ai Fortville, In July and St. Philip Neri. Inst \'car's Dl\'lslon Ill winners, will of a second place In the Farm­ nice! St. Roch's al 2 p.m. on J3rooksicle No. 1. St. ers' Day Parade at the State Fair, wlll present a proaram of Roch's captured ·the dil'lsion honq_rs lost season when precision .marching and drllllna they were listed In Dll'lsion I\'. . built around the theme of a lan­ In Division IV piny. SI. Uernmlette's will meet St. tuy trip ,around the, world. Luke's on the lotter field nt 2:30 p.m. Holy Angels, de­ Familiar 'p I e c e I such as fending champions In Dll'lsion \I, is scheduled against "Around the World In 80 Days," division runner-up St. Rita's at 2:30 p.m. on Rlversldo "Lady of Spain," "Anchors N~ I. . Awcl1h," " Ruic Britannia," and The 100 pound league nlso starts Sunday, with "The Hawaiian War Chant" will league champions St. Michael's (Division I ) squared of! lead up to the locally Inspired "Dack Home Again In Indiana," with st. ·,Joan or Arc nt 12 Noon on CYO No. 2. " Hall lo Old Purdue," and the O1\•lslon II champions Little Flower will piny S't. "Butler War Song" which wlll I :30 Andrew's at e,m. on the latter field. St. Cath• VOCAL- DIVISION WINNlll$-VMal Dlwhi..t wlr1111n of 1M Junltr CYO Talent Conto1t are 1MW11 allMo clu1terod oreund be followed by I special routine crlne's, defending Division Ill winners, will meet St. K1thy Vlnc1nl, of S1cred H11rt parish, who placed Hcond. Tho Towne Travelen, of St. Christopher', parish, were tlM top Mark's al 12:30 p.m. on the Southport High School flelJ. wlnnera In th• com~lltlon. Tho remaining lads •re members of th• Boy1' CIMru1, of Holy Nimt parl1h, lndl1n1poll1. They FOOTBALL SCHEDULE - SUNDAY, SEPT. 17 pl1c1d third. ' " IDO" IUCUI JAMES H. DREW lltltlta I St, C111,:, 1 "'· s,, 1hcm11 ,,. M1thH I n . SI. IH1 cf "" Corporation lf1YNU1l• 1t ~ U ri ,,. , , ( ht11te~t-t, ,_ , ,. Mo,it(1 Y1, Hol, fl.Mr 11,k... 2 1 CYO NOTES (Nhl lht l ll'\f n . Mou11I Ctrmtl ~ Bro,d 11,,ict, , 12 r.ocn. St, ll•lf l'l( t ¥1, s, . ...., 111\f• ~ St. lhllhtfll', I 130 p m, ,.1 • :i:r-r=-- .._,, s,1r11 .-.. ·s,. ,.v, , · ~ 110,d l ipp1t , I I IS p m, St, Andt t• W1 , lilllt IIO•tf 5 St, AnC,rw, I 130 p m, St, . iffloft, brt Scecina Memorial High School BLUE & WHITE SERVICE, INC. t l,h... I will host I mcc.llng for adult .,, I LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU ,,. Ctlhtflftt U , s,. ,,,,.. ~ Schill',pcrt H,9., s,tirol. 121>0 p ""· volunteers and grade school St. IOlh wt. Moir N1mt ~ ww Oo••f'lt f No. , . 1), )0 pm, principals Interested In tlie sec­ ALWAYS OPINI Olit lNJ ef lourd.tt v, . St. h rrtdt llt t rn, nb119r,, l l ,lO p "'· hcrtd .., , "'· SI. , ,,11,, Nt! I Ullf u,:~:ohlot ffo. I, 121)0 p '"· • ond annual Physical ,Education 924-5311 l'rt111r•m sponsorrd by the CYO t ltl,... 1 1 Office. The dlscusilon seulon t~~"r.:~·:rA::·"' ~1,." ~:~.. I and demonstration will be held St, A"4Jt• '1, s,. lu,, 11u at 7: 30 p.m. Wednesday, Sepl. St. '"''' l " · Holr h 1,1t tl,hlH I 27. ~orms, manuals and par­ Grinsteiner 'Funeral Home · i:: }~ wi~'•o!!•l~ ~'11:r~':v,dt1 .tlclpatlon blanks are In the ~ . E1tabll1hed 1154 St. M, , k wt. Cti.,111 1~, ""' hands of the schools. Parllhea GIOllGI N: GlllNSTIINIR HAROLD D, UNGII SI, G1bflt l, bU are reminded to return the Mllroao 2•U74 1'01 1111 Now Ytril It, IIMtlH J by St, " 'hllp Ntrl •1 . St. l od1 l roch lc!t No. • I , 2 pm. blanks lo the CYO Olllce ,,. ,.,,,,. \'1, " -""' , .,,.,_,, 0 0 No. 2, 2 ,)0 11.m. llonday, Srpt. 25. • St. (,tht1l1tt VI, $1. AIC!'IIU ~ ,, , . 00• 11•1 ,:O. 1, l 11S 11.m. i . . . 0 It, M1m,,-, b, t tMti..~4 --- - Kickball coachra are remlnd• lfl'll'l'IC1v lt1t ~U lt ,,. Holr 1,i11itr CYO t,o. , ti IS 11.ffl, ed-by the- CYO Olllce to- phone , ,. Mtltetlr ,,. h 11 I.IIIMl1 lldg, The procedure followed 11 the of Mr. and llrs. Robert Kirby, nlon, a number of other children who had already made their 17 Wtll Marlltl 6JS.fS01 . /int aculon of Vatican JI 1 of St. Jude', parllh. lie con- In St. Jude·, plrl1h have re- Finl Communion will add to the thoueht by many provide a1 . tlnucd 11kln1-llrsl Father WI!, celved J esus. too. When parenta general preparation of tho precedent for the 10Synod . That 11am )lorley, his pastor, and uk Father Morley about their others. "They can 1hare their aeulon was devoted re- then hl1 tucher, Sister Tercslne, youn11ten he supplies them lcellngs and perhaps dispel formulation of the 10problem, 1 O.S.B.. 11 Our Lady ol Grace with • Confraternity ol Chris- 1omc fears about receMna the with which the council ahould Conv, nl, Beech Grove, ti•• Doctrine booklet, which ex- racramcnt for Ure- !Int time. deal and an cichanite~ot views On one occasion he asked hi, plains the parenla' role. lie tel11 f'rom personal experience ~he to how II should deal with mother II Father Morley wu lhem to return whe_n they think emphuizea regular 11tcnd1nc,c 11them . The Fathers then adjourn- "God's bou." II seemed to tie their ehlld II read)', The putor al Mau lo develop • >•ouna11er • ed for ten montha lo permit re- more the p11tgr·1 dechlon than talks to each child personally proper attitude. "God muat be c ...... s••• , ftcctlon atudy and develop- God'•· about God and decldea when the an every day occurrence In I ' ' cblld may receive child'• life " PIRST AID TREATMENT-,.,., ment of public opinion. TO Ol'FSIT the dllllcully • • The difference this time 11 Father Morley 1uuested thai Por Spot• and Stain• that the luuH would return Kevin aerve 11111 11 an altar next ·yur to a new body. Under boy, 1111 mother made him 1 ILN1 ...... Uni with cl.. ,. , ..n'I 1M lvbwtnn Ila charter, white the Synod 11 1pecl1I "junior size" aurpUc• • ••'"• tMft w1ttl .,.,.. ,., ,_,. II tt~l..,....tvl "by Ill nature pen,etual,'' the and canock. This only Hrved It I ,i.-t .._,.,..,_ w1ttr, YHWffl twlf av41. member• ~re elected anew each to make the matter even more ...... lrilll ..i11 wiMfar, II tklt hot *IH• time It l1, convoked. Far •from ursent than when Kevin 111 neal """" ,. I\"'""• .... . creallna a problem, however, to his mother In Church. • (A w,.1c1w sm111:, 10 crfunoll ~., lhls provlalon en,ures that the • blahop, can pick the men belt "KOYln -Id want lo 111 11 CAIPIT PAIHIONI INC, • qualified to deal with the con- cloH II poullllt to mo alter 2741 MadllOII A,_ e :17ij l.afaretto INtl lillltane,ella, lntlllM - crete luues acheduled for study: I had roulncl Holy C•mmu- Ralher than quick lnlWVI, IC• • nlon," uld Mn. Klrllr, ...... cordlD&IY, wo may expect the CIUH ha w•nto4 to lit nearer upcomln1 Synod to formulate le J11u1." • • · qut1Uon1. U they are the rlaltt After many dlscu11lou In kin, SAUL SAYS: onu, It wlll hav: been worth der11rten, Slater Tere,lne uktd tbe effort. Mn. Kirby lo 1peak lo Father "" Morl,y about Knln'1 re1dlne11 You don't even hJve to be Housing ordin,ance to mel!• Holy Communion. Jewish to enjoy tM Food "I lauahed," 11id Mn. XlrbJ1 . means 0 1t S1rn'1 Subway. ,urged by priests ::~;:,i• ..:: 1 ~.:r:v= etrned bec11111 I WW I WU IIILWAUXU: - Thi prl11ta' IIJIDI no to tb1 rllbl flllODI," Ex/MPIPI!" C.feteri1-C.terer-Delicate1Hns Nllltl. of lh1 Mllwaukff ucb· Mra. KlrbJ, who l11ch11 NC­ di-, bu called for "Iha Im- ond 1radt at her parllb acbool, Attend the ...... Geed Oovernmant mediate puu10 of • city ordJn.. prepared bar elau for Finl ,.,,. 11111 DIM., uce for open oceupucy." Communloll laat Octoblr. 11111 lXfM/lollnl · Tbla ectlon, lhl prlesta d .. onrburd Father Mortar tell A PAIIIM PIIIT--ll-;11r-eltl 1Ct¥1n tclrll,, 1M el Mr, UNUSUALLY D!U00USI eland In a ,utomenl, "Woulcl anotbar t11cb11 that a child 111411 Mn. ••rt tctrlty, Ir., ....,.....,..._ • Hflnl" fer It. make tbe ell)' of Mllw1ukee lhl abould rtctlvo ltslll wban b• la Jutll't ,-rt,ti In l!1411na,-ll1 ftlfl hl1 ,-11or allewetl hl111 to Golden Guemsey SAM'S SIJBWA 'Y morel lllder a-,, 11 Jhla ready, re11nllel1 of 111, and nclln Htfr C-munlon et tho ... ef ala white 11111 1tltftll00 time to feclllllll 1~, county-wld, lhll aom1 elilldnn an ready 1111 ldntlort1i'tlft. llnc1 lhllt time fflll!Y ,.._..tori hen ,._ c--.....11r opa occupuqr bw 111d • -. before o t h • r 1. Mn. KlrbJ Fanns EASTG.ATE lffldlft lltlll OPID OCCUJIIIICJ looked up, caupt Illa 111 and "'"4. .. 111rement Mhn tho retVl•r 1la11 recelwos•ln thl ...... 717-alM bill." . • 1,ntd.· ...... ,... :( • ' I • . ' .... I,

I • ~ '- THI c,unRIOH, IIPT~Mllll 11, 1H7 Synod, National Catholic • TIC TACKER (Continued from p11e 1) menta, Bishop Rubin 11ld lllat 1 . ' ' ' the aynC>d will create I special • commlulon composed of lllrtl newspaper plan'!zpd I:> .Doffs habit /qr bllhop members, himself 11 ... retary 1ener1l, the special ..e­ I DENVER - A new n1tlon1I publisher. On:._ edltortal S,aldlnt, retired putor .of H,1, Creaa parl1h, retary who la to be elected bJ the II l'AUL G." l'OX the synod and the director ol • Catholic newspaper with "faith board are Mi1r. Edward W. lndl1nipoll1, ln St. l'r1ncl1 Heapltal, Beech the pre11 offlee of the Holy !!!i and freedom" 11 lh main , The curly-haired nurse In shoH, re1ul1tlon Gro\'e; l'athtr ' Lawrence Weenupftl, putor themes wlll btsln publlcstloit O )!alley, editor of the Cathtllc . white uniform at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, M11r. Fausto Vallalnc. Tllll ol St, Vincent dt l'aul pariah, Bedlord, re• commlulql) will dally h•ve,tbe 1 the second wttk ln November. lttllltr of the Altoon1-Jobnl• Los Angeles, Is really Sl111r M. Cresc11ill1 leased this week from· Juper Memorial Hoa• tuk of preparlns a bulletin for • The paper, named Twin Cir• town, Pa., diocese; Father O. J . : Wultll, a Franciscan SisI er on Juve from SI. pita I• ••• Best wishes to M~and Mrs. ltn, ihe pre11 whkh will be read In · clt•Tht Nalltntl C11htllc P'rt11, clrclu," 1ccordln1 lo THI PAl'II, Morrin uld, 11 a cardiac care nurse In the famous Wut Albert at 4 p.m. Sunday, Sept. En1ll1h. lie Indicated that Fl• l'alhtr Alamlt lla edllor-ln-chlef, Frank Mor- ~•l!I "oppose th, trend toward 1 · Coast hospital. The first Catholic Slattr to 17. In St, Mar,•a Church, lndl1napolls. Thoa~ lher Edward Heaton, C.S.C., Join the Institution's nursin1 11111, she Is the rlu. lie Is an author and for- shifting and confused consen1u1 allcndlne may rectlve the Eucharist under would prepare the £n1ll1h bulle- mer news editor ol the national morality and 1ccrpt1nce of 1 first member of her order to become 1 111• balh species of bread and wwi,.... The pub- tin, but he uld that Father He,1• _ r. ,., Resister C1thollc newspaper. lack of 1bsolutu ln matters of aried employee "in !h!; world." ton Is 11 present In the U.S. and .,_ • l'f , , llcations ol Ch artrand Hlth Schaol, lndl1n1p- that final atran1ements wouk' ---.. ·:r.::~ r ""ll~l,.· Announc~menl ol the' new faith "and morals." The lndian1polls' native is one of 199 olla, have received •high ratln1s from the have to wilt his r.eturn. , •" _ -,¥-l'"l ; I i ,. • 1 paper wu made 1lmullanrou1ly lie ;aid that Twin Clrcla" will nunes trained under a U.S. Public Health Catholic Sehool Pren Association. R1mp11e, • r-~vc · :s ·• here. where It will be edited take Ila 1•lew1 from the tuchlna Service grant in Intensive cardiac cue nun• monthly newspaper, merited "All-Catholic"• · Bishop Rubin uld that L1t!J: •· · ,t- 1 ; '.) • ls to be the l1n1ua1e of the , . '" -.. and p_rlnted, and In Ntw York, ol the Holy Father and 1lve "a Ing. When she returns to dutlu In her rell• r~tlng lor the· third consecutive ye·ar. The meetlnes, 11 apecllled by the .,, Jf -,: · where • group ol Catholic lay• true and balanced Interpret•• gious community, she will prepare other Sis• yearbook, R1mblln1s, maintained Ila First norms, but that 1ttempl1 are i~ :) men hue pledged up to $500,000 lion" of the documents of the to launch lt. Second V,tlcan Council. Any !