The Acting of Lincoln

A message from the Acting and the Bishop of

As leaders of the in Greater Lincolnshire we write, following the news that Prime Minister Boris Johnson is intensive care in hospital, to invite you to join with us in prayers for him and for all who are affected by the Covid-19 virus. We invite prayers particularly for our healthcare and social support workers and for all others who in different ways are keeping our communities going.

In our part of the country we are very mindful of all who work on the land or in food processing and distribution, and whose efforts are doing so much to keep the nation fed. Thank you to all these people and thank you, also, to everyone who is taking steps to prevent the spread of the virus wherever possible. Your actions are contributing to everyone’s good.

The reach of this virus knows no barriers or boundaries and reminds us of our common humanity. So many people are caring generously for others, and in doing so are helping us all to face fear and the effects of isolation.

This week is Holy Week, in which Christians remember Jesus’ final acts of selfless love. While places of worship are currently closed, the light of love and hope burns on in our hearts and in our homes. This coming Easter will be different from many that have gone before, but it will still be marked by love and hope in the face of loss and death. It is our prayer that in some way, and at some time, everyone may experience the gifts of love during this holy season.

The Rt Revd Dr The Rt Revd Dr Acting Bishop of Lincoln

______Edward King House Lincoln LN2 1PU