Question Time 1 October 2008


1. Who, surprisingly, introduced Gordon Brown's speech to the Labour Party Conference?

( )President Bush ( )David Cameron

( )Sarah Brown ( )The Queen

2. Who decided to 'spend more time with her family' soon after the Labour conference?

( )Hazel Blears ( )Ruth Kelly

( )Jacqui Smith ( )Harriet Harman

3. Who decided to tone down his speech in order not to have a 'Heseltine' moment?

( )Ed Milliband ( )Geoff Hoon

( )Gordon Brown ( )David Milliband

4. Which Tory spokesman announced support for 'have‐a‐go‐heroes' at his conference?

( )Dominic Grieve ( )George Osborne

( )David Cameron ( )Michael Gove

5. George Osborne announced a freeze on what during his speech to the Tory conference?

( )Military spending ( )Car tax

( )Council Tax ( )Tax on beer 6. Which party announced that they would counsel couples who were about to get married?

( )Labour ( )Conservative

( )Liberal Democrats ( )SNP

7. Michael Gove outlined which education initiative at the Tory conference?

( )400 more academies ( )Abolition of university tuition fees

( )Abolition of independent schools ( )A new 'Super A Level'

8. Under Tory plans which group of people could get free teacher training?

( )Convicts ( )Newly arrived asylum seekers

( )Ex‐soldiers ( )Newly‐redundant merchant bankers

9. Which party leader told his conference that they were headed for power?

( )David Cameron ( )Nigel Farage

( ) ( )Lembit Opik

10. The Lib Dem leadership quashed a revolt to pass plans to cut what at their conference?

( )Defence spending ( )Tax

( )NHS waiting lists ( )CO2 emissions Answers

1 Sarah Brown

2 Ruth Kelly

3 David Milliband

4 Dominic Grieve

5 Council Tax

6 Conservative

7 400 more academies

8 Ex‐soldiers

9 Nick Clegg

10 Tax