~rs for speci1llred cardiac nursin1 in the Honors standing. Patricia Hornberttr and being m1ae to provide almul• 1 ~ • • II order's •seven Mis western' hospitals. Ruth Lime were respective editors ol the pub- 11neou1 tr1nalallon1 ln other . ~ - Described by Its backers criticism In Twin Clrclt will be llcallons lait year.... Dean's List scholar• langu1ees. However, he uld , ' "the Year ol Faith ne wspaper," presented ln a 111anner thit will Twin Clrcl1 will be a tabloid not "undermine or erode the NIW MATERl,.LS CINTIR Ol'INS-Thc lor the second semester ol last year at St, 1h11 the problem raised by thla ,;• ~ • new C1tchetle1I Material Center 11 Christ th• with 16 p1ees lnltlally. It will legltlmate exercise ol authority 01 1 have • 1uar1nlet d circulation of by either the hierarchy or ltad• Kint ptrhh, lndlan1poll1. will open Sunday, ::~~;f•~;;:d::u~ ·':f;de~t~l:ud~,!heAf1: ; :;a~~1!~0:! !~.:~~:~r~I P:~p::: , - =-·_ ,._,_-.,,--,,u., 100,000 with Its llrst Issue. ers ol the clvil 101·ernment,'.!. he S~pt. 17, ln the pariah school llbfary. Sunday's King, Mlai Pantlopo Hl19ln1, Miu Pa.trlcla for the technical laneuaee of the IIOGRAPHIR AND SUIJICT-l'athtr Thtmu T. McA•e,, hours will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and from R,an and Miu Judith O'Rt1r, 111 of Terre di lscuu,lona In 1h' 010I Y, canon C.S.C., tboYI, 11 tha authtr of a r• cann, publhhtd blttraph, THR EI! well-known Catholic uld. 7 to 9 p.m. Regular hours alter the openlnil aw, e c. Journ1llst1 will be among con- di)' will be from 7 to 9 p. 1)1 . ,on Thursday Haute; 1gd Ml114K•l~r,n Kini,,, ol lndl1n1p- Bishop Rubin, when of the late Cardinal John O'Hara, formir pruldtnl of Notre tributors to the new paper-Bob 'Do•·dy 1\"eek• c,·enlnes. and on Sunday from ·9 a.m. lo noon olls.. . . Chtrlta Sinclair, 1 June graduate of- tloned, revealed that no P~~f,t Dame Unlvtrall,. The book, enlltltd: "Falhtr O'Htra of Considine, Jim •Bishop and Wll- l)'IDIANAPOLIS - " Howdy Sctclnt Mtmtrlal Hlth School, lndlan1poll1, or speclally trained uperta, In Nolrt- Damt - The Cardine I Archbishop of Phlltdtlphl1," ls 11am ~ucklc)'. Morriss will rt• Week" will be observtd Sep­ and from 7to 9 p.m : Available on loan lo hu r eceived advance placement ln French 11 various branches • ChurcH publhh1d b, the Notr,, Dam~ Prtu. Falhtr McAoy; who 11 parish CCD workers from Christ the Kini and 01 sume 1n Twin Circle his own col- !ember tl-24 at Scecin1 Me• Purdue University. The son ol Mr. and Mrs. knowledee will be slnn' official archivist al the unlvtr1lly, lltnd1 btntalh • canvas of lh1 umn that appeared ln the na- morlal lll&h School. Purpose ol surrounding p1rl1hc1 are 943 volumes on rell, John S. Sinclair, Charles received 12 credit atllua or admitted to the meet• lilt cardinal which h1n1s above his tomb In Sllcr•d Hurt tlonal Realster. the wttk Is to permit 1tudrnts glou1 subjects, 167 tapes, 129 lllm 1trlp1, 101 . ' c~llcge u • result.of I high score on the ln11, u they were durln1 the Church on Iha ND campus, Hobert Fl1u o_l Twin Circle lo mtet newcomers and to re• recordings, sheet music, pamphlets and French proficiency test 1dmlnl1tered by Pur- Second . Vatican Councll. " The ------­ Publlshln1 Co., New York, Is new acqualnlancu. poster sets. An IO-p11e blbllo1r1phy ol avail• due. lie studied French lour years at sceclna. bishops are tbe pcrlll," Bishop able material can be obtained lor a $1 fee. . .. Beat wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Jostph P. Rubin uld. lie added that there Shttr Ronl,n Bush, o.s.1 .. la Christ the Kin;i Madden and their dauehter and .son-In-law, la no provision for perltl ln the Parley· slows do~n librarian. . norms of the synod. Attention! . .. Criterion Readers Mr. and Mrs. John a. Hardine, on the Join! (Continued from page I) Current prop611l1 for abor• NAMl!S IN THI N I W S - Hosplt1llred cclcbratlon ol their Wedding Annlverurlu at THE POPI WILL take part enough on which to bue lc;ls- lion law llbtrallullon art Would you rather '"lieht than 1wllch"7 elergy: Father Aloy1lu1 Lauttl, putor of Hal, St. Patrick's parish, lndl1n1polls. The Mad• In • few of the meet1n11 In hla latlon." Great Britain. he uld, t•ntrall, p1lltrntd tn rtcom•• Do you have a ··t11er ln )'Ou r tank"! Guardian Angela pariah, Cedar Grove~ In Good den'• arc not1n1 their 60th, while the Hard- capacity II president 01 lbe has "rushed into leglalatlon mtndallon, put forth nvtral Arr ) 'OU 1oin& to "come 1lh•e"! J S1m1,rlt1n Hospital. Cincinnati·, Father DtMI, lng'a obrerve their :isfh s d "· 1 2• synod, Bishop Rubin uld, and years •to b, the • 1nnuenllal II you recoanlle these, you are conscious . on un ay, ~P · •· these will In all likelihood ln: without any adequate lnveatl• -American Law lnalltult, Dun ol 1drertlslng. That's what I'm doln1- 0 1 1dvertlslng that l'v been with the F. C. ~~te c~:m?n~~~n, m~~f1n~ ::.,~se ~,.~. •:~k:~: t~~'t'!wMs:.,'!'.",•,::d IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDOUIDIIIIIIUIIIHIIIIDIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIDllllU-IIIIMDIUIIIIIIIIIIIDIIUIDIDIIIIIIIIIIIHIOOlllllflllllllllUIOIIIIIIIIIOUIIIHIIHIIUIIIIIIUB. •!~: t~'i\:~ ::i1 '~r.1!::i Tucker Co. for the put year, and I want 01 nd ·u • p • h R I Year Faith • I special I serious mistake ll It did like• p1ntl J,1d ltktn no ,tand for to be ol u slstance to )'OU and your n1que ar1s enewa Sister Doloretta ~rib· :~e b~oW!glnor'°~J:n~\c;'J wise. or ·,•Inst lht Al.I ptn,1 codt. lrl•nds. The record ol this company Pat l'lla.. rtld 1pc1ks for Itself; over 49 )'firs In- the World Con1re11 ol the Lay A SURPRISING deg ol nofed, however, 1h11 the . • · d1·es at the Woods A I I · ree threliee exceptions to the general Real Est1!e buslnen, record sales backed by extensive pos o ate. agreement wu reached, too, by prohibition against abortion • ' advertising, a -company known and respected locally 11 S ate at t }ffiOfi S Bishop Rubin uld the· synod the moralists on the ecntral granted under the ALI code- I d • ST. MARY·OF•TIIE•WOODS, will open by atudylng 1he work Issue ol how to regard the fetus. potential dimage the moth· well u nationally and I complete stall olftrln1 the llnut S S 10 ln 111 phases ol Real Estale Sen •lce. "INDIANAPOLIS-St. Simon's lnd.-Funeral services for Sia• of the Pontlflcal Co mmlulon Herbert . Richardson of the liar• er' s health prelnancy e ultln& pariah, one of the newest ln the ae~tlons to b: visited by touples. ter Mary Doloretta Dolin, S.I'., for the Revision of Canon Law vard Divinity ~chool reported rrom rape' or incest. ~:d the I sincerely feel that by usln1 the services 1v11l1ble here, Archdiocese, la apon1orln1 a our wee s ol meetln11 will were held at the motherhouae and the principles which should consensus 1h11 human 111.e be• possibility ol a defective child- I calf proi•ldt the finest In Roi Estate counsellnc. ! be held In the pariah hall, lo• . iulde the revision of the gins II conception, or at least would probably reach " not over I would certainly welcome your call - 10 pleue dot our•week Parish Renewal de• cited at 8400 Roy Ro1d·ln north· of the Sisters of Providence here Church's law books. not later than the bluto, 1st (a 15 er cnt" 0 1 1h 1011 1 . algned lo brln& home the prln• eut lndl111apoll1, bellnnlng Thursday mornln1 Sept 14 She term lor the e mbryo shortly P c . e num North Side Office - 1110 1:. 62nd St, clpal ideal ol the Vatican JI Monday, Sept. 25. The first died at the conv;nt ;for~ary. In the dlacuulon of aemln• alter fertillullon)." There Is. her ol abortions, and the other 1 0 R11id1nc1 - 7524 N, P1nnaylv1nl1 Constitution on the Church. serlu of readln&a, talks and dis• alter I Ions illneu. 1rlea, he• uld, synod membera Richardson uld, no rational 85 ~.er cent 1.. abortions wduld A real Christian community .cuulona will be held on Monday will concentrate on two points. buls lor making a distinction be untouched by the ALI re- within lhe pariah la the coal of and Tuesday, with repeated A native of Jellersonvllle. Sia• "The • first concerns the tuk ~from that point until death: form code. ·j" F. C. Tucker Co. Pat Fitxoerald the two Redemptorlal •i,rleats- 11111:a ichedultd for -Wednesday ter Mary Dolorella entered the given to episcopal conlerencu •·human Ille Is there throuah• Some conferees ar1ued that ! Father Vincent DeBaldo and and Thursd•r evenln1s. Provldenee convent In 1916. She by Vatican 11· lor the formation out the whole span .. the Jaw should uy nothlne at Realtors .., \ Broker Father· Bernard Gunther-who • t1u1ht music several years, but ,of seminarians and the second · all about abortion either for or - are conductln& the renewal pro• Furt~e{ borianl~•llon~I meet• wu retired from active duty In concerns the preparation ol the This, however, did not mean against. One 1ro~p t1klne this 253-4221 251.9092 I 8 30 th gram. ln1a dw Se held al d :,m. 1933 because of lllneu. educators ol the seminarians " ·that ' moralists agreed In re• position maintained that abor ( lacked b, 4' Yurs l•pe~ltnu) Two or11nlutlonal meetln11 ~~o; ::pl :f'in \~e ;~rh~• hu:lr Matthew Dolan, her lather, he uld. • J~ctln1 •~ri~on dln all l~lrcum• lion Is I private deelslon I 11 10 lo; have been held prior to the IC• F~ther ·E•~I Fellman la pu: survives." Mr. Dolan and a sis• When the synod takes up the r'f~"~ kf ;' sof 1 1h 1~f parents and doctors only. An• ~.:~ne~'·,~ w~~d ~e.. ,:ae:;.~":"~; tor of St. Simon's parhh, ..... ~r, t::•·Maly .?°'ii'.I· reside In report on the liturgy It will ~.1 :i'scu:.i::u ~:r, 1~11 ~ne a~ o:h•r, aegm~~I tel~ that r ~s priests Slaters and lalty. The slsted by Father James !jwee• D~ta': ~~'"c, ln Je7r~r~~nv~:lter 1g1ln concentrate on tw~ rolnts extreme ··connlct of values" 11 •:a:P,: -~~ Iha~ ceur~:l~s~n~oc~n~ · parish' bu been divided into ney and Father Michael Carr. • ' • . .;th 1111 oirld thewre~ son ,ir might be " morally possible" lo llws may be destroyed and ~t 1 . I e v ne ce. °r on e take the life of the unborn child. rather than· pervert tlie 1'1w In ' ·F t' I t Mau will alm al revs1 1 on ol t I1e . h h - es 1va se rubrics ol the Maas 10 1h11 the lut, ht addtd, olhtr discus• this WI)' It would be better lo Home Coming lS_ ops ear reports, putlclpatio'n of the people be• unh trtutd that "lht fetua have no law II all on the sub- B at Batesville comes more real. and lt ls CX • Is !ht aubltcl of lnvlolablt hu• Jcct. The more common opin- . · peeled that durin& the synod the 1111n rlthla," and for society lon, however, was that, like It •.n~g members will attend 1 "paro• to Invade thtat rlthta on an, or not, the law will h,1ve to 10 BATESVILLE, lnd.-The an• chlal Mau" prepared by the pretut crutu I prececlllJ,t on . rcgulalln1 abortions. November meetl nual homecoming lestlv1I at St. I I hi h d "I l I I " t Festival Set Louis parish 'WIii be held on Conslllum for the mp ementa• w c ru • . n pr nc P • • THERE WIRE also_ sharp • Rec m mended an tx• S d , S lion of the Constitution on the acceptance of Infanticide, ·divergence, on such emotion• WASHINGTON-At a two-day O 1 17 meetlna here (Sept. 11-121. more change . ol views with theolo• · un •>· ep · · Lltur1y, demonstrating the new Consensus seemed 10 dlu . laden luues u rape or the pos• tha n 40 bishops representing, the glans, tho1e ln Catholic hl~her lndl1na-!rled . chicken, rout 1pp~1chea. They will also re• pear on social and economfc alble birth ol a deloJmed child. ·st. ~ouis Church admlnlatratlve committee ol the education and similar lleld1 beef dinners and the parish ape• celve a book prepared by the 1 0 hl h k d II was noted however 1h11 the with the ihought that thh would clalty, mock turtle soup, will be Consillum covtting "the com• ::::i~eribl~e dl;ag~eeJ::tow~a hard cues a're not th~ common . BATESVILLE, INDIANA • ,__ N1tlon1l Conference ol Catholic Al Junclltn ,f lnltrsltll 74 and Ind. ffl - Blahopa and the · admlnlatratlvc keep the bishops abreast of de- featured on lhe festival menu. plete panorama ol the readings th II d "d bl I d d" ones Carl K1ysen ol Prince 1 board of the United States Calh• velopments ln these fields. . Dinners will be ser ved from-II ol the Mus over th,~ three-year unede: ;~ich arJ:en~ .~:i:.,~Jdle ton's" Institute fo; Advanced I ollc Conference: . Meeting as the admlnlJtratlvc a.m. ~o 2 p.m. A cafeteria sup. cycle of Sundays and lor clua women cari get I legal Stud>•, said lour out of live abor• • Dlscu1Sed the Canon ol the committee of the National Con- per will be offered b_eelnnlnc 11 other Muses. . hospital abortion more easily tlons are•perlormed II a "back- Sund~y Sept. 17 11111 ln the vernacular, but de­ lerence ol Catholic Bishops they 4 p.m. Dinner rcscn atlons may The report on the Divine th stop" birth control measure on I ferred final action. heard interim reports o~ the be made. by calling the parish Office to be examined by the an poor women. married \\"omen with aever1l ~-- ... ···~ • Set dates lor the U.S. blah• minions, doctrine, the Amerl• 0111cc, 93-1·3204. B11esville. synod treats ol the structural SOM• ARGUID that this · children, and lllegltlm1cy, rape ops' November meet1n1: At~the can Collesc al Louvaln, pastoral Hides, games and olhcr festl• clements ol the· reform ol the 1ilu1tlon requires changes to and .erloua fetal abnormality counclls, canon law. permanent n l amuscn1£nls will be oper• prayers. Bishop Rubin uld the extend the right to legal 1bor• "are not the typical set of clr• Hotel American, Washlnaton, Ad~~cken11 & Beef D!!~!~J.c ~ovember 13 throueh 17. di aconite. and dlatrlbutlon or ated by the parish clubs for the major ch,n1e wlll .cons1st ol the lion to the dl11d1•1ntaged. But cumst1ncea." I 11~1,"rvtlltnl Ad,ht~lt . • Set the dates and place for eleray. , enjoyment of young and old. qu1llt1tlve and qu1ntlt1tlve sc• St. John-Stevu drew • laugh If 1he conference did nothing Call B1tuvlll1 934-3204 1(ArH Code 112) the bishops' Sprlnc, 11168, meet• The synod ol bishops, which 'foe public ls cordially invited to lcction of readln1s, prayers and from the audience when he uld else, 11 proved that a lot more Ins-April 23 throu1h 25 In St. meets In Rome be1lnnin11 Sep• attend. formulas In general. the aolullon to the double atan• talk _ and work _ must take BOOTHS - INDOORS Louis. , · tembet 29, wu not dl}eu11ed. The report on doctrinal ques• dud la not to make abortion plaee before anythlna like a t1on1 will be In two parts. The euler for the poor. but to consensus e1n be reached on RAIN DOHN'T IOTHIR US Reiocate offices St. Meinrad has first deals with the theolo1lc1I " make It more dlfflcult lor the many of the luuea aurroundln& C1f1ttrl1 Supper Beginning at 4 P,M. OSV announces ferment followln1 the Second rich." the abortion question. Harvard TIJrtl• Sau,, lie. .~ hd. 440 enrollment . Vatican Council. Bishop Rubin Some participants argued for Divinity School Dean Samuel II. PONY & TRAIN RIDES-OTHER ATTRACTIONS OJ arc IOCeBe uld: "Thia ferment la a sign abortion u an answer to the MIiier called the conference "a (Tuiiways bus leaves lndl1n1poll1 for Batuvllle 11 II a.m. Sta ff C h anges ol the vitality of the poatcon• pll1ht ol the family · with too beginning, not an end, to open and I p.m.; return 11 3 and 7:12 p.m.) t ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.-Arch• ST. MEINRAD, Ind. - lit. cill1r Church, but II presents on many children a.nd too little dl1lo1ue:'' Nobody d!Ja&reed HUNTINGTON. lnd.-ln atalf bllhop Jamta P. Davia of Santa Melnrad'a' Seminary hu ope_ned lhe m1r1ln1 of Its results some money. Others denied that with thit. chancea al Our Sunday Visitor Fe baa announced -the removal anolber academic year here exceuea . . . and evell some• abortion should be a weapon In'_...,..• ._,..• .__,.• ..,~ -•·········································· here: •of 1rchdloce11n olllcea from the with • com1>lnei1 enrollment of times errors. The movement the war on poverty. Thom11- Maer James P. Conroy hu city of Santa Fe to Albuquerque. 440 Sl_udenll, lncludlnc 274 In the should not be halted by the O'Toole ol the Northeutern been ~med by· Bh~op Leo A, The olllcea will be housed In· tolleee of Liberal Arts and 153 Church but rather she should Unlveralty Law School uld Socia'l !:I.!!'!.. I'D Pursley editor of the Fort a newly ac.qulred bulldlna 11 202 In tile School of Theoloay. 1ulde 11 1lona the rl1ht path, that "In an Inventive, 110uenl ~,.;.«nua .. - Wayne•Soulh Bend edition. llornlnplde Drive, S.E., Al· . The student body bu 89 atu• th•f, truly dealrea by the coun• aoclety, In deallns wll,I> the Calendar '101 ••nt 1111101( Francia A. Fink, who bu been buquerque. obtained In a trade dent, from the lndl1111poU1 ell. problem of poor people, It la 1n manailni editor alnce Ill"• wu for Church-owned land. Archdiocese - • e v en ln hlsh THI SICOND l'ART of the Incredible 1pproacb to aet rid ...... ,...... , named executive vice president ''The olllclll center of the 1chool,. IO In colle1e 111d 12 In doetrlnll ,tudy deals with the of the peoplp,.rather than the l'RIDAY, HPT, IS of Opr Sunday Visitor l,y Ill Church ln the dlocnee should theolou. A total of three arch• roblem ·0, contemporary alhe• poverty." Flther Drinen, call• board of tnuteea. He wlll alto be localed In • more central dioceses, 32 dioceses and II fsm Bishop Rubin uld· "Some' 'lnl abortion a "bankrupt non• St, Chrl11tph1r'1 Seclal ll 7 conUnue u secretary. place In relation to the total rell1lou1 communities are rep• exl;eme tendencle·• oLcontem• 1olutlo11,'' aueseated that les1l• p.m. ln the school 1ocl1l room, Donald E. Scheiber, controller membenhlp of the uchdloceae," reaented In the student body. porary theolol)' that of the lz1Uon ml1ht mean that " the 5335 .W. 18th St., Speedway. of OSV alnce t11511, wu named Archbishop Davia nld. ''The An additional 20 1tudent1 In the theolOCY described 11 •aecularl· poor would have· the number ol treasurer of the board of tnu• move 1ccompllabea tbla, al rel•· colle1e are presently unafflU. utlbn' presented above all their children determined by • It. Rita's Seclat 11 8::IO p.m. tees. tlvely little upenae." 1ted with I diocese or relllloua by I l~P of Protestant theo• suburban, white society." In the pariah ball, 18th and community. . 1oal1n1 of North America have There w11 1ub1t1ntlal dla• Arsenal. ·------iI I Jndl1n1 dioceses account for 1n 1fllnlty wltb 11t Interest ex• a1reement to about the role of SATURDAY, Hl'T. 11· 150 colle1e atudenta, S4 ~ lb•· clualvel( (directed at) the law In dealln1 with the ,abortion It. lrldeet'a Social at e::so olo1Y and alx In the hlsh acbool. 'earthly• city' which obvloualy problem. Everyone conceded p.m. In the school hall, 115 N. Twenty.ab 1t1te1, the District of lnJplrea modern 1tbelam. The that law 111d morallt)I,- are not West St. • !~·~.!!~~.~~.~~~r~~.!!o~ IColumbia and four forelsn coun• synod will deal with these para• Identical and that not every• I trlea are repre1111ttd doxlc1l form• of theoloslc1l lbln1 which la Immoral should SUNDAY, IIPT, ll I ltudent'1 N•m• . ... •; ...... • •• • .. • • · • · .... · , .. · · · · .. · · · · .. · • thoulbt and with 1tbellm ll• be made punlabable by crlmlnal Tw• Card l'artlea ft1turln1 I N•m• of Scheel . .... ,,...... · · .. · .... · • .. · · .... · .. · · · · self." pe111IUt1. But bow lhb prln• Euchre i nd other aocl1l 11mt1 DCCW C. •eef The aynod'i, beinl 11ked to clple 1ppU11 to abortion w11 al 2 p.m. ind 7 p.m. In Auump...... I Stvdenl'I ~.... . : ...... lNDLUIAPOLIS-The North conalder the quuUon of mixed d!Jputed. lion pariah ball, U05 S. Bllln1 • I ...... : ...... ZIP ...... Dt1nel')' Council of C1tbollc m1rrl1111, Blahop Rubin 11ld, ------Ave• • 1 lenll 11111 te ...... ,. :~mi: WA~~ m:o:.ttdax:i~.r! ;=u::.~~ 't! r:::.~:'ui'; 6 • U• ,. __, Card "'"'· 1po1110red tir Ua• A4dma ...... : .. , ZII' ...... I school hill, 4800 N. llllnola St. autborlly of that 1111mbly 111d, lNDfANAPOLIS-The Mary• Ladl11 Allllill1r,, Kllllbll of St. I The metllnl will belin at 10 on the other hand, Ila v11t11e11 dale Guild of the Slaten of Good John, at 2 p.m. 111 IJWe Flowtr a.m. and clOH at 2 p.m. Offlcen and th• concrete JmpUutlon• of Shepherd will lqfft Wedntad1r, Auditorium, 14th 111d Bo11rt. Ind dele11tt1 1rt ur1ed lo II• the problem made 'It extremely Sti,t. aD It Ill w. Raymond St. THUllDAY, l •l'T. t1 THE CRITERION I tend. Dtleptn should brln1 cleair1bl1 to hlYI the contrlbu• A dllllllf It e:ao p.m. will pre- SI. C1thtrlM'1 '""' at 8:IO ,.o.... 1" . ,...... ,...1,, ,...... I their own nndwlchN. Coffff lion of the putor1l uperluce cede the bualneu lllffllnl. All p.m. In the pariah hall, UOI E. 1------~------Ind dlllll1 will be ""~ · of the prtlaln pl ~U .countr111." -mbln 1rt ur1ed to 1tte_nd. T1lior St. ) \ y·

PAOI IIOHT, TH!I GIUTIIIION, SIPTIMIIII 11, IN7 ------,------~~------______...,;; ;...__ ~ _;;.;.;.;....;...;;...;..:,;;..;___;,....,_...:.:..;.._..i...._ __;_..;_..;_.;.______:.. ..:...--

HOLY LAND LETTER ~ ---• · Church for sale • ltOTTIIIDAM, The', ~,­ l1nd1 - An adverllMmfflt In Wo111111 •• represeqtecl · Didn 't play hooky,. 1M Dutch n,t...,,1 Cethellc MUNICH, 01rm111y-Tblrteu womta are 1mon1 the 28 lay dilly De Tlld tllMUf!CNI that m1mbt• of lbe Munich dioffu.a acM101"7 council. the Cathlllc uthldral heN 'l'be aub1tant11I rtprtt1nt1tloa of women on the council la will be aold at • ,ut,llc 11i. la line with the desire ol BIJbop Jobana11 Vonderacb lhal at correspondent avers Oct.... , J, The rlcll,Y WIii 11111 one third of the council mtmbenblp Is composed of 15 be uld elto. lllth1p Mert'-n laymen and 32 prtut1. A. J1n11n of Rotterdem olecltl• Dear Friend,: cept nor even • way-of-Ille ..i that ••• had made fu;the, ' The prlnclpallty ol LlecbttAalela la ,i.c; r,pruenled on the , orl2ln1l with the priests a nd co_uncn.· Lest some ol you suspect th al bishops ol the early Church flee- u11 •f the cathedral lmprac• r I have be,n playin~ hooky 1n11 to the deserts from Nero's llcal. from clusu and Just 2all1\'lnl• pers-tcution and those which fol- IIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIUIHIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIUIUII IUIIIIII Ina over J udun and GalUun lowed.. said, for the content of our New nd th hills ilght1telng here • h• Moreo,·er 0 my students will Testament echoes Essene lltera, - It behoo,·u me 10 speak 0/ m)- re~a ll my emphasls~n Benedlc- lure both positively and neaa• O role 11 1 Sludent. One m)' tine monasticism and Its rule lively. -· · major purposes In comlna to . d • New Albany Israel wu to study 11 the lie• rharactemed by "'Ork. atu y, b e University. Consequenll>· prayer. But the precedents for THI SICOND course tauabt r w , such a proRram stem back to by Doctor Adtkln was most • and especially because ol m) Chrht's llletlme. when the J ew, valuable; but again I am chal• academic profession, I cannot lsh sect known as the Essenes lenged to suggest adcq1111tely permit my readers, above all fi rst structured a community Ill scope and more sevrrely my pupils, to nufture an)' mis• Ille on Just such a plan. challenged to Indicate Its depth apprehensions. Nntr! d th I t h t I Upon my arrival In Israel I Furthermore. the Essenu, II an e reve a ory r arar er o JOINT KC l1N1TALLATJON HILD-1'1ul J, K•,oralr, left, ef MetMr ,,.....,._ C-11 Ne, r,glstcred !or two courses: one we lrarn from their Manual of JU Interpretations and Insights. 541, T•rr• Haute, and CharMs Sanders, rltht, of l'ath•r Pl•rrard cJuncll Ne. 4"7, lraall, In the Dud Sea Scrolls, tau1ht Dl1clplln1, embraced • ·Ille of A gifted teacher, author ol wer• ln1t1ll1d II Grand Knl1hh of their rupocll•• counclls recenlly In a (olnt'ceromonj, by Professor Ston~ and the po,•ert)'. The candidate re- various political tracts, this prp• S:r.,thtrn lttdilln~ 0ldcsl other In the Government ol Is· nouncrd all his personal poues, lessor lnl tlally a nd skillfully Dtoler I rael, taught by Professor Adl · slons upo~ nt rance and accepl- elicited the Interest of UI Amtrl•-N Albany ccw 'C'ranc,·scan nun PrelaC~• ll•••red C.'1111 - Plt-lN - IMffaW. ki n. Both rourses pro~rd to ' be rd a 111c ol rcllbary and obcdl• can 1_tudent1 by posing such CW I', PIIILADELPHIA _ Cardinal Ull.. 1-aHUCIH • • L~mber n ry rewarding; a nd though I encc. questions 11: "What )dcologlcal SMITH tended at times to favor one True. there were married stimuli prompted the birth or plans two retreats d,'es al a•o-,e 93 John Krol of Philadelphia and • Mlllwertc subject over the other-there Essenes, but they did not pre• the American nation?" The o Methodist Bishop Fred Pierce AUTO CO., INC. • -, was nothing stable about my dominate and probably did not class attempted answers which . OI.DENBURG lnd.- Funcral Corson have been named CCl!fe• 517 Slate St, Ph, MS,6674 partiality live In the community proper. Doctor accepled or rejected NEW ALBANY, Ind. - Tw-Free Delivery the Arab states. CONTltlllUTORS 944-6795 Ill US , .., 12' W, Jrd SI, Ph, 9'2-30U S & S MAltlNI U2• tft Consequently, today Israel '"'IM:.,a'!~~ :!i::!!, '':!.';,:,!::.,:: ~ SALIS & HltVICI has rdu1td to withdraw until ••••n _.. ,,,. ,.,.,u• ..., fer ,.., 14\t I . fllll. All-American she sits at the ne10ll1tlon table ,.,,.., '""· ••• 1• 11fwl•t -• ., 1 4 11 1 with the Arab ,1atc1 a nd, for • "' • • , .. "'• ..... Aurora Appliance Center e xa mple, oilers -it of West Jor• MI ii lutA' t M11NGu , s,11,.....,,, 117 I , 1,-i., ltrtel .. 1-1117 FOR SALE · da n with . the exception ol Old LOUIS u v1 ION, ._ AIM•• PATRONIZE THE Jerusalem to lluueln. lluueln 24 Hr. Ambulance Service S,.clal D11I en l'rltldalr• CRAIG'S LAKE O F THE WOODS ' -;:.======;:;;; ADVERTISERS on his part will have lo recog, Milan JOE CHRISMAN We Smit All Failh1 Appllancu-Soo Us First IO Acres with 13••: re lake, plus 1 • ere a nd r,11ee (or Z nlze Israeli 1t1te~ood, definitive mure modem homes. Brand new 1ar11e, doub e crib, •• nd boundary lines and conclude a -Clothler­ barn, concession Aland, dance pavilion on lake, olllce a nd peace treaty. There was only Stier & Williams olher bulldln111, picnic tables. Bluest 'private dam In nn armistice In IIMI with the CHRIS-VOLZ Au1to1tA, INDIANA Indiana, trees all • round lake. Wonderful ramplne, swim, Arab states. I Funeral Home KRAFT mine beach, diving platform. Must sec this, people who • h rael will be holdlna the G•u JIO Fourth St. T1l1, 11 want to s et • way from It 1111 1trlp a nd the Sinai peninsula MOTORS, INC. FUNERA,L HOME she overran In the' late war­ · Savaoe Appliances NI I, IPltlNG See DON CARPENTER trump cards with which to elicit CheYrolet - PoaUae · Go ToJOnr0tt.,, ' OT, k, ennu llnct 115' NIW,ALIANY, IND, REALTOR recognition of her 1l1lehood and Olds - Buick - C1dlU1e Your General / - -- - - ~ Hl-)Vay 3 932-2317 a treaty from Ee ypt. The Chevrolet & GMC Trucks El,ccrlc Dealtr Ullrich Drug Store Syrl111 hflebta will be an ace card"'wlth Syria. . MILAN, lNDlANA, 21, Main. It. Ph. ,"' ZEN mt Hearlna Alda Yes, I really did study duU, •1 2nd l iNtt Ph. 27 Jeffersonville fully. Hope I passed my exam,...... Offla :rm - lemc,e Jiff Gree:--,sburg SIJter Mary Jean 'JA\'E TIME SAFt.:LY The Clark County Madison .., ...st UNION BANK · The-fashion Shop Batesville Dial BUtler 3-6688 •te___ Bank _ & TRUST CO. Women'• & Children'• HAReER'S HARffY-DAVIDSON 1100 TAXI, Inc...... ,..,,., _.._nK of Groen1llur1 Apparel . . Clulc1bur1 Westport H[ XAL L JU W, Cevrt Ave• ...IIIINS1U1a ...... No~be Motor Sales . SPIIIIS ,:-C::;. - J1fforllftwll11, Incl Paul Speth •:J~ l -r:::.. Poske's 111 one soon. b1fo,1 All Chevrolet - 0ldsmciblle DRUG STORE they INC, Insurance Agency Compl11, Sales .. Service Over 3CI Yun Cci•tlll110111 Oliger-Pearson Shlrk's TrH City. c.,_ ,... ..t-Oonll , ...... 224 I, Mein It, W.SSJ1 IllUP:#' Ill - S.nlct AU!(!~ Fire, Homeowners, Hewy, 46, latt "44102 s..ue, Bo•itt Accident l'UNlltAL HOMI ...... Supply, l~c. '°'"'· -•.,, - "4~ PATRONIZE THE Ind ealth NOWAIO I, f(AIIOH _...., - lllnneapolls Moline Tractors Plcuac§hop ADVERTISERS Nf.1111 11Wtl6- U2 N, l'ranldln Ph, "1"57J and lmplcmenla latcraalloa• I Harvester Carolyn, C1mer1 l,tuthttA lf'ld lt flt 'I l atttU udln t f'ld Trucks a nd lmptemeau Bires (hltdltn'I S,Kll lff ihl4t DeLaval, Fo11 Kewanee, In and Record Shop J. H. Porter & Son's r.Jay Equ1 pmeot Cllfty Piasa lhoppl111 C.nte'r • Carry Color FIim Developlna _,, ITS-MM THUltNALL'I Jefferson-ville ~ rnltyre Score MJ N. Llnceln "1·"'5 . Cameras - Projectors HAltLIY•DAVIDION I.ALIS Out• Photoaraphlc Accessories Catholic Owned and Operated 111 · - ...... 24•Hour Ambulance Servlc·e 2 W. Purl "4,2100 Keillor Drive In ·I H & 'H Mobile Clarks-ville ,. .t. ...,., themet ' "'' ' l kNt-, Pe,tw Restaurant Currin Bottlino Co. PATRONIZE THI CHAMPION ll1t1 ltead 2 North ADVERTISERS Homes IATIIYIUI, • • -Fuel Olis- ' Gannon's Jewelry GroenalHwt, lndl1na Compltle Sale, and· Senne, _, •c~• Pabulou1 Bruited ,- 24't Lanier Drive TRI-POINT OIL CO. Chicken Stores -s,uwn Area Ctdt 112-Ph, ffl-1230 Ph, W •2121 M1dl1tn, Ind. <11 IC. All.. ••>' '•, , . A _ WEDDINGS Lawrencebu rg lS' Altar lecltty Card Party, 11tt11mller 2', C..wtt Ou, 14-JNI lttlUr, ftf .,. •·"'· . . W(OOINO Glnl lt'ele•-· FASHION Lichlyter IC, A• ...... ' • ,,, Pw PONTIAC, T• ore-•••.,.•• c..,i.te PNVldtnct YI, Attucks, l'oolllall, St,tl111• ,.-...... - IUICIC, O.M.C, TRUCK CLEANERS Building Supply ... ,,., Wallpaper 1,~rJ:1:-:' =.~::::..w=~ Fi\ch Brothers lalet aNI lorvlco For Better DrJcltaalal c,m,1tte hlWIIII llwU.. The Golden Rule, lanN ...... Paint & Suppllet_ funeral Home ... UH Our Coln Laundry Concraethlg,Compa11w w-·· c, .., Stt,tlmlttr 11, 1, 1-14 Wnt Hlth It, ..,_. 16 C. H. OLIGER Inc. Ph. ffl.21U Hwr, 1 1129 W. loctllll Ph. MS-ml •-•We• ee ••• Hour Amlniloslc1 Sfftlkl Jeffress Motors Inc. 24 11, ...... It. Mary'a ef Now Allltny Dl111rt Card & SONS ..... l'arty, lttttt111ber 2', I , .m, In lchtol. fll I. l •at It, Ph. MMl41 -- '""t ... Let Ut 81 ()f lfftlkl To You .,_ - • •• - ,.tlltMo • lll•t -.., Tt Smith Monument Art.C:arvNI- Dl11'1Mftd1 ~ ':.."':',=.r- au 1--.i '""' - -. SHEL SMITH · Works 1.efttlM,-Wlttnauer W1tcht1 Tell City HAl.'TOlt '6W6IS Home Furniture & ...... Marbrt RIAL • ITAT• c,m... ry Lettlrlnt Ro~rt L Lows _, IV• RY TYP• ,. Appliance Co. Inc. 1lae Eaer Studio I"" TELi:.· CITY . We Pay.~~4½96 •• e . ~~"t..i"': :'11.~ ~-=.:..:: PhlM 611 ~ NATIONAL . BANk ..,_ - •.c...... lt. Jeweler MPortnd&, - Wtdcllag.- ,,,,AC..,....IUllllllaltn , , OIi All Certlflc,"' ef ... Tu Ceneultant Uwtr- ..... , ,mr HDrl-lllluldll9lervla" i• , • Ci. *L ...... 1&1MNftl m =::.: .:::-nir n7 Main It. PHI PUKING "A Cltlun I Near You'' ..,_.Kl7.wt 4 LOCATI 1 ABRELL Kaiser Moton, Inc. , e DH. ow =It, BIii'• Furniture "Ynr Val111 Cn&lr" FISCHER'S Photo Service PINI UHD CARI • Ya. ncalcirii \ ...... Sten U.1.11 ..._. .. e i~lu-• Httm cwmm WDDINOI ne •con WIim e Dollar "WNITl't"' IIAIIU e o,-Trwl...... ,CIJDr w Blacll u4 WIIIII 11rt a Dollar'• Wlltll "lhlW ,.,_. "Wllft.,- Alld· ...... -...... Doti'& ...... C-., ~PDIC I• .., ..

I ' itADINld • FAJilL·Y 6LINIC · ~: c:a.t• 'INll't7NC : I • • •• , ,.,. ,~ • • ,. ': .~ ' CLAJlllVJLLB, lad. ..: TIii Altar lodely .of k Aatllolln pulall wlll·apouor I eanl ~ •fAiANIII 111A - - OD Sunday, ltpt. a, la the' SCriOUS eye ,prQblem -., ,_ 71'? ,.-.--""" ...... wtlf achoo! ball. Pla7ln1 be1h11 .1t 1,,0 , ...,_._,,. _, ...... 11 ;:;J •-;:: OWk,,.._ ...... •n 8 p.m. 11 ·r: :::::t~·~=- .:.·:::::::::::,,, 1:,0 :~--'~ ::'Trvcirw·:::Ir1' ------12,,0 •A- f tcvt M h ltfl ...... 16 1 ,T''° t .M.-.1.yt Mltlt ...._ ...... Wlf ...... , • ....., .... .u '""'-""""' ,t ,,. ,,IIN,, .... wir, ,,u ..,,..--c, ...... u,a a,IS IA.-ltuM 11o .., ...... •WII~ fhll u,n AIU - ... , ,,o ,:... .-""" el CrvclnN ••••• , .w1tc ...... , Ttlnlea. ••JO , .-..-A" MMCt .....,, •.••••••WJPt 1 1 afflicts young gi~l 1 .t~t :::::~!~ ~,,tM1;··.·.·.·.:.~ ' '° I.M.-~!!'./ W!:~ ······WTHl,TY t:~: ::::c"=.1~ ~,.~~~.:::::;, (., 6100 WrMS , ,x, IA -l~•:J.:"' •••••·110J S,00 PJft:Cleuf= ,.,..._ ,wca, .,, JOHN J. KANi, ,h.D. 1om1 d'atin J111t' .-Ji,t, Iha COIi• howutr, other ol ap. &.ffl.-Sw':l"J..~...... ·;,thoda •1w AWlff AIU t ,.. I.M,-(1tMlk Ntur , , , , , , , , , , WAVI 12100 p.ffl -lwtcl Hutt WN(I .... Y1t1110N AIU · A; : .,.~:,~•r• 111M1em. poulbl)"' ,ome ~r would be I 1u11ut you 10 to the Ctlho• . ,,0 '-"'·... L7.J:~•.-:..•" 1 . ...WKAI . h&JlfttlU MiA" .. , ....., ... . nv, thlW' !NII lnt•lhv~ry ,,.,.. ,ble lo help )'ciy.·,. lie Social Stl'\llce In your city evttlclt th; ftm~r, ure: .::::. Apptrentl)', /you> have trltd an~ dbcuf1 the matter with one ~ : ~ :::::='•/'H:!;, •:~:.l~. :::::t: 11,lO l-!"--C~ttt.~~.. :...... f1) I:~ ::.:t!i":1... :-S. ,::'::::::=: Ottitr ,hllclren 'hard to 'llnd a medical 1oh11lon. of It. counitlora. Catholic So· l , IS t .m.- ltiISTAHCI Champagne Velvet Sportln1 Goods Headquarters a paper Ore Aluminum Storm OVRU.U • ITOU.GI l>tittrlfflent..St•rt 121 Jtff, AYI, ,h. 522-MU • It. 1M ffl,lat INIIAIIA-ONIO IIOIII Ooort ...... ,Jll,,S ~lngabury ,INHr BNri • In Celu""" • "Molle It, Mo,y LIilo" 11th & Main St. "'"4SW WI INVtll (QIUUIION Soulhffll lndfanalf Ltadfng 0 0 White Rock Bev1ra1111 "'~~ ~~- =--==· NHdltlllOl'lc Dlf.Orlfflnl m Aluminum Center 41' W1ah, It, (Dtwtitewdl NeedlepolnJ - Embroidery B& G Market Co7il•I• Line of J4 I. Sth St. MUS2' ~,.,.,,.. United V.n Un•• 21' lyce1t1- AIH,2Sth It, .,..,,Int Center, ' Killlllnl FRESH l'llurrs, M NS Wl!AR 1111 PAIi ... V&GETABL!S °""lttMl)oyoeWM Ttrrt Haute ' FLOWERS<>'rlzLANTS and Cutter Agencies Gen•'• Bakery and P RY Richarts Men's Patronize mw.n,ten Inc. Patronize O.llcatesMn . Shop Our Hahn Shoes 4l!ED ln1uranc• - ltHI latah Our INC. p 9hlr..tte. Sp«fol C4'cu I, l'Clltrut CAIW~ 2S N. llthth It, ,h. HMJS, Advertisers "Follc, Tnul Ua• WWuh.,.._lt, :m..- FISHER'S ·SMALL Adverliaers 'm, 11th ltnet 1761 25th It. an.an . ENGINES ._,._ •11,1/.",.'T,.'·~"" """ ... 21 • 2l Mt.... Center t..wn~Mowen • SALES • R&VICI Wt ltmct I We Sell - KEYSTONE BEVERAGE CO., 'INC. ' OLYMPIA DAIRY 1114 OHIN ITHIT Palionln (MLan. ~ cnren- a - a::r.-- • Pabst Blue Ribbon • Dlatrlbator for lhDleJlant Tllltn II•• SEYMOUR Dlalribllter of , 1 "Oradl•A" Dain Prod11cta Our SMALL ENGINES • Carling Black Labtl •• ' DeU,erlel lelllks a:.:. PATRONIZI THI CarUq ...~ L• ltel - Fabtaff DlmllvtM~ Adoerllaen . ADVIRTIIIRI 116 • ,,... ,., "' ~"" It. ~1::'IIM; ,.... ~ ... -= · ... Ca• Ale , TID IROWN - PltlMIUM SALIS, ,INC. .. '\ • -- PAO• TIN TH• CRITlltlON, SEPTIMlllt IS, IK7· ., • I ·PlJriah to hold ~~--ell members Set pilgrimage ,n• your prayers ....Board to mNt :~~~I eft4 Mn. ~,le INftf1, ....., INOIANA,OLII - 'T1le l1t• are announced to Marian ahrine rumm.age sale. dl1".,.111 I • u t h Dt•Mf'Y I ,.,,111 mm•-- t.lllll. II M· INOJANAPOLtS-The Lldlu c-11 ,et Cathellc w.,,..., INDIANAPOUS - PIUII IN , , .... , (tf"tttff, '"'· ...... , ..,: tlld wlll heltl their ..nfMI .,.,..,. f Mtt, ,,wt I ,,1,.,, Wllhtt lif Ptvlt, or St f'nnd1 de Sales parllh 8 l LadY O Grace btln1 m1d1 by the l1dl11 of • 1 1 ly Mer,f_ mHll"I en W--•• ' • • . Holy Trinity pariah, far a two- ~!~:;.!°':rM,~ ~'!!.• ¥~~ :::..~~1 :~·~~k.~will' 1pon1or • rumm11e ule on day, s.,l. 2t. TIM • 111Hllllt ...... , l 1chfNM, t N "'"u .,.. , t i l'rld• y and Saturday. Sept. 15- BEECH GROVE. Ind. - The day pllsrlm11e to the National (UOft , • ' will ....hi II 71,0 , .m. at 11M n•mn or 1111 Benedictine nun, Shrine of Our Lody of Snow1 at 18. In the chun,h butmtnt. Church •f the N1tlwlty, mt I. U•IITN 22nd and Avondale St. who will compost the 1overn• Belleville. Ill. and plactt of In• t ltwAH HUOW, 66, St. MkMtl '1 ~•dew Orlwe. ln1 council or Our Lldy of terttt In SI. Louis, Mo. A bus Cl\"'"" • St0t. 7. hthtt ,r Jet\" w. 1,1, Friday houn •re from 3 lo II Once Convent here have been will luve Holy Trinity Church tow, of Ct M t llt"a.~ttthtr ,t ...., , 1,1. p.m. • while Saturday houn will 1u11111111mm1u1n1n111n1111N1111111n1Nm1n1nnt11 dl1clo1td by Mother Mary Philip at 7 a.m. Saturday. Sept. 30."and ~~"'•c, ~~, l~=~h•lllt , t l'ld lhfHtft Itta.., brgln at 7 a.m. until the mtr• Seib. convent ,upulor. return Sunday, Ort. I, 11 10:30 HIIOII rhandht 11 gone. Mf'l. Vlr1lnl1 Couples slate t IHI ftl, 61, It. MtC. httl't Chvrc.tl Qu1kenbu1h 11 chairman. Appointed to the counrll by p.m. • s.,1. I I . CJ\yuh (tfflet.,,, ltllhtf ,i the 1uperlor were: Sister M. For lnform1llon and ruerva- ~,t.,~:."ti!t•;:j ;,~.~-":.,:~• ,.,.. °"''""'· ,, ... 11,,d. c, .... ••d .... 1· oint 1'ubilee Cecile Oeken, 1ubprlorm; SIi• lion, call Mn. lltrmln• Bruder, , , 1,..,,., t ftt .t.dtlph \ltll, ti l1rutt, f lt , • .,, o "" , w ., , o c ler Martell• Luektn, procunlor; 838•3445 or Mn. Sylvia Slan- INOIA,tiAPOLIS - A family ind ~Isler Mary Judith Howe, lltld. 1131'.9080. 1 .:;i.,t ,,",.., :~.• ,~.,f, i'.' O:,:;,,. . ~I t •••aim ..!W c'::i\:,.,oa&. '11 s, ' " '"•'••••· ••· ctltbntfon on Sunday. Sepl. 2f, aertttary•lrea,uttr. will mark lht weddlnl 1nnlvtr• · t ,uNI ( IU INWttl, 41 Sw1d H1..-t ,.,~~'"::1:•0~'1 ;~~;,:1;.,>~~";'~~ ~::dt urlu or Mr. ind Mu. Joseph Elected u council repruenl•· HC J. t f'ld Corn,. I (wM11\ff\Mft, Jr,, MU, f:',~' 7~&1~:,~~•,,"t~,::;~1c~ 1~,c:, G• 1peaker Mv~~~;~,,·o•hl;u,f. ,s; ,::;::,~.,<•;,•'::it ;:,1,•;::,•:.~~•!1'i,:t"1,~f.\u";,':,t:~•1 ~ ~~:·~ :•~~~~"y~r::r:,"~'!i, 1~'!~~: P. Madden and their d1u1httr tlvu by the 120 nun, or tht con- INDIANAPOLIS - F •th tr ''' '"' f s,,,,, l)rotht r ol •••"'°"d O•t l'ld• ~:1.~ and 1on-ln•l1w, Mr. and Mn. vent were: Slater lrmln1•nl, Kenny Sweeney, dlrertor or the ,,. f10 t l lll" 1 l1t h1lwi•t, ---, t UWUI M IIUIHlUh, 14. St, ,1H'c.k't John B. Hardina. . Fritz. tucher al Ch1lard lll&h An:hdloreun Bureau or rnfor­ Cktrcfrt, Snt. It. C,1u , , Ct JMltry. Hvt• Tht }ladden,. mrmbtu or SI. ~hool; Sloter Mary Clortnrt motlon ,..Ill bt the 1u111 apuk• b11'1d et Htltfl M , h tti, , et ld•1rd J. Uuttfwt f'I 11'141 Jtflfl ( . Mu rt• wth, Mtf'I ef Patrick'• parish. will oboerve Gardner. mltttt11 or Junior-pro- er 11 'the annual President•• 1"4•1"0•llt , their 60th wtddln& 1nnlverury feued Sltltn 11 lht ~oni•tnl; Day Luncheon or the rrvlnaton while the lhrdln11 ctltbnle and Sister Mary Gllbtrl Shipp. Catholic Women', Study Club. t 0011 aw unu. ,1. 11. , ....., ., (hf.lrc.frt, Sfpt , 11. Mtthtt of Mrt. l l1t1C.h1 their 35th 1nnlvtr11ry. teacher at Our Lady or Grace The luncheon will bf held 11 the Mc<•"""°"· of ,.,,, ""'''• , 1"41 '"'" Mr. and Mrs. Madden art the Academy. Spttdway )lotel. on Wednesday, 4 11 ~:"~ w!t:!::•,..:: . ~~~•-,,~!"¥1 1, ~. parents or Mu. James Gre11. The Btntdlcllne Slsten tllff Stpt 20 beclnnlnc 11 12 noon httltf, Mrt. "'''" Dudt •ftd M.11. ,.,,.,, Mu. John B. Harding, Ed. L. J. Ill tltmtnt,ry. three secondary · · · G6odffl1n, 111 tf h u t Ht11tt. and Carl Madden. The H1rdln11 •1ch ooll,' and • retirement home. hne two children, SIiier Marie They 1110 have • parlth center In l'lorrlunl, Mo.. their flnl t IIOIH • . 1unt1INI• ••• St. M,,,. outside lht lndl1n1poll1 Arch• 12 1 Rost. S.P.. and Mrs. Roland In Call, Colombia. Thlt fall they c.!:::;~OC:::.~!:":t 1':.~11, , •, ..C:, ," ;l Bacon. _ opened I new tltment1ry ochool diocese. P1wl ltrtflt l'II, •f St, Mlry'I, Mrt, M,t, 1 , ~,trl:• ot 1::i~~ IT~r:.-,~.IV~:f,:'2t,,'t;.~ ot '!'"'' """'• c,ur., bfottM, of Ch,rln ltrU,t ftl of Sf. Muy't , 1"41 Siffloft 1ftd '""'- hrUlt rtl , ol he•:::'• hM Wtytl, :', ~~l~°r~lt[~~~~ .::::;:,.'' MKN, n. uo,r t MAH ucrua UUIINT, ... Holy (,ou Cfrtvrch, Stpl, 11. ( frt11rch ( t t'nflt1, , Moth, t~,:•,,o 'N;~• .~:~~~~•·s,~~!·J~ !:'C,~~:~;!; of Mt, • St. Jouph, 0 1 Mrt. JOh11 S111Ho 11, "hu9ln1 my wife w1ntln1 mo I• 1• le church ted1y In ol SI. ( 1of• 1 M'1 Ctor9t (100,. el l t\/1t• t 1llt 1 I r .• 1ftd ""• A. W, Wt lht, ti wuthtr 11kt thltl" P,1,eth!m. FOR QUICK SALE Keyalont R11I Eatat• ...... LAND By Owner School . Litt • lit.; ut-hot bri,ftft 1ft flotlh . Ctld,.ft C1tt hUttt, U of Man t i ,1lut ... I ...... 1 ''" ,,.,,1111 ... . . ~::.:::-n,::1 •:•• ~ ~- ::;u~wt.1:. FRIENDLY HOMES ··11...... ·11· . ,mo...... REALTY CO...... 717.(1172 ,.,_ An lnnpenalv• Want Ad -· Does • Big Job BUSINESS SERVICES fOf• SALE HELP W~NTEO ~PECIAL NOllCES CALL 635-4531 "LIST WITH US C·ASH Ask for Mrs. Turpen & START PACKING" I a, Hw u1 & OoYblN wMt, S10,000 . Wt l;tavt Buyers or Mrs. Derry J . F. Sulllvan W1ltlngl Try Our .. ,.,..,. .. ,.., ,.,.., JN.JIN - OM Hour Servi•• · W. T. RAY BUSINESS SERVICES 0111 ull It ou, effk t • ill b,ln9 Ollt REALTY CO. of t,w( ( em,t n, hK11liffl ,. .,...,, CtN lohy a. 11•~• 111-6"1 Nfflt • lthlft 011t Hour, Picturesque Lot Hou1t EXECUTIVE SUITE • M ... t u n ., bu1i1tlM IIUIMt'fl ,,.: ,, di'"' h1llt . iwu,,,, ,... allt rtUUI, CHPIST THE K I NG MI SCE LLANE OUS When You Hawe l'umltur• RHlty Inc. HJ.3333 At""I '9.000. T• Sell """r YOUl Utchtl'I uilfl t l bl,,111 ., CVI• Call Agent, ME 1-2'0t IOffl Ub,lltl l f\OCI . SPtC_ II II t ft, lift.. CAPE COD J•rry's Profe11lonal bHt Ub1lltl 179, C.tl Nv(,aft If SO• "Call" IIU C.Nnlt-tr &.. . 7312 o, l91•7lS7 IOf I lltt u ll,n,te tn Poodl1 Grooming ytvf UIChtft p1oblffflt, Can Goods and UH.M_e Earl Cornwell $T LUKE Oott All Slut ~ ffl.SMJ IM'-'ACU LAH M[AR1 lJ,'!i~VJlw~,1~'~,•::c:•~~: C,11 tor A.ppe,11tJM11I Men'• Cloth11 •h-·y• '"""" '°"'- ftf'IC;J ,.,., IIJ,;&. ,..... ,,, w1lcome at T • I b o t ,an ,, Ke1w"""•t, OUttn S.ltef Immediate Po1111slon 251•70IO 24 ~ f UIN&( I llPAtl (111, I,), ( tu11, House, 1414 Central, Ph. (twlUtNt 1e,tl I 111 ,0, 10 J un ''"" ""' • tU-Hlt. 635-11'2. 4 ·-- ltU ml wllh 2\'1 l>ttN. $12,000 CASH .~.::=•,·,'r.&o ~=~' ,=::;.~•~~· .~a: ::"'~ 4 • ..,..,. "' ,w.. ;...,fl ttu«• ..,.,1,. ,-, ntAlM, Calf ""'"• IUII Mt. 1.,... 14J.17ll. ' " ctM1tltft. lot •hlto. ll'ICMII Neec, Opettl l lto fflt,ftffrt: r. Sl, •. TOT TENDERS IHI , •••• ,636-.stl0 Whltnttwft 7.. -6), • Marsh-Matthews n,.,. PERFECT AUT O M O TIVE ~'::-'.".'.. i;:,:m: r.:= :=i ...... , Ul.fU4 LUTZ RETIREMENT HOME ,,...... ,a,7,"'6Mditntft ...... JU) LILLY ORCHARD nt-1661 ,16-1661 tt 6017 C111ttft4tfl,, 11t1, cJrl\,lrchn t,N NIW IOOIS-aOOf alfAIU h l fttllllfl litft, h 11lc., l1rm,t ''"• rm., tumu-lOnlNVfl . A"LII ONO WI IUY tri';t:. btlftl,, IUt ~td HtCII, l "I' • UN 2·2HS ULL Milli. Ml UIM -,~,... ,, THE TOY CHEST l'IIIHH CIDIIII ST LAWREN C E IIAYII UWIIMOWU UaYlttt1t, '""''t.,:;; 2 dhcounh, ho1pllall11tlon and f::..C:'::'J. ::;~.,- u,, "'· life ln1urance. paid retire• 111,ttvcltt ,.Ill l1u- , ,e-.,~ Cltnn lmmedl1lt Poueulon t l"d A-.tftttd '"· 1,11,1, Jtu. meat pro1ram, and opporlu• '70 L twftN, 111,t..a. If M t N •tt, Franklln RHlty, Rltr. 2 itdrtMt httltt, "'llff ltl, f!lt Ntt, nlt1 to advance Into mtr• 7UIOII chlndhllll or co1metlu. ,1111 • · ''*"" u. w ..111 =~I.It~!~~ ~ ~~:z:.~ '=':-: HCLf C liO SS r..~:.~filt1Mlr UMI(.,.._ 2)01 N, Appllc•nta mual- be 21 ·u - '"'" ...- .., - yur• or are and be able to H C L Y N A ME 359-9152 Q~ TY JAIII &NI HaVKI u,~.!t~r.:':J t:t:~"· work an altematln1. 1blfl.,- If Fon RENT All AUht ltptb tf l11 Yeiu, ~ = NEID ROOM? C.let IVs, l 1t1M, Ml fl full time employment II de• 0 Mlyltl WHhett, Contli,ent•I Import,... ,­ aired. ··-~· Tr• I .-..,,.. ,._. ,ak •- ..,. lt:Olln .. 22U • • Walh. It.-· m.sae I !TTL[ FLO WER tll•1t" ...... MMII ,-au, ,,.,,...... , ,_., '"""...... ,., ,__ , TERMITES! 1909 N. M""' , . Joan of Ate Parish Vkhtllf 1f JSth tM ,.,.11, Call Owner, Ml! l-2'0t 1225 N. RITIIR 1110.ACHIS, 111.ATI, MICI I, 2. 1M l .....,,. A,11. hN l fltffl'.f~ SITUATION WANTED ·~.1&ob LI 5-1275 AUTOMATIC Pltco RNlty Co. ....111.llOO, ...... ,_ __,_, k k k .- ••· ,-,.. . 14 Hr. lerwlce IMM. -•• ...IIM ...... Depef\dabl• Drugi ~ ' f ' •• I l I p "4 • H I 40J~ Mllltrnllle llld. TRANSMISSION Ch11. B. Campbell, ' not lnterprlM BIECHCREST QUICK POSSIHION Rltr. TROUBLE? (Juat West of FnnkUa Rd. 2600 S, Sherman Dr. on IOtb SL) tr',..·=·~:.O~J:o :·1~ Call GRANT'S! St. Regis Apartmenti =~~tt~,.= CLIP THIS and MAIL 1t1. 1•1t. - ··-·· -.u,. Community Hosplttl .. "'"· ...... """" ..... ""' Juli• Moore Realtlr · - •Arta ~~... ct:1.:Jl • VY - IELL-TIIADE ON~:r:.e: ..._ MS="=' to ltUO = -· _1, , ...... ~ ...... , ii L. Ward RNltor1 ,..,. IA ...... , I~ CM .., ..... ,_,,.. Afto. I --'""'° :,,;i,JIIO~· '""'' ol ...... !II-•- I to Der, Dtlfv °"" .) f ' 1 • ,.i , l ~4 CRITERION CLASSIFIED ADI -- -...­ -11itlphens RHltv. ., ..1 ., •• l L P -\i t. ~4 T L (J a LlaN - I Tlae Fer Oal)' tl,N I f.Pf O f 1,Ji[E NW OC.l (lie fw Hlh aiUJti..l line - I ftNI Heh IIMI =."I' .. llf:.' .. - --"""' a ,_,,a,.._# !!.".'!f!I-W•-IIMllfltllM_,M Lot, IOOx141 IICLUDID r---~------r :\".,.:! • I"' •e.tw, UIOO 11t _, ... .,_ .~.=-=""" lfltll 11oril ::..::."'"""' ·­ THI CRITIIIIION Houaakeeper - Cook •-...... -., I.IM-•lvi ff_ ...... _...... =~s.:.-•~... _..._2 ..... l:ii6., UN1 Church Rectory Hard- To Bellev• l'iw.n'l1.~."" -·· ftln. .._, I Ciani,..,. Atlnrtl•lnl ,or TEMPORARY WORK .,,.""' o,,_ · 1 114 W. O•r1I• It., lfllllartt,-111, lflll. 46m ., ... 1or1,.,1_ ..... _ Am•rlcan EatalH Co. :..~~ -:J.,r:..-:":.it:":!'1 :::,,":i MaM. C..,.. lll'"'f ,,,.,...._ 1u w. ""',. 1,. • ,_ Re1hter now for latcrulln1 -··­ .... ,..,, ,.. 2 "',_,.,,.,._ ...... ,. •. t fl ( It'' f, ( l f l I ,1a... ~rt 111 10111' CLASSrrrzo th• followlll1 S·LIDa Ad ..... ___ lo Um• be , and l'lrlcd temporary office CU wonla) nm 1 for_Ollly 11.00. (IIUJt rtctlnd ...... 1nl1nmcnu. No fH. rm• ..,_ ,,... ., '"·"° ...... bJ TlaelldaJ - prectdlll1 FrldaJ publlcat.loll date.) - V, ... 1ot. 615 I, GRAND A.VI, mtdl1te openln11 for •U office aklllli II 1011 bava H• ...... 1-...... 111 I perlence. Stephen• RNlty ~ .. t:\:.,~ ..,,. Woman Peneloner .,.11, , -::..~::...,,...~ ALL o,THII I :::::::::::::::·:::::·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Wented • IICHTAIIIIII ~r- ....·,,..--.i;..,;; . w-1111 • • TYPIITI'" •...-.. _, ...... ,"'t'""·,,_ _ .., __ _,.,._c.u • Kl'r,UNCH Schllllnt ltNlty Ce. __ • CLIRICAL ""• t •tu• nkttlc trN• .,.., ... NAlflC ...... , .. ---•---illl"-•1t.a..ClUIU. • 1001uc11,11111 "·--hln• ltlol ' . - -. la, I 1t.UO.• 1111 ,.._,, Call I ID , For Appl. ANDIRJON.JiNIS WIit ...... -.... Palron&e . . Dowalowll ...... G5-1Jel RIALTY, INC, 1=~ .,...... 0r 1a Ja"1YIIW ...... Coma ror Our ~ 714,6111 ,_...... : ...... CClllcll C~ r, ~~~~ 716-1411 lf~I'l:7.'.~J~~ tdoe~ilen ------~ ------~ . ' \ I ' I ,

• l'IETf'J.,yc Tf'IT/1 ARNO/n posera of Ion aon11. Tbe natt1 of modem man'• ffOaOmle po,t. <••fllll1 M-"""fll- 1'11lt II nearly II rood II the 1tr1Yln1. Wbea UIUNd It "· Ill tSeMWI flt eMI wfttt ,_... 1flclde , 'but uilly lmpauloned trlu to.h1a1blm11U .0111 l1mp. fllM.) • . , liu1band who sell oll on hl1 motor ,rooter /ooklnl' fd f " &3ld In the 1arbaae Ian, ol the ell••·" "Luv· makes a better play than rnovic But he 1t emt forced to earn too Martinsville many li u1h1 by appearln1 In hl1 upderwear. - - I ay JAMIi 'f'. ARNOLD .The pl11'1 miln' point w11 the la, the film, produr~r Mi rtln the 1l11 and concre1ene11 of brief 11().mlnute ltnrth. The comic hl1hpolnt of " Luv" Hayes Pharmacy, iJte II 11111 the nrhanse of atrocl• Phelps Drug Store "Luv" Wll probably the best farce that aoclfly hu made or Ma nulls ("~!}'• of Win~ , and medium. "Luv" l1 one of the The but example of the prob• tlu (''llow much do you love Inc. comedy on Broadway ,Ince the " love," tumlq1 II Into " luv" Ro1u" ) and director Clive dozen or 10 lllm1 thus far lem II Falk'• 1lrl friend, a sexy me?") between Lemmon and Gtnt Ho11u Johr. Thoma, No. Side 'r" Square , and u1ln1 It II a repo1ltory for Donner ("What'• New, Pun•• t111ed with the Industry'• "IUI• dumb blonde stereotype (Nine Min May, 1t11ed now at day1 ol Fiorello LaGuardla, but ' d r di • Wavne) who d0 t 1 "Your Prurnptlo11 SIM.­ ln1lncerlty, •physical desire, cal?" ) 'have •everely 'trimmed 1ute or mature .au encu' ' " no appear n Niagara. Dul director Donner · "'r•scrlptlen s.,.clall1t1" 11'1 not quite that aootl II a psycholoalcal tripe and flnan• the klddlna ol exlstenllallst label, the futility or which 11 the play. As soon II you show 1coru with •everal ne.- blt1, Martlnnllle MNresvllle DI 2-3321 mo vie, malnJy because lt1 10~1· clal prollt, us• the words anast, 11 w,ell u ·l uch side tar• but revealed by the youth her, the audience Is distracted the best of which 11 a ,poor ol ball w h Im I y 10 • 01 (down to 11e 7 or I ) of the by her well-displayed anatoml• and utlrc tend author Schl11al, and II a cure 1ets JI the fem inine mystique. ,·lewers at a typical showing, cal charms, and her usdulnen th1ce ne.m oFaviel k andlovers Min•run •to•Wameetyne 1,._..,_-_-_-:._-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-;..-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_.,_-_•_•_•_•_-' to g e t I u b· for everylhlng from · schizo• The loi·e spool remains, but 11 On an artistic level, there for romrdy ls llmlted and trite. 0 nd 10 th take forever 1ur1l11i toward mer1ed In vis• phrenla lo chill blalnl. The ls ' seco ary e clownlnl wu a real elfort to turn "Luv" The alrl ls Just too concrete. uch other arrou a pla)'lround IP"---.....------comedy wu alto adult, since It ol Lemmon II the world's ,._ u • I splendors ...... dealt with hilarious frankness premier nebbL,h that lew are Into a movie, by setting the Grantrd thise dtfrru and 3nd end up hl\'lng to climb a and l1lm eom• about love, marriage, Freud, likely ,~ no!icl;. lt'a like trylna dlaloaue· In v~rlou, llwely lora• the camera', over-attention to high wire re.nee. Brownsburg edy rllches. ctr. E.g., 11 used the hand on to follow the melody at I con• lions (lncludln1 Niagara Falls, Lemmon; .. Luv .. Is still a very At Falk'• nice suburban home, Lemmon 1urvcy1 the ldentlcali)' Murray Sch It• brelll 11 '-comic device, , Ince cert by The Monkets. an amusement park. and a htr• wacky m01•le. The ru ling ol cal'• play wa, when It hlppens the Lemmon The adull ness of the humor tic Volkiwaien ride) . and· by Ml.. ~hy (In her lllm debut) llawlen walled-In backyard,, CULLIGAN BROWNSBURG bound to be dlf• actually showing some of the wu a special stroke ol lurk, asks It 1h11 II " lt," the object fkult lor. films ,~ rharacte.~ l?~!antly and madly also remains, emphulled. and marital Incidents that are re• al nro her unique qualities ol Water Condltlnnlnv\ HARDWARE AND because II wu l,:i falls.'.~. IUJ. , 10 some extent vulearlled by lated secopd,hand on the 1111e. o,·cr-articulatcness and lahc Man11I Deckard/ APPLJANCE CO. very 1peclal material: I lhrCc•• 1111m11D1m-111•mnmm1mruw11111ttlllllllllllllUllffllllllllffllllnDllllllfllmtl . Further, •~m ~ new acencs were good cheer are perfect for thlr :.,,.,1, 1, l l" t •' Wtftt loll•"". '• t t1d hcH P4 I U41,.• Pthm character spool on the ~laboratc llUltllllU 111 , • 11ltl ln1·cntcd (e.g., Lemmon trying girl who hu been ,·lctlmlzed by t"(". 11\I J:111 .,.., '"" " 1 ,{et/ "''"' ...... pesrlmlsm of the Theater ol the o· h I • to hold a job II a department college psychology and com• 1111111 \ 26 South Grttn IS2•UJ4 llrewn1bur1 51,epplnt Center Absurd, which hasn't even 10[e58 acts to e p agmg . store el~vator opera_tor or •tum• ·-r- ISJ.45'7 reached movie mass audiences bllng blind through a Japanese }'l',11 ,i 11,q!,• \,! I R,i yet. II also took place on one . ST. PAUl,-A rommlulon on agln1 will be set up here by restaurant). but these represent Riles held for No Job Too Dig For lmprcu lonl1llc set (Itself a the wont aspects ol the film , .Hlll'II T\'•Radlo ServlN! taktolf on absurdlst sets), and the SI. f •ul-~llnnea ~olls archdiocese. lap1c1 Into crude Jerry Lewi, D,\l,E'S TV brllllantly combined slapstlrk The 23-member commission was approHd by Archbishop slapstlck. Loy's Ready Mix Providence nun 11,11.1 W •/,\ ,,,,, \1 11 I . Mthl, t,• w• t Wt ' Concrete Corp. b pt lt All Mtht l ,lodt h 1'Y and verbal humor from Its wild - Lco- nlnz and the archdiocesan board ol ronsulton. • ST. ~IARY·OF•TII E . WOODS, h dlt1, , no"" • ( 1l0t l V :y Improbable cartoon rharac• Msgr. Francis Curtin, paslor ol Dlcurd Sacrament All ol this, good and bad, lnd.- Funcral scn •lces for Sis• Ml 8 ]JH.; CALL Alu w. Wuh.t n , 0ru n . [ ltlau., '"''• h r1l1h w, Put Mtu, Atflc.tt,ul lie talks him Into a love match approprlalt work for the Church, " since man)• In modern socl• lorced to watch them. What Is Sister Irene l:larc entered the Franklin Bank ,,,... . with his wife (Elaine May), 10 cty arc Increasingly Inclined to lgnorc -lhc nrcds of the aged." funny In wo~d, Is not always no,·ltiatc ol the Sisters ol Pru,•I• AND TRUST COMPANY Our that he In turn ran marry a funny dramatized. It Is very,.,dancc In 1912. She tau, ht In BEELER GRAIN CO. spiry blonde girl friend. Doth Purpose of ihe commission, according to Msgr. ' Curtin, 11 hard to set down absurd char• ,Mau achusctts .schools and at •.o. IOI ffl Advertisers tt N, f rt • t St. u,.urs new marriages end rapidly In to scn·e In an i d1·lsory rapacity to the archbishop and · his acten Into rcallstlc mo\'lc back• l'ro1·ldrhfc lligh School. Chi• Franklin, Ind, 46UI lttw•1._,,, 1•4. dellclous disaster, and the orig• ronsultors In ldentllylng and attempJlng to relieve the prob• grounds. Elthrr It Is too ob• cago. A brolher, M1gr. Thomu lnal 1pouses ' resol\'e to get lo• fems ol the aged. vlously silly, or you begin lo Garrity. Somer,·lllc. Man.. Is get.Iler again, c\'Cn II they hll"e ' accept the characters as real the only sur\'h·or. Two sisters, 11 0 :~af~·r~dt~mmon ° his orig• IIIIIIHIIIIIHIIIIIIIUIIIUIIIIIIWllllllllllffllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ~~-~~\~·g ,;;!~u~;~c ~:: n }~~u~:: :!~ct1:~~:~n°,\e ;t~~-•·ldencc. pre• - ffi\fcrii)f'{l ffi71c -'""""'-""""""""""'"""M"'"'""-""'-"~"''""'""""'"""'~~-""""'""-"""'""'"'~"H'""'"""""""""""'"'~""'""""'""""'"'"""""'"'""'"-""""""""''•' • 0~u;&w~-.,--,.,.,n- 1 Indianapolis Parish. Shopping List l~_#_1M__P1VEY11111METH1sYW ·

nuunnttnutta1mammnttnu11111ntm111n1uuU1111umm1111n1n111111attuam11111a~11111111n111111111111U111tlffllt~n:A1tta11tUm11111t1mU111W1111n11ttmn111J11111u1•1111m111111111111111n11nm111111u1111111111111111111111111111111111111;11111111111111m~1ni WILLIE BARNETT PAINTING RENT and SAVEi S,(C IALIZIN(; IN l flltr'-t t ftd httrlot Httd A SMclt l Tool l o, A Spacl, 1 Job, lu" • ftd h HI Wo1 l - loo-Soil-Socfd,n1 ,,,. [ 111"'• lt1- lm v1td Wot lfflt n WM t w, II Wht" Ct n It -'' H,d~, '"fllfl-Q- f hmmlflt - Dfl , ..., Sto"• Lo"" '°" '°''°"" ASSUM Pl ION LADY 0~ LOURDE!' ST. CHRISTOPHER ST MARKS ST. PHILIP NERI Hanry Gray \tu.,," Call 244-1708 •ll •HOI 2$ Yun I •Ottlt nl Ill• tOYltl e QJAlllT DIUGI JOHANTGEN'S AUIO GLASS For To\lt Fu rn,hnt - Cut lOm M• dt 171J W, MOIIII (II 4..UI, • , ,.. h llm, 1O e AU wo, ~ M,1.,1,., 7 Lin. to 10 p.m. 7 OIY'I • W~tk RURAL PHARMACY • ,,!~tn;~~'"&,,:~: 1~:~"~~~J."A~:lnQUtd c:;u.,,,.,, td ART'S DRUGS Bayh'• C• rrl1ge Hou11 • At1 tlo1.1t1 lntortd AIIHUI j . l'IUNlll fill A B C PLUMBING • All f ,n ,1ht1 t l'Mt Cole,, 11 , u~td PAUL DAVIS DIUYIIT Sptu l,1tt 1,i • •pell Str-.lu - • vmo •o•ir • AU Worl (;utrtflf U4 • htt ht. 7[µ.JHI , CATHC.Cf;,'..L , "Your Rexall Drugalat"i • 1.:•... Mlf.:.~~"L,~~:.!:. Su,iu - 24 Hr, St11K, - r,., ( 1t. 1111 I , S•n•H Or. UJ,1IOI u,111. ttltttlNII 1i::=r. T~ ltOI I , Mld1ltH Ou., WiHI ..&Ile-tot- II.. • Ml 14... MIOWUJ U N( CHA. CC - Pr11crlptlon1 - e Prttulll11:,,tt • Ju.JIM A1r1'•t S.tkt-"4,f'Otn tM TIii A, J. lakur 1rd Son, ..... ·- t• .. ·-..... ,.,.,-1111 Sen.. , Brick, Stone • nd Block .....STOREY'$ ..". FOOD ··~SHOPS ' IT 7~ tUW ta4 UPAll ,,;->. "'"* ,.1.,1.. ST JAMES • htrydlf f "d l,l(VJI f Hdt LA GROTTE'S U.S. II h,11 ,ti II" I ytolft Shall, Ser'!lce Station w,tt, Proof,nf , Tu<'- •' olnllflt I•'"* Otttt•tNtt h •ttl Peul•lt Ptktt + f lr,pl,cH t ht0 ' ','~( f 'll,1~f'{S~ ~A:At fjf'8' ;~'kt'' I WIIT HTII IT. Jff3 Shelby 7-2431 NlW tftd U PAI• WOil O, t r 2S Tu n h Ptritnct DELBO DRUGS , .. ,...... ,.._,"""'•..,A U_..,n...... i rlUM. ING sur,u o Fvll f lft &Wl td ( 1II 92'..)t.)0 Ill•- CARPET LIUfll td - I Oftdtd - ln11,1rtd (,,.,1 l\l•rict tlt" • J h t 1521 N, Emerson ,... 1t ,,. , .....4 All WOil CUAIAN1U D • t"'4 1,11.,, S""tnkt &~1»1 1111 ....., 147-ltJI t• MOUi IIII HINCT IUVl(I , Ctr Wt1h FL 9-1265 ST. JOAN :>F APC • , '" ''"' ....., ff ...1 .... , 7 ••,...... ,111ulm0H1 IU•ttMI lltT

  • UIS U • llll hC C • •1(, Wo,lt1'1 f lfl-HI" lntar1tate HHtlng Service WALSH PHARMACY 1 ln N, <t•tl , , .. lat. 6M,.7UI CHRIST THE KING c.o,,, w, Owd; ton, P,oo, ~,•;:., IA "1111 PIIIQlfllH HllYUT" Mt~:· St~ : ~~~ ~ ~~"-tOft~:~1~fll JACK MATHEWS & SON SHI I . •• Mtllt.. et lpkf Piccione El1ctrlc Service Oullt ll, S•ltChtl , f l• hlfH , f lC, * J.V, IUIO, NI.fl I 111110 HIVIU • ""'"" ti NII 11. 1....,.. Funeral Home IM\111,1, 1, ( Ol'l'lmm lt l & l n ktt nll• I Wlrlt19 14 Ml•, l•tr1•acy ltnlu .. ,11, 1ht IHI •,,, Lna" Wt h , t Ytiv OtUt1t ., hlltt tMl lttltf' WA 3-1553 WA 3-15$4 l1Cft11td & I OMtd US[ YOUR IANJ. (HAIii[ CA.tD f 1111 ..•11 1 PAINTING BY RAV .. ' 'kofflt tf ,,,..,,, , ~trvlu "' n u • , ...111J 636-7061 Richards Market B11k1t * UIIO~:ICNII * -----N•---• ------INfUIOI - llllllOI UM I, 1114 It. ol l•rttN 111.ffU ,lt'tfftMr l,U.A.. 1411 , . lltl ,,. IIIMII< II WIii •1te I, lfll II Uttl ST . JUDE All lnl •t•tl•I - (....,clll R1p1lr Mak11 H•I•" Jor4,n, O~"•' IIIMlll S & A CONCRETE P• Ptt • "-d Ctrpt ll Cfu ,ito4 * IAIII ••4 1taY1C1 * ftt,, h n m, ,o ltttOft• blt Elson'• Qu11ltv Foods TV & HNIIN tt4 ltA CONSTRUCTION CO. THOMPSON U.S. ( M k t ~wUMn Cwt Nut, Bruno 51111 Service ,,,i.1- 114•••1•1- 0,1, •••, . nuon After 4 P.M, IIIIH rau111 ... YIGlTAILI: a.t.A. - llNIH HEIDENREICH Racon1m1nded No Jcb . .. $nwll ' ' " h llfflt lH TR~E SERVICE HII ...,I t•llot• Jlf.1111 1,..1,At'-f •• htt IU. Wf Ptl.lftt flt•tn Alrrwf\ffl - TV 353-1112 FL 7,3114 - FL 7-7565 Int M,,;N• .1,,. 717_,,.I 11&,,GMi ...... ,,.. , , ...., ., •-4 .....,., MHWfloH St, JIM TV 11 1 Keystone MHt Market ...... 1111 " · •1Ht llllPHOHI HOllll" 11.-n••• ,.,,., COOME~ ROOFING CO, l ot /b~~~·rttl l:~0rc.i~~A"'"' e 10011 ... cun111 IIPAIIH e Mld•nt t,n~ C.,d, Au t plt d Ult :":11~..r•= WHOlll.411 ~Mill HIW 10011- GUlllll 1 ( HOICl 1~11111 MCAU SACRED HEART I Oftdtd , ,_, ltttvttd CltJ G~~~~, ,f::: ':;i,~'°:1•- 's',~~~ !, ,. SkJn (1,11 t NI Wr,Pffd KORNBROKE'S SHELL .,..... 4 ,.,,,,,u .... t ick Clttlty Jtur \lwytf , 634-9649 SERVICE ... 856-4238 MILLER'S CHAIUS IOlHUOll, , ,.,, 2n4 I!, Michigan ,. UNITED SERVICES To• Y•lvf s,.,,,,, Gl,tn Mtrt HOLY ANGELS REGAL MARKET ,.,... '" n..,... ,..,...., We Love RHdy For Your YH0 WOU Wave?. l••" Mt• l flf , rolllnq, ,.Uflt , ftrlUlt lnt " ltn"'I lho S..tht14t l ill1J) _,, ...._... n-11 ' MARKET 716-46'7 Sh•!!. Service Gvaufl.lttd S•th ftctltn • ii " S T DARNA!JA S fttttftt llud SttttU HOL ( SPI HIT 'Mr. Albert'• Wl TAU 1000 IIAMII , FIELD PEST CONTROL, Hair Styllnt Salon WI HllVII ~IM - SERVICE ltll - • AN, OAVIO llllO SAVE ft\ONEY Cumberland Radio-TV Joh11son and Son • * tMPUll IIAffl UIVltl * .. •. .... nu INS,ltTIOII - UIII I...... It. ~ ~::. •,,:~"':: . c-...... ,-~ Ott• .,.., , .., .. ,,1. , ... . , ,..,. "Phone IM-3114 W Shtll Service 5 1 LAWf1[ NC[ 5 1 H OCrl DAY or NIGHT D,tft Hoi.,n I , .,,._ tt t ' '"· MM. ttww f rl4fr,- ltti,,4.ar 0,,11 I ' ""· •• S , ,a. Wt l,td,1111• la 111~1 •• 1 e AIM ...I fr,oll...... let e Joe Lepper'• Locker MHt1 a Speclalty IM A f, CU L /\TE HI /\ JU ~r PttlllP Nfnl CONTINENTAL Roolln11 Shln1les{ :W lb. (choice of,ro!or) . . • ~ ....SQ . I 1.• .,,.....,._ •t- Pata ,. Suppllll ·'"'NI; ~~~ • Panella&, Pre•F nllhed Nut wood 4 xi ...... , .Sbl UO .....In ._, All •th, 1,_.1 lltll. ,u,!{ DI •AIILINQ IIACI HIATIN_ll_& Plaaterboard, %"x4'd' . . . . .••. •. •••...... •• Sbt. 1.21 Panellnl , Pre-Flnb hed Nutwood 4'x1' ••:..i • ...... Sbt . US c_: l (t f ft N f. I [ T T [ - ....,J!!',r;' ...., .. - HASS&•s IIAKIRY Buck I Quality Foocla At• CONDl"rz.nNING a"ffl ',L"G/ili,, ~lf•Wtt Ctolwl ... _,, ,.., ,.... Inc. P~, Pre•Flnlthed Bayou Pecan 4'u · ...... Sbt . 4.4t ------1 lllt IM 11. 1. ,.__ CAUi Ill 1•t P It'' 4'd' Sbeathlil Grade ...... Sbt. I.JO ::w~ ••r•n CAUi 1 " w, ~...::.•- All Ce \Tilt, ll" alJ" W' 'll'~lll , ...... Rd. I.JO NII .. Wte, Q ... McKIIAND DRUG llTORE ... !:__-,,a ..,_,te•I(_...., Pallo lldlnl Door, l'd'd " w/lnlul1ted 01111 •• ,El, IUI ~,r Tti O MA'i t " ,.am,t•"" ~ .... 24 Bear 8enlee Oara1e Doon 111d H1nlw1re, l'lt'I' or l'S71 ...... Ea. '4.• HRINO SHELL -~~~£.ll•iTllO l1ftJ,,1 Holland Products S&RVIC& , APPLII JACOB.....,...,_ MONIIL lnt1matlonal Product• Cold Sweet Cider , ••• Nlf1h It. "4-1'56 Sutherland lumber Co •. • - 1. •--. ROSS PHARMACY -~ ...- ...... ,!!!...... ~g...... JJ ...... 4H1N.~ ftS.7S11 UM Klllfudry AH, ,•• YI- J10t &nt~Ave, ADRIAN ORCHARDS •11':lrl ..,....., 7IM446 ~"'\"'"~ ~•~,:- m-.- ITWJU MW,1,- n.­ • ,. . " ---· ., \ r\ .....,., '·, I •

    MEET AT NOTRE DAME · c-. Bish.op Sheen t6, ~pdate'his SeIIJ.fuary program · 'LROCHESTER, N.v:-s1. Ber~ Inner-city inlDlilr,. will be ea• . New counH Ill p1yc~ lo11, llh which ar, wtthln ltlle Pr,>-, nud's Stmlnary here wlU add t•bUshel! " 1hr addition or tour paycbolo• vine, b/ the priest alld lhoH • I Organization ~eeks abrogatio·n· U new 111rr m1mbiu-1mon1 · , ., • . , · 11111 lei I/It aemlnary 111rr ,and whlcb,properl)' belo111 II) 1 .P•Y• them tour p1ycboto1l1t1, 1 for, • Stnllna~t•na. will receive the use or .p1ychoto,1cal tulln& clli1lrl1t. Above all,. tbe paa, . / mtr communllt and two addl• tleld tralll!ftl In contemporary wlll be the "1111jor 1lep1 aimed tor•I letter uld, •" they will llon1I apirltual directors-In 1n 1odal problem, troll) Dr. Wit• 11 , rrectina renewal In psycho• learn tht llnltaae belwffn tbe· . effort lo update preparation for 11am Nellon or Cots• le Rochu• to11lcat formation. 0l011 and J ht behavioral of compulsory celibacy law the priesthood . . ~ tcr Dh-lnlty School a B•pllst In addition, 1ludent1 will do 1clencea, and how reh11ly homo- Bishop Fulton J Sheen or • ' · tleld work II • nurby menial 1enl1id are the psyc le, aoclal, By WILLIAM A. RYAN 20 of their . colleagues back so choosr, thuc prltsls be re­ a Rochuler n n O u· a c e d the • Dou1tu Hyde, • former ho1pi11l and will )um to di•• aoroellc ind spiritual 11ptct1 or ( NC Ntw1 Strvlct) home. turned 10 the 1rlive ministry ch1n1u In a p11toral teller on leader or British communi111 tlneutsh belwte'n lhou menial man," The presence of F I l h • r alter dilt conslderilion of lndl• l'\OTRE DA~IE, Ind. - " We O'Brien. lent both dignity and ,·idual cues. umlnary renewal. Splrltu1I, and a convert, will slve lhe inltllEtlual, puloral and PIY• 11mlnarl1n1 a course In luder-1 I • • musl moblllre such I solid fronl moral support lo a group 'whose • Thal (lflesls who wish lo for opllonal celihacy that e,·r n hopes rrcrlnd a se,•ere blow choloalcal formallon will be lhe ahlp eroup formalion tor lhe lca\'e 1hr , ~live ministry be major aru1 or ch1n1e, the ' St. Joseph Daily Missal the Homan Curia wlll know we last June when Pope Paul VI pcrmllltd l? do so with dlsnlly , . bilhop uld.. 1poal0l1te and ulllt&atlon of H• mr1n business," said the priest Issued an rncyclic1I which ~nd honor. lsline , oclat atruclurea• for the strongly upholds the tradition of for whom marriage seemed • Thal Ihm propoull bt IN THIOLOOICAL formation, purposes of lhe Church an·d Hymnal . ' most unlikely no miller wh1l clcriral cclibac)· for priests ol prrsrnled b)· the repruenltli\'H l~e lt lltr rited lhe Second Vall• • chanRts arc made In the long• lhe Lalin llilr, and ,·irlu1lly or 1hr N1lion1I Conference or INTIU CONVINT _ Min can Coililcll'a decree on 'prlully IN ADDITION, Conrad Complete lcxll of all Maun tor ruled out any lmmrdl11e change JU· standing custom or lhe llom1n Calholle Bishops to Pope Paul htlyn Ftrtlitfor, dallthttr el tralnlne ;ind Pope Paul VI'• Muu, 1 Prr1bylerl1n, former e,•cry day of the year. Larae clrar . · In lhc current prohibition.• VI and lo 1hr synod of bishops Mr. and Mn. Paul ,trtllt~r, recent cncyctlral on clerical I1 1 1 f 0f h II I lyp . Conl1ins:- lll1tory or Salva- - opening In Rome on September will tnttr tht ctnvtftt el tht rrlibary II euldellnei. PrlesU au p ~n pro euor om el" lie wu Talhcr J ohn A. THE ELDERLY priest urged . should not b• alrang•r•. to th• al : rincelon Theo1 oa 1 •• I Stm• O'Brien, C.S.C.. or Noi re Dame. that l'opc Paul re,·erse his de• 29, ind that 1hr i(llplemenlatlon Slaten tf St. Franch, Dldtft, ' • • I a ill l h h II Ii 1I lion, Holy Land pholo1raph1, mod• 75 years old and the dean or cislon and recognlre the "dig• or these propo11l1 be 1ccom• bure, en Stpttmbtr 1. A IN7 Ille and condlllons or men. the s': ri~rw d' uc om e ca ern lllurgleal 11tu1lralion1, notu on American CathOlic writers, ad, nlly of priests u human beings" pllshed through the various n•• 1ndu1tt tf 1M tmmaculalt lellcr u ld, bul neither air they _ . __n•_r_•_ · ______Bible and Liturgy, and many olher dressing th e organlution1I ,n whom the urge to marry was llonal ccnfcrencu of bishops. C•ncoptlen Aucltmy at oi. lo conform to the world. • rcaturu. IU0 p11ea. mrrllng-and the first Intern•• planted by God. Drleg11e, also voled I molu• tnltu,,, Min Ftrthtftr ,. a F'1lher Edwaril-P. C~llans, Attack bishop's tlonal symposium-or lhe Na• " tie's the hollest property lion prrmlllin1 mirrled priests mambtr tf St. Nlchtl11 ,.,. SS.CC., and Father Joijn F. ~o. II0/02·8-Dlaek 1tmul1ted leather, eotd edges ..... $7.SO 1iorf1L Auoelallon for Pastoral we've got." said one NAl'll or• lo parllclpalc actlvtly In the l1h, Sunmtn. F'raron, S.S.C., wilt become • d No. 810/02,W-Whilc· 1lmul1lcd lc11hcr, gold tdecs . . . . , UO Renewal (NAl'llt. here. The gonizer as F•ther O'Brien con­ work or the l'\11ion1I Assoei•• - --.--.------splrilual dlreclora II the acm• anh·war stan No. lt0/13-Bl1ck lu lher. Seal grain, gold edges .. . : .. t.00 org1nlulion srrks lo g•in lor clud,•d his lnlk. Indeed he was. tlcn for Puloral Jienrw1l. lnary. !)olh have IOl)ll expert• No. 110/22-STUDENT EDITION, Black linen Catholic prluts lhe freedom lo 'The anrlt•nl warrior played no Ii en,e workin1 11 Pllloral couo• OKLAHOMA CITY-An anon• cloth red cdgu ...... • .. 4.2J marry II they choose. small put In sparkplugRing the "We arc prrsu1dcd lh•l only • felon 10 prluta. through free and 1enulnc choice . S ymou1 group In • newspaper ad SI. Joseph Sunday Mbul...... from 1.50 The original plans for NAl'll priest• to endonc 1lmosl unan1• A11 Eng h will the charismatic meanlna of In 1ddillon, a lay review 1ll1cktd ror 1hr aecond time the Open Dally f:JO le 5130-All Day Saturday were laid lut Th•nksgj\'lnR, mously sr,·cral kry resolutions. vlrglnil)' be uleguarded, as we M 1· d board consisting or aeven mem• stand or Bishop Victor J. Reed "hen ts prlcsh met prh·ately In The delegates urged: hope It will wilhln the commu• ass S ate ben will 111111 In se)eclinll or Oklahoma Clly-Tuis1 against One Heur FRII Parldn1 tn ht Ltt S.uth of Store c St. Louis motel. Since then • Thal dloccsln priests of the nit)' of Christ," uh! lhe offl• those who will receive ordin•• atepplng up lhe war In Vietnam ( with pure hut of S5 or mtre I Its membership has grown to l•lln rile have the Individual ciol NAPII resolution. " We be• lio n. The lay group wltl be a by the U.S. ,. Mall Order• Promptly FIiied more than 800. some 25• ; of option of the celibate or mar• lle,·e 1h11 In this way opllon1I consullallve board lo lhe bishop The eroup. using the name (Add 2~ Indiana Slate Sales Tax) · whom arc said to be fa)·men. ricd stale white retaining their f c d nd th Only 211 members allended the actl\·c ministry. celibacy will more readily mini• or , ana a " c seminary otrlclit~. Oklahoma Catholic Laymen'• "Wt Specl11i11 In Strvlct" first full,dreu meeting 9n the • Th•t married priests eur- fest the charily, Juslicc and In the aru or mlelleclu1I for- As1ocl1tlon In an ad In the Sun• 1'\olre Dame campus, bul se,·. rrntly outside the ministry again frrcdom or Christ ~nd provide OTTAWA-Canada wlll be· m11lon, several new protesson day Oklahoman, opposed the bl•• 0 ~r'al prlesl•delcga lcs sold they be permilled lo parllcipale In a ~real opporlunoly for 1 -lneludlnc • layman-will work hop'a 1upporl of Negoli1tlon ·KRIEG .BROS: E1tibll1hed 1892 priest's personal fulflllmrnl." come lhe, flnl country In lhe toward I better lnlear1tlon of Now, 1 national organlulion were representing as many as the sacraments and lhal, ii the)' . world lo nave the whole Latin• philosophy and lheotoey and will aeeklng a hall lo U.S. bomblne · C•lhollr SNpplH ffotue Inc. SCHOLARLY talks frequenlly Rite Mm In Ensllsh, tl!.e Ca• provide cloaer ,1udy or contem• or North Vietnam and )1vorlni: • (\',·lltck S.uth tf Ayresl scemrd lo lake second place lo n1dl1n C1lhollc bishops an• porary phi101ophlc1I 1rend1. puce .rrort,. The ad cfaied no therapy durlna the three days of nounced 11 their tall meellne. RENEWAL IN pulont for• names. It urged conllnued bomb, ~ 11J..S, Meridian 631-3416 ) Catholic-Meihadist lhe symposium. One hl&hly Starling October 1, the Canon malion will Involve lhree major Ins and 1uegesled clerks retrain emollon1I aeulon wu lrluered of lhe Ahu wltl be uld In lhe s1rp1: from comment on "po)llical - lndlanapoll1 631-3417 ... hy I Y?ung priest who lold of local tancuaee In Canadian • A permanent llalaon be• quutlons." The ,lint ad ippur• 1hr dirt,cuily he encountered In churches tween lhc seminary and lhe td a rew monlht 11:0. '•--•------iliiiiWi ______'"'!'___ • 11lempling 10 leave lhe priest• · _.{lnity body formed hood "with dignity ind honor." Bishop Emmcll Carter of·Lon• The local archbishop made the don, Onl., eh1lrm1n or lhe Bish• YOUNGST_OW~. Ohio-Three ham, England; and Dr. Edward road difficult, he uld, 1mon1 ops' Commillee on lhe Lilurey, U.S. C1lhollcs - 1 bishop, a Popham, Lancashire, England. other lhin11 forclns him lo ect announced 11 a preu coolerence prltst-rdilor and a layman- out of the slate. that a tran1l1llon or the Latin have ht-en named to an inter• PARTICIPANTS r r om lhc "We can't be like Christ In Canon had been prepared by the n1tlonal Jolnl preparatory com• World Methodist Council wltl In• ou r own humble way unlll we lntrm11ion1I C ~mm I I I ee on ml11lon for dialogue between elude Blsl\OP Gerald Ensley. Co, end this munlnalcn sul/erilla," En1ll1h In lhe Lllurey and Is the World Mclhodisl Council lumbus, Ohio; Bishop F'rril the prlrsl slated. now on the preu. and the C1lhollc Church. Pierce C r n, Philadelphia; Another pritsl uld: " If Gpd THI INTIRNATIONAL Com• O 1 0 WE'RE lie. I" They arc Bishop Jamu W. Ulshop Odd Jlagfn, Stockholm; wanls 10 ' h1n1c the law of cell• millet 11 a cooperatlva project Malone,· aposlollc 1dmlnistralor Dean WIiliam Cannon or the bacy loday, Lhow can lie IO sponaored by the n1llon1I hler• of the Youncslown diocese\ t·a• lhrology school al Emory Uni• about II except lbrough us-•nd 1rchlu or the U.S. Australia, No. 2 is· not close 11 lher Bernard I.aw, editor of the ,·erslty, Atlanta; Jlev. Dr.. E. by enabling th' bishops lo catch Canada, En1l1nd and Waln. In• ••• • and ev_en l Mlnl11lppl Register. Natcher• DolaJI ldowu, Ibadan University. the wlnd of lhe Spirit? dl1, Ireland, New Zealand, Pak• Jackson dlocrun newspaper. Nigeria; Orf Eric Diker, Lon• "But tht blslio,s In prac• lslan, Scotland ind South Africa and Di nlel Meaney, of Corpus don; Dr. Albert Outler. Perkins llct den't rutly lotll1vt In !ht A 1011I or 80 to BO mllll Chritll, Tex. School or Theology. Southern Holy Spirit-If thty did, what Enallsh•spe1kln1 Calhollca wl , THE COMMISSION wlll hold M•lhodlsl Unlvenlty. D1llu; htrm ct11ld ctmt frem ch1n1• thus be provided wllh a common f Dr. Harold Roberta, Richmond Int I man•m•de law?" ht tranalition or the Mw rrom l11!1alnt form1lt lmecl Ing OcRlober College, Surrt)', England; and Hktd. Lalin. ,,. at Arr c •· near ome, Professor Gordon Rupp, Man• Bishop Milone was nollfled In cheater, Eni:land. The 1ympo1lum aho beard Allbouah •',11\er ,. hlerarchlee WBY! • • • 1 teller from Cardinal Augustin from the Chlr110 rtpre1tnl1tlve have, petitioned the Vatican fot Bea, who. hr1d1 the Vatican'• Olllclals of lhe Secretarial tor of Bearlnsa tor Reestablish• permlulon to have th• whole Secrelari•l tor Promollng Chrla• Promollng Christian Uni\Y and menl, 1 New York,b11ed oraa• Man In the local l1n1u1ce, 'the tl1n Unily. The commission t, lhc World Afelhodisl Council nlulion which helps prlt1l1 who C1n1dl1n bishopa took 1dv1nl• l Mo.re .... II0,000 Ya.... _ol Carpol lold la 1111. 1imll1r to {roups now working will atao be present •t lhe talks. hll'c left the mlnlatry make the ace or a aeneral lnalrucllon 1· ....._. lelocll- el C:Upetlatllellld0 W.a. on Catholic-Anglican and C1lho• The funcllon of the prepara• transillon lo I new life. The from Rome and approved the tic-Lutheran rtl11ion1. • lory comminlon ls to consider Bearing, reprtientatlve wu tranal1lloo lhemsetvu. I Carpolla91J...,_ly• •ala..._ Beside, th• three Americans, the tcuiblllly or Calholic•Melh• unlit this 1prln1 ·a prlut-1radu- · 4 Ower IOO Bolla Ila •tout •• claooa;e ,...._ Calhollc repreaen111lvea on the odisl lheulogk1I dlatocue, 1ut,. ale sludenl 11,Catbollc Unlver• IN THI United Slain, the H • commllslon Include Archbishop Jccla to be discussed In auch sily. lie al\ended the sympo•· pt:elallon 11 that an approved I More Cal'pOI for joar Dollar. John Murphy of Cardllt, Wales; dialogue, and the poulbllily or slum accompanied by bis wUe. U\in,Rlte 'Mw enllrely In Ens• ltsgr. Francis Davis, Blrmlng• o common proJttll ltsh wlll not be aval11ble tor I Oar Lartr• •ay1a1 power •na••• u •• • ay a lell 1 ' PREDICTABLY the meetlns 1eneral use in parishes before ...... hid Its abue or mWtants. the lint Sunda~J..Advtnl, De- A Navy chaplalll described the cember 3. · 'I ' 7 bell cnutomor recelw• ladlvldaal attoalloa ••• u­ Centrally "! ..... ,1 l nlthn ,, c,1• .,i,,,, proceedlnu, In errect, .. win• Thia WU the·tarcet dale men• nrlllt dNa pono• al Albfaclloa. Located CIWln uu dow dreullls dul111ed to atve a lloned by Archbishop Paul ·J. I o... , ...... a...... 1...... owt, For All ,,..,,.,, oe1. ,. arholarly decor lo • fall aceom• llallln1n or Allanla chairman Porfoctl ladallatloa Irr •xperleaood, profeuloaal O,llon, 1 01t11- M, ...1,e1 . ..,., - pll. " It's nice to hear these or the U.S. Bishops' 'commlllee Parl1h11 l•t - lndl•• · 11111 ,,1,,, .... ,. lurne~ men, but we ~ow, whit on lhe Ulurcy, In a 1l1tement • cupotladallen. . we ve 101 lo do and we re 1oln1 tasued tut May ~ •le by1 t ht W1ll1 IC lnt 1nd Hit 10 lc••dl• tolulallatloa .. O,thtst,. lo do It," he 1t1ted. ' • t Dul hla type did not prtdom, In other 1ctlona, lhe C1n1dl1n Tic.k.111 Hn Awtllt blt Al Yov, 11 I Larp .... a11aweal..a Locallou. ••, I , ll&IIIN Call Covncll omu lo1te II the 1ympo1lum, More blshopa cave approval for any 92J.U31 typical wu a U-year-old prlut priest In Canada lo hur con• r':i-t:.~~ who uld be had no Intention of ru,tona anywhtrt ln. lhe coun• . WJIRBIIOIJIB C:UJUIANC:I; RIJRR1'1 HIJRR1'f marrylns, especlatly atler hav• try (not Ju1t his own diocese) , Inc observed lbe dllficultltt and launched a study of pro­ 1 Feeney•K.irby Mortuary which even youa1 people en• poaal1 to-allow the Sunday Mm counter hf' m•klnl marllal ad• obll11tlon to be rutfltled on Juilmrnll. This prlttl 11ld that Salurd1y. SALE ~ Du Pont -5010 N,ylon. he and many 'other mld&aaed clerey were there not Tor their C.UP parley N& GuJ rant11d to W11r 10 Yura - ·es· own uku but beca111e tbty bt· SQ. lieved the men wbo wanted \,0 WASHINGTON-The C1lholle all Color, In Full Rolla TD. IN marry 1bould b1ve tbt rlsbt lb Asaoclatlon for lnlem1tlon1I do 10. Puce (CAIP) will hold ill 40th Reg. 6.95 The Idea ·or "personal f11Ulll• annual tooleNnce October 27 BOTH menl" waa much In tbt wind. to 211 al •Dunbarton Colleee or Some priuts uld tbty felt tbty lht Holy Crou here. Theme or had been chuted by btlnl the conference · wlll be "Stier• OUR rorced to mike a ure,lona com• live Conaeleatlo111 ObJecllon In mltment to celibacy at aa aae an Ace or Coolllct." I NEW LOW PRICE J CARD PARTY when they did not realist that LARGE . marrl11e reprueala for many It II for the lllncure lay bach• Little Pit._., Au1lll1ry Knlthlt el It, Jolin people the only rulllUc oppor, elor. Both may make a 111111 50 Sunday, Sept, 17 - 2 P.M. lunlly lo 11perltace a deep and or It, Scheel Audlterlu,n - 14th and lturt 11lldyin1 rel1tloa1blp with an• "A mature se1ual relatloashlp 1QOo/o KO DEC.... SHOW• other lftlman beill1. II not a rorm or therapy; It lJ a Father O'Brien 111d It wu a rorm of sbarillJ " Dr. En&lilb POtYESTER FIBER. Reg. REOUL"R MEETING "raw crime" J o uk lnt1ptrl• 1taled. " U a priest 1J torment• 1 8.95 ROOMS M1rydalo Guild tf the llattra enced men ol :11 to cboon a Utt• td b1 Inner dllconl betort be Gu1rant11d to Wur' IO Yure tf the O.W lhl,herd time or celibacy. • marrlea, be will nperleoce Wednesday Sept. 20 la hh talk, Dr. Joaepb T. EA· Inner dilcord afltr be m1rrlt1." M,ry,.alo ac-1-111 W11t aa,intnd Street 1ll1b, former cblet p11ebl11rlJL lu1lno11 Maot!nl to l'tllow-61:II P.M. Dimer for the Puce Corpa, •~ the' AT TH I coaclllllon of the Ne M111- Meinlotrt lnwlted ctll• • OU~ 6UAIANTII drive to end compulaor, 1ympo1lum, NAPR , elected ill ' • b1c1 1J a healthy pbtaomtllOII, flral oWcen. Fatbtr Tbomu OPEN "II ta not 1¥117 day, nor even M. Pucelllf, M, or the Lincoln, -- _.,.... i: • It, M1rk'1 Altar lecloty every year or ever, dtcadt, that Neb. dlocelt, wu elteltd pml• t•-=...... ii: --· LUNCHEON - CARD PARTY one /lads I aroupla, of mtn who d111t. Father Pucellk teacbu ='.:-- =~~ .:..'": : Ever, N.flfd 'Tl 9 .. Wednnday, Sept; 27 - 1h30 A.M, waall to embrace, no\ HOid, tbeoloO at Bradley Ulllnntty1 :.;:: ~-""' ...... reality." Dr. Eaalhb uld. Peotla, Ill., and formerly tausln - lchool Hell ID the ft)laloua education dt­ ...... ,.lffll ''W• ,,. -lftcell , , , that partmtnt at OalboUc Ulllnnlly, SAMIUS SHOWN OAr ANC WUIIHe • l- dltllt, To,.... ,- ..... 111 I k In I ctlllllcy a,tlenll Fatber Allaa E, Carter, ·• II ...... II '"°I .. Nllco II Ot tlll1llrt II IUII I -. '"------JII -~-wt•- Nf•• .. -11_..._ weuW lie ..iraw.-.t _.., wi.tant at It. Jobn Iba IYI• : ..,11, lllc1uae a ··""' ..... ••llil parllll, Ntw Bu-. 1111 reilflenlhl, II ..... IIUt Coll., WII llfftld M ~ Neautt cllelce 11 ..-, dtllt, wll1I, Fatlllr Jlobln M. "But obtloualy a114 D0111b1r DvQan, IT, cl II. Buubu aadlr, tbe autlloritariu-CburU pariall, Brau. N,Y, 1'• c11oN1 WDb olbmrlN" Ill coetlauld. tnuunr, r11111r ~ Kt­ Nout of loJalt1, ·,.,. P-,ii'• ... Bride, o. PnnL, Ca...U. c111o1 mut Ill lleedtd." Uliffllllta nllpu°' , itlllnllol 11 Dr llo,la ...,..W llllt Iba ~ " ...... bJ mlllmaa ,,. for ordlnlllol III tbe mi.,....,. to"'..., ralMtl to 10 alact, 111 aald, fl,r ~-r'1• ::::,.:allier .. lllder lllll Ill 111 - rild a114•~....,...-,: =--=:~~• · · = ,...NtCIIWe~alllltW II ~.:.:4:.-..-:i: t,~,_... :t ~-...... ,